The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 20, 1871, Image 2

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    tc ($oiumMam
1'i lilnj- Morning, .Ian. ;, tsit.
Annexation of San IMnilmro.
Why should Democrats nppo tho
iiuiiuxtuion or hah Domingo? Annoxn
tlon has been tho policy of tho Demo
emtio party throughout Its hlstnrv
President JKrrnnso.v, tho founder of
tho parly, commonccd It by thonnncxn
uon 01 tno splendid domain of Loulsl
ana, embracing then tho onllro vnllov
of tho Mississippi, which now forms a
most Important part of tho Union, ilia
policy was endorsed by tho wholo lino
of his Democratic successors, Including
mo most distinguished, uon. Jackson-,
and winding up by tho brilliant siicces-
Bfsof 1'rwhlent Por.K In tho nnncxa
tlon of Texas, California and other tor
rltory. Sovoral of tho Democratic
Presidents nlso made strong ellbrU to
obtain Cuba, for tho very reasons that
now demand tho annoxatlon of San
Domingo. Why docs not tho party
now, tnereroro, pursuo its traditional
policy? Tbero Is only ono truthful an
mver, viz: becauso pigmies havo sue-
ceeded to tho places of great men,
una mey mislead tiio public mcro&nfj,
who opposo becauso tho proposition
conies from President Quant 1 JIou
or parties governed by such consldcrn
tlons, when a great moastlro Is at stake,
ought to hang their heads In shnmo I
When ruled by whites, San Domingo
was a mine, of wealth, and would bo
again if ruled by tho samo raco. Its
annual productions of colreo and sugar
luivo been and can again bo mado Im
mense, and will (lu caso of annexation!
greatly cheapen thoso articles to tho
American people. As n naval station
In tlmo of war with a Kuropean nation,
It Is of tho highest Importance, and Its
posjession would bo an clement of
strength that would go far toward pre
venting such wars. Tho reasoning of
mo President, lu his aunual Message,
on thesu points, has not been met, nor
can It bo successfully.
Wo wholly disregard tho twaddle
about "Job," speculation, Ac. That
does not enter Into tho merits uf the
question of annexation. If there is
any truth lu such allegations, it be
comes a question of Itself, to bo disposed
of on Its own merits. If Gen. Quant
is guilty of thoso charges, let them be
established and let him suffer for his
bad conduct bo punished for that spo
eiflcally. That somebody may bo pecu
niarily benefited by annexation Is no
doubt true, but tho samo was true of
ovcry other annexation, and will bo
equally true of any other caso that Is to
happen. This puritanical doctrine that
you should not do an act becauso it
would gratlfly or bencilt somebody per.
sonally, Is simply Satanic, Is unworthy
of a noble and generous peoplo and can
not exist with such. It Is suQlclcnt for
us that all tho peoplo of tho United
States would bo benefitted by tho an
. nexation of San Domingo, and whllo
tlio price paid Is a very reasonablo one.
It Is of no public concern that a few or
many men may mako money out of It
Wo repeat, however, that If ofllccrsof
tuo Government act corruptly or in any
v;ay enter Into speculation in connec
tion with tho annexation, they ought
to be punished, disgraced and dls
missed. Believing tho annexation to
bo consistent with the history of tho
Democratic party and tho opinions of
all its great Statesmen, and of largo ad
vantago to nil tho peoplo of tho United
States, wo insist that it is tho duty of
all Democrats to support it. Another
good reason for supporting the project
is that all southern annexation of terrl
tory relatively weakens tho political
power of tho Now England Statas and
tends to tho destruction of tho selfish
ideas prevailing there.
Iliiilltnl ItrcklessiiesH !
A most Impudont pleco of villainy
has boon nttemplcd by certain lltdldN
In Philadelphia In regard In thn State
Monnie. a formal patlllon prou'iil
ed to tho Senate but week ontedlng
t;ol. Dr.ciir.itT M right to a In Hut
body, notwithstanding hl-i mi
Jorlty of l,3iw voto-i, and lu tho fiicoof
the fact that all tho Philadelphia pi
pers admit tho election to havo bson a
I'nlillo Itu.idi hi Tonus.
Tho following opinion of Judge Kt,
WKMi Is of so much public Interest that
wo lay It before our readers nt length !
Is run (jiMiiTKii Hussions or Co-
In the matter the extension of Ihurlh
.Street in the town of Jltoomsburg.
Exceptions to the Report of Viewers.
OPINION 01-' Tltl! C0U11T.
These proceeding were commenced
very quiet and fair ono I Tho object of and havo been conducted under tho
tho coutcMtants H transparent. Whon general road laws, although Instituted
a soat is contested, a comm tteo s subscmiont to the n.issaim nf 11m "Art
iirawn 10 iryinoc.uo, tnus! tho names to del no tho Imlts nf Ilm Inu-n nf
oi tno spo.iKor nnd tho Sonntor whoso HloomsbiirL'." Mnrph l. istii
s?at is contested are excluded, and tho It Ii objected ngalnst the order, and tho
balance of thn names of Senators nro
written on slips and placod in n hr.
All tho namos aro then drawn out until
only sovon remain. Theso seven com
report of viewers awarding darnacc
against tho county, that by the Act
mentioned, tho general road laws nro
abrogated as to the town ofilloomsburg,
Watts.')!).! HiwIuLDI. 8 Wright l IB.
In lliu extension of Hancock Street
0 Harris L'0, an Act almost lu tho words
ofthoActof 2id Aprll.H.fl, wasmitaln
rd nnd sanctioned.
Having Hun, as 1 think, shown lliat
thoro Is provided an ample legal remedy
forthonssraimentand payment of dam
ages sustained by owners of property
along tho lino of such street as tho
extension of 1th Street nnd having
aiso snown that tho Legislature has de
clared that such remedy shall bo pur
sued, It follows that thoso proceedings
not being In accordauco therewith can
not bo snslalned.
Tho conclusions to which I havo nr
rlvod In considering tho exceptions lu
this e.iso may ho thus briefly stated !
1. Tho County Is not liable for dam
ages caused by opening roads, streets,
lanes and alleys In tho townoi lllooms
burg other than such roidsasaro with
in tho exception mentioned In the 11th
Section of tho Act of March flth, 1S7
poso tho committed to try tho else. Tim anil other mml nf ,.rnn.ii ,..i.ii.
decision of a majority of tho commltteo titled.
thus constituted is flnal-thoro is noap- On behalf of tho petitioners It Is con
peal to tho Senate, or other authority, tended thut notwithstanding the modo
In this case, tho oxcluslon of thn S tionk. I of rtssesslin flnmirrn. i,i.ri..l,in,i 1... it...
crnnd Mr. llnciiEirr. would leavn in Art nf 22,1 Atit-ii (B-,n ij ... culled In this opinion "country or su
ltadlcals nnd 13 Democrats from whom this town, tho old modo of laying out !nltbl"' rotxtU." All damages for open
to choose. Tho chances for nbtaltilnt-n roads nnd, .i.n ....... ...m "W streets, lanes or alleys aro to ba as.
majority of tho commltteo would there, bo pursued; and tho caso of iioad In s0s6Cl1 nmI paid ns provided by tho Act
foro bo slightly In favorof tho ltadlcals. Milton. 1 Wrk'ht mm. Is rnllr-.l ...,n.. 01 --a AI'rll, ls-
Tho Democracy havo In this way nl- us sustaining this view of tho law. A 2 Whenever H Is alleged that u ro.ul
reauy oeen cneaicu nut orsovoral Sana- slight examination of thut n would within tliu exceiiliou, tho petition to
tors, every precedent showing that tho seem to Justify this cnnclinlnn. hut tho quarter sessions should ho state. I
Radical Senators on tho Commltteo on looking at tho Act of 1830. tho local or,1(;r "'at thofact may beluqulred Into
would decide In favor of their party law of Xorthumhorlniwl Yimitv in nnd tho usual direction lu reir.ird to
candidate. And thm, ns the Democrats which tho decision gives construction, himago ho Inserted In tho order to nut uu ueiuen at 1110 pons tnoy it win be seen that a now system was v,uw'
were to bo cheated, If possible, In tho thereby ndonted. which thn Knnrnmn .1. Tho town eniinell tw.iv nril.lii ,.n,l
Senate. Hut tho Democratic Senators Court held applied to boroughs, In that ''iy out such streets, lanes and tillevs lis
wero not slow to resist this attomptod county, us well as to townships, and they deem necessary ,tmd open thosame
uuiiauu. iiisieau 01 proceeding 10 ineroroie, tho now system must bo pur- "y agreement with tho owner of Ian
umw iiiu cuimiiuico, on motion 01 .Mr. sued. It Is therefore all nuthoritv In through which they mm,
IlTTni.- i T I'll' Ilm t..-tltfnn f...1 4 r f . . . ... . I
",v 'iuiii.iv.muiu mvui u Liiu 1 11 14 11. nil 111 nut iiYniiTinuira 1 1 Tin. t i.n 4. ti .1
t Bhftnt,,! ,1(,Mnn f.,- r. 1 . . . . . . ' " " " u,u lu" eUUIlUU lUUl HI
o; ,,vi3 r,: ' 1 r ,. i 7 :,'wt'! llcu,; um regard t0
reviewing tho who n,, hZ", ,
Conclusively, both l.y ..rrnoilnnt ,! f... I. I, .. "" .. .? .,. W . """'- " power "I'l'OlU
v T ... VW1,., v iiuu i vt.uuvJi ib is umuii l lit 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tf 1 1 1 1 i mm i iMnii'iii-j i.ih .nt i . t Ilmt ll.n i .i. . ... .. 1 ...uinosami.aiill
" : ' " "iv.iuuii.1 in iiiu nun jvei. nomo oi its tnovis nns nrn
petition were Insulllclent to warrant entirely
tho Scnato Iii rcferrinir tho c:90 to a uiilil CO Hill lircillln lull ..rnni. .l.r.H
!.., r... mi.' ... . . . " " "V" "-""J
... uu mo cammiueo ot. municipal corporation lu tho Common
ferpd tin fn nivlnr, nu..l..lln.. I .1.1. .. . .. . .. ..
