afto dpxrluntlriuu I3LOOMSBURG, TA. Frldny Jlornliis, Oct. 7, ISTO. j-TIIR OIH.UMUIAN hoi tli Largest Circulation of njr paper published lit Northern Pennsylvania, runt It also a much larger sheet than anj- of IHcotem porarlesi anil Is therefore the lie-si medium' for advertising In this section ofthe Slate In taking chargo of tho Columbian, Iho present proprietor ntnl editor has merely to say lio will endeavor to clvo Ills readers a good newspaper for tho vicinity of Columbia county, embrac ing local nnd general news of public In tercst nnd such other Information as Is usually desired. Bom nnd reared In what was then Columbia county (now Montour) and having nil tho rest of his Mo lived in neighboring counties, and In constant lntercourso with many of Its leading citizens, ho Is not a stranger to tho peculiar character, and wants and Interests, of tho peoplo with whom ho voluntarily casts his lot. wlillo owned or edited by him, of course tho pnper will bo thoroughly devoted to tho ad vo cacy of tho stralgh test lluo of Democratic principles, and of ivgular nominations, fairly made, iu tho foundation stouo upon which tho structure can alone so turcly rest. With no disposition to In dulge in profuso promisesor to multiply fair words, tho editor has only to ex press tho hopo and belief that his Inter courso with tho peoplo of Columbia county will bo a pleasant ono of long duration. Regular Nominations. No party can long remain strong or powerful unless Its nominations nro re spected nnd sustained. And none but most gravo reasons can Justify a refusal by member of a party to support tho nominations mado by the constituted authority. A most certain means of breaking down a majority party is for the minority to sustain volunteers, and thus assist to create division, multiply ill feeling and Anally and de morallzitlon in the ranks of tho major ity. Of courso by such action tho mi norlty becomes demoralized too, but if any good Is to result from general de moralization wo havo yet to discover it. Tho plain, safo way is to support tho nominations mado in Convention, and thus avoid all cause for irritation and quarrels. If ono candidate is defeated or "cut" this year, ho and his particu lar friends will naturally embrace the first opportunity for vengeance, and then strife will continue to begot strife until hatred and anarchy tako tho placo of friendship and unity. Thus tho strongest majority may render its pow er contemptiblo and become the victim of a weak minority. Democrats of Co lumbla, it is to bo hoped you will savo yourselves .from this "nettle danger" by encouraging union and harmony, which can only bo done by electing the regular ticket. "Every thing for the cause, nothing for men," was tho uni versal motto of tho party in tho days of Us glory and power. Lot us not provo degenerato sons. Mechanics and Working-men! 18G0, March 22, Mr. Johnson moved a suspension of tho rules so as tocnablo him fo submit this resolution : llcsolved. That in passing the resolu tion for tho 16th amendment to tho Constitution of tho United States, this Houso never intended that Chincso or Mongolians should become voters. Tho motion was lost yeas 42, nays 100, not voting 43. Mr. MERCUR DID NOT VOTE AFFIRMATIVELY 1 As tho result of this action, or refusal to net, thousands upon thousands of Chlucso idolaters aro now belug impor ted into nil parts of this country, the Inovltablo effect of which will bo to rob labor of itsjust reward, and to debase and practically enslave laborers espe cially whito laborers. Let workiogmen of every class re member that the Republicans havo con ferred equal political rights and pow ers upon tho Ntgroes placed them in that regard upon a level with White Men and that they now seek' to placo the Chineso pagan upon tho samo level! Worklngmen, STRIKE EFFECT IVELY WHILE YOU HAVE POW ER! Ere another Congress passes It may ho TOO LATE I Captain Brock way is ono of you, and of course all his sympathies aro with you. Mercur has refused to givo his vote to protect you, and you have no reason to believe ho will chango his courso. Maintain your rights while you havo them, for that is much easier than to obtain them again after they are once lost. Capt. Brockway and tho tariff. The statement that Capt. Brockway advocated Frco Trade sentiments in Bradford and Sullivan is untrue. At Albany, Laporto, Dushoro, Camptown, Towanda and Troy, ho pointedly pro claimed himself in favor of n Protect ive Tariff. But what record havo our opponents on this subject? Neither Grant or Con gress, In which tho Republicans have a two-third majority have such abhorrence of Frco Trade as our opponents would have tho public believe. Grant's first official act was to appoint A. T. Stew art, a notorious Frco Trader, Socretary of the Treasury. Congress, and Mercur voting with the majority, reduced the Tariff on pig-iron from $9 to $7 per ton. Tho Tariff is lowor now than it has been for ten years. When gold was ISO that In Jlsolf was a protection j but now Sold is down to IIS, and to mako mat tors worso tho Tariff is reducod. The Now England manufacturers maungo to protect themselves, but Mercur inter poses tho pitiful plea that tho interests of Pennsylvania could not bo guarded If so, it shows tho weakness of tho mon wo send thcro. Tub volunteer candldato for Sheriff complains that tho Controlia nnd Con yngham dolcgatw in Convention voted for Capt. Millard Instead of him. und Jmputes to them corrupt motives for tho act, and Justifies his becoming a cnndldnto against the ticket on that ground. Thcro is, ns wo understand, a plain, ehort answer to all this s Thoso delegatea wero electod in favor of Mil lard and only carried out their instruc tions and tho understanding at homo, In supporting him. If they had voted for another they would have violated both faith and duty and Just complaint could havo been made. Wo cun discov er no reason whatever iu this case for bolting tho nomination, or for Brum., hllog. Official Corruption. In a recent speech at Lock Haven, Mr. John II. Oitvis, of Cetitro county, pointedly cnllcd attention to "tho great ' chango which had occurred In public sentiment, within a comparatively ' brief period, upon tho subject of ofll- clal corruption, and that not long " since, whenever tho chargo of official corruption against a public man could "bosustalnod by rcllablo ovldcnce, It "was fatal to tho standing and prospect 'of tho Individual, whllo now such a 'change, when proven, was met with "tho answer, 'Well, ho Is no worso than " his follows.' " Some twenty-flvo years ago, Mr. James H. Laverty, then a member of tho Legislature from Clearfield county, was