THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. AGRICULTURAL & DOMESTIC. To ainllo Cider. Pick ull tlio tipples, rejecting tlrwo not Bound, wash them clean, nntl nficr. wards let them lio and got dry. Grind nnd press them, using no water or straw, or nny substance- that will glvo tho eld er an unpleasant taslo, na on tho purity nnd cleanliness of tho npplre depends tho quality of tho cider. Strain tho julco through woolon or other closo bag, put Intoclcan barrels, and sot In a mod erately cool placo, keeping tho barrel full all tho tlrao, so that tho Impurities may work off nt tho bung. After It lm3 dono fermenting, carefully rack It off, let It stand a few days, and bung It up. As tho nlr tends to sour tho cider, It U n good plan to provldo a bent tin tube, ono end fastened In tho bung nnd tho other to drop down Into a bucket of water. This will lot nil the gas off, nnd not lot tho nlr got to tho elder. Tho quicker tho pomaco Is pressed after Do ing ground, tho lighter will tho color be, nnd darker If not pressed for twenty-four hours after being ground. Tho elder from tho second and third press ing will bo tho richest Tho revcrso is tho case In making wine, ns n sovcro pressure on tho must makes sour wlnu Cider making should be conducted with, nil tho enro that wlno mnklng is. Moat nny good sour npplo will make cider, but moro generally an npplo full of Juice, and not very good to eat, will nmko tho best. Tho Virginia crab per haps excels all others for cider making. "Whon bottled up with n llttlo rock- candy, nnd wired, It will, nfter stand ing eoino time, sparklo liko champagne, whon opened. To get cider very strong, cxposo it in n tub in extremely cold weather, nnd removo tho lco that forms. As this can bo only water, it leaves tho elder that remains of additional strength. Any substance- put In to arrest tho fermentation Is of doubtful value, as all good cider must bo perfectly fermented to bo healthy. You had b ettcr depend rather on careful nnd clean making, nnd bottlo tightly at tho proper time. Watering HorscH. iiorscs should bo watered from n brook, pond or river, nnd not wells or springs, as tho well water is harder nnd colder whllo tho running stream Is soft nnd rather warm. Tho prcferenco of horses 13 for soft, oven though it bo muddy water, to that which is hard. Horses should bo allowed in summer time nt least four waterings a day ; and n half bucketful at n time, and In win ter n pailful may bo allowed morning and evening, which is sufficient to as suage their thirst without causing them to bloat or pufT up. Caro should bo taken that tho liorso is not put to work immediately after drinking n bucket of water, especially if required to go fast, becnuso digestion and sovcro exertion can never goon together, and moreover purging is apt to ensuo. In soino cases, broken wind or heaves nro thu3 produc ed. Avoid giving warm or tepid water to horses that aro often driven from homo, becauso cold Or well water will then perhaps bo given them, which will bo liablo to product) a congcstlvo chill. followed by lung fover, nnd in somo cases colic, whon horses aro thus cP tercd, if any of them should refuse their accustomed food, something la wrong and they should not' bo taken out of tho stable to work or bo driven further that day ; but an examination should bo made as to tho cause, witlt a view to its remedy. tons-Keeping Apples. Mr. O. S. Willy gives in The Uorli ( ull trist tho following advice to keep tho American Golden Russet applo.and it will of course answer tor any other. It is still timely informntlon for this season: "Of first importnnco to every family nnd orchardlst is a good lato- keeping apple. A cellar well stored With them, in prima condition, has n mlno of wealth, nnd a sourco of real pleasure which few ever reach. "Wo always knew tho American Golden Russet to bojust this treasure, but nov er fully realized it as I havo tho present summer. Up to July 1st, they wore in our market, as firm, crisp and tender, "sound to tho core," ns tho autumn bo foro when gathered. It teas a feast good to look upon, but ono seldom pre sented ; for, as I know, a large majority uso up their best late-keepers long bo foro they aro In their prime. Tho Gold en Itusset Is really not nt to cat till May nnd June. But "how to keep it, mlno all rot." Pick carefully by hand each applo as (almost) so many eggs ; placo in a now oak npplo barrel ; fill full to the level : pres3 In tho head : leave In somo cool shady placo till cold weath er; then placo in tho cellar, free from frost, but ns cool ns posslblo without freezing,- nnd tho next June, any ono so doing, can havo ns good nn npplo ns wns ever eaten, and far moro pleasant and hcalthiul than tho too many early nnd half-matured apples of our fruit stands. Try it, and thero Is nono bet tcr." When to Prune Apple Trees. A correspondent of tho Watertown, N. Y. Times says : "It lias long been tho practice among farmers to com mence pruning applo trees in February, mainly, I supposo, becauso thero is Ids uro then. Thero nro reasons why this should not bo dono. Thero will not bo sufliclent action in tho tree to harden tho surface wlicro a limb lias been taken off beforo tho sap ascends in tho spring. When this notion does take place, tho sap Hows out nnd spreads over tho sur rounding bark, and by somo chemical action which takes placo it Is changed to n poisonous fluid which greatly In jures tho treo. Trim your fruit trees In August, nnd I will guarantee you will havo no black-hearted trees." Raibin Cake. Beat ono cup of sug ar nnd ono cup of butter together, add six well-beaten eggs, ono cup milk or cream, with half a teaspoon of soda in It, also a tenspoonfull of cream tnrlnrln tho Hour. Add flour sufliclent for pound-cako batter about threo cups full. Havo ready half n pound of ston ed raisins, flour them and stir them In tho last thing beforo baking. Tills amount will make two medium loaves. Pumpkin-Pie. Stow tho pumpkin as long as posslblo, until tho Julco Is nil dried up ; strain through a cullende.', end add milk and cream to a proper consistency sweeten with half sugar and half molasses; ndd a llttlo ginger; eggs nro useless; flour makes them pasly, nnd stewing them nnd straining tho Julco and throwing it away takes off nil tho sweetest pnrt of tho pumi- j Kin. umnantoten Telegraph. THE YOUNG FOLKS. The 3Iii.sIc1.ihh ol' ltrcincii. A certain man had n Donkey, which hnd served him faithfully for many long years, but whoso strength wns so far gonothatnt last It was qulto unfit for work. So his uinstcr wns thinking how much bo could tnako of tho skin, but thoDoukoy perceiving that no good wind wns blowlug, run nwny along tho road to Bremen. "There," thought he, "I can bo town musician.'' When ho