...... ...,..u,., iiuiuii Huiiiiu, inai ii may uu .said to bo nil
Mii3 uuupieu uy a strict party vote, generis.
It denominates tho municipality a
iowu" instead of n borouL'h. It
styles Us chief olllcer " president " in
blead of burgess. It embraces within
Its UOUnd.lrtlM mi nntli-n In .1.1.. t
i&.i'M.M" wl,lch 'contained a village of several
first district. thousand inhabitants, nnd also a consld
During tliod.saus.on, Mr. Dncunivr, Za SS" -tf 1
nose seat ii wivs proposed to contest. r 7. . "r" lis finlli-ltn f,,'"i (..;,;.;.i:. ...V, ...
,ni,i . - .v.uuu uiuiippiieu rcsnectivelv to i , . "v ,"7 o umuu
. .1.,. I. ..ill . . . . - I 111 il slllllll lidllllLrv Ifllv'll 1 11 1 n I h n Nf tun t
On tho direct nuestinn ,mW l.r,ir.. '. ' suou11 ""I rural por- 0f tho United Slides. Itobert S Mnn
ii . . r v i i iiwiu in rim ifiti'ti i it n i . ii ii
tno aonato no desired to oxnlaln tn Mm . : " " "' tyapecis uio suy was pui in cnarco ol t 10 Treasury
members of tho Senato his reasons for H011-1 'ws aro changed to meet tho tho sniim lulluence, though not
uio action no intended to tako In poll- peculiar circumstances nnd situation UVL" u namo to more than
ii. lu all eaes of view
Resolved. That unon thn f.iptosli
n tho renortof tho eominltten. nml in
accordance with tho decision of tho
.Senate In IS 11 lu tho Chapman case, tho
U. .,. ...1 1 1 ... I. .. '
oi-uuiu i, in uuiu uu lurtner action on
to lay out
street or road except as mentioned 1
tho lid point above, tho order should
omit tho direction ns to damages
Order and Heport of Viewers sot aside,
William Ki.wr.i.t.,
1'resklenl Jmlte,
Diilii', al llnrrl-liiiri,'.
Tho liUieastor Intelligencer elves tho
following insldo view of prominent nf-
i.urs at Harrlsburg:
l wo years ago when tho Pennsylva
ji.uiii. ,m vjuiiniiiiiy removed ono o
iiik uu ium upon mis question. X no or tlio town. Prominent nmnm, il... "vl.ia;iiiiiiivua inu uay ucioro bis
decease of Mr. Watt, bis predeces,or, changes mn do I h in?i!T8 , nomination. In this division of plun-
found the Hon. Harry White tho nre' -,m,nScs, mM is tho Introduction of u tier the Pennsylvania Itaiiroad Compa-
sldlntr olllcer nr thin ImiK- ..n.i oi..,.'t JUsl and equitablo tirlnclnln Inln tlm nv L'ot thu lion's slinro. In thn iTni .i
- i
immediately unon tho death nl tlmt
fnueinan tno speaker Issued his writ
Death's DoiNOS.-Congressman John
Covode died very huddcnly at Harris
burg on tho 11th Inst. Ho was a bold,
reckless and venomous politician un
educated, of Jittlo talent, but cunning,
energetic and unscrupulous. Ho was
about C3 years of ago.
Hon. EriinAiM Basics died at Lew
istown, lust week, aged about 80
years. IIo was tho first Auditor Gen
eral elected by tho peoplo, nnd at tho
tlmo or his death was an A6soc!ato
Judgo of Mifilln county. IIo was ono
of tlio purest of public men nnd was
held in tho highest esteem in nil tho re
lations of life. In fact, It may bo tiuth
fully said ho led a blameless llfo ns
nearly as tho saying may botruoof any
Hon. John Hickman died at West
Chester last week. Always physically
weak, he was Intellectually ono of tho
ablest men In tho Stnto. Ills integrity
was at all times unquestioned, hislutcl
modo of choosing oillcers. whereby tho ?til.tos Senatorship, and Cameron, tho
mlnnrliv i, i.t .. . . Jackal's booty In Iho Treasury, r.nt
commanding the Sheriff of tlio city of their sh,,m nr ..''" . wl,,tcr Cameron's candldato for Trcas-
rniiaucipnia to mako legal and ado- ,., ,., 1
quato arrangements for tho holding of """'aEoment oftho :
rcsentatlon in tho urcr was up again, nnd had tho caucus
m, nr ...hmv.ti in inu uiuuiciiKii aiuirs ni i iiuiiiiimimii secureu. wnnn inn i-nnnivi
nin.t i' i. ....,1. 11.11. 1.1 . '.
an viuuuuii in inut. uistricc. too elee- luu '"" aiu ivuiuuuu urew on enougn iicpuu
Hon was held ; was conducted orderly In nothlug, however, is tho intention 1 r'!!13 cluct G?n- Iv with the nit
and egally, and resulted iu his return t chnniro the eno .111 Z of tho Democrats. This was dono tt
ta ti.ij s;..,. ,ir. i... ...ii... """ifcu mo general uorouah laws, so Immliln K mnn (",,,,in, ,.,i. i....,
of 1.300. That niiilnrltv i fllr they are applied, more strontrly Judiciously boasted tlint'fieimini- Kmii
tlonato to tho malorltv nf 0.400 In n.n marked, than in reranl In tlm nti. w-as tho off-snrlncr of his Iiowor. nnil nl.
wholo city of Philadelphia. That ment and payment of datmuro on nc- hsnm time, to teach Jlackey to whom
udgmcnt was received nnd nmiilnsnnii i m, r . u" UL. bis alleirianco was due. n.nmrnn hnrn
in by the people and tho press of tho l .Z Z ,nm 5 IV ?'3 cf tho ra'S"on with becoming mock
city and of tho state. However dls- 1110 cotnlniwealth nro applied to ono Jiess, and now tho lion and Jackal are
uBiuiui 1113 uieeiiou may navo been to P-'m,',tltl ul ,uilui"l'ino uorougli law's ',u''""k 111 cuupies again. Tlio Jlall
them, they acknowledged It as an ex- to streets, lanes nntl alleys as another 10 .. Comlmy has Hung to Cameron
ISllIUIIllCl WniC lCnUlll nnt hnnvnrnnmn l,n..,i. c i rr,i .. 1UH1 "IS UIlUCninL'S 1110 11SI! (If 1 in llni.v.
it was not even assumed that tho result inu c11m, ' , " "i" ' penueii balanco in tho Treasury. Its
u jii iii-iiiiivi'ii ii mirn 1 1 if nr i (11 nonmi i '"n.v m mu iJiu v until i ut ii an ;i in m in iiiinrt rx ni
. 'J 4UIIHU JWJV, n..,. .. - . . . ... . . '
ana it was only an alter consideration i ouuuon oi mo Act aro as follows: "That lIono tins wiutor.
wncu uio enocts of that victory wero uatnagetf to privato property by reason
fllSf'fivnrnil In t htu nlinm Imn t Imf . r i. i t . J
were made In tho city of Philadelphia streets lanes nml v i f Y ,.'
to cheat tho nennln nf flin frnlU nf .hi J atreeIS' "wt3 nml alloys in said town
result, and bubmlt tho matter to tho " osl"nnlod, reported nnd paid JNino-iuiiiion-HIll nro believed to bo
fortunes of chanco In drawing a parti- M provided In the laws relating to bor- settled, tho principal operators
zan committee. Tho petition presented oughs by this Act. amilled to said tnu-n ?"ly '""'"B, until all preliminaries
inmocasonas uecn decided to bo in. , ,. .i,,' ., iv"u satisiaciorily arranged. I lad
formal, and thus was thrown upon him x", ' ' . . , ' ' . " uu "oyornor ueauv permitted tho bill of
tno perrormancu of a duty from wliich , u ui,UULU OVL'r "rming, or Musi winter to becomo a law, it is esti
ho could not shrink, nnd th farming and suburban lands, linvnnil mated that tho chiefs of tho rnllrnml
billty of which ho was willing to as- tho limits of compact settlement, nnd nP" would-havo divided nmong tliem-
tho legisla
This election nf rnnl.-m- llrutlm n.l.m
ui iiiuuuu i Willi ii win .nnn r in
this drama of prolllgacy and corruption.
