The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 02, 1870, Image 2
t afatttmhimt. BLOOMSBUBG, PA. IVhluj- Morning, Dec. U, into. Auditor and Surveyor Oonoral. A discussion hns been started by tho Xycomlng Standard, nnd followed up by many otlior Democratic Journals, ns to who should bo tho next Democratic candidates for theso Important positions. So fur ns this discussion la personal to tho editor of tho Columbian bo desires to say that no position of honor that can boconforrcdupon him would bo regard ed by him as highly as tho ono ho now holds, and that ho is not conscious of any good reason why aomo ono moro ambitious of that sort of distinction should not bo preferred beforo 1dm for tho Auditor Generalship. Innately, thoroughly and comprehensively despi sing men who sot themselves up as can didates and solicitors for such popular distinction as is suggested, tho editor of tho Columbian bogs to bo dropped from tho list and to bo permitted to perform Ids duties to tho public as an over work ing and faithful prlvato in tho ranks. Ho owos much to his editorial friends for their kindness and generous good Will, but would greatly prefer that thoy would look olsowhoro for candidates. What Is wanted in tho premises is able, energetic and thoroughly compo timt men as candidates, who will dovoto all their timo and talents to tho dls' chargo of tho duties imposed unou them, and iu whom tho public havo tho fullest rtrul most undoubted confidonco, Such aro always tho strongest candid' a.tes beforo tho pcoplo, nnd givo most strength to tho p'arty If ejected. Givo in tit and unselfish nominees, men ot too high a senso of honor to neglect duty, for theso alono will servo with n motive only to tho public good, and no others should bo elected. Then "success and the public good will bo assured. Constitutional Convention. A Ilarrlsburg correspondent writes to tho Chambcrsburg Keposllory : "Tho moat Important measure tlmt will be be- film thO Legislator,, thlfl Winter Will IwIhA nn.i ttntl of Cnlllmz n Constitutional Cniivciiilnii. our readers may rest assured tlint tlio utuvi inenl has It enemies, who, by nmomlmctits to nny bill which maybe proposed, nnd by use of H.iMjijjuuuiry luetics, wnicnucavor 10 ueieiu 11. This opposition will not come from the people, nut irom mo corrupt men whnlmve bceuenrich lnirnnd ndvnnclnz themselves bv Itrlltprv nml fraud. It will come from men who have tle- unucneu r.egisiaiiire auer legislature, that they might obtain political prelermeut, and who could only obtain It In this way." If those editors who oppose a Consti tutional Convention becauso tho project has tho misfortuno to bo favored by tho Philadcrphia "Union Leaguo," will look closo into tho subjectthey will find much worso people on tho other side. Tho gross corruption of our Legislatures, and of far to great a proportion of tho voters themselves, can only be met and defeated by so reconstructing tho powers of tho Legislature that thoro will bo no room for corruption thcro in a general way, or as a common thing. This point once reached, Legislative positions will no longer bo sought by corrupt and, ve nal men, nor by demagogues and in competents generally, but will come to ho filled by tho very best and most worthy men of. tho State. Then special corruption will become impossible, and embryo U. S. Senators and State Treas urers must look to other means than their pocket-books for success. Wo tako it for granted that if a Con vention bo called tho delegates will bo elected under some plan that will rep resent tho great body of tho peoplo, and that it will not bo partisan in its char acter, becauso but fow questions aris ing before it, if any, will bo such as aro at issue between political parties and wo tako it for granted, also, that each amendment of Importance) will bo sub mitted to a separato vote. This done, no mischief can result. Tho great object of Electoral reform can only be fully reached by a Conven tion, and this is n sufficient reason for it. Legislative corruption and incom petency can only bo reached and crushed by n Convention that will givo us com- plcto Electoral reform, and herein is tho overwhelming reason for n Conven tion. All other arguments for or against n Convention sink into comparative in significance when confronted by this great object, though many other re forma will bo effected if wiso councils prevail. (Scary "Counted in" by Traud. Tho Philadelphia Day is edited by Alex, Cumminos, who was one of LiN' coin's right hand men in Pcnnsylvaiv la. Its politics are Itepubllcan, but it is rather too Independent to suit the party masters. In a lato issue, reply ing to tho Tribune's charges of "repeat Ing" in Now York, it refers as follows to a chargo that lias often been made, hut never beforo confessed : "Hut what docs tho 2W6imesay to tho fact that barely a year and a month ago Its friends in this city deliberately "counted in" a Governor. Tho fact Is notorious. Tho men who did it aro well known ; and somo of them have been rowarded with high position," What better can wo do than uppiy tho UYilune'i Justly Indignant denuncla tlon to that transaction?" Tho Iiiving- Issues of tho Say. In a speech at Albany. Gov. Hoff man uttered a sentiment which ought 10 dg ponucrcu by augoou citizens, ana made tho chart of their future political action. "As wo bury our dead out of BigJit,"Jiosaiu,"wiietnertiiey borricud or foo, so it behooves a great party to bury dead issues, and direct its energies to dealing with tho living facts nnd questions oi ino uay." change. If peoplo who got oft gassy speeches about dead and living issues would em ploy their timo In tolling us what "dead itsues" aro being discussed or consid ered, and what "living facts and nuea' tlons" aro omittod from discussion and consideration, they would bo much moro profitably employed than In giv ing curroncy to such ineanlnglesa platl tudes as tho above The year now drawing to a closo has been crowded with disaster. Frightful explosions in mines, great lloods atten dant with great Joss of lifo and proper ty, and disasters nt sea without numbsr mark tho coitrso of tlio year with their sad monuments. Had tho European war not been inaugurated wo should havo still had sufficient to runko tho year 1 K70a famoustwel vo-month among tlio children of the century. OBI! lllpsslni' flint Hirlftv lillclinmTu I will npprcclato Is that tho war has put nn end to French fashion nowspupcrs, Scaling a Demagogue. . Col. W'M. II. Thomah, lato llopiiblb can volunteer candldato for Congress in tho 1th district of Philadelphia, sums up his exposure of that arrant dema gogue, Wm. D. Kki.i.Y, in tho follow ing scathing terms. Wo copy from tlio Philadelphia Day, a Itepubllcan paper of tho 10th Oct.: C6I. Thomas says ho has called Knr ly's attention to tho chargo that First. Ho received $10 for services rendered in obtaining n pardon. Second. That ho demanded $500 for procuring tho admission of a young man into tho naval service. Third. That ho received $5 or about that sum for each wagon furnished tho government, by a contractor in this city. Fourth. That ho obtained a clothing contract for his brother-in-law, which ho afterwards sold In Now York at an advanco of 123,000. Fifth. That ho received from a gen tlcman on Ilroad street $500 for books published by Congress for gratuitous distribution amongst tho pcoplo. Sixth. That ho domandod nnd re ceived from poor menwhom ho placed in tlio navy yard money considerations therefor. Soventh. That ho received a largo sum of monoy for obtaining tho releaso of a rebel prisoner from ono of our forts and could multiply theso items indofl nltely. Has Judgo Kelly attempted to dlsprovo all or any of theso charges Ho has not attempted that which doubt, knows to bo impossible. I havo proven that ho is tho paid servant of nil our over-grown corpora' tlons