publicly accused of having received pay for procuring tho passago of cer tain bills through tho body of which ho was a member, and as ho was unablo to clear his skirts from tho chargo, such was tho storm of odium which fell up on his head, that ho had not tho cour age to resumo his scat, but absconded from tho Slate. In contrast, at this time, scores of mon, (readily named) who notoriously accept compensation for their votes, not only boldly occupy their seats, butnro frequently ro-clccted with a full knowledgo of their dlshou csty by tho electors, and, what is equal ly reprehensible, command courteous treatment in society and nro admitted to respectabto association. It is no con solution to aver tho palpable truth that a constituency who elect a rogue, or n person under gravo suspicion, aro no hotter than ho. Tho nbuso exists, and it 13 high timo that thcro should bo thorough reform both as regards repre sentatlves of tho class in question and in electors. Another illustration is to bo found in tho history of tho lato Thaddeus Ste vens. Whllo Canal Commissioner of this Stato, ho squandered tho public monoy with a lavish hand, for partisan purposes. Although ho was not accused of appropriating any portion of it to Ills personal use, tho fact of what was then regarded as public dishonesty, so completely crushed him, that ho passed from public view until tho peoplo camo to look with less disfavor upon official corruptions. But there is still another and perhaps oven more dangerous species of official corruption, viz : that of high officials accepting presents of great and even Immense value, nnd then shamefully conferring offico nnd high distinction upon me uonors, many or whom wcro without peculiar fitness and were inca pable of raising themselves from ob scurity by tho ordinary means embra cing energy, integrity nnd ability. In tho early days of the Union, tho proffer of a present to tho President was not only reproachfully rejected, but thopro- poslng donor was thereafter excluded from Presidential intercourse, and nei ther public demand, public necessity, or other cause, could havo ohtalnd for him a Presidential appointment or personal favor of any character. Tho offico of President was then regarded with such respect, both by tho occupant of it and the people, that even tho slightest ap pearance of merconary motive was shunned and condemned. What is the stato of affairs now, In that connection ? Whoso check would not mantlo with shamo were tho honest inquiry mado of him by a person of another nation ? The remedy for nil this evil is simple enough, but will it bo applied? Certain ly it Is clear that tho peoplo must firm ly determino to rofuso their votes to corrupt men, and also thoso under sus picion, or forover submit to tho basest and moancst villainy in public offico, at their own cost and to their own oppres sion. Wo say, withhold your votes from nil men who aro oven under strong suspi cion, for if you wait for such evidence as would legally convict, you may keep on electing rogues to offico until dooms day. Thero is a great abundanco of well qualified men of undoubted integ rity to fill all tho offices under tho sun, with myriads to sparo. Let all selec tions bo made from theso. If any body suffers by It, let him llvo bo that ho will not bo seriously suspected. Vou can Voto Although not Regis tercd! By roferenco to Sec. 4 of tho Registry Law, (published, In another column in tho Sheriff's proclamation will be seen that you can vote if not registered. But it Is required of tho voter, if not reg istered, to mako an affidavit, stating to the best of his knowledgo and bollef whero and when ho was born, that ho is a citizen of Pennsylvania and tho United States, that ho has resided In tho State ono year, or if formerly a citi zen therein and removed therefrom, that ho has resided therein six months next preceding said election j that ho has not moved into tho district for tho purpose of voting therein; that ho has paid a State or county tax within two years, which was assessed at least ten days beforo tho election, and tho affida vit shall stato when and whero tho tax was assessed and paid, and tho tax receipt must bo produced, unless tho af flant shall stato that it has been lost or destroyed, or that ho received none. In addition to this, you must provo by tho printed or written affidavit of somo qualified voter in your district, your preciso residence in that district at least ten days noxt preceding tho election. NATURALIZED CITIZENS in addition to all this must stato In their nffldavlt when, whero and by what court thoy woro naturalized, and must produce their "papers." Tho necessary blanks for making theso aflldavlts should bo furnished to you by tho election ofllcers, upon your request; should they refuso, preparo them yourselves, embodying all the es sential facts ; and tho election ofllcers are bound to receive your vote, or be sub Ject to sovero penalties. Persons between twenty-ono nnd twenty-two years old may vote on age, as Heretofore, without payment of tax, whether registered or not. Lei no Democrat or Conservative be deterred from voting by tho provisions of this law. EVEKV MAN Wno COULD VOTK miC-il to the i'absaoe op the reoisthv Law, may btilij vote. Biiockway is a self-mado man, a working man, a young man of tried patriotism and personal bravery, of great energy of character, active, enter prising and efficient In overy relation in which ho has ever boon placed, Com mendable qualifications for a Congress man anu sucu as deservo encourage' ment. ... .,- , ., , .,, , . , , ... . ... . , . THE COLUMBIAN Iffcglcct of Duty. Only substantial reasons ought to ox cuso n public officer for nbsenco from his post of duty. Especially Is nlnon tcclsm reprehcnslblo In officers of n representative position. As members of Congress nro particularly well paid, they ought to bo held to a strict per formance of duty, and nbsenco, oxcopt for gravo reasons, should uovcr bo ex cused. Tho frshlonablo modo of excu sing thcmsel ves now is by "pairing off." This Is tho way they do It : Mr. A. Is a candldato fur rcnomlnatlon, and ins peoplo tako him to task for his absoncn when somo question Important to his district camo to n voto. Mr. A. assorts that ho "paired off" with Mr. U., and a letter Is printed from Mr. B., in proof thereof, and advising Mr. A's constitu ents to return him to Congress by all means. No doubt it is understood that Mr. A, is to do tho samo favor for Mr. B. If Hko complaints nro entered against him lu his district. This Is certainly a cheeky gamo nnd only equaled by tho "dodging" that makes It necessary. These gentlemen