The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 11, 1870, Image 3
Bloomaburg, Friday, Noy. Jl, 1870, WlTItltl ILI,Co..NO. KIT f.'hA.t ...1 MlsiS FKANKMN HALL, Oil Chestnut, Htreet r7,7, m v auinnri-pii iumt n i-,-,., ""wiuiimiijcipjim, II nrunna It tirloun lowilfl nnil nth luiumum county win very much oblleo jj by transmitting statements of local events whenever nccurrlnp: In their ilclnlly. No nttontion need bo paid to urn . ..u, ui nuius in which convcyoil, ss It Is only thp points of Informntlon Ulliiuiu ui-cui'vi, ff( The now County Cotunilsslnnnr. it. ram J. Reedeii, Esq., was sworn itilo jiucaontno !M Insnnt, In nlaco of Da. fin x aAQEH, iJaq.,wuo3Q term expired The County Commissioners-, on Wtxl losday, allotted tho rebuilding of tlm Bridge ovcrLlttlo Fljlilng Creole, abovo reuhen "Wilson's, to Mr. John Lmi- 30TT, for $270, lie being tho lowest bid- lor. THEstatemont In our last, that "a oung colored lad" had boon killed nenr Berwick, by tho hands of u misslm L-nivei train iuiscniovously throwing :oms hi, mm, turns out to bo Inacurato, rho lad was not seriously injured. Huston and W. C. Koblson have pre- emeu um omen with an ear of gourd ecil Corn raised by them on fhnlr other's Mrm which measures 81 inches i circumference, 10 inches in length, nd having twenty two rows of grain. lam to Dent I We saw a great rush on last Snturdnv KU'ht at "Jacoby's Oyster Bay;'' his tub ysters wero ail gono early in tho oven log. no mrorrru us that ho will bo vtter supplied next Saturday. "Dat pransoarency'' had n good effect on rado, 4 Mean" temperaturo of October. 187GV tuioomsourg, ra. .observed thrcetimes day, at 7 a. m., and at 2 and 9 p. m. Second week, ending with tho ICth, , U-llT Last week, ending with tho 20th, 01- 10' II. Z. Merchants will ilnd it to their ad- antago to buy tho "Red Lion" brand f black alpacas, as It is tho best and heapest In tho market. M. P. Lutz is gent for them in this place, and will ell them at Now York printed prlco ist, thereby saving tho purchaser tho relght from Now York. Witnesses. It is probably not iron- wily known that by act of assembly pproved tho 21th of February, 1870, it i made a misdemeanor by a fine not icectflng two thousand dollars and an mprisonment not exceeding two years or any person required by legal process r neiu to bail, to attend and testify in ny criminal prosecution for felony bo- iroany criminal court, Judge or justico a tins Commonwealth, to unlawfully mi wiinuiiy, with an intont to defeat ublic Justice, abscond, elopo or conceal imself and refuso to appear as required ysaid legal process or Iccogntzanco of all. .Vow stir the Are, and close the shutters fast: xi iau iiiu curium, wueei ma sola rouud, uu wuue me uuuuungtiru inrowaup a steam Ing columD. inline cups that cheer but not luebrlate wait ou each. j.let us welcome peaceful evening in." But first go to J. II. Maize's Mam- loth Grocery, cornerof Main andiron treets, and supply yourself plentifully no his cheap and superior fancy and abstantial Groceries, hli elegant Fruits. i largo variety, imtl his generous tia- prtroent of substantluls in tho way of revisions. Also Queensware and Glass. are. All cheap for cash or count rv rotluce. Give lilm a call. Fob some tlmo past my attention lias tea directed to tho subject of Lifo In. urance. I had nover cherished a very vorablo opinion of the institution, but nen Mr. b. M. Hates. Aeent of tho .otnestead Lifo Insuranco Company of nuaueiphia,gavo ino a book I was very audi Impressed with its neat appear- ace auu concluded that I would read carefully. I did so, and was very pucli delighted with its eit features, u its low rates of insurance, after nidi I was led to inquire into somo lnts, for my own Information. I am wfldent that it is one of the best, if ot the best, Insuranco Company In tho wntry. All who have any idea of In- ring their lives, and all should do so, )tli rich and poor, will do woll to con- jilt Mr. Bates before insuring elso- aere. A Citizen. LOCAL NOTICES. Blankets. Blankets. Blankets. Tho "at placo to buy blankets, is at M. P. HTM', SiiAWii Lost. Ou Saturday evening it a ticntleman's checkered Shawl was ht between Uloomsburg and Light reel, tho unuer will bo liberally ro arded bvdeavinc it at Ilacenbuch's n Shop, near tho Forks Hotel. All persons Indebted to tho under- cried on subscription, advertising or l) work, nro requested to call and set 's tho Bamo before, or during December nirt. O. B. BltOCKWAY. n45-lw. The Christian Home will bo In- 'oduced in Bloom during tho coming a'K. this is ouo oi uio most ueauu- I works on this subject which has over en offered to to tho American people, lomo's not merely four bquaro walls, 'nough with pictures hung and gilded lome is wh6re atrection calls. Filled lth shrlnea tho heart bath builded. kents wanted to circulate tho work nroughout Pennsylvania. For infor mation and terras apply to O. P. BitAD- ,'n. .. , II , TI.....1 1 1 1 'i ui uiuHira jiuiui, iiiuuuibiiurir, or Mress at Danvlllo, Pa. n-15 2t. Cuke of Piles Durlnc tho last ten tars I havbsutfered morn than I could osslbly descrlbo from tho bleeding unu inougnt my caso a uopeiess be. (lnotnrntl urltli valnlnnu .nfialfloi. tho best in tho country. Somo said oy couiu euro me, others, they could Hp me, and others moro truthful said was no cure for mo. AUo used '! tho nllo rpmrillpH. nnil dnrlvnil nn stlug neneflt. Fortunately I slated ay rasoto Dr. McllENiiV.of Fxclwnt;e, ntliony lowiishli). and consigned mv. f to his treatment, and In it Bhort 'UlOIlO rollnvial mo r.f tn li. ..,-., t S Ids statement hoping otli'ers, -any uuucieu, may no tuus ocnent- I return mw v,r fvriitiiful 4(,atilu "Dr. Moii oslder theso fow Hues Justly duo him 'hrnii i r U k""wn to tho publio Km.,, . .".,u columns oi your paper, WUfcr thin la nnnnuoL- I.T. m I...!, t .. . ttrBlou. Yours Respectfully, Wll. II. HllIINH. mi, , imi Wliltollall, Anthony town rP, Montour county, Pu.,ti Aro.,17 Park Itow n,l MO. P. ItOWELL A Co., 40 I'ttVlf HOW r mlr'nnli itithotlied Advertising 'Vni. ti?ie5H,rn"r J, WEMTEn. Nn. In fln-ii, ,iA V;.-'..! THE NOTICK..AII undersigned for work dono nt his Boot Shoo inanufiictory in tlio town of Catawlssa, Pa., ns conducted nnd super Intended by A. E. Biinies, Agent, aro hereby notllU'd to pay nvprsucli Indcbt edncss to W. II. Abbott. Esq., In wlioso hands tho books have Leon placed for collection, and not to pay any of tho samo to A. U Barnes, Agent. John L. Baiines, n41-2t Offles of J. S. DOBBINS, 400 North Elolilh St., Phllndn. Dolftuis UMiib VegetableMr A color and dfessing that will not burn tho huh- or injtiro tho head. It dooa not produco a color mechanically, ns tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho hnir to its original color and lustre, by supplying now lifo and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, fino hair. Tho best nnd safest article over offered. Clean nnd Pure. No sediment. tiold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. novH'70-6m. gUHP(ENA IN D1VOUCE. ill tho Court nf rnmmnn l'l.u. nr r.,l.,.ni.t. in rii rountv. VI IN OHIA COX. bv hpr tievl frlu.i.l XI.... a ' 1 Libel In Diver. e i.i-oyd rox, j Huhiirenii anil alias Knbrccna rrlurneil on imlh that the Defendant, onul.l .if 1... rni....i t.. .1... said county. ioj.iovai.or,reFponuent:Blr You nro here by required to be and appear at ourtnlil Coin 01 Lnminnn l'lean In and lor aldcountv. on I he llrst Monday of December next, to nnuer to tliofnid complaint of tho aald llbcllnnt. or be llatjle tn hnV'f. Dim knmn .Ibloritili.n.l v... ..... ..1., Court rrpurlc. MOHD1CCAI MILUAHI), juuomsouig. nov. II, lt.lMt. Hherlir. pET EUSON'S MAGAZINE Proapcctm for 1HT1. fiS-TIIE CHEAPEST AND BKST."a To every rerson getting up a Club of four, .it inch, win bo naitt free, our imperii copy-right cngriivlui;,(2l luchoi by W,) "WAsniNaTo.v at tiii: n.vTTu: op THENTON." ,1V,Ill"e,toll'0,n Betllnir up Clubs ofelnht, at J1.50 each, nn extra copy nf tho .Mng.i.ino for 1871, ut iiuaiHufi, win uo Beni.rt'c. I'LTElWON'ft MAn,l7IM' 1,... IV, ,u.f nal htOrlCH Of anV Of thn lail.-la in,irm iUa I..V,t Colored 1'ashlon Plate, tho bent Ktecl' Knurav- llias. AC.. AC. Kvm fnmlh. nn.ii, ,n i.l... 1, r ...v., ;oi muiirir mmt nny fit ine vornu ut .mi cuiiium, nexi year 111 lis twelve numbers ONE THOUSAND PAdES! FOUKTEIJN HI'LENDin STEECj PLATES ! TWELVE COf.OUED llEItLIN PATf KHNS TWELVE MAMMOtH COLORED FASHIONS NINE HUNDUED WOID CUTS I TWENTY-FOUH PAGUS OF MUSICI It Will Also ntvn Vive nmntut, n tl , ' li mr. auu n.niepneii4. iranl Leo u.iu,uuuumt:ii ui iiih iiesLHuiiioraor Amer ica. Also, ncarlu it hnndrctl shorter mw. a , t OBlOIMAl.. Itsbiipcrb ' MAMMOTH COLOHED PABHION PLATl'.S are ahead of all others. Thcsd plates nro eiigrav cd on steel, twick thk ustTAr. sir.K. TEUMs Always in Ahvanck: I Copy, for one year 4 Copies . t '.' 