The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 04, 1870, Image 4
m THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUIiG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A3MMIAL & DOMESTIC. An Overworked rai-iiier'y tt'ltc. There comes from Colnmbia county. Oregon, th following, which seems to bo so triittilnta setting forth of the condition of many ft fanner's wire that we give It place, nut only In the hope It tu ' cull out tome help .or the writer, but at. o uuv unthinking "ineu folks" may see how 'ally Woof a hard-worked woman rend In 1. int, The writer says I "There tsannrtlclo In Iho April No. of your npcr by Mrs. II. M. K., Co lumbln county, Pa., In which sho tulU how tho house nud bIiouUI bo dono, and I must say her plan is n very ijood 011115 but will eho or imy oue tell mo how to havo things ro on HUibothly; keep ono'd hoU, children, dairy, in good order whero there are not two wo into to do tho work, and whero hired Hp expect largo wages and llttlo work? Where the churning la not done by,nmchlnery and thcro aro no children largo enough to bo of any aervlce, but where all tho houso and dairy-work, Skimming milk, churning and working butter, WAHhing mil U pans, houso-clcunlng, washing, Ironing, dlah-waslilng, making, mcudlng, ba king, etc., (to say nothing of threo llt tlo ones and threo men with au occa sional hired man to wait upon), must bo done by ouo pair ,of weary hand, and one weary hoart must bear nil tho complaints when it la not all done? I say If any one can tell mo how all this can bo dono by ono woman, and sho in very poor health I shall bo glad to hear from him or her. But If It cannot bo dono (and I am inclined to think it can not, for I havo tried for tho lost three years), then pleaso tell what vart to leavo undone, for I cannot decide. If I neglect myself, I am Ilnblo to bo con. sldercd slovenly ; if I neglect my chil dren, I am thought an unfeeling moth er and that tho children aro taught slovenly habits ; if I neglect tho but tons on tho men folks' clothes, they nro euro to break ono of the command ments; if I neglect tho washing or Ironing, there is a goueral hubbub when clean clothes nro wanted ; if I neglect tho houso-work I am called a poor housekeeper ; If I neglect tho dairy work I cannot get tho extra price for my butter that I am accustomed to (and I tell you, it is very flattering to receive ilvo cents nbovo tho common market prico for your butter); or, if I havo visitors, which shall I neglect my work or my company? If tired naturo elves way (as is the caso pretty often of late), and I am obliged to give up for a tlmo, how nui I ever to over' take my work again ? Now if anyone will tell 1110 jilt thi-ie things, I shall be very thankful." rood for ttic Fat. HalCa Journal of Health say s not long ago a gentleman of threescore, who had s .'cely beon sick In his life, thought no was too fleshy, and began to Bnuta mlze. Ho succeeded famously, and boosted to his friends that ho hud got rid of ten pounds In n few weeks. A little later ho was attacked with a pain ful and dangerous malady, from which ho has been suffering for moro than a year. If a man can sleep soundly, has a good appotlto, with no unpleasant re minders after meals, tho bodily habits being regular every day, ho had bettor let himself alone, whethor ho is as big as a hogshead or as thin and dry as a fenco rall.( Several' cases of Bright's diseaso have been reported by medical men of reputation as a direct result of practic ing Bantam's plan forgetting lean. Tho very beat and safest way to got rid of fat'ls'to work it off.'. This may bo aided by .eating food which contains a large amount of nitrogen and a small amount of carbon. 'Nitrogenous food is that which gives strength power to work, as lean meats. Carbonaceous foods aro thoso which mako fat, such as cheeso, potatoes, rice, corn, beans, peas, tapio ca, arrow root, corn Btarch,mllk, sugar, syrup, nnd all oily and fat food. Baw fruits and berries largely eaten aregrcat nlds to reducing weight. But after all, the great rellanco should bo on exercise and work In tho open air. Barclay, tho great English pedestrian, who per formed greater feats than Weston, lost ten pounds In two or threo days walk ing, and was never tho worse for It. Our Kccclnt for Curing Meat. To ono gallon of water, Takeli lbs. of salt, J lib. of sugar, J oz. of saltpeter. i oz. of potash. In this ratio tho picklo to bo increased . to any quantity desired. Lot these bo boiled together until all tho dirt from the sugar rises to tho top nd is skim- mpd oT. Then throw it Into a tub to cool, and when cold, pour it over your bee or pork, to remain tho usual time, say four or five weeks. Tho meat must bo well covered with picklo. and should not bo put down for at least two days after killing, during , which tlmo It should bo slightly sprlnlijed with pow dered saltpeter, which removes all Urn surfaco blood, &c, leaving tho meat fresh and clean. Somo omit boiling tho pickle, and find It to answer well; though the operation of boiling purl flea tho pickle by throwing off the dirt u. ..rays to be found In salt and sugar. If this receipt la properly tried it will never ho abandoned. Thero is none that surpaa-j It, if so good. dermantown Tdtgraph. Wo havo often tested this receipt nu round it superior to all others. En Columbian. Plant Everobeknb. It Is not too lato in mo season to set out a few ever greens, if they can bo conveniently procured. Tlio great demand of thelast year or two lias nearly exhausted tho iock in inn nurseries, arm good trees ro now rather hard to And. Twenty dollars exnendod in ornamental trres. combined with a moderate amount of tasto In their arrangement, will add hundreds of dollars to the value of a Harm or a village residence. Those who h ave tried it will tell you that this Is mwr experience. Mxcftanre. Evergreens' may bo transplanted at ny time. Good trees need not bo hard to And for our mountains contain un bundance of them. Tho Hemlock la ono of tho prettiest overgreens that grows, and is exceedingly patient of bo Ing 'pruned, or cut, to particular shapo. Mariy of our moun'talu pines aro fully 8 handsome as tho foreign varieties to bo obtained at Nurseries. DimiNO an uxawinatloii a medical Mtudent being asked tho question, "When does mortification set in f" re siled, 11 When you pop the question and utaDiwtred'Ne.'" THE YOUE' FOLKS. Too Hiiro and ttic Hedgehog. X ThU tale, my young readers, will feem to you to be quite falso; but still It mutt bo true, for my Grandfather, who used to tell It to me, would wind up by saying, "All this Is true, ny son, elso It would never havo boon