$fo flfaiumlian Bloomaburg, Friday, N07. 4, 1870, H.M.rETtENOf,L .VCO.,17 Park How, nnd Oro. P Howull a Co., 10 Park How, aro nur only iituhorliod Alive NWtig Ants In Now York , J. Wkhstkii, No. CD North r Mi Htrtn-1, nnd Con. Uf.thk illCo.,No. 007 Chestnut Htreet.aro our only authorltcil Agents In Philadelphia, tf Local Information. Pprsons In tho viirloua towns nnd other Incnlltlnx of Columbia county will very much nbllut' us by transmuting statements of local events whenever occurring In their vicinity. No nttentlnn need bo ild to tho form, or worils In which conveyed, ns It Is only the points of Information that aro needed. tf. Whoever. Is In (.oswis-lnn of a new Scoteh'trlnvtimm U olirellu, with crooked lniliille and Mm lelter li earved on the end then ol, will em fer u favor by re turning ll lo this olllee. 0. Tim Danville, Hnzlelon and Wilkes H.,rro Ituilroml 1s now completed to Oiituwisssi. and trains have commenced rminlnK from bunbury to that tilnco. It Is said that this Itoitd will bo com pleted to Hazleton by the first of January. Y. M. C. A. Tho lerturo before the Young Men's Clirlstlnu Absoclatlon, on Friday evening tho 4111 inst., will bo delivered by Ilev. John Thomas, In stead of Rev. H. Uarnes, as previously announced. Tho members of tho Association aro urged to be present ; and n general in vitation is extended lo tho public. Don't Shoot Quails. Tho follow ing section of tho "Gamo Lnw," enacted by our lnstLegislature.should be heeded by all sportsmen : Section 2d. That no person shallUlll, capture, takoor have in his or her pos session any Quail or Virginia Partridge, for tho period of threo years, under the penalty of flvo dollars for each and every bird so killed or had in posses sion or exposed for sale. Sco patn pl-.let laws, 1870, page 10C8. The new Saint Paul's Church in this town will bo opened for Divine Service (in Sunday morning. next, at half past ten o'clock. It is to bo hoped that, tho debt which remains on tho Church .will in great measuro bo removed by n col lection then to bo taken up. On Tuesday evening, Nov. 8th, thero will bo tho first of a series of meetings to beheld by tho Williameport Convo cation. Let thero bo a good turnout of the people. Terriuli: Affair. On Saturday lust, ns ii young colored lad,somotwelve or thirteen years of age, was walking liesldo tho track on tho Lsickiiwaiinn it llloomsburg road near Berwick, somo of tho hands on a passing gravel train, threw stones at him ono ot which strik ing him on the head, caused injuries so severe as to cause his deatli a short time afterward. Tho act of thawing tho stones was in itfolf maliclfus, although of course.nothing to serrious was antici pated. Wo have not learned ol the ar rest of any of tho parties concerned. Tin: Treasurer of the Avotidalo Re lief Fund, Mr. Henderson Gayloud, iuia made his annual report, from which we learn that the total amount of sub hcription received is $1!)9, 117.41. This hum lias been judiciously invented In Mcurities and realized an interest of $5,001.03 tl e past j eur. The total niim ber of beneficiaries is 1517, of whom 77 are w Itlnwn who neeivi d $'200 per an num ; 1S1 children, SHIU pM annum and six reniiuriid women, wlin neoivul f 100 ei milium. Tluri" nninwa and Ax children have dn d u ) g the jear. -Iluzletiti, Snittnfl jFiii'j vjiwsvti ixpri's in the Co mjmhian me iiot in niT' rd with those of our teades, the latter aio welcome to controvert them in our columns, without other limitation than that they inui't be written out In u fnir hand, bo carefully considered, broached in clear, 1-oncKo and respectful language, and be consistent with good morality and orthodox Democratic eentiment. Ex pressions of views for tho public good, on any legitimate subject, aro also in vited, tf Special Court. -A f-pecial court has been in session in liloomsburg for bev eral days past, Judge Ei.wh.1j prei-i-ding. An Important case, involving a large claim for damages in issue Tho Continental Coal Company vs. the Lo high Valley Railroad. An award for W,000 was obtained by plaintiff. Amongst tho distinguished lawyers present were lion. F. W. Hughes, of l'ottsvillo, and Hon. J. W. Maynard of Wllliamsport. On motion of J. CJ, Freeze, Eii., Allen Craig, Esq., of Carbon county, and on motion of It. F. Clark, Esq., Geo. M. Dallas, Esq., of Philadel phia, wcro admitted to practice law in the several Courts of Columbia county. Tho caso of Longenberger vs. Mc Keynolds, sot down for trial, was con tinued by consent. Thn nncrt nf Ilrm'nll ftf ol Ira Afnrelll was adjusted, and a verdict given for llio plaintiff for tho land ; subject to Hie payment by tho plaintiff of certain turns aud expenses, set out In tho verdict. Wild Cat Killed. A friend In forms us that a Son of Nathan Fleck. iSTiNE, of Fishing Creek township, while hunting a few days ago, saw what lio supposed to bo a largo domestic Cat on a treo. Upon throwing a stonoat it, tho Cat sprung from tiiu top of tho tree toward him, but was caught by two largo dogs which accompanied him. After a fierce struggle with them tho Cat again ran up tho tree. Tho boy again throw a stone at it. when It acuin sprung upon him, but before inflicting any serious injury tho dogs again caughtlt. A bloody fight was the re sult, but the dogs failed conquer their ferocious enemy, and'tho boy- shot It. Ho then took it homo as a trophy 'of victory as well as to exhibit an extra ordinarily largo specimen of tho feline specler), where It was atonce discovered to bo a full grown Wild Cat, (Cata mount,) tho only ono killed in this county for many years. Sunday School Teachers' Institute. Danville. Pa.. Oct.. 20. 1870. Editor Columbian: Tho friends of '"y. Schools hero have mado ar. tangtenta for a Sunday School Teach ers' Institute, of all denominations, to leheld in the Mahoning Street Prepby Ifrtan church, on the 10th, 11th uud 12th of Novimber. eomineiii'ilic at 7 . m , on the 101b. The U v Geouoe A. I'eltz, Presiitnt ol Ihe Pa. State Sabbath School Aociation. KNiiste.i by two or three other persons, will conduct All CJ.1.1....U Clw.r.l .1,111 'ill OHUUHUI WWIIUUI ,iujiiu mil uu welcome. a, a. a, I. W. 1T.U1TM1V Snlll ftA Alnnnafni- 00 cts. ' LOCAL HOTICES. I. W. IIaktman has nico mack 1'iveicen lor jjauies- uuokb. The over faithfuli'Domestic" sowing muehineglves perfect satisfaction wher- wer h nas nau a wmi. Foil tho latest Mualo nnd best Instru. monts, Canes Ac, go to Alstatt. Court iiuuso Aiiey. Editor Comimiitav niwnr lively discussion going on in your col umns as to who keeps tho best oysters In Hloomsburs. nnd serves thnin in ills customers in tho most superior stylo, I ......iu wiu iuuiuis one evening last weeK and after dao trial of each, pronounce J 11 ll trill 0 11 1 unnllllllflnillv In Civnr nf Tl STOHNEtt, under Drown's Hotel. Let any ono who dlsbellovcs this, try tho same experiment, and ho will arrlvo nt inu tamo conclusion. citizen. IF VOU llnn't Wnnt. Ill flldirnaf nunfi,. body with your offensive breath, euro your catarrh unnn which It ilmu.inl-i WOO reward is offered by tho proprietor of Dr. Sato's Catarrh Remedy fi.ru chmi of ( atarrh that lie cannot cure. It Is sow uy arugglsts. Can get It for sixty ''' by mall from Dr. II. V. Pierce, 1 . i. i-Julluio, N. x . rum- ph let free. Don't l,r hiv-IiwII,.,! l,v mi,,; calling themselves Dr. Sago ! Dr. It.