00 ..... II I") ..... 12 00 P1IEMIUMS. i.vcry person cett naun a club or four, nt si .-.i each, shall rccel ve.ic en copy of "Washington I" l-.very person RettlnB up n Club of eight, nt Sl.f 0 cv, niiMi, iA-ei,e,rce, imui n copy 01 "Hlllll. lliKton" and n copy of the MuRarlno for 1S7III Hnecimens sent frpn, in llmEi, 1fAi1im, t.. n,i m. Clubs. Address, CUAKLES J. PETEItSON, S00 Che6tnut Street, PhlliUelphU, Pa. novlITO-tr. UNQUK3TI0NABI.V THE 1IEST SUSTAINED WOUK OK THE KIMl IN TUB WOKI.U" H ABPEU'S MAGAZINE. Notices of the iVw. NO mitrO delightful InivnlB nrA nrlnln.1 In (tin Kngllsh languiiRU than appear perpetually In llAiti'Kn'M They are read with tqual Interest and satisfaction jy bojs of every grnila from clahtecu to eUhly. Its scientiflo papers, while sullh lently profound to demand the at tention of the learned, nro yet admirably ad pl ed to the iwimlur undersiandlug, and designed as in lion to diffuse correct liilormalloli coiicem Ing current scientiflo nlseovery 111 It could iwlf it was tho organ 01 the"HocIeiy for tho Diilnslon of Useful Knowledge." Tho great design of nuuiii ainusemeni 10 me great niaises of thu , ,'upic, 1 nere ore lew intelligent American fain- liCSlU Which lliHPEU'HMilllTINK W..I1I.I tin. IW HU HllUrfCllllPlI Ullll IIK.IIIk .11. enlnu crul.Lt There Is uo luonlhly Magnrlno an Intelligent r-adlng lamlly can less all'ord to ho without. Many Magazines are accumulated. IlAlU'Elt'sli called, 'there Is not 11 Magaziuo thnt Is prlutt-il which shows niorolutelllgeutpalnsexpeiideil 011 Hsurtlcles and meclianicul rxcciilion. Tlieiols not n cheaper Mngazlua ijiiIiIIkIi. a. Thero is not, COUfeSsedlV. H more tifiiiiiltir Mmmvlna It, tliu world. .Vcu Jiiigland Uomeilcmt. It Is Oil,, nT ! lift U', u ,.f I..11 I j tti n.l. llorlal iiianagcinent of lUitfEi.'H. The .Yotoi, svnsniPTio.vs.-11.Ti. Tkiiih: IIahpeii'h Maoazine, ono year 91 00 An Ailra Copy of cither the Maoazine, Weekly r IlAZAli u -i. he supiiltetl gratl fur every (tub of' 31 HI each. inonereiitUtunee; or, A'ix t opietfor ?LU 00, u-tthouleitrtt opii. lttli.KTi'IUIflJluilAIIIttII B.HAUAtlSK IIKKI.Y, ttit to one tuldresi for one veitr. 81U mt or. two of llttrlier'i 1'eriodiealM. to one tutttreia fur one leur SI 00. jiurtc umoera can no suppneit ni any lime, A Complete Hr-tnf HahI'cu'h Maiiazine. how comprising it Volumes In neat cloth binding, will be sent by exprcs-, ircUht at expeu-o 01 iiurclmser, for J2 10 per volume, Mnule olunxe, IV mall, nostntltil. 9!l III. f?tmli ,.ni.t.h. tor hlmllii 6S cents, ov mail, postpaid. T lie noststta 011 1 1 AHPi-'n'H M inlzi vi: Is 21 cents t irui. iviiilii muni, uu imiu u, iiiu tuoivnuer n post uiut;!.', Auuress 1iAitiT.11 o: iu.uiiii-,111 riew iorn, novll'70-tf. JADIES' FANCY FUH31. J Uilii I' A. U l'i 1 U A 718 AltCIl STUKfO1, Middle of tho Dlock, botween 7th and 8lh HU., isouiii nmp. Pit SLA D 12 LP 11 X A , Importer, Mnnufuctuicr and Dealer In all UlmU and quality of FANCY F XI H H OH LADIES1 AND GENTLEMEN S WIUU. Havlnir enlarffed.remmlplwl nndlmnrovfl mv old and favorably known FUH EMl'OHIUM,und having Imported a very laro and Kplendld au sortmentof all tlie dlllt-reut kinds ot Fun. irom llrst hands In Europe, and had themmidu up by me moKiKiimu worunien, i wouiu rehpcciiuuy Invite my friends of Columbia und adjaeeittcouu tlful assortment of Kancy Kurx, for ladies and cnimreu I am ueiermiueu in beu ui hh iow prlees au anv other refutectabtelloubo In tho el t v. All Kurn warranted. No mlnreprebentatloui to effect bales. JOHN KAliKIHA; tin nritEET, i-iuiAi)Ki.rui,, Nov. 4, lM0-3m. "VTOTJCK IS HKHEHY OIVKN JLl that ut Heptember Term lb70 Articles of Tucorporatlon were presented to tho Court by tho Kyer'sOroe Methodist EpUeonal Chureh, which wereexamlnedaudappioved by tho Court nnd ordered to be flled, and that notice of said application should be published lu one newM paper, published In said count)', for four weeks prior to next term, at which time said charter will he confirmed unless good cause be Miown to the contrary, W. II. KNT, iiovi7uii 1'roinouoiary. "VrOTIOK, Notice is hereby uiveu that the following ac counts have been Hied lu the rinthonotaiy's nt- nee. in antiior low couuiy oi Loiuuioia, ami win ou presenieu in uie louri ior counrinaiiou uu Wednesday the 7th day nf December next : The weeount of Joidah II. Kummi, Coin in K tee of theperbon audchtato of II en try llartmau.a by Michael K Kyerly. Iila administrator. ine account ui i. u. iKeier. i'q.. Assiifneu oi II, D. Walker. 4. iv ivvD'vri . iv"i., jianuiirv WELIilNGTON 11. KNT. UOYiA'01. i'rothonotary, ADM I N I ST R ATOH'S NOTI OK. CMTATK 1)1 HAMUCL t). l'II.!NUTO.M( DEC' I). i,it:un of ndml ii 1st ration ou thn estate t Kuiuuel ti, I'llkluKlun, late of 1-oeunt twp Col, county, deo'd hae been vrauled by tho Keg Uie r of said comity Ui Denjamln Wugner. riildius in jtocusi lowusuip, vLoiuiuuia ei. Ail perHoo havltiK claims aijalnkt the estate of then prudent are request ml u prttftui t. tiu for stt-ienicJit, and tUube ludebiod to the elate to muku pay ment lo the undtirslgued. adndtiUirutor.wlthout do ly. Admiulxtrulor, COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DIlu.tJ.,rJ':?rC!K ADV1HES CON- WINTllt! r'VliH T0 00 T0 W-OKIfA IN mlJil.,.'f..J!.0.l".t ,!'lt'r-nvo years devoted .J,1.m""u ntl""tlon to tho study of iV?.'.?"f?.?V! n-mptlnn, I feel tliat I nn fn.i5!i.ft,.lsf ,h?"fo that ought to pursued !2 fVfir0." loler",''y bad caso of diseased lung ,,i1ie'!,1.l"y, ,''"iesi. Tho llrst and most lm !..?i 1 f 1 ".'r J11?. Patient to nvold taklni cold, mid the best of all places on f ilr. ! "J." i?.r " winter. Is Klurldn, well down In tho State, whero tho temperaturo Is regular, nnd not subject to such variations ns In moro Northern lallludos.lMlallca Is n point loan? mi'iV'T,,1:. A R"."d 1,'olcl " kcP' ""!ro "v peter- (?iw,: f.' . ' V"!" 1 ? several persons there u lr V '"I1.1 ,,.e,,. b,Jr '"'eased, but who, I iv m,i M,hru,lnB 'n"?"coof thocllmalo nnd mv medicines, wero gelling well, ,! m" ,'t!!!!!,1!"',' ',',to11'" '"" th liver Is a rnm.1,1,,1 w"u1'' I'ulatka, 11 tho !.rS!.Kf,""r.0i n "".'.r.e ven and tho nlr 1 ry ami iJSSi"! ,lc"Vnvl 10 "Ul1 llnterprlsonrolocateil iii&nJi,r"ou,V,,K vo n '"".'led profercuce to i.!. ih u !' lw" !"llc'' irom river or lake, liiV.L 1 nlmo'" Imposslblo to tako cul.l iVAiS,'.!?"0. t,l,,lc",ln I 'nrlda might be better. ii pt,,0i1t1 r'!mnl ",1 At but that Is it good! wmoS. ?r,titi-,?i ,ic", .'. rclur of npnollle, and oa.h .! ll,,.l,'"1,0..c'1",'' ,,lcy neutrally Increase In llesh nnil then the lungs must henl. Jacksonville, Illbcnilii.urcen Cove, and many ?nr"iL,,,i.c''' 1,1 v"rl",u'1 I'irtsof KlorAln, can bo safely recommended to consnmptlvcs I11 winter. 1. y-'n"f V"? r.'"'aJ'l!'K so aro that patients me less Uaidu to tako cola thero than wlioro thero Is II less even temperature, and It Is not necessary losay tiutwhtroiiconsumptlvu person cxinises !,"".." tufrequent colils .10 Is certain t!i die shortly. J hereloro niynlvlce Is, go well down into the Htato out ur tno reach of pervading east winds nnil fogs. Jacksonville, or nlmosi any other of tho localities 1 liavo named, will bene llt those who nre tioubled with n torpid liver, n disordered stomach, deranged bowels, soro throat or cough, but for iiiosb whoso lungs are distased a moro southern point lseariustly re eoinineudeil. ('or lllleen years prior to IW, I wns profession ally Jn New York, lloston, Haltlluoro and I'lilla delplila o.eiy week, whero I saw nnd examined 011 nil averago llvo hundred patients a week. A practice so extensive, embracing every poislble phase iir luiigilUeast, has enabled me toiinder sliuid I lie disease lully, and hence, iny caution II u g.iril to taking cold, A person may lake v .st iiuaniltUsor "Schcnck's Pulmonic Syrup, ts 11 yi ted T011I0 and Mandraro 1'llis," and jet illy ir bodoes not nvold taking cold. 111 Morida,ncarly ever body Is usIngHclicnck's Mandiake J'ii 1. for the cllmulo Is luuio likely lo jiloilucu bilious habits than more northern lall "!' ,V ls " "e" estulilUhed lutt that natives III I nirlda raielv die ol, especially llloso 01 lliesoulheni lmtt. Ou tho other hand, III JNCW Iit,of me noiin lutiim Olo or this terrible disease. In the Mid Hlalfs It drcs not prevail so largely, still there 1110 many thousands of cases there, what n vast ptreintagti of lite would be saved If coiisump. i. vts veieas tnslly ulurmed In rigard to taking cold as Ihey nro nbout scotlet fever, siiuili pox, .ie. lint they aro not. They lake what they term 11 little cold, which Ihev aru crolulous enough to believe will uuiriill'ln 11 fuw dajs. I hej pay no attention tott.uud bunco Itlivs the foundatliui tor anolher and another still, until tho lungs 1110 diseased bej on J all hope lor cine. .My advice to persons wlioso lungs nro all'ectcd ii. eii sllghily is, to lay Inn stock 01 Hclienek's I ulmoiilii Hyrup, fcchenck's Seaweed Tonic and tScheiick's Mandrake Pills and go to Florida. I recommend tneso particular medicines hecsuse I am tlurulijlily aciiualnled with their ucllon. 