THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSJBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. AGRICULTURAL & DOMESTIC. ! Hon- In Curve. Curving N n very tletlrnlilo itreotn jilMitnent for both Indie nncljjf'tleriieii, ntnl almUl lio tnuglit. Onu cannot lentn It liy tuition, hut l)y jiractlce, Joined by n Biuttll sllco of thi'ory. It Is truo that tho French stylo of serving mcnt sliced Is fust banishing llio necessi ty of cnrvlng nt tlie tubks of tho rich ; but In middle life, where such clegnn clcs nro not jirnctleed, a knowledge) of carving should bo n part of n boy's or girl's education. How often do wo hear n person say : ,"Oh, Dxcuso mo, I can't carvoj I novcr tried." Or, if It bo at tempted, ono soon finds himself sadly embarrassed. Ho grasps tho knlfo and fork desperately Ho has learned that n sllco of tho breast of a turkey Is a dainty ; that a wing Is good ; tho second joint also ; that tho leg Is not so good. Hut It Is not an easy task to separate them ; and ho thinks ho would rather chop wood than cut turkoy. Ho does not know that on the back lies a delic ious morsel called tho oyster, and tho sldo bones below tho second Joint aro considered titbits. This must bo taught him. Ladles ought especially to tnako carving a study ; at their own homes tho task often devolves upon them, and they should bo ablo to perform It with ease, and not bo forced to accept the as sistance of visitors, who would dread tho operation. Tho platter should bo placed so near tho carver that ho has full control over it ; If far ofT, nothing can prevent an ungraceful appearance. A Bharp knife is requisite, and a thin and well tempered blado. In carving turkey, cut off tho wing nearest to you first; then tho leg and second Joint, then slice tho breast until a rounded piece appears ; insert tho knlfo between them and separate them this part is tho nicest piece of tho breast; next comes tho "merry thought." After this, turu over tho bird a little, and Just below tho breast you will find tho oyster,, which you separate as you did tho inner breast. 'Ihe sldo bono lies besldo tho rump, and tho desired mor sel can bo taken without separating tho wholo bono. Proceed tho saino with the other sido. Tho fork need not be removed during tho wholo process. An experienced carver will dissect a fowl as eiuly as you can break an egg or cut a potato. IIo retains his seat, manages his hands and elbows artistically, and is perfer tly at ease. There is no diffi culty in the matter; it only requires knowiedgn and pru'tico; and these linuttl tie taught In tho family, each child taking his turn. Chickens and aro carved in tho wnne way. Hearth and Home. C'urlnK for Farm Implements. Tho Mason for tho uso cf out-door farm Implements is nearly over, a fact which many farmers appear to forget entirely, and it is a very Important one. Tho cost of Implements and machines to a f.irmcr is ono of his heaviest outlays, whilH the earo of them with many U a mere fecondary consideration. An Im plement will frequently suflVr greater damage from a winter's exposure, than from a wholo season's Judicious uso. There Is no printlplo in farming bet ter established, than that all tools, im plements and machines, should bo housed when not in uso, anil the farmer Who neglects to do this, is sluply want ing in tho first elements of economy. Because n mowing machlno or a plow is mado wholly of Iron, it does not fol low, that tho weather will not effect It. The mowing machine that la left stand ing In the fenco corner from ono season to another, cannot bo expected to do eood work, and as to wooden imple ments, tho case is worse still. The prudent farmer will not only house his implements, but rainy antl snowy days will bo devoted to tho re pairing of them. A wooden plow brain to which a coat of paint Is applied onco a year, will last twico as long as ono that is not, and it will look flvo hun dred per cent, better. A mowing ma chine, tho Journals of which aro cleans ed of the accumulations of gummed greaBe, and carefully oilo-J,' will run twenty-fifty per cent, lighter, and run fifty per cent, longer than ono that does not receive this attention. "Wo might multiply theso illustrations, ail iufini turn, but It Isunneccssary. Wo conclude with the remark that, ho is an unwiso and improvident farmer who does not keep his tools anl implements housed when not in use, andwhodoe3not keeri them in such repair that they aro'al ways ready for use. Scrnplng ami Wusstiing Fruit Tfcen. Perhars October and November aro tho two best months in the year for scraping and washing fruit tree? ap plea and pears. Tho insects which hido in the bark and crevices of the trees have by that tlmo relied to their win ter quartcrs.aud can be easily destroyed Thtro Is nothing equal as a "wash" with which to terub tho trees tljan a preparation of sny ono pound of whale- oil soap to a largo bucket of water, well dissolved. Thrro is nothing more nau sous to insects than this. It will lay "told" everything that wo have tried It on but tho circullo that, however, cares no moro for tho the mlxturo.evcn though accompanied with sulphur, lime-water, and tobacco-Juice, than if It were a gingerly doso of pure spring water. But rose-bugs nnd tho steel-blue grape-bug, surrender to Its power in continently. Every farmer and garden er ought to have a supply of this soap on hand for uso whenever necessary Apploand pear trees well scraped and then washed witli this preparation will not only bo freed from somo of the chief iiibccts preying upon foliage nnd fruit but will sensibly feel Its Invlgora ting effects. Gcrmantoien 'J'eligraph, Planting Nuts, Etc. In replying to an Inquiry us to tho best tlmo to plant nuts for growing trees wo wo tiki say that It should bo dorio as soon ns they come from tho bur or pericarp, and of courso before they got dry. This Includes tho chestnut, shellbarK, wal nut, acorn, as well as some seeds like tho pawpaw, magnolia, etc. Hence they must be planted in the fall. If left until tho followingsprlng they w'lll either not como up at all or bo two yean in doing so. A vkteiian was relating hlsoxploita to a crowd of boys, and mentioned hav tag been In flvo engagements. "That's nothing", broke in a llttlo fellow, my sibterHaran baa been engaged eleven tlCBM. Miscellaneous. s OMETHING NEW! Tho undersigned would hf-sehv Hire notice thnt ho has hut completed A FlltsT CLASS HEARKE.nnd thnt he hasthe facilities torcarry Ins on the business of UNDERTAKING In all ltn branches IN 0 1 TV STYLE. lie ha cngflKM experienced persons who will take charge nf the bodies of the deceased an noon an they 'shuftlo of thin mortal coll," and attend to