-V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., Is tho only man now living that can mako the genuine anu original Dr. Sago's Catarrh liemeilV. nnd IiIh nrlvnln llnvnnmmnl Kevenuo Stnmp, bearing upon It his portrait, namo and address, is nrion iw. ery packago of tho genuine. AnoMATIO Schiedam Schnnnns Beem to bo extensively gaining our public confidence, and promises to tako the placo of every other liquor now in use, especially for medical use. This is not surprising! for, apart from its betmr found 1 n most of nor m. spectablo Drug Stores in' tho city and cuuiury, anu is Doing strongly recom mended by tho nhVHlninnH. tho lrillrt and agrceablo tasto of this articlo, con- imiiL-u wiiii 1110 sirong, pungent anu actlal sensation produceil on tho palate inu common ueietenous nrticit which is now the general complaint of nearly all tho medical faculty of this country would, of itself, sufllco togivo it tho decided nrefereneu. If nrnserllierl as n medicine, it is not bad to tako; and iu usoasii oovcrago it is censiucreil ny juugesioou superior to any article 01 tho kind over imuorted into this coun try. Dat Dransbaronoy. If you niik do 8hoUy punnners, Doso robs-Bhcekcil healthy simps, Ven you meets tlcm vulkln bromlly Pays where you gets your Blips? Doy'U answer "at Hhncopy's blaco Dutsplenillt oyster pny Vhcro you sees tint ret drnnsbareucy, jHaDKlng right ngross do vay." Dnt Hhlanterous shop called "dhoostlt" Dells awfool lies y lam, Vo'ro shuclios o do vlavor 01 an oyster or uglam, Vo knows vhat lsh goot borter, Uoot lager bclr uud nle, Uud do oyster pay's do pullicst blaee, You vluds to lull your pall. Ach I to seo dat ret druusbarency, Ho like do norderu lights, Uud to beep Into dat nice saloou, Hlfes "Shoostli" dretfoul vrlghts, Kor ho knows vllo touch a blaco cislsts Dat all do bhmallcr shaps Jlay shoost ash well Bhtop plowing Apout delr fresh gotaps. So all you sheuorous shentlenians, Und all you ladles loo, Ou shtralght to dnt drnusbarency Vhen you vants a vry or shtow, For In dls veil ruled Purough In uort wart or In scut, Here's not a man usn doesn't know Dat "Mlioouls" lsli blayed oudt. T The lorgrsl stock of furs over brought 0 this market has just been opened by r. i,utz. 111s prices or Bets lor "Us range from f4.C0 to tGO.00. Notice All nersnns Indebted tn tho UDderutm,(,l f ti'nvlr 1fnn at 1,1a llrtr.1 S- Bhoe manufactory In the town of -"'Bvibfa, ra,, as conuucieu anu supor "uenUid by A. E. Uarnes, Agent, aro fim-by notified to pay over such lnilebt 'Obits to AV. II. Alilintt.TCin.. In whoso Vil !uo hookn have been placed for "iittuon, anil not to pay any or the -b iu j, ii;, iiarncsAgent. John L. Baknes. n41-2t THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBDRGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA HE DOMESTIC SEWING M A C 11 I N E , I'on B ALE BY M.J..P.JLUTZ,- ... wo iiLoojifaiiuiiG, i'A. M1LLEH, HUailES & CO., BERWICK, PA. This Sewing llachlue runs stiller and easier thanuuy other, It lias lower parts, It has a coil ttetl shuttle that will never w,ur out, It has Blake's Patent tablo which to see shows Us use fulness. Agents wauled In unoccupied Territory In I'ennsylvsijla, New Jenty, Maryland, Delaware Virginia, West Virginia and District of Colum bia. Address ULAKE & CO., FOKANTON, I'A. sepl6'70-ly BUSINESS OAKDS, VIBITINO CAHDH, LETl'KK 1IEADH, HILL HEADS. PUOOnAKMEtl, POHTEKS, C'., AC, Neatly und Cheaply Printed From the Latest Htyles of Type at the COLUM1IIAN OKKICfc COURT ADVERTISEMENTS. T,IS,Tv,AUSES 1,,0R TKIAL AT HIST WEEK, f Kdward McCall, ct, ill, i . . v (.John Hwcoocy ( William Longenberger et.nl vs Ulugh W. Mcltoynolds.ct. nl. (Busanailham, i v (.Deborah Deau'a adm'r, ! Jacob Michael, v Samuel O. Krlckbaum. (Charloi It. Green, v ll'etcruchug. (William Creasy, "5 v (Samuel Swoppcnhelsor. riteuben II. King, 1 vs IL'llslmlll'urBel. (L. Ilerdlc's. use. vs II. II. Crevellllg.ct al. Clark. Freezo. Hakes. li Knorr. ;i Little. Freeze. i Clark. Kabler. Clark. Freeze. 11 Ikcler. Little. 7 Kablcr. Clark. I- recze. Wbltmoyer. V reeze. Clark. 10 Kaliler. Ilrockway. Clurlc. I Alexander CoIIey Atlnas Cote, f Monroe Brundugo IKllsha II. Pursel. Michael Grovcr vs II. S. Marr. Clark A Brockway f Teter Schiig, 12 Little. Brockway. 1.1 Whllmoyer. Marr Brothers. 4 Freeze. Frer70. Jackson. Clark. iu Freeze. Howell. 17 Freeze. Whitmover. Brockway A 18 Thompson. Miller. IU Ikeler. Brockway. a i Little. Clark dt Little. :i Baldy Jk Jackson. Whitmoyer. n Freeze. L'Velle. yi Little. n.lldy. 21 Cl.ii k Jl Freoze. CLirk. Knorr. Freeze. Jackson. Little, is Clark. Clark. Little, Freeze. .id Little. Whitmoyer. Brockway, Hoti8on, Ba'ldy. llhodes. 33 Brockway. Freeze. 3! Wolverton. Freeze. Wolverton. 4 va (.Charles Lee, (David Lewis, gtiardiau, i vs (.Collins Sutlin-g adm'r. (Continental Coal Co. -i vs lLchlghValleyH.lt, Co. SECOND WEEK. (David J.Waller, "! v" (John M. Btackliouse, (Thomas Hughes' use, 1 vs I Wesley Kuckel. (M.T.ltowe.l.et.al. (.JessoW. Merrill. (Frederick llosslcr, vs (.Oldcon 0. llosslcr, ct. nl. John Jacots, vs O. L. Johnson. (W.B. Kline, ct.al. I vs (Abraham Mooro, et,nl. (13 J. A U.P.MclIcnry. t vs (.Joseph It. l'.vnna. ( James Masters, vs t A. J. Flue. (Tbacher a Co. et. al. s. Win. Gooilmau. f Wm. M. Martin, et. ux. vs ITlmothy Itngan ct. al. (George Hower's executor, vs David It. Howcr I James ness, vs ( Collins SutlifT's adm'is. J CD. Fowler, tlleuben Miller. (Daniel F.Seybert, vs (William Shaffer (William Shairer. - vs (.Dnnlcl F.Seybert, Hubert Oorell. vs (Barney Mcllrearty, et.at. ! David Beaver, vs Martin Gaugheu, (Charles 11. Wllhelm et. al. i vs (Michael Woods. f Daniel Hhodcs, Barkley. 37 Clrk. Miller. 3(1 Jackson. Butler. m Ikeler.-Howell. 41 Little. Jackson. Freeze. Jackson. 41 Lilllo. Abbott. 41 Freeze. Jackson. 4J Freeze, Barkley. 411 Whitmoyer. 47 Whitmoyer, Clark & Freeze. 4S EarkleyA Ikeler. Ill IWlllIam Tyson t Michael Grover's use. vs I Savage Bright, ( Michael Grover's use, vs (Savage A Bright, ( Joseph Miller. ( vs ( N. L. Campbell. (Thomas Fry, J. vs (.William rolemuu. ICS. Fowli-r, vs I 'furH Klnli-v . ;uharplHS-,A Harmau, vs Charles D. Fowler (Melchiau Miller adm'r. ( vs (.UllasUlger. Fowler. . nice. (C. B. Bowman, et. al, vs (.Manassa Bowman, et. al. (C.S. I'OM i vs (.Jesse I). : Freeze. 81 Little. Ikeler & Barkley, 61 Clurk .t Freeze. Clark. 63 Whitmoyer. Thompson. U.I Little. 63H Whitmoyer. ii Brockway. Clark. Brockway. Clark. Ul Barkley. Clark. 07 Little. Clark. 6 Ikeler. E9 Little. Buckatew & lurkley. 6U Howell, 61 Little. Hughes, si Ilyati. Hughes. Hi Hyau. LEGAL NOTICES, AUDITOH'S NOTICE. estates ornn.joim kiaige, dec'd, . in 'he Orphans' Court of Columbia county, inttr (iHrttlio Auditor appointed by tho Conn, to mako distribution among heirs of tho estate of Doctor Johu'Kiuge, will meet tho parties Interested, for the purpose of his appoint mcnt, on Friday tho 26111 day or November D9XA' ut..,u o'clock A. M., nt thn ollleo of O. 11. Brockway In lllomnsburg, In said county. All parlies Interested are requested to attend, or be debarred from coming In foi n part of tho said fund. O. U. 11HOCKWAY, oct2a'70-4w. Auditor. pun gUBPCJNA IN DIVOIIOE. In the Court of Common I'leas of Columbia Bha5ii!i!rii5rT,I8;o- AMANDA BMETHEItS. 5 1"VOrCC To Ihe above named respondent! Yuu arebero py notilled that tho subpuena and alias subpieua luthonbovo caso having been returned nonal inventus, fol are hereby required to appear In this court on tho m st Monday or December, A, 1). 1870, to answer the complaint in this ruse, . MUBDliUAl MILLAH1), octW?