1 know that where tney areused In strict accord mice with my directions they willilotlie work in 11 is ruiulied. This acconipllslicd, naluru will In Ihu rest, lho pnyslclaii who pieserlhts for cold, cough or iilght-swiat", mid Ihen ndvlses thu patient to wull: orrlto out every day, will bo siiru tohuveu corpso on his hands berore Iim. .My plan Is to glvo my three medicines, In nc coiuaiic.v with tho printed directions, except In soiiio cases where 11 freer uso of the Maudruko Pills Is necessary. My object Is to glvo tono to 1110 stomach to get up 11 good nppetne. It Is al ways a good sign whcua 1 ntlcnt begins togrow liungrj. 1 havolioiies or such. With 11 rellsli lor ftioil anil tho griitlncttlou ot Unit rollsh comes good blood, and with It moro ilfsli, which is closely lollowMl by 11 heallugof tho lungs. Then the cough loosens and ubiitcs, tho creeping chills atltl I'lalUIUV lltullt.vwi.illti t.rt Int..... r.,7..,.-.. t r. nnd nnnoy, and the patient gets well, piovldod lie uvolds taking cold. Now thero aro many consumptives who have nut tho means to go to Florida. Tho question may be asked, N lherono nopo for such? cer Isliily Ihcro Is. My udvice to such Is.anu ever has been, to slay in a warm room during the winter, with 11 temperaturo of about seventy de giies, which should lm kept rcgulsrly at that point, by means of n thermometer. Lelsmh u patient lake hlaexeiclse within tho limits ofthe room by walking up and down ns inuchns his strength will penult, In order to keep up n healthy circulation or thu blood. I liavo cured thousands by this sj stem, nnd can do so osaln. Consumption is us easily cured as any olhcr ills tasb 11 Ins taken In lime, and tho tropcr kind or treutmcnt Ispuisueil. Tho fact itululs undis puted on record that Hclienek's Pulmonic Hyrun. Mandrake Pills, and Heaweed Tonic liavo cured very many of what seemed to bo hopeless enses of consumption. Go where you will, you wilt be almost certain to rind somo poor consumptive who has been rescued from Hie vey Jaws 01 death by their use. So tarns lho Mandrake Pills mo concerned, everybody should keep n supply or them on hand. T hey act on the liver better than calomel and leave 110110 or its hurtful effects behind lu lact they nre exi client In nil cafes where a pnr gallvo medicine ls requited. If you havnpar. taken too fieely or fruit and (llarrhiea ensues, a 01 tt.u Mandrakes will curu yeu. iryonuro subject lo slcl: hmd vi he tnko a ilosoofthn Man drakesuud they will icllevti joululwo hours. It yen would obviulo tho t Heel of 11 chnngo of water, or II. o too free ludulgcncn In Irult, uiko olio of the Mandrakes every night or evtry oilier nlflit, and you may then ilrlnl: water Hint eat viateimelons, pears, apples, plums, peaches or coin, without lliuilsk of being made Mc's by uifiu. nicy win pi 01 ei mose who nvo 111 tiaiiip ............. o,.,..., . nut, uttiw. Ail liltllll. Ihey are perfectly hanuliss. They can do j 011 iruisl onlv. I liavo abiindsncd my professional visits to )s- 11111 auu .ew 1 oik, nut couiinuo to fico patients at my olllco, No 5N. SIX I II Stlect, i'lilladcl. phla, every tatuiday, from t) A, M. to3 P.M. Those who wish u thorough examination vclth tho ltespliometer will bo charged llvo dollars. The Itesplroiueter declares the exact condition of thu lungs, and patterns can riadlly learn whether tUey nre curableor not. liut I desire it distinctly understand that lho valuo of mv medicines depends entirely upon their being taken sirlcllv according to directions. In conclusion, I will suy that when persons takemy medicines nnd their ajstenisare brought into a healthy condition thereby, they so liable to take cold, yet noouu with diseased lungs can beur a suudeu change or utmospheie without the liability of greater or less Irritation of the niuucllial tubes. l'ull ttiiectlons lu nil languages accompany my medicines, so explicit and clear any oiiu can use them without consulting ine, and can bu bouuht fium uny druggist. J. H. I-CIIENCK.M. D. No. 15 N Sixth Street, Philadelphia. iiovll'70-tf. AND KXPO3IT10N. ron Tin: i'A.sniovAm.K wrmi.ti rOMl'I.IMUM'.S or MIW M. A. HINDS a. No. 1101, N. V. corner lUevciilh and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. I'AhUIOXH HOItTIUl I-'ALI, AND WINTHtt Of 1S70, Wliolosalo and Itetall. which Paris and lho llrst maiiul.iclorles suoplv. Drestes, Mantle-, Cloaks und Costumes for Ladles and Children. A special department nf plain nnd elegautlv trimmed patterns, of tho latest lMilslau and Kngllsh styles, at Jtl per dozen. Jl vnuvvuiitH liundsoinely-iittlng. weil-made suit, at short notice, go loMrs, IllndurV for taste, fill trimmings and uainty stitches. Mourning, Traveling and Wedding outllts, WalltliiK and I-'sncy Cnstunifs. DIlKSSANDCI.OAIv TIUMMINOS), HUTTONM. OliNAMKNT.-. ' ciiuitu-isiiig the latest Pails uovoltles lublndc anil cololed Krli.ges (lliups. Huctios, Loops, Klulvels.Oloveh, Mrld ll.Wleulhs, Veils, lllnbuns now snuies ill V eivel, Isllliu auu Jttlleui HID lions. Sa las. Nicle ies. J1A1II! Ul' l.ACi: (K)ODS-OHAND DUCIILl-SE i.Av.r. run iiifc.ts-v 111I.V1.V11XVU, roluto Applliiue, Vnleuclcuues, Hamburg IMg. ings, und insertions, Hlaclt (iulpuro und Thrtad ,ucis, new In (h sign and moderate In price. CHOICK INDIAN UIINAMKNIH. Tans. lilids. Mats, t ushinns, Mouehnlis, Cases nuil Kaucy lioods, sclecltd by Mrs. Hindi rut ill igara Klegant Hub ol Whitby Jet floods, in slIb, llreasiplns, laiiiiiiis.Neihliun and llrnceleis. stpleudld lino ol 1-rcni'li Jet Hoods, Coral and l'reueh (iold rieta,, sleevo lluttons, Chains, 4c., which lor prke or variety Inslylo, cannot bo surpassed. Htraugers visiting our city are respectfully In vltid lo examine. l'inkliig and Uullerlug. Culling and Fitting. Also, a perfect system uf Dress Lotting taught, ratterus sent by mall or expnss toall partsof tho Union. MIIH. M. A. HINDKlt'rt, N. V. Corner Iiltvcmli and Chestnut bis., riul' OC11I70 5ui. A Body and Mind Disonso. Bucli U dyspepsia. The stomuch aud the bruin aro too Intimately allltsl for the one to tuner without tho other, so that dlspcpslaaud despond, encyuro luseiarable. It may bondilcd.too, that Irritation nf tho ttoinach Is almost luvarlably accompanied by Irritation of lho temper, Tlio luvlgorutlug and tranqullllr.lng operation of Hostetler's Hitlers Is most pow erfully devel oped in cuses of Indigestion, 'I'ha llrst effect of till agreeablo loulo Is comforting ami cnuourug lug. A mild gtnw pervades tho system, thu chronic intensities! In tho region of the stomach Is lessened, und tl.u nervous reslleasucss which characterizes Uie disease is ubatod, This lm. provemc in is not transient. It ls not succeeded by the return of tlie old symptoms wllh super added force, as Is alirays lho ease vvhon uuinedl culed stlmulauts nro. given for thu complaint, Kacluloso s?emsto luijiartu permanent acces. slon of hciilthfnl Invlsoratlun. Hut thlslsuot all, Tho uperlent and autlbilllous pioperllcs o t ho prepuratlou are scarcely secondary in liupnit auco to Its tonic virtues. If there li an ovtritovv of bllo the secretion lssoou brought within prop er lliuils, nnil If tho bllcary organ Is Inert and torpid It Is toned mid regulated. Tho ellVct upon tho discharging organs Is equally salutary, and lu cases ol constipation the cuthartlo action ls Ju.t sulllclent lo produce thodcslred result grad- ually and without palu. Tho bitters also pro molo heallhy ovuporatluu from the surface which Is particularly desirable at this season when sudden spells of law, unpleasant vreuthor aro npt to check 'lho natural perspiration and pro duce cuugestlun of tho liver, coughs, and colds. 