Of tan Bloomsburg, Friday, Doo. 2, 1870. ,M.rUTTKNIIMj ro.,T7 Turk Itow.nnd iKn. 1. IlaWKLT, a Co.. 4(1 l'lirlc How. nro out onlr Luthorlred Advertising Airenls In New York. IOt vu-,. r.n, mi. uv Ullll till OLll'Cl, lllfl., ktiiri :ixCo.,No. (W ChcUnut street.nnd rakkmk HAM., Oil Cheslnut Street, nr nur my authorized Agent In rtillndclphln. tf Local Infoiimatio!?.--Persons In tho rloiiH towns mid other local ItkH or ilumlilti county will very inttch oIiIIro iiy trnnstmmiiL' siiui'tnciiis oi loeiu vonts whenever oecurrliiR in their ulnltv. No attention neeil ho tinul to ho form, or words In which conveyed, is It Is only tho points of information Imtnro needed, tr. M. P. Lutz's Storo Is Ilcadqnnrlcra lor Vats. Ho will not bo undersold. WBclmrgo $1 per lino for Insertinp; rlglnat poetry. That by our correspon- lent W. makes thirty-two lines for- aid check. The Ashland Adeocala comes to in In dress of now typo. Wo congratulate; hiir neighbor upon this ovldencoof pros perity. It is a good paper and deserves generous support from tho Democracy Schuylkill. Notice. Thcro aro in this offlco a lumber of Jobs ordered by different artles, which havobecn ready for sotno lime, tho persons ordering tiicm aro equcsted to call and tako them away. JlAYncnnY Hughes, Esq., has ro- llgncd tho Deputy Assessorship of this lounty, and H is reported that M. 0. IcCollum, Esq., of Espy, has been ap- liolntcd to tho eamo position for tho en- lira district. ItEV. Mn, Hewitt, of Fall lliver, Massachusetts, has accepted tho llector- hlp of tho St. Paul's Episcopal church, It this plaeo, and will enter upon the ischargo of bis duties, connected there with, about Christmas. A town has been laid out on tho cikcl and Wagner farms, four miles outh of Shainokln, and named Oowen 'ity. Tho location is Just outsldo of tho reat Shamokin coal basin, which will iccess.irily mako it a coal town. ArrijETON "A'' muslin is selling at lets per yard, at M. P. L-utz's. A IiAroitTE Sullivan county cones- ondont, from Shunk, writes that on uesday, October 23th, Henry Williams nd ono of his sons killed a black bear it weighed -100 pounds. Tho "vat- tnt" had previously devoured about 200 worth of sheep for tho farmers In iiat vicinity. Hakvey'h Lake. Col. Wright and Ifudgo Barnuin recently i evolved a pat- it from tho Slato for llarvoy'H lake, Iyhlcli covers an area of boino twclvo lundred acres of land. Their purpose to stock tho lake with black bass,and thousand will soon bo put in as a ommenccmcnt. Seveuai. very flno new saw mills avo been erected in tho vicinity of VVhito Haven, recently, and several there aro in course of erection a little urther down tho Lehigh. Tho lumber ;ido of Whlto Haven is increasing ery rapidly, and many now mills aro elng added. It Is not generally knovn,wo believe, lliat tho tax on auctioneers' sales ceased n tho 1st of October, 1870. This will o an Hem of interest to thoso holding I ublic sales of personal property, who iavo Iierotoforo been obliged to pay a terrain per ccntago on tho amount sold tho auctioneer, who made tho return lo tho assistant assessors. IXTEltLSTINO TO TEACIIEItS. Till' htato Superintendent of Public Schools ins recently decided that teachers can iot bo compelled to teach on Thanks- living-day, Inasmuch as tho day has ccu dcclarcd a legal holiday, and fur- Itlier; that oven if tho day Is voluntarily mado by teachers, payment cannot bo Irawu, as it is not admlssablo in tho Inonthly report. The new Union Church nt New Co- Iambus will bo dedicated on tho 8th of iK'Ccmber, 1870. Tho building has icen erected conjointly by tho Presby terians, Lutherans and Qcrmau Koform- Presbyterians, and Clergymeu of laeh of theso denominations will bo Iresont to officiate. Itcv. Jack, of hanvillo, Is expected to preach tho dedi- l.ition sermon. White, Bed, mid Plaid Flannel, as Iw as 25cts per yard at M. P. Lutz's. ITiianksqivinq AT HEltWICK.-ThlirS- lay of last week was duly celebrated at ierwlck by a military roview nnd Ma- Imlc festival, den. Osbomo and Stall' kith sovcral visiting officers headed tho lolumn, consisting of tho Haziotou Land, tho "Jackson" Guards, two coin- lanlea from Plymouth, and tho Hassle- in Zouaves. Tho Masonic brethren Irovlded an excellent dinner, aided by llerwick's fairest daughters. Tin) occa- ton was a pleasant ono. Almost a Fiue. On Friday night ist between ten and cloven o'clock flro as discovered in J. H, MAizi:'nMtim- loth Grocery Store, which wasprompt- textlngulshed. An examination show- ll that tho mi co had broken into a uautlty of matches which were upon ho shelves nnd had Ignited them, It is ery fortunato that tho flro occurred at o early an hour, for hud it been two or lirco hours Inter when passers by wcro ow, a serious conflagration might havo nsued. The loss was about $200 for vltleli ho was Insured In tho Wyoming nsuranco Company. On Monday last lireo days after tho firo tho Company aid tho loss. Prompt, that I Tin: New Asylum. From tho Sun ury Gazelle wo learn that tho construe- Ion of tho Asylum at D.tnvlllo, is pro gressing finely. A good portion of tho 'ulldlng Is now under roof, ntul moro f it soon will bo. Tho wings that lank tho centra portion, whero tho rams lor lumitln patients will bo Joca fed, aro roofed In. Beyond theso at tho 'iid of each wing, aro what tiro termed ransverso sections, nn Intermediate portion of tho building about nlxty feet 'luaro ami four stories high, which It Is lioncd to havo under roof bv tho first ui January. Tho Asvlum when coin I'loted will bo a very lino building. Tho uw wings to bo constructed will bo330 "tt 111 leuuth. Much mom Is rrmilrnil for tho accommodation of patients as It o uien ntcertulucd bv careful obser vatlon that thero is oiioJunatiotoevcry v.iiccu uuuurcii oi uio population. THE SirAnES in tho Mutual llulldlng ritul Saving Fund Association of Eipy, aro worth nt present $1 1.73. Messrs. IlpntiiNs .t Kykh have sold their storo and building to Mr. ltr.kiiY James Clauk, of this place. The largest stock of Canton and Wool Flannels, in Uloomsburg, has Just been received by M.P. Lutz. Uvkhy body should attend tho Musi cal Convention nndgivooncouragemont and j-ecelvo Instruction. The pooplo of Plymouth aro having a ghost excitement. Two families loft their quarters on account of his ghost ship. Do not forget tho frco lecturo of tho Musical Convention to ho given In tho Chapel of tho Normal Institute, on Mon day evening. A cordial invitation is extended to tho public. Sudden Death. Mr. Geo. Moycr, nn aged citizen of this place, died very suddenly, about 2 o'clock on Monday morning' Ho was taken sick on Satur day evening preceding, HepubUcan. M. P. veteen, yard. Lutz Is solllug good black Vol for ladies' coats, at 51.25 per Wir.KSiiAitJtE and township has a population of 17.CS0. 