-5t. Hheriir. Piter Hayman'H use. 4 vs I Jacob Shafler. et. nl. ( Bramhr.ll & Co. I vs tMcNiuch & Hhuman. ( Harvey C. Hess. vs (Samuel Creasy, udm'r. i Noah Mouser's use, vs l George Btrouser. (Shultz AFunston, VB ( Alfred Irwine, l Wra. A.Kline, vs ( James V. Glllaspy, S Kline i&McIIenry, vs J. Hlcharda A Co. ( John Turner. ( vs I Daniel Snyder, S James V, Glllaspy, vs W. A. Kline. Isaiah Ycager. vs D. It. Johnson. (John Kromer. vs D. F. SeyberU (Joseph 8. Kline, -( vs (Charles Howard. (, Catharine Abbott, ( William Abbott. Isaac Ervln, VH hlllpOrt.et. al. J. J. Richardson & Co. VB ( Eckart Jacobs. S West Branch Insurance Cu. VB Thomas Trench, Wm. E. Sterner, vs ( Harmon A, Kramer, SJobn Gray, vs Sanderson Hagenbuch. Lewis J. Adams. i VS I Flablngcreek Buhosl District ( William A. Case. I . vs I Moses Coffmau. ct. aL Murray, Wlrlack lUndall, J vb lTiie North British 4 Mer l cantlle Insursuco Co, I Murray, Wlrlack Kandall, i VB Tho Imperial Fire Ins. Co. ADMINIBTBATOII'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP DANIEL NYER, IIEC'D. Leiten or administration on llioestaiaor Ilanlol Nyer, late of Mllllu twp., Columbia county, deo'd, have bcn grnuted by th lteglster of said county to J, II. Nyer, or Bloom township, In tho county aforesaid. All icrsons having claiinK ngainst the estate ot the decedent are requested to present them lor Bettlment, nud those in debted tolhe estate to make payment to tbeuii derslgned, administrator, beforo the 1st of April, 7I. J. H. NYLU, (ict28'70-Ct. . Administrator. VALUABLE HEAL HSTATE. Ill tmrsuancoof nn nrdpr nr IlinOrnlinn' r-niirt. of Columbia loiinly, Pa., on HATultliAY, NO VI'.MIIKIl mil, nt ten o'clock In the forenoon, jmi'ii i.iNiiii, viufiruiiin ui inn personsnnu osinies ,u i,iiu iieiiiiinicer, naran jienninger, Angelina Hennlnuer. Mnlialn Hennlnirer and Flltnlxitli lleiiiiinger, minor children of Iteuben Hennlu ger, lato or lli aver township, In said county, de ceased, wilt expose losale, by publlo vendue, on tile premise, tho undlvlilf ,1 linlr nr certain ,-arI estate boiiniled nnd described as follows, to wit; .... IIIU 1IUILII Itjr 1U1IU VII avllll XWltVIl, UIIIIICI ltnmcr mid Joseph Hhsnnon, on tho east by lands of Daniel lleuiiliiger nnd John blnglcy, deo'd ui, mcaiiuui ii y lllllu UI Villi rit'S r . ..lull II, ueO U , aiUl Oil tlifl WfSt llV InililA Of KllrjtliMh MliiitTiiin iiuuuiepu r-uumnu. 'ine oilier undivided hair larttnereoi uciug owned uy one Jolin Hennlu- ger, CONTAINING 129 ACHES, bo the same more or lc.s, W. II. ENT, Clerk. TERMS OF SALE. Olio. third tn remain in IIia lace until alter the death of the widow. Hnnnnh tennenger, the Interest to be paid toherannu- uy uiiriiig ner ine, ami mo principal to be paid iter her (If alh. Ten ner cent of nnn.fiinrtli in hn lsld ntlhe striking ilown of the property,one- 'ourth lrssllieteti nor cent, nt cnnllrmntlnn nli. solute, Iho rcmnlnlug Ihrec-rourths in one year iiiereauer wmi uiieiest iromconnrmntion nisi. ... AI.l.KK MANN, Bcnver,Oct.H lfc7l'-lw. Uuardlsn. UDITOIl'S NOTICE. Michael Grovcr 1 , vs. I Lev. Fan. No. 311 Samuel Schweppenheiser, I May Term W0. aud Elizabeth, his wife. J The undersigned appointed Auditor to distrib ute funds lu Court, nmongst creditors urlslug from Sheriffs sale In above writ, will meet thu parties In Interest for the purpose of his appoint ment nt his otilca In llloomsburg, on Monday, November 21st, 1870 at 10 o'clock A. M. All per sons having claims ou said fund aro required to attend or be forever debarred from coming In iv, iiimnui nam 1UUU. J, Jl. nulllOU."M . octS Auditor, A UD1T01V3 NOTICE. JTi. ESTATE Ok' J1ENUY WKHTMAN llEc'D. Tne undersigned, appointed by llio Orphans' Court Of UolUinliliLCOiinlv. Amllitir lo innir...1lu. trlbutiou nmong heirs or iho eslato ol Henry Wertraan.t-r.Jalo ol Columbia county deceas ed, will meet the parties luteiesled lor the ouipobu oi ins npiKjimmeut nt ins ojuco in llloomsburg, on Wednesday, tho lild day ol Nov. ls.O, nt lo o'clock, A. M. All persons having Claims on said estato urn rrmifrpil In nlli-tul or bo lorover dvbaned liom touilng in lor a parlor octia0-lw Auditor, UDITOU'S NOTICE. U I) Ij 1 0 8 A L K VAMJA llhli HEAL kktate. In mirntmnrc of an nrtlpr of the nrnlinn' Court r Columbia county, lo.. on HATUltUAY, JNOVUMHLU 12tli 1670, at 10 o'clock Iu t he fore noon, .Morrison K. JackHou. who was annolnted by the Orpliaus Court ofhHld County In place niiu buhu tn inn t u I ii i u is l i iitur ii ouiiii jjuveii" imrt.late of JJcrwlclt. In Bald countv. decetmed. will expose to pnle, by public vcmlno, on tho premises, n cerium lehsuaneaua LOT OF OIIOUNI), situate In tho Itorough of Bprwlck, In the county ot .Columbia nnd stale of len tiny ivanla, bound ed mid dcBcrlbcd ns follown, to wit t on the north bv lot Nn. 2. utl tho (nut bv Cunnl utrrel. nn ttifn Kouth by I'ino street nml on the west by Kront sueui, ueiug iu i. iu. m oi iuwu jnoi oi Kiiiu iior- oimh ot Herwlck, Coutnlnlng fortynlne uud $ half feet trout, whereon are erected ii TWO HTOUY FUAMU 1WELLING IIOUSK. and out building v, ii. iiijci, uierK, TEIIMSOF KAl.K. Oiietbtrd Inipmnln It. place until nfler thedrathof the widow, Interest hp uiiii in nt-1 uiiiiuniiy, j en per ceiiu oi nne fourth of tho purchase money at the striking down ot tho iTonerly: tho onefourth lesntbe ten per cent, ut the couilnnatlon ubsolute. and the leinauiliifr tbree-tourths in one year tbere- uuer wmi uiieieM iruin ine conuiinniion nisi. ociii ,u-u. Mt Km J AUKbUrJ, JX Ml ACCOUNT OF 8AM UK L KaNOUU. ESU.. AH- HIONKK UK JAMBS W. CIIEJiIHEUMN, Ihe undersigned appointed by the Court of imuuiuii i-jeas, oi uoiuinum county , Auditor to muko distribution iuuoiik creditors ot the bal ance lu the IiuihIk nt Hiimnm Knnrr.Kt.ri n- lgnee it Jumes W. Cheiuberlln. will meeL tho particti interested lor tho purr oo of his appoint ment, at bis otllc In UUioiusburK on Saturday, tho lift li day ot Nov., lhTO at lu o'cLotk A. M. All DLThOtlH lUteiested or hiivlny rlnlniM n-miriKt. the mi Id James W. Cheuibtrlln are requested to attend, or bo debarred tiom comlm; In lor a lurt ui ine ham iuihi, j, ij, itutllhUAS, ocUl'TO-lw. Auditor, a; UDITOR'S NOTICE. Ji'. HJ THE hllElllFF'S S ALU 01' rKIyXAI. I'KOl'KHTV 01' l'ltll.U OUT. Ihe undeiblmied auholutod Auditor to dlstril. uto funds In Court Hinotifjst eiedltois arrlslny lrom sale of lVrsunal Property of said I'hUlp un, wiu meet mo parties lmercsieu jor ino pur posh of his aimoliitment. athis ollleo In lilooms- burtf ou tsatuiUuv. November. lTu.at lUo'cUclc. A. M. All persons liUeictted or having clalmis aa list the suld rhino (Jrt are rtonesttd to - at tend, or be Uebuned liom comlnf; in lor a. partot oeti'l'TO-ow, Auditor, A DMINJSTKATOHS NOTICE J KMT A IE OF IILSS. l)LC'l. iitersufHdmliiistralion on the estateof James llesM. late of Muaarloat twp, Columbia county 'dee'd., mive been (;rjnted by the ItegNter of said county, lo Kiljali JIuss aud John V. Kile ot Hutrarloaf township. Ooiumbiu county. I'a. All persons havlnff claims or demands uualust the decedent are requested toniakuthemUnovn,aud iiiusxj mueuieu m iu.iko iinjuu'iii, KLIJAlt JOJIN W. KILU, hept23'70-6w, Admlnlstiatoia. I7XECUTOKS NOTICE. -Lli KSTATE UK JANIC l'LCQU. ULU'l). ijetterN testamentary ou thu estate of Janu k'egg, lato of Jhtadlsou township Columbia Co, dee'ii, have been eranted by thu lteglster ol halu couuiv to John Ileudershol uud 1. A. WaUon rei-ldlus lu Jldlson los lulilp Columbia county, i'a. Ail pernous liavimj claims against tbu estate are requested lo ijreseut them tolhe Kxecutors iu Columbia county. Thosu indebted to tho estate either nn note, Judgment, moitae ur oook uccounv win maue payment iu iueiv ecu l or i without delay. D. A. WATaO.V, t-epai'70-Cw. Jixt cutors. 