The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 18, 1870, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. AGRICULTURAL & DOMESTIC. Miscellaneous. gOMETHING NEW! Patent Modicinos. Rail Roads. Rail Ronds. Clothing, 8co. Dry Goods & Groceries. Iusurauco Agonoios. How tu Hiiro n Omul Soil. Tlio question of deep plowing which wo had supposed detlnltcly 9Cltlfil Ion since, la again being brought fnrwnrd, and tlio dlscusiloiHiiro lusumliitf n very Bplrlted stylo. Subsoil plows which grow rapidly In iivor sorao yearn plnco havo almost cntlroly disappeared though faith in deep plowing has taken stronger hold than over. Of courao tho dopth of plowing should bo In pro portion to tho depth of soli. It will not do to plow twelve Inches deep whero tho urfiico soil Is only alx. Thin may bo dono In tho courso of time, but not at once. To tuuko a good deep soil, tho progress downward should bo gradual Let a proper portion of tho subsoil bo brought to tho surface, and exposed to tho action of tho sun, rain, wind and frost, then add tho manures necessary to render it fertile By pursuing this plan for successive years, a fertllo soil can bo inado ono that will resist tho effects of severe drought, and bo fitted also for tho suc cessful cultivation of all ordinary crop3. By this means tho mineral constituents of tho subsoil become thoroughly Inter mixed with tho soli of tho surfivc, which In consequenco of oft repeated shallow plowings has beon depleted of them. To mako a good soil by this method, tho plowing should bo dono In tho fall, in order that tho nowly turned up subsoil, may bo subjected to tho ameliorating influences of tho winter's freezing and thawing. But after all this is done, it will bo found that good crops cannot bo produced unless thero Is a liberal application of manure. Plow deei and manuro generously, and you will havo a good soli and a bountiful yield. Treatment of the Sick. As this season of the year sometimes brings considorablo sickness, a few re marks may bo appropriate. When a friend or relative is taken down we all run to seo what is tho matter, and if they grow worso wo run oftener aud atay longer and get up dainty messes to tempt them, to "try and eat Just a little," "you really are so very weak,'' Ac. And if they survivo all this kill ing kindness and get a Ilttlo on tho mend, then we neglect them almost en tirely, thinking they aro "coming ou nicely," "will soon be well again," Ac. Wo need reform in this matter. When persons aro going Into low fevers or other serious sickness, they generally need quiet, and can 111 bear any excite ment liko company and conversation. And they seldom want food; even tho necessary beef-tea and inevitable toast are sad trials. Let us leavo tho very sick in tho hands of a doctor and a good nurse, aiding them as much as we can Indirectly ; but when tho disease Is con quered and naturo begins to rally tho weakened forces, our gentle ministra tions should then begin. Then is tho timo to bring on thodalnty repasts, (not sick victuals,) but good, nourishing food In small quantities. Then bring your sewing and sit awhile, but not too long, and tell all tho pleasant news, and It will help much toward asafo and happy convalescence. A woman, Just recovering from ty phoid fever, said to me, "While I was so bad, folks wero running in all tho time, and they talked and talked to each other that I thought I should goillstrac ted with so much excitement, but I didn't liko to say anything." She added, "Now that I am getting bettor, and would bo so glad to see them, they seem to have forgotten mo." And wo fear this is the experience of many, thcreforo let us try to manage better in the future. Qermantoxcn Telegraph. I'rcHcrvin? Farm Tools. Every farmer should havo a tan of linseed oil and a brush ou hand, and whenever ho buys a new tool ho should soak it well with oil and dry it by tho fire or In the sun beforo using. Tho wood by this treatment is toughened and strengthened, nnd rendered Imper vious to water. Wet a now hay rake, and when it dries It will begin to bo looso in tho Joints; but if well oiled, tho wet will havo but slight effect. Shovels and forks aro preserved from checking and cracking in tho top of tho handle by oiling; tho wood becomes as smooth as glass by uso, and is far less liable to blister tho hand when long used. Ax end hammer handles often break off whero the wood enters tho iron ; this part particularly should bo toughened with oil, to secure durability. Oiling tho wood In tho cyo of an ax will pro vent its swelling and shrinking, and sometimes getting loose. Tho tools on a largo farm cost n largosum of money; they should bo of the most approved kinds. It is poor economy at tho pro sent extravagant price of labor to set inen to work with ordlnary.old-fashlon-ed implements. Laborers should be ro quired to return their tools to tho con venient places provided for them ; after using, they should be put away clean and bright. The mould boards of plows aro apt to get rusty from ono season to another, even if sheltered ; they should bo brushed over with a fow drops of oil when put away, and will then remain In good order till wanted, Farm Jour nal, Cocoanut FunDiKa.-Stlrouu pounJ of loaf sugar and n quarter of a pound of butter to a cream ; lako tho yolks of twelve eggs t'10 wliltes of alx, anu when beaten separately anu light, add them to tho butter aud sugar ; and then put In ono pound of grated cocoa nut lastly put lufourtablespoonfuldof rose water, four of cream, and the Juice of two lemons; baku hi puiT paste, and sift loaf sugar over after It comes from tho oven. To Restore Color, It la well known that when the color on a fabric has been destroyed by iiclcl, ammonia Is applied (o neutralize tho en me. But it Is not so well known that uftcr tho application of ammonia, chloroform will, In almost all cases, restoro the Or iginal color. Chloroform will aUo re move paint from a garment when al most everything ejae falls, Small, Farms. In England thero aro many farmers who more than sup port themselves and families on the product of six acres, besides pvylug heavy rents. Agriculturists in Ger many, who are proprietors of 11 venerea, support themselves on two, and lay up money on tlio product of the remainder. Tho undersigned would hereby give .notice that he has tint completed A FI1LST CLASS ucAittfK.ami mai ne nasuio facilities rnrcarry lng on the business of UNDERTAKING In nil Its branches IN CITY BTYLK. lie linn ennneetl experienced Demons who will take chnrge nf the liotiles of the deceased as soon as they ''snnule of this mortal coll," and ntteml iu wnnninE Lnem.siiaviuir. urcasina. ac