8fa (ifcrtumljian Bloomsburg, Friday, Not. 25, 1870, RM.PpTTKNatLL ACO.,V fark Jtovr, nnd Ono. 1'. Ilqwui.L A Co., iO Park ltow. are our only authorized Advertising; Aicnls In New York. J. Weusteii, No. u Norlli Hh Htreet, Cok, Wrtiik iixaco.,No. 607 Chestnut -Irnt.nm) Franklin Hit.!,, ell hcMnut Mrrrt, nrr- oir only suilhorlred A m ills lu Philadelphia, tf Locaij Infohmation.--I'preon In tlio various towns nml other localities of Columbia county will very much nbllfjc us by transnilltltip; stiitPiiionU of local events whenever oectirrlni; In their vicinity. No attention neeil ho iM to Iho form, or word In which conveyed, as It Is only the points of Information that aro needed. tf. Amoxo tho namra of many Pommy! vanlatis reported as havlnir nrrlved at Elizabeth City, North Carolina, wo find tliwo of E. 1J. Hnowr.it and family of this place. ItniNO your buckets or pitchers when you comu to tho "Oyster Hay" for oys ters, but If you forRot them Jacoiiy will loan you something to carry them In; he. Is accomodating. Improvement. Mii,tn Williams, orOrnugovlllulins introduced hteam Into hU tannery. This looks as If tho cum plaints of tanners in various parts of tho country, that thero U no money in ' leather, wero untruo or elso that they do not possess Mr. Williams' advant ages. Important Hale. Wo call atten tion to tho Advertisement of Hie sale of valuablo timber land by Pter Ent, to tako place, on tho premises, on Nov. 30, 1870. The property Is In ltoarlng Creek township, and known as thoLin vlllo tract, contains 128 acres and has a now Saw Mill on tho premises. Jacoiiy gives notice that when tho Transparency Is not lighted It is on ac count of wind, and not that ho is out of oysters. Ho "still lives" and U never out of the libelous bivalves in this tho height of tho oyster season. Poultry. Our market is becoming rapidly stocked with poultry of nil kinds, n suro sign of tho approach of tho Holidays. Turkoys.moruespccially, are unusually liable to nudden death at this season. In fact, as wo heard a chap remark the other day, "It Is ns much as a man's llfo Is worth to bo n turkey now." To Uuildino Associations. One or the building associations In Wil mington recently lost $1000 by dcloy In recording a mortgage. Tho borrower afterwards obtained money from anoth er party to whom ho also gavo a mort gage, and It being recorded at once, it becamo tho first lien, so that, on tho property being sold by tho sheriff, it absorbed tho entire proceeds. Dr. P. John, of tho Korth Carolinian has had presented to him n sweet potato weighing twenty-four pounds! If oth er things grow in proportion In that fa vored land, wo should say that thero would bojust ono huckleberry to tho quart, and that pumpkins but no, we cannot imagine what a pumpkin would feel called on to do under tho circum stances. Dekr Our exchanges from different parts of tho State speuk of tho large number of deer which are being killed. Wo liavo not seen many in our town as yet, but perhaps they may arrlvo later in the beason. Wo had tho pleasuro of ealingfcomo very flno venis-on at Wilkes Burro a short time since, and pronounc ed it, ut the time, to ho better than t ough btef, no matter how you cook it. Wk aro informed that tho proposed Rolling Mill will not bo erected here, lit least for tho procnt. Wo shall gieat ly tegret if it lie dceidul not to build it at nil, as if built it would provo of great ndvantago to tho town, not only because numerous workmen would bo employ ed, who would necessarily etrculuto much monoy In tho place, but because anything in tlio way of an Improve ment is an argument.in favor orotheis, evidencing business life and business advantage!). Chancie or Time. Tho new timo table of tho Lackawanna A i31oomsburg Hall Hoatl lias been published, and hereafter trains will run as follows: thoso going North will leave hero at 11.35 a. m. and 0.50 p. m.; going South at 9.07 a. m. and S.40 p. m. It will bo observed that thero is but little chango from tho pro-en t running time, tho principal chango being in the down train In tho morning, which leaves hero an hour earlier. The SusQUfciiANKA. Hut few of thoso who live in the valley of tho North Branch oppreelatP its extremo benutv. It is onlv after traveling in less favored regions, that its loveliness impresses itself fully on tho beholder. From Scranton to Northumberland is a panorama of changing tccnes of beauty. Tho broad and winding river, tho level meadows and tho mountains on either sldo lookiuir down overall, areolemcnts which but few landscapes possess. As suredly thero Is nothing liner of us Kinu in tho country than this valley, and Its Inhabitants may well rejolco that their lines have been cast in sueli pleasant places. Good luck. In our last Issuo wo mentioned tho theft of a flue gray horse tho property of Michael GroVer, of Maiu township. Wo aro pleased to learn that Mr. Qrover has lnco recov ered tho animal, which whs found near Numldla. It nppenrs that tho lioro lo.st nil his shoes and becumo to lamo In consequence that tlio thief was unahhi to proceed, except at tho hlowcst gait, and finally turned him loose. Host and earo will soon rcstoro him. It is a plly that fcomo of our farmers could not c- cltientallu shoot ono of these rascally liorso thieves, nnd hang him up ns n 'reerow for his brethren. aVples. Tho applo crop this .year 1ms nroved to be an unusually nuunii- ant ono both Hunt and West. In Now Hampshire tho prleo Is fifty cents per blHiol with no buvers. In fact SO plen tiful aro they that temporary elder mills aro being put up In every direc tlou to work nil' the suiiLiiluoussunnlv In tho Western States there lias a largu crop been grown and prices, aro low and f.d Urn- llmli.r 11. ii i.riMimst"lnas wo should fancy that applo pics, dumplings cider uml vinegar mouM bo tho cheap est food u limn I'finlil lniv nrovldetl ol couroo ho could live ou thu urlleks. Just think for a moment itader.oftho quan tity of dried applo pies thero will bo in u tuumry nuxi year i THE Music, Canes, Imlnimonts, ,tc al ways on ham! nt Altstatt's. Court Houso Alley. There was a fearful rush at tho "Oys- tor nay" on Wednesday mid Thursday, families trettlntrovstors Com Tliniilrs. of giving dinner. Jacoiiy dUposod of over Jtfteen thousand on thoso two days. Tho peoplo aro beginning to le.im that oysters aro cheaper than meat. H. It. Deaths. Anv ironer.il reader of mnvMimners tntlst'linvn rinttnr.il Mm largo number of dwtlu bv mil rn.ul accidents, of late. Wo have road of a dozen or moro within tho past two or threo days. Nino-tenths of thesn mob uncholy aff ilrs nni caused by puro care lessness on tnopartot thu persons kill ed. In most cases tho victim wm walk ing on tho track, oblivion, apparently, earthly things, nnd was struck bv the engine. Sometimes an effort Is mudo to drive n team across tho track tho facoofnraiilillv ntlvnnclnrr train. and tho samo sad result ensues. Care lessness on rail roads and carelessness with regard to coal oil latnns fill hun dreds of graved, yearly, in UiIj country. Spouting Park. A number or ,-ealthy gentlemen of Now York have urehased about twelvo thousand acres of land lu Plko countv. this Stale. filch It Is proposed to uso as a huntttiL- ground. Tho country is admirably adapted to tho purpose, containing many lino streams and lakes filled with flsli, whilst tho wocds abound with game of all kinds. A largo hotel will be erected for tho accommodation of tho wives and families of the gentle men of tho Association. The dUtanen from New York Is only one bundled miles. Tho wholo Idea Is a novel one. and will, undoubtedly, prove a success, as tho gcnUemcn Interested aro well nblo to cany out their plans. Tin: Very UestI In lookii.g Into the various stores ofour town, wo have no whero scon as comploto an assort ment of Pino Groceries ns at .1. 