The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 14, 1870, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY,PA. Sffa Opcrtumbinu BLOOMSBURQ. PA. Trldnr Slornliiff, Oct. 11, 1STO. J-TltK COr.l'JinlAN hl (lit l.itjMI Circulation nf any paper pill.lll.lie. I In orthcrn I'enmylTaula, ami I" aWn a mneh larger aheet than aitjr orltieomn. porerlen anil thererorethehelt meillum for atlrertUIng In Ihli taction ofthe state. OoTornmontal Dxtravaganco. Tho Radicals attompt to cscapo tho odt lira of Governmental cxlravnganco by running a parallel botweon tho ndtnln intrrttlons of Johnson and CRA.NT,both of whom wcro elected by therasolycs nnd both of whom wcro and nro sur- rounded by Radical Cablnota. So far ns tho President may bo hold rosponsihlo for extravagance. In Federal oxpondl- turos, nil fairness palpably requires tho comparison to bo rnado between the present and somo one of tho Democratic administrations ono olectcd by tho Democrats. But nny oxtravaganco Is properly chargeable, In tho main to Congress nnd not to tho President. Tho latter may bo properly censured for not using tho veto power, and not holding collecting, disbursing and contracting officers to a Just responsibility, but tho principal point of unjust expenditures la iu tho Congress. That body originates nnd finally makes all appropriations, select ing tho objects and determining tho ntnounts of all appropriations, and is therefore almost wholly responsibly wholly oxcept as to tho veto power. All Federal extravagance about which thero is complaint Is therefore chargo.i bio upon tholttdlcal Congresses of the last ton years, for in thoso bodies that party has had moro than n two-thirds mnj jrlly during tho period mentioned. Nor are tho Radical voters themselves exempt from thlschargoof Government al extravagance, for they have steadily sustained and voted for tho election nnd ro election of the very members who aro guilty of tho oxtravaganco complained of. Tho charge, therefore, lies properly against tho whole Radical party, and to defeat the oxtravaganc? It is plain that it is necessary to defeat tho party. Tho .Public Lands. In voting away millions of acres of public lands to Railroad corporations, Radical Congressmen did not forget to take caro of themselves I It Is charged that somo own thousands of acres of the lands thus appropriated, somo hundreds of thousands, somo townships, somo wholo counties, nnd possibly some own moro territory than la contained in somo of tho States I Is it not high timo for tho people to arouse, themselves to this stato of affairs? If tho elections have passed, lot Rcpub Hcans who disapprove such action uso their personal Influence to prevent tholr members from thus sacrcllglously iquandcring the public domain. Let them use their Infiuonco to induce Re publican meetings to Instruct their rep resentatives against it. Let them con demn it in overy way by which they can bo hoard. Let tho public lands bo retained by tho Oovornmcnt, not only as a source of rovenuo to reliove taxation, but es pecially for tho nso of tho actual settlor as a nursery for independent men, and as tho most practical means by which poor men may acquire real estato nnd becomo independent proprietors. Tho New Stamp law. Tim financial editor of tho Philadel phia ledger, who koeps hlmsolf accu rately informed in nil thoso matters, gives tho following as tho requirement of tho now stamp law : On Saturday, tho first of October, thero will bo no stamps required on any receipt for moi.ey, whether for a largo or small amount. All sight checks drawn on any bank, banker or trust company, whatover tho amount, will require a two cent stamp as heretofore ; all sight checks or money orders drawn on any private individual, or company or corporation, not in tho banklne bus iness, will also rrqulreatwocentstamp ii uio amount exeeds ten dollars. All notes of hand, nnd duo bills of every UPFcripunn for a iPFBPiim than one hun dred dollars, will requirnnnstonin. All promissary notes amounting to $100 and over aro to bo stamped as heretofore. And all mnrtpaerfi transferred, sold or aligned nflpr October 1, will requlro no new etflmp if tho original has been once duly rdnmped when it was execu ted. All taxes on pales, except such as are now paid by stamps-, and except tho tax on fbIps of tobacco, snutT. cigars, spirits and wlne,, will now cease. Tho returns for September aro tho last to bo rpqulrrd under tiinlaw as Itnow stand. Licenses and special taxes assessed hy tho year will run to May 1, except tho tax on brewers and dealers in distilled plrlts and tobacco. Tho inquiry has bcenmadoasto what shall bo done with tho two cent receipts hereafter? That stamp is used in common for re ceipts, checks, and whatever olso might bo covered with tho same amount. Thoso who haveboughtthem to bo used olely for receipts can uto them for any other purpose requiring a revenue atamp. Ten of them, with u flvocent itamp, would cover a power of attor ney, nnd In various ways they may bo utilized until tho stock is exhausted. .Members of tho Illinois Legislature have to do this severe pleco of liord wearing: "I have not, knowingly or Intentionally, paid or contributed any tning, or made any promises In tho nn luro of n bribe, to directly or indirectly Influcnco any voto at tho election at which I was chosen to fill said office. and hnvo not accepted, nor will I accept or receive, uirectiy or indirectly, mon y or other valuablo thing, from any corporation, company, or person for any innuento or voto I may glvo or with hold on nny bill, resolution or appro pnauon, or forany other official act." It should not bo forgotten by tho pe opio of the United States that Gonerai Grant was elected Prisident of tho Uni leu Htatcs under Jalse pretences. Tho Convention, which nominated hlin, de clared in tneir platform that tho decls Ion of tho question of suffrago was ono or 1110 reserved rightsof theStates.with Which tho central government had nothing to do. No sooner did Congress meet than tho negro-maniacs uplt upon the plalfotm of their party, and Intro duct d the so called Fifteenth Amend mcnt Into CongreM, which was after wmds puKttl, teiljy by fraud nnd part ly at the point of tho bayout. , Tho Bloomsburg- Town Election. Tin: rni.i: vote. Tho K'cond election in Illoomsburg for town officers under Uio plan of ro formed voting, was held on Tuesday last, In connection with tho general