told to me." The tnlo runs thus: It wns a lino summer's morning, Just beforoharvost-tlme; tho buckwheat was In flower, and tho Min wns shining brightly In tho hoaven abovo j a brcezo was blowing over tho fields, whero tho larks were singing ; and along tho paths tho people were going to church dressed In their best. Every creaturo seemed contented, oven tho Hedgehog, who stood before his door singing its hu best could a Joyful soug in pralao of tho fine morning. Iu-doors, meanwhile, his Wlfo was washing nnd drying the kitchen, beforo going Into tho fluids for a walk to sou how tho crops wero get ting on. Sho was such a long while, however, nbout her work, that Mr. Hedgehog would wait no longer, and trotted off by himself. Ho had not walkod any very long dlstanco before ho camo to it small thicket, near a field of cabbages, and there ho espied a Hore, who ho guessed had como on a similar errand to himself ; namely, to devour a fow flno heads. As soon as Mr. Hedge hog saw tho Hare, he wished him a good morning; but tho latter, who was in his way a high-minded creature, turned a very flerco and haughty look upon tho Hedgehog, and mado no reply to his greeting. Ho asked, instead, In a very majestic tone, how lie camo to bo walking abroad at such an early hour, "I nm taking- a walk,'' replied tho Hedgehog. "A walk I" repeated the Hare, In an Ironical tone, "methlnks you might employ your legs nbout something better 1" This answer vexed tho Hedgehog most dreadfully, for ho could havo borne anything better than to ho quizzed about his legs, because they woro nat urally short, and from no fault of his own. However, he said to tho naro, "Well, you need not be so proud ; pray 'what can' with thoso legs of yours?" "That Is my affair," replied tho Hare. "I expect, if you would ven ture n trial, that I should beat you in a race," said tho Hedgehog. "You aro laughing 1 you, with your short legs 1" said tho Hare, contemp tuously. "But still, slnco you have such a particular wish, I havo no objec tion tq try. What shall tho wager be ?" "A gold louls d'or and a bottle of brandy," replied tho Hedgehog. "Done!" said tho Hare, "and It may us well como off at once." "No! not in such great haste if you pleaso," said tho nodgehog ; "I am not qulto ready yet; I must first go homo and freshen "Up" a bit. Within half-an- hourl will return to this place;" Thereupon the Hedgehog, leaving tho haro very merry; On his way home", the.former thought to hlm- solf, "3Ir. Haro is vory haughty nnd high-minded, but withal lie1 Is very stu pid.; and although ho thinks to beat mo with his long legs, I will And away to defeat him." SbassbouasthoIIcdge hoc reached iiome. he told his Wlfo to 'dress herself at once to go into the field with him. "What is tho matter?" asked his Wife. "I havo mado a wager with tho Hare, for a louis d'or and a bottlo ol braudy, to run it race with him, and you must bo witness." "My goodness, manl nro you in your sense-j ?" said tho Wife ; "do you know what you aro about. Howcaayou ex pect to run so fast as tho Haro?" "Hold your tongue, "Wife 1 that is my affair. Don't'you reason about men's Duslness, March,. and get. ready to come .with me." As soon then as'tho'HedgehQg'.ii Wife .was ready thoy set out togetllor ("rind on the way ho said, "NpW attend to what I say. On tho long field yonder, wo shall decldo our bet. Tho Hard is to 'run on the ono sldo 'of tho licdgo and I on tho other, and bo all you hive to do is to stop at ono end of tho hedge, and then when tho Haro arrives on tho oth er side at tho samo point, you must call out, 'I am here already.' " Thoy soon came to tho fields, and tho Hedgehog stationed himself at ono end of tho hedge, and his Wife at tho other end; and a? soon as they had taken their places tho naro arrived. "Aro you ready to start ?" asked tho Hare. "Yes, answered tho Hedgehog, and each took his place. "Off once, off twice, three times and off!" cried tho Haro, and ran up the field like a whirlwind ; whllotho Hedgehog only took threo steps and then returned to his place. Tho Haro soon arrived at his goal, as ho ran all tho way at top-speed : but be fore ho could reach It, tho Hedgehog's Wlfo on tho other side called out, "lam hero already 1" Tho Hare was thundor struck to hoar this said, for ho thought It was really his opponent, slnco thero was no diffcrenco In tho appearance of tholledgohogand his Wife. "This will not do 1" thought tho naro to himself; out presently ho called out, "Once, twlnftnhd niV'nv&ln tv- unrt numv hn .-. , .- - went as mbi as possiDie, leaving tne Hedgehog quietly sitting In her place'. "I am hero beforo you," cried Mr. Hedgehog,as soon as tho Hare approach' ed. "What! again?" oxclalmd tho Haro In a rago ; and added, "Will you daro another trial ?" "Oh I as many as you like; do not be afraid on my ac count," said Mr. Hedgehog, courteous. So tho Haro then ran backwards and forwards threo and-soventy times ; but each time the Hedgehogs had the ad. vantage of him, for either Mr. or Mrs shouted beforo ho could reach tho goal, "Hero I am already ! ' The four-and-se.veutleth time, tho Haro was unablo to run any moro. In tho middle of tho courso ho stopped and dropped down qulto exhausted, and there ho lay motionless for somo time, But tho Hedgehog took tho louis d'or nnd bottlo of brandy which ho hud won, and went composedly homo with his Wlfo, A servant girl who won employed to picklo her muater'd cabbage, took the opportunity to cabbage her master's plckels, Sho is the same woman who was happy and careless when sho wai young, und happy and halrlets when sho was old. "Foolb caught with lighted cigars In their mouths will bo shot, 11 lian In scription frequently seen on sign-boards around wells and works In tho oil re gions. Patent Modicines. rn ir E KIDNEYS. The Kidneys are two In numbor, situated at tho upper purl of tho loin, surrounded by fat, and consisting of three parts, vl v the Anterior, tho Interior, and the Exterior. Tho Anterior absorbs, Interior consists of tis sues or veins, which nerve as a deposit for the urine and couyey It to the exterior. The exter ior Is n conductor alio, terminating In a single litbo, nnd called .tho Ureter. Tho. ureters are connected with the bladder. Tbotoladdef Is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided Into parts, vlx.l the Upper the Lower, tbo Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper cxpeM.tlie lower retains. Many have a deslro to urinate without tho ability; others urinate without the ability to retain. This fre quently occurs In children. To cure thee affections, we must bring Into action the muscles, which are engaged In their