THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOUJL1AT, BLOOMS U11U, COLUMBIA COUNTY, JPA. AGRICULTURAL & DOMESTIC. Starving the Orchnnl. It h tlio theory and prnctlce of Porno orchardlBts to slarvu their fruiting trees under tho iinprr&ilon Hint It tuuMts them healthy and productive. The. theory looks pluuslblo. It Is piU1 growth must be checked In time to ripen the wood, bo that It may not be Injured by thecold nnd frost9 of winter. 11 im co tho predutermtned nud system atic plan for starvation Is entered upon with a will. Accordingly the cultlvii tlon U stopped, ilia orchard sown to umsa, tho crop cut nnd carried otf tho field and nothing restored In tho way ol fertilized. Thu results nt first nro apparently fa vorable. Tho growth of wood Is surely checked ; fruit budsaro formed In great abundance, aud tho pioapuct la moat fluttering. For a few seasons tho fruit Is fine and In groat plenty. But very soon appearances change ; fruit small nnd knotty, aud less of It. Tho trees mako a poor growth, show evident signs of weakness, dlsoaue, and jiuo actually dlol "What Is tho matter with tho apple tneaY" We aiiswer, niuttsr enough. It I a clour eaao of starvation. Tlio old theory of half starving trees to uiuko them healthy, Is "false as fair." Who ever heard of half feeding or half clothing children to mako them healthy and vigorous and strong? No, men of full growth, a well as children, must bo fed liberally if thoy would maintain good health and a long and useful life. It is so with our orchard trcos. Let them have all the food that their many fibrous roots will take up, and that their loaves can digest, and you need not fear tho result. Your trees may not bear so young, or so abundantly for tho first few years, but they will endure and BiJrvlvo yur generation, supply fruit for your children's children. Young orchards may be cultivated In corn or potatoes for tho first three or four years, then sow In clover for two or three years; In the meantime dress with plaster, ashes and superphosphate, with such and so much stable manure, from time to tlmo, ns can be Bparcd from other field and garden crops. Turn under tho revonil crop of clover every third year. Watch tho health nnd growth of your trees, and adapt your culture to it. Treat them as you would your children, and thoy will grow up to bless ycu. Uow to Alako Cuttings Grow. It Is well ascertained that a cutting will develop root much soonor In moist sand than In rich soil. But tho sand cannot maintain its growth for any length of time. To prepare pots for raising cuttings, th'ey should be filled nearly to the brim with rich garden loam dark and porous, not clayey and soggy; then pour iu ono inch In depth of scouring sand-sea sand will do as well as yellow sand. AVet this thoroughly, and place tho cutting, from which all but tho threo or four upper leaves have been removed, cloao to tho side of the pot; tho contact of the ware against tho stem or tho cutting promotes its growth. Press the wet sand firmly around tho stem. A great deal of your chanco lor success in raising slips or cuttings depends upon this. Plant ar mnuy cuttings ns tho pot will hold, jiuiu kix io a uozeu, according 10 me sizo of your pot ; when they aro firmly Bet in the sand, two or threo can bo In terred In tho mlddlo of tho pot. Set them away in a dark, warm place, for twenty-four or thirty-six hours. Thus, catling will grow quickly in a hotbed, brcauso tho temperature is not iliy. Their growth depeuds a great deal upon light, heat and molMuro. If a bud is closo nt tho base or a will strike root more easily is not apt to decay. Tho roots shoot from a bud, and tho lowor down It Is the surer your success. When the leaves drop, the plant is commencing to grow ; if they wither on the stem, it has begun to do cay. By following theso directions, no ono can fail to grow all kinds of house plants. Bosea and all tho rarest flowers of tho green houses aro propagated In this manner. Uow to Make Bread. Dr. Lewis gives this as tho proper way to make good bread : Obtain good wh eat and grind it without bolting.mtx It with cold water until It is as thick as can bo well keaten with a spoon ; and, after It is thoroughly beaten up, put It into a largo iron pan, composed of many little ones, which must first bo in ado hot; put the pan quickly into tho hot oven, and bake it as rapidly as possible. Tho heat of the oven instantly coagu lates tho glutten In tho flour, which re tains the steam within-, whereupon tho biscuits expand and becomo very light This broad Is very porous and digest 1 ble. It is delicious and wholesomo If aten hot, and is moro so when cold. This Is tho best bread that can bo made of wheat. If you prefer, ralso the bread with good yeast, but don't uho it until it is at least twelve hours old. Indelible Inks. BLUE INK. Blue lndellblo ink for marking linen, u made of flvo parts of oxldo or moly bdenum, dlssolvod In tho requisite quantity of hydrochloric acid; two parts of tho extract of liquorice, and six of gum-arabic dissolved In two-hurt dred parts of water. These two i-olu tlons are mixed, and after writing with them on tho objects, tho spot written upon Is moistened with a solution of chloride of tin in water. This indelible Ink not only withstands washing, hut also all kinds of acids and alkalies, xcept 'thoso which also destroy the linen. uosflix'ii inujslidlk ink. This ink is nmdo of two parts of pow dered acetato of copper, four parts of lal.amuioniu, ono part of lamp-bluck, nd twenty parts of water, well mixod together. They mako u good indelible ink, which, however, must always be well shaken before using. i-ubtle itajjan indeuule ink. Tlio Italian ink of the tradoisnchlor ido of gold. The material to ho mark exl is first zontitaned with a solution of chloride of tin, and dried. Then, upon writing with the gold chloride, a pre oipllato of gold purple, tho beautiful purple of Cosslus, Is the result, which penetrate the fibres very minutely. A good rule Back your friends and THE YOUNG FOLKS. Tin; Ilog nnd tho Sparrow. Thero was onco n Shepherd's Dog, Which had rt very bad master, who never gavo htm food enough far Ills services; nud ouo day, having tnndoup his mind to endure such treatment tie loiiucr, the Dog left tho man's service uml took his way, thuuxh with mut-li sorrow. On tlio road tho Dog met n Sparrow, who said "Brother Dog, why Mre you so glum ?" Tho Dg replied, "I am hungry ant) have nothing to rut." "Oh," replied tho Sparrow; "come with me, and I will soon satisfy you." Ho they went together to tho town, und, when they came to a butcher's shop, the bird said, "Walt a bit here, I will peck you down a pluce of meat;" and fly itig into tho shop, and looking round to seo that no ono observed Tier she pecked and pulled at a joint which hung just over tho window till It fell down. Tho Dvg Instantly snatched It, and, running lutou corner, soon devour ed it. When he had done, the Sparrow took him to anothf r sliop and pecked down n second plet oof meat, and, when thu Dog had finished this, the Sparrow usk -d, "Aro you sulisflvd now, Brother Dog ?" "Yes," ho replied, "with flesh; but I havo touched no bre.fd at all yet." So tho Sparrow, saying, "That you shall havo If ycu will como with me," led him to a baker's, and pushed down u couple of loaves, and, when tho Dog had finished them, she took him to another shop and pushed down more, As soon as thesa wcro consumed the Sparrow asked again if he was satlsll ed, and tho Dog replied, "Yes; and now wo'H walk awhile round the town." Off they started now upon tho high load ; but it being very warm weather, they had not walked far, when, ns they came to a corner, tho Dog said, "I am tired and must go toslcep." "Very well," replied tho Sparrow; "meanwhllo I will sit on this twig " So tho Dog laid down In tho middle of tho road and was soon asleep. Presently a Carrier came up tho road driving a wuggon with threo hordes, laden with two casks of wine, and as thu Sparrow saw that tho man did not turn aside, but kept In tho mlddlo of tho road where4ho Dog lay, sho called .out, "Carrier, take caro what you do, or I will make you poor I" But tho Carrier, grumbling to him self, "You milko mo poor, inde?d 1" cracked his whip anddrovotho waggon straight or., so that tho wheels passed over tho Dog and killed him. "You havo killed my brother tho Dog, and that shnll cost you your horses und your cart!" "Horses and cart, indeed 1" tald the Carrier ; "what harm can you do me?" and ho drove on. Then tho Sparrow, hopping under tho waggon-covering, picked at the bungholo of ono of the casks until slit worked out the cork, so that all the wine ran nut without its being perceiv ed by tho Currier ; but all tit onco the man looked behind him and paw thu wine dropping Iroiu tho cart, nnd, try -ing thu cn-ie, found that ono of them was empty. 'Ab," cried he, "now 1 am a poor roam" "Yet not poor enough 1" tuld tho Sparrow, and, fly1 Ing on to tho head of ono of tho horses, she pecked out ono of its eyes. When tho Carrier saw this ho drew out his hatchet and tried to hit tho bird, but sho flew up, and, Instead, ho cut his own horso's head, so that it fell down dead. "Ah," crjed ho, "now I am a poor mnu I" arm not poor enougnr- saui mo Sparrow; and, whllo tho Carrier drove further ,on with his two horses, she crept ngnln under tho covering of tho waggon and pecked, out the bung of the second cask, so that all tho wlno drip ped out. When tho man round this ho exclaimed again, "Ah, now I am a poor man 1" but tho Bird replied, "Not poor enough yet I" and, settling on the hea3 of tho second horse, sho pecked nut its eyes also. Again the driver lifted his axo and made a cut at tho Sparrow, which flow nway, so that tho blow fell on his horso nud killed t.. "Ah, now I am poorer still I" cried tho man; but tho Bird replied, "Not yet poor enough I" and perching on tho third horse, sho pecked out its eyes also In a terrible passion tho driver aimed a blow with his axo as bpforo at tho Spar row, but, unfortunately missing, lilt his own horso Instead, and so killed his third nnd lat animal. "Ah me! poorer and poorer !'' oxclaimrd tho Carrier. "Not yet poor enough I" reiterated the Sparrow; "now I will mako you poor at home;" and so flew away. Tho Carrier was forced to leavo his waggon In the road, and went home full of rago and passion. "Oh." snld ho to his wife, "what misfortunes havo had to endure I my wlno has all run nut, and my horses aro all threo dead! woe's me 1" "Ah. my husb "ml I" sho repllf d, "and what a wicked bird has como to this house: sho has brought with her all tho birds In tho world, and there thoy sit among ur corn and tiro eating every ear or it!" Tho man stepped out, und, behold thousands on thousands or birds ha 1 alighted upon tho ground and had eaten up all tho corn, and among them sat too Hparrow. "Ah me, l nm poorer than over! ' he cried. "Still not poor enough, Carrior ; It shall cost you your llful'1 replied the Bird, as sho flow away. Thus tho Carrier lost all his property, and, now entering tho kitchen, ho eat down behind tho stove nnd becamo quite moroso and savage. Tho Sparrow, however, remalnod outside on tho win-dow-slll, calling out, "Carrier, It hhall cost you your life I" At this Hit man seized his axo and threw It at tho Sparrow, but he only cut thu wlndow-frnmo In two, without hurting tho bird. Now tho Sparrow hopped in, and, perching on thu stove, nftld again, "Carrier, it shall cost you your lifo 1" Blinded with ruge nnd fury ho only cut tho stovo with his axe, anili us tho Bird hopped about from ouu place to another, ho pe railed her, und hacked through all his furniture, glass es, seats, tables, und lastly, thu walls ovon of his house, without onco touch Intr tho Bird. IIuwover,hont length caught her with his hand, while his wife asked whether she should kill her, "No,'1 said ho, "that were too merciful t sho shall die much moro horribly, for I will eat her," So saying bo swallowed her wholo, but she begun to flutter about In his stom ach, and presently came again into his mouth, and called nut, "Carrier, it snail cost you your Ilfel" tho tixe, saying, "Kill thu wretch for mo dead in my mouth I" Ills wlfo took It and aimed a blow, but, missing her mark, sho struck her husband on thu head nnd killed him. Then tho Spar row flew away nnd was never seen there again. Mincellancous. S1 OMETIIINU NEW I Tlio unricTRtgnM wnnM herebv glvn nottro tlml lie lim tint cnmpletM A FIKM CI. AH" lli;AUMi;,nn(l