waablng f hem, shaving, dressing, 4c Shrouds furnished also to order. At much expense lie has also procured an III ON IOE BOX, In which bodies can be preserved In a cleanly and dry condition. Carriage furnished for fu neral occasions. In short, he Is prepnred to take chat ge of a corpse Immediately after death, and save friends and relatives all further trouble In regard to 11, He also carries on the business of 0 A. II 1 N E T MAKING Upliolsterluir In all Its branches, repairing furnl ture, reseating cane luitlomed chairs, Ac Ac Place of business on Iron Street, below Matn. ROBERT UOAN, Bloomsburg, July 23, ISTO-tt. OIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MED- VJ AL8 AWAHDEI), THE GREAT BALTIMORE TIANO MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM KNABE & CO. KANCFACTUBKRS OF GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO F O It T E B , BALTIMORE, M D. Titean iminimpnli havA heen before the nubile for nearly Thirty years, nnd upon their excel lence alone attained an unpurciiMr d pi e-emlnenee which pronounces mem utiequciiixi. i ueir TONE combines great power, sweetness nnd fine sing in mialltv. as well as ureat purity of Intonation. and sweetness throughout the entire scule. '1 heir TOUCH is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stillness found In so many planoes IN WORKMANSHIP they nro unequalled, using none but tho very best snirannf material, the large capital mplo o 1 lu our hUHlneis enabling us to keep continually an lmraeuse stock or lumber, Ac, on hnnd. tv.All our. Square l'lanota have our New Im proved Ovmisiuoso kcale uud tho Agraffe jirWe would call special attention to our late Improvements In UICAItD PIANOS and auVAtii: uitANDS; patented aco. h, is), which bring the piano nearer perlecltou thau has yet been attained. Evehy Piano fuma WAnnANmD foii 5 Years, Wo have made arrangements for the Sole H7io!ei( Agency forth.- most t'elebiuted PAR LOR lK(iNl and MELODEONH, which we oiler Wholesale and Retail t Lowesi Factory Prices. WILLIAM KN.lllB & CO.. . octas70-6in iialtlmore, Md. JJ 0. IIOWER, has opened a UrBt-clasa BOOT, SHOE, HAT PAP, AND FUR STORE, at the old stand on Irfaln Street, niooinsburg,Htew doorsubovo the Court House. Ills stock Is com puiedot the very latestand beslstyles ever offer ed to the citizens ot Columbia County. He can af-couimotlate the public with the following goods at the lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled sloga bootB, men's double and single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stoga shoes of all kinds, incn'h line boots and shoes of all grades, boy's doublesolfd hoots and.shoesof all kinds, men's glove kid Balmoral sliiieH,men's, women's, boys's and misses' lusting galteis, women's glove kid Polish very Une.wonien's morocco Balmorals and calf shoes, women's very tine kid buttoned gait ers. In short boots ot all descriptions both peg ged and sewed. He would also call attention to his One assort ment of HATS, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS. which comprises ail the new and populai vari eties at prices which cannot fall to suit all. These goods are' ottered at the lowest cah rates aud will he guaranteed to give satisfaction. A call Is solicited belore p'trclLisIng elsewhere as It Is believed that btl"r ' nrgalns are to be fotnd than at any other ," e In the county. Dec. It'7 1 nnn UK w Aim. tp 1 ,JJJ yi utiy case of Blind Bleeding lu-htng.or ITIet rated 1'iles that Dk Dino's Pile talis to elite. It Is prepared expressly to cure the t lit and nothing el.e, and has cured eases of over 31 )cnrs standing. Hole by all Druggists. VIA FUOA. Do Blng's Via I'uga Ik the purejuices of Bnrkfi Herbs, Knots, nnd ileriles, for COXsUill'TION. Inflammation of Ihe Luncstrtlt Liver. Kidney. aril Bladder u lsciit.cs,nrgaiuc Went ness, Female Anii.-uons, ueneini ueniiiiy.auu an coniptaiuia nf the Ul iuarv I luting in Male and Female, pro ducing D)speps!a, Costtveness. Gravel. Dropsy ami r-erotula, wtmh mcM generally terminate 1 uonsumpiive iH-eune. iipurinesnnu cnricres ttie Blood, the miliary, Glandular and Hecirtlvu System; Corrects and Htrcngthc-ns the Nervous and Muscular forces; it acts like a charm on weak nervous, mid debintuled females, both youug and old. None t-hould be without It. Hold every- unere. lAliOltATOhV 1 rraumin hi., uaui- more, Md. (augi'TO-ly, rpilE IIYPEiUON IIAIH AN INDISPENSABLE ARTICLE FOR THE LADIES. .ratenttd July 0,18U7.) This Curler Is the most priect Invention ever of terrd to the puhllc. It is easily opersted.nestlu e nearance. and will not In jure the hair, as there Is mi heat reautred. nor any melallloBubslance used Ui rust or break tbo hair. Man-ifactured only and for sale by MCMILLAN A CO. No C3 North Front Street, rnitAPEi.rn:A, Ta. Hold at Dry Oor.ds. Trimmings and Notion Stores. M . , N 11 H n. a llnS- .-fTlTH ! .1 III l.B. U.MOriCU s lies. 05 cts. MatUxiree to a ny part of the unit ed Hiaies, upon receipt 01 me luuucy. jezi 7Uom. gHAKPLESS & HAItMAN, KAQLK FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING BUOP, STOVES & PLOWS WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL THE CELEIUIATKU MONTHOSE IRON BEAM AND THE 1IUTT0N WOODEN REAM PLOWS. Castlugs and Flrellrlek for repalrlngeltyBtoves All Uluus Ol nraKa or uuu roan upon short notice. 11 K.bllARPLESS A P. B. HARM AN, Eloomsbnrg, Pa. Proprietors Mar.ia.'tiD-ir. gKOWN'S FAST FREIGHT FROM riIILADKI.1 1IIA TO BLOOMSBUllO and Intermediate points. Goods forwarded with cure anu uespiucii unu at low raics. Goods, at Philadelphia, must be delivered nt Bltner x Co's. 811 Murket Street, For run par ttculajs, apply to APg. 20,'C9-tf.. It. Depot, Ploomburg,P Cufjiutitut: Kit Aretl 8t l-rcft'Dtlus. Ill Vt 1 4U1 St, UihSbsaU, O, as! Dr. Orwn. U Cb&rliaw n.mtim- . i i-s .iMnr.UI niairl'H uwir ill Q f oui r ' ,iuuu 34 ' IkM l.l M CaaMrAntldut 1 . . i wltlnul Hi krnil or sailkl C. f w?iU" aBdwltbbullluUl rout sod ftbra U moTd. id, if tuis U 0V uiiutu- lurs. IHWr S rrl r I ol f r., wllh b.H ?J IP V boiul trt- j, Wll oor U t1 V t yinilln- sotnturs. i ftMarr, Imtmanu. Nont othtr ihoold mlU nw4. lor rortioalirf iiitfnroirooUr roll,orddrl.Jl)oro. OCl4 70-HlU. JQENTISTBY. II. C. noWKB, DENTIST, Resnectfully offers his professional servless to ine tames uuu gvuiieiuea oi iiioomsDurg ana vi clnltv. He Is urenared to attend LualllLf. varl. ous oDerations In the line of his nrofrsslon. and Is provided wllh the latest Improved Porcelain l KKTll WIIICJI Will HQ I11.CIWM uu KU1U iailllg silver anil rubber base to look aa well as the ut urul teeth. Teeth extracted br all the new ant most approved mettuxU, and all operations on the teeth carefully and nroneljr