77ic lett mifeoiuiril ugadut all ilUefuet U bodily t lt or, and this the greet Vegetable llcstorullve cs seullally piouiotes. novl'70-lin. B AHOAINS HAHQAINS, QUICK BALKS A Nil KHALI. rilOVlfa. A v i'. luua aiu-sr.i. (lo to IIKNI'.Y YO.ST, , rust lllooiusbiiii.. I'a., ior ull kinds of the best ho..,e.,ndtllf;mi.doNiTuIi y l'rlces iiuseuuLleund the Ust Vibik doue. J115'70-tf COURT ADVERTISEMENTS. JURY MST. GUtANi) junoua. r roii dkcKaMukh ti:um, 1370. Ilcftver .Tolm Htiuman, Joseph Bhcnrinnn. Iienlon-IUolmnl ntllo, John J. aicllcnrvrf Jlenvick Abrirr WeHli, Jr. Bloom W, Hrolt Conner, Jninm Rtprner, I'dlnwlMa-w. II. Jolm.Hamnpl Ko-itpubnuder. CcnlreHlrnm Witmlrp, (loorso K. llps, Cpntmlia Hor. Jonnllma llonKlftUd, (Vmynctmin Anron l'ornon. t FlhlitKcreek I'tillJp Apnlenmn. I,ocuflt DattlPt Morri!. Mn hie Dfinltl cm p. Mimin-ThomnH JC. Hpm. . Ml. ripnHnnt-Uubrlcl I.vcrelt, Willlnm Miller, Mnllchl Uucklp. Montour Ha tu ol vTiiitarus Jt. UmuRo Cyrus Mcllenry, Jospph A. Henry. Hugrttloaf-John Kitchen. rpilAVKUSK JUROHS. JL DJICKMHKIt TKIIM. 1ST0. KlIiST WKKK. Itpnver Hnmuel NauKesser, J ten ton I'nul Kllngpr. lilnDin John 11. Cnsey, John MpHeytio'dn, lIlllls7t V (JUIIIItdll, Hi IV UN II, UUIII1 J. UIT ton, John Hmlth, Mil nre roe It Josonli 13. Kck. llerwlck John Vniight, Adrian Vnn llouten. ,'pntre George Cj tuner. (Vntralla Hor. Martin Cflln. FlstiliiKcrpek HiiKh Mpllrldp, Alum Delias Orepmvooii OeorKe W Ikeler, A, 1. Young, John rurkiT, John V. (Jlllnsplc, .luckhon JupmIi tt.sUtz, Joim MpHenYy. I j'tcust AltrrJ Murkft. Henry ICllnp, MllHtn-IIeiiry NiiMAviIinnt V. Ilrown, Mt. rietiHiirU-Jolin M. White, Jacob Ki-tter. Oranno Archibald l'attorBon, Win, 1', White, Banmcl Henry, Joseph c HukIhis, ti)arlnecre;lc John Mowrcr, cliarU" Dyer, Chnrlps l3ek, Heott Harvey Crevellng, Bngarloar Afvln Harvey. SKCOND WEKK. Heaver Abraham Utce. Hcnton Lowry Me Henry, Joel Itobert. Hprvrlck Wlllt-im V. lnnner. llloom FredurHk Wldmeyer. t'enlio Kdward 1'nrLmun, Stephen MclJwcn, Daniel Itower, John fctiner. Conyngham ltlchard Thornton, John Lnugh lln, Centralln Ilor. Jeremiah O'Conner. FlRhluuereek Alfred Preston, Joseph lluthU1, Joseph Coleman. (Jreenuood Joseph K. Uvea, Caleb F. Moore, I mine A, Duwltt, Tin v In Kvts. .IacUoii Wilnon Albertaon. li-.ciist Hen ben Krlcli, Lunls Lee. Maine John T. bhmnan. Mimin-John J. Harlzell, ClmrhH Masttllcr, H.tmnel Nush. Mitdlsion Uobprt M. Johnson, Mt. Pleasant John O ft man. Montour IijiUiih Deltterlch. Orange J hipi Kvch, David Aehenbneh. l'lno Kuoch Fox. lUar!ni;creek JelTerson Winter teen. l-cott ihoinas W.Kdur. wugarloaf Jacob Frliz, WllUarti Stephens, REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby siveu to' all leuatces. creditors and oilier persons Interested In lho estates of tho re spective, decedents and minors, thai thu ' follow lug administration an 1 guardian accultntw have ec en men in ino ouico 01 me Kfgtsier ui iium blacouiilv. aud will bu Drescntuil ior coiiuiiiiu tlou an 1 alloivsuco In tlie Orphans' Court, to bo held In llloomsburg, on Wednesday, the 7th day oi iieccmoer, isie, in i o ciocj in me uiioriioon oi saiu uay, 1. The second nnd llnal account of John G. Ja coby and James Hpuneliberg, admlnislralols of iMiut'i niioneuoerg, laluoi uriarcreell lowusutp, deceased. 2. The account of John Trembly, guardian of mo person unu esiaio ot i-.tniull vialllsun, u tnl iiui- ciiuii ui jacoo uarrivou, laio oi liioom lovvll' stilti, deceased. ?. Thoaccountotsaniuclllhone, nilinlnlstrnlor of Matthias lthone, lato ot Jackson luwnshlp, dcceaseil. I. Tho account of II. It. Kline n-sd Isaac I.almr, admlnlstlntors ot Harman Uabor, late ol Fish- lugereeic lovvnsnip, uccevsed, 5. Tho llrst and llnal account of l-Miriml Tl.i. long. exeuiloroti:ii.ulKthDeioiig,IuiootOi'augo ,,, 1IS11I, LtVlL'llUUIA. H. I'lrst and llnal accniiiit of ocnr It. Atlllnt-,l ndmlnlstr.itnrtil ICliZabeth Dlcltcrloh.lute of lho iiorougn oi iieivvicu, deceased. 7. Tho fit-stand Until account of John c. Mi-m. executor of Deborah Myers, lato of ItoariugcreeU ii-iiiip, uL'a'imai 8. TllO iltial licisitltit of .tnlin f. AfA'pru ,i.tinl Istrator of William Mj ers, lute or lloarlugcreck township, defenscd. H. Tho account of Samuel Creasy ami Stephen ..ono, iiuiiiiuisiraiors oi jncou uono, latuot MI rle.isant tov7tishlp, d, ceased. 10. Hie second account or William Neal anil Charles W.rSnyder, executors or William t-nyder, late of llloom township, deceased. 11. Tho account of J, 11, Heeler, ndmlnlstrntor or Caleb Oliver, latu ol Ureeiiwood township, UWUt.VlA. 1.'. 'i'lin account of Matthias JvludL ailmlnlstra. tor of Isaao Oliver, late of Orecuwooit township, derpiLSil. 1 I. 1. The ncoount of Jacoli.H. l'rltz, ndminlstra. torofjlcury II, Fritz, hue oisiugarloaf township, deceased. II. Tho first and partial account, of' nfcnry'L, I' reas. William It. l.V,-rt. nlnl .Inmoe 1 S'rn.i. adinluistrutors of Andrew l-'ri-ns, lato of Centro IS. I'lnal account of John W, llunkr, guardian of I'rankT.Applcgale. minor chlia or Lifuyctto .vptuegiie, laiuur iino lovvnsiitp.aeceused. ill. I-'Irstnrid final account or Cluisttsnna l'.m mett and A. .1. llinmell, executors ot James llm luelt, Into of Hemlock township, deceased. 17. Tho account of I'otir Hiranlc, administrator or 1-.I1 llitller, lato of Locust tuwuslilp, deceased. 1'. Tno first and Anal account of John Ande, Administrator of Daniel Ande, lalu of Madisou lownshlp, deceased, ,!?: 1'ho account of William Hagcnbuch nnd U Ii8in W. Mellclt, Administrators, ac. ot I'eter .uciicu, laie oi scon lovvnsnip, deceased. W. It. JAC0I1V, Hcglster. Register'. Oillce. ce, 1 .1. 1670. Illu.)nisburg, Nov, yiDOW'S AP1UIAISEJIENTS. Tho following appraisements of real and per sonal property set apart to widows of decislelits, liayu been filed In the oillce of lho Hcglster of Co unibla county, under tho Ilules of Court, and win bo presented for absolute contlrmotlon, to the Orphans' Court to bo held in llloomsburg, In and for said county.on Wednesday,tho7thday of December, lh7U, at 2 o'clock p. m.,of said day.uu less exceptions to such confirmations aro previ ously Hied, of which nil persons Interested lu Bald estates will take notice: 1. Widow of Henry Yost, Into of Locust town ship, deceased. 2. Widow of Jnslah II. Fiirman, lato of tho town or llloomsburg, deceased. 3. Widowof LewlsDletterlch.laloof Ilriarcroek township, deceased. I. Widow or TuomasStacuhouso, lato or Pine ,u.iiiaMl, uccciiseu 5. Widow nr Frederick Laubach, l.ito ofSugar af township, deceased. (i. W idow of Jnmcs Hess, lato of Kugarloaf owuship, deceased. 7. Widow of Georgo Ilupp, Into of Itoarlng. n el: township, dicense.1. t. , , . .,. w- J-U.-OBY, Hcglster. Iteglster's oillce, ) Hlnomsburg, Nov, J, 1670. "miscellaneous." QCTOI1EB, 1 8 7 0. J. P. COATS' Bix-conn is NOW TIIU ONLY Thread put up for tho American m.nket which SIX-COHI) IN ALL NUMHKIW, From No. 8 to No. IW Inclusive. I'OU HAND "AND MACHINE. RAVELERS MKK KNI) ArriDKNTINHURANCH twirAHi, or Jiartioni, conn, rusii a "M'tH, i.ohco (Jr-nu hin: und i. roiich'soi nil appro ved lorn s. Amnio uttciirltv' low ruti AUo lnturel ttallisl ACCIUKNTH eaustuj; ileal h or total dLsahlilly. l'od eles wiitteu by tbuearor month. Ha1 puiu uiui iiucimy ior mx icirnju nen ta topolley-hoUleis II1I1K l'HACTICAL p'AllJIi:i:.-Tho lending J Agricultural Monthly of the United Slates; containing 21 quarto pages; is recommended lo i-urmets every where as n thoroughly rellbluble auu wen iiiusiriiieu Agncuiiurai auu iiorticui' tural Journal. It ls larelv made un or original malter, iiud devoted lo Htia'k Raising, Uraln ..,,,iiK, ino 4'nii.v, uiuiiaiii, I rtiiiiijiu mm Market (lardening, (Irszing, Hearing and Fat- ii'iiiug .vniuiais, u veterinary Department, Ac. Pilce SluO nor annum, lu advance. Haionle con. Ies supplied ou application. Liberal terms to ,v gents and canvassers, with show-bills, lurulsh edon ii ii il ie it lun to 1'ASCII Al.t. MoltltlH. Kill. Inrnnd I'roprli tor, 18 North Thirleculli slreet, lliltnrl,.,l,l,. ' iiojii:a, iii:ai.tii, haimunkhi. How to UK OnrAiNKii roit I'lve llollues Plantations, Fakhs, Villa Siii-sanii Town Lor, at TuuOiiKAr l'uullll'M Lanii Male, Aik en, c, The "Haiutogiiol tho Houlh," 11 hours lioin N. Y. Thu most dellchirul cltmnte lu the world. Free from the rluors of Noitherti winters, exi-iupi iroui iiiroai inseases, viueysriis unu orchards lu full bearing. For descrlpllvo paiu plilct, address, vrlth stamp, J, C. DtiUUV, All. gusla. On. QO A Week Nafary I Young men vvauTi-d OrCt.) as local und travelling salesmen. Address fa I ih slump) It. II. WALKER, m Park Huw.N.Y II OVAL HAVANA I On'EltY. lil'rlres cashed and lllMrmatloil furnlslled by UHOUUl'l Ul'HAM, Piovldeneo. It. I. THIS IS NO lllI.MHl'fl. 1)Y sending II ids., with age, height, eolor ot eyes ) and Imlr, you will tecelve, by return niull, a correct picture or your lutuiu husband or wile, with mime and dale of marriage. Address W, FOX, P. O. Drawer No. 2H, Fultuuvllle. N. Y. IIOUltlllLi:, lsutlered with i ntarrn thirty 11 eurs,and wns cured In six weeks by usliuple tiiueily und wlllseuil lho receipt, postugoficu to till mulcted. T.J Mi:Aii,l)rawir HSByriu use.N.Y. l si YMTl'lltY bULVKU.