11. Maize's Mammoth Grocery, corner of Main and Iron Streets. Every article In that line which can tickle tho palate is lo bo found on his shelves, and he ovideutly understands his business in all its branches. His stock of Fruits, Nuts, Itaisins, Ac. is always kept up, and Provisions aro in largo supply. Although his store is tilled with Gooil'i, many of them expensive, yet his pricus cannot bo found fault with; they aro very reasonable. Politeness is tho rule and nut tho exception is lib estab lishment. Consult your own comfort und your purse and call on him. Snow. Wo of this town and county liavo experienced our first lasto of win ter, in tho slight fall of snow which took plaeo a fow days since. Now in deed may wo bid gocd-byo to tho love ly days or Indian Summer and make ourselves ready for the keen winds and hitter days which will soon be upon us. It has been many years since wo liavo had so perfect an autumn; even the "oldest inhabitant" finds somu dilncul- ty in recalling to his mind a similar ono. Snow has fallen in other places, in Philadelphia to the depth of half an inch, and In Altoomi to the depth of live niches. On Saturday ico formed in New York city threo Inches thick. "Old winter is coming again alack, "so umlro ready for him, and when ho arrives, abovo all things, remember tho poor. The Drought. Tho scarcity of wa ter Is beginning to bo felt severely and tho need of a heavy rain is very appa rent. Many wells nnd springs aro dry, !ven thoso which aro known as "never failing." In some places, up tho river, farmers havo been compelled to take their hoises and cattlo more than a mile, to the river. Tho coal works aro seriously inconvenienced, and a few liavo been compelled to stop, theio not being enough water to f-upply tho boilers. We will probably havo rain before long as it is scarcely possible that winter will pet in without it. Since writing tho abovo tho predicted rains havo cmiiu and housekeepers', far mers, the beasts of tho field, and for what we know, the fowls of tho air re joice thereat greatly. As the old alma nacs would say, nfter these rains aro over,"look out for cold weather." Singular Explosion. On Tuesday lust, a vulennizer, us-ed by Dr. II. O. Ilowuit, dentist, of this place, in tho manufacture of artificial teeth, having been allowed to remain tco long on the stove, suddenly exploded with tetrifie violence, making an utter wreck of the stove, pipe, Ac., betides smashing uioit of tho window glass or tho room. Thu vulennizer being or Iron and very i-ollil-ly put together, offered gnat resistance to thogii.ses which caused llieexpln.-Ion, aud produced n riport like that of a small cannon. Tho top or tho vulean- izer imbedded itself in tho eei'iug above. Fortunately no ono was pro cut in tho room at tho tlmo or loss of life might havo ensued. For some 'hue thero was danger of a serious fire, but by prompt efforts tho Humes wen ex tinguished. Tho stove I- not wor h us much us It was. Thero wero twi seis of teeth In tho vulcanlzer at tho 1 .me, hut the Doctor r-ajs ho does not urn much abuut them, lu fact he im? not tlmo to look for them, in they migh-. bo In tho next township. II Kin Heeled Boots. No fashion has over been in vogue to calculated lo distort and deform tho foot. Of course a lady who adopts this fashion can nev er acquiro a graceful earriago or wall;, and tlio "Grecian Bend," If not nssunud becomes a necessity, A writer t-ays "Tho hhapo of tho fuot is soon destroyed and tlio Improper elevation of tho heel of necessity causes tho other parts or tho foot for instance, tho arch and tho ap proach to tho toes to suffer grout tils tortlou and diminishes their natural strength and tlulr working powers Tlio-o bones of the feet which net con junctively with tho higher parts of the leg, which run up to the colt, Ac., must al-o suffer ; and it would bo well If tho votaries of thoso high heeled boots would bear In remembrance that while they aro priding themselves on tlio gracoftil nttitudo they aro launched into air, they tiro also (simultaneously wear ing away and destroying tlio elegant contour iff tho iinklo, and that Incom parable rounilnei-s of calf. And tho mischief stons not lieio. Their wholo ilguro is to a greater or less extent marred, spoiled, and obliterated. Goou bolld Je welry f r piuti ' Christ inas presents, nt , henry Zui'i'inaER's. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Funny. Thero aro corlaln things which most men nnd women aro posi tive that they can do, without any man ner of doubt. Nino women out of ten, young women of courso wo mean, bo licvo that thoy can bakogood bread nnd inako good coffee, when In truth thero aro nbout five out of a hundred who can do either. Flvo men outof ten think they know nil nbout n horse, whereas tho ono remaining out of tho ten Is tho ono who does. About eleven men out of ton (outsldo of tho profes sion) know Hint they can edit n paper "oaslesj work in tho world (or n man with any bruins, sir, nothing to do but wrilo a certain amount dally; nil you h'WP to do Is to keep your head clear." If somu of theso gentlemen could bo put forcibly in possession of a newspa per and made to edit It for a month or two, they would liavo their eyes opened most wonderfully wide. They would learn that to sit at i desk quietly and write pretty editorials, hears about the tamo proportion to tho whole duty of nn editor, ns a bolt In the slnglo-treo of n earriago doos to tho en tiro vehicle. They would learn that work never ceases in n printing office; that constant watchfulness and earo olono bring success ; that a steady drain ou tho brains of the editor Isthorulo; and that in addition, tho head of the es tablishment has to bear philosophically more grumbling, abuse, nnd advice, for less pay, than any other professional man would dream of. In short, they would find that nn editor is n hard worked man, u much abused man nnd In most cases u mighty poorly paid one. Duties op Innkeepers. Tho fol lowing head notes of thoeasoorilouser r-i. Tully, from Adams county, lately ilecidtd by our Supremo Court, may give useful information as to the duties and obligations of inkeepcrs to their gnosis : " Tully went to Houscr's Inn and pur chased liquor, Ac, and gavo money for eafr'-keeping to ono in tho bar room, as to whom thero was evidenco that ho was bar keeper. Tho money was lost. Tho Court properly instructed tho jury that if Tully was a guest, and gavo his money to tho bar keeper, ono