17XECUTOHS, NOTICE. JJJ ESTATE OF PAUL KLINE. UfcC'l). Letters ttotamentary on the estate of Taul Kline, lato of .Mt. 1'leaa.ant township, Columbia cuuutv dee'd. have been irranted bv llio ltLMrlster ot siiid county to John C. Klinoand Toeph Kline of Mt. l'lea-saut twp. All persons havliu clalu.J against tho estate aio requested to present tlicin to tho Kiecutois In Columbia county, 'l'lioso Indebted to the estate either on note, judgment, mongiigu ur unun account win luaito payment in i no ijAcciiLitrti wuuuia neniy. JU11.V C. KIjINK. bcp2370-(iw. joaurii kum;, Kxi'cutors. pXECUTOIt'S NOTICE. 1 J KSTAlKOfr lHOMASbrACKHOUSK HKC'11. Letters te-tuminturv on thu eh tutu of Thomas Stackhouse, lain ol 1'liie towuMilp, Columbia cnunty, ueetueii, naveueeu uranieu oj 1110 iteg lsltr of Miitl count v to Michael Muckhnuse. ut I'lne lownnhlp, ColumbU county. All peihons having clalnih iiixiilut the e.taleaiorequeled to pt cheut inem to me i-.xecuior iu nuu lowusmp Those Indebted to the t slato either on note, Judg meut, moitgao or book account will make pay ment to the Kxccntor wlthutdelav. M1CJJ AEL bTACKHOUSi;, i:eii'70-Cw. Ksecutor. I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. J ESfATK OF lIANNAIt ZANEIt. IlEC'D. 1 etlers ttstamentary on tho estate of Ilnnuah auer, laieoi jvunnn towusnip, uoiumoia couii' tv. deceased, have, been urunted by tho Keutstm of sal J county to Kaimiel C'rensy, of MltTllu twp. Columbia couuty. All persons having claims anlDst the estate are requested to present them tothe Executor to iliftlin township. Those In debted to tho estate, either on note, jndement or uouk acroum, win mane n.ivinent hi inu r.xec utor without delay, HAMUKI. CHI J AH V, bep.'lu7UUv iixecutor. pOURT PROCLAMATION. WnKHKAa, the Hon, WilUam Kl well, President Judne of the Court of Oyer und Terminer and Oaneral Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Kessious of tho reoc aud Court of Common I'leas aud Or oban's Court In tho 26tU Judicial IHstnct, com itosedof the counties of Columbia, Hulllvan and Wyoming, and the Hon, I ram Dorr aud Isaac . Jlouroo Asaoclute Judges of Columbia county t,..uu i.uhmI ihAir nrwuiot. b&rlnt dato the 6tu nfAi,inmberlD tho war of our Ird, one IhouBandi eight bundled and seventy and to medlrwted for holdlngaCourtof Oyer ami 'ler- tnluer&nd General Quarter Hessious of the reace. Court of Common IMea. and Orpliau'a Court, lu iiinouiKiturtr. in the county of Columbia, on the tlrst Mtmday, being the 6tU day ot December xtV... iu vtvAii. to tho Coroner, to the justices oi ine reuc, uaid county of Columbia, that they bo then aud ft,nnfxi. ,.t m,tA mu iluv ot Deo., with their reo- nrdB. lnuutsltlons and other reuiembrauces, to do those things which to their ottlces appertain in irn.itpulti iLialnst the nrls oHers that are or may bo in the Jail of the iiid couutv of Columbia, to be then aud there to prosecute them as shall be Just. Ju Lr. Ur-.. ii. ii,. miiirtuul in their uttend auce,agrecuoiy wuiwruuuw. ioiy',uw;"" l,b, 1 of our Lord, one lhoui.aud eight fmu li J .lPn,l .n.l vniilv Mini lit ttl IliUetV' fourtliyear of the Indeiendeuce of the United liioomsuurg, uei. , imv, on nnn prime bricis 'fou sale at espy. I'or purllculum, Rddrcea It. J. M1LLAHD, Eapy. on T. 11. MIU.EU, Um. Uldge, octiS'TlMf. T? Til. KNOItlt, JZl lla ....in n.irliabnil llinktnrk f,f tliMnld KV- Motui Hlioe Htore, and added tlitreto a lurue und well fctdecifu new imm i.jdcjJuiTO m too beat variety ui llOOTa AND BUOKB tn ,hi. nlure. lie la al.o orenared to makefioot, end Btioea to order li i Aia latea und ten nylea. l or cakh only. In the old J'ost Mu UulldW corner Main aud Market Htreju, A DMINI8THATOI13' NOTICE. J KSTATE OF FltKDKHIl'K LAUll.AC'll llEC'Il. letteri, ol lidmlnlMrutlon on llm t-stato of Frfderlct I,tiubacll, lata of Kugurlouf township, Columbia county, di'c'd. hnvo been urnuted by me ittKihier oi ham cnuiny in Aimrew i.iiiiimci nml .Ifihn II. T.nnbiipli. of roles I'rcek. Col. eo. All )iejhoua lmvlug clulniN HKuluit llio estate ol tbe ileredent aro lequehled lo jirenent tlieiu for settlement, and tlione Indebled to the estate to mince pnynieni to me unuerfainneu, auniiuiKiiiv lorn, wiiuouiuuiiiy, AMnitKW' liAUHACII, JOHN U. I.AU1IAUII. octU'70-Cw AdmlulstratorH. OX THE REPRESENT A TIVKS OK JACOB KYEU, UKCKASKD, 1 nMfMHIA COUNTY H.H. The commonweaitn or t'cnusyivama to I'liiuii r. i-zyvr, .lonn i';yer, Aiiam j-.yer, wuiium j;yer Anna. Intermarried with John Welllver. Mania let, Intermarried with Samuel Johnson, Henry Kvtr. Hiltm Welllver. Ablimll who wan Intermnr rlcd wllh Jackson Itunvaii.dee'tl., Lucinda who was uutriuuuiru wriu jumi ueuinu, ueti u ciiaritv. luteimarrieci witnu. it. jonusou.ueo. W, Welllvtr, Mary, Intermarried with Kraslus Hendcishot, Cutharluo A,, Intermarried with John Allen, and Dilneau welllver, heirs aud legal representatives of Jacob Kyer, deo'd., nnd to nil persons Interested, Greeting: You are hereby lted to be and appear before tho Judges of our Orphans' Court at au Orphans' Court to bo held at llloomsburi;, ou the !lrt Monday ot De cember next, then aud theie to accept or refuse lo uno wio rem etiiuiu ni hum jacou ryer, nee u nt ine appraiseu vaiuauou put upon ii ny ino in quest uuiy awurueu uy turned by the HuerliT. OCHl (U-U the said court, aud re And nereoi tan not, W. H.KNT,ClerlE, T) ULE ON THE HEIRS OF AN XV DUKW r UEAB, DECEASED, i iii.rru nt a rnrNTY h.h. The Commonwealth of l'ennsvlvanla to lien t,rreuiy, Wm. II. Frean, Dorcas. Intermarried with joun iiHviuuu, oiury junu unci murriuu wiui i;narjes inu, Harriet A..,iiiieriuarrieii wiiu aiur rls Jl. Krwm, John L. I-'reas, J amen 1, Kreas.KIlz iLbuth A.. Intermarried wllhHtenhen l'eltlt. Al ice V.. a minor, Emma, n minor intermarried with WiUon illller. FrauKlln 1. Freas. a minor. nnd Andrew C. l''reas,a minor. All tbe abjve nameu iniuors uaviuu v jiiimiii ouaner as men Ouardlan. Jlneal descendants of Andrew Freas, deo'd, anu to all other persons Interested, Ureet HlUJ ion ttro uvivuy iiicu wi uouuu upi4ir iv f.ini thn Judces of our Ornhautt' tmirt aianOr pnans court m ub arm ut moouisuun;, on inu llrst Monday of December next, then and thtre tu ucce'jt or refuse to take the leal t state of said Andrew Freas, deo'd., at the appraised valuatlou put Upon H uy too juquei uuiy uwaiauu uy inu bald court, uud u turned by tho Hherlff. Aud hereof full not, ocfJl'70-tf , H, ENT, Clerk, ATOTICE IS JL! Ui a HEREBY GIVEN nt nn uimllentlon will bo inude at Ihe next Ulteiine 111 llie uem-iui jibcmui; ui ii,u vutu luonweulili ol lVnutylvaula lorilio IncoriHMu ,i,in ,,f a liiik.ln aeeurduucii wlthtlie luwanl (111 CouunouMtallli, to lio entitled tile "CulawUba liipoiill undbuvlLi; Hank," to bo located all'ata. wlKtu. l HI. eo..l'a.. Willi utubltal ol lllly ll.ouhund dollara, villi tbe rlubt to inert ao tiiu kumelu one nuudred anu liny inounanu uouaia. tatawlna, July 1, leTV-tlui. "ITTIDJIYEIt & JACOHY VV ,iv,n . viii ii r nm.' lit rtiuliTmf 1 TA are aKeuts for the sale of 'DrockwayV Jutly lul,int.it rruini mitl old ktoik Alts, uhcb tliev will sell us cheap ss country btevtedules; wliul ntni liulf iiunpU (niiktuntiv un hand. This ule Is brewed by William K llrcckwuy, 816 toaii .HSt ClOVtum nuct-i, i-w W4A. .nft llloomsburi:, Juue 10, 1570-14 fTMIOSE WHO ARE SICK, OR AE- M lUCietl Willi huj eniuw uniiiiiiij,ut)uii .TT.i wrliu f.tv l)r llutnlllfiitiu Vm Treatise. ent free to uuy addiiss. rr ' it T.KONIDAB HAMILTON. M. 1). octSS'TO'tf, 1 O. iJox New York Cltji REAL ESTATE SALES. TilO SALE pUB LIO SALE V A Ij U A B Ii 12 It V. A I EHTA T E In nursuanceof an order of the OrnhnnV Court of Columbia county, tho undersigned AdniluLs- iiaiorn, ate, oi jacou uono, laiooi au, I'leasant township, In raid county, deceased, will expose to