elec tion. Thero wcro to bo choson 2 Con stables : two Assessors of taxes : two as slslnut ussessors ; two School Directors nnd three Town Auditors, besides the usual officers of election for the two districts of nnd West Illoomsburg nnd a Justice of tho Peaco to fill n vn cnticy. Omitting tho latter officers from further notice, ns they nro electa ble under former laws, wo proceed to ox plain how tho former wcro chosen. Each party nominated n ticket in tho snrno form. Tho Democratic ticket was as follows i Constable Martin 0. Woodward, 2 votes. Attestor John K. Grotfc, 2 votes. Assistant .liCMor-Fredcrlck C. Eyer, 2 votep. School Director Charles W. Mlllor, 2 votes. JbtcM luli'ior John D. Casoy, 1 votes, II. Frank Zarr, 1 votes. Tho Republican ticket being arranged in tho samo manner, with other names, it was certain from tho outset that all tho candidates of both parties would be elected except ono of thoso for Auditor. Tho majority would carry two Audit. ors and tho minority but one. Thero was, therefore, very smooth work in tho election of local officers ; an nbsonce of animosity nnd sharp management; no trading of votes and no necessity to stiupglo for a majority in order to avoid defeat and virtual disfranchisement Each party obtained Us share of the town offices by its own votes. Wo append tho voto for tho BbvertU officer's chosen under tho now plan. Constables. Murtiu 0. Woodward 753 lialtter T. Laycoch 0G8 Assessors. John TC. drote 493 Joseph Sharplcss C51 Assistant Astetsors. Frederick C. Eyer 401 Samuel Shaffer Sr. CIO School Directors. Charles W. Miller CO: Jacob A. Edgar Gl!8 Ibwn Auditors. John B Casoy 367j B. Frank Ztrr 3G0 F. P. Drinker 490 Ephraim P. Lutt 481 All tho above nro elected except the ono lowest In voto for Auditor. Tho Republicans In italic. 1 Tho following election officers, for Bloomsburg, wero chosen at tho elec Hon on Tuesday for the ensuing year: EAST IlLOOMSUUna. Judge Ellsha C. Barton j Inspectors John C. Jones, Freas Brown. WEST DkOOMSIlUrtQ. Judge Caleb Barton ; Inspectors Mosea Coffman, Jas. W. Chcmborlln. Columbia County Return.. Tho following aro tho returns of this county ns far as received. Tho wholo Democratic county ticket Is elected, ex cept Millard, for Sheriff, nnd Yoho for Assoclnto Judge, who nro beaten by smith and Monroe, volunteers. Democrats In Roman, Republicans in italics, and Volunters in small CArs: r. a 1M 1M IS u 2 o i a s a It M 11 107 IU Bearer.......... S.1 119 to 149 lien ton .., a u m w 57. nerwieK itu H7 illoora E. Warl17 lit 311 M 121 37 07 110 S7 1M 15 HI 1U7 60 1W (19 81 .' W. Ward... 104 IS!) 15a 71 jirinrcreeK .no 44 in n uaiawiftao,.. its lut ao nt im m ita 15 2u Centralla... 137 HK C'J IS SI 2)1 2 1 17S Centre 147 67 isi 7h lie on nifl m Cony nuliam ... ISO 8 3 121 202 s t 133 Conynidinm ffii... 74 1 KlsnlnKcreek....218 tl 177 Kranklln ItS 110 200 M IU 00 SO It 2"S 1" 100 3 St 173 77 123 uieenood....., 173 154 vo 157 Hemlntk lfu At! xt ik jucaHun....... . loieitfU wen ...latest Matllon I'l S 47 1!5 T 07 1W 100 Main.... lis u no a 19 VI 63 Mlfllln ...180 to SOS SO 1110 116 11.1 Moutonr........... t)U 40 41 45 M Ji U Mt. I'lrtwast..... M 4.1 57 M 2 3t M OranRe 110 tn na in . 1 113 44 74 Kino M S3 S4 61 3 1) 1:1 67 i"".tt... 12 131 JOS 133 15 131 S7 121 113 Congressional District. Wo glvo tho reported majorities below. The official figures mav differ considerably, but will scarcely chango the result : Brockwor. 1730 410 475 270 Columbia. Mnl. Merour. Hulllvnn, at. '' Montour, " Wyfimlmr. " Bradford. " 8050 2905 Pennsylvania, From n mass of scattering returns wo sift tho facts that tho Democrats hnvo elected 10 members of Congress certain ly, ana that four districts are still in doubt. Wextorn Pennsylvania has elected threo Democratic Congressmen. 1 no present delegation Btands 18 to 0. Tho delegation to tho Fortv .Recnnil Congress will probably stand 12 to 12, n Democratic gain of fl. " The following aro the latest de spatches: Pittsiiuho, Pa., October 12. West ern Pennsylvania elects three Demo cratic Congressmen: Grlfflth.Fosterand MfUiclland. I'niLADBLPiUA, Oct. 12. Tho city compioio gives Leeds 4.917 majority, Complete returns from tho Second Con. grcsslonal District elect Cresley by 414 majority. Complete returns from tho Fourth Congressional District oiect Kelloy by 2,500 majority. In tho city wurus ot mo rum iisirict, iiarme (Hep.), for Cougresa has n majority of 41. Bucks eounty gives a Democratic ma- Jority of at least 000-n Republican loss wmcii will oiect Reading (Dom.) In tho Hoventeenth District Cessna (Had,) has 951 majority, und in Somer set county ho has 19 majority. in tho beventcenlh District Morrill's (Rep.) re election Is doubtful. In tho Twentieth District Griffith (Dom.) has 700 majority over Gllflllan. iu tho Two n ty First District Foster Dom.) has COO majority over Stewart In Twenty Second District Neirloy (itcp.j in 62 districts has 2,445 majority Allegheny county gives tho Republican ticket an average of 8,600 majority. Ju Twenty-third district McJunkln (Rep,) is elected. Ills majority in Al- legheny County Is 2,070. In Twenty.fourth District McClell- und (Dem.) has 900 majority over Don Joy, In Thirteenth District Mercur fRen.) has about 150 majority. Tho Radical Party Indicted, A ruMj nnd substantial bill of in dictment has been inn'do' out by tho peo ple ngalnst tho Grant or Long Branch administration of tho general govern ment. Tho counts nro particular and circumstantial, nnd each Item backed and supported by well knitted facts and figures. Thoso facts and figures aro set forth In n document recently Issued by tho Democratic National Executive Committee. By tho paper It Is shown that $IU,2oO,l79.C3 wero spent iu tho first fiscal year of Grant's administra tion, which Is $51)311,201,11 moro than tho wholo expenditure of BiielmnniiV administration nnd tho last year of Pierce's administration added together. Referenco is made to Items In Radical campaign documents, ono of which states that tho amount of reduction of tho debt during this period of nearly 10 months, which has elapsed since the outgoing of tho Johnson rulo nnd the incoming of that of President Grant, has been $ 189,0C9,0S9.17. Tho answer to this is crushing nnd conclusive. The Radicals extracted from tho hard earn idgs of tho pcoplo during tho last fiscal year, n rovenuo of $ill,203,477.G3. They could well pay oh" n portion of the debt. But