hnd run somo way, ho found a Hound lying by tho road-sldo, ynwulng llko ono who was very tired. "What aro you yawning for now, you big fellow?" asked tho Ass. "Ah," replied tho Hound, "becauso every day I grow older and weaker ; cannot go any moro to tho hunt, nnd my master has well-nigh beaten lno to death, so that I took to flight ; and now I do not know how to earn my bread." "Well I do you know," said tho Ass, "I om going to Bremen, to bo lown-mu-slclan thero; supposo you go with mo and tako n sharo In tho music. I will play on tho lute, nnd you shall boat tho kettle-drums." Tho Dog was satisfied, and off they set. Presently thoy caino to a Cat, sitting In tho mlddlo of tho path, with n faco llko threo rainy days! "Now then, old shaver, what has crossed you ?" nsked tho Ass. "How can ono bo merry when ono's neck has been pinched llko mlno ?" an swered tho Cat. "Becauso T am grow ing old, and my teeth nro all worn to stumps, nnd becauso I would rather nit by tho uro nnd spin, than run nfter mice, my mistress wanted to drown me ; and so I ran nwny. But now good advlco is dear, nnd I do not know what to do." "Go with us to Bremen. You under stand nocturnal mu3ic, so you can bo town musician." Tho Cat consented, nnd wont with them- Tho threo vaga bonds soon camo near a Farm-yard, where, upon tho barn-door, tho Cock was sitting crowing with all his might. "You crow through marrow and bono," said tho Ass," what do you do that for?" "This is tho way I prophesy flno weather," said tho Cock ; "but, becauso grand guests aro coming for tho Sun day, tho housowlfo has no pity, and has told tho cookmaid to raako mo into soup for tho morrow ; and this evening my head will bo cut off. Now I am crowing with a full throat ns long ns I cnn." "Ah, but you, Ited-comb," replied tiio Ass, "rather como away with us. Wo aro going to Bremen, to find thero something bettor than death ; you have a good voice, nnd if wo mnko music to gether it will havo full play." Tho Cock consented to this plan, and so nil four travelled on together. Thoy could not, however, leach Bremen in ono day, nnd nt evening they camo in to a forest, where they meant to pass tho night. Tho Ass nnd tho Dog laid themselves down under a largo tree, tho Cat and tho Cock climcd up into tho branches, but tho latter flow right to tho top, where ho was most safe. Be foro ho went to sleep ho looked all round the four quarters, and soon thought bo saw a little spark In tho distanco ; so, calling his companions, ho said thoy wero not far from a house, for J10 saw a light. Tito Ass said, "If it Is so, we had better get up and go furth er; for tho pasturago hero is very bad ;" nnd tho Dog continued, "Yes, indeed I n couple of bones with somo meat on would also bo very acceptablol" So they mado hasto towards tko spot whero tho light was, nnd which shown now brighter and brighter, until they camo to a well-lighted robber's cotlago. Tho Ass, ns tho biggest, went to tho window nnd peeped in. "What do you see, Gray-horso?" asked tho Cock. "What do I seo?" replied tho Ass; "n tablo laid out with savoury meats and drinks, with robbers sitting around en joying themselves." "Thnt wero tho light sort of thing for us," said tho Cock. "Yes, yes, I wish wo wero there," re plied tho Abs. Then theso animals took counsel together how they should c ontrl vo to drive away tho robbers, nnd nt last they thought of a way. The Ass places his foio feet upon tho window ledgo, tho Hound got on his bnck, tho Cat climbed up upon tho Dog, and last ly tho Cock flow up and perched upon tho head of the Cat. When this was. accomplished, nt a given slgnnl thoy commenced together to perform their music: tho Ass brayed, tho Dog barked, tho Cat mowed, and tho Cook crow; and thoy made such a tremendous nolso and so loud, that tho panes of tho win dow wero shivered I Terrified nt theso unearthly sounds, tho robbers got up with great preclpltation.thlnklng noth ing less than that somo spirits had como and fled off Into tho forest. Tho four companions immediately sat down at tho table, and quickly ate up nil that was left, as if tlioy had been fasting for six weeks. As soon as tho four players had fin ished, they extinguished tho light, and each sought for himself a sleeping place, accordinir to his naturo nnd custom. Tho Ass Inld himself down upon somo b 1 raw, tno iiounu ijeninu tno door, the Cat upon tho hearth, near tho warm ashes, and tho Cock flew up upon n beam which ran across tho room. Weary with their long walk, thoy soon went to sleep. At midnight, tho robbers perceived from their retreat that no light was burning in their house, nnd nil appear ed quiet ; so tho captain said, "Wo need not to have been frightened into fits;" nnd, calling ono of tho band, ho sent him forwnrd to reconnoitre. Tho mess enwr, finding all still, went Into tho kitchen to strike n light, nnd, tnklng tho glistening fiery eyes of tho Cat for livo coals, ho held a luclfcr-match to them, expecting It to toko llro. But the Cat, not understanding tho oko, flew In his face, spitting nnd scratching which dreadfully frightoned him, so thnt ho made for tho bnck door; but tho Doir. who laid thero. unranir ui and bit his log j nnd ns he limped upon tho straw wncro 1110 ass was Btretcticu out, It gave him n powerful kick with Its hind foot. This was not all, for tho ixick, uwn-cing nt 1110 noiso.Tiappeu ids winL'ft. nnil crlf il from fin lir-nm f!nilr. n-dooUle-doo. cock-a-doodlo-don 1" Tiio'i tho robber ran back ns well ns ho could to his captain, and said, "Ah, my master, thero dwells n horrlhlo witch In tho houso, who spat on mo nnd scratched my nice with her long nails ; nnd then beforo the door stands n man with u knife, who chopped at my leg ; and in tho ynrd thero lies a black monster, who bent mo with a great wooden club: and besides all, upon the roof sits a Judgo, who called out, 'Bring the ktiavo up. dot' so I ran away as fust as I could." After tills tho robbers dared not again go near their houso ; but every ujjug irosj)ureu so wen who wo lour town musicians of Bremen, that they did not forsake their Hltimflnn I And there tliev nrn In thla ilnv. fur anulhlnn 1--. l I I know. T HE KIDNEYS. The Kidneys nro twulu number, situate J nt tlio upper part of tho loin, surrounded by fat, nnd consisting of three part, l V tho Anterior, the Interior, mid tho Exterior. Tho anterior nbiorlw, Interior consists of tis sues or vein, which servo ns a deposit for tho urlno nnd convey It lo the exterior. Tho exter ior Is n conductor nlso, terminating 111 n slnglo tube, nnd called tho Ureter. Tho ureters nro connected with the blnddor The blnddor Is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided Into parts, vis.: tho Upper tho Lower, tho Nervous, nnd thoMncous. Tlio upper