various fuuctlons. If they nro neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. Tho render must also be made aware, that however slight may bo the attack, It is snro to nirc-ct thobodlty health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood aro supported from these sources, Gout, on UrtKUMATisM. rain occurring In the loins Is Indicative of the above 'diseases. They occur In persons disposed to acid stomach and chalky conTellons, The OnAVEL. The gravel ensues from neg lect or Improper treatment of the kidneys Theso organs being weak, tho water Is not ex pelled from tho bladder, but allowod to remain : It becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It Is from this deposit that the stone Is formed, and gravel ensues. Dropsy is n collection of water In somo parts of the body and bears different, names, accord ing to the parts affected, viz.: when generally diffused over tho body, It Is called Anasarca when of tho abdomen, Asoltes; when of tin chest, Itydrothorax. Treatment. Ilclmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu Is docidedly one of tho best remedies for diseases of tho bladder kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, and gouty affections. Under this head wo havo arranged Dysurla, or difficulty and pain In passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent dlicbartfes of wnter; Strangury, or stopping of water; Homaturh., or bloody nrlne; Gout and lthcumatlsm or tho kidneys, without any change in quantity, but increaso In color.or dark water. It was always highly rocommend ed by the late Dr. Pbyslck, In these affections. This raedlclno increases the power of diges tion, and excites the absorbents into healthy exercise by which tho watery or calcareous dep ositions, and all unnatural enlargements, well as pain and Inflammation aro reduced, an :d, and' h. D(- It Is taken by men, women, and .children rectlons for use and diet accompany, PniLADELrniA, Pa., Feb. 25, 1S87, II. T. Helmuold, Druggist; Dear Sir I have been n sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid ney affections, during which time I havo used various medicinal pieparatlons, and bee under the treatment of the most eminent Physicians experiencing but little relief. Having 'seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my family physi cian In regard to using your Extract Buchu, I did this because I had used all kinds of ad vertised remedies, and had found them worth less, and, some quite Injurious ; In fact, I despair ed of ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of the In gredients. It was thla that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that It' was composed of buchu, enhebs, and Juniper berno it occurred to xno ana my pnyaician as an oxcei, lent combination, and, with his advice, after an examination of thearllcle, and consulting again with" the druggist, I concluded to try H. I com menced its use nbont eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From the first bottle 1 was astonished find gratified at the ben eficial effect, and after using it three weeks, was able to walkout, I felt much like writing yon a full statement ol my case at that time, but thought my improvement might only be tern porary, and therefore concluded to defer and see If It would effect a perfect cure, knowing then It would bo of greater value to you and more sat isfactory to me. I am now able to report that a cure Is effected after nslng the remedy for five months. I have not used any now for three months, and feel as well In all respects aa I ever did. Your Buchu being devotd of uny unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonlo and lnvlgorator of the system, I do not mean to be without It when- ever occasion may require Its use In such affec tions. m. Mccormick, Should any doubt Mr. McCormlck's statement, he refers to the following gentlemons Hon. vanla. Wis. BiOLsn, ex-Governor, Fenntyl IIon.Tuoa.'B. Fixjbehoc, Philadelphia: - v -11. i , ' - Hon. J. O. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon, D, R. Pobtkb, ex-Governor, rennsyl vanla. Hon. Ellis Lewis, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon, It. C. amis, Judge, United States Court, Hon, O. W, Woodwabs, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon. W.A. Portih, City Solicitor, rhlladel phla. Hon John Biolxb, ex-Governor, California. Hon. E. Banks Auditor General, Washing ton, D. 0. And many others. If necessary. Bold by DiusicUU and Dealers everywhere. Beware of counterfeit. Aalc for Jlelmbold'a Tako no other. Pf.icictl.25 per bottle, or 0 bot Uei for 10.60. Delivered to any address. De hor 1 be symptoms In all communications. Address II. T. UELMBOLD, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, D.xadway, N. V. NONE ARE GENUINE uNuaaa done up in STEEL -ENGRAVED WRAPPER, vlth fae-s!mll of ray Gnomical Warebonse, and signed U. T, II ELM BOLD. Iirro-D j Rail Roads. THIIOUGH I'ASSENGEH OAK to amd most riltLADKM'llIA AND WILUAMsrOHT VIA. TDK HUlart VAttET RAIL ROAD, On And After Mnndav. October fid. 1R70. a through pawseuger coach will run between i'lill ndolpula and alt points on tbo Catawlssa lull Ilnad via. QusRake Junction. No change of cars between Wllllamsport nnd Philadelphia. Tftve for At rive from l'hllau'a & New York, rhllad'a & Now York, 1-.31. Mi 8.11 Wllltsmsport Muncy. Milton. Danville, llup'tt. Catawlssa. Mauch Chunk Catasaqua. Allentown lleihlehem llaMon I'lilladolphla New York fi.50 IS.2S 4.41 4.1X1 3.40 U..T1 1.20 US U.1H 12.13 ll.3i 0.1) V.0J 10.10 iruii 10.43 1.40 i31 2.ST a. 17 Arr. i.0S I.V. r.u. A.M. Dnn't full tn uk for vnur tlrkets vta. Lhe Le high Valley Douule Track limit e for l'liiladel- puia, new xont nou nil puiuis in me i.eiitgu Valley. Unperlor ficlght accommodations aro oirered by this old ami short lino route Iroui rhlladel pulaand New Yolk to all stations on Calawisaa llnll Koiul and fonnecttons. This Is tho only iloublo track route between New York and Qtmkako Junction, tuid therefore Istho most reliuiile lor bolh freight nil Pas sengers. II. H ANLKi" UUODWIN. Asst. Oen'I. bupt. Bethlehem, Oct. 21, ISTO-ly DULAWAUU, LACKAWANNA, A WliHTEHN ItAlI.lUIAD.-HnipmerHrraiit'c- ineut, April 11,18.0, Trains leave as louowsi KASTWARD. WESTWARD. Fx- Ac Ac- Ex- Mail STATIONS. ual press com. com, press r.M. Via M, K. 1MVM.IA M. Arl New York. ILvi - 4.(5 hol ttarclay HI.) 8.00 ....ChrMiipher -t. 8.00 ...IlubiiUen 8.15 -...Newark 8.10 Wa-shlngtoii U.v 4.1) 4.10 1,01 via ucn. Hi;, of N.J. ,isew ork, 1100 S.40 (toot Morrtu .SY) ....Now lliiliilton.M Oxford I'.OO B.IX) 7.40 5.48 9.50 8.45 5.30 6.3.1 e.2S A.1I 1.21 12.17 12.37 11.15 7.