Iho arrangements for tho passago of tho
SUmO. IIo felt Ilm rnsiinnall.lHli. ril,n r. ii . " . ... ' . SdVCS llOt less t hail two mllllmw nf ilnl
portion, bo had Stal i ' " ",u U8U .uu wnvemenco oi tno pub- lars, leaving seven millions nm V 1, f.
course in this matter, ho had taken It , onornl' rnt'lcr than Jor tho spec- which would havo constructed ami
mid bo responsible to tho public son- of said town, tho damages for property handsome- margin to tho contractors
lent throughout tho State, and more taken nnd occupied shall bn mlil i in others who wero entitled to pay for
ectly to tho.,o who had sent him to tho " ' ,of townshl,, l l ,r , svicos in the obby Tho cons.iraey
iresent thorn in this chamber. , , " "S",I 10ads 1,1 co'umbla bill of this session will bo tho samo old
r.i,MJ ,, , , ,.. ,, wjuiuj aim in tno caso oi any road aurpuni. in a newsn in. A ma brltv
Jius has been brought to naught ono fallii,- within this execution, the Court t-thirds in both branches Is not i
tho most rascally attempts to do- of Ounrter nuain,,. nf t.L r ...... cessary, as it is whispered that Govei
fraud voters of their Just rights, and county shall ,,t i 7nm, . or U1;AUY views havo undorgouu
thowto'cT to cl,enth?hi,oT10 of sar,sii,m
the wholo Commonwealth, that hard - ,.. i r...i J
Commonwealth, that hardi
Hood ever conceived. Tho disgraced
scoundrels who attempted It, havo met
a most Just and merited defeat. Tho
Itadlcal Senators can now look back.on
a long lino of fraud and rcllect upon
tho admonition so often given them in
tno past : Tirinti: is a future!
Urination of such road, or upon confirm
Ingtho report of viewers for their as
sessment and allowance."
tiio elloct of this section Is, to dlvldo
Tlmil. Slotciis' IMatc.
Tho lato Thaddous Stovens. who died
leaving a largo eslato to heirs and dovl
It is stated that there Is a strontr
movement on foot nmonir tho Radical
und Labor Reform politicians of Massa-
cnusctts to throwScnator Wilson over
board and scud Mr. Dawes or Secreta
ry U0UTwr.LL to tho Senate. As far ns
developments havo been made,
Dawks seems to bo tho favorite
tho roads, streets, laues ami allevs. Into bces' amo'B whom n colored "house-
classes, ono of which may bo callod kccl,ur occupied a prominent pluco,
"streets," nnd tho other " country or al,l)0:,ra to havo selected as his oxecu-
suburban roads." Tho distinction bo- mon ol"tlnatound defiant of law
tween these is so clearly deflnod by tho 1111 l,ubllc opinion ns was tho testator
Act, that any attempt to mako it more
plain, would tend to confuso rather
than elucidate
It Is n rulo of construction of statutes
and instruments in writing, that tho
nimsoil. Theso executors. althouL-b ro
iiuired by law to fllo an Inventory of
tno estate within thirty days after they
assumed tho duties of their position,
navo neglected to do so for nearly two
years nntl a nair. Proceeding's to com
lect clear, his friendships decided, nml . uy. w.ou,u oxl,oct Massachusetts
bis hatred intense. Though inconsistent H, " . ., "',t of a Portio"
ns a politician, he was popular at home,
as Is fully ovlnced by tlio extraordinary
fact that ho was elected to Congress in
tho samo district first by tho Democrats,
next by tho Republicans, and after
wards in opposition to both parties.
IIo was about CO years of age.
I. S. Wo learn, slnco tho nbovo was
In type, that Mr. Hickman denies that
ho is dead. Regarding him as n truth
ful man, wo aro bound to tako his word
that ho "still lives."
JosEm A. CAMniKLL, n Democratic
member of the Legislature from Phila
delphia, died on tho 11th Inst., or con
sumption, In tho 89th year of his age.
The President has appointed lato
Senator Wade, of Ohio, Prof White
of Cornell University, Now YorK, nnd
Dr. Samuel Q. Howe, of Boston, un
der tho resolution to authorise him to
appoint Commissioners to visit nnd re.
port upon San Domingo. Qon. Sioui,
first accepted and then declined tho
Secretaryship to tho commission, and
Homo othor non entity has been ap
pointed. Tho two lost named commissioners
aro unknown to tho public, nnd Wade
Is wholly unworthy of bolief. It Is to
bo regretted that men iu whom tho
public would havo full confidence wore
notbolccted. Bishop Simi-son is said
to Jiave declined tho appointment in
consequence of his engagement In tlio
trial of some of tho persons connected
with tho nlledgod frauds in tho Metho
dlst Book Concern at Now York.
Republicans to reform tho character
tho Federal Senate, yet upon tho nrln.
clplo that "a good thing may coino out
oi jNasureth," wo aro not without hopo
there may bo somo truth in tho state
ment. Mr. Dawes would bo a very
ueciueu improvement upon Wilson,
nw....... .- ... . I j who .mil u mill. j. riifi ninnr- in rnm.
, Mr. "i".. "u"ll0 o. one uung Implies )el them lo .,- T," "? . , " "
. No- ' uon oi nnotiior. Broom's Leg. bl!(!n ,nknn , " V
to in 6 Bam, nntl Aid. Oil, cIty lmlJ cou" y "f , "i" in w
of thn ru,u 13 lI1U9 3latcu, ir only ono ,nt , ,vnj ., : : .. .. , '
of ou or certain requisites is named, the 7, , , 'Z" :
iniercnco is much stronL-or tlmt tim. . r u luu"vu ,ur
cl.r.nn. 11.. 1.,... J '""J
...UUUl-l L1111L Lllll.SIIIll.t.l ..... . .
omitted are intended tn i, nvni,i,i u"3 ""''J ciiargcd by tho Intelll
man u nono nan boon montlonod."
Under this rulo, tho county would bo
exempt from tho payment or damages
In all cases but tho ono specially men-
Slnco writing the abovo Wilson ban tIonC(1" Jt 'nadostlll more clear, how
been re elected. Of courso tho effort to .ver' by "10 o.vpreaa provision tliat
induco Massachusetts to do n decent uamaSM ,jy reason of roads, except In
gencer to consUt In tho fact that tho es
tate Includes many thousands of dollars
in Pacillc Railroad bonds, proof of
which will go far towards destroying
tho "Oreat Commoner's" reputation for
th hwnTnn" i:"" , Z ""M tho c.v,o of Country roads. i n , AN "PB to various attempts to
- --0 .... j m ii"5u. Cftauft(1 n. n- . . . , uuienu uenerai u
n iiuiit'Y ui uiii"
was a " U . n "r, "i"ry ?Vry aml relating o o oul-1 s ,,loyln mce " Bocrotaries,
was a "Jobber" during tho Lincoln nlAU"t-10 "orougtis. otIl0rcjvn 1)0,i,i0Ilsl Wiwh.
BUmlnUtratlon. President Q.iant The law thus referred to, is tho Act ingto Pa tr lo das Z' "twuuio
holds him at a respectful distance. of 22d April 1850 Purd. Dig. 1-,, by Mansion tsten inado n sort of head"
The San DouiIiiko Comml
Messrs. Wado of Ohio, White- of New
York, and Howoof Boston, will bo ac-
which foven freeholders, to bo appoint-
edbythoCourt.assessall thodamagos on
thollnoofastrcct which thotown councl 1
havo opened or are about to open. They
On the question of tho passage of tho
t3i Domingo resolutions, Messrs. aots;,
Huldtvpan nnd Van Auken of the
Democrutlc members from this State
Voted Hgu'jnst them, nnd Messrs. Wood,
watd, Randall nnd Stiles did not vote.
companlcd by Hon, A. A. Burton, Sec- may nssoss upon tho owners or proper
retnry to tho commission, lato Minister ty who aro boucflted above nil disad
to Columbia. Professor Blako. of the vantages bv thn strnet., i... ; . .V.Tr . '
sir..,. iio....,i. . . . . :: ; .. .. ' ' " nreseni
.v.m.u i.iui mii-iii. iia 11, wiiv ni nnni, iii,iin na I imi. m... 11.1..1. . 1. . ...
