COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Teeth curly op- Vl-IMU ttorney-at-Lnw. Office. 2d 'J unor inKxchanKelilock.nearthe "Exchange TiuteV' va-nl n O. ItARKLKY. Attornev-at-fjiw. Offlce.2d U. floor In ljixcbangolilock, near the "Exchange J tot el." '&r Y4-n3 I 11. McKELVY. M. D..RuKreon nnd rii rule Ian f , north side Main st., below Market, vln!3 south side Main street, below Market. vln I C. HUTTElt, M. D. Burgeon and Physician t; a AiarKet sireei, h-dovo miu. vi- T 11. UO IU RON. Attornor.nt.Law. Offlce Hart I . man's building, Main street. v2-n2u MILLINERY A FANCY GOODS. EPETEItMAN, Millinery and Fancy Goods, , opposite Episcopal Church, Main st, vl-n M: IBS LIZZIE BAUKLEY, Milliner, Itamsey uuuumg uam iireet, vi-uw M1 1S8 A B. WEBB, Fancy Goods. Notions, Books, and Stationery, Exchange Block, Main MIR8 M. DERBICK80N, llllllnery and Fancy Goods, Main St., below Markot. vl-nfl M R& E. KLINE, Millinery and Fancy Good Main street oclow Market. vl-nr ft IRA. JULIA A.. A BADE DARKLE , Ladles' UlMtaks nnd DreBS Patterns, southeast comer Mum and West els. vl-n M'llE MISSES HAIIMAN Millinery and Fancy louods. Main 81., below American Course, Vlntt HOTELS AND SALOONS. Tsnntrct T. Bent. Tnvlor. eaat end i! or Main street, vl-tt VUIDMYEn A JACOBY, Confectionery. Bakery chant. Block. Main atroet. vl-u)3 meroha&ts And grocers. rt n xritin Tiro nnmla and TJntfnnil. ROUth' ( ( west corner Main and Iron fits. -vl-n43 f It. RF.EftH0L.T7.. dealer In l.ry floods. Gro rorles. Hoots, tthoes. &c. corner Main and Iron streets. v3-u30 D A. HKnKT.EY. TVtot nnd Rhnn store, books , A stationery. Main Bt, below Market. vl-ni3 n JACOBS. Confectionery, groceries etc.. Mnln n. st.. below Iron V1-J6 n MENDENnALL.OeneTnlBfookofMercbnn- r;.iii and Lumber, corner or Main street and Berwick rood, vl-n43 a 'WEBB. Confectlonerr and Bakerv. : wholesale and retail, Exchange Block vl-n43 TT C. HOWEIt, Ilats snd Caps.Boots and Shoes. II, Alain si., anove court .iionse, yi-i t .T TmnwF.n-Tirv flood, flrocerlea. etc.. enr- j ner Main st. and Court IIouso alley, vln43 J. K. otKTON, nrocerles A Provlalons, M, Btreet below Market. T K, EYRR, Groceries and General Mercban- ,1 , dine. Main it., above West., Til. MAIZE, Mammoth Grocery, fine, tiro . rerien. Frnlts, Nuts, Provision, Ac, Main and Iron Streets. vt-nM. M KELVY, NEAL CO., dealers In Dry Goods, Groceries, Klonr, Feed, Salt, Fish. Iron, Nails. T elc.,N. E. cor. Main and Market ata, vl-u43 Q H. MILLER A BON, dealer In Dry floods. Notions, etc. Exchange Block, Main st. vl-nU MISCELLANEOUS. C, , ntraiMnt.v CI 1 n TmnV A II.M.Hi maker, Hhlve's Block Main Btreet. vSnlO DW, noBBINB.llqnordealerseconddoorrrom northwest corner Main and Iron ata. vl-n BJ. THORNTON, Wall Paper, Window Shades , and futures, Rupert block. Main at, vl-43 GW. CORKLL, Furniture Rooms, three story brick. MalnBtreet, west of Market su vtnt) IT RORENSTOCK.Fhotosrapher, over Rokblns tX;yer a Biore, aiainst. vi ! berlln'a alley, rear of American House. vln TOUN A. FUNBTON 4 CO.. mutual anil casn U vn, MmTii mMnM mm tlftll iPH . 1 1 MVeTI llUllU. In. Main Street. vl-nU R II. RINOLER, dealer In pianos, organs and meIodeons,at O. W.Ckrell'a furniture rooms SAMUEL JACOBY, Marble and Brown Ktou7 Works, East Bloomsbnrg.Berwlck roa4. vl-nle V" rEACOCK,NotaryPublle,northeast corner 1 ! Halnanu aiaraetst. ' wjll. RABB, dealer In furniture, trunks, cedej l willowware,neartbaForkslIotel, vmli 0 FOSTER, Q lue Maker, and White and Fancy . Tanner.Bcottown. vlnff EB. BIDLEMAN, Agent for Munjon's Copper Tubular Lightning Rod, v2uI9 JACOB DIEKFENBACII, Broom Factory. Of derwJeltat bis residence or at Miller a Hou's tore promptly filled, Best creon Western brush sh1. vl-ulii. JAMES CADMAN, Cabinetmaker and Chair maker j rooms Main street bel. Iron. v3n21 NW. BAMFI.E Co., Machinists, East Blooms- bure.near Lack. It, It. Castings made atshort notice. Machinery mad a and repaired, Yi-n'H Espy. By. ItEIOHAUD.A BRO.,deuler In Dry OoodM. Groceries, and general Merchandise, v2nll 'roprtelor, I V. WERKHEIBER, Bool and Hhoe store and manufactory. Khop on Malu Btreet op. poslte the Btcam Mill. v2nl rn W. EDUAR.Busquebanna rjanlngMllland 1 Box Manulactory, v2nll Buck Horn. ll a. 4 W.If. BI10EMAKER. dealers 'In dry ill , goods, groceries and ceuerai merchandise. First store lu south end of town, v'4-ulS Hotels. rjUIE ESPY HOTEL. ESI'Y, COLUMBIA COUNTY. TA. The undersigned would Inform the travelling fiubllothnt he has taken the above named estab Isbmentand thoroughly refitted the same for tho perfect convenience of his guests. Ills larder will be stocked with the best the market nflnnis. The choicest liquors, wines and cigars always to ue iuuuu in ma uur. WILLIAM l'ETTIT. Apr.23,C0-tf Espy, I'a, glUCK IIOTEL, OHANOEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. HOUR M'HENRY, Proprietor. This well known House, having been put In thorough repair. Is now open to tho travelling f.ubllc Tho bar Is stocked with tho choicest Iquors and clears, nnd the table will be, at all tlmes.sunDllcd with the delicacies of the season. No pains will be spured to insure the comfort of Orangevllle, dec. lO.'MMf. MONTOUR HOUSE HUl'EItT, 1A. WILLIAM, Proprietor, This IXonse having been pnt In thorough repair Is now open f-r