tho question is what becomes of tho balanco of the money?. Was it stolen by dafaulters, or pocketed by a host of hungry offico-holders. Tho Rad icals claim to hnvo rcluced the Internal Rovenuo taxes flfty-flvo millions two hundred nnd twelvo thousand dollars, after having Just told us thnt they had collected slxty-slx millions moro than they had for a llko period under John son. What nro tho facts ? Tho reduc tion of Internal rovenuo relieves twelve Southern States in a round sum of four millions slxty-slx thousand ; and seven Western States in tho sum of four mil lions two hundred thousand, whllo the slnglo State of Massachusetts is relieved in round numbers in tho sum of four millions soven hundred nnd thirty thousand. Tho etitiro government Is controlled almost exclusively by Mas sachusetts, she having, until recently, two members of tho Cabinet, nnd still having the Secretary of tho Treasury, wielding moro patronage than all other Departments combined, tho Assistant Secretary and Solicitor of tho Treasury und the Chairmen of six Committees of Congress. In tho lato war with the South sho furnished soventy-elgbt regi ments, and has been piid $3,487,&G3, whllo New York, which furnished two hundred and seventy-five regiments has been paid 12,300,103. Other facts of n llko startling and pertinent character are set sortli in this document, and each count of tho Indictment sustained by tho most irreversible proofs. Senator Thurman recently delivered n speech in Ohio, in which ho clearly exposed tho fallacy and falsity of tho claims'sot up by tho Radicals with ref erenco to a reduction of the public debt. Ho declared no credit was duo to the Radicals on this head, and that their pretensions wero falsa nnd hypocritical. They did not mean to pay oft tho debt, nor to glvo up tho national banks, which depended wholly upon the debt. There wero not less than seventy stockholders in national banks In tho House of Rep resentatives. SenatorThurman had ad milted that so great was tho power of tho banks In tho Houso that it hud been necessary to abandon nil provisions In regard to them in order to securothe Funding bill. Senator Sherman charged that Instead of wishing to rid tho coun try of tho dobt, tho Radicals mean to retain it as a foundation for banks and ns a sourco of profit for stock jobbers. 10 puc money into tno pocKcts or capi talists by an annual drain of Interest from tho people, nnd to incrcaso tho po litical power of thoso who rcg.ud a na tional debt na n national blessing. All tliesq facts will find n lodgment in tho public mind, nnd induco tho people of tho nntlon, tho "hewers of wood nnd drawers of water," to return a verdict of guilty ngalnst tho Radlcol party at tho polls. Age. Radical Stealing. At tho present timo, tho Radical par ty is on trial before tho American peo ple. .Tho bill of indictment contains n great number of counts. They aro nil supported nnd sustained by tho strong est and most indisputable evidence Among theso counts Is one. chartrinsr the party in power with having stolon near mx millions of tho people's mnnov. slnco'tlio advent of the Grant adminis tration. In proof of this charge. Radi cal testimony is offered. Tho Radical House of Representative, under the whip and spur of public opinion, adopt ed n resolution In March, 1870, rrquo-t-ing tho Secretary of tho Treasury to furnish tho Houso n statement of tho balances duo from Collectors of Internal Rovenue, "as such balance appear on the books of tho. accounting ofilqors of his department." Mr. Boutwo 1 replied in n communication, dated May 3. 1870. and gave tho names of threo hundred nnd forty defaulting collectors, overy ono a Radical, appointed to office by Oeneral Grant or retained In office un der President Johnson's administration by the tenure-of ofllco law, passed 'Xjs- peciaiiy to contlnuo Radical plupderers in paying positions- Wo glvo ono in stance to illustrnto: President John son wlsliod to reraovo Calllcutt. n do- faulting collector at Brooklyn, Now York, but tho Senato refused its assent, until ho had been convicted of embex element and bribery, sentenced to pay a fine of tlO.OOO, and imprisoned flvo years at hard labor. Ten of tho Radi cal thieves named In Mr. BoutwclPs re port had plundered tho government out of $5,933,113. Tho remainder had n smaller sharo of tho spoils. What was done in such nn appalling condition of affairs? Tho Treasury had been rob bed. Tho thlovts wero known. Tho Secretary of tho Treasury named tho guilty panlfs. Ho reported them to Congress, with tho umount stolen bet opposlto to their names. But no ap propriate steps werotaken by that body. Of tho threo hundred and forty default ing rovenuo collectors, only thirty bavo oeen sunjecteu to civil bults, nnd not one criminal prosecution lias been com mo need. So far as is known, lit tho profcnt time, not ono cent of tho stolon property has been recovered. Too thloves aro living upon their Ill-gotten gains In splendor ami affluence, whllo business men aro compelled to mako up tho deficiency, in tho ehapo of increased taxation. This is n specimen of tho present Radical administration of puo lie affairs, nnd the pcoplo nro called up- pn to Indoreo that party at tho polls. They will not dopo, nnd tlitisenc urago more stealing on tho part of tho govern ment officials, Ug$, High Taxes. Everybody complains of high taxes. Tho merchant, tho manufacturer, the mechanic, tho laborer, feet tho burdens nnd groan under them. Property is loaded to tho waters' edgo with govern mental exactions, nnd labor robbed of Its Just vnluo by tho Iron hand of tho tux.colltctor. Each yearcocsHU increase in tho demands of tho party in power. Tho taxes paid In 1870 will bo in excess of thoso demanded In ISO!), In tho large sum of thirty mllllot s of dollars, and there are good reu-ons to believe that they will bo largely augmented iu the ruining year, Tho Internal taxes collec ted In 1SG9 amounted to $159,121,120, thoso of 1870 will exceed one hundred und eighty four million ty dollars, while tho people from 1851 to 1805, during the entire period of tho war, paid only srv ten hundred and utnety-two tnillionof dolarsln tuxes. Slnco the closoof tho war they have been called upon to pay two thousand three hundred and forty-three million of dollars. Thus tho sticam Is Increasing with fearful velocity. In n timo of peace, with n small nrmy,andn navy reduced to thopcacu basis, tho