and capitalists, with tho exception of Mathow Ualrd it- Co., and as tho hireling of theso monopolists, ho Is on ly intent upon increasing their annual incomes. That his egotism nnd offensive man tier has mado him so unpopular with his fellow members in Congress, as to eatiso ids support of a measuroto insuro its certain defeat, That his self-importaiu'o lias mado him tho "butt" of thojiouso. That his unpopularity in tho house h manifested by bis exclusion from tho chairmanship of its committees, til though he has been a member for ten years. I havo proven that his great desire to servo his employers has induced him to advocato tho introduction of cheap coolie labor into this city, so that it may bo introduced iuto machlno shops cotton and woolen factories, foundries sowing rooms, cigar manufactories, on our streets and parks, into our kitchens and to the exclusion of our own natlvo and naturalized citizens. I havo proven that tho Press and Evening Telegraph nowspapers, the cho sen organs of Judgo Kelly, aro tho most determined advocates of tho in troduction of coolio labor into our in dustrial establishments, and In this they butexpro33his viows and speak by his authority ; and that tho City Item finding that 1 would not purchaso it to servo mo, has, within tho last week, en listed In tlio service of thejudgo, and is now, liko his other two organs, tho Press and Telegraph, tho zealous advo cato of coolio labor. I havo proven that ho is not only in favor of tho rapid immigration of tho puppy and rat eating barbarians of Chi na, but that ho is in favor of their amal gamation by marrlago with our own peoplo, thus deteriorating our species Intellectually and physically. I havo proven that In order to benefit tho Pennsylvania Salt Company, which en- Joys a monopoly granted by tho govern ment of Denmark to import kryolite into this country, ho has taken from tho treasury of tho nation rovonuo derived from that artlclo without any correspon ding benefit to tho pcoplo. What would you think of a Congress that would grant a singlo merchant tho privllego of importing all tho French goods that are consumed in the country ? Into it duty frco ? And yet this is jirccisoly tho kind of monopoly created by Judgo Kelly in kryolite. I havo proven that whilst ho had placed on tho frco list non-essentials, such as chalk, quinine and kryolite, for which lie takes to himself great credit, he has continued tlio duty on necosfa- rics of life such as sugar, tea, coffco, salt and coal, thus Increasing unneces sarily the expenses of every family in tlio district. I havo proven tlmt Instead of having relieved the peoplo of $150,000,000 of tax atlon, ho lias only favored a reduction of 70,COO,000, thus exacting from them uunooesMirily 160,000,000 annually of their iiard earnings. I havo proven that ho advocated tlio continuanco of tho iucomo tax In com mitteo of tho whole, but whon that measuro camo before tho Houso voted against tho tax, becauso tlio city papers said ho should not bo ro-clectcd if ho voted In favor of it. Judgo Kelly is now endeavoring to buy vote and to corrupt election oill cers with money as overy such attempt is an insult to tho citizen, you should receivo all such money thus offered you ana volo as you pleaso afterwards. Montqomeuy, Alabama, must bo an exceedingly pleasant place in which to resldo. Somo of tho sweots of tlio placo aro thus described by tho Mall: "It is no unusual thing to seo tho poorer class of whlto girls arrested by negro pollco in this city, locked up or led about tlio streets by a lusty negro, wtui u ciuu in uia nanu anu a star on his breast, looking for thoir friends to become their sccuiltics on somo trivial chareo of disorderly conduct. throwing s'ops Into tho streets or something of tho kind. This is ono of tho fruits of Kadlcal rulo, ana is necessary to concli liato tho sons of Ham and pcrpetuato Kadlcal power. On Sunday morning JUOrV, D1A llllt1.7, UJUUIHUU UI1U HIUIUJ with double-barrelled shot-guns, rodo Uirougu tlio principal streets orourcity with a young whlto man from tho country, wnom tnoynau nrrestea. Tiiey tied ills arms tightly behind him, and ono of the number held him by a ropo ilea urouna ms necK. in tins condition thoy had brought him about twenty ilvo miles, to Jail." On her departure from Now York to Havre, on tho lCth Inst., tho steamer Lafayetto took out her second cargo of arms and munitions of war Intended for tlio uso of tho French. Her first cargo was valued at $120,000, while tho ono taken out ou Wednesday last is worth in Now York $317,000. It con- sisted of H'.GCO guns, 220 carbines, J,a30 revolvers, fi pieces of artillery, and 8,- 814,230 cartridges. Tills makes tlio tenth cargo from Now York for Franco. Tlio total vttluo of arms shipped from that port since tho war is nearly 10,182,000. THE COLUMBIAN Tlio War lu Europe. Heavy lighting W reported In Franco between Prlnco Fukdimucic CitAitLna' nrmy nnd tho French army of tho Loire. rids latter seems to bo much tho most efficient army tho French now havo, and Its entire destruction hna dotibtioss been determined upon by tho Prussians, t first tho accounts of tlio battles were favorablo to tho French, but later ad vices show decided Prussian successes. Paris will probably bo compelled to sur render ns soon as tho French nrmy of tho Loire is destroyed. Tho Prussians demand tho abroga tlon of tho treaty oi 1830, which ex eludes its war vessels from tho UlacK Sea. England raised a blustering op position, oven threatening war, but its valor suddenly cooled beforo tho firm attitude of tlio Russian Boar. A Con gress of tho "great powers" is to bo held, which will givo Itussla what she wants. Tho Popo is firm in tils nttitudoof ro fusing terms with tho Italian King. Ho disdainfully rejects all propositions mado to him, nnd, powerless in nrms, fights Ids battle by excommunicating nil who enter upon his former territory in hostile purpose. Thoro is littlo pros pect of a settlement during tho llfo of tho Pope, but war can not result becauso ho has no army and Would not permit fighting when ho had one. Tho tccond son of tho King- of Italy has been chosen King of Spain. A Re publican insurrection is anticipated. Tho Kins for XVIcrcnr. To the Jdlitor of the Columbian : At tho October election tho Ring achieved a pcrrcptlblo result In IJIoomsburg, In the voto upon Congressman. Whereas for some years there has been a Demo cratlc majority in tho town, varying from ten to twenty, it was to havo been expected that a respectablo mnjorlty would have been given at ids homo, to our candldato for Congress, at that elec tion. Ho had been regularly and fairly nominated by tho district conference, ho possessed ability, nnd his political fidelity was unquestionable. Nor was ho obnoxious in social llfo, and for that reason objectiouablo to any considerable number of voters. On tho contrary, ho received upon personal ground tho support of a respectable number of Re publican neighbors at least twenty to thirty in number yet Muitcuu secured through tho active, zealous and treach erous nction of tho Ring, a majority of tldrty-ono in Dloomsburg; and Drad ley's newspaper tho Ring organ re joiced greatly over tho result I Tho treacherous allies and associates of tho Radicals, mostly voted outright for Mi:ncun, though a fow of them, (fivo in number,) throw away their votes up on Col. PtoLETT, (who was uot a can didate,) thus contributing half their electoral power In tho samo dircctiou. Tho performances upon election day wero instructive if not edifying ; but perhaps tlio veil had better bo drawn over tno disgraceful scene, in which n littlo money, baso treachery and a good deal of whiskey wero enlistod in tho service of tho Ring. Similar treachery in a small way ex hibited itself at Berwick, ns shown by tlio election returns. Tho Congressional voto thcro might induco us to think that tho Ring had established a branch in that ancient village, tho perform ances of which wore to bo modelled up on tho parent Riug. The moral of our taio is this : That without discipline, without the applica tion of sound principles nnd rules of as sociated action, corrupt and selfish in terests will assail and weaken party or ganization ; that unlimited indulgence by n party to treachery in its ranks, is unwisoand suicidal, and not magnani mous or praiso-worthy; and that tho timo has arrived for party discipline to bo invoked, and to perform Its appro priate ofiico of conservation and de fense. An Inflexible rulo should bo adopted, that men who do not steadily and truly voto for and support tho party nomina tions, shall not bo allowed to assist in making them. Wo refer to nominations strictly political, in which class a nom inntion for Congress manifestly belong.