IS I'UDLISHED every FRIDAY morning 1KT11R COf.llMtltAN nOltWMO NKAllTHE counT notisir, nr HENRY L. DIEFFENBACH, editor and rnorniKion. Terms-Two Dollars a Vcar payMo in advance. aiHOTTIjATIOlsr BCOO. JOB HUNTING Otall descriptions executed with neatness nuil dispatch at reasonable rates. Columbia County Offioial Dirootoryi JYnUtenl Juilgn WlLt.tAM Eiavki.t.. AttocMe Juilgei Iiiam, Isaac p. Mon itor. J'rolhonolaru, .p. Wr.r MNfiTO.v It. Ent. Jtcattter A Jlnorder-'Williamson II. jAcnnv. District Attorney 11. It.;, Khcrlff MnHDItOAt Mlt.t.Alll), Rtineiior Isaac Dkwitt. 2rcawrrr Daviii LowsNiiEna, Cbmmlt(anri Wim.iam U. Quick. CvnfB RoltltlNS, HllIAH J. ItKKllEn. (jifflilM(aiirr; Cfcrft William Kiuckhaum, iifWorf-l), J. CAMi'nKLI, A. J. ALHEitraoif, Oiron'r John D. IIot't'K. jur!("imlH(onfr-l8AAcJI'.'IliiniK,JoiiNMc-Anai.l. Cuunlu SVjICrltltollrilf-ClIAllLES O. IlAIlWI.KY. Bloomsburg Official Directory. tfrri AVffonnJJJnnl-CllAS. R. PAXToN.l'ros'l., J. P. Tustis. Cashier. ' JStommburg lluitdlnn ami Sutlna rimil Atsoetn on. John TiimiAs, I'reH't., .T-11. Roiiison.Bcc. Jllomnsburq Mutual AiiWii; jsuntt Astoctatlon President, M. Wiiitjiuyeu, Bec'y. Bloomsburg Directory. STOVES AND TINWARE. I M. RUPERT, denier In stoves tinware, Ilu A. pert block, Main si. west or Market, vl-nll JACOB MUTZ, dealer In sloven and tinware Main sltccl.tibnve com! house, vl-nll DAVI1) LOWENBERG, MerchantTallor.Maln tit., "d door above American House. vl-hl.1 1UJI. MOIltltB, Mcrcbnnt Tailor corner of Celt- II Ire and Main St., over Miller's store. 3-iiJ.i DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Ac. I'. LUTZ, Druggisiuud Apolhecary.Maln st 1 below tno Post Ulllce, vt.nll MOYKIl BROS.. Druggists ond Apothecaries, Blower's block Jluiu st, vl-ud CLOCKS, WATCHES, eiC. II . .....,i, 1, .ttiivn, ret'eiMiicii-n ti Jewelry Ac, MnlnStrcet near West nt. v.'l ul5 vVHV'imiitvdt'ii ti......i ci ..... OR SAVAGE, dealer In Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, Main St.. Just below thu American House. vl-I3 OUIS BERNIIARD, Wnteli and Clock maker. j near southeasicumcr Main and lion stu.yl-l't H. OAT1ICART, Walcb and Clock Mukcr.Mtir ket street, below Main. vl-nll UOOTS AND SHOES. n M. llltOWN. "oot and Shoemaker. Mnln U. street, under ilrown's Hotel. vlnM U beluwllartman'sslore.westofMafket, vl-l'J HliNltY KLE1M, Manufacturer nnd dealer In llnntn ulirl Hhnna rir....irluu ... ,nn . . . . hast JJloomsburs. ' ' ' vl-utJ I'BOFESSIONAL. DU. II. C. HOWElt, Hurgeon Dentist, Main St., abovo the Court llousu. vl-11 IJ DR. TO, M. ItnilEIt, Rurueon and Physician, Kxcliango lllock over Webb's bookstore V'3-nia lUt. B, F. KINNEY, Surgeon Dentist. Teeth Main St.. nearlv on. poslie Episcopal Church, vl-niO n It. lKULEIt. Attomey-at-Law, Jj floor In Exchange Block, near the ' Hotel." Office, 2d 'Exchange V3-U1 0U, I1AIIM.EY, Altomey-at-Law. Ofllce, 2d . floor In Exchange Block, near tno "Exchange " vi-u; I I!. McKELVV.JI. D.,BurEeon nnd l'hvslclan j .notmsldo JIalust., below Market. vln!3 r It. I'.VAXH M. 11 NlIM ..n Til.... I,T t).' southsldeMalnstieei.belowMarket. vl-nl.I JC. ItUTTEIt, M. I). Bnriieou and I'hyslclan , Maiket street, above Main, vl-nll II. ltOBISON, Attorucy-nbljiw, Office Hart, tj. man's building, Main street; v2-u( MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS. P 1'ETEItMAN, Millinery and Fancy Goods, 11. opposite Episcopal Cbuich.Malu st, Vl-Ji 1 J Milliner, llams',y vl-n" building Main stri ct, M1KS A. 1. WE1I1I, Fancy Ooods, Notions, Books, audbtatlouery, LxcliniiKe lllock, Jluln street. vl.nll MIHH M. DEItUICKSON, Millinery and Fancy Uoods.Malust., below Market. vlnlt E. KLINE, Millinery nnd Fancy Alain stitel below Market. Goods. vl-ni1' lltH. JULIA A. & BADE BAHKLE'V, Lndlii.' 111 Cloaks nnd Dress I'utteriij, southeast coi uei vl'ijj:t .Main and West sts. II HE M1KSEH HAItMAN Jllllluerj andFaucy X Ij ods, Main bt below Americau House, vln-ll HOTELS AND SALOONS. L'OIIKH HOTEL, by T. Bent. Tuylur, east end T or main street. vl-W WIDMYKK 4 JACOHY.Cnnfeclloiierj', Bakery IT and Oi ster Baloon, wholesale und retail. Ex change Block, Main street, vl-uM MERCHANTS AND GEOCEKS. 0C. JIAItll, Pry Goods and Notions, south. west corner Main and lrou 81s. vl-nM n 11. REERIIOLTZ. dealer In l.ry, Grn. Iron streets. V" ceries, uoois, nnoes, comer Main und V3-H80 A. BECKLEY. Toot and Bhnn store, books & stationery, Main St., below Market, vl-nl l I.i JAC011H, ronlrctlonery, groceries etc., Mnln V. st., below Iron vl-16 ? MENDENIIA 1,1,, General Block of Merchan II. dlsn nnd I.uint ir, corner of Main street and Berwick road. vl-nll FOX a WEBB, C'nnfeelloncry nnd Bakery, wholcsnle nnd retail, Exchange Block, vl-nll HO. 1IOWEB, Hatsr ltd Caps, Boots and Bhoes. , Main St., above Court House. vl-nt3 J J, BIIOWEB, Dry Goods Groceries, elc., cor . uer Mnln at, and Court House alley, vl-n41 ROBBINB a EYEB, dealer In Dry Goods, Gro ceries, etc, cor. Main nnd Centre sts. vl:Ul;l JK. OIIITON, Groceries ct Provisions, Main . Btreet below Market. vl-nll 7 K. EYEB, Giocerles nnd General Merchnn- u . uise. Jlaln st above West. MIKELVY, NEALj & CO., denlersln Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Feed.Halt, Fish. Iron, Nails, etc, N, E, cor. Main pud Market sts. vl-nli Q II. MILLEIl 4 tON, dealer lu Dry Goods, O, Groceries, Queenswaic, Flour, bait, Hhocs. Notions, etc, Exchange Block, Malnst. vl-uli MISCELLANEOUS. A W1TJ1AN, Marble Works, ouodoor below Post Otllte, Main Btreet. vl-nll HLOOMBIUIIIO LUMI1KK CO., manufacturers and dealers In Lumber of all kluda 1 Planing Mill near the rallioad. vluiii OFOBTEIt. Ohio Siaker, and While nud Fancy Tanner, Bcottown. vlnl7 n M, CHItlHTSIAN, Baddle, Tiiink A Harness U. maker, Bhlvu's Block Malu Blreet. vilidll DW. ItOBBINB.llquordealerscconddoorfrom ' northwest comer Main and Hon sts. vl-uU V. "-IHI'I'KMAN. Agent for Munsou's Copper liTububir LiKblu)i.g Itoil. yiulU V J. THOllNTON, Wall Paper, Window Bbadcs Mii1"! l ilxtures, Huport