expels, tho lower retnlns. Mnny hnvo n deslro to urlnnto without tho ability; others urluuto without tho ability to retain. This fre quently occurs In children. To cure theso affections, wo must bring Into nctlon tho muscles, which nro engaged in their various functions': If they nro neglected, Qravel or Dropsy mny ensue. Tho render must nlso be made aware, that however slight mny bo the attack, It Is sure to affect tho bodily health and mental powers, na our flesh and blood nro supported from theso sources, Gout, on Rheumatism. Pain occurring In tho loins Is lndlcatlvo of tho above diseases. They occur In persons dtsposod to acid stomach and chalky concretions. Tub OnAVBr. Tho gravel ensues from nog loct or Improper treatment of tho kldnoys Theso organs being weak, the water Is not ex pelled from the bladder, but allowed to romaln It becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It Is from this deposit that thestonols formed, nnd gravel ensues. rjiiorsY Is a collection of water In somo parts of the body, and boars different names, nccord' Ing to tho parts affected, viz,: when generally diffused over tho body, It Is called Anasarca , when of tho abdomen, Asoltes; when of tho chest, Ilydrolhoraz. Treatment. Ilelmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu Is decidedly one of the best remedies for d'--ascs of the bladder kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rueuma tlsm, and gonty affections. Under this head wo have arranged Dysurln, or difficulty and pain in passing water, Scanty Secretion, or smalt and frequent discharges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water; Ilomaturla, or bloody urine Qout and Rheumatism of tho kidneys, without any change in quantity, but increase In color.or dark wator. It was always highly recommend' cd by tho late Dr. Fiiyslck, in theso affections. This medicine increases tho power of diges tion, and cxclles ths cb o bents Into healthy exercise by which tho watery or calcareous dep ositions, and all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and Inflammation nro reduced, and it is taken by men, women, and children. Di rections for nso and diet accompany. I'jiiLADEU'niA, Pa., Feb. 25, 1887, II, T. IIelmbold, Druggist: Dear Sm-I have been n Bnffercr, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid ney affections, during which tlmo I have used various medicinal preparations, and becH under tho treatment of tho most eminent Fhyslclans experiencing but llttlo relief. Having seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my family physl- clan In regard to using your Extract Buchu. I did this becauso I had used all kinds of ad vertised remedies, nnd had found them worth less, nnd, some quite Injurious ; In fact, I despnlr ed of ever getting well, and determined to uso no remedies hereafter unless I know of tho In gredients. It was this that prompted mo to nse your remedy. As you advertised that It was composed of buchu, cabebs, and Juniper berries, It occurred to mo and my physician as au excel lent co mblnatlon, and, with his advice, after an examination of thoarllcle, and consulting again with tho druggist, I concluded to try It. I com menced Its uso about eight months ngo.atwhlch tlmo I wns confined to my room. From tho first bottle I was nstonlshcd and gratincd nt the ben eficial effec. and after using It three weeks, was able to walk out, I felt much like writing you a full statement of my case at that time, but thought my Improvement mlghtonly be tern-, porary, and Ihercloro concluded to defor and seo If It would effect a perfect cure, knowing then It would bo of greater value to you and more sat isfactory to me. . lam now able to report that a euro Is effected after uslnj the remedy for five months. I have not used any now for throe months, and feel as well In all respects as I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and lnvlgorator ot tho system, I do not mean to be without It when ever occasion may require Its nse In such affec tions. M. McCOHMICK. Should any doubt Mr. McCormlck's statement, he refers to the following genUemen: Hon. W. Biousgjev-dovernor, Pcnnsyl vanla, - . ' lion. Tu&s. B. Fiohenck, ThUadelphla. lion. J, C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. lion. J, S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia, lion, D. It. Pobtxk. ex-Oovernor, Pennsyl vanlo. Hon. Hu.18 Lewis, Judge, Philadelphia, lion. It C rjniKii, Judgo, United Stated Court Hon, a. W. Voodwauo, Judgo, Philadelphia. Hon. W.A, Pohtkb, City Solicitor, Philadel phia, Hon John, California. Hon. K. Bancs Auditor General, Washing ton, D. C. And many others. If ecessary. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere, llewaro of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold'u Take uo other, 1'uice-$1.25 per bottle, or 0 bot tles for tO.CO. Delivered to any address. De scribe symptoms In all communications. Address II. T, HEI.MBOLD, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, 691 Broadway, If. Y. NONE ABB GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN STEEL - ENGIt AVED WHAPFER, with fao-slmUe of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed If, T. IIELMBOLD. jino-iy Rail Roads. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, A. WESTERN UAl I.HOAD.-Suromer arrange mont, April 11,1870, Tinlns leave ns follows) EASTWAllll. WESTWAnn. Ao- Ac- Kx Mnll STATIONS. com; coin press r.M Via M. A K. Dlvls.! A M. l'.M. ,rj New York. ILv ifaiot Harriott it.) 1.15 t.rJ 4.10, R.(l 4.10 ....Christopher St..... 8.(10 4.10 iiouoiccn .Nownrk. 8.15 4.2 V 4.50 .7.35 8.10 1,01 Wnshlnt-tnn 11.21 vln On. tttl. of N.J. New York itjot Liberty nt) ..Newllnmpton....- 1000 S.I0 1.21 0.00 11,15 11.4) 1I.M 7.30 7.10 5.481 12.17 Oxforc ci O.So! CIV Ilrtdeevlllo. B.40 3.50 1.30 ...Philadelphia.... -Treninn 8.45 11.05 (1.30 5.3.1! Fhilll.isburir.... 12.30 12.25' 12.08; 12.62 .Mnnunku Chunk,... 12.00 MM 6.14 ..Delaware..., ....Mount Bethel, 12,15 12.25 12.40 12.55 '.in; 1.15 1.S0 1.40 2.00 2.11) 2.301 1MB 4A1 ...wnter nap., 11.H.S .....Htrouusburg Hpragucvlllo, ...... 11.2S 11.18 11.02! 10.41), llenryviue Oakland 11.211 Forks Tobytmnun....... Oouldsboro Moscow Dunning .Scranlon 9.41 10.27 10.14 10.00 9.60, 9.40 10.20 2.48 8.20i 3.40 8.40 10.3S, r.M. 7,; 7.151 9.U0 9.1.5 K.30 9.10 9.2J 9.60 K.3.S ana ..Clark's Summit.. .Abinglon Factory vllle ........ ....Nicholson......... ..Hnpbollom. Montrose 9.21 6.45 0.10 R.14 4.U1 9.35 7.62 7-371 7.15 0.54 4.20 4.31)' .5I 10.30 11.00 12.00 12.J5 5.40 10.121 10.80 4.fi7 1.6, MO ..Mew Mllfonl...... 6.15 6.30 10.47 3.15 r.M 0.30 .....ureal lienu., 11.02 1.W A.M. l'.M A,M, A.M. Trains do not stop at Stations where the Tlmo Is omitted. Connections. At Now Hampton with Central 11. 