fTJflv.4 SiT K- f...... (UJ UlUJ I Ulll.U I dll ' - - Tll.....-l,.,- f-'J.- n.L nn innn fliuuiuiuuiB, xiiuaj, vol. zo, mu, - ,.-,,,,,., - 'p'H1. f.fP"J,rrK j. wiumKn, no. co North MhHtroet, and cok, I'orsons 111 tlio lOdllltlnH Of foluiiibla county wll very much obllgo M by transmitting statements of local events whenever occurrlnrr In their vicinity. No nttcntlotl need bo paid to M It Is only tbo points of Information information that aro nccueu. i Attention Is directed to thowlouf real estate of John Kile, deceased, ad veniscu in lo-uuya paper, IlltlDQE ilUILDEtlS will find a Inttlnrr advertised In our columns this week. Sco new advertisements. SI 2.1 huvi a nnlr nr Alovnnilnr 11.1 .lnv.t at Si P iVh 5 f m, Si realtor i.'rico by mall Some BtaMim. Thcro was recorded diirlni? tho past wcuk In tlio ofllco of tho Keclstcr and Hecordor Tor this County x Mortgage on which there werostamps to tlio amount pf $1300. Whoever is In nossesslnn of n tmw Scotch Klngham Umlirclla. with cronked handle and tho letter D carved on tho end thereof, will confer a favor by re turning It to this office. C. uiu editor oi mo Uoi.ujiiiian in. f.irms tho friends of the tiimnr t hut hi new' publication ofllco is now ilttcd up, about this now-fangled tnachino of Jn flr.it right hand door, up stairs, in the cotiy's Is nonsense. Wo say this In the Commuian uuiidlng, wnero they vl 1 iiwoys meet wmi a conuai welcome. Call and see. Good. A much needed Improvo over ho gutter in front of Dro yer s Imlllling, has just been finished. This will he good news to tlios8 whoso busi- ness requ red them to stop at tho stores 01 muiio in iiitii. uuiiunji:, in 11 jinn nuiu toforo been very inconvenient, not to say dangerous.to tie horses at tho hitch ins posts. M. P. Lutz has received n now stock of cloths, cassimcrh, waterjiroofs, bel vevteens, ladles' cloths, and sack flan nils, and will tint, ho tmiler.mlri. The lecluro before the Younrr Men's Christian Association, last Friday Even ing, by tho Itev. li. h Ai.eeman, was of -o entertaining and instructive a chtirac- ipr. Hint hv milium. I in t hutown wcro redtiested ixtracts iroin it. as uiu Jtoverend iron leuian should furnish for that purpose. Ilia IIU.I, ICUU1U UUU1U LilU IDSUUIUIIUII will hodelivered bv Ituv. S. Haiivkj. Presiding lilder oi Uauvillo iJIstrict.on tnuay evening, JSovemoer 4th, 1S70, rt. iiii.. , ...... iiiu jiuuuu aro uuruiuuy luviicti. VnlTvrt "af T-v'a f!iri,7ePT v A Don,, . . t.u... iiu J.....V. Mllliuxi UUUVL-UUUI1 I of tho Young Men's Christian Assocla- I on of tho Stato of Pennsylvania, will 51h, 1870, closing its session on Thurs lay evening. Delegates aro expected from all tho Associations in tho State. nm,,,, it.l.n.i ...111 1. ......... rn..-. . prominent ministers and earnest Chris tian workers. A moat enidlal Invita- tinn nvlnii, n, tn i.it,I.t,,.d l..I ,iaii inymen in town anu country uls '.nets whero thero nro no Associations. !n pntnn In flin Ptint.ft.illnii A no, hearty Christian wclcomo is assured to ill who come, and arrnnucinents will be mado for their entertainment, as well for reduced faro on railroads. All whodeslgn attendinc nro reauest- iu ii'iiuuii m J.1IU1UU3 av V1IU11- mnn Sinta lsvrpnllvo PnmiittlA llla. burg, that they may avail themselves oi me privileges. LOCAL NOTICES. Persons com Ing to court next week, lon't fail to call in at tho 'Oyster Bay. Winter is renidlv amiroachlntr. and U. .,i. jvnuiuv mm iiuiii li in ill-, sacvi- lent stock of Boots and Shoes, a full us- nrl iiif'iir - ,i U7iiif.fi tit. li iw'fi i a u ltd .111 asii. at uiu lievstono b 100 Mlori'. eoru- . ..ii.t, iiiiv. Kiiunui kji, vv ,9,uivfuiii.- iiff. If.. to, ... I!u:psed uro tliey who seek relief iuim -i,ivur uniDiilliu, xiuiuuanit'S" evero llncerint; Coughs nntl Iironcliitis UV uslnrr llr. I'lprrn'a A t. jt nr fin . Jen Judical Discovery, for tliev shall lie happy .In litiowinR tlmt the euro Is icmpieu'. i,iJUiirovnrti 19 ollereil by the nronrietor for n medicine tlmt will ior which it is recommended. For con stipation of the bowels nnd ns a hlood uiuiciieH on iuu nice, Bait itiicura, iry- iiw'ius, anu an sum nnuscro u ous fffees, this mediclno is unequalled. Sold Ladies "callinpr for oysters at tho ''Oyster Bay" will plenso walk up stairs Qtlie lnrlil ft cnlnnn. nml rlnirllin linll. VoiiTlI RKKTNfl. .T. If. SfAIZE of UlO Mammoth Grocery. Main and Iron triinlo l.no ftiat vntiinnfl fmm tlin nltr v.r. una JMaV ....... ...u .... witli the finest and larRPbt stock or Uro tries ever offered to tho tieonlo of this "uuiy. iur. J.UA1.E mis t'Hriieu tuiiieii Jtatlon of keoniiiL' tho liest Groceries in oioomsuurp: nnu seems tieierminea mat tshallbo deserved. His assortment omprlses Fancy Groceries, Fruits of all kiritls nnfl Priirtalniiu linoiflna n full l.,4bll 1IU U,,l.l3 I.IIVH I ,,,, V.V.I W. ...MIJV 1U1 J'lUUUbl., lUJI ,JU' DVM I JacoIiV,- proprietor of tho' '.'Oyeter Pav II 13 innir7.l,lln,1 lnil.Tiiatnil,mfl "J 4 IJ U UV-41 UUil M r V MLI,W i the Uepubkan for continuing to adver tise his business even if it is out of tho - - rt in tell pysttrs by tho quart at tho same Amii-fta unit ..i.r.o Iaii.u. nnl tull lioi nfl . loir his nrnlic tinn of "irorii! nau" his uiu uo is. "mnu iirouiH anu ouick fates. Jiirnbv does nretend to sav that villi) tho fresh, sweet butter ho nets ill- TPft lrr.,i llin fiivmnrc 1. .ii, mif ,,,, Uiu if At nwilor Rtfinr nr rlinrn in inu'n. OltANnKVIT.T.T! Al4AllF.MV. -OrwigC I HOP. I. li. HciinnNnvKii. Prlnolnnl. Jilts. I.E.Scjioonoveii, PreceptresM. iho winter session of th s well known :iu popular institution will begin Nov. Mil l.n.l nnnflm.n ..lr..n. ...n..l.n rl,n I m nn luiiuiiuu uiuwni nri-nii, xiiu 'purse of Instruction will Ineludo all nn lira -n rtli na it-ti 1 1 if Imwrlit iti If TERMS. Primary Department, f3 to m i it nnorinr 1 1 iniinr i iiTinriinfm r yii UoocJ board can bo obtnlned In ri jaio fainilits at ia ner week, or deslra WlhlllnL' id linnnl HiPmtnlvnw (ur lurwiLT jmrucuiar-H uuurcbs uioiw tnlrty.filx scripture, comic una ar viort-u itA.tiiM.i..-rL ..,1-1-.,. ., I HU I 111 T -. . . . . . I AVlViTi t. Hi.. .,' t fM..!, II,... f ' ... I I, "i.i-i iuriD ill VtltlSlinil 1UI111 (8 Kir tUn wimirt tii.itltlut hnvj uaiui t (' yUIH- l't itona wishing to ucJopt XiJL ,Vu,l,,Jl to laibe. ptCHto uUdreia fiY? V, Lcfcher, Forks. Columbia vui ra. THE TitKlCNAllE I'iano Wn rotor with sncclnl'plelwuto to tli6mlvcrtlsoincnt of mo urcaii'innoAianumctoryor Messrs, Win. KnnboACo..of Unltlmoro. Tills fllctorV In DOW CitlO of tlin Inrirnat J,, Ul0 worlt,-. u is )aR1)inceht llvo story Mructuro, fronting niicntlro block on Eutnw st., ntitl covcrliiL' together with thp Lumber Yard nltnehwlomo two ntul ouo-hnlfnures of ground. Threo men nrn cntmlntitlv cmployocl turnlnir out ovut fnrtv Insirn. mmit.i tinr wppIt. The Knnbo Vlnno has by lUsuperior- llV Illlf . nnlu trail t, .1. !.. .(..,... Northorn manufacture from tho homo mnrket, but also enjoys a larco salo In New York, Philadelphia nnS through, out tho entire North and West hevMo T in mmt tninmn.i mi,tnio., r Tho most talented miintplnnii nf flm (lav. uotll amateur and nrnfe.ulnnnl.lrn. tilv In thetr nnrtnrlnrlrxr. nml ttpltnrmw exhibited they havo novcr failed to carry otr tho hlnhost nwnnla livnr nil competition, having received no less man uo nrst premiums. During tho just Hunson mov worn tisnii nimtnin. IlCOUSlV l)V tho most (llqf IntTlllal,,., nri. 111a in. uiu wiiurn nouses in iiitltlmorc, I'hiladolphla, Now York, Brooklyn, VJ'"l;"KU' 'A"-'ro IS coriainiy no 111- strument made, moro durablo than tho Knabo Piano, none but tho best work- i.... .7....",..",.:r.j., "" best materials used. OkanoeviIjLe, Pa., Oct. 27, 1870 Mr. JMUorill has been noticed Hint u certain man by tlio namo of Jacoby lins been udvertisinir himself tlirniifh tlio newspapers, as tho only man who mis oeen Kipping irusn oysters, sc. As an old resident of tho county, wo oeg io say mai mo most rellalilo man in iiioovster lino, with whom vnu run (leal, U Jlr. II. Htoiineu. at tho old stand, under UltnWN's lloriili. who has uiu commence oi tlio iicodio lor n number of year. All