-31 7.30 11,4.1; ..lirtdgevllle 8.00 A.40 3.VI 1.30 12.110 .Philadelphia llauelnnla -Trenton....... 7.30 1 8.45 8.30 4,42 7.05 lqilllltwbnrE. 11.05 Aiaoimutt unuiiK.... ...... -,Dolaware 12.00 12,15 8.05 12.2' 8.20 8.30 8 43 8.55 I2.0S ....aiouut uetnei... Water Unp 12.25 12.40 12.55 ! K IV 12.52 lAlllUttl Htrouusburi5.... 11.21 11.181 11.021 10.4(11 10.27 Hpraguovtiie.. 1.IO, 1.15 lienryville UllKiaUU torks ....Tobyhaiina ....Gouiddboro Moscow 1.30 .28 1.40 n.u 2.IK1 U.5S 2.l'10.0!l 10.11 U.fiOi 8.40 2.3111 10.2!), ... -....Dunning 2.48 3.20 3.40 3.48 10.3S P.M. 0.10 8.30 ncrauiou , Clark's Summit. Ablnctou....M O.OOi .I3 8.30 9.10 B.2i 9.50 11.21 K.1I 7.521 7-371 7.15 8.54 0.S11 L.FactoryvilIo...... 4.01 0.33 ...riicuoiNonH HHonbottomH 4.20 4.10 4.571 6.15' 5.30 0.5 10.30 10.12 10.30 1.00 H....Montrose....H ...-New Mllforu 12.00 1 2.35 10.17 .-ureal uenu 11.02 l.l n A.M. I'.H. A.M. A.M. Trains do not ston nl Stations where the Time Is omitted. Connections. At New Hampton with Central R. It. of N.J. The Mall and Express trains eastward and west ward connect with trains lor New York, Eliza beth, Hlalntleld, Somerville and other stations. At Washington with Morris A Essex R. R. Mall nnd Express trains make close nnd rellablo connections with trains for New York, Newark, jioirisiown, Dover, wnienoo, iiacaettstown sc. At Manunka Chunk with Bclvldero Delaware R. It. Close connections aroinatlo by Mall nnd hxpress trains, with trains for Philadelphia, Trenton, Phllllpsburg, Bolvldere, d.c. By Train No. 2, passengers reach Philadelphia via Cam den, by No. 4. via Kensington. Passengers on No. 4, arrive In Philadelphia In time to tuko tho 1L30 p. ni, train for Baltimore and Washington, At Scranton with Lackawanna Bloomsburg & Delaware & Hudson Itall Roads. Trains on these roads connect with our trains for Plttston, Wllkcs-Barre, Berwick, Bloomsburg, Danville, Oly pliant, Archbald ami Carbondale. At Blnghamton wltn Erie Railway. Mall No. 1 connects with Express Mall on Erie, Hallway, 'leaving at 8.42 p. m. with a sleeping coach at tached, arriving at Buffalo at -6.20 next morning. Express No. 3 connects with a way truln for Owcgo, Ithaca, and Elmlra. Albany a Susquehanna ItallRoad. Fourtralns a day run each way between Blnghamton and Albany. One leaves Blnghnratou at 2.30p.m., and arrives at Al bany at l).ix) p. m. Syracuse, Blnghamton t N. Y. R. It. Trains for Syracuse leuve at 7 u. m. and ti.5 p. in. Trains from Syracuse arrive at 11.4D u. m. and 8.30 p. m. it. a, jicmti. iv.r. iutLi.aiiutii. Gen'l Puss, und Tkt. Agent. HupU Q ATAWISSA IlAILtUOAD. ls;o. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1S7, Passenger Trains on this road will run as fol lows; Mail Sovth. Dep. 8.15 a,vu STATIONS. Wtlllamsport.- Muncy. Milton. Hail North ArriOp. ra. Dep. 5.28 " ' 4.10 " " 4.00 " " 3.40 " " 312 " " 2.25 " " 1.50 ' ' 1.40 " " 1.S0 " 1.10 -' 10.10 a.m " 11.30 " 0.4J 9.30 " 10.10 " 10.30 ' 10.42 ' 11.47 " 12, Danville. ' Rupert.' " CatawlHsa. " RLngtowu. " Summit. " Ouakuke. " 12.48 2,15 4.25 3.15 4 E. Mahouy Juuc. " 'Dlne.Tuniaqua. Dine. ' Reading. ' " P.itiBVllIe. " ' Philadelphia. " "dlno MhiicIi Cuunk. dine" " Bethloheiu, ' " Thlla. via llethlehem, " IZoslon, " Now York, ft. Liberty St., ' via I & s. It. R. Arr, 6.15 l.i) 2L55 505 3.20 2.U0 p.m. 12.10 " 9.55 a.m. 11.15 ' 9.00 " 0.50 ' C05 0.05 L. Valley u. It. (V58 U.U1. Boston, 9.00 p. in Passemrers taklr a too 8.15 train from William. sport, will have two hours In New York, lor sup per, uuu urrivu in uoiiu t o.ov eleven Liour- In advance of ul oilier routes. New dav coaches itccuiuDanv all trains be tween Wllllniusporl, I-ew ork aud Pbtudel- puut. iruiua luu tuiougu uy uuviiuut. geo WEnn.snpt. LACKAWANNA HUItU RA.LItOAI) AND BLOOM On andvflr Jul) 5, IM0, Passenger Trains will run us lonuws; uoingisortu. Qolng South Arrive Arrive Letive Lenve n. in. a. m. p. in. n. in 12.20 3.30 7.20 Leave 11.42 3.50 7.1S 11.10 4.15 8.12 l(l.;.r 4.30 8.21 9.10 5.17 9.02 8.30 5.45 9.32 11.21 0.18 10.07 7.13 0.55 111.45 Leave Arrive Arrive C.40 7.25 11.20 Scranton b.40 Plttston. 8.14 Kingston .......... 7.4a Plvmouth 7.30 Shlckshlnny.... 6.52 nerwicK o.uj IllOOm ... 5.28 Danville 4.50 Leave North'd 4.1J Connection made utScrautou by the 10.40 a.m. train for Great Bend, Bluuhsmtou, Albuuyaud au poiuu. ortu. i-ust uuu . N ORTIIEttN CENTRAL KAIL- WAV. On aud after Juno i:tU IS70, TraluB will leave Sunbuky an follows t NOKTIIWARD. 5,5 a.m., Dally to WlUlumspoit, for Kl intra cauanaaigua, uocnt-bicr, uuunio, ouspcusiun uriune, auaiN, r uns. 3.40 p. h., Dullyexcept Huud ays) for Klmira bug imnaio via trio j tun way irom ruiuiriu 6.15 i. m( Dally, (except Buudaya) for William ' Tit A INS SOUTH WAR D 11.15 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Ualtliuoit WILMINGTON AND PHILADELriUA 11.25 P.M. Dally(excpptSunday's)forDuUlmort . UD. .irOUNU. f General I'&Aenger Auent. Alkuei) It. Fuss, Ueu'l Hupt., "DEADINQ RAILROAD. FALL ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Beit. 5th, 1870, Great Trunk Line from the North and North West for 1'blladelphla.New York. Iteauluc. Potts- vllle, Tamauua, Ashland, Hlmiuokln Lebanon Auentown, iuution, tpurata, iuiz, LancaKtei Columbia, do.. Trains leave Harrlsburg for New York as Joi lows: At 6A. M.1U and 8XU a, m., a no 2.30 p. in., couiiectlng with similar trulus oi. Peuna. Railroad, and arriving al New Ynrlt at 12.10. noon. 3.00. and 10.UU n. m. rexpccllvfli. Bleeping cars accompany the 6,35 a in, trains wttboul ohantEe Returning i Leave New York at 9,00 a.m. anu iz.uu noon anu o.w p. in. rmiaueipmn ai mi a m. and 3.30 o.m. Hleeolne curs accompany tbo 6,00 p.m., tralua iroui N V without change. Leave llarrlsbura lor Reading, PutlsvlLc i in aqua, Mluernvllle. Ashland, bhamokln Al lenlowu and Phlla'u.ut ,1U u. m und 'iJ and p.m., slopping ui MuanoD ana principal way niuuii: uiu t,ivuiu. wum conueciiug ior nun PoLlsvllle and iolumblu. ftulv. Fur l'oiuvlll Hchuylklll Haven and Auburn, via HcbuylktJl andtiusqaebonua itutlroud, leavo IlurrUlmrkc hi s,4u p.m. lubt Pennsrl vun'a Railroad trains leave 1mui. Iuk for Allentown, Huston and New York at 71 ip.iS u. in., and i 45 p. in. Keturulug, leuve iXVVI lUlliBk V.W U. JUM uuuu uuu Jt III HUM AUOUWWH Mil I itAt U. 111. ihl UUOU.1..U HIM B.45 n. m. Whv Possencer Truln leaves Phlladelnnia &l, cuimuctlug with blmllar train on Eusi ru. ruurouii reiuruing irum ueauiuguiouii Mtanuluir al all uLulli-mu. Leave Pottsvllle ut M'uud 8.00 u.m.ud 2,00 y.ui iter uuuu is v.w u, ui,t DUUU1UK.IU ui Q,tuunu J J.I h. in.. Ashland at 7,05 u.m. und 12,30 noun Mali' unoy City ul 71 a, ni. and 1.17 p. m. Turn aqua ul K.aj a. m anu u,jo p. in.ior puuuueipUM n New Yorif. Leuve Pottsvllle via Hchuylklll and Husqut uauiiu ttaurimu ut u.m, ior iiurriNOurtt mq Reading AocominoUuUuu Truln leuves PuttiS1 vi no uto.'iu a. in., nusstis iieuuinu ai a m., ai rtvlDK at Philadelphia ul 10.2) u. m. Returnluu leuvbs Philadelphia ut 5,16 p. m passing Ueud wic ai a.uup.m., arriving at t'oiuvuie ul v.w p.m roiuiowa Accomiuuuuuou 'iruiu:ieuveii I'oiw wwii ai vo u.m... returning, leaves rmiuueipm at 4.00 u.m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading ul jjm a.Ui., ana o-io p.m. ior jpuruia, uux, iajicaa Perkluuen Rail Road Trains leuve 1'erSJom Junction at 7.10 H.ij3 a. iti.. H.iMi a reluti lUS: ifHVtt DCllWCUKHVllie uid.ou, p.iu u,m., noun tl 4.40! wliu similar iruin. n ittauiug luuiruuu. Aif nrtMituBiu i.uiiroiui iruinn iuivbi uluujw at V.40 a. iu and O.W p. u..t 1 1 urn lug ltnye Mount Rail Rondo. r. r " : rieavuitat 7.0Oand II. 21 a. m connecting wlln t'noster Vnllry llallroad Tinlus leavo lltldge port at 8,00b. m, nnd tt.