$t flpfllumMau Kjloorasburg, Friday, Jan. 13, 1871. x m l'l'rniNaii.ti Aro.,17 rurk ltow, ami Iiiiwpt.1. AUi., 10 1HT linw.nromirnmy WKIHTKIl, No. fj() Norlll (til Htrcet, L'OK, 'ill only nlllliurUctl Aitm In rhllnilolphln. If nnllroatl Tlmo Table i vcifA WANNA A llLOOMMIlimO II. It. . I, nn Norlli. (ItiliiK Houlli, 1 1-.'m: fcl6lM. I T.W1HHA H. 11. 1'llO.M Ut'l'MlTHTATlON. h i r. m iw-w. .... AccoliDlNO to (ho return of tlio As- Luiim, Columbia comity tins 7,691 tax- fc'ilc-t. Mui. I'kni.va 11. Watts, willow of lull.v 11. watts, or uciiiro MIWIlSllip, V ill eull tin) personal (,'ooila of tlio tlu- Wul on tlio l'.Uli Inst, nt public sale. (,ov. KcoiT, or Boutn Carolina, it illcil : "1'ii'it In wiir, lust In pence, til. ll lr:Jt 111 lnu i'utHt'ia ui ma I'oumry mi 11, ' by ono of tliu newspapers tlicro. i'uiti:". O111: Is salil locxlst otiMiincy IrdK, una 11 in ciuiiiieii unit important Rl'Koverlcs luxvo recently been nmilc. m'lie Mimcy Luminary saya considerable Eiuiletnciit exists iibout It In Unit llRlOII. Wr. regret to Icnrn Hint wlillo Mr. IMAH lfOMIUAN, Of 1'ltlO towiislllp, Wii-iliiiulInK 11 limil of jiliuik nlonK the nml the wiigon slid over n considerable li.mk nt ono shlu nml up set. Tliu wbolu lo.nl of plank fell upon blm, crushing hi body badly but breaking 110 bone. Ill Intermit Injuries nro very serious mui It Is supposed will provo filial. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA C0UN1 lloillonlloii nt llciiton. To tlio MJIIor of tho OolumMi ti 1 To day tlio town of llcnton was enli vened by tlio proaoneo of unite 11 num ber or strangers. Tlio occasion was tlio dedication of tlio Odd 1'cllows' ll.tll In tlio upper part of 8. K. Ai.hkutson'h now building. Tlio nddress was deliv ered by dipt. 0. 11. Hiiockway, and It Is but slmplo truth, to say, that tlio speaker did honor to hlinsolf, and Jus tlco to tho cnuso for which ho was plead, hit;. Indeed, wo could scarcely rocoi?. nlae, in thocnlm, smooth, nml beautiful COURT ADVERTISEMENTS. QOUltT 1'llOCLAMATION. T.,NYm;"rlV"' y.'oItoiiOVItllnm Khvr-ll, lVe.lilet.1 Jiulgoor tho Court of oyr nml Trrinliirr on ! (If lern Jnll Delivery, Cnurfy.f llunrl "r homIoii, of tho IV1100 nml c.url of 1,'olumon I-lcnii mul lr plmn n Court hi tlie 411 Ii Jmllclnl Dhtriet, com pnvil of tho cmiutle of Coluinliln, Hulllvnii nti'l Wyoming, nml tho lion, lrnm Dorr nt" "Vino B Moliroo Aasnclnia JiuIkcii nf Columbia county Imvo Iwiwi llielr precept, lienrtnnto thn 6th thomnml, elht luimlrml nml seventy, nml to tnnillrcctoil for holilliignCoiirlot Oyer nml Ter miner nml Uencmlounrlcr Heloof tho l'cnco l-otirt of Common Piem nml ornlinira Court, In nJ ?? . '" ",0 tmlnly of I'olumbln, 011 the ext.' .;f,!, !'. " 01 re'mtnry LEGAL NOTICES. buiUHKNA IN DIVOUOK. In Iho Court of Common Vloi nf Columbia county No. u, Hcplemuer Term, 1S70. HAMUIUi U POTTKIt 1 uM1 Divorce. MAUOAHlir rOTTKIl, J A "'Mto matrimonii. To Mftriraret rotter, tho nbovo Itenpomlentl You nre bereby iiotincd to lio ntii niiieur nl tlio next Term of thin Court, to bo lield lu ltloom '"IK, iiinu iMiiiniiiy in i tiirunr'! A. t, 1S71. tllPl) ft tut thnrft til ntinwor tlin pnmitlfniit. nt Ilia ntiovo nnmod IlltPllnnt, tnd nhnw ramo, If any ynn tne, wny um pennon 01 uivorco, rt n"v"ii iiiiiu iinvnit, autjiiiu iniii nil ui it in t'M i AAllON HMlTlt. Jan, 1, 18?Mw. Hherlir. orator of to-day. tho sharp, roiijrh, no- ,,N!,,l,l,,!',",.,,or Riven, to iho Coroner, to tho lltlcal controversialist of former occa- iu! WSf&Win'i! KWffl A UJIINISTIIATOU'S NOT1CH A l-VITAT I! Or JACOIIlltl.llAMl.U. Iiec'II. slons. Without claiming nnthiulty for ,,r" "m or mVm'IiuT Ki ASmilSni'lVi0 oh """ iiionriiwi' lowi.-hi .VuT, nVbia tho order, bo reviewed thoKt0,Bl llcftver, All persons hnvliiK clAlinn nRftlnnt tho t-Hlnto of Knld tlocedcnt nro rcnttrntcil to nrcsftit iirincinifxt ittinti tvtiinii if r,inwTn,i in i.n .i..t.n " a.i i. i"? ' ' illustrated them by events of tliu past, lltTnZ? WiSfAtfZ pF&EifttfWi recorded In UellKious nml Profane l.lv u.. tory, ntld Social, Political nnd IlellcloiW "WnrS iKSfte!" t .'boomcluM In'tlielr'nttcmi: Admlnl.lrator. nnce.nBreciihly lolliclr liollcri. Iiiiteilntllloomii- ouiK, iiiooui uny oi wee. III Iho yeiir 1.. h. I or our IirJ, ono thoumiml eight liuii- ' i '' tlreil ntnl Mventvomi mil I n tlx, nlm.iti fourth yenr of tho lmteH.mleneo of iho llnitnl niii mi ,wiieru-ii, .,llul nlllll. iiloonmburir, Ucc.5, 1871, ribcrlir, uiu or tliu present time. 'Iho Hull was dedicated, with tho usua1. beautiful nnd Impressive ceromo- uics, conducted by Mr. Knapp. Tlio nff)lf1urifil fiia nitlln lir,v,i nml ll.n hm.i. JoiIro recently onranlzcd tbero starts on wan every prospect or Dccomlnj: n Iare;o and prosperous body, Havkn. Ktlllwatcr, Jan. 1, 1871. HEM. ItlNdKHH Lrnvltt's Silver Hell ItliiRers, n combination of Swiss cLl!.-Ael"&.,1'' Hell JliiiKcrs nnd Continental Voc.illsts, will perform at Snyder's Hall on Tues day evening, January 17. They nro worth hcaritit;. Go nnd see I FOll KKIIHUAllY TIIUM 1871. m.oo.imiL'im. Kll Jonea, John If, (llrlon. nr.A v Mi,-y iiumii jiiiner, 1IK.MOS. l'eter Kniio. CAtAWlSHA.-ll. 1. Fiirtnir. Loxv.miiiam. l'utrlck llrelinnn, Itlchnrd Thorn- ... r ,T mil inriii. REAL ESTATE SALES- LOCAL .0TI(T.S. 1 tA vino employed n new Carrier, any of our nioomsburi; subscribers who do not recelvu their p.iper.s, will ploasu notify us. w-l-'ll l-'ISIUNUCIIKkir. A. It. Itnfnti. IIKMLIJCIC Nhfiliilnh llppm. l,ULUsr.-Joiii Knrlimer, Wllllnoi Wilson, lto- , .v. i oil, .-,,,1,11,11 iiiTuer, Cllll'.KNWiMili, 1). c. Albertaon, Minuis. John 11. Yohe, .mou.n r I'i.kasant. Ailutii Well Ivcr, I'ini:. John Toller. linAin.vuciiKr.it. William Ulebcr. acoTr. lnomiiH Lrevellni!, Mr., JohIiiiu luusc. i.ooeri n. i.ui. jjin'iT juitoiw, Toll FlIllItUAltY TKKM 1S71. VIHST WKKtf, 'l'iii:Kiiston Sentinel a vigorous Dciii uirutlc Journal) Is suvcro on tlio Now nik World, but is in doubt whether (,uv. llori'.MAN Is put forward as a .luitii candldiiti) fur tlio Presidency to i ivii' Mr. llKNimicKS of Indiana, or lli latter is to bo put forward to cover the former! In any ease, n Is'uw York IDlitli'luii never llles a kilo without two tails JotniN'AMivric. The editors of tho Snnhiiry Dtmocrut aro in ccstaey over :i new power prces just obtained by t lie in. Wo are glad to fco in tliu clr- ciiiii'-taiuo ii liosltlvo evidence of pros iirity unil that tho paper is appreciated by tliu sterling Deinociacy orolil Isortli umliurland. Kvlnclng both decided tnl cut and great industry, as well as dovo linn to truo principles and Intelligence ami llrmness in their advocacy, tho cd itnrs publish a paper that Is a credit to t In lr party, tho county and themselves. 'I'm: JiOWistown Democrat and Perry county Democrat both eomo to us in enlarged forms and otherwise much improved, lloth aro excellent pupets, mul wo nro glad to seo them enjoying the prosperity they so well iliv-erve Tin; following pithy p.uagraph from a liluomsburg Mechanic may bo useful to uitomers who iilwny want their work done "right nwiij " us well ns llin-i! who delay to ttiko it away when done : Don't. You don't get your things iliino or repaired till tl.n minute you wiint tliem'.' AVhero it i nn bu done it is ln.