col lections from tho people, In theshapo of taxes, nro heavier than when theru were half n million of men in tlio field, and the war valve open to its fullest cipaci ty. Why is this? Why should taxes bo more onerous now than during the war? Why should Incomo tax aconts poko their noses into every man's busi ness, nnd collectors their hands Intoev ery man's pockets ? Because tho gov ernment is corrupt, wasteful and ex travagant. Becauso a-i army of office holders Is quartered upon tho treasury to eat out its substance. These aro tho leaks In tho treasury boat which, If not plugged, will founder tho lutlon into a sea of absoluto bankruptcy. They can bo stopped if tho masses will act togctli or nt tho polls. Elect a majority of Democrats to tho Forty-second Con gross, nnd in a twelvemonth tho taxes will bo reduced to somo extent, nnd such a broad and general system of re trenchmunt and economy Introduced ns will mako further reduction a certainty The poor man nowglvesonoday'slabor In five to the government, In tho gulso of taxes nnd increased valuo of all arti cles used by himself and his family Tho capitalism Is squeezed In all ways by tho government, and merchants and manufacturers find it difficult to make n small per cent, upon their invest mcnts, owing to demands mado upon them by tax gatherers. All classes nr interested in this tnx question, and ibey should act en masse against n party which, in a timo of peace, levies and collects greater than war taxes. Ex change. Neglecting- tho -People. Tho Radical party has been In posses sion of the Government for tho last ten years, during which timo hundreds of millions of dollars of tho people's mon cy has been stolen and squandered. Millions of acres nf tho public lands hnvo been given away to railroad rings, thus creating hugo monopolies whon' area of territory is greater in extent tlmn kingdoms. They havu collected nearly enough by internal revenue., and by sale of the public lauds to extinguish the public duht. Tncy bavo created an army of olllce hidden, eating out tho .substance of tho pcoplo. They have passed unjust and oppres slvo laws, in opposition to and in spite of tho will of tho people. They hnvo Ignored tho rihts of the peoplo and legislated for monopolies, in opposition to all former theories of tho government. They hnvo legislated against tho rights and privileges of American la bor, by encouraging Pug in immigra tion to this country.thereby substituting Coollo labor in our factories, mills and workshops, to tho exclusion of Ameri can artisans and workmen, who must find other employments or starve, be ing unablo to compcto with laborers who can subsist n woek on a fow cents worth of rice, nnd tho privilege of catching rnta. Tho labor interest of this country is waking up,ns mny hereon by the mon ster meetings of worklngmen in tho largo cities. They seoit is timo that the peoplo should arisoin thelrstrcngtl to arrest tho evils now threatening our country. Do not forget this: that tho Radical party is responsible for tho wrongs and injuries the peoplo aro now groaning under, will so continue unless they nro hurled from power. Lot all, therefore, who aro in favor of nn honest nnd Just administration of tho laws, an economical expendlluro of tho public money, remember that tho only way to do tills Is to vote for Democratic men nnd measures. Ex. Death cf Robert B Lee. Richmond, Oct. 12. A special ills patch to tho Richmond Dispatch from Lexington, Vu., to day says. General Robert E. Leo died this morning at half past nlno o'clock. Ho began to grow worsoon Monday, and continued toslnk until ho breathed his last this morning. IIo died ns ho lived, calmly and quietly, In tho full asnuranco of faith In tho Lord Jesus Christ. Tho places of business are all closed, tho Ueiis aro tolling, and tho whole com munlty Is thrown Into tho deepest grief. Tun Radical party havo legislated for tho negro and against tho white man in Missouri, Tennesseo, North Carolina, South Carolina, Arkansas, lioulflana, Florida, Alabama, Missis sippl and Qcorgla. They havo passed n law in Congress to arrest Unnatural ization of white aliens, und extend ev ery possible privllegotothonegro. This Is tho constant drift t.f Radical leglsla ttnn, nnd jet whlto men aro asked to retain that party in power. '1 hi: farmers and lahorcia aro taxed for everything they were.oatand drink, and Bhould they havo n few hundred dollaia out on interest, taxes nro heap od upon it j nnd should tho poor man hnvo a cow ho is taxed for permission to keep tho sumo, besides an occupation tax Is put upon him, even If ho thouul bo out of work tho half of his timo. Tho capitalists who have invented Ih'lr wealth In government securities go un taxed nnd nrot-cot freo of all taxation siuco tho Incomo tax has been modified. Thk Stato Legislature will not differ much in its politics from tho last, though thero is possibly an Incrcaso of Repub lican strength In tho Senato. Thomas Chalfant Is elected lo tho Legislature from this District by n largo majority, ho having been supported by tho bulk of tho Republican party, j Tho Two rartlcs, Ever slnco tho advent of tho Radical party to power, wo havo been treated to periodical homilies by nstuto mi 111 drivers concerning tho enormous crimes of tho Democratic party and tho ex ceeding righteousness and manifold great deeds of Radicalism. If wo aro to bollnvo theso erudite editors, tho Democrats aro tho worst men in rxls tenco and always havo been. Tnoy plundered tho public treasury, weak ened tho national credit, turned upon the republic iu the hour of her direst need, and now peek to regain power on ty to pliingo the country into nn ocean of dreadful calamities. Such nro somo of tho absurd accusations put forth against tho Democracy, while, nt tho samo time tho domlnent party is ex tolled to tho skies ns tho savior of the nation, the worklugman's friend, tho restorer of national fame, and in fact "altogether lovely and tho chief among ten thousand." Now, It isbcarcely probablo that any considerable portion of the readers of the puerllo sheets which print such ri dlculous balderdash believe it. The writers do not beliovo it themselves. They uso it simply for political effect. Every man who knows anything utiout tho political history of tho country, knows that tho Democratic party has u glorious history a history of which any party might well bo proud. In ded, tho