The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 02, 1870, Image 4
TEE COLUMBIAN AM) DEMOCRAT, BLOQMSBUItGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. AGBICOLTDHAL & DOMESTIC. Thu lvtiy to IlluiiUct lloiNcs. Thoao inrls of tlio body of n Iiomo which Btirround tho luns require (ho lienollt of n blrtnkot In profurencu to his ,flankg ntul runiiis. Wlioii wo uru ox posed to a current of rold iilr, to gunnl 'against any Injury from contracting ccld, wo shield our shoulders, neck, chest ntul back. If theso parts bo pro tected, tho lower part of tho body- will orultiroaclogreoof cold fur more lntonso, without any Injury to tho body, than If tho Iuurs wcro not kept warm with mi II it Mo covering. Tho samo thine; liolus good in tho protection of horses Tho blankets should cover tho neck, withers and shoulders, and brought around the breast and buttoned or buck- led togothcr as closely as a man but tons his when about to f.ico a driving storm. Lot tho lungi of a horso bo kept woll protecled with a heavy blanket, and ho will seldom con tract a cold, even If tho hindmost parts of the body aro not covered. Salt (in ii Cure Tor I'ovcr and Ague. A correspondent of tho Baltimore American says: During a recent trip through several of tho Western States, I met a gentleman who had used salt externally for years as a preventative, With entlro satisfaction. A physician of I'lltsburg told him to wear somo In his shoes, and ho had his stocking') pre pared by dipping tho bottoms in a strong brlno and letting them dry. For ten years ho escaped the chills, but tir ing of tho experiment, nnd believing he was Indulging In a moro fancy, ho dis continued tho uso of salt, but ho con tracted tho disease ngalu, and It contln ucd with him until ho resumed tlio practlco of tho previous ten years, lie also stated that In ono ague district through which he traveled ho met with several members of a firm who had es caped tho disease, and on Inquiry ho learned that they had been In tho habit of tasting salt as thoy dpalt it out to their customers. Hogs want Sulphur. Whether hogs require sulphur as an essential to their health, or whether It Is sought by them as a condiment, may not bo known for certainly. Hut ono thing Is sure, they dovour It with greed whenever It is to bo found. It is for this purpose, probably, that thoy cat largo quantities of soft coal, which con talus a largo amount of sulpher. Per haps this is tho most economical meth od of supplying hogs with sulphur during tho winter, when they require a good deal of carbon. Hut in tho sum mer it Is better to feed It to them in substances which contain less carbon, on account of their producing less heat. Mustard Is ono of tho best things for this purpose, and on that account some of It should bo sown In es'ery pasturo Into which hogs aro turned. If hogs are kept up, or aro in small yards, it Is well to supply them with tho wild mus tard that grows in tho fields, or high ways, or to cultivato somo of tho better varieties for them. They will eat its leaves, llowcrs, seeds and stalks. Prai rie Farmer. Management or Ilrooms. If brooms aro wet In boiling suds onco a week, they will becomo very tough, will not cut tho carpet, lastmuch loDger, and always sweep Jlko a new broom. A very dusty carpet may bo cleaned by setting a pall of cold water out by tho door, wot tho broom in it, knock It to get oft" all tho drop3, sweep a yard or so, then wash tho broom as before and sweep again, being careful to shako all the drops off tho broom and not sweep far at a time. If dono with care, it will clean a carpet very nicely, and you will bo surprised at tho quanti ty of dirt in tho water. The water may neel .changing onco or twice, If tho carpet is very dusty. Snow sprinkled over a carpet and swept off before it has time to .melt and dissolve, Is also nico for renovating a soiled carpet. Mois tened Indian-meal is used with good effect by somo housekeepers. Mich iyan Courier. Lime. A writer in the Journal of tho Itoyal Agricultural Society, descrih ing tho permanence of tho action of lime, says that ho knows a pleco of ground containing ICO acres, which formerly grew nothing but health. A good dressing of limo was applied on thfe surface of tho sward which has nearly doubled lis value. This was done several years ago, and totally erad lcated tho health. Tho llino to this day appears In full condition, as its of. fects usually testify, from tho richness and sweetness of tho herbage, tho tex ture of which has boon entirely chang ed. Hixed Husbandry. Tho Roches-' icr American Farmer reports a stoto nent made at tho Farmer.- Club of that city, by Mr, Wiieeleb, a revenue as sessor, that ho had found that men who gave their attention chiefly to raiaintr of wheat, (uoles3 thoy had a 'family of boys to do tho work), returned small incomes; while those engaged In mix ed husbandry usually returned good In comes Even tho wheat growers made much of their profits out oj tho small amount of other crops, aud from their limited stock-. Stkawberbies. K$tabliahetl boJs should bo covered as soon as tlio ground freezes. It is a mlstako to coyer soon Ubo whatever la availablo-straw, hoj or salt bay, corn-stalks, etc. I)p not uso saw-dust; though a servlceablo winter protection, It is a nuisance, in the spring, as It soils tlio berries. A good teamster will nover put his horso to a rapid speed or to heavy work on road or farm Immediately after his weal. Let tho first six miles to the road bo moderate, and if carting or ploughing, Jet tho iiorso bo Indulged in occasional stops of a minute or two. Vajinishim ron Harness. -One-half pound Indla-rubber,ono gallon of spirits ofturjientlnojdlssolvobya little heat to mete it Into a Jelly, then tako equal quantities of hot linseed oil and tho abovo mixture, and incorporate them well on a slow fire. Oamjjkidqb, Crawford county, has a cliccso factory of nine hundred cow power ut least tho .Mead villa Journal sayn it takes that number of cows to uppiy It with milk, MiaccllauBOiia. VHP inn imiitriirnfii urnniri lim-mit nio tlmt he Inw lint pmnnlelril A I'IIFhT IIEAUMK. llllll tllflt llO IlfKlMinrnotHMo rnrnnrrfi In on tho business of UM:iirAlCINU lit nit its limncliei IN O I T HTYIjU. Ho Im oiiRrtRPil nxnerlcnroil norKnim who will taUH cliuiye nt tlx IhMIch nf llm iltTf-uel AHMmm im tlH'V lulillflln nf thlw tnnrtnl full " uii.1 tilli.i.,1 lo wali!ni Hit?m,aliavln, OrwmlnK. Ac. Mhrnutli furnlMiPd nlno to order At much expense liu iiunii4vi irwui I'll UU IltOJf I OK 11 OX, In which bodies ran tin preserved in n cleanly ntul drv condition. Cnrrinirfa runtUiiMii rr in. nernl occnslons. In short, Uu in prepared In tnke chargcro! ncirpsoltuinoilliitelyiirtcr death, nnd snvo IrlcniHnudrclatlMsullfurlhcr troublo In rensru ion. lie nlso carries on tlio bmllien of 0 A R 1 N E T M A KINO UHiolsterlnsc In nil Its branches, repairing furni ture, reseating cane bottomed chairs, Ac., Ac" Placo of business on Iron street, below .Main, , ltOUEUT UOAN, Hloomsburg, July 21, ISTO-tl. SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MED ALS AWAKDED, ...STXjs A III UKU.VL 1.1 'lft.frs HALT1M0UF. PIANO tSH n tsJ MAvmfArrmnv - n . f ... . .. w ...... . "WILLIAM KNABE & CO. MANlTACTUnEItS or giiand, SQUAHE and upniaifr PIANO FOBTHS, . BALTIMORE, M 1). Theso Instruments liavo been before tlio public for nearly Thirty years, nnd upon Ihelr excels lence alone ut til tiled uatifijmicniPf vrc-ernhituce wnicn pronounces mem uuequaiieu.