11. of N. J. Tho Mall and Express trains eastward and west ward connect with trains for New York, Eliza beth, Plain Held , bomervllle nnd other stations. At Washington with Morris & Ksscx It. IU Mall nnil KxiireRs trains make close nnd rcltablo connections with trains for New York. Newark, I. ....... II'.L.Im lln.lrn.l.lnian At Manuu'ka Chunk with ifclvldero Dclawaro It. It. Closo connections nro mado by Mull nnd express iroins, wiui inw.js jor i-iiiisueipuin, Trenton, Phllllpsbmg, Bolv'dere, Ac. liy Train No. 2, passengers lerch l'hllndclphla via Cnm den, by No. 4, via Kensington. Passengers on No. 4, arrivo In Philadelphia In time to take tho m. train for llalllmnrennd Washlncto 1. At Scranton with Lackawanna A lllooinsburg & Delaware & Hudson ltatl lloads. Trains on theso roads connect with our trains for l'lttston, wuues-jiarie, jtcrwica, iiioomsouig, uauvinu. n.,.l , ..uiinlnln At Uiuglianitou wlt.i Erie ltatlway. Hall No. I connects with Expresb Mall on Erloltallwa, leaving atK.4i p.m. with a sleeping coach uioneu, arriving at xiunaio rt o.zu uuxi iiiuruiuK, Express No. 3 connects 5vlth a way train fu, Oweno. Ithnca. nnd Klmlrn. A lbany a Susquehanna ltalllload. Four trains nday run each way between ltluguamton and Aiuuny. une leaves i;iuguamiou ui z.wp. m, and arrives at Albanvut 9.U0 n. m. Hvracusn. ltluelmmtou A N. Y. H. It. Trains for HyracuKO leave at 7 a. m. and 0.25 p.m. Trains irum nymcuKB arrive at r. mi.uiiu o.wii, iu. It. A. IIKNIIY. W. F. HALLSTEAD. Uen'l Puss, and Tkt, Agent. HupU NORTHERN CENTRAL WAY. ItAllr On and after Juno 12th 1870, Trains wljl leave Suniiury as follows : NOKTHWAIID. 5.33 a.m., Daily to Willlamsporl, for Elmlra Canaudalgua, Uochester, Buffalo, Suspension liriuge, Buun, rails. 3.10 r. M., Daily.fexcept Sundays) for Elmlrn nno Buffalo via Erie Tlallway from Elmlrn, IMS J. M., uauy, (except ounuaysj lor Williams port. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 11.45 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 11.25 P.M. Dally (except Sunday'sJforBaltlmort wasuingiou ana rnuaueipma. S. YOUNO, General Passenger Agent. Alfred It. Kisee, Uen'l Supt., riATAWISSA RAILROAD. 1S70. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1870, Passenger Trains on this r oad will run as fol lows : Afuf! Soilh. Dep. 8.15 n.m STATIONS. Wlllhimsport, Muncy. Milton. Mall North Arr, 6.50 p. m. 8.45 9.30 " 4.40 " 4.00 " 3.40 " 3.32 " 2.25 " 1.50 " 1.10 " 1.30 ' 1.10 " 10.10 " " 10.80 " " 10.12 ' " 11.47 " " 12.23 p.m. " 12.3.1 Danville. " Rupert. " Cutawlssa. " Itlngtown. " Summit. " Oaakakc. " " 12.40 " 2.15 " 4.25 " 3.15 Arr. 0.45 " 1.23 K. Matlouy June. 11 Dlne.Tamaqua. Dlno. 11 1 Reading. " Potisvillo. " ' Philadelphia. " 'dlno jvinucii cnuuk. dine" ' Bethlehem, ' rhila. via Bethlehem, " ' Easton, " New York, It. Liberty st via I & 8. 11.1. !l " 10.40 a. IE. " 11.30 ' 8.15 2.00 p.m. 2.65 6 03 lUV liiu " 0,o5 a.m. 11.45 0.05 0.0 9.00 0.50 ' L. Valley 11. 11. 5.53 a.m. JlOSlOIl, 9.00 p.m Passcnaers taktrc tho 8.15 train from Wllllnm, snort, will have twohoursln New Y'ork.lor sun )er, uuu urrivu in ijn&ion nt a.m.. Cloven mur- in advance or an other routes New (lav couches nccomnanv nil trnlns be tween WHUnmsport, lew York and l'hlladel- pnia. trains run mrougu uy uayugni. GEO. WEBB, Supt, JEADINO RAILROAD. FALL ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Beit, 6th, 1870. Great Trunk Line from the North and North west for Phlladelnhla.New York. Reaalnir. PotU' vllle, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokln Lebanon Alleulown, Easton, Ephrata, Lltlz, Lancaster Columbia, &c., 1 rums leave iiurrisuun? ioriew lorit. as 101' lows: At 0,35, 8,10 and 8,50 a. in., and 2.50 p. m.. connecting with similar trulns on reuna. uauroaa, anu umviug at new xoric at 12.10. noon. 3.00. and 10.00 u. m. respectively. bleeping cars accompany the 5,35 a, m. trains without chanee. Returning : Leave New York nt 9,00 a,m. and 12.00 noon and 6,00 p. m. Philadelphia at MS u. 111, uuu 3.1)1 p. ui. oitwmuu curs uceuiupnuy uie o,w p.m., trains irom . 1 wuuout change Leave narrl&burg lor Reading, Pottsvllie, 'iu, maaua. Minersvllle. Ashland. Shamokln At lentown and Phlla'd. at 8,10 a.m., and 2,50 nnd 4,10 p.m., stopping at Lebanon and piluclpal way stations: the j.lOom. train connecting ."or Phll'u PotUvllle and Columbia only. For Poltsvltle Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill uuu ousqueuuuuu uuuruuu, leave iiarrisuurg m 0,1U p.UI. East Pennsyl vanla Railroad trains leave Rend ing lor Alleulown, Easton nnd New York at 7.23 10.30, 10.15 a. in., and 4.15 p. m. lteturiili g, leave Dew xoruut u.w u, in., is.w uoouunuo.iAi p. jr and Alleutown nt 7.20 a.m. 12.25 uooj, 4.20 and Wiiv Passentrer Train leaves Phtladclnhln a, 7,30 u.m., connecting with similar train on Eaai ru. raiiruuu returning ltoiu iteuuingut uup. i.i. stopping at all stations. Leuve Pottsvllle at 6.40aud 0.00 a.m..nnd 2.50 llerndon nt lu.uo a. m bhumokln ut 6.40and 11,15 a. in., Asuianu at 7,00 a.111. anu l-V'JU noon Mai), linoy City ut 7.51 a. m. und 1.17 u. m. Tninuaua al 8.33 a. m and 2,20 p. ln.for Philadelphia and lave Pottsvllle via Schuvlklll and Susauo. hanru Railroad at b.15 a.m. lor liarrlsburg, uud 12.05 noon, for I'inu Urove uud TreniDuL lteadlng Accommodation Train leaves Potts vllle ut 6.10 a. in., passes Reading at 7,30 a. m.. ur rivlng nt Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m. Returning! leaves i-uuaueipuiu ut a,ia p. m., passing iicuu log at 8.00 p.m,, arriving at Pottsvllle alV.I0p.m Pottstown Accommodation Trutmleaved Putts- town at 0,25 a.m.,, returning, leaves Pnlladelphtf at 4,00 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7,20 a.m., and 0-15 p.m. lor Ephralu, Lltlz, Lancas ter, IjUIUlUUItt, OLVt. Perklomen llall Road Trains leave Perktomei Junction at 7.10 0.05 a. in.. 3.00 ft 0.83 r. in. return tut:: leave Schwenksvllle atO.SO, 8.10 a.m., 12.50 noon a 4.40 p.m., connecting with similar train v., ikcuutujc tuiiirouu, Colebioukdale Railroad trains leavePottstow at 9.40 a. m and 0.20 p. m., returning leave Mount i-ieusuutai T.uuuml 11.25 a. in., connecting will similar Union on Reading ltatl roud. CLCblcr Vulley Railroad Trains leave Btidue, port at 8,80 a.m. and 2.05 uud 6.02 p. m. returuluk. 'HUB UUHUIUilUU Ut V.M a 111., 12,U uuuu uuu u.w 11. in., cuiu'cctiug v.1111 siuiuur truius UI ..couiuij Avuiiruut., On Suudtu's. leave New York at 6.00 n.m.. l'uli phlaut 1,00 3,15 p.m., (the 8,00 a.111, trait. at 5.35 a. 111. and 4.10 p. 111, and leave Alleutown at 7.25a, m. aud8.45 p. in.,ond Reading nt7.15 a. 10. and 10.00 n. m. for Hums, lo ig, al 7.23a, m, for New York, at 4.45 p. m, lor AHCU.OW11, aud ut U.10 a. m, uud 4.25 p. m Philadelphia. Coiniiiututlou, Mlltage, Season, School uud image, riiason. rcnooi uuu 10 and from all points, ut re. r.At-ur.iuu iieueib dinted rules. Baggage ihcckcd through; 100 jiounds nllowe. O. A. NICOLI. Generulbuperlulcndeul Reading, P11., Scpl, 10 1870. LACK AW AM NA AND IiLOOM UUIta HAil.llOAII Uu uud niter July 6, 1670, l'assenger Tialnswlll UU UM 1UIIUWHJ Fx- Mall Pro Uolng North. aolug.South. Arrive Arrive Leave Leave p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. ..... 