1800 it was -1,230. A very heavy as well as gratifying in crease. Oun public schools aro all well filled. Tho causo Is that wo can now boast of as good houses and among tho best teachers in tho State. licjmblican. Ai.ii persons knowing themselves In debted to tho firm of Schuyler & Low, aro requested to call and pay up ami savo costs. M. P. Lutz has Just received an ele gant assortment of Silk Poplins $1.05 per yard. Accoiidino to population, Williams port is tho ninth city in tho Stato in population. Tho order is thus : Phila delphia, Pittsburg, Allegheny, Scran ton, Heading, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Erie, Williamsport. To he RE-iiuir.T. Mr. Joseph Freck, of Centralla, is making preparations for tho speedy re-building of his breaker, which was destroyed by firo two or thrco weeks ago. Mr. F. lost a breaker by flro about four years ago, and then, as now, suffered a heavy loss. Wo hopo ho may have better luck in tho future. Ashland Advocate. We aro greatly pleased to learn that tho Continental Life Insuranco Com pany of Now York has secured tho ser vices of Mr. Wm. F.Shuman, of Main vllle. Mr. Shuman is a gentleman of great tact and ability, and wo havo no doubt ho will meet with tho success ho so well merits. Wo congratulate tho Continental on tho wisdom of their choice, and predict for them a greatly increased business in consequence of liiis accession to their workers and in Hue nee. u havo received a copy of an exceed ingly interesting work entitled "Palaco nnd Hovel I or Phases of London Lifo". It depicts In glowing colors;tho Wealth, and Poverty, Mfsory, and Crimes, Splendor and Extra vaganco of tho great Metropolis. High lifo and low lifo aro alike touched upon and in a bright, sketchy manner which renders tho book capital reading. It is a largo work of C03 pages and is profusely Illustrated. Published by Belknap & Buss, Hart ford, Conn. Agents wanted. Giieat Excitement. C. C. Mahr has taken advantage of tho new war that is pending, and has bought a now stock of goods before tho prices bad gone up, thcreforo ho is now selling tho finest lot of Fall and Winter Dress Goods ever brought to this town very cheap. Tho ladies that havo not been thero already should go nt onco and sco his goods bo foro they aro all gone, for such a lot of customers as wo saw going in nnd out of his store tho past week or two, will soon carry off his stock, Ono ton of clean cotton rags wanted in oxchango for goods. ltpd. On Thursday, tho 10th Inst., a por tion of tho St. Nicholas Mine, about two miles from Mnhonoy City, com menced falliug in, and tho ground nround tho houses of tho workmen and along tho turnpiko is all cracked, Somo of tho houses havo moved sovcral inch es. Wo havo noticed ono, tho frame of which hud moved on tho foundation wall, or rather, properly speaking, tho foundation wall bad moved from tho frame about six inches. Another had shifted nbout two inches, Thero was a great excitement nt tho timo when it occurred, nr.d a number of families havo moved away, in search of a safer local My, Anthracite Monitor. A Young Hunteu. Henry Decker, son of George Decker, of Montrose, Susquehanna County, Pa., formerly of Portland, Pa., went out on Wednesday last, tho day ho was 11 years old, to hunt coons. Ho had a young dog with him, which soon treed four coons In two different trees eight feet apart. Ho shot two from ono trco and then went to tho other trco, climbed it, shook ono off and tho dog killed it. Ho knocked tho other off with a club which ho took up with him and then jumped down and killed It. This was accomplished in less than an hour. Ho went out about seven o'clock and camo back be fore eight o'clock lugging tho four coons with him which was about all ho could carry. Master Decker, besides being a skillful hunter, Is an Intelligent lad, nnd of course a thorough Demo crat. DuowNKD in a Bain Baukel. On Monday, Margaret Dunlavy, a woman about fifty-live years of ago, residing in Black Valley, says tho I'ottsvllle Jour nal, went to tho rain barrel to get somo water. Tho water being low not over sixteen Inches remaining in It sho was compelled to lean over into tho barrel, and in so doing lost her equilib rium and fell in. A man from Prim roso was passing tho housoat tho time, and instead of stopping to assist her out, drove on to a neighboring house and lold what ho had seen, but before tho neighbor? could reach tho spot tho unfortunate woman was drowned, nau tho man hastened to her assistance (ho woman would, doubtless, havo been saved. Deputy-Coroner Neugart held an inquest on tho body yesterday, bat no yerdict has yet been rendered. COLTOIBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA On tho 27th, a party of mon wcrootit hunting for tlcer, near Halston, Lycom ing county, ono of them named W. Eborsol, shot nt n deer nnd missed It. Tho shot hit ono of tho party named HovlamI, killing him instantly. How land was n rosidont of Ililston, and leaves a family. State Aiimb. Six thousand breech loading r!(lc3 havo been purchased for distribution to tho nowly organized mil itary companies throughout tho Stato. They weigh fourteen pounds each, four pounds heavier than tho old Spring field musket. COMPLIMENTAHY. Wo illld tllO fol lowing notlco of our young townsman E. I). Ltulwig, in tho Plymouth Hlar. Wo can cordially endorse It, and recom mend tho ndvlco It contains to nil our friends nnd patrons : , "Lifo Insuranco la unquestionably ono of tho blessings of our ago. Tho prcjudlco which It had to encounter at an earlier day has been gradually dis pelled as tho pcoplo havo becomo moro nnd moro familiar with tho workings of tho system, until Its wisdom nnd its advantages arc universally conceded. A man need no longer fear distress for his family when death shall havo de prived them of ills support and protec tion. For n small yearly stipend ho can guard against poverty by taking out a Lifo Iusuranco policy ; and no man who regards tho futuro welfaro of his wife and llttlo ones will fall to do this. Tho only question then, which arises Is, 'which is tho best company V Without seeking to disparago other companies, wo would say unhesitating ly, tho Continents of Now York. This company is ono of tho most reliable, and affords superior advantages to thoso who wish to insure. This Company is represented by Mr. E. D. Ludwig, of wilkcs-Barrc, a young gentleman well known to a largo portion of our read ers, as formerly connected with tho Guardian Mutual Insuranco Company. Tho Continental is fortunato in bavin secured so energetic and thoroughly honest a representative ; nnd wo should like to indulge in somo pralso of Mr Ludwig's merits, did wo not fear this would reach his oye, and therefore, knowing his modesty, wo forbear. How ever, wo will say, If you wish to insuro your life go to Mr. L., No. 11, Public Square, over James Sutton's dry good store, Wilkcs-Barrc, and tako out a pol-' Icy in tho Continental." Lvzcrnc Union. A Musical Convention will bo held in tho Hnll of tho Bloomsburg Literary Institute and Normal School, to com mence on