IB PUBLISHED EVKUY FllIUAY ilOnNINU IN Tlta'coLUMMAN UDItUlMO A 11 Till oouitT iiotsK, 11 r HENRY L DIEFFENBACH, r.Diron and ruOttmr.Tuii. Terms-Two Collars i Tear payallo in advance. JOD PRINTING 01 nil descriptions executed with neatness and dispatch at reasonable rules. Columbia County Official Directory. VrraMcntJutlnc WILLIAM EI.VM.L. Aisoehite Judiet Ikam Ukiik, Isaac 8, Mox not:. Vnlhonolnni, Ac wit linoton II, Fur Jietrltti-r A- Urconler Williamson II, Jacoiiy. nitlrlrl Attorney , 11, iKFt.mt. bhrrlff -MomiKUAt Millakd, purveyor Isaao Dfwiit, Trcamrer Iiaviii Low. NnKnn. Oimmlnlonrn William o. Quick, C'vnvs ItOlUII.OM, UlIUM I. HtKllKH. CnmmUHonm' Clerk Wn liam KntrKRAtiM, ytlllllm--U, J. CAMrllhLL, A, J, AMIKMHON, Damh.I.fh. Oirouer .IiiIIK D. KoLTIC. Juni GmimlMtoncrt Isaac M':niiII)B, John Mc AnalU Countu 6nj)crnfn(Ifnl-('ilAiiI,i s O Dahklky Bloomsburg Official Directory, Yrf Rational Hank I II AM. II. l'AXTo:., Pus'',, J. 1'. 'I itin in liter. Jltoomburg llutlitln;) tmd tmln,i 7 Vnrt ,1 (. (on. John I iiumah, Pres't., .1,11 mill si.s.S. ,. Jlloomilurg Mutual Nninu 2 unit Atwiltttion IT. 111, M. U HI 1M. .Villi .! Blooxnsburg Directory. STOVES AND TINWARE. I M. UUPEKT, dealer In Ntocs&tlHnre,Ku A. pert block, Main i.l. west il Market, vl-nll TACOII METZ dealer In stoves und tinware O Main tiecl,tibnvucourl house, VIMIII CLOTIlINt', Ac. DAVID LOWKNIIEItO, MerchantTallor, .Main St., 2d door above Atnerlenii House. vl-uLl WM. MOIIUIH, Merchant Tailor corner of Ci li tre und Main St., over Miller's store. v3-ii3j drugs, chemicals, &c. . 1.1 1. l.UTZ, LrugglsL.iiitl Apothecary, Malu hi. !, below me rusiullicu. vhuii M(IYi:it IlKIIM.. DlUKgists UUU ApollleearhH Urower'H block Maui M. V1-UI3 CLOCKS, WA'JVlU-.b. AC. IlKNHYZUrl'INUI.lt, Walclith, Hpectaclt s A ll.lewelry Ac, MalnHtie t lu-ar West HI. v:i 1115 1 E. SAVAdK. dealer 111 Cluckr. Wateheh and U Jewelry, Alain at., just below the Alut'llcau vl-4.1 House. I I)U1 HI. ItNIUMtU, Winch alio Clock maker. Ij near iiilheal eiirnei Mullialal lion sth.l'l.l It (JAT11CAUT V aleh alio O ock Makel, Mm li. net htreel, helow Main. 1 -li 1 , BUOTb AN1 11()ES. 0. M. UHOWN, llool and i-liiiemuker, M In street, under ilrowira lioul, vl-iil3 IAV1D 1IKTZ. Hoot nlld MioeliuiKer Main si., ) btlow llarlmaii'ahloie,uei.l ol Market 1-4.1 HENI1Y Kl.KI.M, Maliufactuier ami dealer In Uoola aim Hhues, Glocenes, etc., Main btleet. luist IJloouishuig. vi-uu I'ROFESSIONAIj. Dlt. If. C. HOWEli, riuriteon Dentist, Main si., abovo Ihu Court House. lul.f Dll. WM. M HI.ll! It, Klllneoii ana I lijslclull, hxchauKe lllock over WebbV honk slnre V3-ll'Js Dlt. U, F. KINNEY, Mirgiou Dtllllst. Teelh extracted twlhom pulii: Main si., nearly op. poslte Episcopal Church, vlul(l 1 It. li:i.I.i:it. Attorliey-ul-Law, tluor luExclmnbuIlluLk, near ihu ' OUlce, 2d Exchange V3-H1 CI O. I1AUKI.EY, Attornej-ul-Law. Office, Sd I. floor In fc.xchaut.0 Dloik, iitarihe"Exeliaui;e Jolel.' v4-u3 J II. McKKLVY.M. D.,hlllKenll and 1'hjslclaii--.north side Main St., below MaikeU vlul3 Jit. EVANH, M. D.. HuiKion and I'hjslclan, h.tuth hldu Malu htled, Li inu Malkel. Vlu4.i 1 C. ItU'lTElt, M. li. Hnrteou and 1'hyslclnii li. Muikethlrtcl.uboteMatn. vi-i,ls ,1. 11. ItiilllsON, Alioriiey-at-Eaw, man a buililii u, Main htnet, OUlce Hurl- 2-I.Jl JULL1NKRV cV FaiM OUtil)!-. El'MEHMAN, .Mlllllieo mid I'aie.t CinylK. , opposite 1-. Ihinpal ri.lileh.Malli si, tlnl M1HS MZZIE HAUKLEY, Milllmr. KHiiih'J bulldlui! Main slletl, vl n XI IBS A. 1'. WI 1)11, Fancy Good. Nollnns, ill Hooks, ami Htallom ry. Enhance Ulock.Malii sireet, vMUtt 11I1SS M. DEUltlCI U.N. Mllllnei and Fancy ill Goods Mulllht., below Malkel, vl-ull KB. E. Kl.INE, Mllliuirj and fancy Good1" Main street neiow .viurKui. vein 11 1 118. JULIA A. Ji HADE HAltKI.Kl. lJldlm' llll Clnaks and Drehs I'atleru. southeast roiutl Main and West stt. v.ii II HE MIBBtb 1IAIIMAN Mhllneiy and Fancy 1 in oilb, Main M., below Aiiicrltau llouhe, Vlu41 HOTELS AND SALOONS. i;0ISKH HOTEL, by T. Hunt. Taylor, east md JL ol Main street, vWJ WIDMYEU A: JACOIIY, Confectionery, Dakery and oyster Baloon, ttliolehaleand retail. Ex clianKO lllock, Main stmt. vl-n43 MERCHANTS AND GROCERS. CO. MAltR, Dry O'.ods and Notions, houth- west corner Main and lion His. vl-nl.1 Oil. HEEHHOLT Z, dealer In 1 rv Goods, Grn. cries, Hoots, hline-, Ac,, corner Main and Iron sti eels. vH-nsn DA. HECKLKY. not and Phnn More, t)no!r . t stali'triery. Main st.t below Matket. vl-n4t R.IAOOTW, roTtlectloncrj . proeerlew etc , Main , ft,, helnw Iron vMH p Mi:NIVNIIALI .(leniral nt.-clt of Merchan. Ttt. ONr" an1 Ii r n t r. coim i tf Main Mrcet ami Ilerwlck rMil. v.iH TiOX a WKim CorirM'iu.nery and Ifalten J1 whnlehHlo and retail, I'xi hnnge lllock. vl n4l niMIOWIUt, TIfltat ml OipsnootHHUdPhnrlJ, Malu Rt above Court limine. Vlnt3 J J, imOWFIt, DryOociin.ait.cerleH, etc., cor , ner Malnst.und Court Ilnuue nlUy. vJnl RonniNB 4 riYETt, dealer In Dry Goods, Gro ceries, etc., cnr. Mnln and Centre eta. vl-nW JK. OIKTON, Groceries A Provisions, Mali. . Street below Market, vl-nH JK. EYEIt. Groceries and Genera) Merchan dise. Main t., above West. vWl HI IKELVY, NEAL CO .dealers In Dry Goods, ill Groceries. Flour. Fefd.B.ill, FIsh.Iron.Nalls eta.N. li cor, Main and Muikei its. vl-ull CJ H. Mil I.Elt A SON, dialer In Dry Gimds, O. Groceries, uueei sware, Flour, halt, Shoes. Notions, etc., Exchange lllock, Maiust, vMiH MISCELLANEOUS. I W1TMAN, Marble Works, oue door below A. Pott Olllce, Main Hlreet. IJ, I.OOMHIlulta I.UMIIEIt CO., manufactuiers and dealeis in Lumber of all kinds: FlanlnK llll near the railroad. vln4i OF08TF.lt, Glue Maker, and White and Fanes , Tanuer.Hcottowu, Vln47 (1 M.CIIUIHTMAV, Baddle. Tiunk A llarnraa. I, maker, Hhlto's lllock Main htieel. Suln DW. ItOllulNH,lliuordealei seeouddoor rum norlhu est turner