(u nnd s.Ulp. in. returning, leave Duwnlugton in II.V0 a. m 12.45 noon and MS ). in,, connecting with similar trains on llua.fii,w ir,,Hr...l. On Sundays, leave New otk ntS,00).ln.,l'nll phlaat 8,00 a.m. nnd 3,15 p.m., (the 8,00 a.m. troll, running only loUedlng;)leaverottsvlUo8,OOo.m.; ltarrlsburK at 6.M a. in. and 4.10 p. ni. and leave Allentown at 7.2a a, in. nud 8.15 1. in., and Heading nt 7.15 n. in, anil 10.05 p. m, for Harris burg, at 7.23a. in. for New York, at 1.45 p. in. for Allentown, anil nt 11.10 a. in. and 4.23 p. m o Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School no Excursion Tlckita to and from all points, at re duced rates. llnggnge checked through; 100 pounds nlloweo echp.,uger. . A. MICOIM, General Superintendent llesdlng. Pa . Pent. IS ls70 Drugs and Chemicals. IMISMI an. onn vvn.i. urc paid ro A.Vt 1'iilim IN ri-inliii-tM7 a Prpn.ritlfin fchnwlni; lialf as many living genulue pormanentcures wDn. Fiti.kk.s V EUr.TA II J. K Al IV HHIl l))l , nu ruiu title nre.erlntlDiinf Prof. JOS. P. Kl I I, f It. M l.. one of Phlludeliihla's oldest regular PnvNiclans. wuo Iiasmaiio itieumaiism a specialty ji yeiim, permanently curing with this Iteinely 05 In nvi.t-1- lull natlents 1 reated 1 sit warriillted under oath, from Keelstered cases, a result nnpnrallel- etl. lllsn pleiisint iuenicine, nee iroui injor Inus Urus (nworii vouchers from Heuowneo Prnmltient lhvHlclans IndomliiQ- Dr. Killer ao mmrani' mhpIi hnttlnv. To nroteet suirerers from TlHK,niegai guarantee nuiiniK immiwriu mnnei. warranted In Cure will bo forwarded without rliHrue toauv person sending by letter n full, trntliful tlescrlplloti of oaio In ease of ralturo tn run., the amount Imld will be rertl tided. Price 91.6) nor imttle; 0 bottles $J.50. Medical advice sent bv letter cratl. Address Dlt. KITLEIl, OllVn tin. !1U Month FOlI.tTIl Street. PlliUdcl- iihlii, or No. 701 11UOADWAY.N, Y. Hold or obtained by druggists. septa in iy. H OW TO CUKE CONSUMPTION. Til PHILOSOPHY OF Dlt. SCHEKCIC'S GItKAT MEDICINES. Will neonlo novcr learn to know thatndlsensed liver and stomach nec esnnrlly disease tho cutlro system? Tho plainest Principles of common senso teach this, and yet mere are iiunurctis who riiucuie i no lues, nnu contlnuo In tho courso which almost Inevitably urings ineni prematurely in mo K"ive. giving ns ino ma oruv or neonie no. ntromn eie vnri. mice, with tbo laws of nature, It must bo nnpar I'Ul IU Mil Mil. I, .UDIITI W, .1.1,, Will IU- veuge uerscii. iieneo we unu vuui, persous woo ltlduisi) to excess in mo tiso oi very ricu or mill' estlble lood or Intoxicating drinks, invariant. uv a lienvv nenaltv In the end. Tho stomoc becomes disordered nnd refuses to act: tho liver lulls to peilormlts functions, dyspepsia nnd Its attendant evils follow, and still tho suffering In dividuals persist in Clinging to uininimiiicniy ox. fclnes are recommended to all such. The b-luc onxieu ltieas oi ino nasi, ur, a iueu sure and certain renei wnerever nicy nroimetl as direitcd, nnd ail that is necessary to establish their renutallnn wltli overt- alllniz man or wo man In the laud Is a fair nnd Impartial trial of tliem. Let those wno areskcoticai on tins point, and who have permitted interested persons to prejuiuco tnein nguinst men now eeieuraieu remedies lor ronsumntton. discard their nrelu- dices, and be governed by the principles of rea son and common sense. If the svstem Is disor dered depend upon It, in nine cases out often the seat of the Usorder will bo found In the stomach nnd liver. To cleanse nnd lnvlgornte the stoinacn and to stimulate tue uvor to ueuituy uctlon. use bCU fin. UK'S .MANDRAKE I'lLuS. ino uauy Increasing demand for these pills Is tho best ev dencuaf their value. Thousands unou thousand of boxes are sold dully. Why? Simply because they act promptly and efficiently. 1 uvulids who may not nud it convenient to call on Doctor SCHENCIv in person are Informed that full and complete directions for use accompany each naekaire of tho liui.iui.Aiici J ll.i.o, reiiJiu.iai ainui AND SEAWEED TONIC Thco medicines will euro consumption unless the lungs are so far gono that the patient Is entirely beyond the reajh of medical relief. It may be asked by thoso who are not familiar with the virtues of thehO trreat remedies. "How do lir. f-CHENCK'S medicines effect their won. dprfnl cures of ennRtiuintlnn 1" The unswer Is n simple one, Tiiey Degm tneir work of restoration by bringing tiro stomach ivfir nnd bnwtU Ititn nn nctlvn hcnlthv condl' tlon. Itlt food 1 hat euros thm forinidablo dU- ease. HUIIKNUK'H MANDUAKu 1' net on the liver nnd atoiunch, prnmilnc secretion, and removing tho bilbaml Hllme which have result ed lroin tho inactive or torpid condition of these organs, mid of the Hystein generally. This slug gish Mute of the bodytnuit tho connequent ac cumulation of tho unhealthy substances named in event the proper digestion of lood, aud. as n uiuriu consequence, creates tiieusu, wiucu re sults lil proKtiiillimund finally In death. HCJIKNCK'H PI LMUNI HItUP mid HKA- with tbo food, aid tho digestive organs, malte Koodilcli Ulood.and ns a natural consequence, Blv und strength to the patient. Let the Wl,'!.'