history of Democracy's pros perity for tho first sixty years of its life was simply the history of tho republic. This isan indisputable fact. When tho government was about to be formally instituted, two parties tho Democratic nnd Federal sought su premacy. Tho former bolleved In tho people. It believed tho pcoplo entirely competent tomanagothoutralrsof their own government, since they had Just preserved it from destruction in tho tented field. Consequently it advoca ted such n system of government ns would confer upon tho toveral States and the peoplo thereof tho largest lib erty and the mo-it coraplcto independ enco consistent with national security The Federal party advocatod a strong government. It had decided monarchial tendencies, and was afraid that popular government would provo a failure. In love with tho laws nnd institutions of England, it would havo loved to trans plant all of her peculiar Institutluns- even tho throno and tho nobility to our shores. Thinking thus, Federalism was Iu favor of placing thecitf over tho many, and running tho now govern ment in quite an aristocratic wry. Such was tho condition of political affairs at tho time tho nation came into lite. Tho Democratic party under tho leadership of tho Immortal sago of Montlcelio, noon achieved n sweeping triumph over tho foes of popular rights, and for near ly sixty years thereafter, controlled tho destiny and shaped tho policy of the republic. Under Democratic rulo tho ciuntry prospered with u rapidity unrivaled in tho annals of history, and thoclosoof tho evoutful year 1800 saw bur occupy ing n proud position among tho nations of tho earth. Tho limits assigned a newspaper article forbid arosumu of tho lino of policy adopted by the Democrat ic party during this period of our his tory. The magical result of that policy is enough to conviuco"tho most s opti cal that it must havo been tho result of mature reflection on tho part of the wisest nnd best statesmen tho land could afford. During all this timo tho Democrats had been incessantly fight ing their old federal foe. Beaten again ami again, leiierailsm essayed to cap ture tho popular hoart under n thous and alluring disguUes, but deep in its black heart lay buried tho obnoxious principles which tho peoplo scorned Then, as now, the fiercest malodlctions or oaiiiftl tricksters fell upon our party and our principles. Tho only striking dlfferenco between tho present nnd tho past lies In this: That the actions nnd conduct of tho olden Democrats, which wero most severely denounced by tho fossils of whlggery, havo been most enthusiastically ratified by posterity. Tho future holds within iU silent bo som tho secret of posterity's decision on tho conduct of thoso who now wage political warfare against each other. If they remain freemen, their doclsion cannot bo considered douhtful. Coming Into power during tho first years of tho country's existence, tho Democratic party immediately set Itself to undo tho ovll produced by tho brief and obnoxious reign of tory federalism. Its efforts wore crowned with success, and n grcatful pcoplo continued to pro long Its nold or power, which it used only for tho best of purposes. During its Ieaso of power tho Democratic party organized n liberal govornmont oil prin ciples of justicoand equality; It con ferrod on States and pcoplo all thorlghts ami privileges not absolutely necossary to tho successful workings of tho gener al government j It throw open our vast territory to tho world, Inviting tho pcoplo or all christian lands to como over nnd help us develop tho mighty resources which nature had given usj it reserved tho public lands for tho uso and benefit of tho pooplo, to whom thoy beiongiMi j it crushed out romorsolessly that giant fraud, tho United States Bank, regardless of tho wealth or Influ ence of tho managers of that mammoth fir thoso days monopoly j it set its foot against tho isuo of paper monoy, and devised and kept in circulation n sound metallic currency, until Rtdlcal. win temp orarlly eclipsed both Democ racy and specloj it killed ovory motion- oly or scheme to mako money; it fought to a successtul conclusion a becond war with tho nation's hereditary onomy, whllo tho fanatical yankeo federal ists prayed for the suceessof tho British arus, and gavo neither moral or physi cal aid to tho struggling patriots: It ad. dod a very largo area of country, to tho nation, each tlmn recehlng the ncllvo opposition of tho federal whlgs, hut no man now opposes tho nctiulsltlon: It originated u vigorous torelgn policv Which galued the good will of our trans atlantic neighbors, and caused tho stars and stripes to ho respected In every part of theglobe; it defended tho Union and Constitution from tho nttacks of abolitionism and dlsunionists, until tho peoplo in a mcmentof excltemeiit went over to the- enemy, And finally, not- vwtnstnndlng tho charges of our nullmi Irlends. tho Democratic party never de frauded tho people, never administered the government In a wasteful or extrav- agaus manner, never oppressed tho peo ple wiui extravagant taxes, and stood by tho Union nnd Coiistllution of our fathers, Just as thoy now do, nnd over win, Thoso halcyon days munt und shall return i Democracy has sworu It uud tho outh shall ba kftpt. Years ago nn English adventurer, without money, without friends, desti tute of moral principle, but lntciisoly anxious to find n way of relief from pe cuniary distress, found his way to Now England. IIo soon discovered that ho had landed among congenial spirits. Tho New Englanders having found slave labor not a protltablo Investment, had, not many years beforivllsposod of their human stock to thu Southern peo ple, and now, having got rid nf tills troublesome commodity, found no diffi culty iu getting up a vpltlt of Intense and vlrtuoui indignation against thoso who wore guilty of owning nrm nnd women for profit. So the seedy adven turer soou struck n bargain witli tho brethren and uwiiy ho went to scatter the firebrands of civil war In our midst. Dlsclplos sprang up iu all parts of Now England, and the agitation grew from year to year. As tho lnsectsof the night flutter around tho bright but doi'dly flume, so did many humane, but un thinking, peoplo draw nearer and nearer to this seething nbyss of fanati cism and folly, until they perished in the deadly whirlpool thoy had helped to form. On tho-ith of March, 1801, tho gov ernment was