nro paid $3,000 for a fow months time, and they should bo honest enougii to put in that timo at Washington attending to tho business thoy nro entrusted with and paid for, That is, ono hopes to be excused for neglect, of duty becauso ho induced Fomo other member to do tho same 1 Taking Caro of tho Radical Cripples. Tho Domocracy of Oregon having elected a Senator to supersede Gcorgo W. Williams, tho Radical who has held the placo for sotno years, General Grant is forced to find somo place at tho pub He crib for tho defeated loyalist. It is now said that ho will bo appointed So llcltor General. This is a now office, created by n Radical Congress, with t salary of $7,000 attached. It will an swer as n snug berth for tho political cripplo from Oregon. It is likely ho lias grown rich along with other RadI cal Senators, but it is only natural that ho should accept u fat offico in Wash Ington rather than return to tho Pacific coast to minglo with tho people who havo repudiated him. If Grant should undcrtako to provldo offices for all tho defeated Radical candidates who will bo hobbling about after tho Congres sional elections in October nnd Novem her ho will bo compelled to turn ont somo of his many cousins. European Wcws. Strasburg having capitulated, tho Prussians aro concentrating their entire force beforo Paris, excepting tho army around Metz nnd tho garrisons of cap turcd fortified towns. Frequent sorties, with indifferent succoss, nro constantly mado by tho beleagurcd forces io Paris and Motz. Peace negotiations do not appear to progress, mainly, perhaps, for want of a stablo government in Franco to treat with. Trochu rules in Paris, Bazaino in Metz, a Republican Committee claiming to bo tho Government in Tours, tho Rod Republicans in Lyons, &c Neither of theso acknowledges tho nuthorlty of tho other. An election is to bo held on tho ICth Inst., for dele gates to a National Assembly, and these will probably form a government which may havo sufficient power to mako a treaty of peaco. Tho adhercntB of Na poleon still look (o ills restoration in somo foim. An imraenso Democratic meeting lias been held in London I The Throno was threatened and a Republic, talked of, which will probably end in talk. Tho Russians nro again apparently preparing to swallow up Turkey. Tho Italian forces havo occupied Rome, and tho peoplo havo voted in favor of political annexation to tho Kingdom of Italy. Tho Pope remains at Rome, whero ho will continue to ox erclso spiritual but not temporal power. Moro or less agitation prevails throughout Europe. The New York Sun, which helped to elect Grant, now says : Ills administration is bad, foolish, weak, cowardly, corrupt, anti-American, contemptiblo nbroad. It is impos sible to speak lap truth and deny that this is not bo. It is impossible) for an independent journalist, anxious to dis charge his obligations to tho people, to conceal or palliate facts so fearful and so notorious." Tho President is incompetent, lazy, neglectful of his duties, unablo to com prehend them, nnd careless about per forming them. He appoints men to office Blraply because they have made him presents, or aro relations, or be cause some foolish caprlco promDts. Ho degrades tho country in tho eyes of all tho world, and stands trembling like a coward for fear of a corrupt and bankrupt power like Spain. Tho man who served tho nation as a soldier is covering us with shamo as a President. Attention, Wokkinomen.-Wo aro informed by undoubted authority that last weeK tnreo car loads of negroes passed through Northumberland and aro now encamped below Milton. They not only expect to bo employed on thu extension of the Catawlssa R. R. and thu3 displaco so many whlto laborers, but they are all registered, and by their hired and imported votes expect (o do feat tho wishes of tho majority of the peoplo of Northumberland County. Shamo on a party, and shamo on tho mon who employ a sot of travelling hlrollngs to chango tho honest verdict of tho people. Even decent colored men will hang their heads with shamo to learn that their raco is being carted from poll to poll for such In famous pur poses, The Sullivan Free J'rcss says, "thero uro certain men In Pmlioro who havo heretofore been Identified with tho Ro publican party," who "aro cxortlng tliolr energies In behalf of Capt. Brock way, tho Democratic candldato for Con gress." Had tho editor elovaled his spectacles and oxtended ills vision over tho district ho would havo seen many other men who "havo heretofore been Identified with Iho Republican party," who aro now heartily supporting Capt, iirocKway. Some of tho Republicans think Capt. Brockway is too young to go to Con gress. Eight years ago ho was deemed old enough to handlti a Battery in tho faco of tho enemy, whllo Mercur to mained at homo making monoy out of tho war. Ho at least is old enough to follow Mcrcur's oxamplo of doing noth ing but drawing his salary. The latest internal rovenuo decision is jb Is to tho effect that tho bung of a cask not the splggot. i" in ii i 1 I ' ' - T AND DEMOCRAT, TO THEP0LLS!! A. FULL VOTE in Columbia county will gain a Congressman 1 A FULL VOTE in Columbia county will elect tho whole Demo cratic ticket 1 A FULL VOTE in Columbia county will prevent its annexation to Kojmbhcan counties in luturc npjiortionmcnts. A FULL VOTE in Co lumbia county will exhibit the power ot its Democracy, encourage friends, depress opponents, com mand respect and influence, and in crease strength ! DEMOCRATS OF COLUMBIA, you have therefore every induce ment to .attend the noils, to vote tho straight Democratic ticket, and to sec that every Democratic vote is polled I TURNOUT TO A MAN! And let every man see to it that his neighbor attends the polls also LET AMPLE MEANS bo everywhere provided to take voters to tho noils who have no conveyances themselves I LOOK CLOSELY after the lukewarm, the careless and the indifferent I LET NOT A VOTE REMAIN AT HOME! THE I-IONOR, and power, and dory of tho Du' mocracy of Columbia, will he largely enhanced by a stern effort on the part of every one to do his wholo duty to his party and his country ! A LARGE DEMOCRATIC YOTE this Fall presages future victory. A small Democratic vote will dis courage our friends every where Then RALLY TO THE POLLS ! GIVE OjYE EARNEST DAY TO YOUR COUN TRY I Ecbuke extravagance ! Rebuke plunder and corruption ! ELECT YOUR CONGRESSMAN and thus rebuke Negro Suffrage, Governmental extravagance, tho squandering of the Public Lands to Railroad Corporations savo the lands for tho benefit of the Labor ers of the Nation, prohibit the im migration of idolaters, who, of no good, will debase and