public saloon the premises on TllUIWDAY. uiij , an i nut (jdritnii FARM AND TRACT OF LAND, situate In Mt. Pleasant tmriishln kntrl ntintv adjidnin lands of James Orlmes on the north and east, and lands of Thomas Trench, tho Itioomsburn Iron Company and others ou tho south, llloomtwp. Door JIouso aud others on tho west, containing 90 ACRES AND 73 PERCHES, wheieon nro erected n, good two-story frame house, a tramu barn, trame wajon shed, a frame stttbte and other nut buildings, thero iwn. nnmi well of never falling water at the door of tho dwelling house, theio Is also n good selection of all Ulnd-i of lrult on tho premlsrs. i't he widow's dower, In the above lauds aro released. conditions of male. Ten per cent of one fourth of the nuiehaie monev to bo niiA onth day ol sale. One-fourth of tho purchase nioney leas the ten per tent, to bo paid on the couttrma tlon of tho bale. Une-hslf ot tho balancn of t!i purclmse money to be paid on the 1st day of Apru 4. u. inu, hdu ine uainnce oi me purcuaH money to be paid on the 1st day ot April A. D. 172, with Interest on the same from the 1st day oi .prii. I'm, anu to oe secureu uy pona anu inuiiyiie on mo preniihes. 1'urcnaser or pur ehaseiH to pay for deed, mortgage and stamps, x ue.iuaaiuu niv un hit ui j prii tot i. .VfEPilEN OOUO. Miminvllle.Oet.;;!, WO-U Admlnlstrator-i. U HL I C SAL E VAI.UAIILK HEAL ESTATE. In MirsDaureof un order of the Court of Com in on Pleas of Ihe euurilv of Columbia, lbn uii- deriRitid, CommlMeo ol the person aud estate ot Daniel Ocarhart, a lunatic, of the township of IloarilitrLTi'elc In s;ifii i-mmlv. wilt t'xnnso tnnnli- Jiu salo ou tf.c premises on FltllAY the 2oth dav of No ember next, at 10 o'clock A. M . of h.ild dny, tho folluwiug deNcrlbed real estate, to wii: all thn t CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situate In Hoarlmrcreek two.. Columbia co.. ad- Jniuiu lands of IVter liearhart on tho west. ijiuiuu ioyotiino nottn.ieucn coxoa heirs on the east, and Jacob Shurua.u and others on mc rso.ti it. CONTAINING 230 ACHES, mote fu less. Tne fame to be sold In three tracts per acre ue.it mtMure. The oue tract to contain ltn acres andeachtil the otht rs 55 acres, more or less, aci-otdiiiti to survey. Ou the IbOucre tract tUere is elected u 0001) KH AM 13 UWBLIJNU HOUSK, n imo 1 bank barn and o' her out bululiniis.a good wen oi water ui. mo uooroi mo uweumg nouse, n good variety of lrult, about 1 l) acres oi which is cleared laud, aud the balance m good ouug timber. The other two tracts aro good timber laud. aa-Tr.iiin or Halk. Ten ner cent, of one- fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the stilklug down of the properly, one-fourth of the purchase muuey less tho ten per cent, to bo paid on tho confirmation ol the sale, and the balance ot tho purchase money to bo paid iu ono year inereaiier wuu imere&i on ine same irom cou ilnnatlon ntsl. lsesIon ot the above premis es ulll bo L'lven Am 11 1st. A. I. 1S71. Purchaser or purchasers to pay for deeds and stamps. Talf l.'W I." T I." I? li1 1) Catawlssa, Oct 21'70-it Committee. REAL ESTATE SALES- pUUIilO HALE OF'VAMJAM.K ItllAli KSTATI!. tn rmrannnco of nn Order of tho Ornhfitu Court of ColumlilA county, 1'a., llio uudcmifined, tluar dlann of Charles UeArlinrt, Daniel Oeiirliarl, Klir.- nueiii uearnnri,, linu niepueil urarniiri, jr., nun or culldren of Jacob Uearharl, Jr., late of Maine town.tilp, lu Raid county, decpanetl. wilt expoio to ptihllc oale, ou the liremlMen, on THUimDAY, NOVl'.MIUClt Mih, isro.attwolvo o'clwk, noon, the following described vahiatilorenl cntulo, to nltl All that certain FARM AND TRACT OF LAND situate In Maine townnhtp, said county, bound t a by lands of Hudolph Hhuman, John acarliart, John Muss, and Daniel Fenslriraacher, CONTAINING 112 ACRES, be tbe same more or less, on which are creeled n House, large Frame llarn, and other outbuild ings. Thero Is nlno upon the premises 11 fine young Apple Orchard, and n varlctv of other fruit trees. V. 11. i;NT, Clerk. -CoNMTIONS OF SALE. Ton ner cent nf nnn. fourth of the nurebnse monev tn he ruilrt bv thn Bmchaser at the striking down of the property, ne-fourth less the ten per cent, to be paid nt ttiv conflrmatlon of the sale. The balance lo be paid In one year from tho confirmation of sale, with In Icrest from tho time llie purchaser gels posses sion of the aald nremlBes. The cram In the Bniutiu it, ne soiu wuu ineiarm. t'osscssion or iae oremises 10 oe eiven nn ma nrsLiiAv in Ann A. 1)., 1H71. WILLIAM CHUAHV, ri;riiisu ueauhaut, . . Uuardlaus. ALflrj At the snmn t ltnn nml nlnnn will l,a .nl.l about 00 bushels of Wheat, 00 bu.hels of live and bushels of Corn, as the property of Calli-' urine uenrnart, laie oi jiiaine lownBiup, In said county, deceased. louumons win ue maoo unown on day orsale. BTEl'ilEN OKAKHAItT, oct2l';o. AdiulnUtrator. pUDLIC SALE OF VALUABLE KHAL ESTATU The undprslmipil. I'.lnnllnr nf llm IriLt rlt1 nf jonu hub, laie or r-uganoat township, Columbia county, deceased, will exposo to public sain nt the late residence of I lie decedent, ou HATUIt DAY, NOVKMUKIl JStli, 1H70, ot 1 o clock In the afternoon, tho following described real estate to win ine uuuiviueu uau or a TRACT OF TIMHER LAND, In the warantee namo of Ramunt Xnvlmr.i. hid,. aio In Jackson twp., Col. co., bounded on the northeast by utinctlu Iho wnrranteo namo ol Wesley lfess.on the west by county line, and on the south by land luthe warrantee uaineofHum uel York, aud by laud of Jesse lllionp. rnn. talulnjr 857 ACRE3 AND 81 PERCHES, strict measure, ASO: The undivided one-half of another tract or timber laud situate In Jai n son and migarloaf township., In tho wairniilee name ni wesiey jiess, oounuen onillPWesl nv tbe above described tract, on the north by Unit of James Hess, on the east bv llolipi I Miiniiwni. ery nnd others, and on the south by l.inds of unviu vjuiuci, ruiiiiiiiiuiK 10S ACRES AND 80 lEItCilE, strict measure. ALSO! Another limber lot on West Creek Falls, 111 Jackson township, making a eooiI mill seat, bounded on the south bv land late of I'hUlp Krlckbaum, on tho west by the same, on the north by luud or Jcsio Kliono and ou the east by land ot Kiljali l'eiernian, contain ing FOUll AUlllit, stilct measure. ItlClIAllI) KtLl', Coles Creek, Oct. 2i, 187U-2t, Executor. pRIVATE SALE o F VALUABLE HEAL EH V A T E. Tho undersigned oflers at private sulo about 90 ACRES OF VALUABLE LAND, situate lu llenlon township, Columbia eountVi luiirl., I... I..i..1j ..r 1.IIW..KU,I. i.'ii..n i,....r..l hulU.Jiifiib Ash, Jacob lleNhtlh,. ,,nd others, Fifteen Acres ol which Is cliared land. It also contains a goou j oung nrcnaru, A FRA1ME HOUSE AND ISARN and a never falling tprlug or water. Also a nrst class SAW AM) LATHE MILL. The balance of the tract Is heavily timbered wuu uuu. Willie pine, cc. For terms, colli HlnllK. Ac. nnr.lv tn !hu imilpr. signed. The actual number of acres will be dc- iermii.eu oy survey. henton.June a-l.lhto-tf WM. APrLEJIAN. p R IVATE SALE or P U I! I, I 0 SALE V A I, lT A 11 L li HEAL EHTA T E u iiursiiiineeoran order of tbe OrnhauN' Court of Columbia eouiity, the uudoistRUi-d Admlnls- liuior. l.. in jiiiiii iit'ss, line ui r isuiiigcrevi townslilp In said county, deceased, will oxpove to publlu sale ou the premises on THURSDAY, me mu uay oi lovemuer uexi, an mat CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND situate In Flshlugcreelc twp. Columbia county, bounded bv lands of CoriifdluM Uolurnati nml John Andrews on tho east. Joslah Ileus ou the south, Nathan Smith on the west, ana George 1'ealer and others on the north, OONTAXXINO 13.J ACHES, more or less, Whereon aio erected a good TWO-STOItV Fit AMU DWELLING HOUSE, n frame bum, horse stable and waon bhed, and other out oulldlUKS, a xood well nud spring o water near the dwelling house, a nood Apple Orchard uud olher fruit on tho premises. About one hundred aciesof the above tract Is cleared Jand. .u-tkum8 OFPAI.E. icn pet cent oroncmiru of the pui chase money to bo paid at the striking down ol the pioperty. The one-third of the pur chsse monev lest the ten ner cent, to be tnild. on the-1st of Anril. A. 1). ICTi. when possession of the premises will be given, nnd the balance of tne purcuase money iu oa pam asionows; uoe halt of tho balaueo on the 1st dav of Anril. A. D. 17'.; with Interesttrom the 1st of April IMl, and ine oiuer uau ou inu iki uuy oi April a. ii., ima, with Interest from the 1st duv of Anril 1871. nav able annually. The last two payments to be we en red by bond and mortgage ou tho premises. 