Malu und lion Ms. vl-oll Li II. HIDLhMAN, AgeniTor Muusnn's Copper rjTubular LUhtuii u llisl, v2uhi if J.THOHNION, Wall Pat, Wlndott Slladl J. and Uxtun s. Itupert him a, Main ft. vl 43 w. i Olll I.l., Furniture ltooms, threohtory btlck. Main Street, west of Market st, tlnii II lU)HENS10CK,Phoioniiphir,uvirllohl.lns a jrm more, xuaiii si vl-4.1 u 1 berlln'e alley, tear of American '-..kill... i ri KI'IIN. ileuli r In Meat. Tallow, etc.. Cbem muse, vim JOHN A, FUN8TON 4 fO. miilual and rash "rales nri' insurance companies, lirowir iiuiiu iuk, Main nireei. vl-nll lAintl Din-'PhNIlACII. llrnnir Factprv. Or ) ders leu at his resident oralMnhrA Sou'a Stoio promptly tilled, llest urten Wcttern brusii used. vl-ulH. TAMI'H r A nil AN. Cabinetmaker and Chair (J luakeri rooms Main Mr el bel, Irou, v3-u24 "Vf W. ham VI. V. A Cn..MachlnUls.EastIllooms i hmir.uear Lack, It, H. Castings inudea.slinM notice. Machinery madeoud repalietl. vi'-n'.'l rt II IlIKflT.VII denier In ntanos. orians mid U" mtlodeons.at U, W.Corell'a furniture looms vl- OAMI'KI. .TArniiv. Marble and Drown Bton7 OWorks, East liloomhbnrB.Herwtck road,vl-n4o W PEACOCK. Notary I uhllc.noril.rt cori er t s-ninann Maraei si vi lirM. ItAllll. dealer In luiiiltnru. trunks, cedej II V. Illow ware, near tho For ks Uouh vl-nU '3k VOLUME IV NO GO. Oraugevillo Directory, A .niOY,',.:,?VF,ANM,J'.,h,"1, Talloraand to i I " erlA.f,i;g','.'ng g0013'1' Bt- "".' A li',', n Billl W . D,Ilt)TIl Ellicarpentersand il. Hullders. Mnln at., below I'lnc. vlnl7 lit'V I KIl & IlKIIUINa, dealer In Dry Ooods, ii.!;, JSt,e"' ,'UI"u'' d general Merchandise! V1-IH7 B'li'K'i HUTKU B"u frhment Haloon, by llolirM'llcnrycnr.oi Mnln adllMnosiv.in7 aiiiln bi nct door loOoiid'a Hotel vl-nl7 l Dealer In uraln. Mill Htreot. vim? I. Lv'hJWAUI)v! I'"v".l.';l,';,, "n(1 Surgeon, Main ! st.,nrsi doorulioveM'Heiiry'H lloiel, vMi23 I .vMKs U. II A KM AN .Cabinet Make: and Un 'I mriftker. Main Ht behiw pine. vl-nt7 I M, llAHMAN, Huddle and Harness maker. I, Mnln si., oiirmite Frame Church, vaull SC1H1YLKU 4 CO., Iron foun.ieis.Machltilsts. and Muuulactuieraofilowa,Mlll Bt. vI-ih v.A.MUKLHHAHTi,ERS,Muker of the Hayhursl O uiam Ciadle. Main Hi. vi'nj. ttTIIJ.IAM DK1.0NO Bhoemnkcrat. i mauufne H turerof llrlck, MlllBt.,iwtof r no vlnli Catawissa. F. DAf.LMAN, Merchant Tailor, Heeoud Ht. , ltnhhlns' lIlllldlliK. V2-UII. I tit. J. K. UOIlUINh, HnrEfnn and I'hyalclnn Heennd Ht below Main. v2-nlK fUMIEUT A KI.INF,, dry goods, groceries, ami U veneral merchandise, Main direct vi!-nl2 I II. K lull. hit 'I'atlawissi, House,' I . Corner Main and Heeond Rlreets, Nnrlh v2uln KEILEIt, llllliird faloon, Oysters, , 1 ream In season MalnHt. D Ice V2nl2 MM. HltOIISI.dealel 111 General Mi-rrllHIidlse . Dry Honda rlroeerles Ac v--nl VIJStiUi:HANNA or Ilrlck Hotel, M. Kosten O bniulf-r l'r..prietnr,south.easttcrner .Main and ntoihI Hlreet. V2nl2 s. I. Kl A1ID, dealer in Hloves and -Main Hlreet. riu-wiire, Willi U.M. H. AUBOTT, Atloruey at law, Main Ht. v.'i Light Street. H F. OMAN t Co., Wheelwrights, first door above Hclniol Houso, vlulo I01IN A.OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer In O hoots and Shoes, vlnia J. LEISEIl, M. D., Burgeon mid Fhyslclon. OIIIco at Keller's Hotel, -2ii27 pETEP. ENT, dealer In Dry Goods Groceries X Hour, Feed, Ball, Fish, Iron, Nails, etc., Main R B. ENT, dealer In Stoves and Tin waro In all Its branches. vlulo Espy. Br. HEIGHAHD.ji HKO.,dealer In Dry Goods, Grpcerles, and general Merchandise. v2nll IJbl'Y STEAM FLOUltlNG MILLS, C.S. Fowler, u i-roprieior. V21HI) I D. WEKKlIEISKIl.lioolandHhoeStoroand manuiacloiy. Shop on Malu Sireet op posite thosieaui Mill. V2lll W. EDGAIt.SuKiuehaunu Planing Mill and Dux Manuiactory, v2ull Buck Horn. O.A V.H. Mini WAltEfl. ticalerK In ilr hi (!. i;rofrl(N untl vi nerul tnercliHiidlke. )- Irvt t.tor in r(n,ib t?inl Di ti.wti. ' nit- Hotels. fUlE KbPY HOTEL. ESJ'Y, COLUM1UA COUNTY. PA. Ttic underbluiHHl would tnfoim the trnvclllnit (ublluiluiL li hiiH taken tlie alKive namnl -.tiili- ilshnicnt and thimmgltU reflttut the snnu for thi' perfect cmivenleiii't nf lilHcuestH. nirdcr will UuKlmkMl with Ihu bett the miirki-t iitlords, 1 he choicest Uquiim, wines and clgfUB always to WILLIAM I'KTTIT. Ai)r.'J3,(fl-tf Espy Ia. g iuck'iTotel, OHANGliYILLC. COLUMBIA COUNT V, PA. KOIin WIIKKRY, Proprietor. This well liiifivrn limine, hnvlnjr been put In llnirmgh repmr, Ik now open lo tl.o tnnellin? I n hi I e. The bar lb Mucked -with the choicest iliiorn and clatu, nnd the tnMe will ho, at all 'liiu-M.Mitirilled with the ilellrnoles of the p pus on. Nit pa i n b will ho t-pured lo lusuro the conilort of Kiiehih, OruiiEevtlle. dec. 10.(I9-tf. MONTOUK HOUSE hupi:ut. PA. WILLIAM IlU'Jl.KH, Pn prlelor, HilsIIoiihfhuvliJiilJit'n ni.t In thoiuuuli repair I h now open l r (he rutptiou of uuebU. No piiliiM will be spared to ensiirt the perfect com lort ot iho trHelerh Tj e Tn-piletor hotieitH a t-lmie of public pi.ttntiaue, 'the bar will be blocked tit all time with nius llquo.H and clgarb, niHiU'TOtf. B ENTON HOTEL. V. F. PIATT, Pmprletor, 1I1.NTON, t OI.UMIIIA COUN'I Y, PA, IIiIh well known Hi use ljaln bfen put In noiouun iciiair is iiw oien 101 retention ihlIoia. No i alitK hu Inn ti m U to ei sure he nerfet-t comturi ot i:u hlh. uhi in dim lor uImhuiih u btay fioiit Hie Hotel io Illo. tnfburg hini luieru eulate oinii. on TucMiaj , i ntuwiuj huu KUiunuij oi vuvii ween. iiuhjojuii fctoves and Tinware jEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. 1HAI-VI1 llAUr-liUL.ll, Main Street one door abovo E. Mcndcuhall's Store. Haui:ecouslanlly on hand, and for sale at the lowesl rates. Tinnlm- In all Its branches carefully attended to. Mini sailhiaciiuu guaraiueeu. i lll work oi an uiuus wuoienuiu auu retail, a lul Is requested, pr.9,WI.f s TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. ItUPEHT announces In bis friends and customers that he continues tho ubove business at his old place on MAIN STltEET, ULOOMH11URO. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of nil kinds, 8lovepli.es, Tinware and every vo riety of article found in a Hlove aud Tinware Es- ablMimeiit lu Ihe eltles.uud on the most reahou able terms, Itetairlug done al the shortest notice. 2 DOZEN JIILK-PANH on band for sale. jjOOTS AND SHOES. iLAllh Ai.iJituttn, 1IA1N BTItKhT, UMJKR BROWN'S HOTEL. A lull and complete assortment of ready made boms and hhtisfiii nieu.vomtu and chlldreu Jn.i 'itctltcd end for saleal reuhnnable rates, vntletlislo sun all classes of tustumers. The vsi or work done alhhon nonce, as nereioiore, uive nnu ean, ipro ivu. JADII.S, FANCY FURS I J Ullil f Alll.lllAi 718 AUCH STltEET, Middle of tho lllock, between 7th and 8th Sts, South Mde, VlllLADULl'HIA, Importer, Maliufactuier and Dealer In all kind and quality oi FANCY FURS FOH LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN H WEAK, Having enlarged, remodeled audimornved my n "and lavoiablykuowu FUItLMPOItlUM.aiid having Imported a very iar auu spituuiuus- . .fuli tli .lltlCrnt kinds nl Kara lrnm first bauds In ruiope.aud had theminiule up by Ihe mostiklllful workmen, 1 would rehpecilully luvlleiiiy fr einisoii oiuinoittBuaaujaceuiismu, ...... ....... 1 1 ... i uT.mlnu in v vmi-v lul Ln and beau. tllu assortment of I aucy Furs, for ladies and children, I am d.lnmlnid In hell at as low i.rl... nu n,, ..ti...rFui,M.i.il.lelInuKe In thecllv. All ruis warranto. , No iiiisreniesentiiiloiii to tiiucthaits. junn rAi'fliiui, 718 AUCU STSXkT, PUILAStXrilIA, NOV, 4, WH-SiB, Philadelphia Directory. JJAOLE HOTEL. T NonTn TiiiiidBtrekt, It. D. CUMMtNOS, Propriktor, JSTARLISHED 1703. JOIlDANAIIItOTIIEn, Wholesale Grocers, and Dealers In HALTPlh'ItE AND UIUM8TONE No 219 North Third 8L Philadelphia. H. MOUNT. W. H. KINO. J, II. SEYUERT JJOriNE, KING & 8EYI3EUT, wnui.t.Ai.u; UKV uoou. No, 421 Market Street riniiADF.LrniA. Orders filled promptly at lowest prices, January 3, ISC. JJ W. HANK'S W 11U1.I!,AL,U 'lOUALUl, Sft UPJ', AND CIQAIl WAHEIIOUHK, No. HO North Third Htreel, Between Cherry and ltace, westhldo. riilladclphla. J7UANK i STRETCH, (Succosaors to I, II. Walter,) Importers and Dealets In UUEEN3WAKE, CHINA, AND GLASS, No. 231 N. Third Street, lietween Itiica and Vino Ht. I'lULADKLI'HIA. c:!'i.nR,Kicn. Oen'irartners. 1. II. WaLI Ell. Snpelal Partner. Jc2l70-tl. KEPHEART, WITH 1JARNES, BKO. & HERRON, HATH, CAI'd.HTIlAW GOODS J: FUItS, No. toaMarUct Street, (Abovo Fifth,) Philadelphia. JOHN STKOUP & CO., Successors to Stroup & Urothcr, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FIi-H. No. 21 North Whams and 2o Noith Third Bt I hllade phla. JIOHARDSON L. WRIGHT, JR. ATTOHNEY AT LAW, NO. 12S SOUTH SIXTH STltEET, I'lIOLADBLl'HI . oct. 22,'ii!)-ly WILLIAM FISHER WITH THOMAS CAltSON A. CO. WHOLtSALE DEALERS IN HOSIERY, MEN'S FUItNlHHINO GOODS, LINENS 4 NOTIONS NO, 18 NORTH FOUIITII STREET Philadelphia. " lune 4,'00-Cm WAINWRIGHT & CO., WIIULraAl.1; UHULl-.l'-M, N. R. Corner Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA, Dealers In TEAS, 8YKUPS, COFFEE, SUGAIt, MOLASSES UICE, bPlCKS, nl CARU HODA, A' AC. 40rders will ree.lve prompt attention, may lo,7-tf. Business Cards. jy M. L'VELLE, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, Ashland, SchU)lklll Cuuuty Pa, c. W. MILLER, ATTOIvNEY AT LAW, Office Court House Alley, helow the Coi.uu- niAN Office, llountlcs. Huck-Pav und l'eusions collected. liloomsburg Pa. sep.20'07 JOBERT F. CLARK, ATTUKNEY AT LAW, Office ftlaln Street below tbo Court House. Hioomsburg Penn'a. g H. LITTLE, ATTUSNET AT LAW, OIIIco Court-IIouso Allev. below tho Colum iiian Olllce, IJloomsburg Pa. Q B. BROCKWAY', ATTORNEY' AT LAW, 11LOOUSUCRO, I'A. Kir OKncE Court House Aller. In the Co lumiiian building. Jau4,'C7. 17 J- T XJi wouh burn anil vie mouNTON Id announce lo thecltlzenHOf XJlooms- rir and vlclultv. that he has ftibt received n full tiiu luiujucio fiMhorimeut oi WALL PAPEIl, WINDOW BIIAUiS, VIXTURES, COIIDS, TAHHKLfl, and nil other coods In hla line of businrttH. All the iiweut noil mnkt nn moved nntterns nf thn uuy are aiwu 10 vo iouuu iu urn ebinuiisiiiQeni. QIIESTEU S. FIJUMAN. MANUKACTUUKU, aud dealer lu CA RPliT-n A Cm H, VAL1SLH, KLY-NLTS, ItUPFALO llOIUH, UOIlKK-HLAhKUTH (SC., which he feels confident he can Hell at lower rule than any other perhon In the county, Kx amine ior jovmeives. Hhon third door below the Court House, Malu AUR. 5, liUV. iOWDER ICEQS AND LUMBER W. M. MONItOfJACO., Rupert, la., Manufacturers of I'OWIMIR KKUH, find dealers lu all kinds of LUMBER. Uive notice that they are prepared to accomodate their custom with dispatch, and on tbe cheapest tnrms. I? m. KNonn, J Ilavtu I'tiriliHed the Mock of the old Key hn.i.e blioe More, and luldiil 1 hereto a lurttt aud veil helected uewkltck Ispiejured to exhibit the beit variety ot BOOTH AND fellOEfl ever brought to this place. He Is aUo prepared to inwke Boots undHiotb to order In OielateH di tt In hi htvies. For cafcli only. In the old FHt OflUe bnilultiB, corner Muluuud Maiket Wreets, BlooiufcburK, I'a. li-eptt'TO-ly, BUhlMuSS CAHDS, VlhlTINO CAUIW, LF1TKR HEAPS, BILL JIHADS, PROGRAMMED, FOHTERH, 4C, AC. Neatly and Cheaply Printed Krom the Idlest HtylesofType at the COLUMBIAN OKFIOK 250,000 I,U1M1: IUU0K FOR SALE AT EBPY. For particulars, address It. J, MII.LA.ltD, Espy, on T. II. MILLElt, Lime Illdge. octM'7U-tf. s LATE HOOIMN d, EVERY 7ABIETY A T MOST FAVORABLE RATES, JOHN TUOMAB, AND CABPEIl J. THOMAS l!ox, 277, Uloomsbuxg, 1. ' Mnr,W.6-ly BL00MSBU11G. PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER JJorlitnt clrdionfi. Bingcn on tho Rhino. fAn Mri. Caroline 1-1. Norton's Brent linllnd. whoo python Imh held the ht-art of two ttnorH- tlonH. 