- 'ineir . T0N15 combines Great power, sweetness and fine slug, iniruiuilltv. ns wetlnscrcnt nurltvof Intonation. nud sweetness throughout ihe entire scale. Their TOUCH is pliant and elastic, and entirely freofrotn the Minuet1 lounu in so many rinuoes IX WORKMANSHIP thevnro unrnunlled. uslnir none but. the vrrv best ertuoned WKlrWo.tho large capital i-niplove.l in our business enabling us to keep continually uu iiiiiiicusu biucjv ui iuiuuer, .ve., uu uaiiu, cn.AU onr .Slyiore Pianocs have our New Inv ptuved OVEKITKUKU bCALTi tutd tho Auruffc 4irWe would call special attention to our late improements In GMAV) 1IAX0S antl HQVAllK ailAXDSf Patented Aua. H, 1S), wnleli bring tlio Piano nearer ported ion than lias j-ei uceu uiuuui'u. Every Piano fully Waiiu anted roit 3 Yeaiw, Wo liavo made arrangements for tho Role WUolcmle Aprney for thp mo-u (Vlebiated PAR LOU I'KUANS and MRLODLOXH, which we otier Wholesale ami lltll,nt Lowest, I'actory".. niiiiiitidi Jibuti, it ocf.'VTO-Hm Hultlmore, .Md. oi nnn kkwaiid. P X ,JJJ For nny cne nf lllinrt nlecllus Itching, or Ulcerated Pile that Dk Kino's Pile jiu.MKov mm to cure, j i it prepared expressly to cure the Piles and nothing ele, and has cured cases of over a) jcars standing. Solo by nil Druggists. " ' VIA ftOA, Do Ring's Via Fuga is tlie pure Juices of linilis Herbs, Roots, and llerrles, for CO.VSUJIPTION. Inilamtnatlon of the Lungs: nil Liver. ICIduov. and madder Weakness. I'einiiT,. Allllctlous, General Dchlllty.aud all coinplululs of the Urinary Organs In Male nod female, pro ducing Dyspepsia, Costlveness, (Jravel, Dropsy nnd Scrolula, whfcli most generally tei initiate 1 Consumptive Decline, Hpurliiesnnd enrictes the Blood, tho miliary, tllanilulnr nnd Hecrctlvo Kystem; Corrects and Strengthens tho Nervous nuu Muscular lorces; it nets line a eliarm on weak nervous, nnd debilitated icnuilcs, Witli young nnd old, None should bo without it. Sold every where. I.AtOKATony U." Franklin Ht., liaitl inorc, Md. aug5'70-ly. s HAItPLESS & 1IAUMAN, EAGLE FOCKDIiy AND MANUFACTURING SHOP. STOVES &. VLOW'H WHOLESALE ifc RETAIL THE CELCT) RATED JIONTftOSE IRON IlKAM AND 'THE llUTiON WOODEN BEAM 1'I.OWS. Ca.Htlnirs and Fire Ilrickfor renalrlnerltvfiloves All ktnusof JJrnRa or Iron, cudtlug uiudo to or tier upon short notice. Bloomubniir. I'u. rroprietors Mur.l9,'ti9-lf. gllOWN'S FAST F11EIGIIT FK03I I'll I LA I) EL I'll I A TO ULOOMSIJlTltU, nnd lutcrmedlato yointn. Goods forwarileO with euro and d spatrh and nt low rates. uootw, ut l'liiJudeipuiii, must tie iieitvereu at Ititner t Co't. MI Maikct btrcct. For full rinr- ticuldJh, fily to Aug, C0.V;9-tf U. Dcpft, lUootnsbuin,r A Body and Mind Disoaso. Hucli is dypnepsla. The stomach aadtho brain aro too Intimately allied for tlio ono to RUtTcr without the other, so that u!spepInnd despond ency aro inseparable. It may bo added, too, that irritation of tho stomach is almost invariably accompanied by Irritation of the temper, The invigorating and tranquillizing operation of Hostetter's Hitters is most powerfully devel oped in cases of indigestion. The ilrst cllect of this agreeable tonic is comforting and encourag ing. A mild glew pervades tho system, tho cliroulc unenslnofaa In tho region of the stomach is lessened, and the nervous restlessness which characterizes tho disease Is abated. This Im provement is not transient. It Is not succeeded by the return of tho old symptoms vlth biiper ndded force, as is always tlio caie when uumedi cated stimulants are given for tho complaint. EacUdoko seems to impart a permanent acces sion of healthful Invlgoration. But this is not all, Tho aperient and antlbllllous properties o tho piopaiatlon ate scarcely secondary iu Import anco to Its tonic virtues. If there Is an overflow of bile the secretion Is soon brought within prop er limits, nnd if tho hlleary organ Is inert and torpid It Is toned and regulated. The clfect upon the discharging organs is equally MUutary, and Incases ol constipation the cathartic action. Is Just sufllcieut to produce thedeslred resultgrad' ually nnd without pain. Tho bitters also pro mote healthy evaporation from thesurface which Is particularly desirable at this season when sudden spells of raw, uupleaKanl weather aro apt to check tho natural pereplratlon and pro- duco congestion of the liver, coughs, and colds, The best tnfeouard against all dUm9 fi badlly via- or, and this tho grett Vegotablo Hestoratlvo es sentially promotes. novi'70-lm, AT K AV COAL Y A It J). JLi Ti The undersigned resppctfnlly Inform the citizens of IHoomsburg nnd Columbia county. oi juooniMuurg nil iy keen all the ciltlel t Kelur fell I ii in n mat iney Keen hu me it i ronl ii nd hpletied luinn c fces, on their wharf, udlulning M'lCelvy, Keal t Co's Kuruaoe: Willi u ukU nulr of lltillnln heules nn tho wbnrf, lo velBli eool, liny, nnd Btraw J.lkewUe a horse nnd wngon, tn ileliver conl to thn,H wbo deilre it. Ah they purchase u large nniouuioi com, mey mieiiii uiikeeji ii nuperior ur tiele, und sell at the very lowcM prleen. 1'leui.e call una examine tor yourfcelven before purclins Ing elfcCMfher., J. W. HKNliritsiIOT. AUOUhTUH JIAhON. rpiIE unilerBlsuod will tnUo in jx- X cbaiH'O fur Cowl nnil GroeLrleii, the following u.tiiieii uriicied vneai, uye. l orn, ijhim, t'oiu. toei.. l.firil. Huin.Hhouliler.anti Hide meat.fliitter tvw, lluy, &e ut the hltihet.1 cnbli priced, ul bin J, W.lIUMJtlillOT, ootnhbnrinMur. 10,'f(, Till. ICl.IIVl'J. iti Utr CtMAntttw., lul Arvlt bt i lVuf. Daltou. s W. JLh tTt.'lniiluiitL O.. ftnil Dr. OrMine. t I linrlnll. N. C.,r inak i ln( Mtuumliltig C dm r A u tldoU 1 wltituut lliv kaif or c&nitU Hi it I a t II v , I'tiiii. IWory n root ndfiLr Ii taovtl. If akaa la not return. lUwmri W4 I J fiMSon. with their lnUj. lUUinc our tnuanu. Ken thr slionl 4 vr U uimd. t'ur 1 iirtfculn, tea 1 fur oironUr.eall, at flilmi tu aWve oclJ3'70- iJiu.. D E N T I S T It Y. If, C, 1I0WKU, DKNTI8T, Kesnectfully offers hU professional fiervlces to me lauies ami Kniiemen oi juooinsuurj; ami vl clnitv. lie la nrenared to attend toiillihfi inri. ouKoiferatlonMin thu lino or hla rroflon, and ia provhled with tholatetit linnrovwl I'oucklain i Kbiti which win ue liiheruui on uoki ti ui sliver anil rubber btkse tolooir, as well abtho 1 u ml teeth. Teeth ex true ted Lv all tlio new and mot approved m&ttioU, und ail oie rations on the teln caraAilly md propel iy attended, lo, ltestdnce nnd onico u, Jew door hkvo the t-ouri Jioaso, ufuue siuy. jiMKJiUHUuri.', tJaul.'UHtl tovj:mbeh. WUAT HON". THAI) KTKVKKHTIIOITOIIT AIIOI'T WIHUX.JClfH liKltlJ lUTTKlW. Mr. U'lllUm Jjimbert. 