-Filteeu Mlnules' iY Privute Couversdllon wllh Murrleil Uulles by one of their number. Heut free for iwu stuiups, AddicssMrs. II. Ml'.r.dKH, lluuoverL Pa. A CARD. A Clergyman, while residing lu Houlh America asu missionary, discovered u sum und simple remedy lor lliei uieofNervous Weakness, Fatly Decay, Disease of the Urinary aud Seminal Or. gans.nnd the whole train or dUordurs brought on by baneful and vicious habits, Ureal numbers Iiiimi been cured by this uoblo lemedy. I'ruuipt. rdbyudestiu lo IwneUt thu ullllcica und uulur- lunula, i will send the recipe for preiuirlug und iiub ,,i im uiuiua iu u seuieu euvuiope, lu uuy one wliu needs lt,v,c(.ciarie. Addres. JO.S. KPH T, 1NMAN, Slutlou lit lilble House, New iurk clly. (im v nu-tr, riMlObK WHO APEHlfK.OR P X tllctnl w llli any ehioulu illlllcuily, should wuhout iiclaj wrllu for Dr. Hamilton's New i rvutue, iul tree to any address U.LKO.NlUAh HAMILTON. M.l). ocl2i7-t. P. O. Hox (,vii. New York City, MEAL ESTATE SALES. pun IjIO sale or- VAIjUAlini: lllJAIi liBTATE, In pursuance nf an order of lho (Indians' Court of i.'olnmbln county, Pn., nn HATUHIIAY, NO vr.MIIKIl l.lli.atlcii o'clock in tho forenmui, Allen Mann, Ounrdian or tho prsonsnnd estates of Mlla Ilennlmtcr, Harati Hennlnger, Angellns HcnlilriKcr, .Mahaln Hennlnger and ICIIuibetli Hennlnger, minor elilldrcn of lteubcii Hennln ger, late nl Heaver township, in said county, de ceased, will expose lo salo by publio vendue, on the premises, the undivided half of certain real Mlhln MiIH.iIb.I nii.l ilr..rll.n.l ,nl In.... ....,. ou tho north by land or John Unpen, Daniel Ilamer mid Joseph ritiannon, on the east by land of Daniel llennliiger and John Mnglcy, deo'd ou tho soulli by land of Charles P. .Mann, dee'd, nnd nntrnwestbv lands of lcllzaheth Hliumnn and Joseph Bliuman. lho other undivided half pari tiiercoi nciug ovvttciiuy ono John llenuln- CONTAINING lit) ACltKS, bo the rntno more or Ion, W. H. ENT. Clerk, Tkkmh of HAM?.-One.tllnl to remain In tho rmee unu i nner uie noatn or tne widow, llnunah Heunetncer. lho IntertrRt to be nnld tniiprnnnn. ally dtulim tier lire, nnd tho prluulpal to bo paid alter hor death. Ten ner rent of ono. fourth in hn paid nt tho striking flown or tln property, one lonrth leisnthoten ptreent.ntcouarmatfonnb Milute, the limalnlnc threc-lonrths luoimypar ini.iv.inv.1 nun Jliiunoi 11 Ulll I U1I1II 111 K 1(111 I1IBI, AL)KN MANN, Ueaver,0et. 14 lfJ7C-lw, Huardlpn. pUliLlCSAIi K or VAIiUA IILF, HEAL IJHTATE. In pursusiico of ntf order of tho Ornliniis' Conrl of Columbia county, l'a., on HATUltDAY, a. v , ,..uir.i,, io,,', hi in o ciueik la mo lore noon, Morrison K. Jackson, who was appointed by tlio Orphans' Court of said ounty lu placo and stead ul tho sUmlnlstrntor of John Daven port, lalu of. llerwlck, lu said county deceased, will exposo to sale, by public vendue, ou the I'ivuii.c, , eel nun lenauugo mill LOT OK ailOUND, Riiuawj in me iioroiiKU oruerwlck. in tho county of Columbia and Mutoof 1'enusv ivaula, bound td md de-trlbedn.4riloWH, to wit! ou the north by lot No. 2c,outh tast by Oh nal ntreet, on the noutli by l'hie street Hiid on the wedt by Front fdreot. hellltr lot No. 24 of town ..Int. nf n.ilil llnr. ouli ol llerwlck. Containing Jurty-ntuo und a it.ix ivvv u (jilt, wiiuicuii iirourwiru u TWO BTOHY FHAMi: iiwut.LiNu iiousi:. nnd out buildings W. 11. EXT. Clerk, Tkhmsoi.' SAi.F.-One-lhlnl to remain In tho pineo mini nner ineueatlioi ine widow. Interest to be pain to hcrnnutiully. Ten per cent, of one lourth of tho purchabo money at the striking down ol the properly: the oue-rourlh less tlie ten per cent, at Hie confirmation absolute, and tro remaining three-lourths In one year tlicro- """."iii mmt&i iioiu uie conuiinniinn nisi. octli'70-lt. M, E. JACKBO.N. P U 15 Ji I G SALE V A L U A II I, K It 13 A L H H T A T E In iitirsuanceornn cuderof the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, tho undersigned Adminis trators, Ac. of Jacob Coho, late or Mt. Pleasant township, in inld county, decensed, will expose IV,!.1.1 i'.I!'.f!,!.0'."1.th0 tifemlscHon T1IUHSDAY, NOVljMHKll loth, lNll.nt 10 o'clock A.M. of saiu my ,1111 nun cerisui FA KM AND TUACT OP LAND, situate In Mt.riensant township, said county, adjoining lands of James unities on tho uottli nnil enst, anil lauds nf Thomas Trench, the Hloomsbiug Iron Company and others on tho south, llloom twp. Poor House and others on lho vvesi, containing !)0 AGUES AND 70 PEHCIIES, whereon nro erected n good two-story frame house, a Iramo barn, rramo wagon shed, a frame stable and other out buildings, there lsn good well of never fulling water at tho door ofthe dwelling house, theio IsaUoagood selection or all Itlud.i or irult ou tlieprcmla.s. Ml lie widow's dower, In the above lands nro ro ll used. Coniiitiosh or Hale Ten per cent qfo,nc ......... u, um miiuiHBi iiuinrj-10 uo uaia on me ....j ... o..., wu,iuuiiinii ino fjurcuaso money less the tin per tenl. to be paid on the conllrma. Hon or the Attle. llm.-bnlr nl llir. l.nlai,Mnr ih. purchnso money to bo pnld on tho 1st day of i ... .iiu iow uumuro oi 1110 purcnase inoney to be paid on the 1st day ol April A. D. Is,-', with Interest on tho sirue from tho 1st day . ..,..., .w,., .uu ,ii uu aecureu oy ujau nnu luortgago on tho nremlsos. Purchaser or mir chasers to pay for deed, mortgage and stamps, roisession given 1st ol April 1671. BAMUL'L CHKABY, , ... hTEI'HKN OO'JO, Mllllinvllle, Oct.21, 1670-lt Admlnlslrators, p U 1J LIC SALE VALUABLE 11 E At, E B T A T E, In putsunnce or an order of the Court of Com iiiuii i ieiisoi me couuiy or coiumuia, the uu oersigntii, i ommlilee ol tho person aud estate of liiinlel Oeai Inn l, u lunatic, of tho township of ....... ...t.1 . ... . riiiuiuuui. IV III l-A lllSC lliptlO- Ho sale on tlio t-ri'iiiiei, on t.'llli av tl.n i-.,t. day or November next, ut 10 o'clock A. M.. or n.,i. uiij , win luiiowiug ucscriucu real esiaie, to CERTAIN TRACT OP LAND, Mtuntofn Ronrlnfrrreolc twtv. Pnintniitfi n mi, Join loir lands or l'eter (Jniulm rt. nn 1 1. a it out "'"wis uoiyouino norin. roncn uoxu's heirs mmiH east, unu jacoo biuiinau and others on IJIB&UUlll. CONTAINING 2o0 AGUES, moro or less. The samo to be sold In three tracts per acre neat measure. Tho ono tract to contain 1 tii) acres and each or the others .Vi acres, m orpor less, according to sutvey. Ou the ltiOacre tract miitic in eiceieu u GOOD FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a good bank barn nnd other out bulidlugi,n good well or waler at tho door of tho dwelling house, a good variety or Irult, about 1 0 acres ol whlcn isiieareo iiiuii, auu me uaianco Hi good young timber. Tho other two tracts nre good timber l-TElllM OP SAI.r TpM til,, ,,nt fourth ol tlio uurclmsn motiei- to lin tuitd nf ihn striking down of lho pruperty, one-fourth ofthe luiieiiiisu inuuey less mo ten iier cent, to be paid on tho confirmation or the sale, and tlio balanco ol tho purchase money to l,n paid In one year ..L.e,,e, niui lllieie-l Ull UU, SltlUOirOlU COIV llriuatloll nisi. Possesslonot thn ntifivn nreniR. will bo given April Ut, A. D. 1S7I. Purchaser ui- purciiusers lu pay lorileciisatul stamps. ., . , . Jiuir-B kii.h-jii, Catawlssa, Oct 21'7C-lt Committee. pUB LIC SALE V A L V A II I. E REAL ESTATE In t.lirsuance iifmi order of Mm nri,li,iB rim,r, ... . ,,,, uu, ,,,,i3, uuuu siani-u Auminis- ......... .,,.,. iiii iir.a, ,uiu oi risiuugcreea lovvushlp in said counly, deceased, will expose :. 1 in" pieiiues on uieivsuat, the 17th day of N oveiuber next, all that CERTAIN TRACT OP LAND faltualolu FialiliiLTrroclt iun fv.i.,.,,1,1 bonnded bj ianUM oi Cornfllus CWeuian ami John Andrews on (he eat-t, Joiah Hess on tho tHuuiu. iMiiimn niu n ii on inn wti, &uj tieorgo OONTALNING 133 ACRES, moro or Ies, Whereon are erected a good TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a frnmo barn, horso stable ami wagon shed, and other out oiilliilus, it good welluuil spring o water near thu duelling Lome, a good Apple Oichard aud olhcr fruit on tho pictulses. Aeout mm hundred acres or lho above tract Is cleared l.ili.i. 3-TkiimsokSalk. Ten pel tentof oncthlrd of the puuuase money to be paid at ihesliiklng down oi thepioperty. Theono-lhlrdof the pur chase inoney less the ten per cent, to be nald on the 1st of April, A. D. Is7i, when possession of ui" pie-Muses win no given, unu tno balance of iuu i.iiieiiiisD mini,.)