nuruuus furnished also to order. At Much expeuso ho uaa also procureu au IRON IOE BOX, In which bodies cad be prexerred In a cleanly nnl dry condition, Carrlngm furnlithed for fu neral ocean Ion . In Abort, he la prepared to lake charge of a corpse Immediately after death, and nave friends and relatives all further trouble lu reiraru toiu He also carries on the business of CABINET MAKING Upholstering In all Its branches, repairing furnl turo, reseating cane bottomed chairs, Ac, Ac 1'lace of business on Iron Street, below Main. . . KOllEHT HO AN, Moomsburg, July 21, 1S78-11. QIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MED ALS AWARDED, THE CHEAT HALTIMOHE 1'IANO MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNABE 4 CO. MANUFACTURERS or UHAND, BQUAHE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MB. Theso Instruments havo been before the public for nearly Thirty Tears, nnd unon their excel lence atone nllalned nn unpurchased pre-eminence Whlcn pronounces mem uuequaiiou. ineir TONE inmllnpiimmt nnwpr. RweetnfM nnd fine slnir Inequality, as well as (treat purity of Intonation, nnd sweetness throughout the en tire scale. Their TOUCII Is pliant and clastic, and entirely froo from tho silliness iouuu iu so many i-iuuoea IN WORKMANSHIP they aro unequalled, using none but tho very best seasoned material, tho largo capital employed In our business enauung us to Keep continual!) an Immcnso stock of lumber, Ac, on hand. ftn.All aur Smiare Pianoes bnvoour Now Im proved OVEIWTKUNO BCALK nud the Agraffe Treble. 9-We would call special attention to our late Improvements In ORAM) 1'JAXOl! and Mi I FA ILK fJJiAXJM! l'ATKNTED AUQ. 11. lhdo. which bring the Piano nearer perfection than lias yet ueen auaiiicu. Every 1'iano fully Warranted for 5 Years, Wo havo made arrnugeiiienU for the Sole Wholesale Aoencu for the most Celebrated PAR- LOU IjUOaNH and MKLODKONS, which wo otter Wholesale and Lowest Factor' rricea. wiuuAii .ii..vnr. iaj., octJS70-0m Hall Imoro, Mil C. UOW E II, HOOT, HHOti, HAT GA1 AND KUH STOKE. Ht tho old stand on Unin H tree t, lUoomubure,n fow uoorsnuovu mo court iiouse, jus suxrit it com iKiseiluf llio vtrvlutt;8tHntl bestKtvles over oiler- ed to tho cltlzt'ua ol Columbia County, llucan accotniiiodatti the publiu with tlmfollowinggooUs iu mo iowewi rates, .muu h uuavy uuuuiv stog.i Lioots, inert' double and single tap soled Kip uooui, nit li'H nt'Hvy Moga bimh-u oiau kiuuh, moil's tine bnritH and whoes of nil trades. bov't Jotiblu holed boots and. shoos ofnll kiuds. men's glove lcid Italiuoral shoes.meu's, womtan'u.boys's anu juisseti' lasuns gauers, women giove jeui Polish very flne.women's morocco Ualnoralsand calf shoes, women's very tine kid buttoned gait ers, in s non uooih 01 un uescripnons ooiu peg geil and hewed, lie would albo call attention to his fine assort' mentor HATH, CAVH, FURS ANU NOTIONS. which comprises all the new and populai vari eties at prices which c-unnotfalltoHullHll. These goods are o He red at the lowest cash rates nnd will be guaranteed to tvo satisfaction. A call Is solicited befora pun basing elsewhere as It la believed that better bargains are to be ioand than at any other piacu iu the county, Dec. 6'tf7 sji nnn he ward. 4? A mJJJ For any case of Blind Bleed Ids Itching, or Ulcerated l'tlen that Dk Ulna's Vile Remkuv fnlN to cure. It Is prepared expressly to cure the and nothing ele,nnd has cured cases of over 20 years staudlne. Bole by all Druggists, VIA FUG A. Ie Ring's Via Fuga is the pure Juices of Barks Herbs, ItuotH, and Berries, for CONSUMPTION, Inflammation of the Lnngs; nil Liver, Kidney, and Bladder dlseases.organio Weakness, Female AfUlctlons, General Uebillty.and all complaints of the Urinary Organs In Male nnd Female, pro ducing Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Gravel, Dropsy and Hcrolula, which most generally terminate 1 Consumptive- Decline. It purifies And enrlctes the Blood, the Billlary, Glandular and Secretive Hystem; Corrects and Btrengthensthe Nervous and Muscular forces: it acts like a charm on weak nervous, and debilitated females, both young aud old.' None hhould be without It. Bold every where. liABORATOKT 142 Franklin St.. Balti more, Md. rao6570-ly. rpiIE 1IYPEUION HAIR X CUULEIW. AN INDISPENSABLE ARTICLE KOU TUE LADIES. UWentcd July WA.liStf7.) This Curler is the most nerfect invention ever of fered to the public. It is easily operated.neat In ap pearance, and will not in jure the hair, as there is uo heat requited, nor any lnetallicsubHtance used to rust or break the hair. Manufactured only and for sale by MCMILLAN A CO. No 63 North Front Street, IMiiLADiu.rmA.rA. Hold at Dry Good?, Trimmings and Notion Stores. N. H. Sintrlo Tinx 25 rents 3 Boxes. assorted sizes. fc5 cts. Mailed free to any part of the Unlt- eu niaies. upon receipt oi ine money. Je2r70.55m. s HARPLESS & IIARMAN, KAOLK FOUNDRY ANU MAHUFACTUJtXKQ BHOP, STOVES & PLOWS WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL TUE CELEBRATED UOKTH03K IDOK BEAM AND TUB UUTTON WOODEN BEAU PLOWS CoKtlnifi find VireBrlckforreDalrlnircltyStovf. All kind, of llros. or Iron canting made lo order upon snori uoiice. U. V. HII ARPLE8S I'. H. IIARMAN. ulooiuBburtc, Pa. Proprietors iar.iivutf.u. gROWN'S FAST FREIGHT FROM rniLADEI.I'IIIA TO IlLOOMSBUuU and Intermediate points. Goods forwarded with care and despatch and at low rates. Goods, at Philadelphia, must be delivered at miner A Co's. 611 Market Street, For full par ticular, apply to JACOB SCIIUYLEH. Proprietor, Aug. S0.'C9-tf.. R. Depot, llloomsburg.Pa OuAfJuhlut. bJl Arub St., l'rof. DtiUos. Z1A W. lb SLfClBCiBiuU, U., sst llr. GnMsa, SI Ctu,rluU, N.O.SM msk- . ll Mtu&u)tlu f sill Qlktlrt VJ Umr lr..l UaerAauaoMi I Vrs 1 rfl .j I viwumt sslh u iuult Q t nstlala,, BdHhl.nttltllal -Z 1 t tvirv root sad tbn u (l ?y IVuudmJn- i B4TU. U Ukas Is ' M O I Vunasadoaa. " U Wl US Irftwl-w H V 7 boiiia ins faMon, with tuir uudU. abjallac oat mull.' alLtrt I ' bSTt tbM tmtmtnu. ttona other Ibasld tjtr U aud. , k'vr tiartltaUri, aaaa for cr aajraaaaa itol OCl28';0.3m. D ENTISTRY. II C, UOWER, dentibt, Itasnectfnlly orere his professional services to the ladles and gsntlemen of Rlooinsburg and vl ctnlty. He Is prepared to attend loallthf. vari ons operations lo the line of his professlou,and Is provided with the latest Improved Poucklain Truth which will be Inserted on gold plating silver and rubber base to look as well asthe na& oral teeth. Teeth extracted by all the new au most approved methods, and all operations on the teeth carefully and propeily attended to. Residence and orllie a lew doors axrf6 the Court House, same side. illoomsbnre, JaD.Jl.'Mtf PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE. A New Coui:8KoF LiTTOBKS, us delivered at t he Prnua. Poly technic and Aualoinical Museum 1205 Chestnut St., three doors above Twelfth, Philadelphia, (inbraclug the subjects! How to Live and What to Live fori Youth, Maturity auu Old Age; Maubood Generally Reviewed; Therauseol Indigestion; EJatulenca and nerv ous Dit eases accounted fori MsrriaiM I'hiln. sopnlcally considered, Theso lectures will be foiwaided ou receipt of 16 cents by addmslugi Secielary of the Pennsylvania Poj-ytkcuniu ABU .An Ajujiic-Ai, Aiuai-cM, ivjq ciiestuut St., JemtMy. ' gtiATE ROOFING, C ICS I VAH1ETT MOST FAVORABLiE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AND CASPER J. THOMAS Box. 277, BIooinibttrK. Pa, Mar.lf.tSMy JOU PRINTING HUr HMulAd at this Offlc,,' T" K KIDNEYS. lhe Kidneys are twolu number, situated at the upper part of Hie loin, surrounded by fat, and constating of three parti, vlt, the Anterior the Interior, and the Exterior. The anterior nbsorhst Interior consists of tU sues or veins, which servo a deposit for tho urine aud convey it to the exterior. The oxter lor Is a conductor also, terminating lu n slnglo tube, and called tho Ureter. The ureters are connected with the bladder. Tho bladder It composed of various covering or tissues, dtvldod Into parts, viz.! tho Upper the Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper expels, tho lower retains. Many have a deslro to urinate- without tho ability others urinate without tho ability to retain. This fre quently occurs In children. To cure theso nllcctlous, wo must bring into action tho muscle?, which are engaged In their varloui functions. If they aro neglected. Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. Tho reader must also bo mado aware, that however slight maybe the attack, It Is sure lo affect tho bodily health and mental our flesh nnd blood are supported from these source, Gout,ou UiiKUMATisM.I'ahi occurring In tho loins Is Indicative of the above diseases, Thoy occur In person disposed to acid stomach and chalky concretions. The Gravel, The gravel ensues from neg lect or Improper treatment of tho kidneys Theo organs being weak, the water Is not ex pelled from tho bladder, but allowed to remain ; it becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It is from ttils deposit that tho stono Is formed, aud gravel ensues. Dnoi'sr Is a collection of water In some parts of the body and bears different names, accord' Ing to the parts affected, viz.: when generally d 1 mined over the body, It Is called Anasarca when of tho abdomen, Asultei; when of the chest, Hydrothorax, Tueaiment. Ilelmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu. U decidedly one of tho best remedies for diseases of the btadder kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, aud gouty affections. Under this head wo havo arranged Dysurla, or difficulty aud pain In passing water, Scanty Secretion, or smalt and frequent discharges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urine; Gout nudHheumatlsm of the kidneys, without any chaugo in quantity, but Increase In color,nr dark water. It was always highly recommend ed by the late Dr. l'hyslck, lu these nfTectlous. This medicine Increases the power of diges tlon.aud excites tho absorbents Into healthy exercise by which the watery or calcareous dep ositions, and all unnatural enlargements, ar well as pain and Inflammation are reduced, and It Is taken by men, women, and children. Di rections for use and diet accompany. PuiLADELrniA, PX., Feb. 25, 1SOT, IL T. IIklmuold, Druggist: Dear Sin I have been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid ney affections, during which-time I havo used various medicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of tho most eminent Physicians experiencing but Uttlo relief. Having seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my family physi cian In regard to using your Extract Buchu, I did this because I had uied all kinds of ad vertised remedies, and had found them worth less, and, some quite Injurious j In fact, I despair ed of ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of the In grcdlents. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of buchn, enbebs, and Juniper berries, It occurred to mo and my phy&Ulan as an excel lont combination, and, with his advice, after an examination of the article, and consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try It. I com menced Its line about eight mouths ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From the first bottlo I was astonished end gratified at tho ben eficial effect, and after using it three weeks, was able to walk out, I felt much like writing you a full t-Utement ot my case at that time, but thought my Improvement might only be tem porary, and therefore concluded to defer and see if It would effect a perfect cure, knowing then it would be of greater value to you and more sat isfactory to me. I am now able to report that a euro Is effected after using the remedy for Are months. I have not' used any now for three months, and leel as well In all respects as I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid ol any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonlo and lnvlgorator of the system,! do not mean to be without it when ever occasion may require Its uso In such affec tions. m. Mccormick. Should any doubt Mr. McCormlck'a statement. he refers to the following gentlemen i Hon. Wsf. Biqlicr, ex-Governor, Pennsyl vania. IIou.Tnos. B. 1'LOliEk'CE, Philadelphia. Hon, J, O.'Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. 8. BzacK, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon. I). R. Pohtkr. ox-Governor, Pennsyl. van la. Hon. Ellis Lewis, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon. It, U. O hub, Judge, United States Court. Hon. O. W. Woodwakd, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. Portzk, City Solicitor, Philadel phia. Hon John Biulxu, ox-Governor, California. Hon. E. Banks Auditor General, Washing ton, D, O. And many others. If necessary. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere Ilewaro of counterfeits. Ask for Ilelmbold's Take no other, Phicje f 1.35 per bottle, or 6 bot tles for H.M. Delivered to any address. De sorlbe symptoms lu all communications. Address II.T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, tSl Broadway, N. Y, NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONK VP IN STEELi - ENGRAVED WRAPPER, with fao-slmlle of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed H. T, HELMBOLD. TIIllOUCUI l'ASSENQKK OAll TO AND VKOM PIItr.AUEU-lIIA AND WILLI AMsrOUT VIA. TMK l.SlltUlt VALLEY HAIL HO A II. On nnd after Mnndnv. October 3d. 1K70. n throuKli iiiunutmer couch will run lielweon 1'lilU nileliililA and nil points on the Calnwlnsn Hull llnnd vlit. (iuaknko Junction. NoclmuRo or car, between WUIInmsport and Philadelphia. Lcavo for Arrive from Phllad'aANcw York, Phllad'n Now York, A.M. H.15 H. II n..1ii WUIInmsport Sluncy. .Milton. l)nnvltle. Hupprt. (Jatawlssn. Maucli Ctiunk Cntasnqua. Allcntown lletblelietn Easton Phlladrliilila New York S..V) 4.011 8. Ill 8.81 1A17 12. IS 1J.I5 11.81 11.11 II.0J A.M. lu.10 10.80 10.42 1.10 SUM 2.H7 J.fiO 8.17 Arr. 0.05 I.V. B.U3 l'.M. Don-t fall tnnsk (or vourttrketK via. the I.e- hlRh Valley Double Track lUmte for l'lilladel- ilia, piow iorK aou an poinin in ine jentu 'alley. Muoerlor frelaht accommodalloun nrn otferetl by tills old anil short line routo troin Phlladel plila and New Yolk to all stations ou Catawissa Itall Hoad and connections. litis istheonlv double track routo between New York and Quakako Junction, nnd tbetefore is mo iuosi reitaoiuior uoin rriMautHnii rag' sellgers. , II. Sl'ANLUY UUODWIN. Asst. uen i. nupt. Bethlehem, Oct. 51, lSTO-ly. DELAWAllE, LACKAWANNA, & WHirilllX UAll.ltOAD. auiumerarranse. mem, April ii,i&o. xiains leavo as lonuwsi EASTWAltn. tt'KHTWAItn, F.t. Ac Mall PU!" colD' Ac- l!x- Mall STATIONS, com, press l'.n l'.M. Via M. A K. llivls.lA M, l'.M. Arl Now York. Lv B 12 llnrclail SI.) K.UO 4.10 t'hrlslopbcr Mt.... x.oo 4.10 K.OO 4..1" llohoken 8.13 4.2i KM 4.10 Newark. K.4'1 1.50 fl.l 1,01 Washington lt.'Jt 7.M via Cen. lilt, of N.J. New York 1000 3.40 IMerlv 6i) IWM) 5.00 7.40 1.21 ....New Hampton...... 11.15 7.'&) 8.48 1 2.47 ..Oxford 11.41 7.50 l'J.37 HrldBevlllo 11.5.1 8.00 U.W 5.10 ...,1'hllailelphla.. 7.80 8.80 s.4i 3.50 Trenton 8.4.5 4,U (I.S0 1.30 PIlllllpsburB....... 11.05 7.U5 5.:ci 1M0 .Manunka Chunk.... lioo 8.05 Vis 12.25 Delaware 12,15 8.20 6.11 12.08 ....Mount llethel 12.26 8..I0 am 12.5J Water llap 12.10 8 4) 4,51 11.88 .....Htroudsbute 12..5J 8.i5 11.28 SpragliovlUe l.Ui! 11.18 Ilenryvlll 1.15 I. Iff UM Oakland 1.80 0.28 1.01 10.4(1 Hoiks 1.40 11.11 8.45 10.27 Tiibyhailtia 2.0(1 tl.5t 8.81 10.11 Oouidsboio 2.10 10.0(1 .'1.1.5 !l.50, Moscow zm 8.05 1)1) Dunning 2.4s 10.8s P.M. 8.00 2.10 n.10 scrantun 8.80 7.80 .VIS ... Clark's Kuilliull.... 8.10 0.15 0.10 7.15 8.80 ...Ablllgtoli 8.10 0.21 H.25 8.1.5 1.55 8.11 ..Knctorjvllle 4.01 !l.:r n.nt 1.311 7.5 J I Nicholson 4.20 0.51 10.80 5.10 1.21 7-37 llopbottoni 1.811 10.12 ll.tH) 4.57. 7.15 Molitloio 4.57 10.Ui l'ilnl .10 1210 tl.M .....Vew illlfurd 5,15 10.17 U85 .1.45 12:15 0.8!) Great llcud 5.80 11.02 l.MI F.MlA.M A.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. Trains do not stop at Stations hore tho Time Is omitted. Connections. At New Hampton with Central It. H. of N.J. The Mall nud Express trains eastward ami west ward connect with trains lor New Yorlc.Ellza- ueiii, r iHioueid, noiijervuie uuti oilier siuiious. At Washluuton with Morris & Essex It. It. Malt and Express tialnsmako close and reliable connections with trains lor New York. Newark, Moirlstown, Dover, Waterloo, Ilacketlstown Ac At Manunka Chunk with llelvlderu Delaware Cluso connections areniRdo by .Mall and rxpress iraius, wiiu irains tor I'luiaueiiiiiia, Trenton, Phllllpsl.uri;, Uelvldere, Ac. ily Train den, by No. 4, via Kclisluutuu. l'assetiaera ou No.4,nrrle lu Philadelphia In time to taKo the 11.80 p. m, train lor Daltlmoieand Washington, At Scranlou with Lackawanna A Illooinsburn A Dulaware .V: Hudson Itall Uoads. Trains ou these roads connect with our tialus lor Plttstou, Wllkes-llaire. lterwlck, Hloomsburg, Danville, Olyphant. Arcl.bald and Carboudale. At Illnghamton with Erlo Hallway. Mall No. t connects with Express Mall on Erie Hallway, leaving at 8.4J p. in. with a sleeping coach at tached, arriving at llullaloat ti.20next morning. Express No. 8 connects with u way Iratu for Owego, Ithaca, and El inlra. Albuuy A Susquehanna Itall Road. Eourtralns adny run each way between Illnghamton ami Albany. One leaves Dlnghamiou ut 2.80 p. m., and arrives at Albany at u.oo p. ni. Syracuse, llluuhamton .t N. Y. R. It. Trains for Syracuse leavo ut 7 a. iu. and 0.25 p.m. Trams lroiu Sviacuse urrlvo at 11.40 a. mi. and 8.30 p. ui, iv. iir.isivi, , r. jivijX.sir..lJ. Gen'i Pass, and Tkt, Ageut. Supt. QATAWISSA RAILROAD. 1SI0. BUMMER ARHANOEMENT. 1879, Passenger Trains on this r oail will run as fol lows: Mail Soil!,. STATIONS. Williamsport, Mnncy. Hail North Arr, 6.50 p. m. Dep. 5.28 " 1. 10 " " 4.00 -" 3.10 " " 3.82 " " 2.23 " Dep. 8.15 a,m 6.15 0.30 Pinion. Danville. " Rupert. Catawlbsa. ' Rlngtown. ' Summit. Ouakake. ' " 10.10 " " 10.80 " " 10.42 " " 11.17 " " 12.21 p.m. " 12.31 " 1.50 ' 1.40 " 1.80 " 1.10 10.40 a.ra 11.30 " 8,15 " 2.00 p.m. " 12.48 " 2.15 " 4.25 " 3.15 Arr. 8.45 ' 1.25 ' 2.55 " 5 05 ' 3.20 E. Mahnuy June. -Dlue.Tamaqua. Dlue. Reaillug. ' ' PotiKvllle. " ' Philadelphia, 'dlno Mauch Chunk, dlno' liethiehem, i.. iu Phlla, via Dethehom, -Eastou, " Now Y'ork, ft. Liberty at., via L. AS. 0.55 a.m. 11.15 ' 6.05 " via U AS. R. It. ' 0.00 (1,05 ' " L. Valley R. R. " 0.50 1 valley 11. It. - 5.58 a.m. Boston, " 0.00 p.m Passengers taklr g tho 8.15 train from William snort, will have twobouratn New York, tor sun. per, and arrive In Boston at 6.30 eleven uour- in auvauco oi an oiner routes- New day couches accomnauv all tralnq be tween Wllllumsiiort, Pew York and Philadel phia. iiuiuh run turuugii uy uiiyiigui. UEO. WEBU, Supt. T ACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS UUltCl RAILROAD On nud 9lUr Jul 5, 1870, Passenger Trains will ruu us iiuiuw s. Going North, Arrive Arrive p.m. a.m. Going South. Leave Leave p. iu. u. m Scruulou 8.40 12..U 3.80 7.20 Leave 3.5U 4.15 4.80 8.17 3.45 6.18 ti.55 Arrive Plttstou....... 8.11 11.42 Kingston 7.45 11.10 Plymouth 7.30 10.55 Sblckshlnuy..., (1.52 0.(41 Berwick Clio 8.30 7.48 8.12 8.21 8.02 Uloom 0.28 11.21 Danville . 4.50 7.15 10.07 10.45 Arrive Leave Leave Nortu'd 4.13 0.40 7.25 11.20 Connection mnue utscrunton liv Ibe 10.40 a.m. tralu lor Great Bend, lllngliHinlon, Albany aud uil jiuiuui iiuou, uia, uuu i,i. ,1. i , uuuflll, Dlljl I. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. On and after June 12th 1870, Trains will leave SONBUKY as follows s NORTHWARD. 5.35 a.m., Dally to VVIIllainsjinrt, for Elrolra canalldulgua. Rochester, lluualo, suspension Bridge, and N. Palls. 3,40 p. M Dally,(excepl Sundays) for Elmlru hih. llullalo via Erie Itallwuy mini Elmliii. 6.15 cm., Dally. (except Sundays) for Williams. pun. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 11.45 A. M. Dally (except Mouduy's) for Damnum WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 11.25 P.M. Dally(6xceptSunduy's)furBaltluior Washington and Philadelphia. ED. S. YOUNU General passenger Agent Alituku R. KisKE. Gen'l Supt.. JEADINQ RAILROAD. FALL ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Seit. 5th, 1870. Great Trunk Line flora the North and North West for Phlladelphla.New York. Ileauluiz. Potts vllle, Tamaiiua, Ashiaud, Shamokln Lebanon Aiieutown, Gaston, lpnruta, Litis, Lancaster IUIUIUUIU, KG,, Trains leave llarrlsburg for New York, as un lowst At 65, 8,10 aud 8.50 a. m alio 2.30 p. in., connecting with similar trains oi. Penna. Railroad, aud arriving ut New York at 12,10, noon, 3,60, aud 10,00 p. m. respectively. Sleeping cars accompany thu 5,35 a. in. tralus without chauge. Returning t Leavo New York at 8,00 a.m. ami 12.W uoou auu o.w p. in. I'uuaueiphla at Mi a. ni, and 310 p. in, Sleeping cars accompany tuu o.w p.m.. iraius irom n i wiiuout ciiuuge, liave iiarrisuurg iur iieauiug, roiisvilib, iu uiat,uu, niiuersviue, itBiiiauu, Duamuuiu Al- leutuwn and Phtla'il. at 8,10 a. m., and 2,50 aud i,iu i'.iu.,aiuppiig ui ijeoauou ami priuci)iai way OM...U,.o. ...V 1,(WII1U) ,,(. IttllllCltlllU IUI X 111, U Pottsvlllu aud Columbia only. Eur Poltsvllle nciiuiKiu iiuvcn auu Auiiurn, via HciiuyiKUl .JUV.,UVUMUUM UUU, KH J,HIII4UUI( ,l d,,U p.iii. East l'enusylvaula Railroad trains leave Head Ing for Allentown, liston und New York at 7.23 10.30, 10. V, a, in., und 4.45 p. iu, lletuinlug, leave iTKVf tU.AMI. V.VU U. 111., UUUIlUUUIlVj O, JU, and Allentown at 7.20 a.m. 12.25 noon, 4.VU am 8.45 p. ni. War Passenger Train leaves Phlladclnnia at 7.30 a.m., couuuctiug with similar tralu ou East ru. lauruau returning irom ueauiugal0Aip.iu stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsvtlle at 5.4waud 0.00 a.m. .and 2.50 Herndon ut 1U.0U a. in., shumokln at 6.10 a ml I1.U5 a. in., aiuihuu ai a.iu, auu nuuu luau- anny city at 7.51 a. in. and 1,17 p. in. Tainuitua al 8.83 a. in., aud 2,20 p, in, for Philadelphia am- ikw i ura. Leave 1'ottsvllla via Schuvlklll anil Susoua. hauua Railroad at 8,15 a.m. lor llarrlsburg. and ........ , i 1. 1 . , 1, UV.l.'.U UUU A V., Reading Aocomiuodatlou Train leaves l'otls- viue aia.iua, m., pusses iceauing at i,oo a. m., ar rivlug at Philadelphia at 10,20 u. m. Returnlugi leaves Philadelphia at 6,15 p. in., passing lleud- lug av e.wp.m,, arriviugut I'OllsvMie at v.iv imu, PutUlowu Accoinmodailou Traln:leavesPolu town at 8.25 a.ui... returning, leaves Phlladel uhu at 4.00 n.ui. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7,20 a.m., and 0-15 p.m, for Ephratu, LI tlx, Lancas ter, Columbia, Ac, I'erklomen Itall Road Trains leave Perklomeu Junction at 7.10 11,05 a. in., 3.00 4 0,83 p. iu. return lngt leave Hchwenkavllle at 6.30, 8.10 a.m., 12.50 noon a t.iu p.m., connecting witu similar iruius on Reading lUUroad, CoUbrookdaU Railroad trains leave Potts town at MO a. m and (.2U p. in., rsluruUig leave Mount Pleasantnt 7.00nnd ll.2.5n. in., cnnnectlna with similar tialus on Heading Railroad, Chester valley iianroaunniin leavo iiiioko port at 8,30a, in, nnd 2.05 and 6.02p. in, returning, envo llowlilnetnu at tl.20 a. lu.. 12.4.5 ihhiii and 5.15 p. m., connecting with similar tralus uf Reading Railroad, On Sundays, leavo New York BtS,U0p,tu I'nli phiaat 8,00 u.m.aud8,l5n.mlthH8,,tralk rtinnlngouly loHeadliig;)leael'ottsvlllo8, llarrlsburg at 6..15 a. in. and i.lo p. m. and leavo Allcntown at 7.25 a.m. and 8.15 p. m.aud Heading at7.15 n. in, anil 10.05 p. in, for listrls burg, at 7.2.1a, in, for New York, at 4. 15 p. til, for Allcntown, and at 0.10 a, lu. aud 4.2) p. to loi rnuaueipniu. Commutation, Mileage. Season. School .tiAl Excursion Tickets to ami liuni all points, nil o dticed rates. llaggage cheeked throtleh: 100 bounds alloweo each pastfeugcr. u. i. nis.ulJi,n, General Superintendent Reading, Pa., Sept. 1(1 1870. Drugs and Chemicals. i - nanti nnrmnni fifr IDr. WALKEJl'.-1 C. LEFOHIIIA YINEaAR BITTEES ii Hundreds of Thousands S? Bear tostlmoDTta their Woaacr- SB'' fill CursllTe Ltrccts. US WHAT ARE THEY? bg "it u d TircY'AiiE not a van FANCY DRINK. Made of Poor Ittim, WMfltcr Vrout Nplrlto mill Itcluno JslQiiurn doctored, fplccd ocdct-cwl-tLcd to plcaBolho taetc, called "TcIllc8,,,,' Appvt;. tr:,H " r.cgtoictD," Ac, tttt lead tbo tippler ca utULtcnucu find mlu, but oro a troo Wcdlclne, mcdo fromttoXatlva llootacnd IJerUcf California, frco I mm utl Alcoholic Btlmnlanti. Tbcyero tlio It EAT U LOO II rCltlFIEIt and A MFJ5 CIVINU 1'HINCiri.EQ perfect Itcnovator tc(l lnvlgorator of tho System, carrylns off alt polaonona matter and rcetorlcg tho tlood to a healthy condition, ! o person cantoto these Bitters according todlrtc t.oa and remain long unwell. JjlOO will bo clTcnroraa lncrrablo case, provided t'io bones aro not destroyed by mineral polnon or other means, &cd tho vital rjranfl TrMtcd beyond tbo point of repair. rr Inflammatory nnd Chronic niicumn tlem nud 9ont PyepcpBln, r Indlcestloo, Illlloiiii( llcmlttcnt and Intermittent FeTcrs DUcnucaot'thoUIood. ILlTcri Klducys, und Itladdcr, tneso Hitters navo been moEtsncccss fa!, anch Diseases oro canted by Vltlntcd Itlood which Is ccncrally produced by Cc recce ecu of tho Dlffcstlvo Orcani. DYHPEl'SIA OR lNDlGCSTXOKt ncad achr, 1'aln In tho BhouUcrs, Coughs, Tightnces of tho i..iEt, Dizziness, Eour Eructations of tho Etomach. ldtastolnlho Month, BlUous Attacks, Tolpltatloa i' tho Heart, Inflammation of thoLnngB, Tain In tho K-Ulotis or tho Kidneys, ond a hundred other painful i , :aptuins, arc tho ofiSprlngaof DyBpcpela. 1 hi y lnvigorato tho StomacU and stimulate tho tor 1 l.lllvcrand bowclfl,wMcHrcndcrthcmofuncg.uallcd (ulcacyln clcanelns tbo blood of all Impurities, and i'.t.punlns new llfo and visor to tho wholo system. I'OIl HILIS UISEA8ES, KrupUons, Totter, Bait 1 hcum, Blotches, Spots, rimplcfl, PnetulcB, Bolls, Car U:nclco, IUnsWormst Bcald-llcad, Boro Eyes, EryBlp Itch, Ecnrfj, Blscoloratlons of the Skin, Iluraora and Ulscnsca of tho bkln, of whatever namo or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of tho system In a short tlno by tho uso of theso Bitters. Ono bottlo la tueh cases will convince tho most Incredulous of their curative effect, Clcanso tho Vitiated Blood whenever you And lta Impurities bursting through tho skin In Pimples. Erup tions or Sores t clcanso It when you find It obstructed and sluggish in tho veins; clcanso It when It Is foul, und your reelings will toll you when. Keep tho blood pmo at,d tho health of the system will follow. VIN, TArEandothorWOUMS, lorldngla tho system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroy ed and removed. For fall directions, read carefully tho circular around cacti bottlo, printed In four lav guages English, Ocrraan, Trench and Spanish. J-VTALKCn, Proprietor. R. II. McDOXALD & CO., Bva&'lsta und Gen. Agents, San rranclsco, Ct u.U ti and W Commcrco Street , Kcw York, CEr-tOU BY ALL DliUaOISTS AND CEAIXiUS. octsno-tf. S.