Monday, December 5, at 10 A. M to continue Four Days and close with a Grand Concert, Friday ovening. Prof. W. O. Peiikins, of Boston, Con ductor, Prof. I. W. Niles, of Blooms burg Normal School, Pianist. Tho Convention will bo Inaugurated by a Freo Lecture, on Monday evening, De- comber 5th, at 7 o'clock, on tho "Origin, Biso and Cultivation of Music." Tho object of tho Convention is to awaken a moro lively and intelligent interest in tho study of music; to im provo choirs in tho performance of church music; toatlbrdan opportunity to choristers and singers to reeeivo in struction from Teachers and Conductors of acknowledged ability, nt very small expense. Clergymen of all denominations aro requested to glvo notice of this Conven tion from their pulpits, and further its interests in sucli ways as they may deem expedient, and aro especially in vited to nttend themselves. It is thought by tho officers of tho as sociation that no morcsuitablo conduct or than Prof. Perkins could bo obtain ed. Tlio Prof, is well known as tho author of "Church Bell," "Starry Crown," "Laurel Wreath" and tho "Chorister." Ho has also in courso of preparation a now Glco Book, which, if completed in season, will bo furnished for tho uso of tho Convention. Tho books used will bProf. Peii kins' new Collection of Church Music, tho "Chorister," tbolatest "Glco Book," and Morrison's beautiful Festival Hymn. Singers and instrumentalists from this and adjoining counties aro most cordially Invited to attend. WHAT THE 1'llESS say oi-' rnoR l'JUtKINS. Piof. W. O. Peukins, tho conductor. a native Vermonter, is so well known throughout tho btato that wo nccu only to say that ho acquitted himself of his various duties In his usually happy ninnuor. His lectures ueforo tho class upon tho subject of music in tho com mon schools, showed that ho is fully awako to tho importance of laying a llrm inundation lor mo elevation ot our musical standard as a nntlon. National Jlutlctin, Jluttand, Vt. Prof. Peukins is a very noimlar and oxcellcnt musical director, and always gives good satisfaction wherover ho goes. Ho lias ono of tho finest bass voices in tno country, and Knows wen how to uso it scientifically. Ills ren. dcring of "Tho Tempest," at tho con cert, Eriday ovening, was worth tho admission. Furmlngton Me.) Chron icle. Season Tickets, Admitting to all Ho- hcarsals and Concerts, $1. 00; Admission to Behcarsals, 15 cents ; Admission to Concerts, 25 cents. Buck IIoiin, Nuv. 20, 1870. 7b theJfditor qf the Columbian : Thursday, tho 21th day of November, being designed for our Thanksgiving D.iv, tho Order of American Mechanics of this place, thought that they could n no way havo a nicer timo than havo an Oyster Dinner. Consequently 2,000 oysters were procured, and a Joyful tlmoensuod, In which thu better halves of tho members partook freely, which was accompanied by good music, from a party of our young men who know as well how to hniidlo tho bow as to appre ciate good oysters. A parade then took place, after which Wm, H. Shoemakku made a very appropriate address. This Order has not been organized a year yet but Is apparently In n prosperous and flourishing state. r. n. h Laiige Siiii'.ments. Tho Wilkes barro correspondent of tho Jfornlny JlepuWcan says that J. II. Swaycr's Euterpriso colliery, on tho Plank road, ou Friday last shipped twclvo hundred nnd flfty-ilvo tons of coal, which was mined within ten hours. Considering thu fact that tho abovo Is a Blnglo break er, this is (teciuctliy uio niggeat uay- work over done in tho valley, Tho next largest, shipment, which was mado somo timo since, was by tho Haitford, tit NtuUIcoko Junction, nud was about eleven hundred and fifty tons, LOCAL NOTICES. YotI can liuv a Gold Modal Cook Slovo nt tho Orangpvlllo Htovo Btoro for eighteen dollars, and all other kinds at tho samo rale. n-17 2t, All persons Indebted to tho under signed on subscrlntlon. advertising or Job work, aro requested to call and set tlo tho samo before or during December Court. O. B. Bnot'KWAY. iho-Iw. Foil Sale. Ono No. 8 Win. Penn Cook Stove nearly new, will bo sold cheap for cash : Also ono Parlor Stove, small size, with pi lie. nlS-at W. H. J a co iiy. Jacoiiy of "Oyster Bay" notority Is mnkiiiL' oxtensivo nrenaralloiis to ac- commodato tho trade durlngeourt week. wo wouiu nuviso our trienus to give him a call. Jacoiiy certainly knows how to cater to tho public tasto. 600,000 Singer Sowing Machines aro now In use, and moro of them aro now being sold every day than of any other. Tho reason of this Is that they aro thu simplest and best. For sale on easy terms at tho Agency In this place. J. II. Maize, tho enterprising pro prietor of tho Mammoth Grocery, cor ner of Main nnd Iron stroets. has added n now foaturo to his largo stock ol gro ceries and family supplies. Ho now keeps constantly on hand a largo quan tity of mince meat ready for instant uso. It is rich In quality nnd cheap In prlco. You can buy ntthoOrangevllloStovo Store, a Nj. 10 Oriental parlor stove, which Is far superior to n Morning Glo ry, for $22 j a No. 0, for $10; a Gold luouai uook Htovo lor 17, and a Hur ley Sheaf, Spears Antldustcr, tho Bo volving Light, or a Juniata at tho samo rati'. The Columbia County Teachers' In stitute, for tho year 1870, will bo held at Bloomsburg, in tho new Public School Building, beginning at. 10 a. in., on Mondny, tho 20th day of December, nnd continue during Hvo days. Every teach er in the county should bo In attend .anco. nlS-lt. Wn copied'last week from a city paper n notlco of that splended Instrument tho Now Family Singer Sewiug Ma chine, recommcndlni'our friends to pur chase at tho principal ofilco in Philadel phia. Wo now adviso 'hem to purchase of their authorised agent in this place, who gives careful attention and wor rants each Machiuo. New Fhim, now Improvements nnd new prices at Orangevlllo Foundry. Mr. Jacoii Thivleimece haviiiL' tiur- chascd tho interest of Chaules W. Lowe, in tho Oraiinovlllo Foundry and Agricultural works, tho business win uo continued under tho firm namo of William Schuyli:u t- Co. Seo advertisement in another column. ii-10 3t A Hoiisr, roil Sale. Tho uiidorslL'ii- ed will sell his horso "Bou" cheap for cash or negotiablo paper. Age 10 years, color white, good feeder, and a splcn- uiu roausiur ; nam to ucat on a short or long drive; perfectly gcntlo; does not frighten at tho cars or anything else; sound limbs, wind and eyes. For fur ther particulars Inquire of W. H. J A C011Y, nl8-3t Bloomsburg, Pa. $1,000 reward is ollered by tho propri etor of Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Discovery for a medicine that will equal in tho euro of all thoso dis eases for which it is recommended: among which nro severe, ncuto or lin gering coughs, coiisumpdou in ltsenrly stages, bronchitis, "liver complaint," or "biliousness," constipation of the bowels, loss of appetite, scrofulous dis eases, and skin diseases, as