11.40 li'.U H.m 7,20 Leave 8.11 11.42 3.6U 7.48 .... 7.45 11.10 4.13 tUli ... IJtU 1UM 4.UI h.'.'l .... V.IU 6.17 tiM ..... (I.U5 K'M 5.15 ll.SJ 6.28 11.21 11.18 10.17 ...... i.U 7.13 CCS 10.45 Leave Leuve Arrive Arrive 4.U 0.40 7.1a Scran ton l'lttstnn....., Kingston...... Plymouth Shlcksbluuy, llervvlck H Jtlooia Duuvllle ....... Connection made utKcruutou bv the 10.40a.m. tralu for lireat liend, lilnshamton, Albany and ull points North, East aud West. D.T.UOUND.Bup'U JJllOWN'S FAST FiiEiana' JItOM rillLADEI.l IIIA TO IlLCOWHllUllU and Intermediate points. Goods forwarded Willi care und Utsimlch uuu at low rates. Uoods, at Philadelphia, must be delivered al miner & (Jo's. HI Market Strict, For lull par llcuhus, apply to ' ' JACO ECHUYLER. l'roprlelor, Aug. 0,'C0-tr.. R. Depot, lllboiukburg.l'a joy PRINTING XIttly exeoaua at thli Office mmmmmmm fi.n.nnn wir.i, lira PAtn to any rr.nsnN producing n I'rcparntlou showing half its ninny lVlllg genuine perumnciii emus us ju, r 11 j.kk.m L'KnKTAIlI.K ItllKtTMATIO IlKMRnV. The solen. title proscription of l'rof. JOS. 1'. Fill, Ml, M. D ono of l'lillndclphla's oldest regular l'livslclnns, who hnsmnilo llhcnmntlsmnspeclnlty 3T yours, permanently curing with this Itemedv 95 In every loo patients Ti entail so wnrrnntcd under oath, from lteglstcred cases, n result unparallel ed. His a pleasant Medicine, freo from Injur- nis Druss (sworn voucners irom iienowucu 'romlnont Physicians Indorsing Dr. Fltlor no nmnanv rneli bottle). To nrotect sulferers from risk, n legal guarantee slating number of bottles warrnniea iu i;uro win uh iiiiwiiiiiih, wiiimmii. chart fnnm nnrsnti sendlllizbv loiter n full. truthful description of case. In caso of failure tfl cure, tho amount paid will be refunded, l'rlco J1.50pcr bottlo: 0 bottles, S7.50. Medical ndvleo sent by letter gratis. Addrcsi 1)11. l'lTLllIt, OlllcoNo. !JO South FOUIITII Mroet,riilldel phla, or No. 701 MtOADWAY, J. Y. Hold or obtained by druggists. sepwju-iy. H OW TO OUItE CONSUMPTION. Tim riiiLosoriiY op im. Bunnxcics GHKA.T MKUICINES. Will peonlo never learn toknowtlmtft tltKcnsed liver niiil fitnmneh nee essnrlly disease tho entlro system? 1 ho plainest Vrlnclplcs of common nenso teach this, ami yet thero aro hundicds who ridicule tho idea, and continue In the course which nlmost Inevitably brings them prematurely to tho grave. Llvlni; na the majority or people do, nt completo varl nnco, with tho laws of nature. It must be appar ent to all that, sooner or later, naturo will re veille herself. Itenee wo find that persons who lnuiuire 10 excess in 1110 uso ui very tich orinui- i;csttblo food or intoxicating urlnKs. invariably iav n envv nenanv iu inecnu. 1110 Ftniimcu lecomes disordered and refuses to actt tho liver falls lo perform Its functions. dyspepI:i and IU attendant evils follow, aud still tho sutlerlnc 111- d Ivlduals persist In clinging to I hot hoioniihli'ux- plodcd Ideas of the past. l-T. 1 . HUJIl-'OK'HiiH'd- icmeH aro recommended to all Bucn. Tiic.v bring Bine nnd certain relief whci over they nromed as mretieu. anu au mai is necessary 10 esuiuiisu their reputation with every ailing man or wo man in mo lauttis n lair anu impartial inai 01 them, Iet those who nte skeptical on this point, und who havo permitted Interested persons to prejudlco them against theso now celebrated lemedles for Consumption, discard their preju dices, and be KOcrncd by tho principles of rea son nnd common sense. If the system is disor dered depend upon It, In nine cases out or ten the beat of the olsonter will bo found In tho stomach and liver. Tocleanso and lnvlgorato tho btomacU and tostlmulate the llvor to healthy action, use tJUUKMUK'S JiIANDIlAKK V1UMA. THO dally Increasing demand for these pills Is tho best evl- thelr value. Thousands uihiii thousands of boxes are Bold dally. Why 7 llclcntl Wimpiy uecause they act promptly and efficiently. Invalids who av not find It ronvi UUU 11 c convenient to call on Doctor lu person are Informed that fall nnd completo directions for uso accompany each JIAMJUAKK rirXS. PULMONIC HYIiUP ANU HlIAWEKDTONld Theso inedlcIneH will euro consumption unless tho lungs are iso far gone that the patient Is entirely beyond tho it'.v;u ui lueuicnj rcnei. Jt may bo asked by those who are not familiar with the virtues of theso great remedies, 'i!ow do Dr. hCIIKNCK'H medicines effect their won derful cures of consumption V Tho answer Is a slmplo ono, They begin their work of restoration by bringing tho stomach liver nnd bowels Into nn active healthy condi tion, Itli food that cures thii formidable dis ease. BCIIKNCK'H MANDUAKK TILLS act on the liver and stomach, promoting secretion, and removing tlio bile and fell mo which have result- ed fiom t no inactive or torptu condition or tucso orcaus. and of tho svstem irenerallv. This slug gish statu of tho body, nnd the consequent ac cumulation of the unhealthy substances named prevent tho proper digestion of food, aud. as a natural cousequunce, creates disease, wnlcu re hults in prostration nnd finally In death. KUIIliNCK'S PULMONIC HUtUl' and REA WKED TONIC, when taken regularly, mluglo with tho food, aid tho digestive organs, make good rich blood, nnd as a natural consequence, Kivu nubii nnu hi re IJ gin 10 uiu I'micui, imii lhu laculty say what Umav. this Is tho only truo cure for consumption. Experience has proved It beyond tho shadow of a doubt, nnd thousands nroW-day alive and well whon fewycais blnco weio legarded as liopeless cafes, but who wero inuucea to try Dr. hUliKiNtu H remetues, anu wero restored to permauent health by their uso uiicoi i no nrsi bieps me puysiciuu hiiuuiu iiiku wlthaconsumptlvo patient Is to Invigorate tho iiotbvtdvlm inedlcIneH that exhaust and ener vate medicines that impair Instead of improvo tho functions of the digestive organs. Doctor bCIIKNCK'iS medicines cleanse tho btomach nnd bowels or nil Bubstances wnicn are caicuiateu 10 Irritate or weaken them. They create an nppo- tite promote iieauniu; uigestion mauo gooti blood, nnd. ns a conseouenee. they invittorate and htrengtueu Iheeutiie system, und moiets nceiallv llioso narts which nio diseased. If this cannot bo done, then the ca&o must bo regarded u 11 iiut;ie;'4 uuu. ji me pnysician nnus n impossioieio maaon I'ATIKM FKEii HUNOUY. if the diseased nerson cannot par tako of good nourishing food aud