1 verv amironrltito since the rntntnenrn ment of the KraniMUeriiinu war. w rrproducd it iur iiiu uuiiL'iHui our retiucrmj A iiokllcr of the Legion lay dylnu In AlttleM; Therowas lacK of woman's nurnlnff, thero wai dearth of woman's tear Hut ii comrade Rtooil hcKldchlm while hU life- blood, ebbed away, nd heut with pttyluK Rlanccs, to hear what ho inUlitmy ; Tho Uyiog soldier fullered, at ho took that com rado h hand, nlho nald,"Iuovcr moro Rhnll see my own, my native Und ; Tako h m-fitjiii-o and a token to some distant friends of mine. For I wai born at ttlngcn-ut Illnson ou the Rbluo, , 'Tell my brolhcn and companions, when they meet and crowd around, To hear my mournful atory, la tho picas int vlneyuru gmund, That wo fought tho battlo bravely and that when the uuy was done. Full many a corpse lay ghastly palo, bcijeath tho scttlnu sun, And midst tho dead and JyliU, wura Home grown old lu wan The death wounds on tliolr gallant breasts, the last of man scars; Hut homo wero young, aud suddenly beheld Hfo's morn declluo, Andouo had come irom Ulngen fair Bingcn on the Uhlnet 'Tell my mother that her other sons fllmlt com fort her old age, For X was sUUn truant bird that thought his homo a cage ; , 'or my father was a soldier and ovon when a child My heart leaped forth to hear blin tell of htrug glos fierco and wild; And when ho died, nud lei t uh to tllvldo his scanty hoard, I let them tako whate'er they could, but kept my father's sword : And wltu boyish lovo I huus It where tho bright llcht used to Htil no, On thocoltn-o wall at Ulngeu calm Illnsenon the Ilhlne. 'Tell my sister not to weep for me, aud sol) with drooping head, When tho troops come marching homo again with glad and gallant tread, Hut to look upou thtru pioudly, with ft calm and steudfuht eye, For her brother was a solder, too, aud not afraid to die; And if a comrade m rk her love, I ask her In my namo To listen to him kindly, without regret or shame; And to hang tho old sword In Us place, my fa ther's sword and mlno, For tho honor ol old UInfeen dear Itlngen on the Rhine, "There's another not a slater lu happy dajs Bono by, You'd havekuown her by the metrlrcent that sparkled in hereyo; Too Innocent for coquetry too foud for idle scornlug; O, friend ! I fear the lightest heart makes some times heaviest mourning. Tell her the last night of my Ufo (fortre this mooube risen My body will Loout of pain, my soul be out of prison,) I dreamed I stood with her and iav tho jellow bunllght nlil no On tliu vine-clad hllU of IHugcn fair ttlngon on the Rhine. Ifcawtho bluolthluo sweep along I heard, or Kcerocd to hear, The German t-oagH we used to blug, lu chorus sweet and clear; And dowu the pka.ant river, and up the sluut lug hill, Tho echoing choi us souu Jtd, through tho eve ning calm andbtll'; And her gUd blue eyes were on mo, as wo pmsed with friendly talk. l)o wn tunny a path beloved cfyoie, and well- lemetnhcred walk, And her little hand lay lightly confidingly lu mine lint wo'li meet no more at llingen loved lllngen on the Rhiuo!'' His voice grow faint nud hoarsohUgMsp was childish weak His eycB put on n dylns look ho sighed. and ceasul to hpeak; His comrade bent to If rt him, but fio spark of Jlfe had Jlc.l; Tho soldier ,of the Legion In a fuulgn land was dead I AmltbcFoft moon rose up slowly, and cslmly Uie looked down On the red sand of the battlefield, with bloody corpses strown; Yes, calmly on that dreadful fecce, her pale light heemed lu uhlne. Am it shone ou distant Rlugeu-falr lllugcn on the Ithincl It Kovor Pays. It never pays to fret and giowl When fori una seems our foo; 1 ho better bred will push nhe.id And strike tho braver blow. For luck Is work Aud those who shirk Should not lament tin lr doom, Hut jicld the play, And clear the way That betti r men havo room, It never pays to wreck tho heal'.h In drudging after gain. And he Is sold who thinks that gol I Is cheapest bought with pulu. An billable lot, A cozy cot, Have tempted even kings, For station high, That wealth will buy, Not oft contentment brings. It never pays I a blunt refrain Well w orthy of a sonir, For age and youth must learn this truth. That nothing pavs that's wrbng. Tho good and pure Alono are sure To bring prolonged success; While what Is rUht III Heaven's sight Is always sure to bless. Sond tho Littlo Onos nappy to Bod IJY FIIANCH S. SMITH. Send tho llltloonf s happy to bed. When closes Ihu tioublesoino dny Let noharsh invective be said, Torufilo their minds whllothcy pray, Horn trials aud truubles full soon Tho sweet sli ep of childhood will ban ; Then let thoiu llo Joyously dnwn, And cherish bright dreams while they can. Send the little ones hnppy to bed, Tho they may bo mischievous aud will Nuture seldwiu he&tuu s u wise head Ou a rosy-cheeked 1 giil-hearted chll I, Then let their glad spirits have play, And brighter and stronger they'll grow, Like stream that runs Tree on Us ay And suffers no cheoli lu Its How. Send tho littlo ones happy to bed You know not what Hlinay be near Ero the morning ymir petsinaj bo dead Then valu the regret or the tear, So lot them Uu down with delight, And fall not to glvound lo tuke A kiss when they prattle "good night," Aud a kiss In the morn when they wake, Qooi) Advice". Ah eilllnr, Indulges lu tills littlo hit of philosophy : Evury ninii ought to gut in. rrlt'tl, if ho can. Evury limn ought to work to null his customers if ho can, Every wlfo should hold her tongue, if eho can. Every lawyer should occasionally tell tho truth, If he can. Every man ought to mind hU owu business und let other peoplo'a none, if ho can. Every man should tako a uuwspaper and pay for it, anyhow. THE ST0IIY or tiic Good Littlo Boy who did not prosper, BY MAltK TWAIN. Ouco lliero was a grind littlo hoy hv tho lumio