eruptions, pimples, blotches and bolls. It is sold by druggists. We were shown n few days ago tho following telegram. Mr. Ludwuj'.s numerous fricnd9 will bo pleased to know that his courso has been so thor oughly endorsed : "Smith, Roberts and Hollinshead (Stato Managers of tho Guardian Mu tual Lifo) havo been removed. We congratulato E. D. Lumvid, General Agent on tho wonderful tact and abili ty then displayed, and nro delighted at his success.1' In face of tho abovo comment is un necessary. liecord of Times. Unrivalled Yet. '-Blood will tell V" say tho horso fanciers, in estima ting tho endurance of a flno animal ; and tho motto is n good oni, outside of tho sporting world. A puio nrticle intrinsically good must distanco all competition, eventually. Tho success of Udolph Wolfo's Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps has induced tho manufacture of an hundred imitations; but in tho unrivalled sale of his manufacture, whllo others havo achieved if at all but a scanty success may bo found the pub lic appreciation of u puro and whole somo beverage. The SiNcir.n'rf Sewing Machine Patent. Ono of . tho Singer sowing machine patents expires next Friday, and tho refusal to extend it is officially announced to-day. Tho Commissioner of Patents btntes, however, that tho re fusal does not throw tho right to mako tho Singer sewing machines open to tho public, as thero aro a number of other patents having several years yet to run, which protect tho Singer Manufactur ing Company in tho excluslvo right to manufacture their machines. Soveral of tho existing patents do not expire until 1877, and ono of them, tho Com missioner states, covers substantially tho samo points as the ono that expires next Friday. Voi the A'ew York Times of Xbv. Sd, Tho Great Pictorial Annual. Hostetter's United States Alinanao for IbTI, for distribution, imd'j, throughout tho United Suite, nud all civilized couulrles of tho Western Ilcml tphere, will ho iiublUhed nbout tho Ilrst of Jan uary, nnd nil who with to understand tho true philosophy of health should road and ponder tho valuable suggestions it contains. In addi tion to nil ndmimblo incdlcd tieatlso on tho causes, prevention nud euro of n gicnt variety of il Ueuses, II embraces n largo amount of Informa tion Inleristlug to tho merchant, tho mechanic, tho miner, thu larmcr, the planter, mid profes. sloual mailt and Hit calculations havo been mado for such meridians nud latitudes us uie ivosl suitable font correctnnd comptchcnsUo National Calenimu, Tho nature, uses, foul extiaordlti.uy sanitary eltirU of Hostetter'sHtmnach Hitters, thestiiplu tonto nud ulteinttvoof moro than half tho ChiK t Ian woild, aro lully set forth In Us piges, whlt-h am also Interspersed with pictorial Illustrations, valuable recipes for tho household ami farm1 humorous nnecdolcs, nnd other Instructive nud mousing reading matter, original and seleetod. Among tho Annuals tonppenr with tho opening of the year, this will bo ono of tho most useful, and Jaiiy le htul for the atkintj, 'Iho proprietors, Messrs. Hosteller 4 Hmith, on receipt of n two cent stamp, wilt forward o ropy by mall to any person who cannot pioeure ono In his neighbor hood. Tho Hitters nro sold In every city, town nud Tillage, ntul nro extensively used tin ough out the entire civilized world. (decT'O-lm. s Ulll'fENA IN D1VOUOE. la the Court of Common Thus of Columbia county, ciiauLeseyehly, vs. ) Dec. T l-(0, No, !!1 y in uu in eo IT, J In Mai L'aret Hj el lyi MAitMAitm- i:yi:hi,y. i toAiaiL-art Madame i You nro heieby noulhd thul 11 u court has Krnnted n rule ou you to show cause, bv the tlrst Monday or liecember next, why n divorce Irom the bonds of Matilmony should not bo decreed In the ubovo ease. Atul ulso upisilut t-d C. II. llrockuay Commissions', to tnlio depo. sltiou of wltueHM-s In this case, who will nttend to the takilid ol the sameut his ollleo In Klooms huruun l-'iluay,the "d day of December next between Die hours of ten o'clock A. M. and llo o'clock r, M. ot said day, when uud whero you may ulleud If you thluk proper. b. 11. lUtOUKWAY, Uoukut V. Claiis:, Commissioner Ally, for I.tbellunt. novl'7lMt. B AHGAINS BABGAINS, QUICK SAI.GS ANII H1IA1.L l'KOFIH. DAI U loun AJUtflul, (Into Tll.'VI,' v'rtk,-l. East llloomsbuiis, i'u., for uil kinds of the best 1-' U It N I T U U E. Trices leasouable and the best work don?, Jll5'J0-tr cm ef o. sossms, 420 North Elolith St., Phllndn. Driblmte TJXZM VEGETABLElMri A color nntl dressing that will . not bum tho hair or injure- tho head. It elooa not pro'duco a color mechanically, as tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho hair to its original color nnd lustre, by supplying now lifo nnd vigor. It causes n luxuriant growth of softy lino hair. Tho best and safest articlo ever offered. Clean nnd Pure No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. novll';0-6m, T IST OF CAUSES FOB TRIAL AT J J DKCKMIIElt TEUM 1S70, COMMENCING UCOEMIlEIt 6,1670. FlliSr WKRK. Clnrk, 1 Freeze. (Edwnril McCull, ct.nl. ( VH (.John Hweeuey fWllllnm Longenbersor ct.nl (.Hugh W. McltoynoliKot. nl. (Susan (llllmtn, vh UJeliornU Dean's ndm'r. SJncob Mlclmcl, vs Samuel C. Krlckbaum. Knorr. .1 Utile. Freeze. 4 Clarlt. Knlitor. S Clarlt. Freeze. u lltclcr. Llttjo. Kahlcr. Clark. 8 Freeze. Charles It. Urccn, v s 'cter Schug. (William Creasy, -i VH ISamueUiweppcuhelser. fltcubeuH.KIUif, lElWiin l'ursel. f L. HerdI vs III. H. Cn . Herdlc's, use. vs Crevcllng.ct.nl, Whltmoyer. tl Freeze. Clark. HI Knblcr. Ilrockway. Clark. ' Alexander Colley vs .Allnas Colo. fMonroo Erundago (.EllshaB. rursel. f Mtchnot Glover I vs III. S.Man-. Clnrlt Allrockway Little. 1 Peter Schug, vs Charles Leo, Crockwny. IS Whltmoyer, Marrllrotlicrs. 11 freeze. f David Lewis, guardian. J. vs IColllnsSutllirsaJin'r. f Continental Coat Co. i vs (Lehigh Valley 11. II, Co. SCCONIl WEEK, f David J. Waller, 4 vs (.John M. Stackhouso, f Thomas Hughes' use, I vs i. Wesley Kuckel. JM.T. Howe.l, ct.nl. UcssoNv. Merrill. Freeze. 15 Jnck-ou. Clark. Hi Freeze. Howell. 17 Freeze. Whltmoyer. HrockwayJc is Thompson. Miller. 1') Ikeler. Rrockway. ai Little. l-'icder!c!c Hosslcr, ClldeouU. Uosslcr, ct. nl. ( John Jacots, i s (.O. L. Johnson, fW. II. Kllne.ct.nl. t vs (AbrnhamMonre, et.al. Clark A Little. fli J. & U.l'.McIIenry. 21 ) vs IlalJy Jackson. (.Joseph R. Evans. Whltmoyer. t James Masters, Freeze. L'Velle. 11! Little. ll.ildy. Clark .t Freeze, Claik. 2i Knorr. i A. J. Fine. I Timelier .(. Co. et. nl. 1 vs. L Wm. Uoodman, (Wm.M.Mnitln.ot.ux. vs (.Timothy Itngau ct. nl. Ideoigo Howci's executor, VS David It. Dower t .lames ness, vs ( Collins Klllliir's ndm'is. t C. D. Fowler, Uteuben Miller. fD.mlelF.Seybcit, i vs (.William ShaU'er t William Shall'er. (Daniel F.Soybert, f Robert Qorell. 1 vs lllnrni-y Mclircarly, et.al. ! David Denver, vs Martin Unughen, j Charles H. Wllhclm ct. nl. I Michael Woods. f Daniel Rhodes, i ys Freeze. X! Jackson. Little. 