block, Malu st, vl 4i G.W.coitELL, Fumlturo Itooms, three story brlck, Main blreet, west of Maiket st. vlntl UltOSENSTOCK.Photographer, over Bobbins . ,.L't t-',' Btore, Main st. vl- Vi. KU1IN, dealcrln Meat, Tallow, etc., Chem tTAirlln'g alley, roar of Amerlcnu House, vlutl IHK A. FUN8T0N A CO., inulual and ensu ..ffratiuiilrd Insurance coiuiuulis.llrower'a Build ng, Malu Btreet. ' vl-nW TACOB DIEFFENBACH. Broom Factory. Or. I dersleltat hlsresldeure or at Miller A Bon's tOIG tiriimnllv ttlti.,1 ltPKt dp..,, i-nE,.,r.. I,..l, used. " vi.r.iit JAMEH CADMAN, Cabluetmnker nnd Chalr niakcri rooms Main street ltd. Iron. v.1-n2I N W.HAM PLEA Co., Machlulkls, East Blooms 'burif.near Ijick. R. R, Castings lundeatshott notice. Macblneryuindo and repaired V2-USI RH. RINaLKR, denier in pianos, organs and ' 11, W, Corell's furniture rooms V1-HI3 fJAMPEI. JAroBY.MarblB and Brown Hton7 kw firks, East Bloomsburg.llerwlck roail. vbnlo AV. Atof'K. ,ol"ry''ubRCi'orlbenktefimer " Halu and Market st. vl-nll WM, 1IAB1I, elealcr In furniture, trunks willow ware, near the Forks Hotel. , cedea vl-nll YOLUMB IV -MO 17. Orangevillo Directory, A K:.W ''PIANiMerclmntTallorsand i,, nli "ili?n.l",i1,nK 00d"t Main St., next door A i1.';,miK,UM,1' . BROTIIER.Cnrpenfcrsnnd A. Ilnllders, Main St., below Pino. vl-n!7 BOWER & lIEItltlNO, dealer Groceries, Lumber and geucr Dry Goods. general Merchandise, V1-U47 BIiJ.C.1iJJS?EI' aml refreshment Baloon, bv ltolirM'Henry cor.ofMalu nndl'lne8t.,vi-hi7 DR. O. A. MEOAItOEL.PhyslcInn and Surgeon, Main st next door to Good's Hotel. Kf DAXJP.1.,Enn?N9t..,;lnur ""d Oflt Mill, an Dealer In grain, Mill street. vitil Hi' p- KELG'IINER, Blacksmlti.., on Mill Street, near l'lne. VI-U47 T. IV I'iKTAnI",l I'l'ystclnn nml Surgeon, Main ! st.,llrstdoornboveM'lIciiry'slloiel. V4-U2.1 TAJIKS 111. HAItMAN, Cabinet Make: aiid IJu. O dertaker. Main HI., below l'lne. vl-1147 I V,.l!,AJMANl.Kt.(.1(lle nml llnincss'inaker. 1), Main St., oppsito Frame Cliureh. viliili SCHUYLER A LOW, Iron foun O and Manulactuicrs of plows, cts.MachlnlsIs, Mil 81. vl-ul KAL.HHA,ti,I'!:!SHlSInkcr ortbollaylmisi O 'nam (Jiadle. Main HI. V'-hiJi. Wl:bl0-Mr t:I'OIS!,.K1,"e"1"k,;,", momif.Tc turerof llrlck. Mill HI., west of l'iae vlnlii Catawifisa. B, ' J W LWA.?' Merchant Tailor, Sccoml HI. Bobbins' Bulldlnii. v2-nls D1i'1'KlJ!0l"l,IN'B) Burgeon and Physician Hecond St., below Main. v2-nl GILBEItT A KLINE, dry goods, groceries, nnd general merchandise, Main Blreet V2-U12 I B. KlhTLEIl, "Cuttnwlvsn House,' ' . Corner Main and Micnuil Btreets. North v2nis LKE1LEK, Blllard Baloon, . Cream in season Main St. Oysters, nm' Ice V2nl2 31 M. I1UOBBT, dealer In General Meichaixllse Dry Goods, Grocel U s AO. V2-U1S CJUSQUEHANNA or llrlck Hotel, S. Koslcn O bander I'roprlctor.soulh-enstiorucr Jlnlnand Hecond Btlcet. Jlil2 SI). ItlNAUD, dealer lustovesnnd rin-wnre, , .Main Btreet, v'.nli! TUM. H. ABBOTT, Attorney at law, Mnln HI. " -Jn:2 Light Street. H. 1". OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, llrst door abovo School House. vlula TOIIN A. OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer In o Boots and Shoes, vlnlS J. JA.?!EIS?i:R' D- Surgeon nnd Physician. OHIcent Keller's Holer, v2n27 PETER ENT. dealer In Dry Hour, becd.Salt, Fish, Ire Goods Groceries. rou, Nails, etc.. Main vinio Ti S. ENT, dealer In Stoves and Tin waro In ll- all Us branches. vlnlii Espy. Ti. Y: REI.a"AW. Bno.,denlcr In Dry Gomls, 2uii PSI'Y STEAM FLOURING MILLS, C.S. Fowler, SU Proprietor. v2nl D. WERKHEISER.BoolnndBhocSloreand manufactory. Shop on Malu Street op posltetho Steam Mill. v2ul 11 W. EDOAIt.Snsquehanna rianlng Mill nnd Box Manulaclory. vSnll Buck Horn, II O. A W. H. BHOEMAKER, dealers In dry JI . goods, groceries and general mcichandlse. lutiise. 2-n!8 r iii-i rtiure lu houiii enu OI lown. Hotels. rpiIE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA The undersigned wnnM hifnrm II. lrn..lii..n publlo Unit he has taken the above named estab lishment and thornm-hlv reUtfil ll, v,t..,n f,.v the perfect convenleuiB of hisguehts. Ills lanlcr w in u Biwufu wiin me oesl mo market annuls. The choicest liquors, wines nnd cigars always to WILLIAM PETTIT. Espy, in. Apr.'il.ia-tf JJRICK HOTEL, ORANOEVILLE, COLUMBIA t OUM i , PA. ROHR M 'HENRY, I'roprlolor. This well know u House, linvhiir hei-n mil In thoroui:h reiuur. Is now oncn to tin, trnii.ini, 'null.-. iiu wil in Mtlllilll Willi mo cuoicesi iltiies.supplled wilh Ibe delicacies of the season. i uurs unn cmars.nnu me tame u I i,r nt n I J.o pains will be spared to Insuie the comfort of guesis. urangevuie, uee. lu. t,i)-tr. MONTOUR HOUSE RUPERT. PA. WILLIAM 1IU1LEH, Ticprlelor, Tills House linvlnif lir en nut In MinnxTnl, i.nnl. Is no.w opn Icr llio ltuptlnn of glfcsls. No pains will bo spand lo cmnro Ibe perfect com iort of Ilia true fieri.. Tni, I'innilM,.r .,.i.hl khato of public pnllouai-'c. The bar will be slocked at all times wilh line liquors und cigara. niarll'7l)-tf. JJENTON HOTEL. W. E. PIATT, Proprietor, BENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I'A. This well known House hnvlni- bien nut in thorough lenalr is now ot t n lor ibe leieution of visitors. Iso pains have been spniid In ensure the perfect comfort of gu'sts, The proprietor also runs a Stage fioni the Until in Blonmsburg and Intermediate points on Tuesday, Tbursdae aud Saturday of cnchneek. iuajU"U-tf' Stoves and Tinware. STOVK AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH 2IAGKNHUCH, Jtnlu Street ouodoor above E. McnJenlmll'ii Store. A large nssonmeui 01 Moves, Heaters ana Hancfs constautlv ou hand, ami fur bale ut the lowest rates, TlnnlDR lnnUlts brnnches carefully Rttcudod to, Hint hatlsfactlon Kuarnutecit, Tin work of all kluui wholesale aud retail, A lal Is requested, Vpr.fl.WMr S1" TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT announces to bis friends and customers that he continues the above business at bis old placo on MAIN STREET, BLOOMBBURG. Customers cau be accomodate,! with FANCY STOVES of all kluda, Stovepipes, Tlnwaro and every vn riety of article found lu n Stove aud Tinware IV tablUhmcnt lu the cltles.nnd on the most leasou- nble tel ins, Repnlrlngdono at the shortest notice. 