pioperly is impossible that ho can gain lu llcbh and btreugth; and It is equally lm- liobbiuio touring 11 paueiu loiuis conunion so long as tho liver Is burdened with diseased bile, and the Btomach laden with unhealthy slime. Almost tlm llrht rrciiCKt inndn to tlm nlivslrlnti by n consumptive patient is that he wlllpro- bcriuo ineuiciucH uiaiwiu removo or nuuyine couah. nltrht sweats nnd chills, which nro the sure nttendants on consumption. Ihtt this bhuuld not be dnt?e,as the cough Is only an cllort of nature torclloi'u Itself, nnd the night sweats and chills aro caused by the diseased lungs. Tlio remedies ordinarily prescribed do moro barm thnu good. They impair the functions of tho biomacn, nnpeue neauuy uigesuon, ana aggra vate rather than euro the disease. There is, after nil, nothing llko facts with which to substantiate n position, nnd It Icupon facts that Dr. bCHKNCK relies. Nearly all who havo taken his medicine la nceordauce with his directions have not only been cured of consump tion, but. from tho fact that these medicines act with wouderful power upon tho digestive organs patients thus cured speedily culn llesn. Cleans ing the system of all Impurities, they lay the juuiiuuuuu iur it buiiu, miukihuiiui biructure, it et, tori mr these organs to health, thev create nn appetite. The food Is properly assimilated; the quantity of blood Is not only Increased, but is made rich and strong aud lu the faceol huchu cuuuiuou ui tue sybiem an uisease inusi ue uan lshcd. l'ull directions nceomnnnv each nf tho mn'I. clues, so that it Is not aUoluIely neccshary that patients should bee Dr. BCIIKNCK personally, uulebs they desire to liavo their lungs examined. For this purpose ho is at his principal olllce. No. 15 North bixiu Kt., corner ol Commeice, rlilla- "cipuw, oeij nuiuruuy, iruui v jx, i. umu 1. M. Advlco Is given without chnree. but for thorough examination with the Kebpiroinetcr the charge is &. l'rlco of tho mimonlc Syrup nnd Seaweed Tonic each, tl.&u ier bottle, or $7.50 a half dozen. Mandrake rills IScen tan box. For bale by ull uiuggibm, npr lU-ijt OMETIIINQ NEW I Tlio undersigned would hercbv glvo notice tlmt ho has lust completed A FIRST CLASS HEARSE, and Hint ho fmstho facilities lorcnrry Ing on tho business of UNDERTAKING luull its uranencs IN OITV STYLE. Ho 1ms engaged experienced persons who will take chnrgo ol tho bodies of the deceased as soon as they "shuttle of this mortal coll," and attend to washing them, shaving, dressing, dc. Shrouds furnished also to order. At much expense he IH. JMUIUIGU UU IRON IOE BOX, lu which bodies can bo preserved In n cleonly and dry condition. Can luges furnished for fu neral occasions. In short, hu Is piepared to take chargo of a corpse Immediately after death, and 1 . 'co ui IIOUUIO 1U rt'ioiru lo iu lie ulso carries on tho business of OAD1NET MAKING Upholstering in nil Its branches, repairing furni ture, reseating cane bottomed rhalm.&c, iSc" nt. ui uu.iuan uu jruu oireei, nemw laitl. Rloom!Lurg.Jly!S,1S70.,f.llOllKUTUOAN' This Utlie most thorough blood purifier yet discovered, and cures all humort from tho worbt ftcroula to h common l.t-ujUion, J'tmptca nnd JUokhet on theace, and icutu or toxtyh tkm, which aro such nnnnylnic blemUhcs to many yonnix perbons, yield to the use or a few boll leu or this wonderful medicine. From one lo eiuht bottlcn cure riult Jtheum, lnijulat, ticald Jeud, lima Worm, Jloil, Acv .Vu'ion a the Min, hcroula tiorct, Utcer undat.iKtr" in the Mouth and atom ach, U Jg a pure medicinal extract of native roots nnd plants, combining OtwtnuwitKaluro'K most boveiclcu curatlvo properties, which (Jod has Instilled Into the veacuble kingdom for heullna theblck. It is a Br eat ubtorer for the btrenatu and vigor of tho system. Those who aro lamiuid. sleenless.havo ucrtoua annrc hens inn or fears, or uny of the injection byuiptumatlo nf wii uuu i-uuviiii;iuB fvjueuru 01 jih restorative povtrupon trial. If you feel didL drouty, debilitated and detjKmdtnt, have fiequetii Jleaducfiettnouth tcuu badly In tho morulng, ir rcffutar appetite and tunyut coated, you are butter ing Ironj Qbrjrtd Liver or t,Jtittoiuncat." Jn mnuy cases oJ "lAver CbwplainV only a part of ieso u'iuiu w i'Jtwnemfu. Ain remeu v ior uu kuch cubes, Vc. l'lerce's (i olden Medical UUcov ry ban no equal at U etiects perrect cures, leav ing the liver strttwtienid and healthy. For the cuie of Habitual Coiibtlnatlon of the llowr-ld it. In a ueer falling remedy, and thotowo have "iu u iui nun iui Heo uiu juuu JU UH pruU0 lu Jironchiul. Throat und Imiui produced many truly rtmarkuble cures, wheie other luedlctnes hud fulled. Hold bv itrnt'irixta at 11.00 per bottle, Tjcpured at tho Chemical Lalxiratory vt It, Y i'JKUUK, M. U. f" Dry Goods 8c Notions. JEW STO0K OF WiOTIIINa. Fresh arrival of BUM MM It OOOIW, DAVID LOWKNllEIta Invites nttcutlou lo his stock of CltKAP AND FAHHIONABLK CLOTIIINO. nthlsstoroon Main Street, two doors nbovo tho American Home BloomRburg, Pa., where ho has Just received ftom Now York aud Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND BOVB' CLOTHING, Including the most fashionable, durable, nnd handsome DItI3 GOODS, consisting of BOX, BACK, ROCa, UU.M, AND OIL-ULOTll COATS AND PANTS, of all sorts, sizes and colors. If o has nlso replen ished his already largo slock of ' I'Al.L, AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VISITS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS' HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND I'ANCV ARTICLES Ho nas constantly on hand n largo nnd well-so-ectod assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINOS, which lie Is prepared lo mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best mnnucr. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It 1 of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, olo cry description, flno nnd cheap. His casoot jewelry is iiotsurpassed;lnthl3jplaoo. Call aud examlno Ills general assortinen of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELIU , AC. DAVID LOWENBERG. c. O. M A It It liavojustrccelvcd from tho eastern market n largo nnd well selected stock of 4 D It Y GOODS, 0O.VSI8TINO OF Casslmcrs, Jeans, llest bleached & Hrown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Tablo Linens, Cotton & All wool llanncls, AC, Ac., A good is tool: of Ladles dress goods, Latest styles ,i patterns, Spitzes of all kinds, Good block groceries, Quecnsware, Stono ware. Wood & willow ware, Flour & Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin, Brass, Ac. AU goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. Ho would call tho attention of buyers lo his well nnd carefully selected assortment which comprises ovcrythiug usually kept In tho conn try, Jt-ellu conltdeut that ho