this cliu trim iniurusis oi i' aiu i-IjAY. 1h It Medicine? A friend of ours. who halls from ono of tho upper dis tricts of South Carolina, called at tho Pick olllco, and among other novelties, (1am Schnapps'' and stated as a fact, ,imt . hi. LLfii,n,,ni. ly nll of t,10 phyalulana. In certain cases, lu)11 tht.y (Lcfuea llr(l'ellt m.lrlts neeo sary to jirolong or savo life, Invariably used theso "Schnapps," Justly regard ing it as tho only spirits that could bo procured puro and unadulterated. He also stated that this medicine or "Schnapps" was becoming tho only bev erage sold on tho great stago or railroad routes, no says uioso physicians who have used and analyzed It, statu that for diseases such as gruvel, gout, rheu matism, &c., it Is incomparable. Notice. By dlvlno permission Elder J. J. IIauvey will nreach at Iron St.. nou-nnini.ra nf Church Illoomsburg, on Monday Even to Publish sueh in th0 31st i"tant. Services to com Ueverend son! o'clock Tho public aro re- BlJUtllllliy 111V11UU tUtlllUIlU. Lost. On Friday. October 11th. at tho Fair Grounds, or on tho road to town, a hair bracelet with gold clasp, containing tho photograph of a lady and tho namo "Belle." Tho finder will be suitably rowarded by leaving it at this ofllco, or ut tho store of Peter Ent, 111 JlJiJk UllUCki DII yt 200.000 Primo Brick for salo nt Esnv. For particulars address 11. J. HllI.Esnv. or x. a. luiuur, iiimo xtiugo. li ll-ll. Mr. M. Kline, of this nlace. Isaccnt of tho Trenton Agricultural Works and win no pleased to cxniDlt to tanners tho Peerless self regulating Thresher and uieaner winch tooK tho ltrst premium nt tho Stato fair and tho recent exhibi tion held In this county. This machlno L3 hotter adapted to tho wants of tho in an any otner nov manufac- ulTrl 11 elnVr2ce.3 805?P now nnd nov- el features which simplify and lighten "" noum, oi power is re quired to run it It Is a perfect cleaner ami ngro.it saver oi grain, it is simple, uuraoie, cneap anu a great lavorite. SCHUYEElt A Low of Oranrrovlllo. Pa., manufacture tho best Threshers and Cleaners, tho best Wheeler's Kail way Chain II or so Power and Thresher, from tho original patterns and tho best L,over I'owers mauo in tins county, ir not in tho Stnto. Don't fall to examine their machines before purchasing any other.- Thoy' guarantee them to give satisfaction In overy respect. They al so manufacture Plows and other Agri cultural implements. Seo their adver tisement in another column. - tr. T HE DOJ1ESTIC SEWING MACHINE, FOR, SALE BY M. P. LiUTZ, iiLOOMsnuua, pa. MILLEH, HUaiIE3 & CO., J . ' BE11WICK, l'A. Ihlt BewlDB Mnchlne ruuv ntlllcrand riulur than uy other, it lias rewcr parts, It hail rail !(( nhuttlo that lilll never wtnr out, It haw I Blake's l4ateut table which to see shows Its use. niiuwu. AgnU waiil-jl in unoccupied Territory lu re-unitylvaula, New Jemyt Maryland, Delaware Vlreiula, WtktYlrglulaaua DUtrlctof Culum- AdJres 11LAKK COt ECHANTON, l'A, COLUMBIAN AM) pilKMlUaiS AWARDED. 1IY TUB COLUMMA COUNTY AUKICULTUHAIj, HOltTICULTUIlAtj AND MECUANI. CAt, A890CIAU0N, HELD AT DLooMsnuiio, pa., On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Oct. lStli, 1311. ami Htli 1S70. CI.ABS i-itonsES. llcst rr matched lioro, 3 AH Turnbach M " , ,", ." O llplswlok " slnslo carrlnga horo W K Hiernr . . ' " " mnre J J M'llcnry at" ' " liomaJllIkclcr 2d" ' " marol'W l'ursell 11 tiatrdruucht horRPs DYnpum t00 S 00 5 00 6 00 .1 00 8 00 H 00 W" . ". . ' " WWintcrsloen 9 00 stnlllon "l'rlneo John" .1 W Jt'Cormlck 12 oil ' " for nil work Alfred Irwin 10 00 ' "3 years old Noah Monscr 8 00 ' brnnil In.rn nnrl mlt iriratn Tlinm.. M nn 2d " " " P Hageiibuch e 00 " pair mules n V Kcster 4 00 3d' OI Thomas 2 00 ' mule colt 111 mo old II Dclghmlller 3 00 " Jack 8 1 Utiles mi " lidding between 3 and t years 11 l'ealcr i 00 " mare between 3 and 4 years K Preston t 00 " colt betn ecn 1 and 2 years J Heller 3 00 " colt under 10 mos Hiram lhomaj 3 00 " 2 mare colls M Kllno 3 00 ' moro colt under 10 mo W C Illchart 2 00 Jndnea Wm. WInterstecn, Daniel Morrl, iuucii ivuiuuuouHQ.uyrusiviciieury, iiiiamr( llruwu. CLASS II CATTLE. Beit Rraded bull 4 cars old HA llklloy Durham " " K Hagenbuch " Aldcrney " " James Htcrner " craded Devon row Doutz'as llugbcs " Altltrnev cow N I. Camnball 12 00 Ul 12 00 i 00 4 00 " while Alderncy belfer.7 mo D J Waller 2 00 " Durham heifer WuiE Freas 4 00 " Devon bull calf I and 2 yrs W I, Frean 3 00 " graded heifer M Hltteuhouse 8 to " Alderney cow ayears UeoLern 00i " Aldcrney bull betw'n 1 nud i y r Q Ecrn 3 00 " Durham cow 3 yrs old No 1 E Hlttcnh'ee 4 00 " " No 2 " 0 00 " traded helfur 1 and 2 vrs " M " inided bull 1 nnd 2yrs I! Illttcntiouso 3 00 " iiruded cow 3 yrs " 0 00 " itriulcd iieircr 2 yrs M II Appleman 4 01) " nntlvu heller2yrs ' 4 00 ' nntlvocow " 4 00 " liuvon hulljonathau Troup 0 00 " hbort horn Durham huiler 18 mo OH l'axtoti 3 00 "uliort horn Dnrliam heifer cnlf 6 moi O H l'axton 2 00 " niillvu bull 2 yrs old OA Knurr u (0 " liatlvo cow Daulul Vocum 0 00 " Kinilcd cow " 4 00 " jr steers bplween 1 nnd 2 yrs O Hldler 2 on " lielrer natlvo Hock 2 yrs H Hldler 3 o;i " iintlvo bull so mo J 11 Vandersllco 3 00 Judges William E. Frcas, Neho mloli Itccco A. I. Youiig. CLASH III-8WINE, nest sow and plgi Daniel Yocnm 0 00 " rhesler whlto broodsow J Vim Llow fi 00 " Chester white boar fi 00 2d " blood sow and Hnlr-s fl W Drf Klmch 4 1)0 2d " brood sow Douglas Hughes 3 00 MIUUll U WCCKH UIU 1J.U11 1 OCUlll -1 W " 5 stock Iiokh Hlmou Hitler 3 00 2d ' Cluster wlillo bonr John Wardln 3 00 JuiIrcs A.r, DifKoiich. Kester Matthias llartmanjsalali class iv-siiEur. Itest burk Doiiitlat Iltighei 4 00 2d " lamb Ions wool M K Appleman 3 00 middle wool biirk Hlmou Killer 4 00 2d pxvolnmb V IMVhito .100 " Ion wool ewo Charles Jonps 4 00 " south down lmek John Van Wow 4 00 ' pen of sheen li W Armstrong 4 00 ' short wool buck II F KeMer .1 00 " middle wool buck lamb J M Johnson 3 00 Judges John It, Yohe, J. V. Kder,XoaliMoun er. CLASS V-rOULTUY. IJest lot llrahma chickens B Turnbach " display or poultry Aaron Kester " 3 bronze turkeys 11 Hchwepeuhelser " pair llrahma l'ootra John Van Llevr " juilr Reeso V Kressler lot tame piteous V V IlncientjucU '3 while turkeys Henry Olil " 4 Nova Hcotia ducks u V Kesler " pair mftltA turkeys M A (llrton ' Kaccoon Adolpb. Vandtrsllco " llnntum chickens J 11 Hrobst " 5 California chickens Mr Casey ' (i ducks Charles Foster 4 00 8 CO '1 00 1! 00 1 M) 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 WCtl 11 pair tame rabbits Mrs O Hughes 1 ' lot chickens Jahn Van Llew ' pair geese J M Johnson Judges S. B. 'Winner, D. A Bowman, Jt Crca CLABSVI-GUAIN, HEEDS AND FLOUIt, Best bushel wheat John Turner 3 00 " bushel smoke corn cars I IC Dlldlne 1 60 2d " red wheat " 3 so ' haUbuhelclover.eed Isaac Ilcacock 3 (X) 41 " " timothy seed Aaron Kester Apr " builicl buckwheat A J lUeler 1 60 ' -led corn Klmonfcltlcr Ayr ' half bushel timothy tseed II AHchwep- penheiser 3 00 bUBliel sanfnrdcorn A PAVhlto Ayr ' " whlto Norway oats II Delahmll- ler 1 60 '.rC tts wheat flour I'eter lint 3 Oil " bushel yellow corn ("has Jones 1 60 ' :4 black oats V 11 Hnftrnbuch Ayr " lot broom coin Clark Merrill " bus gouid heed corn Ij IC hlmrretts 1 60 ' whit os' tic oats y H Ilechtel Agr ' " flaxseed ..... w ' Houghton wheat J Crevellug Ayr .i .. I'uppohannock wheat 60 41 ' xeflowiiourd seed corn M A Olrton Ayr " Norway oats J II Crevellng 60 ' M lbs rye flour John Beagle 3 00 14 ' buckwheat Hour J Beagle 3 00 41 popcorn J 1 Btldlno 60 bubhel ryo John Wnrdln I 60 4 lot broom corn J DlcflVntmch 1 tn) 44 bushel 8 rowed yellow corn W Ivy Ayr 44 clover beed Jacob Ulrard 160 Judges John Bctz, M, W. McIIenry and EUsha CLASS VIJ-VEGETAHI.IiS. Ilent dried hops Mrs H I.onar " hlnelc turnip nulillsli W' Abbott - gulden turnip raddisli " o.irly bcarlet " " wlnt'r crook neck j-qiiiiihs" " H li hollow crown parsnips" ' linhhcl vellow onions 41 50cts Dtp filets 1 01) I IK) ' bihei plnk.cyi' imtatoes W C Itlchart 1 SO ' bus Cullers ilrst ci op peas I. l-ilner 2 IX) " Luvhel Mondrlch potatoes M KUue 1 W lot