the reception of guests. No fmlnswlllbe spared to ensure the perfect cont ort of tho travelers. Tno Proprietor solicits a sirnie oi pnuiie paironnse. iue Dar win do stocked at all times with lino liquors and cigars, marU'70-tr. gENTON HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, Proprietor, BENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, TA. This well known House lmvlntr been nut in thorough repair Is now open for the reception of visitors. No pains have been snnred to ensure the perfect comfort of guests. The proprietor also runs a Btaee from tho Hotel to Bloomsbunc and Intermediate points on Tuesday, Thursday ana eaiuruay oi eacuwecK. i,niaymw-ii i Miscellaneous. gOMETHINr NEVI Tho undersigned would herehv etve nollce that ho has luM completed A FIIwT CLASH IIEAIlHI.anii that ho has the facilities for carry lug on the business of UNDEUTAKINU In nil Its branches IN CIT1 STYLE. He has emmiml experienced ncrsons who will take charge nf the bodies of the deceased ashoou as thev 'ihunie of this mortal coll." and attend to wathtng them, shaving, dressing, Ac. Bhrouds lias also procured an IRON ICE BOX, In which bodies can bo preserved In n cleanly and dry condition. Carriages furnished for fu neral occasions. In short, he is prepared to take charce of a cor me Immediately after death, and save friends and relatives all farther troubloin retrard to It. ;ue aiso carries on me business or CABINET MAKING Upholstering In nil Its branches, repairing furni ture, reseating cane bottomed chain), Ac., 4c Placo of business on Iron Btreet, below Main, KOIifcKT UO AN,, Bloomsburg, July 22, 1870-tt, QIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE IED- ALU A V AlvUlSU, THE C1HEAT BALTIMORE PIANO MANUFACTORY. "WILLIAM KNABE & CO. MASCrACTUBERS OF GRAND, B QUARK AND UlIOnT PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, M D. Theso Instruments have been before tbo public for nearly Thirty years, and upon their excel lence alone attained an unimretuuett preniUnmce which pronouuees them unequalled. Their TONE combines great power, sweetness nnd flno sing ing quality, as well ns great purity of Intonation, and sweetness throughout the entire scale. Their TOUCH is pliant nnd elastic, and entirely free from tho stiffness found In so many Pianocs IN WORKMANSHIP they are unequalled, using none but the very tn our buBluena enahllnu us to keen continually un Immonso stock of lumber, Ac, on hand. B-AU our Square JHatwet have our New Im proved, 0VEK3TKCM0 BCALB and tho Agrajfe Treble. , A Wo would call special attention to our lato ImnrnvAmftnU. In (lltANH IIAXOH and MIUAHK OJtAXliS; Patented Auo. II, law, wntch brlnvtha Piano nearer perfection than jias yet uceu uuaineu. Evcur Piano fully Wakbanted ron & Yea its, Wn lmVA Tnmln nrrnmrrmrnta for the Sole M'huletate Anrnnt for the luont Celebrated PAH- L)It OltGANH and MELODEONB, which we otter Wholesale and lowest Factory l'rlces. WJJjijiAM kjnauh; a lu,. s HARPLESS & HARMAN, kAQLK rOOHDRT AND UANUTACrOHINO tUOf, STOVES A rLOWH WHOLESALE A RETAIL T11K CZLXHUATID MOSTK08E IRON BKAK AND Till UCTTON WOODXN DIAK rLOWU, Castings and Fire Ilrlck for repalrlngcltyfitovrs All kinds of Brass or Iron casting made to order upon short notice. II. F. BII AHPLESS A P. H. HARMAN, Bloomsbnrg, I'a. Proprietors Msr.H.'ttMr. B ROWN'S FAST FREIGHT FItOM rillLADKLnilA lu BLOOJISBUlKJ and Inrrmedlate points. Goods forwarded with cure and despatch and at low rates, floods, at Philadelphia, must be delivered at BltntrACo's. til alarkel Btreet, For full par ticulars, apply to ACOB BOIIUYLEIt, Proprietor. Ans. SO.'H tf. It. Depot, BluoiusuurK.i'a ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING uesllr eieculed at Tua Ooldhuian HluDi 1'rlBtlaf Offloa. ?hiladolphia Directory. .OliK HOTICIj. aT North Tiiimd Birkit, II. V. CUMillNQS, l'liorntrroR. IN STltOUP & CO., accessor to Btroup A Brother, lOM'.SALK DEALERS IN FIHlt. brtli Wharves nnd a Kotlh Third Bt rhlladolphla. tDsoN'li. wniairr, jk. roBNKY AT LAW JUT1I BIXT1I BTRKET, kir.AuiLrm.v 1793. lllROTHER, L and Dealers In UIUM8T0NE klrdBl. pF.ANU And Race, wcstslile. 3. t Oen'l lVrtucrs. rli. Hpcclnl rarlinT. SO. & IIKU110N, (Taw goods .1 runs, rilntkct Btreel, Rbovo Fifth,) Philadelphia, NWIliailTv CO., WHOLESALE ailOC'EHS, a. I'.. Corner Bccoud and Arch Hlreels, 1'lIII.ADKl.rillA, Dealers lu TEAS, SYl'WH. COFFEE, SUUAR, MOLASSIS 1 X1CR, B1'1CH, Bt CAIU1 SODA, AC, AO. lj-Ordere will reerlvo prompt attention. may 10,67.1 f. T ADIES' FANCY FU11S! JOHN FAREIRA, T18 ARCH BTRELT, Mlddlo of tho Block, between 7tli and Bis Boulh bide, Pill LA VELJ'jriA , Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer In all kluds auu quality ui FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN B WEAR. Having enlarged, remodeled nnd Improved my old nnd favorably known FUR EMPORIUM, and having importeifn very larre and splendid as Nortmentof all the dlllereut kinds of Furs from first hands In Europe, and had them made uji by the mostshlllful workmen, I would respect iully invito my friends of Columbia and aJJacent coun ties, to call and examine my very largo and beau tiful assortment or Fancy Furs, for ladles nnd children. I am determined to sell at as low nr Ices as nnv other rennectablolloiisfl in thnrltv. All Furs warranto). No misrepresentations to euic.6aics, juiiin i a huika; 71? Arch Sthef.t, Pjiilauliu'iiia Nov. 4, 1870-3m. Business Cards. M. L'VELLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ashland, Schuylkill County Pa. L. TURNER PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, BLOOMS BURG, PA. Office over LuU'h Drugstore. Rooldeuo Fifth Street. declG'TU. C. W. SIILLEIt, ATTORNEY AT LAW. RIAN Olllco. Bounties, Jtnck.I'ay and lnslons collected, UloomsLmri; I'u. sepJU'07 JOBERT F. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office Main tttrpet liAlnw lhn Cniirt ITnnHP. Bloomsburg l'enu'a. E II.- LITTLE, ATTOItNEY AT LAW, Jlce fmrt-lIone Alley, below the Col.uu N Office, llloomsburg ra. Q VB BitOCKWAY, Al rUlUMJ;x AT JiAW, ULOOMsnuita, A. Air Offick Court Houko Alley, In the Co lumbian building. JanVG7. s LATE UOOFINa, EVERY VARIETY MOST FAVORABLE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AND CABFER J. THOMAS Box. 377. Bloomsbnrg, Fa. Mar.l9.69-ly 250,000 PBIMB BRICK FOR SALE AT ESPY. For particulars, address R. J, MILLARD, Espy. or T, B. MILLER, Lime Ridge. oct28'7U-tf. 1? M. KNORR. ,1 J. llnvlngpnrchated the stock of the old Key stone nuoe More, aim nuueu mercin a large aui well selected new stock Isprerured to exhibit mu uum vttrieiy ui BOOTS AND fjHOES everbrouitht to thU nlaco. He Is also nrenured to make Boots andfchoes toordprln uiolntes ana best styles. or cu.n only, in theoia i'osi Oillce building, corner Malu and Market Htrce tf Bloomsburg, I'a, tepti'70-l "DOOTS AND SHOES. CLAUlv M.BROWH, MAIN STREET, UNDEll UKOWM'S HOTEL. A full and complete assortment of rrailymslo bootH and hhnfu. fur men. umnivii and rLlldiu J tint recchetl and for saluat reasonable rats, varieties to suit all clashes of customers. Tio itest of work done at short notice, as heretofcre. Give him a call. &prtt'7U-t J. THORNTON JiU would announce to the cltlzensof Blootitk burg and vicinity, that he has just received a Ml auu complete assortment of 1 WALL PAPER, WINDOW BUADES, 1 yiXTURES, C0UD8, TASSELS, and all other goods In his line of bnslness. All the newest and most approved patterns of tbel day are always to be found In his establishment. iuar.o,uu-u juainm, neiow market, QHESTER S, FURMAN, IIAUNISS, SADDLE, AND TKUNK JIANUFACTUKKll, ami dealer In CAHI-ET-BAOB, VAL1BEB, FLV-Nliu, nuryALo nour-i, IlolIsellLAKTli (c, which 'he ffels confldent he can sell at lowe: rale than any other person In tuo'county, Kx Hhon third doorhelowlbe Court HousKMali Btreet, Bloomgbure;, l'a. ., 1K7U. I pOWDER KEOS AND LUSDER, W.M.MONItOEJtCX)., , Itupert, l'a., Manufacturers oi POWDEH KKOH, nnd dealers In all kinds at ' LUMBER y Hive notice that tbey are prepared to aooaiodate tbelr custom with dispatch, and on the cjeafest terras. BU8INfS CARDS. VIH1TINU C'AItDB, LETTKIt IIKAIW, , mr.T. irpAnj 1'ltoailAMJlEl, ' roHTisitu AC, 10. ! Neatly nnd Cheaply Prln'oU From the Latest Hlyles of Type at thi '. COLUMBIAN OKfICK Pntont Medicines. T It V. K I J) N K Y 8. The Kidneys aro two In number! situated at tlio upper part of tho lulu, surrounded by fat, and consisting of three parts, viz,.' tlia Anterior, tho Interior, nnd tho Exterior, The anterior nbiorlw. Interior consists of ttf suonor velu, which servo as a deposit for tho urine nnd convey It (o tho exterior, Tho exter ior Is n conductor also, terminating In a slnalo tube, nnd called tho Ureter, Tho ureters aro connected with the bladder. Tho bladder Ii composed of various covering or tissues, dlvldud Into parts, vis.t tbo Upper the Lower, tho Nervous, and tho Mucous. Tho upper expels, the lower rclalns. Many havon dcslro to urlnato without tho ability others urinate without thonbltttyto retain, This fre quently occurs hi children, To curolhoio alTeclloiii, wo must bring Into nctlou the muscles, which nro engaged In their various functions. If they nro neglected, Gravel or Dropsy mny ensue. Tho reader must nlio bo mado nwnro, tbat however slight maybe tho attack, It Is sure to afreet tho bodily health nnd mental powers, as nnr flesh and blood nro supported from these sources, Gout, on Riiicumatism. Pain occurrlngln tho loins Is Indicative of the above diseases. They occur In peisons disposed to acid stomach and chalky coTotlo!.s. Tiik GitAVtx. Tho BfATrl cpsues from neg lect or Improper treatment of Sb kidneys Thcsa organs being wcilc, tho wnterN"s not ex pelled from the bladder, hut nllowod tn ronuilu i It becomes feverish, nnd bvdlment foriiM, Ills Irom ttils deposit that tliontnnols formed, anil grnvcl ensues. Diioihy n collection of water lu somo parts of tho biKly, and boars dlirorent names, accord ing to tho parts affected, vJ.: when generally diiruscd over tho body, It Is called Auosatc.i, uhen of tho ntMotnon, Atfjltc; when of the chest, Itydrnlhorux, Tkeatmk.nt. Holmbold's highly conccutiatcd compound Extract Iluctm Is decidedly one of the best remodlps for diseases of tho bladder, kidneys, gnuol, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, nud goaty aiTijctlons. Under this head wo hnvo arranged Dysurla,ordllllculty and pain In passing water, Scanty Secretion, or binall and frequent discharge of walcrj Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urluej Gout and RhcUmatlsm of tho kidneys, without