turned over to tho Ilcpub llc.ui parly. Now In less than ten years what has this pa.ty done ? Wo mako no pretenso of enumerating ono tenth of tho crimes committed by this organ ization. This party which -went into power with such high sounding prom ises, plunge 1 tho country Into a bloody and protracted civil war; It violated Its Holemn promlso lo wago war sololy for the restoration1 of tho Union ; it trampled tho Constitution under its un hallowed feet, rendering i- an excuse, if it deemed nny necossary, tho tyrant's plea necessity ; it dragged peaceablu nnd unoffending citizens from the midst of their families, consigning them to its dreary bastilos for mouths and years, and then dismissing them without a word of explanation; it suppressed hundreds of Democratic printing press es for daring to reflect on its war policy and encouraged armed mobs to destroy the material and maltreat tho conduct ors of those journals. It told drafted men that they might stay at homo pro vided they felt llko paying threo hun dred dollars for tho privilege, and after receiving tho money, turnd around and drafted many of theso mon again ; it has given away millions of acres of tho public laud for tho benefit of monopo lists; it has revivified tho old United States Bank, and this timo tho monster is hydra headed; it has decreed that men who lent greenbacks to tho govern ment shall bo paid in gold, principal nnd interest, whllo they shall pay no tax thereon ; it has imposed tho most outrageous burdens on tho laboring man, requiring him to pay all the debts of tho rich ; it has driven our com merce from tho seas, caused foreign na tions t'i view us with scorn, nnd brouKht tho country to tho vcrgo of ruin ; It has placed the ignorant blacks of the south on an equality with tho whites of the wholo country, and opened thtuloor for the importation ot millions of Chinese, who aro expected to drive whito labor ers away; it has fostered official trcach ery and protected convicted ncoundrels from the punishment of tho law ; ithas been guilty of criminal nnd reckless ex travnganco, having spent much moro monoy than nil tho combined admin istrations which proceeded Lincoln. And moro, this reckless organization, claiming to pos-sess nil tho morality anil decency in the land, has violated every solemn promise made to the pno pie, nnd whllo bonsting that it and it ulono preserved tho nation, has been constantly striking with fell design nt the Union, ns well ns thereserved rights of the States nnd people. Its whole ca reer has been marked by n nerics of tho inns glaring frauds and innovations on popular rightN, perpetrated In thenamo of liberty and law, ami it wll tlio as It has lived, shouting its own praise from iho filth which fmiotliers its last expiring breath. Such is tho parly and 6uch tho men pitttd against Democracy. Such, in part Is tho damning record which this would bo monopolist of political virtue has mado for Itself in less than ten yenrs. Its presumption is only equalled by its arrogance, and thnt bv its downright villainy. Tho peoplo will decide, nfter examining the past histo ry of the two parties, which has done most to promote national unity nnd prosperity, nnd which is most deserv incr their support in tho future. Standard. Thu Tehuantepko Canal Tho chief engineer of tho Teliuantppec Ca nal Compnny has JUFt mado his report on tho subject of the feasablllty of tho routo surveyed hy him In compnny with n Commissioner deputed by Mex ico. Ho states thnt no tunnel will ho required on tho entire route, nnd that no deep cutting will bo necessary. The summit level flvo miles long passes through a nearly levol plain, with a largo extent of contiguous territory, containing n sufficient ftupply of water. Tho cost of tho canal, Including sixty to sixty-eight locks nn oach sldo nf the summit, is estimated at ?31,C30 000 tho calculations being baed upon tho work done nn tho Caledonian Ship Ca nal. Tho dimensions of tlio proposed canal are: breadth at top, 122 feet ; at bottom, 60 feet ; and depth, 20 feet. Tho vnluo of tho cargoes belonging to tho United States, England nnd Franco which would pass through the canal when completed Is eMlmated at 298,. 653, ; nnd tlio vefPels with an aggre gate moi f urement of 3,019 515 tons, and worth 50 per ton, nro estlraaU-d nt $152,475,750, Tho yearly Income of tho canal upon tho above tonnage, at $2 n ton, would do 10.099.030 Tho naval corps of officers of tlio U, S. navy, ap pointed on tlio Nicaragua and Tehuan- tepee routes, It is nnnounced will sail on October 10th. A IIopbkhoi.d TitUARurtK. Among recent Inventions noted In England Is a conirlvunco hy widen n pistol Is fired at any dtHlrtd hour in tho morning, to ornufo sleepers. Tho machinery next proceeds to Heh t n lamp, to heat tho water for breakfast puiposes. mid rlmrn n bell when the water reaches the boil ing point. After nil, wo (suspect that tho pomnlferous who require bucIi aid would wait In bed till tho water boll.i nway, Tho machine, to be perfect. should explode when tho water Is nil evaporated. In Luzerne county, Judga Woodward is defeated for President Judirn. h.uI the county has given u Republican mu e my, Ilfo Insurance Without disparaging tho system of Llf) Insuranco by Incorporated com panies, which mako prollts and pay dividends to stockholders ami Insurers, the advantages f nuother description nf Insurance may bo stated. The II ill- road Conductors' Life Insurance Com pany it an Institution of tho kind to which wo refer. Upon the death of a member, nil tho others mako a contri bution of a specific sum, tho whole of which goes to tho reprtwontu- tlves of the tleceased. Thoro are simi lar "leagues" among other bodies of men. Clergymen thus nssoclate them selves. Among tho clergy of tho Prot estant Episcopal Church there Is such nn Institution, which is conducted nt tho minimum of expense, nnd this ex penso Is provided for by tho initiation fee. All payments nfterwards go di rect to tho families of tho deceased. Liymon nro invited to Join ns contrib uting members, but not us insurers, and an opportunity is thus given to tho gonerous to provldo for the bereaved families of men who havo no opportun ity .to make fortunts for their heirs, or oven to leave them n com pctuney. In other churches tho Mimo plan is in oper ation. Any person desiring to us-lst In n work so eminently practical nnd ben eficial, mny easily learn by