can sell them goods at such prlcesas will ensure satisfaction. Nov. 5,'GO-tf C. C. MAIIK. UY THE BEST. THE RED LION BRAND, BLACK AITACA is superior to nil olhers.,ln color, qunllly nnd JJtll-U i IU UU 1UU11U uiuy lib M. 1'. LUTZ'S Dealer In DryOoods nnd Notions. In Browei now buildlug next to tho Court House stain oireui, juoouifeuurg, ru, imayia ,o-ir. JILIiER'S STOllE. FRESH ARRIVAL OK BUMMER GOODS. Tne subscriber has lust roturned from tho clltca witn another large and select assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. purchased In New York and Philadelphia nt the owosi ugnro, anu which ho Is determined to sell on as moderate terms ns can bo procured else wuere in lllooinsburg. His stock comprlsos LADIES' DREMS GOODS of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a largo lassortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the followiugiii tides Carpots, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Oasshnercs, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, "White Goods, Llneus, Hoop Skirts, .Muslins, llollowwate Cedarware (lucensware, Hardwaro Moots and Shoes, Hats uud Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glassej, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Clunamon, Nutmegs. AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In snort, everytbtng usually kept in country stores, to which ue invites the attention of the public generally. Tho highest prico will bo paid ior couniry prouuee in exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER 4 SON. Arcade Ilnlldings, Bloomsburg, Pa. gEVEN REASONS WHY IS THE BIST LlKIMEKT IN TI1E WontD F O It HORSES. FinsT. It Is composed of tho most rowEnFui, and 1'KNBTUATINO liquids known In Chemlstrr. Heconu. Combined with the nlnive in a Him. CINAL, On., made expressly for this Llulnieut. und mixed hy un eutliely new process. TlIIHI). Theusoor the pou'crulnnd penetrating Ingredlcuts la to drive or lorco lu this benutilul Meiiicinai, Oil, which lubricates the Joints aud muscles, und Immediately throttles the disease. and coin Dels sit to loosen Its deathly, sickening uud poisonous fuim Fouitiii. Tills MmiiciNAi. Oil, la ned for the MuiuiniKiu uiuiugoou inecnanionlwuyB uses nlt-to mako IU innchluery work with euso and nrectslon. ho in the same way tho muscles nnd Jo nts or ournnlmals should be lubricated if wo wish to have them travel with rapidity and ease. I IKTit. It Is very soothing lu Its action, will not burn or blister the nnlmul llko most of tho "red hoflinliiiiutsor thuday. Sixth, Not one drop ol tincture of cnyenno or nil pepper can bo found In lis composition : for wo hold that no liniment cnn bo eUectlvo which burns and blisters tho nnlmnl until the muscles nie bind uud dried almost to a crisp, hKVENTit.-Every bottle Is wakuan teh to glvo B'?0'1.i?:,!l'',",c"oui r jour inouey will Iw refund, ed. This shows conclusively tlintthe propria, tors have full eoutlduico In this piepuratlon. aud proves lor tho sevtnlh timulhut O. K.B.B Is I In. best Liniment lu Hie world for horses. tirJJimrtnUam your Merchant to jkiIiii off 'Mm turcuf Jiul J-ij.jitrnml JlarMwni.orollur truth on tou,Lul ajkvr O. I.: H. X.or lionet, una take no other. Hold by nil dingglsls. ." . "AltEY tt Ut., Holo Pioprletors. scpt2'7l).lyj 172 WushlngtunSlieet, Now York. QONFKOTlONEltY, Tne nndersignod would respectfuUy announce to tho public, that he has opened a FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORK, In the building lately occupied by Fux A Webb whero he Is prepared to furnish all kinds ot PLAIN 4 FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, 40., 40., 40, 11Y WHOLESALE OB ItKTAII.. in snort, a mil assortment of all goods Ills Hue of business, A great variety of Ill DOLLS, TOYS, 4o aullableforthe Holidays. Particular atttnllou Kiveu to BREAD AND OAKEB, Of all kinds, fresh every day, OHKIHTMAB OANDIEB, OHIBTMAS TOYB. BUarulnte1edf0UCltel,, Ui BaXl,lKUon w " Nov. a, 1887. liCKlIAUT JACOBS. Dry Goods & Grocorios. 01UAN1) OPENING T (IRANI) OPENING M11AN1J Ul'KMimi UltANK Ol'ENINll GRAND OPENING or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WlNTHIl GOODS, FALL AND WINTER UOODH, consisting ol consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY GOO 1)14, GOODS, GOODS, GOODS GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATH AND CAPS, HATH AND CA1U, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CA1H, ROOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTIIINO, HEADY-MA 1)1! CI)'i'HINO IIIIADY-MADE CLOTHING, RHADY-MADM CLOTHING, HEADY-MADU CWrillMO, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-OLAHS1W, LOOIvINO-OLAMSia, LOOKINU-GLVSSliS, NOTIONB, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS AND OI1J4, AND OILS, AND OILS, AND OILS, AND OILS, GROCERIES, OROOERI1X, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, IJUEENRWARK llllEENHWARK, HUEENSWARE, ItllEENSWAHK, ItUEENSWARB HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT HALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH FISH, KITH FISH, GRAIN AND GRAIN AND GRAIN AND HEEDS, SEEDS, SHEDS. GRAIN GRAIN AND SHEDS, AND SEEDS, AC. Ac, AT MCKT.LVY, NEAL A CO.'S, McKHLVY, NEAL ft CO.'S, Mt'KELVY, NEAL ft CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL ft CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL ft CO.'S. Northwest corner ol Main nnd Market Street, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest comer of Main und Market Strcetn, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets. Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSniTP.a, PA., HLOOMSHURO PA HLOOMSIIURO, PA., HLOOMSHURO PA. HLOOMSIIURO, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, In large qnanlltlcs nnd at reduced rates, alway UU UHUU, Miscellaneous. rpiIE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY X gives notice that liottlll continues tho E3HEE3 MANUFACTUUE OF WHEELER'S PATENT RAILWAY CHAIN HOUSE POWERS, mill Im mrnln In Itm flr.1,1 fn t,n irn-..-( r ,o-n nnd Is iireparcd to lutnish l'nrniers with the iuu?iL leiiauiu Diucuiues oucicu lo the public I nlso build T)fiTinr.i!-r3TTATirn tapcu toch to the lod of u lour-borse Ier Power, to attach my 'lhresheis to. 