- in ,io ji.uu US IOIIOWSI IIU6. hall nl tho balance on thn 1st day of April, A. D. 1S7S wit h Inn n st Irom the 1st of April 1871, and the other half on tlio Ist day ol April A. 1)., lifia. wllh Interr si Irom tho 1st duy of April 1871, pay. uble iinuniilly. 'lho last two payments to bu se emed by boudnud lunrtsitge on the premises. 1'iirehaserlo pay for mortgageleed and stamps, . 1IIRAM IIEtH, Stillwater, Oi l. 21, la70-lt. Administrator, p U 11 L I 0 S A Ii E o r V A L U A U L E RJ , A L ESTATE in pursiHtico of an order ol tho Orphans' Court or Columbia county, Pu., on HATUltDAY, tho IHIli day or November next, at 10 o'clock In tho foienoon. KUphen Folio. Uuardlauof the persons und estates ot Harah Allco Hess, Daniel 11. Hess. Ilai vey U. Hess and Rush Hess, minor children or l-.leasor II. Hess. IhIh of IUipa t.i..,ul.i.. . said counly. deciaised, will uxiiose to sale, 'by (.III. Hi, v.. . Inn nt, tl.a .. 1...' I,.-. ,.. .-..uu.,..., ...u i,iiii, ,,,iu uiiuiviueu third pari ol cort.i u real claln. imnuilmi n.i .a. scribed in r.illous, lo wit: All that certain lot marked and uumbeicd "Ihree" on the plot of Ceutluvilli., bounded on the north bv becoud Slreet, on thu east by lot No. 1, on the south by 1111 alley, aud ou the west liy lut No, 2, contain ing TWENTY-TWO PERCHICS, morftorlc8. Al.M),tho undlded third rart oflhat certain lot marked aud numbered eleven (11), on the alley, on tlio t-aU by lot ro. 12, on tho fconth by the IViiiiHylvuiiiu t'unal, and on tho west by lot o, ' cutilalnlutf THIRTY-SIX PERCHES, mere or losa, AIaHO tllft flilnt nnH f tl.nt si.u lot marked and uumbered oleven (11) on the tylv-nl.i CahuI, couUlnlntf more or lesii. lale Ihoesbiin nt ai.! .in.uaunr sltuatidlii Ciiurovllle, lu lho towushlpof teu- w. H. knt, Cleric. Tkliusov Sal.L-. Ten ncr i riil. nf ,..rr,irli. ut thnsirlkiugdownuf thepiui.erly, oue-Iour.h less ine u u pur ceut. at loulliiuallon absolute, Ihu remaining three.fourlhs in one year Ihere- ulier with lutere.l from eounrmatlon titif. Ulia'lIl.N I'OIIK, Ousrjlsii. ocl2l70-4w. REAL ESTATE GALES- piUVATE SALE Ul' VALUAIII.Ii llllAI, J -Sir ATI). Tho lindershzned nrrersitt rirlvnto snlo. u lfAftsr situate Hi OruDgo township, Columbia county, CONTAININO HKVI.NTY-HIX ACHIM, all Improved land, and under good cultivation, whereon are erected n FIIAME DWEIiLINQ HOUSE, nnew I'llAMEHANK 1IAHN, nnil other nects. sary oulbulldlng., two gissl Apiilo Orchards Willi a variety of oilier cholco fiult, and n never tailing fountain ol running wnler nt thn door, hor terms, conditions, 'itcnpplv to the under "'Pied, ' (). ft, H AYMAN, viiiuko luwusuip, XSOV, 1, 1MI!1. pUHLIC SALE VALUAHLB HEAL EsrATli In punuanco of an orJor of tho Orphans' Con rt of Columbia county, HAi undersigned Adnilnls. trnlor, etc., of lialrer Esslck, lalo of Ma'Hson township, in said count-, deceased, w ill cxihiso to publio sain on thn premises, on WIIDNF-S-DAY, NOVEMIIHHMIi, l7H,nt oVock, P.M., the following described rcnl estate, to wilt A. Tit ACT OF LAND, situate. In Madison township, Columbia counly, bounded by Ian I of Hainucl lloldren ou tho north, Mrs. Lydla Eislck cm the cast, nnd other lands of Ualzer Eeslelc on thu south, CONTAINING I'OUIITEEN ACHES, more or less. Tr.nsta of Hale: Ten per cent, of one-fourlh of Hie purchase inoney lobe paid nt the sti Iking down ol tho property! tho oue-fourth less the ten per cent., nt the confirmation ofthe unlet and lho remaining threa.fourlhs In one year .thereafter, with Interest from confirmation nisi. ,, . WILLIAM McllltlDn, Madison, Nov. 4, 1870-lt. Admlnlstralor. s IIEUIPF'S SALE. itv virtue of a writ, nf niton n r, l...a.i A..i ..e the Court or Common Plena of Columbia county nndtoino directed, will tie exposed lo snle by publio vendue, or outcry, at the Court Ilouso. In l,!!il'.".rK- nt 1 "'chick ).. in on HATUltDAY, NOVEMllhTll l'J, ll70 lho following desirable real estate, situate In tho town or Hlooiesburg, to wll: situate on Second streel,ndJolnlng a lot owned by Hiephfti Knorr, beginning at corner or an nlley and runnlug west tl reet to an alley, tlieiico south 60 feet to a corner, thence east about tw ret to sjccond street, thencu nlongsald Hecond street leet to tho placo of beginning : whereon aro creeled a two-story PLANK IIOUHE: with thn appurtenances. Heized, taken in execution, and lo bo sold as Iheproperty of Joseph L. Hiinnnon. .MOHDECAI MILLARD. novl'70-3t. Hherlir. pUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLn UEAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an Order of the Orphans' Court at Columbia county, Pa., tho undersign? d, Ouar dlans of Charles Uearhart, Daniel Uearhart.Eliz a belli (learhart.aud Stephen Uearhart, Jr., min or children of Jacob Uearhart, Jr., lalo of Maine township, In said county, deceased, will cxpoio t'.,,.'.".,.'ll.0..V;.lei 0,1 'he premises, ou TIlUltsDAY, NOVF.MHKH 21th, twelve o'clock, noon the follow jug ilescrlbed valuable rcnl estate, to wit: All Ihul certain FAItSI AND TRACT OF LAND situate, in Maine township, said county, hound eil by landsof llinlolph Hlminan, John Uearhart. John Nuss, and Daniel Fenstci lonelier, CONTAINING 112 ACRES, he tho same mora or less, ou which nre erected a House, largo Kruiuo Hani, nnd oilur outbuild ings. Thero Is also upon lho premises a lino young Apple Orchuld, and a vailetv of other ""I nil". vv, 11. j.-i i, clerk. . ok Hale. Ten per cent nf one. fourth or tho imiihasu inoney lo be paid by the ... nn, mug uo.. ii oi mo property. One-fourth less the ten percent, to bepaldattha conflrinatlou of tho tale. The balance lo bo paid In ono year Irom thn confirmation of sale, with Interest fium the Hum the puicliasergclsposses- Slnil Of thn Hitl.l tirnmUnJ 0l,.. ground tobosol.i with tho farm. Possession of .,!",;-. " ,nc ursiuay ul April A.llt7l. WILLIAM CHKAHY, .STEPHEN OEAKUArT, . ... . Uuardhilis. ALSO At the same tlmo anil placo will bo sold abqu CO bushels of Wheat, I'D bushels of live and n, muhels or Corn, as the property or Cat'li-' nrlue Oenrhart, lato of Maine township, lu s ild county, deceased. Conditions will be made know n on day ors ale. ,.-n r. STEPHEN OllAllllAP.'!', oct ,0-St. AiliulnMrator. pRIVATE SALE O F VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned oilers at private salo about 00 ACRES OP VALtfivBLE LAND, situate In Henton township, Columbia countyi bnuniled by lands or Ellrulieth Kline, Danio. Hhutt7. .Tncnl, Aeli l.inl, lli.l.l.iin.. ., 1 Fifteen Acres of which ls chured land. It also euuiiiiimu goou young orcliard, A FltAJIE HOUSE AND IiARN aud a never falling spring of water. Also a u.aieinss HAW AND LATHE MILL. The balanco of tho tract Is heavily tlniLeied Willi nnk . ei'hlln r.ln An - For temiS. Conditions. 'Ac. nnnlv In llm nn.. signed. '1 he actual number of acres will be de- ivuiiibeu ujr siirver. Uenton,,0-lf WM. APPLEMAN. p 11 IV ATE SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned offers at private sale a farm situate In Lotust township. Columbia county, about 1 mile from tho old Esther furnace con taining SIXTY-ONE & A HALF ACRES. whereon ls erected a good dwelling house, a large new barn anil other necessary outbuild ings, A GOOD APPLE ORCHARD of choice fruit, aud ti never falling spring of ,,, uuui .vim i niiiiug; iiuusn. AOOlll tWO'tlllrils of thn land Is cIahi-piI n,t,t in uw,,l state of cultivation. For further Informallon npply to John L. Hurst, Locust township, Col. co.,or W. W. Hurst Dauvllle, Montour co Pa. Possession given ou the Hist day of April ls71, oct21'7l) w U' lllllfw'i- W, W. HURST. p u IJ LIC SALE o I' ll E A L V A I, V A II L E E ST ATE. Ill liursunnce ol an order of the Ornhnns Pnurt of Columbia county, the undersigned Adminis trator, Ac, of Elizabeth Lunger, lalo or tho towns'llp or Henton, said county, dei eascd,. will expose to publio sale o:i lho premises ou SAT URDAY the 12th or Noveniticr next, ull cer tain TRACT OP LAND, situate In Henton township lu said county, bounded by lands or Peter ICnso ou tho inst. lauds or John Karnes ou tho north, lands or Joseph Hess on tho Wost, unit lands of John .Me. Mulligan on the south, CONTAINING !W ACRES, more or less, on ublrh lu ia.mi..i . house.itc. s TEIIMH OF KALK. Till hpr ci.,,1 nf ...... .fi..,-. I. of tho purchasn money tube pnld at tlm striking down of tho prnpeiiy, oue-fouiih less thn ten per cent, to be paid ut tho confirmation of tho sale, and the balance tu be paid In one yinr from the continent on of thn tuti, win, i,,,.... k, .... ,i... samii irom eoullrmatlon nisi. Puri iinsr i,, i, lor Heed and Mumps. Possission given on the " I II, ,1, A'. 