9 $ as TEE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLObMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 1 rienlwiiccs were mulllixlod with Ink and i pon. 1 protested uirulmt uuclr nctlou, raid for eoinu tlinu 1 received no papers at nil. I brcamo very uneasy, and wroto for publication tin nrtlcle, signed liy myself, which I sent to Montreal to bo forwarded for publication in the Now York World. It Is needless to say It novor Went, Thinga continued in this way for boiuo time, until 1 could gtnnd tho susponso no longer. I riiitcrinlned to Bond a messenger to Washington for that purpose, and eocurcd tho services of au Intelligent and educated gentle man. I Btarted hitn off immediately, I paying all expenses. I gavu him n let ter to a friend or mine In Washington, with Instructions to say to him to put hlmjolf In communication with tho counsel for tho dofence, and to tnako a corroct report to mo as to how tho enso 1 also, to communicate with mo if my presence) was necessary, and Inform me without doltty ; with an urgont request uu uuiu uo uuu inquire lor nun Bulf how matters stood. (In infr. mo and (iod nlono knows thil niisnniian mill ttnxjety of my mind during the days of iiisuunuiivu. i lmngiueci anil inougut all kinds of things : yet I was nowuriess to uct. At last ho returned, ami so bright uu uiiL'enui was his eonicnance mat J cohfets one-hull' of UIV lftr worn ilia pelted, lio represented everything as progressing well, and brought mo this metuago from tho gentleman In Wash- lngtou to whom I had sent him : "Be under no apprehension as to any serious uuiisniueuura. ivumain periectly quiet, 'as any action on your part would only teud to umku matters worse. If you can be of any service to us, we will let juu know; but keep quiet." i'lieoo were tlm instructions I received from my frlendiu Washlugtou.iu whom x lull tho utmost rellauce, aud who I thought would never deceive me. lie ulso Ddtlt me COUieS of the Xniinnnl Tn. t(lli-jnctrt containing evidence lor the defouco. X certainly felt greatly reliev ed, though not entirely satisfied. This uews reached mo some time In the lat ter part or June, Just before tho party or gentloaioii of whom 1 have spoken arrived. They, too, assured mo thoio was no cause lor fear. What else could do but accept theso unwavering as bUrancesV Even had X thntii.ht nrhnr, wise, 1 could not havo tuken any ac tion rcsultlnir in troud. Just on tho eve of my departure to Join a party or gentlemen on a hunting excursion, while I was waiting at the hotel for tho train, the proprietor han ded me u paper, and said : "Head that about tho conspirators1" Llltla did the uiau know who I was, or how closely that paragraph boro upon mo or mine. Ji'hat paper luformed in thut nn n iluv which was then present, nndatun hour winch had thou come aud gone, tho """ ui ueeus was luueenucled i. uuii ucou uoiuraiiiiou upon and car. ntd oui oven before I hau Intimation that theruwasanv daiiL'ur. It llTiltllll be lolly lor mo to utlcmpt to describe t, v '"'I0' '"ler S2'u at tho paper for fcouio time X dropped it ou the floor, turning on my ;.sel, and going directly to tho nouso where X bad been stopping before When X entered tho room, X lound my friend sitting there. As soon aei lie saw mo be turned deadly pale, but never uttered a word. X said "YOU doubtless tllOUEht vnu worn net. Ing u frlend-tho part of a friend tow ")VeiiHnought it for the best, Char- uot stay to hear more. I went to my room, remained thero until dark, and tlnm siguined my intention to loavo the placo immediately. I felt rccklcs3 as to what should become of me. After visiting Quebec nnd other pla ces, with tho reward of $25,000 hanging over my head, I did not think it pale to remain there, and so I concluded to seek nu asylum In foreign lands. I had nothing now to bind mo to this country save an only slater, and I knew she would never want for kind friendsor a good homo. For myself, it mattered ltttlo whero I went, so that J could roam onco moro a freo man. I then went on u venture, and now, ladles and gentlemen, I go forth again on a ven ture. Gladly would I havo remained hidden amoug tho multitude, but the storn necessities arising from tho blast ing of my earthly prospects havo forced mo to leavo my solitude and to stand u i again neioro tne pu one gaze as mo nis- .A toriun of my own life. Ouo mitigation ',"!jr of the dista-lcfulness of this my first i attempt, however, is the kindness with nHif v Whclh X have been received, and thopa- ...11. LI.L T i 1 ll,..n...,l iieijuu v,uu wiiim a uuvu uueu naiuiitu to, for which X return you. ladles and gentlemen, my slncero and heartfelti inanits. 'Xut. Koruan Catholic Church is mak ing great progress among tho negroes of tho .South. . It is estimated that since tho rebellion several hundred thousand negroes havo Joined. Somehow or other nn Idea prevailed at tho South during the rebellion that the Catholic Church was moro or less friendly to that cause, For tills reason this denomination has received largo accessions from some of tho most prominent families of tho South, A gentleman who has lately traveled through the South states that largo and liberal arrangements aro bo- iiijg made by tho Church to profit by tho feeling which exists alikd among tho whites and the negroes to extend Its domain In that section, Cakmneb, rifles, revolvers, artillery, : caitridges, and other war materials are being shipped from this country by tho millions of dollars worth, for tho use of tho belligerents in Europe. Tho manu facturers of these articles are at present making more money than fell to their lot during our own bloody- troubles At presont all Europo (including tho Powers not engaged in hostilities) Is a very heavy purchaser of American weapons of destruction. Western Pennsylvania lias 2,002 church edifices, -valued at $20,281,205, Tho Methodists havo 775 of tho build Ings, nearly 300 moro than auy other denomination. Thero aro published 222 periodicals, for w'hlcli a circulation of 424,175 is claimed, In tho samo dls Wet. A municipal notlco has been issued announcing tho opening of eloven fresh denota for tho salo of horso flesh In Paris. The dally consumption o; horses, which at tho beginning of tho siege was only 20 or 80, is now from 160 to 250. A ciMF who was told by a clergy man to "remember Lot's wife," replied that ho had trouble enough with his own, without remain boring other men's wives. After a weddlriff It was rormerly a custom to drink lioney dissolved In watpr for thirty days a moon's age. Hcnco the origin of tho honoyrnoon, 3JE Dukoof Argylo, whoso eon Is enjrt:j:trItT rxlnctes Louisa, ona of Qufcn Victoria' Uaughlers, haa a sister wJto has Just married Hir'jonn Mc Neill, a gay boy of seventy-five. Here Is a touching confession from the fditor of tl. -Olens Fall (Now York) Jlejwtlicant "Our Thankeglvlpff tur key wa flno bird i lt had sealea ou Ha tock, awl was taken from a barrel Rail Ronds. pATAWISSA ItAlLItOAU. IsiO. WINTER ARUAKOEMRNT. 