THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Bloomsburg, Friday, Deo. 23, 1870, B.M.PKTrKNatM, ro.,S7 Pnrlr Uow.itnd Oio V ItowKi.i, A Co., in l'ur Ho , urn our only mithnrlzeit AilvirlUliin ATil In Now York. J. Wkditkk, No. 60 North uti 8lrot, Con, .TnKiiii.i.ACn., No. (Xruiiet"Ut ' trrvt.Hra our only authorized Aktuli In Philadelphia, tf Itallroad Timo Tablo. - LACKAWANNA A IILOKM-Sllimit H. It. UuitiK North. (Inline rimi h. Hilt It TIM 1 . ;oi 6; , ,m OATAWISRA 11. 11. KWiM lllJri.IU' HTATiON. Oolitic North. O.iInj Hontii. P.M. 411) 10: HA, M. County Convention. Tho Democratic voters of Columblii' county nro requested to mett at tlio us. ual plnco of election In tlio so vera I elec tion districts on Satunlny Dec. 21, 1876, between tlio hours of 3 anil 0 o'clock, p. m., toehooso two tlolegato from each district to meet in County Convention at tho Court Houso, In Bloomsburp;, on tho Monday following, Dec. 20, 1870, at 11 o'clock, n. m. This call Is mado pursuant to the, dl. rectlon of tlio Standing Commltteo as given to their Chairman at a meeting held in September last, and Is for tho Amendment of tho Utiles or Nomina tion and for tho transaction of such oth er business as Is" proper to a Convention. W. B. Koonb, Chairman. A lot of neatly printed blank leases forBaloat thlsoOJco. A Convention of Demoeraticedltors Is to bo held at Harrlsburgon tho 10th of January noxt. Attention is directed to tho adver tisement of real and personal property onercd for sale by u. J. Reeder, Esq Executor. It Is reported that n company has been formed at Watsontown to build ono hundred boats for tho Delaware A Hudson canal. "V learn that the saw mill of Nel son Brandon, at Glrard Manor, In tho Catawlssa Valloy, was destroyed by llro last week. Loss about $6,000. We aro Indebted to John A. Funs ton, Esq., for a box-containing four neat pencil rubbers, Issued as an advor tisement by tho Franklin Flro Insur anco Company. Lloyd Britton, who was tried at Willi'amsport hwt week for tho murder of Jacoh Bay, has been found guilty in tlio lirst degree, and sentenced to be hung. Tin: wator was let out of tho canal last week, and tho boatmen uro lyinj up for the winter. They havo not hud a very proatablo season of it the past year. D. LoWENnisno, Esq., has special editorial thanks for a mounted map of the Town of Blooiuslmrg. May the shadow of our generous friend never wane 1 The Lancaster Intelligencer U ono of tho best dally and weekly Democratic newspapers lu tho State. It will be sent free for ono month to any ono who chooses to address H. O. Smith A Co. Lancaster, Pa. I. O. OF O. F. Benton Lodge will dedicate their now Hall on tho 4th of January next. An address will bo do llvered nt ono o'clock of that day. Tho public aro invited to attend. Full par Honiara next week. The track of tho Danville, Hazlclon A Wllkesbarro It. It., is now laid to within n short distance of (ho coal mines at Black Creek, and It Is thought that coal will bo shipped over tho road about tlio first of January. Saving Fund. A meeting will bo held in tho office, of O. W. Miller, Esq., on Saturday evening, December 21th, nt soven o'clock, for tho purposo of electing Directors and a Presldont of tho "Columbia County Mutual Building and Loan Association." All whodesire to tako stock in said association aro in vlted to attend said meeting. We aro happy to state that tho perl patetlc philosopher who has been doing tho agrcoabl o to tho readers of tho Co lumbian in Bloomsburg, during the past year, by delivering their papers regularly at their doors, In heat and cold and storm, will tip his beaver to them on Now Year's day, with printed address in Jiand and pocket In want of "dimes'' "quarters" preferred. A press of matter previously In typo and heretoforo ciowdcd out, tho length of tho Court proceoiliiiL's, local ovents and new advertisements, compel w xa- luctantly to postpono tho letter of our able Harrlsbunr correspondent. Under the circumstances, wo hope our corres pondont will oxerclio tho rare virtue of pationce, so uncommon in these days of impulse and exaction. Aaron Smith, tho newly elcctid Sheriff of this county, filed hu bunds and was sworn into ofilco on I-ndiiy last, and on Saturday entered upon tho duties of his offlco. Ex Sherlir Mil lard has taken up ijuurteirt in E.iit Bloomsburg, until next Spring, whui ho intonds moving on his firm In Cen tre township. He has mado a most till clent and worthy officer, and carries with him In retirement tho good wish cs of hosts of friends. Washington's Birthday. Wash lngtou Camp, No. CO, of Philadelphia, " Patriotic Order of Sous of America,' havo issued a cerles of resolutions urging the celebration of Wellington's Birth day. They call on "all members of their order, and all patriotic citizens, to use their best endeavors to mako tho ensuing and all futuro anniversaries of tho birth of Washington, u National Holiday, In word, spirit and In deed,1 Tho object is commcndablo and It is hoped tho call will bo cordially respond cd to, In support of our position that all business men should advertUo, wohav only to cite, as an example, Jacouy, of tho "Oyster Bay," who by a Judicious system of advertising has established entirely n now business. Ho does bust nebs on tlio principle of advertising to get his customers; and then retulns them by furnishing tho best' of goods, which aro In themselves advertise We notlco that M. 1. Lutz Is having an unusual rush at his storo for Christ mas goods. Vo learn that hu lmi on- gugeil extra help ror Saturday, so that all may bo served who glvo him a cill. A New supply of NiietHnclcs and tier- tropic ulascn leculVeri. fnqullio speo taclM for liilliiinul eyen; siiectuclis for mei'hanlw to keep nut iluxt, ami all other knt(s from dm eheapivit lo tho best. AIW, fl(ii'Ji'wclry at it very suuill adviuici' H un iiy Zui'PiNoi'.n. LOCAL NOTICES. .Iacoiiy of Him uOvstur Hiv.'' leer-in Smith's Lflebrutcd I'nllndolplila nlf. Jacoiiy of tho "Oyster Buy," keeps Smith's celebrated Philadelphia ulo. - Don't fall to not a bIush of Smith' ale at tho "Oyster Bay." Holiday Preskntb. violins, nc. contains, banjos, music, canes, Ac, null ahlo for presents. Aitstatt, Court Houso Allty, FOR salo at tho Howlnc Mnnlilnrt nr. flcn at this placo. an olirht v tlvo dollar Wheeler A" Wilson Sowing Mnchlno for forty flvo dollars. It has ouly been In use tour wccks. If a husband wishes to mako hit Turn. Ily a Christmas present of permanent vallio will nav Its cost In less than two years, wo adviso him to select ono of singers jnow Family Sowing Machines. J. A. Dorau Is agent- The Columbia Countv Teachers' In. Btltuto, for tho year 1870, will bo held at Bloomsburg, in the now Public School iiuiiuing, uecinnlng at 1U a. m., on Monday, tho 20ih dav of December, utul contiuuodurlng live days. Every teach er in the county should bo in attend ance. tilS-lt. Christmas 1 If vou wish to seo the finest collection of toys in town, go to E. Jacobs' Confectionery, Main street, below Iron. Ho has everything to sat isfy the Juvenllo mind ; toys of wood, tin and sugar, dolls of wax, of wood, crying dolls and talking dolls, lie has also n fine assortment of candles, plain and mixed, candy ornaments, French candies and those of domestic manufac ture. So largo and complete is his stool; that ho can hardly fail to satisfy all customers- Call and seo hi ni. Special Agents Wanted. Tlio Continental Ltfo Insurance Company of Now York requires tho services of uve, cnergeuc,responsiDio special agents in North' eastern Pennsylvania. Ap plications from men of known respect ability and integrity will nlono bo un- leriaineu. Apply to E. D. Ludwig. General Agent No. 10 