1 II 1. , . 1 I'JUIND It. CHAWI OIID, Beutou, Oct, 21jI!j7tMH AdmHilsJiator. I?REE COPIIS . I, iwi, TO JANUARY TO NEW SUCjCltlllKIlS. THE COUNTRY GEXTLEJIAf. l.'Oll 1671. 'Tho Ilcstof all Agrlcullural WeeklicsluAincr- ieu, says jac irorricuuurisr, .vile ) oik. "It has No Eo.ual In the Entlro Field of Ameri can Aiyricuuurui journalism," jfuhic tirmer, THE CULTIVATOR A: rnitvrnv iiwti e- MAN tins been much i.nlnrp.l n,i,l l,.r,......i lltlrlnir tlio uast vi-sr. ami coiitliinod l ,,ilntl lis luiuiei iiiiiu us lliu nrANllAUII JOIIKNAL Ol nn.iui-Ari .VUUICULTUHK. IllCUItllllg Ull IhOllO PartlUelltS COIllieeted Willi the Cull lent Inn , ,f Ihn Soil or prollt or pleasure, it Is Its aim to promote ino ii.ii iiueresis 01 us leuuers, to prolicl Ills-ill ,,j,ii iinuu uuu laisenouei, lo iruvillo lliem Willi ho Information most esseutlul lu their calling, -and. leav lin; toother,, thntinl? i innii.l,ii,u the tralisltorv eiitertalmiieul oi ihn hour, in i,r. sent u l erlodicsl uf rrtiiuent lssue,alvvuvs iresh and seasouuble, and tiprctally udaiUrd In every department to the praellcal wants ul the Faiim Eituud Ids Family, N E.TKNT OF C0l:IlESI0NDr.NCE Is Pkaciicai, SiiaaE.sTio.i In AaiticuLTi-itAL Nkws- II Is bcllevid to be WITHOUT AN EQUAL, and It should be placed In the hands of tveiy Fanner J run grower, und Hrieder In lho country. For thoiu, us well ssforlhelr wives und children, the Interest and value nf its ,-n,itiii i,i,e., ,v,r before been so great as now. TERMS, The terms sre lower than Ihoso of nny other xiiier ot similar standing t unu copy, lib tl"'i 1'uur tol'll''i Eight copies, fAll New Alluerilier- to THE CULTIVATOR & COUNTRY GENTLEMAN for ll jwj,(,i( lit atltoiice, jirenuu. to the clote of lhio, will UK I'eivk the fa'fek WKEKLY.Aoi'i rcccijrf of re mittance to January lif, m7it without chahuic, ti'Anu ycrion wUhina to try the nuiiet before tuotcrlbiiip will be nmjificil Mh coulet reaularlu from date of aypltcuhoH to Jan. Ut Is, 1,or the num. wiul prtet of s.i etntt. HINQLK NUMUEIW AS SPECIMENS, FREE I Address tiUTIIEll TCCKUIl etc b'UN, I'llbll.liers, ALUANY, N, Y, iiovl'79-tf. JOU PRINTING Netly extenUd at UiU Oasn, LIFE 1NSURAN0E FPU THE PEOPLE. HOMESTEAD LIFE INSURANCE CO. O V I' E N N S Y L V A N I A . , Oi;i't'E 701 Chestnut Slrct't, l'hllii'loliililn. W. Jt. SIJYl'EUT, l're.'t. LA.WItl.NCli L,VWRENC1! II. 1'.. DA VI,-. Tills Company orguulrcd Iiylmdlng represen'nllvcs nf tho Industrial Inl widely know ii as successful ami responsible business men, deslilug In place 1 ,,, a i nv.i (. ,, mm, nuujil.u ( B.vii, v,l MONTHLY PAYMENTS OP PREMIUMS, enabling every man to provide for his family In cnionf his doith, nt aoist bo Irluhu sesreely to bo toll. Special attention ls called to this company's OrttJlDTJJi.'FTJSrac POLICY, a lunch needed fruturo In Life Insurance, entirely new In this count ry designed to protect lu case or death, tho Interests ol SUA RE II OLD ERS IN II U I L I) I N G ASSOCIATIONS ANIl ALT, OT1IE1H Who have borrowed inoney cr purchnfed properly pnyable In lustaltiiciitH extending over u series of eurs, by CANCELLING any balance ol Indebtedness remaining UNPAID In case of DEATH. THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL THE ORDINARY FORMH OF LIFE AND ENDOWMENT I'OLtCIKH AT LOW, KATK8 OF PREMIUM, ON 1 HE PART1CIPAT1NU PLAN, WITH HUT FF.W HFHTItlOllONS AM TO OCCUPATION, AN D NONE AS TO TRAVEL OU HES1DKNI E. 4-l"ull Informallon as to Plans and Features, Is contained In Pamphlets which trill be forward cd. by iiiall on application to the Home Olllco. Acllvo mill rcsponaiblo men wnutcd m AguntHi P. M Da-Persons soliciting Agencies In ellLcr L Columbia, Sulllvnti, Urndiord or '1 r uoga counties, Rlomnsliurg, August Hi, 1870-(lm, LEGAL NOTICES. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. J.V. UK. i!i:l'0KTorBAl.K0l'Tlll;lu;.l of m:.lAMlN uoons:. a i.iinatii . hsTA IK lu the Court ol Common pleas, of Columbia county, inter ull.s, tlm undersigned Auditor, ap pointed by tho Conrl, to mako distribution of Hinds arising Pom snle or said real o-tut-, to the parties (tittticd, will meet thn luirtles lutirusled ior tho put pose or his iippolntmenl, on Katiirdnv Nov ember iUth, leTO, at ul o'clock A.M., at Ills olllco 111 llloomsburg. All pnrlics interested, are requested to attend, or lie debarred rrom coining lu ior u part or said liuul. ('. W. MILLF.Il, novl'70-ll. Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. X. LSrATSH 111- lilt. JOHN KI.fUE, DEC'tl. In tho Orphaus' Court ol Coluiiibia county, infer umtho Auditor appointed by tho Court, to make distribution among heirs or tho estato of Doclor John Kluge, wll' meet tho parties: iliteicsted, fur the purposo of his uppolut inent, ou Saturday lho lOih day ot November next, at ID oVio.k A. M nt tho olllco of c. II. Ilroclcway In Uloouisbuii', In snld county. c. U. HROCKWAY, ietaV70-Iu-. Auditor. s Ulil'IKNA IN DIVOIIPE. Ill the Court ofCommm Plom of Coin tub la count v, No.S.Septemlaii' linu, I!i 0, SOl'AHIOUS HMbTllllllS, 1 vs. I j.tijcl In Divorce, AMANDA SMIITIIEHS j ' n st.ndetit: You aro here by tiolllled that the s.ibj.iuuu and alio subiiouia Inlliniibovu tuso Imviuglieiii retuiucd uonesl im-uru4, jou are heret y 1 1 rjulreil to appear lu Ihlseouit oiithullisl Mouilay ol Deee.mier, A. D. 1.S7D, lo answer ilie eoiniil'ilnt in this case, MuIiUllcAI MILLARD, oct.2l'7lKit. hheriir. ADaMINISTRA'IOUVi NOTIcir LSTA1E OF HANI Ft, NVElt, HKf'li. Letters or admlmst ration on t'leest.u oof Ilaulel Nyer, hue or Mllllu lwp Columbia counly, dee'd, linve been giauteil hy lho ItegUlcrofsatd county to J, H, Nir, or lib i township, in the county uloie-ulil. AHivim ii. having chums against the estate ul the Occident lire rttpiuMed to pletent them tor setllmeut, anil those In debted tothe. estate to make pel ireiil to thu lm derslgtud, udmlnlatriitur, beloit Mm 1st or April, lt71. .1. 11. octis'70-ct. Ailiuiiilstrator. UDITOR'S NOTICE. Michael drover 1 v. I Lev. Fuc. No. r.n Samuel Schweppenlielser. r May Term is70. nlld l',ll..ibstli, his wile. J The undersigned appointed Auditor to distrib ute lunds lu Court, amongst eiedllors arlslug from Hheriira sale lu above writ, will itiiel the parties In luleresl for the purposo of bis uppolut inent at Ids olltee lu Utooliisburg, ou Mouday, November lt, IK70 at 10 o'clock A, M. All per sons having elatnis ou said fund urn .Ciulred In altenil or ha lorever debaired rrom loiulnglu I'oni pan or said luml. J, 11. itollInON, octli'70-lw Auditor. AUDITOR'SNOTIOE. KSr.VTK OF IlKMtY Wf.ltT!IAS DEC'n. Tno undersigned, appointed by tlio orphans' Com t or Columbia county. Auditor to make uls trlbutlon among heirs of iiiu estato ol Henry Wertman, sr., lute ot Columbia county deceas ed, will meet the parties lull rested fur the purposo of his npiKilntuient ut his oillce In llloomsburg, on Wednesday, the 2 Id Uay ot Nov. ls.O, at 10 o'clock, A. M. All poisons having claims on said estate aru required lo attend or bo forever Us hatred from coming lu for u part of soldlund. M., octl TtMw Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICeT AV. 177.'. ACCOL'Nl' OT SAMUKL KNOI1II. Mu A 81I1NKK 1,1' JAMtS W, CilUlllhltLIN. lho uuilersiguid uppoiutcd by tho Court or eoiuiiioii i-ieus, oi v.oiumuia county, Auditor to Ulllku lllstrlblltiOU lunoni' creditors nrtliMliul. lime lu the hands or Samuel Kluirr, Esq., as. hlgneo of Juiuis W. Chemberlln.will men the panics liueresleu lor Ihepuiposno! hisiiaolul meut, al his oillce in Hioomsluiig ou Saturday, the lillh dav ol Nov.. 1S7J ul lu n'cliuk A. M All ptrtous Hitiiested or having claims ugalnst the said Jamts W, Chcmbtrlttl lire requested to titleiiil. or bu debarred Irom coming In for a niri oi inu saiu lUlld. J. li, UOUISON, octai'7t)-lw. Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. JA II V. T11K SHFHIFI'S fcAI.H Ol' FIMLAfiVii moPKltTY OF 1'JIIIill UHT. 