25 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand fur sale. JgOOTS AND SHOES. CUAHK. il.liUUW.N, UAIN STREET, VNOEB nUOW.N'S II01EL. A lull and complete assortment of ready mado boot and shoes for men, women anil children usi reeeiveii auu ror saleul reasonable rales. Varieties to suit nil classes of customers. The best of work done at short notice, as heretofore, Glvoblmacall, apr8'7U-lf. "TOADIES' FANCY FURS I V A It E I II A , 718 ARCH STREET, Middle of tho Block, butweeu 7IU aud 81 li Bts , South Side, J'JULAJUILJ'IIIA, Importer, Manufacturer aud Dealer In all kinds und ciuallty of FANCY' FURS FOR LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN H WEAR. Having enlarged, temndeled and Improved my out und Fin ornblv known FUR EMPORIUM, and having liupotledu very larso aud splendid as sortment of all the dlltercut kinds ol Furs in, in llrst hands In lurnptt.iind laid them nude up by lliu uustfkllirul workmen, 1 would tespecilully Invito my friends of lolumhlu and ndj acenieoun ties, to call ami examlno my very hiigeandlHiau. tlful assortment or Fancy Kuis, lor ladles and children. 1 nm elf termmcd to sell nt as low prices as any olherrespectiiblellouse In Iheclly. AH Fuis wanauted. Nu nnsietreseutatloni to cll'ect sales. JOHN FABEIRA; 718 AllCU STllEW, 1'JIII.AbEH'lllA, Nov, t, 187U-SU1. Philadelphia Directory. JAGLE HOTEL. 7 North Tnnin Btiieet, It. D. CUMSIINas, PnorniKTQR. stIvIuTisTied 1703. JOItDAN AIirtOTIIEIt, Wholesale Grocers, nud Dealers In SALTPETRE AND BRIMSTONE No 219 North Third SU Philadelphia. u. II. IIOKHK. w. 8. KINO. J. II. BEVUEIIT. jqpOKNE, KING & SEYBEItT, WHOLESALE BUY GOODS. No. 121 Market Street PHILADELPHIA. Ordets filled promptly nt lowest prices. January 3, ISO?. JJ W. HANK'S UUl.lijAI,K TOBACCO, BNUI ).', AND CIOAU WAUEIIOUSE, No. I Id North Third Street, Between Chcriyund Race, west side, Philadelphia. 2?UANK & STltETOlI, (hucccssore lo I. II, Waller.) Importers and Dcalcis In lllIEENSWAKE, CHINA, AND GLASS, No. 231 N. Third Street, Between Ituce and Vine Bts. rillLADni.l'llIA. '. B. .NTItKTCH, Geu'I Partners. I. II. Walii:k. special Partner. Jl2i'70-ll. T M. ICEI'HEAItT, W with HAHNES, I5IIO. & HEHItON, HA'IS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS FURS, No. fOJ Market Btreet, (Abovo Fifth,) Philadelphia. JOHN STKOUI' & CO., Successors to Btroup & Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FIHII. No. 21 North Wharves and S3 North Third Kt 1 hlladoipbla. JICllAHDSON L. WIUGHT, Jit. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. I'M SOUTH SIXTH STREET, l'lIOLADELI'llI . oct. 2i,'Cfl-ly ILLIAM FISHEIt WITH THOMAS CARBON & CO. WIIOLKSALi: DEALERS IN HOSIERY, " MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS A NOTIONS NO. 18 NOUTH FOUI1TH STI1EET riiilatlclphla. l,'C9-Cm luue "YyAINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, N. E. Comer Second nnd Arch Streets, PlIILADELI'lllAj Dealers lu TEAS, SYRUrS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES BICE, lil'ICl-f, BI CAIUl BOT-A, AC, AC. srOrdcrs will recrlvo prompt attention, may 10,67-tf. Business Cards. jyj M. L'VELLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ashland, Schuylkill County Pa. c. w- MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ollico Court Housn Alley, below the Colum bian Olllce. Bouutlcf, Hack-l'ny and Pensions collected. Bloomsburg 1'a. bcp.20'67 R OIJERT F. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ollico Jlaln Street below the Court Houso. Illoomsbuig I'cnn'n, E. n. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT UW, Ollico CourI-Hou.e Alley, below the Colum bi an Olhce, lllooiusburg Pn. c. B- IJIiOCICWAY", ATTORNEY AT LAW, liLoosisnuna, pa. -OrFH E-(.'ouit House Alley, In the Co LVJiniAN building. JauV67. 17 J. THORN JLJ. would annnuii burg and vicinity, tin HORNTON unco lot he cltlrens of Blooms- tllMl. lw. li,.c ti.kf rnnnli-ul .. .uiiijiii-iu UBftUl lllieill Ol WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, rixTi'isEs, conns, tassels, and all olber goods In his lino of business. All Ihe newest nnd most npptuved patterns of the day are nlwaj s to bo found in bis cstiibllthmcut. mnr.S,'i'-tl Main St. below Market. QH ESTER S. FURMAN, HARNESS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, and duller in CARPET-BAGS, VAL1HI.H, FLY-NETS, BUFrAl.0 BOIIIH, HOllSE-UI ANKLTH ie' v.-hlch he feels confident bo enn sell at lower rule 1 1 1 at i any olber person In tbo county. Ex amine for yourseUes. 'Shop third door below the Ccurt House.Maln Street, BloomsLuig, Pa, Aug. 5, 1S70, pOWDER KEGS AND LUMBER W, M, MONROE 4 CO., Ilurort, Pa-, Manufacturers of POWDER KEGS, Mid dealers In nil kinds of LUMBER, tlve notice that they arc prepaid! to accomodate their custom with dispatch, aud outLe cheapit terms. 17 M. KNORR. JLU. Un avlht purchased Ibnstriel: of tlm old Kcv. siuuesiioo Mute, and udded llieietti n large aud wcu nt-in-iru nuff.iwtt ISpierUICU lO ClIUOll the best vailely ol BOOTS AND SHOES ever breiiiBbt to this place. Ho is also prepared to make Boots audblioes to order In Ululates and best styles. For cash only. In thoold Post Office bulldliig. corner Mnln and Market Hi utts, Bloomsburg, pa. Isepll'TO-ly. 11 USINESS CARDS, 3 VISITING CARDS, LETTER HEADS, HILL HEADS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, AC, AO, Neatly anil Cheaply Prlntotl From the IjitestStyfesofTypeatthe OLUMIIIAN OFFIOI. 