!! H'llMIn ...t..... t-l-nn 1,r i,i1ti,.ln lucui v Hav wnriL lLinav. l na is n o oniv iru cure for coohumntion. Ksperleucohas proved It ueyouu mo hnaaow or a uouui,iinu inousnaas uro tn-dnv allvo nnd well who a few years since were reyariieu us uuneipss catos, out wuo were liuiureu to try ur. touiiriuii n remeuies, anu ere resioreu in nermaueiiL neuiin uit'iruso Ono uf tho first uterm tiio nhvhlciaa hhould lake with u consuinptlve patient lb to luvlgorato the sj fetem. Now how Is this to bo Certalnl not by ulvlun inedici--s that exhaust amleiier- vaiemetuciues inui impair liibieau ui uiipnive the funellotiH nf tlin tliwehtive ormiriri. Doctor HCilKiCK.,H inedlclneHCieaiii.0 thuatniuach anu oowr'iM of all hUbHiauces which ure ealcnlateu to irriiatu or weaken them, 1 hev create un uppo tite promo to healthful dieeHtlon inalte good uiouu, anu, as a cousequeucu, iney invigorate una Htreugtben tnoeuiiro system, ana inure uecliillv tho nnrLs which uro fllKeaxcd. If thl cannot bo done, then thucosemu&t bo regarded us ti hopeless one, ii ino puaiciun unas it, iiiipooHiuie t,u nuinou I'ATiKSTtKEL lumuKY. if the dlxeused person cannot puriuke of good nourishing food and pioperlv is Impossible that ho can train In llctth aud blreui'tht nnd It Is eauall v lin- tiuibiuie touring a patient tonus concunon ko ouir luu liver m uurumeu witn aiaeaseu one. and the stomach laden with unhealthy slime. auuoal tue urst reauest ninuc to ino nuybician br n consumiitlve Latlent is that he will nre- bcnue uieuiciuea mat wui remove or uuay me eouuh. nli'ht sweats and chills, which nro the sure attendants on consumption. Rut thla should not be done, ns the cough is only an clTort or naturo to relieve ltstf,and tho night sweats and chills are caused by tho dlnea-sed lungs. The remcuics oruinuruy prescnouu uo more uann than good. They impair the functions of the biomncu, impeue neuitny uigcsuon, anu &ggra Thero lit. ufier ull. nothlnt llko facts with which to substantiate n uosltluii. nud It Is uoon have taken UU medicine In accordance with hla uirtcnons nave nutouiy ueen cureuoi conaump- uun.uui.uuut tuu laci uiut tuese meuiciues uui with uonderlul power uinrn the digestive organs patients thus cuicd sptcdily gain llcsh. Cleans- iug iiiu yieiu ui uu iinpuriiiea. iney my w foundation for a bolld, substantial structure, 1 tea tori inr these orcans to health, thev create au appetite. The food Is nronerly uss 1 ml luted : the quantity of blood Is not only lncieased, but Is o ricii anu airomi nn u l u n o iucooi sucn condition of the sybtem ull disease must bo bun Ul led. Full directions nccomnanv enchnf the medi cines, so that it is not absolutely uocesbary that puiieuiH fauuum tee ur, oijiiruiv purbouuiiy, unlebsthey deslro to have their lungs examined, ror hub purpura no ttt ut um principal oiuce. no 15 North fcilxth Ut.. comer ol Coiumeice.l'hlhv delphla, every Halurday. from 0 A. il. until 1 1 i Advlco Is clven wlthnut rlmri?n. lmt for thoiough examination with the Resptrometcr the charge Is 15, 'Prico of the Pulmonic Syrup and Beaweed Tonlo each,-II. W per bottlo. or 57jO a half dozen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sale by all ui upgiaia. npr" JU-iJ Cn m r AntiioU vithoal Ul kuir ur Muitla tail with lot 11UU root had fltn li mortd. If ka in : i s m i : '"'.rv.:: VlUel sni r Aotnturft. Ktwtvr fuor. with tLLi mtcli. itil our Ul U) t1 Kdrutll su&u. Kii bUnn ' - -ihlf lUm ptrUottlftri, unj for eirenlif. oil, of ddrii m fctovt. s EVEN REASONS WHY Is tub Rut Lin i went in tub Would FOR HORSES, First. Ills composed of the most powerful imi i'nktuatino nouius unowu in cheui istrr, Heookd. Combined "1th the above H a Msni cijval Oil, made expressly for this Liniment aud mixed nv an entire!? new nroceu. Tin kd. The use of the jtowtrjul und penetrating ingredients Is to drive or force lu thU beautiful MkdicihalOil, which lubrlcate the joints and muscles, aud immediately throttles the disease, and compels It to loosen Its deathly, sickening and poisonous fanes, Fouhtji. This MvDiciifAL Oil Is ned for the samo reason that a good raechsnlo always use on id matte ma macmnery work wiui ease und precision. Ho In the same way the musclen nnd Joints of our animals tdiould be labrlcutMl if we wish to nuveuiomiruvei wiwi ranmuy Ana rae. F rnr, it Is very soothing in lis action, will not hum or blister the animal Ukomnnt of the rd hot" MnlineiiUof the day, Hixni. Not one drop of tincture cf cayenne or red pepper ran be fuaud In Us cotnouiltlnn i for we hold that no liniment run he ensrtive Whicn ourns una misters me animal until the musriea aio naraana anea aimosi to a crisp bievENTH, Kvry Imttle Is wauium tvd to el good sallsfactloa, or yodr money wilt be refund ed. This shown conclusively that the nronrlM. tors have full conndence In this preikuratlon and provfs lor the seventh time that O, K. H. H. Joi7 allow uuur Merchant ta rtalm off Tin. tureo J(ed iypptrartU HarUhorn, or other trtuh vn Vvt "ui 9k ur u. x,. rr. a, ior jiort9, ana (ua v tuttrt nutu ut mii uruumiut. 1). f J. ijAHKi a ('.. Hole I'ronrletnra. sepU70-ly 1 17a Washington Htrctt, New York. H CametrJnttUule, Hit Atob fct., 1'ror. Dllon, ZA W, I U HU St 'anolonMl, O., ui Pt. Gmot, tt CbarlotU, I U iN.Cfcrt tnik . Iuk Mtotdutilnc I OSS Clothing, &qi N J3W 8TQ0IC OF CLOTJIINQ. Fresh arrival of SUMMEIl 000D3. DAVID LOWENUEItU Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASIIIONA11LE CLOTHINO. his store on Main Street, two doors above tho American House Illoomsburg, Pa., whoro ho has Jnst received from New York and hlladelphla n full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHINO,. Including the most fashionable, durable, and handsome DKESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, UOCO, OUM.AND OIL-OLOT1I COATS AND PANTS, all sorts, and colors. Ho has also replen ished his already large stock of Al.Ii AND SHAWLS, HT1HPED, FiaUllF.D, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIBTS, CPA VATS, STOCKS, C0LLA113 ANDKEKCHIEl'S, (itXtVVJ), SUSPENDEllS, AND FANCY AHTICLES lie nas constantly un hand a largo nnd wcll-se' ected nssortmeut of CLOTHS AND VlisTINUS, which he Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of elothlug, on very short notice, nnd in the best manner. All his clothing is mode to wear, nd most uf It Is of home manufacture GOLD WATCHES AND JEW'JLHY, ol e Vory description, fine nnd cheap. His case ol welry Is not surpassed in thls.placo. Call and xamlno hlsgeneral assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELHY, AC. DAVID LOWENBEItO. Bakery and Confectionery. JOHN G. JACOUY'S BAKICHY ANT) CONFECTIONERY! BKRWICK, TKNN'A Tho ttndprblL'nrd vculd ifbmttfullv Inform the Cillztnit ot licrwlt-k. end vicinity, that he ins opentu u couieiiiouery hdu uaucry iu ODD FKLLOWS' HALL, Herwlck. Pa., whero ho Is nrenarfd to furnish Ull KII1U8 () LAIN AND FANCY CANDIKS, FRiiNou candirh; foreign and domkhtic fru1t8 oranokh; lemonh, raisins Ac, Ac, Ac, &.C. BY WllOLKSALE AND ItETAIL, Ainnii? Iho lUsSortment will ho found Cream Nuts, 1 liRlIhh w ulnulH, lVanuts, Almonds, Fll bcrtK. FitiM. Ainik-H. I'ocoa Nuts. JellleH of dlirer cut liimls, Mustnrd.Cnt5.up, l'ltlslcs, Chocolate, Cnuutd i'rutt of nil kinds. Com KUtrh, Kptf Ills- cnu, pouft trociicru, UAHicr t-rncarrs. uiieebe, nonn. wntniir mrer. Aiiieemcni I'nners. r-n vc lopes, FISH AND OYSTKIIS, And prrduco of nil kinds Fresh Dread nud nuesevcrv onv. jc pationnce is solicited. joiin a. jAconv. Berwick, Juno 17, lS70-tf r-v lk.T 1.1 TI SI m t ft XT T" T 7 yj i r u u i l u li jii it x Tno nnderslirnevl wonld respectfully announce 10 tno puuuo mat nu uos opeueu a FIIUST-CLABS CONFECTIONERY STORE, n tho hullrtlni' lutelv occiinied bv Fox A Webb wuere ue is prepaiouiu iuriusu hii juuui ui PLAIN & FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FORKION ft DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAIEiINS, AC, AC, AC. B V WnOLESALB OK RETAIL. in short, u full assoitment of au goods in his lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for tho Holidays. Particular attention Kiveu to H.IIKAD AND CAKES, of all kinds, lresh every day. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, 0 H I ST M AS 'TOYS, call Is solicited, and satisfaction will b guaranteed. Nov. 22. liSOTl ECKHART JACOBS. Books. ANKs lin UK ol the createst miercct tint lm norlnnce. Written Irom n. hluh moral und nhvst ologlcai standpoint, by nn eminent physician and medical professor. It shown how Katun Is woriiinc on nisKuoiie una unntrornus ueHiiins through our most sucied domestic nud social re lations. Pure-minded, but outspoken nnd nR Kressivo. tue author handicBthe delicate subjects irenieu ui iviinom giovcx, uutin hucu u iuhuuitik not to minlsterto a nrurient cnriosltv. TheJ'hvs- leal Jit generation oj the Jlacc, is a subject justly euiisuutf tue interest anu sympainy oi nu irue ulll COUtl Ibute to that end lust in iirooortlou tu it nas reauers. j ci'ciiinrseut iree, roiiiuiiuiiK h full description and synopnU of tho work with uuerai extracts. u, r. vi'.ft i, iuoiisiier, sei'tTti-tr 5 College Placo, W. Y AQEUTS Wintal for Twelve Years v WM Indians & Plains. lhe wild adventures nnd thriiliiia exiioriencea of (icon. P. Delden, whu, fired with a Uitt for n knowledifo of the red men. their titorts. tratti- tions, wunt great buffalo huntt, tie., left a home of luxury, houKiu uuu jonieu uio inuiaus, uecume u lamous wtrriort hunter, and ilnally chief of 10J lougeu, una new worn repiuie witu ntirrinR ru tit a Is of renl Indian Jife.iJarffitfii'ffU. hairbreadth escapes, umusiuj scent's, ac, on iiuieu paper, Miliitcd entravinci. ono of author in hunter'. diess, will bo eagerly bought for and read with nvldltv. llo wide lwuIcg nnd send eurlv for lllus. t rated sample pap, circular, terms nnd choice ueiu. .i, il nuiiUiYmj, i'uuiibuer. bepl6'70-tf. 4U0 Chestnut tat., Phlla, luUwrlptlon Loola puWlshKl. nnd lliemji!S eraltertm. HcatX forctrculiira. Tlicjnvlllcostyou UOtmni. anil tnnvhnnrir.i m V v.tHHAWill m jvu. febll'iO-ly. Washing Machines. J)OTY'S "VA8IIINP-3IACHINB, LATELY MUCH IMPROVED AND TIIK NEW UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Improved Willi Rowell'ii Ptttrnt Double Cog wheeN, and the Patent Ktop.nre now unquwi tlounlily far Buptrlor to any apparRtus for wash. In rlothcs ever Invrnlrd.nud will savo their cost twlee it year, by saying labor and clothes. The Editor of lliU P'W. who pnrchase.1 a Wa slier aud Wrlugf r, tUiis ustlflcs as to their valuej "Wahavo had In me In our family for soin time pust, onu of Holy's tnoilies Wusliets and Wringers, andare prepared to Iwur tcntluiony as to lis merits. It Is euipliatlially a labor-taitna luachlce and does Its worlc lu the most thorough maimer, l'or families who have large washes these machines would be luvuuahle.,r Colum. DiAN.Jau. 11, lt70. . 1'IHCES-A FAIIl OFFER. If lhe Klerchnnts In your place will not fiirnlsli, or semi lor the Machines, m iu! us tbo retail price, Wanher 114. Kulla Wrlnpiirlll inn) urn will .,. wurd either or both machines, fits of freight, to places where no one Is selling; and so sure are u mrj- win uo Hutu, uuu we agreo 10 refund the money If au one wishes to reluru the ma. ehlnea frtouf ireljjlil, ruler u moatli's trial, ac conllng to directions. No huiband, father or brother should vermlt thedrudeery of washing with tho hands, nily twoUays lu lhe yesr, when It can bedone better, more expeditiously, wllh less labor, and unlu" Jury lo llieEarinents. by a Doty Clothes Wnher. mill n V17pI... ' Bold b'r dealers aentrallv. to wlimn llln.rnl ,n.. counts uru made. .. -'. IiROWNING. (ien. Agent, Mt7'70.f. ti C'oitliinil Mitel, h'ow Vw., E. B. O AS E, OOOP E II . RUPERT. COl.IIMIIIA milNTtf 1 Cooperlog In all Ha branches well and carefully dOUU. liurtllMlllir Dllimllnn ul w... ........ t..!... fuoture of meat barrels, kraut stands, nlckle tub., wash tubs, jo. Rtpalrln, attended toT Rupert, Bopt, i), iho-2uV. " 1 Dry Goods & Grooeries. GltAND OPENING oiiANi) orKNiua UKAM1J umwmu UIIANU Ol'KNlNO UllANU Ol'KKlMU kalij and wintkh goods, fall and w1ntkb (loodh, kali. and wintkil uoudb, fall and wintkil ooodh, FALIj AND WINTKIl OOOD emulating ot consisting or consisting of oonslsllnK of consisting of rjftY aoons, DHV GOODS, PHY GOODS, DHY GOODS DHY GOODS, HATH AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPH, HATH AND CAPS, HATH AND CAPH, HATS AND CAPH, nooTH And shoes, BOOTH AND HIIOKH, I100TH AND SH0K8 llOOTH AND HIIOKH, UOOTH AND 81I01CH, IIF.ADY-MADK CLOTHING, HEAIIY-MADK CLOTHING ItEADY-MAUK OIJTIltNO, RKADY-MADK CLOTHING, UEADY-MADK CLOTHina, LOOKING-GLASSES, ' LOOKING-O LAHSKH, I)OKINO-ULAMHU4, LOOKINO-GLASH1W LOOK1NO-OLAB8EB, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, l'AINTH AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS! GltOCEHIES, UHOCtiUIUS, OltOCHHHSS, GUOUKHIKS, UUOCUllIKS, tiUEENHWAltli UUBENSWAUE, IIUEKNHWAUE, UllKENSWAKK, UUEENHWAHB IIAltDWAIlE, 1IAKDWA11E, IIAltDWAIlE, HAltDWAim, HAllUWAUE, TINWAIIE, TINWAHE, TINWAKE, TINWAHE, TINWAIIE, SALT, SALT HALT SALT, .1 SALT, F1BII, FISH, FIHI1, FITH FISH, GIlAlN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, Ao. AT NEAL NKAL NEAL NEAL NEAL McKELVY, SIoKELVY McKKLVY, McKELVY, McKELVY, Northwest corner ot Northwest corner of Northwest corner of Northwest eorner of CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. Main and Market Streets, Main and Market Streets, Malu and Market Streets, Main nnd Market Streets. Northwest corner of Malu and Market Streets, nLOOMsnURG, PA., I1LOOMS11URG, PA HLOOMS11URO, PA., BLOOMSBURG, PA., I1LOOMS11URG. PA. IRON AND NAILS. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, In large quantities and at reduced rates, alway UU uuuu. )UY THE BEST. THE RED LION BRAND, B X. A C H ALFAOA is superior to nil olhcrs In color, quality aud M. P. LUTZ'S Deulerln DryGooJs and Notions. In HrowerV ne bn.ldltiK next to the Court Hnuse, Main iireei, iiioomsuur0, rn. may!3 70-tf. FILLER'S STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL OF HUMMER IIOdllK Tne subscriber ha lust returned from tho cltle wiui anoioer largo anu select assortment of FALL Ai.ll WINTRH fliuirtLi purcliased In New York and Philadelphia at the uwei uKurt,uuu wuicu ue is uetermlned to sell on aa moderate terras as can be procured else wiieio m jiioumsuurg. uis stock comprises LADIES' 1.UI-.HS1 nnntu of tho choicest styles aud latest fashions, together with a large assortment of Dry Goods and Gro. uu.uuui, ui iue loiiowing articles CarpetB, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Uasstmercs, Bhawls, Flannels, Bilks. White Ooods, Linens, Hoop Hklrts, Muslins. Uollowware CedarwnrA 0.ueenswar, Hardware iioots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glossej, Tobacco, . - , Coffee, Hugars, , Teas, Illco, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon . Nutmegs AND NOTIONS nitNMrtAT.f.v In snort, everythlnir nsualir irpnt in mnnin stores, to wnicn ue invites the attention of the puuuo generally. Tne highest price will bo paid lor.oouniry produce In exchange for goods. a. II. MILLER A HUH, Arcade Uulldlngs, Bloomsburg, Pa. Q C. M A R R havo Justrecelved from the eastern market large aud well selected stock of DRY CJOOD8, COKHISTINO or Cu&slmers, Aians, Best bleached & Brown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Lluens, Cottou & All wool flannels, AC., lie., A good slock of ,i IwUlles dress "ourls. Idlest stylfti a patterns. spises olall kinds. Good stock groceries, Queens ware, Htone ware, Wood 4 willow ware, Flour & Chop, AUo Kitchen Crystal Roap for eleanlug Tin, Brass, Ac. All goods sold cheap for cash or pro. due. He would call the attention of buyer, to his well and carefully selected assortment which comprises ercrylhlng usually kept In the coun try, feellug oonadeut that he can sell them goods at such prices as will enscre saUsfaoUon. Nov. 5,'w-ir a, a mauu. Insurance Agoncios. Q. L O II E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW YORK. Pliny Freeman, President, II. o. Fre.m. Cash canltal over (lnnorm n-... ie ! nll J. B. ROUISON, RLOOMSIJUltG I'a ForLuierne.Lj'comlngBiid Colnrnbla counties. Aug. 50,'69-ly. JNBUBANOE AQENoy Wyoming ................. Minn. Fulton ....... II70.IK,C ,m,t soo.wo 3W,ll I) 5Hij t.IX),lfl iiOm.oio &'fl,(iWI 1711,1" 6W.M 0 ).D ao,no 65.UU0 1,1XH, North America... City .... International Niagara I'litiiara Mercbanta .... Springfield " Farmers' Danville fc Albany City.....!- .,!" Lancaster City ,ti York Horse, Death & Theft.... Hume, New Haven Danville, Horse Theft FREA8 BROWN, Atnl mart6-ly. "Loomnm. A Hardware & Cutlery. Jacob K. Smith. j. n, HtlUtJ im i 'r ii s am li t z e R, Importer, and Dealers in Foreign and Doom J HARDWARE, GUNS, CUTLERY, AC., NO. 409 N. TltlHD HTREIT, All. CALLOW1I1LI, Faints. Glass, dice, piRST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, BEST, PUREST, AND CHEAPEST! SATlSrACTION GOAItANItEDl fnrWIillDllBt. llnpnknil.. ..J....... cy.TthasuoenuAl. ''""' K Sold by nil dealer. In Paints throughout K the country. W BARKER, JIOORE & MEIN, t'4 8CCCESH0IIS TO T. MORRIS PEROT A CO. a Sole Proprletora, Philadelphia, Pa Dealers In all kinds of DRUQB, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, BYESTorra, ac, ic. n.T,, ...i . .x. r our'"Flrs"t-Natlonal While Lead," otherlrl piirtleshavo been Induced to oiler a pu-r EiousariicieuLucrinobanie name. Tutre-'J fore Beware of Counlerielts. The geDa-3 iue is iiui up iu exira neavy 11a daidi nntJiT llllfll niirlll tn.tallll.1rrr. . aud tho name of 'icl BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, itl On each label, For sale by marS5'70-ly. MOYF.R BROlHEItS, Bloum.ljurg. 10,000 GUARANTEE. B UCK LEAD EXCEL8 ALL OTHER LEAD I 1st, For Its Unrivaled Whiteness, 2d. For Its Unequalled Durability, 3d. For Its Unsurpassed Covering ProperlK Lastly for IU Kcouomy. a-It COSTS LESS to paint with Ilrcx Lea man any omer wnue Lead exumt. 1110 ihila weigiii covers aiuxik NuitfAi;i';,ismore utit auijk, anu makea wmiEH WORK. BUCK LEAD, la the Cheapest and Btt' 110.000 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINO EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCS. 1st. Korlu Unequalled Durability, id. For Its Hummed Whlteuesn, 31, For Its Un.urpiuaied Covenug Propt-rty. Lastly, for Its Hreat liconoray, being tho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, nl most DURAIiLK While Pulnt lu the world, II U Y ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND BU CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by IheManulaclurtii BUCK COTTAGE COLOltS, Prepared expiessly for Painting COTTAGES. OUT UUIL11IN GS of oiery dfrrlj .In.. .L...r...i m rr, . u .Xl.t liyllll ENT COLORS, Durable, Chear, UuIMm, i ueaumui suaues. Sample cards eent bv Mall If desired. Denlers' Orders will bo promptly eiecntwl t iue uiauuuiciurers, FRENCH, RICHARDS A CO., 'W. W. Pnr Tn!h nnil nfnrlr.t Rtri-etl. rhlladelphla. I 110 YER BROTHERS, Agents Jnu2rl7(-ly. for Bloomsburg, ra. Miscellaneous. (fJARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. Bloomsburg, Pa. r n nrnAW Jk TinOTHEn Have on hand and for sale at the roost kmm ble rates a splendid stock 01 CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and every description of Wagons both t.v . t xr tun VIKIIY .... . j. ......i.... .nilniost i"t WHUHUICU III UO iUBUtl Ul UIB IT" able materials, and by the mint expwii raij workmen. All work sent out 'ro.V.;i cU-l usnmeni will oe jounu 10 oeoi um "ziv t..s and sura to give perfect satisfaction. aiso a nue assonmtn. 01 at 1.. T r-i tt a ..-i.i . . . .......,oV,!. tllKl Ul nil llie llCWr.l H1IU HlUBb nlltv. . tniUM well and carefully made and of the Ir'1 """I An lnspecttou of their work Is M..1I,.I believed that none superior can be foana i country. Nov.".0- "nWRJIERSI EXAMINE AND BUV THE ORIGINAL, IIAlinil'S BEING Tins Fibbt Haw Honk pnosriiAT M"! All others are imitation. B A U G H'S RAW HOU. T1IFI SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIM'I FALL, This Xfantirt Ilones, rich In N OH uf Vitriol, nn a highly solubleand quickly avallat" the Ammonia In such proportion as .tow prompt and vigorous action uion ",V,iid il Where Uaualra Phosphate Wfii'll" past season, the Indications, without fj " oi are that It will maintain Its well "'"Smir 1 flnn W r.fin..l. all tn n.ed Of rtl'1" 1. u.ade 01 aw or UoW, Itrogeuous waiter, dWVii" esen Una the Hone ii; . . .1 I) A U Q II 4 SONS, MANOrAOT0Bm. Orno-No H. Delaware ATno. PAILADELPUIA. HlVICtf.