-i.OOO WILL tin PAID TO ANY PEIWON firoducInK a l'reparatlon Hhowlng half as many IvIdk gonuluo permanent cures as Dii. Fitj.ek.s VKUETAllLK ItJIEUHATIC ItKMKItY, J.HO CI en title prescription or lrof. JOH. P. FITL t It, AL U, one or 1'hili.delptila'd oldeht regulnr I'livHlclana, who has made Hheumat Ism a (Specialty 37 yurs, permanently curing with this Jtemedy 05 lu every 100 patients Treated; ho warranted under oath, from Registered ohm-s, a result unparallel ed. Itlsa pleasant Medicine, free from Injur ious Drugs (sworn vouchers from Henouned Prominent Plivhlctans Indorslm Dr. Fitler ac company each bottlo). To protect sutrerers frtnn rlslc, a legal guarauteohtiitlng mi m her or bottles warranted lo Uuro will ha forwarded without charge to any person sending by letter a full, to cure, the amount paid will bo relunded. Price ffl.SO per bottle; U bottles, U7.50. Medical arlvli e Rent. litftnr crntiy Atlnt.d l.'T'I T . T- I ? OlllcoNo. 0 Kouth KOUUTII Street, Philadel phia, or No. 701 UItOADVAY,N. Y. Sold or sepva u-iy. DR. SAGE'S Catarrh. Remedy, I uo not wisn to Inform you. reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, has discovered a remedy thateures Consumption, when the lungs aie half consumed, lu short, will cure nil diseas es whether of mind, body or estate, mako men live foruer. and leavo death to pi ty lor want ol worn.nuu is uesigueu iu niaKO our suoiunar Ktiheioa tjllssful Paradise, to which Heaven itsel shall bebnl a side show, You havo heard enough of that kind or humbugucry. Itut when I tell you thai Dr.tsage s umarrn uemeuy u-iu jtutitue lu cure the vnnst cases of Catarrh in tbn ileiul. I onlv assert tlmt which thousands ciiu t stllv to I will pay 8000 Iteuurd for a case that 1 cannot euro. A pamphlet r11uk symptoms h ml other inioimntion seuiireeiouny aauress. nus rem edy Is SOLD UY MOST DltUOOIS'lH IN ALL PAKTS Of T11K WOltLU, rrlco 50 cents. Sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt ot bisvy vtnib, or jour jtueuuget jor two dollars, Umwire of couutcrAxtt und uorthlexs imltttitans. Seolhat, my pilviito Stamp, which is u positive guarantee of Uenuinencti, Is upon the outside wrapper, Uen.ember that this prlvato Stamp. ..gun. uy nio tjiiiieuniuiehiiuvuruiueuiezpreaa ly ror stamping my medlclues, has my portrait, name aud uddicstf, und thu woids C. S. CerLltb catu of Oenuineuess," enmaved iion it, and need not bu mistaken, lion't be swindled by tiavelers nnd others representing themselves oh Dr, Sage; lam the only man now living that Iihh the knowledge and right to manufacture the Ucnuine Dr. Suge's Catarrh Uemedy, and 1 never It. V. 1'IEIK'E. M. D. uLlSl'TO-tf. 113 Seneca Btreot, llullalo, N. V. s EVEN ItEASONS WHY U THB 11E3T LINIMENT IN THE WOULD ron houses. Pjkht. It is composed of tho most 1'OWKiiful una i kimkthatinh uquuis unowinii uiiemistrr. Second. Combined with the above u a Midi cinaz. Oil, made expressly Air this LI ut incut, and mixed bv an entirulv unw nmiwuii. TitlKi). Theuseortheu-ru(andpfnerarnff Ingredleuts Is to drlvu or force lu thU beautiful iifiimAiiUii wiucn luuricaies ine joints ana muscles, and lnimedlatplv thrniitoM th diRAnnt. und compels It to loosen Its deathly, sickening and poisonous fangs, FouiiTH. This MifDiciNAi. Oil is imod for the Barae reason thatagrmi mechanic always use.s oil to make his machinery work with ease and precision. So In the same way the muscles and Joints of our aulmals should be lnhrlcated If we winh to have them travel with rapidity and ease. FiKTH, It is very Boothlngln lUaction, will not burn or blister the nrlmal like most or the "rtd hot" liniments of thd duy. Sixth, Not one drop oi tincture nf cayenne or red tenner tan be found in Its eooinnklitnn for we hold that no liniment can bo effective wmcu uunm ttuu misters xne animal until llw muscles ate hard and dried almost to a crisp, H eve nt it. Every bottle Is wauuantep lo give good ftuttsfactlon, or your money will be refund ed. This shows conclusively that the proprie tors have full confidence In this preparation, and proves lor the seventh time that (1. K.B.B. m me ix-flr i4iunueni in tue worm jor norses. iurt 0 Jttd JV-jp unit JlurUftvm, ur W troth mi tot but atkjar U, li H. N,jor iwrui, unu take D. U. OAltKY A CO., Ho'le Proprietors. septi.70-ly m Washington Struct, New York, A LIj KINDS OP JOB PRINTING J. neatly exec a ted at Tuk Columbia SteAm a CCs TBXY'AIIE EOT A Vttn S 8 -a a neany exe U&f omoe. run' jKV STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh nrrlvAl of ! BUM MRU, U00I&. David Low'KNniata invites iittentlon to btt slock nf CHKA1' AND fASHIONAIUiKCIiOTIUNO, ftthlsntoreon Mat u Street, two doom nliovo tho American Uouo Illoomiburji, lHi., whero he han Just received rrom New York and Philadelphia n full assortment of MUN AND BOYB CLOTHING, Including tho most- fiishteuable. durable, and hamlflomo DUHSa QOOD3, cousKtlng of UOX.HACK, UOCO.OUM.ANDOIL-OLOTH COATHAND I'ANTS. of nil sorts, sizes and colors. JIo has nlso replen ished hla already large stock of FALL AND WINTKIl SHAWLS, HTllirLD, .VIQUUKD, AND 1'LAIN VKST3 8IIIUTS, CHAVATS, STOCKS, COLLAUS IIANDKEUCIIILTS, OIjOVKP, SUSrKNDKRS, AND l'ANCY AUTICLU4 He nns conRtantly ou hand A large ftiid welt-se ected assortment of CLOTHrt AND VESTING, which he Is prepared to mako to order into any kind of clothing, on very &hort notice, nnd In the bent manner, All hts clothtntf Is made to wear, and most of Ills of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWLIIY, ol every description, line and cheap, H1h case ol Jewelry Is not Rtirpassed 1n th!iphice. Call nnd examine his general assortment of CLOTHINO, WATCliES JEWELIlY, AO. DAVID LOWENHEUO. Bakery and Confectionery. JOHN O. JACOliY'S 1JAKKHY AND CONFECTIONERY! 11EHWICK, PENN'A. The undersigned would tcspcctfully Inform the Citizens of Jteiwhk, unci lelnlty, that he has opentd a Con tect lottery and llakeiy iu ODD FELUWS HALL, Ilerwict;, Pa., where he Is jmpais'dto furnish all kinds ol PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIIS, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMEiVl 10 FItUlTS OUANGI S, LEMONS, ItAlSlNH AC., Ac., Ac., Ac. nv viioi.n.sAi.K and itErAir.. Among the asoi tment will be found Cream Nuts, I,ngll(h iiiuutN, 1'eunut.s. Almonds, FH beits, Flgf, vi pit !, Cocoa Nuts, .Itllles of d I tier- tut KHUN, MUvtatO.illUUp, I'lCKies, tjinfoiaie, t'jinm tt l-inlt of all klndv. mrn Sti-fi h. Ills- etill, hfn'a tuukcrs, Oyster Lincheiis, Cheese, woap, ruuig I'uper, artgiifmeni i'ii'crs, 1,11 veIope, FJSIl ANU OYSTERS, Ami prrdufo of nil kitiils. l-'jthll llnnd nntl tilu" every !ny. Jco L'U'inn In Stii'.ou, Your ruliuuiiKu Is solicited. JOIINO. JAf.'OHY. Ilcrwlcll, Juno 17, lS70-tr c O S I' KOTION li H Y . The undersigned would itsnecllully Hunounce to the public ttmt lu has opened a FIRST-ClwVr t.ONFECT'IONEHY STOUE, tu the tjutldiug lately occupied h Fox A Webb where he 1m piepareuto lurnlsh all ktndH of PLAIN A FANUY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIICS, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, AC, AC. nv wnoLKSAi.E on retail. 1 . r..n .,.u..i..iiit .r .ill .-Aulu in his lino f business. A great variety of DOLLS, TO Y8, Ac., suitable for the Holidays, Particular attention given to DREAD AND OAK KB, of all klndM, iresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIES, O II I S T M A H TOYS. A call 1h solicited, aud satisfaction will b guaiauteed. ov. 22, 1HCT ECK1IA11T JACOUS. Books. ANEWllOOIC of the greatest Interest and im portance. Written irom a high moral and physi ological standpoint, by an eminent physician and medical protessor, it shows how ha tan Is working out bis subtle nnd dangerous designs through our most sacieil domestic aud social le latlous. Pure-mlndcd,bnt outspoken nud ag gressive, tne nuthor handles the delicate subjects treated of withottlylovca, but In such a manner as not to nitnlstertoaprurlentcurloilty. Thel'hys teal liegenirationoj the. Jiacc.ln a subject Justly enlisting the Interest ami sympathy of all true pmiiinwirnpihis, una mis oooir, it m ueiieveti, will contribute to that end Just In proportion as it has readers. A circular sent fiee, containing a lull description and synopsis of tho work with liberal extracts. C. F. VENT, Publisher, 5 Collego Place, N, V, AGENTS Wantci U: Twelve Years azs Wild Indiaiis & Plains. Thu wild udventures und thrilling experiences ut Jeort;v 1 Belden, who, flred witu u Ihlrst for nknowledo uf the red men, their sports, tradi tion, wars, great buffalo hunts, tc. left, a home of luxury, sought and Joined the Indians, became a lamous warrior, hunter, and llually chte of ldj lodges. This new work replete with stirrlnn ro cltiilsof U'al Indiau Me, (faring dreij, hairbreadth escapes, atnusig scenes, Ac, on tinted paper, 70 splillt'd cnKravlUK', one of author lu huuter's diess.will ho tageily bought for and read with avidity, lie wide uwukeaud seud early for Hills Irated sample puae, circular, terms aud chulce ueiu. 41, 11. li u nujiu, i uuiiMier. sepl(i.0-tr. 11X1 Chestnut rit 1'hifa. B llsrc ur M. M, r MS IT. 4lli M ( Inrlnnatl.O. ir they nut the most nupularund tmst sell Ins inlMcrlplloii IkhiIi.1 puhllslurf. and thi'WiO((ii.. tral terms (vend forclrculars. Theywillcost you nothlUB, and may bo of groat benefit to you, fehU'-O-ly. Washing Machines. J)OTY'S WASHING-MACHINE, liATEIiY SIUCII JirUOVKD-ANl) TII1I NHW UNIVEltSAL CLOTHES WBINGEIt Improved with rtowelPs l'atent Double Cok wheels, nnd the l'atent Stop, are now unques tionably fur superior to any apparatus for wash. Inir clothes ever Invented, and will save their cost twice a year, by sarin) labor and clothes. The Kdltnr of this paper, who purchased a Washer aud Wringer, thus tcstlUes as tu their vnluei "Wo havo had lu use In our family for soma tune past, oue of Doty's Clothes Washers anil rlnReis.andnro prepared to bear testimony as to Us merits. It Is emphatically n labor-saving machine und does lis work In the most thorough manner. For families who have largo washes these machines would bo Invaluable,'1 Culuh UIAN, Jan. 11, 1670. PIUCES-A Mill OPFEIt. If the Merchants In your place will not furnish, nr send lor the Slachlnea.i-cud ualhoreuill price Washer f 14, Kxtia Wrlliltej SO, aud we will fori wunl either or both machines, tree of freight, to places uheitinouuels kelllug: aud sosureare we they will be liked, that we agree to refund the money If anv oue wishes to return tho ma chines free iiifirelght, alter u month's trial, ac cording lo directions. No husband, father or brother should permit thodruiltery of washing with the hands, nity. twodaysiu the year, when It can be done better, more expeditiously, with less labor, aud uolu. Jary to lljeganiient,byal)oty Clothes Washer, and a Uulversal Wringer, ' Hold br dealers generally, to whom liberal dis counts are made. It. O.IinoWNINO, Oen. Agent, '. ifi Cortland blreet, New York. oct7'70-tf. AUaAINS-UAUUAINS. uvick sai.m iNu usiii.i, puorim. i'.. I mull num.), no to , 1IENHY YOST, East Bloomsburg, fa., for all kinds of the beat borne and city made ' P U It NITtlltB, ff'SJ "onabl, ana the best work dou. J 113 iV'tf UAND OPENING tlitANIl OPKN1NO UHAN1) Ol'IININU UltANl) Ol'KNINtl UHAN11 Ol-KNINU or KAMi AN'I) WINTKU OOODS, FAMj AND WINTMIl 00011H, WIJi AND WINTMIl UOOIW VAU, AND WlNTHIl HOODS FALL AND WINTKU UOODSt consisting ol consisting of constating of eonslstlng or consisting of DIIY (lOODS, DUY (lOODS, DUY OOODH, DUY OOODH DUY OOODH, HATS AND CAPS, 1 1 ATS AND CAIW, HATH AND UAPH, HATH AND CAIK, HATH AND CAIfJ, HOOTS AND HIIOF.H, llOOIS AND HHOK.S, IIOOTH AND BIIOKM, HOOTS AND HIIORS, IIOOTH AND HHOICS, RBADY-MAD1-1 CLOTHINO, HKADY-MADK CLOTHINO HKADY-MAIIK CLOl'HINO, ItK A D Y-M A I ) K CLOTH 1 NO UKADY-MADK CLOTUIMU, I.OOKINO-OLAHHKS, LOOKINO-OliAHSlCH, LOOK IN O-O L AHS IX, LOOKINtl-OLAHHlM LOOKINO-ULAbHEH, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS, GUOOKKIKS, UltOCHUIliS, UllOCK.ItlKS, UUOCKltlKS, MHOULltlES, IIUKKNSWAUK liUI'.llNSWAIti:, HUKF.NSWAHK liUKKNSWAltU, tlUHKNSWAltL' HAltDWAHK, DAltllWAIli:, UAlinWAllM, iiaudwahl: HAltDWAHK, I'lNWAltK, TINWAItr. TINWA11I0 TINWAlti: TlNWAltb, HALT, SALT HALT HALT, HALT , FISH, FIHH, FISH, PITH FISH, OltAlN AND HHKDH, OHAIN AND SKKDS. OUAIN AND SKF.DS, OUAIN AND SKKDH, OUAIN AND SHIIDS, Ac., &Ot Ac., AT ' NBA I. A CO.'S, NKAL ft CO.'S, NliAL ft CO.'S. NKAL ft CO.'S. NKAL ft CO.'S. Main and Market Streets, Main and .Market Streets, Main and Market Streets, Main and Market Streeta, nIcKELVY, MrKKLVY, McKKLVY, McKF.LVY, McKKLVY, Northwest corner ot Northwest corner of Northwest corner of Northwest eornar of Northwest corner of .uaiu anu itiaraei mrccis, IlLOO.MSllUnO, PA., HLOOMSHlIItO, PA ULOOMHIIUItU, PA., HLOOJIHllUltO, PA., IILOOMSIIIIHO, l'A. I HON AND NAILS, IHON AND NAILS, IHON AND MAILS, IHON WU HA11.M, AND NAILS, IKON In large quantities and at reduced rates, alway on uaud. B UY THE UEST. THE HED LION DUAND, B 1 A C It ALPACA ls superior to all others In color, quality nnd P rlco ; to bo found only at M. P. IiUTZ'S Dealer in Dry Goods nnd lirowerB new building next to the Court House, Main Street, Dloomsburg, Pa. muyW ,0-tf. jyjIIjLEU'S STORE. FKESH AHUIVAL OF HOMMEH OOODS. Tue subscriber has lust returned from Hie cities witu auother large aud select assortment of FALL AulJ WINTEit OOODS, purchased lu Now York aud Philadelphia at the owest figure, and which ho ls determined to sell ou as moderate terms ns can bo procured else wnere lu Dloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES' DHEMS GOODS of the choicest styles aud latest fashions, together With a larce 'assortment nf Ilrv Umvlfl an. I I-... cerles, consisting of the following ! rtlcles uarpeis, OU Cloths, Cloths, Uasslmeres, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, Whito Ooods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, , Musllus, Hollowware - Cedarware Queenswaro, Hardwaie ltdots and Shoes, ' Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Ulaasoi, , Tobacco, Coffee, , , , Sugars, Teas, Itlce, Allspice, Olnger, U'lnuamou, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS OENEttALLY, In snort, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ue Invites tho attention of. the public geuerally. The highest price will be paid for country produce In exchange for goods. S. II, MILLEIl&SON, Arcade Ilulldlugs, Bloomsburg, Fa. Q O. M A R n havejust received from the eastern markets a largo and well selected stock of DUY aOOBS, OONSISTIMO OF Casslmers, Jsjans, llest bleached ft Ilrown Muslins, . Calicoes, Tickings, Table Uncus, Cotton ft Alt wool flannels, ac, Ac, A good stock of Ladles dress goods, Latest styles a patterns. Spites of all kinds, Ouod stock groceries, Queeusware, Hloue ware, Wood ft willow ware, Flour ft Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tlu, Brass, fto, AU goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce, Ue would call the attention or buyers to his well and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept lu tho coun try, feeling confident that he can sell them goods at such prices as will eusure sallafaotlou, Nov, ,'C9-lf 0.0, MAHlt. Q.LOBE MUTUAL liIKE 1NSUUAN0E COJll'ANY or NEW YOItK. Pliny Freeman, 1'resldout, It, 0. Freeman w. Cash canlbil over snnn nv n... tco ,vwt,, paiu, J. li. nOUlSON.IJLOOaiSllUHQ,! uj'ir.itAU AUfciNT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties, Aug. SO.'OI-ly, JN8UItAN0E AGENCY" Wyoming t,,,. -Ktna "'"' North America JW iutemauou'ai::z:::::::::::z:z::z;:: i',01"!""; - ko'm Merchants nul WtfoM farmers' Danville , t9(l N Albany City m' Lancaster City atoixii York Horse, Death & TUell... W',J Home, New Haven I ooo'im Dauvlllc, Horao Theft ' FHKAH 1IUOWN, Avtnt, matH.CO-ty.a IIloomsiidiio, l'A Hardware & Cutlery. Jacoii . smith. j, n, g iM I T II A S E Ij T Z E R, Importersand Dealers lu Foreign and Dorer,t(o II A It D W A II E, OIJNS, (3 UTL BUY, AC, so. 409 n. TntnsTni:Kr,An.o.lLLowiiiLt rillLADELl'IUA. Nov. S2, d7-tf. Paints SIass? Sc. 7IHST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, BEST, I'mtfeST, AND CHEAPtSTI SATISFACTION al'AKANTKliDl For Whttcuess.DuraDlllly.nndBrllllnii.iM cy, it hftl uo equal. 1 Sold by nil dealers In Talnls thrnnghout M the country. ,v BA11KEK. 3IOOIIE -mtci: , - i hUCCH'bOnH TO T. MOItltIS PEIIOT ft CO. a Sole Proprlelors, I'hllailelphla, Pa., Deuleis lu all kinds of DltUOS, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, llYlrtTUFFH, AC, AC. CAUTio.v.-OwIng to the popularity olH our "Fiist National While Lend," other ft parties havo been Induced to oiler a mu- v r Ions article ULtler the same name. Tlieic fore llcware ol Counleriells. The gcuu-iZ Ine Is put up In exttn heavy tin paint pots, Willi patent metallic wfro ImudlesA and the name or tr IJARKEK, MOORE & MKIX, On each label, For bale by MOYEIl HltOTIIKItS, mar2j'70-ly. Ulooiusbtirg. 810,000 GUAIIANTKIC. B UG1C LEAD EXCEI. ALL OTHEH LEAD I 1st. For ltx Unrlvalod Whiteness, 2d. For Its Unequalled Durability, 3d. For ItH Unsurpassed Covering Property Lastly for Its Economy. ejr-It COSTS LESS to palut with IltrcK lkad than any other Wlillo Lend extant. Hie same welghtcoveis MOltH HWHFACE, Is more DUll A11LE, and makes H'lUTEIt WOltlC. DUCK LEAD, ls tho Chcapibt aud lief- W.tXiO OUAItANTEE. BUCK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHEH ZINCH 1st. For Its Unequalled Durability, !M. For Its llnriv uleil Whiteness, :n. l-'or its Unsurpussed Covering Properly. Labtly, for Its Grfsat Kcouomy, being the CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, und most DUItAULE Whlto l'ulut lu the world, 11 u Y "KIT BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: THY IT AND HE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by tho Manufacturers. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expressly for Painting COTTAGES, OUT BUILDINGS nf every dfkerip Hon, FKNCIX, .to. T1IIHTY-FIVE DlKFLft ENT COLOItH, Durable, Cheap, Unlfonu, anil Beautllul bhades. Sample cards sent by Mall If desired. Dealcrb Orders will b promptly executed by the mauulacturcrs, FItENCII, HICHAltDS ft CO., N. W. Cor. Tenth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. MOYEIt HltOTIIKItS, Agents Jan2s'70-ly. for llloonuburg, lVu Miscellaneous. QARRIAGE JIANUPAOTORY, Dloomsburg, Pa. M. a SLOAN A BUOTnEB Have on hand nnd for sale at tho most reasona ble rates a splendid stock of OAHItlAGES, BUGGIES, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY wnrranted to bo made of the best nud roost dur able materials, and by the most experlencia workmen. All work sent out from V' Bailment will be found to beof the hie, '- f'" and sure to give perfect satisfaction. !lieyna also a tine assortment of H LEI OIIS of all the newest and most loshlonablo 'J'lf? well and carefully made and of the best mam lain. ., , An Inspection of their woik Is askid as ui believed that none superior can be found m i"" country, Nov, iO. -w-ti. "TAHMEIWI EXAMINE AND BUY THE O R I O I N A L , luuaii's heino Tins First Haw Bone Piiosi'itATK U AU others aro imitation, B A U G II ' S RAW 1IONK PHOSPHATE OP LlMb. SUPER PALL, 1870. V J . ab This Jfonuir Is made of Haw or Unbm'n Bones, rich In Nltrogeuous matter. dUMiiyu j Oil of Vitriol, presenting the Hone i;i'l 'i a highly soluLleaud quickly available I"""', tue Ammonia 111 sucu jiropoi uwh reou tftvn this urlii;le a trial. prompianu vigorous action upon "".., ' . i.. Where Haugh's .Phosphate was "I'P1".,",, past season , Use Indications, without e"'"-,,. are that It will maintain Its well e'.;..ftl , to Hon. Wereouest all lii need of ul'ertinr B A u a II & SONS, MANUyACTUIlitRH. Office No SO S, Delaware Avenue, PHHiADKLrmA. JHl'70-tf.