inquiry, what opportunities nro open. Phitadel- phla Ledger, The Radical rnvoritc. Ono Item of expenditure under tin Grant administration, during thu fical year 1809 70, will, wo think, provo In teresting to tho whito voters of Penn sylvania. Tho Froedmen's Bureau is charged with ono million three hun dred and twonty-fivo thousand ono hundred nnd ninety dollars und twonty fivo conts (11,322 190 25). This was up. propriated from tho taxes paid into the treasury hy tho pcoplo to feed, clothe, educate and train to Radical politics tho lazy negroes of tho South, who,aIthouli fu'Iy emancipated more than four years before, wero still treated in wards of tho government, nt tho expenso of tlio whito tax-payers. And this largo sum of more thin ono million three hun dred thousand dollars was but a sm ill portion of tho actual oxpsnsa Incurred by tho government in behalf of tho ne groes. Tho annual oxponso of tho No gro Bureau, during its existence, was perhaps not much short of ten million of dollars. Wilt any loud-mouthed Radical point to an instanco wherein tho Radical Cnngrcss and administra tion havo shown n similar extravag mt sympathy for white mm f They cannot doit. It Isn't on record. Whlto men have to work for tho bread they eat, and tho clothes thoy wear, and to pay tax for the education of their children in tho public schools, or full tuition, fi es if they aro educated in private institu tions. Tho negro alone is supported from tho people's treasury: upheld, petted, pampered , fed, clothed nnd edu cated, becauso ho is an element of strength to thu Radical parly, without which it can no longer retain power. Ilarrisburg Patriot. Thk Death ok thu Wioki:di:st Man. John Allen, noted two years ago as tho "Wickeder-t Mnn in Now York," died on tho IClli of lnt month. at West Perth, in this State, where his fathei resides. John, it mny horomem bered, kept n danco homo and drinking saloon in Water street, and turned bis establishment Into a plnco of daily prayer, under tlio influence of novoral gentlemen connected with the Howard Mission. Moro than n year ago, he moved into a largo brick building, which ho had erected at Roosevelt and Batavia streets, and kept a grocery on the ground floor. The tipper stories ho rooted to families. At first he attended to business, nnd proi-pi'red ; hut after the deatli of his wife, his old habit of drinking ovcreaiiio him. Ho livid iu Idleness for six months pr vlous to his death, and his More was without goods. In August, ho went to his father's farm, and remained there until his decease IIo loaves over $100,000, earned chiefly In his nefarious Water street pursuit. Whllo residing in Roosevelt Mrct. he frequently visited tho Howard Mission in ids sober moments, and professed re ligion. CunA. Tho law passed by the Cortes of Spain, nbollshing Mnvery In Cuba, was officially published in Havana Inst week. Tho decreo does not abolish slavery nt once, but only emancipates tho children rf slavo mothers born after tho publication of the law, and thoso who nt that timo havo reached sixty years of ago. All the slaves, when they reach tho ago of sixty, nro to bo freo. Thoso born between September 17th, 1808, nnd October 1st, 1870, to bo freo on tho payment by the Government of $-25 each to tho masters. All slaves who havo served under tho Spanish flag or havo aided tlio Government troops In any way during tho insurrection, nro freed, nnd their owners who havo re radned faithful to tlio Spanish causo will bo Indemnified. The class of 'email clpados" under thn protection of the btato aro also declared to bo freed nen, under certain regulations as to their wngts. Hereafter, slaves treated cruel ly by their masters will bo llboiated by tho Courts ; punishment hy whipping In abolished, and slaves united In mar- rlngo canni.t bo sold separately, nor can children under fourteen bo separated from their mothers. If businessmen will sum upall their taxes and deduct them from tho profits of their business for nny given year, they will boablo to feel tho weight of portion of tho load thoy nro carrying. But only n portion. Radical taxntiou operates in moro tlmn ono way upon tho Interests of nil classes. In tho first placo, they pay it direct tax on capital and n vast collection of articles of all inscriptions. Then comes tho Income Tnx. This Is an odlouscxactloti, which the Radicals enforce for thu purpos-t of supporting a host of idlo, worthless men, who pocket seven dollars and a half out of every ten dollars collected. But when theso taxes aro aggregated, and deducted from tlio labor of thu country, tho tioor Is not closed. High taxes raise the prl o of nil articles In thu market If n man buys n hut, n (inlr of boots, u coat, a pound of beef, it tiedstead, a looking glass, or u liouu, lio feels tlio Intluenco of taxation. Ho pays so much for tho article obtained, and so much for Radical action In kep lng up tho taxta to n war standard in timo of peace. When business men look at tho matter of taxation In tills light, they will be prepared to aid tin Democratic parly In thtir tilbrts to ro duuw the bunluua.Ays, Tint lloston Advert Iter sav ii,T7TT experiment of employing Chlno I? borers in ono of tho leading ,", torles of Now Eng and Is iikol? rum r,,.-. i.i.y in many ()u,cr .m thu Etsteni States, and the 8itt.Jrct u likely to becomo n prominent In tho discussions nr the political cam palgn In MiL-saehusetts and elsewhere MARRIAGES. FNinVt-tinNUtB-On Iho ffltl.iTTr: win J i;i-t, .Mr. no run KUlier nr d. to Ml Kllr, Hoirlo.of LoctSt fwp, ,lnl DEATHS. :'" ,' -'"' '.vill .nil Mnr i horn, uhhI 17 yoirs,7 mimtii "'aiKlJluajV MARKET REPORTS. ItlnoinRtmrg Market, Wlicat per inialiol llo " Horn " .' Onm. ' -....... i-'lnnr per Imrrcl ,' lovorf'ct ' FlnxHcnl nutter ..'.V.'.'.'..', TnHnw.lZZ.'ZZ."'"' " Intnlrpt ' "'" Drlei' Alipll". Ilnmi ' S'iIos unit shoiiMnr .' '.'inl pT ihiuihI MHvpprlon IllIlN No. I teotcli nl.,; No. 2 " " Ittonm H t.UMnnu. tjemlnck Hoards -p r lhoiiniiit feet einw ' " " (nut. iitpi'n" lnll,Mcantllnii, Plunk, (Iti-inluck) siilnirtes, No I pr tlimiHtiml . j 'i i iint " a. " - an .... I nj .... in .... ' in) ?m .... n ... a ..... in so .... ?w --. . ..... u ... a .... ii i .. i?ii- - IU 01) ..... IJ) ..... 11 10 .... M .... 7(0 ... ' i m NIW ADVERTISEMENTS 17 STRAY NOTICE. Kino to t no prorulii-i of (he ubtrllif i. JicK on town .lil,.. ..a i.