1870, ra'tnierTrln on thlt rotiil will run fol- own .1i(l Hovth. Lt. s.m n.iu (ITATIOWS. WIlllAinsport. Muucy. Milton. Danville. Ilupert. Oalnwlima. lllnfftown. Hurnratt, ouakafee. 1 U.hnnif T....M Had North Lv, 6.M p. ip 5.55 " " S.10 " " 4.3) " " 4.12 " " 4.UI ' " 2.M " " 2.2U " " 2.10 " " 1.45 " ' 12.61 ' " 10.40 n.m 0.(1) " 10.21 " 10M " lo.ti ' 11.50 " 12.21 p.m. 1J0 "Dlne.Taniaiiaa, " 3.15 " l'aiiaviue. " 7.00 " I'hlladBlpuln. " .I5 " " IM "illneManctiCuanlcdlne" '.05 p.m. ' 2.31 I" llothlehem. 12.()noon " S03 " l'hlla, vln Ilethletaom. " 0.43 a.m. ' 2.M " Kaslon, " 11.35 ' New York, ft. Liberty St.. ' S.S0 ' via I.. A rl. H. 11. 9.00 " ' ,53 " " L. Valley 11. 11. " 0.00 " ' 6.50 a.m. llostou. 0.00 p m Pmsenneri Uklr s the 8.23 train from William- sport, will havo two hours tu New York, lor hup- ier, auu arrive in uosiuu o.ou a.m.. eleven !iour- tu advance of all other routes. Naw 1av nnii(.hea arcrnnnanv all trains hp. tweeu Svillloinsport, New York and Philadel phia. irain run uiruuKu uy uhviihui. UEO WEnil.fiupt. T A01CAVANA AND BLOOilS- XJ I lllllUI IIAIMIOAD Ou and ertor Nov. 21, 1870, Passenger Trains will run as iouowbi Oolni; North, Arrive Arrive n. m. u. m. doing Houtb. Leave Lenvt p. in. a. m S.2') C.20 Leuve 3.f,0 e 4.1.1 7.20 4.20 7.1I 4.44 8.U3 S.ll r.31 5.10 0.U7 6.10 U. Arrive Arrive 6.40 10.2U HcrantonH V.43 PHlton....... 0.15 Kingston. 8.45 Ply mouth ......... 8. ShickBhlnny.... 7.5.i Uerwick ....... . 7.'.3 Ulnom 6.50 Uanvllle 0.10 Leave North'd ............ 5.30 1.5(1 1.26 I. 17 U80 l.lll II. 31 11.0) Leave la 40 (ounentlon mMileatHrriinl.iu bv thn 10.10 a.mL tral i for Ureal llend, Ulcaiiaiiiton, Albany uud all points North, East and West. Il.T.UOUND.Bup't. TUXlOUaiX X'ASSfc-NUKXt OAXt To and rnou PHILADELPHIA AND WILLIAMSPOUT VIA. TUB LE1IIUU TALLBY RAIL IIOAU. Ou and art or Monday. October 8d, 1870, n through ponsunger couch will run between I'lill adfclpiuu nnd au point on the Uatuwlssa ltall Hoau via. QUikake Junction. No change of ears between Wlltlamsportnnd Pnlladclphln. Leave lor rhllad'H A New York, Arrive from Phllau'n A New York, A.M. P.M. 8.15 8.43 11.31) Wllllamsport Muncy. MUtun. l)anville. Hup rt. Caluwlssa. Mauch Chunk Cntasaqua. Allentowu Ueililehem KllHtllU PhlliKlelphla New York 6.60 6.28 4.1U 4.00 3.40 3.81 1.20 12.27 12.1S 12.15 11.31 tf.tj 0.0) A.M. lu.io 10.30 10.42 1.40 2.3) 2.37 2.50 3.17 , ft.0-1 0.V5 P.M. Arr, I.T. Don't full to nsk lor your tickets vln. tho Lo hlgh V'alley Double Track Itimte for Philadel phia, New York nnd nil points In the LcUlgh Valley. buperlor freight ncctmtuodatlons nre offered by this old and short line route irom Phlladel- rihlaaud New Yolk to all Btatlons on Catawissa Call ltoad and connections. 1'hls Is the only double track ronte between New York uud Quakuke Junction, and therefore is tho most reliable tor both Freight and Pas sengers. II. 8 1'ANL K If GOOD WIN. Asst. Uen'l. Bupt. Dethleheru, Oct. 21, 1870-ly. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & WESTERN HAILllOAD. Winter nirauge- Trains leave as follows t WESTWA.Rjj, Vx Ac- Ac- STATIONS. press coin. com, r.M Via M. it Ii. DlvN.A M. Arl New York. Lv Uhot Jlarciay St.) 8.00 ....Christopher Nt..... 8.00 llnlioken 8.15 Newark. 8.10 P.M. 0i5 8.is! 8.S0 0.2U U5 4.M 4.10 4.1V 4.21 4.10 l,ll 4.50 7.35, Wash nuton 11.28 via Uen. Kit. of N.J ... ftew York (tXtolIMrrluSt) New Hampton.... IIW 8.50 0.00 7.40 0.00 oisb 1.11 1.U2 11.15 11.43 Oxford... 1'iVi .-...Ilridiievllle. 11.53 7.30 1 6.15 ...Philadelphia.. 4.0-2! Trenton 8.40 11.05 12.00 ti.S3 1.33 Phlllipsburg Vi.v .Manunku Chunk....l iz.l0(.....,ueiaware........ 12.22 ....Mount Uethel 12,15 12.25 12.10, 12.5.51 B.1U i 12.07 Water OaD 1,57,11.5.1 .....Htroudsburg riiruKuevuie U.T8 Ilenryvllle 1.23 11.171 ...Oakland.... 4.011 ll.oii lorks 3.49 10.42 .....Tobyhauna..... 3.37 l".29I......Oouidsboro....... 3.18 10.M.........Miiscow 3.l; 9&i DunnliiE i.u; 1.15 1.30 0.30 1.4(1 2.06 9.45 10.30 ltll 10.15 1U..15I 10.45 2.381 2.48 3.V0 P.M. K.OO 2.41 0.25 ...... .bcranlon 7.301 .50 ...Clark's Summit.... 8.50 0.08 0.1a 0.3J tl.50 10.00 10.23 10.43 8.40 0.20 9.33 3.38 7.K 3.111 8.51 ...Ahlngton 3.40 i.45, 1.57 8.35 ..hactory vino 4.1 4.: 10.00 10.40 11.10 11.55 12.31) 6.10 1.30 8.I5......Nlcholson. 5.10 1.211 7'o..IInpbottom......... 4.571 1.07 7.37 Montrofce 4J48 4.67 6.15 5.30 .io uta 7.iu New Miirord 3.45 1231 7.04 1. Great llend. . 10.57 1.00 r.M I A. M A. M. , l'.K A,U, A.U, Trains do not ston at Stations where the Time Is omitted. CONNECTIONS. At New Hamilton with Central R. H. of N.J. The Mall and Express trains eastward and west ward connect with trains lor New York, Kllzu beth, HlHlufleld, bomervtlle and other stations. At wnsuington wun Aiorris a Lbsex it. it. Mall and Kxnress trains make close and reliable connections with trains lor New York. Newark, Morrisiown, Dover, waierloo,iiacbeiistowu a-c. At Mauuuka Chunk with llelvidere Delaware It. It. Close connections ire made by Mull and i- xnress trains, with trains for Phlladelohla. Trenton, Phllltpsburg, llulvldere, tc. lly Train no. i. passengeis reacu rniiaueipnia via cam den, by r.o.' 4, via Kenslnstou. Passengers on No. 4, arrlvo In Philadelphia lu time to lake the 11.6U p. m, train lor iiauimore unu wasniuKton. AL Ucranton wltti Lackawanna A HlnnmHhur & Delawure A Hudson ltall Hoiuts. Trains on these roads connect with our tinlns lor Plttston, Wlikes-llarre. llerwlck, Hloomsburg, Duuvllle, Olyplmut. Archbald ana Carbondale. Atlilughamton with Erie ltallwav. Mall No. 1 connects with Express Mall on Erie Itullnuy. icuving at v.u p. m. wun a sleeping coacn at tached, arriving nt Uuffaloat 3.25 next morning. Express No. 3 connect., with a way train for Uwego. Ithaca, aud Klmlrn. Albany t Susqutvhanna ItallRoad. Fourtralns a day run each way between Illngluunton and sioany. unu leaves ui)gnumiou ut .wp. m, and ni rives at Albaiivnt K.15 n. m. pvraense. iiinunarnion r.. y. it. it. intnia for Myracui-e leave at 8 a.m. and 0.30 p.m. Trains irom nvraense arrive nL 11.4s a. m.nnu su n. 111. W. F. HOLWILL. W. V. 11ALLHTEAD. uen'l I'm-,, and TtUAgsnu tsapu TVTORTHEUN OENTItAL KAIL WAY. On and after December 4th 1870, Trains will lcave&UNDCBY as follows I NORTHWARD. 4.85 a.m., Dally to Wllltamsport, for Klrnira Canandalgua, Rochester, lluffalo, Suspension uriaue, anur,, vans. 6.60 p. M.. Dally.fexcept Sundays) for Elmlra ani. "liuiraio via Erie luilway from Elmlra. 4.?5 p.m.. Dully, (except sunaays) lor Hiinsms ' TRAINS BOUTHWA11D, 11.05 A.M.Dally (except Monday's) forBaltlmort WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA, 11.25 P.M. Dally(except8nnday's)forBaltlmor Washington and Pnlladelpda Y0UN(J General Passenger Agent. Altked R. Fiske, Gen'l Supt., "O EADINQ RAILTtOAD. WINTER ARRANOEMENT. ilONPAT, NOV, 21St, 1870. Great Trunk 1 Jne from the North and North IVa.1 fnr 1'hilaillnlitA.New York. Iteaulne. Potts. Vllle, Tamoqna, Ashland, Shaniokln Lebanon Aitenuiwn, laston, upuraut, uiu, itucusivr Trains leave Harrlsburg for New York, as lot inw.i ALR.tn. k.io nnd 10.50 a. ni.. ano 2.50 d. in. connectlug with similar trains on Pennsylva nia iianroau, ana arriving at new sum w in in n. in.. H.S0. &.S0nnd 10.00 n. m. resnectlvelr. Sleeping cars accompany the 3,10 a in. trains without change. Returning! Leave New York at 6,00 a.m. snu 12.0U noon and 6,00 p. ra. Philadelphia at 8.1! m, anu aiup. in. rjieciuus wtr tuu,puj the 6.00 p.m., trains Irom 1 without chauge. Leave Harrlsburg for Reading, I'etuvll.s, is- lentown and Plilln'd. at 8,10a.m.and 2.50 and 1,05 p.m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations; the 4,05pm. train connecting for Phil's Pvtuvllle and Columbia only. For PolUTllle Schuylkill Haven aud Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna tiauroau, leave uarruuurx e n in n m. ' l.'fljit Pennsvlvanla Railroad trains leave Iteau Invrnr Allnlnwn Kasioii and Mew York at 6.00. 10.30. a. m., lilfuoou 4 45 p. in. Iteturulur, leave n. York at o.ixi a. m.. 12.00 noon and 8.0 !. w. and Alleutown at 7.20 a. in. 12.24 noon, 2.65, 4.10 up 6.45 p.m. Wav PflMteneer Train leaves Phlladelnllla at 7,30 a.m., connecting with similar train on Eual I'ft. rauruau reiuruiug iruiu avsuiuBHiQisiii stoppiug at an stavipus. i.7,vu p,,ttBvllln ut 000 a.m.. and 3.10 D.n Herndon hi 10.10 a. m.. btiauokln at 6.40 and 11. X a, m Ashland at 7,05 ajn. and 12iOnoon Mali- anoy city at 7.01 a. in. anu i. p. p. ihuiij . JU a, m., aud 2.40 p. m. for Phlladelphls, Nrw York. JUadlug, uarrisuurg.ac. Laavo Putuvllle via Bcuuylklll and Susque hanna luiliroau ais.iA n.iu. lor inuiuumib m.h 12.0.. uoou, lor I'ineurove anu jivuuui, if.B.ittiu Aivjiiiimoiiation Tralu leaves l otti vllle ut 6.40 a. in., passes Iteadlng at 7,30 a. m..ur riving at Philadelphia at 10.20 u. m, lteturnk Lv.! pnitiututniiia nt a n. in.. uoSkliiK Read ing at 7,26 p.m., arriving at l'ottsrllle al .lp p.iu Uiwn at 7,00 a.m. returning, leaves PhUadelphle "oolumbti Railroad Trains leave Beading m 7,) a.m and tl-15 p.tn. for liphrat, Lillx, Lauc- ''perkloSen'ltali'ltoad Trains leave Perklomei Juuetlou at 7.10 V,06 a. m., . 10 p. . reluj" Jmi line Hchwmksvllls t7.M..J ,.".. liW I LtuV 4.1U p.m., connMllDg wlU sliuUar tram- Coltbrookdals Itallr4 trains Imys Potts town Ex- Mall press Rail Roads. nt 9.40 b. m aud 0.20 p. in.,rctmuUilenveMounl rieasantat 7.00nml 11.25 a. in., connecting with similar trains on Itendlnn Railroad. Chester Valley llallroad Trains leave Bridge port nt 8,30n. in. nnd 2.03 and (Man, m. retnrulnh leave pownlntston at 8.6 a. m., 12.43 noon and 5.15 p. m connectlug with similar trains or Heading linllrond. On Sundays, leave New Yotk at 6,00 p.m., PhU phlnnt H,0u a.m. and 3,15 p.m.,(the 8,00 a,m, trail, runutugonly tolleadlugiJloivel'otUvllleS.OOam,' llnrrlshnrg at 3.10 n, m. nnd 4.03 p. m. nni leave Allenlown at 8.43 p. m ami leave Heading at 7,13 a, in, and 10.iKp. m.for Harris burg, at 6.00a. m.for New York, and at 9.40 a. m. and 4.23 p. tn w riilladelphla. Commutation, Mileage, Heunon. Bchool ,li hseurslnn Tickets to aud from all pokits.atre- Ilnggage checked tlaronshj 100 pounds allowe!' cneu paNtfeucur. tl. A..NI(X)LW, CleneralSliporlnlenfnl Heading, Pn., Nov. 23, 1870. jgllOWN'S FAST FREIGHT KIIOM PHILADELPHIA TO nLOOMHBUllU and Intermediate points. Goods forwarded will care nnd despatch and at. low rates. (lands, nt Philadelphia, must tit dellvereu at miner iCo's. 811 Market Blreot, For full par tlculnjs, apply to , JACOB SCHUYLER. Proprietor. AnK.20.'f,9-tf It. Depot, lsloom..buri?.lN Miscellaneous. S1 OMKT1IING NEW! The undersigned would herebv rIvo notice IlEAIlHE.flnu thntltaiinslhofitcllltffR forcarry. iu ou the business of UNIHCltTAKINU In it II Its branches IN CIT. HTYLC, He has pngn(tet experienced persons who will take elmruM of the bmlp(t ol thn ileeed rtsniron fin thev Mm flic of thin mot-tut mil" nml ntiond tn WHHhlnK'hem.Mmving, tlreHslriR, Ac. Hhmud furnlntieil iiNo toordur. At mucu exi'use be IRON IOE BOX, In which oodles can be prcserTed Inn cleanly and dry condition. Carriages lurnlshed for fu neral occasions. In short, lie Is prepared to take charge of a corpfo liniui'illnielv after dtaih, and save friends aud relatives nil further trouble In rejraru ioiu Ho ulso carries on tho business of OABXNET MAKING Upholslerlna In nil Its branches, repairing furnb turo, reeattiiR cane bottomed clmlrs.Ac.. Ac' Place of business on Iron atreet, below Main. ItOHEUT I to AN, Uloomsbu rg, July 22, 1S70 tt. SIXTY-FIVE FIHST IMtIZE itED MS AWAltDED, IlALTlSIOnil PIANO yCFf W MANUFACTOP.Y. WILLIAM KNAUE & CO. KANUr.VCrCKKKS 01' guand, squAin: and urniaiir P'l A N O F O It T E S , UALTIMOU K, MD. TIioho Instruments lmvobeeu before t ho publlo for nearly Thirty years, and upon their excel lence alone al tnlned an unpurchased preeminence which pronounces them unequalled. I'helr TONE combines j-reat power, swjiirTluuline S'.TuJ Itiir ntmlltv n u-nll ......... ........... ,..7. and swecl rus throughout tho entire scale. '1 heir TOUCH lspllantnnd elastic, and entirely free from tho stiffness found In so many Plauoes IN W0IIK.MANSIIIP they nre unrqunileil, using upne but the very best teasoncd mtitcriat, the large capital tmplin el In our business enabling us to Keep coutluuall an Immeuse stock of lumber, ic, on hand. Y115.A1I nur,v7"ar JHanocs havo our New Irn- piovud OVKUsinuMa ecale and tho Agraffe e would call snec al attention tn ntir late lmnrovements In GRAS'D J'lAXns nml HQUAJti! OJlAXnS; Patented Auo. 14, isw), wnlch bring tho Piano nearer perfection thau has yet been attained. Evehv Piaso fcily WAnriANTEU Fon 5 Years, Wo havo made arramrementn far the .&iV Yhoteiale Anenrn for thi. iiintl. fnlphrntml PAll. LOU dltOANS and MKLODHONS, which we otter Wholesale and Itetiill.nt Lowest Factory Prices. . WILLIAM KNAllB & CO., ocws7u-um, Italllmore, Md. si: i nnn 11 w aku. j? l.,JJJ For nny case of Ullnd Weeding Itchlng.or Ulcerated Piles that !). Hind's Pile Hemeuy falls 10 cure. Itlsptepartd expressly to cure the Piles and nothing el.e. mid lmscnri cases of over 20 years standing. Sole by all Druggists. VIA PUQA. Da Ulna's Via Putra Is the nura ttitcrn of P.ntka Herbs, ltoots, oud llerrles, for CO.'SUSlITION. Inflammation of the Luui:r:h1I Liver. Klduev. nnd liladder dlseases.organic Weakness, Female AfUlrtlnns, General Deblllty.aud all complaints of the Urinary Oigans lu Maleuud Ft-niale, pro- uucing dyspepsia, uostivencss, uravei, uropsy nnd Kcroliila, which most generally terminate 1 Consumptive Uecllue. It purities nuit enrlcles the Illood. tho lltlllnry, Glandular nml Secietlve System; Corrects and Strengthens the Nervous nnd Muscular forces: It acts like a charm on weuk nervous, nnd tlehllltnted lernales, Imth young and old. None should be without lu Solu every. wuerc. i.AiiuitATuuY 11 rrauKiin nt.. iiaiti more, ild. aug5 70-ly. s HAIU'LESS & IIAH5IAN, EAOI.E KOUNIinY AND MANUFACTURINCI SHOP, STOVES 4 PLOWS WHOLESALE RETAII THE CEl.EnKATEP UONTltOHR UtON UK AM ANIj THE HUrrON WOOPEN I1EAU PLOWS. CastlnErs and FlrellrlckforrenalrlnceltvStoves All kinds of Brass or iron casting made to order upon short notice. 