-t ni:fH(io mccbatilelils own time. (lr ili.uTWkrl: r J'011 "'ono? Should lie not i' lii uvlio ids other customers us well'.' Suppo-o you let lilm Imvo bis time and tlieu insist. If bo has charac ter you can rely on bis word, If not, transfer your work to another that will it'-pect his word, you and himself, and tin n tho Job will likely bo good, llut if the tlmo is up, get your tiling, whetli ir you need it or not, Jf you don't, you violate your common social duty nml you may actually injure your mo i linnlc.who is not your slave, but'uuglit to he your social friend. Tho mechanic might have llllcd up his time, which he applied to your work, with a better re muneration had bu not promised tho time for your work. "Whenever a tiling an not ordinarily bo dono at any time, tin' "right nway" Intimation is not only Milragcously verdant but insultingly "polling. Now don't. llEMii.irnoNsof tho Iron Dale School, relative to the death of Lloyd Ai-pm:-man- : WiiKitr.AH, It lias pleased our Heav enly Father toTemovo from among us our Pelioolmatoand Friend Lloyd Ar I'I.kman, and by a sudden and unex pected Provldcnco to Icnvo vacant ills pl.ii'u In tho Schoolroom and in our hearts, therefore, Jletolecil, That wliilo wo would bow in submission to tlio will of Him who ilocth all things well, wo should also bo reminded of our own frailty, and Hie importanco of being always ready mi-1 mi summon!) oi ileum. lusnlverf. That wo tender our syni l'lthlos to tho parents, sisters and Irli'inls of our deceased friend, ami trust tins nlllictlon may ho Fiinctilled to their noon nml lo our own. Henoleetl. That a ennv of theso Iteso. lntioiis lio presented to tlio parents of nn- deceased, ami lo uiu couniy papers lor puniicauon UbnoMHliinti!. Abrnhnin W. rrv.Ciinriul llltleii' beniler, r. 11. 1 ree.e, JaeoU .Slimier, Holomoll niiiiiu. 'ciersncll' i'AKr. NoTHii:. All recorded deeds and Mortgages rcmainlm? uunaiil in my lllllllis alter l'OUriinry Ihlll, 17I. lli:vi:.-uooreo w.ljongi'iioergcr, will lio sued, without respect of per- .. "J "i'Zi't, ""'i'. ,j oils u, r auK.i:. n-' -t Late lleeorile ICrlekbiium.Htolt I!. Collev. IlKitwn m Hon. Wiii.o. TiiomiiM, h. lt.Uowmnn, i.iiu-iirn i . imoii. iiiimei io'iiv. CATAWiHSA.-losi'iii Marl., (leori;tt Mnrbnrat, c. ii. ivioiiru, riilllMicitKFK. John Lnubneh, Wm. Menrn, 1.IIUH y, liiiuliiicli, Jileob IJeHlouer, Tin. Stock of tlio Columbia county Mutual llulldlng and Loan Association Iio;Knw,",,iu-j,1;1",1 rl";1J,',,",, :Mm iinymnn ii, , ,, . .... . I .. ."-I""", J.""t l'." H.inwii, is ueing rupiuiy bUUscriueil lor, aliout iikmijk i. iteuoen nomooy. . ... T .... Lin r.r.-Ilnvltl Yeiiiror. liUUSIllires Oelllg already taken, Tlio .Mini.iN..Simiuel Creny, KnmimelKelckemlnll llrst meeting to rccelvo payments and J""iJJrtr'"A",'""ar i-.i.iensiee., .mi. loan money Will lie belli lit tllO Olllco Of MAlN.-lleuoen nnmnn, isnnc eller. ... ,r i .Tior, riiiin, juiiii tturuuo. U. W. .Ml 1. 1. Kll, Lsq. oil Thursday OV- UiKASUK.-Hninuelllenrlo. enlng, January LUtli, 1871. nil moix-hubIi thoihi.. HKCONII M'KFK. llLooMsnciut Snmurl Ktelller, H. IL M liter. ItiiMnv Inlili 1). llllil Inc. Thotiinx lllhlilu-. M.ltH'H i;. John W. Lvnus, Oioruo II, Wells, ueongo ll. 1 lomiwri . ii. i,. i- reus. lluiAHCithKK. li.ivlil hlmlfer. lr. , L.inirn'1 hi' n rK, ly, l). W..Melllcli, llioa. FlsiiiNucitKK i;. 11, N. Alnmciman, lleury lllllllllllll. Thki-enl knavks!! SWlNDLKltSIl! Tlieso uru mild terms with which lo designato these mean contemptible ad enturers who liavo been induced by tlio high reputation which Dr. Saok's JArAvmv.-ii. K.ciurk. Catarrh llemedy has won, to put up Ll:NorConnorT unit unci iur niu it wuriiiR'sj jinii.tiufti of tliti colobmteu tnoulcinc. Jtoint-m rtOLUMlUA COUNTY. y in Tin: oitiMtANa' couut or colum UM1UA t'OUNTV. Ill Ihm lilnttni-nf llin PutltlnM fnt tMflllnn .in.t wuuiMiou oi me rvni eiutio ti wiuiaiit ivyg, lute fif MitilUnn tdWlifthin. In kiiUI rouutv. iIgc u. NiJl'lL'K 1 horfliv irtvnti til till thn lintru ntnl nnro ot a writ nr lMrtltlun nU Valuation (o mo I tllrtctcil, 1 will bi upon tlio premises of mild I UCCtMlMi'i . Hit Unto in AlmlUnn inurtnthln. lit tlm Icoiinly of Coiuiitblu, with a Jury by mo to bo rwiiiiiitMii-u.iiti oHiurutiy. tnu iistn iiny ui Jiuiiutry 4, mi. rii, mi uiu imriitnw ui inuKiiiR t 'nrtiiinii Or VnlllfttiOM nf Hiilcl rnil imt.it n ninrlltitf to tlm rnmmiuid of tho Mitit wrll. when fitnt w hero nil partit's imtrcNiea inny aiicim it tlit-y mink jiiDoinftuiiri;. Dec. t, iS7U-ir, Hhtritr. ounru:NA in mvoncK, 1U ttio Court of Co t ii mot i IMl-uh tif L'ohitnlila county. o. -jt .May it nil, ll.u. hUKAlliUUH HilKTllKHH. 1 vh, y Libel In Wvorcu AMANDA BMKTIIKRS. N Dl leu 1 liviehy kvlii that tIeHKl lions will 1o inut'ii ui i iiu uuimu viue, hi too oihco oi vno tin- uerMtttieu, micrwici;, on iiiuistiay, Jaai'-ry ll. 1. 1 llUill -u.. uec2J'70-5t, ConiinlHsluner, A UDITOH'S NOTICE. XV. In tho innt! it of tlio Account of K, It. Ike ler, AsHlunuo of li, l. Walker! Uliu uiiderslKiH'tl, ni'iolnifil Aiulltor by thn Court of Common Plea of Columbia county, nt llio December 'term l hereof, A. D. isTO, to nmko tlittrlblltloil of tho I Hint Hi tliu ImiuU of tbnNiihl nsslKiieo ntnoim tlio jtrHoti enllllt-a to tho huiuo neeortling lo hiw, will proeeed to mnkn nueli ill trthutloti on .Momltty, thoi.ii tiny or .lutumry, A, D. Wl.nt I (J o'clock, a. ill., nt Iho ollke or Die hiiid tte4)iice. In Hlooiushuri:, when ituii whero all tersont hm lug claliim uion KaUt I unit will ori'ii'iiL iiim Niiiiii ii r ) iiiifUT iifiiiirrihi irrint eon ii iik in oiiHiia ninu, v, wmr. uucm Auditor. IXKCUTOKS' NOTICE. JuJ khtatkop a ii a m (IAiilk. iir.r'n. Ijctterf testfttiipntjirv on tho estntonf Aitnm Clable, Into of Konrlutfcreek tow nnhip, Columbia ciniiuy, ueeeuneu, uao oetn lininil'il oy lliu ue(j- ciiMt township. Columbia couniy, ami Charles Onblo.or tho llorouizh ofMlueriiMllp. Hchuvlklll count V. I'll. All iterotis lm Inif rl.ilnm ntriitnut tho t'Miato nro rciuchleit m present ttiem tn the r,.(Tun)r in i (nnmimi roiim v. i nnsn liiiiniiTn in mo esuue either on iioie.juannient, inortKnuo or uooituccouni win mi uu naunt m io i ioix iTiiiuin iiuuin ueiiij . JjIIU. 1 AJlU.IStilWt, CHAUI.Ks UAItlJ-:. ueciV70-0w, KxecutorH, pUIHilCHAIiE o v VAI.UAllMl IIEAIi r-HTATIJ, li Mimunncn ofan nrdernl IhoOrnhntiR't'otitt of Columnlft county, will ho pxpohM to public hhip.oiiiiiu preiniKes. on l iiUK-tnAV, J anuahy until, 1K7I, nml locontlnuoon Krldny tr tho pro perty KhotiM not nil benoM j tho rollovrlti tie Hcrlbetl It ml IMulo, Into of Jacob Kycr,tlecfaned, ami nunibcriU by purpttrts an nor Hherill n In quest, viz: No.aATIlAUr Or I.AND.nltuiUolnaicen wootl lounihln, Columbia county, mljolntng other latul of llelrtt ot Janolt liver, land of Wil liam Katrmau, hllr.nbelli Fulrmnu and others. cummiuii ril'TY-KOUri ACUtM AND NINIITV-NINI nntcniiy. No. 0. HllufttolnMnJIsontownililp, boutulM I by Demotfscreek.KJliItiKcreek.anilothcrlaniJii ( or tho heirs of Jacob Kyer, containing ONE ilUNDHED ACHES, Nn, 7. Hlluato lu MadlsontowiiMiln.boumlcd by lnmlH of Jncoti M it lining, Koberl Montgom ery's heirs, Jncob Detuotl, ami other liuds of heirs of Jacob Kyer, coutululny ON I J nUNDIU'.D TIlIUTV-TlIUUi; AND roUIt PKHCIIlIi. No. H, Hltuiito tu Mrullion township, bountlcd by UmU of Jacob Deinott, John llenderaholt, I'll 1 1 1 p Miller, and other lauds or ileeeilent, eon talnluit HIXTV-ONK ACHFiS AND FIKTY-KOUIl No, 0. Hltualo In (liuenwontl and Mount 1'lraHiiut townships, iHiunded by lands of An tlrow MllbT, IMillIp Miller, UeorKo lleUKle, and other lauds of Jacob Kyer'n Heirs, cohtnlulnu TWKNTV-rnni:i: acuiw and onj: jiux- DHUD AND niTY-FIVU l'KUCIIlX No. 10. Hltimto In Jroenv--ioit township, ad Joining the town plot of Kyer' Urovo.atv? ylu nuiwiTu i ituiiiKcreeK nuu uiu nun ttvv, luii- taluing FOUH AClim AND ONK 1IUNDUKD AND TW'KNTV-HI.V I'lUlUJIKS. No, 1 1 AtMwl blx Acres of vacant town lots lu Hit umu t of tlio village or Kycr's Urove. Sn. 1'4, , llrlck Dwelllna Uotiso and lot or ground, ! layer's llruvo, occupied by Jacob Wftiuw IN I A Friiino Hloro House and lot of ground in Kjer's llmve, ocuulttl Into ty Win, K lamer. No. 115. A rraiuo Dwelllun House nnd lot of ground lu K) it's Oiove, lulu tccuplud by John Diillinoii, ikccuKud. No. 10. A Fraaio Dwtltlna llouto nnd lotof 5rounl lu leer's (J rove, otcupied by Janus vluiay. No. 1?, A Frame Duelling H'juho anil lot of ground in lljcr'H Urove, occupied by Hlihu lay lor. No. in. Mituato lu Madison mid Mount l'lens- A UDlTOirs NOTICE, an. nun t'u aw. j. ii.iivn 1'iitmu t 1 1 kkk.n wimiil i. riis ii Klntmt tu tlifinnU iwiii Hunt. 1 LoCL'sr. Alber t llerblL tutiiv vi ifvnuuiuic.ssj amnmi iiu upon maink.