Hint ho hnslho ntellltlM tarcarrv Iuk on the Amines a of UNDKUTAK1N0 Infill Its binncLiei IN 0 I T i HTYIiE, He has Ptiffisroil experienced persons who will t-ikp i'liarcp oft lie Ixulle Uf thn deceased as Bonn ns thoy ' fthuIHeof tht mortal coll," and nit end to wnfthlnit rlem,ihavlntf( dressing, fto. Hhrouds furnlfthetl nlno to o nler. Al much ex pen so lio 1ms nho procured an I HON IOE BOX, tn which bodies can bo prescrrpd In a cleanly nnd dry condition. -Can-liices turnlshed for fu f'prnl nccnfuoiift. In Rhort. he tn prepared tn take rhnrgo of norpe Immediately after death, and nave irlciuH nud relatives nil further trouble In reinrd to It. lie ulso carrier on tho builneis of CABINET MAKING UpliotAtcrlnu In alt Its branches, repairing furni ture, relenting cane bottomed rlmlrn,. Ac I'lKceof business on Iron Htreet. belnw Main. UOBEHT 11U AN, lllnnmsburg, J uly SL lSTOtt. QIXTY FIVE FIRST PIUZG MED KJ Al ALH AWAJIDHO, THU on EAT llALTIMORK PIANO MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNABE & CO. MANUFACTURERS 0 OUAND, BQUAHE AND UPUIOlir PIANO FORTES, IIALTIMOKK, Mb. Thco Instruments have been before the public for nearly Thirty years, and upon their excel lence alone attained an unpurchased pre-eminence which pronouucea them unequalled. Their TONE combines treat power, Bweetncsj nnd tine sing ns quality, as well as Kreat purity of Intonation, and hucetuebs throughout the entire scale, 'ihelr TOUCH N pliant nnd elastic, nnd entirely free from the d Illness luuud In no miiny 1'U noes' IN WOIIKMANSUII they nre nnf qualied, mlng none but tho very best settaonat material, the lare capital -mploe t In our bus I no n enabling us to keep coutluunll uu Immense stock of lumber, lc, on hand. t3.AU our 8qtare Jhanoes have our New Im proved OVEiHUtUNQ pcale and tho Agraffe -Ve would call special attention to our late Ira provemnnt s 1 n OH A SD VIA A'O.V and AQUAfei: uitAxns: patkntkd auo. h, ihwj, which brinft tho Piano nearer peritenon thau hus yet been attained. Every Piano vclxy War it anted for 5 Yeaiw, We have made arrangements for the sote Wholesale Agency for tin most Celebrated PAH LOtt t UN- nnd MELODEONH, which Wf otter Wholesale and ltw-ul nt Lowest Kactory Prices. WILLIAM KN.illB fc CO.. oet.S'TOm Haitlmore. Md. j?l,wU ror Rhy case of Blind Bleedlns? Iichlmr.or Ulcerated Piles that King's Pile Uemeijy falls to emo. It Is prepared expressly to cure the t Ihs and nothing ele,and hascurou cases of over W jears standing. Hole by ail Druggists. VIA FUG A. Do lltng's Via Fuwi U the puro Juices of Barks Herbs, Koots, nnd Uerries, for CO.8UMPTION. Inflammation of the Lungs: m11 Liver, Kidney, and Bladder (ilseaMCs.nruanic Weakness, Female Afflictions, General Debility, and nil complaints of the Urinary organs In Male and F male, pro duclne Dyspepsia, Costiveness, oravei. Dropsy aud t-cruMla, w hlch moot generally terminate 1 Consumptive Decline. It purine nnd enrlctes the Blood, the miliary, Glandular and Secretive Hystein; Corrects Hud Htrefgihens tho Nervou and Muscular forces; it acts Ukeacharmon weak nervous, and debilitated lema'es. both young and old. None should be without It. Bol every where. Laboratory 142 Krauklin tit.. Balti more, Md. aug5 70-ly. s UAJU'IiESS fc IIABMAN, EAGLE FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING SHOP, HTOVES 4 rLOWfci WUOLESALE & RETAIL THE CELEBRATED MONTROSE IKON BEAM AND THE HUTTON ?00DEN BEAM PLOWS. Costings nnd Fire Brick for repalrlngcltyRtoves All kinds of Brass or Iron casting made to order upon short notice. Bloomsbure. Pa. Proprietor Mar.Hf 'C9-tf, jgROWN'S FAST FREIGHT KUOM PHILADELPHIA TO BLOOMSBUitO and Intermediate points. Goods forwarded wilt eare And despatch und at low rates. Goods, al 1'hilAueinnia. must be delivered at Bltner&Co's. 811 Market tttreet. For full par tlcuuus, apply to Aug. 20.C9-ir. It. Depot, Bloomsburg.P AT E W COAL Y A 11 1). 1 Tiire unriersltmed resoectfully Inform the citizens of Bloomsburg and Columbia county. that they keep an tnemnereui Dumoers omiovr coal auu selected lump coal for smithing purpo ses, on ineir wnari, uujoiuiug ii ntjvy. nenio Co's Furnace: with a. good pair of Bntulo scale- nn tkn wtinrf. tn welsh cnaL hav. nnd straw Likewise a horso and wagon, to deliver coai 10 those who desire it. Asthey purchase a large amount of coal.they Intenrt tokeep a superior ar tirif nnd hpII ut the verv lowest nrlces. Please call and examine for yourselves before purchas ing elsewhere. J. W. HKNDEI18HOT. THE untloralgned will tako in ex change for Coal and Groceries, tho following named articles : Wheat, Uye. Corn, Oats, Pota trwH T.nnl. llnm.Khnulder.8nld side meat.Butter Kggs, Huy, Ac.nt the highest cash prices, at his uroccry more, aujoimug i'etr com uru, J.W. HENDEBSnOT. oomnhnruMar, 19,'fifl-ly. TH. T.TIV III. al IAj I Cch.JmMhU, Ml Aroti St.) lrof. Ufclton, Z16 W, 4th hl(hneiDBktl. U.. ftttd Ur.GrMU. U ChftrlatU. ui uiooismni our 01 MM i C&merABtlaoUt knits or c4BiU i fcnfl with but IUU root d4 Cbr t ib1b 2 0W Unodoo- tUtr ?J 7 V Vbofuitrui U oor ti t1 xfi lrlU Minn 1 -J hf thM ngtrvtim B4nu iMort, tntn SMDtJ. 1144111). msitU. otbm Nana athmr ihaiiH 4Tir b Si. For P. has op 0. HOWER, opened a first-class BOOT, HIIOE, HAT CAP, AND FUU HTOKL al the old stand on HalnHtreet.Bloomsburg.Hlev tioors auove toeuouri iiiiuku, iiih hukik ucuin nnuf'il nt the verv latest and beststvles over oiler ed to the citizens of Columbia County, Ilecai arivitnmiMlatA thu Dilblle with the follow In cr ifoodi at the lowest rates. Men's heavy double solts toiR hoots, men's double and simile tan sole kip boots, men's heavy stoga shoes of all kinds men a uuo uooio uu uu ui u.i kihuci, uoj i double soled boots und.uhoes of all Kinds, men'i cifvH kill Hultnorul's. women's. boy s'i and misses' lastluti gaiters, women's glove kit I'ullhh ery flne,womeu's morocco Balmorals am calf shoes, women's very fine kid buttoned gall era. In short boots ot all descriptions both peg jpil und kawod. He would also call attention to his fine assort- nieni or HATH, CA1, FUItS AND NOTIONS, which comprises all the new and populat vurl at tea at nrlces which cannot fall to suit all. Then tjooln are oflered at the lowest cash rates am will uo uuuruuietMi iu t(i muiikiul-liuu. sw vai is solicited belore Durchaslna elsewhere as It b bellevel that better bargains are to be fonnd than at any otner place m uie county. Deo. H07 D ENTISTBY. II. O. IIOWEn, DENTIHT, Roupcetfully offer, lila proralonal aerrlCM to laai&t. ana Ktmuemeu 01 jiiooiaauunc auu vi ubd vl .t varl clnlly. He la prepureti to attend to all tit varl uua operatlona In the Una of hU prorebaion. an1 la provided with the latent Improved Poucklai iKETll wnica win Do inaerieu ca oiu piuiioi; anver uua ruouer Dase to iook aa wen aaiua uai i.ralteelti. Teeth extracted by all the new an inont approved methoda, and U operation, ol the teeth carefully and propei.y attended to, Uealdenre and omce a lew doora aliove tbi l ourt liouae, same biae. llloomaburK, Jau.Sl.'tuttf A text more AOENTS are WANTED for ono of tne Lhkapkst i'U iikht iinniu in ine wonu. ii'. a. nisaLTVu WATHBAL ii 1 8 T O B Y Xl Olvtng a clear description of nearly every known apuclMvf Deaaia, (llrda. Klahra, Inaects lteolllea. lr..i... enlivened by luUUapirlled lllua- Iratloua und replete Willi exciting and amualnit auemluUM or llielr inuniioiu prouiianueu. ine rrnm nf tha falnnua lindou four Volume Ddt- lion, wltli valuable addition), from tlie worlu of oilier itnnifuunennniuraiiaia, Duiiau.AKaasi: U'urid. Wll.tin. Aunubou. and many olhera. N trouble, .o Agent, about aect 01 party. Every body U delltibled ulthlt,oid and DuuK,ln town or country. ury. pioiuiUK line it iu me ueiu. nr.iliti Irniui&tuf'JU Derdav. an Asrentu report to f JU per day, and Mell la connection the latent and Unt edition of Jilble extant. Utiud for II utratd circular aud our wonI liberal Urmn for Ikvik and lUbie. X U. 1IUUUAUD, 1'uUUbor, I A LL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING neatly xtcraiod at XU VOZ.VUXIX HMUi Patent Medicines. H 13 IC 1 1) N iTy 8 . T The Kidney ore two In number, nlliMitrd nt (he upper part nf the loln.anrroundeil by f.U, and conflating of three parla, vlr' the Anterior, the Intorl'ir, and the Eiterlor. The anterior Rbiorbs, Interior cnnlta nf tl ucnor velni, which aervo niu ilrpoalt forlhe urine nnd convey It to the exterior, Thoextcr lor laaconduclor also, termlimllnit In a nlnilo tube, aud called thu Ureter, The urotert nre connected Willi tho bladder. Tho bladder la composed of vnrloua covering- or tissues, divide 1 Into pirfs,vl.l tho t'ppcr the Lower, tho Nervous, anil the .Muc in. Tho pper expel, the lower retains. Many have u desire to nrlnule without tho nblllty; other urlnute without the ability to retain. This fre- queatly occurs I ti children. To euro those alTiiatlons, we must bring luto action tho muscles, which are engaged In their various function. If they nre neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. The reader must alio be made aware, that however slight may bo Iho ntlnch, It Is sure 10 alTcct tho bodily health 'and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, QOCT, OBlttlKUMATisM. ralnoccnrrlngln the loins la Indicative of thonbove diseases. They occur In persons dtsposod to acid stomach and chalky con'otlons. THE QnAVKU The gravel ensue from ncg. Idct or Improper tro.itmout of tho kidneys These organs being weak, the water Is not ex pellud from tho bladder, but allowed to remain t Itbocomos foverlsh, and sediment forms. It 1b lromthls deposit that the atone la formed, and gravel ensues. Dropsy Is u collection of water Iu some part f tho body aud bears different mimes, accord- to the pari affected, viz.: when generally diffused over the body, It Is culled AuoMirca, when of tho nbdomen, Asiltos; wheu of the chest, Hydrotliorax. TitBATMEST. Helmbold's highly couceutrate.1 compound Extract Buchu Is decidedly sue uf the best remedies for dl-tiviseH of the bl.idder, kMncys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, nnd goity nrT'Cllous. Under this he-id wo iave arrangi-d PyHiirla.ordllltculty .udpiilu In passing water, Hcanty seeretlon.or small and trequent discharges of water; Htrangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloo ly urine; anutnnd Rheumatism of the kidneys, wlthnui any change In quantity, but Increase In rolor,r dark water. It was ulwnyi. highly recommend ed by the late Dr. PlisU-k, In these ntTectinns, This medlcluo Inctciscs tho power of diges tion, and excites the absorbems Into healthy exercise by whlc'i the watery or calcareous dep osltlons, and all unnatural enlargement, as ell as pain and Inflammation are reduced, and It Is taken by men, women, and children. Di rections for use and diet accompany. PUILADKLPIlIA, PA., Fell. 2-5, 1SOT. (I, T. IfELunoLD, Druggist: DkakSib I have been a sufferer, for unword of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid ney affections, during which time I bare used various medicinal pieparatlons, and been under tho treatment of the most eminent Physicians experiencing bnt little relief. Having seen your preparation extensively advertised, I consulted with my family physl- lan In regard tq using your Extract IJuchu. I did this because I had ntcxl all kinds of nd- vertlsed remedies and had found them worth less, and, pome quite Injurious ; In fact, I despair ed of ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of the In gredients, It was this that prompted me to nse your remedy. As you advertised that It was composed of bnchu.cubebs, and Juniper borne, It occurred to mo and my plUHlclan as an excel lent co mblnatlon, and, with his advice, after an xamlnatlon of tbearllcle, and consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try It, I tra- menced It use about eight months ago.atwhkh time I was confined to my room. From the first bottle I was astonished and gratified at the ben' eftclal effect, and after using it three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much like writing you a full statement ot my case at that time, but thought my Improvement might only be tem porary,, and therelore concluded to defer and see If 11 .would effect a perfect cure, knowing then It would be of greater value to you and -nore sat isfactory to me. I am now able to report that n cure la effected after using the remedy for five months. I have not used any dow for three months, nnd teel as well in all reepccl as 1 ever did. Your Ilui-hu being devoid ol any uupleasaut usleund odor, a nice tunic end Itivlxoroior ('l be system,! do nt mean to bewlthout II when ver occasion muy require lu u-e Iu such allui. tlons. M, MrmiiMirK. Hhould any doabt Mr. McCoruiH-k's statement, ie refera to the fullowlng gentlemen; Hon. Wh. Diolik, ex-Uovernor, lvunsyl vsnla. Hon. T11 03. II. Klouixok, rhlladelphla. Hon. J.C. Khox, Jndije, Hlilladelphta. Hon. J, H, DIJtCK, Judge, Plilladelihla, Hon. D..R. Toutkr. ex-Governor, I'ennsvl van la. Hon, ELLIS Lewis, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon, II. C. GniEU, Judge, UnltiHl HUtes Court, Hon. G. W. WooDWAnn, Judge, rhlladelphla. Hon. W. A. rouTKB, City Solicitor, Philadel phia. Hon J011N IlIOLXH, ex-Governor, California. Hon. K.. Banks Auditor Oenerol, Washlus 'on, D.O. And many others. If necessary. Bold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Beware of counterfeit. Ault for Helmbold'. Take no other, PittCE tlS per .bottle, or t bot tle, for 16X0, DUvereA to any address, I).' crlbp aymptomi In (UI communications. Address II, T. IIELMUOLD, Dru and Chemi cal Warehouse, 691 Broadway, N. Y. NONV ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN STEEL -ENGRAVED WUAPPElt, with fa-tlm!la ofuy chemical WarehouM, and signed U. T, UKLMCOLU. lU'rtvl Drugs and Chemicals. Dr. WAXKER'i Vi-O:. VINEGAK Biril-iiS sf s Hundreds of Thcrasunda 9 ij o S 5 Dear tfitlmonr to their Wotnlcr. y r. S Et fill c:urtlva KO-LCla. WHAT ARE THEY? Icq is 511 TUET AM! NOT A VILE FANCY DRINK. tilde cf Poor Hum, TVMaker, Proef Mplrlta nnd Itermo Mtuorsooclorcd. iplcoil ana sweet ened to ploMotha tuto, cJloil"Tonlci,"" AtpcUJ. ers," "Hestorcri," 4-c, that lead tco tippler cn to drunkenness and rnlu, bnt area trno llcdJclne. inaCo from tne Nstrto IlooUand Utrbicf California, frco frnin nllAleohello Btlranlanta Thoycro tho OUT. AT IILOOD PUUIPIEll nnd A LIFE tllTINO miNCIPLE a perfect r.onoTator and latljcorator cf tho 6item, carrying off all poisonous nattar and restoring tho Hood to a healthy condition, Xo person can tako thcio Bitten according to Clric tlon and rcmalnlong unwell. U100 wlllto glTcnforan lnrorablo coeo, provided tlio bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and tho Yltal organs waited beyond tho point ofreoalr. rnrlnflammittorr nnd Cbronlo llbcuinn tlsin nud Goat, Dyspepsia, sir lndlgcstlou, DUieus, ltcmittcut and Intermittent Fuvers 1)1 senses of the Ulood, Liver, Ktdec), nnd Illndilcr, tneso Hitters fcaro been most tnccccs fill. Bach Disease. ro caused by Vitiated lllood. which Is generally produced by doranccment cf tho Dlacstlvo (Irgaus. DVWl'Kt'rtlA UU lNDlOCHTiOX, Head ache. Tain in th ghonlders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest XJlxilnoss, our Eructations of tho Etomacb, .c4tiitsltho AlouUi. unions Attacks, Falpltatlon cf thaXoiart. Trwwt of tho Lungs, Tain In tho terpens ol v9 IktA&ATnnahn&dnd ethcx palnrnl r jKitorAijOro Ot onpniirntSrtnspsie, fh-ylnvlgorato tlio Otomacn and stmtasio tho tit pMUvcr md bowels, wnleli render then cftmtscusUcd cacacyla cleansing thobloodcf alliapnrltlei. and imparting new lifo and vigor to the whole system. roil rJltlN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Bait I.hcru, Illotchcs, Spots, l'lnplcl. Initults.Soue, rcr-lancUa.Eing-Trorms. Ccald-Uead,Eoro Cyea,Eryclp tlas.lteh, CcnrfS, Dlseoloratlons of tho Ekln, Humors and Ulssascs cTtha kldn, of whatever camo or nature, aro literally du; up tudcarrled out of tho system la a short time by tho uto of theso Bitters. One bottlo In sucb cases will convlnco tho most incredulous of their curatlro cUcct. Cleanse tho Vitiated Etood whenever you find Its lrcparltlcs bursting throush tho skin tnrimplcs, Erup tions orEorcst clccnsojtvbca yon find it obstructed and tlugclah In tho veins tclcaua It when it Is foul, and your fooling will toll yoa when. Eecp tho blood pure aid tho health of the system will follow. FIN, TAl'EnndottcrWOKJIS, lnrkUiglnth. st6tcm of so many thousands, aro effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottlo, printed la four lsa guages rcgllsli, German. Trenoh and Epanlah. J.TTA1.SEC, rroprletor. r..n.IcDONAlD 6 CO., Drcg'lsu and Ucn. Agents, fan rranclseo, Cel., aid s-landSlComincrco Street, ew York. pr&OU DT ALL DUUGGI3T3 AND DBAIXM. ctS"a tf. IMiliilB LZaaaBenaaaaaaSaaavaaaWBSaaaaiBBssssiiaMa 3.000 WILL. MR PAID TO ANY PtillSON nrr.iln.ltiif n. PrfiitrHllim hhowlni? imlr ns mativ living Kpnuine permnnpniruren hh jjk.t iTi.Ku.a VFflETAl I.R Itlf EIIMATIU II EM EJJ 1 . Allt) HJIBU' tlfln nroMTlntimior Prof. JO-. P. KirM R. M. U. onnof PhllMiieliihlu'H oifl-Ht regular PnvRlclnns, who hs rauuo 11 leunumsm n Mpccmuy ycar, rurli'if With ihts ItetlltMlV 05 In t-vfry MO patients Treatd.; bo warranted undpr CHith.fmm Kpglntered caseH.a r-Hult unparftllel' pit. It u a nleiL-tiint Alndlcine. fr-e from Injur ious DriiKH (Hworn vouchers Irom Renowned Prominent IMivh olnns indorninE ur. Killer no companr fftch boitlni. To protect sutrtrers from rink, a It gul Kui.r.uue' fitatlng numb-r of houlos wiLrrxnliHl tn (Inrn will 1m forwarded without charge loany person scntllnuby letter a full, trntbral desortpuon or cine in case or lauure to euro, tho amount imld will b refunded. Price ll.Mncr not lie: Bboltlea UV0. Medical advlco sent by letter (rralH. AiMreM UK. FITLKR, () Hnutti FOII ITU Street. P i Hdel phlu.or No.70 H ROADWAY, N. V. ttold or obtained by drugiits. sepi''7u ly. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh Remedy. Ton not wish art. triform tod. reader, thut Dr. Wouderlal. or any e&er man, haa dmroteredu nuiedy Uiutcurm ( oitHumpHon, when the longs ar naif co&&umed. lu short, will cure all rilsecu- pawlLe(hr r rnluu, body nr entaie, rnaKa men live forever, and leave dt-ath to pl tor wntot wcric,anu in u signpu ui iuhko uur buuiuuur mm 11 !ih hiit n kldn sh-tw Yiiti liuve hewrd cnouirl ot Unit kind of hurnbugKery, Hut when I I ell you that lr.Hant)'s uuiurrn itemeuy vnuposane lu cure the wnrt cases ot Catarrh in the Head. I only ut.ert that which thousands can testify to I will pay stomp ue warn ir i chn mm i cauuui cure, a punipiuiit t(.viu bjiuuiuixia mm uinvi lnrormntion heui-ireetoituy aaurcH?. 11119 rem edy is 80LU ny MOHT I)T.UO"IfH18 IN ALL PARTr OF TllK WUKLU. PrlfR CO (lontH. Rent bv mull, nnfstnuld. on rccelnl 01 bixiy ceniB, nriour pacuaK-a lor iwuuiiiHrs, oumi my kivuih niarop, wntcu is 11 iwiimv guarantee or urnuinenetM, it upini iiic omitiiie ururiur. lin einu r uiul in'H privHie Mump IhHUCi (j'lL- u iutr"iMt woven ioiii prrw- ly for t,luiiiiii)u mj tuviiu lut-b, Iium my poiiraii UHine hi d udoreu. and I lie wonU U. IH. Certlfl ciIh of (HuiitntMif kn,' tni.'uved upon It. uud iir'tsl not lu iiit.sftir.en.. lion't t t-wlndled lj t Vrlerb and iliei8 rrproenlliiti; iheinut Wen a nr. miRh, 1 11 tu 1 ij oinv tiiitti now 11 vini; mat li n tnu Univ.'iLdiruaiid rljhi to manuiHoturti th genuine lir Hun- at litairli Ueuiedy.nud I never vr 'Vuj u huh mn luiuivui". u. v. ririif i-;, .m. 11. obt28';il i.r. m Heaeoa dtruet, llurlulo, N. V, la TUB HKTT LlKlVKNT IN TUB WultLD ron II0U8EB. It 1h romrxMPdof the most POVXRrcL tratino nriuldft known In Chemlitr . Hko '.mi,-t'ombliHil with the above lt a M Dt cinal Oil, made, expressly for this Liniment and mixed bv an entirely new nrocess. TiriKD. H euseoi thr jv'fru(and penetrating ltturedlH'itH Ih tn drive or fnrc In this beauiliu! Mf.dhinalOil, which lubrlraUut thejolutti and innsolcs. and Immediately throttle the disease, and r mpelH li to Iooiau ii deathly, sickening and poUonou' fntiRa. Kuvnrii. This MrmciNAi Oil landed for the samerensoti thatagfWKi mwh-nlc always uses 011 in iiiuHtMiis iiiucninery worn wmi en we ann nrecltvlcn. Ko lu the h ime wjiv the miinele. nnd jnluiK of our iinlmal should he lubricated If we wi-m 10 nave i hem travel with rapidity and eap. Y rrn, it Ik very KoothltitfJn lta action, will not ourn or muter ine ammai uue most 01 in "r-d hot'MlnlraenUof Ihndav. Nixm. Not one irp ol ttuotnre of cayenne or red eppr ianl found In lia compoHltinn j forw bold that no llulraeut can be eOeellve wnih bnrn and DJiitem tne animal until tin muAfleM aie hurdand dried almont tu aerbtn. 1 kvknth.--Rvry bottle Uwabhantkd to give icuua Musiiavciiun. mr your money win uu reruna ed. Thlw hIiows eiuolulvely that the nronrle- tois have fall ronfljenoe In thin prepurallon auu provia lor the seventh time that U. K.H, In the bett L'oiment In the woild for horaat. ir Don't alloio vour Aerehtnl ta mlm nfT ln hre 0 lied Pepper and JiurtsKom, or oilier trash on you, out att or G. J& . M.or Horses, ana take uiri D. U. C A KY . Hole PrnnrUtnr- MpUT70-iy 17J WahiuetonUtreet, i-Jew York, nUtLOHOPIIY OP MARRIAGE. I A New focus or Liccn-rjaEa.aa dalltfrnl ai the lnna,Poly twhnle and Anatomical Muueum I'JUS rilMllltll Kt lliru lll.M iilarta TaUth hhlladelnhlo. tmbrarlDg the anbjecttit How to mvv mm nuui m ivb iur; t ouin, aiaiuriiy iiu im akv wniiuuuu ueuciuiiv (vvtivwvu; Thecauteof liidlkesllont Klatulenra and nerv uua DlKcaisea anouiitt'd for; Marriage I'titlo hojlileHlly couldeied. 1 bene Itvcmrea wilt be foiw aided cniufclptof ,5 ceuta by uddrtKulcigi ini vim jr ui uiv l uituejt vniiin I UHTCUIIflt Hnd anatomical M uskum, ujj cbeutnut Hi., eai7ily. rpO CONSUMPTIVES. Th advertiser, havtnn been nermanentlv enr. ed ot that dread uisea'.e, Consumption by a aim ra. reiuwly, isnnxlons tousute known to tils allow ann.rer. Ike meauofeure. To nil who dMlre It, ti. will eend eopv f th. preuirlptlou uaed (free ar than), wltn lite directions for pre. paring nnd uslc ike same, which they will and run. Cutui re UitibVMrTi.n, AartiKA, IUmk. switis m: t'ailW. vWhliv th. preaeriptlen will t-leos. ulditu tUr.tUWA.UU A. WILSON; m HmIi iUui utre.t, WHUsnoalurth, M. Y. am gKVKN ItlSAiSONd WHY Clothing, &o. JUW STOCK. OP 0L0T1I1NQ. r'resb arrival of BUM M Kit 0001)3. DAVID LOWENIIKUO Invites nHcntlon to til stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, at his storo on Main Street, two door nbovo tho American House. lllonmsbtirg, Pn whore ho ha Just received front New York nnd Philadelphia n full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashlonahlo, durable, and handsome , , DltESS GOODS, conflating of 110X, SACK, nocd. ODM, AND OIL-CLOTH COATS AND PANTS, o all sortft,lxcnnndcolor. He has also replen ished his nlready large Bloc): of FALL) AND WINTKIl SHAWLS, BTIHPEI), FIOUflED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIIlTS.CnA VATS, STOCKS, COLLAKS HANDKEItCHIEFS, QLOVI53, HUt3PENI)EIW, AND FANCY A11TICLE8 He nas conelnntly on hand n largo nnd well-se-ected assortment of CLOTHS AND VKSTIKOS, which he 1 prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nud In the best mnmier. All his clothing Is mode to wear, and most of It I or home manufacture. UOLD WATCHES AND JEW'if.HY, ol every description, fine nnd cheap. HI case ol Jewelry Is notsurpiissed in this. place. Call nnd examine his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELKY, 40. DAVID LOWENDEItO. Bakery and Confectionery. JOHN (WACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! BERWICK, l'ENN'A. The nndcistcnrd would risnpctfullv intorm tho cliltena nf Ilerwlek, ami vicinity, that he has opened n Confectionery and llakery lu ODD FELLOWS' HALL, itcrwlck. Pa., where ho Is prepared to furnish ull kinds of LAIN AND FANCY CAND1EH, FltENCH CANDIES, I'OUEIGN AND IIOMW1IC FItUITH OKANUKB, LEMONS, 11A1SINS Ac, itC, Ac, .tc. 11T WIIOLFXALK AH II 11KTAIL. Amain; the nsMirttncnt will he round Crcnm Nuts. iiu1In1i iiluuts. P.'iimitk. Almonds. Fil berts, FIk, A 'ilt's,t rt'ou uts, .Iplllesor dlller nn klluls. Mutn!d. ('iit-un. l'lekles. Chocolate. Cnnn. d I rnlt nt nil kinds. Torn Hlmeh, 1'kk Klt- llil, roua 1 lerkcrs, tl.Hlrr rai'Uers 1 hct-se. nap. lit nn l'nnir. Aeieimtnt Timers. I'.n- eloiies, FiHII AND OYSTERS, And r.r fliH-t Ylf nil kind,. I'rfSh Ilrmd ntid Cukes i vers d.i. Im C if inn In Ktiihon, Your putroiiugi is KdU'Ilcd. dUll. U, JALVDls KerwlelE, Juno 17. iSTQ-tf 1 K.I 1 V I J 1 L J XI 111 I X . i KJ t.-. n ,1 rn I K- o I xr rne uudersnrued would reswectfullv nunounco loiue piione iiihi ii nafiopueo a FIIWT-CLAS.-4 l.'ONFEirriONEHY STORE, n thehulldluu lately oeuunled by Fox A Webb jrnete lie is preparemn lurnisu an Kinus 01 PLAIN & FANCY OANDIKS, FltENCH CANUIEM, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, HAIM1NH, &C, &C, AC. DV WITOLKSALK OH llKTAIt. his line of business, A variety of DOLLH, TO YH, AO., suitable for the Holidays, Particular attention Kiven to 11 HEAD AND OAK KB, of all kinds, fresh every day. C II It I H T M a M CANDIES, OH I HTM AS TOYS. call Is solicited, and satisfaction will h guaranteed. ov. a, 1867. ECXCUAKT JACOItS. Books. A NEW BOOK of Iho ereatest Interest nnd 1m nor lance'. Written irom a hlizh moral nud nhvsl o logical standpoint, by an eminent phytdclati anu medical Mi own how Satan la wurHiii uui iiidNuoiiti auo uaugeroiiH iit'sis"' inrougn our most, aacrcu uomcfliic nno social re lations. 1'ure-mliided. but outnnokeii and ntz- gres.slvo.tno author hand len the delicate bubjectn treated of without gtovesi but In nucli a in miner a- not to m InUter to h prurient curiosity. The Phys ical Jtegencration oj the Iace,l 11 subject Justly en list In? thu Interest and ay m pa thy of all iruo piiiinu (.urnuiaiM. hiiu uui oouit, 11 is ueiiweu. u ill contribute to that end Juut lu proportion at 11. iiiui reauurs. s ci'tuiar Hem iree, cuuiuiuiu a full deiscrtptloti nnd bj nopnis of the work will liberal extracts. C. R VENT. I'liblinher. epta'7U-tr 5 college I'laco, a 1 . AGEUT3 Vistet tn The wild adventures and thrill. ne exici leuct of Oeori?' P. lie 1 den, who, fired with it thtrft for a knowledge of the red men. their sports, tradi tions, wars, great buffalo hunts, Ac,. Icfi a home ot luxury. Houifht and Joined the Indians, became a iamouN wmrxoT, numertnou uuauy cmej 01 101 ittuCH. iniH uow worn rcpieie wuu Hiirriug re rllalaof real Indian lile. darina deeds, hairbreadth escapes, amustnu scenes, Ac., on tluted paper, 70 ttpirneu t'UKruvjiiK, ouo in nuiuur 111 iiuuierH dress, will bo enyerly sought for nnd read with avldltv. lie wide uwakonud bend eailv for Illus trated hampiu pace, nr uiar. terms anu cuoicu Held. A. II. IIUHHAUD. t'ubllhher, aepiu 7U-tr. iuu uuesiuut ni nitia. 3 flarrlaj St., .V.I.cr38 IV. ItliM.. Clnrlnnatl.n. If thev want thp rnnsr iMiTmlnr nml Iuh.) ulll,.n suhMrlptlnn tmoks puldMinl. mid thoici.!n& inli Hem! for circulars, rhiywlllcoj.tyou uvu.ui,wu u.H uaui uvneui iu you. Washing Machines. TJOTY'S WABUINa-MACHINE, LATELY MUCH IMPrtOVHD AND THIS NEW UNlVEltSAIi CLOTHES WlUNCIEIt Imnroved with Ttowell's PatDiit Double Piji wheels, anil the ralenl Moi, ure now tinqueH-. nuu.uiv iur vui'rrior iu nuv iipniiraiiis lor wasn Ins; rlothes ever Inventeil, nn.l will save their cost twice a year, oy earing luuor und clothes. The Editor of tLbi ratier. uho nurrhasM Waahcr and Wrlugrr, thua leslltles as to lliel vniuo 1 "WohaTO had In nse In our family for some iima puRi,one ii iioiys i.ioinr. wasnera anu wrlngera. and are prepurtMl to bear testimony as o lis merits. It Is emphatically a 'ator-sai-ino machine and does Its work lu the most thoroUKh manner. For families who have large washeu these machines would bo mvuluuble." Ooluh OlAJf, JUn. 11, 1H7U. PH1CES-A FAIH OFFER. If the Meichanta In your place will not furnish nr seiitl lor the Mai hi lies, tend us I lie retail prlco Waher tli. Kxtra Wriliirpr 9. uml um will (nr. ward either or Willi niuehlne., trie nf freight, to iicir uu linn in mjiiiiikj nun u auru are we they will be liked, llmt uu agree to refuud .no luuurj 11 uui unu wnuc iu rri urn lun niu. chines rrieuf freight, altera tuoath'a IrUl.uo ..iiiinu in uiirviiuuv, No huiband, father or brother should ptrmit tut. ui uuiiriy ui wumiiiik wiiii ine uuuua, nny. t ho days In Iho year, when It can bo dene better, mora exn.dlllouaIv. u ltu Ipk. IhIwii. iml tmln. Jarr to thegaruienta by a I)oty Clothe. Washer, uu n uuiTtiHi .Yriuger. Hold b dealers generally, to whom liberal dlsv VUUUl. M. 1UIMJU, iu a nrtowNiNa, a.n. Agent. 83 Cortland btreet, Now York, oet770-tf. YUnDMYEK & JACOHY TT tlXt'IIAKUKl!IXX,'K.IIIM)MHIIUII0.1'A are agent, forlhe tale uf "Urockway'a" lastly eelebralwl Cream aud obi block Ales, wheh the Will B.U iui rliiun mntilrv ln.uul .u. and half bariele eouatautiyeu baud. Tula ale la brewed by William I., lire elm ay, SJ1 letll OH. Bg.l?iif iUvooubarg, June li, lm-US Dry Goods 8c Grocories. G ll.ANli Ol'ENlMO tilt A.N I) Ol KNINU UltAND Ul'UNINO ClllANll Ul'KNlNtl UltANU Ol'LNlNU OF FALL AND WINTKIl 0001)8, AND WINTKIl UOODH, FALL AND WINTKIl UOODH FALL AND WINTKIl UOODH FALL AND WINTKIl UOODH, consisting ol consisting of cnuslstlng of consisting of consisting of HHY UOODH, DltY UOODH, DIIY UOODH, DRY UOODH DUY UOODH, HATS AND CAPS, HATH AND CAIH, HATH AND UA1"H, HATH AND OAI-H, HATH AND CAPS, BOOTH AND HH0E8, UOOTH AND 8HOKH, HOOTS AND HHOKS, IIOOTH AND HHOKH, 1100TS AND BHOEH, HEADY-MA DK CLOTHING, HEADY-MADE CL.OTHINU HKADY-MAIIE CLOTI1INU, HEADY-MA DK CLOTHING UKADY-JIADE CLOTUIHU, LOOKINU-OLAHSES, LOOKINU-UL.AH8KH, LOOK1NU-U1.ASHKH, L00KINU-GLAH3ES, I.OOKINU-ULASSE8, NOTIONS, NOTiONH, NOTIONS NOTIONS, NOTIONS. PAINTS AND OILH, PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS, tiltOCEKIKH, GKOUKKIUH, (iUOCKKIEH, UHOOKlllES, UHOUEHIES, IIIJUENSWAHK tlUEKNSWAHE, (iUKKNHWAHK tillKKNHWAHK UUEENHWAHB IIAIIBWARE, HAHDWAKE, JlAHDWAHK, HAHDWAltli;, HAHDWAHE, riNWAHB, TINWAllE TINWAHE, TINWAHK TINWAHE, SALT, HA LI MA I.T SALT, . HALT, KIHH, FISH, FISH, KITH KISU, UHAIN AND HEEDS, UUAIN AND SHEDS, UIIAIN AND SEEDS, UHAIN AND SEEDS, GKAIN AND HEEDS, Ac, Ac. I&0. AT NEAL NEAL NEAI. NEAL NEAL ICKF.LVY, McKELVY, MrKKI.VY, McKELVY, McKELVY, fturlbweat corner ot !orthweHt corner of Northwest corner or Northwest corner or Ui.rthwcHt corner or CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. Main and Market StreeU, Main and Market Streets, Main und Market Street., Main and Market Streets, Main and Market Streeta IILOOMHBUHU, PA., 11LOOMHI1UKU, PA ULOOMHlllIHG, PA., HLOOMHIIUItO, PA., HLOO.MSHUItO, PA. IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, lu large quantities aud ut reduced rates, alwa in iinnn. UY THE BEST, THE RED LION DHAND. D Ii A C IE ALFAOA ts superior to all othera In Color, quality and price ; to ue lounu only ut M. P. LUTZ'S ueaierin jiry uooiis anil Ilrower'b lien building next tn the Court House, Main 'inret, iiiwijiiBuuiu, n, iiunyia iuu. VflLLEU'S 8TOIIE. X.TJL FKEHH AIlllIVAL OF HUMMEIl UOODH, The subscriber hua lust returned rrom tho cltlet with another large and hdect assortment ot FALL Aub WINTEH UOODS, purchased In Now York nnd Philadelphia al th" nwest flgnre, and which be Is determined to Bel 'in as moderate terms us can be procured