2S Clark. Clnrlc. ID Little, Freeze Little. Whltmoyer. 31 lirockwar. Itolilson, Ilaidy. Ilhodes. til llroclcway. Freeze, ill Wolveitou. Freeze. Wolvcrtou. l v. iiiiaiu lyson S Michael Grovcr's use, .Savage & Ilrlght, ! Michael Grovcr's use, VH Bavngo & Ilrlght, Joseph Miller, vs N. L. Campbell. Thomas Fry, vs William Co'eman, ( C, H. Fowler, vs (Georgo Klnley. Sharploss & Hnrmau, vs Charles D. Fowler f Melchiah Miller adm'r, - vs lEUnsGlger. ( C, 8. Fowler. - vs (.Jesse D, lllcc. f C. R. nowmaii,ct. nl, vs IMnnassa Bowman, ct. ul, ( l'cter Haymnu'H use. i vs (Jacob Khntl'er. ct. nl, f Ilrumhall & Co. i vs IMcNIneli.t-ShumaL. (Harvey C. Hess, vs Samuel Creasy, ndin'r, I Noah Mouser's use, vs I George Htrouser. ihhullz & I'uuston, vs Alfied Irwlne, SO narklcy. S! Claik. Si Miller. Jackson. Culler. 10 Ikeler. Howell, II Little. Jackson. 1 Freeze. Jaekpon, n Little. Abbott. II Freeze. Jnelcson. I, Fleeze. llarkloy. Ill Whltmoyer. 17 Whltmoyer. Clark & Freeze, is L'uiklcy & ikeler. (Win. A. Kline, vs ( Jumes V.UIllaspy, i Kline & McIIenry, vs J. Hlcliaids & co. Freeze. to Llttlo. I John Turner. ( vs I Daniel Sujdcr, Ikeler & Darklcy, 2t Claik .1 Freeze. (James V.Gil H (W. A. Kline, James V, (Illlaspy, Clark, Whllnioji-i-, Thompson. M I.ltllo. Ilsulali Yengi r. vs D, R. Joliuson, (Jolm Kromcr vs 1). F.Keyberl. Joseph H, Kline, i vs (Charles Howard, Whllmoyer, SI llrockwny, Clark, a-i llrockwny, Clark. 611 llarkley. CiaiU. .17 Little. Clark. 5S Ikeler. 13 Little.' llueknlew k llaikley, on Howell, 01 Little. Iluglus, (-J 11 uu. Hushes. Ul Ityuu, (Ci, ( w (CatlmrUit) AMitl, (ts (I'l VH l'llUIpUlttl!.Ill. ( J. J. I El k! J, J, ItlclmnUon A Co, knrt JncnliK, t Went It much InsuiuiK'O Co. VH hoimiH Trench, ( Will, E, Bleiui vs ucr, ( Ilarmou A, Krniuer, SJohu Oiuy, vs uudeisou llageubueh, (Lewis J, Adams, vs FMilUKcreek Hi.hol District ( William A. Cute. vs (Moses Collman. et. nl. ( Mutiny, Wlrlackd Randall, 'iio North UrllUU .t Mer- cnnuio liuuiuucu uu, i: Murray, Wlrluck x Itnndall, Tho Imperial Tiro Ins. Co. JOTIO 13 . Notice 1 hertbyuivut that Iho following ac counts have beeu tiled in thu 1'iolhonuluiy's id. tlce, in uu l lor tho county of Columlila, and will bo pioseutcd to the touit for touilrnuitlou ou Wt-duesdav lhu7tli dav of leiiiib.-r next i '1 ho si count of Josluh 11. Fiiiiiisu, ( omiulttee of the IH.-ISOU uud taUito of III litry. Hurimoii, a luuaile, or Hemlock township, Col. co., us tiled by Miehuel F. Eyerly, his lulmliiistialor. Tlie account uf E. It. Ikeler, lip. Assigned of ji, ii. uiser, vi J.j,l,lsui".n Ji r.ni, uovl'7l-iU l'rothouotuiy, COURT ADVERTISEMENTS. IlfltY LIST. rj-lvANl) JUBOIIH. VT FOIt DECEMllEIt TI'ItM, IM0. Tteaver John RliumftM,.Toscpli Hheaiman, Deiiton-ltichaid Ktiies, John J, McIIenry, Derwlck Abucr Welsh, Jr. llloom YVi Heott Conner, James Sterner. Calnwlssn W. 11. John, Hnmucl Kostenbaudcr, Centre Ilirnm Wltmlrc, Georgo K, Hess, Centralla ilor. Jonathan Hoaglaud, Conynnliam Anron l'erson. Flsldngcreek I'hlllp Applcmnu. Locust Dnnlcl Morris. Maine Daniel Culn. Mimiii-Thomas IC, Hess. Sit. Pleasant (inlirlcl l'.verel I .Wllllnln Miller. Mallchl lluclile. Montour Hnmucl Lazarus, Jr. Oranire Cyrus McIIenry, Joseph A. Henry, Bug-ailoaf John Kitchen, rpitAVKllSK JUBOBS. Ju DIXEMIIEII TEUM, 1870. Kllisr WKhK. Heaver Samuel Nuugcsscr, Heuton I'uiil Kllngcr. lllnoill-Jolm IL l.'nspv. .Tolm MeHnvnnlil. Daniel W. Johnson, Isnac 8. Kulm, John K. Glr ton, John Kmlth. nriarcreek josenn i-;. isck. Ilerwlck John Vought, Adrian Vnn Houlen, Centie ueorgo Conner. Centralla liar. Martin Culn. Fishlngcrcok Hugh Mcllrlde, Adam Delias, Greenwood Georeo W. Ikeler. A. P. Vnutiir. Jnliu Darker, John W Glltnsple. Jackson .lacoo itautz, John McIIenry. Locust Allred Marks. Henry Kline, Mlllllii-llcnry Nuss.AVlllam V, Drown, Ml, Pleasant Joint M,.Whlte,.lacob Kester. Orntlf-C Arrhlhnlil 1'iittf.rRnti . Win. I Whiff. HamueV Henry, Joseph c. Hughes, llonrlngereek John Mowrer, diaries Dyer, Charles licit. rcou iiarvey urovcnilK, Hugarloar Alvlu Harvey, SECOSll WEHC, Denver Abralittm lllco. llenton Lowrv McIIenry, Joel Roberts. Ilerwlck William V, l'armer. llloom Frederick Widmever. Centic Etlward Hartinan, Htephcn McEwcn, j.aiuci jn, el , ..uiiii null el, ' Couynghani ltlchnrd Thornton, Jolm Laugh lln, Centralla llor. Jeremiah O'Conner. Flslilngcri ek Allred l'rcston, Joseph Itucklo, Joseph Coleman. GuciiHood Joseph E. Eves, Caleb F, Moore, i-tiitt,- ... iuwuiiiiitii r, en, Jackson Wilson Albert son. Locust lleuben Krlck, Lewis Lcc, Maine John T. Slilllnan. M llllln .lutm J. Hnitzell, Charles Mnstcllcr, Oliiliuei s u... Madison Robert M. Johnson, Mt. Pleasant John Ostium. Montour lsnhih Deltterlcli. oinnge J. me" Eves, David Achcubaeh. l'ine I-'uocii l'ox. Roaringcieek Jeilerson Winters teen. Kcolt '1 liomas W.r.d-jur. Hugculoaf Jacob l-'rilz, William Htephens, REQISTlCIt'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby jjlveii to nit legatees, creditor nnd oibur er.sotiH Imerusted In Uioe-itntrH ot tho re spective decedents and minors, that tho follow lnif ndmlnlstrulion unit guiiullnn neconnttt havo Ln u 1 1 tiled In tho otlko ot tlio Uiister ol Colum bia county, uud will bo presented lor con Urina tion and iiltowaiu-o In tlio Orphans' Court, tn be held In UluomMturK, on Wednesday, Ihe 7tU day onecember, bU, ul 2 o'clock In thu afternoon of 8a Ul day, 1. The second nnd final account of John O. Ja cobynnd James Hponenbcru, ndmlnUtialor.s of IMuIel sponeuhcry, lutool Urlurcruek townsnl;), dtceitseil. 2. Tlio accouut if John Trembly, guaidlauof tho person and est a I o or lhntnti (iairiton, a mi nor clnUl of Jacob Harrison, latuofllloom town bhlp, deceased, :i. Tho account ofH.miuel Ithone, administrator orMatthlaj ithone, laiu of Jaclthon township, decca-ed. I. Thoaccountoni.lt. Kline and Ianc Labor, ndmtnUtiatots ot Ilnrman hnbor, lato ol 1'l.sh- iiiLicciv uini), tiucu.Tht'll, 5. The lll'st nml Until m-rnniit nf lMu-nr.l llr.- Iou. executor (it Kliabcth Detong, lateofUraugo IW UTlllll, lift I'll M'li. 0, l'lrst and hnal nccount of Oscar It. Mlllnnl. ndinlnMrator ot IMinbftli D'PtUtJcli.latuoltlio ltoiou'h or lieiuiclt, ib ceased. 7. Iho tlrst and Hnal accountof Jolm C. Myers, executor ol UeborahJ Myers, latu of ltoailuaerceU . TllO lllial account of .Tnlm P. Ar-ro mini In Ivtiatoroi WllliiimMjerH.luto of iloailnt;cicek township, defeated. IK Thoaccouut or Samuel Crenpy and Btephtn (folio, ndnitulstratoi-N nl Jacob Uoho, latoot Ml. rientnt tounshln. dtccimni. 10. Iho second account of William Xcal and Chai It s W.Miyder, executorNof William Hnyder, latent llloom township, decenscd. 11. 'J ho nccount or J, j. ikeler, mlmlnlstrator orcakb Oliver, lato or Orccnwood townhldp. 11. '1 bfi nccount of tuttblss Klmlt. nilmlnlstm. tor of Jsiiau Oliver, lato or Greenwood township, lllt'l'llMU, 13. 