attended to. Residence and office a few doors ahove the Court House, same side, llloomsburg, Jan.81.'68tf PHILOSOPHY OF MAIIUIAGE. A New Course or Lil-tubm. as delivered at tne I'enua.i'njyttcniiicanu Anatomical in useoiu IV05 f lit-fctnut st.. three doois aLoie Twellth. Phllaclelililu.iuibriieliig the subjeetst How to 1,1 vu UliU JIUI lo 1.MM jur; lOUIII.WKIUIIIJ nud Old Age; Manhood Generally Reviewed) Theraiiseul ludiytstlon; Flatulence and nerv ous iJImins oriounttd Icr; Marriage Phllo soi Ideally eoutldeitd. These lectures will be for aided on melpt of 16 cents by addressing! Secretary of tho Pennsylvania Poltteciimc AND ANATOMICAL 411'SHVM, IV JO lliesiUUl HU, jniiaaejptua, I't-uusyivania. Je2r7U-ly, s Li A T E HOOFING, tVinl VABJBTY A T MOST FAVOItABLE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AND CASPER J. THOMAS Box. 277. Bloomaburf , Pa. rpHOSE WHO AP-ESICK.On AF- s nicud with any chrome uimcuity,snouia without delav write for Dr. Hamilton's New Treatise, sent free to any address. R. LhONlDAH HAMILTON. M. D. Oct2S70-tt P. O, ilox 4.V5. KtwYorkClty. Patent Modicincs. rjy II E KIDNEYS. The Kidneys are two In number, situated at the upper part of the loin, surrounded by fat, and consisting of three parts, vli,.' the Anterior, the Interior, and the Exterior. The anterior absorbs, Interior consists of tit- sues or veins, which serve as n deposit for the urine and convey It to the exterior. The exter ior Is a conductor nlso, terminating In a single tube, and railed the Ureter, Tho urolers are connected with the bladder. The bladder Is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided Into parts, vll.l the Upper the Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper expels, the lower retains. Many have a deslro to urinate without the ability) others urinate without tho ability to retain. This fre quently occurs In children. To euro theso affections, wo must brlug Into action tho muscles, which aro engaged In their various functions. If they aro neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensuo. The reader must also bo mado aware, that however alight maybe the attack, It la sure to affect the bodily health nndmentat powers, as our flesh nnd blood are supported from these sources, Goct, oh Rheumatism. Pain occurring lu the loins Is Indicative of the above diseases. They occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and chalky con-etlons. Tun Gravel. The gr.lvel ensttea from neg lect or Improper treatment of the kldueys These organs being weak, the water Is not ex pelled from the bladder, bnt allowed to remain ; It becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It Is from this deposit that the stone Is formed, and gravel ensues. Dropsy Is a collection of water In some parts nf tho body and bears different names, accord ing to the parts affected, viz.; when generally diffused over the body, It Is called Anasarca, when of the abdomen, Asolles; when of the chest, Hydrothorax, Treatment. Helmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu U decidedly one of the best remedies for dlsenses of the bladder kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, nnd gouty affections. Under this head we have arranged Dysurln, or difficulty and pain In passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent discharges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloo ly urine Gout and Rhenmatlsm of the kidneys, without any change In quantity, bnt Increase In color,or dark water. It was always highly recommend ed by the late Dr. Pbyslck, lu these affections. This medlclue Increases the power of diges tion, and excites tho absorbents Into healthy exercise by which the watery or calcareous dep ositions, nnd all unnatural enlarg-ments, as well as pain nnd lnnammatlon are reduced, and It Is taken by men, women, nnd children. Di rections for use and diet accompany. rmr.ACELPHXA, PA., Feb. 23, 1897. H. T. Helmrold, Druggist; Dear Sir I have been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid ney arrectlons, during which time I have used various medicinal pteparatlons, and been under the treatment of the roost eminent Physicians experiencing but little relief. Having seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my family physi cian In regard to using your Extract Buchu. I did this because I had used all kinds of ad vertised remedies, and had found them worth less, and, tome quite Injurious; In fact, I despair ed of ever gottlng well, and determined to use no remedies heieafter unless I knew of tho In gredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that It was composed of buchu, cuhebs, and Juniper berries, it occurred to me nnd my physician as an excel lent co mblnatlou, and, with his advice, after an examination of the article, and consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try It. I com menced Its use about eight months ago. at which time I was confined to my room. From theflrst bottle I was astonished and gratified nt the ben eficial effect, and after using It three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much like writing you a full statement ot my case at that time, but thought my Improvement might only be tem porary, and therefore concludsd to defer nnd see If It would effect a perfect cure, knowing then It would be of greater value to you and more sat isfactory to me. I am now able to report that a cure Is effected after using the remedy for five months. I have cot used any now for three mouths, and feel as -well In all respects as I ever did. Your Bnchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonloand tnvlgorator ot the system, I do not mean to be without It when ever occasion may require 1U use In such affec tions. m. Mccormick, Should any doubt Mr. McCormlck's statement, he refers to the following gentlemen! Hon. WM. Biolxr, ex-Qovernor, Pennsyl van is. Hon, Titos. B. Fl.olirNCX, Philadelphia. Hon. J.'O. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon. D. R. Fortxr, ex-Governor, Pennsyl vania. Hon. Ellis Lbwis, Jndge, Philadelphia. Hon. 11. C Gkikr, Judge, United States Court, Hon. Q. W. Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon, W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Pblladel phla. Hon John Bioliu, ex-Qoveruor, California. Hon. E. Bancs Auditor General, Washing ton, D. C. And many others, If necessary. Sold by Drugglsta aud Dealers everywhere. Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's Take no other, Price SI.2S per bottle, or 0 bot tles for 10.60. Delivered to any address. De scribe symptoms In all communications. Address II. T. HELMBOLI), Drug uud Chemi cal Warehouse, 691 Broadway, N. Y. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN STEEL - ENGRAVED WRAPPER, with fao-slmlle of my Cheml;al Warehouse, and signed II. T, HELMBOLD. iu;t)-ir Rail Roads. TIIHOUOII PASSENGER OAlt to Ann rnoM PHILADELPHIA AND WILLI AMSPORT TIA. TUB LKlltaU VALLEY RAIL ROAD. On and after Mondhv. Outober Sit. 1870. n through passenger coach will run between Phil adelphia and all points on the Catawlssa Rail itonu via. (UnlRKO JUUCllOIlt Nocbntige of cars between Wllltamsporl nnd Philadelphia, Leave for Arrive from Phllad'a A New York, Phllad'a 4 New York, A.N. I'.M K.13 Ml D.:ji) Wllllamsport Muncy. Milton. Danville. Hup rt. Catawlssa. Msuch Chunk Catasaqua. Allentowu Bethlehem Kaston Philadelphia New York 6.611 6.VS Ol 4.00 3.10 8.31 I. iM wa 12.11 MM 11.31 0.15 LV. II. 0 J 10.10 1(1.311 10.42 1.10 3.31 2.87 2.10 8.17 Arr. S.01 ii.u r.if. A.M. Don't fall to nsk for vour tickets via. the Le high Valley Double Traok Route for Philadel phia, New York and all points In the Lehigh Valley. buperlor freight accommodations are otrered by this old and short line routu from Phlladcl- fltla and Now Yoik to all stations on Culawssn tail Koad aud eouucctlons. Tills lstheonly double track routo between New York and Quaknkc Junction, nnd therefore Is tho most tellable tor both freight !nl Pas sengers. II. HfANLtiY GOODWIN. Asst. Oen'l. Hupt. , Bethlehem, Oct. 21, lS70-ly. DEIjAWAHE, LACKAWANNA, & WKHTF.RN ItAI LltOAH.-Sulnmer arrange ment. April 11,1870. Trains leave as follows: EASTWARD. WESTWARD. Fx- Ac-Ac- llx- Mall STATIONS, jinn press com. com. press I'.M P.M. Via M. A 11. DIvls.iA M. I'.M. at new lorn, ii.v (ibo;!C(OV ".) .! -...Chrlnoplier -t. WW lli.linken MS Newark- K.n; 4.3.1 4.10 1,01 Washington HI.5H via cell. Kit. or ,.1, - New York I'.iKI 3.10 tHHitlAbirhMi I li.Kl 7.40, 5.48 1.21 ....New Hampton ...Oxford , Ilrlduevllie 11.111 1 1. I.I, 11.6:1 12.17 12.31 9.'i0 5.4Ul,...Ptlllailelphln. 8.45' S.VI .Trenlnu. (Wil l.:ml PhllllrMmiK 6.-ei!l2.ll,ManunkH Chunk.-ii.-J8i12.2-) H.Delaunre 7.301 Mi! I1.UV 12.00 I2.IV MllliLIM ....Mount llethel .1.412 12.51' Water Gap 2. 12.10 I2..W I. Hi 1.1.1 4.M 11 ..IS' UUUHIIl rir... jll2--! Hpraguevlllo. 1 li.ii item- vine.... J.ln.Il.iui uaKlatlil IM U.2il 4.01 l(l.4(li horliH.. 1.40 11.41 2IW H.W, j. in, 3.43 10.27 i'litiyhanna.. 1'i.tll Gou'ilstairo.. 0.50 h..Miikcow II 40 Duniilug.... 3.11 3.13 tl.50 ...Miincow -2.311110.20 .4.1,5 0 40 Duniilug if. is 111.38 r.M. 8.00 2.40 U.IOi hcrnnti 3.20 0.UO 7.:m' ,',: ...Clark's Summit.... 3.40 O.IS 8.SII 0.10 9.23 fl.60 7.13 8.30 ...Ab tllltoii .1 3.101 0.21 .13 l.&il 8.1llFai-torVllle 4.01 0.35 H.IU l.i 7.52 NIC ho son 4.20 1.51 10..10 11.00 12.'l 6. H)l 1.21 7-37 .....Ilopbolloin 4. it) 10.12 4..371 7.1.3 Montrose 4.57 ln.HI MOII240 0.31 ....New Mlllotd 6.13 10,17 3.451 1213 H.30 Great Bend 5.30 11.02 t.1n 1.10 P.M A.M A.M.I II'.M. A.M, A.M. Trains do uot stop at Stations where the Time Is omitted. Connections. At New Hampton with Central R. It. or N.J. Tho Mall and Kxpress tialus eastward and west ward connect with trains lor New York. Kllia belli, f'lulu field. Somervllle aud other stations. At Wnshlugtou Willi Morris Lfcsex It. R. Mall and Kxpress trnlns make eloso nnd reliable connections with trains tor New York. Newark, Morrislown, Dover, Waterloo, Hackettstown Ac At Manunka Chunk with Belvldere Delnuare R. It. Close connections are made by Mail and l-xpress trulns, with trains for Philadelphia, Trenton, Phllllpsmirg, Belvldere, Ac. By Train No. 2. paxsengers reach Philadelphia via Cam den, by INn. 4,la Kenslnuton, Passengers on No. 4, arrive In Philadelphia lu time to take the 11.30 p.' m, train for Baltlnioiound Washington. At fclcruutun with Lackawanna A Bloomsburg & Delaware A Hudson Ball Itoails. Trains on these roads connect with our unlns for Piltston, WIlkes-Barre, Berwick, hloomsburg, D.iuvtlle, Olyphant. Archbald mid Ciirbomlale. At Blnghamton with Kne lUUwav. Mnll No. 1 conuecls with Express Mnll on Krloltailn-a, leaving at8,4 p.m. with a sleeping coach in tached, arriving at Buiralo at 6.20 next morning. Kxpress No. 3 connects with a way train for Uwego, Ittuica, and Klmlrn. Albany Jt sjusquehiinua Kallltoad. Fourtralns a day run each way ttueen lliugliamtoii nnd Albany. Oneienves Biiiglmuitou at 2.30 ji. m,, and mrlvea at Albany nt ti.iw p. ru. Syracuse, IllliKliunitou a 3'. It. It. Tialu- forHyral-Useleileiu 7 n.ln. uud 0.V.3 p. in, 'flams trom Hyitii-iie tiritveiit ll.-iw... hi. and 8.30 ii. m. R. A. I1KNHY, W. F. HALL-Sl'LAI). Geu'l Pass, and Tkt. Agent. supt. QAT AWISSA IlAILiUOAD. Is.O. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1070, rmsenirer Trains on this road will run iih fol. lows t k Mail Smth. STATIONS. Wllliamsport. Muncy. Milton. Matt Xmt Arr, 1 .60 p. m. Dep.6.2-1 " ' 1.10 " 1.111 " " 3.10 " 3.e " " 2.25 " Dep. 8,15 a,m " 0.30 " " 10.10 " " 10.30 " 10.42 - " 11.47 " " liuuvllle. " Ruia-rt. " CutawlHHt. " Itlngtown. " Kuinmlt. 11 Ounkake. " IJV1 " 1.40 " 1.30 " 1.10 " li'.io a.m 11.3 J " 8.13 " 1 M) p.m. 12.10 0.35, ll.lo " lie.a-1 " 12. M " 2.15 " 4.2,3 ' 3.13 Arr. 8.4.3 " 1 23 -' 2.1S " 505 " 3.20 ' E. Maholiy June. ' Diue.Tainaqua. Dine. ' 1 Rending. " l'ntibvllle. " Philadelphia, 'dine Mauch Cuunk, dino1 ' Betnlehein, " Phllu via Itethleheni, ' Iiston, 1 New York, ft. Liberty st via L. A rt. It. It. ' 0.05 " via L. A M. It. It. " U.OO " 6,03 " L. Valley It, R. 0.60 " 5.51 a.ra. Boston, " 0.10 p m Tassengerstaklr g tho 8.15 train from William sport, will havo two hours In New York, lor tup iier, and urrlvu In lloston at 6.30 u.iu.. eleven hour- In udvance uf nil other routes. New day coaches uccouili luy all trains be tween Willlamsport, Few York aud Philadel phia. Trulns run through by daylight. GEO WEBB, Supt. LAOKAWA1NNA AND I1LOOMS BU1U1 RAILROAD On and v lUr Jul 5, 1870, Passenger Traluswlll run ns follows! Going North. Arrive Arrive ri. m. a. m. Going South Leuve Leave p.m. u. lu Scrautou.. 8.40 3.30 7.20 Leave 3.50 4.15 4.30 5.17 5.4.3 O.IK 11.65 Arrive IMttston.., Kingston 8.11 7.45 11.42 11.10 10.65 0.10 8.30 11.21 7.13 Leave 7.48 8.12 8.21 f.U2 V.:: 10.07 10.41 Arrive Plvmoulb 7.30 Shickshlnny.... 11.52 Berwick 0.05 Bloom 6.28 Danville 4.50 Leave North'd 4.13 6.40 7.25 11.20 Connection made atScrantou bv the 10.40 a.m tral'i for Great llend, BliiKiiatulou, Albany aud all points North, East aud West, D.T. BOUND, Sup't. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. On and after Juno l-'tli 1870, Trains will leaveHUNiiuar as follows t NORTHWARD. 5.33 a.m., Dally to Willlamsport, for Elralra oauauuaigua, Rochester, Uutlalo, suspension Bridge, aud N. Falls. 3.40 1'. M., Dally.fexeept Sundays) for ElmirH am Butlalo via Erie Railway from Kluilra. 