of .Tn coli Bllvens. He ulwayn obeyed Ids parents, no matter how nl). surd tiiul unrcnsotmhlu their ilemauili were; ami ho always learned Ills book, and never was latu tit Sabbath xcluml. Ho would not play lionkey, even when his toiler Judgment tuld him It wus the most protltnble tiling ho could do. None of tho other boys could ever muko that boy out, ho acted so strangely. Ho wouldn't llo, no mutter how .lonvenl- ent it wan. Ho Just said it was wrong to lie, aud that was sufllcient for him. And ho was so honest that ho was sim ply ridiculous, The curious ways that Jacob had burpussed everything. He wouldn't play marbles on Sunday, ho wouldn't rob birds' nosts, ho wouldn't givo hot pennies to organ grinders' monkeys; ho didn't Becm to tukonny interest iu tiny kind of rational amuse ment. So tho other boys used to try to reason it out and como to nu tinner- standing of him, but they couldn't ur ilvout any satisfactory conclusion; us I said before, they could ouly fliiuruout a sort of vaguo idea that he wus "afllle- ted" and so they took hi in under their prucection, aud never allowed any harm to como to him. This guod littlo boy read all tho Sun day school books ; they wero his great est delight. This was tho whole secrot of it. Ho believed In tho good littlo boys they put in thn Sunday school books; ho bad every coiilldenco In them. Ho longed to como across one of them alive, once ; but ho never did. They nil died before his time, may be. Whenever ho read about a particularly good one, ho turned over quickly to llio end to see what becamoof hltn, becauso ho. wanted to travel thousands of miles and gaze ou him ; but it va;ti't any use; that good littlo boy always died in tbo last chapter, and thero was a ptcturo of tliu funeral, with all his rela tions and tbo Sunday school children standingaroutid tliegraveln pantaloons that were too short, and bonnets that were too large, and everybody crying Into handkerchiefs that had as much as a yard and a half of stuff in thorn. He was always beaded off iu tills way. He never could si o one of those good little boys, on account of ilia always dying In tho last chapter. Jacob had a noble ambition to bo put in a Sunday school book. Ho wanted to ho put In, with pictures representing li 1 in gloriously declining to lie to bis mother, and she weeping for Joy about it ; and pictures representing him stand ing on tli door step giving a penny to a poor begirar woman with six children and telling her to speml it freely, bu' not to be extravagant, becaus extr.iva- ganco is a sin ; and pictures of him magnanimously refusing to tell on the bud 'my who always lay iu waltaroiuid tho corner, as lie c.uiio from school, and welted him over tho head wiili a lath, aud then chimed him home, Miyitu.', "111! hi I" as he proceeded. That wits tho ambition of young Jacob Bllvens. Ho wished to bo put In n Sunday school book. It made him feel u littlo uncom fortable sometimes whon ho reflected that the good little hoys always died. He loved to live, you know, and this was the most unpleasant feature about beluga Sunday school book boy. He know it was not healthy to be good. He know It was moro fatal than con-nun i- tlon to bo so supernaturally good as tho Doyn in tho hooks were; ho knew that nono of them had over been able to stand It long, and It pained him to think that if they put him In a boi.k he wouldn't ever teo It, or oven if they did get tho book out before ho died, It wouldn't bo popular without any pic ture of hi funeral in the back part of it. It couldn't bo much of a Sanday pchnol book that couldn't tell about tho advlco ho gavo to tho community when ho was dying. So, at last, of course, ho had to make up bis mind to do tho best ho could under tho clrcumitaiices to llvo right, and hang on ns long ns ho could, and havo his dying tpeech all ready when hl tlmn eamo. But somehow nothing over went right with this good littlo boy; nothing ever turned nut with him tho way it turned out with tho good littlo boys in tho books. They always bad a good tlmo, and tho had boys bad the broken legs; but In his eae thPro was a screw loose somewhero.and it all happened Just tho other way. When ho found Jim Blnko steal inir spplra. and went tinder the tree to rend to him about tho bail little boy who fell out of n nelchbor's apple trpp, and hrolto his arm. Jim fell nut nf tho treo too, hut ho fell on Mm anil broke Am arm, and Jim wnsn't hurt at all. Jacob couldn't understand that Thero wasn't anything In the books like It. And once, when somobad bnv pushed tt blind man over In the mud, and Ja cob ran In help hi in ui nnd receivn his blessing, Ihe blind man did not give him any blessing at all but whacked him over tho head with his stick and said ho would llko to catcli him shoving blin again and (hen protending to help him up. This was not In neenrdnnco with any of tho books. Jacob looked them nil over to see. Ono thing that Jacob wanted to do was to find a lamn dog that hadn't any pluco to stay, and was hungry and per secuted, nnd bring him homo, and pet him and bnvo that dog's ImperUhablo gratitude. And at last ho found one, nnd was happy ; nnd 1m brought him homo nnd fed him, but when ho was going to pet him, tbo dog flew nt him and toro all tho clothes off him except thosu that wero In front, and niado a pectaclo of hi m that was astonishing, llo examined nutboltles, hut ho could not understand tho mnitcr. It was of soino breed of (logo that was In tho books, but It acted very differently Whatever this boy did, ho got Into trouble, Tho very things tho boys In the books got -rowitrded for turned out to bo tho most unprofitable things ho could invest In. Ouco when ho was on his way to Sunday school ho saw soino bad boys 16. 1870. COL. starting off pleasuring In a sail-boat. Ho was filled with consternation, he eauso ho know from his rending that boys who went sailing on Sunday Inva rlably got drowned. So ho ran out on a raft to warn lhcm, but a log turnod with blin and slid him Into tho river. A man got him out pretty soon, nnd the doctor pumped tho wator out of hltn and gavo him u fresh start with his elbows, but ho caught cold and lay slik nine weeks. But tho most unac countable thing nbout It was that tho bad boys In tbo bot had n good time all day, and then reached homo alive and well, In the most surprising man ner. Jacob Illtvou said thoro was nothing llko theso things In tho books. Ho was perfectly dumbfounded. When ho got well ho was a littlo dla couraged, but ho resolved to keep on trying, anyhow. Ho know thntso far his experience wouldn't do to go In a book, but ho hadn't yet reached tho al lotted term of life for good littlo bovs, nnd ho hoped to bo able to make a rec ord yet, if ho could hold on until his timo was fully up. If everything cIpo fulled, ho had his dying speech to fall back on. Ho examined his authorities, and found t hat it wns now timo to go to sen as a cabin boy. Ho called on a ship captain and mndo his application, nnd when tho captain asked for his recom mendation ho proudly drew out a tract and pointed to tho words: "To Jacob Hllvons, from his affectionato teachor." But tho captain was n coarse, vulgar man, nnd ho said, "Oh, that bo blowcd; that wasn't nny proof that ho know how to wash dishes or handlo n slush bucket, nnd ho guessed ho didn't want him." This was altogether tho most extraordinary thing that had over hap- peneu to dacoo in nil his life. A com pliment from A teacher, on a tract, had never failed to move tbo tendcrcst emo tions of ship cnptalns and open tho way to all offlcss of honor and profit lu their gift It never had In any book that ov er ho had read. He could hardlv be- llevo his senses. This boy always had n hard tlmo of it. Nothing over caino out accordlntr to tho authorities with him. At Iat, one day. when ho was around hunting up Dad littlo boys to admonish, ho found a lot of them in tho old iron foundry fixing np a littlo joko on four teen or fifteen dogs, which they had tied together in lonir nrocesslon and wero going to ornament with empty nitro-glycorine cans made fast to their trills. Jacob's heart was touched. Hosat down on ono of thoso cans for honov or minded greaso when duty was before him and ho took hold of tho foremost dog by tbo collar, and turned his reiirn- ving eye upon wicked Tom Jones. But just at that moment Alderman McWel ter, full of wrath stopped In. All tho bad boys ran away; hut Jacob Bliven.s rose In conscious innocence, and began nno of thoi-0 stately littlo Sund.iy school bunk speeches, which always commence with, "Oh, sir I" in dead opposition to Ihe fact that no boy good or bad ever starts a remark with "Oh, sir I" But the Alderman never waited to hear tho rest. Ho took Jacob Blivens by the o.ir, and turned him mound, nnd hit him a whack In tho rear with tho flat of ids hand ; and In an Instant that good littlu boy shot out through tho roof and soared away towards tho sun, with tho fragments of those fifteen dogs stringing after him llko tho tall of n kite. And thero wasn't a sign of that Alderman or that old iron foundry left on tho faco of tho earth ; and as for young Jacob Blivens, ho novor got a cbnnco to malto his last dying speech nftci all his trouble fixing it up, unless ho mndo it to tho birds; becauso al though tho bulk of 14 in eamo down all right lu a tree-top in an adjoining coun ty, tho rest of him was apportioned around among four townships, and so they had to hold flvo Inquests on him to find out whether ho was dead or not, and how It occurred. You never saw n boy scattered so. Thus perished tho (jooil little boy who did tho best ho could, but didn't como out according to tbo books. Every boy who over did ns bo did prospered except him. His case is truly remarkable. It will probably never bo accounted for. The GaUuy. OtiUviUetl Iij- a IVcgro. An enterpri-ing business man of Hartford runs two branches of trade, to wit : A grocery and fish market. The gro cery ho attends himself, tho fish market by a deputy, and overy ul'ht tho latter makes returns of tho proceeds of tho day's business to tho proprietor. A day or two since, the grocer found In his fish market returns a counterfeit flvo dollar bill. Ho didn't llko to loio it, und ho didn't quite want to tako tho chances of trying to pa?s It. So he called tin old ilnrUoy who was hanging about tbo prcmUes and said to him : "ri.im, hero's a flvo dollar bill that's n littlo doubtful. If you'll tako It and pass it, I'll glvo you a dollar of tbe clntngo." "Very well," siild Sam, and ho took tho bill and wont off. Later In Ihu day ho returned, having accomplished the feat, und bunded over lour dollars in good money to tho grocer. That night grocer, lu counting tho cash return from his llsh market, wus moro surprised than dellghtod to flint tho Identical flvo in tho pile. "Look here," tuld he sharply to Ilia fish market clerk, "hero's u counterfeit bill who'd yo tako it of? didn't you know 'twas had?" Tho clerk took It and looked nt it a moment, "Oh yes," bald he, "I remember now ; I took It from Sam, tho darkey. 