-osIhIi Vleumi'luK, John W.hhuman. uvury pnt'KUKC. iius pnvaiu nutuip, -iontoi1. imyu raxon. iUt ov IIIU U. O. VJWVUIIIII L-IIL V--A- M O U NT 1' .11 VM A ST.-Job h V 'ViltHlrHliW. R. prChSly for StrttllpltlK Jr rilMlCi: H (UtANOF.-Hlram It. Kllne.Ocur Achenbtich. nictucincs. nas upon it ws portrait. i'K--I'ru,,1r'1;,K muno antl mMrc and tho words "Ui a. uoriincato oi uonumcncss." JJon't i-aue. Kct swindled by men culling themselves jjr. magk: ur. i'xi:uck or uu mi o. jn. YM In tho only man now living that has tno rignt. and can matte thooriglnal Dr. KAtur.s Catarrh Hemedv. Sold by druir- niisr wr.hic. gists or sent by mail on receipt of .sixty llenrv C. Hen1 Charks Lie, Jtiiuev I1STATK OF L'Al.KIl Ot.lVKU DKC'l). The mtilerxttineil. ubboluted by thn Orphans' Court ot Columbia etuuty, Aiulllor to distribute lunds in the hnmls of Johnson li. lkeler, nd mlnlstrator of Caleb Oliver, lalool Greenwood tnwntdilb. Columbia county, tleecaseit. will meet the parties Interested for the purpose of bin up- iriutiueui nt tno omen oi t ui, jviiorr, ir llloomsbiiri?- on Hnturdnv. tho 'Jlsl dn of .limn nry,l71, ut 10 o'clock, A.M. All person s having claims on suitl vhtate are rt out red to attend or oe longer uttunireu iroin couiini; in lor a parioi ufil.l r.in.t t I-' WAT I.'lTtJ Kiilil fund. tlec'Jl "U-iWj M. E. WALK tilt. Auditor. rjiHIAL LIST, run rtiuiUAUi ti.u.m, isti. MARRIAGES. IMwnrd M'f all. et. al. vs. John Kweenv f'etits. I Wm. loiiKfiiberKert et.al. s. lluyh .MUey- Susan (Jl'iham, use vh. Deborah Dean'a Admr. Aaron lVrscn vh. Hamutl lA'Ibi-. David Lewis, nuardtau vs. Collins Hut! I If ' Ad iniuisirators. 1 4. Hurdle's, use t. II. If, Creelluir, ct at. rniLLIl'rt-CHtOSS. Hi HlooniHlinrK, 1M., nn Alex. Colley vw. AUuas Cole. J htlisuay evcnlim Jin. 5th, 1S7I, by Itnv. li. V. reier cnuns. iiutich W. 11. iv line, t-t. nl. vs. Aoraiiam Moore, et, ai, ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICK. EST AT K Ofc l'KTMt llITTNKlt. DKC'D. Lettem of ad ml nut ration on tho estate of I'eter liittucr, into ot Locust iwp., Loiumoia county, Ieounfy to UeorKO Blttneraud John A. lUttner.or Lwust towushlp. All persons having claims ngainsi tno esuuo ot ino ueceueui aro requciicu in DreneuL iiiciu lur Beiuiueui. uiiu iiiomj iii dt bled to tho estato to mako payment to tho tin derwlyued, administrators, wtthout delay. ttrAfttur iii iir.it, JOHN A. llllTNKK. dccQ'TO'Ct, Adiulnlstralortt. S. Kr.i.Lint. Kakaii Siiaf (Ir.o, llAUT.KI Illoomsburg, Jan Committee. th, 1871. U ross. Hi:sNUT-SNYDi:it. In Damlllc.attho I.uthe- inn I'arhoniiKi't on tho 5th or January, IKTl, by ltev. U. (Jrat h. Mr. Jeremiah licMint.of Kellv township, Union county, to Miss 1 lose tin Mnjuer.oi .Muion.r.t. lIi:sM-VAHNi;it.-Oii tho 0l1i or Dec. IS70, by .1, iv, Jvrieicoautu. J. i'.. at his oiheo in Ken ton. Mr, Auroii Hess of Huuarloaf, Columbia co., to MlhK huliy varner of Halem, Luteruo county. IIAHVY HHSM.-Iii Suijarloaf on tho r.th of junnary.ny j.k. trur, J. r., Mr.i'inup iiarvy, lo Miss Lorutta iloss, both of Columbia county CKOKHfJ-lY IXKHCHKCJKT, At tho t)nui James Hess vf, Collins Hutllll 'h AduilnUtrators. C. 1). Fowler vs. lUuben Miller. amei v. Hevnert s. William iiiuier. William Hh.UKr h. Daniel K.Hevbeit. HKL'QNU WKKK, Hobert Oorrcll s. Harney M'llrensly, et. ul. Dald Heaver vs. Martin M'Oauhcn. Charles II. Wllhelm, et, al. vs. Mlchatl WihhIs MIchatltlroTer, use. vs. Knraiio A Ilright. Michael Orover vs. Hnvago llrlght. Joseph Miller vs. N. H, Campbell. Thomas Kry vf. Wlllluin Coleman. t;. p. rmvitrr n. .JI-iiihu lnmj . rNCOIU'OHATIOM. Notleo Is hereby trlvcti. tbnt on tho 1st ilnv of o t inner, irtu, Miuury inoaoiiauis oi uiiuminu countv ori'henteit a neinioii to un ndlnuriuHl i otirt oi miiiniou i jeus ot stint coumy, prayinc Ihonld Court tourantti Charter nf nvrimi.M. Hon, tinder tho name, t.tyle and I it le. q( Tlt k and if no butllclcnt cauno Uhhown toll.Qij i rary nn too nrst nay oiuext term, tne fr..yer ol i uu fieiiiiotii'iK win uu muait u, miomiiijf . ju et oi Ahiii'iiiui- m bin ii case ini.ot riui j)n v. ii. i;nt, ldcd. dccIUTO tf. l'lothoiiotary vlllo Hotel Dec. Solh, by ltev, J. Fear on llrown, I Hlmrpless A llurmnu vb. Charles I). Fowl -Tir. r. milium crnvtney ot iienuu, uau aiiss i jielch it, riesciiruet,ot jjiporie, buiiivuh county, in. I j v ill urtnti j. iv. v i hi ii i,iiui. iioii. ny jonn . ureen, j. air. uyrus .ouuer, u (ireeuwoiHl, Columbia co., to Miss Lucluda Thrasher, of Cherry, Huuivan county. ICILH-COltDHUMAN-On Hatunlay evening .Intitiiirv 7. Ih71. Uv Ja. . Kitchen. J. 1.. Mr. Nchoinfali D. Klle.or Jackson, to Miss Chrlstl tin it Cordtrmim, formerly ofjenrdan town- hinp, lijooininti county. DEATHS. Mi'inttiir.. nn I km. l.Mli lfsTt). In Ilemlotk two. Columbia eounly, Elizabeth Mcllrldo, ased .S years, 7 mon ths audDuajs, FlU,LMr.It.-On Dee. Mb, lSTi), at Kllahetli City, N, C Hannah Fullmer, wlfo of Aaron Full mer, late of this place. OAUHinsON In l.eo county, Illinois. mi De- ( ellluer i.7 111, ltl', MTf. AllU'll.t, wnu m uiiiim OarrttMin, formerly of Columbia county, nged aooui MXiy yearn, OAIHKU. At llcnton Coluniblacounly, Jan. 3J. Mrs. Caroline li. wnooi ucort;e n.t.iai!er,iint 71 ywirs, 4 months and 17 days, Itrst to tho honest nnd tho ood. ltest eternal, because with Uod. 9ir Vtl9-Jtatrc papa a ilcatc ux!t.) MARKET REPORTS. nioomiliurg Market Wheat iter bushel Hyo " Corn old " " new " Oats. " - Flour per hatrel Cloveiseetl FlaXKeed - Ilutter Kk'U'H Tallow I'otatoes .no ... ui hih Miller'K Ailmr's. vs. Kilns Uelirer. C. H. Fowler vs. Jesso D. Hlce. C. II. ltownmn, et. al. vs. Manaussa ltowmau i'eter Haymnn, use vs. Jacob Mhniler, tt, l. H rum ball tt Co, vs. M'Nlucli A Hhumau, Harvey C. Hess vs. Hamuel Creosy Admr, Noah Mouser's, use. n. (leoryo Htraussei', Mtull A KuiiHton vs. Alfred lrwlne. Win. A Kllno, vs. James V, Uillasplc. Kline A M'Henry vs. I. Ulchards A Co. John Terner vs. Daniel Hnyder. James V. Ulllasple vs. Win, A. Kllno. Wninh YfflL-or k. I. It. Johnson. Clement li. UtcketU' Adinr. vs. Divld Sweeny, et. al. Joseph H. Kllno vs. Charles Howard. Catharine Abbott vs. William Abbott. Itmim 'rwMmiVtJ I'hlltll t Irt . 1't. Ill . West Hrauch Insuraneo Co. vs. Thomas Trench, IUth Milium vs. Anriinam Kline, li.litt llmirvu Mimdnrkiin 1 1 II L'elltillf ll. Lowlw J. Adams vs. I'lshlngcreek. Hchool DU- trlet. Win. A, Case vb. Mokcm Coirmau. et, nl, Simon Wealsh a. John Hotlman. Joseph J. Crawford vs. John .Johnson, James Hvans vs. Unruu lleirord. Jeremiah Hnenbuch t. l'lilltp Ort. et, ul icnoias re neri vs. imuiei . reyuert, Tt-iil. II Shiill If Stliull7. Murray, Alnlaek a Uaudall vs. Tlie Imperial Fire Murray, At ulack a Hundn II vs. Tho Imperial Flro liitturauco ui, V,. Mendenhall vs. Henry (1 Ort, Jeremiah H. Hudy s. Jacob Hehuyler. ltebtcctt Name's Admr. vs. John Cain. William Arter vs. Thomas Forver. David Witmlrt', Kxecutor vs. Dennis Urlnk. Charles Hrow n vs. Jueph H. Vaudersllce. ( imiinii A- llm. k. Whlniver A Jacoby. Joseph Fuusey vs. Htuben Hellas, ViriD0W'S AIPKAISEJIENTS. , 1(,..l..r nvnirnlkiftillMllK of real Blld IKT- sonal ttpfrty hei apart to v, blows " wmkuih. iMIMSTltATOUS' NOTICK. ESTATE OK JACOI1 ASM. Ti EC I. lictlers ol adinlnlstratlou on tho est.ilo of Jacob Ash, lato of Denton towushlp, Columbia couniy, ueceaMHi. nave ueen Krauieu ny ino llcirlhtur ot bald countv lo Ihnao K. Krlckbaum and Joseph Ash. of Iteuton, Columbia county. All persons havlnc claims ncalnst tho estate of tho decedent nro requested to present themfor settlement, and those Indebted to thoeslntotu make payment to the undersigned, udmlulstriv tors, wllhoutdclay. tWAAli IV. JVIVtL.JVIlAUJl, JOSKI'H AMI I. dec27O-0w AdmluUtrutors. nut toiiithlps, bounded by lauds of A. 1'. Kes ler. Hcuhvii Wilson uudnthers, eoutalnlnt; nbou TWt.Nl Y-FI VK ACItls, una kuosu uj "tin uier i nam 1,01. No. 1U.