6.15 r.M., Dally, (except Sundays) for Wllllamr- purl. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 11,45 A. M, Dally (except Monday's) forBaltlniiiit WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 11,23 P.M. Dally(exceptSunday's)for Baltlmor Washington and Pulladelphla. . ' ED. 8. YOllNU' . General Passenger Agent Alfred It. Fiske, Oen'l Supt,, JEADINQ RAIhHOAD. YXLU AHUANQKMCNT, Monday, Skit. 5th, 1870. Great Trunk IJne finta tbo North und Nortft West for rhllftdelphla.New York, HfaulngJ'ol t. vllle, Tumnquu, AshlAUti, Hhamokln Lebanon Allentowu, Uastou, Kphrata, LltU, LancuMei Columbia, tic, Trulns leave Harrlsburg for New York tut io lows: At 6,85, and b.tO u. in., uuu 2,50 p. m.. connecting with b miliar trains ol l'enna. Itallroad, and arriving at New York a1 12.1U, noon, 3,t0, uud 10,00 p, in. reMpctlVH. Bleeping cars accompany tho 6,36 a in. train without change. Keturnlugi Leave New York at 0,00 a.m. ami 12.0U noon and 6,J p. in. l'hlladelphla at M a m, and S,80p, in. Bleeping cars accompany the 6.00 p.m.. traliu irom N V without change. Leave llarrlsburg lor Hvadlng, fottsvll, j urujun, AiiucinTiiiv. abuiuuu, nuitiuubi u lenluwn aud 1'hlla'u.ut b,lUa.m.,and X60 und 4.1U o.m.. Mtomdnu at Lebanon and nriuclnal wav k tat ion a; tho l.lUpm. train connecting lor IIiU'm Fottsvllle and Columbia only, For rolUvllle ncjiuvuui uuveu uuu Auuurn, via ecuuyiiUJi hum outHjavuauuu ivu.iruau, leave iiarruourtt hi 8,4U p.m. VjxhI Tennsylvanla Itallroad trains leave Head lmrtor Alleutown. Katon and New York at 7 Si 10.30, in.. and i.ii p.m. Returning, leave iow tuiivuii p.w u. in., imw iiuuii iuiu g.u i. lUi and Allentowu ut7.'Uu. ui, 12.V6uoou,4.VU am has t. m. Way Tassengor Tialn leaves rhlladelphla ut 7, so a.m., eouutfctlng with similar train oa Kast ra. raurouu reiuruiug irom ueuuiiiguiu3p,ui stopping at all stutlous. Ieave fottsvllle ut 6.4t-auil 0.00 a.m.oind d.ui Ueindon at 10.00 u. m., hhamokln ut 6,l0umt J 16 a. m., Abiiiauii av,uo a.m. uuu vijsu noou iuau auoy City at 7.51 a. in and 1,17 p. in, Turn aqua ui n,JM a. in., uua p. lu.ior i'niludelphla an. New York Leave Potts vllle via Bchuylklll and Hutfjut hauua Itallroad at 8.13 a.m. tor HurrUbuu MVIWU,U (iuauiuianuu tICIUWIH, 1 lead! u AuoomiuoUatum Train leaves 1'otu- viue uio.tu a. iu., nassrs iteuuiug ai y,iuu, iu,, ur rlvlug ut IMUIailelphla ut 10,'J) u. iu. Heturulus leaves t'hlladelnhla ut 6.16 u. in.. dusaIuu Htuid- Inir at 8.00 p.m., urrlvlugut i'utuvHle at U.10 p.m. 4-oiisvowii Acoouiuioaauou iraiuneavesruiui town at 06 a.m.,, returning, leaves i'hlladelphl at 4.00 D.m. Columbia Itallroad Trains leave IteadluK at a.m., unu o-n p.m. ior r.puruia, liux, suancss ter Columbia, Ac,, rerklouieu lull Road Trains leave l'erkiouiti Junction at 7.10 U.06 a. m.. U.00 & tf ai d. in. return luivt leave Bchwcnksvllle at 0.80, iilo a.m.. 1ZW noon a 4.40 p.m., oonueottug wun similar uaius i ft Heading Itallroad. atW.iUa,iu anac.yjp.iu.1rcluiuliigleaveJslont j Rail Roadn. l'tcAantat 7.00and 11.21 n. m.. cnnnet-tiitK wllfi similar trains on Heading Railroad. cnt-ster valley iianroau iiains lenvo iii.nge port at 8,30mm, nnd 2.03 ami 5.1(2 p. in, returiilna. leave Downlugtun nt O.'Jl a. m 12.4.r noun and 6.IS n. nt., connecting with Umllar. trail, or Reading Railroad. On Hundays, leave New York at 8,00 p.m., Phil plilant 8,00 ii. in. and. 1,16 p.m. ,(lho B.lio train running only tolteadlng;)lcaverottsvllle8,' Harrlshurg nt 6.M a, m, nnd 4.10 p. ni. nnd lenvo Allenlnwn at 7.2! a, in. ami 8.1? p. miind ilcailltig at7.15 a. lu.imd 10.U1 p. m, ror Harris, buig, nt 7.2-ln. in. for New York, nt 4.13 p. m, for Alleulown, and nt 5.10 a. m. aud 4.23 p. 'n 'o' Philadelphia. Committntlon, Mileage, Benson, School jlj bxcurslott Tickets to nnd from nil points, ntie duced rales. Baggage cheeked through; 100 pounds nllnwei each pasveuger. O. A. NICOLLH, General Buperlnteudeul Itnaillng. l'q Kept, in IK7Q Drugs aud Chemicals. A GREAT MEDICAL D1SWI1Y Dr. WALKER'S CILTFOHNIA YINEG-AR BITTERS & 5 Hundreds of Thonsondo ?, q - Bcsr tcstlmooy to ttii-lr 3Vonilir- n Sj 5 -3 ful carstlro Effects. 8 5 2 WHAT ARE THEY? or A VlLli U -I DRINK. 5k? a FANCY Wad of Pool Hum, Whisker Proof Spirits and Hclaso XilQtiur doctored, iplccd tiDdtwcct cued to pleaaotbo taste, called " Tonics" Appetiz er,'1 'Itetorcriln c.f that lend tbo tippler on to dni&fc&&eM unA Tib, tut aro & truo Medicine, mado frozathoKAtlTO l&ootaand Hcrbcf CaUXoriLla,irco ..from nil Alcoholic Stimulant! TTicy&ro tfca UREAT BLOOD rUItlFIER nnd A LIFE GIVING PIUNCJPIilS ft perfect KnoTtor and Znrlcorator or tbo Bratcm, cnrrrlse off all poll on out natter and restoring tbo blood to & healthy condition. 2?o penon can tafce thcio TJlttcrt acconUnc to dlrtc tlon and remain lone unwell. 8100 will bo clTcnforon inrarablo case, proTidcd tbo bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and tbo Tltal organs witcd beyond tbo point ot repair PnrlnflammutoTj nnd Chronic Rfaenmn tlem and Gonti Dyspepsia vv Indlccittoo lllllouBi Kcmlttcnt and intermittent Fovcr Dlicnacsof thollloodf Llvcri Utdncya nnd 11 1 adder tneso Bitters bavo been most success ful. Such Blicatics &ro caused by Vltlntrd Blood. irhlcMs generally produced by dcrncccmcnt of tbo Digestive Orcnns I)YHPP8IA Oil INDIGESTION', Bead acbo, rain In tbo Shoulders, Coughs, Tigbtnces of tbo Cbc&t, Dliilncse, Sour Eructatlona of tbo Stomach Sadtastolntbo Mouib, Elllous Attacks, Talpltatlca of tho Heart, Inflammation of tboLunes, Tain In tbo regions of tbo Kidneys, and a huoircd other painful (symptoms, aro tho offsprings of DyepcpEla. They InTlgorato tbo Stomach and stlmnlato tho tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled cfflcacyln cleansing tbo blood of all Impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to tho wholo system FUR HlUN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Elicum, Blotches, Spots, rimplcs, Pnetnles, Bolls, Car banclcs,Ilng'Worms, Ecald-Ucad,6oro Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Scurfs, Dlscoloratlons of tbo Skin, Bumors and DlBcasca of tbo lb tin, of whatever name or nature, I aro literally dug up and carried out of tbo system In a 1 abort time by tbo uso of theso Bitters. Ono bottlo In! finch cases will convince tbo raoet Incredulous of tbclr cnratlvo effect. Cleanso tbo Vitiated Blood whenever yoa And its Impurities bursting through tbo Bkln In Pimples, Erup tions or Bores ; cleanso It when yon find It obstructed and sluggish in tbo veins ; cleanso It when it Is foul, and your feelings will tell yoa when. Seep tho blood puro aid the health of tbo system will follow. ! PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, larking In the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroy I d and removed- For full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottlo, printed In four language- Encllab, German, rrench and Spanish. J. -WALKEE, Proprietor. B.n.licLONALD A CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, Can Francisco Co),, and M and M Commerce Street, New York. gV&OED BT All. DBUQQ1&TS AUD DEALERS. wlirt o .r. 83,000 WIU, tin TAID TO ANY PKltSOX rroductns: ft 1'retiHraMon hhowlnii linlf ns nuuiv living Keiiulnn jifrmnnpntcurH kh Die. Kitlkii.s lll!onrecrintlonor I'tuT. JO-. 