rum Labor condemn burdensome taxation and national extravagance, extor tion,and tyrannical Government reinstate peaco and good will, and just and frugal government, with the rights and dignity ot white men unimpaired ! EVERY HAH TO THE POLLS!! The New York Sun thus takes Pres ident Qrantand his Cabinet to task : "Tho Tribune announces that Judgo Richardson, Acting Secretary of tho Treasury In tho absence of Secretary Boutwell, has also been appointed by President Grant to bo Acting Attorney General in tho absenco of both the At tornoy General and his assistant. In this doublo capacity of Acting Secro tary of tho Treasury and Acting At' torney General, Judgo Richardson nt tended n Cabinet meeting on Friday, at which they discussed tho policy to bo adopted in viow of tho present momen tous complications In Europe. What a wonderful administration that must bo whoso members nro all off on plcasuro excursions when such matters aro to bo considered I And what n fine subject it will be for democratic stump speech 03 In 1872 1" Meucuk In this end of tho District talks about protection to American In dustry. Why did ho not protect Amer lean labor by voting to provent tho im portation of thousands of Chinamen who are now competing with It ? Tho Coollo system degrades and debases la bor, and yot Mercur refused to vote for a resolution that theso Chinamen should not be entitled to the privileges of cltl zenship. In "loyal" Bradford not n slnglo sol dicr has a county office, nor is thero ono now on their ticket as n candidate. they having thrown Gen. Madlll over board. Columbia county has soldier candidates for Congress and Sheriff, and ncr ProthoHotary and Register & Re corder havo been soldlera. Who nro the soldiers friends ? The Brooklyn Union says tho noxt Vico President of tho United States must bo a negro. "If," ndds that Jour nnl, "Mr. Rovels wero nn nblonnd bril llnnt mnn, who had mado his mark on tho nation, ho would Inevitably bo tho candldato. But ho is not a man of suf ficient cnlibro and prestige." Why not also noralnato n negro for President ? piEiTHEKuen. urant nor uongrcss can claim any credit for tho reduction of tho public debt. They do not pay n cent of It. It comes out of tho pockets of an overtaxed people. Bkadi'oiid County lias had the Con gressman over sinco tho formation of this district. Is it not timo that another county should enjoy whatever local ad van tago thero is lu it? Youno MEN.encourago political par ties to nominate young men for olllco. Brockway's election will do much to produce tho nomination of young men hereaftor. Ouu opponents boast of tho financial success of tho present administration. Why is it, then, that n greon-back dol lar is worth only 70 cents in coin? The Sulllvun Democrat gives Mr. Brockway enthusiastic and efficient support. Of courso tho contrary stato inont was a coined falsehood. - ' -' ' BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY,PA. BOGUS TICKETS. IJogus tickets, in various forms, nro being circulated throughout tho coun ty. Examlno your tickets carefully, therefore, and soo that thcro nro nono but gcnulno names upon them. All manner of statements on tho eve of tho election that aro not well authen ticated or known to bo truo, should bo regarded nnd treated ns falsehoods. Tho Issue. As wo havo no Stale ticket in iho Held this year tho issuo Is on tho con gressional and legislative tickets. "Wo trust that our friends understand mor- oughly tho imporlanco of tho contest in which wo tiro engagod j that In nil tho closo congressional districts, repre sented now by radicals, they will poll their strength to tho lost voto, ami Bparo no effort before tho final struggle to In- suro n chango of representation. It would bo n glorious triumph, effecting a chango horo and n chango there, to alter tho political complexion of tho national IIouso of Representatives, or even to reduco materially tho radical majority thero. Hut it is of still moro importnuco to the democracy of Pennsylvania to carry tho next legislature, so that wo can chango tho congressional and legisla tive districts, which nro so unjustly constructed now, that it 13 almost an impossibility to carry a democratic ma jority, or oven elect n number of repre sentatives and senators in any uegroo proportionate to tho voto wo cast. If thcro woro no changes from radicalism to democracy and tho former party not ed as n unit and polled its full vote, a majority on a fair proportion of demo cratic representatives cither in the Sen ate or IIouso could not bo elected. But fortunately for tho domocracy and for the country, tho radical party is now in a courso of disintegration, and can nov- cr again poll tho voto it has polled for bovcral years past. Therefore, if tho democrats everywhero aro active, mid turn their attention particularly to tho selection of senators nnd members of assembly, wo shall not despair of sue cess. Patriot. Why-the Taxes aue bo High. During tho Administrations of Jackson, Van Buren, Polk, Pierco and Buchan- in, tho expenses of tho aovcrnmont, exclusive of tho Interest of tho Public Debt wero as follows : During Jackson's term $1 10 per head " Van Buren's " SI 78 " " PolK's " $1 75 " " PIcrco's " $1 00 " " Buchanan's " $2 10 " During Grant's first year it was $1 70 " " second " " 10 2S per head. Thcro is somo differenco in these ox pcndltures, a fact worth noting by tax payers. Ex. Voteus, remember that hundreds of millions of ncres of tho public domain havo been given nway to mammoth railroad corporations, and stolen by members of Congress, within tlio pa-it few years. Mr. Mercur, wo under' stand, cither voted for all these swindles upon the country, or else dodged the votes, to let these swindles pass. Would it not bo well for tho voters of tho District to dodge him on tho second Tuesday of Oc tober? Anothuii Radical collector lias rob bed tho government of ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars. This time the offenco was committed in Kansas, Theso robberies aroof dally occurrence, and yet no particular notlco Is taken of them. Slnco tho beginning of tho Graut administration six millions havo been stolen from tho government by Radical officers, and no notlco bus been taken of tho fact savo an occasional ar rest, which means nothing. Age. The way to Canvass. Last week Judgo Mercur sent a fow stickers to a Democrat In "Wynlusing, Bradford Co. accompanied by a ten dollar greenback For further particulars inquire of Hi ram Elliott. Judge Holcomd and Bartlott, noted Freo Traders of tho Wilmot Scliool.aro traveling Bradford county In Mercur's Interest. Yellow fover Is prevailing at Gov' crnor's Island, Now York. MARKET REPORTS. llloonilburff Market. Wheat per bushel f 1.