cayenno peppets Mrs Cotcinan GO " anlwerp winterbuliad Mrs t' Kox so " lot iuangoes (J Foster Dip i cpu plants It Edwards 1 IU " quarts lima beans It Edwards 1 00 " 1 inamotti bnuash Wm L tress 1 m "JJ bushel rutu bagas J I, Dillon 1 so .. , carrots " " Ayr 14 pincli blow jiolatoes I, Dillon ISO 14 Jersey buckeye potatoes Win ltljiito I 50 44 Jjjbusliel heels A Kester Ayr " soup beans 44 41 oil 44 bus early lose potatoes O A Jacoby 1 SO " ' Meuer potatoes u A Knoor ISO 14 14 potatoes Horn seed J DOuIck SO 14 lotfaiollim beans Mrs LSItler 1 ' o ilrlf.il sweet com J l)i)n.b. it 44 whllo llvlglum carrots Wm Tleehlel 1 SO 44 bus Wlllard potatoes J Creveling 1 SO 44 li bus s eetiiotatoes 44 -2 HO riEiotmuatots Joseph Garrison 1 (10 44 S bundles while cellery ' 44 100 44 idoz Held pumpkins 44 44 Agr 44biis turnips Stephen I'olm 1 50 4 4 44 Andes potatoes II II ilrown ISO 44 44 Colbrook seedling 44 1 50 44 strawberry rotatoes 44 1 50 44 ants mixed beans I.izzle Alibott Ayr 44 V$ doz lieads enbbngo Wm lvv 1 W) Judges Wm. Liiinou, tVni. Thomas. John Smith. CI.AKS VIII-FnUITS. Best lot quinces Mrs Wm Hiiub SOcts (li suect uiieu cnerries ,ii jiuriios 44 display prapes Mrs I) J W'uller 1 00 SOcts " oo4 uui appios u jjvans .r wluter applev 44 (lirnt-r ttfintR Mm Turrv TTca lot whortk-berrics Mrs A llendcrshott 44 U doz dwarf winter jiears U Welsli " jiii, quinces ii a ecnwcppeuneiser 44 Cievellui- apples H Croveling 44lluldwln 44 -4 44 44 qt black cherries Mrs M Johni-on 44 qt peaches 44 44 qt ilrlod apples Jos Uarrlsoa 44 qt 4 raspberries 14 44 dried nears 44 60cts ao 44 44 2 do quinces Mrs J K ICdgar 75cts 30 44 lot Delaware uraiies jeia 44 2 (its chestnuts Mr It Tv Istler "dlsnlayofnppleslj ItHharrctts 2 00 44 looking lot apples Chas Foster 80 cts 44 flavored pears HO bhlvo . 44 44 Concord gropes Mrs 1) J Waller 441 Judges Hamuel Ncyuard, Hiram J, Reeder, W Hess. CLASS IX-WINES AND LIQUOllS. Best rhubarb wluo DrG Yost SOcts 44 elderberry wine W II Uilmore 44 cnerry wiue Airs i. uieui 4 bluckberry wine Mrs M Appleman Mrs A Ilendershott 1 CO iienuersnott. Lisbon 44 3 vrsold Kilns Krum fools 44 black cherry wluo Miss 1 Kressler 1 00 2d 44 red 44 44 4 4 50 ctt) 44 elder blossom 44 Mrs F Kesler 44 44 nt vinegar Jacob Keller 44 1 nt " Mrs A J Ikeler 44 lllder hloRhom wlno 44 44 44 1 qt elder vinegar Mrs llagenbuch 44 44 new raspberry wlno diss brown 44 1 (it elder vinegar L A llldley 44 Judues-.llenrv Zumilnuer. John Kressler. J. W, UeudersUolt. CLASS X-DOMESTIO MANUI'ACTUIIUS, Ilest grape Jelly Mary Chrlstmati 50 cts 44.wultuiurruntjelly V 44 . 44 treen guge butler Mrs Wldmlre 44 44 pickle peaohes Mrs James Kester 44 itpium elly.Ann Chrlsuuau. 44 44 canned pears Mrs Coleman 44 4I preserved quinces Ann Cbrlitmau 44 4 rasprerry Jam Mrs Geo DJelil 44 44 peach Jelly Margaret Appleman 44 44 wiifte gtupe Jelly 44 44 44 npi'lHploMIbs Lizzie Ikeler 100 44 lot of biscuit 44 " Wets 44 qt apple butler Mrs Owen Kycrly 44 44 qulueejani Mrs Jerrylless 44 44 44 butler Mrs l'ltlllp chrlbtsuui 44 44 Ham Mrs Aaron llendersliott Agr 44 cucumber pickles Asrou Kester 41 44 plale Jumblis Miss Nom Jacoby 60 cts 44 iiiiuee plo 44 44 44 44 44 5 1bsbulter 44 44 44 44 44 Jsr prsv'd cherrks Mrs Mlnneaglr 44 44 gsgts 44 44 44 44 canned cherries 44 44 44 44 44 upr'cou 44 44 44 44 Jar raspberries Mrs E W Wynkocp- 44 44 44 raspberryjam 44 44 44 prsv'd Jerusalem cherries O Merrill! 44 lot pickled tomatoes Mrs Foster 44 pall soil, soap Mrs I, Hitler " spongocaku Mrs Will lleers tiniil piejeiiy" riaized pie Jar lalzed pickles Harsh Unangst quimu jeny jurs v ji uousei i Mi l Lei ry Jelly 44 44 44 blackberry 44 44 44 44 Jsr blackberries Mrs Jolmson 44 dderbcry Jelly Mis4 yuudersllce 4irabupple 44 44 44 44 giupe Jelly Lizzie A bbott 44 canned pears 44 44 44 lot luauut'd candy JohnO Jacoby 44 peach butter Mrs 1' M llules 44 lemon plo 44 44 "Jelly c-uke. 44 ' 44 Jar plcklid eggs44 44 44 7 Jais uks'.l caudles F Wldmoyer' 44 loal bread Mrs J II lkler 2d 44 lout bread Mrs J O Irani 44 ql ytutl Mrs U Kuusr 1 00 DO CIS 3(0 j on 1 uo SUM DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY,, " satnrileliardsoni " " Ml J'lensant cake Mrs Snyd6t tiodncako! ' " " toe1! tofoatiut pla f 2i rnu uutter Mrs llnltnn lei n 1 00 -jarcanneu rherries Mrs Ilenaersnou wicis " dried corn Jos Garrison " T...1A.llt.' tf It 1 1 .,..,. T1....n1l Mrs. llalatou, Mn. Jlio. KI.tler, iliil'. llruglor. VhXBS JI 1IOUSR1IOM) MANUFAC- Best emb'il ntght dreas Mrs Long " braided ' "sofa pi How , " " " emb'd garnitnt ". " "hratded " " " knit uhawl Mrs 1'rnt Wldmeyet "unaer garment " " "allk braided skirt". " " lo yards rac carpet Mrs Unicode " boil spread -"- " pair linen sheen Mrs M Appleman "lot thread, ' ' " palr.woolenJioso. , " " pair liomemado cloth A 11 Croon " eiuilt Mm I Heacock " pair wool mittens Mrs Hess " hand towel " wool carpet Mrs llowman " pair wool hose Mrs llendcrshott " pair homemade cloth Ellas Krums " pnlr homemade sheets Mrs Kester pillowcase " " " skein wool yarn Mrs Charity Evnna " 7 skeins linen thrcail " ". " 4loxes feathers J II Datcsman " table cloth Miss II Vandersllco " pair blankets Mrs Hagenbuvh " 2 coverlets M rs M Johnson " homemmle hlsnkets A llagenbuch ' coverlet Mrs W H Conner " qnllt Mrs 11 11 Ilrown ' MrBTIlilo Leo " coverlet Mrs Clark Fldler " 20 yds linen Mrs Jonas Krum 1 60 1 M 5 11 1 60 1 00 73 1 00 1 60 I 50 75 tts 60 " a " ten t 60 2, li 1 60 10 Atir 60 60 23 m 73 Anr 1M 2 M 1 60 Agr Agr Air 1 61 73 1 10 1 10 1 SO ..lor " jiucn sneet 1 pr linen table cloth iw; 9 vtls flnnncl Mm Ivontlor luyuHumperitticn " crndlo coverlet " " horaemRde table cloth" Judges J a in os Master, II. U. Kves. Barah J( Allen, Esther K ester, Hudo Allen, CLASS X1I-FAKOY AHTICLK8 AND noRtbead hanging banket Mrs Wldmlre 1 00 " bmul nln cushion MIrb liurtoa 1 00 " thread cake tidy " 1 IW " 2 betul toilet mats " " &) ' boqnet MInh Kva Itupert M 11 bnr nln cuBhln Mrn ilcacock tJ " nlr i-jistln .Minn A llrnrnflc A! Inmn tniif. If W Molvnlvtr iV) " pr driving lines for llttlo boy M KcKelvy CO iok cauin nuiu furs m r juiz 1 10 " cot embroidery m 1 (A) CO " sof.i pillow Mr Uartman " pr 8t(lH Miss K Appleman " pr miBp-rndiTri " 14 ml)rlderptl yclie Mrs Dlehl 41 lmtlirr work Anulo Uarrlson MmugltiR Imsket ' " 41 cross nnd frumo ' ' wax ctotH trlmiued In colors Miss Ag- Kto Coleman " cmbroldrred yoke Miss Coleman " collf ctlon tlnhllni Mrs 11 medley itlct lire Mrn Campbell ' drlcfl 'lowers " " ' pr crochet mittens Mrs llrockway " clmtrruslilon " 44 CmVir'd Fofa pillow Mls filmrplosH 4' 44 worsted tidy Mrs ViiuderBllco " 44 44 li A uyer 41 crochet " 41 llnrman 44 wild Hsh and plnss jar Jane Kdwardi "yprknttfitncktngs Mrs Fowler crocliet collarMrM Webbjr " monutaln plant Mrs Jerry Hess " mango treo Henry Old 44 hair wreath Mrs il V Bowman " lllly in pot Mrs Turnbach "collection dahlias Mlsn Uoblnon 44 ico plant and hanging basket ' 44 tattiiiR yokoMrs IIO Cut ,4afgbun tidy 44 44 41 mo-ss wreath 41 41 44 crochet yoke. 44 44 44 44 counterpanes Mis AVltman " tattluc collar 44 44 44 pen wiper Miss Eyerly ' lancy erof-s Clara llnghea 44 slllc quilt H 13 JohiiHou 44 bur iraniB and cushlonMIos jrerrlll 44 sample wax dowers Mrs Wytikoop " 44 penmuushlp 44 44 fancy doll chair Mrn Ohl 41 bur framo Mrs Ii Siller "lot burbasketsnnd cas.es MrsSltlcr 44 Java canvass lldys MrsMoyer 14 fancy chair Mrs J 11 Mtil.e 44 2 faucy drawiuas Miss TuuRton 44 'i autumn wax tlowers " 44 ru tiled skirt Miss Brown "yoke nlsht dress 41 "ciuUtMraW livelier nmcy cradle quill Mrrf Kitchen " z-fphyr toilet xuat Mrs l'rymiro 44 pin cushion 44 " 'bur basket Mary Unanjrst 4 rag rug Mrs Annie -Harrison ' baby bocks Jllta U M Lutz " sacquo 44 " 44 2 wood frames Mrs M Italston " MulFed partridge Mrs John Ale ' night blooming ceres Mrs Casey ' bpeclmcn pcnmaushlpjJos Uarrlson ' case of Insects M 12 walker ''knit quilt Mrs llendcrshott white JapiolcaJohn Wolf 44 worsted shawl Lizzie Abbot dl) 1 II) X 0) IW M 1 fx) 00 to 1 to to 0) M 60 to m so .on M m 5'J 50 1 w to to 60 60 (U to 60 to .11) m m to .