'lho lll.lleltl'llH(l Jiniwiintml A -TlGtrll.. utefunds In Court aiuonst eredltorn in i Islntr IlOin I-nlo or lVi' I'mnnrtif nf Liilil IM.ill.. uri.wiii imei tno 1'iutit-H Jnterthted for tho ptir noMj of his appointment, at his olllco lu lllormis. bur on Saturday, Nmember U, Itfiti, at lUoVlrclc. A. -i. All nert-fins Interested or liiLvini fLiiumvt aaainstthe s-ild I'hlifi. (irLiim ruiiMiPtiin.nt. Ti tii-iii i-uiuiun 4u lur a i ari oi oelr;o-5, Auditor, A1" aM I NIfeTRATORS' NOTI C K. IsTATK OF Fill IIKUII'IC lliril.lcil lil-i-'o. l.etlels ol uiliiiltiKiinil, n nn ihn ..kin,.. ,.r Friilerlc.t Luiit iich, late or Kugfltluaf township, Columbia county, iltc'd, have been giantid by the Iligtsterot said counly lo Aluliew Laiihaeti, nmljohn U, Laubach, ol Coles IJiti-k. Col, co. All tetsoiis linviiig claims Hgalusttlin estule or inn in ctoeiii are uitusiiii lo pitseni them for settliiucnl.and tlmsu llultbtiil to the rstato to makn piiyment to fie uiidLis'giii d, nilmiutstrii- andiii:w i,rncH, ... JOHN li. I.A111ACH. octll'7U-0-.v AiiiiiiiiMratorH. 1ULE OS the ri;pri:senta- Ht. IiLlLawKD. x tives or ,iAi oa i.nt. I.OI.U..IIII.V l lll l 1 MS, 'lho Coiiilnoiiwiallh of Pennylv inl.i to Philip P. Hyer, Johli I-jer. Adam Fjer. WIHlnm llyer, Anna, liiterinarile.I with John W'elllver, Maig.i. lei, Inn imunled With tsamuii Jiilimou llenrv IHer.MUs Welllver, Abiguli who was Itiiermar. rleil wl'h Jiickkou Kiiiivhii, ilic'd., I.ueilida who was lllleruiallled wrlll John Dcuiolt, deiv'd.. .hurlty, ltilcrinurrled wilh D. It,-Jnliuuu,0t'o. WtWll Iver, Maiy.niieiiriairltd wllh hrastus liendershot,Catlirine A., lu ermarr'cd wllh John llen, and Phiuejs Welllver, heirs and legal representatives of Jacob Hyer, ilii-'d., unn to all persons lnterestid, (Iroetings You are hereby i Hid to bound appear lu-ioro ihn Judges ol our Oriihni s l ourtnl uu On Inns' Court to Do held lit IMoouisburg, ou lho lllsl Monduv nl De cember next, then and Dure loacci i t or refnie to take II. e renl islate nl said Jau li I ver. ilic'd, at IliouppraUed valuslloo.ut.uisiii It li ihuin iuest duly nwarded by the said conrl. und re lumed by the hherlir. And lien or lull uoi. ocui'70-tl W, II, LNT, Ckrk. 1ULE ON THE IIEIR.S OP AN LV DHIIW FRKAS, DECEAhKD. CoLVMIIlA fllPMV 8.S. Tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lo lien, ry I.. Ileus, l iiiiiiioM..lnleiiiiuitieil with Jseob Cieiisy, V in. 11. Irei.s.liorcas.liiteimnrrleduiih John lliiyman, Mary Juno lutermarrle.1 w nn i buries Hill llarrlei A., imei married with -Morris 11. lleiii. Johli L. Freus, James P. Kirns, Wis aliuth A., Inloipiarrled wllh Slephen Petllt.Al. lru..v." iiilnor, Eiuina.u minor Intirmairlud wllh Wll.on Miller. FtniiKllii P. 1 reus, u minor, und Andrew c, Freus a minor. All thu ubive nntueil mtiors hiivliig Willlsm Shuilirus their tluardlan. lineal descendants ol Andrew Freus, deg'd, and loull other peuous lnteioled, (Ireet llilf; You ar- lierebi' elltsl lo be and appear bo. fine thu Judges ot our orphans' Conn ulauOr plint.s' Couii to be held ul lilonmstiuig, on the tlrsi Miiiuluy of Dtceiuber next, then unil there lomtepl or leluse to lube Uie leal t slate of s.ild Andrew I'rens, dee'd,, nt the appiubcil valuation put uijii It by the luiliest duly awurdiil by tho said rnuil, ami letuiued bv the sherltl. And hereof fall not. V, H, Kvp, tleik, ixtVl'ili-tf r?s ix woiT's notT(7e, Jj LSTATK or THOMAS STACKHOl'SB llEC'n. Letters teslumiiitury on the estate ofThomus Hlackhuuse, latu of line township, Columoln county, deciasul, have been granted by Ilia Reg. ster of said couuiy lo Michael Stack house, of lioo lovynshlp, Columbia cnuuty. All iiorsons having cliiinis against tho estate are unuestcil tu present them lo the Executor lu lino township. 1 hose ludibted lo the i slate either on note, Judi. inent, morlgiigu or laiok account will make. psy. meiil to the Lxecutor without deluv. ,. MICHAELsTAlJvHOlTKE, sip3(l'7UCw, Executor. 4DaMINISTRATORH' NOTICIa LSTATEOF JAHbS 1IU.S, Ult H, tersoladinlulktrulloiiou thn ,hiiiiMr T ...... Ilis, lute ot Sugurloaf twp, Columbia eouuly dio'd., liavo lieen granted by the Register or sutil county, to E.IJah Hess and John W. Kile oi Sugarloit tow ushlp, Columbia county, Pu. All persons havlug clulms or demand, against the deoodetll are rrqursled tomukelheinkuowu.Kud Ih.VKn 1liri,,hte,l in ninlii. tivtni.,., ' ELIJAH llFSSt, Ha, Mtor.. JIYEIW. V. Pres'l. It. W. IJORPH UK Y, Beo'y JIYEIt?, V. Pres'l. Huii' tot Agencies. lerestsoflhe Blate, no itifurouco wiiu- DATES, llLOOMSHUitu, Pa. A1 KNT FOR f'OMIMllIA imtlKTV. coming, Clinton, Centre, Northumberland, Montour, win iiitioe address WII.LAKI) A. W1LLIAMM. Hncclnl Aeeul. No, 111 WlI.I.IASlHT, WlI.LIAilal'Oltr, I'A, THE IlO.MEHTKJ S E W I N M A 0 II I N E , 1'OR SALE RY JI. P. LUTZ, HLOOMSHURO, PA. -MILLER, IIUCUIES & CO., HKRWICK, PA. This Fewlng Machine runs sillier and easier llinnnny other, It bus fewer parts, It has a coif tteel shutlle that will never war out. It has Dlaku's Patent table Willi h lo see shows Hsiisa- lltlucss. Aeents wanted In uuoicupled Territorj tu Penntjivaiilo.Ntw Jirtey, Matyland.Delawar irglnla, Witt Vliglnln and Dlslilctof Coluiu- ulake & CO., fcCRANTON, I'A. sephi'70-ly QOURT PROCLAMATION. Wiieueas, the Hon. William Elvvell, President Judge of the Court of Ojer and Terminer and Oanernl Jail Delivery, Court or quarter Sessions of thu Peine and Couit of Common Pleas and Or phan's Court In tho 2tlth Judicial DUtriet, tun,, posed of the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, nnd Uie Hon. Irani Derr und Ii.aae s. Monroe Associate Judges of Columbia couuiy have issued their precept, bearing dale the lilli day or September In 40 year or uur Lotd, mm thousand, eight liutiuied und seventy nnd lo medliect ed lor holdlngaCourtor Oyer al.d Ter miner and Uenerultluarter susAlousur the Pence, l ourlnt Common Picas und Orphan's couri. m Hloomshurg, lu tlie county of Columbia, on Ihn llrst Monday, being lho fith day ol December next, to continue two weeks. Notice ls herehv rrlveie in I hn IWnna, ... ti... Justices or the Peace, and tho CollslubltS of thn said county ufColuuibU, thut they bo then and tin re lu their proper person ut lu o'clock lu the forenoon ol said 6tli day ut Die., with their rec ords, inquisitions und other remembrances, tu do those things which to their ottltes appertain lo lin done. . And those that are bouud by recognisance, to prosecute iigfflnst the prls. oners thai are or muy be lu lho Jail ot the said counly or Columblu, to bo then and tin re to prosecute them us shall be JusL Ju. roisare llliuesled lo bu nuiielnii) In lhnle nil..,,. I. uni e.agri eably to their notices. Dated at llhsmis. nurg, ineisiu u.iy oi Oct, in the veiir ..a. V or our Und, one thousand eight bun- v ll rod Ullll si'VI'litV. 1,11,1 In II,., nlnufL- fotuthyear ot the liiilers.iiili.iii-i, ,,f ti, lTnii,.l blates ol Ameiicl. MORDl.CAI MILUVRD. llloomsburg, Oct. 8. l7U. Hlierlil. XTOT1CK IS H1CRERV GIVEN Xl that unappltcallun will be made at the next milling ot the l,i neial Assetulil or thu Com luonwiiilih oi riiinsylvaiila lor the luiorpoia turn of a I nnk. lu arcordmue with the laws or the Cotniuoliwiallh. to.tu entitled the "CatavviKsa Depo-.ll ulidMtvtLg Hank," In be loealid alCata nissii.i,Pa.,withaii Hal orniiy thousand iloliuis. w llh Uie lietit lo luiieus,-Dm i,iihi uuu huinlied nnd tiny Ihousand dollars. I atuwlssu, July 1, l7u-uii, TVT E W COAL Y A R D. Xl The uuderslgued respectfully Inlorm the citizens of llluouisburg and Columbia counly, that they keep all the dltterent numbers otslove and selected Iniupcoul for smlthtug purism ses, on their wharf, adjoining M'Kelvs, Ntul Co's Furnace; wllh a good pair or llutlalo scales ou the wharf, to weigh coal, hay, and stiav. Likewise a luii se and wagon, tu deliver mal in those who desire It. As the punhnsu u luige amount or coal, they lull ml lukeep u superior sr. title, and sell at the very lowest prli i s. Phase call aud exumlue lor yourselves lieiore pun bus lug elsewhere. J, W. llKNI'EHSHOT, AUUUMIUS MASON. ''PHlJ uiulcrsiiciiC'il will tuko In t.- JL chutige for Coal aud Urocerlia, the folluivltig named arllcles t Wheal, frTe, Corn, Oats, lotu. toes. Lard, Hsm,Shoulder,uuu side iaeat,Hulter Kggs, lluy, Ac, nt the htglust cash prices, at hi. Grocery Store, uujolulug their coal ard, J. W. UEN11ERS1I0T. ooiusburgMur, IK.'by-ly. TUTOPNOTICIi, J-J KSTATEOF JANg I'EOO, DEC'Il. Letters testamentary on the ihtute of Jan. Ptgg, lute of Mudlsou towushlp Columbia Co, deed, have ls?eu granted by the Register of said futility to John lleudershot uud D, A. WaUou rvsldlug lu Madison towushlp Columbia cnuuty, Pa. All persons having clsiins against the eslutu ale lequesleil lu present them Ie the Exiculorslu Columbia county. Those Indebted lo the estate either oil note, Judgment, tuortguge or book account will make lutyiuelit lo the Ex ecutors without delay. JOHN IlENDKRSHOT, 1, A. WATSON, scpMTO-Cw, Executor.. i& LL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING ueatly exeoated nt Tu Oolukilui Bleu ting Ofllc. V