250.000 PRIM E II R I 0 K FOR SALE AT ESPY. Fur particulars, address R. J, MILLARD, Espy, on T. B. MILLER, Lime Ridge. octM'7'.i-tf. WnDMYHR et JACOHY Y EXCHANGE BLOCK, RIAJOMSIIURG.FA. li ru ngeiils for Ibe sain of " Urockway's" Justly celebrated Cream nnd edit stock Alts, wheh they will tell as cheap as coutitry brewed ules; whol and half barrels lonslauliy nu hand. This ale Is briwed by William h. Urockway, 313 lo East Eleventh Blreet, New York City, Uloomtburg, Juuo 10, 1S70-W BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER JJodiral fteclion... "Mothor's Fool." ' nv n. p. bl'ssell. "Tls plain to me," snld a farmer's wiro "Those boys will make tholr mark In life j They never wcro mado to handle a hoc, And at once to college ought to go. There's Fred, ho's little botter'n a fool, But John and Harry must go to school." "Well, really, wife," quoth farmer Brown As ho set his mug of elder down, "Fred does more work In n day for mo Thau Jioth his brothers do In three. Book larnln' will never plant one's corn, Nor mend a rod of broken fence ; For my pnrt,glvo me common sense," But his wife was bound the roost lo rule, And John nud Harry were sent lo school, While Fred, of course was left behind, For hh mother said ho had no mind. Five years nt school the students spent j Then Into business each one went, John learned to play his flute and fiddle, And parting his hair, of course. In the tnlii,n While his brother looked rather higher than ho, iiu iitiiiguuLn sign, "ii, nrown, M. It." Meanwhile at homo their brother Fred Had tukcu n notion Into his bend i But ho quietly trimmed hlsnpplc-trees, And weeded onions and planted peas; While some how, either by hook or crook, He mannged to read full mauy a book-, Until nl Inst bis falher sold Ho was getting "oook larnln'" Into Ida head; "But for all that," added farmer Brown, "He's tho smartest boy there Is In lown." Tho wnr broke out, and Captain Fred A hundred men to the battle led, Ajid when the Confederate flag came down, Went marching homo as General Brown. But he went to work on tho farm again, Aud planted earn nud sowed his gmln, Re-shlngled his bain au l mended tlm f,m Till people declared "ho had common sense." Now common sense was very raro. And tho Stnlo House needed n portion there; So tho "family duueo" moved Into lown, And the peoplo called lilm Go-ernor Brown, And his brothers who went to the oily school Came homo to live with "mother's fool." Sorao Olio's Sorvaut Girl. She stood there leaning wearily Against n window frame, Her fuco was patient, sad and sweet, Her garments coarse and plain; "Who Is (he, pray?" I asked n friend, The red Bps gavo a curl, "Really I I do not know her name, She's somo one's servant girl." Again I Baw heron the street With burd en trudging along, Her face was sweet and patient still, Amid the Jostling throug; Slowly, but cheerfully she moved, Guarding with watchful enro A market basket much too largo For her slight nan ds to bear. A man, I'd doubtagent'.eman, Went pushing rudely by, Sweeping the basket from her bands, But turning not his eye ; For there was no necessity Amldthatbusy whirl. For him to bo a gentleman To soaie one's servnut girl. Ah I well It is, that God above Looks lu upon tho heart, And never Judges any ono By Just tho outer part; For if tbo soul be pure and good, Ho will not mind tho rest. Nor question what the garments wcro In which tho form was dressed. And, many a man and woman fair, By fortune roared and fed, Who will not mlnglo herobelow With those who earn their bread. When they havo passed away from llfo Beyond tho gates of peail, Will meet beforelbolr Fathr's throne. With many a servunt girl. Venice -Ycuf. piiitClllllICOUH, SWEETS OF JiAKIlIEI) LIFE. London Saturday Review.) MarriiiRo, which mast uirls comslder (Iich)Io nlinuf their existenco anil tho eml of all their mixietlcn, is often tho bcginnlnc of a tet of troubles which roup among them expect, und which, wiien tliey come, very few accent with tho dignity of patience-or tho reasona- IiIcikks of common eenso.Hitlicrto tho man has been tho t-uitor, tho wooer : it has been his metier to muko love, to niter extravagant professions, to talk poetry and romanco of an eminently unanswerable) kind, and to swear that feelings which by tho very nature of things It Is imposslblo to maintain ut their present stato of fover heat will bo as lasting as life Itself, and never know subsidence) or diminution. Thev bo llevo in tho absorption of tho man's wliolo llfo In tho Iovo which nt tho most cannot bo more than a part of his life; ibey believe that things will go on for ever us thoy have begun, and that tint llro and fervor of passion will never cool down to tho moro manaceablo warmth of friendship. And In this be lief of theirs lies tho rock on which not a few mako such pitiful shipwreck of tiielr married happiness. They expect their husbands to remain always lovers. XS'ot lovers only In Uio best sense, which of eotirso nil happy husbands aro to tho end of limp, but lovers as in tho old fond, foolish, courting tlays. They ox. pecta continuance of tho romance, tho pgctry,thQexaggcratioti,tho;)ct7i4 soiVm, tho microscopic attentions, tho absorp. lion of thought aud interest, tho cen tralization of his happiness in her soci ety, Justin in tho days whonsho was still to bo won, or, a littlo later, when being wou.eho was new in tho wearing. And as wo said before, u wife's first trial, nnd her greatest, Is when her hus band begins to leavo off this kind of fervid lovo-innklng, and settles down into tho tranquil friend instead. It Is In tho nature of most womon to require continual assurances, Just as it Is with children ; and very fow hcllovo In a Iovo which Is not frequently ex pressed ; whllo tho ability to trust In tlw vital warmth of an affection that has lost its early fovcrlshness is tho mark of n higher wisdom than mo3t of them possess. To mako them thorough ly happy a man must bo alwnys at their feet; nml thoy nro'Jealous of everything .oven of his work that takes htm away from them, or gives him occasion for thought und Interest outside them selves. They nro rarely ublo to rlso to tho height of married friendship ; nud If they belong to a reticent nud quiet going man, n man who buys "I Iovo you" onco for all, und then contents himself with living u llfoof loyalty and kindness, nud not talking ubout It thoy fret ut what they call hlscoldness, nud feci themselves thorn of half their glory nnd tnoro titan half their duos. w f w ill Hi f ft 11 Thoy rcfuso to bellovo In that which Is not dally repeated j thoy want tho in censo of (lattery, tho excitcmon t of iovo making; nnd if thoso deslros nro not ministered to by their husbands, tho danger Is that they will got somo ono clso to "understand" them, nnd feed tno sentimentality which dies of Inanl. lion In Hie quiet serenity of homo. Moonlights and n bouquot of tho ear liest flowers carefully arranged and tcn dorly presented, and tho ehauglng iignts on tho mountain tops, and tho exquisite song of tho nightlngalo-at 2 o'clock In tho niornlng-nnd all tho rest of thoso vague nnd suggestive dellchts which onco mado tho mooting places of souis, ami furnished occasion for delic ious ravings, becomo by timo nnd use, anil tho wearing lealltics of business nnd tho crowding pro-suro of anxieties. puerile and annoying to tho ordinary r.iigiisiimaii, wlio Is not n poet by na- uire. " lion nil tho world was vounir by reason of his own youth, and tho lover or llio iovo making tlmo was on him, ho was qulto as romantic ns his wifo. Ilitt now ho Is sobering il'jwn llfo is fast becoming a very prosaic thing to him ; work is taking the placo of pleasure, iTmititioti of rom.inco : ho pooh-poohs her fond remembrances of by gono follies and prefers his pipo In tno watm library to n station by tho open window, watching tins sunset be catiso it looks as it tlid on that evening, and shivering with incipient catarrh. All tins is very dreadful to her; worn en, unfortunately for themselves, re malnlng young and keeping hold mucl longer than men do. The first defection of this kind is r pang tho young wlfo never forgets ; but sue many more, anil yet moro bit ee.1 m i us, wnen tno tieioeuon laues n personal shape, und some pretty little intention is carelessly received without Its duo loward of loving thanks. Per haps somo usual form of caross Is omit ted in tho hurry of the morning's work or some gloomy anticipation of profess lonal trouble makes him oblivious of her presence, or, fretted by her Impor- tunnto attentions, bo buries himself in n book, moro to escape being spoken to tnan for the book's own merits. Many n woman has gono into her own room nnd had a "good cry" because her hus band called her by her baptismal namo, nnu not oy somo nbsuril nlcknamo In vented In tho days of their folly: or. becaii3o pressed for time, lie huiricd out of tho house without going through tho established formula of leavo taking. The lover has merged in tho husband ; security has taken the placo of wooing; and tho woman does not take kindly to tho transformation. Sometimes sho plays a dangerous game, nnd tries what flirting nnd other men will do. If her sclicmo does not answer, and her hus band is not mado Jealous, sho is revolt ed, and holds herjelf that hardly-used uemg, a neglected wife. Sho cannot accept us n compliment tho quiet trust which certain cool-headed men of n loyal kind plnco In their wives; und his tolerance of her Ilirtiug manner which ho takes to be maiiueronly, with no evil in it, and with which, though ho may not especially liko it, ho does not interfere seems to her indifference rather than toloraneo. Yet tho confi- denco implied in this forbearance Is in point or fact a compliment worth all tho petits soins ever invented, though this hearty faith is Just the thing which annoys her, and which shu stigmatizes as neglect. If sho wore to go far enough sho would ilnd out her mistake. But by that time sho would have gono too far to profit by her experience. Nothing Is moro nutioyiiig than that display of affection which somo hus bands and wlvo4show to each other in society. That familiarity of touch. thoo half-concealed caresses, those nb- surd nnines, that prodigality of endear- ng oplthets, that devoted attention which they flaunt in tho fuco of tho public as a kind of clmlleiigo to the worltl at largo to comoandadmiro their happiness, is always noticed and laugh ed ut, and sometimes more than laughed at.' Vet to some women this parade is the very es-enco of married happiness and part of their dearest Driviletres. They bellovo themselves admired and envied, when they are ridiculed nnd scoffed nt ; and they think their hus bands aro models for other men to copy when they nro taken ns examples fornll to' avoid. Men who have any real man linos, however, do not glvo In to this kind of thing; though there aro somo, as eifeminato and gushing m women themselves, who liko this sloppy effu siveness of love, and cury It on Into qulto old ago, fondling (ho ancient grandmother with gray hnlras lavishly as thoy had fondled tho youthful brldo, and seeing no want of harmony in call IiU n withered old dame of sixty nnd upwards by tho put names by which thoy had called her when she was a slip or n girl of elghteon. Tho contin uance of Iovo from youth (o old ago Is very lovely, very cheering ; but oven "John Anderson my Jo" would loso his pathos if Mrs. Anderson had Ig nored tho difference between tho raven locks and tho snowy brow. This pub lic display of familiar nffectlon Is nover aeon among mon who prldo themselves on making good lovers ; ns certain men do thoso who liavo reduced the prac tice of love-mnklng to an art, n sclonco, nnd know their lesson ton letter. Thoso men nro delightful to women, who liko nothing so much us being mado Iovo to, us well ntter marriage ns beforo ; but men who tuko matters quietly, nnd re ly on tho good sonso of their wivos to take matters quietly too, sail round theso seroutille udorcrs for both depth and manliness. And If women know their best Interests they would caro moro for llio trust than tho sclouco. All that excess of Ildttcrlng and pot ting of which women nro so fond bu. comes a boro ton man If required as part of tho dally habit of llfo. Out In tho world as ho Is, harrassed by anxieties of which biio knows nothing, homo is em phatically his pluco of rest, where his wlfo li lib frlonil who knows his inlnd, where ho m.iy bo himself without tho fear of oill-nding, nnd rolux tho 6traln that must bo kept tin out of doors : whom ho may feel himself safe, under stood, nnd nt ease, Aud 60mo women, 25, 1870. COL. and theso by no means tho coldest or tho least loving, nro wise enough to understand this need or rest In tho mnn'a harder life, nnd, ucccptlng the quiet of security ns pnrt of tho condi tions of tnnrrlago, content themselves with tho undemonstrnllvo Iovo Into which tho fever of passion has subsided. Others fret over it, nnd mako them selves nnd their husbands wretched bo causo they cannot bellovo In that which Is not forever paraded beforo their eyes. Yet what kind of homo Is It ror tho man If ho has to wnlk as If on egg shells, overy moment afraid of woun fl ing tho susceptibility of n woman who will tako nothing on trust nnd who has to bo continually ntsured that ho still loves her, before sho will believe that to day Is as yesterday? or ono thing sho may bo certain ; no wlto who understands what Is tho best kind or mar riage demands theso continual atten tions, which, voluntary offering of tho lover, becomo enforced tribute from tho husband. Sho knows that ns ti wire, whom It Is not necessary to court or flatter, sho has n noblor plnco than that which Is expressed by tho attentions paid to n mistress. Wifehood, liko nil assured conditions, does not need to bo buttressed up ; but a less certain posi tion must bo supported from tho out side, nnd an Insecuro self-respect, nnun certain holding, must bo perpetually strengthened nnd reassured. Women who cannot llvo happily without being mado love to are moro like mistresses than wives, nnd come but badly ofr in tho great struggles or llfo and the cruel handling of time. Placing all their happiness in things which cannot con tinue), they let slip that which lies In their hands, and in their de3lro to re tain the romantic position or lovers, lose the sweet security or wives. Per il np?, ir they had higher aims in llfo than thoso with which they mako shift to satisfy themselves, they would not let themselves sink to the level of this folly, nnd would understand better thnn they do now tho worth of realities as contrasted with appearances. And yet wo cannot but pity the poor, weak, cra ving souls who long so pitifully for the freshness of tho morning to continue far Into tho day nnd evening, who cling so tenaciously to the fleeting romance of youth. They aro taken by tho glit ter of things lovo-raaking among tho rost ; and the man who Is showiest in his affection, who can express It with most color, and paint it, so to speak, with tho minutest touches, is tho man whoso love seems to them tho most In tense Thoy often mako the mistake of conToundlng this show with tho sub stance, or trusting to pictorial expres sion rather than to solid Tacts. And they often mako the mistake or cloying their husbands with personal half cliild- ish caresses which wero all very well In tho early days, but which becomo tiresomo as tlmo goes on nnd tho gruvl ty of llfo doepens. And then, when tho man either quietly keeps them off or more brusquely repels them, thoy nro hurt nnd miserable, nnd think tho wholo happiness of their lives Is dead, nnd nil that makes mnrrlngo beautiful nt an end. What is to bo done to bal ance things evenly in this unequal world of sex '.' What, Indeed, is to bo dono at nny timo to reconcllo strength with wenkness, nnd to give each its due ? Ono thing nt least Is sure. Tho moro thoroughly women.Iearn tho true nature of men, tho fewer mistakes they will make, and the less unhappluess thoy will create for themselves ; nnd tho moro patient men nrewlth the hys terical excitability, tho restless craving which nature, for somo purposo at present unknown, has mado the special temperament of women, lUafemmes in comprises thero will ho in mnrried homes, nml tho larger Jtho chance of married happiness. All one's theories of domestic llfo come down at last to givo and tako system, to beating and forbearing, and meeting half way Idi osyncrasies which ono decs not person ally shnre. Tlm Slanderer. It has been said of ovil speaking of another: "The philosophy which could bear it, wo would despise. Tho relig ion which can bear It wodaro not do splse, but wo would bo compelled to say, its origin is not or this world." And so it is. That mnn ne'er breath cd whoso heart did not wither under tho baneful inflttrnco of slander. It is a mean, n cowardly thing. liy tho aid of philosophy, tho face may bo smiling though tho heart bo breaking. Tho man conscious or rcctltudo may bo too proud to let tho world know that tho nirow rrom tho bow or tho ambushed moral assassin Is festering In his bosom, but follow him Into hh rotiracy, and If ho bo a mcro man of tho world, you will And him invoking heaven's bitter est ban on tho head of tho slanderer. If ho ho a Christian, ho will, on bended knee, imitating tho example of his DI vino Master, "prny for thoso who do spitefully use nnd persecute" him. Without nny exception, slanderers nro poltroons. They never pour on (ho head of tho victim tho " vial s of wrath" unless they aro 6aroly In somo sato re treat. Tho slanderer would as soon at tempt to scramblo up tho side of n vol canto mountain amid burning streams of lava, ns to faco tho man ho is seeking to Injure. Thero Is another sort of slander tho man who stands by, und knowing the truth, falls to correct tho falso report. Is ho not moro guilty than tho skulking snoak-thlef or character, tho prowling miscreant who strives to Injuro others for his owii solflsh purposes ? A married gentleman, every tlmo ho met tho father of his wife, com plained to him or the ugly temper nud disposition or his daughter. At last, upon ono occasion, becoming weary or tho grumblings of his son-in-law, tho old gentleman exclaimed! "You are right sho Is an Impatient Jade, aud If I hear uuy moro complaints of her I will disinherit her." Tho husband mado no moro complaints. In Scrnuton deacons aro expelled from church for saying "by thunder." DEM. - VOL. XXXIV - NO. 40. The Sin ol' Dxiiffgcrutlon. Thero is n fault which docs not get It self called by tho namo of "Ho," but which is n dangerous clo3o relation to It, and Is tho hnblt of exaggeration. A mnn hears n thing, truo enough In its original shapo, but ho passes It on with a littlo addition of his own. The man to whom ho passes It ndds his touch of exaggeration, until at lustthostnteinimt Is so swollen nnd distorted as to convey everything but tho facts of tho case. Liko many statements that havo gono forth nnd obtained credence In tho world, nnd yet, though thoy nro In their final stato grossly falso, nnd do soro in Justice, it Is difficult to charge nny ono with n full grown Ho, In tho shnro ho has had In propagating tho deceit. The result is a sort of nccumulatlvo Ho made by successive portions contributing n littlo touch of exnggerutlon to tltofdory ns It camo to their hand3. . The wcrst of It Is that this mischief Is caused by the exercise of n power that is sometimes useful I mean that crea tive Imaginative power which lends life to u description. A man hears n thing, nnd then gives it the color or his own thoughts almost unconsciously; yet, I renr, this may produce great, mischiov oils, perhaps disastrous, results. And who is to blame? Why every ono who has a sharo In tho additions which the story or statement has received. See 1ioa-responsible wo may bo for tho ef fects of n lie, oven when wo do not wish to deceive. How careful we should be not to add lo what wo hear. If wo must repeat It, or help circulato it, let us leavo it as it came. Let us pass it on scrupulously unchanged, with no twist or iucrenso of our own. isciicfit or i.augiitcr. Probably thero is not tho remotest comer or littlo inlet of tin minute blood, vessels (llfo vessels) or tho body that does not feel somo wavelet from that great convulsion (hearty laughter) sha king tho central man. Tho blood moves more lively probably its chemical electric,, or vital condition is distinctly modified It conveys a different impres sion to all tho organs of tho body as it visits them on that particular mystic journey, when tho man is laughing, from what it does at other times. And so wo doubt not, a good laugh may length en a man's lire, conveying a distinct stimulus to tho vital forces. And tho tlmo may come, when physicians, at tending moro closely than at present thoy nro apt to tio, to the innumerable subtle influences which tho soul exerts upon its tenement or clay, shall pro scribe to a torpid patient, "so many peals or laughter, to bo undergone at such n timo," Justus they now do that far more objectionable prescription pill, or un o'ectric or galvanic shock; and shall study tho best and most effec tive method of producing.tho required elfcct in each patient. Maxims for Merchants. A short advertisement rour times is better than a very long ono onco. "Brag is 11 good drg, but Holdfast is better." "Don't fear to have a small advertise ment by tho side ef a largo competing one. Tho big ono can't cat it up. A prominent advertisement once i r twico will bo effective, if fullowcd up by a steady card giving your business and address. If business admits or It, sovernlsmall advertisements with your name repeat ed every time, will avail moro than the sau.o collected, with your name in only once. Don't tako your sign down In dull times. People read newspapers all times or tho year. There Is no Instanco on record or a a well sustained system of judicious advertising failing of success. When people see u man advertise, they know ho is n business mnn, nnd his advertising proclninis that ho is not above business, but anxious to do it. Timid People. It Is tho habit of somo peoplo to lauch nt tho (error which is experienced by others nt the henvy thunder crash, or tho flashing iigiitning. This is both cruel nnd wick ed, sinco tho victim Is no moro to blnmo for it, than for tho color of his eyes and hair, in fact, liko them, it is often her editary. Such persons should bo pitied nnd soothed, nnd allowed during these periods to bo always near somo ono whom they Iovo and confldo In. Moro especially Is (his truo or children, somo of whom suffer moro than words cau tell from this, as well as from other causes of fear. Deal gently with such ; ills tho only way to eradlcato their fears ; ridicule nnd harshness will only confirm them. Tho child "afraid of tho dark," should nover bo enforced to encounter It unattended and un watched. Idiocy has often beon tho sad remit of n contrary treatment. Let parents nnd tenchers then, bo thoughtful In theso regards. The Influenco of tho mind in accel crating or retarding tho approach of death is exceedingly remarkable, und in somo instances nccount for thoso pre sentiments of fatal termination of their disease, which somo persons seem pro phetically to nsccrtnln. A coso Is recor ded or n person who had been sentenced to bo bled to death, but instead or tho punishment being actually Inflicted, he was merely Induced to belluvo It was so by water, whllo his eyes wero blinded, being trickled down his iirni. This mimicry, howover, or tho operation so completely depressed the action or tho heart, that tho man lost his llfo ns Irre covernbjy as If tho vital fluid hnd been abstracted. 'How many feet long was thosnakoV1 asked a person of n traveler, who had Just related n story of tho encounter of n boa constrictor killed by him. 'One hundred nud ninety-two Inches,' was tho reply, 'sunken havo no feet.' IIrowning "Well, I nlwnysmnkolt a rulo to tell my wlfo everything that hnppcns." Snilthklus "Oh, my dear fellow, that Is nothing I I tell my wife lots or things that nover happen ut all." HATES OF ADVEItTISINO. Ono squnro,(tcn lines oriti eqttlvnlcnt In Non'. parcll typo) one or two Insertions, 11.50, llileo Insertions, I2.0W. SPACE. 1M. 2M,- 3)1. OH. It, One square..... tl W t.l.W tt,W to.OO 110,10 Twosquaroi . 3.S0 6,00 7,W ,l)0 1,U Three squares 5,00 7,00 11,00 12,00 11,00 Foursquares 7 00 0,00 11,00 17,00 25.CO Quarter column,. 10,00 12,00 14,00 20,30 80,10 liatfcolumn 13,00 18,00 2000 30,00 WM Onecolumn....30,00 0fi,C0 40,00 80,00 100.M Executor's or Admlnlslrntor's Notice, f&tt, Auditor's or Assignee' Notice, 12.50. Local notices, twenty cents a line; by the yem ten cent. Cards In lbo"BulncssI)lrectory" column, tt.W per yenr for the first two lines, nnd 11.00 for cash additional Hue. Sympathy. Till wo havo reflected on It, wo nro scarcely awnro how much tho sum or human happiness In this world Is In debted to this ono feeling sympathy. Wo get cheerfulness and vigor, wo scarcely know how or when, from mero association with our fellow-men, and from tho Iooka.rellectod on us of glad ness and enjoyment. Wo catch inspira tion and power to go on from human presence and from cheerful looks. Tho woman works with additional energy having others by. Tho full family clr clo has n strength nnd life peculiarly Its own. Tho substantial good and tho ef fectual roller which wo extend to an other Is trifling. It Is not by these, but by something Tar less costly, that tho work Is done. Ood has Insured It by ft much moro simple machinery. Ho has given to tho weakest and tho poorost power to contribute largely to tho com mon stock or gladness. Tho child's smile and laugh aro mighty powers in this world. When bereavement hag left you desolate, what substantial ben efit is there which makes condolence acceptable V It can bestow upon you nothing permanent. Hut n warm hand has touched yours, nnd its thrill told you that Idero wni n living rcsponso tbere to your emotion. Ono look, ono human sigh, has dono more for you than tho costliest present could. Steam on Common Roads. Tho practicability of ti3lng steam on com mon roads appears at Inst to have been thoroughly tested in Scotland, whero the success of Mr. R. W. Thompson's road steamers, after various trials, has earned ror them tho endorsement or tho skeptical. A six horso road steamer has been running for several months from Aberdeen, n.distanco of four miles over a wretched road, to tho Klltock ! lour Mills. In many parts of tho road thogradols ono in eight, over which tho steam ongino draws ton tons with great ease at tho rate or thrco miles nnd a half nu hour. When wo have canals navigated by steamboats, and locomo tives run on common roads, "trado and travel" will Increase "beyond expres sion." "The number of newspapers and per iodicals printed annually in Massachu setts Is 0110 hundred and twenty-six millions.'' Tins Is from n Boston paper. The general claim is that moro publish ing is dono in Massachusetts than any other State. During one year, howov er, thero aro issued from tho Ledger Office, 2:),C00,000 copies of the Public Ledger, almost ono-flfth tho number of copies claimed for nil tho four hundred and odd publications in Massachusetts. A Lynchburg, Va., paper tells how tho Empress Eugenie, beforo sho mar ried Mr. Napoleon, fell in love with young Rives, son of tho American Min ister at Paris, and would havo married him only for tho mother of tho young man, jvho thought Eugenie too fast for Virglnin. It would havo boen happi ness, if not money, in her pocket, If she hnd eloped with tho Virginian, who now has u peaceftil plantation In Albcmarlo county. A Texas octogenarian says, from first to last, he has received by dischar ges of guns and pistols Into his body, 173 shot ; has both legs, collar bono nnd seve 1 ribs broken and his skull cracked; Is tho rather or twenty children ; ralst tl this year with his own hands 1,000 head or fine cabbege, 1,000 largo beefs, beside other "crops" nnd can now run n pret ty good quarter race. IlALTi's Journal or Health says, "If a man con sleep soundly, has n good appetite, with no unpleasant reminders nfter nienls, tho bodily hnbits lying regular every day, ho had belter let himself nlono whether ho is as big ns a hogshead or r.s thin nnd dry ns n fence rail. The greatest man Is ho who troubles himself least about the verdict that may bo passed upon him by his cntem porarles, or posterity, but who flnds In doing good, honest work, to the best of his ability under existing condlflotw, "ifs own exceeding great reward." A husband, n few months ago, agreed to give his wlfo threo dollars u week to maintain eomitaratlvosllerrce, deducting ono cent for each superfluous word sho uttered. She now owes him nearly enough (0 pay the National debt. In Baltimore, n young man doubting tho fidelity or his sweetheart, blackemd his faco with burnt cork, nnd scjaH-d himself on Iior door steps, Tho rt-ult was that tho police captured him nud locked him up In tho station house. Many or tho Prussian soldiers wear on t heir breasts a pleco or solo leather, nbout (en Inches squnre, which Is hard enough to turn n bullet, unless struck perpendicularly, nud Is u good dtfenco against the laiico and sabre. Si'AiNsupitlles more wino to Englnud than Franco nnd Portugal combined, the figures being Sjniiu eight millions or gullotiK, Portugal three millions', und Eranco four millions. A Miss Lucy Lee advertises In h Mississippi paper that sho Is of good birth nud education, nnd Is willing to marry an editor, belie ving hcisclf nblo to support one. A genu's rtiuntkcd tho other day, with n grave faco, thnt, however pru dent nnd virtuous young widows might bo, ho had teen mnny n gay j ouug wid ow-err. "How long do u vtfnr n shlrtf" sovercly nsktel mi Inspecting ofllccrof a soldier. "Twenly elght Inches, 8lr,"was tho respectful reply. Never. Josh Hillings says ho nover will patronize a lottery so long ns ho cau find uny ono else to tob him at rca sonablo wages.