-rlUiv,'.r',i5 ono l!hl) HHIl-hll, ono initio pot on ram. icit fir rmpjMil, mi I till ii iUeJ tii. ,Ii?.p.' must nil, piMvo property, piy cs,imn anluV. II nwuy.urlt will lio illnVoi 'w. D.V.NIEl.rm-Sr" .i.irtV..'i. iii-r. ii T-n..ii s 1'ltA.Y COW. rttrayo l from I ho premises ,f tlio unbi.-Mbrr i',s.r,V r.K) 1 1 r umY cow. w,ii, nm!lSt on tlm lowur pnrtur lior belly hu.I alontuwitrh mil. MlioiitH uvo turn., four rthe nifiM , .: nail ono Ntiititl ono. hIih Is ptxor kiwii rrari f.mim lou of licr w..eri-ubouK ' ocurmai it. I'.OSEXSfO k', JEPOKT OF THE CONDITION OF THK KlItST NATIONAr, II VNK OP ntlOMSBtJ R0 AtcUi-oof IiusIiicmh, OUToUKHSlh.MJ. iir.-iovwr.-. Lorni". niul Discounts llc&,l5S! KJ. n. ikiiiu- in i. hum tirt-llllllion, 6d,U(Q lni from HctU-tMiiliii! unil lUsrrve AKl-Iltl, S(,N1? ItuiiL other National Iluiku, '."hl Curtcut i;xpou-t-H, l,i'fll Tux.- p-inl, 7ii it vi.-..i nvtin ..uviuuiiix "Uiiili-., 1 V7 ,4 lluciuuiUtf mcueis, Lcg.ll Tend r; S'otcs. H,li3, tffl,iniii LIAllILITIlW. Capital toclc p.lUl In, iirphl- I-'uuu, Discount Kxclifilinc, IntertHt. mi". ai.uo. 4.11 .01 l.itui I.OI) II. lr lit uiul Loh Iii.llvlilunl Ii-Mioslm, 1W.WI.SI Ciislik-rH die. kh otimtniultn-r, so io Liuo lo Mutliiniil ll.iulCH, n,:;t, i .-.jiii.iuiii ;uiK circulation oiaiiaiiuiDZ. t-i.. uiner dhiiuu una iinuiif n, tl.'i.H: i o I HT M K ny pi;MNv. V" U.uurjMCW'jmJi.1. " " I. .T 1. Turtlln. (-iislili-r nflh Kltt N.tlnrtl I I; nf II ix.nii.i ing, ilo i-o'.niiUv itllim trull too ulx.vo liiiiit 1h truo,iothe. b.ibfnjl J. I' Tl'STI.X.CMblfr. Siilinil licit nu.l fittlrinf 1 l.jl-(ira m, Ilili ir.h u.iy ot uciuuur tan. M. Wiiitmotkh. y.itinr Public Cult it n T.'AUrnt lollti 1C. Urotl.C 11. Pit- lou. Win. Noil, Ulruetors A DMINISTltATOlUS' NOTICK. ll.TATK Ol.- VKklilTUlf-K LAUIlAm DRl'D. t.i-1 -rt ol t.iltmiilhtnilt n ..a the isute of I ciM!!it.v(IU!aa. lmw Iji-i-u Kmolol If I tli- IttKii-tT ol Mttil county toAwuewI.Au.iact, I ILtul (i. l.niih:irli. .r 1'olt.M 1'rppll. IVI. rf), I rt-f.!rrli-.c T.i.lil.i.pli. tit Mltinrl'tAI lowu.lll P. All icis-ih 1 u!iiK ciiilnm i.bCHlln-t Hit- eta'..f tho tin. ilint mo iifjiiiNitil to i.n-M-ia ll.Hinor ttiohi. l.tul to themuteto itiuk c ). no nt lo tlu uiul. r... i:ii.l, mJtiilLlir- turn, wiiuoiiiuoiuy. ANIIUKW MUIUIH, JOHN O. I.AUIUi;!!, octtl'Tu-Ou- Ailiuint.iriiori. 3 U li L I C S A L E O T VALUAULi; nilAL r.HTATK. Ill purMt n c of nn of t!i OVtV.! Oouri ..r t'oliiiolnu coiinlj, I'..., on HATUIIUA., noon, ji orriMt.ii i.. juckmii.. wj.o wnnii'i-'i. liy lliu citiiiini.fc'CMiii i.fMl.l i.unlv liipmoi ..r. . Tnhn D.O.B-1 port, I.Uh or Hint It k. In' wil.l c. umy tl' J; will upfiko to ml.-, hy puMlf- Mtduf, oa at I EOT OP OUOU.NI), (.ttllntB I ii llie r.nrnuBli of Uorwlf-k, In tlw rnoiltr or uoinniuiu mm Mititnii i t'ioiv """.. "',), I . il h ml ilcM-rlbotl ns follows to wll : tin the oortll I OX 11" 1. S.l.i.,.l lilt. . IIB. v-ni" . I Kouth hy l'iiiMHtrc-ut nu.l on thwt-.t i.y rj noil Klrout, lii'liw lot .No. H of town plot ttfVi B r diiuti ol Hcrwtclc. fi.uiiilnliie friyuienJ" I l.ltll irt't ll.lllt. TWO iSTOKY I'll VME DWELLING HOUSE- J) U IJ U I O SAL E O F V a r. it A it r. 15 iii: AX. ESTATE- In punmunco of nn or.Icr of the "JiVO-l nfCohinihin county. I'a on H..TlIIUA'.y I VIIMIIKK I2lli.ul It-Il oclo.l In 'l"'u.r I AIH'II U'UUt WUitri Hill"" nm y nil of Mlln'ftit "eni'lna", JI llcnnlun-r, Mnh.ifo Ilcnnlns'-r ul H ll-nniiiBor, minor t-hlt.lren nf ll'Vj c"a"T 1 if' I, in i.H.i'i iwn..".... ..... OB I eeiiveil will exi iiho Ii. mlf. h' po."".0 rl I the premls., iho Hanoi '""; ,..1 wnn iitiiiartlHuU described a VM?,bIi I ou the norm by lanil of J lm 'luP"VtTli ltamer nnrt Joseph Mli.nnoii.nri in'",'yi",i,l of Daniel Hii itim and John Hlq'er."V on the nouth by land of Char f i &,n. and nn tl o u em hy land" of I.llzalf n .,,.rl ai,dJo-e.n Hiiunan. The other uu-ilw" pail thttiof Li-Inn owned uy uu""--- CONTAINING 120 ACRIi lit, llie anmo moro or Ioi. ,tv ,, vvr t'rk. Tf.nnu or HALH.-Oae-tlilriMor''1,n," plnce null! utter liotleiitn of Iho wldu. t,.l llemienwr. Hie! to ui- P ' i. to bei11! itllv tliirltn? r-er (IIo. an I the ',rl,n'iPJ,1riiito'l alter her tl.lllll. Ten per cent of f 'rl,,oo-l p-ii.i w mo pii'ikiui; uu't ii " '- :;,-n.iio foiirlli l.n I he ten in-r cont. atco ilr m iw- eolute. Iho renmlnliig lline-fiiuriua iu-- llicreuiter with lutoriot from piitlrm "'"a N - . AI','bNn,,JIn. Ituiivnr- riAt 11 1 XT .ii. " n HAND EXPOSITION. FOR Ttir. PAWrtONAlILK WO'lL" I rOMl'LIMK.NlH OK MIW M. A. f fiJJi'noll No. 1 101, N W. corner Eiovoutli ul w I HtreeiK. fiuiaueinui. ,. visreK l.-Aifrfiv k'on T I ,! IPAI.L ANI1 . 4,1 Of mu, Wnolfwileund WWU- pi,. which lVrls mnl Iho Ur.t """"'jViuraSI J' lCVt."., tf ...... v , v.... " - - I Ladl.auti It'lilldMU, ,., ,l flMi"'1! A mwU depiirtm mtpt pliln J ' J 40 I tiliuiited p.ut--r.i. or the liit M""'" KuxIKli ot vles. n! S'i oer il m- . . ... t.mkU I 1 1 you w.iittn h.iii.uouioiy-''1" "j-. ,, mill, nt .hurt notice, u to Mr;. II nder , nil trimiulniM und mluiy i pi'oiliu I'MVI-IIOU und WlHldlUli oulilli, Vii"u l-HUcy t'osluiiie-. ......T.34 mirfO1!4. inii.-a .v.. TitrMMtSuS, tillNAMKNl'-1. . ,u bin I coinprWnii tin. hitoil evtrU no''"jV I,in";l and iol iro.1 irti.if". . ";V ' VSii. iWn"'." I hlowera (Jlovev, Hrld I.Wre i-h-i. Vii J WJ. new untile 111 VIV l, en.. "isffunt line oi WliUh Je O'hrW' ' llnuMii Ii , Li.ii In. . N. klw ' SJ t . rl "Plenaifl Hit. oi I'ltiifh Jel " mil MJ l-rillcll Oi.ld Mil, 111 I varleiy lu Ihuli.a, &s., wliiti tor jnte orvarieiy l-jiliuol bu ourl iiUH-d. ...reuMf'"1"' Mlnllli. re uun - , . vli. d imiam lie. rid "'".il I'l iifcit k n.U Ui.iTt rlnir. ,f ,irii til Alio l i tlletl aKllin oi I l' J lo Ii Mil .1 lln Ilor ejl Viim I"',. , .-1 ii mu. si n. m . a. u ri,r.rJ J It II IIUIHUH"."1"-"" una out umiams u yvrxlt,i. Te nits or HAiK.-Ono-llilnl lori-min IjlW ploo o until nlicr Ihcilnithnf Hie wiaow, ltrrt It. ho .i.lo lolirmiminlly. Ten Put.oi fourth nf Uio liuclmM! money t tho itriJKJ tloivn oi lliu roi.i-ry: Ui ontj-fi.urtii ten per cent, ot i lie coiiflrinnt'on ''','?Ifj;;,,. t o remnliilUK thrcc-lnurUm in . tine yr iny" utter wll h IntcitBt Ircm ihcnyfl'W!K-Sjs octl.'70-lt. W. L- JAlhs- MAIlt-1 UI' 1.A1 'r. tl UII-4 W""!'.Y,I ., Lai k mu iiMiis TiMMijjr,ia l't.lnlo Appllnue, Vliieniluunif. d 1IiiMj IliKH.alid lni.llilol.8, liUli'tf nc. Luct i-, pew in tlthifiu hu.i in.'Si'lTM-NIH. 'llll II h INDIAN OIINAULN"; Fuim, lllidn, Male, Cuahlona. Moutn'a.rii- ..i-un . ,,,, . ..fl iji-iuw