(0 Hyo " .. I cu Corn ... I 0) Oats. " to Klour per barrel 0 m Clovcrseed H ivi Flaxseed w 2 (W nutter- 45 2J Tallow ... , w io I'otatoes , w 60 Dried Apples .. 3 Hams Hides and Hhoulders 17 lard per pound a liny per ton is ou rjo. 1 Hcotcn pig .. 32M Jfft " - I203J30 illoom,..H....,HH .,.. ,.,.o0 4 IMJM LUMI1EU. Hemlock Boards per thousand feet.-...., 110 00 " " " (one Inch) ...... laa) .,wiv, nwiuuiuu, 1-JUI1K, ItlfllllOClfcl 13 UU Hhlnsles, No, 1 per thousand , H 00 " " 2 " " 7 lio Bldinu " ft ........g 1 ou 1-hlUdelphlH Market!, Floor Northwestern superfine at Northwestern extra North wektcru .family............... 81.753 SxOO live Hour. S42j8H.75 55.51 8UI5 Sl.'il WIIKAT 1'euusylvaula red, Y bus, Western " ' Itvn reumjylvuuta rye, tlbus, Coun Yellow, Mixed, OATSbllS 1'movibions Mess 'otk,n bbl.. 1.373 81 as 870 81.U) OSciijlilo Alu wis jjet-l, Dressed Hoes, sa te""!""'.' laWo Smokod Hums ajjcwaivio . " Shoulders vt loQ)UJ?o I.urd,v lflcstlbU HKEbs-L'ioTcr.teJviars::::::::.::;::- y Tlmolliyseedy bus....... U.50 Fluxsced " CATTLE-Heef CaltloMto ... Cows, ii head WjaW BlIKKw It) 6l5cS o IIOOH- 100 tts 8l2.jJU5o MARRIAGES. HI INTZ L KM A N HT EWA 1 1 1) A t Iho residence iif Jesse 1 Hterlcli, by Huni'l DlcUerleu, Ksei., Hepl, ,4th, Henry llenlzlcmun, to Miss Aiui line Bteward both of Ceutiovillo, I'u. fcilOMKU-NHMOFhSEU-On tho S5lh ult.,by the same, Joslali Kramer anil Miss Klliabclh Niiuuessor, both or Cenlrevllle, 1'a. UUHSEI.T.-UUEEcn-On tho 17lh Kit., at tho nsldeiico of the bride's parents, bv Uev. I'. J. Jlohr. Mr. Alonto J. Unwell, to Miss Mary U. Urcece, ol llluoinsburg, DEATHS, MOpitK In tlri-enwood. on the SHh ult.. Mr. Abraham Moore, aged 111 years, 3 mouths und DKAGLB On tho llth ult., Nicholas C.son of John lleagle of Hemlock twp.. aged J year, 2 months und 21 days. 11 AI.LIKT-Oii tho 17lli ult., Joteph J..son of Joseph and Catharine Hall et, of Uloouikburir gl 13 y cam, 3 mouths nnd dSy7'uumUUB NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TMUDGE NOTICE. A dividend of 3 per cent, on tlio capital slock of tho Catawlssa nrldjto Company, will be paid to nil "lock holders or lliclr legal representative on and after October lOlh, ma. ,, Catawlssn,Oct,7, 1970-lt. Treasurer. TJUBIAO SALE o F VAMJAUM: HHAti ESTATE. III iiiirmnnce of nn nrderof tlio Orphans' Court of Columbia county, tlm undersized Adminis trators, Henry Yost of tlio township of Locust in Mild county, deceased, will "po'iolo public salo on the piomtscs, on HATUHUAY, October a), 1SJ1), tlio followlnis described real cs lute, to will A certain t.loco or parcel und TRACT OF LAND, situate In Locust two,, In said county, ndjolntm! landt of (leorno KrvUlior, Win. lloncli, luulel Hupp nnd others, containing SIXTEEN ACRES, moro or less, tho greater part of tho simo being in uinucr. TmiMSorHAI.E! Ten per cent, or ono-iouriu , i ml. nan ..inn air tnliAtlllil lit InRStMlCltlS down or tlio properly! tlio iiiie-fourth loss Iho ten per cent.,ni uio cimiinuuiiuu nu r....u, and Iho remaining tlireo-rourlhi In ono soar hereauer, wmi imeicsnnjniuuiininiun'Mi in iiv r.ii- deed nnd statnns. Posses sion Riven on tho payment or one-fourth of tho purehn-so money. Lato tho estato of kim floury Yost deceased. EM.Allhl II TOS1, Itoarlnscrccl!,OJt.7,tS70-lt. Administrators. p U B LIC SAL E o I' ll E V A L U A 11 L E A L ESTATE, T.i iitrio'tipnnfnn ni-iler nf Ihn nrnllftlm Court of Columbia county, r., Augustus Troub. Ad ministrator of John Traub, deceased, will ex pose to publics lie nt tlio lato resilience ol 'said deceased, In Ijjcust townshlp.ou W bl)Nl.SIA , OCroilKIt 21, I8J0, at nlno o'clock In tho foro noon, the following dosjrlbod ostato to wit! All that certain messuage or TRACT CF LAND, sltuato lu said township, ndjolnlng lands lato of John II. Uluiinp, isn-io irwin, i urns i.uo ui .mim-a altars, ana ftiyan ivice, coiil.iiuiu 12 ACRES AND 17 PERCIIEd, mnrnnrlnvi. all cleared land. ALSO All that rnrtnlii i,1n,n nf frrnilllil. Ktttl.UO 111 ItoarltlUCrcek lOWIlSllip, unjoining imms m .UK'iuii'i o miurii;i, Daniel ticuscl, Isaac llreach and J. 1'. I'lucher, CO Illuming 5 ACRES AND 102 PERCHES, ucnt measure, covered with good CHESTNUT AND HOCK OAK. a fitin vinovnrd. which boro beavllv Ihls year, u iiniin the llrst described propel ty. also n good npplo orchard, n never falling spring of water, and u htono spring house. oct"'70-St. Administrator. UARDIAN'S SALE o I' ll n a l V A L U A 11 I, E ESTATE Tim nniipr!fnnd. flnardlan of Iho minor chll ,lr-n nr Uetil.iiuin Nuss. Into of Main two . Co lumbia county, deceased, by virtue nftho power and nuthorlty In him vested by tho Orpliins' Court of Columbia county, will uxposo to public sale, on tho premises, In Mnln twp., said county. '1-111TH-411A v. (iiiroiimt irrtti. Into, at Ti:x o'clock In the rnrennou, ine ionowiug rc:u es tate, to wit: Adjoining lauds of David mown on the east, II. Drown nnd others m the south. JXlulel Is usi on mo v esi, nua m iiuain .leiiuu., gor on tho North, containing OXK HUNDRED k SIXTEEN ACIIK3, Tnnro nr Inon. nlinilt lOfi ncrM of which U PlMrCil nnd thu tulnneo is timbered with Rood, he.wy Tho lnnd n In a vcrv hluh fetato of cultlvatlou, fully equal to nny river bottom Liml, whereon U ,e .s-.irwl nfn.lnnliMrliml naonvlll t tin f Till 11 f f ei ec i cu a kodu i wo story JUUCK DWELLING HOUSE, nnd other cood substantial outlmlldliici. Thoro li also ii tfoitd well of water nt tho hprinc bouse, unit in...! tlim!u'(ilhi!' house nlsn n well of wat er nt tlio bum. Tin ro is u good latKo HAN'JC I'KKH-s nil In ood condition. Thero nro nlao hakn. two wnirou nouses, a uiiJttit Aiii.unuu planted on the nrem'ses two vi:uy good Ari'Li: oncuAnns, which vleld from four to six hundred bushels of apples per annum, inert) isuiso 111 cuiuiuciiuu other fruit trcos In nhuudnncp. The premises ato nowsoweu wun iiuinKmnii wl tiler ciop, mnkiiiK Urn. mMltl uiiUudueenieut to nurchnseis to buy. by beluK able to nut out a lood sprbu crop. thomaikets nsfollowd; Ono and a- half miles i on nil iti iirnmiKPt nrt KiiuiiiL'd 111 iiitiuucu iriiiii north ol Muluvllle, six imieH cast of t ntuwivu, und lour miles lrom Jiioomsuurj. Conditions or Salk: One-thirt of thn pur chaHO money, nfler tho payment of tlio debts, to remain und boelmrged lu thepicmlses during thu nsituml life of Jj tna Nuh, widow ot lleuj.i mln Num, dee'd, tho a imo to bo Kecuird by bond nnd mortuntie. on said nroi'ertv.niid tho Interest thereon paj able annually to tho butd widow, be ginning on April jm, ii. Twenty per cent, of tho purchasn monoy to bo pnldntthe MrUlng down ot thu property. One thousand dollars