-A HAW MILL Willi a Hood wuttr IMjwtr, Mx; the usu or tho overflow trom tho grist mill, adjoin lux luo town of Kjer'H Oroe, lOKeiner nun uoout onu-niiiria oi iiu acre oi land, situate bctw eeu the yrUl milt tall race and the old toad. No. 20. Tha undivided onc-halfof Iho follow ing inscribed T It A C T O F Ij A N D, wbrri'nti urn erected n. larco three Slorv urlsl mill, duelling house and buildings wlili the ui- inrieiiiiiiees, uiiu uoiinueu ui iuuiinn,i nn. leulLiuim! aL it ihisI at the lulersectlon of Centre and Mam hlreetsot tho town ot Hjer'n Oroe, anil running thenco along tho lino of Centre wnett, south seventy eight and ono quarter Ue post, thence south twenty seven and ono half uegrtes, ucsi ouu miuuttu tuni ninu iu u imisi ineuco iiurtit m-vi-ih) (-l-v u n ji Ialn Htuet.tlienco aloitK the line ol MaluHtreet north eUeti and thrru-iiu'Uler degree -i, east one hundred and Iho leet to the pinto ot begin ning, containing EHJIUY THOUSAND, HI OUT IIL'NDHHD &. rOllTY-HlX AND ONU-roHUTII HtiUAUH FELT, and said lot number iilnetyJeven lu tho plan of the towuor ioei' Orovo with tho Muter light audpilvlttges ullaehed to and biloiiglng lo iho S.llU mill, Ui3U l(iu uniKViuen uiiciiuii i 'in i. ut ull that certain other LOT OF U It O U XI), Rlttmte In Utcr's Oiove. Oieciiwood tovMishin aloiesaid, and bouuded uud dvscribeil a lollous to wit.- Leginuin ai a post in too inieieeciiuu ol Hpiuco alley and Main bluet uud lunultig llienie souiu eieeu uiiu iiiiuu-iiimui-i ubh:s sedionu huudied and thirty-six it el to Centre atrett, theuto along tho lino ot Centre street norlll sevelity-elgni una one-quarttr uegiees west one-hundieu and two RcitoMatu Mireet theucu along the Uuuof Main blieet, north elev en and ihree-uimrter degrees, tast one hundred uud tnlit-sl leet to Ihu beginning, eoutalulng tiiiuii:i:n thousand, fivh iiundhed AND THIltrY-TWO KtiUAItH FHUT, nnd being lot number ninety-six. In the plan of tno town oi er muvt. AIAO: That portion ot tho saiuo eslale situate In 11..I toven nt ItliH.iustiiirtf. will bo olleretl lor sale tVitho pn.mls.s,ou WAiunuAY Januakv xmii, idi, ma: f-j.. iV 1 lv liilutu nf 1l(.niiis!iiiro' I 'u hii.u of Johu ii. Fretze. McK ivy. Nop Co!, Dr. John C. ltulttrnni others, eonialul H ONE HUNDKHD AND NINI1 ACHE8, tj Hie fin in bul'diiigs. o '4 -lie jb'1(-iI by lands of Itloomnb nrf H ( hauls o JohuU. Freeze and other laiidMoi Hcirf-it .10b Ey 'r.contdinb , Hl.Vr V-TW" ACUES AND ONJ HUN- DID i AND UFTV-TIIHKE I'Km'HI. m li''i dnv and times due at.ieudaiieo and 11 vtv;i wi m y 1 veu. t,tTii JiitititititititititititititititititititititititititH 7 a II imliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH JMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm llaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH InaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB REAL ESTATE SALES p U I! Ij I 0 BALK V A Ij U A H Ii J! it 1! A I In mtrftiiniirA nf nn nrdpr nf tliA Court of Columbia county, on THUHSD wu nay or January, v, u, isn, ni iu(o too lorenoon 01 mini unjr, jieury it, r llnm 11. Freas nnd Jarncs P. Krcnti, Rd irnwirs or tno csiato 01 wnurew irei Centre Inuhshlp, In sold cmnty, tlcri I'Xposo to unto uy ouunc vi'imuo uu tho following real eslota.lalo of sr lowltt no 1, a certain mewuago nnu Tit ACT ulluato partly lu Centro nnd pa towushins, Columbia county. ui jennu it, r reus nnu .iorri 1 norm, iy muas 01 Jesse man nnd Mnrdccnl Hlcl and bv lamlsof Holomon than Hck 011 tho east, 15$ AOItKS AN moro fir less, with t 111 acres 01 mis ia tr cultivation, nn Bieao inio tne re: and is beautifullv a itioomsburg in iiiooniftuurg 1111 markets. 'Iho A LAKQH and a first closs Ii Uimhi tho nrem nml four Hnrlnus ono of which Is y towns north s t: 0 No. nfore Hlrcet,on Conner. d on tho wist by lol G055 S(iUAlU; No. J-A Wharf Tiol(No' said town, bouuded on Hi the east bv lot No. is. on jlraneh Canal, nud on th Containing about U.1U0 FEKT O Vn.r.-A Wbii it Lot. No. 1( nf ( Viilri'Vlllp.lnmnik'd 011 1 nn tho envi bv bind of John nti ihfl Kouth b tlio North Itrnut ine wesi oy 101 so. u, cuutuiuvng 00O SQUAHM VyHHV OV V.. 11 VL'liritf Tt r. TH .H..l I town, bounded on the no rib. by land orth ot Joltii Count r, decciw(M. on the cast by 1 it,on Iho south by Hert nd Htreet, and ( tte.il by lot No. i. cohuilnliii VSM WiUAUIC FKKT OF LtAND, No 7 A Whnrf Lol. No. 40. klttiate in thn kiil.l town nf CentrevUle, boundeil on the noith. east by land ol Iho hells or John Conner, deeousod, on tho south by Hecnud Htuet, and on the wusi by lot No. ai, containing KOUAKE FKKT OF LAM), flm.ou vrt ha Tru n Lot In another dlvlidon of tald couIIuuch town, bouudtd outhetastby lot No. Hi, In tho saniodlMslon,m the south by '1 bird Htreet.on Iho w est by lol No. II of tho samo division, and on the 1101 th by alley No. J, containing lfVM'i SQUAttE FEET OF IjANI). No. U Tho undlN Ided ono'half of A Tit ACT OF LAND, held lu common with tho helis of William Hoff man, situate partly lit Fishlnvcrtek and partly Ik Itrhr.r,...U I mvnulil nti. Ill Milltl ClillklV. tlOUmt- ed by hiinUsuryextsl torHUicy Foils, Aleunder Aiuiuau uuu iiiiiiiii Din it, CONTAINING 150 ACHES, and tho usual nllowonce, moro or Icsm. Tho same being supposed to contain valuable coal veliiH. Tpiimm ok HAI.1:. Purpart No. 1 to bo sold on ti.. r,iliiuhiL' terms: Ten ner cent, of one-fourth of tho purchase money tole paid at the striking down or the property, oneiourlli less thn ten per cent, to bo paid at the confirmation abso lute, and tho remaining three-fourths less tho nun.i liir.i nr 1 1 in tiiirpMHSii inonev 01 ine mhiii uiu- plllt 0, 1, togeiner Willi lim one-imru vi uiu purchase money nf the resptctlvo purpaits Nos, -i j r. 11 7. siiiul nnu venr ihereatler. with In- i..i..ut frnm nmririinitioti iitd. And the amount ottbu one-thlrd, together with Uiu ono-thtrd of tho purchase money ot tho res'cllo purparts fios. H, 3, 4, !i, i,7, and U shall be paid at tho death ntLjdia Fiea, widow of said decedent the latter two pa 1111 111s wuu uieir inieiest pay able annually to be secured by bond nnd mort- iFnn 1.11 Mi, I.I fllllhf'M. 'Am revniTtlvi) nut 1 1. 