'the account of Jacob IT. Fritz, administra tor or lleucyJI. Fritz, lato oiSuKarloal township, deteat-cd. U. lhe tlrst nnd pnrtlnl nccount of Henry L. Frens, Wllllnni II. Frents, antl James V, Freus, admlnlstratois of AncliewFrcus, late of Centre township, deceased. 15. Final account of John W, Hunter, guardian ol Fiank T. Appleate, minor child of Iafayetto Applewate, latu of Flno township, deceased. First and hnal nccount of Chrlstlanna Km- melt and a. J. lininett, cxccutorH of James Km melt, lato orilcmlock tnwusbln. decpased. 17. I ho account of IVter Swank, admlnUtrator m t.ii imiiur, iitiuoi iiocusi lownsnip, tieceaseu, IS. Tno ill st and tinul nccount of Jnlm Antlu Administiator of Daniel Aude, lato of Madison tnunvbln. deceased. li. 'Iho account of William Hagcuhuch and Wilson W. Mellck, Administrators, dc. ofFeler nciiuii, iiiiu ui cum iuw iisiuii, iicceaseii. t, , . . ,v. w- u- JACOUY, Ileshter. ItCKlster'sOinco. 1 Moiiinsburtf, Nov. 4, lb70. yiDOW'S Al'l'ItAISEMENTS. The following appraisements of real and per- havo been tiled In tho olllco of tho Register of Columbia county.uuder tho IIuIch of Court, and will bo presented lor absolute continuation, to tho Orphans' Court to bo held In liloomsburu, In and rorsiild county.on Weduesday,the7thday of December, 1S70, at a o'clock p. M.,otsaId day, un- ies eacupnoii' in mien continuations aro pievi ously filed, ot which all persons Interested In Hctld estatcK will tako notice : 1. Widow of Henry Yost, lato of Locust town ship, deceased. 2. Widow ot Joslah H. Funnan, lato of tho town of JJloomsbuiii, deceased. 3. Wldowof Lewis Dletteiieh.lateof Urlaicretk township, deceased. 4. Wldowof Thomas .StaeUhouso, late of Flno lownsuip, iiecea&eu, '" 5. Widow of Fiederlck Ijiubaeh, late of Sugar loaf township, deceased. 0. Widow fir James Hess, lato of SiiRarloaf iu 111111', ueeeiiheu, 7, Widow of Utorgo llupp, lato of Itoarlng' cntk township, diunseit. W. il. JACODY, Register. HfKfstct'ft Ofilce, Illoonisbui, Nov. J, Jf7U. QOUKT IMtOCIArATJOX. Wiikhkah, thellon. William Hlwell, Frtsldent Jiulgofiftho Couit til Oier and Terminer and tJonernl Jail Delivery. Court of Oti.uter seslinis of tho Peace and Com t of Common Pleas and Or- pnan'H umu in tho J.iu Judicial District, com posed of tho counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, nml tho Hon. Irani Dei rami Jsaae.-. Momoo Assuelato Judges of Columbia county havo Issued their lmcent. bearini'dalo tlm liih day ol fc-ept ember In thu year of our Lotil, one inousaiHi, eiKiii nunitieu ami seventy and to medlreet ed Ittr holdlmraCourtot Over and Tci- mlner ami ticnciai tiuarter Sessions ol the IVaCv' Coin tot Common I'ieas and Orphan's Court, In liloomsbur;;, in tho county ol Columbia, on tho Jilst Monday, being tho fith day ol December next.tocohfinini two weeks. Notlco N heieby kIm-u, to the Cotoucr, to tho Jliatlceb ol the I'eace, and tho Constables ot the said county id Columbia, that they bo then atul theiu in their piojiei ption nt lo o'clock in tho lOlellOOll Oi Mild 51 li dliv ill Die.. Willi tlnlrite. otiU, iiniuUltlons and other lemuinbiances, to do those things which to their others apjK-ttatu to bo done. And those that aio bound by lecoifuizaiice, to ptosiiulo against thu pi li onets th.iL aro or mav bo In Hut inil of tint said county of Columbia, to bu then and theio to pioseeulu them as shall be Just, Ju lotsate lequehicd lo be punctual In their attend nuce,agieeably toibeiruoiRis. Dated at Hlooius- unit:, me -'Mo nay oi ucl, in uio jeat h.ti. ol our Loul, one thoiiMiud ellit huu- fouttbyear ol Iho Jiidependeiuo id the United Ktitles ol Ametiea. MollUKCAi M1LLAUD, jiiuoiusijiiiK, uci, i.-., 10, u, nneuu. NOUTIIKHiN CKNTJlAIi JIAIL WAV. un unci i.lltr June l-'lli It7U. Tialus will lcavohl'Mil'itv us follows : NOIU'llWAItH. 5.3 1 ., M., Dally lo Wllllumsport, for l:lmlra I'aliHllilllllflia, Uoeiiester, lluil.tlo, Kuspenslou llrliluu, uud N. Talis. 11. 10 i. i Dally.feicepi Huudayslfor Elmlin ami Ilull.ilo vU Erie ICilluay Irom Ellnlrii. II. l'i i-.M D.illy,(exeeptbuuda)sl for Wllllauis port. TItAINS HOUTHWAUD. 11.15 A.M. Dally (except .Monday's) forilalllmou WILJIINOTON AND l'lIILADELriUA. II.S'i I'.M. D.illy(ejeeptKiiiubiy'K)forDalllmor Wasliliiiilou uud l'niladelpliia. ED. H, YOUNU lleneral l'usscui;cr AneuL Ai.kiihi li. l-'IsKK. Hen'l supt.. G HANI) KXPOSITIOX. FOU Till; FAKHIOVAllLH WORLD COM l'Ll.M UNTrt OF MRS' M. A. UINDfc.lt. No. lioi, N. V. crner L'levcutti and Chestnut KlleetN l'hlladelphia. FAblUONH Hill THi: FALL AND WINTKH Ol lb7i, Wholehalennd Retail, which Far is and the tlrst mauulactorlett supply. Dicssc, Mautlux, Cloaks and Cohtumen for Ladles and Children, Asptdul department of plain and elegantlv trimmed palteius, of thu luttst FurUlan and L'ngllsh stj les, at $(1 per dozen. 11 on want n haudsomejy.llttlng, well-made Milt, nt slmrt notice, o to. Mrs. lllnder'M for hut e lul lilminlugs nnd ualnty stliches. Mouiulug, Tiaveliui; and Wedding oiUHts. Walkliig und Fancy lOhlumcK. DH1H AND CLOAK TRIMMING'S. I1UTTONH, ORNAMKNTH. compiling tho latest 1'arU novelties In black and toloied Frtiige, Oimpii. Ruches, Loops, Flowciu.Ulovee, Hiidal-Wiealhi, Veils, ltlbhoiu new bhades In Velvet, Hntlu nnd lalleU Rib bons, Kat lies, Neckties, MADU lTl LACK UOODH-ORAND DUCHESSK LACL I OR DR1-K.S TRIMMU. I'oluto Applluiie, Vaiencleunth, llumburK KJg Ints.uud luseiilons, Jllatk unlpuro uudlnrtud Lucia. ti w lu disti.n anil modi into In prkt, UllJllK JNiUA ORNAMLN'JH, Fatik, llltdK, Mats, I ulilous, Moiuhoim, Cases and 1 uuey (juodviltiUd by Mis, Hinder ut lui-'aia. i:ivmit Jlnu or Wlillhy Jet Goodi. In dels, Uituttii-liis, Lunlnts, NtOihiiiH and llruitlets. bhUlufkl lllte Ol 1 I Dull Jit (Inodu. t'tnul ntul i'l men Ciold htt. ihsiniw, skeo liuttons, Chains, Ae., which lorpritw or variety lu style, cannot be tunustd. strangcrn vikh tuis our city nto respectfully lu- Flukinunnd dolkriut'. Cutting uud Fitting, Also, a 1 Hit ct fc felt m ol Diiss liiUlnir tamiUt. Fa t tern stulby ujnilor i x mm touir iiaru of UU llllOll, illltn, SH, A, JUIS tllv N. W. Coint r Llt c Mh .ud Lhestuut bt.( VUiV octH'7y-am, LIFE INSURANCE FOR flJIIK PEOPLE. HOMESTEAD ' LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF PENNSYLVANIA. Offce 701 Chestnut Street, Phlladclphltt. W. M, HEYFEHT, l'res'U LAWRENCE MYEIIS, V. Tres't. It. W. DOni'IILF.V, Bet'y 11. E. DA Via, Bup'tot Agencies. This Company organised hy leading rppreaenttttlTcs of the Industrial Interests of the Sttf widely know ii nn Rurcensful nnd responsible business mrn, de&lrlng toplaco Life Insurauce wltti ln reach of all, lms adopted a system of MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF PREMIUMS,- enablhiK every man to provide for his family In case nt his death, at ft cost so trifling a scautly lobe felt, Sieclal ntteutloa Is callod to Ibis Company's . o-DR-A.r)TJA.a?i3sra- policy, nlnucli needed featuro In Lire Insurance, entirely now In this country; designed toprottct In case uf death, the lulerosts ot SHAKE HOLDERS IN UUIIiDlNCI ASSOCIATIONS AMI ALL OT1IKIIS Who have borrowed money or purchased property payable In Instalments cxlondlog orsr , n series of years, by CANCELLING nny bnlnuce ol Indebtedness rcmnlulnis UNPAID In caso of DEATH. THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL THE OIIDINAUY FOIIMS OF LIFE AND ENDOWMENT I'OLtClrX AT LOW RATES OF l'llEMlUM, ON THE l'AHTICll'ATINU PLAN, WITH HUT FEW lllXrilICTlONS A8 TO OCCUPATION, AND NONE AH TO TKAVEL Oil ltEMIDENCK. S-Full Information ns lo Plans nnd Features. Is eontnlned In Pamphlets which will beforward ud by mail on uppllcation to the Homo Olllce. - Active nntl resiionslblo men wanted as Agents. F. M. 1JATES, Bloomsiiup.o, Pa. AOENT iiTr-PerRonssollcltlnR ArcucIcs In either L coming, Clinton, Centre, Northumberland, Montonr, Columbia, Hulllvati, llradturd or Tioga Counties, will jiltasniidilrcss WILLAHD A. WlLLIAMP.Ppielnl AkciiI, No, 10 William kt, Williamsiout, Pa.. Uloomsburg, August 19, 1870-Gm. LEGAL NOTICES. ADMlXISTltATOU'S NOTICE. rrATi;oF uanikIj nyrii, ni:c'n. Letters nt admi nisi ration on tho estalo of Daniel Nyer, lato ot Mllllu Iwp., Columbia county, die'o, havo been granted by tho IteuNter ot .said county to J. 11. Nytr, of lllnmii towiiHhlp, In the county ntoieFiild. All persons havinix claims against the tstale of the decedent aio leijuoiti d to pieKcm them lor seiiinient.ann thoso in debted to the estnU to maho payment to theun derslantd, administiator, betuto tho 1st if April, ,1, II, it Ijll, oePJ.s'7-a. Admlnlstialor. pUhK OX Tin? ItKPllKSKXTA X tivks of JAtou i:yi;r, dixlahld. COI.PMIUA COUNTV S.S. The i out mou weal I li ori'tnnsyivnnia lo l'lilllp lMIyer, John Kyer, Adam Kier, William F.jer, Anna, Intciinariied with John Welllvu', Mmga let, Intermniiied with s-'atnuel Johnson, Henty Kj er, Hllas WellUtr, Abigail who wie intLrinar rleil with Jackson Runau, dee'd., Luclnda wlio was Intel mart led w tilt John Drmott, dee'd., Charily, intertnarried with D. It. Johnson, Oeo. W. Welliver, Mniy, iuteimatrled with hraslus Heudeishot, Cntb.tt Inu A., lu'ermanhd with John jMleu, nnd l'ldueas Welliver, heirs and leyal icpiesei;talies of Jneob Kyer, dtc'O., and to nil peisous iuteicteil, Orettlui;: You am heieby cittd to be and appear bi loio Iho J inlets ol our Oriihatts' Court at an Orphans Court to ho held at liloomsbury, on the fit st Monday ot De cember n fit, the n uud there to accent or leltfo to take tho real (statu nl said Jacob Kyer, dee'd, at tho npprntsfd almtion put upon It by the In fjutst duly nwaidfdby the said court. nud le lurntd by the Mienll. Aud heieof tail not, oeia'Te-tf W. 11. LNT, C'erU. TUIiK OX T1IK IIK1RS Ol? AN- JV DRKW FIIKAH, DKCKA9KD. COI.D3IIIIA COUNTY S.S. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Hen ry L. Freas, Fn utile M.. interiii uri- d with Jacob Creasy, Win. li. t re.is, l)orca, Intermniiied with John Haymnn, Mary Jane Intermarried witli Charles Hill, Harriet A., internum led with Mor ris JI. Freas, John L. Freas, James P. Freas, Kllz nhclli A.. iutcipjarrlcd wlthHIcnhen Petit. Al ice V., a minor. Kir'iui, a minor intcnnariled with Wilson Miller, Framdlu P. Freas, n minor, aud Andrew C. Fieas.n minor. All tho above named mitiora havlnu Wllllhiu Hhairer ns their Uuardlau, lineal descendant of Andrew Freas, dee'd. and to nil other nersonn Interested. On ct- lng: Yon are hereby cited to be and nppear be foio the Judges of our Orphans' Comt atiiu Or phans' Court to be held ut Bloomsburg, on tho Ilrst Monday of December next, then and there to accept or reluso to take the real estate of said Andrew Fieas. dee'd., at the appraised valuation put upon It hy the inquest duly awarded by the said court; and letumed by the (sheriff. And nereor tan uot. w. II. liNT, Clerk. oetlll'TU-tf JXCOKPOItATIOX. Notlco Is herebv clven. that on the 1st dav o November, I870,snndry Inhabitants of Columbia county Presented a edition to an adlournrd Court of Common I'leati of said county, praying IU BUIU V.UUUIU glUUI U LUUIUT OllUCOrpOTU' tlou. under the namo. Ktvlo and title nf ''Tin Columiiia County Mutcai Bavino Fdnij and Loan Association," with the rlhts and privi leges therein stated, nnd If no sulliclent cause is miowu to mo contrary on the nrst day of next term, tho prayer of tho petitioners will be grant ed, according to tho Act of Assembly lu such chnu uiuuu unu proTiueo, Ry the Court, W. H. ENT, noull'TlMt, l'rothonotarj. TNCOUPOKATIOM. Notice Is hereby given, that on tho 1st day of ovtinotr, ie.u, suuury innaunuuisor Columbia county presented n petition lo an ndjourned Court of Common Pleas of Bald county, praylnK muDnjn V.UU11 tuiiiui II LUUUl'l VI lUeT(lIU tlon, under tho name, lyle and title of "The RI-M1UKIIAS.NA UATTJ.E lSUKANCK COMPANY, with tho rlchts and privllcKs therein stnttd, nml if no sulliclent cnuKQ kf-lmun tmho ci.i i. Irnry on tho Ilrst dayol next term, the prajti ol iuv in-iiiiuiirii iv Krumeu, aecorujiig to tin Act ol AsselnLJy in suih case made aud i ro Vhled. W. II. ENT, nuvl&Tu 3t. Prothouotary. ouura:xA ix divoih-e. In the Ccurt of Cr.n.mon Iitns of Columbia county. VJCiOltlA ( OX, by lur I .i,.m iiiwu. mud w.etu, j, lAhcUu Decree LLOYD COX. I Bubpuna nnd alias Hnbrann ic turned on oath that tho Pcleudant could nut be lound In the said ( ouuiy. To LIomI Cos. lisiiomlent Sir Yon nrobeic by rin.uiicd to 1 e aud appear at our said Court ol Common Pitas In and lor said county, on tho Ilrst Monday ol December next, lo nusuei to u.e said ctmplalnt ot iho said llbellant, v be liable to bae the biimo deb lmfueil by the tald tourt ft itirtf. -MOltDLCAI .MILLARD, Dtoomsbuis. Nov. II, Ih70-it. .Shilill. A DMlNlSTltATOll'S NO'l'IC'K. I hfATF OI' SAMTKr. O. I'l l.K I Nr. TON. Ill L-'ll i.el'.t-rs Of lultAinlhtrillloll on tliti e.li .f .1 Samuel O, l'UUiUKton, l.i(e of l.oei-vt tup,, col, eounly, dee'il liiiM-beeu rrnn'ul hy tlio KeKl.ter ol hold eouutj to Uenjiiinlii W.iner, lthhliue; lu Loeiibl towiiAlilp, Cuiuiubia eo. All persons i.u iiiK eiiiiius Uij.iiiiM. ettiiiiuoi lueoieeoeui are H-iuiesU d to puent tlieui lor fcettli mt nl, nno llloe iiiutmea lo uie esuuuio iiuiko pay ment to Uie uudeibltineil, uilmliil-.lruloi-, Itfu ut uemy. iii.ja.ii.n w.l:s l-.li, llo I'TO-liw, Admluiklratiil "i"i:lawauio, Lackawanna, t: jy ium i,ii. lt.l l.KOAli. Mm-nn r au..iii;e ment, April iliktu, Tia ins leave at. lu'.iowi,: EA M r tl' A 11 II. W l.n I IV A 1 1 II. Ae- o-jin. STATION!. Mmll,"'h ).M.lll HI. (V ti. lilt ft, I A M. P.M. .lll.M'H Oll, 11, V ('"ii Jltircluy A.J S.HK LuriKiopner Holiotctu NetviirlE WlulllUKlou , via Ceu. nil. of N.j, Now York (tXiut IaUtIii ,St) ....New Hamilton Oxford Ilrlduevllle ...,1'htladelpiila Trenton ....M'llllllmdiurir N.I1 M'l U.2S IHH) 1.1'l B.IK) 11.15 11.4 S I l.M 7.: H.l.i 11.(1.) 5.110! 7.20' 7.50 H. 00! I. 1.' 7.11) 5.18 11.50 I.'.'l li'.17 12.17 S.IU !.: 12.SH) u.ao 7.10 5..H .Muuuuktt L'liuuk ,l)elatvare ..., lil.l l.'.li 12.' 12.40 12.5.i! 5.11 r.'