1. KITLMt. M. 1).. ono of riillHitelplila'N oldest regular riiVHtcliins, who litis mado HbeumiUUnf-at.i)eclnIty 37 .van. rfrmnnoutly curlrB wllh tliU Itemodv M In every iw patients 'lrrated; bo warrnnteI imuei od. Hluft pleiUHiit Mi'itlclne, li't'o from Injur Imis Drugs (mvorn vouclier trom llmiowned Prominent I'liyslcinns Imlorslns Dr. Kltlur nc coninanv each bottlo). To nrotoct Ktilleror from risk, a legnl Kiinnuiteo Mating number of bat ties warrdmou 10 uuro win no lorwnrneii wunout eharuo tonny porson senillntrby letter n full. truthful (lOHrrlption of eann. In onto of fallurn toeure. tho amount paid will 1 r-funtltd. Price Sl.&oper bottlo; U bottles, 87.50. iledtcal mivlco sent by letter RratH. ArilreH Dlt. KITLKIt, Ol!lcovo. at) mouth FOIMTII Street, 1'nlUilel phla. or No. 70 I1UOADWAY, N. Y. Sold or ouiumt-u ny urugaists. Kept'i'70-ly. DR. SAGE'.S Oaiaprb. Remedy, . UU IU.U .I'.ll'UIII. juu. iruuu, iiltl ifri Wtinaerfiil.urntiy other man. lias dibcoverud n rcnu'iiv tbittctirt-s when thelungs nro hnlf coitstinifHl, In frhort, will cure nil diseas es whether i f wind, body nr estate, ninka men llvo forever, and lenvo dt nth to piny for want ol work, nnd Is designed to inahH mir mililimnrv sphere n blissful lurudle,to which Henven ltteff sltull he but n bide show. Volt have hoard enough u. inn miiiu ui iiiiuiuuKery. jiut wnen i leu you that Dr.fioze's catnrrli lletnody will pontile 111 eure the tort cases of Catarrh In tho Head, I only usert that which thousands can testify to I will pay 5) Keward for n eofce lhatleiiunot cure. A pamphlet rIvIdk symptoms and other Information sent ireotoany address. This rem edy Is BOM) BY MOST nitUOniBTB IN ALL lUHTS ur uu1. vuituji. rrlcnM cents. Henthy mnll.postpnld.on receipt nf tlxly cents, or lour pntkBiies lor two dollars, iiewure ui ccHni(Ttiu and ucrimm tmltatloJH. Heotbat my private stamp, which Is potUive nwtruntce vf Otruilneneti, Is upon the outside wrapper, llemember that this private Stamp, 1st ued by Ihe Uulted Htatei. Ooveri. mcnt express ly for sUimpInK my medicines, has my portrait, name aud uddresv, and tlio words U. 8. Cerltfl cam of Genuineness," mcinvtd upon It, nud need not be mistaken, lion't be swindled by t'nvtlers nnd otliers represontlnK Ihemselvesas Dr. Huge; lam the only mnn now living that has the knowledge nnd rlsht to nmuulacturetho Urnulne Ur Hage's Catarrh llemedy.and 1 never tr el to sell this medicine. It. V. rimtf K M. I). obt29 70-tf. 13.1 Boneca street, llulfalo, N, V. EVEN KEASONS WHY IS THE HklT LlMMENT IN THE WOULD KOH U O US EH , FinsT.It Is composed of themoH powsnrui uuu rsnPiHAriMi unuius Knownin unemisir , KK01NI1. Com bllltd with Ihe ntwivn In a Mmm, cinai. Oil, made expressly for this Liniment, Till itn. Tho uso or the ixwrrul and penetrating lnnredleriU Is to drive or force In this heautUul MEDICINAL OIL. Which lubricate thn Inlnt unit mufiCles. and Immediately throttles the disease, nnd compels It to loosen Its deathly, slckeulua aud poisonous fanes, Fouurn, This Mrrici?fALOii,isued for the samo reason that u good incrhuulo alwajs usen uu iu iiumn jim iimuiiiut'ry wurit wun eiise mm nreclsloii. Bo In tlui sime wav thn ifmikIiw nmi Joints of our aulmuN hhould be lubricated If we wimji ui iiuvh inuiii iruvei wun rapiuiiy and eoe. K ru I. It lu verv soothlm; In It H-tim, will not burn nr blister the aulmnl 11 lie most of the "nil hot" llntineutsnf the day, HiX'Ji.Notono iirop ot tincture of cayenne twred nenner ran bo found In Ita rnmi,ti, , for wo hold thniim lluluieiit ran bo elbjctlvo which byrus und blisters the mdraal until tho mUM'Iex uto hard aud dried utmost to a crisp, neveni ii. Every hoi t le Is wa mm nt.u Ut elve Ktivu ruiBiiwuuii, tir ) uur iiiuuvy will DO reiUUu ed. This shows oonctuslvely that tho proprlo tont have full confidence In this nrfnurutinn and proves for the seventh time that O. K. H, H. Is the best Jjtnlrufhtln the world lor honum. izt)en't tUkii Viur JlrrchitHtto vaJmoT Una lure Mtd J'rrpvr umj JlarUhom, vr Uhrr trmh vt Vv, tul tuk Jvr (J, JC K &for Jtsr$it in4 take 11 VWIfr, IHIIU u r Mil Ul MKKtVtrfi. 1). U. IJAllKY A (JJ Bote Proprietors. cpi270-l tli Wublugton Hlreet, New Yofk, UU KINDS OF JOD PRINTING neaur execuveu u rm vvlukbum Htuuu UQf UBUS, o rt H . . III OH! IllJii Allii I- Clothing, &o. JypW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh nrrlval of RUMMER (100DM. DAVID LOWENIlKIta invites attention to his stock of CH HAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. at his storo on Main Street, two doors above the American House Bloomsburg, Pa,, where ho hns JuBt received from New York nnd Philadelphia n full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fashionable, durable, and handsome DRESS aoODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, ROCO.OUM.ANDOlL-aLOTH COATSAND PANTS. of ul I sorts, sizes nnd colors. Ho has also replen ished his already largo sloclc of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FHIURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS. CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS, OLOVEH, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES He nas constantly on hand n largo nud well-se- ccted assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINOS, which ho Is prepared to make to order Into any Ittud of clothing, on very short notice, nud In the best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It Is of homo mnnufactnrc. GOLD WATCHES AND JEW'iLRY, ol every description, flue nnd cheap. Hlscasool Jowelry Is notsurpossed lu this'placo. Call aud eTiunlno ills general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC. DAVID LOWENUERO. Bakery and Confectionery. ioiin a. JACOUY'S 13AKEUY AND CON FECTION3C1VY1 The uuders'ppf d vould rrnpf elfnlly Inform the t iilei.H of lleiwlcli. Mid vh lnlly, that ho has cntd n t'onu itlom ry nnd liukcry in ODD rLL LOWS' HALL, llerwlf k, 1'it., where he Is prepared to furnish ml kinds ot PLAIN AND TNCY CANWFtf, PHKNlMI t'ANWIM, rC'IUIION ANU LOMUsTJO KllUITH OUANOJ a, LKMONH, UA1BINB Ac., Ac, Ac, Ac. IV WIIOLHSALK AND It ETA I L Aniom? Ihe nortmcnt will bo found Cream Nutc, 1 liKllfb alnuts, IViinuis, Almonds, Fil berts, Hns Apidc. t'ccou NuIh, .Jell ten or dllfer cnt kinds, MtiMrud. Catsup, Pickles, Clmcolate, Cnnn.d I mit nr all KliiclK, corn Mnicli, Kjtk Ills tult, hi'dft tiucUers, Ouster trntkerH. i hct&e, hoap, WiltJiij; lwifcr, Agrrdncnt Papers, En velopes FJSll AND OYSTEItS, And prrdure of nil kinds. Tresh Ilrtnd and dikes eeiy dny. Ii o cream lu Htasou, Your pntrotingc Is hidlclted. JOHN a. JACOUY. llerwlck, Juno 17, l!70-lf COK PE0T1ONERY Tne tindetfilauod would rosoectraUy announc to tho public that tin has opened u F1KST-ULAHH CONFECl'lONEUY BTOItE, in the building lately occupied by Fox & Webb whoie ho Is prep.irwlto furnish nil ktmtsof PLAIN A FANCY OANUIKB, FRENCH OANIJIKW, FOHEION & DOMESTIC FU0IT8, NUTS, UAISINH, AC, AC, AC. BY WHOLESALE OK RETAIL. In nhort, a full assortment of all goods In his Hue of bustues4. A great variety of DOLLB, TO YS, Ac, suitable for tbo Holidays, Particular attention Klvuu to II K hi A D AND OAK KB, of all kluds, fresh overy day. OHIUSTMaH o a n d I e b, (Ml I 8T MAS TOYB. A chII Ik solicited, slid satisfaction will u iCunrHiiieeii, Nov. 22, lhCT, KCKHAHT JACOr.H. Books. VNni iiUiiv j in i . Cfb. u tin pnitaticc. Written Irom n lilyli moral nnd physl olni;ica (standpoint, by mi eminent pbhlclnn and nicdlcsl ptolf'-sur, It fdiows how Sutaii 1h work I in; out liNhubtb and dnimerous ilestgn through our most sacied domestic and social re lations. Pure-minded, but ouNnoken and n Kress He. tne mithnr handles tho del leato subjects ireated of without loves, butln fuichn iimuiier u not to mlnlslerto Hprurtent curiosity. The Phys ical lieyvneration oj the Jiace, lt n subject Justly fttllstliK lb Interest nud sympathy of all irui TdilbiuthriMlsis, and this Itook, It Is believed. 111 contribute to thnt end Just In proportion as It has rendeis. A el'cuhir sent freo, couminlnv h lull description and isynopsU of the work with liberal rxtructs. O. F. VENT, Publisher, sci t r"o-tf ,0i)lle3 Place, N. Y AGENTS I VTutol U: Tmln Tens 'H' Win Mans ffi Plains, The wild adventures nnd thllllms expeileuces of Ueori; r. Ueldeu, rho. llretl Willi it thirst for a knowledue of the red men. their morn, frodl- flour, uuri, yreat buffalo hunts, .tc, left, a home of luxury, sought and joined the Indians, uecumea tumous warrior, hunter, and lluully chit of 10J lialues. This new work replete with stirring re eltiusof real ludlnn llti,darlnyttceils, hutrbreadth escapes, umuslnr scenes, Ae., on tinted paier, 70 spirited t-iirravlnK,, one of author In hunter's dress, will he eagerly sought for and read with avidity. He wldoi.wukouiul (eud eaily fur Illus trated sample puiie, etreulur, terms and choice Held. A. 11. 1UIII11AH1), f ubllsher, deilG'"U-tf. 100 Chestnut hi., l'lilla. .'inrclajM.,.T.or38W.4tliW.. Clntlnnnll.f). if they want tho rnot popular nnd liestsilllnir ulHcrlptlon Loolcs nublMinl. and the moiffii: rrofffrmi. rfndforclrculars. TheywIIIcoitjou nomine, and may be of great benefit to you. fehll'70-ly. Washing Machines. J)OTY'S WASIIINa-MACHINE, LATELY MUCIIIMI'UOVKD-ANDTIIU NEW UNIVEIISAL CLOTHES WHINGER Improved with Howell's Patent Double Cog wheels, nnd the Talent wtop, are now unquen tlonahlv fur suf erlor to any apparatus for wash ing eliithuH ever Invented, and will save their cost twice n year, by savlna- labor and clothes. Tho ridltor of this paper, who purchased n Washer uud Wringer, thus testifies as to their Vftlue i "Wo have had In uo In our family fur some time past, one of Duty's Clothes Washers anil ringers, and are preiiared to beur testimony as to lis merits. It Is emphatically n labor-savlni) machine and does Its wink In the most thorough msnncr. l'ur families who have largo washes these lliaclllnes would In. lnvnliiilil "riMT.TTM. 111AN, JllU. II, 187U, I'ltlCEH-A FAIR OFFER. If the Merrhntds lii your place will not furnish, rrn.t t. .uu ... ut in lies, M'llti lis IIIU reiau price WIIMier ,14. Kxliu Wrlnifpr fl ntnl ur.t will r..r. ward either or both machine.., fnu ol freight, to plates wheie noiiiie Is iclllug; uud snsuruure u inty win ue iiaeu, nun we agree lo refund ,v ..on, unu tviBiies to reiiuii ine mU' chines fite ul irelght, alter a inooih'a trlal.ufr cording to directions. tt luubsnd, father or brother should nmnlf thetlruugery of washing with the hands, any. tuodnys in the year, when It can he done better, ' w.i', n.ti. tm. IMlHir.HllU till HI. Jjry to iliegani.ents by u Doty Clothes Washer, uud u Universal Wrluger, Sold b dealers generally, to whom liberal dis counts ure made. . 0. HIIOWNINO. den. Agent. ocW'70-lf. SJ C'utlluud bluet, New York. E. B. CASH, O O O 1 E It , ItW'EltT. COLUMBIA COUNTY. l'A. Coopering In all well aud carefully doue. l'urlloularatlentlou ulveutothe uiunii. faaiur. t.I meal barrels, kraut stands, pickle Itupert, KtLt, k, jtrio-aiiir Dry Goods & Grocorios. G HAND OPENING UltAND Ol'KNINU UHAND Ol'KNINU tlllANl) Ol'KNINU UUAND (Jl'UNINO or FALL AND WINTnn 000D8, FALL AND WINTUIl (IUUDB, FALL AND WINTKll UOUDH FALL AND WINTKll UOODH FALL AND WINTKll UOUDH, consisting ot consisting of consisting of oonslstltig of consisting of TlIlY O00D3, DHY OOOI1S, DllY 000D8, DUY GOODS DllY UOOD8, HATS AND DAI'S, HATH AND CAIH, HATH AND OAIt4, HATH AND UAIW, 1IAT8 AND CAPS, IIOOTH AND HirOES. llOOIB AND H1IOKH IIOOTH AND HlIOF4 IIOOTH AND Hll()l DOOTH AND 8I10KH, IIEADY-MAI1K CLOTIIINO, ItEADY-MADH CLOTIIINO UKADY-MAOK CLailUNO, HEADY-MADU CIAlTHINtl, HEADY-MADE ULOT1UHO, LOOrtlNO-aLARHEH, LOOKINO-OLAaSKH, IXJO K I N O-O LASH KB, UIOKINO-ULAHHKS, LOOICINU-ULABHKS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, OllOOEIUES, UUOCEUIES, (JKOUKHIEH, liHOCUUIKS, (IIIEENSWAIIK liUEKNSWAHU, IMIEENSWAUK, UlIEUNBWARri, UUEHNriWAltli HAllDWAUE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE TINWARE, TINWARE TINWARE, SALT, SALT SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH FIH1I. FITH FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, &o. AT NKAL 4 CO.'S, McKELVY, MoKELVY, McKELVY, MCKELVY, McKELVY, Northwest corner ot Northwest comer of Northwest ccrnor of Northwest corner of NEAL CO.'B, NEAL A CO.'S. NEAL NEAL A CO.'S, CO.'S, Main and Market Streets, Main and Market Streoui, Main and Market Streets, Main nnd Market Streets. Northwest corner of aiam ana Aiarjcei Bireeui, ni.ooMSBimo, pa., IlLOOMSIIUllO, I'A nLOOMHHURU, PA., 11LOOMHUURU I'A., IlLOOMSllURG, PA. IRON AND NAILS. IRON AND NAI1J4, IRON AND NAILM, IRON AND NAII4, IRON AND NAILS, In large quantities and at redu. ed tates, alwsy on uauu, Till! RED LION I1RAND, IS Ii A C TX AXfFAOA is superior to nil others In color, quality and O rti-Ai to