elsr wnere in uioomsuurg ills slock coraprlsea LADIES' DltESS UOODS nf the choicest styles and lateBt fashions, togethei wmi u largo assortment ol Dry Uoods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following rtlclea Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmeres, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, While Uomls, Ltneus, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarwarf tnoensware, Hardware Hoots and Shoes, Hals and Caps Hoop Nets, ' Umbrellas, Looklnii-UIasfco.1, Tobacco, Coil oo, Kusars, Teas, Klce, Allspice, Ginger, , Cinnamon, v Nutmegs AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. In snort, everything usually kept in country lore, to which ne Invites the attention of the publle Generally, Tho highest price will be paid tor country produce In exchange for goods. S. II. MILLEKAHON. Arcade Buildings, itloomsbarg. Pa. c. C. M A 11 It v. i libit havejustrecelved from the eastern markets a large urn) well selected Block of DUY GOODS, 00N8 istiko or Caulmers, Jeans, . llest bleached 4 Brown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Linens, v Cotton it All wool flannels, 40., Ae., . A (rood stock of Ladle, dree, goods, Latest styles a patterns, SpUes of ull kinds. Good a look groceries, Queens ware, Btone ware. Wood 4 willow ware, Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin, Urass,Ae, All goods sold cheap for cash or pro. luce. He would call the attention of buyer to bla well and carefully selected assortment which oompriae. everything usually kept tn the coun try, feelu.g confident that he can .ell Uiem guoda at such prices as will enaure satisfaction. Hot, , ft a, MAJUU Insurance Agencies. (JLOBE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW YOltK. Pliny Freeman, President, II. c. Freem.H d Cash canltnl n... . j , ... Mra.ttn Bot , .. .-,vw,vw,hii paid. J. B. nomsON.BLOOWSllUKQ da uii...r.ii-Aii AUlfiJiT. For Luierne, Lycomlne and Columbia ' C0Unl1"' JNSUI.ANOE AGENCY. Wyoming Stua iircot .,. s., IW.ic !., l.OOO.W WO,(H. 830,1k, 6TII.I. MI,U 10O.W. so, Fulton .. North America City ....... International Niagara Putnam Merchant. Springfield r armors' Danville Albany City -....,. Lnncastor City .T"'."""' York Horse. Death ' '" Home, New Haven '"' , '!!' Dauvlllo, Horse Theft ' A' FHEAH I1H0WN, Apent, matiltiil-ly.s Ht-ooMBnnim, 'A Hardware & Cutlery. g MIT II & SELTZEU, Importers nnd Dealers In Foreign and Domci t HARDWARE, GUNS. CUTLEKY. AC, KO. 409 K. TIIlRDSTIHtCT, AT1.0ALL0WniI.L Nov.22.e7.,r.r,,,I'A,,,3LrIA- Paints, Glass. ec. .iirst national. , WHITE LEAD, 1 nEST. t'UnrAT, AND C1IEAPK.1TI ' HATI8KAtI0 QUA KAKTKKD 1 jr Vnr t'ltl....,AUU li... ....lit... . i. cy it has no equal. Hold liv nil ,1. nl. t.i r...liu .1... i the country: .uBmu. j BARKER, MOORE &. MEIN, 1 SUp CI 880118 TO f T. ItOnitIS PEP.OT A CO. Sole Proprietors, Philadelphia, Pa.. Diolcrslnallklndsof ( DHUOS, OILH, PAINTS, GLASS, l' DTESTUrra, ac AC. "y.1 lui,t viw iiik in ine popularity ol our "Urst Nntioniil. While Lead," other f ... .,n.u uiru llllllll-f u IU (llier Spll rlotisnrtlcle ULtlertlicsume Maine, lheie-1, .ui. ucmiir 01 utiunier'eiis. ino genu- , luo la put up In extru heavy tin paint pots, with patent metallic wire handles, , und Iho name of , BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, i On each label, For salo by mar25'70-ly. MOYER unOTHEIlS, liloomsburg, (110,000 OUAUAKTKfi B UCK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTHER LEAD I 1st. For Its Unrivaled Whiteness, I'd. For Its Unequalled Durability, 3d. For Its Umin i.nssrd Covering Properly Lastly for IU Economy. -lt COiTSLESSto paint wlthllccK I.e. thanuuy otlur While Lean eitant. The ssu weight covers MOHK HUUFAt'E, is more DUi AULE, nud makes WHITER WORK. nUCK LEAD, Is the Cheapest and lief HO.Oflu GUARANTEE. BOOK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCS 1st, For its Unequalled Durability, Sd. For Its Unrivaled Whiteness, 3d. For Its Unsurpassed Covering Property. Lastly, lor its Great tcoiiomy, being the CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, si most DURABLE White Paint in tho world, llUYOWLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC TRY IT AND IJE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by the Manufacturer BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared exptossly for Painting COTTAGES OCT tlUILDLNGS of ever clfkrrl Hon, FENCES, Ac. THIUTY-HVE 1IIIWJ ENT COLfiHS, Durable, Cheap, Unlfoira, a: llcautllul shades. Sample curds eent by Mull If ileslred. Dealers' Orders will be promptly txccutril I tlie nianufuclurers, FRENCH, ItU'HAKDSAl'O., N. W. Cor. Tentli nnd Mari'et strtets, PhlliKlelplilu MOYER 11R0THEHS, Agents JanSH'-O-ly. f,,r Bloumi,burg, Ta. Miscellaneous. QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Dloomshurg, Pa. M. 0. BIIAN A BROTHER Have on hand and for sale nt the most reason ble rates a splendid stock of CARRIAGES, UUGGIES, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY m warranted to be made of Iho best and most dr. able materials, und by the most experlrnc workmen. All work sent out fiom the esis lishnicnl will be found to bonfthe highest cm and sure to give perfect satlsractlon. They ha also a fine assortment or H L E I O II H or all the newest and most isshlonable tyl' well und carerully tnado nud or the best man lals. , ,, An inspection or their work Is nskid as lielleved that none superior can be round in u country, Nov, W, "OARMEItSI EXAMIN5S AND BUY THE ORIGINAL, IUUOH'H BEING Tii Fiiist Haw Honk piiosi'UATB Mai All others are Imitation, n a u a ii ' s SUPER PUOSPHATE OF LIMI MARK FALL, 1870. Thla Ifanurt Is n.ude or Law or Uul'"' Bone., rich lu Nltrogsuous mailer, ill"'H' Oil of Vitriol. preeutlng the lioiiei' ; ahlghly oluLteand quickly eallable Icini.a the Ammonia lu such proiorllou as to II sun prompt and vigorous at llou u( on the , Where Uuugh's Phosphate s ,'ri'1"',,! past season, the Indications, without eiiei''', are that It will tuttlntaiu Ita well e".;??,,?'.; Hon. We r. quest all lu need of arerll"'" give this artlilo a trial, B A U G II A SONS, MANUrACTOUKKtf, Omci-Ni, IM S. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. JllV74r, Thereupon tho man Lauded his wlf Minting CWi