1 thought it was a littlo doubtful, nnd wumi'i going to tako It, but ho said ho got It of you, so I thought it wus all right." Further explanation was uuueces sary. "An, parson, I wish I could tako my gold with mo," said rich old Deacon Swipes. ".It might melt If you did," quietly replied tbo parson. DEM. - VOL. XXXIV NO. 13, Atlvlco to Young I.mllc. Now ladles, I will preach to you Just n littlo sermon. I don't ofton preach, but In this cenc, nothing but a sermon will do. Firstly you nro perfect ldiols to go on In this way. Your bodies are tho most beautiful of God's creations. In tho Continental galleries, I always saw groups of pooplo gathered about tho pictures of women. It was not passion ; the gazers wero just us likely to bo women as men ; it was becauso of tho wondrous beuuty of n woman's body. Now, stand with mo ut my ofilco win dow, und see u lady pass. There gnos one! now isn't that a pretty loosing object? A big hump, three big lumps, u wlldermss of crimps and frills, u hauling up of tho drtus heio nnd thero. an enormous, hideous mass of false lialr or bark piled on tbo top of her head, surmounted by a little flat, ornamented with bits of laco, birds tails, Ac. Tho show windows tell us, nil day long, of tho paddings, whalebones, and steel springs which occupy most of tho spaco within that outside rig. In tho namo of the simple, sweet sen timents which cluster about a home, 1 would ask, how Is u man to full In love with such n plecoof compound, doubled and twisted toncli-mo-not artificiality, as you see in that wiggling curiosity? becoudly with that wasp waist, squeezing your lungs, stomach, liver, und vital organs into one-half their natural size, nnd with that long tall dragging on tho ground, how cau any man of sense, who knows llfu Is made up of use, of service, of work, how can ho tako such n artuer '! Ho must bo desperato indeed to unlto himself with such a fettered, half-brenthlng orna ment. Thirdly Your bad dress nnd lack of exercise, lead to bad health, nnd men wisely fear that instead of a helpmate, thoy would get an invalid to care for. This bad health in you, Just as in mon, makes tho mind us well as tbo body, fuddled and effeminate. You havo no power, no mugnetlbinl I know you giggle freely untl uo big adjectives, fluch as "splendid," "awful," but then tills don't deceive us; we seo through It nil. You uro superficial, affected, silly ; you have havo nono of that wom anly strength and warmth which are so ussuring und attractive to man. Why, you havo become so childish and weak minded that you refuse to wear decent tmuics even, and Insist upou baby i. aiucs. Instead of Helen, Margaret anil Elizabeth, you affect Nel lie, Maggio and Lizzio. When iour brothers wero babies you called them Uobby, Dicky and Johnny, but when they grow up to manhood, no moro ol that tdlly trash, if you please. But Know a woman of tweiity-llvo years, aud she is as big us both of my grand mothers put together, and her real name is Catharine, und though her brain is big enough to conductnfl'airs ol State, she do s nothing but giggle, cov er up her face with her fun, and exclaim ouco in four minutes, "Duu't, now, you aro real meau." How cau a man propose a life-partnership to buch a billy goose? My dear girls, you must, if you wuuld get liu bands, and decent onts, dress in plain, ntat, becoming garments, und talk lit e sensible, i m nesi sisters. You say that tho most sensible mei tirw crazy after these butterflies of iVst,. ion. I beg your pardon, h m not so. Oivaslonally a map of Brilliant biiccess nmy marry one of theso silly, weak women ; but to bay, as I huvo heard women say a hundred times, that the most scusiblo meu choose women with out sense, is simply absurd. Nineteen times in twenty, sensiblo men choose sensible women. I grant you that in company they aro very likely to chat t nd toy with those overdressed and for ward creatures, but they don't nsk them to go to the altar with them. Fourthly among the young men in tho matrimonial market, only a very small number uro Independently lich, and In America such very rarely make good husbands. But tho number ot thoso who nro Just beginning in ilfe, who are filled with a noble ambition. who bnven future, Is very large. These are worth having. But such will nut they ((are not ask you to Join them, while they bee you to Idle, silly, und so gorgeously attired. Lot them seu that you are Industrious, economical, with habits that t-ecure health and strength, that your Ufo Is honest and real, that you would bo willing to !kgiti at the beginning In life with the man you would consent to marry, then marriage would becomo tbo rule, and not as now, tho exception. Dr. Dlo I.ewit. Which In tho Weaker Sex f Females aro called tho weaker hex but why? If they are not strong, who is? When men must wrap themselves in thick garments, and Incv-o tho whole in a slout overcoat to shut out tho cold, women In thin silk duses, with tho nccs and shoulders bare, or nearly so, ly that they uro perfectly comfortable hen men wear water proof booth over woolen hose, ami inea-o tho whole in Indian rubber to keep tliem from freezing, women wear thin ilk hose nnd cloth shoes, and pretend not to feel tho cold. When men cover their heads with furs) and then icomplaln of tin severity of tho weather, women half cover their bends with straw bonnet and rido twenty miles In an op?n sleigh, facing a cold northwester, and pretend not to stiller at all, They eau hit, too, by men who smell of rum aud tob.icci smoke, enough to puis, in a whole houso, aud not appear mom annoyed than though they were sitting by it mam moth boquet of roses. Year ufttr year thoy can boar abuses of nil sorts frojii drunken husbands, as though their strength was mndo of irou, And then is not woman's mental strength greater than man's? Can she nntomluro suffer Ings that would bow tho stoutest man to tho earth? Call not woman tho weaker vessel; for had shu not been stronger than man tho race would havo long since been extinct. " I'm off when you talk of working?" J as tho cork said to tho ginger-pop. KATES OF ADVERTISING. Una qnnr(,(tan lint orlla snolvalentln Hou par.ll type.) on. ortwo Insertions, 11.101 turns innrttoDi.Uoo. BfAOK. 1M. Oliu .iunr o.. 11.60 eu. 4,w 7,00 ,00 11,00 14,00 moo 49,00 X, Ir. 19,00 I10 ,UO tS,M ta.oo 5,00 ,00 0,00 f wo square ,..,.., 3,60 I'hrcj squares...... 