Public Square, Wilkes- barre. n00 2t. If you desire rosy checks and a com plexion fair and freo from pimples, notches and eruptions, purity your blood and invigorate your system by taking Dr. l'i'ereci's Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Discovery. It has no equal for tills purpose, nor as a lomedy for "Liv er Oiniplnlnt," or "lillllousiiess," Con stipation of tho Bowels, severe linger iotr coughs ami lirouchitis. Sold by drujgists. Dr. Pleico's private Gov ernment, uevcnuo stamp, uearmgupon u me worm "u. . certificate ol licnu incuts" is on tho outsido wrapper of mo genuine. Onward to perfection has been the motto of tho Singer Manufacturing Co. By purchasing the most valuable -jewing machine patents, and combininc- them with their own durintr tho last eighteen years, has enabled tticm to of fer tho putillc that splendid Instrument tho Now Family Sewing Machine, which lias proved tho most decided success ot any invention of tho age; moro than two thousand of them aro sold each week, it combines thogreatest strength with tho least possible friction consistent with tho proper execution of a great variety or worK, maiccs it at onco tho most reliable, durable and ef ficient Sewing Machine in tho market. T HE DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE FOR HALE BY M. P., LUTZ, BLOOMS11URO, PA. MILLEH, HUGHES A CO., BCUW1CK, PA. This Hwlig Slachlnt runs stiller and oasler Itliuii ttny, It Jut. lewtr parts, It has noa itctl shuttlo that will never wmr out, It ha 11 lake's Patent tisble which to see shorn its use fulness. Agents -irantcd lu unoccupied Territory In Pennsj ivsnla, New Jtrity, Slatylaud, Delaware Vlrr.lnia.WeitVlrslniaiU'jd DUtrlctof Coluoi. bla. Address JLAKE& CO.r igCUANTON, TA. Mpl870-ly Offlto Of J. B. DOBBINS, 420 North Eighth St., Palladia Dobbiits JJJJi VEGETABLEm A color mid dressing that will not burn tho hair or injure tho head. It does not produco a color mechanically, ns tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho hair to its original color and lustro, by supplying now lifo and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, fino hair. Tho best and safest article over oficrcd. Clean and Pure. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'- iiavU'TO-Dm. I A T RIOT 18 7 1. THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPER PUBLISHED AT THE BTATE CAPITAL. DAIIjY and weekly. THE 11 WEEKLY PATRIOT ! THE OH EAT PAPER, FOR THE FARM AND FIIIESIDI?. REDUCTION OF KATES! 3-SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE.-5ft CIRCULATE THE "PATRIOT." The Weekly Patiuot will contain tho best selwsU-d editorials from tlio daily, with full tele grc plilc repor tH of everything of Intercut occur Ing, incliifllug a full report of Congressional and Legislative proceedings. Kp cinl attention will bo given to the crop and nmikct reports, and niK'h matters as will interet tho farmer. READ OUR TERMS i On copy, ono year $2 CO One copy, six mouths , 1 00 Four copies, one j enr, each- 1 75 Ten " " 1 50 Twenty " " 1 25 Fifty " " 1 W) Atldltlonnt copies at Inst named rates. All p'iperH separately ad(licsed. Extra copy of Weekly J'atrtol, free, t getters up of CuiOk of tenor more, nnd copy of Dally, free to getters up of Clubs of fifty or more. THE u MORNING PATRIOT!1' READ OUR TERMd: Ono copy, one year, by mall...., Five copies " Ten " " " t 7 00 U2 00 00 00 Larger Clubs nt tho 1 bt named rates. Papers may bo Mpnrutc1y, add res-cd, but must be taken In ono package. The money must accompany the order to insure attention. Address It. I MEYLRS & CO., . deelC'TO-tf Hnnhdmrg, Pa. H OL1DAY GOOIJS &0. Ueforo nuichnsiHK HOMOAY GOODS for Clirlstmas ami Jfuw Venr, go to Mils. M. A. l!lNDi:it, ihii.n. Y. Cor. Eleventh and CUest imt slreoti, l'lilladelplila. TOYS t NOT GOODS. English, French, Gcrmnu, mill Amerlcun. TOYS, DOLLS, KANCY 000D3. IbtlUconllnuotniicU my cutlieBtockof Ft'ath- crs, Velveteens, Flowers, itc.nt greatly reduced prices, to make- rojm for our Toys and Holiday UoodH, Hat nnd Tow-el Hicks, llracUets, Writing l)eks, Ink btands, I'ocket Hooks greatest bar gains over oirered. Super selection of Jet, Gilt, Pearl and Coral Jewelry. Elegant I'ans, l'earl, Ivory and a lit Stick, ICUt Gloves, two buttons, nil tuo now shades. Also, tbo Joseph Kid, tlio best 91 Glove sold. Cloaks, Dresses and &ults made In tlio most fashto able style. Trimmed raper Patterns. Perfect Bystcm of Dress Cutting taught. Ileal Valenciennes, Gulpuru and Thread Laces. All the latest styles Ladles' Collars, Ciufi and Sleeves. Point d'AppUquo and Duchetse. Thread Veils. French Embroidered Cashmero Sacks, Ostrich Plumes, Tips and Fancy Feathers and Flowers. novelties In Neck Ties nnd Hows. IUbbous, Roman Scarfs and Sashes; Dress Trimmings, Ornamental Fringes, Gimps, Sofa Pillows, 1111 Cushions. A largo lot of Worked Slippers, nt very low prices. -nu?s. ,-h. a, jiirj ui.u s, No. 1101 N, V. Cor, Eleventh and ChostnutSls.. octll'70 3m. Piillndelphla. "FRANKLY SPEAKING, WF. AVEIl THAT Til LIVINU AGE HAS NO EOITAL IN AM CUUN1IIY." rMtlHellihta lTns. TTKLL'S L1V1NC3 AGE, Ol which more than Oiu Hundred Volumes havo ben issued, hns neeived the commendation of j uogo r-iury, i.nuuceiior ivi-nr. I'resaieiu Auaind, JtiMoriuuM rtpuritN, rrtunu, Ataurruu auu J icit uor. Itev. Ileniv Waul lleecber. and mauv oth- eiH;nndlt addmlttedly ''contlnuts to stand at tliH head ol lu cIhh." I Mined every Mitui-dny, It gtvo tlftytwo numueiH oi bixi-iour ptiet tucu, or mora man Three Thousand PoubleColumn Octavo Pages of reading n-atterjeariy: nnd la the only com niiaiinn inai iiresi'iiis. wjiinimusi.icinrv rani iu lene-is ns wen as jreMiucuF, ine msi tssnyH, tovlBWH. CrlllrlhiiiM. Titlus. l'oi tr.v. Hcleulltlc. illoaranblcal, UUtorical. uud l'olltlcal Informa tion, irom the entire body of Foreign reriodicul i-.ucrai.uro, aim irom mo pens m ine AliLICST LIVING WU1TKIW. It Is therefore lndipennHbIo to every one who wthin-K ui Ki't'n rneu wiiii iiiv im'iiih or iuii.'ii'i-L uul progress oi the time, or to cultivate in mm Hell or liis family general intelligence and lltei- ary iiisie. Fxthacth rnoii oTicnT. From Itev. Ilenrv Waid llteeher. Wera 1 in view nf all ihucomtwtltorH that uro now In the flt-ld. to il.iMise. 1 pfiaill eeitaiuly ciiooso 'TllR Llio AUK. , . . Nor Ii there, lu nnv Kii-urv tiint i Know i I. so mueii ins ruciive anil eulenaiuliKi'tadlug lu tliLuine nunitierof niuniuss, From tho Nation, New York. "The hot of all our eclectic puhlleallons." Fr'ia the Illinois Mate Journal. "It hns mote real, btdld worth moro useful in formation than aiij MiuPur lubliratlon we know of. The ablest i ayH, the most entei tiHu in ic stoilcs. the llbtsr noetn of lh KuuIIhIi lan- guitge, urn here gatheittd together ' Fipm Ihu I.utt eiun and Ml"tonary, FliU'u. "An bkiriiurdlnary ulu! marWM lnauv id the artleles cd Oil publication, because thoy am the production of the lib lest men id our time." Frm Iho Faclfle, hmi Frnmdco IU publication lu Wteltl.v numrerii gives to It a gnat advantiigo uwr lis monthly emiti'm purii'iit, In tho spirit and lunnes of lis vou-ic-uls," Fiom tho Advance, Chicago, Htpt. 1S7H, 'Kvery weekly umber ol 'I.licdi't Living Age now-a-dny H tjnal tou IlistiUss motithiy. tor solid merit, it is (he bhrapct mng.i7.lim lu the land." Fiom tho Christian IteglsUr, Ito&ton, Aug. JSTO. Jt ban never boruo the mmksof mmo cartful research and wibur selectluus Utau It dots now." From tho Chlf ago Kvenlng Journal "It stands at tho heuil of uitieleenth century llteratuie, however critically consldeied." From the Christian Kxiunhier, Hlchniond. "It Is the great eclectic of tr.U country," From the Chicago Daily Republican, "It occupies a field filled by nu uther perlodl rul. 1 he subscriber to 'Uituij,' llnd himself lu x)ssesbluu, at the cud of tho 3 ear, of four largo volunusot 'such reading as can be ohtuinedin no other lorm.aud eniuptlsing selections trom every department f hcienco, Art, l'liltovopliy, nnd lelieM-lelitrs. Those w ho ueslru u lliououuil rnui'i-'NiitlM nf all that I adiulrablu una unto. worthy In iho Ml entry world will be spared the troublu of wudlug through the sea of reviews nnd iiiaguztues publlKhed abroad; lor they will Uud iho esxciicuot all compacted nnd concvu tiated here," FublUhed weekly at $3.00 h y ear t free of poUte. An extrncopy sent Brutis lo uuy ono gelling up u Club of tl u Now Hubx-rlbers. Aildns, ilocyTlMf. LITI'ICLL i UAY, llostou, A few move AOKNTHaro W'ANTKDfor one of 1116 Cllt-Al'tr auu iUH jmuu in uifl huuu, NA T U II A 1j 11 I S T O It Y Glvlug n clear debcrlnllou of nearly every known t pedes of lleasls, Illrds, FUhes, lusecU, ito.ttir. ap.