The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 11, 1870, Image 2

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.gfhc Columbian.
I'rlilny Mornlnu:, Nov. II, IS7(.
The Editor of tlio CoLU.mhian will
bo nbaont from his post for about two
weeks. Ho hppes that after IiIj return
ho will not ii&nln bo under tho nocqjs
Sty of craving tho IndulKcnco of his
readers, in thla respect, at least for a
considerable tlrao. In tho meantime,
tho paper will bo left lu compotunt
If any views wo express In tho Co
lumbian aro not in accord with those
of our readers, tho latter aro wolcomo
to controvert them in our columns,
without other limitation than that they
must bo written out In n fair hand, bo
carefully considered, broached In clear,
conclao and respectful language, and bo
consistent with pood morality and
orthodox Democratic sentiment. Ex
pressions of views for tho public good,
on any legitimate) subject, aro also In
Oameronlan Faith.
Many of the Republican papers as
crlbo tho loss of Congressmen and As
semblymon to the fued existing bctweon
Cameron and Coiitin, and in this wo
have no doubt thoy aro correct. When
General Cameron claimed to bo a
Democrat, It was his invariable custom
to defeat any Democratic candidate, if
he could, who would not pander to his
schemes. A political opponent was nl
ways preferred by him to a porsonal an
tagonist in his own party, or to any one
ho could not use. That he carried this
same policy into tho Republican ranks
wo havo often observed, and that ho
will continue to defeat Republican can
didates who cannot be used by him to
BUbserve his own ends, whenever he
can do it, is just as certain as that he
will follow his common instincts and
practices. Cameron is a Republican
and a politician for Cameron's sake, to
promote his Interests and to add to his
power for his own benefit and behoof.
Ho nover had an idea that politics had
any other legltlmato purpose than to
make solid cash for Cameron, and ho
is too old to learn any thing different
now. If our Republican friends did
not learn this long ago, they aro dull
pupils and well deserve to pay for their
Whatever else may be truo about
Governor Curtin, ho at least has the
merit of nover trying to defeat his own
party. Ho is generous and not specially
selfish. Some times recklo but nover
unfaithful to party obligations. It is
hardly falrj therefore, for his parly
friends to condomn him for the Injury
arising to them becauso of the fued be
tween him and Cameron.
But, as wo have no concern In Re
publican domestic troubles, we only
have business with this subject so far
as it is an item of current news.
Ked Cloud and Ocn. Grant.
Tho reported conversation of Red
Cloud on our first page will provo in
teresting to tho reader. Tho Harrlsburg
Patriot, in speaking of this subject
says: It seems that in a diplomatic
point of view tho visit of Red Cloud
to tho capital of Iho nation has turned
out a decided failure, though Its success
as a private enterprise may bo conceded.
All the flattering attentions and bland
ishments which wero offered tho great
chief were utterly wasted, for ho has
returned to his nativo wilds with the
contempt and indifference of a stole
philosopher. Tho impression which
the civilization of white men mado
upon him Is far from flattering. He is
of opinion that one merely seeks to de
fraud the other, and especially that tho
rich are anxious only to plunge the poor
into deeper poverty, to iob them, so to
speak, of their only sheep, whlld they
aro fattening at tho same on tho land
which they havo stolen from its original
possessors. The wrongs which his race
has Buffered at tho bands of the whites
has evidently given rise to this theory of
tho Indian philosopher. Whatever may
be said of this opinion it is evident that
Red Cloud's clearness of perception
was not blinded by tho glaroand osten
tation which surrounded him in the
White House. Ho goes so far as to de
clare that ho is ashamed of tho "Great
Father" who has been guilty of U9lng a
"forked tongue" to him. Grant is tho
first President of tho United States who
has been unablo to pieserve tho respect
which his predecessors always inspired
on tho part of tho sons of the wilder
ness. This quarrel between Red Cloud
and tho President threatens to lead to
some unpleasant results. It remains to
bo seen how Grant will conduct his
part of the controversy.
She Stato Treasurership.
Tho battle over tho spoils that result
from the control of tho State Treasury
already begins to wax warm in tho, ItO'
publican camp. The present Treasurer,
Irwin, Is out with a publication Bhow.
Ing up some of the corruptions and
heavy losses of personal opponents In
his own party, but this, we suppose, is
only telling half tho story, for ho refus
ed last winter, to answer a Legislative
committee as to tho uso of tho Stato
funds when ho was Treasurer before,
The Republican corruption In tho elee
lion of Stato' Treasurer is tho most mon
strous that has ever been practiced in
this Commonwealth and means should
surely bo devised to prevent it. It is a
difficult subject but a fair field for tho
Konlusof some of our astute statesmen
Wo never could discern tho wisdom
of deciding between two Republican
aspirants, both corrupt, as was dono by
tho Democrats In the Legislature last
winter nevertheless there may have
been wisdom in it. Where they had
the power to elect a sternly honest man
of different politics, tho propriety of
supporting him would be undoubted,
but there Is no uso af deciding between
pair of rogues If a rascal must bo
elected let tho Republican majority uo
it aud bear the consequences.
The Willlainsporters claim that they
felt the shock of the recent earthquake.
Of courso it wouldn't do to havo so big
a thin g going off and the everlasting
State slighted.
Evebv township in Berks county
gavo Democnitlo majorities at tho ro
cent election. This Is doing the work
up well,
Southerners of all parties favor
Negro suffrage on the ground that tho
African is as fit to voto as tbo Yankee I
The Democracy of liuzorno.
An earnest effort Is making by Iho
Democracy of Luzerne to reorganize in
such manner as to avoid tlwdNntorsof
the past, and to this end n convention
has been culled to rovlso tho system of
nominations. We obscrvo suggestions
to inakotho convention so large hint
corruption would bo Impossible bccan'o
of tho expense. The hopo is fallacious.
On tho contrary all experience allows
that largo bodies aro moro easily cor
rupted, In vckrlotl, confined nud cheated
than small ones, for tho plain reason of
divided and thcreforo diluted responsi
bility, as well as becauso in largo bodies
delegates can not consult with nnd un
derstand each others' desires as thor
oughly (if at all) as though tho number
bo smaller. Confused masses aro much
moro easily controlled by expert politi
cians than an intelligent small body,
ond aro much moro llablo to bo led and
used by selfish leaders. When many
representatives oroto bo elected tho vo
ters will not bo so careful In their selec
tions as when but few aro to bo chosen,
and tho leader of a largo delegation can
nlways readily effect bargains when ho
could not If ho had but two or thrco
Classes of people, and small minori
ties, will bo moro certain to bo reprcson
red nnd thcreforo satisfied with tho ac
tion of a convention, by tho system of
freo or cumulativo voting than any
other that has yet been devised, aud wo
hope to seo tho Democracy of Luzerno, with n representation of from
ono to four or six, according to their
vote, from oach district. Wo bcllovo
that this would in tho mnln euro all Iho
ills that aro complained of, nnd render
harmony nud consequent success sure.