1'urcnaser iu ray ior niurigage.ueeu uuu siaiupi, llJUAM IliH, Stlllwuler, Oct, 21, ISTO-lt. Administrator. pUH LIC SAL K VALUABLE ItEAL ESTATE. Tho uuderslirned oITlth nt nrlvntR shIh a firm situate in Loeint township, Columbia couDty, litiiJUL I IIIIIU IIIH" UIO U1U X-BVUr lUlUUCrJ uuu- talnlng SIXTY-ONE it A HALF ACHES, wlinrpnn li nrpctird n. pond dwMliiLr Iwmo i larce new barn nnd other necessarv outbuild' lugs, A GOOD APPLE OHCIIAR1) of cliolce fruit, and a never failing spring of water at the door with a spring house. About two-thirds of the land Is cleared and In good statu of cultivation. For runner information nnn y to John L Hurst, Locust township, Col, co,,or W. W. Hurst Iianvltlu, Montour co., Ta, pnnesslon given on tho llrst day of April IS71, oct2L'TU-3m. W. W. HUlthT. UBLIO SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, In nurMiftnce ot an order of the Oruhans fVmrt of Columbia county, tho undersigned Adminis trator. Ac, of Elizabeth Lunger, late nf the towns iln nf Ilrnton. said couutv. dcceascil. will expHe to public sale on the premises on H.VT- ukuai ;no um oisovemuer nexi.au mat certain TRACT OF LAND, situate in Beuton township lu said county, bounded hv lands of l'eter Kase on the east, Joseph Hess on Uio West, and lands of John Mc Mulllgau on tbe south, CONTAINING 33 ACHES, more or less, on which Is eroded a dwelling house, & c Terms or Haijs. Ten per cent, of one-fourth of tbe purchase money to be paid at the striking down of the property, one-fourth less the ten per cent, to bo paid at the continuation of the saie, anu mo uaiance io oe pain in one year irom the conllrmatlon of the sale with interest on tho same from confirmation nisi, Tuichaser to pny for Heed and Stamps. I'oesslou given on tho 1st of April, A, 1). IK71. fjiiaitiM it. uitA.iv rumi, Benton, Oct, 21, lsTf- lv Adminlsttator. EST R. AY NOTICES. LIFE liTSUUANOE FPU THE PEOPLE. ' " HOMESTEAD LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF l'HNNSY L V A N I A . Ori'tii: 701 Chestnut Street, i'hiliulsltihln. W.M.HKYl'l'.HT.l'icH't. liANVltHNOK M YHIIS, V. I'rcs't. 11. K. DAVIH. Hup't oi AkchcIcd. II. W. Dom'Iir.nr, Hee'y TMi Company orsanlzed livlenillnir repreneutntlres of the luduitrlal lntrreil, of the Stat., rmeiy unown as RucceKRiui anu renpuuslblo business men, u In reach of all, haa adopted n HyBtem or , desiring to place Life Iniuranee wit- MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF PREMIUMS, enabllnu every man to provide for hi f.imlly In cue of hit death, nt a ooU no trlfltnz as ,eareely to Ue fell. Hpeclal ntlentlou Is called to this Uomiuny'n a much needed feature lu Llfo Insurance, entirely new In this country! dWgutd to protect la cane of death, tho Interests ot S II A K E II 0 L D E H S IN BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS AND AU OT1IKRS Who have borrowed money cr purchased property payable In liutalm.nta ext.ndlnt etef ii scries of years, by CANCKI.UNO any balanco ol Indebtedness remaining UNPAID in case of DEATH. THIS COMPANY ISSUES AM, THE OltDINAltY FOItMS Ol' UFKANI) ENDOWMENT POLtCIES AT LOW RATM 01? l'liBMlUM, ON THE I'AHTiUIl'ATlNH I'l.AN, WITH HUT FEW ItESTBICTIONII A 10 OCCUPATION, AND NONK AH TO TllAVi.D OH RE81DKN0H. tfa-Full Information ns lo Plans and Features. Is contained in Pamphlets whl.h will b. lotmti nl by mull un application to the Homo Ollleo. Actlvo und rosiionsiblo men wnntod as Agonts. F. M. HATES, BLOOMSliuna, PA. AOENT FOB COLUMUIA COUNTY. . ... Jti-l'crsons KilkllliiK Agencies In ilther l.jccmlnK, Clinton, Centre, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia, Hulllvan, liiadloid or Ttocn Counties, will plcafe address WIIiLAltD A. W1LI.IAMH, Speolal Acent, No. 46 William Bt. Williausi-okt, Ta. llloomsburi;, Auirust 18, 1870-Bni. JSTUAY NOTICE. Came to the premises of the subscriber In Maine luwimnin n nr huuih ine inn uay or uc to ner, IhTO, TlutKK COWiS, two of them dry, the other given about three quarts of milk per day.theono a light red with whito streak along the bad:, one a black with white belly, back and head, tiiiii un Jiv. mo uinvi Mm iv ini nail WiHif UHCK and belly, with star on forehead, andthree white legs. Tho owner will como forward, provo prop ery, pay charBt-s and take them uwuy, otherwise they will bo sold according to law. U JI AS. nuu M A K , Wnluo twp., Oct. 2S U70-3t JSTllAY NOTICE. Came to the premise of the subscriber, tn Jackson township. on Friday.SeptemberOthlsTO one HEJ JlKlFKUone white snot -on rump, jelt, ear cropped, and tall spotted, Tho owner must call, prove property, pay charges, and take ii away, or U will oe uuposeu ni accorum luw. Jackson, Oct. H, 18;0-3t. DANIEL rOUMf. V A L U A It L K It U A Ii ESTATE In pursunncoof an order of the Orphan' Court ort'olumbla couutv, I'.v., on HATUltUAV, the Htih ilav of November next, at 10 o'clock In the forenomi, Htephen lohe. Guardian of the perwons nud ehtaten of Hurah Alice llehs, Daniel It, Hess, Harvey W.IIeHK, and lluh Hem, minor children of 1 Ilea ho r 11, llett, late of Centre township, In iatd county, deceased, wilt expose to sale, by pirn no venuue, on ine premises, one uuuiviueu third Dart, ni certain real eMuLtt. bounded and de- Krribed ivi IoIIoum, to wit t All that certain lot marked aud numbered "threo" ou tho plot of Centrevllle. bounded on tho north bv Hecond Htreet, ou tne east by lot No. J, on the south by an uuey, uuu uu ino weHv uy jot nu, cuuiam inn T WI5NT Y-TWO PEHCI I ICS, more or leM. ALSO, thu undivided third nart of that certain lot mtuUed aud numbeied eleven (11), on the rant of bald town, bouudeil on the north bv an alley, on the east by lot No. 1.', on tho Houth by thu lViuuylania Canal, uud on thu webtbylot Nu, V, conlutnltitf TIUHTY-SJX PEUOIIES, more or Jess. ALSO the undivided third part of that cerlalu lot inarkod and uumbored eleven (11), on the plot of Mild town, ou the loulh side ot tne l'enu wylvwala Cttu&l, containing . KOUUTEEN PEnCHICS, more or lean, lute the es tabs of said deceftietl, situated lu Ct ni rev Ule, lu tho towukUlp of Cv truund county utoretmld. W. II. ENT, Clerk. TKitMrior Hai.i:. Ten per ceut.of one-fourtu at the btrlktiigdow n of the property, one-lourth vhh the ten per cent, at couUrmation absolute, thu reiiiaiiiliiy threcfomthu in one year there, after with 1 merest lrom continuation nut. STEIUIEN l01IE, oct2l'7U-lw. UuardJun, . gTRAY COW. HtravAil frnm tho rtremlses of the subscriber. rebldinu lu Fast lllooniHhurg.on l-'rlday morning last, a flOUT KKD COW, with small while spou on the lower part of her belly and a long switch tall. She has Ave teats, four of the usual size and oue mi all one. tihe