-. to to 6) 1 00 60 6) to 60 60 to 60 CO M 60 6) 6) to I U0 50 60 60 60 pr Keptiyr mittens Lizzie Abbott knit collar Ollll .10 44 braided pin cushion 44 44 card basket Ura F M Bates 44 linen tidy 44 44 2d prm cblckerlnp sqnnre piano If rowell 1st prm Mason k llamlln organ 45 44 1st prm square piano Durltng llcst orau 44 44 inelmleon stool cover Mrs Snyder 44 fora arghan Mrs C 11 Vaxton 44 worsted shawl Mrs Wldmyer 50 50 60 I t0 4 (10 8 00 2 (10 50 1 to JudKesJolin M, Clnrk, Mrs. A. V. Ilutler, Mim Knlo A. lielz, Mist Hannah Waller, Miss Ida llo jjoweu. CLAK3 XIII-Vi:iIICLK-3. EcstshlftlUB top buggy Slosn Uros 44 open 44 44 44 .1 00 3 U) J no 3 IM 4 pintform spring wagon O Ellunt farm wagon 1) Ilrobst 4 uo I uu 3 IW 44 liearso Hobt llou 44 spring wiigou platform lives & llro Judges Wm. II. llagenbuch, II. C. Freas, Wm zi. iirown. CLASS XIV AtiniCUI.TUItAIf IMI'LE' MENTd, MACIllNKltY, SC. Best American buttonholo over seaming sowing machlno ti J Faux 44 grain und phosphato drill J. tS Turn bach 44 Iron beam plough J i S Turnbach 44 cultivators 44 " 44 liny fork 44 44 44 hay rake W Illchart 44 eonib'u reaper self rak'g 41 44 thresher, btpiunior and cleaner Tren ton ag4l works M Kllnu ugt 44 felloe oiler Fnus & Miller Host udlustablQ ulr cnum dasher J. V. 3 0J l 01 1 00 JMjl Dip 3 ( 10 0) Dlj: jrauicr inp 4 patent strap holder and clothesline com blned J. V. Cramer 44 tread power i hreslier and separ&t Bclinyler & Low 44 one horbe tilougli Hchuyler ALow 44 right hand plough " 44 44 Kit 44 44 wagon Jack 44 44 44 uzuhaiitllo 44 44 Dip 1 no 2 01) 1 00 Dll. " exoelsiorfcedluuinmiL'er DrO Albright ln 44 Dilll lcder paient H W llowman Jl 44 tlo er huiler J ,t HTuiubach 3 U) 44 combined reuper audmuwtr JerrvIIair. eubueh 4 I") sasu sup'riiud lock J V Cramer lnji ,uiirj. tiuei sen itiKerAiuowereomuiu cd J H Marsh . Co Dip uuuuie corn piougn and piitato coverer combined Hllubtr a Son 44 right hand plough 44 horso power i. thresher JM IIulshel7or " circular saw for cutting fits wood J M . Hu sliulzer 1 00 Di,i Dw Dip 44 Iron ben m rleht find lnfl tilftiiph.Tolm D Voi!ht 2 fO 4 fanning mill II A Rchwei.pcnlulscrng't Ait 44 ilnulllo rom klipllpr1 Dil. 44 slnglo 44 world reaper & mow er E Turscll 44 corn planter J I4 Campbell 44 corn sjieller Montgomery KlftiA 44 W'ulter A Wood mowing machine J I) Dip ti i1 2 I Dip Dip Judges. lliury Yetter, Henry Delchmlller ,T HI, Jllllllll?. CLASS XV-STOVI-.H, TINWAIIK, KA11TII KNWAItK, 40. llcstlotenrllienwnroA llabb 1 44 Searthen flowerpots 44 44 no. 1 rotary cook J ,t HTiimlweh 44 morning glory heater AM Itupert 44 lot tinware 4i 44 parlor stove I llagenbuch 44 no 9 Amerlcnn cook M W Htef.kf.r 2 00 x oo :i no 2 o 2 I 44 slato mnulles Thomas Slate Co 44 table I op 44 44 chess board 44 44 Iron fem e S II Coleman n po 2 0 Judges. S. II. Hlnnrd. Jacob Hun Is. Jacoll G raru. CLASS XVI-OAniNET WAKE, SHOE MAKEItS, TANNEI18, 40. Ilest two sides sole leather I' Christ man 44 44 kip 44 44 calf skin 44 44 i doz brooms J DellTenbaeh 44 set double tenm harness o ClirUtman 44 44 slnglo harness 44 44 44 boot trees H U Shiva t to 1. (1) l 110 ttr 4 (li) 2 0 2 IX) 44 pr lasts 44 44 nr doors llloomsburg Lumber Cu 44 lot cuno and wood seat chairs Smith, Turnbach 4 Whllaker 'j ct 100 i (X) Judges. J. W. Dletetlch, S. C, Bhlvo. J. (lord uer. CLASS XVII-IlEra ANU liEEHlVU?. 44 swarm bees J C Pltner 1 00 44 3 boxes honey 44 1 on 44 swarm bees Lambert ntner 3 00 44 3 boxes honey 44 60 cts 44 beohlvo II A Ilrown I 00 44 swarm Hybrid bees IMI Ilrown 5 00 Judges. L. A. Hutchison. I), lllttenbcnder. 1). muwry. IJlfArm AY1U-J111A1VS ut Ml'J.l.ll, SPOUTING LIST. Friday 2 rt. in. Ilest trot Mirrel horso 44 Divn John Vanvorce, time 7:31 975 1 Heoouu best 1st trot n. s. -4 Andrew Jackson.' L.C Slultli, time 2:39 25 m r-r.i UiMJ J Jtui. Ilest trot 44 Hay Horso." W. M. Hushes, tlin 2:11 Sioui Second best 44 Lady Troublosouie ' c. Cool time 2:51 S25 1'l Thursday. Ilest trot 4'Lazy lteubeu'4 14. C. Kek- roth, time 2:10 . S75 no Hecond horso 44 Duck Skin44 Solomon Ilincr. tlmu ;:ll tiUOu FAltMEIVrt LIST: Ilest irot.mnro "Lllllo White44 Wm. L. Treas time 3:07 'u ui becoud mare 44 Flora 44 Wesley Hill, llmosnw juoges iir. it, it. J.UUC, vuuiou juenueuuaii nr. jirgurgio. pSTUAY NOTICE, uiuo to tho nrLmlkM of th-u kuhacriher. 1 Juckhou townnlilit.on trlduy.Hentimiber Vtli l-s' uiiu Uhli 11 Kl l1 Kit. oiiH whltti maA on rump, lull our croiiied( und tult iotted. The owner mukt tall. iruu iiiuittirtv. iiav cLui-ueu.unil taki 11 uwuy, orit will bo Uuiusud l Hcardinj1 lu law, Juclticm.Oct. II, ia;iKi, gT. TKAY COW. Htrayod from the. nremUes cf l!se subscriber. resmiur in r asi inoounourK.ou v iniay morning last, a. l.iull l JlhJJ Ltiw, wuu sm uu wniiesisii ou tho lower iari of her belly und nlougswitcl tuil. Hho has live Itais, lour of tiio usual slzu Aim uue siuuii oue. i-nu is six ir secuycuu old. A suitable reward villi bo p.vld (or any la lormaiiou ut utr wueicaoouis, octli'TU-tt H.JlOUENSTOtUC. U B L I O SAL E V A li U A 11 1, E It E A Ij E B T A T E Tti ntir.iiniicnnf nn ordpr nf f tin nrnhnns Cnult nf Columbia county, l'a., on BATUllDAY, tho loth day of November next, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, Htephen lohe, Ounrdlau of tho persons nnu esiairs ni naran aiico urss, imniei ik f icsi, Harvey (I. Hess.and Hush Hess, minor children of Eleasor 11. Hess, lato of Centro township. In raid county, deceased, will expo.o to sale, by niuuc venuue, on tna lircmises, ono uuuiviueu .bird nart oi certain real CBtate. bounded nnd do. scribed as follows, to wit; All that certain lot marKcu nnu miiiiucrcu - inreo on mo plot in Ontrcvllln, bounded on tna north bv Hecond Hlreet. on the cast by lot No. 4, oti tlio south by mi nlley, nnd on tho west by lot No. 2, contain. ing TWENTY-TWO PEH0HE8, . Aiu.iim umimuet. i n imrioi iimtcertnin lot mar it ol nnd numbered eleven (II), on the plot or Btuu town, uounaon on tuonoriu ny nn alley, on tho onst by lot Wo. 12, on tho unnth liy itio renmyivraui: uaimi, aim 1 ou tho west by lot u. eomniniDf; TIIIllTY-SIX PKUCIIES, ninrn nr loss. ALSO thu undivided thtrd part of that certain lot marked nud numbered Ho veil fit), on the plot of satd town, oil t ho south side of ttie Penn sylvania- uanait cowuumig FOUUTKEN PRUCHES, siiuaieu in ueuireviur, in ino lowusutp oi ten ire anu couiny nioresnm. H. UNT, Cleric. Tnnsi.sor SAT-R.Ten per cent, of ono-fonrth at the striking down of tho property, uue-fourlh loss tho ten tiur cent, at confirmation nbsotute. tho remaining threo-fourths in ono year thore nuer wan interest ironi connrmaiiou nisi. hilpulw rout:, oct2P70-lW. Uuardlan, U11LIG 3ALE V A L U A II Li li It B A If llSIATE, In purMinncoot nu order of the Orphans4 Court of Columbia county, Iho nn'lernlirnptl Adminis trator. Ac, of KUmbctli IfUURur, lato of tho towns lip of Hcnton, Hulil county, ileccancil, vllt oxpone to publlo Hatnontho premises on HAT IJKUAY tlio IStli of November next, all Hint cer tain TRACT OF LAND, sltuato In lienton township in s.ilil tounty, houuileil bv lands of I'eter Kuso on tho cast, lands or .Toll 1 1 Karnos on tlio norlli, lands of .loscph Hess on tiiu West, nml lands of John Mc Mulligau on the south, CONTAINING !W AOIUCS, oro or less, on which Is erected n, dwcltlntr nouse, ac. TF.nMsi.oi' Halg. Ten nor cent, of one-fourth f the nurchnse mouev to In, ntild at the strilclln: down of tlio properlj-. one.fourlh lef,s tlio ten per cent, lo ho paid at the confirmation, of tho sale, and tlio balance to bo paid In nno year from the confirmation of tho salo wit o. interest ou tlio hiimn lrom confirmation nisi, rurclmser lo pay lor lieed nnd btamps. Tossesslou given ou tho ISt OI April, A. D. 1S71. l,lf.IUlf 11. Ilb.l. I'l-fiklf, lienton, Oct. 21, 1870- lv Administrator. T) U II Ij I O S A Ij E -o n U A L Villi A 11 1. V. D S T A T IJ In Tturfsunnpeof n.n order of tho Ornhans Court of Columbln, coniityttho nndeislgned AdmlntR- iriuor, txCti oi joqu iiess, inio oi i'ismngcreejt townsldp in said county, dt-ct-fv-cd, wttt oxposo to public finle on tho p rem 1 t-.es on T UUItSU-VY, tho 17th day of Xovembcr next, nll tint CERTAIN TItAOT OF LAND ltuatoin