1'lrkt AKklhtnnt llir-ln r, V, H, N.,m rltfH to J lAbciMtur, IV., th" folli Xtr Qr leant,, t wan M- lT kl K.' utlluiiln III- M II 1r,.rt...... . f.T JUI1UW1UUI "JlllIIUIWDIUrHIII ieiT urieaiib. i wan noun u id 1 1 mo rjuiit ion uv u elm 11, Itio wound hmled up, but a butt bore uivkhuuiiivui in j hubivi nvir(M UHVIUIfl llltu to benelt hie. but nuuu kUCt-eulbd. it w&k then that the lion. Thaddcu HU'Vciim, Member of tho nut u re or IZU H JIIIIIEII njortulcom- (AW. 1 Uhfl It iuyelf, and I know that it will curu you lu a vttryfcbojt f etUni, Try it. my friend, try it. 1 will flaw ft heitt lo you The reault fully Juti lkid the high opinion of Mr. HtoveuK rtvurdiuK your ISUttm.for ils uo wan folio?ed bv a ner'tuii cur., bold by UrUiEiUtJ ueucrttlly. lrico one uoltar per bottle. ule. fuovl 7U-Jm, o noMpo Patent Mcdicinea. T" E KIDNEYS, Xhe JCUtueys aro tro In number, rsltuated at tho upper part nf tlio lolii, iturrouudM by fat, iui-1 conslttlnji of thioe parlfl, viz,: tho Antcilor, tho Interior, and tho Kxlerlor, Tho anterior nbnoiln, Intoitor conslnttof ih ciiMor vein, which nerve nnn deposit fortho urlnu hnd roiney 11 to tho rxlctlor, ThooxCer lor Wit conductor alto, termluutlnu In n ulnalo luho, and cnlloil tho tTieter, Thu ureters aro coiiiifcltsl wllh tho bladder. Tho bladder Ueonipnwnd of vtrloiu coverliifti or llr.UM, divide 1 Into pirts,vlK.t tho Upper tho Uiwer, tho Nervous, an-1 tho Mucoih. Tho upper expels tho lower retnltn. Many havoa dclro to urliiato witJiout tho abllltyj others urlualo without Ihoablllly to retain. ThUfie quenHy cecum InehtUlren. To euro thoio affectlont, wo mint bi lug Into action tlto muacles, which nrocngngod In ll'iolr various funclloos, If thoy My nelocloil, Gravel or lropy may cimie. Tho tender mint nlao'ba mado nwarc, thnt howover slight may Imp ihe atllrck, It In nnro In alTect tholmdlty heallh and nieiitnl poOM.nt our IlesH and Mooilni'o htippoiteit from these sources, OouT.oit Itii kumathh, 1'aln oceurrlnalii ! loins Is IndlCAtlVQ of tho abovo dKe:isos. They occur In persons dtsposetlto ncld stomach nnd challiy oon'"'0tion8. TUB (Jicayhl. Tho tr.ivel enstiei from nog lect or Improper treatment of the Uldneys Thco ornaiia beliitf weak, tho water is not ox pelled from tho bladder, but allowed tojemaIn ; H becomes feverish, and sediment forms. Ills' fromthH deposit that thestbnels formed, and gravel ensues. Di:or3V is a collection of water lu some parts of the body and bears dlirercut names, accord lug (o tho parts nlTccted, viz.: when generally ditUweil over the Is called Anasarca, when of theablomen, Ascltos; when of the chost, Ilydrothoras. TitATMENT. llclmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract lluchti In decidedly ono of tho best remedies for diseases of the bladder, lilincys, gruVcl, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, and gouty affections. Umler this luud-e havo arranged DyKurla.ordiniculty Rudpaln In passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small nud frequent discharges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water j Hematutla, or bloody urine; Gout ami Rheumatism of tho kidneys, without any chaugo In quantity, but lucieaso In color.or dark water. It was always highly recommend ed by tho lato Dr. Thyslck, In theso affections. This medfIuo tho power of diges tion, nnd excites tho absorbents. Into healthy exercise by which the watery or calcareous dep ositions, nnd all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain nnd Inflammation mo lediiccd, and it Is taken by men, women, and children. Di rections for use and diet accompany. rnii.ATn.vniA,l'A., Feb. 5, 1S07, H. T. llKLMDOLi), Druggist: DeakSiu I have been a sufferer, for upwnid of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid ney affections, during which timelhavo used various medicinal picp.iratlons, nnd been under tho treatment of tho most eminent physicians experiencing but little relief. Having seen your prcporatlons extensively advertised, I consulted with my family physi cian in regard lo using your Extract Buchu. I did this becnuso I had used all kinds of ad vertised remedies, and had flmnd them worth less, nnd, .ome quite Injurious; In fact, Idespatr--d of ever getting well, and determined to uso no jemedies heiearter uultn I knew of tho In gredients. It was this that prompted motouRe your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of buchu, cubebs, aha Juniper berries, it occurred to me and my phyMclau as an excel lent combination, and, with his advice, after nn examination of thearllcle, and eonsnltlusagaln with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I com menced Its usenbout eight months ago, at which time I was contlnedto my room, rrom the first bottlo I was astonished and gratified nt the ben eficial effect, and after using It three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much Hk writing you a full statement ot my case ut that time, but thought my Improvement mlghtonly Lot tin porary, and thereloro concluded to dtler and see if It would effect a perftct cure, knowing then it would bo of greater value to you and moro sat isfactory tome. I urn now able to leport that a cure Is effected after using the remedy for Are mouths, . I have not used any now for three months, and Icel as well In all respects a.s I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid ot any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice touloand Invigorator ot the system, I do not moan to be without it when ever occasion may require its use lu such affec tions, M. McXXHtMICK Should any doubt Mr. McCormlck's statement, ho refers to the following gentlemen ; Hou. W'x. HiaLKu, cx.Govcrnor, renusyl van la, Hon, Turn. 11. tt-ORBNCK, riillmltliiUla. Hon. J. C. Knox, Jmle, tIillHjIilila. ' Hon. J. H. 1H..UK, Judc, l'hlladc-lpliln, Hon, 1), It. roiiTKK, cix-(lovcmor, I'cntwyl vanla, Hon, J' I.l.wl, Jnilgn, riilluJcliililii, Hon. It. C. (JiiiKit, Judgo, Unlttil Btaliw Court, Hou. Q. W. WooiiVAitn, Judge, IMillndclnlila. Hon. W.A. 1'oitTKii, City Solicitor, Plijlndfl phla. lion John Diulkii, i x-dovirnor, Ciilllornla, Hon, K. Hanks AllJIlor (lenorfil,VaV!illi ton, n. C. And innny oilers, ir necHary, 8pld liy DniisU nnd Dwilerd nvcrywlu-ro, Jlewura of c'OHUtcrr.Un. Aklc for Jltlmuold'a Take no otiiir, l'iticu-1.20 tier bottlo, or (i bot. tips for tO.m, JicllveroU lo any nddiess, Do. scilbenyniptomii In all communications. Addn H.T, II KUJ BOM), Drug and Cluml- oal Warehouse, 801 Broadway, .V, V, NONE AKE GENUINE UNLKSH DONE UI IN 8TEEL- ENGItAVED WKAPPEU, wltli fac-Itnlle of my CbmtoA! 