to bo paid on tho 1st day of April A. !lb71,aud thu halanco to bo paid fu tour equal uunual pnyivcuts; with iuteust there on troui the 1st ot April, 1S7I. All expensesfor leKal und title pnpeiH to bo paid by tho purchaser, Possession Km n ou tho first day ot April, 171, nnd n full audftufUclcnt deed(lvtii for tho prem ises, whou tho above conditions nro tally com piled with. JOHN' VA,T'A. oetiU-Ilt (iuiu-dtuu. s IIKRIPF'S SALES. llv virtue ofStindrv wrllnof Vend. TCx. Issu ed nutof'tboCourtofCniiiuion Pleas or Columbia county ami to mo directed will bo exposed to Kalo by pnhllo vendue or outcry at tho Court House In llloouii.burg.atoiioo'cloclc In Ihonftcr noon of Monday Oct. uUt, 1370, the lollowlu real estate, to wit : One lot beginning at a corner on Mummy's al ley and Kecoiul strict ot the town of llloomsbulg and ruutilug Iheuco along said street, north M'stwaidly Iwenty-ono and a half leet to lot of A.M. llupert, thenco nlomi said lot southwest wardly seventy-one nnd a half leet to lot No. &, thence along said lot houthwestwardly twenty ouo and a half ftet Io Mummy's alley, Iheuco along said alley norlhenslwordly sevelity-ono and u half leet to beginning, wheicon Is erected a Inrgo two-story bilelt building with tho ap purtenances. Alsoonn cetlaln other lot of land sltuato In the town of lllooiiisburg, beginning nt a post on the northwest sido of fcecond street and lot No. 3, nnd running thence nloug said lot north -li, digiecswest lj.)fiet moroorliss to old rend al ley, themo nloug said ulley south 70 degrees west Jeit to lot of John K.Glrton, thenco along said lot soulh degrees east lo0 feet moro or less Io Hecond street aloresatd, thenco along Hecond street iiortliaij. degrees east leet tobo ginning, whereon are erected n dwelling house, butchcishop und out buildings, with tho appur tenanct s. Hcizcd, taken In execution and to bo sold as tho property of Joseph I,, bhannou. ALSO: At tho same timo and place, a certain pleco or tract ol land sltuato In Locust township, county of Columbia, bonndol ou tho north by lands of Jacob Hteln and others, cast by lands of n. V. Johnson, south by lands of A, 8. Knittlc, west by lauds of Henry Oable, containing about ninety ncres, moro or less, on which Is erected a Iruino dwelling houso, frame barn with the ap purtenances. Seized, taken In execution and to bo sold as tho properly of Henry Knapp. MOltDliuAI MILLAUU. oct7'70 rihcrlfr. JJOTY'S WASHING-MACHINE, LATELY MUCH IMl'ItOVED-AND THE NIIW UNIVERSAL CLOTHES "WRINGER Improved with Howell's l'alent Doublo Cog wheels, and tho l'ateut Mop, oio now uunues tlouahlv superior to any apparatus for wash ing clothes ever Invented, and will savo their cost twlco u year, by saying labor and clothes. The Millar of this paper, who purchased n Washer and Wringer, thus tesillles as lo their value: "Wo havo had In uso In our family for somo tlino past, ouo of Holy's Clothes Washers nnd u ringers, and are prepared to boar testimony as to Its merits. It is emphatically a lubur-tmlinj machine and does Its work in Iho most thorough manner, for families who have laigo wushes these machines would ho Invaluable." Colum hi A, Jan. 11, mo, I'RICES-A FAIR OFFER. If tho Merchants lu yourplncowlll not furnish, or send for tho Machines, send us tho retail pilco Washer 811, Extra Wringer 80, and wo will for ward cither or both machines, freu nf freight, to places where no one Is selling; and so sure uro wo they will bo liked, llmt wo agrco lo refund the money If any ono wishes to return the ma chines freo of freight, altera muath's trial, ac cording to directions. No luuband, father or brut her should licrmlf the d rudgery of washing with iho hands, Btty. two days in Iho year, when It can bo done better, more exnedltlrmulv. Wllh lua lalu,, ,,,,l tmln. Jury totljogarmeiils.byuDoty Clothes Wushur, Hold br dealers generally, to whom liberal dis counts are made. It. 0. linoWNINQ, Oen. Agent, St Cortland rJlreet, Now York. oct7'70-tf. jon PRINTING NenUy executed &t thU Offlw A Torpid Bystom. Bometlnios, without any nsilnablo cause, tlio physical strength nnd alilmat spirits Blvo way, nnd a straugo torpor lalls alike on tho body nnd Intclloct. Thcro Is llttlo or no pain porhaps, bu t Hie natural vigor nnd olnstlolty of tho ncrvons and muscular syslem seems to havo departed, nnd ludlirorcneo to tho pleajuren of life, ami even of Us gravo rojponslbllltlos, takes Iho placo of tint earnest Interest In both which character laoi every well balanced mind when lu n healthy condition, This state of partial collipso 1-sorten tho pre monitory symptoms of somo serious malady. H Indicates unmistakably tint tho vital powers aro languishing nnd need n stimulant. In snch cases tho erred of n fow do3cs of Hostottcr's Stomach Hitters Is wonderfully beneficial, Tlio great ton lo wakes lip the system from lis drowso. Tho secretions nnd tho circulation recolvo n now lm petus. The relaxod nerves rcoovor tucir elastic ity under tho operations ot mo speciuc, into uio slackcnod strength of a musical Instrument in tho process of timing. Lollnrgy nnd dcuiiuy nro replaced by energy and vigor, tlio spirits rise, nnd llfo Hint almost sccmod a burden whllo tho season of depression listed, bocomos onco mnro enlovable. Tint such n radical change should bo produced by n remedy entirely devoid of the powerful alkaloids nn l minerals so ox- tcnslvcly usod In modern practice, may seem lncrodlblo to thoso who pin tliolr f.ilth on tho medicinal elllcacy of nctlvo poisons, but If theso skeptics will tako the trouble to eivpilro of those who havo tested tlio corrccuvo ana nuornuve vlrtuesoflho Hitlers under tho circumstances described, they will find tho statement to bo truo. ociT'iO-ini, OOTOU E It . MISIILKIVS 1IEUI1 niTTErW. itt I'hfa 1 fill In niltl Ktlmutntlt Will 10 Moro tho digestive organ ton perfectly healthy Btnte. It will thoroughly eradicate nil morbific tnntlnpfrnni tlm hlnntl. ff loan SO tbO PUtlrO BVStOtn. and produce the most vigorous action of tho dif ferent organ of the human body, it is the Orcatlllood Purifier and Inlalllble Itemedy for Dyspepsia, unoiera, urnmpi in uio niuiiiucn, ttpndieho resultlm: from n deranged Htomnch, and also that harassing dlsoasoSlclc Headache, lllllousttess, Ac, The met mat in nn pan 01 uio Imdthe medical faculty prescribe MIHIILKU'rt lult'i lit ruinator uieirpaueiui wiiuuromuiui,- .l irlth Mintm tl!ntnt. should COUVlUCO the IllOSt hcptlcal that this proprietory eompomuUl n medicine upon which they can rely as absolutely clllcaclous lu curing such diseases as we have enumerated nbove. Sold by nil druggists. Trice ono dollar per bottle. I OB. Xnflrn Is herehv clvcn.that tho nartucrshln lately BUlnlstlus between N. V. Himple, C. w. Neat nod L. 1. Taylor, or Uloonuuurir, under tho llrm of N, Hjinplo ,t Co., expired on tho lUih dnyot September, A. D. ls:, by mutual consent. All debts owing in tho said partnership aro to bo received by O. W. Xoal, nua all demands on inoNaui niriucraoip uru iu ue irrwjut'i m for payment. N. W. HAMPLB, Ij. J. TAYLOIt, Vlin 1mi!nnu formerly carried on bv tho nbovo named partners at tho Columbia Iron Works, iu tho Town of llloomsburK, will hereafter ba car- Hn,l mi hv .I.ielrunn .1. 