.. . - I . - ' - I i.uH.t. V..U1L V..II.11 IU IH...1MH III III,
quarters, where threo Qenerals aro on
duty, performing civil functions wholly
Inconsistent witli military duties, for
which mey recoivo pay from tho Treas
ury. Not only are they retained lu
commission, when, by act of Congress,
i.uunr m iioiik mine. i-.....,.. v...
11. . I. .. . - ... I ..II. iu.v.iii .11-11..
ii 1. navo received u conv or l ie He- i'i, u. i.. t.- r. i
. .. - - 1 .......... 1.1 A-iiiui;u iui rui.iiii
port, 01 1110 rounn Men's Vhrs an As- t(a tutaf tins linnii if ll.n imr. r.,.t
n-fl'n.. Pi j ... "I'ju jMtJii lilt WVVIIIM IIIUIIIU11 luiuuuin
o. .., ".n.irLomTmm;i, iiciiiaiMcrrtU. chnrnclor. As iiaual, tho Vrcnch nro
w.i, in iiivemuer. nsi, sanei iy 1 in n.-n,.. ...i,.... .ir....i...i ...m.
tiirtir. p. 11 . , I--H..J, nuv-iu iiL-iuiiiuii iviiu suveru
........ uuvu uummillVC, It IS It s nni, llnr. Tlm r.unnll. Ilnrmt, II...
painphlet of llfly pages nmdy golton L0rc . 00,000 strong, so often bealen
i r',., 1. '"V " . r.,orl . 1,0 rut continually relnfoircd nntl always
1 . .. . , l"u "iiiemiuii, exhibiting bravery of tho highest or
thoiepm tof tliuc ha rmaii of t ho ! vn. ,i. i.. ... i....n. . .......... .
i.iitl.-,,( ' 11. . . . . """ " itiiHiii suiiuii-u 11 erusiiing
U , f ,0.,llT),nlm,,yll,K Wl,lch tlofo'lt 'y tho nrmy of Priuco Frederick
is 1 tabular report of over seventy As- Charles, before Lo Mans. Tho French
mm mo names or oillcers, losses nro stated at 10,000 killed nnd
)f members, nnd n genernl wounded, 30,000 prisoners, besides vast
ui meir worn, it cnilirnrn I ,.... ,i i .. r o,... i ...
n addition n vast amount nf vlnnhta - " " ."l .. , i .... .. .. V.. . . .
I,. r,, ,ii.. . .i. ,. ,. . inu ii.'iii.iiii3 ui inu uiiiiy nro retreating
..... . iivi iMuiie , ,. inoso interested todiirerent parts and will at least bo
... ...u nun. ui mis urcan .alio . wn n i .. .... ... ,ii.i.,..i ...,i..i. , ......
i,rt. , . - - .....w.. ... ..iiiiub iiuiuiq iiuui x.iri.s.
in,..,"' ". "WCr r B0" Thu I'rowl"" loos in tlieengagemenls
V,oel I',. ""l,,,Wntl,0,W,,,rk f ",0 tllrtt l,ro,Iucca ,llrao w-erenlso
Associations now scattered a over our I.
Ul.,l 1.. l. ... .. .... I .V ... J .
nZVr , "T ' . mu,l01l Tho other rronch urmles in tlio field
Wed , i.rhii, , .. Is. , 1,'u'u n,s0 bcu, 'li-'foiitcd, but not so dls.
IMU . i 111111 lllll IIIHTINI. H I... !.... .
ovi.n.Hiui .. i. . , t t . 1 ,"UU1) jvuuro m-iuK n:ra preset ,
. . . . ', Work ?'T l;ulnlsi-yf Tho Prussian nrmlo. In Franco now
, 1,10 number ono million men.
u 1,."' 10 1 , P, 1 r. "ul T,1U hombardment of I'arls Is carried
:,J ",u "l I'dlS- oil W t 1 tlm vln, n.,,1 1 inJt
' - ' -'' I ' i mum
n i: .ii i x n i: it.
To liobllllalcit lVrmiK,
To iy.i.llcii,
I'tiHnm.-ri-rs from Liver Coiiil:ilnl,
To lliniolmvliift lio Aiclllc,
Ti.llimo with llrokcn Ddwii (.'..ii-tlHillmii,
To Clillitrcn WiMtlng nwnj-,
To uny wilh DoulllUtnt Wgcstlvo t)rgnn,
Of turning ulth una (jf the allott ing .tymj.foiiH,
uhleh tntttnite Dliorderal Liter or stomach.
ffllch nl Con
8tlmlloii,Inwnril rile, riilnenH or
Wood lo tho llenil.Aelil
lly or tho Htomnch, JCntiwa,
llenrtlmrn, l)lgnit ror loo,t, Full
lies or Wclaht In tho Hlomneh, Hunr
Krtirltntlaiis, HlnkliiRor Flutlrrlng nl tlio
l'lt of Uio Htoinach.HivliiimliiK of Ilm ItinJ,
Hurried nml Dimcult llrenllitng, I'lnllerlng
nt Iho Henri, Chokliigor HunoenllngHcn.nlloni
when In a Lying l'oilnro, Iilmnc. ol Vlilon,
Don or Webi tho Sight, l'over nnU Dull
l'.iln In Iho licml, Uoilclency of IVrnplmlloii,
lciiowncii oi uio Mitin una Eyes, rnln
111 Iho Hhle, llnelt, Client, Llmhs
Ac., Hilda I'luihcs of Ileal,
llurnlng lu tho Flesh.
Conilnnt liunglnlngi of
Evil, uud Uro.U
joit ham: on bunt.
me pinperly In LUhtHlreel, I'oluiiil.i., t
ty, known in iho" Wnliiul Hotel," Ii ror mioi.
lentoii tinianiiblo term.. "
, , . . " miot'K WAV, '
niiioiiiiiiurg, .Inn, so, hTO-ir. akoh
'" 'nililoyrtfewB'K.t AbpiiI. In i.
' J1 f " e"drel.v 'new nrileU.. Iilnkei fu
18 ' 1,', f" "lino l.uiliu-M cn.lorsea l.y .
Illinl inn... AilUlMMwltll.llhln
iiKNiiiniM.'u ... . ii .....v v:.y
jinM7Mf. "iVtiViiJiii; i,;?.
r i,'v""",','""1"."1 io uio inn ergi.cir,
milwrli.lion. mlvrrihlini, or Job.ivnru. ,, ,, !
tniilcn l.rnmiil. Mi.ll, n...u.i 'Ull.t
In''il .11.
l.ernnni Imlolitnl lo tho tllitlerlm.o, I
ion. nilvrrl iu. .. ii.i... ...... ...
.run .1 Kelt lenient. OiMwrtium e-i r.,r '
'"l will l.o given nil, ut'tircru nownii i
r .'rhrunrr Court. "
. II. lllttlCICWAY
WTATK OF l-ltlllTIAN IUNOK1SK.V, .,-f- .,
I.ettcrH of nil.'iilnutrndoii ivlili tho will m'..
mi Ilm ...ilnln nr l!lirlKllnn It... '
imooi Ito.iriiigcreelttownihl.,Ci.liiml.iii,'l;
ilec il., Imvo been gntntcil by tliollejiliteroffji t
u ngillnil
county, to Join. I.. llouck,ot ltoarll.gcreel:i,t
All peihons bnvliig clnlm or ileuiniiili n.-nin..'
tho i.eeeilent nro renllesteil lo hinko tbciu k.iiiu ,.
mm luusuiuticuieu lo malto pnymen
. .v,.,, . JOI1.1 11. 11UUCK",
InuOTbow AilliilnlitrnlVi.
LilteM ot on Iho eitnt, ,,i
I'reilerlek Nasi, Into ot Heaver tw.i., Clliml,
eoiltily uouM., luiuiliccuunmteil by ti.o Hvtt ,
of until county. In .Mnry Mam, of llenvcr tin
hip, Columbia ii.uuly, l'eumiyiviiiiiii. Ah i. ,
nuns having chilmn or itcmnmU ngnlnsl
ib-ceilent liluleiitlthU-illoliiitkolliemUliuMii in...
. . If. Ill I 111 I. l.l I .1 lit I II. lit I ...l.tlio... tu
burg.- Tho fullowliiL' aro tin, ,,.,.,l,n. "... . . "I "H. " " " V?" "V,''.. .r
o. theCommltteo: Tho,,,., K." C" S-,,r , Klr'S II00Pf 1X -
A ll.-tver Itollnf,,,,;,. r u .. . a"y destroying nnd silencing thu tie- i,,i,rerei.t from nil olbers III,,,,!,,,, Iho following brlJges will bo let nt II,. c,
.1. liuner, ISOIIefouto II. H. Does, feiiHlvn fnrN nnd nrni.fliu, iil,a..r.i..,i. .i. ,.Z '"'"o. ill, compoicil or misiiouer' oimiMii liliKiiinhurg, on Tn,. I
Scruntoii: James MuCnrmlfk MnrrtJ ItMSUU '"""Mmd erecting ttorlcsor their 10 .tiroJulcM,or irAi.rmscifi.K or lt,.oTs, tno nn nay or finruaiy next, nt rilo-cl...' i.,',
i... -;1LL"f''"-k, Ilnrrls- own within easy range of tho city. Kort 1I1!''s. "J 1'ahks, (or ns meiiieiimiiy tmneii loboiotut open bun t tnoioueit mm"
ourg ! ,lu,as u. Ilabe, Pittsburgh. Mount v.tlerien, tho strongest tlefens- "I "l" r,r',...r.l.,,r.t ,:or.""' "f ""'
Uiioof 50 feet span In tho cxlrcmo nurti,
.IICUO.VALK'S I l.t.U.STIlATIIli A Vvn 1 1. i-n mvi,1- Ij (l,.,.l . ... .7. . " . -"leioro in ono oi .meiison lowllilill., over r. Cncn.lo l.o
I Oil ,11111V l.lilll 111 ,I1U I, lit 11.11 I
for IQ-I b... !.. l...i ,.i ,. i .. .. 1 J ! ""'" .."ivn is 110.1 us Inuell
., tt iiivivni, j i mi, iitlHO 111 most terriUO maimer and Is rnnnrlnil meillcilllvlrluoniwlIlborouuillnevernln.illi,iw
quarto tlze, inch liaL'O Illustrated with as milTi.rln., tmwnli. 'Pi,n 1.' i. ... ot ordinary mlxiurei. Tho Hoots. Ac. meil In
elegant engraving, und contains orled. mv In lb,, ellv nmi.-iU r,n,,. ......'t. Kro.w." lu any, their vital
. . '. . " ..vMiivim ouiliua IirillCIItlCI t'.XirilClPtl 111 in nnnlili..' ).. o bi
nui anil selecled nrtieles of great merit, and lights with innst i.nm!,. l.,v,.. tine ci.emiM. nmi iv,,r,i... ,,.:.. ," ......
v built, in ll,.t, , i..
lowiislit', mar illuoiuhbiiru, 10 bo built ui I km.
Iwlc liiiubur.
Ouo la HuKAiIaif Imvn-thlp, nt a point m-ar .lo.
BCpU U. JUM. 'Jn bo u iloublo urchi'd roii,ii
bridt', U'J Uit btiuttu abulim ni. 'ihU In -.
luutuuiu im Bitnio pinu us Uio ono ubuvt-tlmt
AUlUtlir thn emit rlhnfnr nro rit-tmi lutt Ij .ti i ...... In this Hi v. hrm ti,,,,- .. .
.... J 'i-t Willi t , , , " ,T .I'miiiitiiifliuuuiiiiii Hiii uniWIUIDn, .,
(iteenwooil, Harriet lleeehcr Slowe, heavy loss. Tho destruction of nroner- L .' , , "u 8''"'lu,ou, ifiioiu, h ioioIuw ,,,,tt.ri.,,,rktwiug iuiiiiiuk-h ,J
Joseph P. Thompson, 1). 1,., Frederick ty Within tho city Is ttS AmSiMi -,
.Lomms, Henry Murdsworth Long- serious (ires aro constantly raglug. Tho ''"'"""'"iicirnie.theyeauuotmakouruiik cViVuii'iVoums's I ,
fellow, John U. Hough, etc. A beautiful infantry attacks of the French nrusild nrJ"-C;"'1 "'Ucr imycircuinjiaiiccn, imvo n.J. liiu.nut," ' J
nmHnZTv ,I,IOn,V,h v'" l0UU l 1.J0,r 11,0 '"0St fran"C ,,M1,0rjt -m HSi.TmScfc. Cede,
anil music liy Henry ork. Isowor ! .sort, but urn liivnrlnlik- nmnl.i ...m. Wnseoiiiimu.ule,i r,.,-n,,,.,. . ... lilnomibuig. Jan. ai. ii.
11. IT. JIcDo.ndalii, ;i:
itiertti Street. For
Agents. Price, Ten Cents
, .'12 and :j Com- n steadiness uud power that surprises Ul'"'" unier, uml u lmenieii for ma in iw,
:alo by all Xews even high military authority every n,mhMa s"'ll""'t "Miuire.i m
Thu bmnbardmeiit daily be- V, .' !...;. V1 , T".'."'!J"'".t'crtks r
Tin: Woman's Jouunal. edited bv comes muro teniblo. Tho wholo ills. lotiioi.Viho iiitic.mi.i.,r.iwni.u.?Srn..0
Mrs. M.MIVA. lilVll.Moui:. with sever, lkt .south ol u lino drawn throtiL-h -'uul'- Itl'M.nn.l llnvoreil lu mielin maimer llmt
lug tho meill-
j.aih .. iilVL.MOUi:, With sever- lrlul "utn oi u lino drawn tlirotlgh i',niiii unvoreil In miclm maimer
:tl lady assistants, Huston, is on our 1,rtu Maillot, Champs do .Mars, Hotel ,fhotrt'1"" bUiir...,.,niu.biitcrH i.ven
bible. It is "devoted to tho holo pur- 'lo Invalides, liuxumburg und Fort do StrS:,,:;1!
ui uuvucaiing mo ivpial lllglils or ":ou " ru.icuetl witll il rain or shells. """ virtues of Iho lllttcrf. Tho pileoof the
Woman, and especially her Itlght of 'rllu """-t portions of tho city aro per- J."!'1," N Sl,:'' '"'r nottie, which mnny person,
Sullrage,-' and Is edited with ability. tly safe. The condition of Purls und uXZXtL
Jv.tch iiumoer contains 10 columns nf Iraucu Is decidedly gloomy, and vet ofnpuro nu-iiity. a Mr mild. .,i,i i. ..
or Tin-:
A oi:t
printed matter. PHco ii'.CU iiornniinin. "10 puoj.Io light with it devotion und
Ihtteo who aro friendly to tho object, as "ravcry which should eoinmantl sue.
wen as thoo who deslro lo understand l ts'-
both sides of tho question so persistent
ly urged upon public attention bv Its
advocates, would do well to patronizo
this publication.
Si'i:AKi:n Wallaci:, lu his address
I'AUTlCULAUS Ol-' Tlti: IIEI'KAT 01-' T Hi: or Tin: Lonti:.
Iii: Mans, January lO-Midnlght.
Tlio army of tho Loire, tlio hopo ol
France, has been defeated in n bloody
battle within hoven miles of this city.
Tno report of cannon was hoard in this
iiuiuii in n ene.iper Price, but Is It lint holt ...
:i II 1UIIO ll.Oro ...ill linio II i-n.i.1 i.rH.,1.. A
nieillclnnl priparntlou ihoul.l coutnlu i,no but
1110 uesi liigreillentKj nml they ho eput to
Utah, n cheaper compoiiuil, nnd bo bcnolltol bi
ll, will most certainly bo cheate-t.
rATirirri. llpti'MHBn 7Tn, ,069
10 tno Hcnaic, upon ttssumlntr oluec. laid vJ uy. entire population of
down a most wise nnd comprehensivo f;n,n,iw3,r7biV,.ul 1 ll)',jy,to' n,!u
.. .. .v. . iu iviiu inu eui- iiii.Muusiv w.tteiieti. jMiiinn
i, i t in nun.
plu aro uccustomed to the roir nf imh.
non tbero never was seen such nvoltn.
ment. At 0 o clock In tho mnrnlni, tlm
"Km. wins oi "iu i reiicu army , wnlcli
wiii uu tno east, sitto ot i,o .Hans, wero
umn of healthy progress; to Increaso
antl develop Stnto resources ; to cause
'her waslo places' to resound with tho
hum of busy Industry; to glvo equal
ami Hottest representation to every cltl
.en; to retrench her expenditures; to
pay ner debts; to check tlio tldo o
special legislation, and banish eorrunt
lug ami debasing influences from ilm
scats of power", nro objects worthy tho '"'" "no of battle, tho artillery pushing
intellects nntl enemies of ono i nr ,,i i ""'" iia m in mo
This lirotrrnnnnn c vw,,, ,..,! n,T -r ? S?"' 3', fno t(iok 1"
i i . i. .. "uu uiiuii uiu rigm auii icit wings.
ui.-i;iii:i, .ii:"uil
suddenly attacked by tho vanguard of
tho Prussians, which emerged lrom tho
wootis on tno extreme right of tin
Upon tho nlarni being given, tiio nil
ynnco or tlio French infantry wheeled
It o o F 1, A N 1. 'H
no or la xti
(f Kit .VAX TOXIC,
will critn QV.