.in ...jiouuv rieiuei Wuter Uup ,..H.Ktioud.burg HiiraKuevlllo Henryvllle Oaklaud .... FurkH Touylmuuk UoultUlioro....,..., Mobeow Uuuulug . , Scriiutou ..Clark'n Humniit.... 8.111) K.l.l b.5i S.U2 iij.' II. a 11.02 1.11 1.U: 1.1 1 1.10 ii.UO 2.11) 2. :i 3.20 3.40 3. in Dili 0.11 10.101 10.-.T 10.1 1 WW I 10.01)! 10.2D w.w 10.3S l'.V. i).io suit s.:iu ll.lt D.IO 8.25 D.50 ...Ablniiton 1.21 li.li II.1U 0.11 t-aeioryviue ....NlelioUouM v ,lIopbotloniM h ....&loutroi.e w .MNew lllloril.M.... Ureal llend 4.01 tut 7.S2 7-U7 4.20 11.51 10.30 11.00 12.00 12.35 4.-S0, 10.12 1.67 T.151 ti.M 4.57 10.30, 10.47 I.1U 6.15 5.30 3.13 11.02 A.M. l.i 0 l.M A.M. I'.M, A.M. Tralna do not slop at Htatiouu whero Iho Timo 1. onilttett. C'ONr.tTIONU. At New Hampton wltli Central It. H. of N.J, Tliu Alull nnd Lxpitha truluti eaHlttunlaiul weht ttard eonneet. ttfili train, tor New Voik, Klla belli, I'lalnlU-lil, boim-rt llle aud oilier Uulloub. At WuklllllKluu Willi Morrl. A lht'X It. It. Mail uud Lxprehi. tialtiu uiaku elot.e uud reliable eoiiueiiionh tvliti irulu. lor New Voik, Newark, MoirUtuttn. lluttr. Waterloo. llaeketuiowu Ac. At Jluuuuku Chunk ttlth lielvuleru Delauuro It. 11. Clobu eouuedlouu are made by Mail and t-press train., Willi iiuIiih (or I'lillutlelplilu, Trillion, 1'lillllpbburK, llelvldere. Ae. Iiy Trulu No. 2. iut&i.eui;t tn reiu-li riilliidelptila via I'um. tlt-u, by No, 4, la Keuhlueton, l'Uki-eni;erH ou No. 4,urrlto lu Philadelphia lu time to tuuo lliu 11.30 p. ill, linln lor italtlinoie ami Wui-lnngtun. At Heruulon ttiib l,aekuwanuu Jk lllooiuhbuns ,v.iieuittuiu cn jiuufcou itau itoau.. iiuiu. on lliet. rond. eonliiet Willi our 1111, uu for 1'iiutou. Wllkts-llaiiu. litrwlelc, lllniin.liiiit-, Dautllle, Olt pliant. Areld aid and t'urboudiilc, At Itiuuliuiutoii tvitn Liio Ituilttuy. Mall No. 1 eouuiii. ttiin ujiiiu Man on i-.rio ttuuttu Kuvlinr ut h.u 11.111. wlthu hieenlin: eoueU at- taehed,arrmng at llullalout tl.20iient iiioiuIuk. j.Apit.. rto, a eounteii. wuu u wuy iruiu ior Ouetro. Illnie.i. nml llllnlru. AlLiuiy a biihtjutliiiuim Itallllottd, rourtruluu attay luneiuii tiuy l-eittttn ltluulihiulou uud Albuuy, (.ineltutti. DIiikIiiiiiiIuu ul2.30p.iu,, a 11 it uu it1 1 in j . nii ui i-.iii p, in, hyn - i.N'-, J-ii.i 1 1 iiiiiui a N Y. It. It. Trutnii toi.--iiiiu 1 u.im ut ? u. in, aud U-j p.ui. Truiu. Itoiu Ht rut to-e unit uul H.-idu, m, und K.30 p. m, U.A.1II.NIIY, , . W. 1'. HALUl'lJAl), (iiu'l l'uw, uud Tkt. Aceut. UupU Ae. L.N- Mail coin, pu-hs I-Oil COLUJII1IA COUNTY. rpilK DOMK8TIO S U WING MA.OiriNE roil HAi.n.r.Y Sr. 1'. hVT',, i)LooMsuuna,-iA. JIIIjLEU, I1UOIIES A CO., ' lll.UWIClC, PA, Tills Setting Maelilne run-) Miller nnd easier thannuy other, it lias lewer pails, It has acait Hcil Khutllo that will never wear out, It hac lllukt-'D 1'iileul Inblo which to iee bliows lis uso fulnehs. Agents wauled In unoccupied Territory lu l'i l nij it niiln, New Jertey, JIui laiiil,I)elattur Vligluin, Wot Vlrgluta uul District of Colum bia. ' Addttsu JJIjAKK & CO., 6CT.ANTON, l'A. v teplC'70-ly lKADINO KA1LHOAD. WINlT.lt AllUANG b'5i ENT, MVM'AY, Nov. 21st, 1S70. (ileal Trunk I.lno iioin tlio Norlh and North west lnr l'lill.ulelphla.Nt-w York.lleuuini! Polls vllle, Tauiuuu.i. Ashiai'd, sluiuiokln Ibnnon Allclitmwi, l:.o.ton, I'.phrutm Lltl, IjineBstm Columbia, ilc,, Trains leave- ltarrl-buii: for New York s 101. lowsi Atif.10, s, iy a ud 10,30 a. m,, an-i 2,50 p. 111,, conm-cUni Willi Klinllnr truius on IVniisylva ulii ltallioud. iiu.l tirrlvlni; nt Now YtirU -11 lo.lii, 11. ni 3,1', 5.20 und IO.iiO p. 111. respeiilv-l, Met-plnt; eurs aicolupauy the 3,10 a m. tltdaa tt Ithnut ehiniiie. lieuuiilng: Lento New Yniknl 0,0On.iu.Baa 12.00 noon nnd 5,110 p. in. l'lilliulelplila st MS a. 111, and J..H) p. 111. Sleeping ears iU'COfnsiJiyv tlio 5.00 p.m., trains Iron) N without e.i.uiKH. Leave littrru.bun; lor Ueadltig, 1'oltsvllit, in lumiu.t, Muii-rsvllie. Ashland, s.tinmoklil At leutotui anil l'iiilu'd. nt S.loa. m.. uud 20 ut.d 4,0.5 p.m., stniuilmi at Lehnt ou uud principal wny stallons: thu l.c-jpin. train connect lug for l'hll'A l'oiistllle and Columbia ouly, Kor I'ollsvlll Schuylkill lluveu nud Auburn, via Schuylkill aud busueliuiiui. lUilrond, lento HarrUl-uni M 0,11 p.m. 1-iist lvnusylvnnla Railroad trains leave 1U uu ln lor Alieiilottn listou and New York ul 5.W), 10.30. n. 111.. 12.i;niKin 4.45 n. 111. i'.clninlnc. leave Nuw orknt D.00 n. ui.. 12.0 iuo uoon and 5.0 P. if. una Allelilottu ul 7.2UH. 1 12.2j uoon, i.'.n mn' Ma p. la. ... Wuy l'asseneer Train leaves rhlladelpnia at 7,30 u.m connecting with similar train on Last iu, raiiroau leiuriimg iroiu ucouiugui, u -wp, .... blopplui;utHllslatlous. Leuvo l'ollsvlllo ut 0,00 o.in., und 3,10,P.l. llerudou at 10.1U a. ni Bhunioklu nt S.JOand 11 '.M a. 111., Ashiiiud ut 7,05 a.m. und 12,50 noon Mali nnoy City ut 7.51 u. m. und 1.35 n. in. Tannic, u 1 ut S.3J u. m uud 2.40 p. m. for i'lilludelphn:, Ae Ynrk, lleadluit, liiirrlsLun,-. Ac, I..-UVH I'.iiivilm vet i-iiiiviklll aud Susoi buuua ltaliru;idats.l5 u.iu.ior Uairlsbur unJ 12.UJ uoon, loiTlneUrovo uud Tremonl, lteodlut: Accommodation Train leaves l'utu vllle ut 5.40 a. 111., passes Heading nt 7,.0 u. m., in riving ut l'hlludelphla at 10.20 a. vi. lUlurnliu leaves I'lllhltlfllihlu nt 1,45 p. 111., passim! Head ing ul 7,25 p.m., arriving at l'ottsvlllu alll.lu p.m, rotuiottn Aecoiumoaatlou T rulnileuvci Polls, town at 7,10 a.m.,, relurulug, li-at es I'lilloili li-l.u. ut 4,uo p.m, I'jiliinililit nnllrnu.l Train li-nl-H ltfatllllu SI 7,2Un.m.,and 0-15 p.m. for Kphratu, Llll,Iuet- ter, v oiiuuuiit, Ac., 1'erklomen lbill Iloail Truius lento reTkloum- Juucilon ut 7,10 v.ui tt. 111., 3.00 a o.so p. ui. return- Inn leave suiticuKswue nij.w, s.v 11.111., iu i.uon A 4.30 p.m., connecting with similar liui)- ou Heading ituliruuil. ColebiookUaleliiiliioad Uuliisliavol'ollslowu nt 11,40 11. 111 smlu.'.'O p. iu.,rituruliig leutu Jlonnl l'leusiiut lit 7.U)uud 11.25u. ill., eoliutetluu ai'lt bliulhtr iiulus ou Heading Halliuul. CLisur Vnlley llullioudliuius liuvo ltiiutf port ul (i,30 11. in. und 2X5 uud 6.12 p. lu. u-uuiili i-. Uuto liuttniuglou ut (i.65 a. in., l.'.:5 uisui-i.d 5.15 11, 111., lu.uiulni; with kilulUr Hull sut iliituiug llmlriai.. Ou buutlujs, liuvo New Y'oik tit p-m-. ''"It phluut ti.eo u.m.uud3,15ii.ui.,(llius,iu.ui.iibU. ruuulugouly lcli-adliig',)leeroltst IlleS.Uu in." Uunlbbuig ut 3.10 u, lu. rial .(& p. " '1U leuvo Aliinlottu at 8.45 p. In., Hi1 Have lUiulln U17.I5 u. 111, nud 1('.V p. 111, u-r Ilsiils burg, ui 5.1O11, 111, for New York, oudut . 4ou.ro, unit 4.25 p in u l'lilluilelphlH. Ctiuii.ulullcn, MIUu.i-, mih-Ii, l.tM - 1-'iuishii 'liikus lutidliimi-l- H-H.U..H tf WtL"eihukil ll.lot.tli; J lobUlb li-v.. .ucluusmig". O.A.NKOIU.. Ot ui lul r m enuundel l, UCHilJui.'. l'a-t Nov, 25, IfTO, A i h KINIJB OF JOB WlIKTIQ JX. ntutly txuuUd st TBI COLDMliiAii dteum FriutUig wtlui I -"J it 'Hi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers