The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 18, 1870, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBtJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA urn Thk poimlnllon of Luzerne li 100,071: mi lncrcnso of over 10,000 In ten years. Wk learn as wo co to nrtss tlmt Al Bloomsbtirg. Friday, NOT. 10, 1870, bort Hunter died In I'lillndo'iililn yes icruny, it is presumed irom tnu loss of s.M.rKTTENUII.L ACO..W Park ltow. nnd lilnnil nnil 1 in s innk In liU svslmn. nnn l.uih'oriied Advertising Anni. in tJow York. sequent to tho recent Operation per lV;!ft on him for tho removal of a RI'iunkmk IUI.I., ell Chestnut Hlreet, are nnr ,ml,,r ...ivntltlw.rlvail A.,,.IB l IMtllA.lnlnlila If IIUIUUI. I.ooAr-lNi-oiiMATioM.-.l'ersonslntlio OOn friend Rov. 1 W. JIUMCK. of rarlous towns and other localities of Uloonisimri;. l'n.. snent Knmntlmn with Columbia county will very much oblige U8 recently. Ho was arranging for the is by transmitting statements of local ,.,, , n,i. .,,, ' . ,,., vents whenever occurring In their """lagement of his farm tho coining vicinity. No nttcntlon need bo paid to J'cnr. Our friend II. O., nl- the form, or words In which conveyed, so of Uloomsbiirg, Pa., Is nowhere. Ho I, it s on'y " l'" 01 iniormnuon oxpects to spond somo tlmo making re l'1"1 aro nccap tr- pairs, Ac., 0.1 his farm. Nearly every Five prisoners recently escaped from lllionow juil at Wilkos-Barre. Tun blddlDg for powa at tho Eplsco- pal unuruii, uu uiuriiuy, was fitilio .spirited, aim over 510UU was realized. boat Is now bringing us visitors from tho North. Tho present la a delightful tlmo to visit this country. Xorth Caro linian. A Naukow Escafe. Master Ed ward U. Thornton, about 12 years old, Tins Communication of nnr norm. 8011 " Captain James 51. Thornton, of i,omtent, "A," In further exposition of this city, pno day lust week met with "Rings," was received too lato for In- 0,1 accident, by which ho narrowly ca ption In this number of tho paner. caped death. Ho was splitting wood in nupuurn sirccr, lor wnicli purposo E. 1). Yokdv, formerly connected bo used a large, sharp doublo-hlttcdnxo with tho Republican of this place, nnd nnl1 y 11 mishap clovo tho top of his for several years foreman of tho Ilcaonl 8KU" wim 1110 corner or tho upper bit, if the Times, has opened a Jobolllco in cutting a largo gash In his head and Wilkes-Uarro. penetrated almost Into tho brain. Dr. William Goehrig, dressed tho wound, Among tho Delegates to tho next and tho llttlo fellow has now quite ru- offlco of ;."b. dobbins, 4S0 Horth Eighth St., Phllada. 1 1 v. - n VEGETABLES A color nnd dressing that will not burn tho hair or Injuro tho head. It doc3 not prodtico a color mechanically, as tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho hair to its origlual color and lustro, by supplyiug now lifo and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, fino hair. Tho best and safest articlo over offered. Clean and Turc. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'- novll'70-fim. LIST OP CAUSES FOR Till Ah AT l)i:CR5tnEH TEUM 1870. COMMENCING ULOEMIIEIl 6, 1870. . FIltST WEEK. f Edward McCall, ct. al. Episcopal tjcucrai Usmveiition, aro Hon. John T. Hoffman, Governor of New York, nnd Hon. Hamilton Fish, ccrctary of Stato of the United State's. covered. W'illlamsport Sun. LOO Ah NOTICES. An excellent assortment of new stocking yarns, best quality of Gcrniiin- town Kcpncrs, licrnti wool ana notions generally, at A. D. AVi:nn,a, opposite so. House SxoiiEN. On last Saturday, Michael Grovcr of Main township, lost Coi,7t House vaiuauio tiappio gray nor.o. tho ii.inr tmnlrpil fn iMiit'inivn. Sn. Ar.i, oersoiis Indebted to tho under piclon rests strongly on a man who ills- ttXVPPll?"' PS ippeared from tho neighborhood at tho nu the same before or durinir December ktmo time. uourt. (J. 11. ijuockway. nlB-lw. t .tnioim A ..-s.l 1 '" AUlUlnll.-il. UU.Jfc Uillll IIUUIU'J WvmiMM.Mtaw A1I mnof nnnn(ln lh nuarj.uuiuuuuujr wimu iuuiuK enterprise- of our townsman, J. H iiohu ui muiuur iu iiaiiiuuu, near 1110 jiaize, proprietor 01 1110 lUiiminotli lied Tavern full from tho wagon, tho Grocery. His stock of groceries, vege ,,.i,nia if ui,inii .,.,. i,im tr,. tables, meats. Ac., are uiienunlled eltli . i. , S, , 1 er 1,1 l,rico or quality. Especially does h seriously Injured. ho ' , ... BL..rco(rt,J ...... .u. cpianntics 01 which 110 is constantly ro eeiving irom Aow Yoru aim i'nilutlel phla. Try 111 111 . New goods at MaiiuM, just opening Clatk. 1 Prceio. Hakes, i ICnorr. 1 I.lttlo. Freeze. 4 Cl.irlr. ICnhtcr. Clark. Freeze. (I lkeler. Little. 7 Kahlor. Clarlc. iV MEMEEii of tho Slato Company iperatlng near tills place, Informs U3 hat tho Paint machinery will ho re moved to Rupert. It is a much better such as now style prints, very cheap. ocatlon In many respects, and will savo ransportatlon. A largo engino with lireo boilers has already been secured. We observe that St. Paul's Church, )oyle3town. which has been undergo. ag repairs, was ro-opened for service, 11 tho 30th of October. Tho services vcro conducted by tho Kov. IIukley Also delauc, Alpaca, eurtcn, poplins, red Hon alpaca, mohair, velvettecns, cloth skirts, casinicrs. best coffee, tea. sugars and syrup, cheaper than any other place. AUo washing crystal, mid cream uauing yeast, boltl cheap lor country produce. New Eium. new improvements and now prices at urangoviuo l'ounury. Mr. Jacou TitiVLlil'lECE lutving pur chased tho interest of Ciiahli:3 W. Ialdy, Hector, tho ltcv. hEiaiiTON Jjowe, in tho Orangovlllo Foundry Ioleman, and tho llov. IAN, lato of Long Island und Agricultural works, tho business will bo coiitlnuca under the linn name of William Sciiuylek A Co, Bcu advertisement in another column. 11 lent SfJlIIEDAM AltOMATIC SCIINAl'l'S.' This medical boverugo is manufactured by tho nronrietor at Schiedam. Holland, expressly for medical use, and is not onlv warranted freo fiom all duloteriuuj j. Wilson, Barber and C. H. Wilson of compounds, but of tho best possible hn Division stnfr pimiiiipioii iim wi.m. ntiftlltv. mm In t hu only alcoholic bov 1UL.I11LIII JUUUll.V i'lit up in nuiirt anil iint bottles, l or saio by nil uruggists ami grocers. The Ciiuistian Home will ba in JIilitamy. On last Wednesday eve- ,ing tho Artillery Company of this ilaco was finally organized by tho clec- Ion of C. B.Brockway Captain, Thorn- Winner First Lieutenant, aud W. H. lllmoro tecond Lieutenant. Cols. W. The Morning i'osMliinks tho order- lag of troops to New York to influence lie election, is "impolitic anu unnec- .trnduced in Uloom during the coming wary." This is drawing 11 mildly to week. This is 0110 of tho mot beautl- he least. Why not cull tho thing by ful workson this subject which has ever is right name and braiid It an act of ouereu WP llespotism, and a blow ut constitutional liberty. Mutual Benefit. Tho Good Tern- blaraof Pennsylvania ht-.vo organized I) mutual benetlt association on tho in- luranco principle. Tho rules reipjlre very member to Bign tho pledge, pay ItIO the flrbt year, $2.60 per year nftr Bvurds, and from $1.10 to J2-G0 assesment In diath of a niember. Tho violation f tho pledgo worksn fnrfeituroof mem- Ibcrdiipand nil the moneys paid. Tliough with pictures hung and gilded Home is whero affection calls. Filled with shrines tho heart hath bulldcd. Agents wanted to circulate) tho work throughout iennsyivania. ivor linor matiou and term npply to C. P. Buad way at Brown's Hotel, Bloomsbuig, or aililress at iJaiivillo, l'a. uio t' If your tonuuo Is coated, mouth tastes badly, have u poor appetite, feel dull, fetupid, despondent, sleepy or diz zy, your liver does not net pioperly, and nothing will relievo and cure you w) speeillly as ur. l'leice's Alt. lixr. or Golden Jledical Discovery. It stimu- Intis all the secretions to action, restores the Dimetito ana undoes the bowels. As a blood purifier for tho cure of pim ples and blotches on tho face, Eruptions Salt Jllieuni, i-;rjipelrtsanci an acrom ions and sum illeas-cs 11 ! utiKiuaucd. by druggists. The Luzeruo Powder Company's lain aud dry houses at Wilkes-Barre, Ivero destroyed by an explosion Tliurs I!jv moruinir. It is tliouL'ht tho exnlo Ion in tho dry house was caused by amny miouiu no wnnoui 11. ouiu parks from tho clothes of a man who an there for refugo. Some freight cars I landing on tho railroad track were laattered. Thomas Burns, engineer, -ns to badly injured that ho died soon liter, and Otcar Shoemaker was severe ly burned. Tho company loses about llO.OOO. rfj A dispatch to tho Momimj Itepubli- "i says : Danville, Nov. 1 1. A young lady limed Ann Kcrst was killed this morn- ig at Bciwer'u tunnel-head switch, Iranecting with tho L. & B. 11. 11. Sov- 1 1 empty coal ears were being let down 19 switch, which 1ms u grudo of three IH to tho hundred, when tho horse at- Idied to tho carriago in which sho and liothcr young lady wero riding, ho lme frightened and backed oil' tho lad, falling down tho bank eight or I a feet.toand upon tho track Justin ont of tho descending cars, which sed over nnd crushed tho lady nam land tho horso, killing them instant- 'JE-OiSt 'II -ioji'SjnrikuioiiiI H.I -nilqruoIII - JmroiiuuiJx;r l 00 a.ito8lll ' put) P"l "1 -"VI itivop jaOid dip mm mi i"'Ji 01 jo.t '.Cuii j3hoiU1 ) i-l msiu u aoti til Jo.-t 'At'H 0,U 1 Ki.ilft-fo -ttvj .tH Jdlu.CoAlll 1 H wsiw.Ci) 11-TJ JO.I vi 0111 a wjdixXu HUOi '.(tin Jd!f.fn 01(1 Ol Uil fUfc.ft puJUUJ JU.I rd joBao em 01 r3 4i:n JO.i 'Aril jAihXo ui(i HJaisXn una Jvl Sru jon.o oil ui OH KJ.i IS'.vo Uoi0 JO.t Xui, joik.iri out til H itjiK.Cu njtu aua A VII 1IMJKAO niu. ,T OX OD SH5IJ.SAO HKIH.'I IKL ETEUSOX'S MAGAZINE Vv ospccftis fur IS? 1. Jtsr-TIIE CHEAPEST AND IlKST.-tSa To every rmc"f,fl"riB up a Club of fuiir, a 1.00 eacu, win ue seiu nee, our Mireru copy-rlglit eiigravluu.lSl Indies by to,) "WASIIINOTON AT THE BATTLE OF TlllINTON." wt.11.. intimfin fftttn mi Clabn of elulit. nt oneii.un exirueopy 01 wiu iBpiiiiu.u. oi T.irrri,nvf4 MAflAZINE lifts the bestOrlnI nal htorles of any of tho ludv's books, the b.-t Colored Fnslilon I'lates, tho bestriteel l-.nKrov- Tho lady's companion escaped by J&'A ii Will COlllttlU, lllVU., IU lis in"." (John Mwcoaey (William Lougcnbcrger et. nt I vn (.Hugh W. al. (Hunan Ollham, 4 v (.Uoborali Dean's adin'r. S Jacob Michael, vs Baiauel O. Krlektuum. (Charles U. Green, vs U'eter Helitig. (William Creasy, -) vs (Bamucl Hweppculielser. Reuben II. King, vs Ellsha U Puri,el. (L. Ilerdlc's. uso. vs 111. II. f Alexander Collcy -i vs (.Aliuas Cole. j.Monroo Ilruudago lEllsua8ll. Pursel. (Michael Grovcr i vs UI. B. Marr. Wliliinoyer. v Fi ee.c. Clarlc. 10 Kahlcr. Ilrockway. 11 CLirk. Clarlc .t Ilrockway f l'ctcr Scliug, Llttlo. Ilrockway. Wliitmoycr, Marrllrothers. II Froezo. Freeze. 15 Jaeksioii. Clark. in Freeze. Howell. 17 Freeze. Wliitmoycr. Ilrockway & 18 Thompson. Miller. 19 IUeler. Ilrockway. Little. Clnrki Little, llaldy Jt Jackson, Wliitraoyor. 1-2 Freeze. L'Yelle. SI Little. llaldy. 21 Claris Freize, Claik. Kuorr. Freeze. luckson. Llttlo. EM Clark. CMrk. HI Little, Freeze. EU Little. Whltmoyer. SI Ilrockway, ltoblson. Hi llajdy. Illiodes. M llroekway. Freeze. 31 AVolverlon. Freeze; 3i ' Wolverton. 33 I llarkley. :i7 Clark. Miller. ;ei Juckbon. Ilutler. 10 Ikt-lcr. Howell. II Little. Jackson, ii FrLfze. Jackhou, 13 Llttlo. Abbott. It Freeze. Jackson. IS Freeze. llnrkley, 16 Whltmoyer. 17 Wliitmoycr, Clurk A Freeze. 4i Barkley lkeler. Charles Leo, ( David Lowls, guardian. ) vs (.Collins SutllfTs adm'r. (Continental Coal Co. i vs (.Lehigh Volley It. It, Co. SECOND WEEK. (David J.Waller, vs (John 31. Btackhouse, (Thomas Hughes' use, vs (Wesley Iluckcl. (M.T. llowo.1, vs (Jesso W. Merrill. Frederick Hossler, vs Gideon G. Homier, et. al. ( John Jacobs, J. vs (U. L. Johnson. (W. n.IClluc, i. vs (Abraham Moore, (llJ.AU.l'.MclIenry. vs ( Joseph It. Evans. S James Masters, vs A. J. Fluo. I Timelier & Co. et. al. vs. Wm. Goodman, ( Wm. M. Martin, ct. ux. 1 . vs (Timothy Hagnu ct. al. (Gcorgo Hower's executor, vs David 11. Howcr SJltUU'S xioss, vs Collins ButllfT's udm'is. f C. D. Fowler, (.Iteuben Miller. (Daniel I'.Seybcrt, ( vs (WllllauiBharrer f William Shaffer. i vs , (Daniel F.Seybert, (Robert Ooiell. vs (Barney Mclircarly, ! David Heaver, vs Martin Gauglieu, (Charles II, Wilhelm ct. al. ( vs (Mlciiuel Woods. ( Daniel Illiodes, I lll9 aal ide .r, ol- ird rn elf ton of ra the I lUl ut. .'.! itl-d Ion .eli not, tlx eed- II" Impiug from tho cirriago beforo It Itnt down tho bank. one thousand i-aqesi FOURTEEN SPLENDID hTEEL HJTI3I Look out m Colds, Now 13 Just n; - o iimoiotaKocoiii, wniie tne weaiuur .. , ,., lel,nl frnm 11. ..,v,r. wormll, .Mill. uu.uiiw. ! summer to tho cooler condition of I". Men often leave their homes in ; VSTSli e morning when tho sun Is shining Uo .ndojr JjiLBr;fr1".r"!,:i": aUll UllU IJlUUSUIll, UUll UlVlt;iUIO I'u QU1UI.1AU JlSBUt'Ciu I'ttakomoro than a Buillclent amount mammoth colored fashion plate I clothing for present need. Perhaps, are Rhea, nf a otucr9 Th(.M pMm are eIll!r(lv. -luro nignt, a com tirizziitig ram sets od on stcet, twice tiikusuai.sizb. I1, and tho system is chilled, inducing IHumatisms, catarrhs, fevers, etc, etc., all for thowunt ofu llttlo moro pro- lutlon In tho amouut of elothlng to I'otcct the body. It is far preferable to Jlfer a llttlo inconvenlenco from a loolcn Bhlrt during tho warm part of i io tlay than to suffer from chills wards ovenlng. TERMS ALWATS 1! A1IVANCEI 1 Copy, for ouo year.. 4 Copies II " i 00 w ii oo PREMIUMS. 11 (0 id e met; 'no JluKi e unir'i dli'K. cent ilrr' lot The Liquor Beport. Under tho listructlons of tho Internal Bevenuo bureau, all persons aro required to re- "n to tho Assessors and their Assist' 18, tlio amount of distilled liquors boy have on hand. This requirement r not confined to distillers and dealeis I'lne, but extends to that In the posses. I'q of privato IndlvlduaU. Therefore, I'l CVCrv nnrenti InVr, nt, nroilrifi tn Every rerson getting up n Club of four, at JI..V) rncli, Mmll rceelo.ieea copy of wns nugliiiii'; Every person getting up u Club of eight, at $1.(0 each, shall receive,)-", both n copy or "Wash' lngtou"nud n copy or the Mugnzluo for 17III Hi.ecliuens itnt luo. to tlioso nUhlngto get up Clubs. Address, CHARLES J. PEIERSON, tOO Chestnut Btrcot, 1'hll.ilelphl.i, Pa. uovino-tf. OUHl'CKNA IN DIYOItOE. the Court of Coininon Pleus of Columbia eouniy. . . , VIUIIUUA l DA, liy lier licit Irlend Mury A. Oleen, I jilbcl pivorco r rvti mV I Hu'bpu'im ona alias Subi iciu rttutnisl on oath thai tho liufeuUuut could not bo louud In Iho wee of their wlno cellars, demljons Tui.ioyacoi,reiondeiHi Hir-You Hio hiro- III ili,n. i , .. ',, . , I by reuulrcd to bound appinr at ourmld l.onrt little brown Jugs," so (hat when fc01,Vn -mor UoKier comes around they will KrWiiiVi uS' .aid'libeiianr u UutorUldv pvV" hlm "C' K.!iSiS& ?."u "loc'iiMar "wuiOI btOCK, hcranton Jlttmblkan. ' Illooiusburg. Nov. ll, lb70-ll. Hherlir. Freeze. Little. Ikeler 4 Oarklry, Clark it' Freeze Clurk. Whltmoyer. Tliompseu. 0,1 I.lttlo. 63 Wliliinoyer. 01 Ilrockway. Clark. Ilrockway. Clurk. liarkley. Cinrk. 67 Little. Clark, M IkiUr. 0 Little. liurkley, 01 Howell, lil Little. Hughes. iij ltu)l. Hughes. Ul Hjaii, CWilllam Tyson I Mlcliael Grover's use, vs (Savage &. Bright, C Michael Grover4 use, vs ( Savage i Ilrlght, (Joseph Miller, 4 VH (N. L. Campbell. (Thomas Fry, i vs (.Wllllr.m Coleman. I C. H. Fowler, vs ( Georgo Kluley. (Sliarpleas& Harmun, vs Charles D. Fowler (Mclclilah Miller adm'r. j vs (Ellas Glger. (C. S. Fowler. vs (Jesso I). Rice. (C' D. llowniun.ct. ul, ( vs (Muuassu Bovruiali, et. ut. ( Peter Huyman's use, ( vs (Jacob Bliaffer. ct. ul. ( Urainhall & Co. vs (McNInch A Bliumac. I Harvey C. Hcsf. vs Samuel Creasy, adm'r. 1 Noali Mousor's use, vs ( acorgoBtrouicr, (ShultzFuuston, vs ( Alfred Irwine, SWin. A. Klluo, vs James V.Glllaspy, ( Kllno & McIIenryi vs , . ( J. Richards A Co. (John Turner. i vs (Daniel Snyder, c James V. Gitlaspy, vs ( W. A. Kllno. (Isaiah Ycagcr. vs D. R. Johnson, John Kromcr. vs D. F. beybert. Joseph S. Kline, vs Charles Howard. Catharine Abbott, William Abbott. Ihouo Ervlu, hlllp Ort, et. nl. J, Illclmrdkou it Co. COURT ADVERTISEMENTS. REAL ESTATE SALES. ri HAND JUUOI19. Heaver John Hhuinnti, JnRcpli Hlicnrman. Ilentoii Ulchnn! hUc. John J. Mcllcnry. llorwlck Aliner Velnh, Jr. llloom W. Hcott Ominor, Jnmfn Hlcrnor. UdtnwlBft V K. John, Harnupl Knitciibaudcr. Centre Himm WUmlro, (leorKfl K. lies, Ccntralla llor, Joimllmn Ilouylautl, ConynRtinm Anron Person. Finhlngcreek I'lilllp Applemtin. Ijoousi Daniel MorrM, Maine Daniel Culn. Mimin-ThoniM Iv, Hpm. lit. PIPilRttnt (Intirlnl l!vrrH . WMtlnm Millar Mftllchl Uucttle. ' jionwur Miimuel iinrarus, Jr, OranRo llynn Mrtlunry, Joicph A, Henry, Hugurlonf John Kitchen. TltAVKHSI-: JUIIOHS, DKCEitJJi;it TKUM. 1870. FI113T WEKK. Heaver fa mil el Nuni(caert Itenton l'nul K linear. Illnorn Jnlm IL Oiirp'. John McTlPvnnM. ton, John Hmltlt, uriarcreeii .losepn i;. r-cit, i Kerwlck John Vouht, Ailrlnu Van Hon Ion. Cent re George Conner. Ccntralla llor. Martin Cain. Flshtnucreelc Hugh Mcllride, Adam Italia, (Jreenwooil Oeom V. Ikelur. A. 1. Yminir. John Tnrker, John w. Olllrtspto, juckHuu Jacnu uantz, Joint iieuenry. Locust Alfred Miirlts, Henry Kline, Mimiu-Heury Nuss, Wlliam V. llrown. Ml. lMeasant John M. Wlilto, Jacob K ester. Orauire Archibald I'litterson. Wm. 1. White. Hamnel lltnry, Joseph C. HiiKhes, Itoarl use reek John Wowrer, ChnrlcH Dyer, Charles lick, weou Jinrvey i,reveiing( Buuarloaf AlvJu Harvey. BECOND WKKK, lteavcr Abraham lllce. llenton tfowry Mcllenry, Joel ltobeits, lierwlek Wllllnin V. Iiniier, llloom Frederick Wldmeyer. Centte Fdwnrd ilaitmau. Htcnhcn Mcllwen. Daniel Ilower, John Htlner. Conyuglmm Richard 'ihornton, JolinLtumh Hn. centrniia uor, jercmian u uonner. riahlmrcrcek Alfred I'reaton. JuHenh Uitckle. Joseph Coleman, ureenwoou .loiepn ii.. lvca, wuieu r , .Mit'irw, Isuao A. Dewitt, Puivln Kvs. .ir.ckwm wiiion Aiuerison. Ij'tcust Ueiibeii Krlek. Lewis Lee. Maine John T. ihnman. Mi ill in Juhn J. Jlurtzell. Char lis Mastillcr. Bamucl N'usi, MaxitHon uoueri i.jounson. Mt. Pleasant John Osinan. Montour Isaiah licltterlch. . . Oraugo J luvr Kvc3,DavM Achenuacli, Pine Knoch Fox. ltowrtnijcrcck Jefrcrson Wintertccu, heott Ihomas W.KdKar. bugarloaf JucoU Fritz, William Stephens. "O EGISTKR'S NOTIOK. Notici: id I V hercbv ciVen to all lcirateus. creditor and oilier per.souH tniercatad In theustaUs or tho jo ftlteutlvo decudunts and tulnorH, that, the iol low ing uuniiiiisiiuuuii una miiiiumu wtmuum uuiu tuen tiled In tho oftleooftliu Ueglstcr or Colum bia connty. nud will be presented lor continua tion and ullowanra In tne OrnluiiH Court, to be held In liloomfibum. on Wednesday, tho 7th day of 1'eceruber, 1S7U, nl 'i o'clock In thuulteruoon uf sum uny. 1. The Hocond and final ucoount of John G. Ja co by and Jameu Hponenber;, ndmlnlstiutors of jumei sponcuoery, i mcoi jiriarereeic lownsnip, deceased. Tho account of John Tremblv. cuardlflii of mo person aim eiaie, oi lminn Lrarrison. iv mi nor child of Jacob Garrison, lato of llloom tovm Blilp, deceased. '.. ThoaccouiUofHamnel It bono, administrator of Matthias ltbone, latu of Jackson township, 4, The account of U.K. Klluo and Isaac Labor, adinlnlHtrutorH ol liarman Labor, lulu ot Fish lngcrock township, licensed, 3. The llrht nud llnal account oflldunrd l)e- toug.excailorot niUubelli Duiuug, lutoofOruuo fi. First nnd final account of Oscar It. Millard administrator of Ktlrabcth Dlcttcilchjato of tho uorougii oi iierwicii. ueceucM, 7. The flrht and final account of John C. 5Iycrs. execuioroi i-H'uonuiiyerf, laieoi iioannscrceic lownsmp, uuceusea. S. Tho llnal account of John C. Myers, admin Uttalorot William Myers, lato ot Uoarlngcreek iownmp, tiuteuseu. 9. Tho account of Ham tie I Creasy and Btephen Goho, admlmttrator4 of Jacob GuUo, latooi Mt. I'ieabunt luwiibiiip, utceuseu 10. Tho Hecond account of William Xeal and timnus w.nnyuer, executors oi wiiuum tsuyuer, 11. Tlio account of J, 11, lkeler, administrator oiuaieu uiivur, i:o oi urcenwooa towinuip deceased, 12. Thti account of Matthlas Kindt, administra tor of Isaao Oliver, late of Greenwood township, ueceueu. tor of Henry II, Fritz, latu otVugurioat township, ueceiuseu. 11. The first and partial account of Henry L, Frcas. William II. Freaa. and James P. Freu. nlmluUiratorH of Andrew Frcas, lato ol Centre luwusntp, ueceuseu. 11 Final nccount of John "W. Hunter, uuardlun or Frank T. Applepato, minor child ot Luluyctto 111. First aud llnal account of Clirlstliimut l'.m mett and A. J. Kmiuett, executoiH ot James Uin- melt, lute of Hemlock township, ueeeu&eu 17. 'tho account of FuUr Sivauk, adinlnl.stratoi oi jniner, jaio or locusi lownsnip, ueceasiu, IS. Tno first nud fin it I account nf .Tnhn Ande AUinlnlstrator of lianlcl Ande, lato of Madison imviisiiip, ueccaseu, 11. The nccount of William Hnccnbuch nud wllKtti; w. Mellck, Admlulsttators, Ac. ot Peter Alcllck, Into uf Hcolt township, dcceaKud, VT, II. JACOllY, Itcgbtcr, HeeUtet'HOmce. 1 rilouiuHburi;, Siovt 4, li70. j pUliLIO SALE OF VALUAtlLK rnOPKHTY. The undersigned will cxpon to puhlln palo nn the premhei.on HATUH1JAY, DIX'EMIIL'U 8d, lfTU, at 1U o'clock A. M., tlio following valuabla tironeitv. ftltualoln Iociut townnhtn. Columbia county, iicur David Yeajrer'n Hotel, adjoining Dims oi joini leaner, jouii iiurner, nniry Fink aud others, on which in erected a ood two ktoiu rnAiin rnvntwd housk. aood twoblory finmo cabinet hop, a well of wuier on iuu porcn, una nn outer neevsanry oui uuntiimts. CoNiiniox ov PAI.K. Flftv dollars to bo tmid nn llm ditv of Rnli. onp-hnlf ttf tho mirchane money t'i bo paid on tho lntday of April, 1S71, nun uiu uiiiauco id do puui in inreo (taiHi iuiy iiu-ntstobe paid annually, Pobedon will be glVCII April lftt, lr)7J, w. Jl. HLLWiU. Locust. Kov. H.1870-H. DU1JLIO SALE Tho iinderslun(d. lliccutor of the laut wilt of John Kilo, lato of Mictrloaf lowushln, Columbia (niniy, o,ecensii, wiu cxposo lopnouo ni bo lutH rettldemc of Ilia dicadeut. on HATUlt DAY. NOVllMHF.HHtith. lfttif. at 1 a clock lit the nftiirno'ni, tho followliuc described real estate to It! Tho undivided half of a TKAOT OF TIM1JKU LAND, In thn warantre name of Samuel Nevlmrd. rtttu nto In Jackson twp.,Col. en., bounded on the norineasi oy a irnci in mo warrantee name oi Wt-sley H"s.on tho went by county line, nnd on tin Houth iy land mine warrantee namo of Ham- uiu luras anu oy lanu, oi jcbkj iinone, cou mining iW7 AOHKS AND 81 I'KUOHES, Mrlct measure. ABO: Tho undivided one-half or another tract or limner tami Kiiuatoin jack Kim nixl Hn-rirtoaf tinvoshlnn. In the warrantee inme or Wt-Niey ness, uouuiicu on tno west oy i no nnovo (ipscnuen iraci.on ino uorinoyianu l jaines liess. o l inn easi or uoneri Jionicom- ry ami otliers. nnd on tho south hi' lauds of i.ivld U older, containing 103 ACKKS ANJ) 83 PEUCIIEy, Mrlct measure fO: Anolhcr timber lot on West Ciui'k cutis, in J ckHou lowiiHhlp, maklut; a (tood mll ftoat. bomfded on the south by land lato of I'lilllp krlckbtUtm, on tho west by the mime, on ino nor in uy lanu oi jesso iinone anu on the past by land ot Hlljah Peteriunu, contain- ruuik j-vvimo, bintt ineHfsure. Coloi Creek, Nov. 1!, 1S70-31. Kxecutor. pUIJLIC SALE OF VALUAULK II UAL LSI ATE. In nursunuco of authnrltv In Mm will, thn tin. designed, KxecutorH of the last will and testa- IDOW'S APPRAISEMENTS. 'f ho follow Iuk appraisements of real and ner- boual nrooerty net anart to wKIowh of decedents. liave been filed In tho olllco of Hit It tiisier nt Columbia county, under tho KuIch of Court, nnd will bo presented torabsoluto contliinullon, to the Orphans' Court to beheld In ItlfromMiurt;, In and tor tiuld couuty,ou Wejneduy,thu7thday of utxeiuoer, i&iu,ai o cioci: p. m.,oi n.ii'i uny.un less excepllotm to such conllrmutlnus an l-u-vl' oiihly Hied, of which all persons Interested In Hum ehtatei. will take notice : 1. Widow of Henry Yost, lato of Lnciiht town blilp, dccuised. Widow of Joslah 11, Furinan, latu of tlw iu ii ui iiiouin&oon;, oetea-seii. . a Wldowof l.ewlsDltittorich,lato(tnirlarcrcti township, ueceubcu. I, Wittow of Thomas Stack house, lalo of Pino lomiMiip, ueccaMMi, 5. Widow of Frederick I.uu bach, lato of fin loaf towuhlp, itiCLUsed. !. Widow of James Hess, late of Simatloaf lowuhhip, ueceuseu. 7. "Widow of George Hupp, lalo of Hoarlng- erttii lowubiiii), tueeHKi'ii, W. H. JACOllY, HeglMer. ReUler'N Olllce, I Ulooim.burtf, Nov. 1, J670. nouivr lMtocLAiLvrioxr Wiikkkam. thoHon. William Flwell. President Judgoot the Court of Ojer and Tti miner und ii.nierai jau iJenvery, uouri in nuarier session1 nf tlui lViic und Court of Common Ple&H und Or nlian'M Court In the 2Mb Judicial District, com posed of thocouutU-s of Columbia, Sullivan an i Wyoiulnc, uud thu lion, iram Deir and iuucS, Monroe Atuoclatd Judei of Cwlumbia county luivu lahiied their puecpt, bearing date the till) day of t-epletuberln tho year of our Lord, one thousand, etuht liuudied and nuventv and nioili(s;t cd fur hotdlnuaCourtol Oyer nnd Ter miner und General Quarter heslounof tho Peace, .l ouriot uotiimoii i-ieas aim crpnairM court, n Itloomsburi, In the county ot Columbia, on th ill hi Monday, belut; the olh day ot Dcccinbe unit, to miulmin two weeks. Nntlco Is berebv L'lven. to the Coroner, to tin Justices of the Peace, and tho Constables of the bald comity of Columbia, that they bo then nud theio In llielr proper peron at lo o'clock In tho lounooti oi ham aiuuu) in mc, wan ineir rcc i'l ui, .iiuiiinittuiinitiiu 1 1-ii i I'm ut iiiiici. v dothosBtlilnns which to their ofilceu annettul to bu done. And tho so that mo bound by recoKuiaucc, to prosecuio nijainbi mo pris oners that aro or may bo In tho Jail of the hald county of Columbia, to bu then tuid Uieio u prosecute, them us bhall bo just. Jti rorn are renuested to bo nunctual in their attein jmcd.oirreeablv tothelr notlcus. Dnted at lllooins- uutjs, ineaiu nay ot uci, in tno year i, or our Iird, one thousand right lain dredaud seventy, and In the ninety fourth year of tho Independence of the United Htuics or America. luiiuuAi 31illaiu. ltloouuburu, Oct. S3, 1S7U. bherin. Fckart Jacobs. SWest Uranch Iiuuraiico Co. Thomuu Trench, f Wiu. V. Btcrner, vs ( Harraou A. Kramer, ( Jobu Gray, vs ( Bauderhou Husenbuch fLowU J. Adama. FUhlngcreek Bhol District I William A. Cane. Vs Mosch Coll man, id. aU Murray, Wlrluck a Handall, ''no Not Ih IlrllUU & Mer- tan tile- Insuruuco Co, Murray, WlrUck a lUndall, vs ( Tho Imperial Fire Im. Co. L. H. N OVEMUEU. WHAT HON. THAD STKVP.Nft THOUGHT AIIIIUT AllHllLKll'H IIKKII 1 '1TK IS. Mr. William Iambert. First Asslhtaut i:trln ecr, U, H. N., rites to Dr,, Hurlmau .t Co., of Lancaster, Piu. tin followlns: "At tho capture of row iirieuns, i whs woiumcu jn uiu nfiiii leu uy a shell. Tho wound healed tin. hut a ba'd sole broke out near my anklo. He vera 1 doctors tried lo bcuc'llt hie. tint none succeeded. It was I ben that Iho Hon. Uiaddeus Steven, Member of Congress, haw me, and.ou learning the. natureof tuy uouble.told luo about MIHHLKK'H II Fit It HiriXUH.baylULT, 'H Is tho niohl wouderAilcom blnatlou of uie41ulual herbs I ever haw. 1 use It myseir,aud I kuow thut ll will euro von lu very fchort ncriod. Try it. mv friend, try It. will have It .eut to von Tho result fullv Intitl lied tho high opinion of Mr. Stevens regard tun your UitUis.for Us umj was lollowed by a perfect cure." Sold by druggists generally. Prleo ouo uollar per bottle. inovlTO'Iiu TVTOTICE IS IIEKEHY OIVEN ll that At September Term 1K70, Articles of incorporation wero presented to tno i ouri o; llm 1 ver'd Grno Methodist Knlsennul Chart ll which wereexamluedaudanmoved by tho Court and ordered to bellied, und that nntlcu of said application shotil-1 bo published lu ouo news paper, published In said county, for four teeks prior to next term, at which tlmo said charter wilt bo conflrmtd unless good cam-o boshnwu to ine. conirary, 11. n.j, no v 1'70-tf IM ot honotary. "nrilV.OS01'nY OP MAHIIIAOK. 1a N-ew rouituK up i.i.tTUiiui,uilcllvcreiot uiu I'liiim.rolytwliulOHiiaAiiuiuiiilouiMiu mi "Jo5 L tat bliiut l.. tliri" !.". bIoo Telllli. i'miu'ilt'l'l",iuiav'''K "i" ," 'JiKSif; l.liu mill Wliui to Uu lori ouili, Slulurliy linil Oil! Abu ; Mulllmoil HfUcrully lluv ufU( huh iinvuiilta ort MnrrlOKO i l l 10 krilillicullv CUDklllttll . Tlimu iH-'lurm will no Miinnry or llm lVunyliJ I AKATOUlCAI. JlUbKUM, 1J3 CllfcHUUt Ut.. l'lulmkli lilu, t'.uUb Uuulu. J21'Jl-ly. OTIO K . itlfA U liprehv elven that Iho following ac- tuuuii iiittn writ hku m mv j ".;: i.o in fitwi fnr thn f'ouutv of Ci iiiub a. and will Ih) jirekeutfd to tho Court fm contlriuutton on WedhfSday tho 7th day of Ivcembcruuxtt Thosccountof Jot-lah II. Furmtn, i ommttteo of thu person and islate of Heiitry Harlmun.a lunatic, of Hemlock ttiwitkhip. Col. oo.,us HUd uy iiicuaei Thn urroi II. 1). Walk nuvt'7lil. Ptolhouotary, n iremiocu mwunip. mo. ou., u muhi el F F.jrly, his admlnlstiaUir. ouut of i:. It. lUeirr. V.q . Assmuee of lkr. Wl'XLINCUON 11. liNT, A DMINIHTIIATOH'S NOTil K. V EAT AT & OK NAUUf.L (1. 1'ILKIKaTON, UKC'P. Lit'. vis ot ndmlulsiratbm on lh t-slatft ! Kiminfl it. Pllklmttou. lato nf 1 ocuit two.. Col county, deti'u baVHlen ran led to thu Heguter of bald county lo ltenjamlu Wnguer. resldius In Lociut township, Columbia w. All perkons havlhtf claims uualust the estatu of the decetlent ureuquesied Iw pitbfiit llieiu lor settlement umi iiu.hH indebted to the estate to make iay meuttotbe uudursluued udml dsira'or.w ithout Uelsy. iJLJ J AMI1, uovi'70-0w. AdiutnUtrulor, JR.EALE8TATE 8ALES' piUVATE SAIiK Ul' VAliUAiiitJ anau jiAii'., rim iini1ralirnfti1 nnVmnt nrlvate Ralo. a FAHM situate In Orange township, Columbia county, CONTAINING BLVENTY-BIX ACItEH, nil Improved laud, nnd under good cultivation, wncreon are erecieu n laiAME DWELLING HOUSE, anew FUAMF. HANK 1IAUN, and other noces narr nuthnlldlne. two cood Annie Orchard! with a variety of other choice fruit, and a never Jnlllnir fountain ot rnnnlnif water nl th door, ior termitConuitions, Ao..nppiv tome unuer Bis mil, , ' 1! i:.HAYMAN. urnngo lownsuip, ivov. i, ly-im. pOUL 10 SALE IilFE iiSUllAiOE FOR THE PEOPLE. , HOMESTEAD . LIFE; INSURANCE CO:, O.F l'UNNSY L V AN I A . 0FITC12 701 Clieatuut Stroct, I'hiluUclphia , , W. M. BnYFUItr, V'l. l,AWnnNCEilYKUfe, V. VrU Jt. DOttPHLET, Kcc'y 11. K. HAVIBrHini'tot Agencies. i , ValUaulk heal iistate. tn nursunuceof an order of the Orphans Court of Columbia county, tho undersigned Adminis trator, etc., of t la iter Usnick, late or Madlnou townslilp, in hald county, deceased, will expnso to nubile said on the nremlses. on WKDNKH DAY, NOVF.MUKItrUJlh, lK7D,ati o'clock, 1 M mo luuowiug ufncriucii rem csinie, 10 win A Til ACT OP LAND, sltuato In Madison township, Columbia county, boundrd by land of Hamucl Hnldrcn on the north, Mrs. Lydta Islck on the east, and other lauds of llnlKcr Ksslck on tho south, CONTAINING 1-OUUTEEN ACHES, moro or less. Terms or Hale,' Ten per cent of one-fourth nf the purchaso money to bo paid at the striking down of the property! the nue-fourth less the ten per cent., nt tho (onflrmatlon of the sale; nnd the remaining three-fourths lu nno year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nUl, VILLIAM McllllIDH, Madison, Nov, -1, 1970-It Administrator. OHEMFF'S SALE. tty virtue of n writ of alias ft. fa.. Issued out of uiu i.ouri oi luiuuion j-ieas 01 vommumcouniy nilfltoino directed, will ho e incised lo sale hv piione vendue, or ouicr.v, at 1110 uouri uouse, in 1 o'clock p.m. on HATUHDAY, NOVKMULU 10, IsTU, tho following desirable real estate, situate In thn town of lllonrpsburir, to wit: situate on Becoud street, udjolulug a lot owned by Btcnhen Knorr, bculnnfnn at corner of an alley and running west tu feet to an alley, tlienco south 6U feet to a corner, thenc cast about IM feet to Hecond street, thenco along said Becond street i jcei to me piaco or oeRinniuK, w hereon aro erected a two-story PLANK HOUSIij with the appurtcnniiccs. Seized, taken In execution, nnd to be sold ns uiuproperiy oi jo'jepn it. nnanuon. lUitiJLUAl llLLAllIJ. novV70-3t. HherliT. soartely iieui ot Ucfirgo HlUlay, late of Cent ro township Columbia county, deceased, will uidcwo to nubile saio on the premises on THUIWDAY, NOVKM- 1IKK l!lth.H70. at 2 o'clock I. M.. tho followinr described real estate, to wit : u TKACT OF TIMBER LAND, sltuato In Orango township, county aforoiafd, bounded by lands or Jeremiah Hagcnbuch, George Heckmau nndJoslah Hlco on tho east, on tho south bv McCoro Drako and others, on tho v,cil by lauds lato Peter Mellck's estate, and ou the north by lands of Mary nickels, CONTAINING THIRTY ACRES, moro or less. Tktims oi' Sam:. Ten tier cent, of thn nnrchnA money to bo paid nt, the striking dowu of tho property, nun-half of the remainder less tho tcu per cem. 10 oo paui on tne isi uay or April, a. u. Ib7i. Tho wldow'8 dower (being one-third of the whole) to letnalu in the premises, nnd the re mainder lobe paid on tho 1st day of April A. 1). 1W72. interest on nil the unpaid purchase, money fioiu Anril 1st. 171. l'osesslon irlven whenever tho purchaser hall plvo approved security for uiu wiioiu ui uiu 1'iircuMscr money. ALSO, will expose to nubile Ralo on tho nrem- ines, on samo day, promptly at 10 o'clock A.M. A WHARF LOT, sltuato in Hcotl township, fcald manty. bounded on the west ty Linda or Cant. AVhlpple. on the north by lauds of Capt. Whipple and G. V. Cicvollns. on tho east by Crovelln & Co., and ou the south by tho North Draucn Catntl, CONTAINING ONU-QUAUTKU OF AN ACUU mora or less. 'terms made icnown on tne nay of Balo. LKVI H1DLA1I, FU12DKHICK. HAGENnACIT. novll'70-2t. Executors, pXJIiLIC SALE o r V A L U A 11 L E U H A L E STATE, u pursuancoof nn older of the Court of Com mon Fleas of the couuu of Columbia, the un dersigned. Committee ofthe Dtrson nnd estate of Daultl licarhart, a lunatic, of the township of Hoaringcreek m said county, will expose to pub Ho.talH on tho nrt:init-tp. on KltlliAY the. i'iMi day of Novemtcr next, nt 10 o'clock A. M.. of saui uay, tno lollowiUK described real estate, to IV 11 J III I ui.ti CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, hfluatuin Uoarinzcrtek two.. Columbia co.. nd- joln iit- lands nl IVier (Hnrliart on tho west. laniuii; noiyontue norm, leucn uoxe's heirs on,inu easr, ana diicuo niiumtu ana oiuers ou, COXTA1K1NU 250 AqitlCS, inoie or less. The same tobohoid in threo tracts er acre neat ineaMiru. Tlio ouo tract to contain Ml acres and each ot tho ollurHj acres.. more or kss, accordlim to fcurvcy. On the JOiJncre tract Ciirti U elcdcd ll good fiumf. inviir.T.iN'i nousi:, n uoo 1 bank barn andoiher outbulidln 'S.a cood wtmoi water at inoitooror tno owe unit; house, n. k'"'I variety ot irult.abmtt I 0 ntres of which Isclctred hind, and tho balance hi gooil younu tlinbt-r. Tho other two tracts are yood timber iano. i-TitM op salk.-Ten ucr cent, of one- lodrlh of the uurcluiso. inonev to be i.afd at tho st rilling down of thu piopeity, one-fourth of tho purcuaso liioney umiuhicu per com. to uo patu on the coullruuitlou of tho sule. ami tho balance oi tbo purihao money to bu paid hi one jear i m reaiur wuu imeitM ou urn Mime irom con Urination nM. 1'usmsIou tt tho above nreniU- tihvlll be nit n April Ut,A. D. WN. Fnrchaer or tui it haters to pay for deeds and ft amps. JAMhtt lCILFlCll, Catawl!sa, Oct 21'7y-tt Committee, pu Ii LIC S A L 10 V A L U a II 1 13 II l: A L CH T A T H Tu pUMiMucoof an order of tho Orphans' Court or Columbia county, im.. on a.Vfu uay. Ibthday (d November next, at 1U o'clock lit tho forenoon, Stephen Folic, tiuardiauol tlio persons and eh tales or harah Alice Hits, Daniel It. Hess, Harvey . Hit,, ami Umh Hess, minor children of llleuvir II, Hess, late of Ceutio township, in said county, deceased, will expojo to sale, by public vtndue, on thu pieiulses, ouo undivided third part ol certain leal estate, bouudodand do-scriltt-d as follows, to wit: All that certain hd mailicd and nuinbertd "thrio' on the plot of ienire juif, uounueu on ine norm uy rccunu MreU.imtlm t ust by lot No. -1, on the souttt by mi uuoy, nun on iuo wcai oy ioi so, contain TWENTY-TWO PERCIIICS, more oIcss. AI0, the utiilUldeil thud part of that certain lot marked aud numbered eleven (ID, ou the piot-oi tam iimn, nounoca on tno norm uy an alley, on the easl bv lid No. U. on tho south bv the l'euuylauia t anal, and on tho west by lot 4.iu, , i;uiii.tioiUB TIIlltTY-SIX IMOnciIES, moru or lch. AISO Uiu uudlvlOcd third part of Hint certain lot innrkod und uuiiiburL-d pIovlmi (11). nn the iiii in mi mi idwii, mi wm Homo kiuu oi ine icnn' Nylvuiiia, containing FOUUTKEX I'EUCIIKS, moro or less, lute thocstulo of said deocused, biiunim in utiiireviiu., in iuc lowusuip oi xoq treiim! county nforeiutd. VT, ll. V.HT, Clerlt. Tfums oi Hai.k. Ten licr cent, of oue.fourtn nt tliu btrlklnt; down of tlioproperty, nno-fourili ivhh uiu len per tvnu ui couurinuiiou nouimue, tliu reiiinlnlnii tliit'O-fourtlw in nnoycnr tliorc- iiucr viui miLTCbt iruiu coniiriiiihuou iiui. bl'Kl'HUN I'OlIi:, ocl2170-lw. Ouardlan. piUVATK SAIiH VALUABI.U UJJAI, IIHTATE. Tlio uudi'isiEncd offsrs ut prtvule fcule about 00 ACHES OF VAIAJAI1LK LAND, Mtunlo In r.uutou townthlp, Columbia county, bounded by lands nf i:ilzulii'tli Kllnr, IlHlilul Mm lit. Ju. oli Atli, Jncob llelblillnu uud otlier. I'lltion Mr t nut wlilcli U din l oil laud. It iilso cuuiiiuiiiu koou younu orcuuru, A FltAMK HOUSK AND HA11N nd n never fulllUK tprini; of water. AUo a llriolaiM , SAW AN1 LATHI! MU.U Tlio laliim.ii of the tract U heavily timbered Willi ouu, Mhlie pine, Ac-., I'or lurnin, condition., dc upnly to tlieundcr klupul. 'llm ueiuiil niiiiiber of uen. will be do teinilied by .urver. (tuloii,Juneil.l6T0-lf WM. AITI.ESIAN, Thin Company nriinnlted bylnitdlnit rcpresen'tlTeof the Industrial Inlermt. of Uie SUit. widely known a. aiirccnsful nnd rt-npouolble buslucbn men, dealing o plaro Life luiurance with in reach of ull, has adopted a ByisUin or MONTHLY PAYMENTS OI PREMIUMS, cnablliiK every man to provide for liH family Incaieof hH death, at n oo't n trldlDir to bo foil. Kprclnl ntteullon Ii called to this Uompiny't C3-s.A.r-cj.a:i3src3- ipoxiia-sr, a much ncedod future In Life Insurance, entirely jiewlutliU country ; delgncd loprolful, In caao uf denlti, the Inlercnt nt SH AIlKlIOIiDKKH IN BUI Ii DING ASSOCIATIONS AND AU OTHErU Who hnve borrowed money or purchnsed property payable In Instalment! extending over a Kerii-R of years, by CANCELLING nny balance ol Indebtedness remaining UNPAID In case of DEATH. THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL Till! oniilNAllY FOKMH OK Lll'lJANI) ENDOWMENT FOL1CI KH AT LOW RATK9 Or 1'ltKMlUM.ON THK I'AIITICII'ATINO l'LAN, WITH HUT FEW HK8THICT10NX AH TO OCCUI'ATION, AND NONK AU TO TllAVUi OU UESIDKNCB. -Fiill Inforraation as tol'lans and Features. Is contained In Tamplilets which will b forward ed by mail on application lo the Home Omce. Aetlvo anil responsible men wauled as AijenU. . 1 M. UATl-lS. ULOoMsnuiia, Pa. AUKNT FOIl COLUMllIA COUNTY. 3-Peison soliciting Agencies In either Incoming, Clinton, Centre, Northumberlaud, Moutnlir, Colutnbln, Sullivan. lJrudiord or Tioga Counties, will pleiu.enddress WILLAHD A. WILLIAMK.Bptcial Agenu No. 40 Wji.mam St. Willi AMsrokT, Ta. Illoomsburg, August 19, ISTO-Cm. LEGAL NOTICES. pUBLIC SALE OK VALUABLE HEAL ESTATII. In pursuance of an Order of Iho OrnhauH Court of Columbia county, l'a., the underioKned.Uiiar dlans or Charles Uuarhart, Dauhd Geurhai t.KhJ! abeth Oearhart.and Htepben Uearhait, Jr., min or children ol Jacob (Jearhart, Jr., lato of Maine luwiispip, in sum county, oecwiRca, wm expose to public ulc, on tho premlhca.on THUltHlJAY, NOvEMIJ Kit 21th, ls:o at twelve o'clock, noou, the followini: described valuable real estate, to FARM AND TRACT OF I, AND situate In Mnlno township, said t-ountv. bound ed by land of lUulolnh Kliunian, John Ocarliart, John Nuss, and Daniel Fensti'imaclicr, CONTAINING 112 ACRES, bo the pntnn mnro nr le, on whleh are creeled a uouse. uirue r rumu jiiun,nua oilier ouiuuuu lugs. There Is nlsn upon tho premises a line young Apple Orchard, und u vnrlelv of oilier fruit trees. w. H. UNT, Clerk. JC3CoNPITIONH of Hat.e. Ten nr cent of one- fourth of tho rurchnse money to be puld by tho BurchaHcr at lhe ftrltilug down of the property, ne.fourlli less the ten per ceni. to be aldattlw continuation uf Iho sale. 1 he balance to bo paid In ouo 3 ear from tho continuation of Mile, with In terest from the time the purchaser gels posses sion of tho bald premises. Thu urulu In the ground to be sold with the farm. Possession nf tao premises to bo given on the nrstuay of April A. D., 1671, WILLIAM CHUAhV. HTUPHKN QtlAIIHAHT, Uuardlans. ALSC At the sarue time and ntacn will be sold about ISO husheLs of Wheat, 8U bushels of Hje, and bushels of Coru, as the property or Cath arine Ucnrhart, lato of Maine township. In said 1-uuiuy. utccusfu. Conditions will bo mado linnwn on doy of sale. STEPHEN ClUAKIlAItT, octlS'TO-Sl. Administrator, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. JX. JtK. ItErOKT OF SALE OF THE KEAL KSTATK OK UEMJAUIN 11O0NR, A LUNATIC. In the Court of Common pleas, of Columbia county, Inter nils, the undersigned Auditor, ap pointed by Iho Court, to mako distribution ui lunds arising from sale of said rCHl estate, to the parties entitled, will meet tho parlies Interested lor the nuniose of his unnolntment. on Halurduv November ioth, 1S70, at 10 o'cloclt A, M.,ut his olllco lu Illoomsburg. AU parlies Interested, are requested tn attend, or bo debarred from coming lu lor a part of said fund. u. w. lii.i.r.ii, l'.ov40-lt. Auditor. P R I V A T H SAL 13 V A , U A 11 L i; 11 U A I, BBTATC. The iiiuUiiilunetl onVrsiit prtvate sulen farm hltuuic lu tui township CiiluinliU eouuiy. itbiiut i mile front the old Ksttirr furnacucon lallilng B1XTY-ONK & A HALF ACRES, whereon Is ereou.l u good dwelling house, a large new bam uud ulher nteessary outbuild lugs, A CJOOI) A1PI,K OllCIlARIJ nfeholeo fruit, and n never falling spring nf WHteratthe itoorwllha stirlug huuse. About Iwii-tlilr'is ttf ttiu laud Is cleared und lu good state of cultivation. For furiher Inlorniutlon apply to John L. Hnrai,i.iK ust township. Col, c.ior W. W. Hurst Hunvilli', M'-'ii'iiirc '., Pa. pess. s,(, it u.vtu ou luu llrst day of April 1871. ocllll'7u-3m. W.W.HUIWT. MISCELLANEOUS. Q C T 0 13 K R, 1 8 7 0. J. 4; P. COATS' HEST SIX-COUI) IS NOW THK ONLY Thread put up for tho American market which Is SIX-COKD IN ALL NUMIllCIlS, From No. 8 to No. 100 Inclusive. FOR HAND AND MACHINE. RAVELE11S LIFi: AND ACCIDHNT IN8UUANCK COMPANY, of Hartford, Conn. Cash A.k.ts, ,I,.01UU. Orsnts l.IPH und ENDOWMISNT Policies of nil appro ved forms. Ample security, low rules. Also Insures against ACCIHEXTS causing death or una! disability. Poil clts written by thoyearormonth. Has jiald ilTUO per day for 8li Years In ben- nis lotwucy-iioioerB. mil 13 1MIACT1CAL KaIIMEII. Tho leading 1 Agricultural Monthly of the United Htatesj containing lit iuirto pages; is recommended lo armors everywhere ns it thoroughly rellblable and well Illustrated Agricultural nnd Horticul tural Journal. It Is largely made upof original mailer, and devoted to Htoclc Raising, drain (Irowlng, the Dairy, Orchard, Vegetable and Market Gardening, Grazing, Hearing nnd Fattening- Animals, a Veterinary Depuitlutut, 4c. Price 81 50 per milium, lu advance. Hiunple cop lea supplied on application. Liberal terms to Agents uud Canvassers, with showbills, furnish ed on application to PASCHALL MOIUUS, Edi tor nnd 1'roprlttor, in North 'llilrteeutli street, Philadelphia. "iltiM EST" HEALTH, II A lP IX ES 1 . How TO 11E Outaineii von five Uollsri Plantations. Paiius, Villa HintaANU Town Lots, at Tim Oheat Phemiusi Land Half, Aik en, h. C. Tlio "H.lratogn of the Houlh." 41 hours fiomN.Y. The most dellgliirul cllmatoln the world. Free from this rigors of Noil hern winters, exempt from Throat Diseases, Vlneyords and orchards In full hearing, I'or descriptive ram plilet, address, wllh stamp, J. C. DEllllY, Au. gusia, uii, OCif A Week Hnlary I Young men wanted 04u as loeulund travelling uilcsuieu. Address (Vvllh staiup)lt. II. WALKEit.31 Park lluw.N. Y ROYAL HAVANA lOrfEllY. ,, . . Pllzes cashed and Information furuishcil by uUOUliK U PH AM , Pi u v Ideuce. It. I . Tills" IS U llllMUUtl. BY sendlugSicts., wltiiuge, height, eolor of eyes aud hair, ou will icceive, by return mall, a cornel picture of your tuture husband or wile, with uauietind d.itoof minriage. Address W. I'OX, 1'. U. Drawer No. -H, I'llltouvllle, N, Y. HlliuilLI-TsutlefMa with "i iitairu thirty years, and was cured In six weeks by usluiplu ifiueily and will sellii.lhoiecelpl, lioslage free to nil Mulcted. T, J. SI hap, Drawer 17llHyracuse,N.Y. 1 rlVSTICHY SjUl.VED.-Kllteen Mlnules' iV Private Conversation with Married Ladles by ouo of their number. Heut treo lor two stamps, Addiess MriOI. Mlir.GEK, Huuoier, Pa. A CARD" A Clergyman, while resldlnslu Houtli America ns a missionary, discoveted u safo uud sliniilu remedy lor the i ureof Nervous Weakness, Eai ly Decay, Diseases of the Urluury aud Kcmlual Or gans, und Iho whole train of disorders brought on by bnneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have bein cured by this noble remedy. Prompt ed by n desire to bchctlt the utllleted and unlur ttnute. 1 will send tho recipe for preparlug and Using this llli-dlelue lu u sealeil envelope, lu any one who needs It, Vee of charu Addres Jo.s I Pil T. INM.VN, Btatlou 1). lllble House, New York city. uovriu-tr rpilOSE WHO ARE SICK, OR AF JL tlletid with any chronlo difficulty, should without delay write for Dr. lluuilltou's New Treullso, sent free to uuy address. U. Ll ON1DAS HAMILTON, M. D. oct'JS'70-if. 1', o. Dox I,95i, New York City, G RAND EXPOSITION. POlt THP. PAHHIONAIILK WOULD COMPLIMENTS OP M1W M. A. HINDblt. No. 1101, N. W. corner Eleventh and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. FASIUONH KOIt Tim PALL AND WINTEH Of 1S70, Wholesale and Uetall. which Purls and lhe llrst mannractorles supply. Dresses, Mantle-, cloaks uud Costumes fur Ladles uud Children, A special department of plain and elegantlv trimmed patterns, of tho latest Piirlsluu uud English styles, ul Sil per duzeu. H you want a haudsomely-nttlng, well-made suit, at short notice, go to Mrs. Ihtider's for taste ful trimmings and uuluty stitches. Mourning, Travellug aud Wedding outfits, Walking and Fancy Costumes. Dltias AND CLOAK TUIMMINGS, I1UTIONB, OllNAMENTrl. comprising the latest Purls novelties In black and colored Fringes. Gimps, Hiiches, Loops, Flowurs.Gloves, llrld ll-Wreulhs, Veils. lUbboiis new shades In Velvet, Hfltlu and 'i'alfeta Hlb Itous, Ku'hes, Neckties, MADE UP LACE OOODH-QKAND DUCHESHE LACE FOU DKES.S TillMMlNU. l'olute Applique, Valeucleunes, Hamburg Edg ings, uud lusertlous, Dlack Gnlpuru uud Ihrcud Lucis, new lu design and moderate In price, CHOICE INDIAN OllNAMENXH.. Tans, lllrds, Mats, Cushions, Moucholrs, Cases aud Euucy Uoods, selected by Mrs, Hinder ut Nlsgtiru. Elegaut line of Whitby Jet Goods, In sets, llreastplus, Earrlnn, Necklaus und llrucelets. ploudtd Hue of French Jet Goods, Coral and French Gold nets, chsrias, Hleevo Pultons, Chulus, 4c., which lor price or variety In style, caiiuol bosuriussed, Htlangers visiting our clly arercspeitfully In vited lo examine. ringing uud uonering. mining anu ruling, aio.u iiurlt'cl si slein of Dress Cutllliu tuugLl. l'stterns sent by luallor express to all parts of the Hulon. MllH. Jl. A. HlNinUl'i N. W. Comer Iileveulli aud Chistuul Hts., P1UP oell'7Uiliu. DISSOLUTION 0 l'AHTNER-. nail'. Tho co. partnership heretnroreexlstlng betwen William hoiiuylii: aud w. Iaiwii ut Oraugevllte. Columbia county, Pu., Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Thu books are lull In the hands of Chahlkm W, Iiwe for set tlement. Wll 1. 1AM Klill YI.KU UIAIlLUt W.LOWE. Oraiigovllle, Nor, 11, 1970-91. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. XX. ESTATKS OFlin. JOHN KI.UUE, dec'd. In the Orehaus' Court of Columbia county. inter rttlatho Auditor nppolnted by the Court, tomuko distribution among heirs of tho estate of Doctor Johu Kluge, will meet Iho parlies Interested, for thu purposo of his appoint ment, cm Saturday tne 'Jutli duy of November next, at id o'clock A. M., ut tho oiilce of C. II. Ilrockway In Utnomslmrg, In said county. c. U. HIloCliWAY, ecus ,iww. Auuiiur. s UM'tKiVA IN DIVORCE. in the Court of Common Tic ii of Columhln county, Xo. 5 September Term, ISO. S01''AltIOU.S JSMUTilEllH, 1 vn. Libel In Dlvorcr, AMANDA KMCTIinrtS. 1 'J o the abovo imint d respondent: You ftro here by notllltit that thu HuhpuMia and ill las subpoena lu the abovo casu Imvlin? been rt-turucd nonmt inventus, jou ale nereny requireu lo appear in this court onthellist Monday ot Dec timer, A. lJ. 1&70, to answer the comptalut in this ce. MUHliUUAl MIlih.Altlr octlVTlV-St. herllr. A DMINIBTKAVOIVri KOTIUE. rV LSTATE OF DANIKL NYKH. UF.C'l). Leitcrs or administration on thecstaieof D-mlcI yer, latu of MitUu twp., Columbia county, dec'd, have been granted by the Register or said eountv to J. II. Ner. of Bloom lownshiu. in tho county aloieald. All peihons huvlnu; claims against inu rsune oi ineoeoueiiL are rt-queMeu to preteiiL iiiein lor btiiimeni, nnu iiioto in dibled to the eslato lo make i-uymenl to theuii derblgiif:d,admlnlitru,tor, before tho Ibtof .prll. leu. j. ii n x mi, oet2S'70-Ct. AdinluUtralor. Michael Grovcr IjCV. Vac. No. 8t May Term ihTU. Samuel Schweppenhelser, f aim r.uiuoeiu, ins wiie. j Tho undersigned anpolnted Auditor to dlstrlb ute funds Jn Court, amongst creditors urUiuK from MierlfTs Kale In abovo writ, will meet the parties in luterct,for the purioau of bin appotut ment at his otllcu in lUoomtdiurg, ui Mouday, oemberUUt, 18.0 at 10 o'clock A. M. Alt per kous httvluK claims ou Kald fund are required to attend or be lorever debarred Irom coining In lor a pan oi nam luuu, j, js, uumUsN, bcurr70-iw Auditor. AUJHTOlt'S NOTIOK. K4TATKOF IIKNUV WKHTMAN UFC'lt. Tne undersigned, upiolutel by tho Oiphans' Court of Columbia county. Auditor to nuuodlH trlbutlon amoni; heirs of the thtuto oflleurj' Wertmau,Hr.,late ol Columbia county deceas ed, will meet the parties lnttuled for the purpose of his appointment at his olllco in Illoomsburg, on Wednesday, the Hkl day of Soy, 1"0, at IU o cloclr. A, M. All per so us having cluims on said ifctate are required to attend or be forever debarred from coming in for a part of kaldtund. M. WiilTMOYhlt. ocUlTU-lw Auditor, T HE DOMESTIC UDITOU'S NOTICE. JA". Jill ACCOUNT OT HAMUCL KNOKU, Esq., AV BIONKK V t JAMfcS W, CHEJIKfcllLlN. Tim undcrhiglied appointed by the Court oi Common I'leas, of Columbia couuty. Auditor to make distribution among creditors of tho bal mice In the hands of Butnuel Knorr, Emj.( b Hi u lieu of Jumes V. Chemberlln, will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his npt oint ment, al his oil ice In iilooiubbnrg ou Saturday, the lit in Uuy ol Nov.. IbTU ut lu o'clock A. M. A U persons Interested or having claims against lheuid James W, Cheiubtillu am requested lo attend, or be dtbiintd fiom coming in for a part oi the said luud. J. II. HOUIaUN, ocUr;y-iw. Auditor. UDlTOiVS .NOTICE. JX. if?. TltC SIIEUIFF'S AI.U OV IT-USOKAL I'KOl'KUTV OF l'JIILIl' OUT. The undersigned appointed Auditor to distrib ute funds in Court fciunngst creditors arrlslng from sale of Personal Property off-aid l'hlltp Ort, will meet the parties interested lor the pur pose or his appointment, at his olllco In Hlooms burg on haturday, November, 1H7U, at 10 o'clock, A.M. AU persons Interested or having clalsms against tho said i'lilllp Ort ure requested to -at- leuu, or oe ueuarieu irom coming in ior a piirioi said lund. iHt-'l';0-5W, C.O.lJAltKLLY. Auditor. ADiMIKISTUATOS, NOTICE. nSTATK OK FIIEDKKICK IjATJUACK DKC'D, Uetteis ol administration on thu tstale of I'rederlcc I.aurach, late of Hugarloaf townnhip, Columbia cpuuty.ilec'd. have beeu gianied by the lteglsler ot said county to Andiew L:tuach, and Johu (). Ijtulmeh, of Cole- Creek, Cd, oo. All jettons having claims ugulnsttho esmieof the decedent ure uquistcd to present .them for settlement, and those Indebted to the estate to make pnyment to the understgut-d, administra tor?, ulthouidelay. andukw i.Atin vrn, joii.v a. i.AUiiAcn, ort 11'70-fi w Ad rn i u Utr.i t ors. OUEK ON THE HEPKESENTA- iAi TIVK9 OI-' JACOU KYL'H, UJX'llAfaKU. LOLUMHIA COUNTV H.S. Tbe Commouwtalth of rennsylvaula to rhlllo lKyer,Jnhu i:yer, Adam Ityt-r, William Kier. Anna, Intenoaiiied with John Vlllver, Maiga ret, intermurrled with Hjmuel Johnson, Ileniy liver, Mlas Wtlllvcr, Abigail who wan rlcd wllli Jockson Jtunvan, dec'tl., lAiciuda who wu Intermarried wrtli John Deiuolt, oer d., ( liuriiy, luterutarrled with 1. It. J(diuon, Otn. Welllver, Mniy, IntermairUtl with 1 rust us Ilemltrshot, Catherine A., in i nnarr'ed with Jobu Allen, and 1'hlueas Welllver, IhIih aud lejial repre-eututles of Jedi Uytr.dy'dMiiuu to ull persons Interested, (lie ting: You are hereby Ited to buatid appear-before thu Judges of our Orphans' Court at au Orphans Court to lie held at Illoomsburg, ou tho tlrst Monday ui IV rember uext,thenund there tu accent or rflum to take the rent estate of said Jacob er, deu'd, at tho appraised val nut lout ut upon It by the in quest duly awarded by the raid tNiiitt, nud re turned by the Hhctiir. Aud hereortall uoi. octr70-tf Vr. II. KNT. Clerk. 13ULE ON THE HEIIIS OF AN- XV DKKW KUEAH, UKCEAHKD. Cul.UMltlA COUNTV H.H. The Commonwealth of 1'ennsylvania to Hen ry h. Krens, Fannie M., lulermarrled with Jacob Creasy, Wm, 11, Kreus, lorcii. Intel married with John ll&ymun, Mary June intermarried with Charles lltlt, Harriet A., Intermurrled w ith Mor ris Jt. Krea, John L, Freas, James 1. Freas. KHz abeth A., Intermarried with htepben IVltlt, Al ice V., a minor, Emma, a minor luUrniarrled with Wilson Miller, Franklin 1 Freas. a minor, uud Andrew C. Freas, a minor. All inc. above named minors having WlltUm Hhaner us their Guardian, lineal descendants of Andrew Freas, deo'd, and to all cither persons inteiested, Oreet Ing: You ure hereby clied to be aud appear Iw foie the Judges of our orphans' Court at an Or phans Court to bo held at Illoomsburg, on the llrst Monday of lieeernbcr next, then uud thern to accept or reluso to take the real estate of said Andrew Freas, dec'd., at the uppralscd valuation put uikiu It by the inquest duly awarded by the said court, and returned by thn hherltT. Aud hereof fail not, V II, KNT, Cleik. octai'tU-tf 1XECUTOUH NOTICE, Zi 1UTATK OP T1IOUAH HTACKHOUHK DEC'D. Letters testameniury on the estate of Thomas Htackhouse, latu of Fine township, Columbia county, dictated, have been granted by the Hrg Uter of mid county to Michael bUckhouse, of 1'tne township, Columbia county. All persons ImvJiig claims ugalust the estate uro requested to iireseut them to the Executor In IMue township, 'those Indebted to the estate either on note. Judg ment, mortgage or Itook account will make pay ment lu the Executor without delay. M I Cli AEL HTACiCi IOU8E, sel'TO-ew, Executor. JNCOHl'OltATIQN. 'Altl.A l ll.rllV (rlvHO.tllAl OU tllUlsldllV U November, W70,uudry Inliabltalits oIColuiulilu county presented a uetllUu lo an udjuurued Courtuf Cuiniuou l'K'us of sulJ eountv, prayluu tho said Court lograul u Charter of Incori-ora. ttou, under Hie name, style aud title of "Tim Coi.i'uuiA Coi'.ntv Mutual bavinu I-'ukd ash Loan Association," with Iho rUhU uud privi lege, therein slated, aud ir uo tutllclenl causa la shown in tho coiilrury on the nrst day or noil term, the prayer of the elltlouwii will ba nrant od.uccordlui; to the Act of A.scnibly lu such case made uud provided, lly the Court, V II. ENT, uoulllO-lt, l'rolhououry. SEWING MACIHNE, FOn 8ALH BY JI. 1 IjUTZ, ili.oojisnuno, pa. MILLEH.'IIUGilErf CO., ii HllttUV) ICK, I'A. ' ft li I' -iliv , .iiiv"! ('. I, !1 This Hewing1 Machine runs, stiller uud easier than any oilier, It hni) leer parts, 11 lias ucaj Utrl. Jihuttlo tlmt will never wear out. It ha. Blake's Patent tnhl.i which tnK. slums lis nse- I.,, fli.'t. .11 1 Agents VMiutid In iinKctipleil Trrrllnry In Pennsylv aula, New Jerny, Slat j land, Deli.wuia .lio t iit'i', i ,a . 1 'ltx.i I lull; Vlrslnlu, Wist Virginia and 'District nf Colniu. 1 - ). 1. ' )l ti -.t i ln !.'. nii ; f . ,J ui i".rl bp M ' lit : ii 'ht,-. '); . w ! r ''i ." . bi.i. Address II .1" il. scpl0'.0-ly 'BLAKE A CO., ECUANTON, PA. A Body and Mind Disease feuch Is dyspc-psUi. The stomach nad the Imiln aro too Intimately allied for tlio ono to sutler without the other, so tliatdlspcpslannddesiKin'l eucy are Inseparable. It may he added, too, that Irritation of the stomach la almost iuvnrlably accompanied by lrrllutlon of tho temper, Tho Invigorating and tranquillizing operation of Hosteler's Hitters is most powerfully devel 'opod In cases nf ludljrestton. The first ctTect nf this agreeable tonic lscoiufprllnu und encouriM ln?, A mild gUw s tho systom, tho cluonlo uneasiness In the region of the stomsrlt Is lessened, and tho nervous res' lssuess which characterises the disease Is abnteil. This lui provemeut Js uot transient. It Is not succeeded by ths return of tho old symptoms with super added force, as Is always lhe ca" when unmedl cated stlniu'ants are Elven for the O'lnptalnt. Kacliiloso uems to Impart a permanent awes sinn of liealtiiiul lnviorattnu. Bill thUls not all, The aperient and antlMlllous properties o the pi eparatlon are sea cely so -midu ry ir I m pot t pneo to Its tonic virtues, it there U an overflow of bile thu secret Ion Issoou hroug'it. within prop er limits, and ir tho blleary oriran Is Inert nd torpid it Is toned and reitulal.l. TheeilVci upon tliedischurslnii organs Is t-ipnilly suluisry, and Incases ol constipation the euthai tie action Is Just sufficient to produce thedeslred result grad ually and without pain. The hitters also pro mote healthy ei apoiollon from the surface which is particularly deslrablo at this season when sudden spells of raw, unpleasant weather aro ' upt to check: the natural peisplnitlou and pro duce congestion of tho liver, coughs, uud colds. The bett neyund agatnit all diseases is bodily t ly or, uud this the gleet Vegetable Itestoratlve es. seutlally piomolcs. (iiovlTO-lm. "VTOT1CE IS HEREBY C11VEN X that au application will be made at the next iiitctlrigor the General Assembly of lhe Coiti m.nweatlli ot Pennsylvania lor the Iihoiihiih Hon of n bank, In aeioidance wll lithe laws of the fouituouuealth. tn tie entitled the "Catuwlssu IeMisll undHavlDg llatlk." tube located alCala wlssa,rol.col'a,,wlthu(apltalof tiny thousuiiit dollars, with the right to lucre use lhe same lo ouu tntudud and Ally thuusatid dollars. Cat uwlssa, July 1, UTU-mi. N.E W GOAL Y A R 1). Tim undersigned respectfully Inform the cltlsens of BiooiusbuiB and Columbia couuty, that they keep all the iTlneicut numbers of stov. coal and selected lump coal for smilhlug Purpo ses, en their wharf, adjoining W'K.lvy, heal Co's Puruace; wllh u good pair of Buffalo scale, ou Ue wharf, to weigh coal, hay. und straw Likewise a hoise aud wagon, to deliver cual to those who deslro It. As they purchase u large amouut of coal.tbey Intend tokeep a kuncrlnr ar ticle, aud sella! the very lowest prices. Please call aud eiamb.e for you'selves beforo inircbas. lng elsewhere, J. W. HKNDKIIhIiot, THE uudorsluneil will tiiko In ox- X change for Coal uud Groceries, the follow'" named articles :-Vhet. It) e. Corn. O"': oouisUurgMsr. 19,'UhlY. . JO PRINTING Neatly siecutKl at this omr.4