Flshlnccreelc twn. Columbia connty. lioundtd hv himiH of Cornpllus Cntemun nnd John Andrews on tho cast, Jostah llesson tho south, Nnthiin Smith on tho west, and Ucorgq i caier uuu uiuuxs uu iuu uui in, CONTAINING 18-5 AGUES, moro or less, Whereon aro erected n good TNVO-STOUY FUA3II: DWELLIXQ IIOU.C, a framo barn, horso stab I o nnd wagon shed, nnd ouier out, Duuuim;s, a eoou weuuuu sprint; o water near tho Uwelllug house, n good Apple Orchard nnd oilier fruit on tho premise. About one hundred acres or the above tract Is cleared Intnl. stkkms of sale. Ten nei cent orone-tmra of tho purchase money to be paid nt thestrililng uowil oi me pioperiy, mo tme-iiiiruoi ino pur chase moncv less the ten ncr cent, to be n ikl on tholbt of April, A. 1. lt7i, when possession of the premise will bo slven.nnd tho balance of me pnronase money iu oo pwiti as wiiows: uub Imli of tho bal a n eo on the 1st dav of Anrll. A. D. Ih72wllh lntercstfrom the 1st of Anrll 1871. nnd the other half on tholfetduy of April A, I)., 1378, wiin imcitsx irom xno isl nay oi April pay able annually. The last two nuyintmu to bo se cured by bond and mortago cm tho premises. l lire u user io pay ior inurig.ig'-.Mfi'u mm mhiuiji. Stillwater, Oct. 21, 1S70-U. Administrator. Ij I O SALE V A Ij U A It L IJ It i: A Ii ESTATIJ In nursunnceof nn order of the Ornhaus Court of Columbia county, tho undersigned Adminis trators, of Jacob Coho, lato ot Mt, I'leasant township, In tald county, dcceascil, will exposo to pnhlle sale on tho jiremUes ou TIIUKSDAY, 0 VKMUUIl 10th. 1S70, ut 1U o'clock A. M. of halu day, till that certain PAKM AND TIIACT OF LAND, sttunte-. In Mt. Tleasant township, hald county, adjoining lauds of James Crimes mi the uoiLh nml east, nnd lands of Thomas Trench, the llloomsburg Iron Company and other ou the south, llloomtwp. I'oor llou-e and others out he west, contaiulug 00 ACRES AXD 73 PKItOIIES, whereon nre elected n good tWo-story framo house, n framo barn, frarno watzon Khed,.u frame stable and other out buildings, there Is a, gool well of uer f.illins water Ht tho door of the dwelling house, there Is nlo a good selection of nll kinds nt trult on tho piemlsm. Si the widow's dower, in tho above lauds aro re leased. Conditions of half. Ten per cent or one fourth of the puu-hase money to bensldon tho day or tale. Oue-fnurth of tho purchase money less tho ten per (tut. to bo paid ou the continua tion of tho hale, one-half ot tho balance of the mnehiiso innnov to ho raid on the 1st day of April A. 1. 17J, and the b.il.mco of tho purchase money 10 uu pam on uiu jm iwy m vnii v. j. Is72. with intert-st on Ihe hhiiih from tho Istdav of April, 1871, und to bo secured by bjnd and mortgago on tho premises. I'urchai-er or pur etiusei'M to pay (for deed, mortgage und slumps. roshebsiou given j&t or April i7i. STEPHEN" (iOMO. Mirdlnvllle, Oct.21,lS70-lt Administrator!', p U li LIC SALE -o y V A L U A 11 L i: It IJ A L K ST A T K, In pursuance of an older of the Court of Com mon l 'it us of tlio county of Columbia, the un dersigned. Committee of the pert-. on nud estate of Daniel (Jcaihart.n lunatic, of tho township of Itoailugcrtek lu said county, wlllexposo topub lto sale on tl o piemises ou 1'ItlDAY the ith said day, tho following deseilhud reul ctute, to wit; all that CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, fciindfjH iii Hnnrlnirereck twn.. Columbia co.. ad - jolulug lands of I'eter it.urhnrt on the ?ost, Ludwlg Doty on tho north, Teuch Uoxo's hefrs ou the cam, anu jucmi niuruiu uui outers on the south. CONTAINING Hot) ACRES, more or less. Tho eamo to be sold In tluoo tracts per acre neat measure. The one tract to contain IUU acres, and each of tho others S3 acres, mors or less, according to .survey. On the lODacr-j tract there Is erected u GOOD Fit AMU DWELLING I10UHK. a good bank barn and other outhultdln?s,n good will of water nt Iho door of tho dwelling house. a good variety of fruit, about 1 0 acres of which Is cleared land, and tho bulauco m good young timber, Tho other two tracts aro good timber laud. jTEitHs m 1--AI.E, icn per ccni. oi one fourtli of tho nurchuso money to bo paid at tho striking down of tho properly, one-fourth of the purchase money Ufcsih-uten per cent, to bo paid on tho (oullrmatlou nf tho sale, nud tho balance of tho purchase money to b paid iu ono year ineieuuer wuu iuieiet tu tno muuu ihmu tlrmation nisi, Possesion of theaboo premU es will lie given April 1H.A. D, 1S71. Furchaser or purchasers to pay for ilicdmind stamps. UiWllO liJUt tilt) Catawlssa, Oct 21'70-U Commltloc. 1 CLE Xv Tivr: CLE ON THE REPIIESENTA- LOI.UMHIA I'OU.NTV H.S, 'J he Commonwealth of IVuusylvanla to Philip I', Kyer, John Kyer, Adam Kjer, Will Urn Hjer, Anna, inter man ltd with John Wi I liver, .Marga ret, Intermarried with hamuel Johnson. Henry Kyer, Mlus WellUer, Abigail wlio was lnteriuar r letl wlih Jackson Hunvuu, dec'tl., Lucindu w ho wus Interuiarrled with John Dcmott, deoM,, Churlt. lutirinurrled withD.lt. Johnson, Uto. V. Wolllver, Mary, intern. arrlul with hrahtru HeuUetshot, Catlntrluu A., Iti'ermarrled with John Alien, and 1'htueaH Welllver, lieirs and leyul reprteututivis of Jacob i: er,deo'il.,uud to all prison luttrestcd, Clrcetlugi You uro hereby t ittil tu be uuil unnear before Iho Judues ot our Orphans' Com tat an Orphans' Court to be n em ni jjioojusuurg, on uhi iiist jionuay oi re eembtr next, thtu wud I litre, to accept or refuse to tttho the ital I'slale of said Jacob Fer, dte'il, at thu uimialscd alustlou t ut unon It liv the in- illiest duly uwardid by tiiesuid rouit.uud re turnen ny tnoMienn, aiki neitormii not, ocui'Tt-tf v, h. i:nt, cierk. L M T T (A'U, J lio wt-st L'lflluinkllll'llt Hbovo Iho iloublit trunk LirltlAo bulow llliHiiusburi! Is boln ulu.'il uway. und lo r.,1 t.4v l-iiI lliu cretk Iroiu cuLtlu u, c'liuiiiu-l un the M.st sitleoi tliu brltlRi-4, wo liavo (tuijuulii u in si to riiruif mo suiiiu wiin cimirr. W'u w 111 uit'ul nl sitlil nlaru ou Wfilut'sday. No. M'lubt'r 1. tU'Xt, ui I tiVlut'U l4, M. lu lei (lie liuulluisuf Iliusuuiv. Thu kttinit will Uo imlilic, to bo IiuuUhI liy the Ion, anil sueli an aniount oi cinucr lo oo iimui'ii us w may tliinlt luvessury, 1. YKAdKU, I WM. u, ijnric, V Coiumlss'rs. I'YItl'H UUUIIINH, I AtUst Wm. KltHKliAUM, Clerk, ostani.-it. QttANB EXPOSITION. run tin; iHiiiuNAnui-; woulii mMPI.TMI'.NTH tiV MILH M. A. 11IMIlt.lt. o. lioi. N. W. corner Ktovcntti ainl Chestnut streett. Philadelphia. 1 iyniiiurtn Tt't-vi jii- rami aiiu UI IOIV, II IUI1C1IIIUHIIHIK.IIHII which Paris and tho first mauu fa glorias supplv, uresses, ianiiO", uioaKS anu "wO-iimiiun mr TinillennudClitldrou. , , A special department of plain and elegantlv tHmmed patterns, of tho latent Parisian and iP-voit want a tiati()s0nielv-f1ttlnif. wntlTnade' ruh, ai. enori nonce, sqio. Mrs. (miuur h Kir liibiu- Traveling and Wedding outllts, Walking and UUK4s AND CLOAli TRTMMINGH, HUfONS, OltNAMKN'lM. oomnrlslni Iho latest P.irls novelties In blnCO. nod colored Fringes, dimpi. Huohes. IiOop a lowers, uiovos, itriuii reams, vens, muoons new sha'lefi In Velvet, Batln and Tallin Rib bous. Hashes, Neckties, MA UK VI LACK GOODS GltANI DUCtlERSE IPolnto Applique, Valencleu ties, Hambtirz IMg nps.nnd insertions, Uluok Ontpuro and Thread iucis, new in design and mnderatoln price, 0HO1CK INDIAN OUNAMISN'lJ-V Fans, lllrds. Mats, Cushluiis, Moucliuu-s, Cases hhd Kahcy Goods, (elected by Mrs. Illudernt Ulngarn, Klegant lino or AVhllby Jet uooun. in sets, JlrcastplnsKarriniBB, Npeltlacefi-iind Drncelelsr fipientuti nno oi i rcncn jet upous, fjonu anu rrencn' uoia neii, inarms nircvo jmiinns, Chains, Ac., whlcli forprlco or-vaHety In Style, cannot be surpassed. Htrangers visiting our city nro respectfully In vlted to examine. Pinking and UonVrlntr. Cutting nnd ntllntr, AlHo.a i effect s stem ot Dress Culling taught. Patterns sent by mull or express to ull parts of the Union. MItH. M. A. JlINDKIt'H, N. V. Corner i:lcvcuth and Chestnut tits.. Phil' I octH70-3m, (pETiT junons. I FOU MTCIAIf COUUT OF COMMON. I'LEAS, COMMENCING OL-TOliElt 81st lKft, lllnom H. C. Hhive, Layton Ilunynn, Mathlas , ShntTer, Chester C. Vurmnn.ltoliert Cnlhenrt. llcrwlck llor. Jacob W. Dtltteiich, Jncob Moycr. llenver Levi Michael, Geo. r. Ihejsbach, lienton Isaac Gibbons, Jacob Wollever. ('fitnwUku Humiiel FreiUrlck. I'lshingereek Uanlel Kllclicn, Samuel Y6st, Jolin t . Coleman. Greenw ond llcnj. 1'. I!attln, Geo. W. Utt. Lncuit Ilcnjsmlu Wagner, Hainuel Keller. Maine l:. 11. John, chailes l'lsher, Uenjnmln lVnebecker. Madison-John M. "mlth. Wesley Olrlon, Wll- inn A ll.li. Wllllntii l'lllfcl-ll. .tllhll Clirlstlflll. Mt. l4Kavnnt Joel lieltltdeller, Jacob Flthcr, jnsnua iinrizcii. Mlfllin Snmuel Rmoycr, ornnLMwirkal i:nt. Scott William Abbott, Aaron Iloonc, George y. i. reveling, unuici rnyoer, septi-'O'TO. J? M. KKOlllt, lavlnc nurchascd tho Rtoek of tho old Kov4 mono Bhoo Htoie, and nddt-d theieto u large and well M'lectcd newhtoclc lspicfared to exhibit BOOTH AND hllOEB ever broupht to this place, lie Is also nrepnrpd to make Jtoots nnd Niops to order In themtes and a t styles. l"or canii only. In tho old Tost uiuce iiuuuim;. corner ,Mtuu anu jinriit-i directs, llloomsburg, fa. sep9'70-ly. A1 BaMINISTIIATOIIS' NOTICE. estaie or niEiiRRicK ImVuiiacu unc'n. lA'ttors nt mlmlnlKtratimi nn tho cstata nf KretierlcA Ijuubnch, late of Hugarloaf townMdp, Columbia county, ilec'd. hao lieen mnnttd by the ItCRlfdcrot sakl emmty to Andrew Lnubach, nnd John U. Laubach, of Coles Creek, Col. co. All rfi0" having claims against tho estate of the decedent nre lcqutMcd to present them for .settlement, and those Indebted to thoestntato make payment to the undtrt-lgntd, admlnl("lra tors, wtthoutdeley. , AMhKr rrIl.vrII, JOHN ii. LAUUACIl, octU'7U Cv Admlnlitralors. A Torpid System. Sometimes, without any assignable c.uise, tho physical strength nndanlmal spirits give way, andnsjrauso toipir falls alllte on to holy and Intellect. Thero Ls llttlo or no p ilu perhaps , but the natural visor and elasticity of tho nervous and muscular bystcm seems to havo departed, nud InJlllerenco to the plcviiires of life, nnd even of Its grava rc-ponslhllltles, takes tho placo of that earnest Interest In both i hleli character izes every well balanced mind when In nhcaHhy condition. This stato of partial coltapso Is often tho pre monitory bymptoma of somo serious maUdy. It Indicates unmLstaliably that tho vital power. aro languishing and need n stimulant. In such cases tho effect of n few doses of Hostetter's Htotuach Hitters Is wonderfully beneficial. The" grcat,ton Io wako3 up tha system from Its drowse. Tho secretlonsand the circulation rocelvoa new im petus, Tho relased nerves recover their elastic ity under the operations of tho specific, llko tho slackened strength of a musical instrument In tho process of tuning. Lotli-irgy nuj dablllty aro replaced by energy and vigor, the spiriU rise, and life that almost scorned a burden whllo tho season of doproislon listed, becomes onco moro enjoyable. That such a railcal chango should bo pro.tuc3.-l by a remedy entirely devoid of tho powerful alkaloids nud minerals so ex tensively used Jn moJorn practice, miy seem lucredlblo to thoso who pin their faith ou tho medicinal efllcacy of active poisons, hut If theso skeptics will take the trouble to eniuli'o orthosij who havo teste I tho corrective and alterative virtue of tho Ulttera under tho circumstances described, they will find tlio state niont to bo true. oct7'70dm. J Q. IIO WEB, has opened a flr&t-chi&s HOOT, HIIOE, HAT CAP, AND FUll STOKE, nt the old stand on Ittaln Street, Illoomsburg,afew doors above tho Court House, His stock Is cora po.edot the very Intestaud beststyles ever o tier ed to the citizens ot Columbia County. lie can nccoinmodato thu public wlththefollowlnggoods ut tlio lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled 8 toga boots, men's double nnd single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stoga shoes of all kinds, men's line boots and shoes of all grades, boy's double soled boots aud.shoes of all kinds, men's glove kid It al moral shoes.men'K, women's, boya's and misses' lasting gaiters, women's glovo kid I'ollsh very ilnc.womca'is moiocco Hal morals and calf shoes, women's very line kid buttoned gait ers. In short bouts ol all descriptions both peg ged and sewed. Ho would also call attention to his fine assort ment of IIATS, CAW, FUUS AND NOTIONS. which comprises all tho new nnd popular vttrl ctlesa; priceswhichcjinnotfalltosullfll!. These goods aio otleied ut the lowc-Jt cash rates unit will be guaranteed togivo satlsfaetlou, A call is solicited befoie purcluuslug elsewhere as It Is believed that bcttt r bargains are to be foind than at any other place iu the county, Deo. U'U7 P li I V A Tlf s a LI VALUAULU IlKAL USTATU. The uiuUrisignod oners at private salon farm situate iuLotust township, Columbia county, about Initio from the oil Kslhtr iuinaeu con taining SIXTY-ONE &. A HALF ACRES. whereon In crocttd a anod tl well Iuu house, a large new bain aud olhu neeus-.irj out bulldr ng-, A GOOD APPLE ORCIIAJU) of choice fruit, and n never failing spring .of .aterattno door wit u a spring nou-ao. About two-thirds (ii tho laud Is cleared and In uood state ot eulllvation, For lurther iulormatlon nnnlv to Julin Ii II.... I I .Hot .... I.I,. I .l .... .,SH W lit,.. Danville, Montour co., l'a, " l'ossesslou given on tho ilrst day of Ap -li 1S71. ocfjr7U-Sm. Y. W.llUlWV. TlIUOUOll PASSEXdKll CjK riULADELl'IIIA AND WILl.I.VMSl'OIlT , VIA. TUB Lillian VAI.IKT ll.MI. KOAt. On nml nflpr Mninlav. Octobpr .IJ. 1870. ft tlirnuuli pansuuer eo.icu will run betwi-cu riill ntlt'liililti ami all points on tlio Catawlssa Itall Uinid via. (uakiiUo Juiicllon. Nocliani;o ol cars bclMtt-u Wllllamsnoit nntl l'lillaileliihla. LoaVrt for Arrive fiom l'lillad'u i& Ni4w Yotlr, riillatra A w Yolk, ',31, k.lj luminspoii Muucy. .MUlmi, luuvlllo. Uupcrt. Catawlssa. MaooU Cliunk Calasmiuu, Alli-nlowu llcililetiem Kaxtou I'lilladulpliU New York 5.VS 4,4 1 i.uo K.1H It.li'l l.-.M IJ '.:s l-.'.H I. M5 II. 31 II l i U.UJ A.M. v.: li'.li) m.:u lu.u 1.4.1 yji ;;i7 IVJI 3.17 Arr. s.ui 44 11.15 I'.ii. I.Y, IMn'l fill I ask lor yonrllrkota via. tho l.f4 lilKli Valluy DonDIo Track Koiito for l'ill.dol I'liln, New York and all points lu tlio l.thUli Vnlltv. Huptrlor rielvlit arcimmoilatlous nro otTorcil oy mis uiu anu snori nnu roiuo iroin l'liuoufi nhla and New Yoik loall stutlous ou Catawissa Hull ltoad nod i-onlirellons. Tills Istliooniy double track route lutwfen Now YoiU au.l (uakiiko Jiiuctloii.und lliert'rioe is mo luosi ii-iianio tor ooiu r li'lt'lit alio t'as sniBLIs. 11. lil'ANI.Kl" UOODW1N. Asst. licu'l. bupl. BHliIthcm, 0,1.21, Is;o-ly. riOMYKU A JjCC)llY , iivnti a vnu .ml' in f wlulltTIi ItjV 1 J rJtjH jji Lf b iHAJX, i t l.WViw i.J, aro uiieiitH lortho tale of ' liioekftiiy'h" Juitily I'L-ienrauu i-reuin niui oiu oioi-h ,ir, wmu inrj will htll ttk cluapiu itmutry bmud ah.; wj.oi and liulf LanelH eontttaiitiy on hand. Tbla ale is brtwfd by William h, Ur.HWway.aiS lu!ttS Kttht T.le t uih Mim l, New o:k City, lilooimbui;;, JuneW. b70t-4 A iA. ;-'. TltK MIKIUKV'K rt II.E Ol' fJLHAONAL I'KOfKlfl V OK 11111.11 OUT. 'ihe undeuluuetl uppuinted Auditor todlilrtb utolundu In Court wm night ei editors urrUluic trom -aIo of V rottii 1'ioperty of aid Thlllp urt, illl meet the puitit h inteu wt( d lev tho pur pose ol Ids appointment, at hta oitlce In llloom-i bum on batumay, KciinberiO,lcTU, mi luo'ekck A. At, All ptri-uii iutti.t.ted or haviuu cl.dmn mrulUHt the bald l'httin t)rl aro n nuiitted lo ut tend, or be debarred front contlnu In for a part of col,! tr ml i ' II II 1 11 U I Y" ' oi'il';u-5y.', Auditor, PA hW INSURANCE yOB THE PBOPL HOSIESTEAI) LIFW INSURANCE O P Ori'CE 701 Chestnut W. M. HUYnUtT, l'r'o't. tfiWUKNCK HYKn, V, Trcn't. It, U. DAVIS hup'.lol Ageiiclci. This Company orgnnlred turlcnilllig repre'nelitativoiof the Imliulrtn! Intcrejls or llifl fM44 widely known s successful nd icsponslblo bnslntsu men, desiring lu plsce Lifu IusuiaHto wun ln reach of all, lias adopted a uysleiu ot MONTHLY PAYMENTS OP PREMIUMS, enabling erery.niRn to proTldefor his fjtnlly; In caisof his, deilh, at aojst so Irlfllnj as sesrcely to bo felt. Special attention Is called to this Oomp.uiy s ca-K..xxj-A.Ti3sra-. police ninnch needed fentnro In tlfe "Insilrnnee, entirely new In this country4, designed to protect in cuss of death, the Interests of S II A It E II O Ij D E H S IN IIUIIjDINO AbbOOI ATI OHI3 ifli Who have borrowed money cr purchased properly payable in instalments ejunumg over by CANCELLING any balance ol ludehtedness remaining UNI'AIt) in rue of DEATH. TltlS COMPANY ISSUES ALL Tlin OnnlNAIlT FOIlMH OF lfIFEANl ENDOWMENT POLICIES AT LOW RAT IW OP l6 OCCUFATION, AN1 NONE AS TO TltAVEL OU REH1DENCM. Jl&rFull Information as tol'lsns and Fealurcs. Is oonlnlned In 1'ftliiphlets vhlch will be forward ed by mall on application to the Homo Olllce. Actlvo'and resiiorislblo mon wantctl as Agents. P. Mt I3ATE8, ULOOMsnuno. Pa. AGfiNT FOU COLUMUIA COUNTY. , JM-rersons Bollcltlnt Acenelei In either L) comma-, Clinton, Centre, Noithumherlaud, Monlour, Columbia, SulllTan, Ilradiord or Tioga Counties, yILMA W. Special Ac-nt. NO. Hi WH.LtAM T. WlLLIAHSPOKT, 1U. Bloomftburg August 19, 1570-Cm, . puniiio sale O V VALUAULK ItnAL USTATE. In pursuance of an ordcrof the Orphans' Court of Columbia- eoilntj, tho undersigned Adminis trator etc., of Henry Yost of tho township of Icocurst In sald county, d ceased, will expose to public sale ou tho piemtitea, ou HA'lUltDAV, October i., 1870, tho following described real es tate, to wit : A ct'ttaiti i teco or parcel and Tit ACT OP IjAND, situate In Locust twp.. In ald county, adjoining inuoH oi i-jcurKo ivieisner, wm. xieacn, imniei Kupp and others, containing SIXTEEN ACHES, moro or less, the greater part of the sal no helnu in timber. Tekmiof BaIjE: Ten ner cent, of one-fourth of the imrehnsu money to bo Mild nL tlie stilklns down oi tho ropi.rty; tho ouo-fourth less the icn per ceiu., ni mo (onnriniiinui oi mo muo; nnd the remalntng three-fourths In one year thereafter, with lmcrebtfrom continuation nisi. l'urthnser to rnv for deed and stamrM. l'oses- hlou Riven on tho payment of one-fuurtU oi tho purcbuiso money, iatotho estate of (.aid Henry 1 US V UVKV UttUU, X 1 j1 44. im I Jl lUOi. JACOll JST1-JIN, ncnrh.KcrccIc,Oct. 7, lfTt It. Administrators. pilIVATE SALE O F VAIiUAIlIiK KKAIji IJBT ATU. Tho undersigned offers at private sale about 00 ACHES OF VALUABLE LAND. situate In Benton township, Columbia conntyl fjounueu uy lanus oi jaizunfiii unnc, ju.iuio Hhult. Jacob Ash. Jncob Uelshllue and others. Fifteen Acies of which Is chared land. It also contains u good j oung orchard, A FKAME HOUSE AND DAKN nnd a never falling 11 rst class ipring of water. Alco n HAW AND LATHIj MILL. ' Tha balanc-sof tho trnct Is heavily tlmbcicd wuu uk, wiiii-s pi ne, a.c.. For terms, conditions. Ac. nnnlv to the under signed. The actual number of aires y, 111 be de- termiLeu ny survey. lienton.JuneiiUsTtMf AVM. APFLEMAN, p UDL IC SALE 0 F VAIiUAHLE REAL KSTATE. In nursnance of nn order of theOmhans' Court oi i;oiumu!n cuuuiy, I'u., ou rjAiutiWAi, vi. .miii. iv m i. uien o ciock 111 ino lorenoon. Allen Mann. Uuardlan of tho nerttons and estates of M1U 1 leu n inner, Harah llenuinger, Angellne IIcnnlUKer, A! a ha la llennlner and Kllmbeth jiennuier, minor ennuren oi iteuuen iiennin cer. late of Heaver townsliin. in said count t. iit cred, will oxnobo to Hale, by public vendue, on liio iirL'iitint't. uiu uuui viut'u nun ui crrLuui rujii esiuie uouuueu ana uescrioeu as iniiows, ro wit: ou tho nortn by Jnnd of John Hupert, Unulel jiuiurr miu josepu onuiiuun, on ino east oy lannu of Daniel Hennlucer nnd John iuley( dco'd on the south by land of Charles F. Mann, dee'd, nud on thu wi st by lands or lillzabeth Smuuau and Joseph H human. Tho other undivided half partthtrtof being owned by ono John Hunnlu fc'er, CONTAINING 120 ACRES, bo the same moro or less. w, H. ENT, Clerk, . Term? of Hale. Ono-third to remain In the place until after the death of the widow, Hantmh lleunenEer, the 'Interest to bo nuld to her annu ally durlnu her life, and the principal to bo imld aftpr her death. Ten per cent of one-fourth to be paid at the ftlrlktoKuownof the property, one fourth letiv the ten per cent, at coutlrinatfou ab solute, the rem &l nlng three-fourth lu tine year thereafter with Interest ftomroudruiatlon nisi. ALld'.N MANN, IKuver, Oct.H ISTC-iw. Ciuardifu. pUDLIOSALE 0 r V A h V A II L E HEAL E H T A T K. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Columbia county, Pa., on SATURDAY, NOVEMJIEK mb, 1S7U, at 10 o'clock In the fore noon, Morrison K. Jackson, who Mas appointed by tlio Orphans Court of said County in place and fctcad of tho administrator of John Daven port, lato of llcrwlck, in wild county, deeeattd. will expose to tale, by public vendue, on tho pre mis tji, a certain Mossuai;o nud LOT OF GROUND, situate in Iho Borough of Berwick. In the county of Columbia nnd Htale of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows, to wit: on the north by lot No. ii.on the east by Canal street, on the south by Pine street and on tho west by Kront street, belm; lot No. 21 of town plot of s.ild llor ouch of Hcrwlck. Contalnlns torty-nlneanda half feet Irout, whereon are elected n TWO STOUY FlAMU DYi;i.UNa JIOUIJ. nnd out bulldingi, W, II, EXT. Clcik. Tbrmsov Rai.k. One-third tor-fmaln luth placo until alter the death of the widow, intereht in bo paid to hernniiunlly. Ten pur cent, or one fourth of. tho purchase money ut th fclrlkln;; down ol the jiioperly; tho oue-ioiuih less the. I tn per ceut.at thocoufliniatio!) ahaolato, nnd tl o remalnltiK three-lourths in one year there alter v,lth interest trom the con fit mat Ion nisi, ottll'T-J-lt, M. i:. JACKrtUf s IIERIFF'S SjVIjKS. Hv virtue nfSnndrv wrllsof Vtnl. T't. la-.ii. ed out uf the Court of Common l'lciw of Columbia cmiwy anil to me directed wlllbu exposed to Kate by public vendue, oroutcry nt thoOnurt Huuseln llloomsburiz. nton-ao'clm-lt i ihoiittur. noon of Monday Oct. Jlst, 1K70, the folio win u teal' One lot begiunlriB at a comer on Mummy4, al ley and Second strict of tha town of llloomsbiiii; and running tbenee ulonu said strett, norlli westwardly menty-oue and a half feat to lot nf A. ii. ltuptrt, tbencp along- s.ild lot southwest, wardly siTeul.one and a half leet lo lot No. 85, thtuce iilouu said lot soutliwestwanlly twenty, oro ami n half fiet lo Mumiuy's alley, Ihsnce along said ulley norihenstuardly seMiuty.one and a half led to brulonlPI,', wheicou Is ereclwd n largo two-story brlclc building Willi tlia an purteuauces. Also on a certain olhcr lot of Imid situate In tho town of liloomsburE, beginning at a post ou the northwest sine of hecond street and lot No. H, and running thenea along said lot north vs) degiees west 1VS feet more or less to old road al ley, tlieiire aloui; said allev south ?il dMrrees west liettolot of John K.Olrlou.tliencu along said lot south degrees east IU lert more or lets lo Hecond street aforesaid, thence tlong rreuiiu sirrei iionouoi uegrees east jeel lobe tilniiiug, whereon nre creeled u dwelling liousc, uiiitifuioiiop uuu out. uuuuiiigs, WUU tno jpiiur tenancis. r Kelted,lalieil In execution nntJIobesoldas the pioperly of Joseph I,. Hliannon. MOllllKCAI .M1I.I.A1I1). ocl?'70 HherllT, TXKOUTKIX'S NOTJOR JlJ 1.1TATK OV U41NT HTOUT. llKO'll. Letter testamentary on tho estate ot fialnt Kt.iiii. lato of MudUon townnliln. ColumbU eounty.dec'd.have ben grantedby tiie Ueijlster ol LiMUinuia i numy in iniiuit moui, oi jiii(ilun lwp Columbia county, Ta. All perkon liavlni; claim-, UKUiu-! the t ttute are requeHted to pter in 1 thftii tothaKxeeut tx In Columblu County, l'a. Thohe iiulebted to the etttut either on mte, Judij ment, moriKt;rt or IkhiU ueeount will make pa incut to the l.xvcuttlx without dt lay. MA Hill A ISI'OUT, ttugvJO T8"wt Uxecutiix, NK W COAL Y A U 1). Tub undertlxiied respectfully Iniorm the eitUeun ot lUoomrburK and Columbia eouaty, thut they keep all tho different number oUtoe coal ana selected lump coal or ttmlthlng iuriH ken, on their wharf, luljoluiuu il'Kelvy. Keal A Co's Kutnace; with a good pair of liutlVlo acalen on h whuif, tu weigh coal, hay, and fctraw LlkewUe u horva and wagon, to deliver coal to tbofce who desire It. An they purvluuea large amouut of roal.they intend tokeep a iujk rlor ur ticlo, andiellattha very Ion et price. 1'ltuhe cull and examine for you mel ven tierore purchuk lugfcUewUero. J. W. HKNDEUMltiiT, AUUUtilUU MAi0-N. rplIK untlerslisrued will tuku in ox Xchauge for Coal and Orocerlen, the following uiiuicu tKdiTi-rs . tv ii cut, v uiu, uuu, i uiu toea. Lard. Hum.Klioulder.uud uldu mtat. Ilutler Hunt, Hay Ac, at the highest rukh prices, at hi u.ocery own, uujoimug (ueir -voui j aru, .. ,,.,, J.W.IlliNDUIlHIIOT. oomsUjriMur, 19,'OJ-ly, J.-iicU' A.. Street, I'hlluilelphtii. oTItrlR4) Am I NI STJt ATOIIS1 NOTICE IwrATEOt JAMM ItJiSt DKO't". Iia4. InLn of Miiiarlimf twn. Calnmbta tomitv dftid nave ieen grjutod by the Ueglster of said Miiniv In Pillili lffi(il nml .Tnhit V. 1 'lln nf Sugarloaf towiibhl)), Columbia county, l'a. All porno ns tiavlMg claims rr demands against XUm decedent uro requested to make them kuuwu.aiid JOHN nilibJ, sept 2.170-6 w. Adtnluiitralois. IXECUTOllS' NOTICE. .Hi tWTATEOr JANKIT.dU.nKc'jl. j.etters tesiamentury on iho estate or Jaua Pegiate of Madison townnhtp Columbia Co., iltm o. liiivp hren en lilted bv tliu llpclster of said (imiuy to John Henderahut and 1), A. WuUon rislUUlg 111 21 idisuu luwiisiiip wUiuiuum 1 Ulliy, I II. -sill iieio-oni iiuijiy 1.1.11 1 in hsiuiibi htM'suite nro renucsted 10 present them tt tins l-.eeitors In Columbia count . Those indebted to the ehUxtit either on notc.Judffinent, mortgnM or bnuk account will make puiuent to thul'iX- ccutors wiihoiti ueiay. juiixs iiiiur.urtiiuj., 1. A. VATfcO.V, scp'l'70-ow. hxtcutors. IXKCUTOKS' NOTICE, li i-srATBor rAui. j;mxk, iieo'p. Letters testamentary ou tliu cstatd of r.ul Kline, lale of .Ml. l'leaiant township. ColumolA (ouuly dee'd, have been uraliteil by llio Heulsler ol said county to John C. Kllno and Joepli Kllu. of Mt. 1'lLiusant twp. All poisons li.ivlnie claims against tho eslato alo requested to pnieut them lo llio j-.xceuiois in ioiuuioi.'i county, juos ludelited lo tlio citato either on note, Judcnient, uiortKaso or book neconntwtll uiaku payment to tlio lixccutors without delay. .IUil I . Jl.l.hJ, JOUKl'llKLl-NK, sep21'70-(lw. i;iecutors. E 7XKCU'i'OIt'S NOTICE. LettPTK teslninentarv on the eutale of OeorM Kvans, lato of llrtarereek twp., Columbia co.. dee'd., have been Kranted by the ItenUterof said county to John W. Uvans.of lkiwlcktCol. co, All persons imvinj; emnus iiuini. tu-s nmw nro rujueKted to present them to tho Hxecutor In lierwitk Col. co., l'a. UhOhe indebted to th tstato either on note, Judfinient, mtirtsice or Douit nccouui wm iiinicw puymeuiioiuu i.ieo utor wllhont delay. JOHN W.tVANri, scplG'70-flw. llxecutor. ADMINISTHATOH'S NOTICE. K-SrATKOr I.KMUEL W. rtOUHKTd, -DEO'll, betters of administration on thu estate f Lemuel WMiolwrts late of Kugarlo-tf twp.. Col. county, deoM have been grained b tho KenUter of saidcouuty lobilns V. Mcllenry, resldiuj in Jackson township, Columbia co All persons ha "np claims ngnlust the etnto of the net edont uro requcbted to present them for iscMement, nndtliuo Indebted to tho estate to make pay ment to tho undersigned, admiuNtrator.witnout delay. 811,AS V. McllKItY, I1. 0., lienton, Va. Admudstrator, sepHi'7-tiv. IXECUTOlt'S NOTICE. U KSTATE OF TII0MAH hTACKIIOUaP I-KC'l). U-ttorH tefctnmentary on the estiito ofThomaa Htnckhoufac, IhIm of l'iue lowiifh!p, t olambla rnuntr. deer nj-f-d. liiivnlu-rn o runted bv the Ilee Isler of bald couuty to MteunrI htaekhouhe, of l'lne township, Columbia county. All I'trtonn liavlng claim, iinfust tho cslatearorequcitecl to present th m to tho Kx ecu tor In l'lne rown&hlp. Thoso Indebted to tho i Mate either on note, Judu ment. mortirniEe or hook nccount will make- in.v ment to tho Executor w it turn t delav. Ml Cxi A IS Ij HTACK 1 1 U LB1 h bcp30'70-Cw, nxeeutor. I?XECUTOR'S KOTIOE. li EirATl! oi- iian:.'aii 7.A.SK1'., UEC'P. Letters tesiaineniary on ino esiaie oi jlsiiiisii 2Cauer, late of Mlfuln lowushlp, Columbia couu. ly, deceased, have been granted by ihe It. Ulster of sail county to Samuel Cressy, of Mimin iep. t oluinbla couuly. All peous havlnt; cl uuis against Iho ctate nre nonested to present them to ihe Executor In lirfliii township, 'loose In ilthled to tlieestate.cllherou note.Jndmiutor book nccount, will uiaUe p.ivmeni 10 the Ke... utor without delay. HAMULI. CIIUASV, sejiSOTO-Uw hxeiulor. JIUDGK KOTICE. A dividend of 3 per cent, on the capital stork of Ihe CalawKvu midge. Company, will Im pnld to all stock boldfts orihelr icdalicpieseutaiUs ou anil al.er October lUlh, 1S70. OLO. S. GlI.BEin. Catawisn, Oct. 7, 1170-lt. '1 n a.uii i JOIIX G. JACOUY'3 IJAKEUY AND CONFECTIONEUY! IIUKWIUK, l'KXN'A. Tlio unilcrslpiicd would usptctlnlly luloini tlio L'ltj7ens oflleruhlc, nnd vUlulty, that he lies opened u t'onlictlonery and Uakcry lu 01)1) rEMfOWlS4 IIAI.L, Ilcrwlcl:, l4a nil kinds of wlicro ho Is pKpnrfdlo fulnish 1'I.AIN AND FANCY l.'ANHIES, I'ltFNOlI CAN1U1W, l'01U:i(.N AND I'OMWIC rUFl'IH OltANOLH, 1X.MONS, HAIbrMi Ac, Ac, Ac, &c, IfV WHULhHALB AND 1IKTA1I.. Ain,ing llii itihortu'int will be found Cii-'iu Nuts. I nylUll Malm I4, l'l .Hints. AlmoIliS, l.i'lls, FIl'4, Iples.l i,Ha Nut", Jellfcri uf dlltei elll klmls, .Mnniiul. ( nl-up, Fit kliw, I hocoUte. ("imni d l-i lilt of sll hinds, t orn Htauh, Fii; PI, cull, l-cun I'ladurs, c..slir tuukeiN. tliHse, Hi up, Wiirng I'ipd, Agininint l'ii cis, in. veloiH-f-, vmi AND OYb'lKRS, And pi.i'mo of 4ill 1. ItiilK."'' T1 est Ilrmd mil Cbki t i.n cny. lie Ciesm lu hcrifci it. i.ur 1 ntiomiM- is i-olitllcil. . V , ., JOlINd. JACOISY, , jUrwlck, Juno 17, Ku-tf RAVBLERS I.1FF ND All'IDrVTINHl'ltWi'M COMPANY, of UirtfoM. Onnii. CssW A. sets, si oic ii (,r nts .i.'i una 1CMIOW.11 ll.VT Full' lei if all iipj.lii mhI lories. AlilPl" sc urllr. ws Alo l..surei uiii' is' ACCIIJHJCI4 cuislntjiieiili or mini 'I -ain.m l'o ! cloi wiltlen by t oil irnr iii.Hiill. lias paid (,70 1 per iliy fnr-Kix Years In lien- nistoijKillcy holders. A I) A V I II new nillcliH for Agenls. i!ami"is.ee. 11. H. Hll.VW, Alfrtd, lie. DOVAI. HAVANA I OlTKItV. Ki.i.au t.a)ir-l nntl Ili'oililKtli; imatlon furnMiod by uKultUU t 1'ilAM, nuTiiUneo. U. 1 t)U Wo aie jirtjaitd tolumlhh jilotllable ein- j l('i me 1 1 O MtJ and Woium u t tic tr honun, ono orr,on In eaih local) ly lliiouuhi U' the Full id hiaiis. can ntni:e lu this lus'niss at armt MURis. W'u scud, tiicr, Irill ininculnts Mid a uluable iiuiple, vhuli v 111 do lo loiumei in work ou. Any I einm k cli a this uot'i, wl.u wants i'iotllabl(, eiinaneia woik, should si ml us tin lr ndiiicss, wlihouKli lay. K. V. AI.litN A CO., Auunmi. Hane. A DAY 1VH All.-mi i d Tool ssmplts uiallid lite. A.J.I I i.lam, lh l.iiKdway, New York, i VOIlftll At IsS.-A Vkl.m i I (ail) lud'Mic A U( 11, (lillslnij lien ous (UlnlllJ, I'll lliuluiedi . my u., In Mux Irlid in Mini nuy udMillsid rtuuoy, I.HSU simple Infims of sc i-cure. wliliU Ik villi ,i. ml luutohls Icllow-tuDi iti. AuQiiss J, 11. 1 UU"J UU, 7x Nassau St., New orU, JOTjeE IS HKltEllY GIVEN that un an lIcMicn will bo made nl llicinl iiiieiuiKoi uiu u, nejiii jssrioiii oi ilu mm luouwtallll ol Ftlins ianla forlhe luioiinun tloo of a lunk.lu cixxfrdance villi On? laws of tha ('oiniuouwiullli.to be entitled Ibv 4alainwlssu Deposit and Haunt; llaiil;,44 to be lorntid ntC'ata w l.ia,lu).co.,Pn.lwltliuuintluli! uit il.ouisud dollars, with the rltlit to inciene tlm same to one Uumlrid and lllly ilioiumd lUuUis, latuwlssa, July 1, I Tu.f.in, A DIMINISTHATOR'H NOTICE. jSl IblAlfSot- JOWA1I II. III1MASI, Skflll. l.i ttcrsofadnilnbi'i-i'i1 on Hie f slate oljusikti ll.Fuiinsn.lsteol Ulioiui-p.,l'oliiniblu couuly mc i!., liac I " li" ' " 4 b tu lUgltttrof said couuly, lo Jl ii.'H 1. I uilj ol lilncai iwp All l.eikiiif fi.,.ff . w. ui ..uu. .rsif ,i l iIMUiif" niii 'n'riMi ii nn. a lUellumVlu.wu and Ibosu luUcblcil to mske laymen jujtjsia j-14 1 FYIU1LY ani;'.j70-lw. AUiululstrator, m $25