Theso remarks will apply to Colum
bla as well as to Luzerno county, though
tho evils complained of in tho latter do
not exist hero, except as regards a do
grco of dissatisfaction. Wo understand
a convention Is to bo called hero for the
purpose of revising tho delegato system
and to it wo would make tho same sug
gestionsthat wo do to tho Democracy of
Luzerne. Tho main object to be at
talncd Is to give force nnd power to pub
lie opinion and thus prevent selfish ac
tion from any motive. If that end is
ejected, unanimity and strength will
bo sure to follow serious objection to
nominations as well ns cavilling and
bolting will ceaso healthy unanimous
action will be established grumblers
and natural factionlsts will lose their
occupations for want of food and fuel
and the peoplo will obtain their desires
without tho aid of superfluous busy
Recent Elections.
Several of tho States held elections
for members of Congress and other ofll
cers on Monday and Tuesday lost. Of
courso tho returns aro yet meagre and
uncertain, nnd for tho present wo can
givo llttlo clso than impressions, which
so far wo regard as f.ivorablo to tho De
mocracy. Wo havo little hopo that the
gain of Congressmen will bo sufficient
to give an anil administration majority
in the House, but tho party strength
may bo so nearly balanced that radical
and outrageous schemes will bo checked.
In New York, thero Is llttlo doubt
of the ro electlon of Gov. HorrMAN by
an increased msjority, over tho voto of
Seymour for President, who had just
10,000. Now York city' gives Hoff
man -10,000 majority about tho usual
Democratic average despite tho efforts
of tho Federal administration, by tho
concentration of troops, Ac., and tho
largo negro vote. Tho Democrats prob
ably gain soveral Congressmen.
Maryland. In tho clly of Balti
more, extraordinary efforts wero made
by tho Federal administration to defeat
Gov. Swan for Congress, but ho is re
elected by -1,005 majority, although the
largo negro voto was pretty unanimous
ly cast against him. Archer, Dem.
u the Second city district is elected by
over 4,000 majority. All tho'Democratlc
candidates aro elected to Congress.
MA'ssAcuusetts. Fortunately for
sound political morality, the Republl
cans hold their own' In Massachusetts,
electing the entire' delegation to Con
gress", tho Governor, Legnluture, C-c.
It would bo as reasonable to hope for a
Democratic gain In a penal colony.
Louisiana. Tho Republican major
ity in New Orleans is reported at 6,000.
Tho "Superintendent of elections" ro-
fuses to permit newspapor reporters to
seo the returns, and they can only give
such aggregate results as that function
ary chooses to announce 1
Tennessee. Tho Democrats havo
carried Memphis by 2,000 majority, and
havo no doubt also carried tho Stato.
Alar am a exhibits Democratic gains,
but tho result In the Stato is yet un
certain. Tho DiraoGrats carry Delaware by
a handsome majority, despite the large
negro voto.
Tho Republican? carry threo out of
five Congressmen In New Jersey, and
probably tho Legislature also. Tho no
gro vote Is mainly the cause.
, KEMTUCKV.Jt Is probable, elects a
full delegation of motlcangess
From Virginia wo havo but few re
turns, but these look favorable to tho
Rhode Island Is Republlcatf
In Wisconsin the Democrats guln
ono Congressman tho others not heard
Illinois. In Chicago, tho regular
Republican candldato Is elected to Con.
gross over "long John Weutworth" by
n largo majority. No other returns.
State Dznj, The Commissioners of
tho Sinking Fund muko tho following
statement or the mate (loot, viz:
Debt bearing coin Interest, f 8,075,200 -10
Debt bearing Intnrcst In U,
S. currency 22,900,000 00
Debt ou which Interest has
been stopped 158,376 30
uent Hearing no interest... iuo,SOO 05
Total debt, Oct. 31,1870, ttl,!SJl,2C t0
Amount of debt redeemed
and purchased slnco No
vember 30,
There aro bonds In the Stato Treasury
amounting to about nine millions of
dollars applicable to tho payment of
tho debt, If not stolen before they
becomo due, or otherwKe frittered
A grand jury in California refused
to find a truo bill for stealing Associated
Press despatches, on tho ground that
they aro not worth steullng In other
words, of no valuo I Yet sensation ual
lies cculd not 11 vo without them.
A CJrcat Bleed Supplied!
For years pnt tho Democracy havo
stood In great need of a firm, nblo and
Judicious J.iunial nnd oxponcntof their
principles at t ho seat of tho Federal
government. This great want Is about
to boMippllo.!, by an association of gen
tlemen who have contributed ainplo
menus for the purpose. On tho 11th of
this month n new dally nnd wiekly
paper to bo called " The Patriot," to bo
edited by James E. Harvey, lato Min
ister to Portugal, nn accomplished
writer, Is to bo Issued, upon tho follow
ing terms, viz : Single copy of dally
$10 j slnglo copy of weekly fi.50j clubs
of ten or moro will bo supplied with
tho weekly for $2 each. James U. Ber
ret Is tho publisher, to whom nil com
munications should bo nddrcsscd.
Tho Patriot will advocato a perfect
restoration of tho Union lu ull its parts
and Its entire Integrity ; equalltynmong
the Stalls as prescribed by tho Consti
tution ; the immediate removal of all
disabilities resulting from tho Civil
War, and tho restoration of harmony
and frntcrcnl fellowship between ull
sections of tho country, which thorium-
cs nud usurpations of partisan power
havo criminally lnborcd to prevent :
A Tariff for revenue to cover tho ex
penditures of an economical Adminis
tration, and to meet tho Just obligations
of the Government, as opposed to iho
oxlstlng system of exorbitant protec
Hon for special monopolies and undis
guised partiality for favored manufac
turers :
Reduction of tho present odious and
oppresslvo scalo of taxation, both as ap
plied to duties on Imports and to Intern
al revenue:
Rigid economy In every department
of IhoGovernmenl nnd rotrenchmontof
tho expenses :
Reform of tho public service In nil its
branches, Civil, Military, aud Naval :
A sound National currency equally
distributed among tho States and pro
tected against speculative fluctuations.