-: and wo say that no nominal Democrat, whothor associated with tho Radical Ring or not, should bo allowed to voto at delegate elections for tho timo being, or until ho shall distinctly show "by his works" fidelity to our party organl zatlon. Such a rulo should bo ndopted by tho County Convention, which it la said is to bo called by tho Standing Conunltteo for tho nmendment of our rules of nomination. A. Newspaper, PnoTixTioN. Doubt' less nearly all railway passengers In cold weather havo experienced conslil erablo disomfort and sometimes post tivo injury to health from being expos cd to the cold air which forces its way into tho cars through tho crevices in the windows. This is especially the caso with thoso who sit near tlio win dows. To obviate this lay a newspaper over tho arm nnd shoulder exposed to tho draft. This will protect you from tlio cold as offcctually as would a heavy blanket. Thrown over tlio knees, sim ilar warmtli will bo secured. Persons sometimes Ho down on a sofa or loungo in rooms, tho tempeiaturo of which is not over sixty degrees. After lying awhllo tliey find themselves getting chilly. To avoid this open out a largo nowspaper or two and spread it over tlio person. Try it ono of theso cold days, nnd bo satisfied. A newspaper or two laid between a pair of sheets will keep n sleoper as worm or warmer than a pair of blankets. This may seem Btraugo, but a trial will provo lis cor rectness at least such assuranco is giv en by thoso who havo testod tho matter, Findino or Six Human Skele tons. Derrick Updegraff, Esq, , of Now uerry, Soveuth Ward of this City, in forms us, that afewdaysslnco, as work' men weroongaged lnoxcavating ground for tho erection of a School Houso, in that Ward, upon tho lands of Mr. Thos. Updegraff, on tho river bank, thoy ox humed a human skoloton, and digging further on, thoy discovered fivo moro, Thoy wero about threo foot under ground, aud as there was nogravo-yard in that place, It is supposed thoy had been killed by Indians about the timo of tlio Wyoming Massacre now 6omo 82 years since and buried In tlio sand on Long Reach. Thoy nro doubtless tho remains of somo of tho aborigines of this country, whether whites or In dians, Is not certainly known, but In tho opinion of Dr. Fesslor, aro supposod to havo been of our raco. II 'illlamsport AND DEMOCRAT, Tho CcnsusRato of Xucrcaso. Tho following table, which wo tako from tho Himbury Oatclte, shows tlio population of tho different counties of tho Western District of Pennsylvania, with tho per centngo of increase ulnco 18C0. It should bo carefully preserved for referenco : Census of 18U0 Census of 1870. Percent of COUNTIES. Incrcjiso Alleghany Armstrong Heaver Bedford Blair Bradford Butler Cameron Cambria Centre Clarion 178,7ol :!3,7U7 202,182 10.85 21.79 13,33,1 30,132,! 28,030,1 33,057' 57,100 30,135 1,273, 31,572 31,391' .10,512 25,779'! 23,2I3,i 28,705 03.8271 8,315, 05,977 13,251 1,183 9,301' 25,893 31,252 39,123 20,110, 20,730 120,820 21-00 7.10 1S.7G IS 7dl 35,001 1.85 2.60 25.11 27.3S 0,22 37.12 30.07 11.7(1 30.01 10.67 33.41 8.15 303.81 2.52 0.30 11.21 10.13 18.60 2.97 18.09 7S.17 27.37 35.01 7.15 17.17 13.28 3.79 6.77 9.83 ii.'IS 13.97 10.0(1 85.21 21.53 3.53 9.23 10.30 29,155 27,00() L'i.OSS 18,750 1 . ntVl Clearfield Clinton Columbia Crawford Elk Erlo Fayctto Forest Fulton Green Iluntlngd'n Indiana Jefferson Juniata Lawrence 25,005 48,755 l'J.lil 0,t)0! 80S O.llil 21,313 23,100, 33,031 18,270. 10,!I8G 22,009, 00,211 37,399 8,850 30.850! 10,310, 13,053 23,922 11,170 15,035 20.77S 5.(1371 Hl.liUI 17,191 27 ."OS Luzerne Lycoming JIcKoan Mercer Milllln Montour North'd Potter Snyder Somerset Sullivan 100,791' 17,03S; o,o-u lO.OSl1 17,509, 15,331 11,110 11,118! 15,000 28,325' 0,191 Susquehann 30.2U7I 37,530, Tioga Union Venango Warren 31,011 11,115, 25,013 19,190, 10,805 53,710, 12,510, U-i, lUl lo, 0GS, 10,3S2, 23,897 18,-lSl 58,099, 11.0S5 Washington Wcstraorru Wyoming Total l,353,039jl,711,777i 20.57 Cameron county was erected from parts of Potter and MclCean counties, sinco 1S00. I i'orcei-g COUNTIES. I 1SG0. 1S70. oi Incrcaso Poller Melvean Cameron 20,329'! 21,677 20.00 She Crammers. If it be a common complaint tlmt pa rents of children sent to public schools are obliged to dovoto a largo part of their timo to teaching their children, nobody is at fault savo tho parents themselves. Thoy aro not compelled to cram" their children or to suffer any ono elso to "cram" them. No task is reasonable that requires a pupil to ap ply itself beyond regular school hours. Wero a parent to compel a child to tako a full meal out of each courso of a din ner of six courses, what a shout of in dignant censure would go up. Yet in what does this system of cramming children with half a dozen branches of study differ from tho other? In noth ing except In intensity tho damago in tho latter caso being greater and often irroparablo. Lifo is long enough to afford every man and woman an opportunity to gain all tho knowledge thoy need to proso cuto creditably tlio business of life. If lifo is not long enough for this, then there is a stupendous blunder some where in tho make-up of human af fairs. But lifo is long enough; nnd tho blunder lies iu supposing that it lacks. Peoplo appear to forget that with a fair knowledgo of tlio elementary branches a child can, if given proper books, obtain all, or nearly all tho knowledgo of geography, philosophy, astronomy, and the complementary sciences it needs, without a partlclo of task-work. There may not bo a royal road to learning, but it is n cruelty to pavo tho beaten way with sharp flints and thorns. Tho objection to tho topi cal mode of imparting knowledgo is that It is slow. Nono too slow, good peoplo. You demand that your chil dren shall bo converted into prodigies, and complain when they sicken with brain fever, and die, or recover to plod along on the dull lovol of idiocy. The cramming process is simply an organ' ized attempt to forco n gallon Into a quart measure. It may bo partially done, with care, no doubt. Tho quart may bo expanded somewhat, but the catastropho is not far away. Parents havo tho remedy for cram ming In their own hands. Children never leavo tho sphere of parental con trol in Buch matters. Few would stand lnactlvo whilo a task-master compelled a child to bear burdens boyond its phys ical strength. Why hesitate to reduco tlio number of studies when a pupil Is overtasked? Parents havo nojust rea son for complaint, becauso It is ontiroly within their sphere to rcmovo all causo of complaint. Tho difficulty lies in tho demand for prodigies, which can only bo furnished nt a risk. Philadelphia Bay. The political complexion of tho next House of Representatives will probably bo ns follows: Democratic, 109; Repub licans, Protectionists, 103 j Republi cans, Rovenuo Reformers, 29. Tho combined mojorlty of the Democrats and Rovenuo Reform Republicans Is 23; enough to organizo tho Houso and construct tho committees in tho interest of tariff reform. The St. Louis Democrat, tho Repub liean organ for Missouri, says that "Johnson's folly mado tho 4th of March, 1809, a welcomo day to tho American people, Grant's blunder ing imbecility, if persisted in much longer, will convert tho 4th of March, 1873, Into a lit occasion for National thanksgiving." CoNdKEsawlll iw3emblo on tho 1st Monday In December, Tlio nowly elec ted members will not tako their scats until tho 4th of March nejr.t, when tho present Congress comes to nn end, nnd tho Forty-second Congress begins its sessions. Maokeuel, codfish and herring are said to bo suro to bo cheap this winter. Prices must como down, ns tiio fisheries havo been very successful, and millions aro being brought to market. An Illinois candldato denounces the Administration for "taking tho tax off on planners wot wo don't use, nnd kcop. In' it on whisky, wot wo do." Mil. Wheelkii, tlio celebrated dia mond hunter, of tiio Cnpe of Good Hopo, lias arrived Iu London. Ho brings somo stone, valued nt 30,000 and weigh ing eighty-eight caruts. 11,170 11,-118 8,859 8,82(1 I BLOOMSBTJ11G, MARKET REPORTS. lltoninilitirR Slnrkrl. Wheat pprtmlicl , '' lto I Cornolil ' " now " ',; Ont. " l Flour per Imrrol J JJJ ClovcrgpiHl v I'-laciil 1 SI llutlcr , JJ Kec , Tallow ljj l'ntntocn ; Drliii AHilts JJ Kami) Hliloi nml Sliouldprn - Ijinl nrr pound . , -! Hay per ton 10 W ftll.V No. 1 Kcoloh pi i! - No. 2 Illoom I.U.MllI'.lt. t) Hemlock lloanU por Ihouniml feet l'lnn ' " " (ono lncll) , Jolil, Reantllns, l'lanlc, (Hemlock) Hulnglci, No, 1 por tliousauil BiiiitiK " " ,.. 113 01 .... l-a'.N! .... 15 tn w .... 7 HI ....R 1 Oil I'llllnilellillln M.lrlirl Ft-OUIt Nnitliwpntern Mipertiue. nt j Nortliwcutcru extra ... Northwestern ;ramlly .. 1.733 800 J.MI ... eJ.23SS1.7l )..")!) fl.V S1.2S .... 1 374 i 1 M Wo Sl.oi) 2U.5') jil.ll) SJieS'Jc ... i jat2te B ijiiiliuo .... KiciaKiJs I.M S'iij .... 7!BKUn .... "tAxiiz i;j-iti .. tl'2 In U.VJ Uye Hour.... WHEAT II 'emisylvaulared. bill. r!Hitiitrii ... . Western " " ... Uyk Pennsylvania rye, f ' Coun Yellow, 11 Sllxed, 0AT8 finis Provisions Mcm 1-ork, bul Mmn Heel, " Urcftful llogn, Smolttil lliiinn , ' Hlioultlcra I.nrd, V tfi ...... HK.ithrt l'lo erweetl y I, uh TimotliyM-eil !u .'. I'-laxfci-ed " CATT.1.S Hci f Uittlutlli I'owx, tl head Riir.r.f 1 V lloos w limits MARRIAGES. l)Ii:rFi:.VIIACII-CONM:Y-On Tuesday, No vember it Iho leM-leneuof Ihe hrMo'n moth er, hy llev. .losepli Nesbltl, lli.Niiv I.. rV-l-nNUAcii, or llloo nslmr4. I'.i., to MWt M.uiv 1! Cosi.i-.Y, of Lunar township, Clinton coumy,t'a. C011IU.T. In Illoomshurc, ou November 21, 170 niter n long nMlclloi, l;ilz.lbcUl II., wilt) tit Mr. JoMiph L'orrell, aged IW years, 3 moutlH and 11 days. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JJOUfI3 TO RENT. pleasant and desirablo Houso nmllot to rent, In llloouisbuit;, lu t lie eentie port Ion ot tho town, possession Klven at nny time. .Apply at (Ills olllco. Idec2 7u-:il. A I")ITI'tA,l;olts'";OTcl':. llsTATKOtMAroll ASH. iu.r'h. (.tilers oi administration on tho estate nf JaeoliAHh, late of lleiitou township, Columbia eounly, itecea-ed. hao been Kianled by tho UeirMur ot said eounty to Isa-ie 1C. Klleknauiu and .Joseph Ash, of ltentim, Columbia eounty. All jelsons hallin elalms ei;alnst Iho estate of tho ileeedeut are lequeM ,1 to proent them for settlement, nnd Ihoso Indebted to thoestatolo make payment to tho undtislued, administra tors, withoutdeluy. 1HAAP K. KIHCKIIAUM, jusi:pii ASH. ilecI'TO-Cw Administrators. POCO METALUC PAINT. Tlio best, cheapest nnd most ilnrablo l'alut lu tho market. Hold by all I'alnt Dealers. Helld for PiIcb List nnd Circular too. O. ISOW.MAN CO., 47 Dey Street, Now York, or Trenton New Jeisey., HAP.DWAitu Dr.Ai,r.iM and 1'LU.M111;i:m semi lor Illustrated Catalouuo of Terra-Cot la l-lpo. Chimney Tops, Chimney Flues, Harden Vases, .le., to O. 0. 1IOW.MAN A CO., 17 Dey St., New York, or Trenton, New Jeisey. ilcanu-fini. A few moro AGENTS nro WANTED for ono of tlio ClIKAri-ST anil IlKsr Hooks in tho world. .vi'. ir. -i. mxai.m-'N NATURAL HIS T O R Y Giving n clear description of nearlv every known succiosof lleasts. lllrtls. Fishes. Insects. Iteptlles, Ac, AO., enlivened by lOUUspirltod Illus trations and renleto with excillmt and amuslni: nneedotoi of their manifold peculiarities. Tlio ercniit or tho lamotis j.ouuon lour voiumo cui- llon, with valuable nuuitions, nom tno works or other o 1st iUKUlshcd nntuiallsts, Nuttall, Agasslz, Wood, Wilson, Audubon, and many others. No tumble to Agents about sect or party. Kvcry- bmli- is flr.llTlilsl will, 11. old and out!, ill town or country. NolhiuR like It In tlio Held. Agents repoit piollts lioms5to$u per day, ami sell In connection the latest and best edition of llihlcs fxlnnt. Send lor illustrated circular and our most liberal terms for Hoot and llliile. A. 11. liUHHAHii, i-uijusiier, dec2'70-2t. 400 Chestnut St., 1-h lla. pRIVATE SALE OF VALUAHLE HEAL KSTATU Tho subsc-lber offers for salo his farm citunto In Huntington township. Lu7crno eounty, on Huntington cieek, two miles Horn Johnstown. CONTAINING ABOUT 00 ACRES. Fivo acres of which nre timber land. A Rood largo frnmo house, bnrn nnd tho usual outbuild ings. A constant suppiy of pmo water very convenient lo tbohouse. Afluo oreluudof ap ples, peaches, Ac. For fill 1 particulars npply on tho premises to ClIAHLUM ilOUMlilt, Huntington, Dec. 2, lwu-lw. QENTS WANTED ran PALACE AND HOVEL ; Oil, I'lIASF-S OF LONDON LIFE. By IK J, liirivun, the u-dUUnown Journalist. "uiu Vunv' Comuisio.s Paiu. This book Is a beautiful Octavo of fcW pages, cmbellislu d Willi 2o0 vtujravinfis, nnd n llnely ex ecillid man of Loudon deslimcd and cxci-iitcil expressly for tills woik by imlneut artists. It contains a lull, graphic, aud truthful statement of tho kiiihls. Scent; nnd .VmniMi., of the great Metoopolls of tho World. Its pictures aio from ri(i(Mfcand yet so weird nnd ronianlio that It almost challenges one's credulity. It displays lu bold relief tho nppalllng misery of tho poor, nnd tlio leckless luxury or the rich. The most Naleablo book lu market. Circulars and bampio 1IKLKNA1' A 11LISS, dec2'70-3t. Hartford, Conn. pUBLIO SALE O F VALUAHLE HEAL ESTATE. The subscriber will offer for salo the following iiiii-u iiucisui muu siuiaio in laiu lowusiup,on HATUItDAY, UECEMDER 10, 1S70, nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon. No, 1 CONTAINING ABOUT 111 ACRES, fifty of which nro cleared, tho lemalnder being CONTAINING ABOUT 80 ACRES, one-half of which Is cleared, tho balance Is cov ered with good timber. No. 3 CONTAINING 55 ACRliS, tho greater pnrt of which Is cltared. Ten acres nr.; covered with heavy whlto oak and chestnut. Tract No. 1 has upon It a good Iraruo house ami bank barn. Tract rNo. 3 has n line brick nuuav. imun unni anu me necessary nut build lugs, A good supply of puro water on No. 1 nnd No. 3. An assortment of fruit trees on each Terms mado known on day of sale. JIalnvllle, Dec. 2, l0-2t. EI.IAH HUUMAN, PUB LIC SALE o r VAL UAJJLE HEAL ESTATE Tho undersigned will eiposn tnpuhllosalonn HI'rfff.1,,!',0'iH.AT.lJKl,AV1),it1-sl)EHi!ltli, H70, at 10 o'clock Hi iho forenoon, the following valuable riuliMate.towIti ncerlnlu HOUSE AND LOT OP GROUND, fit unto In ilonloHr township, Columbia county, bounded by lauds of Bniiiut-1 Fry on tho north, east and soulh, and lands of Mulhlas 8. ApnloJ limn ou Iho wist, said lot CONTAINS ONE ACRE OF GROUND. The house Is a ono nnd one-half story frame, a frame stable, pig-sty, .tc mid a good spring ol water near tho door of tho dwclllug. AijiO a CERTAIN TRACT OP LAND, situate In tlio township nnd county aforesnld. bounded bv lands of tho heirs of John (Jigger, on Iho north, Mrs, Samuel II. Dlemeronthoeiist Bninuel J;ryuud Alatblas H, Applemuii im Hit south and west, CONTAINING M ACRES, mora or less. On this tract there Is a good lime stone iiuarry nnd kilns, and on which are erect ed ulaigti TWO-fcTORY I1RICJC DWELLING 1IOUHE, a finmo kitchen, slono spring house, n largo bank barn, wugou shed, coru-crlhs, .to., good wa ler and a good orchard on the premises. i he houso and let above descrlUd will lie sold subject to the dower of Jlnunuh Dlelterich, wid ow of John lilellerli'h, deceased, as also tho abovu described tract of land, Iho Interest of said dowers to be j aid annually to raid widow during her lifetime, by tho purchaser or pur chasers, computed Irom tho 4th day of Iday, A. I). Ml, and nro ns follows I ou house ami lot I1W1.U1JJ principal! ou tract ol land ti&IWA principal, Tho principal sums to be paid to the undersigned Immediately upon the dcuthof said Hannah Dlelterich, 'f ho conditions will be made known nn dav of "!? . . 1MAIAH UILTTliKICH. Montour twp-. Dcc.S, IWO-iw. COLUMBIA COUNTY,PA. rpllE BEST PAPEU, X ANtlTHK BEST 1JNDUUE.UJINJ.1 This Onarlor'fl 11 Numbers HUNT J'ltr.lHp all subscribing, botorn Dec. 25, 1H70, for next year's Fllty-Two Numbers of MOORE'S RURAL NEW-YORKElt, the mtPAT n.i.usrnATun UU-ItAI. AND FAMILY WEEKLY, 1011 TOWN AND COUNTRY. Tun In its 8 1st vcar, Is not only Iho Ijirgest, llest and Cheapest, but by far the ljirgi'st-Clienlatlng Journal of its Class Hi tho U'niMI National In Character. All V ildtled. Su perbly Illustrated ami 1'ilntwl, 11 is tho BEST AMEHIOAN WEEKLY I It Is the Rlnndnut Aullinrlly on all hrauehos of Aiinitci.TUiiK, IloitTicinrinii:, e. Asa Liter ary and Family I'liner It Isit lavorlto In maiiyof lliu best families nil over tho union, Canada, Ac, ltulr,il. MnilitlV HITUAI.irM lift lltvrlltllits tSimcre. ami Is tho largest HlustratedJouriuiloutlio Con tinent e.icn unmoor conuiiuinK ruxiecu 1'ivu Coltllnu Pages, (double tliesio of most panels ol Its class.) It Is (no paper for tho East, West, North and south. TERMS, INDUCEMENTS, A.O. TSMtMSt :l aWnr of ftl Nlllillii rs. mill mill t'l Oil In Clubs or. Tell. This (iuarler's 1.1 Nuin- duecmeuts lor lsTl aro unpiccedented. speci men, rrciinu in l.lsls,AC.,seuureoionii ionising laUUS,!!!!! WJI WlllllU 11VU lailU .IHUUI. HI VYVlj Town. Address . D. D. T. JIOOREpJlParlt Row, Now York. rjMlE NEW YORK METHODIST, AN r.KIHT PAOE WEEKLY. Now 111 lis Eleventh Year, publishes sermons, n nihil Story lor tho Family, n now children s story ever ween, i;nius wiiu nioijiuiu i n'n. Editorials by the best Methodist writers and others, Foreign nnd Domestic Correspondence, full Dcparlmenlsorilcllglousaiid Secular Intel ligence, l'rlcu SJ .00 a year. Liberal premiums or casu commissions in canvassers. miu-cii.' Hons commence at itny time. For specimen, eii' closo a two cent slump to prepay postage. Ad dlessTHF. .MHrilOl-'IST, ill Nassau St., N. Y. I.IOL1DAY JOURNAL, FOR 1871 I I ...... .nt... .. -I.l. u U..... U. ....... II. 1 T.I....B Jlaglo Sports, Ac; II pages: Illustrated, sent riioou Hcetpt ol one stamp tor postage. Atl- oress 4i;,,ua .c iu., j. uoiisners, jiosiun, TirASOXIU 1SOOKS. Lil.AKont4 Wn nl til. Hand for Circular. AtlJrtss i CiIlUr.MASUIlT to nil Yttuly MtilxcrJIicrs A to Amiletim'H Jouronl, imbllshctl Weekly, 'i ii-ii Mnnllm Hnhf-rrlntlmi (Juatih. The Mnnlim ut Novciulierniul Decemni'r, ltTO.uhcn Kfitls to mi huuscriDcrs rcmuuim w lor mo y wir iti. A nv ono ili'Klrousof inaUtiiirn trial or tho JoiiU' nt, in son wlit'ther they llku 11, nn httvo It for TWO MOXTIlHon iL'inimi.L,' us I-'I l'T V CUNTS. l'lcruiIIUUK AMIIIUCA, lolthlMIni (r upk'Hil Mly oxcouti'd Icwh nf Ana-i lean Scenery, pnni- incnceii in rovcniucr, u. aiili;iu a. to,, run llsheis, Xvw York. fi KN. ltOlU'. II. Lawn I.IFK. N.-ntlv riMdy Ir lor I'ubllraUnn. Iho lliourauuy of (U;n, Hour. K I,t5U, by JoiinKstkn CooKK.initliorof "IjIo of Stonewall .Jncltsun," "Wi'iirln iho diey," ulr. 1 vol., H vo , SUJ jMiitos Illmtrateil. To bo sold by Milmilnttim. AUKNTS WANT1U. u, Ai'l'lJ'iTUA A CO., I'nblMirrn.New Ynrn, Oirnnm n i ati 1V words u mlnnlo In k5 1 i U U 1 I J 1L U. rmir wtelcs. Hind two Mfitiiiis lor J, Oit.vv, I. O. It jx 4317, x. Y. RAVELERS r.TKi: AND ACCIDlINTIXSUUANCi: CO.Ml'ANY, oriiartrord, Conn. Cash AM'iM, SI.0)(K'0. (Jnmis lilKH nnd i:.M)OU'JinXT I'ollclesot all nppto lonus. Amnio jsccurllv. low rnli", Also Insures nualnst ACCIDHXTS (iLiislin; dcatli or total disability. I'oll clt's written by tlioycarorinonth. lias paid 7w per day for Mix Yvarn in ben niH topoiicy-noiaer.s, HO.N'T WASTH Tl.UI'J AXI LA 111)11 lis- nsliur no nn old Axe. Send SI.r.11 lo LII'l'IN lurisi'i.'i I iMt, I. nml tliov will send a tin-ton Axe. llxnrcssago paid. Hair a day Jost In grinding will thus bo saved. 49 Wad: I'KUlvINS .t llOUrir.'rt PATENT. N O X - E X 1' h O S I V 13 MKrALTC ICI 1 O.SKNK LAM I'. iKnbsolutclv s.ilo Irom cxitlosiim or broaltln" burns nny Coal oil, good or bad; glvtu moro llbt, no odor, and uses less oil. "jl is pervi-uy 7ton-c3jitosu-c, i jio ngni is hpiut th:iii is produced by any other lamp" ir. A'. Cturkt JVtV M(tsittchiuvtts tyricullurat Vutlvc, "It Is nerfoctlv iionexiluslve. nlves a better llht nnd Is move economical than any other lamp in use." IP. WWWUs, talc A;. J'ltb. &i)uols,Chiea!o. Tho appallluK deaths nnd llres Irom glass lamps exploding and breaking ereulo h great demand lor this lamp. It I'AYrt to hell It. Hold bv (!nn vnj.vni m Atriititu wnntdit nvivuhiri Heml for circular midterms to .MONTUOMKitY oc LU.i CloYcliind, O., II llarelay ht. New l'orlt. OO.t A We cli Salary I Young men wanted OfCr) as local aud travelling salesmen. Address (Willi stallip)lt. II. WAL iv Lilt, 31 l'arlc ltnw.N'. Y. S30 A DAY, sure. I.ATTA & CO., l'ltlsburg, 1'a AGENTS I ItEAlJ TH1S1 'TK WILL l'AY A0I:NT.S A SAL.UIY of 130 .1 ner week mid exnenses. or allow a larL'o com mission, to soil our new and wondcrlul lnvell Hons, Address M. WAON'EIt & CO., Marshall, Michigan. icon iisi; tiik "vixii.TAin.i-: icrn lOil) I'Ul.illO.N AIlY JJAI.SAJI." Is! 1 1) 'ilie old standard lemcily for coughs, Colus.Cou siimplloii. ".vtUliig Ittlttr." cun.i:i: linos, .v. Co., Jloston. CHKIlltY l'lXJTGUAL TUOUHK.S Aro superior to all others for Coughs, Colds, Ahllni'.i, llrouchlaland Lung dllllcullles, mo ex ceedingly pnl.ilitble.havo notion! that nan seating horrible Cubcb lastc, aro very soolliing and act like a charm; Ministers, Slugels. and Public SpenUors will llnd lliey ale especially adapted to tho voice. Sold by Druggists. Also uuniuu. a tc. v.i cull l.u Ull., for Cousiimpllcn and Kcrolulauso no othir. UTHAM'S DllPILATOitY l'OWIlTiTt.-lte-movis superlhious liair lu Jlre minutes, wll.i out injury to the hlvlli, sent by mall tor Sl.ii. ' Ul'IIAiM'S ASTllilA (JUltE Ilellees most violent paroxysms In jlvemtnutta nnd elleets a speedy cure. Pilce Si bv mall. THE JAPANESE 1IAIH STAIN Colors tho whUUcrsaud hair a beautllul ni.ACK or iikown. It consists of only one preparation, 7.5 cents by mall. Address S. ( Ui II A SI, No,72i Jayue hlicel, l'lill.ulclphlii, l'a. circulars sent ilee. Sold hy all Druggists. ROYAL II A VAX A I.OiTl;Ttl Pilis cashed and liuormatton furnished by UHOltUU UP1IAM, I'lovldt nee. It. I. M AUIO KGOS.-lllg tiling. Vleud lor Clicular to A. Thomas, SM Washington Ht.Hiooltlyii,N, Y. naCHOMANCY. Any lady or gentleman can 1 malce 6I.HJ0 n month, seeuio their own happi ness and Independence, by obtaining PsYCHO JlANCY.I'ASCINATION.orsOULClIAH.MIXO. 4ti pages; cloth. Full Instiucllons to uso this power over mm or nulmalsat will, how to Mes merize, hecomo Trance or Writing Mediums, Divination,, Alcliciny, l'hllosopliy of Omensiind Dreams. lliighain Young's Harem, Uuldo to JIurrlnge, Ac, all loniaiutd in this boolc ; lUi'MO sold : prlco by mall, In cloth Sl.Sc, paper covers il. Notice. Any peisou willing lo act as agent will lecelvo n sample copy of tho woikiic. As no capital Is minimi. all deslious of tenteel employment should send tor I bo book, enclosing 10 cts. lor postage, to T: W. J-1VANS & CO.. tl South Hh stltet, Philadelphia. A CAUL). A Clergyman, while lc.i.dlug In Poulh America nsn missionary, discovered u salo and sliuplo remedy lor Iho cureof Nervous Weakness, Larly Dieay. Diseases of the ITrlnarv nnd semlmil 1)1-. gnus, and tho whole tinln of disorders biouglit .ui i.j ultimatum! vicious nanus, uicatnui.iocis havo bit u cured by this noble n niedy. l-rnmpt-ed by n deslro to benellt llio nlllieled nnd iinloi'. lunate. I will send the itcipo lor p.eiiarlng and using tills inr dlcino In n sealed envelope, to any ono who nnsls It, IVte of elmrar. Addrcsi Jos fjl'll T. IN.MAN', Station D. lilblo House, Now orkClly. decJ';o-if. Btop Htoi' STOP STOP fctop 8TOI' STOP STOP STOP STOl STOP STOP Stop STOP ADJIINISTUATOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK AI.UEUT UUNTElt, llEC'U. Letters of Admlulstrutiou on tho estiito nf Albert llnnter, Into or Pino township Colum bia comity deceased, havo been gianted hy the Itcglster orsuld eounly to John w. Hunter, ot Wellierlv. Carbon contitv. l'n. All nprum. hitviug claims ugalnst llio i siate of tho decedent mo iiiiueniiii in i' i-M'm ineiii inr settlement, and thoso Indebted to thn estiito to make pay ment to tho undersigned, admlulstralor, or to J;. II. Little, Lsiiut his olllco In lilooiiisbuig, withoutdeluy. JOHN W. lIUNTIIlt, uuvJtV7U-w, Administrator. A DMINISTUATOU'S NOTICE -t KS TATU OK 11KUN A Kit lSlllfl 11 1.' I1T1' t.L-riln Lelteis ot admliilstrutloii ou tho osliilu'of j.uiiviivity, jute ui I ouyilgn-llt lowil- shlp. UoluuiuU luunty, I'enn'a. deceased. Imve bceu Kiauled by iho Itcglster of sah county, to Daniel Dougliertv, ol Cnnyiighain township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania. All persons Having tlulms or demuuds iigulust the ilecedent iiroitiueslidtomakelliiml(uuwn,aiid those ludebtiU lo muko imruieut. DANIKL DOUdllntTY, iioviV70-6w. Administrator. NOTICE IS IIEUI1Y aiVEN. that Iho Illoom l'urnaco and Hcott Town publlo school housts, lots and furiilluie, will bu soltl ut pub He sale, to tho highest and l'et I Id. der. on HATUItDAY, tho 31.1 DAY OF DIX'KM I hll, lS70, atou o'clock 1', M coinmcncliig ut the seoit Town properly. Co.NuiiioNa.-Onu. lourlli or tho purchase money U bo paid ou s rlklng down of the property) one.fourth In six inonlbs Iroiuday ol sale'wllli Inierfst on llioamountmiialnlug unpaid, nil iho balnuca in one s.eur vlthmte.-tbtiiomi.tcond pavinent. lly order of Hoard, jj, J, IKi!l;h. uov';u-(lw. riecretary. NOTICE "m iieuehy" CnVEN that an application will bu innilo ut Ihe next Meeting nf the Onnrul Assembly of tlio Com iiiuwinllh ol I'ltinsylvanltt lor the lurornorn. Ilou or a bosk. In si i oidunre Willi the laws of the L'omuioiiweullh, to bo entitled tho "Cutuwlssa Deposit and Having Hank," In bo located ut Cutu-wissa,,I-a.,wllhaiuplUlofUlly ibousaud dollars, with the right to Inert asa the sawn to one hundred nnd lllly thousand dollars. UUawbsa, July J, Itfo-Cui, T ss. 33 1-1 U PJ Wfl WjS ii SI m IlyvlrluoorKuiidrywrllsnrFl.l'a.nnd Iv.l;H. Issued outor lliodoiutor Cominotl I- eas ol Oo; luiuiiia county anil t(inioiiirccieiiwii.iiMeAi'u-in. I'isaloby piililln venduo or outcry ntlhoUniirl Ilmisoln IflooiusliurK.ntonoii'rloclt In thonlter lionu of Slotidav ilea Silt. ls;o.llioroll'-'Wliig real estale, to wit! Atl lint certain tract or land, sllnain in mo township of linens!, I'nlutiibhi county, ra., con- lailllOK uooilb ll.l v- nm. mull) in i,..i.i.... .. ou the north hy lands or John Lelliy, on tho cast by lands or DinlclHIelii.on tho south by lauds of Win. Thomas, nnd on tho west by lands of .fciscpll l nomas, W illi llio llliliuiienniirusi iinu, all that certain tract oriand sltualo lu Iho town ship and county aroresald.boundod imllio north by lands or Henry Davis, ou tlio east ny lands ol Jonas Fctlermau, on tho south by lands or t.-haries I'etterniau.oii Iho west by lamls orsilas .lohusoti.coiitalnlug about 1 U A(IUK-, moro pr less on which is ciecicn a raajn. imi i. liollsll, Irnmo bam, Willi tlieiipnurtonaiices. Seized, Islten In execution, and to bo sold ns tho property of Wesley l'orry. ALSO ! At tho samo timo and place, n certain tract tit land, sltualo In llrlnrcreelt township, Columbia county, containing nlioul SIX Al'llfX, nninded on tliusimtli by IhoNorlh llranch Canal, ou tho west by lands or Hannah Hpoiiobergor and Steph en Thomas, on tho north by hind or John tl. Ja coby ami on tlio east hy land or Stephen Thomas (within which boundary lies n strip or land lying between Inn river road and rail mad and run ning ft nm Itrlarcreelc to other portions of land herein levied upon, belonging lo John U. Jncoby now, nearly cutllngtho tract lu two. (which s exccpicd.loil Which is erected il (lllWr illLU 1-LAHTKK MILL, SAW MILL and 311LL HUUSpi with tho appurtenances, with tho right of water power ol the crce'c through the land sold hy Jo slab Thomas to John (1. Jacoby, together Willi tlio races and d mis, nnd lo go thereon to repair, Mcli!ed,(nken lu execution nnd to bo sold ns tlio propeity ol Joslah Thomas. ALSO . At (l.n enlrtn llllin mill ttlsce. OllO lot Of CrOUlld. situate In the townot llloonisbiirg, bounded anil described as Pillows t llujlnulng at tlio loruer of I Hugo Alley ami niiemans uuey, uiui luiiiuug thenco ono liuudrcd ami seven leet, threo Indies nlong Whitman's nlley, thence nt right angles to tho samu sixty feet, theiice parallel to Whlt nian's alley, thence nlong llldgo alley sixty-six lcct to Iho pl.ico of beginning, containing seven thousand, seventy-eight ami one-halt sipiaro lcct, together Willi Iho uppui tennnces. In sell- l.i.. ili.siTllinil HI onerl V. lor llO COI1- vcnlenco ol purchasers, It will bu divided mm two parts. ... , , Suled, Inkon In execution and to ho JOld as lliu pivpeny oi jo-epn l.. sli.iuuuii ALSO : At tho snmollnio and place, nil that certnln luiim.'. ,liii!it(s in thn litwii of IlloonisOurt:. ou Ihlrd Street, Honth i.l le, ami near lliu western terminus, ii'ioinlnilot now otrettpled by Milton Mi-Uler on ihu west j nald houso being about Mx leeil Iful by twenty-six feet, two stories I'hjh, 01 11 lot llliy leet lrmit by two huudievl uud .six ieet ueep or ineieauouiN. Helzed. laketi In execution and to bo suit! as tlio propeity or l'cter l.ueiinooi. 1 s..siiiii.'iM f iftr t VI'M HovlS'70 St. diuituiiviti tuinij.n''! Mhcrlll'. "VrALUAHLE J1ILL I'ltOPEUTY V I'Olt HALS, l louring mm, inreo.iuus oi sinnu, i u inn-, old stock Irench burrs that enn not bo surpassed for making cliolco Hour. New smut machine .tint ou.ts, titu IJIPr.OVKD TUIIIIINK WATJ3R WIIKEL wnler siifllclcnt to inn the wholo year, capacity ol mill L1IIIOO In 21.(M),1 bushels Iter antlUHl. billiat- ed lu ono of Hie best wheat sections in Iho Slate, A largo run or custom, six miles irom u.invuie Haw mill attached lu good order, 55 ACUES OF LAND, L.ltOi:i)Wi:LI.INO HOUSllwlth nil tho nee-i'-sury out hulltllngs, bearing oielianl with chotco Iriilt. This properly will bo sold for less than cost ol tho llnpiovelilents. Terms easy. For turther particulars Inqulro of D. A. FINNHY.on tno proiicriy. or niiuress in jjauviue, i .i. Danville, Nov. W, ls70-l'm. p U I V A T E S A L E o r V A L U A II L a It i: A L 12 fi T A T 12. Tho undersigned offers nt private sale a farm situate In Locust township, Columbia county, aootu i iiuio irom ino oiu i.siuer juinacocou talulug SIXTY-ONE it A 1 1 ALE ACUES. whereon Is erected a good dwelling house, n largo uewuamnuu oilier necessary out build ings, A GOOD APPLE 011CIIAIID f rbolco frnlt. nutl n nover f.illlni dnrhi'? o water at tlio door with n wprln houso. About tvo-t hi nls ot tho land is cleared and In good feiHiooi cunivaiiou. 1'or turther Information nnnlv to John L Hurst, Locust township, Col. eoor W. W. Uurat liauvnie, .Montour eo,( ra, I'osspsslon ulven oil tho ilrst d-iy of vprll Is? oet:i'7U-:iin. V. W. nUltftT. I3UBLIO S.VLE or VAi.u.uiLi; I'iiorjmxv. Tho undersigned will oxposn to publlo f-alo on tho nremUes. on HATUKUAY. DllCKJlimit .Id 170, at ID o'eloelc A. M., tho iollowliig vnluablu pioperty, rsltuato in Locust lownshtp, Columbia county, near David Yeajjer'is lintel, adjoining lJiius oi jooii leader, joiiii iierner, Jieury rjnitiiim outers, on which isertcieu u goou two HToiti' I'haxik Dvi:rj,iNa notwu nood two story framo rabinet fchop, awell of wuier ou mo poien, anu an omer nteeijsary oiu btilldlutrs. Conditions or Hai.k. Fifty dollars to bo paid on tbo day of hale, oiie-liair of tho purehaio money lo do pain on iho lstdny oiApfli,JK7I aud tho balance to bo Wild In three eoual nav- ineutHtobu paid annually. Is'e-l()tl will bo hooust, Nov, 11, lh7- - It, T)UIVATK aAIE VALUABLE It 11 A L HHTATli Tho undersigned oil'crsat prlvato salo about 90 ACHES OP VALUAHLE LAND, situate. In Ilentou township, Columhta county, bounded by lands of Klliubctli Kline, Daniel Miultz, Jacob Ash, Jacob llelshlino ami otheia l'lltecu Acresof which Is eh ared laud, It also contains a goou young orciuu-j, A FIIAME IIOUSK AXJ) 15 A UN and a never l.illlf.g spilng of water. Also a HAW AND LATI1U MILL. The balance of Iho tract Is licnvlly limbered nn diiii, 11 tin at., For terms, eomJIt Ions, Ac, npply to tho under- "'ri'"i W 111 llllll MUIIUCI UI Ulll'DnillUUUl- termltjcd by surver. ileuton.Junoi:i,lh; WM, APPLKMAN. N EW FIKJI AT OP.ANGEVUiLE IllOX FOUNDRY AND AGIUCUL TUBAL WOIIKS. OltEAT JMIUIOVESIESTS IX TI.OWS AND TIlHUmilNU JIACIIINUH. Mr, Jacoby Trlvlenleco having purchased the iiiieietiii uiiiiitert v . l.uw 111 Ilie ll'lov o lllimoa worl;n, the husluei-a will bo continued under tha llrm unmoor Vl-ii.i.tAMr'emiyi.mi.v Co. Having discovered i.eveiul luipcrlccllous In Iho nhnvs manufactured In lbo. they havo fctreiistlr.ned anil tmiiroved them, and iiilded homo entire new iiatlcuiH. Tliey will oinn tho Hprlnit trade oflsTl lur lu ndvaui-o or iinythini; ever oileieil lo t lie inibllc, bclui! both luacl'cal iikcI'IiiiIck, uud lia.' Intr llielr woik all dojouiulcrllielrown hiiper. vision lliey fii.uniuco ihe.r wo.l; hjpcrlur lu material and to any heretofore ollered, llenlera should not accent of miv iiiIht nctlcul. lurnl liiiiileiuentM until lin y havo exainlnetl our Manufacture, r'arniern hhmilil try our plows beforo buying liny other. Uheynlso mauufactiuo A LI. KINDS OF CASIING3, usually .made lu first clam l'otiudrlnn. naw ami KrUt mill eastliiES, inado nnd lltted up to order, TintESIIINa JlAClIINES nro mado akiieclalty, niul 1.01110 very decided Im ttrovemclllH have la en Introduced lulu Ibt'lr lit t. chines, l'rlees lower than ever; nil kinds of 10 1 uiry pronuceautiniu iron taiteniu oxmnmie wtui-t utifct jiutu uiu iiiaiiuiaeiury. uui uircu cIch supplied durlui! the Inter. AddicsH all uidem to WILLIAM SCIIUYLEU & CO., Aanicui.-ruiiAr, wokks, oiianqu villi: COLUM11IA COUNTY, I'A. novis' noLLEcroiis i Collcctois of County rales ror 1ST0, mo required to sell lo tho amount of their doa-iax ilu.lm; lliu Ilrst week of next comt, nml, If possible, tho county lax also. Those holdluu diiplicaliN prior to ls:o, not yet paid lu full nro lequlred losetlle at the samo time, on penalty or cost. The 111011. ey will bo needed to pay brldgu contracts, bridge .11I.I11S, tsc, WM. a, QUICK, I CYltl'H liomilNS, V ComraUs'is, 11. j.iu:i;i)m:, Attest Wm. KitiiKUAUii, Clcrlt, novl7(i-ll. A DMINISTUATOH'S NOTICE. fi tSrATB OK MAltV C'UKAHY. III.C'U. l.ttlersof iidmlnlstralloii 011 Iheestatuof farv Cliasy, lato of Mlltllu twp., Columbia county utc ti., nao uceu giauicu uy uiu ut'Kisll-r 01 saiu countv. to Kalnntil ('iiMki- nf Milllln ttitviishlo. All peisoiiH havlnu claluiu or deuiands against ino oeet ueiu are reiillisieii 10 mauo llieui ttliown anu inose imicmeti iu mane payment. rmaiuj'.L. unwasi , Iiovl8'i0-(iw. Admlulsliutor. pIUVATE BALE OF YALUAIILK HKAL ITATK. The undersUned offersnt private sale,n l-'AHM bltualu lu Orantio lownshlp, Columbia county, CONTAININU HliVIINTY-blX ACIUH, nil liiiiiroved land, nml uuder good cultivation, 111-li-uii ui u ereeieti n EKAJIE DWELLING HOUSE, anew l'ltAMT. HANK HAllN.und nlher iiccc' fcury oulbulldinus, two good Apple tiichuitU Willi 11 Mirlety of other iliolco Irult, amluucver .uitiiiK louiimiiioi itillllllltf svaier ut inn tttiui, l-'or terms, conditions, t!t.e.tiipplv to the uiulei. tlBitid. ' Ii! li 1IA MAN uinnyo township, Nov. 4, Ib7u.uu, JOU PRINTING Neatly executed Kt tUU Office, T. ROIIENOIC ADVIHUS CON wiNiHi'n!rnvj:H 10 uu T0 viiia in Having for tho last Ihlrty.fWfl years devoid niy w inVn timo nnd nltentlou to tho slK , lung dlsyases nnd eomuinpilon, I feel thi t i ,iSl ilersinnd fully tho courso tlmt ought lo miFs I to lestoio n tolerably bad caso or diseased ii..,; 1 lohoalthy soundness. Tho ilrst nnd mis. T porlant step Is for tho patient to avoid b.Vi!!' cold, ami llu. best or nil daces on this con b, 5 for lids purposo in wlnlcr, Is Florida , wel" tef in Iho male, wlicro the temperatiiru Is regi?k? and not subject to such variations ns In , ' Northern latitudes, l'alallm Is ft Point I "n re" i-iiiiiiiiuiiu. j u'm iiuiu. is itepL mere bv man. Lust winter 1 saw several persons thill whoso lungs hail boon badly diseased, bul"!J08 my inedlclnes Ver i Bettluswell.' unu uumircd nines iiiriner uowu thetlyer tsn and It seems almost Impossible In tekn mi l there. Tho tnhlcs In Florida mluht. b8 CeSli ami patients complain nt times but that Is i l l sln, ns It Indicates a rclurii of nnnetlts HI ,i when tills Is tho caso thoy Koucrally IncrpiiVn i I! iis It. n 111 I I holt inn lilttir tit it si v iiiy reasons mr Hnyimr so nro Hint pallentj ir. less liable to tako cold tliero tlian i,V i 1 a less oven leiniicrature.nnd It Is not nccesssn 11 nay thai whcio ncunsiiinntlvo person exno'ses niiusi'ii in tii'iiiiciii cuius no is certain to .uA shortly, Thcrotoro inynlvleo Is, go well down Into tno HUlo nut or looroacliof pErvadl i i!S winds and fos. .IncUsnnvlllo, or nlinnst any other of tho localities I have named, will honli lit thoso who aro troubled with a torpid liver n disordered stomach, deraugod bowels. .n throat or round, bin for thoso whoso lutmtnre ...........v-n . ....... outiiiiuui .iijiiii, is earnes ly re. commended. ' L For llllei n years prior toisin, I was profession, ally In Now iork, lloslon, llaltlmoro and piui,.. dofphl.i overy week, where I saw and exniiiinp i on an averniro tlvo hundred patients n iveel: jiiiivtit:c i, caiuiisiu, cittuiacillir ev ery llOssihln phnsoor Innsdlsease. has enabled me to under, stand Iho dloease-lully, ntid hence, my oiuilon In I'en.u'd to tnkliiKeold. A peison may iui vastinianllllesof ".Sihenek's l'nlinnnio Miruii Hennecd Tonlo and .Mnndrulio l'llls." und i! die If ho does not nvold lakiuircold. ' 111 r 101 1011,11 cany every iKitiy is usincrHc llncli's Mandrake Fills, for tbu ellniatu Is mnm 111.-. 1.. .7 produce bilious habits tloin moro northern till, lutles. It is a well est dilHlled fact that natlu's ol Florltla laid r die ol cnnsumition, csptcmhy iiiosutii 1110 Koiiiueru pari, uu 1110 other liaiitf 111 Now Uislsnd, one-third, nt lenst.oftho nonu! lation die or this terrible disease. In iho M,. Hlalea it docs not prevail fcu largely, still t lic-i 0 nro many IhoaHands of cases there, whutatasi 1'i-n.i-iiiiitiT in uiu woinu no saveu 11 cousiimii. lives wcions easily alarmed III rctfard to tnklu, liesh cold as lliey aro about scarlet fover, snmii nox,.ti Hut they are not. Thoytoko wluitlhev leriii a lltllo cold, wliicli lliey aro credulous eiiollh lo believe will wear oil' lu n row days They pay no nltentlou toll, nnd hence I: bits tllO roiltldallitli till- tntnllici' nml ni.r.11,... uulil tho lunas nro diseased beyond all hone for cure. ' Jiyivlvice lo persons whoso lungs nro affected oven sllKlitly Is, to lay Inn stock ot Kclienc't's I'uliunulti .s.vruivHchenclc'KHoaweed Tonic and Hcheiiclfs Mniidrako l'llls and bo to Florida I reeoininend theso particular inetllclues becAuso I aitl thot'ouglily acquainted with their action I know that where tuev are llsctl In strlrl n,.....n.i! anco with my directions thoy will do tlio worn that Is rt qulieii. This accomplished, nature will uu tuuiwh lliu iitiyniciau WHO prcscllljcs Tor cold, cough or nluht-sweats, and then advises thop.illent to walk orrldo out everyday, win bo suro to have n corpso on his hands before loin;. .My plan Is toittvo my threo medicines, in ae. cordaueo with tho printed directions, except lu Mime cues whero a freer nso ol the -Miuulrako l'llls Is necessary. .My object is to give tnno lo tho stomach lo get up n good nppetlte. It Is al waymiBoodslBn wlicun patient bcslns to crow liunsry. I havo liopos of such. With a rellsu lor iootl and tho eratlilcatlon of that relish comes Bond blond, and with It moro tlcsh, whlcli is closely lollowed by H heallliK nt tho lllllL's. Then tlio coubIi loosens and abates, tho creephut elillls ami clammy iilKht-swcals no lonirer prostrate and nnnoy, nnd Iho patient (rets well, proMdel he nvohls taking cold. Nowllicio mo many consumptives who hao not tbo means to uo lo Florltla. Tho question may bo usked, ia thoro no hopo for such' Cer tainly Iheio is, MyadMcoto suchls.and eer his been, to slay lu a warm room iliuliw tho winter, wlili a teniieraturo of nbout seventy de Kii'ta, which sliould lio kept reitulaily al that point, by menus of n thermoineler. Let such a patient tako his exercise within llio limits of iho room by walking up und down as much ns Ids slieiiitlli will perml,, lu order to keep up a healthy circulation of tho blood. I have cured thousands by this system, and can do so ngalii. Consumption Is as easily cured ns any other dis ease It it is taken lu time, aud tho proper kind of treatment is pursued. Tho fact stands mulls, puted on lecord that Hchonck's Pulmonic .syrup. Mandrake l'llls, and K'awred Tonlo havo tutu! ery many ot what seemed to bo hopeless cases of consumption. Ho where you will, ou will bo almost ecitalu to Ilud somu poor ronsutiiptlio who has beou rescued fiomihoveylawsoi death hy their uso. rin iarus tho Maudrnko I'ills nro concerned, cvervoouy soouiti neep n supply OI them overyl hand. They net ou tho liver better than ciliinu l, and leavo nono ol Its hurtful ellecls behind In i.icl nicy are excellent in au cases wnere a pur gative mcdlcluols icqulrcd. Uyou have par. ijikeu too freely ot fruit and dlarrliieicniu".,a doseol tliu Mandrakes will cute yeii, Itoiiaro suhject to sick headache, tako a dose of the iltakesaud they will relievo you lu tan hours. II you would obvluto tho oilcetotn ctiuuyu of water, or tho too rrco Indulgence in tritit, i.tku ouool tho Mandrakes every niutht or everv oilier night, and you may then drink watt t-unu e.a wiiteilneloiis, pears, apples, plums, peaetits or corn, without tho risk ol being made siex by lllein. They will protiet lliosowho live uidaiup hltualtnns against ciillls nml fevers. Ti tliiiu. They nro perlectly harmless. They cautlojiut good only. I havo abandoned my professional visits to llos lon nml Now York, but continue to see pan 'lits ut my oiilcc.No iSN.HIXl'll strict, l'lululel. idila, every Hiturday, from t A. M. to t p. M, Thoso who wish a Ihorough examination Willi the Kesplloineler will bo charged tlvo dollars, Tho Itesptrometer dcclnres the exact loiniiluui ol the lungs, and patients can readily leuru whether the) llio cllllllileor not. Hill 1 desilt It distinctly understand that tho value of my medicines depends entirely upon then bmi taken strictly according lo directions, lu conclusion, I will say that when nersetis talcemy medicines and their system i are iauulit into a Healthy condition thereby, they ure ni.t so llablo to lake cold, yet no one wllh tliseuvni lungs can beam sudden change of atmnsi'liciu without tho liability or greater or less luiuilou or tho bronchial tubs' s. Full directions lu all lnuguages accoiupnny lny medicines, so explicit nml clear any one can use them without consulting uie, mid can bo bought liuiu any druggist. J. II. SCUF.NCK.M. 1). No. 13 X Hixril rjtrcet, l'hlladelpluu. novU'70-tr. OTICE IS IIEUEI1Y (UVE.V that at September Term ISTO, Artlchs of lucol poratlon wero presented to the Louit by Iho I'.ycr's (Irovo .Methodist F.plscopnl Cliurcli, wiilcli were examined and approved by thetoi'tt ami ordeicd to be lllcd,aml iluit notice ol wild application shout I be published lu ononcits puper, piiblishitl In said eounly, tor four wetks piinriu next term, nt which Umosald diarlcr will huconlllmid unless good causo be shoiiulo thocouliury. V. II. KM', iiovl7d-tt 1'iothoitotary. lATAAVISSA RAILIIOAD. 1370. WINTIIlt AIlItANaL'MIINT. 1S70, I'assciiger Trains ou this road will run ns fol lows t Mill! Sovtlt, HTATIONU. Mull Xorth Lv. 8.25n,m Wllllarasnort. Lv, n.eip.m " U.IH " Muncy. 5.& ' " u.ld " Mlllun. " 5.1il " " lu.'Jl " lianvlllo. " Wl " " Ituperi. " i.H ' " 10.15 ' Caiawlssn. " .1 " U.r ltlugtowu. " 2.H " liJIp.m. Hiiiuuilt. " -'.l " lU'.ai " lJuakalto. " MU " 12.H " K..Mahony June. " ' " i;w "Dlue.Taniaqua. Dine. ' VMS " " iX " Heading. " W.) a.ta " Xl.'i " I'oilsvllle. " ,. ' " 7.CO " Vhiladelphia. " 6.1i " " l.'J-i 'MlnoMaueh Chunk, diuo" Mn p.m. iVH " IJi'lhlcheni, " liOOnooa " ill.-, " l'hlla. via llelhlehem, ' !U o.ui. " i.oj " Kaston, " ll.i New York, It. Liberty st,, ,. " M) " vlrtU ".CO ." " H.Vi " L. Valley It. It. " ' ' 5.5.J a.m. . lloslon, " .W p ia I'assengers taklrg tho 8.25 train from William tport, will havo two bom s in Now York, tor sup per, and nrrtvo lu llostou at 5.i0 a.m., eleven hour Inudv.mco of all other routes. New day co.iehcs uecompiny all trains be tween Wllllamsport, New York and Philadel phia, Tialns run through by daylight. , UKO. WUllDiSupl. TilllOUail PASSENQEIt CAll TO ANU FltOM I'HILADULI'HIA AND WILLIAJIsroUT VIA. TUB LEIUUU TALLK1T ItAlb 110AD. On nud after Monday. October 3d, I"T0. through passenger coach will run between 1 m -mlelphlit nnd nil points ou the Oatawlisi IW ll'tad via, tiualtako Junction. , , Nochaugo or cars between Wllllnmspoitinii l'hlladelphla. Leave lor I'll Had 'a iV Now York, Arrive from I'hllad'nJiNew uU, l'..M. A.M. W5 Wllllamsport H. 15 Muncy, U.M Mlltou. li. ID Danville. HUil lUiptlt. 10,1'J Catawlssa. I. 10 Mauch Chunk Calusaqiia. iJ7 Allentown llethleiiom H.I7 Kaslou Arr. 0.05 l'lilladelphia 0.05 Now York l'.M. 5.5U t.J i.m 1.00 3.11 :..;; 1.91 IS.W l.'.l'l ll.:ii ii. I i u.o) A.M. t...... n.t . 1. . tnt...iu ..In ihe 1.1' ,.uti t. juit ttt itat. jut jijtit tiiitLi. ",1,1.1 high Valley Doublo Track llouto I'lilwdi'; plila, Now York nuU all points lu tho LehU" Valley. ,r , (superior fieliilit nccnmmodallons r ' ' by this old und short lino routo mini l'hlla""; ihlaiind Now Yolk to all slauoiuou uuiat, lull ICiud and couucciions. Ilelhlfhein. Oet.Sl. IhTO-Iy. 1 AOKAW AJsNA AND ULOOJIS- JJ HU1KI 11AII.UOAD On and filar Nov. lil, IS70, Passenger Trains i rilU US lUltUWBf Uolng North, Arrive Arrive p.m. p. m. Ucraulou U.15 2.1Z UoluBSn""1 Leavo Mc 1 . Ill ' 3,'Jl Leave 11.50 1.1 1 1.J0 I. H 3.11 &.I0 II. 10 Arrive II. 111. l'.M lMttstou , 0.1.5 IS. 15 1.50 1.23 I. 17 1 ..') UM II. .15 11.05 s niugsinu h.. Plymouth nuicKsniuuy.. 7.4i j,erwici& IlltlOIll W . 0760 Ilauvllle (1.10 l.tavo North'd 3.3J Leavo IV. v t.tmtit;i;iiuii ui . n,,,v auU triibi for Ureal llolld. 11 nallllllltou. Albuuy Hit poiuin riorm, i.uii unu v, i-t. "tf.NP.Hui.'.. tenipernturo la more even and thonln rv nV, f hraciuir. .Mcllonvlllo nnd Knterprlsonro locaii mere. I should nlvo n decldo.t prefere w tl .tic onvi e. 11 is two nines irinn f ww t tills mtiluonly uouuio iracn runio "'';- New York and lluakuku Jiinotloii.and I lief'" Is tho most tellable lor both Freight and l sengers. II. HlANLKi "V,l),Mnt Asst. (Jell l.rntl'1'