1 tnhhi Ml llllil Iiltldlcr J. Taylor In tho llrm narao of Hobblns & Taylor. llioirauooi IIIO lOWU nun ininimiin'itTniiiij solicited. llOIilllNd dtTAYLOll. lllooinsburg.Mcpl. , 1S71KSI. JyJ" 0 T I 0 E . All persons icnuwiug iuemsei u hihbiiu-u iu ine uiiiicrsigue.ii, on uuun, muv, jmigiiium, n otherwise, are hereby notified, that unless such nccouuts nro settled within TWKNTV DAYm, suits will bo instituted tor tue collection 01 ma same; especially thoso that havo been not Hied by letter. 13. Mti.SUUNIIALU r.lootnsuurg.Sept. iu, is.u-it. ADMINISTRATORS' NOT10K r-srA'rnoF Jamks iikss, dec'p. i.eLtcrsoradmlnlstratlonon tho estateof Jamos IIcss, l.ito ofriugarloaf twp, Coin nib la county dee'd., htvo been granted by the Heglstcr of said county, to K.lJ ill Hess nnd John V, IClIo or Bugarioif township, Columbia county, Va, All persons having claims or demands against tho decedent are icquested to mako them kuowu.nud luoao iuueuieu 10 maitu pa j mem, eli r ah hf:ss. JOHN V JCILK, Administrators. sept'il'70-Cw, tfXKOUTOHS' NOTIO& JJJ KHTATK (11-' JANK l'K(HI, DKU'D., Liiittcra testamentary ou tho ustato of Jauo Pcgg, laloof Madison township. Columbia Co.. dee d, have heen granted by tho Register or said county to John ilemlorshot and 1). A. 'Watson residing in Mddisou towiihhlp ColumuU county, Pa. All persons having claims against tho estato nro lequested to present them tn tho Kxeeutors lu Columbia county, Thoso indebted Hi UlUt lllHUtllllU Utl Ill'lO, J UUKIUUL'l. i'tUl igitxu or bool: account will mako payment to thoUx- ueuior1! whuoul ueuiy, JOHN irK.VDKUSUOr, 1. A, WATnOX, sop"I'TJ-Cv. Kxeeutors. l?XHaUTOUS, NOTICJK. I I i:srATt:ni l'Alli, klink. ijo'd. Letters testamentary on tho estate of Vaul Kline, lato id Ml. Pleasant townsliln. Columbia cnuiitv dec'tl. havo been granted bv iho Register ol said county to John C. tvllnonud Joseph Klluo ol Ml. Pleasant twp. All persons having clalnu against Iho c-dntoaie lequisled to present them to tho Kxecutois In Columbia county. Those Indebted to tho cstalu either on note, Judgment, mortg.igo or book account will nuiko payment iu iue ij&ccuiors wiiuoin ueuiy. JOHN P.KI.IXB, JOSEl'H KLINE, sep!it'7U-Gw. Executors. I7XKOUTOU'S NOTICE. JJ KSTATK OP UKOKOM KVANS. llKtd. Letters testamentary on tho estate ol George r.vaiis, lato ol llrl.trcreek twp., Columbia co.f deu'd., have been granted by tlio Ueglsterof suttl county to John V Kvuus. of Berwick, Col. co. All persons having claims against tho estate are iciiucsted to present them to tho Executor lu Iterwtek Col. co.. 1'a. Those Indebted to tho cstato either mi note, Judgment, mortgage or book nccouut will mako payment to the l-.xec- mur iviutoui ueuiy, , JOHN W. KVANS, sepl(l'"0-6w. llxeculor. I EXECUTOR'S NOTCH. JJ kstati: or John giia uir aiit. nrri'n. Letters testamentury ou tho cstulo of John (lenrbart, lato of Main township, Columbia county deceased, havo been grained by tho llcglster ol MtU county to John J. Uearlmrt, of Main township, Col. co. All persons hav ing claims against the estnteare lequasteil to present them to the lixecutor lu Main township. Thoso Indebted to iho estnto cither on note, Judgment, mortgage or book account will juiiiku jm- mi-ill iu mo 1'xccuior wiiuoui uelay, . JOHN J. OEAltHAHT, sept2'70-Cw. Executor. ABMINISTRATOIl'S NOTICE. raTATK Ol' LEMUEf. W. nOIIEKTS. BEO'D. Letters of ndmlnlstrutlou on the estate of Lemuel W. Roberts, late of SugarlMif twp., Col. county, deo'd have been granted by tho llcglster of said county to Silas W. McHcnry, residing lu Jackson township, Columbia co.. All persons having claims against the estate of the decedent mo jeiiuesieu 10 present, iiiein lor settlement uuu uiuso iuueuieu io mo cstulo to mako pay ment to the uuderslgned, admlulstrntor.wlthout di-hiv BILAB W. McllUNltY. l'.o.,l!enton,ra. beplll'7U-Gr. Administrator. T7XECUT0IVS NOTICE. fi.-i ESTATll OB- TnnnrAR BTIpv unrtdB- tivi't. c, .L,,,,,,i's testameutary on Iho estate of Thomas Htnckhouso, lata nf l'lno township, Columbia - unrmwi, liuye Ol-eil griiniCll liy 1110 UCg- ister of said county lo Michael Blockhouse, of l'lno township, Columbia county. All persons having claims against tho estate are requested to A.l , "',"' " inn j-tecuior in rino township, Those Indebted to thoestatocltliernnnntA tii.l... ment, moitgiiso or book account will make pay- ..... vw ,t,u ..AILIIIIJ, ,111,, UI lieillV. A-,n r iUCHAEtiBTACKIIOUSi:, sep30 70-Cw. Executor. I7XECUTOU'S NOTICE. i KSTATE OF HANNAH KAVpn TiBT-in . . ............. ,u ..a,,,,, UMUIUUK, C'lllll- Iv.deoeased. have been granted by tlio lteglster nf sai l county to Kumuel Crossy. of Minilii tw,i. Columbia county. All persons having claims iigalnst the estate ore requested to present them ,..t!,e,1:(;':utorm Miillfn township. Those In debted lo Iho estate, either on note. Jndgmentor ,.,ju,t. win uiuku pnvmeni io me i.xeo- lu,:'ay, oamueluui;abv, sep!l(i'7U-(iw Executor. A DMINISTIIATOIVS NOTICE. J MTATK OB- Tn4l Air 11 L-,T,,w tw ..nnm Letters ofn.l.nlnlRtratlon on the ostiit'eol Jos'laU H.l-urhian.liteorilloorii twp..ijnliiinbla count v ueo it., have been granted by the lteglster of sild county, to Michael I-'. Eyerly of illoom twp. All person having claims or demands against tho decedent aro requested to make them known. . ,..uiu iuueuieu in liisito paynien'- augai'70-0w. .uiuil.l,l, f, EVEllf.Y Administrator, TCXECUTIUX'S NOTICE. AJ KS TAT IC OH HA t NT HnillT. iivn'n Letters testamentary on the estnto ol Halnt Htout, lato of Madlsou township, Columbia counly deo'il.havo bueu grautedliy llio llcglster ol Columbia Couuty to Martha Ktout, of Madison two., Columbia comity, 1'a. All persous having claims against Ihoeitntearo requested to present them to tho Uxccut lx In Columbia County, l'u, 1 liosu Indebted to the i-slate either ou note, Judg. ment, morlgage or book uocouut will make layiueut io mo r.xecuirix wiiuoui uelny. .,.. . MAUTHA Hl'OUT. aug;0'70-Cw. Executrix. A KMINISTHATOH'S NOTICE. -T luSrATE OF JAOOI1 Tit lull. liKn'n. lA-tters of illuilulstriitioii ou the estate of Jacob Trautl, lato of Illoom two., Columbia counly, dee'd, huvo been