any "change lu quantity, but Increase In col or, or dark water. It was always highly recommend ed by the lata Dr. Physlck, In theso n fleet Ions, This medicine Inci eases the power of diges tion, nnd excites the absorbents Into healthy exercise- by which tho watery or calcareous dep ositions, nnd all unnatural enlargements, ns well as pain nnd Inflammation aro icduced, and It Is taken by men, women, and children. Di rections for use nnd diet accompany. PmLADKLwiiA, Pa., Feb. 25, is;: H. T. HELMitoLn, Druggist: DeArSiii I have been n sulTorer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, nnd kid ney affections, during which tlmolhavo used Various medicinal preparations, nnd been under tho treatment of tho most eminent Physicians experiencing but little relief. Having socu your preparations extensively. advertised, I consulted with my family physi cian In regard to using your Extract Pacini. I did thlsbecausol had usedalklnds ofnl vertlsod 'remedies, nnd had found thim worth less, and, spme qulto Injurious ; lu fact, I despair ed of ever getting well, nud detei mined to use no remedies hoieafter unless I knew oi tho In gredients. It wuV.tJils that proinptcdjo tMo r.CiIs I i yohV your remody. As yolivadvertls' composed of buchu, etibeb: v It occurred to mo nud my physlclTx tvSsaTAc' lent co mblnntlon, and, with his advice, after an examination of tboartlclo.uud consulting again with tho druggist, I concluded to U-y It. I com menced 4W me about eight months ago, at which tlmo I v,ai confined to my room. From Uie first bottlo I was astonished and cratlllcd at tho ben e flclal eOect. and after using It three weeks, was ible to walk out. I felt much llko writing you a full statement ot my case at that time, but ilhoughlmy Improvement mtgbtonly bo ten poialy, and therefore concluded to defer and sco tf It would effect a perfect cure, knowing then It onld ho of greater value to you and more sat lsfuclory to me. I am now able to report that a euro Is eflccted niter UBtng the remedy for flvo mouths. I havo; not used any now for three months, and leel as well in all respects as I ever did. Your Buchu being dovold oi any unpleasaut taslouud odor, a nice tobloand luvlgorator ol tbo system, I do not mean to bo without It when ever occasion may require Us use In such allec tlons. M. McOOHMICK. Should any doubt Mr. Mccormick's statement, he refers to the following gonlleraem Hon. vanta. Hon.. lion. lion. Hon. vaula. Hon, Hon. Hon, Hon. phla. WM., cx-Oovernor, Teunsyl- ..TH04. II. 1'louenck, Philadelphia, J, C, Knox, Judgo, Philadelphia. J, H. Black, Judge, Philadelphia, D, It, Poiitek, ex-Oovernor, Pcuusyl- Kllis Lewis, Judge, Philadelphia. It. C. Qiiieu, Judge, United Statos Court, 0. W. Wooiiwaud, Judge, Philadelphia. W.A, Pouteii, City Hollcltor, Phlladel- Hou John inai.iru, cx-Uovcruor, California. Hon. V, Hanks Auditor Oeueral, Wasblug ton, D. C. And many others, if necessary. Hold by Diugglsts and Dealers everywhere. Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's Take no other, Piiice J1.25 per bottle, or 6 bot tles for IO.Su. Delivered to any address. Do scribe symptoms In all communications. Address H.T. IIELMBOLD, Drug nnd Chemi cal Warehouse, Ml Broadway, N. Y, NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UI' IN STEEL-ENGRAVED WRAPPER, with facsimile ofiny Chemical Warehouse, aud signed II. T, U ELM BOLD, 1 lu'io-iy-x Drugs and Okemicals, A GREAT MEDIGA1 . V Dr. WALKERS H tit- VINEG-AR BIIXLiiS Hitnarcilj of IhonsfwuU 5 e, j 5 fal C'DrstlTO LOccts, IS K 3 ffjjg WHAT ARE THEV? .11 OPS THEY ARE K0T A VILE aa FANCY DRIMK, Msdoof Poor Hum, Whisker Prof Srlrlts uud Jlcruso LlQUurtfuociered.flpicoa snaiwect cnod to tlcaiotho taste, callcdMToalco,"'Apictli cm," u KcBtorcn," AC, tbat Iced tho tlrphr cn to drockctmcBs and rnlii.biitcroatruo Medicine, trtto from tbo NatlTO Boots and Herbflof California, rreo f'rniu nil Alcoholic Stltnnlnnts. Ttcymo tha J HEAT BLOOD PURIFIER nnd A LITII (UVIMJ PIMNCIPLEapcrfcct Kcnovntor asd Intlcorator of tlio Byetcm, carrj-lng off nil poIionovJ natter and rcstorlnj tbo blood to a health condition. : o person conULo thcio IiHtcra nccoidicg todlrtc t o.i ond remain long unwell. &11H) will bo giTcnforaa ineuratla tuc, rrovldcd t'io hones tiro not destroyed by mineral poison or ctltcr means, aad tho vitid organs wasted beyond t:.o I alntef retalr. l'nr Intlnmnmtorr nnd Chronld Ilticiiniii t Is in nud Gout. Irprcr-ln, vv ludlccstloc, Illlloust Itemlltcnt nnd Intermittent l1ecra Dlffcnica rl'h IKood, Liver, lildncrn, nt,d lHaihlcr, toero Bitters h&vo been most enccctc ful. Such DUcnnes nro caused by Mtlnird Blood, which is generally produced by Ccranccmt-t cf tlio DlffcstUoOrguus. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Ileal nolic, Pala la tho Bhouldcrs, Coaghs.Tlgbtncticf tbo Clictt, Dizziness, Eoar Eructations of tho Btomach, tod tasto la tho Month, Billons Attacks, Palrhatlca cf tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, ratnlnlho iti;loha cf tho Kidneys, and a hundred otlicr ralcful 1 4 uiiitcxo, tra tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. 1hrylnlsorato tho Stomach and sllmulato tho tcr X id Uvcr and bowels, which reader them of uc equalled iLUcacyla clcanelns tho blood of all Impurities, tad, .ip&rtlng new llfo and vigor to tho whola system. PORHKIN Disr.Asr.y.ErofUonfl.Tcttcr.Ealt I.I.ct-n, tlotchcs, Cpots, I'lmplcs, rnstnlcs,IioIe, Car 1 cocks, Illns-'WctirB, Ecald-lIcad.Ccro nycs.Erynlr tlLS, Hcli, EcnrlB, Dlacolorotlonacf thoBtin,Uamcr and Diseases of tho ttkln, of whatotcr nomo or nature, era literally dug up and carried out of tho eye tern la a chcrttimoby thousoof theso Bitters. Ono bottlo In cuch cases will co&vluco tho moet lncrcdaloao of their curatlvo effect. Clcanso tho Vitiated Elood wbencTer you find Its lxpurlticB bursting through tlio cfcin In Itmplcs, trnp tlons or Bores i clcanso U when you Dnd It obstructed end slucglEh In tba vulns i clcanso It when It la foul, and your feelings will tell yon whoa. Keep tho blood pure- aid tbo health of tho Bystcm will follow. PIN. TAPEandothcr WORMS, larking in tbo system cf so many thousands, aro effectually destroy cd and removed. Tor fall directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottle, printed la four lu Cuages-EngUBh, German, Trench and Spanish. J.WALHER, Proprietor. R.n.McDONAlD 4. CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Trancleco, Cat,, and S3 and W Commerco Btreet, New York. tsre old ur all dhuocists and piLUxna. oct2S70-tf. s.n.non will un paid to any rrcrmrvw producing a Preparation showing half as many living genuine permanent cures as Dn.Frri.Ku.a VKUtTAllLH UllKUPrATIO ItKStKIlV, Tbo SCleu- tlfla nrpscrlnt Ion of Prof. JOS. P. FITLHt. M. D.. ono of Philadelphia's oldest regular I'hvslclans, v IMJ jasTr1"'" ifc"'"iiuii,'iii"pcci.iiiy 4 ynitrH, nr..,Ilv curlm with ihia Itoiupdv D."i in every loo patients '1 rented; so warranted under oil. iibA uleatant Aledlcluc. free from lnhir lous inigs fsworn vouchers irom Rouowned coiuiftny each lottlo). To protect sullerers from risk . a legal gunranteo ntntlng numher nf holt las wa-rrauted to euro will bo forwarded without charge to any person (.ending by letter n full, trtitlilul ile.Sf.Jptlou of eao. in enso of failure tt cure, the amount paid will bo refunded. Price $l.rJpcr bottle; 0 hollies, fi7.50. .Mctlimil advice sent hv letter gratH. Address DR. PU'LIUt, OnieoXo.Jii) Bouth rOURTlt Btictt. Phllidel phl.uor No. 701 BROADWAY, N. Y. oid or uuiuiueu uy uruggi&is, 8Cpt2'70-ly. I no not wivn to Inform vou. reader, that llr. Wonderful, or any other man, has discovered n remedy fchnteures CouHumptlon.when thelungs aro half consumed, In short, will cure nlldUeas cs whether of mind, body or estate, mako men live lorover, nndlmvo death to play for wantol Work, nnd IS destcnnl to mnkfi nnr Kiililnnnrv sphero a blissful Paradise, to which Heaven lUeff snail no uiu naiue snow. ou bnveiicarileuiHigii of that kind of humbuggcry. But when I tell you that Dr.fiago's Catarrh Itomedy tvtlt poiitivc hi cure tho worst cases nf Catarrh In tho Head. I only assert that which thousands can testify to I will pay $500 Reward lor a cute that I cannot cure. d pauipiueL Kivjng hj innioins aim ouicr jii tin iuuuuu civti v iitu iu uii uuua'bi, xuis tviiv edy Is SOLD BY MOST DRUOniHTH IN ALL PARTS ur Tin; wuuliU. Trlco 50 cents. Bent by mall, postpaid, on receipt i niAii iruts, ui iiiut jiiiLiuigt:, jur iwouoiiarit, Rewnio of counterctta nnd uvrthlcaa imUuUoni, Heuthat my private Htnmp, which li a pohUne guarantee of uciwmcncts. Is upon tho outside wrappor. Remember that this private htamp, lKsncd by tho United Klat en Govern mentoxprews ly for btamplng my medicines, has my prntralt, name nud nddtess, nud tho words' U, B, Certltl cftto of GenulnenehK," engrnved upon It, nud need not ho mistaken. Don't bo swindled by travelers nud others lepresentlug thenihelves as Dr, Huge; lam the only man now living that has thu knowledge nnd right to mumitacturutho t-Vimfie Dr. Knge's Catarrh Remedy, mid I nuver travel to sell this medicine. R. V, PIERCE, M. D. oht2S70-tf. UlRenecastieet, BuUulo, N. Y. s EVEN REASONS WHY la tiik Best Linisient in tiik Woiiid KOn 1IOKBCH, First. It Is composed of the most l'owEnrui. and I'knktiiatino llnulilM known lu Chem Istrr. KECOND.Comblned with tho above Is a Meui cinai. Oil, made expicssly for this Llnlmeui, and mixed by uu entirely new process, Tlllltn. ThousenriheixxntfiifnndlK-nrtmMilo Ingredients Is to drlvo or force 111 Ibis beautll lit Medicinal oil, which lubricates thelolnts and muscles, and Immediately throttle the disease, and compels It to loosen Us deathly, sickening and poisonous fangs. I'ouutii. This Medicinal Oil Is used for tho same reason tbalugood mechanic always useH oil to make his machinery work with enso and precision. Ho lu the siune wnv tho muscles and Joints of our animals sbuuld be lubricated If wo wish lo havo them travel with rapidity aud ease. Hktji. Ills very soothing m Its action, will not burn or blister the animal like most of tbo "rid hot" llnliueuts nf the day. RiXTU, Not one drop ol tincture nf cayenne or red pepper can bo found In Its composition j for we hold that no liniment can bo ellectlvo which burns nud blisters the uulmal until the muscles ato hard nnd dried Almost ton crisp. HEVENTII. livery bottle Is WAltllANTfcD to glvo good satisfaction, or your mouev will bo reluml ed. This shows conclusively that the proprie tors have bill confidence In this preparation, and proves lor tho seventh timothut O.KH.H, w the best l.mtmcnt In tho world for horses. 92Jon't ftMow tour Mtitiuintto jmlmoff Mix ture t Jted yv-jjjxT atul JtarUhom.orolhvr truah mmu,Vutatkji,r U.Kti.N.vr Uwiti, ana take iteelAcr, Hold by all druggists, Pt - OAltKY A Co., Bole Proprietors, septC70-ly 172 Washington street, Now York, PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAOE. . , EW COOIIME OK Ll.CTUH.hS, aa dollvored at ' ,'8,l eua.Polyt.chnlCBnd Anatomical Mnseiun ir, t,11','"."."1 Hu lu"!U rto''s above Tweltlh, Philadelphia, embracing the sublcctsl Huw to Live ana What lo Ltvo fori Youth, Maturity and Old Ago; Manhood Generally Itcvlowed! rhocnnseol liidlgcstlont Flatul.nceaud ncrv. sopblcully considered. Theo lectures will be forwarded on receipt of in cents by addressing! l ecretary of tho Pennsylvania Polytechnic ?!?,'i,oAlf A,T.ouiOAI Museum, lira chestnut St., A Ulailelphla, Peuusyli aula, ' ,v-jr. ARGAINS BARGAINS, QUICK SALES ANB HVALI. rroriTS. HAVE YOUlt MONEY. Go Ui . . "ENltY YOST, n , KUIINITUUE, f,r.1?a",rfoa"unlll','"'''tl'eUstwork done. I Olothiiig, &c. N EW ST0C1C OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of SUJIMEft GOODS. DAVID LOWENIIHIIU Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. at lilsstoroon Main Btreel, two doon above tho American House Bloomsburg, Pa., whore ho lias Jnst received from New York and Philadelphia n full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durable, and handsumo DHES3 GOODS, consisting of BOX, BACK, OCO, OUM.ANI) 0IL-GLOTH COATS AND PANTS, of nil ports, sizes and colors. Ho hasnlso repleu isued his already largo slock of FALL, AND WINTEU SHAWLS, STUIPED, FIOUltED, AND PLAIN VESTS BHIItTS, CKAVATH, STOCKS, C0LLA1W HANDKEltCHIEl'IJ, ULOVM, eUSPENDEltS, AND FANCY AIITICLK8 He nas constantly on hand n largo and well-so. ecled nssortmcnt of CLOrllS AND VEMTINOS, which he Is prepared In make to older Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nud lu tho best manner. All his clothlnir Is mado lo wear, and r.iobt of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEW'iLP.Y, ol every doscilplton, Hue and cheap. Hlscasool Jouclry Is notsTirpasscd In thlsplace. Cull nnd esamlno his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELUY.AC. DAVID LOWENBEItO. Bakery and Confectionery. JOHN O. JACOHY'S IIAKERY AND CONKKCTIONKRY1 I1EUW1CIC, PENN'A. Tbo llllderslolicl unlitfl rf mcrtfntlv lntnrtn ttio CHIens nfltirulek, nnd s Iclnlly, that hu has opciud a t'oulectlouery and Bakery In ODD FELLOWS' HALL, rterwlelc. Pn.. slhcra hn Is Mrr-nml tn fnititkli all kluds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, I l'.EM.'II CANDIES, 1'OIIEIUN AND IlO.MUHlIOl'HUns OltANOKH, LEMONS, 11A1SINS dC, A.C., JC., Ac, LY WltOM'.'iALF. ANn ItETAIL, Anion!; Iho assnrtmciit will be found Cienm Nuts, Erllsh Uiituuts, 1'tiuiut.s, Almonds, I'll, berts. Pliri. Al'tih s. Cocoa ruts. .lellnanf dlfler. ent kinds, Mustard, Catsup, Pickles, chocolate, Canntil Fruit or all hinds, Lorn staich, Kkii Bis cuit, Kntla Cnukers, Ojster Clackers. cheese, hoap, Writing l'aper, Agreement l'apers, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And pri'duen nf nil kinds. Fresh llrrnd and Cakes every day. ice Cream In Season. Your patrumij je in MilldUd. JOHN O. JACOBY. Berw Ick, .1 uno 17, ISTO-tr c ON F EOT ION ti R Y . The uudeislgned would respectfully announce to thu public tuut he bos opeufd a FIltST-CLAKH CONFECTlONEltY STOHE, tn tho building lately occupied by Fox A Wobh whore he Is prepared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, F0HE1GN A DOJIESTIC FP.UITS, NUTS, 11AISIN8, AC, AC, AC. BY WHOLESALE OH IIETAII, In short, a full assortment of all good lu his Hue of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, sultablo for the Holidays. Particular attention given to lill HAD AND CAKES, of all kinds, fresh every day, OH1UBTMAB CANDIES, OHISTM AH TOYS. A call Is solicited, and satisfaction will b guaranteed. Nov. 22, 1X67. ECKHABT JACOBS. Books. A Ni:.' BOOIC of tho groatcht Jutert-st nud im portance Written irom a high moial and physi ological Mandpolnt, by nu eminent phjhh'lnu nnd medical proroc sor, It khows how Hatan is Morhlnir out his subtlo nud dauireiousd.Kl'fns through our most sncml domchtlc ami hoclal re- iaiions. i-uro-minucii, uui oumtoKcu nua ag gressive, tuo author handles tho delicate subjects ut'itu-u til u-iiivunjivict, uuiin Hucunmiiunern not tn nilulstertoupiurleut cnrhwlty. The Phys ical Jtcycneratlonoj the Jiacc, is a subject Juhtly cunsiiui; me inierott nnd hympalhy or nil tt will contribute to that end Just lu proportion us it has nadcrs. A circular M-nt lieu, containing a full ileMMlptlon omt wynnpsN of (bo work with liberal extracts. C. 1 . VENT, Puhllher, scj tr-o-tf 3 Collcgu Phu-u, N. V, Twelve Years VJM Mmami Tho wild advcntures'nnd thrilling experiences of Oeorgv P. lleldeu, who, tired with n thind for a knowledge of tho red men, their worts, tmtlh Ziojit, wan, great buffalo hunts, &o leftn homo tf luxury, hought undjolncdtho Indians, htcnmo a famous xmrrior, At(.T,nnd llually chief of 10) IikIcch. This now work, replete with Muring ro CllalHof real Indian Mfe,dciHnotlectLi, httitbrtadlh. esctmca, ttmuslnrf tccnes, &c, on tinted paper, 70 spirited engravings, ono of author in liuuter's dress, will bo eagerly sought for and read with uvhllty. Ho wldo awake and bend early for Illus trated hamnlo pat circular, terms and choice Held. A. II. HUUItARD, Publisher. bcplC'70-tf, iiw ciiefitnut Ht PhlLa. rtllarclarSt., Vl.oraSW.ItIiSt..