Tlicy nrollioarcntpj.t
ie i, o o o v u inn i: it s
Known to tlio Medical world, imrf uill irmii.
f.ito ilKertMfs urlblnir from lmmirn hlnmi. ih.iiiiitt
of iho 1)1 Kestlvu Orsans, .ir Dlhonmtl Liver, In a
ttnorur nine tliau any ollu-r known renudU'H.
i;fcniti1ci1J. i l.ifwlct!tfoO by nil nho lm
uwl II t lio (ho !! li i itm.K' or iilil Irt I Mftt ami
f rvl U 111 not -itrr.Hlc. tlv llmst u rltlf
wllh one l-n of Int. Will out w cup u lnrrn
ltrt I IVtia. I'n tri hi ni'ut ftllde hni n. IIM.Y Ml;VlS iti
1 MttantiM'lc l'vnt lOtrntMl I w it , (tit MteUfLs l.(fO tM(.Uu bvtu J
wr-sTUUN runusniNf; Co.
Manur.iLturcM' Acent, Tittsljiirgli, Pa Z
rAITION.-Tho.TPrntpflptilni-ltToril.r.p s
w 1 IVtm lm led In miuir ImlliilloiiN of nn IntV.
llnir Tup IViim BWr jnur,umi, I iim n.Voiiiil t ,nmf
htwit, iiUlnlr pltUn, untl cr-iUr t(ll unit mKIi
prompt uUvutlwu
Jan au71 ty
.1 Thn yinl Hutilutt r.f ii,,. 'i.ii.
Hie. ftirntsheil room. u-...Mn ...... ...i.i?... ... ..
nrt i-lais llniirilliiK Mc-liuol, lorn erm or nu.irlj
v.j. i ii-inu Bi-im ior i, circular l.i
Acidemia, l'a.
Wlmi In ill Menu lor II,
'HM'P. I'lnflt.Mnll A I.....
b-p.-io weekly, ls.7. It meets. ill l,,',
nu.iu. oi loo lili.llyj J.i,-,) lt.r JL.r h v
. ror tno past ten years moro nericct nuo or iatt n mn . tint i-i,m, coritTor fi-xsvia-amia i .....-i..i i--Aa,-wi:i.ii:iin.iiiimii m.i..
the Radicals havo ruled tho Stalo ou bnvo been formed by tho finest army. ,,.,,,. , , rr" "': miMKi.nas. (I'LVioJ'.Voi.rhnl!'' ,"i'""r
narrow, partisan and selfish iirinc i.les 11,(3 nrt,1,ory woro wc uiPl with 'V " ,10Kl" "-'"" taiflrfna wronger Xjy tfuy?
Tl.nv l. iv.i i i 1 ,, 1 IlrinIiPS. umniuult on, and the Infantry with ono resiiinsiiy? ; miu.,1 .yi:wcrNvA.;l:i.,1FViim,i.rH; i.i';'" '
...ii? i ,cr"w,lcl 10 'uto I"1-h humlred roulids por man. Tlio I pp Iy ("-"ar-Woomv.l,1D,OTr,iK-.f.- ffiico 'rub meinnniiihi,.11, w-1 A,t
with sj.ecial lawsj sold legislation foru trains wero conveniently ported i ear, "7,'f',J''-"''on,,,rifj.l,,.i,2i,,I,.fa,no.r... HiLWtJ -
prlco: nntl lowered tlio nnd real bloody work beiran. ''!-V'inUro&t,am,romrc,mwr,w,i,l,Hruc,: tilVI imitmis S. i S 1 .Si'-ii-S"?.
actions and morals to a most tlonlora- . iho 'w'tlcflfh! was a valley, and tho
bio detrree. When T,n ' u ar" 'occupie; tno Heights oppo
., ,, ,,,, ,, ; 7, . fitu eaeu oincr. ino I'roneli lino was
was to bo elected, tho LegWaturo was fceml-cireular and extended twelvo
turned into a broker shop, and tho miles, overlooking tlio valley, which
cholco of a United States Senator was was J-'overcd by twelvo inches of snow.
determined by cash, and t.ron.Kos tn 'l Sl!S.J,.l'.?? iV. .''.V F'l 1'ruln.'',i i.i.nn-i i. mi , - "oiu uu iiiniusi. siniiiar position, anort-
ia not Honest votes. 'Iho samo sn rit y nfinr m. n..i,.i.- n n i, i...
ui reeiiiess, snatnciess corrun on was gun aiur ouscannonai nfrnin
uiuso i nuo all liraiichcs of tho nubllo lujr 1110 extreme leu, llankeil liy an
oervlco, and thus tho character and "nmBIi? r4r,C0,r cavalry, tho woods ,.r i.m ,, ; ' , .?. C,r.,"n yonceallug their portion, . when tho
... .... ...ju.u uiuh- troops wero mnssed with tho evident
h"i ni inu nuiu ueioro ner fcister uom- intention or turning Uhauzv's ri"ht.
monweallhs. Speaker Wam.ack has M10 nrtillery ilro continued on both
enunciated u platform which will tu-n ? . ,lml" . ,V,1U nunltltm of tho
over a fresh leaf In Sh.ln ..nlliio n,'i 1 ,nl a" nrtillery was nlmo,t exhaust
..... . , . V 1,10 l'olItlC!, an(1 cd, when tlio Prussians beeanto furioiis
v iiiiiiii... Wixti-u fur youimir,
i. ii"',', i' i lllll, Ullltl,
Atlitrcsi Ai,,
l'lllf.AllKM'HIA, llirclllCIll, 1SC7,
I Hu.l "Ifoo German Hitters " 1h ii cood
tonic, iiscful lu or tho dlgcitlvs orBain, Ci KXU1NK .NOltWAY OATH
iiiulofBicatbcuelUIn cases of Oelilllly ana want VOTiiiul AI.SIKI: L'l.0Vi:ii, Haiiinlo .Jickimci
of nervous action in the nystci... Yours, truly, amimu VNaMrii!,V-"nVVi!'v i,Vn.",',y "' ""
Hon. jam. ,.,.JTT,,. .. tort-ouuty,!'.. rb'LI"'
ruii.Aiiii.i.iiiA. Amu iu.? I h. ru cr. i'.ii.iuii.t u,.....,.,ii.: ... r".'.
I (4..V1H, .....3., Ori'll
Iconslilcr "llnnllini, I'M! :,.,.,, .i,n...u., .
hlo lilcillolllo In ens,! ofaltai-l; of Inillmsllnn or
Hypo.ln. 1 can certify this from mv cmeil.
onco of II, Vours. with rcsnect.
will pay.
vri'jlV VOUlv Harely hliiuii rimi-rcn, sti an.
Jton. an uncus HUASlvooi), Justice t. the httt,
vui.vj J flHtltllUHut.
I UaNOfotimt liV CMierlenrii Ihnl. .'ITor.Hn.l..
it a i. ; v i i t:
antl gavo nn order for tho advitnco of
i no iniantry. Tho French advanced
witli equal rapidity along tho wholo
lino to meet tno Uermans iu u fair.
nanil-to-lianil musketry tight. Tlio
uermans wero cool antl collected, uml
J'pti. Wm, 1', Unsctti. Mmor t,f the Ctlu nf lli,rr,,ln
JIayors Olllce. lludulo. .Tuno? will
I luivo llscil "lIiiollumrM flpriiinii nn,.. n,..1
Tonic" lU IUV fUll.llV Jlirlllir II, n ,..1 ...n,-
inu them as nil excellent tonic, lin.
l.nrllui! tononn.l vlaorto lhoi.yi,teni. Thclruso
neon liroiluctllo of . ! .. I . I . I U- hencllclal
Vt .11,1', llOUUltM,
put tho old bhlpupon n new track, with
tho Constitution as her chart. This Is
tho mission of tlio Democratic nartv.
uno branch of tho State Legislature is
n their bands. This gives them tho
power to check abuses. If thev do this t'10 French wero behaving bravelv: but
In a firm, decided manner- If ihm. "tl" "(ion tlio Mobiles began to waver.
propose wise laws. nnd defeat bn.l ,.. V.W " .i:rV,,c l.wcro ?KW abl o
tho next contest will putbotl. branch ..n fflJ Z .l" '".ffi
under Democratic control, and thus strewed tlio ground, thu Holds were
inaiio tiicm potent for good to tho Cum. mouli al"1 carnage wits fear-
iiinnii'nolll, mi. ti all. rifteeu thouyiinil )..ul r. i
..w...,, j.u .Democratic nar v i,. i,.r... r. . . ....- ----....... . .j .
look In H,n ..." .u,".."..t,ocf w en ino w iolo ""iictciiwiii.nyep.sla. I had
us will orgaulzo a eompleto victory for taL" 8,1110 was slxlJ' thousand.
them in tho mturo. Are., January IR. liourbakl's
......j K...uu-.i,iy Kitiiinig iresn iioties
Gi:.v. Git ant's lomr looked fnr rn. a",'lsI,lrlt wh UVL'fy i'H-'h or ground
i,n,innii,. n.i .... o...... . li nen, nntl mo general expresses thn
...tu,uu, uiu ooitiu, nas highest satisfaction with their mon o
been sent to tho Senate. It has ono and general behavior. moi.uo
merit, brevity, so far as matter from Advices havo Just been received hero
inu i resilient is concerned. Tho body wittnzy. no states that with
t.cnnnn Hlttirs" Is n very cooU tonic. rcllcvl.iL. Tlio l-'lrit lillllon of Ono llnn.irci ,, no.