'arthow,,and signed If, T, HHMI110LD. Pcrioclicnla. A Itr.runiTtmY av lMsmov, Vj-rarphu, and t vjrrrnrnTinv' ImTIlUOTlOS.' H Aiuuni's liAZiiVn. A stinnlemont Cfmlatti!nenurarinusfiillnl7Ct patterns of useful nrtlck-rt nccompantcH the pa per every fortnight, llAiti'Kit'n Uaxaii contains 11 folio pages nf tho Rife ol JtAitt'Kit'M Wkek bv, printed on superflnu calendered paper, ami Is published weekly. Xnticca n the m. ItMii'KU'n IHau eontalnn, beside plelures, nil ems. etc.. a varlol v of mutter of i soeelal uo ami hit ci est to the family j articles on heallh, dress, nnd housekeeping In nil Us brunches) Its I'liiinniii inmicr in specially nonpieu lo mo civcia It Is Intended In interest and Instruct; and It Ins, beside, nntnl Ktortenaud liternrv mattef of meilt. 11 lsnot fstniirlMlni; llmt tint toiirnnl. with such features, has uchtovod In u shoil I lino an Iintueuse success; for something ol Its kind was desired In I houxamlsol lam If let, and Its tubllsh- oih nnn uuen ma oemaun. tho oun i.iuy who biiysitNlngln numlror llAiU'iu'rt ItAZAii Is maile tt Mibscrlber lor llle. Xrw Yvik I'.vmlno lnnt. ' ThollA.Ul Is exec Ueiil, Like all tlio periods cnls which (ho JUrpois punllsb, it is aliimU Idenlly well idttt-d. and the class of readers for whom It Is lutendeu Ihe mothers and dniiyntirs In uveiuKe tamllescuti not but proilt uy lis flood Acuse nud good taste, which, we Imvn no doubt, are to-day making very many homes uappier man nicy may mnn been oemre inn women beK'in ttiktn lessons In personal and household nud wh-IjiI ninimifciticiit fiolii this gnod-natured meiltor,--7'c Aoioi -Y. V. TmtMsj UAiirKK'H BAZAit, one year ?l to An JZrtrit Otiti of either thr Maoazinh, Wkk l.Y, w It a .au tntf lirattttiit fn'titiJt or t vtrt Club oKiVEKruCHliiKHS at l one remit tance; or, tSt'jt Opifs for iA) H, withmit extra row. ffiifuicrft'f-onA lu i I a i! m Mahainp.. vkki,i.v amt llAi' !..( fr- urfttris.i tor onr mtir.SlO OUi or uvotyjHr pi" iiTtvuicnut, ra one uaim tu jor one yew, $7 Ut-, XblK. I,, 11,, uml 1IJ, oi llAitrrJt's ilAZAn.for wie you n irits, iu, u, eicg'iuuy nounu in green moioceo cloth, will bo sent by express, fi eight prepaid, tor 7 tttJeael.. Tho post no on ilAitt'KU'H Bazau Is21centsn yenr, which must b pntd at Ihe xubwiberi post onii-v. jiouieKs jiAiti' uuo i ii r.u', iiovlS'TUdf New Vorlt, 'UNWt'FSTlONABI.V 111 K UKST hUHTAlNUt) WOltK Vk' Uli; KIM) IN 'illifWoItLD " AltPUlt'S aiAOAZIXK. JYolitc of the l'reaf, Xo uioredelfghtliil travels aro piloted In the Ku.Iih limiuiure than unneer ueroetuallv in ftAHPKit'w JIauazim:. They are lead wltlt equat inietesi fiuo MiiiMummi oy ooys oi every gnuiu from eighteen to eighty. Its scientific paper, while sufih'leutly profound to demand tho at tention of the learned, aro yet admirably adapt ed to thoponnbir understanding, nnd designed os m uo ii to diffuse eoireet Information concern ing current scientific dNeovciy u It could b if it whs ine ui'kdiioi ion "oeieiy jorino joiiuhioii of UM'ful Knowledge," The great design ot HAitl'KH'H is togivoeorreet Informatlou and ra Uonat iiuiuciaeut lo tlnT print iuovm-s of the people, Theio am lew tntt lllaint American fam ilies lu Avluoh JlAfti'i;n'.s Maoazim; wouUfnot bo uu nnureehited Hint Idirtdv-welemne iruest. There Is no monthly Jllngvllic nn intelligent tvnding t.'inlly eau less allbrd to bo without. Many MaaaziiK'saroneeumtilateJ. llAiti'Fit'rtls edited, Ttieie is not d MKav.lno that Is printed which show more tut el ligeut pains expeiuled on its ititleles and nu haulcal fxeeuthm. There is not a eh en per Mitgiizlue puldlslieil, Tliete is not, eonfestdl, n moie popular Maga.lue in Ihe World, A to Jlnitaiiit JIonit'ffal, II Is one ofthf wonder or Journalism Iheed Jtorlil nuuiagement of ItAHi-KirH, The Xatwn, SUItSUlPTIO.VS,-IN71. Tr.r.MS : llAhi'Kit's JIaoazim:, ono year 81 W An Kxtra Vmu of vilhrr the Maoazini:.AVei:ki.y or uif b u)ilitil vrattv for every Clutt of J-'i vk sjriwt iiinM.fcfi $1 (K)caci, inane remittance; or. A'x t opuMfvr 920 tn, v ithoitt cj fra epjf. AjfWi'i'fotf JlAitrmi'uMAriAziNK. Wi:i:i;bY. ( Baza it, to mv uiUtrcsi fir oncjear, $10 u); or, two of 1 turner's J'cri. Uculs. to one uibtrrss furunc year, S7 Ui. Jiucic winners can ne suppneo ai any time, it Comnleto Ketof IIaiu'KU'h MAfiAZixc. now eoinprislng 11 Volumes in neateloth bindlmr, will bo sent bv express, irelght nt exjieiue ot purchaser, tor $2 '.5 per olume. Simile volumes, by mall, umtitfud. $'l U. Cloth eases, tor binding. cents, by mull, postpaid. 1 he. onstaireoii llAKi-mi'H MAfJAZixnLs 21 rents a year, which miit bo pahl at tlie subscrtbir's poAi oiueo, novll'70-tf. I?UEE COPIlS TO JAN U Alt Y : l, 1S7I, to Ninv ptTiiscniBt:ns. THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN j rou is: i. 'The Best of all Agricultural Weeklies In Amer ica," saj s The joi licHfturiM, - t it j uric, 'It has Xo KijuuI In tho Kntiio I leld of Ameri can AgileuItuialJournntlsm." Maine J Urnier. THE CULTIVATOR A. COUXTItY OKN'TLB- MAN has been much'enlarged and improved uuriiig ine past year, aim eoiiiinues io mainuun Its rormer rank as tho Standaiiii Joitknai, of AMi:nitA AditiriJi.TUKi:. Jm hiding nil tho de iiaitini'iits eonneitud with ttie Cullfvatlouoftho i Nofl lor piotltor pleasure, it Is lUnim lopromoto uiu ur-hi iioeri'Kih in iik reaueis, io proieci iiieiii Iiom Jiaud and fatnehood, to provide 1 hem with llin into) m itidii most essential In Ihelr callimr. 1 und, linln loothiis tlie taU ot lurntsliing ino iiausiioiy iiiteiiamim ni ot the nour, io pre sent a i crlndic.l ot Ji'tqucnl is-ue,(dwns tresh mi M'lisoiiniiie, (inn especially tuinjiiru m e ery depaitmetil to the uauta of Ihe l-'AUM- i.i'.mm ins i Anna. In Btij,nt or contirsi'ONnnNcE In I'ltAcricAn RuunKsrioNs In Artitirtu.TfJtAn Nkws It is belii 4d lobo VITHOUT AN HQ UAL, and H should be plueed in thelmudsot eery Maimer l-'ruli grower, and Bleeder In thoeountrv. l-'or them, us v.v as lor Ihelr wives and chlldieu, thrt Intel , and value of Its contents huvo never befoie bet ,i so gieat us now. J Jlt.MH. Tlio terms ro lower than tlioso of am other paper of similar standing: ono eopy, S.aopir year;l'our topics, SO; Bight copies, II 2ir.W SulHenberM to TIIK CIIITIVATOU &COUNTHY (IKNTI Kit AH for 171 pnyinnin iiuvnncc, i .-criovtt w tue roe oj i7u,wiii ui ckivk Tii.c iwrKii VBKKBY,.rroyi iteeiptof re mittance to January Ut, IbTI, WiTlloirT ciIAUdK. HSAilU 1H rsnii iili.iiint In tru tlio tutnri hi fnrt Aubtcribihfi wit be ttuimiifd xvilh comtn rroittarl'i jrom date of uj'pUeuUuntaJan, Ut ls7i,or the now itmi jirite oj cents. SINCILU NUMBJJUS AH Bl'BCIMBNtf, 1'ItKB! Address I.UTIlKi: 'lUCKUIt A SOX, Publisher, AliH'AXY, X. Y. liovl'70-tf. pETERSON'S MAGAZINE Pi'Okpcctus for t-THE CIIKAl'KST AND BKST.-a To every terpen getting up n Club of four, n sl.60 fcuch, Till hQ ht-nt fice, our buperl) oopy-rlght engraving, (!I Inches by SO,) "WASHINGTON AT Till-. UATTLU 01' TltlJNTO.NV Wlillo iolljni.0 KcUIng un t'lubn of olniil, nt ti.;w I'xiiu eopy or i ne jiagaztuo lur jwi in mltlitiori, scnt.rt'r. ptrrrnsoN's xiaoazini: iiniin hpktoriui. mil slorltH of nny of ihu latlv 'h boolts, tho best Colored l'nthlon I'IhIuh, tiiu hchtKtce! Knurav iuns, o Ac llvury family omhl lo tnUo It. ( tlhetnwie for Otr mimcu Ihunuiiu In Utenorhl. It will contain, next j ear, lu lis twelve numbem ONK TirolTSANI) I'AOKS!; coi.oiti:t) m:m.iN i-attiuiks TWJU.VlfMAJl.MOlJI tOI.Olir.1) 1'AfcIIIONH NINIJ JIUM)Hl: WOOD CUTHI TWKsiv.rouu i-Aor.s or jiusici It V lit nlNO ttlC 1'IVI-: OltffllN'AI. CoI'VllHi! NovKi.Kru, iiv MrK. Ann p.hiepheu, frank f.ou liL-ne.llct. anilritlul-M of the bKl authors of Alnrr. Icwi. Alsi, iwarlii a humlrtit bhurttr tlorlcg. AU. OHKIINAL. ltHbllpClh . MAJiMom coLoni:i i-abiiio-n platiw nro nhend of all otbeiH, Theso plates are engrav ed ou kteet. 'rwit'K tiii: rsi.'Ai. size, TlIltMS-Ai.wAvs tN AliVANI! 1 Cnty, for one year,. I (.'filt a tit .... n 1)1 12 CXI l'ltHMlUMK. J'.vcry I'crkon udllna up n Club nf four, nt tl.M ritch, hfiult l( I'fho.ucn rniviif "WH)htimlonr' lUiry in rhwi Kiuuig up 11 i'lulx-r tlglii, ni oui'li, Khali ui'flvo, nr. hutli n copy ot "Wntli. liiKlon'-ginil 11 copy or tliu Mimiiylnii for 1 fc7 1 II Ni'tfliiK'tiN feint litu,tothotu wHIitugto get up AiUlrowi, ciiAiii.i:s j. 1', 100 CliCklmilHtrcct.l'lilluaflplila.lV.. novll'7U-tf. TT 0. HOW Ell, Im opened u Urstlastj noor, hiioi:, jiat cap, Au run htobe. nt thu old Htnntt ou UMu Ktreet, lllooini.bui v,Hlow ilooi-HUliOVo the Court 11(juho. UU stoi-U Ucfin IMMeiluftliuvt-rylaleiiluntl beHtKtyleN ever otter ! to thRC'ltlzeiiHol Columblu County, Huuiu aiTouituuilate tlie liublluwIthlhufoilowlumfotMlH uttholowett rHttui. Jlf-n'ii licuvy tloublu bolul tlogii bootH, mi'ii u iloublu anil fcintfle tup holed kip bootK, nieuV liuuvy htoKH Hhot. 01 till kludu. iitou-H line looiii unit hlioeu of nil iruUen, boy'n tloublu noted bootn auUboe. ot u!lItiiiUn, tuen'ii Ulovu Uld lliilmorul blii!CH,!ucii,n, wuiueti'n,boyM'H wnl mlhK ' imUiitf Kultor, uoiuhu'ii glove kid poliMli t.. ilue,uomen'itiiiororeu HnliuorHlsbiiU culf fclioek, A'omen'H very lino kid buttuut,d cult eta, lu liort booUot ull Utwcrlntluus both pig KOdnudH n'od. Ho would ulto call nttdutlou to lill Sue UBiort. luvntof HATH, CAPB, l'L-ltS AND NOTIONS, whk'h couitirlfifiil nil tlio new Ami immiliii vnrl. etiwul pikwiwliltbiuiiin.iiulliokultull. Tlie.0 ,00ml Hro oueieu u lue lovitbi oiutn lule. UU I rill be uuarunleed. to itlve Btttlufuctlon. A rciir U kolk'lted before nulcliuHlljic elhewlieiH iiM u iu believed tbat better bargain are to bo fovnd than at any other placs la the couuty, Drugs ami Chemicals. Dr. WAtnrr." - VINECIAE Himdrccto ef Thaww.iU IUM tMllmer.r to ttiolr Wom'jr. fulCuraliio I.lKcH. WHAT ARE THEV? 3 O t(t O S THET AJ1E KOT A VILB fag SiFANCV DRINK. P Ji t I-'adoef Poor Ittini, WMMtcr. Prcuf f ;l rtc J nnd ltcniso l,Ir.ur9(loctorcd,rico'l nftdiv.'.ct i u cJ to flcasotho tattc, culled H Tonic," " An -1--crc,'r "Kcstorcrr," c., that lend lLo tipikr tu tt) ConkcnnuftJ and rnlu, but uo n truo Ucdlclae, l ado f?tmtl-oITntlvo llootaand Herts ef California, I rro l.-mii ullAlcohtdlo HllniulniilC. Tbcytro Uu ci::i:at iilodd ruitirinit nud A i,irn C. 1VIM1 VSl I N C I VhE a perfect KenoMitor ucd lnTlgorator cf tlio BfEtcm, carrying off nil poisoroc i .Kttcr and restoring tlio tldod to ft healthy contlitlon. ? o person cantalio tliceo Hitters acCorClci; todirtc t en and remain long unveil. B 1(1(1 will to given for an IncnraMocaBctrorWcd t..u bones tro not deetroyeel by mineral foUon or (Uicr mcan8, and tlio Hu organs wasted bcyocdtliu I 'int of repair. l'lir Inlluiamiitory nnd Cluenlu Ithcjimnv tStm ttud (!ont I)jMpfIn or luriiireBtloti, lUliouM, Iteuiltleiit titidltiierinllleut l"ecin llUenecHol'lho llliwul, ljlvcr Klilueyn, nud I; t tuf tier, tacEO lllttcru ltavo been moit euccccc Tal. ht.cli DUcnM-a era canted by Vitiated lllaod, ,Lch is generally produced by dcrorcir.CMt I I tliu DiceatH o Oicaus. DVSPCPHtA OH INDIGESTION, i clicTaiu la tho ELouldcre, Coughs, Tlslitnces of tho Chut, Dizziness, Eocr Ernctatlous of tho teniae!:, liid taeio la tho Jloath, Bilious AttacLs, raJpltatlc-u cf Dm licait, Itiiramatiou cf tho Loses, Tain in tho lii'lnu ef tho Kidneys, r.nd a hundred other painful t. : : un.e,m tho offiprioca of EyircpBla. h yltnisortta thoQtomaclioDdctimalato thotor j !d1.crand bov.Lls,vhlch rcndcrtbcmofuncinallcd. tUcr.cyln cleansing tho blood cf til Impurities, and ....rartlns new life and vigor to tlio tvbola cystcm. l'Oi: fcJUIN I;SEASi:S, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt I u:.,, Epots, llmplcs, I"uclulcs, Eoils, Car I L:.t:vfl,.I.Mi'onaiJ, Ecald-IIcad,Coro nycs.EryGlp il.,::di, CcurfJ, Dl3coloratlons of thoCUa.Kurccrs n.ia U.dt.afcti of tho bl;!n, cf whatever namo or natcro, u a literally tins up and carried out of tha eye torn l.i a ihori tunc by tho ueo of theso Bitters. Ono lcttla in rt.rli capco i.-l'.l cotvluco tho taost lricrcdulous of their cu.utlvc clTcct. ClcaaBo tho Vltlatci Elood whenever jon fli.d 113 1 j-pailtlcs bnrttlEg through tho tkia inriraplcs, Ernp ' tloua cr Sores t clcauco it when you find It obstructed and fcluslslj In tho veins clcamo It when It Is foul, cud your fccllujs will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure aid tho health of tho tystem will follow. TIN, TAPKandothcMVOIUXS, lurking In tho fj-Etcmcf so many thousands, aro effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottle, printed in four laa guages Englleh, German, Trench and Spanish. J.T7ALT:ER, Proprietor. K.n.KcDOXALD ii CO., D. -cgiiUts and Gen. Agcntp, Tan Trancisco, Cal nud SI and SI Com Jiorcu Street, New York. 7" COLD BV All. I)i:UQ01SV3 AtJi) UEAIXES. cu'!i:o-tn 83,0(1(1 WILD UK PAID TO ANY rr.ItSON rodueln n I'reparutlon kIiowIuk lml r ns many lvimr uemilnn Dermnneiit cures n.s l)n. Fitlku m Vfoktahi.c HiiKiTMATic HnMnnv, Tim pclen- tltlc preerlptlmiof rrof. JO. 1 FITLMt, M. D., nnn if I'lill.idetnlitii'N ohlpst reifiilur Phvstelniix. M'ho lias made itheumaiKm iihpcelalty 117 yoais, permanently cuiii'K with tills Heniedy Wi Ui every lHOpaitcnts Treated; m warranted under outli, fiom Keglj-tered eases, u result unparallel ed, lttsa pliMuant Medicine, freu from injur ious Drills (sworn voue)ier.s Irnm iVnowned l'roinlnent l'hylclans tndorNlng Dr Filler ac company each FifJttlej. To protect siiU'erei-s from nK, ii iei5n Hi'"niiiiei"i:nin nuiuotT oi oonies warranted to Cuio will b forwaided without clmro ltany person seudlmjby letter a lull, tiutlitul description of ei-o. In eiso of tiilluiu to euro, the amount paid will lu ii'lunded. 1'i iro l.!Jpev i (ttle; (IbojlIeK $7.m. Medical n-tvieo Kent by l.'tter jratK. ddres- 1)11, KirLKH. ollteoNo.KU Koutb J-'OIT ITII Wiuet, 1'idl tdel- plii.i, iir No. 70 1 IIIIOADWAY, N. Y. Hold or uiiiained iy ctrualsts. epii .u jy. DR, SAGE'S I un not wish to Inform Mtn. reader. Unit Up. Wonderful, or nny other man, has discovered a remedy that cure Consumption, when tlie luns are uaii eonsumeu, in suori, win cure an ui.seas- es whether f mind, hudv or citato, make men lfve foiever. and leao diath to pl'iy ior wwiit ot ii'nl Ir nnil la ii kl.rniiil tit iiifiki nnr Liililmmrtr sphere n blU-dul I'aradUt1, to which Heaven itself hnaii oe uuc a sine snow, ion nave nearu enougu ol Hint kind of humbuxKcry, Hut when I uli you mat ur.Maau s caiarrh iieiuedy wut )omtivc hfcttrc thu worst case- of Catairh in thuilead. 1 only assert that which thousands can testily to I will pay Iteunid lor a ease lhati cannot cure. A pamphlet Klvlug symptoms and other in ioi iiiuuun stui ji ee io any uumchs. j ins icni edy Is SOLD UY MOWT DIUUiniHTS IN ALL 1'AltTS UI' TlUi WUltLU, Priced) eenls. Kent by mall, postpaid, on receipt or sixty cents, or lour packages lor twodollais, lieu aro ut counterfeits and worthiest imitation. bee that my privato Stamp, which is a posttiie tuaruniev "t utvtuiu7ica, in ujjoii inn ouisiue wi.ipier. iteineiiiDer mat mis private hiamp, Issued by I he United htaten(Joverument express ly for stamping my medicines, lias my portrait, namo ami address, and tliu words U. H. Cerlltl- eato of (ienulneiiess," eniiiavc-d upon it, and lued not bo mlstaUeu. Don't bo hwl lulled by tihVelurs and others representing themselves as Dr, Kayo; lam the only man now living that lias tho IcuowledKuaiid ilnht lo manutacturethe Genuine Dr Kage'a Catarrh Itemedy, and I never a, v. riniim m. n. obtTO-tf. l UBeneca street, lluBalo, N, Y. gKVEN IlKASONS WHY Is Tim J1E3T Liniment in the Would I'-on'iioitHKs, l-'inST. It iHcompoKfilof the most towkiiful aim i-j-iNKi iiATiM, iiijiii(i Known in LiieinLstrv, 8KC0NI). Combined Mill! tun flrnt. rtNAI. Oil., made expressly for llilf I.lulmeul, nnd ml(d by 1111 entirely new process. . Till UU. Thu use of the )Xiurrul lllld vrmtvallmi lnnre,Ileiitn l,s to drive or force In this bffimtltul Mkoicinai. Oil, which lubricates the Joints and muscles, uml Immediately throttles the disease, and compels H to loobcu Us dcithly, hlcUenlivg and poisonous fangs. Fouhtii. Tills Mkdicinai. On, Is used for II10 sniuo ronton thatai;ood uiecliHiile always lues oil lo make his machinery woik with easoand prectslou, Ho In thu bame way thmusclcs and Joints of our animals should bo lubricated If wo wish 10 iiuvu uieiu travel wun rapuiuy anil ease. II l'Tlf. It IS Verv SOOtlllm. Ill llinrttnn ulll not burn or blister the animal like most of tho "rid hot" liniments of the day. Hixrit. Not ono drop ol tlncturo of cayenne nr red oenner can bo found In Itu riinn.,m.. . for wo hold that no llulinont can bo i ll. ctlvu which uurna nun unsiers ine animal until the muscles nie bard nud dried almost to ncrlsn. hi-.VKNiii.I'.very bottle Is WAitHANrrn toulvo 14 . ,"" t ""I inuuey will ou leillllU' ed. Ihls fa hows colic llslveK' llinttl.n rln. tors liavo full contldcnco In this preparation, and proves tor the seventh limolhat (l,i:,H.H. . iiiu.ic.1 ..'iiiinriit 111 ine worm ior uorses. r ' ulow jour Merchant to lmlmolT 'Jlnt luriv lira jwiiptrnml JIarlihorn, or other Iriuh 011 wai, out Mkjor a jj, h, tl,for Jlorw, ana lake 110 ofin-, Hold bynll drtiKKlslH. 1. U. CAltliy A CO., Bole rronrletora, faept27My 171i WashluulouHtrcct, New York, PIIILOSOHIY OP MAllHIAQR. . NKW i ouiisKOFl,n-iiii!iji,a8ileliveredat V I0.1 i.'?"'1-Po'J'iclinloand Ami tomical Museum ir. ., . . v 'i uiiois Hoove jweiiin I'hlladelphlu.tlnbruclUK the tubjerlsi How ti i.ivo ana What to lori Vouth, Maturity and Old A!e ilauhood Ouierally Itevlewed: The cause 01 Indliiestlon j l'latulence and nerv ous 1)khis;' iKiouutid lor: .Mairlauo Phllo. sopnicully loiisldeied. Tbet.e lietmisi will bo forwuultd ou ruilptof 15 cents by addressliiKi I'ecrclary of the Pennsylvania. Polytechnic . .'. ,, .,1,' iOOHfcUJI, im ci.tstiiut Ht, Ahihnlelphlu, l'enufiylvanlu, JcaniMy, 'VO CONSUill'TlVia. ll.e odvcrllsir, litvliie bcon pctmaucully cur sl of that dread disease, Consumption by utlui. pl leineily, In u 11 Hons to make known to Ida icllowsutlerem I lie imuns of curu. To all who desire It, lie will send u copy of the prescription used (free of ilurije), wltli the directions for pre. parlnuund uslutlie tame, which they will ilud ..T. J . " vww. vuiiouuriivn, AHUlUi. iiltON. C1I1T1H. Ac. ' I'uitlca wlshlru tho iirfsorli.llon will pksse Ho Kouth fjtcoud hlriet, WllUaiukburKh, N. Y, til fit It? Ut Hz Clothing, &o. N EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh nrrlvnl of HUMMEIt 0001)3. David Lovi:vnEna luvltcs attention to his fitoelc of Cin:AlAND rASHTONAULUCLOTIIINO.. nt hU storo ou Mali Street, two doors nliovo I ho Americim llouic lMooinsuurjj, I'll,, whero ho lmt Just iccelvcd fipm New Yorkntid I'lil t.idelpliln ft full assortment of Mi:X AND HOYS' CliOTIIINa, Ineliidlnff tlio ninst faflhtonablo, dnrnblo, nnd liruidsomo , , DUKrtPiaOODS, coiiHlstltig of DOX, HACIC, ItOCO, OUM.ANI) OIL-OLOTH COATHAND 1ANTH. of nit sort, sizes nnd eolors. lio 1ms nlso replen ished nja nircndy mrgo sloelc or , FALL AND WINTKIt HHAWI.9, tjruiriiD, riauanu, and plain vi:sts HlIIUTH.CUAVATH.bTOOlCH, COLLAIUS HANDKlIHClIlKlri, ULOVIiM, fcUMHNDEltM, AND FANUY AUTlUUi3 Ilo nas oonstniitly on linud n largo nud wc11bo- ected nssorinient of CLOTHS AND VISTINOM, which ho Is prejia'red lo mnlto lo order lutonny Utnd or clotlilng, ou very uliort notice, nud lu the best mm hut. All his clothing Is inndo lo wear, nnd most of It Is or homo innnufuctiue. GOLD WATCH 123 AND JKW'JUIY, ol every description, lino and cheap. HU ense oi Jewelry Is not surpassed In thl;place. Call nnd exnmlno hlsgeuernl nssorlmcut of CLOTHINO, WATCHH3 JHWCLUY, AC. DA.VID LOWKNllEIta, Bakery and Confectionery. "TOIIN G. JACOUY'S V 15A1CKHY AND CONFECTIOX10IIY1 UllilWlCIv', PKNN'A. Tho nnilnrsli?nrd would lrsncclftille Inlnrni tho Citizens orilerultk, uml vlclully, that ho has opened a Coniecllontry and Ilnkery lu ODD FLttJ-OWB' IIALf., Ilerwlclc. Ph.. wlicro hu Is picpaiedlo furnish all kinds of PLAIN AND l'ANCY CANIUUH, FltUNCII CANUIUft, rolUlHIN AND l)OMi:t,T IC I ltUlTH OIIANOES, IX.MONH, UA1SIN8 Ac, Ac, Ac, ifcc. 21Y wnot.raAi.E and i:i:tail. Amoii!? tho assortment will bft ronml Crmin Nuts, l.nitllsh walnuts, Peanuts, Alnionds. I'll bcrts, FIk, Apples, Ci coa Nuts, .tellies of dlller enl kinds. Mustard. Catsup. lMekles. clincrilnlp. Canni d I'rult of all klmls, I'orn Htaich, KgK Ills cull, hodn Ci ackers, Ojster Crackers, cheese, Hoap, Willing Paper, Agreement Papers, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And lurduce of nil kinds. Fresh Ilread and CakeH every day. Do L'linm in Keason. Your juiirouab ia toiiciie.l, johi; O. JACOUY. Iienvick, Juno 17, l.S7U-tf C O N F E C T 1 O N E R Y . The muleislmieU would restieeilully announce io luu puuno inai lie uas opencu u I'lllST-CLASS CONKKCT10NKP.Y HTOIIK, in tho bnllillng lately occupied by I'm ,t Webb wuoio no is prepareuio lurnisu an uinus oi PLAIN .t FANCY CAND1KS, FllKNCII CANDIES, KOHi:iON & DOilUSTIO FltUITS, NUT, KA1SIN8, AC, AC, AC. II V 1VIIOI.K3AH: OK Kr.TAII,. his line of business, A irrcat variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for the Holidays, Particular attention tilvcu to UK HAD AND 0AK.K8, of nil kinds, fresh every Ony. OUIUSTJUS OAKIIIKB, U U X S T M A S TOYS. A call fs solicited, and satisfaction will b guaranteed. N ov. 22, 18W. IXKUAKT JACOBS. Books. ANICWHOOIC ot tho Krealest Interest and lm portanee, " iltten Horn a hfuh inoial nnd nhvhl- o toxica I standpoint, by an eminent phjhkiuu nud medle-il ptofehMir, 11 kIiows bow Sata'i is working out hlsMiblle and danueroiis deslnH through our most sncied doineMJu and noelal re lations. I'nru-mlnded, but. nutspnkun and au- KressivtMiio author hand!e t he ldlentOhUleetH Heated of nit hou t loves, lint tn mich u umnuer tH oi io nn nisierio unrnriiiii cm Tho iiv. ieat llefcnrrationot the Jtuce, Ik usubjeet Justly fiiMini; urn iuiukj-u nuu Kyiiipuiny oi an irtiu phllaiUhroptstH. and this bunk, It U believed, will contribute to that end Just in pioportlou as It has leaders, A eiieularhenl live, eontatiitui; h lull description and Byuopsis of tho work with iioerai exiracis. C. v . VKM I'ul fcept'2'70-tf 5 Coilego IMuce, N. V, WMMMM V7astci V, Twelve Years v Wild maiaiisPMns. The wild advcntuics and thilltin-experleuees of Gcoiife X lleldeu, who, fired with a thirst for ukiumleduo of the cwl men. their worts, tradi tion, uars, yreat bujfaW hunts, dc. left a home of juxury.hougui ami joincii ine Italians, Deeauieu taiuoiiH uarrior, hunter, and llually chief of 10J lodges. Tills new work, lepleto with st'irins ro eltitUof leal Indian Jtfo.t.i'oiytccii, hairbnadth tscapes, umummt beetles, Ae., on tint tit paper, 7U hpltlled enirraviiiKs, ono ol author lu burner's uieKN, win uo eageriy hougui, ior anil lean wun avidity, lio wklu uwakuaud bend earlv for lllus- liated Mimplu pago, eircular, terms and choice uem. a, ii. iii'iJiiAiiiJ, ruoiisiier. bepl(i'70-tf, lOuChtsmulbt., l'hlla. ill S llarilaj M..S.V. or agiV.IMi St., It they wn ni Ihe most popular and Ut sellinn lliliscilpllou books puhlWiud. nnd tlmmoilid. miKcrwi. Htnilforclrculais. Theywlllcostyou notldng.and mayboofBreatbeueflt to you. fcbll'-O-ly. Waahing; Machines. JJOTY'S WA8IIING-JIACIIINE, lati:ly much impuovi:d-and tiu: new UNIVEII.SAI. CLOTHES AVKINGEn Itnprnvril wllh Howcll-s Patent Double Coc whec s and Ihe Patent (stop, are now unmies tlonuhlv far superior to any apparatus for wash. luu' clonics ever Invented, mid will sau their co twice n year, by savlni! labor and clothes, Thp Editor of this paper, who purchased n vnUie''1' WrlUBir, thus tcstlllcs us to their "Wuhavo hnd In use In our family for soma t ine past, one of Duty's tilothes Washers and rlncers. nnd are prepared to hear testimony as to lis merits. It is emphatically a InliuMuitoa machine and does Its work In the most thorniijiii manner, For nimnies who have huito washes theso machines would be Invaluable,'7 ...., dun, .i, isie, 1'HICE.S-A FA III OFFEH. t.!li5.aIt.r.'","lV,s.".1 youri.lBco will not furnimt, wiher'll'l":A'Slte? ward ell her or both machines, iri u of freluht. to pluces wheiebonnels selling! und sosuniare wo they wlllbu llkid.thntwo'agieo to refund the money if any onu wishes to leturu Ihe inii. clilues fito of iielulii.ulleru moath's trial, ac cordlni; to directions, ' No husliand, father or brother should iicniid thoilrudiicry ol unshiuii wltli the haudsl tilly. t o days lu I be year, when It can bedono bolter, more oxniHllilously, with less labor, uml until' l-"v to tnoBaruients. by a Doty Clothes Washer muuu viniversui wringer. couuli are made! "" tu '"'""l ... t1- IIHOWNI.NO, Den, Acent Mt7'7U-lf, Hi CorUuiiilHtreet, Now York. "UriDMYEIt A JACimv ' T P-XCIANUliIllX)L'K,IllAJOM8IlUlla PA. wlTlsVllasdiTapaTVou and h.lf Unels' iiuMyTkm7 ls aVe Is brewtd by William h. lln'rkwiiV li insJS ltKlnlll8lr"i?N.wYoilt.S,W Xom ill a ? i uioomsuurg, J uue , ls;-tvt Dry Gooda 8c Grocorioa. G RAND OPENING (IRANI) Ol'IININU UHAND OPHNINO (lllANI) OPHNINH UHAND OPHNINO l'ALL AND WINTKU GOODS, l'AI.L AND WINTMIt (100IW, PALL AND WINTKIt (iOODH, KAt.Ii AND WINTllH U(TU1)8, PALI, AND WINTLUt (100DH, couslstlns ol consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DHY (100DM, DllY OOODH, DHY IIOODH, IlllY OOODH DHY OOODH, HATH AND CAPS, HATS AND OA1-S, HATH AND CAPS, HATS AND CAIK, HATS AND 0A1-H, HOOTS AND SllOtlS, HOOTS AND HHOK.H, HOOTS AND SIIOIX, HOOTS AND SIIOUS, HOOTS AND SllOliJ, KRAHY-.MADK CLOTHING, HKAIIY-MADI1 CLOTH I Nil KHADY-.MADU CLOrllINO, nllAIIY-.MADi: CLOl'HINO, KKADY-MADK CLOTHIHO, LOOICINU-OLASSKH, LOOKINO-(il.AKSKS, LUOK1NU-OLASSHS, LOOK1NO-ULAHSI1S, LOOKlNU-OLASSIiS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS. PAINTS AND OILS, PAIN I S AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GIIOOKMKS, UUOCLltlbS, (lltOUMKILM, GltOULItlKS, GHOULHILS, IJl'KENSWAKK Ul'LKNSWAHi:, ttUlillNHWAIlK, UllKHNSWAHK, llUKLNSWAIti; JIAItDWAHH, ilAHDWAHL, HAllDWAHL, HAKIIWAltl', uaudwapj:, - TTNWAHi:, TINWAHK, TINWAHL, TIN WAKE, TtNWAKK, SALT, HALT SALT SALT, SALT, K1SII,' PISH, PISH, P1T1I FISH, GRAIN AND HKUDS, GHAINAN1) SUIIDS, OltAIN AND HKUDS, GHAIN AND SIUIDS, GKAIN AND SKI1DS, AT NKAL N11AL NKAL NKAL NLAL McKKLVY, MCKIILVY, McKKLVY, ilcKLI.VY, JICKKLVY. Northwest comer oi Northwest corner of Northwest corner of Northwest comer of CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. Main nnd Market Streets, Main and Market Streets. Main and Market Streets, Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Muln and Market Streets, I1L00MSI1UHG, PA., HLOOMSIIimO, PA lILOOMSIimtO, PA., JILOO.MSIIUHO PA. HLOOMSIIUHO, PA. IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, I HON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, In largo quantities nnd nt reduced rates, nlway ou ut.uu UY THE BEST. Till! ItED LION 11 HAND, BLACK AIi? A C A Is superior to nil others iu color, quality nud 1. iu , ,u UU iUUUU UU1J lib jr. r. lutz's Dealer In Dry Goods nnd Notions, lu llrower's new biiildlng next to tho Court House, Main enreei, uioouisuurg, I'll, llnayia 7U-tf. M1 lliLER'S STOHE. FHKSH AP.KIVAL OP SUMMEH GOODS. Tne subscriber has lust returned from the citlc wltn another large and Belect assortment ol PALL Ai.D WINTKU OOODS,' purchased In New York and Philadelphia nt thb owestflguro.aud which bo is determined to sell on us model ato terms ns cnu be procured else wnero In llloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES' D11ES3 GOODS of tho choicost stylos nnd latest fashions, together with a large Assortment of Dry Goods and Gro cerles, conslstlug of the followlus rtlclea CarpetB, Oil ClothB, Olotlii, Oasslmeres, Shawls, Plauuels, Bilks, Wliito Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Uollowwarc Cedarware 0.ueeuswaro, llardwale Hoots and Shoes, Uats nud Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-0 Inane.), Tobacco, Colleo, Bngars, Teas, Ulce, Allspice, Ginger, lilunainnn, NutmegB, XtfU NOTIONS fJKNUUALLY. In snort, everything usually kept In country stores, to which no Invites tho attention of the public generally. Tho highest prlcowlll he paid for country produce in exchange for goods. B. II, MILLEH A BON, Arcade Hulldliigs, Hloomsburg, Pa. c. 0. J A B 11 havejustrccelvcd from tho eastern markets n largo nnd well selected stock of DBY'aOODS, or Cnsslmcrs, Jeans, Uest bleached iV Hrown Muslims, Calicoes, Tickings, . Table I.lntns, L'oltou A All wool llanucls, Ac, ic, A good block of Iidles dress goods, Latest styles A pattcrua. Splsea of all kinds, Good stock groceries, ((uceuswarc, Stone ware, Wood & willow ware, Plour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleanlug Tin, All goods sold cheap for cash or pro. ducu, . lie would call the attention of bujcis to Ills well and curefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept lu the coun try feeling confident that lie can sell them gooda at such prices as will ensure satisfaction, Nov. VCMf 0. 0. JIAUU. Inauranco Agoncioa. Q L O II E MUTUAL liIFE INSUIIANCE C0J1PANY O F NEW YORK. Pliny I'rcemnn, Prosldont, 11. a Preeman H ,vw,vw,wu paid. J-. 11. noinsoN.ULoowsuuna iA GENUHAIi AGENT, ' For Muerne, Lycoming nnd Columbia counties. Aug. 20,'00-ly. JNSUKANOE AGENCY, Wyoming , Ajina : zz z : pmton :::::: z:::: 'ffis o"UA.ri ,z City... 50.U0O International ; Nlngarn Z, Putnam ,Z Merchants Sprlugtleld .Z' Farmers' Danville ....'..'," Albany City Z Lnucaster City York Iiorso, Dcnth A Thclt.. ."" Home, New ilnven Danville, Horse Theft "" MOO.OuO l.COO.WO KO.CtiO 83l),IXX) 570,0 10 W)),tHH) 400.UOO ai),'M) 6j,0JO 1,000,000 FHEAS IIUOWN, AVent, iiiHi8.C9-ly. Uloomsuhko, PA Hardware 8c Cutlery. jACOli IC. SMITH. J. It. SEWZtK gMlTII A SELTZEll, Imporlcrsnud Dealers lu Foreign and Domestic TWllT1fltllrl"I',lT ' " 1,1 II A R 1) AV A II E, GUNS, OUTLEUY, 4C NO. 400 Jf, THIHD STREET, AI1.CAI.1.0WIIH.L, n . . PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 22, C7-tr, TI1S!,I, NA't'lONT A T. jV WHITE LEAD, HEST, PUKEST, AND CHEAPP.STI SATISFACTION OUAUASTtEbl W .'nr Vlilli.tinua Ti.t..Kln... , . cy.lhasnocqiul. ' ...a.i.p noiii oy uu ueaiersiu faints Ihrousliout H tho country. W IJARKER, MOORE & MEIN, hUCCKiOlIS TO 'i'. MOIIPJS 1'EItOT A CO. r r Sole Proprietors, Philadelphia, Pa., Dtnleis lu all kinds ol D15UOS, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, HVESTUFI'S, JC, AC. r I. . u.iu. ju..,-wiMiiK i" uio jioiHiinniy oi our 'First Nnllomil While Lend," otherin parlies have bci n Indiuid toollera spu-iv iiouniiriiciu uLtiiTiuesiiliiH name. T hire-Lj foro llenre of Counlerlelts. 'ilm genu- . ii,. , .-Alia iii-uvy mi iinniti pots, with patent imtulllcwlro hniidlesV and the name of Ir BARKER, JIOORE & MEIN, V On ench lnbcl, For sale by mari5'70-ly. MOYEU HltOTIIEHS, Hloomsburg. SIU,UUU Cl'AltAXTEU B UCK EE A I) EXCELS ALL OTIIEU LEAD I 1st, For Its Unrivnled Whiteness, 2d. For lis Unequalled Durability, Sd. For its Unsurpassed Covering Propcrlv Lastly for Its Economy. SIt COnSLHSSto pnlllt wIIIiHpck I.kao Ihiuiiiuy olher Whllo I.iiul eMiiut. '1 ho samo iM'llihtc.iVeis MOlli; Sl'ltFACK, Isif.ulu PUlt AIILE, and iiiuUui WHITEU WOltlC. HUt.K I.l.AL, is thu t'he.lHht und Iie" u',ui) w:.itA.NrLn. 15 u (; K ZINC EXCELS ALL Ol'HEH ZINCM 1st. For Us Unequalled Durability, '.'J. For lis IhiriMited Whiteness, .'Id. 1 or Us Unsurpassed Covering Property. Lastly, for Its ( Economy, being tho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, nnil most DUIIAUI.K White Paint In tho world, u Y o N I, y RUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: THY IT AND11E CONVINCED. Satisfaction by the Mamifacturtn. RUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expicssly for Painting COTTAOFH, 0UT1HJIMU.GS or every desrrlp tlon, FENCES, &i: TIIIHTY-FIVE DIlTT.Ib 'Nf COLOIIS, lnnnble, Cheap, Uuifoliu, and Heautliul shades. Kamplo cards bent by Mall If desired. Dcaleis' Orders will bo promptly c.etuled by the muuulacluiers, FltENPlI, I'.ICH AUDS A CO., N. W. Cor, Tenth nud Murliet streets, Phllndelplil.l, MOYEU HUOTIIERS, Agents Jau?8'70-ly. for Hloomsburg, Pa. Miscellaneous, c ARRIAOE SIANUFACTORY, Hloomsburg, P.i. 4 M, C, HLOAJJ A BHOT1IEH Have on band and for tale at tho most rinscu.v ble rules u splendid stock of CAKHIAGES, DUGQIEa. and every description of Wagons bolli PLAIN AND FANCY u.n.miilc.1 n l. ...n.l.. 1... n.,.l n.nuL lllir- able materials, and by the most eApeileneed workmen, All wink sent out Horn Iho isiuu llsliineut will bo found lo beof tlio highest class andsuiotoglve perlect satisfaction, Theyhae also u fluo nssorlmeut of S L E I Q 11 8 of all Iho newest and mobt fashionable styles well uud carefully luudo and oflho best iniitir- laU- .. i An Inspection of their work Is nskid as hi brlluved that none superior can bolound In tne fVllltllri. K'nu "lI'LIUf. AHMEUSI EXAMINK AND 11UY THE ORIGINAL, 11AUGIPS HEING Tiik Finsr Haw Honk rnosi'iiATE Mahe All others aro Imitation. R A U G II ' S haw 1 in VIE SURER PHOSPHATE OF LIMK. mm FALL, 1S70. This Jfniiuw Is nindo of Haw or UnbuiniJ Houes, ncli III Nltrngenous inutter. dUsoIM'ij " Oil of Vitriol, presenting Iho Hone Phosphide lu a highly soluble and quickly available, loin .nuu the Ammonia tu sagas pioportlou as lo Insult prompt und vlcorom, ncllou upon the crops ronsaciioii npoo iou "-. ,. . Phosphate was applhi' ll liidlcatfons, without esci pi nl li tain Its well esined Hl'uui- iviiere jiungu s J'llt past season , Ihe Indira aiu uiui a win iiiiiiiiiuiii lis wei. r'"v ,.' . ta Hon. Wonquest all lu need of a Ftrtlllter i Cive inisariiciea iriar, aV''W'nrllwag ff R A U G II & S O JN IS, Mamifactuheiis, OvyiCK-NoVOB. Delaware Avenue, I'HUDELl-IIIA. J1167Wf. 4