acting in a capacity from which authority to ro- ceivo tho money on tho credit of tho hotHo might bo inferred, ho could re cover if tho money was intrusted to him on tho credit of tho inn ; if Tully was not a guest, or intrusted tho mon ey on tho Individual credit of tho Inn keeper, ho could not recover. An inn keeper extends a general invitation to travelers and receives a reward for his hospitality, from which result corres ponding duties, onobeingto protect tho property of his guests. An innkeeper is bound to tako all possible care of tho goods, money and baggagoof liisgucsts deposited in his house or entrusted to his family or servants, and is responsi hie for their acts and tho nets of other guests. An innkeeper is bound to pro vide honest servants and to exercise an exact vigilance over all persons coming into hh houso as guests or otherwise. An innkeeper is bound to pay for goods stolen in his houso from a guest ; unless stolon by tlio servant or companion of tho guest. In case of n loss at an inn, the innkeeper Is liablo although sick or absent. An Innkeeper is not linblo for tho loss or embezzlement of his guest's money when ho docs not depo-it it on tlio security of tho inn, but entrusts it to another guest, or inmate in whom he repO'-cs his confidence. LOCAL NOTICES. You can buv a Gold Modal dunk Stovo at tho Orangevillo Stovo Store lor cigiueen dollars, and all other kinds at the s.uno rate. n-17-2t. We ad vise our ft lends to buy Singer Sowing Machines at tho principal ofllco of the Singer Company, 1100 Chestnut Street. They aro sold ou terms that place tiicm witlilu mo reach or all. oOO.OOO Singer Sewing Machines aro now in uo, and moro of them aro now being sold every day than of any other. The reason of this Is that they aro tho simple-t and best. On easy terms at 1100 Chestnut street. Columiius Malo and Female Acade myFall Term commences November 2th, 1S70. Tuition $1,00 lo $10 00. For iKuiiiionai p'lriicuiais undress Kev. Dr, Kii.gore, Principal. All persons indebted to tlio under--Igned on Mib-eription, advertising or job wnik, aru reque.-ted to call and set tle the ramo before or during December Coin t C. B. BllOCKWAY. nlo-lw. E.N'rr.iiPitisiN'o. E. M.IvNoun isstlll lepleiil-hing and adding to his excel li nv Mock of Boots, Shoes and Gums, and is rapidly'selllng them cheap for cash, lie is also now fully preparid to make boots and shoes to order, and to do mending and cobbling as fast as It comes In. Bad Practice. You might as well expect lo relievo and cure mi Inflamed eye by dusting irritating powders Into it, a-, to expect to subdue and euro Ca tarrh (which is an inflammation of tlio imii'ous membrane of tho nir parages In the head) by tho uso of irritating suuffs or .itruiig, caustic solutions. Dr. Sage's Catarrh lteinedy cures Catarrh by its mild, soothing action, whichsub dues the iuiliimniation and restores tho natural secretion of thu mucous follicles. The proprietor offers $J00 for n can) of iiunrrn manic cannot cure. Kent by mail on rieeipt of sixty cents. So!d bv druegl-ts. Address It. V. Pierce, M. D., IXi Seneca strict, Buffalo, N. Y. The Si.veiER'ri Sewing Machine Patent. Oho of tho singer sowing machine patents expires next Friday, and thu refusal to extend It Is officially announced to-dny, Tho Comiiiis-lonur of Patents statis, however, that the ro- fu-a! ilues not throw tho right to make Uio HitM-i-r sewing machines open to tlio public, ns tlii'. e aro ti number of other patents Having several years yet to run, which niotict tho Sinner Manufactur ing Company In tho exclusive right to manufacture their muchlnes. Several of iho existing patents do not expire until ib,7, aim ono ol ilium, ma com mir'sUnier states, covers sulMantinlly the same points as tlio ono that expires nexi I'riuay. -iron (lie saw lorn Times of JS'uv. Sil, The Latest Fashionahle Bkveu. age. A furnishing store in this City advertises a now stylo of cravat us "tho lato-i iiMiinn inr tniHiiro.it," Tins may bo the lalo-it Mylu forthooutafrfcof that organ, but a fashion for the inside has Just coino up which Is twice as popular, Xumc'jotly has found out that Schiedam Schnapps improve toda water, and evcrylmly uequisses in tho arrange ment. Although Mimowhat conserva tive by nature, wn tiro not opposed to progress, nctl conceiving it our solemn duty, us a public Journalist, to ascertain whether Schnapps Soda Water was u proper thing to bo recommended to our siibscril'ois, wo tried it. Tho rosultmay bo Mated In a few words. Tho mixturo is goad to lake, mid if our stomach is like s ointicli- in general It Is congenial to that part of Hi i human organization. Finally, and to conclude, "it touches tho right spot." Smuluy Courier. NEW Firm, new Improvements and now prices nt Orangevillo Foundry. Mr. Jacor Trivlepiece having pur chased tho Interest of Charles W. Lowe, In tlio Orangovlilo Foundry and Agricultural works, tho business win uo continued under the linn nnmo of William Schuyler A Co. See advertisement In another column, niO 3t Office Of 3. B, DOBBINS, 490 North Elflhth St., PhllAd. AJUJJJJlllO IAJ5W Vegetable A color mid dressing that will not burn tho hair or injure tho Head. It does not produco tv color mechanically, ns tho poisonoua preparations do. It gradually restores tho hair' to its original color and lustre, by supplying now lifo and vigor. It causes n luxuriant growth of soft, lino hair. Tho best and safest nrticlo over offered. Clean and Pure. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'- novll'70-6m. 1ST OF CAUSES FOR Till Ah AT J nrcCEMRER TERM 1S70, COMMENCING FlltST WEEK. Clark. 1 Freeze. linker, 3 Kuorr. 11 Little. Freeze. 1 Clark. Kdhler. 5 Clark. Freeze. 0 Ikeler. Little. 7 Kfihlcr. Clark. 8 Freeze. Wliltmoyer. Freeze. Clark. 10 Kahler. Brockway. 11 Clark. (Edward McCall.et. nl. VH (John Hweeaey ( William Lougenbcrger et. nl 1 VI lllugh W. Mclleynolds.ct. nl (Susan Gllhnni, J. VH (.Deborah Deau'H ndui'r. S Jacob Michael, VM Hamuel C. Krlckbaum. (Charles R. Green, J. v (.l'elerHchug. (William Creaky, vs iHamuel fSweppcnhtlhcr. (Reuben II. King, Ellsha n l'ursel. Kllcrillc'i 1 VI ID. II. Crcv s, use. , Crcvellng. et. al. (Alexander Colley -j vs (.Altuas Colo. (Monroo Urundage lEllsluil). rursel. (Michael Orover i v III. S. Marr. Clark A Brockvy f l'eter Schug, Little. U Charles Lee, Ilrockway. 1 Wliltmoyer, Marr Brothers. 11 Freeze. ( David LcwH, guardian, -) va IColllus audio's adm'r. (Continental Coal Co. i vs (.Lehigh Valley R. R, Co. BKCOND WEEK. (David J. Waller, i vs (.John M.Staekhouse, ! Thomas Hughes' use, vs Wesley Iluckel.. (M.T. Howo.Kct.al. VH I Jesse W. Merrill. Frederick Hosslcr, vs Gideon Q. Howler, et. nl, (John Jncols, VH (.G. L, Johnson'. fW.B. Kline, et.nl. i VI t Abraham Moore, et.al. (E J. A U.P.McIIenry. Freeze. 15 Jackson, Clark, lu Freeze. Howell. 17 Freeze. Whltmoyer. Hroekwny & V Thompson. Miller. IS Ikeler. Rrockway. ai Llltle. Clark Little. I'l llaldy b Jnckson. (Joseph II, Evans. 1 . Wliltmoyer. Freeze, L'Velle. 2.1 Llltle. llaldy. it Clark A Freeze, (James Masters, vs (A. J. Fine. IThaeher a Co. et. al. VH. Win, Goodman, (Wm. M.Martin, ct.ux. vs (.Timothy Ragan et. al. (Gcorgo Hower's executor, vs David R. llower (.James xicss, vs ( Collins SutUIT's udm'is. (CD. Fowler, J. vs (.Reuben Miller. (Daniel F.Seybert, twilllam Ehauer (William Shaner. - VH (Daniel F.Seybert, f Robert Gorell. vs U'arney Mclirearty, et.nl. Kuorr. Freeze. a Jackson. Llltle. an Clark. Clark. IS Little, Freeze. as Little. Whltmoyer. 31 Brockway. Roblsou. SI llaldy. Rhodes. 31 Ilrockway. Freeze. 31 Wolverton. Freeze. 3.1 Wotverton, David Beaver, Martin Qaughcii, (Charles II. Wllhelm et. al. ( vs I Michael Woods. (Daniel Rhodes, I vs I William Tyi-on ! Michael Qrover's use, Savage Bright, 5 Michael Grover'H use, vs Savage A- Bright, (Joseph Miller. vs (N. L. Cumpbull, (Thomns Fry, i VH (.William Colt man, I C. S. Fowler, vs ( Georgo Klulcy. Sharpies A- Harnian, A vs tCharleH D, Fowler (.Melchlah Miller udm'r, VH (.Ellas Glger. (C.S. Fowler. 4 VH (.Jesse D. Rice. f C. B. Ilowman.et. al, H IMnnassu Bowmau, et. al. Bnrkley. 37 CI 1,1 k. Miller. si) Jackson. Buller. 10 Ikeler. Howell. 11 Lltlle. Jackson. Ii Freeze. Jiukson 11 Lltlle. Abbott. 41 Freeze. Jackson, Fruzc. Balk Icy. I'l Whllmoycr, 17 Whltnne-'. Cl.uk X Frcczu. IS larklcy A Ikeler. 11 ( Tetcr Hayman'H use, t VH (Jacob Shatter, ct. al. (llramhall A-Co. t VH (McNInch A Sliumac. I Harvey C. Hes.s. s Samuel Creasy, adm'r, i Noah Mouser's use, vn ( Georgo Strouser. iShullz A- Funstou, s Alfred Irwlne, Wm. A. Kline, VH James V, Glllaspy, SKIlno A Mclleiiry, VH J, Richards A Co. (John Turner, ( VH I Daniel Snyder. (James V. Glllaspy, Freeze, Ikeler A IUrkl-y, Clark .1- Freeze. ( W. A. Kline. (Isaiah Yeager. vs I). R. Jounton, (John Kromcr. VH 1). F.Seybeit. (Joseph S. Kllue, j s tCharlts Howard. (Catharlno Abbott, William Abbott, ! Isaac Ervlu, I'hlllpOrt, et.al. J. J, ltlchsrdiou A Co. vs Eckurl Jacobs. I Went Branch lusuiauce Co. s ( Ihomas Trench, ( Wm. E. Sterner, vs ( Harmon A. Kramer, I John Gray, i vs ( Sundcuon Hageubuch. Chiik, Si Wultmoicr, Thompson, M Little. 63JJ Whltmoyer. 61 Ilrockway. Clark. 61 Broikwny. Cluik. IA llurkley. Ciark, 67 Little. Clark. M Ikeler. ro Little. Ruckalew A llurkley. UJ Howell. ci Lltlle. Hughes. 11) an. Hughes. 61 Ryun, Lewis J. Adams. Fishlugeretk ShoI District William A. Case. VH Moses Coirman. et, aU Murray, Wlrlack a lUndall, Tnti Nnrlh lliiilsh Wor I tuutllu lufcumicti Co, Murray, Mirluck j Iluiuau, Tho Imperial Firo Iui, to. court advertisements: JirttY LIST. GtltANI) JUIIOUS. f FOR DECEMBER TERM, 1870. Heaver John Shuman, Joseph Shearman, llentnn Richard (Miles John J. Mclleiiry, Berwick--Aimer Welsh, Jr, Bloom W.Keott Conner, James Sterner. I'alawlHsi W. II. John, Samuel Koslcutiauder. Centre Ulram Wilmlie, ilcnrga lv. Hess, Centrulla Ilor, Jonathm Hoaglumt, Coiiyiigiinin Aaron Tenon, rishlngcreik rhlllp Applcmnn. Locust liiinlel Morris, Malnu Duilel Cu hi. Miniln Thomas K, Hens. Mt. I'leilH.int (lilbrlel r.inrnll Wllllnm Millar Mallchl Ruckle. . 3iouinur Muiimci iizirus, Jr, oranuo yriiH Mclleiiry, Joseph A, Henry, BugHil iaf-Ji.hii Kitchen. rpitAVKItSK JUUOItS. X DECEMBER TUllM. 1870. FIltST WEEK. Heaver Hainuel NutiKesscr, llenlnn Taiil Kllngcr. lllnom John 11. Casey, John Mclleyno'ds, Daniel W. Johnson, Isaacs. Ktilin, John K. G Ir ion, John Smith. Itrlarcreek Joseph E. Eck. llerwlck John vouglit, Adrian Van lloulcn. Centre Oeorgo dinner. tvutralla Ilor. Martin Cain. 1'lsliliiKcreck Huku Mcllrldc, Adam Bellas, Grecuwiiod-Oeoruo W. Ikeler, A. I'. Young, John l'atkcr, John VV. lllllasplc. JnckHon lao'ib Rantz, .lonn Aicllonry. Locust Allrcd .Marks. Henry Kline, Mllllln-ilenry Nlis, Wlllam V. Blown. Mt. l'leasant John M, While. Jacob Hester. Orange Archibald Tatterson, Wm. 1". White, Samuel Henry, Joseph C. Hughe, Ilonrlimercck John Mowier, Charles Dyer, Scott Harvey Crevellnjr, Uugarlndl Alvlu Harvey. HECONn WEEK, Beaver Abraham Rico, licnton Lowry Mclleiiry, Joel Roberts, Berwick WlllUm V. Tanner. Illoom l-'redcrlrk Wldtnever. Centie Kdwanl I'aitinan.stcplien McEwcn, u.imi'i iifc,,.jMiur'iiiiri. Cou) iigham Richard 1 hornton, John Laugh llii. I'entrnlla Bor Jeremiah O'Conner. FlsliliiKcreek Atlred Trestou, Joseph Ruckle, Joseph Coleman. Greenwood Joseph E. Eves, Caleb F. Moore, .lackwiu Wilson Albertson, L leusl Reuben Krlck, Lewis Leo. Maine John T. Slmuinn. MlilllnTJohn J. llartzell, Charles Masteller, Madison Robert M. Johnson. Ml. l'lensanl John Osuian, Montour Isaiah Deltterlch, Orange J me." Eves, David Achenbach, Tine Enoch Fox. Ruailmicreek Jeirerson Winter teen. Seolt lliomas W.Eilynr. Hi.Kiirlo.ir Jacob Fritz, William Stephens. RKUIBTIiK'S rsOTJUE. JSOTlCi: IB liLTt-hviilveii to nil lcirateea. creditors nnd ottu-r persons Interested In tho estntes of the re- upecuvH iifctueiu4 ami minors, iiim mo joiiow lnii uitiulnlstrution nnd minrtllmi accounts have i ren Ittftt In tho oiUcoo! tho UeUter ol Colum bia county, nnd will bo presented tor continua tion iind nllnwHnco in tlio Orphtms' Court, to be held in llloutufchurp, on Wedntfiday, tho "th day ot l'efcinber, l)s70, nt ii o'clock In the ulternoon ol 1. Tho socond nnd Hunl Recount or .Tnhn ft. .In- robynud James Hponenbei'tX, ndminNtrutorH of iMiiiui rpunenocie, nu'oi aniiircrieit lownhnip, Us.'L'-'Itts.Ut 2. Tho account of Jolin Tiembly. iardIanof inu iiciMHiaiiu t'Mniuui rwiinuk uairiKuii, u mi nor clitla or Jacob (Jurrlson, lato of Jllooin town ship, deceased, a. Tho account of Mamuel Ithnne, admlnLstrator of Matthi.is lUionc, Kite of Jackson township, deee.iett, I. The account of II. It, Kline and Ioaac Labor, Liiiiiiii-wuit(ii wi tint iitiiii ijiiuur, taio uirjbll' luaeclc township, decoded, o. Tho llrsL und Itnnl ncfnunt. nf JMvrnril lfi. InuK.e.xeattorornilznUetliDuiouIateoturangu inn iiMiip, utmiM'u, P. l'lrst and tlnal iicennnt nf Ojmp II. M lltnrd ndiniulstrnloror Kltz.ibetl. Dletterlch.lato of tlio Uoroinjli of lierwlclc, tleee ased, 7. Tlio flrhtnnd Until account of John C. Myer-, executor of Deborah Mycra, lato ofltoarlngcreeU 8. Tho lllial nCi-cilllit nf .Trdm P. rnle .i.ltnln Istiatoror William M eis, lato of iUuriiicreek township, deceased. 0. Tho account of Samnel Creny and Stephen "iMiu, imiuiiiiiiiHiui ui Jiicuii uouu, lain ui jn. rieaj-nnt township, drceasfd. 10. Tho second account of William N'eal and Charles W. Snyder, executors of William wuider, late of Illoom township, deceased. 11, Tho account of J. II, Ikeler, administrator Srfls SJA iiicun uuu luwusiAipi UWIHM.U, 12. Tho account of Mutthlu Kindt. admlnliitTii. tor of In tac Oliver, lato of Greenwood townnhlp, l't I lin nn,,..i,,i I,. rt,t . 1 T I n.t m Inl tn . tor of Henry II, Kiltz, late oi'tiUKftrluaitou nhip, li. The first nnd partial account of Henry I, Kieas. William II. FrtiiM. nml .In in ok V. htu, adtnlnftratorri of Antlrew lTcns, lato of Centre iow usiup, ueceaseu. 13, Final account of John W. Hunter, iznardlan of FraukT. AppltKi'te, minor child ot Lalayetto ltJ. I'lrst uml llnal account uf Chilstifinna i:m- mett and A. J. Kuimett, executors ot James Km iiiuii, i;uu oi iieniiocK lownMiip, uuccilscu. 17. Hie account of IvtrrHwmk, administrator or L.H miner, lutcot locust township, deceased, 11. Tne flrtit and Until nceonnt nf .Ifihn Ahdn Admlulslintor ot Daniel A lute, late of Miidlhun township, deceased. 1'). The n( count of William Ilngenbuch and Wilson W. Mellek. AdminlstratorM, ac, ofl'eler Mellck, Lite of Weott township, deceased. W. II. JACOllV. Ueglster, Ueslster8 Ofllce, 1'lo.niiHbttitf, ov. 1. 1870. yiDOWS API'KAISKMKNTS. The following appralscmentH of real and per sonal property set apart to widows of decedents, have been tiled In tho otllce of the master ol Columbia eountytuuder thu Kules of Couit, and will be preenled loraboluto continuation, to the Orphan V Court to bo held lu IIloomhburK, lu and lor hald enunty,on Wednt'sdny,tlio7lhday of December, IS70, at 2 o'clock p.M.,olMiid day(un less exception:, to such eontlrmations nro previ ously Hied, ot vjilcli all iersous Interested lu said fslatts will take nollco: 1. Widow of Henry Yost, lato of Loccst town ship, ilt-cejisfd, H. Widow or Joslah II. Furman, lato of the town of iiloumidjurtf, deeeasid. Widowof Lewis Diitterlch, late of Iirlnrcrctk township, dtceased. 4. Widow of Thomas .Stack hot isc, lato of Tine township, deceast'tl. o. Widow of Fiederick Mubach, lato of Sugar loaf township, deeeast-il. 6. WI'low of James Hess, late of SimaUoaf township, diCtaMil, 7, Widow cf Ocore Itupp, late of 1 1 oaring crtik township, dLceaseit. W. II. JACOUY, Uealstcr, IlPKlstii'M Olllce, I Uloomsbuii;, Nov. 1, Jt70. QOUUT PJlOCIjArATJON, WiiKitKAS tliellon. Wlllinm Klwell, Iresldent Jml;5iofthe Court of t,tr nnd Tei miner and (Jjner.il Jail Delivery, Court oi Quarter Sessions of tho Tc ace and Cmui of Common Pieiisand Or phan's Court in the 0th Judicial District, com posed of the counties ol Columbia, Millivnn and Wyoming, and ttie Iton.liaiu Di'traud laacH. Moiirou Associate Judts ot Columbia county hao Ksuisl their pnrfpl, bearing date tho Ot Ii day of c epleriberln the year ot our Lord, one thousand, elht hundred aud seVeuty and to i.ieiilr ct (d lor holdlncaCourtoi oyt-r aud Ter miner and (h'lieial (iuarter Sesslous of the I'euct, I'nuitof t'otumon I'icas and Oridian'i Court, lu IHoomsluiri;, in tho county ol Columbia, on Hit flrnt .Monday, being tho uth day oi December next, tncoulinm- ,'o weeks. Noth-o is heieby tl'veu, to tho Coroner, to tlie .Justices t t tin lVa. t , and tho t.'oUHtables oi tlie sahl county oi Columbi't, that they bo then and theio in their pi-tiper p win at 10 o'clock In the forenoon oi said Mil mn ol Dtr with their rec ords, Itaiuisitttins and other i-cmcmbinuces, to dothore thltiys winch l their olllees appertain to be done. And thoso that aro bound b reenvuizume, tit pnihecuto against tlio prls oKers that aie or may bo lu tho jail ot tlie ttuld county of Columbia, to bo then and tbeieto rroscM'uto (hem u shall ho just. Ju rors aie u quested to be punctual In their at tend auce,aieiably tothtii notices, Datedat Uloonis- -a n buiVi the.'sih da oflHt, In the year I., h. ot our Lout, one IhoUMtnd eluht hun- 1 died end seventy, and In the ninety fourthyear ol tho Indepetidcin e of the United states ot America. MOUDMCAl M1I.LAHD, JUooinshitri,', Oct. -i. 1S7U. Uliciltl. 'ik-oim 'ii A:a4tmsuiooiti L',1 'Jtiqstuooti 'Jidoni ouuiiaiH 1 tJf A'UI JJJA(t Jtjt OOH pUU iUl u) J 'it vop ofilu Jdtd tti tun) bim pi,j4 oi jo,i AU)1 J.plAO0I( UJ I S Iptlli U HO O) JOtl 'M'U J1.(1 01(1 OJ Oil tI.11f.(0 MVi 40 At ll jjit.a()i, if i oa sjn).Ao i ojj joj 'ALU J.)pj.'0 oil SJJ1BA0 mVtU JO.I A1 II JOjhA'oQHI "I 1H tsJJJSAU pdpji,riJ 'M n jupi o M1 l'i MfiJA'o lamib joj Afll JJlKAO OtlJ i1 VU tiJOpiAO umj 40,1 jCvjj jojhjo J a wjoiwao duanj Jok-t a'vU ij1sao oill U sjopi.to jo AVll HMXWAO UIU WT OJi OO &UH1L8AO JlbMU.l IIOlUL p 111 V ATK SALIl O Y VAhUAlWiK HI2AL V H T A T 1. TJie mulerslyncd offers nt private pale a ftrm sltnato lu Lot ust townhl)t, Columbia county, about l mile iroia the old Kslher lurnaco con taining SIXTY-ONE & A HALF ACHES. whereon In erected a uood dwelling house, a larue new burn and other necessary outbuild " A GOOD APPLE OUCHAIin f choice fiuit, and a iwer failing uprlnjc of water at tho doorwliha ttprlnu hmue. About two-thlnis ot tho laud U cleared and lu kooU stateof eutthatlon. For turiher lulorm&tion npply to John h Hurst. loeut township. Col, ooor W, W Hurst Danville, Montour eo., Fa, Fogsi sshm ytven on the Urst day of April 1ST uct-Y7i-.liii, W. W. HUltbT, PlIILOhOlUlY OK iMAIUtlAGE. A .mv 1 oi'itsi'.oF LKtTi'nKs.aHdi'll.'eredat the l't una. Vol tti huto und Anatomical Museum I'JoS (lattMit rt., thiee doom ubovo Tuelltti, l'hlladili'hlti. (inbiaeliiK Iho subject t How lo Llti ttiid What lo 1ju fort Youth, Matuilty and Old -uc; Manl t.od UeuciHily ttevleued; 'Jhetui.n oi JiidlfCfctlonj Flatulence aud nerv ouu Dtsetikes ittiounttd for; Marriage Fhllo- sohUil lousldiuu, Ihtse Ueturtrs will be foi u uiiu d en rt U I'll ili t of 15 cents by eddresfcltm: e lVumylvuiilH 1'omtccunju l'ecieiary ot the KM) AhAlOlIICAU Ml'Uia'U, 1VJ5 ChefitUUt hU Ah taitt tphtu, ivmiHjlv aula, Ji.-.? i A Ui iUmw Ot JOii PHlNriNO 1. neatly executed at TBie coi-umbian ytMim PrlnUcg OIO:, REAL ESTATE SALES- pitlVATE BALK OF VALUABLE 11 11 A L nf.VlE. The underaUnel ofrcrstit mlvalonhj. nVAUM lttiato In Oraugo township, Colombia county, CONTAINING BEVENTY-HIX AI HE-J, nil improved land, nnd under goad cultivation, wuureou nro crecien n Fit AMU DWF.IililNd IIOUSK, nnow FRAMEUANK UARN, nnd oilier neces sary outbuildings, two good Applo Orchards wiui a snritiy in inner enoico null, anil iv never lalllna fountain ot riiniilnu water nt th, door. For terms, conditions, Ac.,nnplv to tho under sinned. I). E. UAiMAN. urnngo township, Nov. 1, Is7i)-lm. pUIllTlO SA1.K " VALUABLE REAL 1WTATK. Ill Iturllancefif fill orilernf lli Orriliniisl Pnnr, nrcoluinbla county, the umlerslgned Admluls. uuiwr. eu- oi iiairer i.srick, lain m .llaoisou township, in said eouuly, decenseil, will expose to punllc Miln on tho premlses.on WEll.NIM DA V, NOVEMBER Sudi, lsrii. nl oVock, T. M., tho following dri-crlhtd real estate, to will A THACT OF LAND, situnlo In Madison township, Columbia county, hounded by land of Mmiuel Hohlren on Iho iinriii, iirs. i.yuia isicK ou mo east, nntt other lands of B.tlzcr Kssk k on the south, COXTA1X1KQ FOUHTKKN ACRES, moroorlcs. TKHMlor HAI-EITpii tPr rcnl. r,f nnn.rnnrM. of the imrchose tnoucy to he paid at the nUlklne lowii ci tho property! the ouerourth less the ton per cpnt., nt tho conHrmatlon of the sale; and tlio remaliiInK three-fourth In ono year thcreufter, with Intercut from eoni.rmnllmt ulsl, Miullson, Nov. 4t 1870.U. AUiutnlstrator. MISCELLANEOUS. Q O T O H K It, 1 8 7 0 . J. k 1'. COATS' 11KST 8IX-COHD IS NOW THE ONLY Tlireail put up for tlio American market which BIX-COItD IN AI.Ij NUMnnits, Trom No. 8 to No. 100 lucluslve. FOH HAND "AND MaCHINK RAVELBRS I.tl-T. AND AfCIDnXT 1NSU11ANCR COMl'ANV. nf Hnrtronl, IVmii. Cash A'scis. st. ox o ormts l.H.'i: nnd KMIOU'JIK.VT I'ollcles of nil appro ved lorins. Ample securllv. low rates. Also insures uKulnst Acciii;.TS ctuslnir ou nil or total illsablllly. l'nil eli-s wi lttt'll by tho ear or Tnontli, Has l(UtU ' JUT IUJ Ir Dl A li'aiMllt OtiU' His lo policy-holders. 1IUII1 PIIAVT1CAI, I.VltMIlll.-'lhe leaillns I Aurlrulllirnl .Monlhlr ot the 1'nltfil Hlates eolilaililut; '.I qlini In pnii: 1h lecommeiiili it lo nrincrs evei. where ns a Itioroushly nllhlahlo nnd welt lllustinted Agricultural anil Horticul turnl Journal. It Is largely made up or orlKluiit ma'ii'i, unit iivvmtti 10 psiocit uaiHiu?, uraiii i.,ioviiiji, xno iiairy, urcnaru, Meiaitio nun .Martlet UaiUeulnu. (trnsiiuz. Henrlo" and Fni- tenllltt Anlnuils, a Veterinary Ilepaitmelit, Ac. l'rlce SI 50 per milium, In ndvtince, tsnmplo cop Ick hUiilU-il ou application. Liberal terms u, AlClils und fan vaster, wllh show-bills liirulsh edimnpt.lliMtlon to l'ASCHAI.I. JlOltltIM, i:dl- loriuiii r-roprutur, u onu iiiirueiau bireel nnladelphia. IIOMllS'llUAIril," IIAIMI.MJS1. How To lin OltlAlNi:li t-ull Vive Dollnrs l'l.ANTATlO.NH, I-'AIIMS, VlLI.A Sl'lHANII lOWN Loth, iiiTiik tliiKr 1'hlmii'm 1 anh ham:. Atlc- en, --.IT. Tlio "S iratoia nf the i-oulli." Is hours from X. V. The mcM delltitful climate in the world, l-'ree n-om the tlorsnf No-iheiu winters, exempt from Thro.it lilsenscs. Vlneyi rds nnd orchards in full hearing;. I-"or dcM-rli,ltvi, pam phlet, address, with Mump, J. C. HbltBY, Au- H"'1M "11. Ort."- A AVeck Salary lYoumr men wanted Or0 as lucal nnd travelilnir s.ilesinffii. Address tsvllll sinnipu. 11. WAI.lvKU, 1 l'.irl ItOU'.N, V tlQVAL, HAVANA", Ol'l'KHV. Xit'ih-es ciiHhed and lu ormatluu furnished hy tiUOItUi; Ul'llAM, I'lovlilelico. It. I. THIS IS Ml IIUMUL'U. BY Bending J i ets., with ase, height, color of eyes uudhnir.you will iecele. by return mall, n curnctpuituru of our future husband orwlie. luuuvnuu uuiuiii iiiHirint.-, vuure&s t'UX, 1' u. Ilrawcr No. '.'is, FultnuvlUe. S. Y. riUHltlULU. 1 buttered with l utarrn thlrlv XI ytarn.mid woscured In six weeks by nslmple leiuedy und wlllsend tb receipt, postugcfiee to nlluflllcted. T.J. Mead, Urnwer 17Uyrneuse,N.Y. 1 MVhTiiUV bOI.VKH.-Klueen Mlnutei.' il 1'rlvute CouerB.illon with Married Ladies by ono of their number. Sent free for i wo stamps. AddlehM Mrs. II. MllJZOKILJInnovcr, t'n. A UAHD. A UlereyrciU, while resldlngln South America as n iiilMdonnry, Ulkcovcred u saio und simple iL-uiruj iui uiu, u re 1,1 .,t'rvoiis eauuess, j.ai ly llecay, 1!ii'.'i-ik of the Urinary and hemlnal Or Kiibs, und the wholo train or disorders brought ou by baneful und Tlcloun liabltH, Orenl numbers have been curat by this noble remedy. Prompt ed by a diwlre to bcnellt the uflllcled nnd unfor tunate l will send the recipe for preparing aud using till medlclno lu a sealed envelope, to any one who needs It, V of charge. Addresj JOS M'H T. 1NMAN, stntlou 1). bible House, New York City. nuvnu-tf. riMIOSE WHO AUK SICK, OK AP X Illcted with any chronic dlfllcully, should without delay write for lir. Hamilton's New Trcutlso, sent free to any address. It. LK0N1DA8 HAMILTON, M. D. ol2S ;o-tf. p. o. Hoi 1,MJ. New York City. Q.11AND EXPOSITION. I'OH TIIR FAHIIlONAHLi: WOftl.I) COMPLIMllNTS OP MUS- M. A. HINDhll. No. 1101, N. W. corner L'lcvonth and Chestnut streets, i'hlladelplilii, PASHIONS KOItTHK PALI, AND WINTP.fi Of IsTO, Wholesale and Ketall. v. hlch Pnrls nnd tho first manufactories sunplv. liresses, Muntle-, Cloaks und Costumes for ladles und Children. A sneclal denartliieut of nlaln soil olecrnnrlv trimmed pntterns, of the latest Parisian und l.nglisn siyies, al su per UMzen, ll you want a handhotnelv-flttlnor. well.mml suit, al short notice, go to Mrs, lllnder's for last e ful trimmings nnd uuluty stitches. Mourulng, Traveling aud Wedding outtits, Walking und 1-MIJ1J- iu.iuiurK IHlKsS A.N'll CLOAK Titl.M.MINUS, HUTTONP (IllN'AMKNlV. foniprislng the latest rnris novelties in black nnd colored Prli.ues. (limps, ltuches, Loops, Flowers. (Doves, llrld il-Wreatlls, Veils, ItiLhou new snaiies in velvet, r-nuu and jnneta Itib bolls, -a- his. Xecklles. M AIJ11 UP L.U'i: (IDOIIS-OUAND DUCIICSHi: LAi r; i ins nr.i-is.-i J ui.m.mi.m.. l'olnte Applique, Vaienclcuues, HnmburclMg. lugs, ttnil luseitlous, lllnck Oulpure uml Thread Laci -, new lu iltMsn and meiteiateln price. I IIOICI: l.MIIAN OUNAMP.N7H. Pans, llird", Milts, Cuhtons, Moucholis, Cases and l.al,cy (iood, feltctid by Mrs, lllLderat -i iiiuiii Kliganl line of Whitby Jet Goods, in rets, llieustplus, Kairlliss, Ni-ckhKis nnd llliuelt's pIentlM Hoe ot French Jet Goods, Coral nnd Freni'h Guld Htl. Cli,rn-s, Mcee lluttmib, Chains, Ac, which for pi lie orariety lustle, ctiniiot be surpaKiil. htrang- rs vihlilt g our illy aie respeitfully in- It il In eamtue. Piuklng mid (loir, i inf. Cutting nnd Pittlnu-. Also, a perli-ct s stem ol ies 1 utllng taiiKhl. Patterns h( Ul by Kisllor exprtes to sll lulls of tne Union. Mils. M. A. llINiiLIC-, N. W. ('oi tier lih s-uih sml t hcstuui ts ,1'liiP o.tH "U Kill. KV Vimi AT OltANGKVJLhK mox roUNDUV AND agukul- TlMiAh WOKK4. Uni:Af IMI'l'.OVl MF.NT JN I'LOWrt AND TiiiiKHiiixu maciiim:s. Mr. Jj'nb Tllvlfplft'o Imlu? iitir.'ln'ijd 'b Ititrit st of ( liarli tt V,'. 1 nw Hi tin atc name I v.'orhs 1 1 bustinsK will br t-imtlnucd un -ir tho ll rm maiiHf.f u i i.i i tntvin i.i.n .v k o 11a vhu dis(KCli-d bLVL'lUl till J it I tt 1 1 lulls In lilt J-lltW. m'ltu.fat'turcl hi H", tlicv t itvo stiiUK'ntiud und tinpro( d hHi.. und addd miuh- fidiri lu w itrtttt riis 'J hfv win ( on ti v h, rlnu tradt- nf 1-71 far In ad wan u ot i.n tlili.t; etr oil ltd to the itibla, In b'u bnlii iim ticul inn hnn ic( und huv lni ihelr wnrU aP dnnt under thHr o n MU-t-r-riaiou tlii-y Lfuii'finli'u Uieir woilt Kiijit riir in tnatfrlal and fluielt lo any livretofro otItit'd. it rtu-rs limild not we pi of any other irk'uN turul imj.lt minis until tnc havo cjcniniut'd our Manilla: turn rmnuia slu.uld tiy our pi own bcfori' biijliiiim oilier 'Ihryalso luanufrtctuie ALL KIMLS OF CAHMNGH, usually madelnOrht clnhs ronndrlcw, kaw and gribi mill ruKtlnci. nuutu and flttd up to order, Tinunixa rAcniXKs art1 itiado n tp clatty, nnd somo very derided lin proviments Uaw lu on Introduced Into their inn t-hlneh. Vrlcei. lower than ever; nil kluda of eountiy 1'roducoaud old Iron taken In exihango Itrder direct Irom the manulaclury. Old uytu- eke mi p piled during tho winter, Addrtks all order i to WILLIAM SCHUYLKH & CO., A(1UICLTI-TUUAL WOKKB, OHANQnVILLE COLUMllIA COUNTV, PA, novls:3-tf. JUIU'CENA IN DIVORCE. In the Court of Common Plea of Columbia countv. CI! AllLEri KYKHLY, 1 ltff. T WA, No, 31 vh, y In Divorce II AlWAIirr KYKHLY, J i Slawria Kyerlyt Matlame You uro litretj rwrtidtud tltM the court Iikm granted a mlt on yotitofchnw oiUhet bv Ute flrl Monday of lwceinbei- u&xt, vliy u divorce irom iho bundu of Mutrltutmy hhould not be iU creed In tlw ubovo cne. And aUo apt-oLnt. wd V, It. Ilrockway Coin in 11 on r, t tnkw dto- ltlon of wltii ernes Ut iliU fato,bo will afrtuud V thw Uklnjf of Uio nmunt 111 oQIcm In Bloom buJitoft rrta7, the Vd dy of Detwnber next b4twn lk lhouri or trn o'ekxk A. U. aud tlv o'ck)k P. il. f mU day, vkiu a4k yu ujy ttiMiMt u )uu W4tu iivprf. C. H. rUtOCKVAT, ltOURRT P. CL1.RC. Cruuuulaii6& Atty. torlJbelJant, WJDMYKK & JACOUY KXCIIANUKHLOCK.HIXOMHI1UIIQ,PA. aru ugentH for the kale of 'UrwkwayV' Justly w lebrattd Crum nnd old Mwk Ale, wheh Ihey will frail uk chi un bM rnuntrv brtw til nh tt: w hoi uud h If barrtl" tcruttautiy on bund This ale U breweU by William K, ltr ckwuy.SlS taliX I. sj, U... ..ill, Llls,.l K... J HI..' Uloomsburif, June 16, l470-t m 1 LIFE INSURANCE LIFE k INSURANCE CO-5 O V V K NNBYLVANIA, Ori'oc 701 Chestnut Street, l'iilludolplilu. W. M. HL'YrilltT, Pre't. lAWIUINCM MYF.llS, V. rrcs't. 11, K, UAVIjJ. Sup'tot AuenctM, This Company nrganlrtd by leading tfprrtcn'alUr, of tke, Induilrlal Interesl, of the Slt, rldelv knou li ns successful and resimtiMlhl, business men. drslrinc fo itlncf, l.iro Insurfeuro wltb- lu reach of nil, has adopted a system of MONTHLY PAYMENTS OP PREMIUMS, enabling ovary man to provide for hH f imlly In ui uii km i. riucnu uuenuun is c.inui i J uus uuistiij- ; C3-K,3DXJ-TIlSra- POLICY, a much needed feature In Mfo Insurance. enllrtly case or death, the Interests ot SHAUKIIOIiDKUS IN U U AND ALT. Who have borrowed money t.r purchnsed property paynblo In Instalments txttndlng oT n series of lenrs. by CANCIIM.INa any balanced Indebtedness THIS COMPANY ISSUES AM. T1IK OHD1XA11Y FOIIMH OP 1,11'KANll KNDOWM1NT POLICIES AT LOW HATES OF l'ltLMIUM.ON HIK l'AltTK'll'ATIMl PLAN, WITH 11UTFI.W Kf-JsTItlt-TlONlit AS TO OCCUPATION, AN1J NONU AH TO TltAVl.L Oil ItDJllJi:Nt.B. 4?rull Information ns to Plans nnd Pentures. is ooutalned In Pamnhl.ts sshl.h -will beforward cd by mall ou application to the Home OIUco. Active ami responsible men wanted as Agents. P. M. BATES, ULOOMsnuno, Pa. AGENT 1011 COLUMllIA COUNTT. 4rersoti9 soliciting Agencies in el I nor Ljcninlmr, Cllnlon, Cenlte, Northumberland, Montcur, Columbia, Hulllvnn, Hradiord or 'llogn Counties, will please address WII.I.AItli A. WIM.tAMB.BpMlsJ Agent, No, 10 William Ut, Wilhaki-obt, Fa, nioornsburg, August 19, lS70-6m. LEGAL NOTICES. UDITOK'S NOTICE. 7X ItnronTOFSAMCOrTHKr.I3AMi-.TATK OF" I1MNJAM1N IIOONK, A Ll'WATK'. In tho Court of Common Pirn, of Columbia county. Inter nUn. tho nnderslned Auditor, ap pointed by tho Court, lo multo dJMrllmtion of tuudHiirlNluK 1-om sulo of miUI vet tlnt' , totUn purtliH enlliied, w 111 meet tho put Men intended lor the purpove or his appolutinent, on HaturJay nveiniKT Jih, lS7U,at iu o'clock A. M.,nt bit olHco In liloonisburg. All par lien lutercriieil, are lequeHicd to attend, or be debarred rrom coin my In iorupattornildlund. C. W. MILLKU, nnv 1 70-J t. Auditor. AUDITOH'ri NOTICK. tHTAlhS OF lilt. JOHN KIA'OE, nKC'l). Ill the Orphan-' Court or coluiublu eounty, inttr (('(fitho Auditor nppoinied by tho Court, to nmlto dlMr. Union atuonu hciraof thoeslatt or 1 Joe tor John Kiuge, wilt nurt il.o inrtien Interested, lif thu niiriiiwn nf Mm ntuwihif meut, ou Saturday Uio ittthdayot Noember next, nt U) o'clock A. M., at tho otlliw of c. II Hrucltw.iy iu IJlooiiiburr. In nuld county. C. 1). UIUjCKWAY, AudUor. gUBPUONA JX UIVOItCE. lu tho Couit of Common Plo is of Columhln county, o..epiemoer it rm, ih 0. bUlWiIUU.SttMKTJ!KItS, ) vk. Libel in Divoreo, AMANDA HMI.TI1K(W ) '1(1 tllO Ubo is tntin i ! i iKniiiiiltnl Vuii nrn lii.rm by notilied 111 tt tho s ibpteuii and tiUut Hubpruna lu tho above euu uavlnnbeen returned noue.it wuiniKj, yuu are ntiL-, jto.ui.tu u apjieai in thlseoutt on the hist M in my m December, A. D. 157.', to answer tlie eoniphoiit In thLs eae, M.Uiij.L.vI Mil. LAUD, oct2S7i-St. ttheriir. AUMINISTUA'iUJlVS NOTICK. KSTATE OF DAMhL M Vfctt, Dl.C'D. Letters ol niimln intuition mi t iu itntiw.r n.inii Xyer, lato ot Mitllu twp., Columbia, county, dee'd, havo been mantcd by the llCKislerorsald eouuly to J. 11. yer, of liloom towiwhlp, in the tounty aroreaid.. AllpeiMms halnuialnn ftgalusi thH estate of the decedent are reo.mnttd ' I'lPniH inein ior sciiiniini.isiui ino-o ill' debted to the estate to make naviituiit to llinini dcrslgned, administrator, bcfoie thf 1st of April, octUS70-Ct Admlnisirulor. UDJTOK'y NOTICK. JX. JiK THH SI. i KUK'S HAI.H 01' l'KOfCKll 0F1'HL11'0UT. 'I he uud-MfrlKtied appointed Auditor to distrib ute funds lu Court amongst ciedilors airUlm; irom wde of Prn.or.nl Prpcrty of r-nhl Philip "Hi im i'V uiu itl lllN ill CI I si l l HIT U.U pUT' pose of his appoiutment, at tils olllce in IJIoomt. burn on hiltnro.iv. November I'll. ihTtt. hi. tfu.'i-lf i-lr A, M, All perfona Interested or havinj; cluiMiis ailUlllSt tho said IMiiltn Oft art rennet il ti .nt. lend, or bo debarred trcm comlin; tn for a rurtof said lund. C. U. PAUKLK , i)iji Auunor. ADAlINLSTUATOnS JfOTJCE. ETATK OF FKKDFHICK LAU1MCII 1)EC1. i.etlers ol admlnistrattan on the estate of ! reuerie.E L.nuoacn, laie or sugajiouf township, Columbia county, deo'd. have been yranttd by iuv iiinisifi ui Mtiu eoumy io mirew jj.iunacu, and John ti. Laubach. of Coles Ciedc. (!nl. en. All peihona lualUKcJaiiriH PKainst tlie estate (if uio ueeeueutare lequtsicci to prihent theinfor settlement, and thone Indebted to theehluteto make payment to tho uudernltjued, adminUtra- iuid, niiuuuiuuuiy, AM)ItKV LAiniACir. JOHN O. LAUIiACU, octlWflu- Administrators. RULK OX THE REPltESEXTA TlVi:.S OP JACOU EYKH, IJKCKAUKU. LOI.UMHIA COUNTY S.S. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Plillt P. Kyer, John Kyer, Adam Kjer, William Ki i Anna, Intermarried with John welllver, Mai.i ret, intermarried with Hamuel Johnson Htiirj Eyer. silr.H Welllver. Ablicall who was interm.ir. ried wllh Juckuon Itunyaii, dee'd., Luclnda who wan inierniarrieu wtui jonn ueinou, oee d charity. Intermarried with 1. H. Johnson, tieo. V. Welllver, Mary, intermarried vi.h ivratttri HrnderMiot, Catharine A., In't rmarried with John Allen, and Phlnens WelJlver, hells and leul repuentatie of Jacob Kyer, dee'd., and to alt nerhons Interested. OrcttltiL': You are beifcby i ited lo be and appear before tho Judges ui uiu it )niuiii un urpiiaos uoiiri, io ot) field at hlooiusburg, on tho tlrst Monday ot I)p cember nest, then Mid there to accept or refuse to take the real estate ol Mdd Jacob Kyer, dco'd, in. i nn iipiirniAt'ti vaiuaiion put upon li oy ino III iputst duly awaidedby the said court, aud re tuimd by tliebheilir. And heieof lail ud, wUfPTWtf W. II. LNT, C erlC. Evia: ox the iieiu.s of ax DUKW PUKAS, DKCKAHLIJ. Loi.rMitiA cur.My s.s. The Commonwealth or Pennsylvania tn lTon ry L, Fiea", Fanme M., IntermarrU cl with .Inrob t-'reusy. w in. ii. 1'ien--, unit as. lntt i mairit d w 1th jnnn iiiiviuiui, .niry j me iur imai'iieti wun i harleslllll Harriet A., lniei mat ited with Mor ris It. l'rir.s, Julin L. Prtub, Jnnu-H p. I'leas, KIU llbelh A., IntOM'i.urled Will) Meiilteli Petlll.Al- uii .. a inllloi . Emilia, a mhu.r Int. iiituntiwl wllh Wilson MUl T, rmiiullu 1. Plea, a minor, and Andiew C. I'leaw a inlunr. All Iho ub'.w named mi'iors havliu Wlllb.m hnalfor as their iiuttruian, line 4i oerf tuuauiK oi AliilUV, l'T as, dic'd, and to all other peiMins inteieMed, tiiett iuc : You ar ' hereby eh id tn bit mui mi.u-i.r iu. foie the Judges of our orphans ronri utanOr Di u h'Coitit to be held at Lioinikimi i, ,,u tin. llrst Momlay of DtcembtT next. th n and thert in cept or leniso in tune- too teal esiate r Mi'd Amlrew Pan", dee'd.. at the appraised alu.Uloii put upon It by tlio ioquo-d duV atauled by the -..in imi, iiu4 ivuuii'u in p-iieuir. Aim i.euHu tan uoi, v, ii, jEVj'. i leils. OftJI'.ltf JNCOHrOHATIOX. Nol!(p U heivby ylvcn that on III" Ul ilny o No ember P7-,tiu.liy uihabllant of i oUimbiu eounty prfM-nted a (etltiyii io nn aill-Jiirind Couit of tomnioti Vlon or cald eonntv. pi 4in tlie said fiuri to grant aCiootu of Iie.r' ora tion, under Ihe name t lo a d tillo m "TliK COH'MIIIACOUN-IV Ml It'At. HAVIMJ PlTlANIl Loan Awm iahon.' w th iho imI.is and pnvl lehCb then hi hiau'd, ai d ti w Ht.iIUietit etuue Is shown lo D o cun,,arv on t mi iiim ta of next term. Ill' ura LTnf thu lift tlii nis.1 . ii-il lsu up..,, i. ed.ueeorilui; to th Aet of Asvembiv in nm-h cao uiadeu'td provided. i iiifiiHin, v . ti. l 2s l , in.ullV'J.n, Protliouotaiv. xcoupouatio. NlltlCO lS llfrf'bV CtV.-n. IllBt AM lliALl.l.t'nf Novimbi-r. 17H. suuurv luhabliiintsori'iiliimbiu county prtsentwl n puhlon to mi mljoiunnl Court of t'ommon PJeus of sulj county. pinyluK iiiKsiuu limit lournutu Cliartt-r of Inoorp'iru. tlon, uii'iir the tump, stvlo mill utl i,r"Tiin ll'aOUMIAN CilTl.E lsl-HANrl:('iiMPANV," with tlio rmhts iinil prlvlleBio thin-ill miiKi, anil If unsuinoipiit riuuo Is shown to tho oiui- .... ...w iii.iw, in nt-xi UTUl, ino plH(l- oi tlio tietltloners u-1 1 he urunt.-ii. m-i.tTihti,, ,., ii,,. Art of Assiinhlj' In sut-li casn luiulc m il pr". v. II P.Nl'. novm ,u at, Pfotlioni.tiiry. gUUI'CKNA ix uivoiu i:. lu tho Court ofConiinnu 1'Jfftt cf Coluiubhi ouuly. v u u lia ' . nv ncr UL-iV liunuiiiur.v ii.., 1 I.lbcl In nii-nrc. LLOYD POX. I Huhpu-nu ttuit alias Hubna-im rt tin mil on onth that tlio I'oltiKtunt i-uulit not bo louml lu tho satil eouuly. To Lloyil Cox, respoinlent i Sir You molic-rc hy reriulreU to be uiul appear at ourtulu Cmirt nt Couiiuou Pleas lu unit lor saliUouuty, no the urn iiiouu4)- in I'eeeuiner nexi, lo Klwer lo the snld eoninlatnt of the sultl llb.-lhini. ,,r 1,m liable to 1iiio thu suiiio ileteintlueil by Hit- satit Court ei parte, JIOUIH.UAI .MIl.i ill). itioouisuuru. iov. ii, J&7V-41, hiit-iur, DISOIJUT10 OK l'AUTMUt ftllll. 'Iho co-tiarlnershlp hert-tororoe&lstluir bclweu WlI.LUU hCllt'YLtlt mill ClIARI.lA W. Ijlirt Ut Orsngry ilia, Columbia county, P.i i this day tlltsnlTril hj mutual consent. 'Ibo h 'ilis urti icil in me U4UUS oi ivHAiii.ss w. l.ou k ior sev tlcuicut. - WILLIAM HCIIPVI.KIt CIIAIII.tM W. I.UW1:. OrngeIlle, Nor, 11, 1870-3t. ATOTIOK. Notice 1 hereby Riven that the following tic rounln liav been llird In the ProthunotaivM ut tlce, lu and for tho county of Columbia, aud w ill be presented to the Court for continuation on Wednesday the 7th dav of December in-xt i TheMccoiinl of Jokluh II, Purmtiii, ( ommltUo I ol thepersou anuehimo of Hrulry llartiuun. al luuaUc, of mullock )ruhip, Cul. co us UWd by Michael K Pyerly, Ulu auiuinlstrabir. 1 'ihe Mceouut uf J. It. Ikeler, i:q., A- unci of! il, I). Walker. WULUNbltii H.l-Ni, uuTi'U-iU ProlUo notary, FOR THE PEOPLE it. f, nonrin.BY.Bce'r rate of hlj dtnfh, nt n oit no trlflhu ai noAmely " now lu this country; designed lo protest 1m. I Ii I) I N Q ASSOCIATIONS; OTimtS remaining UXrAID In case of JJHAT1I, T HE DOMESTIC S i: W I X O il A C II I N 11, pon yALE nv M. V. LUTZ, ELoosisnuna, pa. iiTiijnn, nuuin-a a co., HKIIW1CK, PA. This Ren ins JlBchlno runs stiller nnd caller than any other, It has Iciver parts, It has n cast ttcel shulllo that win never nr out, ll Iui Blake's Patent lablu which to see shows lis use. mines. Asenls wanted In unoccupied Teirltory 1b a Pcnt.ni.ln,KtvJirity,:sijlanil,eli),ai Virginia, Wisl Virginia and Dtstrirtur OiIiim. bla. Aitilie HliAKG & CO., SCUANTO.V, PA, SCjilG'TO-ly EADIXO RAILROAD. "wiNTiiit AP,UA(iKiIE.-. Mo.jav, Saw 2UI, IS70. (iieat Trunk rJiieliom the Not th and North' WeHt fnrPhlladelphln,New Yorli, lteautntc Potti vllh', Turn. on a, AhIhhui), siiamoklu Ltt-onon MU utowu, Pu&tou, i:pbt..ta, Idtli, Iancif-TM ii!jilhli,,Vo,, Tiain i'ue HtirtUbure forNewYorlj low.: Ai :;. It, s.ht and H',V a, in., Jni i;.W p. m,, muneeilnu with Mlmllai train ov Pmnylva nla paliroa.l. and arrivint? nt New YorJc m h ,1 '. a. ut 3,.U', WO und lo.'-it p. iu, roHpectivh. -If'tj mi; eaiv aceoini'any it.e !!,10 a m. tudii-i wlHaaii chan ,e. Itet 'M'iu- : rav- New Yorli a! 9,00 elm. nun ll'.im i.c.n i.nd &,cy p. nt, PhllMtMpuia at Klf a in, ii. i. id p. m. Hloepitij ojut ftcoroi'MUiy ,,Vi ( m.. iralim r m M Y wlthcnit tjbauec Lvi-t il Mrlfcjuru tur jtojuUng, PuiuviU ' i.iTU . Mlii'r-Mllo. As1 'and, fchaim.kl . At 1. mown aud Pntla'u. at otli)u,m., and i f and UH p.nu.M'.i i hut al I.-'banou and nriiietiml Mt) HIIll lUllhj (Ut) loiihj the 4,06ptn, train ooblieetfui; lor Plin'i vllle and Coluiubht only. Por PiiifbylU .tyiUlM Haven and Auburn, !h HebuyiUilJ Mibo.uenuuua llallroad, kao lU,rlbl..r CotlsV lelnv and Mibo.ueUuuua lUUroud, !uio lUaibl..r J,i p. HI, i.titi i euuvytyairn iiaurom iruum itiave iicni Iny; U-r AlU'iitoMii Pjivton aud .New York at fi.i.1, 10.S0, n. in., 12.4' m i.i'io. in, Heturnlnc, leave New York at I'.wi a, m., liuo noon and fi.( i, und AlitutoKu at 7,J0a. m. ia.25 noon. 2W, i,:v an S.i't . m. Wuv i'uhsemrcr Train leaven Phlbulidm.iH a! 7, hi a.m., eouuectlUK with similar Haiti ou Kat i'.i. lailioad rt turnlnir fruin lU-kdlEifiii flA)n. m. tippiug at all stjilUuiH. liL'uvo j-oiuvuio hi v,w a.m. - ana s.iu i.ttt II. i lolnll nt IU 1(1 v.i Uhuinnlrlii ut h IS...... 1 t u. in., Ashland at 7,Uo a.iu. and l-,60 110111 Man auoy Citi at 7, jl a, 111. and 1. p. in. Tuuiautm ( u a. iu., and ! r p. m. ior I'nitadelphtr. New lone, U04din( iiurrUbmv.do, Leave l(ott lliu via rseii.n lkill an 1 usonu ha una ilullnwul at S.15 a.in. inr llairUbur nut UJv uoon, lor PiueUroveaud Tren'oul, lleudiuK Acoomuiudullou 1 ram Icumm. roll riving al Pblladelphlaal lo.'.v ... m. Htturuinv ieat Phlladclpluu at 4,4) p. in., pjssiuk; i'.nud Im; ai 7,0 p.m., ai riving at PoltuviUe at tMu p.tu. Potuiovwi AccommodaUou lraui:lta(hPolU towu at 7,t0a,m. fiturntLiK, 1ohch phlladelpbla at 4,00 p.m. Columbia Kuilrwd Train ienve Kwultug al 7,'.V a.m., uud i-Ij p.m. lor KpbruU, Llnz, 1 juica- Pi rklomeu Hall Knad Tralus tn I'trkloiuti Juucllou al 7.IU y,n&a. iu.,si.tt S30p. iu, relum HH! I taw KdiMiiikhVllle ui 7.W, -.J a.m., 12.5i noon a 1..1U p.ui., ooti iodine wnuminuar iraim o tleadiuii llallroud. Co'ebroukdale ) unroad train IeuoPotlluu at y.l'Ju. m undu.Jiip. m.vrelurHtiiK UveMuuut PltaMinlal i.buuud a. in., tnuiutfiig 'lr similar iralusuii Headiua Pull loud. Cuihter Vulley l.nlUiwid lialui leiAO lUaJke portal b.UiiH. iu, aud !.U aiid tXt ni. reHirnu-s leave iKjwulnnion nl li.fw u, in., iv.-ii mxm und r.lo n. in., tonneclius ullli niilllt-r Hatiycr JUudinu Uutlrotul. Ou huuuii', Itave New Yofk ul3,Oip.iu..lnl phiaul h.oo u.ui.auda,lip.ni.((tl.e,Ufu.ni.liulL lunuiusonly tuIteadluK,)Wei,oltvllltt6,a iuj llartibur al 3.10 a, m. and p. xu. hM leave AlleutoftU at KV i iu., imd lia Ueadlutf al 7.15 a, in, and KiUi p. w, lor Hairhe buru, ul 5,iWa, iu. for New ork,EUdal.0.". aua ii. m PhlladelpUla. Comiuutatlou, Wtiewise. Hchfccn, KUool ul hxcuislou 'ik'KeU u and iroui uU puiuU, H te-duLt-d rates. iiuKKagei-hecUtd throURh; Uv pcucda aljrwti eacnpus.uer. G. A. 2UCOLLH, General tiupirlnteDilcDL Kiadlns, Pa , Nov, ill. 1.70. m I , am