iljspeiitlc.jniptoius almost illrcctly, 1'l.ou.niiil copies of Vun's Ii.i.fstihtkii t'A-i i-
IIo... Jam ohm. Wood, ;..Vii;o,.(, WiMauutwt,
I tako ureat plcnsnto Inrccon.mcnilinu "itonr.
land a German Tonic" lo any ono Mho may ho
Iho Pyiipepsla to
Hoinach, ami I become ho weak ns not to ho nolo
townllthalln mile. Two hotllcN ofTonlii illVctcd
I"" lure. JA.MES M. WOOD.
or the paper Is mado up of raw head r,,..rv ., i yi !."m . y.!"c'ul?, )f tho
und bloody bones stories,' sent to ml... L?e t&X
tnry commaiiuers by lrresponslblo nar- rally or hU ill tmn..i r .
tics, and tho supposed events covered a Muns. Ills army has now been almost
porlod of more than threo years. Tho , ',, y rul)fKnnlzod, ami military dls-
President quietly tells the Senators, tr&tUbelnS
" "'uy wish moro oi tins com. iteeenttl spate ins repolvo.i i.. m.i.. it. .
pound thoy can tirocuro it nt tho War f'" Versailles stnto tlmt tho German
uiuco. Senator Jlorton's resolution riuco v rouerlclc Uharlos ci
lllng for this Information was a mis. V" ' ? ."L "l "y."'0!'
cranio piece of partisan trickery, and antl M.lhequeut military operatloiis in
...w iiiniuui B ict.iy is ttintircuio It in "ii- Mutiny
an particulars. Age,
I uu correspondent of tho Xow York
Will euro every t'nsu or
Or Wintliijj nwayof (In. lo,ly,
Mlllfy Iho
thy iii-tioii,
ruiifjii liny
trios cap. iinV?i l.!'.n "'.'''"Inok you miiilii, lo
u iui i. in. Wood cjcii,, ,0 tn, 1 1, ,!,,.; I,, ,,. .,l
land pris- i",'! , ';'''"'"''- Jou f0Ji:".r"iy
IjQ JfilUS "lr'll,ulIs or exposure.
I.HUUnotHKI-.llS ASH I'M.IIAI. (lUllin, Il PUhlMl
o.l nml re.nly tost ml out-luo paitcs, uml an I:.,,
uravlux of nlinoit eery ilcsl i nbni l-'lmvcr nml'. it Isclt-wiiilly i.rliilul on tine tluti-.l
paper, Illustrate! wllh 'll.rco lliinunil Uu.
, uuu ..iiuiiiviUKS lll.u , wo uualUlllll
COI.Olir.p l'f.ATIIM.
Tho most beautiful nml tho most Instrncllu
I loml llul, i, publl.heU. A U1IU.MAN U1UT1I1.N
piilillilieil, lu all other iiupccts Mmllnr lo Uu
Kent Ireo to nil my customers of lsro.ns rapid
ly as povklble, wllhout appllciltlon. Sent to nil
others who order them for Ti:x Ccsrs, which Is
not half tho cost. Address
Itochchlcr. y. 1,
1 QOl? 'I UK "Vl.tll.TAIII.K T7ii.
JOt) I'tl.JIUIAAItV 1IA1.SAM." IS 1 ()
.',!'.;', I'i'i' ii for Coimlis. UolilsXoli
lio'ilu. I'fjMler." curLLR ilitos. i r....
. ... '.m;u "'Pfllunus Imlr In Jhemlmtlti, w llli
out Injury lo iho fkln, krt bv mull lor fi.ia.
in )i .n, ",,nol violent pnroxysms In Item milt
THE .lAPANFSK I.Mli ctaiv
fi'iof i! V''f und hair ti bi-nutllul h
is . .. : .U .S011?1." prcpnlatlon,
7j cents by mull. Address K. (', Ul 11A.M Su.T-jl
Jiijuo Miiet, !:iilla,lelphl.,.lM. .i"ili,.i sinl
Miu by uu Pi. .Kg, kin.
$Of A H till hutmyl-youiig nun Maule.1
n.O aslocii anUti-avi-lllnijHiili.iini'n. Address
twsJampnUH, WAl.lvl:it,ai Park n.w.N. .
A i:.mpLoyjii:.t for aiJJ. '
) A HAI.AUV PlUl WlIKIC.aml e.pens..s,p,Ud
XY " f I ' r! Sv.i: i,r newim-i me ii iiin'ov
unci. Aildiiss n.HWIUir.!. CO., Marshall, .Mich.
,.1,cr..w.f'tlt ,,l,'ul mkuscs, or nllow u Inrtu coin
!..".' '!kcl1 11." n.wnml wonilcrfiil tnicii
tlons Ailclress .M, WAtlNlIU .t L'tl., .Mni-shall,
Jllchlean. f.jc',u'7ii-lf.
uu. iiottri. tvnvs
O 1) O P 11 Y I, 1, I X,
I,.Hi It.,, i .11 . I ' .
vuuuumurai department. Ji anu tno ualancouLMlnst tho own. nnoinrnftiin nrm,.u i,.. t n.,.
as Uotaum, with nn nasUtflnt. nmi IthniitiiiniiMuinnuriuu. , V Jl
w f n 1 1 . ? 7 n "Ut lmV0 'tty,?Ut StrCCls- Tlmt 13 t0 1)0 lIo ' 1 ""own. re aln tl cm In gJod
been nmiolnted stcnoi'rnn in A,nnn,. hv nnl n. nr n ... '. . . 111 b"uu
" ' " """h i-" i .uiu in e.isu oi piuces to uio uetrimcntnr vn im hln niri
iiiii itiuiNiinnni. mnn udm i th i i rn-n tn n . i- ...
" uru m .u nsreo wiiu tno owners, iiien cers actual v In active serving
111. .n.lll.. . . - ' '
i'1-..iiuu iu mo quarier sessions, tho
vlowcrs In that caso only lay out tho
street. The damages nro still to bo
assessed by tlio seven freeholders, in
tho manner Just stated.
The system or assessing tho bur Ion
according to tho benefit Is not now. It
wi siiucu uy juugo lloout.r.s In 1
Gen. II. V. ISoynton, of tho Cincinnati
uazette.-at. Phillips, of tho Now York
Herald; II. J. Itamsdeil, of tho Now
York Tribune, and a representative of
uio Uinclnnutl Coimnerclul. Frederick
Douglass, Jr., goes also as a repressnta
tivo of tho press and negroes.
A Paiiis correspondent snvs all tho
anlmnls In tho Zoological Gardens havo
ueen killed and eaten except tho mon
keys, and thoy havo been spared bo.
cause of their supposed relationship to
tho humuu family. Tho monkovs.
doubtless, duly appreciate tho rotation,
ship. Frenchmen havo been described
us cultivated smoothfaced monkeys
with voices! Tho relationship Is now
A itUTUii.v to n silver fractional cur
rency, without walling lor specie pay
monts lu full, Is advocated by thu Now
ion: Journal of Commerce. It Is urged
In favor of such n movement, that sib
vei coinage might bo but In circulation
upon such a basis ns to render It entire-
CoMsm,...- iii .i,m. i..i i '. ... u',uu m,u"
cd In the Vrovlnen , f v ly 81lfo nnd I"etlcnWo, nnd at sucli
I., (i,ino.i .1 ... 'I'o amount issued could bo limited by
in this Stale, tlio samo principle Is law, and tho coin might bo made ro-
rcoognUod In tho numerous cases which deemablo lu larger currency. Tltcro
declare sta utes constitutional which never was a tlmo when tnow coin
authorise a tax upon ownorsof property could bo so easily introduced asut pres.
forthopaymentof expenses for paving, out, und there never will bo a time
or otherwise Improving 'streets In front when such a change will bo moro wol-
of their property. McMastcravs Com. 3 como.
Tin: Hon. John Q. Adajis. In a Into Tribune, nt Washington, puvs this trlli.
upeocu, estimated tho value of railroads 1110 10 u- W. oodwaisd :
ailll Iliotr frnnolilanj n 40 linn non "W ,mi li.ilrm lr, . ,. ,.
. , . 7 7" .-,.,, ,, , --"- """." """.'-" .... TWO 1'ILI.H A llfwp
imspoKooi tno Ilillucnco which such " , i . . "epreseiiuuivo no will """"'"-','iv(1i-,( .,,, j',w, (,,,
: .. . '. . ...... ..u nas i, uiiioL .
Hnljstltuto for llemiiy I'llLs.
.MAW T'UIVI'vp iii'v
llnvlllK candidly asserted their opinio., thai
1 IVm i.lA,rc".1f'1,3r ''!lwl '" MIHIII.HfH lll-.llll
1111 11.11S, lor that c ass ol discuses peculiar to
peoplo ot sedentary habits. It Is a l'repalallou
of wonderful virtue In nil cnss of this kind
never hayliut lulloil In cllectliiu n cure, uml It
si II continues uu Its triumphant carter. Tor
all foi ins ot diseases urMnu fioni Impurity ol
tho lllooil, or tlfiai.Kci.iuul. of tho illB.llwi
ork'illis, Includlni! Uenerai Debilities, Dyspi pila,
l.l or Loinplalnt, Melt lleiidachi., Cunsllpallun,
and Mmllnr ulliuclits. It Is u cerlulli remedy.
,."", , , ii "yo.""!111 presenile n uu
a vnst. ninrnot .on.. 1,1 uiisseii. no nas a uu et "",
nnd Federal legislation. An exc.mng Wh hlsS mt IT? 1 MWWEE?.
saysthatetltboadmlttedthatuntler tera'yV)&!;il VX, lliSuffiM
inociauso or tho Federal Constltutlnn. 'ur 100, put nn open one. Wo stomach nmi iiowcisomui Thn ...I... I I ir liilllli.
which gives Congress power to rorm
late' eommerco between tho States, the
National Legislature can tako upon
"sen too regulation ' of our
nn.l fl.r. .1 nni, r.,.n i.r.t. .....
...o s-.,ouu,uou,uuu investcu in mom
,V.l. llll.ll HYI'P, 11.11 r lllt-n tn . Mnn....... . I ... ...
Congress. T mA r the P,no'" 1 . v". " "l0n "alrl",0,''-. -
alone have en,,lPn.,,i r Z "" ""nv " Bw"-BwmiiIauKlitcr of
v...s.ias.-- .'ITS, WAS MNdTIIV hoi (lol I....
, . J .' .11.11. IlllS"
hand, Jlr. Custis. nmi inimrii.ui i.n linn,, ,i . '.". .... ::""h'"'.'.. "uuu her rather,
... , iiuiuiiui, uy liEOKf.K WASH iviitiiv l ...... n., .
H VOtO of lliro,. ( l., tt tu"1"' ASIII.MUO.N PAIIKUCUSTIS.
t w wnu ill I il u w, I - r t
S. OC'lUltn. rriin ,...t.l I 'Pito l)n,ll.,i t ...i.i , . .
. -w HVMOiruillJi IIU1U11L111U.1I JiillJlLll I I'lMsimTIl I'D tit I I ft 111. ti t
OWl Iwifl. s, li I ' , Il 0-V..,tM W VJ IUI.II
ii uw wiiuiiiLT una re "t "iruwn senator IIoWAitn over
iujiMimonmry to I'redlUcnt oaru. niul elected Mr. Kjutitv. of tho
.,..,1,1 ,. (. ' ti w vj ii tis ui it 1 1 i in I hi rtl it'a, lllOUrlil : - ,
ii, F!',ni" "''n'1' m,m fr0"' 5 P:l""rcu'ct's"J''P'iJ'"lliiir tho Alcoholic rMIK MOST DF.S1 UAIlljK FAlul
among thu llcpublicuns." Lxtraet of MamlrnUc, which Is by mnny times J1- IN .WKsTKlW M AHVI.A.NH I'OU HAl.i:.
. moro powerful, uclluir uml kciirrlilin. ll.n., n,. Til'i ii'1',!'1 '.''Ill Ilk t'o.,ou tlio ll.lltllnoro uml
" ' Miii,,it,,.,.iV ,. ,. ? l ln" ,l)''''. H.. lxty mll'sMtsliiI llaltlnimoi coii-
MltS. Li:u Is not tho l-randiluil.'lili.p J1,"1", P'cullanutloii Isupon the I'Uns ilKlacus land ; Impiou-lhy two.lttelllims.
nffli... lri.,l dniiimiaugllter Liver, llennlUKltspddlly from alt obslrucllons It'c". wllh hall n.iitilahl nsuus . ,i7,o
orUCU. AHIIISHTON IIUI t lO Ar lug. ultuall thoiiuwerol Meuury vetfreofriiiiiim, """ uiu b.iiulllli.t wllh ihoUo
ton estate never iva, , ,.r ... Injurious ,e n, , chj. ,,V n, " ? te".?iAtt
Vici: Admihai. Poutkh has
.......v .....u,-, nilllllll-l. ... ...r. ... in.,,,, ,-ullllllU.
inu nitty ucus ot cholco opplcsnuil ptnis, nml
iUuluM-dby un Osnuo otiiuuu hediio. 'J .... 1.1.1-11
Hlulothis out.biitl.llnKs uru nmplo nnd lu uood
in 1 1 . 1.111111 is ... iiu .... .ui.iiif in 1 line ,
J.llnu kli
purest Mon o, Ac, iic, i no Jar 111 Is ollered 1 11 Hi 1.
rwiiiiiii imviiieii itisiui puiciiahers, lorluli
formor was
Giiant, who nonilnnted him, or to House, to his place. Tho fi
Hiioauuseti uiorresitient.or ouo ot tno most lunatleal, malicious
11 ' or 10 ,leltllu:. T"oo nnu rovcngerul of Soiiators-tho latter
distinguished heroes of defeats. Gennr. li much
als IlUTi,):ii and Hanks, of both of most amounts to an Indication of rofor-'
Whom Pohteh wrote roost contempt- niatlon in Itadlcal political morals I
eously during tho war, ccrlulnly aro
not complimented.
CAIU'ETJlAdOEim of doubtful nnul.
tlons havo been elected U. S. Bcnutntu
irom Arkuusas nnd Louisiana.
Tin: Delaware Legislature Is unnni. "'" J'HInoiiui, oki-'ici:, ut tho hhiman
mousiy Democratic. It Is needless to
say that tbero uro no lobs, nor rln,
nor Legislative corruptions colli uiu I ik.i I
of by tho Delawnrlaus.
1 or all diseases, lu which Iho
Is Indleuteil, theso pills will glvo intlro snll.lac
nun in ci cry case, Tliey MlVlut 1'AIU
... ni... o. i.ncr uompiaini, Hyspejisln uu.l
xlreino cosllvcness. Dr. lii,.nin,i.
Hitlers or Toulo slioulil bo iiseil iu connection
with Iho I'llls, Tlio 111,. Illlt.s
Tonlo builds up iho sysiciu. The Hitters or Toulo
"" "loou.birensiheiis tlioNcrves.iiEau
vlBor1 IJVCr' J BlVC" Mri'"liU. ' n"W "rt
iiccp your liouels uctliii wiih iii-piiu n.i
. ,..,. .ytu,,, wiui iiittirsorTonlc.
il (senses con retain Hie hold, or oven nssn:
Uncollect that It is 1111. ltoiiri.ANiri.
MA.Vito .,,.,.11.. .I....... "....,. S.i"'?"?.'?.?" '''a.iinni.r
-t - ...... ...u nu ...ti, ,-iBiuiv uMi-ii uuu 1 la" ...uiu win 00 inserleil mi .,.,1.1 v;i:..;.:.
um i v,..,..,.,n.i. ...,i .1 n ! .ern.11. m. ...... ,:-.,r"" iv .'inuui:
ii;, ,. r..r."'"."" ""v '"o rmiteeih. -i-r-n r, ".i,''''ti'oiiiii:
'"inuucuyoiiioiaiionuyilillit! clso thnt 'most npprovfirinetho
.uuy ay 11 just us good, becauso lio makes '
lurKO prom ou It. Theso llemcillcs will l.n.llt
liy llxprota to nny locality, upon nppllcnuu to
r. l.uud Is ul the litsniunllly nflliue slolio.
UKL'ooi), wllh iui. iili.i: water ilimery lit fit.
Hlh.s uml lueAlinusllblo iilinrrlrs or Uiu' 1
. mu 11 l-, ..... .... . ,u ...1 .11 11 oiiereil I mil 1.
Iho dovldeil tosult liuiclii...r vVi,
description, price. turns, ,tc mlditss or In
A. Pl'I.ASII M urr, Trustee, llucHel islowii ' Mil,
JQ K N T I S T Jt Y.
llospcettully c;er his lirofesslonnl
nml no t he ladles , uii.Bulltlemen ot llloouuburiauilvi
II you, clnlly. Jl;sprepnrcilloiittoua to nil lib ,, .
.iim . P."""'1"?' 0.1'". ".. tl'? Hue of his pr. fesiio,.V,m 1
oveU 1'o.iCKi.A in
MEDICINE HTOHH, 031 ArtUW., l'l-uJelphla.
(JIIAN, W. i:v.i,,S. l.r'-j.rlctor.
Formerly V, il, JACK'-,f' t'0
77uie JtcMctliet ure fordr! Iiuuuiiti,ftore
kccin,uml MtilMitc hull imimluv, Juaj7ly
Court JImi i.a.,ia . , 1
... .m.iiik, jHii,aje3ir
$300 "at month. " " g