In. rntiml nulv r.l M. P. LUTZ'8 Dealer In Dry Goods nnd Noilons.ln Ilrower's new building next to tho Court Ilnuse, Main Street, llloomsburg, Pa. moynwtr. VTILLER'S STORE. FRIiSH ARRIVAL OH HUJIMER GOOD. Tne subscriber has tust returned from the cltlt wun anotuer largo and select assortment of FALL AIJ WINTER GOODS. purchased In New York und Philadelphia at the owest figure, uud which he is determined to sell ou as moderate terms us can be procured else where in llloomsburg. Ills stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest Btylea and latest fashions, together wun a large ossortment of Dry Goods und Grn- cerles, consisting of the following i rtlclea carpets, OU Cloths, Cloths, Oasglmereu, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Sklrta, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarware Queensware, llardwart Uools and Shoes, Hats and Caps Hoop NeU, . v Umbrellas, , Looklng-Glassej, Tobacco. Coffee,'" N Bngars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, (linger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. In snort, everything usually kept In couutrj stores, to which no luvlum the attention of the pubtlo generally. Tno highest price will be paid for country produce in exchange for goods. H. H. MILLER a BON. Arcade Buildings, llloomsburg, Fa, JgUY THE BEST. Q CMARB 0 havejustrecelved from the eastern markets a large uud well selected stock of DRY GOODS, 00NSI8TINO Or Casslmers, A-ans, Best bleached A Brown Muslins, CaUcoes, Tickings, Table Linens, Cotton & All wool flannels, 4C, 4c, A good stock of Ladios dress goods, Latest styles. t patterns. BpUes of all kinds. Good stock groceries, Quecnswure, Stone ware, Wood it willow waro, Flour i Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Boap for oleanlug Tin, Brass, 4c, All goods sold cheap for cssu or pro duce. He would osll the attention of buyers to tils well and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In the coun try, reeling confident that he can sell them goods at sueb prloea as will ensure satisfaction. Nov. I ,'W-U C, 0. MAKR. Insurance Agencies. Q.LOI1E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW YORK. Pliny Freeman, President, It, c. Freeman n.. "i"" m.c. ,vw,vw,uu paid. J. I). ROBISON, BLOOMSBURG, pa GENERAL AGENT, For Luterne, Iij-comlng and Columbia counties, Ang.20,'09-ly. JN8URAN0E AGENCY. Wyoming ., tlTO.000 l.OOO.OUC ano.oon 4'iO,1iO l,4(l(i,(JH) 1,X).C(10 S 0,ill IBO.IWl 5TH,I 6),l) 400.o aro.ttoo 63,110 itna.... Fulton... North America- City . International Niagara ......... Pntnam .......... Merchants Springfield Farmers' Danville.. ........ Albany City..... Lancaster City . York Horse, Death Theft.... Home, New Haven Danville, Horse Theft FREAH I1ROWN, 4ftif, BwossnnKn, pA mats 4H-ijr. Hardware & Cutlery. Jacob K. Smith, j. r, Skltjer g MIT II & SELTZER, Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Dome tc HARDWARE, GUNS, CUTLERY, 4C HO. 4U9 K. THIKD STREET, AB.CAIOOWllILL, m PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22, 87-tr. Paints, Glass, c. piUST NATIONAL "vVHITE LEAD, BEST, rullEsiyAND CHEAI'IMTI SATISFACTION HUAltANTEKUt For Whiteness. Duratillltr.nnilTtrtilinn. cy. It has no eaual. Sold by nil dealers In Paints throughout1 tllU UUUUVIJ'. BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, SUCCKSSOKS TO T. MORRIS PEROT & CO. Solo Proprietors, Philadelphia, Pa., Deulers In all kinds or DRUGS, OILS. PAINTS, GLASS, ' DTISTUFFS, AC, AO. CATTioK.-OwinB to the populnrlty ol our "First Nntloiial White Lend." other It parties have been Induced to oiler n si.u. P rlous nrllcle ULder the same name. There-',, fore lie ware of Counletielu. The genu-.Z Ino Is put up In extra heavy tin paint pots, wllh patent metallic wire handles,!), and the name of BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, On each label, j For sale by mar25'7tIy. MOYER BROTHEHH, ' Bloomsburg. I IO,000 GUAIIANTKK. B UCK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTH ER LEAD 1 1st. For Its Unrivaled Whlleuess, ill. For Ha Unequalled Durability, ad. For Its UniurposHed Coverlog Propertv Lastly fur Its Economy, 5f It COSTS LESS to paiut with Bi'ck I.kad thanauy other White Lead extant. 'Ihe )sme eight covers MURE SURFACE, Is more llUlt ABLK, and makil WHITER WOIIK. BUCK LEAD, is the Cheapest aud Iter' 110,0110 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCS 1st. for Its Unequalled Durability, 2d. For Its Unrivulcd Whiteness, 8.1. For Its Unsurpassed Covering Properly. Lastly, for its Great Economy, being tho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, aud most DURABLE While Paint In the world, BUY OKLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by the Manufacturers. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepare expressly for Painting COTTAGES, OUTJ1UILDIN OS of every desertr. tlon. FENCES, &c. THIRTY-FIVE; ENT COLORS, Durable, Cheap, Uniform, sua Beautllul shades. Sample cards bent by Mall If desired. Dealers' Ordera will be promptly executed by the manufacturers, FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N. W. Cor. Tenth and Market Streets, Phlladelplils. MOYER BROTHERS, Agents Jan2H'70-ly. for Bloomsburg, To. Miscellaneous. QARBIAOE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Fa. M. a SLOAN A BROTHER nave on hand and for sale at ths most reasona ble rates a splendid slock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and every description of Wagons both FLAIN AND FANCY warranted to be made of the best and most dur able materials, and by the most expe"""" workmen. All work sent out from Ui ,e",. lishment will bo found to be of the highest cIsm andsuretoglve perfect satisfaction, Theyn also a flno assortment of B L E I Q II S of all the newest and most fashionable strlrt well nnd carefully made and of the best UUU'1 lata. , ,.. An Inspection of their work is asked as ' believed that none suneilor can be foul"1' tu" country. NoV. 2o,'U9-lf. TURMERHI EXAMINE AND BUY HE ORIGINAL, BaUQII'B being the First Raw Bonk FitosFiiATa Mil" All others are Imitation, B A U G II ' 8 RAW BONE ,, SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIM1 1870. FALL, This Manure Is made of Paw or "V.Vd'ii Bones, rich In Nltrogeuoua njaiter. dlso wB Oil of Vitriol, presenting the Ilone Phosp a highly soluble and quickly available '""'e tne Atnmouia lu sucu projiornou "- ,. prompt and vigorous action urou ,V'j tb Where llsugu's Phosphate was PP,StKn are that It will maintain Its well "'JJSjElr to lion, We rrquesl all In need of a eriin' give this article a trial, - BAUGU & SONS, MANarAOTDBEBS, Ojfice-No liO B. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. juvnvtf.