( Isrlnnslt.O. If Ihcy want tho hiortnulariunl Is-st wHIml. luUscrlptlon l,ks piilillslH-d.niiilllu.iHr,(,. rrnffmiij Kin! nirclrculars. Tlnywlllcotyuu nothing, and muy boor great uei.uilt In you. febll'70-ly, Watahing Machnes. J)OTY'S WASHINa-JIACIIINE, LATELY MUCH IMPROVED AND THE NEW UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Improved with Howell's Patent Doublo Cog wheels, nnd Iho Patent Stop, are now minuc- llonahlv far smierlnr tn nnv immimtim tnr lug clothes ever Invented, ami will sav., thlr w uu n j enr, uy suving ntixir anil Cloines, Tho Editor of this paper, who purchased a Washer aud Wringer, thus testifies ns to their valuoi "Wo havo had In usn In nnr r.imlK-rtr ,ni. Wrlngei s. and. ni e prepai isl to lieur test Imonv ns lo lis lueilts. it Is emphatically n lulMr-mvliii uMinm u, in iiitiiirtlM lUOI'Ollgll ijianncr. Inr families who Imvo largo wiuhes theso machines would bo luvahtable." Coi.UM. iiian, Jan. H, Itmi. PRICES-A FAIR OFFER. If the Merchants lu your place will not furnish, ward either or both machines, luo of ficlght, to plates where nq one Is selllugi and luuuuiiii v ....j ..... v nr,i, unit o ngreo vo reiuuu the money If any ono wishes to leturu the ma chines Ireoof Height, altera month's trlul.a; eordliig to Ulrtttlous. No htikbaud, father or brother should rimiiH tho drudgery of washing with tho hands; rtlty. two dais 111 Iho veur. uIk.ii it ri, i.,n.,... i. r- lnnrn f,T,imlliir.iii.iu , ' teW,''!6 earmeiils, by a Doty dollies Washer, und a Universal Wringer, ' Sold bv dealers generally, to whom liberal dls couuts nro made, n U' 0 1IHOWNING, Geu.Agent, mlT10-U. 82 Cortlaud Btrtet, New York, VIDMYER & JACOBY J EXCHANGE BLOCK, IIIXJOMSBUUO.PA. are awents fir tho sale of Broekway's" JiutiV eelebra ed Cream and old slock Ales, wbcfi hey wllUeUoscheupus country brewed alesiwlol and half barrels constantly m hand. 'Ihls ili Is breyed by William E. Broekwiiy. S15 tnXB East Elevoutlt Street, New York city. Bloomsbnrg, Juno 10, li70-tv4 Dry G-oods & Groceries. GRAND OPENING GIIAND OPENINU (IRANI) OPENING GIIAND OPENING GIIAND OPENING FALL AND WINTEU GOODS, FALL AND WINTEH GOODS, FALL AND WINTEU GOODS, FALL AND WINTEH GOODS, FALL AND WINTEU GOODS, consisting ol consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of rillY GOODS, DHY GOODS, DIIY GOODS, DHY GOODS DllY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAIW, HATH AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPH, HATS AND CA1-S, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND HIIOFJt. HOOTS AND SHOES, " HOOTS AND HHOIM, BOOTS AND SHOES, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HEADY-MADE CI.OI'IIINU, HEADY-MADE 0LOT11IHO, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLARSKH, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, NOTIONS, NOIIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, MOIJONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OII-S, PA1NIS AND OILS, GltOCEHIFS, GHOCEHIES, OHOCEHIES, GHOCEHIES, GHOCEHIES, O.UEENSWAHI! IIUEENSWAHE. tfllKENSWAHE, tjHEENSWAHK, liUEENSWAHB HAHDWAHE, IIAHDWAHE, HAHDWAHE, IIAHDWAHE, HAHDWAHE, TINWAni:, TINWAHE TIN WAHE, TINWAHE TINWAHE, SALT, SALT SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, IMHlt, FISH, F1TH FISH, OHAI I AND SEEDS, GHALJ AND SEEDS, OHAIN AND SEEDS, GHA1N AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, Ac. Ac, AT NEAL NEAL NEAL NEAL NEAL McKELVY, McKELVY, McKELVY, McKELVY, MCKELVY, Northwest corner ol Iorlhwcst cornor of Northwest comer of Northwest corner of Northwest corner of CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'H. CO.'S. Main and Market Streets, Main and Market Streets, Main and Mai ket Streets, Main aud Markot Streets, Malu and Market Streets, BLOOMSBUHG, PA,, BLOO.MSIIUHO, PA HLOO.MSIIUHG, PA., BLOOMH11UHO, PA., BLOOMhllUHG, PA. IKON AND NAILS. IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS In large tjuantitlcs and at reduced rates, alway 5Ws THE ItED LION BHAND, BXiACSS ALPACA Is superior to all others In color, quality uud nrleoi to bo rmiml ntiH- fit ' J M. P. LUTZ'S Dealer In Dry Goods and Blower's new uunuuig nest m 1110 totllt House. Main Street, lllooinsburg, Pa. friniyia'-O-tr. ILLER'S STORE. FB1WH AKHIVAL OF HUMMElt (Itimw The subscitber him lusl. rt tnriml r1r.. wuv vines wiiu anoiuer largo and select assortment of FAT.T. A till WIVTl'l, riw,,. purchased lu New York and Philadelphia at the ,usHio,rt.u niuvu u is ueiermiued lo sell on as moderate terms ns can bo procured else iiu""isuurg. ins siock comprises LADIES' DHESS GOODS Of tbO Choicest n,wl lnlnD, rt.i . .. - .. ..uiiiiuuh, logeiner wltn a largo .assortment of Dry Goods nnd Oro- oi lue loiiawing 1 rticies t'Urpeis, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Oasslmercs, Shawls, Flauutls, Silks, While Goods, LIuons, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, ilollowware Cedarwaro (lueensware. Hardware Boots and bhoes, Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glasso.1, Tobacco. Cntrce, Sugars, Teas, Hlco, AlUptee, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. In snort, everything usually kept lu country stores, to which no Invites tho attentlou of the publio generally. Tho highest price will bo paid for country produco In exchange for goods. S. H, MILLEIl A SON. Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Fa, Q C. JI A R R havojustrocolvedfrom tho easlern markets a largo and well selected stock of D R Y a O O D S , aoNuiuTiNU or Cnsslmeis, Jeans, Best bleached A Brown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings iVCIe Linens. s Cotton A All wool flannels, s4, i0-. c, A'good stock of Ladles dress goods, Latest slylei a patterns, Kplses of all kinds, Good stock groceries, Cuocnsware, Btnue wuio, Wood A willow waro, Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crvsbil Nnnn m... . ' V.VUUIIIU UU, Brass, AC Allcuodssoldi-liennri.i- ...I, ' dues. 1 II WOuldxall tbo attsntlnn nr well and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In tho coun. try, feeling conlldeut Unit ho can sell them goods at such prices at will ensure satisfaction jgUY THE BEST. Insuranco Agencies LORE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANvM or NEW YORK. Plluy Freeman, l'rcsldont, II. 0, Freeman,!!,. Cash capital over 12,000,000, nil paid. J. 11. RORISON, DLOOMSUURa,FA GENERAL AGENT, For Lucerne, Lycoming nnd Columbia counties, Aug. 20,'CO-ly, JNSU RANGE A GEN 0 Y, Wyoming tl.M Xlu- ; 4,i.rj, fu'tot w North America C'T" - V. International .. """" - ',').(, 5lufm Mfii Merchants I SprlngrleM j.;" Farmers' Danville ...,.. k,,,,, Albany City I IiancasterClty am York Horse, Death A Theft.. u. Homo, Now Haven r,,, Danville, Horso Theft ' FHKAH BKOWN, petu, man.eo-ly." Bloomsuuru, Va Hardware 8c Cutlery. Jacoii K. Hsiitii. J. It, fiKtrtti g M I T U & SELTZER, Iraporleisnnd Dealers In Foreign nnd i, mas HARDWARE, GUNS, OUTLEKY, AC, NO. 408 N. TITlKh HTBEET, AH.CALI.OWIIIt.L,Ir'A,,Kr'r"IA- Painis, Glass, dec. JpiRST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, 11 1 -ST, PUIH'-ST, AND CHEAPEST I SATISFACTION CIUAIEANTEEIlt - For Whiteness, Durobillty.nnd Brllllau. h has no inual. ' noiu uy nit ticalerslu rnllits thronghont w tho country. f. RARKER, MOORE & MEIN, svccrssoita TO 3 t. Monnis Pi:nor a co. Sole Proprietors, Philadelphia, Pa., 'A Deulcis lu all kinds of DltUGS, OILS, I'AINTS, GLASS, ' UYESTUrFS, AC, AC. 'W.',;"' "wing in ino iKipuiorily el our "First National White Lead," oilier parlies havo bun Induced toollera spu-l rlous article ULtlertbesame name. There foro Bcwnro of Counterfeits. Tho genu- A Ino Is put up In cxtln heavy tin paint1 pots, with patent metalllowlro haudlis'k aud the name ol 'ix- BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, t" On each label, For sale by M0VF-R BHOTHEHS, mar25'70-ly. Bloomsburg. 810,000 aUAUANTBIS BUCK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTHEH LE 1st. For lis Unrivaled Whlteno . ., . .Micijinuusi Dlirnill w. , i aViiVr.,-?! u!,.H,lrPn,l'd Covering I'rorrli' -It COSTS L'SS to paint wilh Buck j.rin ban any other Wblto Lend oxtuut. Vm" Anf!.'.lcuv.jr"'V0",: SUHFACE.Ismoio 1111. ABLE, and makeu WH1TEH WoItK". BUCK LEAD, Is tho Cheapest and Ben' tlO.000 GUAHAnTEE. RUCK ZINU EXCELS ALL OTHEH ZINCH ,!''0J',l"1Vn"1ulll'l, Durnblltty, 'i ' t"'.1,1 "'"'Valcd Whiteness, I a'siie .Vi ''""n'u'i' Cuverliig Propell) Lastly, for Its tcouomy, being tho CHEAPEST. HANDsflM mm'iv most DUUABLE White Palm in tho world. I'U V ONLY ISUOK LEAD AND RUCK ZINC: THY IT AND BE IJIXVI nci'ii Satisfaction Guaranteed by IhoMauuracturits. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared exniessli- for lnhiti. Gnn?TAiS?.',U1'.,un',1,utl IS "f 'very .U rh. I'NT rl;h ,$' '"'ll'TY-KIVE DIFlii.- tou,tl-.ulsb'ades!JUm,jU'' C"C"'' U"lfor'' "J sample cards tent by Mall If desired. the i u.anuficturers. 1,rowl'lly uted by FHENCH, HICHAHDS A CO., N. W, Cor. Tenth and Market Streets, ..,. Philadelphia. . ?I0YI:R UKOTHEHS, Agents ;unzi, ,o-iy. for moomi,burB Pn Miscellaneous. '--.'TOH1 i QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pa, M. C. SLOAN A BKQTKEK Hnvo on hand and for snlo .1 tha most wasmis ble rutcs a splendid stoek, of 0AHHIA.ftU3, BUGGIES,, and every description ofWagons Iwl, , PLAIN ANI VMOJt warranted to bo made of thq biti aoJ most dur able materials, and by the aioatTxpunvd uim,etn;,A1' Wr"rl f".Mt, MS in T.?2ll.w".' I") ro,llul l" 'eo.'itho highest cl.iis and suro to gtvo perfect satisfaction. Thev b' u also a Hue assortment of ' ' ' SLEIGHS of all tho newest and most iushlouablo s'va UI " aUJ curcfu"Jr '"Rd0 ti'O bes, fdxt!. An Inspection of Ihelr work Is nskid as It I SS Uml UO,le hUlm,or ,'" fouild In the couutry, Nov,2K,'ot)-ii, lAItMEHSl EXAMINE AND BUY THE ORIGINAL, IlAUGH'S BEING The Fikst Haw Bonk Phosphate Miiif. All others aro Imitation. HaTu G 'llB HAW lrnuu SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIMt'l MARK i 1870. .This JfYiiiurv Is made of itaw ir.,1 oil nf" Vi m',u '""H'uuus mailer. lUSiivV." i , ,Sf.X.' rJ,. t presenting iho Bonephosnlmin the'A fn?n1"',""" flu 1" ' ?vllable lurm ind rat.V.Vn.tffiS,nde,SmViV0WW R.A UGH A SONS, MANUrAOTtlrtElU), OrriCE-No s. Delawaro Aveuuo TRADE dm ..-., U.C. MAItK. isW . AlllllllllllllA. 1