Is six or seveu years old. A suitable reward will be paid for any in- rormaiion oi ner wuereauoutN, octH'70-3t II, UOSE.V3TOCK, G HAND EXPOSITION. MEDICAL, &.C, A GREAT MBMi BISGaVEHY Dr. WALKER'." O " LTFOIKJIA YINECtAB, bitters Hundreds of llioucands Pear testimony to thHr Wonder u lui uurauYo l.hcc. ggti WHAT ARE THEV? in o 8 a2S S 3 l! lis ess mm lis. r HI III'T- n TT" vnT H T"TT T (PI H TIIET ,TJ3 NOT A VILE VMl TIIK PAHIIIONAHLE WOULD rnMi'MMENTsi OF MIW M. A. llINDfc.lt. No. 1101, S. W, corner Eleventh and Chestnut streets, rnuaueipuia. FAJSlflONH FOK THE FALL AND WINTEU Of 1670, Wholesale and hetall. uhtch Paris and the first manufactories suonlv. Uresses, Mantle, Cloaks aud Costumes lor I jut leu and Children. A special department of plain and elegnntlv in milieu paucrun, oi inu itueii l'urisiau uuu English styles, at J6 per dezen. If you want a haudsomely-tlttlng, well-made suit, at bhort notice, go to Mrs. Minder's fortusto ful trimmings nnd ualnty stitcher. Mourulug, Traveling uud Wedding outfits, Walking uud rancy voMuwra. DHEftti AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, UUTTONH, DUMA MKK'IN. rnmnrlfllnir th latA.tt. I'nrln novelties 111 black and colored Fringes, (luupi. ltuches, Loops, Flowers.atoves, HrldiLWreulhs, Velln. Hlbbou new sfUMies in veivei, auiiu uuu MADE Ul LACE UOOns-OKAND DUCIIESHE LACE FOlt DUEart TU1MMIHU. Piilntw Anittlniip.Valencleunes.llauiburi; Vmx- lugs, and lukertlous, Ulack Unlpure and '1 bread Vnntl!K 1NI1IAN DHNAMKN'IS. Fans, lllrds, Mats, Cushions, Moucholrs, Cubos and Kancy Uoodt, selected by Mrs, lUuderut N lunar a. KltKsut line of Whitby Jet Gooils. lu sctH, Ilreastplus, Earrings, Necklaces uud llrurelets. Hpleuuld line of French Jet Ooods, Coral uud Frencu uoid Heu, charms, wieee imiions, Chains, da, which foi' price urvurliy lulyle, Ht rangers visiting our city are respectfully lu vlted to uxamtnn. riuklngaud (iotrerlng. Cutting uud Flttlug, Also, a lertectsibtemut Dress Cutting taught, 1'atterns sent by lusllor expiesstoull parts ot tho Union. MllH. M. A. KINDEH N. W, Corner hlevcnlh and Chttuutfcu.llbtr octU'TD-fiiu, IIfancy DRINK. P? Made of Poor I!am, Whlfltcr, Frouf Rnlrlts nnd Rcliino Lltiuurs doctored, fplccd and sweet ened to plcaeatho taste, caIlcd"Tonlc8,H"Appctl2 ere," "Beatorcra " i.c, that lead tho tippler oa to drunkenness and rabu, but aro a trao Medicine, mado from tho Katlvo Itootsand Herbs of California, frco from nil Alcoholic Stimulants. They aro tb3 (i It EAT ItLOOI) TUUIFIElt aud .A MFC GIVINU 1'ItINCIPLE a perfect Kcnovator and Invlgorator of thQfiyEtem.carrylnsoff allpolBonoua matter and restoring tho blood to a healthy coodltion. Ko person can tako these Enters accordl&s to direc tion and remain long nnwell. S1UO TTlllbo given for an lncnrablocacc, provided th3 tones &ro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and tho vital ergons wasted beyond tho point of repair. For Intlammntory und Cbronlo niieanm tlsm nud Gont Dyspcialar ur Indlccstloop BIUoaBf Kcmlttcnt and Intermittent Fevers Diseases of tbo lS!oodt 11 ver, Kldueys, nnd 13 1 adder Ucbo Dlttcrs Lavo been most BucccEe fal. Sack Diseases aro cacEcd by Vitiated Blood, which la generally produced by derangement of the Dlgcstlvo Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Head ache, Tain la tho Shoulders, Conghs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Bonr Emctatlona of tho Btomach, SadUstolntho Month, BlUona Attacks, Talpitatloa of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain In tho regions of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro tho oCsprlngs of Dyspepsia. TbrylnTigorcta thoEeomacaandstlmnlata tho tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of uneaaallctl cfflcacyln cleansing tho blood of all Impurities, ana Imparting new llfo and vigor to tho wbolo system. roil SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt nhcum, ClotchcB, Spots, Pimples, ruEtulee, Bolls, Ccr banclcs.rjng.TVonns, Ecald-Dcad, Eoro Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Scurti, Dl3colorations of tho Skin, namora and Diseases of tho bkln, of whatever namo or nature, aro literally dug np and carried ont of tho system In a ehorttlmoby thouBoof thesoBittcrs. Ono bottio in each cases will convince tho most Incredulous of their curative oiTcct. ClcanBo tha Vitiated Blood whenever you Had Its Impurities bursting through tho ekln la Pun pice, Erup tions or Sores ; cleanso it when you find It obstructed and Blaggish In tho veins ; cleanso It when It Is foul, and your foclings will toll 70a when, Eeep tho blood pure aid tho health of the eystem will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WOKOIS, lurking In tho system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroy ed aud removed. For full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottle, printed in four lan guages English, German, Trench and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. It. II. MCDONALD & CO., Druggistfl and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Col,, and 82 and St Commerco Street, New York. fiOLU BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEE3. octUif ;otf. DR. SAGE'S I no not with lolufoim veil, reader, that Dr. Wonderlul, or any other man, lias dibcoveiod 11 remedv thut cure Consumotian. when tho lnnc nro half consumed, In short, will cuio all dlheas- ch whether t r mind, body or efctate, make men live loiover, nnd leuvo death to pi tv lor want ol work, und H ileslued to mako our hublun&rv hpluroa blissful I'arailUe, to which IIeaen Itself snail be bur a hide t)ii You have heaid enouuh of that kind ol humbupReiy. Hut when I tell you that Dr.Kajio'B Catarrh Kemedy will postUre- iy cure ine wurM him's u umii m in iuu 11 fiui, i only oxst-rt that v.hich thou a mi 1 can teMlty to Win pay liuuiuii nn ,1 i,uso iiiiil 1 ituuiui cure. A pamphlet qnlna Kymptoms and other lururmaliou hunt ireu to uuy tt'iuiihr., uhlh rcm tdy H HOLD 11V MONT DIUIOr.IMS IN ALL PAUTH Ul' 'IlJi; WUItLD. I'riee SO cents. Kent bv mall. iiokIdiiIiI. nn ti-coliit of Mxty cenlH, or tutu- p.nknyt h for iwodnllaif, litnviiiu ui tvmnirjruu iuw 11 "t utu x timnuivu. hen that my private Mump, hleh W a jx'jirt (jiuiruntte nf iawttunttn. - upon tho nutkMe wiai'per, lten.einln r (bat ihs jirivate stamp. Issued by the L" v lied HtateGoverL meut eacpi eh ly lor fetainpitifj my meuii mi.--, hu my iioitrult, nnmo and aililierfi, and the wortLt IX. H. Cert 111 cute of Uiuuim-uess," cut;iaed upon 11, and need not bo misttthcu. Don't be hu'lndled b travelers find otheib repruxHiitlug themttelvcH Dr, Sago j lam the only man now living that has thu knowledjjonnd ilhf to inanulucluretlie titnuinr Dr sage's i atari h Iteuitdj , and 1 never lrn el to iell this medicine. - - . 1 . V.rXElHU;M. I). I obtl'TQ-tf.rlUSeuecAstreet, lluitalo, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS, S' OMETII1NU NEW I The underslcn-!! would herebv irlvo notlc thn he has Just completed A FIINT CLASS II CAfK. and. t mt ho has 1 h rncillt en lor carry ing on Dm huelncsij of I'NDKHTAKINll In all Us bmnchos IN C I T HTYIiE, Ilo has emrnced experienced persons who will t-iki chnrtro of the bodies ol Dih dweead as Boon as they hhudle ol this mortal coll," and attend to wavhina Miem.Miaviug, (iressintr, AC. wnrouas furulshed also to order. At much expense h has olo procured an IKON ICE BOX, in which bmllth can In1 pre'.prveii In a cleanly h ml tl 1 y c mltlliiii CiirrlHges Inrnlihrd for fu m'rfil imrfiNinns. In rhoit. lo in pieparpd to tako chiu to of h cirp-.e linlnthiiletv afler death, atid mivf frk'iiil.s uud u-lamtH all furtlier trouble lu reuird tolt. Jlu albu carries on the business of CABINET MAKING lTl)lmlstorinelu nil lis brnnclics, repairing furni ture, riKentliij: fane bottomeU ilmlrs.Ac.. .to.' I'laee of builness on Iron fctrret, belnw Main. KODKUT HOAN, llloomsburg, July 22, 1S70-II. QIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MED- O Al-S AWAItDEI), 1111. UIVI'.A 1 11SI.T1MOHE 1'IANO MAXUPALTOHY. rpHE IIYPEUION HAIU JL UUlW.tillS. an iNiusprNSAm.K ',:'. 