11. 1' . nilAltl'ljiE, CC i'. H. UAlUiAA, IllonnisburE. Pa. I'ronrleton Mar.l9.'00-if. AT E W O O A GOAL Y A It I). 1.1 Til The. undersigned respectfully Inform the citizens ol llloomsburg and Columbia county, that they lieep all the dlflerent numbers of stove coal and selected lump coal for smithing purpo sesi on their wharf, adjoining M'Kelvy, Neal A Go's Furnace; with a good pair of Unllalo scales nn iia u-l.nrr tn ueleh Loal. bav. and straw L.lEewise a norsennu wiiguo, 10 uenci wu. those who desire It. As they purchase a large amountof coal.they Intend tokeep a superior ar ticle, and sell at tne very lowest prices, x-it-iwe call and examine for ymn-selves before nnrchas thgelsewuerc. J. W. HKNUEIlsIliiT, mtT"R iindnrslrrnnd will tako in ex- X change for Conl and Groceries, tho following iiameu nriicies : wurm. nyo, vr" uuib, i ui- ho ft, Jwiru. JinQi,Miouiuer,anu huh iiitui.aiuufi -Vifo linv An. nt tim hli3hfKL rash nrlces. at his Grocery Store, adjoining meir coui yum, oomjibarsMnr. 10,'C9-ly. 11 r iciii I CuncerJf4Uui,tM Arab fct j I'roL Dultoii, iW W, 3 4tbt.7Ciieiiinkti,Ulftu4I)r.Grnt,iitCtmrlittl tl i n r i i ui iiwir Ei'm n.idlthixittittla . & & s. riin. I'.vtrt Tool ni tVbr l ft . 2Ti . VUIM ni r. j u O iWMv movid. If itun la not m torn llawtM fu.aort, with UiulrX I mania arallnr unf I rssni. K'a ftfihra .. I -- but tliei U.un-ntt. Uom othtr ihouU vr U tut 0. IT OWE It, au opened a flrst-cl&ss 1JOOT. H1IOE, HAT CAP, AND FUU STOItE. at the old stand on fcialn Htreet, Illognisburij.ftfew uoomauove ineuouri. nuunu, jusbiwu uram nnvtxinrthoverv latetitand be&tstvles ever oiler- Mi to the citizens of Columbia Couutv. He can accommodate the publlo with the following goods at the lowest rates. Men's heuvy double boled stoa boots, men's double aud single Up holed KIP UQOIB, IUVU a UKixvf Biufin biiutb ui uu fcumn men's tine Uots and hhotu or all grades, boy1 iinntiin unipd boots and. shoes of all kinds, men' elove kid llalmoral shoes.men's.owomeu's.boys's and misses' lasting gaiters, women's' glove kid Polish very flne.women'smorocco Ualn'oralstind Call BllOes, WUII1CU B YVIX MHO aiu uutivuvti tan' ers. In short boots of all descriptions both peg sil anil EAirrtil. lie would also call attention to his flno assort ment or HAT8, OATH, FUIta AND NOTIONS. a,hi nnmnrini nil the new and nonulai vari eties at prices which cunnotfatlto suit all. These goous are oucrea at vne iumubi iihh .uu wlllbe.guarnnteed to give satisfaction. A call Is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as It Is believed that better bargains are to be found than at any otner place in tne county. Dec 'o7 A few more AOENTH are WANTfc.Ii for one of "XT A T U lt A h iilBTOn' J-l Giving a cUar description of nearly every known species of lleasts, iilrdi, FUhrs, J&kecU, liepilieB, dCdlU) fUUVf licti vg iwwBjiHTiuru inur tratlotisaud replete wunexruing huu uinunr, artMilntM rif llielr inHOifold DdOuliurilteS. Ttl rtnin nr t hu fiirnnilA lindaU four Volume edl tlou, with valuable additions, fmm the wurmof otueri liiiuiuiinei Daiuruiisis.uiiuu.ABuvBis, WCOU, VJJSOil, rtUUUUUH, IU IiiMWj unit.-, v trouble to Agvuts at.utiett ut party, bvery hmtv In dflluliltd with H.oid and muPK.lu towi or country. NoihlugllkeHln theneld. Agj-nts repoit prollts JrcmlstulW per day, aud soil in connection the Utest and Ut edition of lilbles tutaut. becd for Jl unrated circular and our most ilU.ru! terms i.r my ani uin e. A. II HUUUAItP.rublUher, dec37o-2t. iwt.liti.uiui bt l'hlla. OUaE TO KEfvT. A pleafcnianaacsirijioui4wio la JUoomsburK.iniiieirnireiMiruoiiui ise wwu, l'nsstwsiou ilvsu at anr Uit. Apply at this dries. Lb KINDS Of JOh il'R HINTING JX. jisally exwBUd at Tn Ooixkbul bki iiaauy ex ting 091 rrln1 Patent Modicincs, T 1 II E KIDNEYS, The Kidneys nro two lu number, situated at the upper part of the loin, surroundod by fat, and consisting of three parts, vlsr' the Anterior, the Interior, aiul the Exterior, The anterior absorbs, Interior consists of tis sues or veins, which serve nan deposit for the urine nnd convey II to the exterior. The exter ior Is n conductor also, termluatlug In it single tube, nnd called the Ureter, Tho nreters nre connected with the bladder. The bladder Is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided Into parts, vlz.t tho Upper tho Lower, the Nervous, nnd tho Mucous. Tho upper expels, the lower retains. Mnny have n desire to urinate without the ability i others urinate without tho ability to retain. Tills fre quently occurs In children. To euro these ntTcctlons, we must bring Into action the muscles, which nro cut- IcJ In their various functions. Itlhoy nro neglected, (Jrnvcl or Dropsy may ensue. Tho rcaJer must nlso be inndo aware, tbat however slight may bo tho attack, lt is sure to atTect the bodily health nnd mental powers, as our llcsb. aud blood nro supported from these sources, Ootnyon nitROMATisjt. Pain occurring In the loins Is Indicative of thonbove diseases. They occur In persons dlsposodto ncld stomach aud chalky conductions. The QnAVKU The gravel ensues from neg lect or Improper treitmeut of tho kldnoys Theso organs being weak, hc water Is not ex pelled from tho bladder, but allowed to remain ; It becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It Is Irom this deposit that the stone is formed, and gravel ensues. Dnornvi a collection of water In somo partB of tho body aud bears different names, accord ing to tho parts affected, viz.: when generally diffused over the body, lt is called Anasarca, when of tho abdomen, Asdics; when of the chest, Hydrothorax. Tkkatment. Ilelmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu Is decidedly ono of Iho best remedies for diseases of tho bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, aud gouty affections. Under this head wo huvo arranged Dysurln, or difficulty and pain In passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and lrequent discharges of water; Hlrnngury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloo ly urine; Qontand ltheumatlsra.of tho kidneys, without nny change lu quantity, but Increase In color,nr dark water. It was always highly recommend-. djivtjre'ljf. i'hyslck, In these affections. This medlclno increases tho power of diges tion, aud excites the absorbents Into healthy exercise by which tho watery or calcareous dep ositions, and all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and .Inflammation are reduced, aud lt is taken by men, women, and children. Di rections for use nnd diet accompany. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. ai, 187. H. T. IlKLMiior-n, Druggist : DkauSik I have been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid ney affections, during which time I have used various medlclual pteparatlons, and beeu under the treatment of the most eminent Physicians experiencing but little relief. Having seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my lamlly physi cian in regard to nslng yonr Extract Buchu. I did this because I bnd lined nil kinds or ad vertised remcdles'P bad found them worth- less, and, f-ome quite injurious; iniact.iaespair ed of ever getting woll, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of the in gredients. It was this that prompted mo to use your remedy. As you advertised that lt was composed of buchu.cubebs, nnd Juniper berries, lt occurred to mo and my physician as an excel lent combination, nnd, with his advice, after an xaminatlonof thearllcle, and consulting again with tho druggist, I concluded to try It. I com menced Its use about eight months ago.atwhlca time I was confined to my room. From tho first bottle I was astonished and gratified at the ben eficial effect, nnd after using lt three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much like writing you a full statement ol my case at that time, but bought iy Improvement might only bo tern porary, and therefore concluded to defer nnd see if lt would effect a perfect cure, knowing then lt wculd bo of greater vnluo to you nnd more sat isfactory to me. I am now able to report that a euro Is effected after using the remedy for five mouths. I have not used any now for three mouths, and Icel as well in all respects as I ever did. TTour Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, n nice tonloand Invigorator ol the system, I do not mean to bo without It when ever occasion may require Its use In such affec tions. M. McCOItMICK. Should nny doubt Mr. Mccormick's sUiteraout, he refers to the following gentlemen! Hon. Wm. Iliaixii, ex-Oovemor, Pennsyl vania. Hon. Thos. B. Florence, Philadelphia. Hon, J, O. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. H. Black, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon, D, It, FoitTKn. ex-Uovernor, Pennsyl vanla. Hon. ELLIS I.ewjs, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. It. C. QniEU, Judge, United States Court Hon. O. W, WoODWAnn, Judge, Philadelphia. non, W. A. PoniEn,Clty Solicitor, rhiladel phla. Hon John Uiatun, ex-Oovernor, California. Hon. U. Banks Auditor General, Washln ton, p. C, And many others. If necessary. Bold by Druggist, and Dealers everywhere, Ueware of counterfeits, Aslc for H.lmuold'i Take no other, rnica 11.35 per bottle, or C bot tles for i.M- Delivered to any addres.. De scribe symptom. In all communications. Adilress II. T. HELMltOLD, Drug andCheml- oal Warehouse, 601 Broadway, N. Y. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLKflS DONE UP JN STEEL -ENOUAVED WHAPPEH, with faa-sluUa of my Chemical Warehouse, aud signed II. T, UKWdUOLD, U7Wy Drugs and Ohomicals, A GREAT MEDiCAi ftSfc . :Y VINEG-AIi BlffiS Hundreds of 'flioncands u Sr ncsr tpstlmenr to tncif Tf onilcr- i.Et? s'S . , rulcWwei.accti. lljfq f j WHAT AHtv I MfcY V g g H 8 2 o t s niEr Aim not a vim gal bfll FANCY DRINK. Pt? Msdoef roor Harn.tVlilsUcr, Trouf Bplrlln nnd Refuse J,lauvr.docto!cd,rplccd aIldlwc(f enod to pleMOtlio taets, callcd"TorJci,""Appttlr en," " Itestorcrs," ac, that lead tbo tippler cn to dranxenficss end run., but aro a trao Medicine, tnsua from tho NsUto Hoots tnd llerks of tsllforsli, rrco frnm nltAIcohvllo Btlmnlants. Taoyaro Iho uitnAT iii.ooi) rrjitinnit nnd a met (UVINU rttINCIl'I.E a perfect Kenovstor sad lnlgorfttor of tho Byetcia, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring tbo blood to a healthy condition. lCor-enoa csntsbo tnceo Enters according todlr4c tlon and remalnlong nnwcll. 61(10 wlllbe glvcnforan lncnrablo case, provided tho bones sro not deitroycd by mineral poUTOa or ether means, and tho vital organs waited beyond tho point orrepalr. rnrlnflammntory nnd Chronic Ithcamn. tlsui nud Goat Dy.pcpsln, or Indlcestton, nilloiis, Ucmlttent nnd Intermittent Fevers DUcnsceof tho Illood. Liver, Kidneys, nnd lllnddcr tnese Hitter, bavo been most success ful, rincb Disease, nro earned by Vlttntcd Illood. which H generally produced by Ccranccncrt cf tho Dlccstlro Urtrnns. DYUl'El'.IA UIl INDIGESTION, Seal ache. Tola In tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tlghtnces of tho Cheat, DUzlncsB, Bour Eructations of tho Etomach, Eadtaitolntlio Month, ifdlous Attact, TalplUUon cf thollc&rt, InQanimatlonof tho Lungs, rain In tho regions cf tho Kidneys, and a hundred outer painful cymptoms.cro tho ofcnrlngsof UycpcpBla. Thtylnl:orato tho Etomach nnd stunulato tho tor pid l.vcr and bowels, which render thorn of unequalled cQcacyln cleansing tho blood of all Impurities, and lmpcrtlng new llf o and vigor to tho wholo Eystcm. l ()It HKI.N DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Edit Therm, Clotchcs, Epoti, Pimples, rcitulcs, Colls, Car buncles, Itlng-TVorma, Bcald-Iicad, Eoro Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Ecurft, Elacolorstlona of tho&ldn,lluniora and Dlaoosos cf tho bfeln, of wbatovcr namo or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of tho system In a thort lime by tho uto of theso Bitters. Ono bottlo In 6uch ca&csnlU conrlnco tho mott Incredulous of their curative cUcct. Clcanie tho Vitiated Elood whcnoTer you find Us loipurlttcs bursting through tbo fildn lnrimplcs. Erup tions ororcs clcansoltwhcn you find lt obstructed and tiugglsh la the veins clcanso It when It la foul, nnd your feelings wllltollyouwbcn. Kcsp tho blood puro asd the health, of the system will follow. PIN, TAPEandotber WHIMS, lurslnglntho system cf so msny thousands, aro effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottlo, printed In four lan guages English, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. It. It. McEOXALTl ft CI E-rnggUts and.Cen,.JflsCT,tt, Eau Tranclsco, Csl ' tnd'STandS4 Commerce Gtrect, Vcvr York. C3S0LO BY ALL EI!UCalST3 AND DRALEE3. oct2ST0-tr. mm fi.-5.ono wim, nn paid to any rnrisoN nriKliicinir a lrei)irntlon hhowlus half ns many Kir.IITjK HHEUMATIU HUM BJI V. Hill fCll'U Nni.rfsiTlntlniinri'rof. JOS-1 FITLMt.M. I).. mifinf PhlLulBlnhlii'M o!d-8t raulur l'livslclans, who has made H'iumntf9m a specialty .'J 7 years, nnrmnnoottv rmlnil with this Heinedv Do in every iw pntlent1. 1 realed ; so warranted under oiilh.from Iteslslered oaspH, a if suit unparallel ed. It inn piea-iunt sMcmcine, ireo irom injur ious uruus ( sworn vunuiiutu mmi jvi'imn ucu min iiiitil l'livuldfiiim imlnrkliirf III, hlllnr HP. mnruiiiv vtiv.li bottle). To nrotecL fiull'erert from rlslc, a leRnl Ruarnntee Rtat 1k number of bottles warranted to Cure will b forwarded without chfirtva many person sendlnjrby letter n full, irnttilul flf4irintlon of else. In cn.se of laflure tocuie.thenntnunt paid will be refunded, l'rlco Sl.&tper otlle; 0 bottles, 87.00. Medical advice mnt hv letter cratis. Addrcsi l)lt. KITLLlt, OtllceNo. 0 Krtnth TOU tTU Htreet. lMilUdel- phla, or No. 701 lUU)AUVAY,2i. V. Wold or sepu'u iy. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedjfi Too not wisn to Inform you. reatUr. thit Dr. Wonderlnl, or any other man, ha discovered a remedy that cures Consumption, when tho lungn are half .onwuned, In hhort( will cure alldlsoa eu whether, f mind, hody or estate, mako men worir.anit it uimgnen io maue our'Buuiunary hnhfioa bltHvfut l'i.radlse.towhlch Heaven Itself snail ho hut a bideMi-nv You nay neirueuougn ol ttmt kind of humbuegcry. Rut when J tell on mat ur.Mase a uaiann uemeuy win jmuuxe ucure tho tort casus of Catarrh in tho Head. I only ahbert that which thousands con testify to win pay c-"" iluuiii nn i iuu mui a i-uii-juir are, A pamidilot Rlvtng tsymptoina and other mfiirmatuin tent it eo to any nadvess. This rem edy Is SOLD HY MOST DRUGOISTS IN ALTj IWRTS Ol'" Tills WUULiU. Vrlco TA centH. Sent hy mall, postpaid, on receipt or fclitiy cenia, or lour pacauges nr iwo ununrB, Ileware of eountcrfeitf and worthiest inuUUiom, See that my private Stamp, which Uu jwxiltve guarantee of lienulnencss, la upon the outside wrapper, iieiuuiuntr umt iiuu piivuiu niuuiii. lhsued uy tht Unit ed State. Government express ly lor hiainping my meuicim'8, una my pmiruu nnniB ami aililresu. and Iho words U. S. Certltl- catH of (JeuulneiieKb," cnutaved ujxn it, and need not he niltnktn. Don't ho swindled by travelers and olhera represeutins themsplves as Dr, Huge; lam the only innn now living that hus tho knowledge and rlfiht to mauutaeturothe Uenutne Dr Sago's Catarrh Remedy, aud 1 never irivei io Htu mm ini-unvuie. it, v. riuw k. -m. u. obtlB;o-tf. iai Seneca street, llnfUlo, N.Y Is the IlEsT Liniment in the Would FOR HORSES. KiRsr, It Is composed of the most powerful and l'ENKTRATIN Mirr'tNn. Cnmli I NO IK Inuids known lu Cheintstr -Comblnpd with tho abovo li a Mrpr cinal On., made expressly for this Liniment, nml tnlxcd bv an cntirclv ik-w nrocess. Tilliin, i iiOusuDi iw power in aim jicneiraung IncredlenU is to drtvo or force In thtn heauttrul MrtiiriNAL Dir.. vciiu-li lubricates tlio lolnts and lniihcles. and Immedlatelv throttles the dUease. and compels ii to loosen Us deathly, sickening and poUonoiiHfrinss, I'OUUI II, J MKIUUIMAI Ul4 la UPtl jur mo fcnme leaBon that m kiw( mechanic alwoys nse8 on to inane nit machinery worn wun ease anu nrnMBion. mo in inn stune wav ine muticie anu Joints of our animal should he lubricated If we W1II III llrlVt) I UUI11 1.1 tit 1 llll 1 HHUll UI1U t'fMJe, Fifth. Ut very soothing In Its action, will not burn or blister the animal like most of the "n d hot" liniments of the dav. Six 'H. Not one drop ot tincture of cayenne or red pppper can he found In Its componitlon; for we hold that no liniment can he ollpctive whtch burns and blisters the animal until the muscles aie hard and dried almost to a rrlun. hf.tenth. Kvery bottle Is WAitit anted to give goou Haiisiaeuon, or your money win do reiunu ed. This bhnws oniicluslvely that the nronrle tots have full canfliJeufle In tuls preparation ana ptnves ior me i-fTfniii umeuiai u. tu, n. 1m the host Inlint-nt in the world for hornon. Wton'( (t(lcnp unur Merchant Io nalm tiff Tine- Hire vj Htd tpjter unit Jlarttlwrn, or other irftth on tut ak Jur O. K A. or Jlvrset, una take HQVUtTi mi4 in uu urukuiaia, D. (1A.I KY A CO.. Solo Proprietors. sypU'70-ly 1 17i Washlutiton Street, U ew York 11HILOSOIMIY OK MAItUIAGE. X a Kbw Codmsb or LrcTOnics, as delivered at tb Peon a. Poly technic and Anatomical Museum l'JUft Chestnut St.. throe doors above Twelfth. Philadelphia, embracing the subjects t How to Live and What to Lie for; Youth, Maturity anu uw Ate; Aiannoou urncratiy uevieweu; Theraueof ludtucttlom Flutulence and nerv. ons Dlneftises accounted for Marriage 1'hllo Kotihlcully conMdered, Theso lectures will be foi warded on receiptor ia cents by address log I'wrttarv of the Pennsylvania Polytechnic snu anatomical Muslim, IJ5 Chestnut St., AUiiaoeii)iuu, I'cuusyivuui. jeaiTO-Iy, JgAItQAINS DAHQAINS, V1VK SAI.H4 AND SKA LI PI f?!Ta. atAVC TOUR 110NKV, Go to Kait HUosisfecrg l'a-,for all jclndt ! the beat FURNITURE. Prices reasonable aud the test work douc, JRVJO-tf JOB PRINTING N.itl .xecated t U0 Offlr, gKVKN UEASONa WHY Clothing, &C. j-EW STOCK OP CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of SUMMEU GOODS. DAVID LOWENIlKIia Invites attention to his stock of . ', CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. his store on Jtnln Street, twodoors above the American House nioomshurg, rn.( whore ho has Just received from Now York and 'hlhulelphla a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fcushlennble, durable,-and nandsome ntirsui nnnm consisting of . BOX, BACK, ItOCO, GUM, AND OIL-GLOTII COATS AND PANTS. of all sorts, sizes and colors. Ho lms also replen ished his already large stock of LL AND WINTEB SHAWLS, STllIl'ED, FIGUIIED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIHTS, C HA VATS, STOCKS, COLLARS NDKE11CHIE1. GLOV1S, SUSPENDEHS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Ho nns constantly on hand n lnrae nnd well-se eded nssortmeut of CT.OTIIS AND VESTING3, which ho Is prepared to mnko to order Into nny kind of clothing, on very short notlco, nnd In tho nest manner. All his clothing Is mode to wear, and most of It Is of homo mnuufactnrc. GOLD WATCHES AND JEW'iLRY, ol every description, fine nud chennT Ills caseol Jewelry Is notsurpnssed In thUfjilacc. Call nnd examine hlsgcncral assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC. DAVID LOWENBEUG. Bakery and Confectionery. JOHN G. JACOIJY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! BERWICK. I'ENN'A. Tho imderslciifd would rpsnectfullv Inform the Citizens of Jterwiclr, nnd loin lly, thut ho uas openeu a uonieetionery ana iiaucry in ODD FELLOWS' HALIj, rierwick. ln.. where ho is rrcnared to furnish Lain akdpanoy cAkdiu.s, ritENUfi candies; FOHEIGN AND DOMTiflTIC FRlTITft ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac., Ac, Ac.t Ac, 11V WHOLESALE AND KETAIL. niotnr tho assortment will ho found Cream Nuts, ImicUkIi VinluntH, lVmiutH, AlmomK I'll- uerin. r ex. aiiiiiis. i iicna i uih. jf lies oi uinrr. ent kimls Miihtard, CatMin. rieklcs, Chocolate, 'anutd Flint of all Jthnls. Lorn Hlairh. Kits 111s- ciui, pntiu laciicrF, u,hut Liacuera, i neeso, Hoap, Witting 1'aper. Agreement l'npeiB, Eu- ciopes, FISH A KB OYSTERS, And nrrditce of all kinds Fiesh Ilrcad nnd Cokes eveiy Oay. If o Cream in Season Your patioiinge lsfcollctted. IJorwick, Juno 17, lS70-f t t 1.1 l In I t XT T - 1) T j uu i1 nuiiuii nn ii Tne nndcrstirned would respectfully announce to the publlo that he has opened a FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, In tho building lately occupied by Fox A W.bt where he Is prepared to furnish all klndfc uf PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN A DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, AC, AC 11 Y W.1I01.E3AI.E on ItnTAIL. , .1 . .. n.ll P..K.n...nt alt ..nmls In his Hue of iuslucss. A great variety ol DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for the Holidays. Particular attention given to BREAD. AND (JAKES, of all Ixinds, fresh every day. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OHIHTMAB TOYS. call Is solicited, nnd satisfaction will b guaranteed. Nov. 22, 1M7. ECKHART JAC011S. Books, A NEW BOOK of tho greatest Interest nnd lm portance. Written from nlilgh moraPand physl olocltal otnndpoint, hy an eminent phyt.Jc.an and medical profepfcf)r, it pIiowh how Satan is working out his subtle and dangerous designs through our most Bacred domestic nud boclal re lations. Pure-minded, but outspoken and ag gressive, tne nuthor handler tho delicate biihjects treated or uuiiouioioics, nut in sucn a manner as not to mlulstcrtoaprurlent curiosity. STAeViyt- ical llegencration oj the Jtace, is a subject Justly enlisting tho interest nnd'svinnathy of nil true philanthropists, nnd this hook, lt Is believed, will contribute to that end Justin proportion as lt has readers, A circular bent free, containing a lull description and synopsis of tho work with liberal extracts. C. F. VENT, Publisher, sepv-u-ii Dw-ouegu i'iace, n, i. AGENTS I Wi'.ol(:i Twelve Years a w Wild IuOians & Plains The wild adventures and thrlllme exuerlciu'es of George P. llelden, who, fired with a thirst for a. knowledco of the red men. their avorta.tra.dk ft!, wara, oreat buffalo hunt, dc, lefi a home of luxury, bougui anu jomeu ine Jinuans, oecamo a famous warrior, huiiterjautl llually chief of 10J Indi'fH. Tills now work reiilete with Mirrlntr ro- c itnlsof Mail Indian lilo. ilarina deeds, hairbreadth escapes, amuslny scenes, Ac. on tiuteii paper, 70 hpiritca engravings, one oi auinor in uuuier s dress, will he eagerly bought for and read with avidity, no wiuu awaae anu seuu cany ior iiius tratcd sample page, circular, terms and choice UCIU J, il. liunihiiiii, j uuiisiier. meplw i u-t r. cncbiuui nxt, raua. ai:arrIajSt..N.V. or38"'.llh St.,t InclnnatLO, If they want iho most popularand best Kcllnii lulscrlptlon hooks published, and th mott lib eral terms. Hend for circulars. They will cost you nothing, and may ho of great bencllt to you, febll7My. Washing Machines. TOTYS AVA8IIINQ-MACHINE, LATELY MUCH IMI'IIOVJCU-AND TIIK NEW UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Improved with Howell's Tatent Douhle Cog wheels, and the Patent Ktop, are now unques tionably far superior to nny apparatus for wash ing clothes ever Invented, and will save their coat twice a year, by sating labor and clothes. The Editor of this paper, who purchased a Washer and Wringer, thus testifies us to their valnej "We have had in use In our family for som time past, one of Doty's Clothes Washers and Written, and nro prepared to hear testimony as io us merits, it is empuaticany a (awr-mtini machine and does Its work lu the most thorouul maimer. For families who havelaige washes these machines would be Jnvuluable." Colum biaw, Jan. it, ltfyu. P1U0ES-A FAIR OFFER. 1 f the Merchants-ln our place will uot furnish, or eeud lor the Machines, tend us the retail price, Washer S14. Kstra W rimer ft), nnd wo will for. ward either or both machines, freo of freight, to places where no one Is belling; and so sure are we they will he liked, that we agree to refuud the money If am ouo wishes to return the ma chines free uf irelght, alter a mooth's trial, ac cording to directions. No hubhaud, father or brother should permit two days In the year, whuultcan he done better, more eirrdltlously. with less lalior.and no In. Jury to the garments, by lXHy Clothes Wu&her, and a Universal Wringer, Bold bv dealers b'euerally, to whom liberal d!- couun are maus. It. Oi DIlOWNINa, Gen. Agent, 82 (JorllaudHlutl.Now Vorlc, Mtnut TXriDMYEU & JACOB Y T V EXCIlANOEllIXMJK.IILOOMHIIUIIO.l'A aru ageuu (or Ui. ..1. of " Ilrutknay'." Ju.tly cini.ira ..iniui hum uw niwn. A.r, , wuvu inoi will fettll u. .Ii.tin.. Milintrv l.r.wHl al,.u. and b.lf liarr.l. ixiu.lautly on baud. Til. ale 1. tircKed by William K Urrcku.y,31l Loaij JSnt KleTeuUi Htrwt. New York CHy, BiilliMl Dry Goods & Grocorios. GUAND Ol'KNING UHAND OI'KNINO UHAND Ol'KNINO QRANU Ol'KNINa or KALIi ANI) WINTER (1O0DS, KA UU ANU W1NTHR GOODS, KALIj AND WINTKU UOODS, FALL AND WINTKU GOODS; I'ALli AND WINTER GOODS, consisting ol connlfttlng ol consisting of consisting or consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS ANI) DAI'S, HATS ANI) CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS ANI) CA1S, HATS AND DAI'S, 1I00T8 AND SHOES, HOOTS ANI) SHOIX HOOTS ANI) SHOES, HOOTS ANI) SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES) READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHIJIG, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASS EH, LOOK I N O-G LASSES, LOOKINO-O LASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS I'AINTM PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS ANI) AND AND AND AND OILS, OILS, OILS, OILS OILS, GnOCEIHES, OKOOEIIIES, GUOCHHIES, OKOCEllIES, GUOUEUIES, UUEENSWAHE liUlOENSWAltE, lllJEENSWAHE, HUUENSWAHE, HUEENHWAUB HAHDWAHE, HAHinVAUE, HAllDWAlll!, llAUDWAUE HAISDWAUE, TINWAItl!, 1INWAHE, TINWAKE, TINWA1SE TINWAHE, SALT, SALT SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, KIHII, FISH, F'TJl " FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GHAIN AND 'SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, OUAIN AND SEEDS, GHAIN AND SEEDS, AC, AO. Ac, AT AtCKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, McKULVY, NEAL A CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. McKELVY. NEAL A CO.'S. Northwest corner oi Slain and Market Streets, northwest corner of Main and Market Stieots, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets. Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, HLOOMSHUHG, PA HLOO.MSllimO PA 11LOOMSIIUHO, PA., HLOOMSHUnO PA., llLOOMSHUltO, PA. IIION AND NAHM, IHON AND NAILS, I HON AND NAHM, IHON AND NAILS, IHON AND NAILS, In larce nuantlllea nnd nt reduced rates, ntwav in uanu, UY THE BEST. THE IlED LION UHAND, BLACK ALPACA Is superior Io all others In color, quality and linuu i iu u juuuu uuiy ub M. V. IiUTZ'S Lieaierin ury uooos ana isoiions.in urower's new blilldlmr next Io tho Court limine. Main Qircei, iiiooiubourir, l'a. 1n1ay1x7u.tr. jypLLEIVS STORE. D11K.H1 AUHIVAIi OF SUMMER GOODS. Tho tubscrlber has lust returned from the cltlflu wim another large and select assortment of FALL A.D WINTEK GOODS. purchased In New York and Philadelphia at the owest ngure, nuu which he Is determined to sell on us moderate terms as can be procured else wnere m liioomsuurs. ills 6tock comprlsos LADIES' DRESS GOODS of tho choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together wun a urge assortment of Dry Goods and Gnv cerics, consisting of tue followlne rtlcle. carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Uusslmeres, Hhawls, Flannels, Silks, Whlto Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, ' Hollowwaro Codarware Huoensware, Hardware Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-ainsse3, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Tens, Illce, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, NntmegB, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, In short, everything usually kept In oountn stores, to which ue Invites the attention of the publlo generally. The highest prlco will be paid for country produce In exchange for goods. B. 11,' MILLER & SON. Arcade Culldlngs, Bloomsburg, l'a. Q 0. M A R R havejustrecelvedfrom tbo eastern markeui a large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, CONSISTING OF . Casslmers, Jeans, , Best bleached A llrown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Linens, Cotton A AH wool flannels, AO., Ac, A good stock of ' lAdles dress good., Latest styles A patterns, SpKies of all kinds, Good stock groceries, Queeusware, Btane ware, Wood A willow ware, Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin, Brass, Ac AU goods sold cheap for cash or pro. duce. He would e.U Uie attention or buyer, to UU well and carefully selected assortment which comprise everything usually kept lu the ouun. Iry, reeling confident that lie can sell them goods at such price, as will ensure aatlifactlon. Nor, Y9-U 0, 0, MARK. Iiinurnnco Ag'oncioa. flLOBE MUTU AM, LIFE INSUItANCE COMPANY or NEW YORK. liny Freeman, Tresldent, II. 0. "Freeman Bea Cash capital over 2,000,CKX), all paid. J. 11. ROBISON.BLOOMBnuiia.PA ur.l.UAI, AGENT, For Lutcrue, Incoming ana Columbia . countlcn, AUB.so.'eo-ly, JNSURANOE AOENOY. Wyoming . 1170.000 If'" " " 4,000,00c .1UI.U .11111 iU........m...tt...(ti.ttH,.,..,. City 450,000 1,100,000 1,000.000 630,000 330,000 International...... Niagara Putnam Merchants Springfield KO.OijO rurmuia- uuuvllie,... M t 690 10Q Albany Clty... mm Lancaster City 2C0 000 York Horse, Death A Thelt... 03)000 Home, New Haven 1 000 000 Danville, Horse Tlioft ' ' FREAS BROWN, Avrnt, mat69-ly. BtooMsnuKa, Pa Hardware & Cutlery. Jacoh K. saitu. j'. R. SELTZBtt gM ITU & SELTZER,- Importersnud Dealers in Foreign nndDorcestlc II A 11 D W A R is, OUNS, CUTLERY, AC, NO. 409 N. THIRD STKKET, An.CALI.0WlIILI m , PHILADELPHIA, Nov, S3, CT-tf. Faints Crlass. dec. jpiiteT national WHITE LEAD, best, purestTand cheapesti satisfaction odanantkkp 1 For Whltenphfl. llnrnlilHtv n,l Ttrllllo... H cy. lt has 110 equnl. , oiu ut i. utsicnsr i tnrougnout Iho country. BARKER, SIOORE & MEIN, succrssons to T. MORRIS PEROT A CO. Solo Proprietors, Philadelphia, Ta., Dialers In all kinds of DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, DVESTCFFS, AC, AC, H CACTION.-Owlng tn the popularity oi our "Flrbt National White Lind," other parties have been luiluctd tnnllprfi .mt. rlous article ULtler the sumo name. There fore Jlewaro of Counlcrleils. Tho genu Ino Is put up In cxtia heavy tin paint wn, Wliu I'ilieilb U1VIU1I1U irU ilUUUlCH, and thu name of BARKER, JIOORE & MEIN, On each label, For sale by mai25'70-ly. MOYER BROTHERS, Bloorusburg. 810,000 OUAUANTK1S RUCK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTHER LEAD I 1st. For lis Unrivaled Whiteness, 2d. For Its Unequalled Durability, sd. For Its Unsurpassed Covering Tropertv Lastly for Its Economy, S-It COSTS LESS to paint with Buck Lead thau any other While Lead extant. The same weight covers MORE SURFACE, Is moro DUR ABLE, and niakea WHITER WORK. BUCK LEAD, Is the Cheapest and Bee' 510,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCa For Its Unequalled Durability, s For Its Unrivaled Whiteness, Ffir ItH ITllMirinlsRnii f Tnvurltwr Prin.rttf 1st. 2d. 3d. Lastly, for Its Great Economy, being tho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, all' most DURABLE White Paint In tho world, BUY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED, Satisfaction Guaranteed by (ho Manufacturers. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expressly for Painting COTTAGES, OUT nUILI)IrGS of every desorlr. tlon. FENCEH, Ac THIRTY-FIVE DIFFER. ENT COLORS, Durable, Cheap, Uniform, aud Beautiful shudes. Samplo cards sent by Mall If desired. Dealers' Orders.wlll bo promptly executed by the manufacturers, FRENCH, RICHARDS A CO., N, W. Cor. Tenth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. MOYER BROTHERS, Agents JanSH'70-lv. for Illoomi.biirir. Pa. Miscellaneous, QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pa. M. a SLOAN A BROTHER Havo on band and for sale at tho most reasona ble rates a splendid slock of CARRIAGES, UUaClIES, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to be made of tho best ond most dur able materials, and by thu most experienced workmen. All work sent out fiom luo estab lishment will bo found to beof the highest class and sure to give perfect hatlsfactlou. They have also a line assortment of SLEIGHS of all the newest and most loshlonablo stylus well and carefully made aud of tho best mater ials. . An Inspection of their work Is nuked as 111 believed that none superior can bo fouud in tu. country. Nov. aytW-tf. TT1ARUF.IWI EXAMINE AND BUY THE ORIGINAL, BAUGH'S BEING Tub I'iust Raw Bone PiiosniATJi jiaw All other, are imitation. BAUOII'B BAVf IIONB PHOSPHATE OP LIME. SUI'ER MARK PALL, Till. Jam.r 1. nones, ricu iu Oil nf Vitriol, a highly .oiui Bn.mnt and vigorous acllou upon h crops. Where BuurIi's l'hosphalo Y',B.''Viion past season . the Indications, w llhout mI uon .re taat It will maintain 11. well o!,r.'J?1,o lion. We request all lu need of a i ertni'" give this article atrial, B A U 0 H & SONS, MANUrAcruiiew, Orr ick-No W S, Delaware Avcuue, P1HLADEUHIA. jllS7Ctl oiDE . 1. ... .1.1a r,t Haw or Unliurneu '-- --.,.. Hlucnlvril iu jiiirogeuou. i1't,i,vri...in ill prMeulliig the Bone l'l'M,rJJ li sand nuicsiy inii,ro a in -r. rn,nrtlou as to Insure. 0?