Thorightsof intelligent labor, against
all selfish combinations to degrado and
depreciate it:
Logis'atlon by whteh tho public lands
will be reserved for actual settlers, and
ns a resourco of National credit, in op
position to the Radical policy of enor
mous grants to speculators and corrupt
Tho fullest and firmest protection to
American citizens abroad :
And cordial sympathy with nil peo
pies struggling for liberty and sclf-gov-eminent.
Tho Nino million Steal. ,
Tho signs of tho times clearly portend
that another effort will bo made next
winter to steal thoStato funds deposited
in tho Sinking Fund, amounting to
about nine millions of dollars. Of courso
argumont against tho proposition is
vain tho buzzards havo fixed their
eyes upon it and thoy will not bo satis
fied until It Is crammed into their
greedy craws. Ostensibly tho money
Is to be appropriated to tho building of
Railroads, but at least half of it will go
Into prlvnto pockets tho larger portion
Into tbo pockets of thoso who engineer
tho project and tho balance is to bo used
in tho necessary purchoso of members
of tho Legislature.
As Governor Geary has onco vetoed
tho bill, he will be under tho necessity
of doing so again. That may bo regard
ed as sure. Wo regard it as certain that
a sufficient number of members of tho
House may bo purchased to pass it by
two-thirds in that body, and tho only
dependence therefore is In retaining
moro than one-third of tho Senato
against it. Tho practical question re
garding the subject is,canthatbodone?
Wo say to nil people, therefore, look
to the Senate I There is hope thero
though it bo a slender one. All possi
ble iullucnco should bo directed to that
body, und directed with energy nnd
Although somo corrupt Democrats
may nnd probably will bo induced to
support this bill, it could nover becomo
a law if tho Democracy wero lu posses
sion of full power. No such responsi
bility would bo shouldered by it. If
tho great theft, therefore, is committed,
the Republican party, wlio aro in pos
session of all tho departments of tho
Stato government, will bo Justly respon
sible for it. But for their geucral reck
lessness and contempt for tho popular
will, no such proposition would bo
made, or at least not seriously enter
tained. It is tho general political de
moralization produced by tho Republi
can party that Induces all such schemes
and invites every species of plunder.
Let them bo held to a strict accounta
bility for what is done by tho Stato
West vs. Bast.
Tho western Democratic papers aro
pretty unautmously demanding that the
next Stato Convention shall select a
Chairman of tho Exccutlvo Committee
from that region, and removo tho head'
quarters of tho commlttoo from Phlla
dolphla. Thoy claim that tho largo
Democratic gains In the western part of
tho State, whlo' tho-.nagt" isstauding
still, 4s a sufficient reason for this.
Without regarding tho reason assigned
as at nil conclusive, or oven applicable,
wo favor tho suggestion. Thoro Is morlt
in tho energy and driving activity of
western men, an clement wo fall to dls
cover In tho sordid selfishness of Phlla
dolphla politicians. Lot tho western
demand be gratified, put tho metal of
their best men to tho test by assigning
them to tho highest responsibilities
"let looso tho dogs of war," and If thoso
"frosty sons of thunder" do not glvo us
victory they will nt least deserve it
which Is moro than can bo said of recent
Stato Committees.
The carpet baggers In South Carolina
yielded nil but ono of tho country Con
gret-slotml districts to Negro candidates
but reserved (ho city of Charleston for
one of their own cholco Bplrlts, who
was to lend ami control tho whole delo
gatlou, to do all thobargalnlngand sell
ingof votes, and to act In fact as dlrcc'
torand purser f jr them. But thescheme
didn't work I the darkles became un
ruly nnd finally ran a bright mulatto
who Is elected by a largo majority I As
tho genus Sambo 13 usually better than
a carpet bagger, tho result Is not to be
Simon Camlron, a leading Radical
United States Senator of this Stato,
calls tho Democracy "Copperheads" In
a letter to President Grant. Tho Ohio
Stuto Journal, claiming to be tho lead
ing Radical paper in central Ohio, In
nn editorial calls this same Simon Cam-
nrmi n "llilcf." Rimini. It fioems. Is not
I tho only Radical that can call names.
Eho "Colored" Vote.
Tho Republican leaders begin to ap
preciate tho strength they havo acquired
by ritlsititf tho black to nt least n politi
cal equality ( with Iho white man, by
debauching suffrdgo to guln votes, by
degrading and Insulting tho whito man
by bringing the Negro face to faco with
him nt tho polls, mid thero at least to bo
his equal In tho oxerclso of tho most sa
cred nnd Important political privilege
and governmental power pertaining to
n freo man, As oxamplos In point wo
append tivo oxtracts from Republican
papers. Tho Carllslo Herald Bays :
Tho main reason for tho present largo
Democratic majority, Is that a consider
able number of persons, who have here
tofore voted our ticket, this year voted
with tho Democracy because tho colored
men wero enfranchised and a much lar
ger number refused fo voto nt all, for
tho samo nlleged reason This thoy had
an entire right to do If thoy saw fit,
Just as every man has n right to foljow
his whims unit take tho conseiiueuco of
his folly.
The Chambcrsburg llepository echoes
this sad story :
Tho Democracy owo to thu Negro
voto their triumph in this part of tho
Sta'c. Wo do not moan, by any means,
that tho colored voters voted fur tho
Democratlccandldates; tlmy had far too
much good senso for that. But we
mean that by reason of their exercising
tho rlgh of suffrage, so many of thoso
Who hitherto voted nud acted with tho
Republican party, this timo voted with
the Democracy, us to euabio them to
elect their tlckot. Thoro N no conceal
ing or denying this humiliating fact.
European News.
After soveral days of report that
an nrmlatlco had been agreed upon be
tween Prussia nud Franco, for twenty
fivo days, during which tho French
wero to hold nu election nnd mako a
government, it is now positively stated
that negotiations havo been broken off
by tho bad faith of tho French authori
ties. Any day, however, may bring nn
armlstlco. Tho city of Paris has taken
a vote on tho question of confidence in
the government now attempting to con
trol affairs. Nearly half n million voted
afilrmatively, nndsomc5G,000 negative
ly. What n Parisian thinks ono hour
is but llttlo Indication what may bo the
state of his mind tho next. Resistance
to nuthorlty prevails everywhere, and
If tho Prussians fear any thlnglt is that
they may havo uo authority to treat
with when they want to mako peace.
Marshal Bazaine is out with a defence
fortho surrender of Metz. IIo pointedly
calls tho French war minister a liar,
and shows conclusively that starvation
nnd consequent demoralization com
pelled his surrender. Tho chargo of
treason against him was palpably ab
surd from the beginning.
The Popo still keeps himself bed uded,
nnd tho King of Italy hesitates about
entering Romo in person, evidently
fearing tiio auathemas of tho Church.
"Colored" People. Amongst tho
Yankee absurdities that havo gained n
footing with moro senslblo and frank
peoplo is tho mawkish practice of
speaking of "colored" people. Consid
ering that every body possesses more
or less color, tho form Is meaningless
unless tho exact color bo described
black, yellow, white, pink, grey, spot
ted, tan, maroon, copper, &c. Why not
call tho Negro by his proper name?
What discredit Is thero In it that does
notattach to him personally by what
ever namo ho may bo called ?
That tho Negro has been tauuht to
object to it himself Is of no consequence,
nnd is merely a development of his
monkoy propensities. IIo is certainly
tho only creature on tho faco of the
globo that has objection to being called
by his proper name. It is not n term
of reproach, or ridiculo, or opprobrium
In any sense. As clearly and fairly as
tho.term Caueassian or European Indi
cates tho whito race, doos tho term Nu
gro indicate tho black. Just that much
and no more. Then call him by his
right name, for tho samo senslblo rea
son that every body called tho Teuton's
son Jacob : becauso that was his name.
Elections In a Monarchy and in a
In view of tho fact that our elections
are being put under tho supervision of
military power and tho freedom of tho
ballot-box destroyed, tho U. S. military
having interfered in the lato election in
Philadelphia and in Now York city, it
will servo to mark tho danger of such n
courso toshow how, oven in tho mon
archy of England, tho freedom of elec-
tlonshavobeen carefully guarded against
such influences.
Blackstcno says that "it is essential
to tho very being of parliament tbnt
elections should bo absolutely free;
therefore, nil unduo influences upon
tho elections are Illegal and strongly
prohibited," and to such an extent was
tlio luw jealous of tlio freedom of elec
Hons that It was decided, says Chi tty,
that "a wager between two electors up
on thosuccess of their respective candl
dat03 is Illegal, becauso, if permitted,
it would manifestly corrupt tho freedom
of elections."
"As soou," iays BlnckstonOj "as the
timo anu piaeoor electioneither in
counuus or Dorougns, aro nxea, au sol
dier quartered in the place nro to ro
movo, at least one day before the election,
to tho distance of two miles or more,
and not to return till ono day after tho
poll is ended." Such Is tho monarch!
cal way of protecting tho freedom of
tho ballot.
In tho United Stales, called a rcpub
lie. Congress has passed a law which
In cities having over 20,000 Inhabitants
virtually puts it in thopowcrof ndepu
ty marshall to call out tho military and
naval forco of tho government to Inter
fero lu an election, and there is now an
army collected In and around Now
York, put thero to nntlcipato tho sum
tnons of ono of theso instruments of
Grant for on Interference In tho elec
tions, Tho bare mention of this fact I
enough, fullow-citlzons, to awaken
alarm nnd causa you to determinedly
oppose and work for the overthrow of a
party and an administration that favors
und performs acts so dangerous to tho
liberties of tho peoplo.
It notids but llttlo pcnotratlon to seo
lu this tho beginning of an entire over
throw of tho freedom of tho ballot-box
which our principles teach us to joal
ously guard, even at tho risk of life,
Successful In the city, tho samo Influ
onco will bo extended to tho country.
TiiiuK or it.
It is not for want of law against tho
pruseuco of military at tho polls that
those things are taking placo, lor the
laws of both Pennsylvania and New
York expressly inhlult it, but because
those laws uro overridden by tho ceu
trallzed Radical power at Washington
Clinton Democrat,
Tho Radical Ring, Stc.
'lb the tidllor of the Columbian .'In
continuation of my former nrllcle, I
am now to dwcrlbo not an Imaginary,
but n leal Ring, nmdn up of I'Vderjl
office-holders and their allies In Blooms
burg, with n few members outside. Tho
regular Ring organ tho Republican
newspaper afiVets groat horror of
Rings, but uono of tho olllco-huutersor
ofilco-holders it represents are at ull de
ceived. They smllo nt tho protouso, for
they understand it exactly, and know
It to bo only, (what Artemas Ward
would call) "a good goak."
Tho Ring Includes In tho first place,
a number of Radical olllco-holdors a
Postmaster, Rovenuo Assessor, United
States Commissioner, Notary Public,
and besides these, an Editor of tho Es
culapian species. There would bo more
of thorn If there were moro olllees of
appointment here under Geary and
Theso Radical officials havo all been
selected and appointed In tho Interest
of Mercur, "M. C." and they servo him
zealously. As a dispenser of patronage
(which Is tho very breath of lift) to a
Ring,) he Is In their eyes, an admirable
chief, and lias all their devotion. Tho
Ring policy of Bradford county, Im
ported here, they upprovo and applaud:
Indeed, they think It a very good thing)
becauso thoy monopolize and enjoy tho
Including tho Radical editor in this
list is not a mistake, for lie runs tho
Ring newspaper and lias run tho Radi
cal County Committee as Chairman.
And, by tho way, tho post of Radical
Chairman Is not to bo despised, when
good things aro to bo looked after, Tho
Radical party spen is monoy freely up
on elections, for It always has plenty,
nud has no scruples about using It. And
tho amount it spends upon elections
comes back to It an hundred fold lu va
rious forms of plunder taken from tho
people. Tho control of party funds at
elections Is therefore an interesting
question in Hail leal circles, ns was well
pointed out by Judgo Monroe In his
pronunclamento against tho Ring, mado
in tho C mrt Houso a year or two slnco.
Ho said somo of the election money
was wanted nt C.ttnwissa: his side of
tho river got nono; it was all absorbed
here, and kept away from tho patriots
of the party oulbldo of tho Ring. This
testimony more than hints nt tho Coun
ty Chairmanship as a post of profit, es
pecially at tho big eUctions, when con
tributions aro sunt hero from abroad.
No doubt, as tho JuiIro assorts, tho
grist Is heavily tolled as it pisses
through thu mill of tho Ring, and tho
head miller probably gets most of tho
toll, and all tho loakago bolides I
But unfortunately, thu Radicals of
tho Ring uro weak with tho peoplo and
cannot get elected to office. They uro
confined to appointments, and until ft
Radical Congressshnll mako somo more,
tho supply of these will ba iinulllclent.
Thoy nru therefore ambitious to play u
larger part In thu game of politics, nnd
to muko strength for their party in tho
future. Hence their alliance with tho
soreheads; tho opening of their organ
newr-paper to tho uttoranco of hore-
head complaints ami hlnndors, and tho
complete concert of action established
between them and their near allies in
recent elections. In fact, tho alliance
here spoken of was so consolidated
at the lato election, that it manifested
Itself distinctly in tho Congressional
voto at Bloomsburg and nt Berwick ;
and if It did not glvo to Mercur tho
wholoof his llttlo majority in tho Dis
trict, certainly contributed tho greater
part of it. To discuss this treachery,
and the objects of tho combined Ring,
will bo tlio subject matter of a succeeding
communication. A.
For Tlio Columbian.
In answer to it call from the Bsrwick
BaptistChurch,a delegntlonof Brethren
representing somo sister churches, met
n their houso of worship on November
2d, at 2 o'clock p. in., to consider the
propriety of setting apart to tho Gospel
Ministry, Brother Walter Oattell,
their pastor elect. Tho council was or
ganized by tho election of Rov. A. C.
Wheat, Moderator, and Rov. Geo. I.
liRENSi.NOEit, Clerk. Information con
cerning tho action of tho church in ox
tending a call for a council was fur
nished by Deacon Stephen Kikin
dall. After i thorough investigation
of tho Christian experience, view of
doctrines and practices aud call to tho
ministry, tho council expressed Its
strong conviction that ho was chosen of
God to preach His Gospel. According
ly It proceeded to ordain ut 7 o'clock p.
m., in tho following order: Tho sermon
was preached by Rov. B. D. Thomas,
of Pittston. Ordaining prayer was of
fered by Rov. Geo. I. Brensinger, of
Sunbury. Chargo was given to candid
ate by Rev. J. P. Tusiin, of Blooms
burg. Haud of Fellowship, by Rav. S.
O. Rhodes, of Bsrwlck. Chargo to
church by Rov. A. O. Wheat, of Wat
tontown. Benediction by Itsv. Walter
Cattell, Pastor.
Brother Cattell was born nud
reared in England; felt called of God
to labor in America; hither ho camo
"not knowing wither he was going.'
By it strange series of circumstances,
tho cry of this church suffering from
want of a pastor was heard across tho
waters, and upon his arrival tt union
was consummated. May Qod's blessing
nbldo with thorn, is tho earnest prayer
of those who know tho fow faithful
brethren and sisters of this church, who
ore earnestly striving to servo their
God ns they understand His will against
peculiar and persistent difficulties.
Gfo. I. Brensinoer,
The Williamsport Oaxette .t Bulletin
said In a recent issue that "an organ
grinder recently strayed Into Lewlshurg
where ho created a profoundsensatlon."
To which tho Lowisbur Chronicle ro
plied thusly: "As tho poor follow
passed through Williamsport on his
way hither, tho tax-gatherers followed
him as cattio follow a load of hay, and
ho did not daro to stop, fearing that
his organ and monkey would bo levied
upon for city taxes."
Dakotah has elected a Democratia
member of Congress. Tho result was
uo sooner announced, than, after tho
Radical fashion, thu defeated party do
dares his purpose to contest the seat to
which his Democratic, opponent is elec
Vincent Vauohan, tho now Gov
ernor of Utah, was an officer in the
Confederate sorvlco. Ills political disa
bllltlos wero Cougress lest
Uarrisburg Correspondence
IlARRISllURO, Nov. 7, 1870.
lb tticJXItor of the Columbian : Tho
public press, of both parties, nro now
agitating tho question of n reform con
vention, to amend tho Constitution of
tho Commonwealth : nnd tho serious
consideration 'of this Important ques
tion excites general attention, becauso
evory ono feels that tho machinery of
tho Government has got out of order,
and that instead of working smoothly
nnd effectively ns was formerly tho
enso, Its crazy action indicates breakage
or disorder In somo of its principal
Now, ns tho Legislature is tho great
balanco wheel, lit tho machinery of n
representative government, It follows
that tho attention of tho people Is prin
clpally directed to tho stupendous cor
ruptlons which have, of latu years, pal
luted our legislative halls, perverting
In a most nstonlshlng manner, tlio le
gltlmnto ends of popular reprtsenlii'
tlon. Henco tho people nro Inclined to
nttributo all the political Ills they suffer,
to legislative corruption nnd, therefore,
lends a willing ear to any plausible
proposition, having in view thu purl
flcatlon of tho legislative branch of tholr
For my part,nlthough I freely admit
tho existence of tlio demoralizing con
sequences, resulting from loglslatlvo
corruption, I nm not ono of thoso who
bcllevo that all tho political and social
disorders, under which wo suffer, nro to
bo uttrlbutcd solely to tho misdeeds of
our legislature. Thoro Is no doubt that
tho venality und corruption of but too
many of our Representatives are a
curso upon tho people. But I Insist
that It is u curso thoy havo brought up
on themselves, and that its continuance,
can only bo averted, under oxlstlng
circumstances, by the adoption of "the
free vote," giving to all tho peoplo "free
elections" nnd "a Just representation."
Tho idea of transferring any powers
from tho legislature to other elective
public bodies, equally llablo to corrup
tlon, is in my opinion a political fallacy,
moro opt to aggravato tho evils com
plained of, than to euro thorn. If no
constitutional moans can bo devised,
by which tho people may elect honest
mon to make their laws, then the great
experiment of self government is a in
mentablo failure, nnd nil tho constltu
tionnl experiments to supply tho plac
of public virtue will provo nbortivo and
will only tend to nccclcrato tho down
fall of constitutional freedom I
But, unfortunately, corruption is not
confined within tho limits of our legls
lativo halls. It has gradually found Its
slimy way into loo mauy of our JudI
cial courts, where legal decisions nro
warped from tho direct; lino of Justice,
into tho terrible channels of political
expediency and partizan hato I Who,
that frequents these courts or reads their
proceedings. Will deny tho truth of this
assertion? It is truo that most of the
senior members of tlio profession, faith
ful to tho traditions of tlio past, have,
down to tho present day, by prccopt
and example, partially succeeded in
upholding those high sentiments of
professional honor nnd probity, insepa
rabiy from tho impartial adnilnis
trution of tho law. But, thoso ven
crablo men are, In the order of nature,
fast passing away nnd, ero long, thu few
of them left, will bo impotent to stay
tlio demoralizing uue, which now
threatens to sweep nway thoso great
beacons which whilom pointed tho
coursu of impartial Justico I
It is but a fow days since, at tho Into
election, that you, Mr. Editor, saw, in
a neighboring judicial district, ono of
the brightest lights of tho legal profes
sion of Pennsylvania, rudely thrust
aside, to make room for n ineruintrlgu
ing politician. Thus, by this recent
verdict of thu people of that district, it
uppears that, tho majority ut least, care
very llttlo about tho pure, impartial ad
ministration of justice, which might,
pel haps, provo inconvenient to many
of them, but attach infinitely moro iiu
portauco to tho social qualities of thulr
President Judgo; and that u decision
upon a sample of cholco whiskey, duliv
ered before a party of experts, will coui'
maud their admiration, in a much high'
or degree, than any uluborntuloalupiU'
ion drawn from u pile of musty law
books I .
From this appalling exhibition of this
prostitution of tho popular vote, the
apprehension is foiced upon us, that the
character of our courts of Justico will
gradually fall to tho level of infamy
which now excites tho Indignation of
tho people against tho moral turpitude
oi tlieir LifgHiutivo Representatives.
This Is u sad picture ! But there isstill
worso behind.
Tho great bribes brought Into tho
Legislature, for tho purchase of oxorbl
tant privileges, not only corrupted tho
Representatives of the people, but stlm
ulaled them to uso a part of their lib
gotten gains to secure a ro-olectlou, In
order to eoutlnuo their unholy trullc
in tho Legislature. Hence, It soon bo
camo apparent that, but In too many
cusps, Mimn,tMM were bought, aud that
tho primary nominating conventions
had been lnuoculated with tho moral
pestilence which first broko out in tho
halls of legislation I This, nnd tho dally
spectado offered to tho people, of tho
llagrant violations of public and of prl
vato rights, by tho very official bodies
Instituted, by tho Constitution, to sup
portanilcouservothosorlghts, Justly ox
cited public indignation ; thou disgust
and finally lethargic indifference. Wit
ness tbo astonishing fact, that 31,000 vo
ters of tho city of Philadelphia, stuyod
nway from tho poll at tho last election
This abandonment, by so largo a num
ber of citizens, of any participation In
governmental affairs, either national
Stnto or local, Is of ominous import, and
must deeply Impress every thinking
man und lover of civil liberty, with Iho
imperative necessity, whllo It Is yet
time, to seek somo efficacious remedy
for thu mauy ovlls which now press up
on (ho body politic. I shall continue
tills subject lu my next. ''Junius."
Important to I'uiilishers. Post
master General Cresswell 1ms decided
thut publishers may send as mlscellanu
ous printed matter, copies of their pub
llcattons nud posters In tho sumo pack
age, at tho uniform ralo of four ounces
for two cents. This decision Is In con
formlty with common senso and tho
spirit of tho postal law. Tho enforce
went of n contrary rulo hitherto has
subjected thu publishing business to
great annoyance and much needless ox
penso. Tho point Is ono which tho press
has strenuously contended for, and wo
ttrugrutiued that tho Postmaster-Gen
oral has uudured tho decision,
John Qulncy Adams' Acceptance.
The Democrat In Mammchtmltn having nomt-
imtcil John QCINcy Adamu (iirnmlson of ox-
ro iaonlJ.Q. Adams) for (Invrrnor, Hint nen-
tknmii accepts tho liomlnntlnn nml wrlt I1
Quincy, October 17, 1870.
lion, .lames M. Keith, Pnstdentof the
Convention: Dear SiR-Presumlngthnt
my declared dcslru to withdraw from
tho candidacy would hnvo Insured the
dismissal of my numo from tho minds of
theconventlon nt Flltchburg; thu nomi
nation nnnounccd by you In your favor
of this date, which I havo tho honor to
acknowledge, was somowhat unexpec
ted by mo. Differing In tlmt respect
from my eloquent competitor, I havo
for thrco years past wished to bo Gov
ernor of Massachusetts very much, but
hnvlng failed to discover tho reciprocity
of sentiment among tho majority of my
fellow citizens, which Is desirable In
such cases, I thought it would bo wlso
for tho democracy to select n moro nt
tractive candidate. Butthoconvontlon
having apparently detected a valuo In
my services which had escaped my ob
servation, It would bonrrogating an ab
surd linportnnco to my Individual pref
erences to porsist in nn obstinnto and
ungracious refusal of so small a sacri
fice, to n body of citizens from whom 1
havo accented such flattering favors. I
therefore cordially undertako tho duly
Imposed. Tho only real claim of tho
republican party, of late, to public con
fidence, Is by n parade of trophies.
Without head, or system, or principles,
It Is held together only by tho Ufoof do-
cay corruption. Its system of taxa
tlon Is tho most burdonsomo and tho
least democratic In tho world ; Its cur
roncy Is tho robbery of tho poor, whllo
its vaunted reduction of tho debt has
only been accomplished by acruoltnxn
Hon which doubles the burden by tak
ing two dollars from tho peoplo for each
dollar paid to tho public creJItor. Tho
scheme of imposts Is deliberately and
craftily organized In tho Intorosts of US'
soclated capital nlone, and is ns certain
ly, If not as palpably, n violation of ov
cry prlnclplo of equal democratic gov'
eminent as was tho cognate policy of
tho samo party, by which two hundred
millions of acres of tho people's home
stead lands havo been given away to
railroad corporations. This cunningly
devised schomo will this year toko five
or six hundred millions of dollars from
tho peoplo, nnd pay it over to tho caplt
allsts who own your mines and mills
and furnaces and salt works, toalloviato
their unprofitable labors, as certainly as
If tho tax was openly levied ur,d tho
bounty avowedly paid. Under thu samo
system our ocean shipping is broken up
and our shipyards are closed, nud tho
farming land of Now England no Ion
ger fetches tho cost of tho buildings
upon It. And that Its conspicuous
merit in affording protection to tho
American worKiuan from tlio pauper la
bor of Europo may bo apparent to tho
meatiest capacity, almost tho only artl
clo which it admits duty freo Is au un
limited supply of cheap Chinese, im
ported in lots to suit capitalists. Tho
democracy, on tho contrary, accepting
tho past and frankly recurring to tho
principles of Jefferson, hold out tho
hand to all who long for reform, and
press forward to redeoiu tho future. To
that end they call on nil men who are
for a moderate and equal tariff, concolv
ed in no interest less universal than that
of tho wholo peoplo, on ull who know
that ti depreciated currency Is n curo
to every ono but utter perdition to tlio
poor and on thoso mon who seo how
corruption Is sapping the foundations of
tlio government, to maintain by tlieir
votes tho truly domoeratlo mearares of
hard money, n revenue tariff nud a rad
leal reduction nnd reform in tho civil
servico. in Stato allair.s tlio succoss ot
tho democracy would mean thonbsoluto
cessation of grants of public funds or
credit to local or partial uses. Tho stur
dy beggars who Infest tho Stato Houso
need no longer doubt whether thoExo
cutivo can bo screwed up to forbid their
plans of plunder. Democratic economy
will not im-ati a crowded lobby and
swelling debt. Special legislation shall
not drag out tho sessions of our leglsla
ture till midsummer; und thedemocra
cy daro trust tho people to buy thulr
food und drink unwntched by nn odious
and expenslvo corps of Informers.
Abovo all, sir, tho democrncy intend to
try for a new Union, under what a radl
cal Senator of tho Uulted States has
called that "decayed and worm-eaten
bequest of tho fathers of tho Republic'
tho Constitution of tlio United States,
And In success tho democratic party at
least will not utterly forget that n gov
eminent, no matter what title it may
assume, is truly democratic only in so
far us tlio guiding will of most permits
tlio free development of each In every
nttributo of independent manhood.
Very truly your obedlont servant,
John Q. Adams,
Contesting Elections.
In 18G3 tho peoplo of tho Twenty-first
district elected Henry D. Foster (Demo'
crat), to Congress, by n small majority
over tho notorious Joiin Covodo, Foster
was deprived of hls'seat by ono of thoso
mock contests that uro now so common
among unsuccessful Republican candl
dates for Congressional honors. Covode,
whom ho beat, was admitted. Promt
nen ton tho Committee of Elections in
assisting In this foul wrong upon tho
principles of representation, was John
Cessna, Not only was ho nn Instrument
In tho turning out of Foster, but in a
number of other cases ho perpetrated a
similar fraud upon Democratic mem
bcrs nud their constituents. Roth of
them wero candidates for re-election
Foster was sent back by n majority of
7ii, Instead of tho mere nominal ma
Jority ho received two years ago. It is
thus tho peoplo rebuko tho parties who
had previously deprived him and them
of their rights. liut this was not all
Cessna was beaten nud u Democrat
elected In his place. Thus there is u
doublo triumph, Tho Republicans havo
bcon given to understand that it docs
not pay politically to deprive members
of Congreesof thelrseatsuudglvo them
to thosu whom thu peoplo havo not
elected. lirle Observer.
Jii tho Court of t'ounion Plena of Columbia
I'll Altl.ES HYCHhY, 1 Vco. T 18-e. No. 31
vm. y In iJivorco
MAUCIAHUr UYEHLY, J to Murgrfct Kycrly:
Mruliitnu i You nru hereby lit) (fried thai Ui
rout I nan u'runted u rule on youtofcUow iuuso,
tiv flin tlrMi Monilnv it D.-otwrthnr liBXt. W.IV
1 11 vo ico Jrom the bondu of MulrliuoDy uliuuld not
o.l n II llmKlunv I 'jiirinilttulntlilir. t.italtti lleUO'
bltloii of witneMhegiu ihU cnt., who will attuud
lo mo luKiiitf oi mo same ui iu uuil-w imw.mi
buruon Friday, the M day nt peivmber next
o 'clog It i M.of mldduy, when audwUero you
may uueau . you OTiillOOKWAV.
EoasitT F. Clark, . 0uuuuudontrl
Atty. lor uiNiuab iuovi7tMi,
Itev. Wm. J, Eypr. Mr. John torch nl K
Mum towmlUp. "uaru,or
AYZE KRAMER On the 2Sth 0f iK,
utovm. t MlMRnnil. E.' Kramer! bot hofcS
uinbln roaniy, I'n, ""'O'Ui.
MrllF.NRWOn tho td ntt.. Rurtle, dunriilrr
I)r M.nml Dorcni F. Moltenry.or Ex?SSS,.SJ
juomour cuuui) , hbi'u i ytnr, ll monthl nnil
OIOKR-Iii Frosty Vulloy. October ttd. Chut.,
non of William nnrt Rsbecca aUjer.niied iSS1
S mouthi nnd iCidnya. ,
SlIOEMAKER-In nuckhorn. Bept, Sd j(ary
Hhoomaker, ogod 1 month nnd 10 dnya.
LAUI1ACII In Hnenrlonf township, on the oth
months nnd 4 dnya. " """M
HORN In Lnporlo township, Bnltvsn counli
July 28,Hamli Anu Horn,ngd It jrcara.Smo
an'l 'tt dnya.
rEClO Near Jcrseytown, Hept-mhcr 7. 1W0 sir.
Jano 1'cKit, wltoof tho lite William Ten ,.
recseti, ngeu yeurs, a weea nnn u ilayg, Ht,ft
wni a member of the Episcopal Church for
many year, nnd was beloved by nil who knew
Dearest mother thou hnRt left u-, J
Hero thy low we deeply feel,
llut 'tU God who hnst herelt us,
He enn nil our sorrows heal.
Dloomibnrg Market
Whent ier hnshel ,
lire "
- I ro
Orn old "
now "
Flour rcr barrel - Orn
Oloverneed 8 im
Flaxseed 1 M
nutter .
Kirns n
Tnilow m ..... ID
Potatoes - H w so
Drlei' Apples- ... io
Hamn it
Rltle and .Shoulders H , 17
inru per pouuu M - 20
Uny per ton - 19 ij
No, 1 Hcolch pit; h .,M2&1
2 " " .-U9S30
Uloom H H W
Hemlock Boards per thou sand feet fl9 00
Pino ' ' " (one inch, isni
Joist, Scantling, Plank, (Hemlock) 15 00
HhlMi;lrH, No. 1 per thousand 8 00
6 ...... .m 7 ui
Hiding " " ft 8100
PUllndelprila Markets,
F 1.0 mi
Northwestern nupernne at .....,
11.75 80)
.. 1.37 jl :ts
... h'n
320 54
... itit&9
Northwestern extra ...
North weHtern family....... w.
Uye Hour ,
11 kat l cnnnyivuuia red, Hub. ...
Houlhern "
WcHtern "
Kyk Pennsylvania rve. "alma
Coun Yellow, '
Oath bu8 ,
ruovisiows iMcsH i'orK,v udi ,
MeHi lleef,
DresKed Hog, D ,
Smoked Hams
Hhoulders lb
imi v;a
Timouiyseeu n lur ,..,..
Lattlk Jlecf Cattle V lb
riitxNeeu ,
lown, a uead ,
Hiifkp R - ,..,
, 112.5 mj.13.3o
Notice Is hereby ulven. that on the Ut dav of
November. lS70,simdry luhabltauts of Columbia
county presented a potlthm to an adjourned
Court of Common Pleat of said county, praylnu
the said Court to grant a Charter of Incon-ora
tlon, under the nume, style and title of "Tns
Columiiia County Mutual Having Fpnd and
Loan Association,' with the rltits aud privi
leges therein stated, aud If no sufflclent cause h
tthown to the contrary on the tlrst day of next
term, tho prayer of the petitioners will be grant
odj according to thu Aet of Assembly in such
cute made aud pro Tided,
iiy inoijouri. w, 11, jv.i,
nuullTiMt, Prothonotary,
fillip. The copartnership heretofore existing heuen
WrLi.iAx HctiUYi.Kit and Ciiahlkh W. Lowe at
OraiintiVllle. Columbia count. Pa.. Is thli dot
dissolved hy mutual consent. The bunks ore
leii, 111 lue nanus 01 L,iiAitiKi w. ijOWKwr
OrangevlIIe, Nov, 11, tfi7Q-3t.
uj 'S-inqsmooju 'stoom oifuunoxtt 01 o)
Sun jJiA09iU 9 puu pnuoj io-i
u.nop omsdu jadud m mn kho tfaj 0110.4
Xofl jajBooiu oj oil IpJIU OJiOJ
iCHll jain.o l 9 Attnoj
,vu iois.Co oil) o? o3 sja)SAo paw jo
AU jajH.CO OEU OS SJdlH.fO 11101 jo.-i
AvX 40js.?o dill oj oil s.ia;s.Co pajvqa ioj
A"u jaisfo BlU 01 oil wuhXo uunb itA
Aufl japi-io oil) ot oil uuj joj
A"ofi j).Uo oiu 01 a bj)ho dudii io.-i
AU JdjsA'o o) oa Bi 18A0 aHivl iOJ
OX 09 SU3XSA0 118'dKd MOO.
Tlio undersigned will expose to public nalo oa
the premises, on SATU1UJAY. DECKMUKU 3J.
Ib70, at 10 o'clock A. M., tlio following valuatne
nronertv. situate In Loctint tnwnshtP. Colurabln
county, near David Yeoger'n Hotel, adjoining
iuuus 01 junn leaser, Joun uerucr, "uij
Fink and others, on which is erected a good
a good two story frame cabinet shop, a well of
water on the porch, and all ottier necessary out
buildings. t,
Conditions or Hale. Fifty dollars to bo paiJ
on the day of sale, one-half of the purctino
money to be paid on the Istd.iy of April, 1871,
and tho balauce lb be paid in three equal pay
menu to be paid annually. PossesKiou win ue
given April Ut, h71. W. II. HELW1U.
Locust, Nov, II , lS70-tt,
The underslgued.fixecutorof tho last will of
John Kile, late of huuirlnaf township. Columbia
couutv, deceased, will expose to public a' 01
I lie laie res'ueiice ui ui uuutmcui, uu
i 1 v vnvi.'M iih"fiHih im7). nt 1 o clock In the
afternoon, the following described real estate to
wit ; rno uuuiviuea uau ox a
It. t.n ...rntit.. nnmnnt R.imtlPt Nevhard. BltU"
alo In Jncksuu twp.,Col. co., bouuileU on tbo
nortlieat by a tract la tlio warrantee name oi
Wesley Hess, on tlio west by county line, and on
the smith by lauU In tho warrantee name or ban
uel York anil by land of Jesse llhone, cou-
strict meaiure. ASO: The undivided one-ball
ofunother tract of timber land situate In Jaci
sonnnd Hnuarloaf townships, In tue warrant"
name of Wesley Hess, bounded on the west uy
the above described tract, on the north by una
of Jamen Hess, oa the east by Kobert Montgom
ery and others, and on the south by lanusoi
David Uolder, containing
strict measure. AIVSO: Another timber lot on
West Creelc Kails, m Jcksoo township, rnJ
a enod mill seat, bounded on the south W J1,?,
late ofl'hlllp Krlekbaura.on the west by "
same, nn the north by laud of Jesse I''10"8.?.",
on the east by land of Elijah I'cterraau.coniaia
Ing roUU AUHKH, strict measure. .,
Coles Creelc, Nov. II, 1870-31, Ewcutor,
In nursuanceof authority lu the will. th. un
1IEH Slth, 17I, at 4 o'clock I M., lue i"
described real estate, lo wit I u
situate In Orange township, county afo'esalJ,
bouuded by lauds of Jeremiah """X"0,
Ueoruo lleckman and Joslah Itloo oajtae f
on the south by McCure Draku and ol"" JJ
the west by lands late l'eter Mellck's estate,
ou tho uorth by lauds of Wary Hlckcls,
lualuder to be paid on the 1st day of April f
1S7A Interest uu all the unpaid purchase wo""
it u lu the pre.-ulkos, uuu .--.
from April 1st, 1B7I. rossesslon givon '",.'.';ur
the purchaser .hall Kivo approved security w
the wholo ef the purchaser money,
ALKO, will expose to publlosala nn the P",
Ises, ou same day, promptly atlOo clout a.
ultimta In
Scott township, aald oostn ty, lW
si by lands ofUipt. Whipple, on
lands of Capt. Whipple u d u . j
. r. ti... ..,. l,v ('reveling Ay.m
uu mu west ujr mu y v
norm by lands oi uapi. t -r -j.-Orevellng.on
Iho eajtW C'reveluu "
on tlio soutu uy luonunu
"sSrmS !& known nn the ay of sale.
KVI IllllliAlI. ...,,ncn.
iiotii'Tv-au ,i:M
more or less, . ...
TUM9 or Halk. Ten per cent, of the PurJSJS
money to be paid at the striking down of ne
property, one-'half of the remainder less the
per cent.' to be paid ou the 1st day of Apr 4- J,
1871. The wido w's dower (being onc-tnlrd of 'u"