-Ap.. enlivened by looUHPirttcd Illus trations uud rt-pltto wllhexcttlug audumuslng uutedote4 of their inauiioia pfouuariues, 1110 ..itit ..r thu fumniiki London four oluiiioedl tlou. wllh valuable uddltious. from tho wurUs of olhtn lsiIi)gulsbeiiimturuiuis,PiUUuii,Agassiz, uod, Wlisou, Auuubou, uud many others. No Irouble lo Agents alx-utsea o. part, Kvery body Is dellslded with lt.o d and ouug,lu town orcouulry. Nothing like It lu Ibe Held. Ageuts r t ...T.tltK . In tut nr dnv. nnd null lu puuneeilon the latest and best edition of llibles uiuiil. HvLd lur 11 ustruted clrculur uud our most lunrui uruis mr ';,, , dt279-St Cbtnut bt., l'hlla. JpETEuSON'S MAGAZINE Prospectus for 1ST1, USTTIIU CHEAPEST AND liliST.-a To every rrrcu LCttttig up n Club offcur.n 11.50 ench, will be ntnt free, our tupetb , pnpy.rlght eneravlng.fSI Inohc by "0.) 'WAHHINGTON AT THE DAITLB OP TRFNTON." l Whllo tothnno goitlni! UP CUtbs of elaht, nt 81. GO enrh, nn extra copy, of (bq Magazine, for lift I, in addition, will bo went, uc PETKR.SON'8 MAOAZINE ltn Urn brut Origi nal Morle of Htiy of tho lad s boiks, tho bent Colored Fnfthlnn Plate, tho bcKtNtetl Knuruv ings, An,, Ac Every fjmdj' fmiu to Mto It. Jt ffivesmore forthc munty lluin nnjiXn thcv-arM, H will rohlnfiK iiext tpfti in lift twelve, numbers ONF'5 TUOU-iANnjlMtHwi FODHTKEN HPLKNTUP'HTKEL PLAYEHi . VWEI.VIir(.U)HKI) b Kit LIN FA'l'J EKN-4 TWELVE MAMMO . 11 COl.OttED 1-AhHlONH NINE HUNDRED WO D CUTai TWEN1Y-FOUR PAOEft OF MtlfllU! It will also glvo Fivr OmntNAi. ('oevitttiiir NoVtf-Kfs, by Mm. Ann H.Mephetn, Franl: I ami Benedict, ami others of lb bent out horn of Amer ica. Also, nearly a hundred ihorier stories, ali OBidiNAl.. ltd superb MAMMOTH COLORED FARlIION TLATE- aro ahead of nil others. These plates at o engrav od on steel twicu tub v&XiAh sizr. TERMS Always i?r advance: 1 Copy, for ono year. ! 2 00 4 Copies h oo 8 '. 12 00 i'HKMlUMH. Every person getting up a rlubnf four, at 31.50 each, shalt recelve.iceacopy of 'Wodilngton!' Every person getting np n rinb of eight, nt ench, shall reeeive(r, both a copy of'Wash- niginn" anu a copy or ine lagsxtne lor 1&7UI HpecimctiHsent lreo, tothoio wishing to get up Clubs. Address, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 00 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, pa. novll'70-tf. I?REE COPIES TO JANUARY ' 1, 1871, TO NEW aUBHCRIBElW. THE COUNTRY- GENTLEMAN tor iS7i, "Tho Rest of nil Agricultural AVeehilcn In Amcr- lca,M says The Itoi ttcxtUuri&t, is'eiv York "It has No Entifllin tho Entire Held of Amerl cnu AgriculturalJournallsiu." Maine lUrmcr, THE CULTIVATOR & COUNTRY GENTLE MAN has been much enlarged nnd lmproed durlngttio past year, and continues to maintain lis mrmerinnK nsme nTANUAiti i'uhnaioi Am f.hi can Annicui.TUKK. Including nil tbodo rjnrtmeuts connected with the Cultivation of thn Uoll for profltor pleaMurc.ltlt) Its aim itiiiroiuote meutfii inieresis oi us rcauein 10 prnnci inem irom fraud nndfalhehooJ, to provido them with me iniormauon iiidmi ccfiuiiii i ii p r eniiiuti. and, leaving toothers the lajdt or Inrnlshlng me irausuury cnieriainmcm- ui me uour, io pre sent n icriodlcal ol frfquent lht-ue, HlwaH iresli nnd seasonable, and f&peciutlj uduptcd lu every department to the rrnctical wants of the Fakm eii auu ins i ADiij.r In Extknt or conuFsroNDcscE IK Practical Suuaf:dnoN3 In AautcULTUiiAf. Ni;ws It Js believed to be WITHOUT AN EQUAL, and It should bo placed in tbehnndsofeveiy Kmmer Fruit irrower. and Kreeder in the cOuntrv. For tltem,ns well s for llielr wives iut ihllJrcn, th interest and value of Its contents have never before been so great as now, TERMrt. Tho terms re lower Hum tbuso of any vtherpajwr of similar standing; Ono cupy. .juptr yiar; i our copies, u: Jigui r.inief. $10. iNl-W fiiubtcraerttoTUE rUr.TlVATOTt A ( O UN TRY (JENTI.LMAN Jur 1S71 pojtoff tn advtince.jncviovs to the close 1H10, winr. Hn CKlVU Tim I'Apkk WEI'KLY.ioii rttvudof i vdttance to January Ut, 1871. wllliouT cIiakuc Hi' Ann mr&on wi&hina to tru tho vauci before kithirihinft ii iff. tin itntthitt nmnuM rrmilnrhi fromdvtco application to Jun, st 17I, for the nom imu jtricts vj -o ctltit. SINGLE NUMBEIW AS SPECIMENS, FREE1 Address lutxikii t vein: ti & sox, miiauiicri, ALIJAM, N. Y. novl'70-tr. 'UllUKSTIONABl.Y TltK BEST Sl'HTAINl:ll WOJ1K Ol' THE. KIM) IN TUB W01II.ll" H AIIPER'S WAGAZIKE. Jfottcea of the JVca?. No Moro delightful travel nro printed In tho F.nilbdi lnntniHce than nunepr nernetuallr In HaiU'ek's Maqazimk. Ibey are read with equal Interest and t-atlslactton oy boys of every guide Irmn elliien to eltjlity. Its tsclentifto papeis, mniu uju.:iciiiiy piuiuunu in ucinaim uioiu ed to the popular untjentinndlng, nnd designed as mneiito uiftuse correct inlurmatlon cuneein- iHK current bclentlflo discovery a- it could be if It was the omannt ho "Soch ly for the Dill tudon nf Useful Knowledge." The great detlyii of jiaiu'ku h is 10 give correct inioiinaiiou nmi ra tional amusement tn tho great masses of Iho people. There nro law inteltlKei.t Aiuwriqan fain IllCH ill VVlllCll IlAHl'KB'S MAOA7INB Wl'Uldlint be an nppreelated ami lilgldv-welcome gncHt. Thero in uo monthly Miig'zino an intellipfUt rtadlnir family can less ailord to bo without. Many Magazines are accumulated. llAiti'En'ais ediied, There js not n Magazine that 1h printed which shown more intelligent naiim exnemled on its articles and mechanical execution. Therein not a cheaper Magazine pumiMied. There Is not, confessedly, a moro popular Magazine in the win in. tic jHfftanii jiomcsietia. It Is ono of the wonderH of lournalUm tbeed itorlul management of llAKii!u'ti. The Xtttion, SUHSRIPTIONS.-1R7 1 . TKuiia : Uaiiper'h Mauazine.ouo year $1 00 An Tt'rfvst rtitiK nfeithr ftii T All itvi' ttrwi.-T.V or Hazah will be supplied gratis for cicry Ctutt of r ixk riuituni jir-KMiit t uu vuci, in one rcmum ice; or, Six 1 ojnesfor tf'J tM), without ixtra cpjt. tutcriptions to Haiutk'h Maoazink, Weekly, and IIazaie. to one address for one near. S10 ut or. ,rto of lldrper's Periodicals, to one address for one 1 cur 9i uu. Hack fivmbers can bo supplied nt nny time. a Complete Set of IIaki'eu's Magazine, now comnrlsiuir -il Volumen. in neatelmh blndlmr. will be sent by express, freight nt esi'en-e ot Knrehaser, for 2 t.'i per volume. Single tolumes, y mall, postpaid, f 3 i 0. Clotti case, for bind In., M cents, by mall, postpaid. Tho Dostacoon II Aiii'Kit's M aoazink Ir 21 cenU a year, which must be paid nt tho subscriber's pohl nruce, .nuress IIAltl'KK & imOTHKItK, Xtw York. novii iu-ii. 'A REroaiToitv OF FASIIIOX. l'LKASUI la-ifltUCTlON,' H AKPKIVS BAZAR, A sunolemcnt contalnlm? uumeroui lulbslzcd puuerus 01 nL'iiii arueies aeeouijauiiM uiy pa ner everv loiluleht. IlAiii'Eit'ti llAZAU contains IBfollopaesof the caienuereu paper, ami is puuiuueu wee my, Jfotlcts of the iVtw. llAiirEit'h IIazau conlalns. I'csldn nh-tuieH, patterns, etc.. n variety ot matter of especial use nnu imerem 10 inn ihmiu ; aruciea on neaiiu, dri'BM. and housekenlnir lu nil its bian lis: ltx editorial matter lssii'aiallvadanl-d lo tlio ctn to It Is Intended to interest and lntrnci; and It hum, ui-HiticN, mhi Hioriesnnu iirtinry matter 01 merit. It Is not surprihlng that thu Journal, with Kuch ft aturtH, has achieved lu ti abort timo an Immense succehs; for something id Its Kind was iicairetun iuoiianiisni lamiiieH.auu hk punio'u ers hae filled the demand. The voun btdv who LujHaKingle nuiiitr nt Haiumju'h Hazu 1m made u subscriber lor lite. Ytiu York JSttufuy T ho IlAZAii Is ( xcillcnt. Like all tbo nerlodl ealu uhlch the Harpers publisli, it is almost ldially w til iillttd. and tn4 clans of leaden for whom 11 is luttndud thu mothers and duuguu rs lu aveiueu lamlllea can not but nro tit ov Its gooil Mriito and good taste, v liM'h. we hat uo doubt, nro to-d.iy inaKlng veiy many hcjntH nappir inaii iiit-y may uavo icm neiord inn woiuin iiLnun niKiiM lesboiis in ncistinai an household and sncial muunuf niiui lom this gmaWiaturtd mentor, 'iheAutioiL A. , SVUSlU1ITIOX!- 1871. Tut MS: HAHi'LU'ri lUzMt.ono year. 51 ill Anlhha Oonti of etthir the Magazine. Wlkk- ;.v, ir UAZMiuiU Lciuiud yrutis jor wery Cixb vj 1 ivti ii.UM,iiiiii'.i;H u n tuinr.ia cue rrnni lancet or,&U to pas for 8-0 l-o, without extra tcpy. ti4biviii'tioua to 11 a ia i;t.'H W'i i.iua and lUZAH,fu one udduts ,oruue ymr 31U UU; or tuuvf Ilarjiet1 J't iMtuuts, to enc uddi for one JttieL A umlcrs tan 1 e Mil rdird al nnv time. Voiv. L, 11., aiid ill, ol tUKi'Hi'B I!a.ak, lor tliueais t, C'J, To ihghiitl bound In gretu moioico eUah, will hu sent by ex puss, lielgbt prepaid, for 47 COiacli Ine noiitHird on Hakpeu'h Hazau lt 2t cents a ar, which miut be p.iid ut tbo subscrd,its post novlS'70lf New York, A v a h u a a h K HOOK THE NEW YOIUC ODSEHVEU v 1: a 11 1: o it AND ALMANAC,' TO nS IMl'lIi JA.M-AllV 1HT, 1S7I, Ono of thu inokt eoinriletfi eomnriidii of lmror tmit Inlouunilon wlili'li lmi ever been eomplleil in iniseouniry, iisnoniu ueineer i.iurury nM 11 llimk .if ltferenee. It eontalim tin intt-n-fitlnir Uitory (if Aimii' inatloii conrernlns nil tLe Government. In tho World; 11 Clenerul i-ununary of nil Hie IJenevn lent institution. And lteligiouii lienoinluatlotiH In tho World, Willi 8 compute Ministerial UN leetnry of neuily every ItelluloiiH llo,ly lu tlio United fctuteii, n eomnleto LUt ot ull tlio L'ollpgeK, TlieoloutealHetninalUii.AledieuluudlwKclioolii In the untied HUH. PRICK, ONE DOLIiAU. All persona Bubucrlbluj; and niylng for the NW YO"IC OllSUKVKK for one jeor(!JJwll receive a copy of this valuable woilc ailATUlTOUKLY. tiainple coplc of tlm Ob$crver aenl free. HIDNKV K. MOIWK, Jr. i CO., 87 1'urk How. Kew.Yoik. JIollixllo any aJJreis, post-paid, on rt-eelplof price, dec9 7utf. L. TUll'NEH l'HVSICIAH and uunaroN, IlLOOMSUUKO, l'A. Orvjcuovcr I.uU's BruEhtore. Itcldencoon I'iflli Blreet, lUecl0 7o.y, riMLH RE3T PAPER, .1 AND T1IU JSVXiT INDUOKMriiSTa I Tills Quarter's 11 Numbers KENT FREE lo nil Buuscnuing i'eiiro iw z-j, jut nt'xti j year's Fitty-Two Nnmb'ts of I MOOUK'H RURAL NEW-YORKEU, TItn OHKAT JLLfBTUATPU n W R A L AND V A M I L Y WRUK U V, FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY. i Tin) RbUATnowln ltslt veir,l not onlv the Iivrgi st, liet and Choauod. but by far t hp l4)rueHt('ltcuiatlnt .Tnnrtnf of Its Puss n rue Worldl National in rhaructor, Ably Ol. ted, Hu purhly lilustratetl and Printed, it Is U REST AMERICAN WEEKLY,! It is the htjiiidurduVuthorlty on all braticjiaj of AuiiiCLi.tuitrnoitT outrcnR, c. " As u i iter ary an-' tutniiy Paper Ititu avorlle in imuyof tho beti Tit in lib hmII over tho Union, Vmidn, tta Indred, MoonK's Hviil,tt tni Itlvttttnu Sphere, and is i ho laigt hi liiuslruied Journal on Uie Cu tiiieiu each number contai lng rilXt-e,il Fve Colu nn Puii.(ilo.iljlo thoMzo of inoU n itiers ni Itscins.i Ii lithe pnicr for the Im, w piurin .tnunuuui. TERMS, INDUCEMENTS, AC. TERMS$3 ii Year of 5j Nmn efK-and only fi 50 14 1 Ciubs or Ten. This Quarters i t Num uurs dent FitEE,HHOtrortdiU:Htrtf. Our i lull In ducement lor IK71 are unprecedented, ispcl-mr-n, Premium LiMtrt,&c.,entfrcu,tonll lormliu t;iuus, and wo wautu llvo Ohio Agent In every Town. A-idre"H D. D. i. MOORE.41 Parle Rnw.New York. T niE NEW YOH1C iMEruuuiar, AN EIGHT PAOE WEIiKLY. Now In Its Eleventh Year. iniblUbes bermons. a hcrlal Htory lor the Famdy.a new Chlldreti's htoryever eetc, Cliats with the Little Folks, Kdhorlnls by Iho bet McthottlKt Mrttcrs nnd otliers, l' oreitfu ana iJomesilo Lorrwpouucneo, full Deiiarttneutsof Rtllilousn4id Hccular Intel' llKCuce. Priew WWuyear. Llboral premiums or cas; coiumisiious 10 eaJivashers, rsuunvrip! tlous commence at iuy time. For specimen, en close a two r-nt stamp to prepay po tape. Ad' dress THE MEt'HODiaT.llI Nassau Ht., N. Y. T.IOLIDAY JUUHNAL FUR 1871 Muttla HporU, &c. i$ page: lllustiated. Htnt iTiuou receipt ol ou htuuip lor pjtug. Ad droHs AlJAMh A CO., Publishers, Ikiston, iTASONI(j HUOKS." XXAB(-'llf Wantdd. HendforClrcnlir. Addiess iMAo.Nic Vvn. Uj., 4JzUruomoM.,lsew Yoiu. V emu's I'M AH U II1 T U) utl Nearly Milxoilhois to Appleton's Jnurftat, publlslieil' Weelily. 'l ii-n .Months HlibM rltillnu OUATIS. l na Mnnllw of Nnvember and Dnvmber. U70,Ktven Rratls to all KUbscriiJorH reintttlnt; 91, for tbo v mr Anyone desirous of malilnsn trial of tho J(tun XAli to po whether they like It, havo It for TWO MONTHS on remminuH FUTYCEN la. PiCTUHF-sqUK AMnnicA, consisting of splcnd- idiy eiiTuu'ii views oi jintriean et-nury ini mence d In November, D. AITIXTOX & Co., Pub- phN. IlOlir, K. LKK'S lAVll. N arly ready IT br Publication the Illograpny of Oes, Hour, i;. Lr-E, by John Lb-ten t ookh, auttior of "Lite of Monorail J.ictjsori,' Vtni lua llicreyt" etc. 1 vol., x vo ,5D), p-iues, IlhKtruted, 'lu bo koM by 1. APPLLTON A CO., PublMnri.Neir Yorlc, annum ti i n liworils ii mlnuto lu OlLUiH IlAiX V. Pour week". .eml twi I our week". Jemi iwo mitps i-ir cireuirtr. l, Okay, t (. It tt m Y, RAVELERS LIl'i: N! ACCIDKNT INaUKANTI- COMFANY, of Hartford, nmn. Cash A-m-In. Sl.otoo Hi- uts t.lFH nnd i;M)(JV Jll.NT Policies or nil appro ved lorn 8. Ami'Ie securllv. low rti-s Alto Insures ngilim ACc:iU13ATrt CTiisIng uentii or total il:-ai)tdiy. I'o 1 eles written by thejearor month, lifts ma Itiu per u.iy tor htx icars in uon k i'i poll -iHimrr". tlll 'l' WAS1H 11 Alia AMI LAtlOll liv oMnir un nn nltl Axe. hi lid d at Lil'FIN 'n iMl il.'l 111.1 1 Hittt-,iti,iii 1. nhil tlinv w ffiid a lli-top Axe. i xpns .igo wm, nan a day 'osi v vt ointr v 'i u o N - K X l Ij H h I Ml'd'ALlP KFHOSKNI LMP V I Is absolutely safe lroin exploblon or br aking ourns uuy i.oai on, goon or uuii ; giv b iiioi llctit. no odor, and uses icfs oil. "it is perfLtny non-t ipivxuc i lie niu is neiirr tli 'ii is product it by uu other lamp II. Clark. 2 i tut Jlasachuhctiit Auriculluud tolUtic. IX Is ncrffrtlv nonexrb'Ml.e. lilvi R ii ludte light and ts ntm' iconrjmUul iba any other lamji in uc." n. n . n tits, taicaitit j ui'. cvmtnx. iuctiin Thu appalling ueallis uud iirust Horn gus .linns exiiioi inir una uiiiikh k unviiu u kiuh1 demand lor this lamp. It PA Y to sell it, Hold bv Canaers : Aueuts wauled pveryvviie Hemliurclieular and terms to MDNl'tlUMhltY vco., Cleveland, U., 1 i.nuiiij rst. sew runt. A AVtek Siilai v t Younir nii'ii wanted oZO as local and truvelilim N.tleun'n. Addiess iwiiu siampjit. n. vaij1vl;h,ui rant iinw,, i S30 A DAY, Biirf L AT l'A & CO., IMthlmrg.P.i " AGENTS! KKA1) TI t IS ! I r. WILL PAY AdHN'TB A HAL-UtY of U I p-r wti fc und expeiiM.'S, or allow n large loin mKwlnii in t.i-11 mil- nnv ntnl womlt-rfnl invin lions, Addiesa M. W'AONlilt At CO., Mai .shall, .Hicuignu. 1 OOl' IIM'. 'I IIM "VWifcTAllLII Int) PULfllOXAllY 11 ALSA3I.' 18? 'the old standai d lemedy for i ouvhs, Cuius, 'on Kiimptlou. "Jiuthwa bitter." ct :n.i:n uitos, a; to, uosion. C1IKHUY PKCTOUAL TltOClIKS Aro RUperlor to all otheis for Coiivhs, Co'd Asthma. Uronchlalnnd Lnnz dlftlcu tlrs. nro rj eecilltmlv pal liable. have nonuol that nauscutli; nnrrio e i u jtn i sie. nro verv Knoiniiiir niiuni ilko a I'harm; Jiiiusters, Slnaoip, and Public Hpe.iUcra will nnu they nro especially adapted to thovoico. Sold by Druggists. Also for Cousumpticn nnd Sciofula; use uo other, 11 P HAM'H DKPILATOHY POVl)l';it.-lte- U moviH suiteriluons hair In jfie mi)ii.J, w iin out li Jury to the hltin, sent by mall for M.'jj, Ul'UAM'ti ASTHMA OUHK Uellevi s most violent paroxysma lu jhe nunutt nno lii-cis a ppciuj tur. i-iicc t-- oy man. THK J Al'ANEM HAIH ST A J N Colors tbo vvblUcrsnml halrn btautdulmLACtc or mtoWN. It corslsts of only ono preparation. 73 cen is oy man Auutcfs rj, r. n iiajj, Jaynu Muct, Phlladeiphlu.Pa, tlieulais tree. Bold by ail Uiugg sts. llOYAh HAVANA I OTIKUY. Ill'rUi's cached nnd in ormatlon furulshed I oj.OKUi. ui u am, 1'ioviacnce, i;, i. auu: K(.GS. 11m thine, bt ud for ClrcuUrt Thomas, yu a-niDgtun ht.iiiooic)yn,M, ps lilOMAii Y, Any lady or gi nth-man can X Jllt VWWIIIIIUIM, BIVMIUHI1H I !' ! linKuniifl indi riendence. bv nbfntnlmr l'S(,IIO' M A (Y1'AK1 INA'llMN.ori-OlILt 1Ia1:.MI.M, 4U iicucs; ilotli, Full Instiiutions to iiboilns power oer mtn or animals at will, bow to tics inuHfP liici Tiui Tinncn or Wlltiuir ALdiums. lJlvlnntlou, hplrltuaJUm, Alchemy, Philosophy iLt iitniMiwtiiwl Hi flunk., lti tirliiiiu Vim 1 1 u J lull m. (junto to Miimnge, Ac,, all contain d in this berk ; lix,tf 0 sold ; i rbo by mall, in cloth , covers SI. Xoiiri, Any ptisou wliliug to u t as agent will receive a hunuh' eop of tho vwiiKicr. no tapiiai ih reiiui eu uu uuiroin oi u cut eel t mpioi ment should hend tort he lioolt, emU'sing M clu. lor postaue, to 1. vv. L VAX 14 CO., 11 t-outh Mh Stuet.l'hllade'p in. A CA1UL A (it revman. while lesidinirin South Amtrle ns ii miwvii.iiiirv. dlscftvciott a t-nii and t-iuinl uiuiily lor the i uteol I vunfc.AVtul;iu-m, ail inihi , rittiiMhoi un- L'iiniii iimi m niinat I'lmp, nun i hp t nine nam oi niriueih hioukii unii ianriuinni vicmtiN iiuiitiK. uifaimituhL lit. vi oi n t ureo uy mis nome it nn uy riomi til bv u des'ic to t m ilt thu alllli'ieti and tint" tumite i i fll si lid the ni ipo lui prt i-n ing an iiKiiiii tlut in- ibt'.ne in n i..h d envi lone. It an one wl o inert It, It re nf charge. Addrm .Hi. 1 Pit 'I. 1M11AN, h UX i w I'. ijLR liouti.i YuiU i lly. IdccJ-i'-tf. T)OCO METALLIC I. 1NT. The beit. chcnnit and iimst ilurtible Pahi In thomnrlret. Ndd bv all Paint lientem. Hen for Pi Ue LM ui.d t Ireular too, o liOV. M VN' Co, 17 luy M ret t, Now York, or Trenton N J' iNey. , mi'LHIUH, HAUDWAUi: I1 ALr IV A NI PLl SUtKH si-lid lor llliiKtiax-d t tdalo up ol Tiiiu-Cotiu ripe l him' ey J p. Cl imie rine- (I'iriMl VHSfS. AC, to!'. JKIU'.MAN A CO., 1 M. New oik, or Tienb n, Nt w Ji i.ty dei- "Te-.-m. Tha Groat Pictorial Annual. floHtettei's Untt.d Stales Almanac for lb"l, lor ilistributlon, gratis, thrnaihotuihr United Slates nnd all e vlllxed countrks of iho t si rn lLin sphere, wi 1 e published about litt of J liarv , and ell w bo ut hlo uudi'ist tid tin-tin philosophy of health shouli rcut itnd siud tho valuable suggestions It' cont;i.n. In add tlou to an aduiiiable medical tieulWo on the cauiH, pieveutloii HUdemoof tig lent varlWy dlseusiH, it emUuuh a large umouut oflnl'grma tlon interesting to ti e merchnni, ino mBcuani tho mliitr, thu burner, thu plainer, nnd piofu elonal want uud th ealeulutloi h havo htcu mado for mth ineildiaus and latitudes as nro iiosl suitable for u correct nnd comprUieiwlVi National Calk.vuau. Tho milure, uses, and cstruordlnaiy naullary tllVcts of llofctctter'btilomuch nitlern, tlioUl tonic and alterativeof moiethau halt thuCbrl t bin woild, aro lully set forth lu Its pug, vlLc uro also lulerspcrsed with pictorial lllUhtiatlousi valuable recipes for tho household and larm liuiuoious utifcuotts, and oilier lnslruciive ;ui amulug reading matter, otlglnal and soled e Among tho AniumU to appear wllh tho oneulu of IIih year, this will t o one of tbo ma-t useful, mid may be had for the asking, 'Hie nn prletom Mesr. Ilt'blc-llir iVHm Ih.on leeclptofa two cent stamp, will forward u copy by mall to any perbuu who cannot procure one lu his nulghbor- liood. Tho uuuraaro sold in every tow; and vlllHijc, and mo extensively used through out the entire civilized world, decno-lm, D E KTISTRY, U, C. HUWElt, DENTIBT, Huhpectfully otTera bU profemltmal ku vices to the ladleh uud gwiHU men of lUoornhburt and VI elnlty. He Is prepared lo at tend toaHtL aiP tins operation lu tlio line of hl prolenlou, ano in pruvldid with thelattht Improved 1 om ntAiw Thtrrii which will bo luserUd on .uld platiUM silvet uud lubber bafcotolook an idlaslhe uab urul teeth. Teeth extracted by all the new an most approved methods, and ill operations on the teeth catelultyuud propel i' RHendi-d to, Kesidrnee and oiilcv a lew dour a Ibft i ourt HouHo.sume side. Uloonuburv,'Wtf MISCELLANEOUS. ? U K K I A WATCH! .man WAtcitt M, A llllilllSU UAML, 1TA1U1 HII.VRU WATCH I , ,, A linLIABLC WATCH I aoou watch i AN AMimiCAN WATCH 1 WALTIIAJt WATCH I A Wntli lof ndenlleinau I A Watch for a, Ijidy I , (lold thnln for n Ocntlemanl' Ortld Chain for n Ltdy I An easy wny to got ft reliable Amcrlc'ii Watch. AOKN'Tri Alti: WANT Illl TO I'llOCUItn CASVABSK!t3 1011 II E l'EOl'liU'B WEEKLY, The reward fjr irettln;r five successfnl canvass- rs To work lor nrcmluniH which will bo sent, to frhow canvassers, will bou genuine WAL.THAM WATCH Tho nppllcant,oruKjiartIcufar, must enclose a letter from n promlucnt buslties man of Ills phu-otbut ha Is competent and ikustwohthv Address, UMVUt CI10OK & CO., Dayton, Ohio. VOU A WOMAN'S SAKE. .'Oil A WOMAN'S SAKE. VOU A WOMAN'S SAKE Vot u Woman's Sukc. For n Womnn's Sake. For n Womau'a Sake. Tho innst Thrilling and Interesting llomance ver wrlttin, Is now being published in the Peo ple's Weekly. Another great story will bo com menced soon. Every number is Illustrated, ONLY FIFTY CENTS A YEA.R Subscribers for tho year 1WI, If sent lu utouco will receive tho paper tho balance of tills year tiuuor cllAHUB. 2cpnlMatnti for snraplo opy nnd Premium LUt. Address, oi.iviiit crtooic & co., lecV70-tr Dayton, Ohio. "VTKW F1UM AT OUANGEV1LLE IRON KOUNDUY AND AGRICUL- TUIIAL WOKK3. UltUAT IMPIIOVLMENTS IN PLOWS AND TllItLaillNU MACHINES. Mr. Jacob Trlvlenlcco bavins mirchased tho Interest of Oniric s w. Low in the above named w oik, the but Incus wdll be continued under tho llrm name of W illxam Hciiltylkk a Co. llavlms dlsroveied severul imperiectlous In the plows mauuiaciureii in ioi, iney nnvu sireugineneu ami Improved I hem, and added some entire new patterns. They will open the spring trade of 171 lar In advance- ot anything eer oir. red to the uiuiic, otiog no in practical inecuanics, nnu nav nn their work all done under their own Kuoer vision they guaianteo their work superior In mitieriui nnu iiuiaii in nny nereiuiuro oiiercu Ii aier shoulil not accent of nnv other aurlcul- tural Impleun lit s until they have examined our iwnnumcture i aimers suouiti iry our piows ueiurif uuyiutr un inner j ney aisu luuuuiaciui ALL K1N1U OP CA8IINGH, luuilly mad in first clas Poundrles, tfiv and ri mi i i .i iiiiJb1) , iii in i! aim mien up in oruer, TIIJIEUING JIACIIINES nve maOc stn clalty, and some very decided lm- o Linuiits li.ixi) nt'Gii introiiiieeii into tiiuir ma chines, 1'ilcts lower tliauteir; all kinds of count ly piodurcaiiil old Iron laki n in oxi hango Order dlnitirom thn manufaetury old agen cies supplied durliu the winter. .Auuiet-a uii oiuers m WILLIAM SCIIUYLEU & CO., ,01lK'lTInrilAl, WOltKK, OKANGEVIM.E COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, uuvlS71-lf. LEGAL NOTICES. A DMINISTRATOU'S NOTICE IV KSTAU: C1F JACOItStlKIJtAMEn, DEC'li. LettciH of ntlmlnlslintIuu,oii Ihcebtnie nf Jac ob Miclhniiif r into of IU aver township, Columbia eimnty, dfi'enscd, hao been granted by the Heg lster ol t-utd county, to 'I ilmon Hllleuhoube of Bern or. All pei'Mins having ciulmn nynlnst the esinlu nf bald decedent ure requested to present i hem lor'.Httlcinent.und those Indebted to mako pa ment to the nndcitdgned, without delas. tilmun ltirrKNiioui:, iU.9'70-Cw. Administrator. A1 KSfATHOr l'K'lini JUTTNKIt. 1. JjttttrH ul adminibtr.ition un thu entitle jf Iter lUttner, lato or Locuit twp., Columbia county, dee'd, havo been gmnted b the HeuHter of bald county to George lilttuer and John A lilltner.of Lo-ust 'township. Alt jierbons having claims ngaltl Urn esuilu of tnu dectdent are lequeted to pi jl' sent thtm lor btttlment, and those in dfbied to the estate to mnUe pnyiuent to theuu-deisib'm-d, udmlnlstrators, without delnv. OKOHOn UlTTNEB. JOHN A. U11TNEH, deeOT0-Ct. AdmlnlHtrators. N'J T I (J 13 I All venous indebtid io tho subscriber ro hereby i otitled that tbo accounts mo in the hftmlft or hlchurd Milts, of Ilentou, nud pay ment li uqui'Mcd to be ninde by tlio IhI of Jau uary, If not paid nt that t mo they will bo put lu tho bands of n pi opt r rifllcer for eotlec t.on. J. W. FULLMtlt. llcntun.DfO. I0,lfe70-ot. rNCOUJnATIO. Notlco Is hruby given, tlmt on the 1st day of NoveinbiT, lb70, Mindrs inlibltnnts of Columbia (our.ty pusf-ntcd a pitlilon to an adjourned Court of Common l'leui of wild county, pra log tho Mild Couit togiiiutH Charter of Incorpora tion, under tho nnie, style nnd title nf"TitK iMTfQIJKIlAN.N A CAT'XLK lUHUHANCK COJIPASY," with tlio lights nnd prlviltgen therein Mated, nnd if no BUtllctent eantso Ij shown to the con rary on tbo hist day ot next term, tho praj er ol thu jietliloiicrs will Le giuuted, according tn tbe Act of Assembly In mkIi case xmide ftnd pro vbted. W. II. EN7 dcc;0'70 If. l'rothonotary. "i7XE(,UTOR'S NOTICE. XJ 1WTATK O JOHN ZIOLFK lir.C'D. l.ftter.H testiimt'iitary on tbo estate of John Zigler, h of Franklin township, Columbia counts', deeen-ed, havubreu granted by tho Iteg ltir of said county to II. J. Iteeder of Catu wisa township, Columbia counts'. All persons hiiving ciiituiN italust tbe estate ure requested to present them to iho Executor in, Fa. 'lliomi Indebted to tbo iHtalo either on note, judg ment, mortgtwo or boolc nccount will maUo py ment to (lie i.xecutor wltliout delav. II. J. HEEL EH, doi-OiO-Ow. Esecutor, A1 IIINISTRATOIVS NO TICE. I -TATP. OP AI-RK11T DEC D. l.iiicr of Adioliiibtriiilon on tho estate of A.lo-it Iluuler, Into nf 1'ino townblp Colum- um eon ii i y ut 1 1 ii si ii, im v ul-i ii luiiit-ti it) tl.r llegMi r of said eounly to John W, liunter, oi Vvithi-rlw Caibon county, I'a. All peisonn having t Inimv npdnst tho estate ot thu decedent aif uqueMidln pu-M'iit them lor settlement, and thiMo imUbti'd to th estnte to make pay ment to tho undersigned, administrator, or to E, 11. Little, I fc(iat bUotilcolu Hlonmshurb', witlioui delay. JOHN W. HUNXEU, uoVa'7ii-w. Admlntairafor, i nINlSTJtATOR NOTICE F4rn;ot- umtVAun not ain kiv, man. L'ttiiH oj MditiliiU'r.itlon on tbo etdnte of IWtnard F''ui.heity, late oi Conj nfihm town shli. ColumtdJ tduuty. IVnu'n. deceased, iHii bnu ui-nttd ly Iho Ih,Ktcr of said eJtmtl to lamUl Doughuity, of CouytighHiu tou nblp, t'oiumblu counts. IVnnns IVdiiln. Alt pern'ii twvlHg elalniH or demnmlH ngnlust the d. c-.iU r.; iui- itiiuisiid tonuili thcmUimHu.und Utoe nui mill tu iiiiiKt- (mymeul. DAMliL DuUGHUnV. iiuvi'70-Uv. Adiutnlstrator. IS IIERBY GIVEN, Itlonlii ruilinri, nil'l KL'nlt '1'ou-ii XX th t iii- LlLlllllO S, llOtll llflU.k. llltU 1111(1 111-llitlll. Will tin s iUl ill iui I'o ml,-, in n i-1 lulici-t uud U t i M. at, n. K.Vil llPAY, Un JM DAY Ol' DIXE.M il'.l,, 1 67U, ni i lie ii'. itclt 1'. Jl i(iniiiii'ii(.'lnsut tin hcuit 'aowii ii(i)Lity, CoNUiriosa. One ii nrili if thu inm-luto inoiipy to lie (.alii cm Kiril-.iii Uuau) (if iliu iiuerty; niiofourth In six ii onll.s Hem (iio ui Mile, Willi intercut od Uh mum uti.jn ulnlui; tiiipa1(ftaiiU Hie bul-inca lufiiio jictir v ilU inttiibt iiuuiMiinil nii.i meul. By oiutr or lUaril. U. li, iki.i.1:h, nuv.s'ru Uw. Mecremry, "VrOTlCK IS 11KKIJIJY d. 1 tliat min)illciitloiiwlllLe inm! Q1VKN inade at the next itii-i. intr ri (tt-iu-rai Asstniui or inn i;nm. lutuucMlth oi rtuiibylviuila lor the lucorporu i tou of a bunk, In nccordancwlililhelawif tbo Commonwealth, to ho entitled the "Catawlssa l)froit nndh.ih c Ilauli." to be located alCuta i it.Mji.1 wtth u capital of tlity thousand dnlUis, witli ibe increabo tho samoto one mil orcii huu iiiij iikiusuuu uuititm, Catuwisn, July 1, IMu-tm. A DMINIbTRATOIVS NOTICE. l tJTATK OF MA1IY CllKAhY. XIKC'D. Letter of fidnilnUtrutlnnon thertntool Mary Cieasy, ltte of Mllllln twp., Columbia counts' dcoM.liavc bteu Blunted by the ltesliter of s-iid county, to kiatuuoi Creasy ofillflllu towushlp. All pei sons having claims or deuiamU ugalnst thouw4dentnre reijuisuti to make them known uua luoseiuatbied lomaKo pamen nov'70-Cw, AdiuluUUator, A DMINISTJtATOUS' NOTI0I3, 1 vet l era ol itdmiulstratlon on thu estate of JatftdiANh, late of 1 teuton township, Columbia, county', tUceastd, have been gran ltd by the Register ol bald eounly to Isaac K, Krlckbaum una Jibepli Ash, ol lit nlon, Columbia counts' All i list us hiiviuu claims aualust the estate of Ihu decedent ute teqiubled lu pienent them fur settUtueiit.uud those indebted to thetttuteto make payuitnt lu the undersigutd, administra tor, vUhoutdeIas'. ISAAC K. KRICKUAUM, JOSEPH Abll, dee'J'70-Ow Administrators, At JIMJH U JOH I'KirsTirsU PrthUngumce. LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE PEOPLE. HOMESTEAD LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF 1' ENNBYliVAN'lA, . H OrfCE 701 Chestnut Street, l'lilladelplila. " V. M. SEYFEllT, Pre.'t. LAWHENOE MYKI11, V. Prei'l. It. W. DORPHI.KT, fa.ty 11. K, DAVIS, Snp'lol Ageneln. Thin Comnfttiy nmanltfd brlpsdlnir rtDrf.en'stlTMftf (he InduittiM Inl.rnU of the Sl! widely known am nucccsifnl una rcponaibl. bulricil in rencu Ol nu, uu aaupiea h njKieni oi MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF PREMIUMS, enabling every man to provide for hts family In cat 10 tie ien. special aiiemion u caueu 10 iu wiuimuj a-K,A.3DXJ-A.TI3SrO- POLICY, nmucli needed fenlnre in Lire Insurance, entirely neirlnthu coumryi designed toptoleet in cae or dentil, the intercut, ot t H1I AUEHOLDEItS IN BUILDING ABSOOIATIONS and iu Who have borrowed money or purcbaed property pnyablo In in.tolmenU .xlendlng OTt a scries ol yenrs. i by CANCELLING any balance ol Indebtedness remaining UNPAID ill ease or DEATH. THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL THE.Oni)INAKY FORUM OP LIFE AND rilL.MIUSI.U24 TI Bl'AHTlUI'AllKU tl.AIi, v 1 iJi Jiu r .. w. T6 OCCUPATION, AND NONE AS TO TRAVi-L OR RESIDEM-B. a-Fu Information as to Plana and Features. i .ontalned In Pamphlets which wUl bororward.' ed by mall on application to the Home Oince. Activo and responsible F. M. BATES, AGENT Pnliunl.ld Unllli'.iti llrnrlimil n Tlniro fViiinltj U nioomnburg, August 19, 1870-6m. REAL ESTATE SALES VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY FOH HALK, Flourlmr mill, three runs of stone, two runs old stock french lmrrn that can not be Barpnsed ior maKinc cnoice nour, pew nmut iuhcuido and bolLn, the IMTKOVED TUltniNE WATKU WHEEL, water nufllclent to run the whole year, capacity of mill yj.uoo to 25,'xmj bushels per tiunum. situat ed In ono of the btst wheat sections In the State, A large- run of custom. Hlx miles irom Danville, Haw mill attached In good order, 05 ACRES OP LAND, IiAUUE DWELLING HOUSE with nllthoneo ensury nut bulldlngn, bearlnj? orchard with choice fruit. This property will be sold for less thun cost ot the improvements. Term eay. For further particulars Inquire nf D. A. FINNKY.on tbo property, or address to Danville. I'a. Doiiville, rs'ov. 18, la70 2m. p R IVATE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Tbe undersigned offers at private sale a farm Mluuto in Lot uhI township, (Thimbu county, about i mile from the old Father furnace con taining 8IXTY-ONE A- A HALF ACRES. whereon li ere'i'd ti ifood dwelllm? house, a larico new burn uud ut Ik r necessary outbuild ings, A GOOD APPLE ORCHARD f choice fruit, and a never falling Bnrlna o wateratthe door wit ti a sorlui; house. About of tbe land in cleared undlu good state of cultivation. For further information armiv to John L. Hurst. Locust township, Col, euor W. W. Hurst Danville, Montour eo la. Fossesslon given on the flrtit day of April 1S7 oct2l'7U-3m. W. W. HUltoT. pRIVATE SALE o r VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. Tbo undersigned offers at private sate about 00 ACRES OK VALUABLE LAND, .llllnln I.. TH.n.. tn.,nl,ln An...... bounded by lauds of Elizabeth Kline, Dauiei psnuiiz, jacoo yRU, jncoo iieisnuue nnu oiuers Fll teen Acres or which is chared laud. It also contains a good young orchard, A FRAME HOUSE AND BARN and a never falling spring of water. Also 11 rst class SAW AND LATHE MILL. The balance of the tract Is heavily timbered Willi unit. Will 11 piuc, dC For terms, conditions, Ac, apply to tbe under signed, Tbe actual number of acres will be de tti nil Led by survey. Ueutou.June .lb70-tf WM. APPLEMAN. p U B LIC SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The undersigned will expose to public pale on the prmls(s on SATURDAY, DECEMllEHi'lth, lb70, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following vaiuame rt hi esiaie, io wu : a cenaiu HOUSE AND LOT OF GROUND, sltuntH in Montour township. Columbia county. bounded by lands of Hamuel Frs on the north, cusi aim suuiu,auu ihliqb ui Muiuias o. Appiv mun on tbe wtht, bold lot CONTAINS ONE ACRE OF OROUND. Tbe house Is a one and ouo-half ttory frame, a irume sumie, pigsis lc., tnu a gouu spring oi water nwir tho door uf the dwelling. AIJSO a CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, hlfimtn In thn tnwnshtn and countv aforesaid bounded by lands of tbe heirs of John Glgger, on the north. Mrs. KamuelR. Dluner on the east, Hamuel lryaud Mai bias S. Applcman ou tht sou in ana west, CONTAINING 65 ACRES, moro or less. On this tract there Is a good lime stone quarry and kilns, and ou which are erect ed a lurgu TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, a iromo kitchen, stone spring house, a large bank ham, wagon sued, corn-crins, sc, goou cntcr a lid u (rood orchard on tbe memlses. The bouse and lot above described will be sold subject tu the dower of Hannah Dletterich, wld ow of John Dletterich. deceased, ait also the above dcscrlbtd tract of land, the interest of said dowers tu be aid annually to said widow during her lifetime, by the purchaser or pur chasers, computed irom tbe 4tn day of May, A. 1). 1671. and are as lollous : on house and lot Sittj.WJi principal: on tiact ot land K5M.&S! principal. '1 1 principal turns to bo paid to thu undersigned Immediate!' upon thedeathof bald Jlnuiiuh Diet tench. 'J he condition?! will be mado known on day of U J e. ISAIAH DI 171 TEK J L'J I. Montour twp., Dec. 2 ifcTtMw. PUBLIC 8 A L-E V A L U A II L E REAL E S T A T li. In pursuance of nn order of tho Ornhann's Court oi Columbia county. Pa., ou SATURDAY, the 31st day or December, 170, at lo i 'clock in tho foieuoon, bumuel Dletlerlcb, Admiulstratttr d SHVlna Hut' hlsou, late of ncoU township. In Ktui eotiuiy, ueceaseu, win expose iu saie, uy piioue veuuue, uu iue preuiiMt h, u ceriuiu iues suao uud J-OT OF GBOUND, situate In Light Street, bounded aud described us ioiiown io wu; on ine west uy ine Aiaui roau orbtreet.ou the north bv anallev.ou lhoeuit bv un alley and on Ihe south by u lot of Robert i'lVUl, CUUUllUIIig . ONK-FOUHTII OV AN ACItK, moro or les, being onu town lot. whereou nro creclfil nTwo Story Kramo Dut'lllng Uoubo, a wuiip,u-rrainubUiblf, .le. lJto the ,'t,tu ol iild tuocusiM. Y. 11. jj.nt, Lleru. Terni! will bo mado known on itnv of f.alo by BAMUKI, UIlATEItlCU, ilcrD'lO-lt, AUuiiuUtrmor. paiVATU BALE or,UAi)i.n iu:ai. ustate, Tlio Bubuclbtr ollerii for ftute hi. form sltuato In lIuntlUKton township, I.uwnio oounty, ou llnullugtou cioek, twomllfn rom Johuttown. CONTAINING AUOUT CO ACHES, I'lvo acres of which are timber land. A good l&rKUtmiao house, barn andlhoUhualoutbulta lug., A constant supply of pure water very convenient to the house, A Hue orchard of a pic, peaches, Ac. l'or full particulars apply on the premises to ( 11A1IJ.LB llOUBKIt, lluutitigtou, Dec. 8, lUTlMw.' A GKNTS WANTED FOH THE lalJUAUY OF rOETKY AND SONG Uting Lhvice Selection from the Jlett Poets, higllsh, cotch, Jrlsb.aud American. Wllh an introiluctlon by WILLIAM CULLEN" DRVANT. Tho entire ork, page by page, has passed un der the educated criticism and scbolarlvtyeof this great poet. The handsomest and cheapest beok extaut. iwutalnlng more to give It enduring lame and make it uu I verbally popular than any book ever published. It has bomethlug lu It of thk nur tor every one fur the old, the middle-aged, and the jouug. Excepting the lllble, this will be the book most loved aud Uu motlrequently re ferrtd to In tbe family. This is a Library in one book, whose contents will never grow old or stale, it will be read uud re-read with the greatest pleasure. Over tJ pages, beautifully printed, choicely illustrated, handsomely bound. Sold ouly by subscription, Teacheie, Liergymen, active Men and Women, csu all secure good pay with light work by Uk Inn uu agency fur this baoJr, Terms very liberal, Send lur circular, tic. to Ul-U. M At LEAN. 719 Sahsom St., Philadelphia, JWITjII 1 I'UU VUMUWUin. v-uuiian, Apmnnn hnllMllriir Apnrlr in rilhnr l.v rnintnir. Cllntou. Centre. Northviraborland, Montour, men, desiring to IM liuurauco of bis dailli, at a eost so trifling nt inrry oTiirm ' ENDOWMENT ' ra" W W IW'M ur men wanted as Agenta. BLooMsnima. Pa. l'tJH CJULUMUIA LUUmi. Will n1rilCf flilllrf t,U -WlLLAHD A. WlLMAMf.BpcclnlAppnt. aotia William St. VibLiALiroHTf Va. DR. rJCHENCK ADVIHE3 CON- ' HUMl'UVES TO CIO TO FLORIDA IN-, Wf Nl Ell. Having for tho last thlrty-tlve years devoted my whole ilmonud attcntlou to tho study of liiugdlseHM'i nnd consumption, I foe! that I un ' dersrnnd fully the course tlmt ought to pursued Ut restore a tolerably bail cno of diseased lungs to healthy soundness. The first and most Im portant step is lur the patient to avoid talilnx cold, aud tho bet'of all places on tins continents for tnis purpose In winter. Is Florida, well down in the SlAte, where tho temperature is regular; and not subject to sunn variations as In more Northern latitudes.' Patalka is a point I can re commend. A good hotel ts kept there by Peter man. Last winUrlsaw suveral persons there whose lungs hud been badly dUensed, but who. under tho heating inlluence of the climate aud. my medicines, were gelling well. One huudred miles further down thnilvor Is poiut WHICH 1 WUU1U preiur n Jiimmn, nm iuw temperaiuro i laoru eveu huu wumrurf huu b rue in if. Mellonvlllo aud Euterprlse are lonated tnere. I should give a decided preference to Mebonvllle. It Is two mllos Irom river or lake. and it neoms almost impossiDie io lane coia there. Tho tubles lu Florida might bd better, and patients compUln at tluies but that Is a good sign, a It Indicates a return of appetlto, and wneu this Is tho cute they generally Increase la . nen, and then me lungs must neai. Jacksonville, Illberula, Urecn Cove, and many other places In various p.irts of Florida, can be suffly recommended lo oousumptives In winter. My reasons for saying so aro that patients are less llarde to take col t there thin whero there is a less even temperature, and It is not necessary, to say that where ftconumpttvo person exposes himself u frequent colds lie is certain to die shortls. Therefore my advlco Is, go well down into mediate out oi lue ksicii ui prvuius wluds and fogM. Jacksonville, or almost any other or the localities 1 have named, will bene fit those who are troubled with a torpid liver, a disordered stomach, deranged bowels, sore throat or cough, but for those whose luugi are diseased a moro southern point Is earnestly re commended, ou For fifteen years prior to 1809, 1 was profess! m ally in New York, Boston, Baltimore aud Phled ueipnia every weea wnero i iuiw huu ciutu j. on an average five hundred pattenu n week, le practice so extensive, embracing every poislb pause oi iunguiease. mm o stand the disease mlly, and heuce, ray caution lu regard to taktngcold. A person may take vast quantities of "Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Fills," and jot dio H he does uot avoid taking cold. In Florlda,nearly everybody ts using Schenck's Mandrake Pills, fur the climate is moro likely to produce bilious habltathan more northern lati tudes. It is a well established I act that natives ol Florida rarely dio ot consumption, especially thuso or the southern part. On too other baud, in New Khglsud,one-tnlrd(at;east(of the popu lation die of this terrible disease, lu the Mid States It does not prevail so largely, still there are many thousands of cases there, what a vast percentage oi me wouia uh buvcu h iwuui"i" tives weie as enslly alarmed lu regard to taking fresh cold as they are about scarlet fever, small pox, ac. But they are not. They tako what they term a mile com, wuicn uiey uio wu-nuum enough to believe will wear off tn ai?w dajs. They pay no attention to it, aud heuco UIjss mo luuuuauuu ior uuoiuer uuia uuiu until the lungs are diseased beyond all hope ror cuie. . Jif v Ail t M n iftnorsnna whn!fllnni?q are affected even slightly Is, to lay in a stock or schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, Schenck's Seaweed Tonbiaud Schenck's Mandrake Pills and go to Florida. L recommend mese particular meuicinea uuu I am thoroughly acquainted with their actions I iinow thut whprhtittiv uruusdln strict accord. uucewlthmy directions they w.lldothe work that Is required. Thw acoompllshed, nature willf do tlierest. Ihe nuyslclan who prescribes for cold, cough or night-sweat, and then advises luepaueni io want orrtae out every uuy, wm be sure to have a corpse on his hands berore long. Mvnlan Is to clvo rav threo medicines. In ac cordance Wth the printed directions, except in souie easen wuere u truer use ui i" a'iuh Pillais necessary Mj object Is to give tone to. the stomach to get up a good appetite. It is al ways a good sign when a patient begins to grow' hungrs'. Lhavo hopes of such. With urelhm ior, lood and tho gratl dent Ion of that relish comes good blood, and Willi it more flesh, which is ulusely folluwod by a healing or tho lungs, men tbe cough loosen k and ubrtte, the creeping chilis uml uiaiuuiy nl-htsweuth no longer prostrate nnd annoy, and the patient gets well, provided he avoids taking cold. Now there nro many consumptives who have not tho means to go to Florida. Tbo question may tio usked,is ihereuo hope for such? Cer uinly theio Is. My advice to such Is, and ever has been, to &tay in a warm room during the winter, with a t.-mperature of about sevents' de grees, which should bo kept reguUrly at that point. bjMuoans of a ttiennometer. Let sui h a patient Kke hii exercise within tho limits of the room by talking up and down aa muchns hit sireuglh will permit, lu order to keep up s healthy calculation oi tbo blood. I have cured thousands by this ss stem, and can do bo npain. Oonsumptlou lb as easily cured as any other dis taso If U is taken in time, and the proper kind of treatment is pursued. The fact stands utidls- Suted on record that schenck's pulmonic t? rup, Uudrake Pllts, nnd Seaweed Tonic have cuttil very many or what seemed to be hopeless lasts or consumption. Oo where sou will, you will bu almost certain to tind some poor consumptive who has been rescuid fiom the veyjawbot Ufath by their use. M So lar as the Mandrake Plllfr are concerned,, everybody should krep a supply of them oh hanu. Thes' act un the liver belter than calomel, uud leave uuue of Ita burllul elUcls behlud lu fuel they are excellent In all cseb where a pur gativo medicine in requited. If you have par taitcn too freely ol fruit aud dlarrbcca en.ueti, a (1 he ul ttie Mundrabeit will cure ycu. ifouai subject to sick lit-ada he. tuke a dose of tlie Man drakes und they will relieve you In two hours: If suuwuuld obviate tho fleet ol a charge cf wider, or the too fne Indulgenco Iu fruit, mko oueof tho Mandrakes every night or evtiy olber itlnht.and you may thtli drink water undiat watermelons, pears, n, pies, plums, peacbib or corn, without tbeilsk oi bting made sick by ihtm. They will proiict tl.ue v. ho llvolu lsmp Hltuutloiis against chills ami fevers. Tr-them. They are jorltclly Lariulesf. Thry can do vou I have nbaudened my proftssionul v islts to llem ion and New York, but continue to see patients at my olIlce.No 6HIX11I Htrcot, Pbliaut-l-phla, every haturdny, irtm U A. M. to 3 1. M. Ihosa who wish a thoiough examination with the Respliometer will be charged Jive dollars. Tho ltt-spliumetcr declares the t tact condition ot thu lungs, and pativinsuuii uadliy hum wnelher thes are euiubleor not, liut I deslte 11 dlbtluttly understand that the value of my medicines depends entirely ii-ou their beiug lul: en slrlctlv according to dlrteUona. In eouiliisiou, I will say that when persons i take my niedlelue4 and tht lrsssttms arc Uronght , Into u nealthy condition thereby, lhey areu l so liable lu lake cold, s eljio one with diseased lungs can bear u suddtu ihauge ol atmospheik wlthuul tbo liability of gie.iu r or It ss irrltutlOM of the iJtouchhil tubts, ' Full directions lu nil languages accompany my imdiclueh, so explicit aud clear that any one can use them without consulting me, aud can be bouBht tNCKi . 1(. . No, 15 Jf Sixth Mtreet, l'htladelphla. liovH'7ij-lf. Hlop MT.1H MTOI' STOl' tOJt saw STOP AT THE OYSTER DAY AT T11K OYST10U HAY! AT THK OVSTKH BAY I At tiii; O vstek Bay ! At tho Oyster Hny! AT T1IK llVSTKH 11AV I AT Til rJ OYBTfcll IIAY 1 AttiieOystkuUayI I AttheUy.terllayl BUBINEaS CAHDS, viaixiNa cAitiiri, utrut IIKADS, HILL HEADS, ' rnoaiiAMMiii, 1HTE1W, AO., &0. Neatly and Cheaply Printed Krora the jtlestbtyleaofTfre t th COI.UMIIIAN OVflRb 250,000 1R1ME 11IC1 l"On SALE AT ESPY. Kor particulars, kddreu n. J. MlLLAllD. Espy. OB T, 13. lIII.LUt, LIid. IUJ.. QLATK HOOKING, BVEBT TABIBT MOST KAVOUAllLfi RATKti, JOUN THOU AH, AM) CAHl'EIl J, THOMAS lioi. 'IT. Ulooiu.buiS) F. Mar.UUW-ly