gruntedliy the lteglster or suld county to Joliuthun Truuli resldlii,. In tin, Iuim unit county iilorusuld. All persons having claims iiuiub iue i-siaiu ui ine ueceueni aro requoited iu ui-i-ui iuciu iur Beiiiuineill, nun llloso 111 ilebted to th (-statu lo mako pjyiucnt to theuu uvinitiiieu, iiuiiiiuisiruiur, wiuiiuut ueiay. JONATHAN TltAUIl. Adiutulstrutor, nug2il'70-0w. NOTICE IS IIEHEUY GIVEN t hat nn application will be made at the next nit eiuig in itiu tjeuerai Assembly or the com monwealth Of l'eiinsvlvnlliti furlhH Inwirivu-A. Hon of a accordance with the laws of tho Commouweallli, to bo entitled tho "Catawlssa Deposit and Having Hank," In be located atCuta wlssa.l'ol, CO., I'll,, Willi Ullipltulof Jllly thousand dollars, with the right lo Increase the same to uuu uuuureu auu nuy luousauu dollars. Catawlssa, July 1, 1s7U-Uui. T7STKAY NOTICE. All t'nnln lo he picmlses of the subscriber lu Montour lownshln. on or about the&lu of He leinber. u lb-d allfLKV HULL. SUIi.loacil to lm' iiioiubs old. 'the owuerwlll come lorward, prove properly, pity charges and tuko him awuy, or , W, U ill Ell QUICK. Montour twp,, KiJlcmbir.S0,lWiWt, The Kidney, are two In numlj Iho upper part of the loin, surround T1 ' nnd consisting of thrco parts, vlt n, . . ri,vlvlheAm (Irrtntv ' tho Intorlor, and tut Exterior. Tlio anterior absorb,, Interior conl, ot , sue. or veins, which servo , ,Upo,u urlno nnd convoy It lo tho oxterlor ti.. lor Is a conductor nlso, tcrmlnatlui ln I, , lube, and called the Ureter. Tto conncctcil with tho bladder. ' Tho bladder 1, composed of varlom eown. or tlsjucs, divided Into parU.vlz , the tho Lower, tho Nervous, and tho Mucon. nT tipper expels, the lower retains. Many desire to urinate without tho ability, ot?' urluato without the ability to retain, rhl t qucntty occurs ln children. ' ' To euro those atrectlona, wo ranu hrlniini,, action the muscles, which areengagcl latbclr various functions. If they aro ncglecua, 0rv,i or Dropsy may ensuo. Tho reader must also bo mado aware tt however slight may ho tho attack, lu,,'r nfTect tho bodily health nnd mental powers u our ftesli nnd blood nro supported from h' sources, 0 Oovt. on HitKUHATtsM.-i.ain orenrrlnj lo u,. l,.l. I. n,lllll-nfll,.., .. SUIUll . ...ouuuvo uiseasei, The, occur ln persons dlsposod to acid stomach anj :Uillll) VUiltlVtlUiltJi Tint OiiAVKU-The gravel eusues from leet or Improper treatment of tlio kidney, Thoso organs being weak, the water Is not pclled from tho bladder, but allowed to rcmiln , It becomes feverish, nnd sediment forms. UU iromiuis ucposivuiai mo stouo Is formed, and gravel ensues. Dnor-sr Is a collection of water ln Bomo mm of tho body, and boars different names, accord. mg to tho parts arrected, viz,: wlien generally niuuscu over mo uouy, ll is called Ammarca when of tho abdomen, Asoltesj when ot the chest, Hydrotnorax. TiiKATUEKT.-IIclmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract Uuchu Is decidedly one of tho best remedies for diseases of Iho bladder, Kiuneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rhenraa tlsm, nnd gouty affections. Under Ihls head) havo arranged Dysurla, or difficulty and pain la passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent discharges of water Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody nrlae- Gout nnd lthcumatlsm of the kidneys, withoil any change iu quantity, but Increnso In colour dark wafer. It was always highly recommend ed by the lato Dr. IMiysIck, In Iheso affections, This mcdlclno Increases the power of dlcn. Hon, nnd oxcltes tlio absorbents Into healthy eierciso by which the watery or calcareous dep ositions, and all unnatural enlargements, u well as pain and Inflammation are reduced, and It Is taken by men, women, and children, M- rectlons for use nnd diet accompany. 1'iiiLAriEr.rmA, 1'a., Keb.a, 1547. II. T. IlEr.MnoLn, Druggist: Dear Sin I havo been a suilerer, fur upward I of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid ney aflectlous, during which (Imolhaie nwd I various medicinal piepamtlons, and bees under I the treatment of the most eminent DiyilelsDi experiencing but little relief. Having seen your preparatlous extenshely I advertised, I consulted with my iarally pbyil clan lu regard to using your Extract Bucliu. I did this becauso I had used all kinds of ml- vcrtlsod remedies, and had found them worth-1 less, and, some qullo injurious; in fact, Itlcsjialr- cd of over getting well, and determined to ue I no remedies hereafter unless I knew of Ike In gredients. It wasthlBthatpromptcdmetoEsel your romody. As you advertised that II was I composed of bucliu, cubebs, and Juniper berrM, It occurred to mo and my physician as an eidl lent combination, and, with his adilce, aftirsn I examination of thenrllcle, and consultlngacita I with the druggist, Iconcluded totrylt. Icom- m enced Its use about eight months ngo.atwhlch I time I was confined to my room. From the Hat I bottle I wasnstonlkhidndgrallfiedottliel' cflclnl effect, and arter using It three wetk,u nblotowalkout. I felt much like wriUnifoo I a full statement ol ray case nt that time, lull thought my Improvement might only be tem porary, and thcrclore concluded to defer and ite I If It would effect a perfect cure, knowing then II I would be of greater aluo to you and more nl-l lsfactory to me. I om now able to report that a cure Is eftckd I after using the remedy for flic months. 1 have not used any now for three monttsl nnd feel as well In all respects as I ever did. Your Bucbu being devoid of any uDplf taste and odor, n nice tonic and inrlsoraW ol tho Bvstem. I do not mean to be without It l'l over occasion may require IU use In wen Irf,l tlons. r WcCOIlMICK. Should any doubt Mr. McCormlck's statemtntl he refers to the following gentlemen! Hon. War. Hiuleb. ev-Qovernor, TcW1 vanta, Hon. Tfioa, D. Florence, rhllaaelphls. Hon, J, C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. H. Ulack. Judge. 1'hlladelphU, Hon. D. It. PoRTKii. ex-Oovernor, PemWl vanla, Hon. Ellis Lewis. Judge, rhlladelpbH- lion. It. C. GitiEU. Judge. UnltcJ BUtes W"l Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Judge, rbllr"! Hon. W.A. POUTER, City Solicitor, Wl"" 1 phla. . , .n,BOT.CMI"n Hon. K. Banks Auditor General, w I ton, D. C. And many others. If eccssary. c... nealers every"! .t for llelmboH' Take no other, PniCE-H-SSrer bottle,"' 1 ties for I0.CO. Delivered to any scribe symptoms In all comraunicatlon- . - ..,.,,.n,,T.i.Dru and0"01! Auuiess 11. A. llWiwu , - cal Warehouse, 801 Uroadwyi N. V. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UI' IN ;.,lmlle of my Chemical Ww! with fc slgued ,IiT.IinXME0ttt jinwy