5,X) Fuur squares 7U0 lluarter eulumu,. 10,00 Half column..-..-15,00 Ono column.... 30,00 IS.UO 17,00 10,10 to.oo 60,00 1S.9I as.ot 60,01 lOP.tfl 13,00 18,00 ao.eo Executory or Administrator's Notloe, fS.S Auditor' or Assign eo's Notice, 13.60. Local not Icm, twentr perils a line; by I lie y e f ten conta. Cards lnpie"BualneiiTiretor7'1 column, MM pi-r sur r.r the drat two lines, and M.(X) fur eacu 1 additional llns, rfciv Health .Maxima. Dr. Dlo Lewis pronounces somo rath startllng propositions in his book on hycleno. Forlnstnncoi Potatoes, both Irish and sweet, ar' very poor things for brains ami nuncio. Tho common notion that our heallli und llfu depend upon a mysterious) Provldeneo Is downright lufldellty. A child goes out of a hot room with na ked arms und kya In pursuit of its dal ly supply of poisoned camlle, nnd then dies of croup. Is that a mysterious Provldeneo? If a man Indulges him. self until ho gets the gout, and disease attacks his heart and kills him, Is bis tleuth n mystery ? Tho reason that tbo American pooplo aro such dyspeptic.) Is that they eat nnd drink so much, und eat and drink so fast. Tho teeth will not decay If tlu-y am kept clean. A' tooth brush is a good thine, but ono good tooth pick la worth uu armful of tooth brushes. There lu gentleman now living In New York city who has threo beautllul Iront teetb. which ho purchased from tho mouth of an Irishman. His owu teeth were re moved nt.d instantly Patrick's were transferred. Tho word blliousncm is a sort of re spectable cover for plggishne3a. People aro not bilious who cut what they should. The Greek and Roman armies cat but onco a duy. i no common impression mat toma toes nro tho healthiest of all vegetables is a mistake. If e.iteu at all, It should be with great moderation, and never raw. Tomatoes havo sometimes pro duced salivation. Dr. Lewis knew a young woman who had lost all her leeth from excessive eating of toma toes. Pies and cakes are poisonous. To healthy persons mineral waters are not wholesome. Corsets aro most injurious to diges tion. Their use finally results In an Immense and very ugly protuberance of tho abdomen. Thoso who suffer from heartburn should avoid soups, drink nothing at meals, say "No, thank you," to plea and cakes nnd go without supper. If you wish to llvo to eighty-five, la the full enjoyment of nil your faculties, go to bed at nino o'clock and eat twice a day a moderate quantity of plain food. Test or Chahactkr,. A great ma ny admirable acts aro overlooked by us, because they aro so littlo and com mon. Take, for Instance, tho mother, who lias had broken slumber, if any at all, with tbo nursing babo whoso wants must not bo disregarded ; sho would fain sleep awhile when tho breakfast houi comes, but patiently and uncom plainingly sho taUos her timely seat at the table. Though exhausted und wea ry, serving all with a refreshing cup of lea or utifleo liolbie sho sips it herself, and ofien ihu cup Is handed back to bo lelllled before shu has had tlmo to las In her own. D.i you hear hor complain tho we. ry mother, that her breakfast is i-.iht before she bus timo to oat it? And tills Is not fi r one, but every morning, per haps, iu tbo year. Do you call th.sa duikU thing? Try it and see. Oh, 1 iw j dn"s woman shame us by her forb ar ea nnd fortitude In what are Cuilod e things ! Ah I It Is theho little ilu ys which nro tests of character; it is b.,- tiieseliltluself-denlals, borno with such tu'lf-Drgotton gentleness, that tho humblest home Is mado beautiful to thn eyes of unguis, though wo fail to seo it, alas! until tho chair is vacant and the hand which kept In motion all this do mestic machinery Is powerless and i old -lCxchnnge, Toasts and Sentiments. May tho honest heart uover know distress. May wo ho slaves to nothing but our duty. May earo he c stranger whero virtue resides. May hemp bind Ihoso whom honor cannot. May our prudence socuro us friends, hut enable us to llvo without their as sistance. May sentiment never bo sacrificed by tho tonguo of deceit. May our happiness bo sincere and our joys overlasting. "May tho smiles of conjugal felicity compeiisato the frowns of fortune. May tho tear of sensibility uover cea-o to How. May tho road of preferment bo found by nono but tho-o who deservo it, , '' May thn liberal hand find froo nccess to tbo purso of plenty. May tbo Impulso nf gonoroslty never be checked by tho pnwor of necisslty. Mny wo nhvays forget when wo for- glvo an Injury. May tnu reeling heart possess tno lor ttino tho miser abnse. May wii draw upon content for tho deficiencies of fortune. May hope bo thy physician when ca lamity is the disease. May tbo single bo married, and mar ried happy. To MAKrt Papep. Tbanspakent.- Artists, architects, land surveyors, and all who havo o-caslon to mako uo of tracing paper In their professional du tlis, will bo glad to know that any pa per cupahlo of tho transfer of a drawing in ordinary Ink, pencil or water colors, and that even a stout drawing paper, can bu made as transparent as tho thin, yellowish paper at present used for tra cing purposes, The liquid used Is ben zine. If tho paper Iw dampened wl'h puru and fresh iliitllli d lenxlne, It ut unco assume.! a transparency, and per mits of Ihe tracliiftbelng mndo, and of ink or wait r colors being u-ed on its urf.ico without "running." Tho paper resuuiis. Its opacity us the benzlno evap orates, and If the drawing is not com pleted, tho requisite portion of tho pa per must Do again dampened with tho boiizluo. Tho transparent calico, on wh'ch Ind&crlbublo tracings can be made, was a most vuluublo invention, and this new discovery of tho property of benzlno will provo of further service to tho many branches of the art piofe slou, In allowing thu use of stiff paper whero formerly only light tissue rwiKl bo used. :-,r 1 4