1 AHTJ I I.K FOK THU L,.VUlli. Wattlltcd JliJWA,ISC7.) Tills Curler Is the. most ptrlect indention ever of ftrnlto tho I'Ubllc. It is eabily operati d.tioat In ap pearance, and will not In luto tbu hair, as thero Is liolieit rcoulti'd. nor any tuctalllcKutiKtauco usetl lo rui.t or bteulc tne lialr. llattutactureil only ami for fcule by JlcMII.IuVN 4 CO. No l3NoitlirroutKtrccl, riULAJlCU'llM, I'A, Sold nl Dry Oocdf, Trimming" and Notion sizes, 65 cts. Jffyry to any part of thu lult ed States, upon ttctlpt of Iho money. JeSno-M-.m. WILLIAJI KNABE & CO. MANUFACTURERS OP OHAN1), SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO P O It T K S , BAIiTIMOB K, M D. Theo Instruments have been before the publlo for nearly Thirty years, aud upon their excel lence nlouo attained an unpurchased pre-eminence which pronounces them unequalled. Their i TONE combines great power, sweetness aud flue .Inn ing quality, ns well ns great purity of Intonat Ion. aud bwceluess throughout tlie entile scale. 1 heir TOUCH Is pliant anil elastic, and entirely free from the stillness found In so many l'lanoes IN WORKMANSHIP ,t.n.r nt... unrnnalloil M.lnl. nnn. hilt. Lh VPrif I best seasoned material, the large capital employed lu our busluess euaollng us to Keep continually au Immense stock of lumber, Ac, on hand. 09, All our Square JHanoes have our Now Im proved OVERsutUKU scale and the Agraffe I'reblc. fiWe would call special attention to our lain Improvements In GUARD PIAXOX and MlUARIi UllANDS; PATIJtTKD AUO. II, VHA, wulch bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attnlned. Evr.llY PlAKO FULLY WAKRANTKI) FOK S YEA 111, Wo have made arrangements for the Sole Wholesale Agency for the most t'elebiated PAIl I.Oll OUUANS and MELODEONH, wlltcll ,iiter Wholesale and lletall, at Lowest Factory T'nces. WILLIAM KNAUB CO . o.:t.'t7J-Cm Baltimore, Mil. C. IIO WEE, hub opened n rlrst-class UOOT, 1I0K,HAT CAP, AM) FUB HTOHK. at llie old stand on l,ialnStrect,Bloomsburg,aii w doors above the Court House. Ills stock Is com pusedot tho very latestaud beststyles ever ofler ed to the cltl.i ns ot Columbia County, llecuu accomiiiodatetlHi public with thofollowlnggoiKls al the lowest lates. Men's heavy donblu soled stogu booth, men's double and single tap soled lilp bouts, men's heavy stoga shoes of all ktuds. meu's line boots and shoes of all grades, loy'a double soled boots and.shoes of all kinds, men's glove ltld llalmoral shoes.uien's, women's, bois's and misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove kid Polish very llne.wnmcii's morocco llulmoralsand calf shoos, vouieu's very line kid butloued Batt els. In short boots ol ull descriptions both pig ged and sewed. Jle would also call attention to bis Quo assuit ment of HATH, CAltl, VVVH AND NOTIONS. which comprises all tho new and popuhtt ubi eties ut iiriees which cannot faltto suit all. Ham goods are otlered at the linsesl cash rates ana will be guaranteed loglve satlsf.letlou. A cull Is solicited beiore purchasing elsewhere as It lu bcltt'VCxl thut better burgaius ale to be loMud than at any other place lu the county, Dec. UW nnn hewakd. pi.VJJ.i Pur any caso of llllnd lileeilliig lulling, or Ulcenited Piles that lit IIino's Pn.h ltEMtnv lailsto cine. It Ispreparid expressly to tine the Piles and noihlng ebe.nnd hascured caies of over '2U jeais staudlug. Hole by nil Inuggtsts. VIA fr'liOA. I)e Ring's Via Fuga is the purejulces ofjlnthu llel bs. Hoots, und lierrlcs, for CONSUMPTION. Innoniiiiatlon of the Lungs, nil User, Kldntr, and Itladdcr (llseiikfh.orguuic Weakness, Female Atlllctimis, Gentiul liebllliy.and all complaints of the Urlnaiy Oiguusln Maleand Female, pro ducing Iijspepsla, C'obtieuess, Gravel, Dropsy mid hcriiiula, which most gineially terminate I Consumptive Decline, ll purities and enrltles the lllood, the llllltury, Oluudular and Kecretlve Kystein; Corrects and Strengthens tbe Nervous and MuEcularloietsitt acts likeachaiinon wesk nervous, and debliitand lemules, both youi.g and old. None should be without It. Sold ever -wlurc. La HOKAToiiY 112 Franklin St., Dalil morc, Md. laug5 ,o-ly. AT E W r tiif. GOAL Y A It D. nuderslifned resnectfully Inform the citizens or Moonisburi! aud Columbia county, that they keep all the dlilereut numbers of stove coal and selected lump coal for smithing purpo ses, ou their whuri, adjolulug M'Kelvy, Neul 4 Co's Furnace; with n good pair of llutulo scales .... nm xtliui-r In wilLh coal. linv. slid straw Likewise u tliiise ana ngon, m ueuver ami w Uinta trim ileslro it. As tliev nurcluiso a large Hiuount ol coal.lhcy Inteiul toueep u sujierlor ar ticle, und sell at tne very lowest puces, i-uuse Call anil exuiniuu lor yllir.0,vr uemiu pun uiva- lug elsewhere. J. W. HENHEIISIIOT, AUGUSTUS MASON. rriHE uniiurslinii'il will tuko In ox- JL change for Coal aud Groceries, the following nuineu articles wueai, nye, v.urn, viai, ivm Iiuim l.uril. lliiin kliniihW.r.aiiii stdu meut. lllltter Fggs, Hay, Ac, at the hlbcst cash prliws, al his UIWVVIJ W1V HkVUtU.U. ...... "....( J, W, liENDKUMlOT. oomsburnMar. 19,'0a-ly, Q h A T i: H O O V I N U, iivtni VARIETY MOST PAYOHAHLE HATES, JOHN THOMAS, AUD IASP1.U J, THOMAS Hox.OT, Illoouisbuig, la, Mar.ltM.9-ly s IIAKPLESS & II ARM AN, KAOLB rOUNUKY ANU MANUFACTCKIMQ HI01. STOVES & PLOWS WHOLESALE it RETAIL TIIK CELKBHATKD I0'TUOSK IllOJt VKAK AND TIIK IIDTTON WOOIIEN 11KAM PLOWS. Castings and Firollrlck for repalrlngcltystovii All kinds of lirass or Iron casting made to order upon short notice. II V Kll A 1IPT rflH A t n I1AHMAM llloomsburg, Pa. JIar.lK,'li9-lf. Proprietors JgUOWN'S FAST FBEIG11T FROM PHII-ADELlniA 10 llLOOMSlllllil. aud Intermediate points. Goods forwaideu will, care aud despatch and at low rates. Goods, at Philadelphia, must be Uellveriu m miner . Co's. Ml Market Street, For lull put tleulajs, apply to JAton SC11UYLER. Proprleui. Aug. ".D.'tD-tf.. It, Depot, liloumsbuis.Pa ENTISTRY. II. C. HOWER, DENTIST, Respectfully offers Ills professional services to the ladles and gsnllemeu of llloomsburg and Tl clnlty. He Is prepared to attend to all the vari ous operatlouslu the Hue of his profession, and Is provided with the latest Improved Poecilhh Tkktii which will be Inserted on gold plating sliver and rubber base to look aa well as the ual ural teeth. Teeth extracted by all the new antf most approved methods, and bil operations ou the teeth carefully and propel ly attended to. Residence aud office a few doors ahnva tb Court House, same side. Uloomsburg, Jan.al.'WU PHILOSOPHY OF MAIUUAGE. A NLW CouiisLorl.iCTVBKs.asdellveredat n.i. Puiiia.l'oijiethuli aiidAnatomlcalMuseuta I'.oS tlitstt.ut !.. llm doors above Twelnh, Pliiladililils,n.lisclDg the iiibjec si llow to Uie mil Mlai to U lori outh. Maturity iiid Old AgeiMimlKil l.eiinally ReletU 'll.eiaiueid li.dlk.niuhi 1 laluleuce and tim i.us liiMSHS n.ouiiteil lor; Marriage Philo. "ilmellj eenndeiid. 'Ihtse leclure will l luMiiidid eniiuM lM 6 leuls by addressing i t.t.ieiur ut ihe rninsjluula 1'ohtxciimo 1MI .AKUH AL Jllbll S, 1VJ5 tbtStllUl St., Pliiludelihla, Ptunsyhuula. JcSliU-ly, IJloouubunE, i a. i-"i'"