11 ts Nos. U. I. 5. (1.7. H and 0 to bu sold on tho lol low terms: 'leu per cent, of one-fourth of the purchuse money to be pa til at the striking down of the property, one-rourlhof the puichuso money Kss tho ten per cent. at tho eonllrinatlon nbKolule,and the remaining three- lour HIS IO DO pain lit 0110 jnir iinreuuer wim lUteresi irom eounriuation nisi. in in net my toftit with Interest titrable annually, to bent- nri'il be honds and ltioitunue on tho resnectlve TemistM. mens uuu muiuuh iium-rAiiuuioui he purchascis. H F.N HY L. Fin; AH. 1 WILLIAM H. FHEAH, JAMIi 1'. Fit HAS, AdiutnU ti ators. Centre twp Dee. 2I,lh7l-3w. Mfl!TSTUEET, Custouiers can bo accomodated FANCY HT0VE8 of all kinds, Hloveplpcs, Tinware and ever riety of article found In a Stove and Tluwaro Es tablishment lu theelllcsjindon the most reason able terms. UepalrlugdoneatthGBhortoBtnotlce. J 21 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. MISCELLANEOUS. safely iT i.v rensi less liable t a less even tern uen tu uav tliut. u-liiriin rniisumtj lilrLI.lr f.. f.i.iinnt pnliU lin ltt i Imrtlv. Thnr..fnrn nivadvlcii lS. 1ft I WelldoWll inioinenuttoouioi tnereueuui ivi wltnlu niwl fntrti. .InrUftntivllle. or almost IIIIV other of the localities I have named, will beno- nt inoso wno nro iroumr;i wnu n mrpiu iner, disordered stomachrLranged bowels, unrj TV.r VTTIM A'P ni( AXflT7!nTT.tt Ihrnnt or cnuirl,. but for those whoso lungsur' diseased a moro southern point Is earnestly re IKON FOUNDRY AND AOHICUL- TUItAD WOHICS. flOLUMIHA COUNTY, S.S. j IN TDK OltPHANS' LOIJUT OF COLUM- U1A COUNTY. in tue matter or tno peiiuou ror I'artition nnu Valuation of tho real estato of Cieorgo Hupp, Into of Locust townshlpjii said county, Utc'd. NOl'lCH Is hereby linen to all the heirs ami represenlatlves of said deceased, thai lu pur suance of n writ of Partition and Valuation to me tiirtcttu, i win go upon the premises or sum tliccuscd, situate In locust township, lu the couniy of Columbia, with a Jury by mo to be summoned on Thursday, theUOth day of Jauuary ,. i. IP i, ior ine purpose oi iiiukuik i iiriiuoii or aiiinuou ui uuu reui esiaiu iiecuruinti iu um tommiiuds of the said wilt, when and where all parties tntcrtsttd may attend li they think ..UUS 31 till. tthirlli. iToner. jiioomsuurg, J'ee, i, fi.u-ii. )mu Ui. Ultil 111 I UDITOH'S XOT1CK. KSTATK OF ISAAC OLIVRlt. HHC'll. In thu Urnhnuu Court i,f Iho I'onulv oft'oluiti Mil, Tho Auditor UMioluti'il by tliu Court, to uisiriouio lunua in inu uiiniii oi laiiiuiH kuiui uilinlnliitrator ol Isimo Oliver, lato of (Jrccn woikI towiibliln. Columbia county Uoci'iim1!! uili loti'i nil ivrM n luii'ii'bi, o. (in lliu Iurpi)o or liU upholntinrnt nt tliu olllco or L'ol. H. Knorr lu lllooiiihtjuri:. ou K.ituruny, thelkt tlnv orjnnuurv. A. II. IsTl. ut 10 o'clock u. in. of tnlil duy. AM crsonHlm ltmclnluisngntnst (', 110 Coliii!tuluu.uMty,lliiocr tliu Klin-it oi louh, uuu thn mid chtnlo Mill Do riqulri'U lo oren ul iiicm .V1.1V1.11, 1 Ml llrleil ApplCM HlltllH HUloa mul KliouldclH Ijinl pur pomn! Ilnv per ton Ikon No, 1 Scotch plu No. 2 " " Hlooin I.UMnillt. HflnliKU llourilH per tliousnud luet....... 1'lnu " " " (one Inch) .loUt.Hpunllllii!, flunk, (Hemlock). niuuiiicN, ..u. . HlillllB ltiMii.U'nnxri of tlio M. li. fialilmtli N-liool, on tlio dentil of Jon.v HoiiACi; n.ym:k: Wiikukah, III tlio Provldcnco of 'iuil lio lias Keen IU to call from nmonif in a beloved bdiolur, n ftiitliful student, Mil an ullVclloiiiitu and dutiful child, il kcoiiios us ns n Kcliool to ulvo oxprcs- .-lnii to our feelings nnd evideneo our PirCciation of lila many virtues by tliu following resolutions; Therefore, A'(4ori. That wo recoi'iiln In hU dentil tlio dUpetiMition of nn ullwlsd rioviiienee, unci leaeoiuiiy, ualuily ne M'lii'M'u in his will. Ilesolml. That ho was n model chllil runiuliublo for his auiintilo iltsposi llon. for his IntcL-ritv to truth, lovunnd Ui''1v. nnd that lio was well worthy tho l f ilniiTanoTnilTsrfffff ill. llenolvetl. That wo deenly feel lilt b tlint ono nf tho brightcnl blossoms our huhool has ilroonod nud died, mid Idety lias lost un nmiablu nnd prunils- ig yiiiuii, lUtiolveil. That wo tender to tlio fninl I; tlio jirofoundest syiniintliies of our I nits nnd nlfer to theiii tho consola- .01 S OI UH) UCSSCll DllllU UUU UIOUL'II fhu lio (lend, tliotiirh lio sleep beneatli ho clous or ino vuuoy, no sunn riso iL'idn in nowness of lifo to await tliem on tho blissful shores of immortality. Jlemlml. That tho nbovo resolutions bu nublishcd In tlio two countv papers. ami n conv of tho samo bu tent to tliu family of tlio deceased. I. Ij. KDWAIIDS, J. M. llAll.MAN, li, W. CUI.KMAN. ComuilUcu, OrniiKOvlllo, Jan. 0, 1871, n. . 111 HI 10 a 17 1H .... 10 00 w .... 110 l lull 15 OH S I 110 I il couuty.on Wtilui'sUay.tliehlhduyor " ' 11,71, iitio'clwck i'.K.,urnulil day.un. " loiw to mich onnllrniallonsnru prevl. ( QLUJI ulll l,n oreseuleil for alisolulu conllrinatloii, to at that tlmo. tho Urnliuut' IVwrt tu ho held In liliHiiii.iiun;, lu decil"l)-lff. una ior wnu ' Keliruary. It' ously lllej, or MliUh all perhoua Interested lu bald eslale. wll I laKe noiu o; 1. Widow of pulllll Nver.laloof MIIUlu (own Hill Ii. deceased, i. Widow or I'eler llllnt r, Uto of r.oeust town hhln. di eeaseil. 3. Widow of Hinnliel 1. l'llklngtou, lntu or r,iK-ui,t tuwUHllln. deteaied. I. Widow of Anlhoiiy Wltmau, lato or llloom lownsuip, ueceaseu. 5. Widow of Albert HuuUr, lato or l'luo town Hhln. deceased. II. Widow or Jacoli Aih, latu or Uentou town .itlp.ileceu.et,. w.HijAconV.UcgWer( KenlHter"!! Olllee. 1 liLuiiiiMhuri'. Jan. ti. 1S71. f aprona tno Truin. Uahia i.i,..U(..it mon InuUt thnL It It Ulltllnlllei . t ....I. ...I.l.i II t.Mitr I l"W I,.,.,!,., i.luuii In nil IfiHtePH. OreJllOrH UIIU an article which tho world needs fchould bo hid 1 , ' uamliii,iratlon and KUtirdiau uccounU have l(r j(,.njamln K. utiwrner thai henellU and blcsiilnm muy no too widely dlirused-that tho moanti of protutillna and levMrlnii noaltli bliould be a clone monopoly M. li. Auditor. 1) JXJISTKIVS NOTICE.-Wotici: ih it iOLtnilJIA COUNTY. (S.S. J lu the Orphans' Court. Petition of Nleh- oI.ih Klndi. Admiulstnilor of 1-rctlerlt-lc Itoltr, ih era Mil Deeemher 11!. 1S70. linon Mehentatiou of petition, V.. 11. Little, Kmi., uppnintt d auditor io iisi-eriiuu ine iiiueoiciuiftn ui in' miiu vdiuiv netiiiouer uuu loaiMuy a hum nuiiictt'iiioui oi therein esiaitt u pav ine niiue.mui to mai;e dWtrlbutlou ot the ualant'o of tho money nrUlnii from 8am reui eHiuie to trie ueint uuu it-ai ren reentatlsCH of Krederlils Hohr, deceased, lly ineLourt, r rom tne iveemu. w. ii. i'.nt. uierK Vntlcn la lienbv Given, that the undernlmied Auditor will attend to the duties of hid abue appointment at hit oiuco in mooniHouru, oi stul unliLV. .lanuarv l!Mh.lh71. at ten o'clock it! m wneli uuu u ueio an persona uiurtxieu uru re in red io ori-Hiii i neir eiatuoior uu uiuurieLi iron. eouilUK in mruBiimoui riimiii m, i'. it, Lin i.ri, decWniMt, Audllor. er uud ileeieu that tho T.. vvin mH i In until nrem 1st H ..nlHiU 'I In i r til. iv. inn vinii ur u Jim- UU)', A. 1). lMl.nt Un o'cloik A. .MyBliil sell tlio f..r ti... i,..Li. itrh-n Unit can lu luul tlieretur, liuinuerio luijouru irom . "V io lulluwlni! terms nud conditions: lei; per nl. or one.ioiirtli o( the purchuso money to lio n..i.r ,n.i.i.ii. .I,, I ,,f llm nronertv : ine oue-tourth KkS the tell per cent, nt lliu conllrnia tlon or Mile, nnd Iho reinnlnlni! tlireo.lourtlis 1 ojear llieieuiter.wiiu lllierei. m nUI. W. II. I'.M. LlUk. llloouihijuri;. iiec.au, ,u-n. )U1!I,IC S A Ii K A I. U A II I. II 11 E A I. I! H T A T 1! In iiurMinncu or nn order of Iho Orphans' Court or I'oluiiihla county, too unuerii!neii aii- Inlslrulor, .tc. or ino esiaiu 11 juuu ..e.-,, ... I1IO loWllKllipol l-uulUKcre,-, ..,. ci lined. lll euoko lo puhllc.ilu Olllhuprem- i.e. on r,i iiiiim i, inei.i. lo'wlni! ileserlhed ual'i.iaie, to wll! A certain liU'Shiiao and Tit ACT OF IiAND, lluatolnl'l.hlui:ereeltlownkhlp,lniiiildoouuty bounded by lands o( Cornelius Coleman nun loliu AlluroMH ouiiio e.ci, josuu, in.. .... nulli, Nathan Hmlth on Iho ne.t and (leori!o euler uuu otherH on tue norm, COXTA1NIXCI liW AURKS, more or less, whereon nro eutted a good two sToitY ritAMi: iiwi:i.r.iNo iiou.se, rranio ham. horse stable alul wticon shtd, anil other outbuildings, u i;oo,l well and spring ' water near the duelllni; house, a kooiI apple or chaid nud othir Irult onllio pieuilses. About one huudreil nclcNiil the abou tract Is chared lund. TKI1MH OF HAI.1 l en pir cent OI ouo-tlliru ui IhepllH-haso money to bo paid at tliestriMUK down of the nroiiellv. Thu ouo-llilld of tho pur chase money Us. iho Un per coin, to be paid on tlio 1st OI April,. A. 1, i. II, Will II possessie,, the premised will uo K!icu,uuu ine u.iuiiue and not aceessioio to un, iimiiiBuniuu i. u t u worno than that; It Is (iiAuukiii. Hupposo llostetter'a Stomach lllttorH-au aUsolulo spceino r dv.iieiisla blllonsuoss nml nervous dcijiinv had never been known beyond tlio n)ntrluln or thu faculty, what would Imvo been tuo conse. riueneu? Instead ur eurlni! and InvlKomllun lullllous, tho good circclH or the prepariltlou would havebcen eouuueii io a eoiiipuuuivu Thero Is Iho liliihost iiuthorily for miyini: that Unlit should not bo lild under ft bushel i that teluilever Is oiceilent should bo placed us 11 elly ou u hill, v. hero nil men can lake counUauco or It. It Is upon Ihls principle mat tuo union, havo lieeu advertised nndcontlnuo luboadier tlscd In every newspaper of liny prominence lu tho western hemisphere, and thamiu sponiauo. ou. (tyiliaonials ill lu favor havo been trausln- tnl into ailVfllteu lnnau lies, rholisnlids enjoy .,orr. . tl.iilt uuiiTWw would IwluniruuniiiKon bcsls nl lcklies If the uow.T."Por" uu '""" ie Irulli mlh ' ?vurtlolhii uni;an'fl iDoni" 'i'l rorrrrfdr far and vlUo. Hnroo.i) J'rollt hut been reaped fromthUpuhllelty. I. f-iycrbll!1 uualnst II? Iftlw publlo ho alt h has been urn tccled; If lives have been saved; ir tho feeble havo been stieiiElnciieil nnd tho sick restored, trrrol ffooil ' ' aifomiillilutl i nud who so mean to liriuUo to exertions thus directed Iheir falrrowaitl? CONSUail'TIVKS. i,o fl,iun,iik,.y in vim. been iioriiianeni r cur, ,,f tl.i.t .lr.,,,,1 ,llkii,.,. I'.tosliiootlou.bV n Sim plo remedy, Is iilixluus loliiako knowu to his lellow suilerers Iho mtuns of cure, 'loal who deslrall, he wills, nil a copy or tho nriserlillon used (Ireo or charge), with iho directions for pro. piirlni! mid usluii Iho same, which I hey w 111 llnd II 8U1IK CUHK toll CoNSUUI'IION, ASlim. ll"" Turtles wishing Iho preserlpllon will pleaso nddress llev. KUWAItll A. WlUiU.V, 103 Hnuth Bocoud blreet, Wlllliii"iiri;li, N, V ,... l ,1... iu,.., i.l thn UeiflstLr ol Collllll' ill. county, UUU Will uo preseuieu i,,i .,, .- lion uud ullowanco lu tno urpimns i our . ue held lu llloomsburi!, on Wednesday, Ilia Ull da il February. isji.ia-ociuciMM .,i . ''! a-.ii,... r I. t uo account oi ii i. -,v,i. .-"'. f. r ,n ,,,,r OLUMWA COUNTY. S.S, uiiiH' t'ouri. in ut: ine account Jinrtmnn. Administrator of Jamert iJuitau, deeeaseti leceinher hth, 1K7U, on inoiioii oi it. r. t-iarii, t.hij., iM it. j.uue ih np- nil in ted Alienor io niaiio uutriuuuon, uy me t.oiin, rtuiiuiiu iveuurvi. . ii. r. i 10m Kotleo Ih herehv nlvcii that the underftluueil, Auditor, will atteuitolhe duties ol hi uuoo Milton Mahteller and Jennie .Maiteller. minor ,ippUintiiunl, at lilit olllco lu ItlooniNhurtf, on chlUlreii of L'harle Mateller, lute of Krlarereult 'iUtMjuy, January 31st, 71, at It n o'clock a. m.. IieilHOU livil' mi iiciniiiiBiun-irBini uiu iv quired to pithent their cl.iimi or he debarred iroltl coiuma iu mruKuareui imnwM'iN. i,, ii, tJi i lit?, Uec1u7u-lt, Auditor, towiibliln. deceased. .i !.. r ifllll.it.t t..tivlni-,r Hiirt l lllll executor of Wllll-im Meiulnijer, lute of MUlUu towinthlp.ilccetiiieu. :i. The fcceond and tlnal aeeount or w iiiuim jh. Jillnetob. tidnilulstralor of Hamuel IHuuk, late of KrlurerceK township, uccea'eu. i. The tirfcl and llnal aeeount of A . 1 vi , i nuardluu of the persou and estule of illllard 1-, I'onner, a minor mm of lulah Conmr, latu ot Columbia county, Uei cased. r. Ami.t nf Tlinmiiu I. Knil' f r Iktlil .MOorO Creelluu adinlnUtrator of llenjamlu l'owler, late in Ct ntro lownsnip, ueceaneii. tor Ae ot John Hkhurds. lute of Cutiiwd, do- CCUMCll. 7, Tho first and final accouut of 0. II. llrocltway, eiet'ulor of laae IUN is, late of Heaver towuttlitp, b, i 110 lleCtHlUI oi wiumm ,ruiiinHirtM"""- ut ruler of inihiet r)uuuiau,mie or aiuiu town- bh lii, iieci'iibtti, Y, II. JAC01IY, IlenUter. ItlmimiTburif, Jan, J, 1WI. J A nM Teller! DM IN 1ST J t ATHI X'S NOTICE. I? ,( ndmlnlslrallon on Iho estate .1 John II. Walts, Ulu or Ceutru township. Columbia Tllti ntV,odu.ii:wf.;n;.l;lir, m Centra (ownslilp, Colniiibla eo. All I'"""" littXBClalniiwilii.llliBlt"''1'I,1l n o reiiuesled to present llieui for setllenienl, Snd thoso Indebted tntho eslnlo lo make py nielit lo lhoulidorsl!ued.a.li,ilnls riilor.w llioul delay. I'KMNA II. Alirt. jaiubl-Ow. AdmluUtwtrlx, T 1CHNSK NOTICK. iNOUCU ih iiereuy Bti en uiui. mv luium uu i'ii ilmin tor l.tcciiKu to tsi-ll Honor hae been HIliI Ii tho I'rothouotary'K oillce, ami will he presented til tllU LUUIillfc V "4 1141 J HI1MU t, in IT Id i n.lrfiw 'P. Ilielr-r. llenton. Hotel. William Torry, Centralla. I.hiuor Htore. Kdu'anl curiey, .anuB iiouhe, Humphrey Turker, llreenwivoil Tuveru, William liutler, aioniour iiirern w ir. (lllltoore. llloom Httttuurant Itoart a Kramer, uieeuwooti i.iouor nioro, l)oinluli'kCoukrovetCouyughaiu letting limine. tieori;e 31. iwaer, oeoit, -ihiiiiiiiri itiTL'er. Iter wick " itaniai p Kii try. Centralla Manor Htore William I'eliler. ' . Taeru, JameN V (Jllluitpie, ureenwoou Cotirud Jlredbefider, J leaver " WELMNliTDN IL EXT. rruthouutury, llioomttrmrg, jit-i ,iu, n.wii. JOH PKINTING Nwtly eieonted utthls URIro, UDVIOU'S NO'lUCH. KUTAfK OV Wll.UAM HLON, I1KU , NT. I Ice U hereby uien that the underHlcntHl iipiHilnteti uu Auditor in luccriain tno iiiutnteii nehH of M. C. Hitmn.C. 1', Hltrnti, harah Hlo.tu and Martha iiiMiton, io ine wkiowh iuii'j; ami mnkn dbitrlbutlou of the fund ill tho hamU II. l llartmuii, AdmlnUtrator of A, J, Hloan ileccasou, wno st inuaeiini; nxccuior or wn 11am Kloun.deu'tl, will atteud ut hU olllco li Hrower'ti Itulldluii, HloombUurK, ou Thunday j-iurutiry m, a, . ii, ior tue pcriormuucu ihu diitleu oi hut annolniiueul : when and whe: ull pcrfcoim havlui; claims unotl the uforevald luiui, lite reijuiuu io pit Mint tuent,or oe lorev UCUlll ittt ll om tuiutuu ui upon mini iiiiio, JOHN 11. I'lUlKZi:. tlcc-iUTJCw. Auditor, liiepuijiieiin pieaso ropy, a bTKl'ltFS H MUXIUt, Adoiinlsiriitor. For fifteen years prior to 1KC9, 1 was profession ally in iSt'W XorK, llOSton, imuuuimiiiuu m. nun- delphlti every week, where I saw and examined ir it ti nvnrnoo tvn linlnlrMl ItHtiflltK 11 Ueek. A GHKAT IMl'UOVI'MENTS IS VLOW'H AND practice no extensive, embracing every possioiu IMItlL'ulOVil ll OHIIVI'U I I'UUSO Ut IU UIU18l'IUie, IUU tlliiuiwu mo vwt,,.us.- llIItlvSHlMJ MALIIIM-S. ... .M .,;v. iience.uiy CJUtloii f. ti. rr-i..i...,i Ai.. tl.n I tu rptmt-il lr tulrtnif coltl. A Iernoil ItlltY 1UKO lntereit of Charlm V. Lowlu the abovomimod vast t,uant ties or 'rteiieucit'H i -ui no ii any ru 1 1, works, the buiiutKH will lw continued under the Heuweed 'Ionic and MandraHe linn, una t-L . ' r u . it I .1 la tf tin ilrwu iml nvnlil III It 1111 COlll. li rill iiuinuui Dii.i.iAJi rcnui i.r.n ts tu. (Hiving " - - - i...i,t- dlsctivered ecrul Imperleiiloiw In the plowu In Florlda.nearly eyerybt xJy lVi i nrt! it IVAv u manuiaciureii in tnev rine Kirenntueiieu "'"v ""v7" iT.n pun Ii I C SAL K o r v a i. u a i! u i: u i: a i: htat k In purMiancoof an order of t lie Orphans. Court of folniLililit fount v. l'a..oii HA'lUUDAV. the '.Mb day of January, 1871, at 10 o.clook In the lorenoon. JOllll . tiuuitr, f(tiniuiiranjr " nif Koods and elmltels, Ae., wltlch were of Albert jiuuier, laie oi 1'ine lowiihinp, iu miiu iuuiiij, deceit'. lit. will expose to mile by publlo vendue, ou ino picnmeN, A C K H T A I N FA It SI Kltuatu iu the township of Tine, lu tho said county of Columbia, hounded and deHcrlbed us Hi I low M, io u ll : Ull tuo norm uy muu oi joiiii W. Iluuter.nu tlio east by landoi (leorgo Ureen. ly, ou the Mouth by laud of Caleb Thomas and oniuewesi uy luuu oi i.unuru miiiie,eomniu INK ONK IIUXDIIEI) AC1U:S, more or lens, wliercon aro erected n Dwelling House, Uarn uud outbuildlin;s. ALSO ouo other piece of land situate In Plue (oMihhl and county aforenald. liouuded uud described an lollows. to witt Ou tlio I'ast by a lol of John Welllver, deceased, and on tho houlli, t'SL nni surin. uv iimti oi r. iwiiiu iliciiiu. euu lalnlini ono acre, more or Its, lato the eMuto of , hiuu ueceaseu. I WITUMUON ii. i.nt, cierK. llloomsburg, January 'J, lh"l. TPHMt npHALW-Ten nel' cent, of Olli'-foiirth tf tlio purchase money at tlio Htilklni; down of pie property; the one-lonilh less tliu ten per rent, ut tue ctiuiirmaiiuii uuiutuie, nun uiu ic ualuliu; tnrt e-fourths in one yetir thereafter, l Hit i merest, irom tuo enunriii:uiou mui, Jau,(J, ls71, JOHN W. HUNTKIt, 1 Administrator. krALUAHLK MILL IMtOPKUTV ' 1-'0U HALK, , I'louriiiR mill, three runs ofMone,two runs ill tstoek trench buri'H that can not lo suriuissed iir making choice Hour, ew smut muciuue tud bolts, the jMPitOVEI) TUlUlINi: WATER WUEELi later nudlelt nt to run the whole year, capacity tl mill iu.ujo to 2".U) busliels nor annum, tsltuat ol lu one of the btst whtat sections In the Htate, .1 lartio run oi custom, nix nines irom t'anviiu niw mui iiiiacneu in gooti oruer, M ACKKS OF LAND, IIIIUKDWKLUNQ 1IOUSH wltli all the neo-e-kary out buildings, bearing orchard with choice liitt. This properly will bo sold for less than eoit ol the liupmenientH, Terms eony. For ftuher parllculaisliKiulre of l). a. riNNi;y,ou nti proneriy. or noun id liaiivnie, in, jfiuvuie, ,ov. IP, ii.u-iui. C S A Ii E the iiurchaso money lo bu paid aa follows: unn half o( Iho balaneeon Iho 1st dsy ol April. A. I). 67J ullh interest irom ino 1st 01 .pru ir,,, ui'u i... ,.n,H, liulr on tb 1st due of Alilll A. 11. 18. i wllh Inleust fiom the 1st day of April 1M. pay able auuually, 'the last two p:i in. lils lo be se rured by bond nnd uiorlKaiiu ou tho premise.. ritrcliusl'l to puy ior luorigllb'e, iieeuiiii" b,i,,i'.. iijim..i .....T, Sllllwalor, lleo. Stl, IHIMt, Adinlulstratur, p II I V A T li SALE o valuaiu.i: in: a i. r.HTATi:. The ulidersli;ued oirers at pi Ivnlo sale a farm ltunte In I. m int township, Columbia eouuty, about liullu liomtlio old Kslber lurnaeucou. lainiui: 8IXTY-ONK A A HATjK A0IIKS. Mhtteon U ertcttd it i;nod dwelling house, a arue nuwuuriiaiiu otnvr ucceusaiy uui ouiiu A OOOl) AIM'LK 011C1IA1U) r clinics fruit, and a never falllut! bnrlni: o uitcrutthe door with u spring house. About tuo.thirdH of the land laclemed and lu Kotkt stale ol eulllvatlon. l.'.ir iiirniiT uiinr minion iinniv 10 joiiii i Hurst. Locust townslilp.Col, coor W, W. HiUfct llanviue, loiituureu., ra, Poh'.esHlou ulvcu on luo Hist day of April 17 ueUTTtf-Sin. W. W. 11 UH V, nml 1 in urn veil llii-ni. and tidilfit Nimin entire new pnuernt. iney w in open tue sprniK iriuie oi no far luadaure of anything ever otUretl to tho public, being horn pn eiitiu mechanicH, ana nav ui2 their work all th-iio under their own suner- vision they guaiuiiieo their work superior in material nnu iiuisu to nuy nereioiaro ouereu. Dealers should nol accent nf any other agricul tural implements until they have examined our aiauuiucture. earniers snouiti try our piows befoiu buying any other, 'lheyulso manufacture ALL KINDS OK CAHIINCIS, usunllv made lu first class Foundries, saw and grist mill castings, made and lltted up to order, TIIHESIIINO MACHINES : are made neneelaltv. and some vervdeclded Itn nrovements have olcii liitrfMlim-d into their ma chines. lrlres lower thau ever; all kinds of couuirv oroouco lino oiu iron ihkcii iu vxt JiJiiiifu uruer m recti rom me manuiactury, uw ugtu- cien Kiiinieii iiuriutf inu Miuier, iiatens an oruers to WILLIAM SCIIUYLKH & CO., AOItlCULTUHAL WOIIKH, OltANQEVILLE COLUMIIIA CO U MTV, VA. novts'TMf. Jp U E E ! A WATCH! 111 a n rci; WATCH I A HUMINO OAHK WA A HILVKIt WATCH ! A IirXIAULK WATCH! A (iUOD WATCH t AX AM Kill CAN WATCH A WALT II AM WATCH! A Watch fora Gentleman t A Watch fora Lady! Uold Chain for a Ueullemau I Gold Chain fora Lady I An easy way lo gel a reliable American Watch. AOKNT.S AUK WANTED to I'ltot'L'iiK cANVAbst:ns ron THE PEOPLE'S WEEKLY. Tho reward for getting live successful canvuss- ers to work fur piemlums which w 111 bo sent, to show eunvussers, will bo u genuine WALTIIAM WATCH produce bilious habits than more uuiiiieru lall tudes. It Is a well efttabtlshed r.tel that nuttieH ot Florida rarely tile of consumption, especially inoso oi tuo Kouinern pari. u to hurt imim, in New Ehglsnd, oue.third,al!ciuit,of tlio popu lutiou die of this terrible disease. Hie Mid Htuleslt does not prevail so largely II there are many tho a sands of eases there. Wi.ul u vast perceuuiKe oi ine woum on mivuu u ciahiiiii liven were an easily alarmed lu regard, to Hiking fresh cold tu they nre about scarlet fe or, small pox, 4c. llut they nro not. They tuko what they term a little cold, which ihey are credulous enough to believe will wear oil' lu a few da j . They pay no attention to It, and hence IiI.im tuo lounuaiiou ior anotuer huh nuumw wnn, until the lungs are Utseosea ueyouu an nope ior cure. Myodvlco to persons whose lungs nr iinecletl even slightly Is, to lay In a stock of SehencST 1'ulmonlc Hvrun. Hcheiick'BHeawceJ .Ton Is uud Hchenck'8 Maudrake Villi and go to morula. 1 recommend theso particular medlclneVjecitUMu I am thoroughly acqualnteit with their action. 1 know that where they are used In strict accord ance with my directions they will Uo the work that Is required. This accomplished, nature will do tlio rest, Tho physician who prescribes for eoiu, cough or niRhtsweaii, ami tneu auvist ine patient towaiK or riuo out every uuy, win be sure to have a corpse on his hands befoie toug. Mvrtlan is to elve mv three medicines. In Ac cordance wth tho printed directions, except lu some cases where a freer use of the Mandrake l'llls is necessary. Jiy oojeei is io give tone tu the stomach to get up a good appetite. Il Is al ways a good sign when a patient begins to grow hungry, 1 have hopes of buch. Willi a rellsti tor oja uuu tue Krauucaiiou oi iiihi reiinu vuuio ooii moon, auu with ii more nesn, wuieu is tit. v fiillnwptl hvn hrntlni' of 1 1m IuDl'S. Ttiell thn con trh loosens and abates, tho creeping chilis and clammy nlght.swcats uo longer prostrate uuu aunoy, nnu tue naiieni gets wen, pruviuvu lie avoids luklug cold. Now thero are mnnv corisummlves who hae not the means to go to Florida. The question maybe asked. Is thero no hope for such? lei taluly there Is. My advice to such Is, and ever has been, to stay lu u uurm room during the u Inlur. with il 1,-mtMTiitiirn of u ho tit seveUtv Ui glees, which should be kept regularly at that loini, vy menus oi uierinomeier. nmuoi putieul lake his exercise within tho limits of th rtKJtu by waiklug up and down us much as iiu strength will penult. In order to keep up u ueaituy circinatiou oi tue uiikmi. i imuuui'i thousands bv this si stem, and can do ho 111:11111. Consumption Is as easily cured as any other dis ease If li is taken In time, nud the proncr kind of treatment Is pursued, I he fact stands until- puieu ou recoru uuu culiicu's i'uuuouic3 rup. Mandrake Fills, uud beawetd Tonic have cuud very many of what seemed to be hopeless cum s of consumption. Uo where uu will, you will ! almost certain to Hud some poor coummplUu The iippllcant.orAfprtitfcnarMiHistenclea UiebrHU rehClKd rr"'n ",e Vy jHWBUl U"al11 plaeotlmt ho is compktkst and tkuhtwokthv, Address, OL1V1IH CU001C A CO., Dayton.Ohio. B u 1! lj 1 o r A H M A L L Wit bo sold b F A It M I bvthe undersigned bv nubile ven- d vi. I on HATUIlllAY. the lltii dav of Janiiarv lsTlfal IU o'tlotk. A. M 11 tiuct ol laud, situate iul 11 L ill lti township. Coluinbtii eouuty, about uu nines irom iiuuiivitie, CONTAINING A110UT CO ACHES, a I chared and under good cultivation, whereon l4rettttln Two H tory Frame Dwelling House, 'Ivo ltank Hams. ami other oul-bulldluus. There ae two apple orchards and eacheslchtrrleH,Ac.l ot the premises. Uotsl well of water ut the louse nud running si renin through the neuw yyso, it uiuucr 101 in milium lownsuip, coniaiu- lig rntu Acres ami inirieeii percues, I rin. iiimlit irtwivL-ti 1111 ,liiv .if tnU. Mlllln. lec. tfL isTi-lt. HKNltV 11. ANOLU 0f3:o of J. D. DOBBINS, 120 North Eighth St., PUllada. IJUULIO HALE VALUAHLK HKAL KHTATII. The undersigned ofTers at nubile s'lto 011 the premKes, 011 Monday, Febiuary 15, 171, nl 1 oeiotaiHJUv 00 ACHES OE VALUABLE LAND, situate In llenton township. Columbia county. iHiuiuieu uy latum or iMiEUoeiu juue. imntei Hholtz. Jacob Ash. Jacob llelbhlluu mul others Kin ten Acres of which Is cluued land, It also contains u good yuuiigorciurd, A EHAME HOUSE AND HAHN and a never railing sprhig of water. Also a llrst class tAW ami la 'Hi Mill. Tho balance of tho tract Is heavily tin Wed WHO uuu, ii(it I' 1 ne, ui'., . For terms, tondllloiu, Ac., apply In theiiuler signed, 'Ihu tit luat number ol acres v Hi bo de ter in men ny surver, Iteiilon.JrtlUl. lK7l-t f WM, AVIVKMAK, V 0 It A WOMAN'S S A K E. V 0 It A W 0 y A N S S A K K. P 0 It A W0 M A X S S A K E. Eor a Woman' Saku. For 11 Woman's Sake. For a Woman's Sako, The most Thrilling nnd Inteie&tlng Ilomauco cer written, Is now being published lu tho Peo ple s vv etkly. Another great story will be com menced soon, livery number Is Illustrated, ONLY FIFTY CENTS A YEAH. Subscrlbeis for tho year 1M1, if sent iu at once will receive the paper tbe balance of this year KKKiiOF chakhu. tieud2ceut stamp for sample topy and l'remluni LhU Address, OLIVUIl CIIOOIC i CO., dec970-tf Dayton, Ohio. c. h 0 w e n, Ho films tho Maiulrnko l'llla nre rnncerned. everybody should keep ti supply of them 011 hand. They act on the liter better than ealomi I, and leave none of Its huilfut elicits behind lu fact they are excellent lu all eases where a pur gative medicine Is rtuulrul, If you have pur- uiHeu too ireeiy 01 minium uutrriuea ensut s, a doseol tho Mund rakes will cure jtu, Ifjounro subject to sick headache, lake a dose of the Man drakes and they will relieve you in two hours. If you would obviate the elicit of a thitnge of water, or the too fite Indulgence In fruit, tnk ouetif the Mandrakes every uighl or every oilier uiKUWaiiu jou max men tirina wintr miiuihi watermelons, pear. u pies, plums, reaclus or com, without the risk of being made Kick by them. They will protect thosewho live In damp slluutloiis ttualusi chills and fevers. Trv them. They aro iKtuctly hurinltss. They condojou kihkI ouly, I have abi.ndnned my profisslunal visits to ltos touaud New ork.but continue to see patients 111 my omco.iso io,HiXlll htrtet, Flilladel phla, every batmday, from u A. M. to 8 l. M, Those w ho wish a tuorouyh exuuitnallon w lih thu ltesplioiueter will be charged llvo dollurs. The ltesplrometer declares the exact condition ot the lungs, and palliuls tun itadlly Itaiu wuetuer tnej aie iiiiaujeor not, uui 1 tiesiie ll distinctly understand that the value of my lueuicints uepeutis entirely upon meir being taken strk tty according to directions. in conclusion, 1 will say that when persons take my medlcliies and their sj sleius are broiitthi into a healthy condition thereby, they are n-1 so liable to lake cold, yet no 0110 with diseased mugs cau near a suuutii cnitugu tu ntmospneiu without the liability of greater or less irritation of the bronchial tubts. Full directions In all languages accompany my medicines, so explicit and clear that any one can use them without consulting ine, and No. 15 N Sixth street. Fhltadelnlila. novU'TiMf. DoJMiis PLB VfCETABLEffl A. olor and dressing that will not burn tho liair or injuro tho heal. I docs not produco a color raeanically, aa tho poisonous nrcnrations do. Itgradually reetorcfl tho hair BOOT, HHOK, HAT CAF, AND FUIl BTOHK. n J.'ll. suill N'CK. M. 1. at tue tun stauu on nam ntreei, jnomsourg,afew uiiuiHuuutu uiu wjuh JiuuNt), ills blOCKlSCOIil nottedof t tie very latest and beststvleu nvtr ntit-r. eJ to tho elllzenti of Coin ml tin PjhihIv liuu,t accommodate the nubile with thu following i-muia I Stop at llut lowest rat ex. Mim'a liniu-o drmiii.. Lnia,i I Mrol' Kiuyn uooib, ineii suouuie nnu single uip soled I ;.,;i,m kip botiU, meu's Ueay stoga shots of all kinds. HIOI" meu s nnu iwhjis ana suoes oi an graues, loys I ClOli double soled boots and.slioes of all kinds, men's I STOF s'" " mi inu ui utiuB,iHeu a, women s,uoys's 1 uTfll Follsh very llne(wiiuen' morocco llalnoralsund STOP can snoes, women's very tine kid buttoned gait- STOP ired and sewed. iiu wouiu aiso cau attention 10 ma nne assort meui 01 AT THE OYSTEH BAY AT Till: OYSTIUl BAY! ATTHK OYSTKU BAY I At tiii: Oyster Bay I At tho Oyster Buy! AT TUB OYSTKU HAY I AT THE inhTISU HAY I AT UlBOV8rt.il ltw I At Iho Oj'klcr llaj l HATH, CAItt, KU113 AND NOriONH. whirl) comnrlseft nil thn nv nml nnmilni varU I etlcsnt prices which cnunot full to .ull ull. These goiMi. uru uuoiuu ui ine iout.i ruu rui. una win uu nuniiuiui-u lOKlvv .uiihiiiciiou, a call L KollclU'il holoic puichiulnie clsQwliere a. It 1. helluvcd that hater I'urcnlnn ure to he fawna thau at nuy other placo lu tbe oouuty. to i by s It original color and lustre, Ipplying now lifo ami vigor, causes a luxuriant growth of 3tti fiuo hair. Thi hest and safest articlo over (lcrcd. Clciu and Pure. No sediment. fcol4 everywhere AiK FOR DOBBINS', winc-tfb, (Snuvr.lnilHute, VJl At git St I'fof. lUllun, lr W 4ib bCvCmoiuuuU, U , sui JJr. tinoiit, st Cimrlntu, : H. C sr malt- , n lu ixttuUlnut rt f sill ft I U f4 lly th.lr intl I n4ithtutlllU. " luul sni 6lr III d not nturn. minti. mnU. tit tbn -I ttn Huh troKUnentj. is dm mui laoma Tr m uw. rrtiouIrtMnd t-t eirvlkr.all, crJJru ti boi kni 6U ll ClV'iVll AilUJsttJ l,lfwkDlB M0n li"W4lnlU' i, with U.ii TP P V UUatNtit. , itokUoi out tfi t1 I (l sXiartlit . tit . otbwi ' 1 - feM Umm ALL KINDS OF JOH P1UNTINQ neatly ii ecu led at Tue Oolumbum titwtm liriDMYKIl tt JACOI1Y IT KXUlIANUKllLOClC.llIAlOMHltUUO.VA, I are Keuts ior tno saie oi " uioekuay'it'' justly .v; , . mm urn stiH'u Ail", wiicu iney wui suu a-'iciieaii as country breued ales: uhol uud half barrels constantly ou hand. This ala wuiii mirt'i. svvf 1 uta tiiy. MlifiillUlJU I ((, J MHO H, IJiV'lM QATAWIBSA KAILUOAD. la.o. WINTKU AIlltANGEMKNT, Paiuiidit Traltil nil ttila Fno.l IM i-nt. low It lti'U, in Iul- Mail &Atlx. Lr, HTATIO.NH. iluil XortS 8.2.5 a, m Wllllamstiort. I.v, OA'S p. m ' V.ID " MlltOIl. " 5,10 " ' lu.21 ' Duuvllle. " J) ' 10.8S llupert. " 1.13 " 10,1 J I'lltUUlkkU. ,.01 " " II. V) ' HIliKlmvu. " a.w " n: i.m, Huiiimit. a.ao M la.aj t)unkako, z.10 " 12.11 " K, Mahony June, " 1.15 ' ' l.:io "lMne.Tuinuquu, lllue, 12.5J " ,.ia " Headluu, " io,,o a.ra. " 3.14 1-uiuvTlle. " ' 7.U0 " J'hlluilflphlB. 8.15 1.2.5 'Ulue Mnuch Ciiuuk, Uiue1' J.05 n. m. J.3J " Htihlfliem, liuoinK.il " aifi I'hllu. vlu Hotniehcio, " u. u. iu ' " iiuuin, 11,5 New York. It. l.lherty M,( " S..10 vluUAH. It. n. ' 9.00 ' ' BJW " L. Valley It. 11, " 0.00 ' " 6,50 a.m. lluntuu, " u.00 p. ia i'antcniicr takli g the 8.i5 train In. 111 William- "purl, will have l u hours tu New York, lor 1 ui.. Iir, una urrlveln lionlou ut i.'M u.lu,, oleeu lionr liiaiUuucu ul ull uther routeu Nuw ilny coaclien uccutiipuny ull trnliu he tweeu Wtllluuuport, New Yoit uud l'hlluilcl. Train, rim through hy duy IltjUt. I.O. WKIIll.Hupl.