'three horses will do uiu Mime uiuouuioi iiuesningwiih thlsarraugo meut.that lour will villi any other thresher. i,,IK.S!in.,.5?.,Al:t'ut ,0 w" WHEELER'S COM BINED THRESHER nnd WINNOWERS. For further particulars or for tho purposo o ordering machines, nddrets J. M. HULSIIIZER. JelO'70-lm Light Street, Col. Co., rpiIE HYPERION HAIR CURLFltS. AN INDISPENSABLE HTICLE FOR THE LADIES. lltotcntcd July Ort,lS07.) This Curler is tho most prrrect Invention ever o -feredto tho public. It Is cusu operated, uoal lu np' nearance. and will not li Juio the hair, as there Is no heat required, nor nny luetalliosubstauce used to nisi or nreak tno nnir. Manufactured only and ior sum uy MCMILLAN 4 CO.t iX No C3 North Front Street, rjIILADEU'UIA, IA, Sold at Dry Goods, Trimmings and Notion Stores, N. 11. SlnfFle TlnY ?S enta . ft Ttnrpa ncsnrlil tIS cts. ATuIlfdrrclouny fart of llieunlt i-u nmien. upon receipt oi me money, Jelino-oJim, iHfi!f WtXl" StV JtT,0r3f? 4thSt., Clnclonstl, 0. If they want tho most popularnnd best selling mlMcrlpUon books publlhhed.nndthomojdiK rraKmiu. Bendforclrculars. Theyvlllcostyou nothing, and may bo of great benefit to you. febll'70-ly. gHARPLESS & HARMAN, EAC1LE EOUNDItV ASI MANuTAlTUltlNtl fcllOl', STOVRS 4 PLOWS WHOLESALE A RETAIL THE CELE11KATEU 110NTK03K IKON 1IEAM AND THE 11UTTON WOOIIEH 1IUAM 1'I.OWS. Castings and Flro Brick for repalringclty Stoves All kinds of Hi ass or lion custlug luado to order upon short notice. II. F. HHAHPLKSS & I'. B. HARMAN, Bloomsbmg, Pa, Pionrletuis Mur.W.'tiD-tr. LIiEN & NEEDLES, WSouth DBLAw.tiiii Avenue, 1'iiii.aiiei.I'Jua ESTABLISHED IN 1813. Cou llnuo I ho innnufacluio of their old standard quality SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AND AMMONIATED FERTILIZER. Both of which ore anld utLow Puicis, highly remunerative to the Fahueu on Dbaleii. SEND FOR CiUCULAlt. NO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, (Genuine Government from Chlucha and Guan ape Islands.) Pure Calcined, and Land Plaster. Hydraullo Ce. luent.Cuudies, und a lull assortment ot Hum;. 1MJ awu GitEAUiNu Uit-ttut lowtst uatketrutui. A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. Should tho dealer near you, not keep our arti cles, send your orders to us uud they will reeelvo prompt nttenllou. For Hale by tho HloonisLurg Irou Co, uugt;70-13t Hardwaro & Outlory. rpilli r. i-i, un ULTRA. ! enlarged our Btoro Room ., . Having iuv SUPPLY from tlio Manufacturers tmi n declining market, w irfSSfehr directly cunii, ull oiler esmnolo -,nio F ItMlSIW, MECHANICS, BUILDeks nnd tho ! all tho kinds and ?uilt.1,,.,.?5S. com. prising ''.... lXn.Te Mtorr.. 'Hllable inn 'IJW of the euuuiy, hi, uuusnaiiy low prices antl Will in.. ""iiui;irionsorpurcii.i no cnn vn m.imv i.,A"iF'l"ing nmri. Now II i,i.o..)u.. 'u,,aing hi i, riens ........... v - Apr, ix JACOI1 iV, HMITII, OMIT II A H Ti! t. m "' "" Importers nnd Dealers lu Foreign and Do II A II 1) W A R R OUNB, CUTLERY, 4C KO. 400 K. THH.D BTItRET, An, caiMwhi, . Nov.22,,LA,,liI'1'I"A. ", QARRIAGE MANUFACTOUY, Bloomsburg, Pa. M. C. SLOAN & BROTHER Hnvo on hand and for sale at tho most reasonn. bio rates a splendid stock of himouii. CARRIAGES, BUaaiES. und every description of Wagons lioth PLAIN AND FANCY wnrrnntcd to bo innilo nf tho iio&t n,,,i ..... nble materials, and by the most cxiitrkbiid workmen. All work sent oflt from the tik. llshment will bo found to lieofthe liljztiest JBS nnd suroto glvo perfect sntlsf.ictlou. 1 hey iur. SLEIGHS of nil tho newest nnd most Inslilonntle strln well und carefully made aud of the bcit muter. An InsiHClton of their work l,,i . t.. believed that nono superior can be found lomi Insurance Agencies, Q. L O 11 E M U T UAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY O K NEW YORK. Pliny Freeman, President, H. C. Freeman, 8co casn capital over S2,(X,(XA),all paid. J. B. ROBISON, BLOOJISBUHO.PA GENERAL AGENT, ForLuternc, Lycoming and Colombia counties. Aug. a),'9-ly. JNSURANOE AGEiNO Y. Wyoming I170.CM Etna (.ouvc Fulton- M,M North America 3iiO,(mJ City 4iQ,0 International l.n.i'O Niagara IfiWI Putnam H Merchauta W,M Sprlugfleld S70,M Farmers' Dauvlllo 590.M! Albany City (J0.M Lancaster City - 2CO.K0 York Horso, Death 4 Thelt... Home, New Haven I,0, Danville, Horso Then ... FREAS UllOWN, Aiirnt, mar8.63-ly. IIlooiisbueo, Pa JIRST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, BEST, PUREST, AND CHEAPEST! K AT I SKA nTTI! V fllTA 1CA NTEklll For Whiteness, Durablllty.andBrlMau- rl cy. It bus no equal. , Hold by all dealers In Paints tkrnnghout w tho country. BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, Bt'iniriJjniiH Trt ' T. MORRIS PEROT 4 CO. Solo Proprietors, Philadelphia, l'a., Dialers lu all kinds of DRUG H, OlI-S, PAINTS, ULAS.J, livnsTUFis, AC,, AC HI CAUTION.-Owing to tho 1)1""1K.ia our "First Natioliul Wl'Uo," ether n partleHhavo bienlnducid to offer a spo- I rlousnrtlcloui.dcr tho same uaiuc. lwi"W fore Hewnm of Cmintcrlclts. llie gtnn-A lno Is put up In extia hiuy tin I pots, with patent uictallle wlro lianulu, and tho name of 1 BARKER, MOORE & MKIX, 1 On each label, For sale by mar2.V70-ly, MOYER UIIOTIILTA I Bloooifcliurg. TARMERSI EXAMINE AND BUY THE ORIGINAL, HaUGH'S beino The Fiust RAW Bone Piioswiate SlAifl All others aro Imitation. B A U GH'S HAW iw -m SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIMM MARK 1870. FALL, n.,.1- ,r. orUnturf' .Ilia IKWIUfC: IILUD ,,l killltMIB Bones, rich lu Nitrogenous matter." ' i'alen Oil of Vitriol, presenting the Donel l o W n Iiighly soluL o and quickly na,to"f0ii,nr mo Ainmoniniiisucii pniiiun.".. tVcroi nrmnnt nnd vlL-nrnns action UIiOU 1 tie 1 1 I , th , Whero llougli's Phosi.hato w"'ta,1i.,tloii oast season, the Indications, without I nro that it will nialntaln Its well "."".:,,, i, Hon. We request ull lu need of a term" Eivu iuis ui iieiu u linn. a B A U G II & S O b( MANUrAOTUIlKKS, Oekice-No VO S. Delaware Avenue, I'AILADELPHIA. mm lnterrstlffil portnucc. Written Irom a high m"Sl ,jh'B;1 ologlial standimlnt, by an emlneuM'jjjiJ woUrkYnout liiVrubt.oV'i ?$fi&3S grossivb. lno author haudlestho dellcaic rJj treated at utthoul litorei. but 111 .U'?.,A.IlH not to minis crto np.urieut curiosity. . ,nslij fcul JleutniTattonoJthe Jtaee.U " hViof n ""J enlisting tho Interest and ''VP u virile'11! phllanthroplbts. und this hook, , f' !rortRi1 w 111 coutrlliuio to tnuv i-uu j" j- - cental'",. It hos renders. A circular sent fr ? corii u fu 11 dcscrlntlnn and eyiipjW" ' Pr.nhinlif't. I lllieral extrucU. scpt2'7tl-tf l'1 6 College l'taccM N Knde Sfe; cJtticus of llloomiburirnud 1 "XrlolsW1' thai lliey Beep in; me u'"c.'5Vi. smithln V. Y, iiat they keen all the "''"'""uhing lTa ;oal aud selected lump coa fu' Wt'Iivyf Ml n.. i,ul-ul.n.r .l nirnl SI Aeiyj,, coal see Co'iFuruace: wlD'S. y,andjtr." Likewise a liorso and wagon, to e'',J- W those who desire IU As they puriu" amount of coul.they intend t"k,et' ,c" J'l. tlcle. und sell ut the very oJ tJro TLti call aud exainluo for H30Vn?NUKl'ltir' IngeUewhere. i'tftua WS THE underslk'neil will Je,t$J change for Cool und O'&VriVOaVJXS nuiuod urllcles t-Wheat, R o, fflueat.ilu'V', ts. Lnrd, Ham,Shoulder,a id sine i" ,tw Fggs, Hay, 4o ut tno nigm" J"" , .;td, ufSceryrltWo.uiyolnlughelrco tJlilLuigMar.HVMy. mmw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers