Mt flfatmnlrhtm THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA TlIK ninmlinra nf tlin Dnmnprnttn StniKlIng Oommittoo of this County hnvo hoca callotl by tho Chnlrmnti to moot nt tho Court llouso on Saturday of this week, nt 11 n. m., for tho trims fiction of business connccloit with tho election canvass. Umsburg, Friday, Sopt. 23, 1870, In if. now Conductor of this journal illKlvo nis undivided (iltcntlon to lis Meiicuii's claims for rn.nif.fMm, nm. nngcrriotit so soon ns rt few private his votes In fuvor of high taxation, his Inoss arrangements Incident to his , V, , lo lnllnmnciuro negro .nrrn nf roslilnnpn nrn Innkoil nftor. i , . "u "uus Bpccrncs (initio ango oi rcptucnco nro iookcu a'lcr, j ou g nn. rN,nnQfl.llnfi' i,m , ,,, iich will causo but slight dolny. Tax hill. Tlicso speeches nro irlvcn In nm in nis -iiccora" printed clsowhoro, roTiCE I All thoso persons who wero nssessed In tho bnrlnc nro rpnucstcii wi-r nnn nrTj-.i.... ht, call on tlio Assessor fit ills oil co, for nmvo U3t received nil ,n lnit. nn. V ..' .V fr t i Z V. Ui J"081 lPPUlar Fall styles of Dress Goods ""'"' Tliey Hnvn lienn ho Poind with irront enro nnd tnsto, nnd can hardly fall to gratify tho most fastidious lasto. Their very inrgo assortment will amply repay iiisjjruuuii. aiop in mm convinco your OUIVUS, HUlll'S. Assessor. imt thanks nro duo "to Hon. Simon micron for two volumes State Dcimrt- nt uocuinuuis loua-by. a NUMliEli of Communications hnvn Tim fnltnml --- . . , ... : i ..... , , i j niu vuLu lib Lilt: n crowucu out, tins wecK, owing to Senatorial election last year In Colum- UUUSUili l"wuiu um wiuuuilSt I Ullt null lUOniOUr ! . . . JluHntew low can a strong TarlfT paper liko V? . n 8155 Press support Mercur. who voloil Montour, i!l7 frmhino tho tax on pic Iron from ii) to iprtonr WhUmoucr. Chalnnl 1805 ari ' 1)37 1132 2712 1080 Bee that every man is assessed nnd . "KHa?0US . Notice. Tho Corner tistcrcd. Now Is tho tlmo to attend ?lono of tho African Church now build- Ithls duty. Do not depend nlono up- your vigilance uominittcc3. in: Itepubllcan Conferees of Colum. i nnd Montour nro to moot at Illooms- jr on Friday of this week, to nomi ne n jvfiuuiiunii vunuiuiuu lur iieprc- It.uivc. lng on Rock Street, Bloomshurg, will ho laid with religious ceremonies, on oiuuruiiy next mi lnst.,) ni a o'clock", P. M. Tho exercises will bo conducted by tho pastors of tho several churches of this placo from whom Interesting ad. dresses may bo expected. Tho com munity ac largoaro respectiuiiy invited to bo present. Is-caso of ro-clcctlori Mercur lswll- 5, as heretofore, to present n few oo- 50113 cucn session ior tno present nign nnu niso upon occasion to mni:c a ech or bo on reconstruction nnd Tax ii. Paciceu. R rail ford 3G80 WyomltiL' 1772 Sullivan 759 Columbia 3711 Montour 1555 Ieader. when you hnvo flnlslied idlim vour copy of tho Columiiian. Iml li to your itcpuuiicau neignuor. jvc liitn tno ctianco to sco uotit suies. Geahy, 1452 400 1815 10G0 11122 114S0 Packer's mnlorltv Gl. Tho nbovo llcures of tho voto on Gov- ernorln this Congressional District, in 18G9. taken from tho ofllclal returns. JVC wouiu can mo attention oi our snoum inspirit our lricnus in tno pros out contest for Congressman. Rv union and energetic clfort tho result may bo mado perfectly secure. (tiers to thonrticlo on "Mercur's Rec 1" to bo found in another column. belongs to till tho neoplo of this Dis- tl without distinction oi party tney jdfiM.uuuiorit. The American Odd Felmw fur tho current month has nmoiiL' its inter- sixoniiAn accident. un Sunday csting contents many valuable articles, j, whilst nlitttlo daughter of Thorn- Including tho following: Eight Dells; iWlnner of this plaoo was tilavinr? Hebrew Poetry: Art of Livlncr Han- Itli a companion, sho fell with such Pily; An Odd Fellow Abroad: Scien ce ns lo breaic iter coiinr-uonc. it tiucnnu uuriotts pacta; utu oi work; iv bo remembered tiiatJSir. Winner's urienint bKcteiics; Temples ori'cKln; itin bov was nearly drowned In n vat Odd Fellow Gems: Humors of tho Dav: Ignyder's tan yard, a short timo since. Leaves from a Hover' Llfo-Ijog; Tho Iscnlluren seem to uo uniortunaic. uurmuiis; iuuiua- uiio: louiirs uo- parimcnt, &c, &c. ruDiisned by tno Amorican uuti jciiow Association, jno. du iNnssau street, jnow iorK. ?l.2o per per year. ritti Tleniihllv.nn of this wribk In nrnnf EJts statement that Cnpt. Drockway la 00 Nassau street, renk candldato with no chanco of volumo, or ?2.50 ri bn.ilovotessovcral columstocholco Ssooflilm. Wo do not proposo now Now rou the Catawis3A Hail hereafter to notlco in any mauncr, koad. Wo thltik wo nro now eafo in expressions ot inni snect on tins saying mat mo uuuuiug oi tno cxten blon of tho Cntawissa liallroad, from Milton to Williamsport, by way of this Borough, has been decided upon. Wo learn tho Compauy nro receiving bids for tho work. A bid for tho wholo lino was received last week, and on Satur day last ix party of contractors, nccoui- panieti uy Mr. weno, superintendent of tho road, passed over tho lino, their intention being to hand in a bid for tho work as soon as they can mako their estimates, which will probably bo in a dny or two. In addition to this, tho Company nro receiving from such of our citizens ns oro prepared to pay, tno money suDscrineu to tno loan nsKcu oy tho Company. A number who had their money ready, have already paid tho amount of their subscriptions. Wo think this means llailroad. And as might bo supposed, our citizens gener ally nro feelintr verv hnnnv over tho o short a timo remains beforo tho prospect of a railroad on this sldo of tho Kain. Wo wero favored with n dwit or two on Saturday night last, tnot enoucii ram roil to thoroughly eisten tho parched nnd baked urottnd (to nld our farmers greatly In their owing, tho season tor tno cquinoct- storms is rapidly nppronchiug. and Ithln tho coming week or ten days ;thaii doubtless hnvo plenty or rniu. From every quarter comes tho in- rmntion that Mercur Is losing ground. lundreds who voted for him hereto- te will stay from tho polls or voto for tat. Drockway thesoldler candidate. I.ty bcllovo that ho lias been in oillco pie enough, and now iiomauu a now al. lotion 'that our friends throughout i District should work zealously in kor of tho ticket. Success Is of more liortanco this Fall than at tho elcc n uf Governor. To work then, Dem- ats. Hemcmber that tho juu nemo- Kite vole will bring victory. Tho met can bo won from Radicalism it only by earnest, steady, zealous Irk. Let tho "burnt district" bo re-kvincd. river. Muncy Luminary. The '-Rich Iitisii Ditoaui:." It Is stnted that Ulysses Mercur has much of- tended mo intense American clement at Dushoro in appointing a son of tho "Green Isle" Post-mnsternt that placo. and turning out a "native to the manor born." Tho approach of tho election is having its effect on Ulysses. When a l'ost-master was to uo appointed hero at mo auvent oi urant'snuministrntion ono of tho principal objections urged as tnnt moro than iJlEucuit's votolo reduce tho duty on 6; iron from $9 to 7 per ton will of against a formldnblo npplicant w WtQ cnin him tho cordial support of ho was a foreigner. That, mor jc Iron men of this District, whilst ought eho, caused his claim to bo reject p voted refusal to dispense with tho ed. Now Useless would mollify tho jcomo tax, has ccrtulnly secured for same individual by otTering to turn (in tho good will of that part of tho over to hlra tho Post-offlco. His anxie- fiieral public, who nro fond of being ty to bo elected has knocked all tho "Americans should ruio America' out of Useless. Ho Is now sound on tho "Itich Irish broeuo and sweet German ncccont,'1 and would, no doubt, swear cither by l'enianism or King William to securo a vote Danville Intelligencer ItOIinEllY. On Weilnesilitv titrrht tnel n thief entered thostablo off. W. Hart man nnd stolo therefrom n horse,huggy, harness nnd nn nrmy snddlo. A whip nnd cnrrlago mat was niso taken from tho stnblo of Judgo Elwoll across tho nlloy. No duo exists ns to tho perpe trator of tho theft. Mr. Hartman oilers n reward of $oO for tho property nnd GriEAT Excitement Skeleton nf n man found. On Monday ovcnlng tho tiu.uua ui wvai vnru, oi mis piaco, woro thrown into u slato of excitement by tho statement of somo frightened boys who reported thntwhilocnthcrlnL' acorns on tho hill nbovo town, nnd not fur from tho Centralis rond, thoy had como across tho skeleton of n murdered man. A largo number of men repaired to tho spot, nnd thero found tho body, or rather tho skcloton of nn unknown man, so decomposed that but littlo flesh remained on his bones. His head was detached from nnd lay somo distance from tho body, nnd nlongsldo lny n re volver. There wns nothing found on tho clothes whereby to identify tho body, although it is said tho coat con tained n diary kept in German, but that no nnmo was visible. A small nmount of chango was found in ono of his pock ets. Coronor Murphy of Ccntnilin sum moned njury who held nn inquest, nnd rendered a verdict of death from some unknown cnuso. From tho fact that thero has been no mysterious disap pearance of any ono from this neigh borhood, the general supposition is.that tho unknown was n stranger who, tired of life, had caused his own death. Time however, may dovelon n different stato of facts. Tho placo whero tho body was iouiiu is in uoiunioia county. Asniana Advocate. LOCAL NOTICES. Tub rush to E. M. Knorr's now, cheap cash Shoo Storo still continues. Every body leaves his storo well satisfied that they havo purchased tho latest styles of tho best shoes, and nt low rates. I. W. Hahtman has decided that on nnd nftcr tho first of October, his busi ness sunn no conducted on mo ready pay system. Ho Intends to keep up a lino assortment of Dry Goods, Grocer ies, Queensware,&c.,nnd at tho reduced prices ho is sanguino can satisfy tho public that it will bo tothelrnilvnntnco us well as to his, to ndopt tho ready pay system. Butter, eggs, lard Ac., ta ken at market price, for which goods will bo given nt tho lowest prices. 33-2t MoitE than 500,000 people bear testi mony to tho wonderful curative effects of Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext or Golden Medical Discovery. It cures Bronchit is, nnd tho worst llncerint: coul'Iis. As an Anti-Bilious medicino for "Liver Complaint" It hns no equal. It perma nently cures constipation of tho bowels. cleanses nnd purifies tho blood and tnoreuy cures scroruious nnd Syphilitic tntnts. and all diseases of tho skin, as Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Bashes and Eruptions. Sold by druggists. Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps. This medical bevei-ago Is manufactured by tho proprietor at Schiedam, Holland, expressly for medical use, and is not only warranted free from all deleterious compounds, but of the best possiblo quality, nnd is tho only alcoholic bov crngo that has tho endorsement of tho medical faculty. Put up In quart nnd pint bottles. For salo by all druggists und grocers. Schuyleu & Low of Orangovillo, Pa., manufacture tho best Threshers and Cleaners, tho best Wheeler's Hall way Chain Horse Power and Thresher, from tho original patterns and tho best Lover Powers made in this county, if not in tno state, uon't Jail to examine their machines beforo purchasing any other. They guarantee them to glvo satisfaction in every respect. They al so manufacture Plows and other Agri cultural implements. Sco their adver tisement in another column. tf. T HE DOMESTIC SEWING M A C II I N E , ron hai.i: nv ked. and taxed hlirh. Mercur's ad rents this Fall will bo those who es- ftm him liko Jay Cooko's Notional put, -a jauonai blessing." PUlic Fair. At n sncclal meetlntr of executive (jomimtiee oi mo Agri Btural Society, held on Wednesdoy , a motion to reconsider tho rcsoiu- pn adopted somo months ago, allow- The State Faik. To thoso of our citizens who are desirous of visiting tho Stato Fair at Scranton. on tho 27th. tho ladles of tho Enisconal church 2Sth. 29th and 30th of this month, wo eexclusivo uso of tho Fair grounds would stato that extra trains will bo rtlio purpose of furnishing dinners run as follows : going north willleavo A refreshments, was voted down by Catawlssa at 7.30; Rupert, 7.35; Blooms- iny unanimous voico; for tno rca- uurg, v.-io ; Ji.spy, v.oii; ijimo juuge, , uoubtless, that that church had 8.03; Berwicic, 8.21; and nrrivo at ver asked for. nv been frmnted such Scranton at 10.60. Lenvo Scranton nt ivllego beforo. 0.20 p.m., nrrivo at Berwick at 8.38; Jjtrao Jtiuge, s.oi; Jspy, y.uo: iiiooms- Ji'ST in Time. As tho cool weather M?"W. "upert, 9.20; Catawlssa, ntinroachinL'tlini,ef-nsRltvforbrlBhter V""r mis nrraiigouiuiii, iv win ii.o..,-v.i T.: i"' bo noss b o to spend tho uav in Bcran- ' mi. UlUi UiUllllIJLT uuuuiiiua III) 'tllUlUi , , , .. - . b snnnu, i,.i ...i .i,ii, .-, onnn ton and return tno samo evening, mius k TVfi 'V",Vi"V.' SV"r,r,r, ... arrangement will continue dur nL' tho Sdld nssortme. o Dry Goods ' the four Ays on which the Fair will bo l.t nn,i i,0f .i.ti. i.u ,n.,Ma lie d. Wo would ncnin express tho I'itV urd. Our Indv readers should call on pi nt once and inspect this really lino ry, not excelled by any in town. piuimsniso a lull lino oi urocerics, penswaro, Boots and Shoes, Notions r, winch ho is enabled to oner nt very luonauio rates, call nnu see, ladies. hopo that our citizens will take BUiU cient interest in this Fair to send arti cles for competition. No pains havo noon snared to render tins exniuitiou tho llnest over noid by tno society, mm Hm inhnrs nf tho oillcers deserve n sub stantial appreciation nt tho hands of the pcopio oi tno oiaio, Ann You ltKCiiSTiatKD. Tho last election law passed, commonly called tho Registry Act, requires tho Assessors throughout me otato to nsscss or fi-uia tor thu mimes of tho voters in their ro- stiectlvo districts prior to tho flrut day of August in each year, nnd return tho snmo to tno uounty commissioners, who shall causo ono cop v of tho list con- tninlmr tho names of said voters to bo placed on tno door oi tno nouso wuero tho election is rcnuired to bo held, und another copy of the samo shall bo kept in possession ot tno Assessor jor inu in spection, freoof charge, of uny person wiiuin nis election uistnct. is tho dutv of tho Assessors to add to their list, from timo to tlmo, on person al application, tho nitmo of nny ono claiming mo right to vote, un mu iuiu day preceding tho general election in JilliniMnhi. i i ,n .t ? , ii ;;io7i uqne.r, the Assessor siu i proiiucu i Pow is the Time. Every Democrat Iglit to tako his county paper, if ho Imlrcs Democratic principles : ho sure- I tan auoru lour cents n wcck ios))cnu f mem. xno cost oi n paper is no ex k for not taklnir one. There Is not a I ok passes but that ten times four cents tiepentmoro foolishly which might vobeen much better invested In a Iwsniiper. It buvs moro readinc mat- Y man twenty dollars win purchase iiuosnapooi uooks. no may reau wa all his life, but if ho fulls to read I? papers ho may bo called Ignorant. Ilthout a newspaper n man is virtu- 'youtof tho world. ITllE Brown Lino cars nro now run Ini' nw,- T.,,ll.,.. n,l f'.tn.i.lain ltnll appilCUUUH, IIIU II1IUIU UI Hliy "HU "J""."", yia' n,.tnlinr. t in AiSMSnr s ill II t kafelv ns bv oxnresH. Merchandise r I'uuus on li, & a. itoau, iorwardeu it. cars, at less rates limn ior- Hot In his possession to tho Inspectors niul .Iinlo-n nf F.leetlon of his district. win, tilmli tlinn nit n Rneellled 1 1 1110 for tho Dtirnoso or rcccivinir tno uaiues own I Inn Ren dhiL Depot W low ln-0M not already on tho list and do- ree t vi ,rr' inun i lftJht1 ' W1"ow elding upon their right to voto. Mffflt?' rdiout 1 totsburg will ,?:!' V" ''S: lvo their goods at tho btoro of John " n1 att0ntio "r.t nny other place in 'XffittnVto toffl that M. P. LUTZ, IlLOOMHIlUItO, l'A. MILLEU, HUGHE") & CO., Democratic Tiokot. I'OIl CONOKESS, CHARLES H. BROOKWAY, or cot.cuniA cot'JiTr. FOIl IlErilEBENTATIVi:. LEONARD B. RUPERT. or coMjjintA covittr. ron ASSOCIATE JUDUE. JOHN It. YOHE, Miri-LIN TOWMSII1I'. FOIl HItEItlFl', REES J. MILLARD, SCOIT TOWSSltll". roil C0MMIS3I0NE11, HIRAM J. REEDER, CATAW1E3A TOWSSUir. FOIl JUIIY C0MMIS9IONE11, ISAAC McBRlDE, MAUISON TOWJiSIlir. roil COltONElt, JOHN D. HOUCK, noAittNacni:r.K Towssuir. ron auditoh, DANIEL LEE, MAtllSOS TOWNSIIII1. ron imiECToita of the roott," (To bo votPdforby tho voters ot llloom, Boott, Bugnrlonf nuil Greenwood.) STEPHEN II. MILLER. WILLIAM KRAMER. Vigilance Committee. . SUuman, Moses Kcbllclier, O. r. 11. Colo, John UnAVEn I-Di-L'tKbnch. IIknton I, K, Krlckbnum, T. lluiiwicK Hon. A. 1). Bcclcy, Isadoro Clmm uorlln, lsnlali Power. llittAitCRF.EK Albert Sraltli.Satnuol Kelchucr, Georgo M. Power. IIluom e. Itavld Loweaborg, C. M. llrown, Peler UUImeyer. Ui.oom w. Samuel Wllklns, C. O. Unrclny, W. C. McKlnncy. . OemthamaD. W. Lantliaa, Edward Curley, MUch MoNalley. Conynoham N. II. Thoruton, Chns, Dougher ty, 1'ntrlck Hhaushessy. CoNVfioiiAMS. I'etcrLuby.Tbomna llrcniinn. Tutrlck Uurk. UATAW1S3A M. V. II. Klluo, Stephen haldy, Adam Fettcrolf. Cknijie lllrnm Bchweppenholser, Bamuel Dower, Jesso Huirmtm. FistiiMUcuiiKK IS. J. McIIenry, JI. A, Am inerinau. Hugh Mchilde. l-'msKus-Moses McIIenry, Christian Artley John Zelgier. uiikenwoou Jacob H. Evans, I(s.iao A. Dswltt Aitam Utt. Hemlock Win. H, Blioemakir, David Wag ner, IIukU McUrlde. Jackhon Oeorgo llcrlcman, M. B.ivagc, Wm. Younir. Locust Gera Hower, Ellas Creasy, Welling ton Yeagcr. Maine U. J. Campbell, Jolm Nusi. William LoiiRcuberger. itit-FLiN Daniel A. Hess. Samuel Kuss. Sam uel suydcr. .mt. i'j.k.sant juo. loruan, inomas ei li ver, Jackson lkeler. Maijihon ItlcliatdFiult.Lowls Schuyler. John Allen. .MONTouii uvan wtiuvcr, rcier a. i:vnus, Nouti Mouscr. Okanoe John Snyder, O. A, Mcgargtll.tliram It. Klluo. I'ine I.. A. German, John Lore, Valentino Wlntcrstcen. ltoAitiNiiciiEEK John Maurcr, Amsey Craig, Samuel llouck. Scott Oscar Ent, .1. SI. nice, lleury A. Oman. W. U. KOU.h, Chairman. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. 1 tako this method of announcing to tho pub lic, that at the solicitation of numulous friends, I havo consented toboau Independent Candi date for Associate Judge, aug-.V-0-tt ISAAC S. MONItOE. ROTICE. At the reciucstof a nnmlicr of frlcrids. I an nounce tnv uauionsun Indt-nondent CamlltlatQ for HherlU.auU leHpcctfully bulicit thebiipnorlof tno public. A A HUN UMIT1I. auglO'TU-tf gAXON G1UCEN. Is Ilrlchter. will not Fade. CostH I.rss than nnv other because It will I'alut twlco as much surf.u-o SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IN PAINTS. J, 11. WEEKS CO., Mauuracturcis, I'll NOI1TII ITH STItEET, l'lllLAUELVIIIA. 1 VU1U aUAClts. A victim ofentlylndlserc l tlnn. rauslm. nervntiH debllltv. niematlire de cay, jlc, havhiK tried In vnlu eveiy advertised remedy, has a slmplo means of sell.cute, which hcwlllhend free to Ills fellow-sulli'icrs. Addies-s J. II. TUTIL.K, 76 Knssau St., new Voile. - DSYCIIOMANCY, FASCINATION Oil SOUL 1 CHAUM1NO. luO pages; cloth. This woudcr lul book has lull Instructions to enablo Iho read er to lascluato elthersex.ornny unimal at will. Mesmerism, Spiritualism, nnd hundreds of other curious experiments. It can bo obtained by scmllUE addi-Lss, Willi 10 cents poslaue, to T. A . EVANS A CO., No. It Bo. Eighth St., rulladelphi l. pRICE REDUCED. THE UEST IN THE COUNTItY. NEW YORK O B a E R V E R, 83 l'EK ANNUM. ONE MONTH ritEE ON TRIAL. SIDNEY E. MOUSE, Jit., A CO., 37 l'AUK Row, New Yokic qr; Trim I CHAIN, THRESHER, NQEVILLE STILL AHEAD. Tim nndrrilirnpil ritanolrtillv finnniinpn fn Iho Farmlnu community that thoy nro ogln In tho field Willi their machine! foriho ban est o 1870. THE NEW PENNSYLVANIA THRESHER AND CLEANER, 1'alented by Adrian Cornell, with Major's patent doublo acting Heparator combined, Is what every Farmer need, It can't bo beat, It has been fairly tested nnd has far exceeded thn exrter.laMniiM nf nil who havo een its operations, It has been Kub up fxprFsiuy in incf i ino wants 01 me f arm er. Wo msnulacturo them, overshot for tread power and undershot for lover power. This machine can bo mado to do any desired amount of work, Is slmplo In construction, easy to manago and not llublo to Ret out of repair. They alsovonllnuo to mauufacturo tho Colo-brated WHEELElt'rS IIAILWAY HORSE POWER t from tho original patterns, with nn Improve ment hi tho power,wherebynnnlnof25 per cent, lscirecteil.nnd Rives tho desired power at from stou Inches less elevation than the old style. MAJOIVS PATENT DOUBLE ACTING SHEET IIION IlOTTOM BEI'AHATOIM to their machines, manufactured only by them nnd securod tolliem by letters patent hum Wm, M, Major, 'iheynlso lunnulacturo tho best nnd IhihteMt ruuuliiff Ijover l'owcrs hi tho country niso Doublo nnd Sluglo-tlenred Jacks. Having on hand a good supply of well seasoned lumber of the best quality, nnd experienced workmen engaged In their manufacture, tliey guaranteo SUPEltlOn TO ANY MANUFACTUIIED elsewhere. All having repairing to do should romemhi r that we havo all tho original patterns. Repairing dono at short notlco and on reasona ble terms. Machines sold nt astonishingly low prices and ciedlt given when desired. x or lurincr parncuinrs canon or nuuicss SCHUYLER & LOW, AGRICULTURAL WORKS, ORANGE VILLE, COLUM11IA COUNTY, PA, whero they mauufacturo tho best and cheapest Jron nnd Wooden lleatn Plows In tho Stato, also i.iiK.'i. jm i.s, nun Hi-met. nnu uii ikiiiiis UI wom usually dono in Foundries nnd Machlno shops. All woik wnrranlcd nnd all kinds of country produco taken lncxihango. Jli'70-tr. joiin a. JACOllY'B BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! 11EI1WICK, PENN'A. Tlio lindorslened would rrsnrr.tfntlv tnlorin Iho Citizens of llorwlck, and vicinity, that ho mis upcniu il lumcciiouery nnu Jiaucry in ODD FELLOWS' HALL, llerwlck. Pa., whero ho is nrenai-ed to fntiibili uii itiuus oi PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, I-'ItENCII CANDIES, 1'OltEIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS dC, AO., AC, i&C. T.Y WHOLESALE AND It ETA I L. Among the assortment will bo found Cream isuts, j-:ngnsii v amuis, lvanuis. Almonds, I-11-bcrts, l-'lgs, Apples, cocoa Nuts, Jellies of dhlcr. eut kinds, Mustard, Catsup. Pickles, Cliocolate, Ciinuid Fruit of all kinds. Corn Starch. Ecu Ills- cuit, l-nila Crackers, oyster Crnekers, tlicese. ciiiii'. iiiiniiK in c . tin eintuL l-iiners. i-.n velopcs, FISH AND OYSTERS, And produco of all kinds. Fresh Ih-cud nnd CiikcHcMry dny. Ico Utum In Biasou, Your paironngo is solicited, JOIIN O. JACOCY. llerwlck, Juno 17, l&70-tr QON F E C T I O N E R Y Tno undersigned would resDectfultv Announce to luu puuno iiiai- no una openeu n FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, In the building lately occupied by Fox & Webb whoio ne is prcpnroaio lurnisu an Kintisoi PLAIN FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOItEIGN c DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, &C, iC. BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. In short, n full assortment of nil goods in bis Hue of business. A greni variety oi DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, stiltabloforthe Holidays. Particular altontton glv lu to 11 It E A U AND CAKES, of nil kluds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OH I B T M A B TOYS. A call Is solicited, and satisfaction will 1, guataulced. MiV.C 1R67, T" E KIDNEYS. KCKHAIIT JACORS. Tho Kidneys nro two lu number, situated nt the upper part of tho loin, surrounded by fat, and consisting of three- parts, vlr;,.' tho Anterior, tho Interior, nnd tho Exterior. Tlio anterior absorbs, Interior consists of tis sues or veins, which servo ns a deposit for tho urine nnd convey It to tho extorlor. Tho exter ior Isn conductor niso, terminating In n single tube, nnd called tho Ureter. Tho ureters nro connected with tho bladder. The blnddcr Is composed of vnrlous coverings or tissues, divided Into parts, vis.: tho Upper tho Lower, tho Nervous, and tho Mncous. Tho upper expels, tho lower retains. Many have a dcslro to urinate without tho ability; others tirlnato without tho ability to retain. This fre quently occurs In children. To cure theso affections, wo must bring Into notion tho muscles, which nro engaged lu their various functions. If they nro neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. Tho lender must alio bo made nwnre, that however slight may bo tho ntlnck, It Is sure to affect tho bodily health and mental powers, ns our nosh and blood nro supported from theso sources, Gout, on ItiiEBMATisst.-Pnln occurring In tho loins Is Indicative of tho nbovo diseases. They occur In persons disposed to ncld stomach nnd chalky concretions. THE G ravel, Tho gravel ensues from neg lect or Impropor treatment of the kidneys Theso organs belDg weak, tho wnter Is not ex polled from tho bladder, bat allowed to remain ; 11 becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It Is from this deposit that the stone is formed, nnd grnvel ensues. Dnoi'SY Is n collection of water In somo parts of tho body, nnd bcur-s different names, accord ing lo tlio porta affected, viz,: when generally dilfuscd over tho body, It Is called Anasarca, when of tho abdomen, Asoltesi when of tho chest, Hydrothornx, Thkatmest. Helmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract lluchu Is decidedly ouo of tho best remedies far diseases of the bladder kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, ond gouty affections. Under this head wo havo arranged Dysuila, or difficulty and palu in passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent discharges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urine; Gout and llheumatlsm of tho kidneys, without any chango In quantity, but Incrcaso In color.or dark water. It was always highly recommend ed by tho lato Dr. Physlck, lu theso nffcctlons. This medicine Increases the power of diges tion, and excites tho absorbents Into healthy cxerclso by which tho watery or calcareous dep ositions, nnd all unnatural cnlargments, ns well as pnlu nnd inflammation nro reduced, and It is taken by men, women, nnd children, Di rectlons for nso nnd diet accompany. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 23, 1S07, II. T. llELJinoLD, Druggist: Dear Sir I havo been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with grnvel, bladder, nnd kid ney nffecttons, during which tlmo I hnvo used various medicinal pteparatlona, and been under tlio treatment of tho most eminent Physicians, experiencing but little relief. LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE l'EOPLEv . HOMESTEAD LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PENNSYLVANIA, Offce 701 Chestnut Street, Phlltvlolpliiu. W. M. HEYFEitT, Prcs't. LAWRENCE MYER3, V. I'rcs'l. It. W. DOKMLEY. Bou'y . 11. E. DAVIS, Hup't oi Agencies. This Company organlrcd by lending representatives of tho Industrial Intercuts of the Htnle, widely known as successful and responsible business men, desiring to place Llffflusiirnnco with lu reach of all, has adopted a system of , MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF PREMIUMS, enabling every man to provide for his fimlly lncasoof his doith.MriCOstso trltltnsns SMrtstlr to bo relt. Special attention is called to this Company's C3-E,nDTJA.TI3SrC3- POLICY, amuch needed feature In Ufo Insurance, entirely ncwlnthtfl country ; designed tortfotwt l caio of denth, tlio Interests ot SIIAUEIIOI.DEnH IN BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS A.NP ALL OTUf.113 Who havo borrowed money cr purchased property paynblo In initalmruts extending over n fccrliH of years, ' by CANCELLING nny bnlanco ol Indebtedness remaining UNPAID In case of DEATH. THIS COMPANY ISSUES "L. ALL TIIE OltDINAllY FOltMH OF LIFE AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES AT LOW fBfvTJ OF PREMIUM, ON THE I'AKTICll'A'l INO PLAN, WITH HUT FEW HlXTltlirllONM AB TO OCCUPATION, AND NONE AS TO TItAVEL OH ltUSIDUNCE. ff-Full Information ns to Plans and Features. Is conlalnod In Pamphlets which will bo forward ed by mall on uppllcntlun to tho Home Olllcc. Active and responsible men wanted ns Agents. V. SI. HATES. IlLOOMSIiuno, Pa. AGENT FOlt COLUM III A COUNTY. 43-1'orsons soliciting Agencies In either Lj coming, Clinton, Centre, Northumberland, Montctir, Columbla.HulllvaH.nrndiordorTiognCouutlis.williilrntonddriss Wli.LAItl) A. WJLLIAMP.Pinclal Astnt, NO. 48 WlLLIAK BT. WlLLIAStlTOIlT, l'A. llloomsburg, August 19, 1870-Cm, Hail Roads. EADINQ RAILIIOAD. FALL ATUIANGHMKNT, Monday, Beit. Gth,lS70, Orrnt Trunk Line from tho North nnd North West fur Phlladeltilila.Nuw Voik. lteuulm. rotts- vllle, Turn un un, Aslimnd, Mhamoltlu Lebanon Altuntnwn, K.i!ton, KjiLnnlu, Lit), Luncustvr Coltimblii,.(, inuusiciiYo uuiTisunrg iriew icirit iw nt. lows: At 5.;io. f.10 und n. in., mid 2,20 p. m., connecting with similar trnlus ol l'cnnu, Hallro.ul, uuJ ur riving al rsow al 12,10, noon, a,50, Rtid 10.WJ p. in. respectively. Hloeplnfi; cars th 0,1 a, in. trains without chaiiRU. Uelumlug: Leao New York at 0,00 a.m. ami 12.00 noon nnd &,"0 p. m. rnilrulclphla at M5 a, m, nnd 3.:i0p. m. Bleeping cars uecouipau tho 5,00 p.m., trains Jroin N Y without change. Leave ilanlttbur lor Heading, 1'oUnvlltt-, ia maipia, linersvltle. An I U and, hhuinokln Al leutown uml l'lilla'ti. ut 8,10u. m., and lijO nnd 4,10 p.m., stopping nt Lel)auuD and principal u uy Httitlons; thu 4,10pm. tniln conuectlng lor l'hll'a PottsvlUo nnd Columbia only. For I'otlavUIt? Scliiiylklli Unvcn nnd Auburn, via Hchuylklll andHusquehauua llullroaU.lL'avollanlsbur al 3,V) p.m. Kast l'rniisylvnnlai Hallroad tralus leave Head Infj lor Allciitowu, Kabton und New York nt l.'Si 10. JO, lO.rm. m., and p. in, Jtttnnitn, lenu New York at 0.00 a. in. 1 12.00 noon and 5.0J p. m. nnd Allentown atT.'JJa. in. I2.a5 noon, 1.2u an" tt.l'j p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia ut 7.30 a.m., eouucclliiK with blmllar train on llast Pa. rallioadrutuminfj from itcadinuaiOjp.m Hlopplns ut all stattonn. T.ciivn I'nLtsvlllu ut fi.4t-tinil 0.00 a.m. .and 2.W llerndou at 10.00 a. in., bliamoklu at S.lOnud 11,15 a, in,, jitiuiauu at i,vo huu nouu wuu nnoy City at 7.51 u, m. und l.f.7 p. m, Tamaqua n 1 SM n, in., and 2,20 p. in. lor Philadelphia an J New York. Leave PottsvlUo via Hchuylklll and Busquo hanua Railroad nts.l.i a.m. lor llarrisljur, mul l iifi fur 1'iiin llniVH mul Trin Kin t.. lieatUUg ACCOIUIUitUliliuu XlUJil iuuva Dep. K.15a,m n.n H. 10.10 " lO.'H 10.12 " 11.17 " p.ra 12.11 2.I5 1 21 2.V Vllloat j.iUa. m., nasst-h Heading at7,ao a. m riving ai runaueipiuu ul u, m, O. HOW Ell, WANT 1". D . Lands In I'ennsv ivanla for cash and L'onil stoc'is. TOWNSKND hltO.. lai South Third sheet, I'hlladelphla. i A tercst In ouo of the best Silver alines of tlio day, developing, .c, near Georgetown, Col. Can satisfy you oi Its undoubted value as a good in vestment and n paying one. Iltstof rolercnccs given. I wish to sell one-half ot It rtru clmm or rillft. Addrrss- lny Att'vs, TOWNHKND llliun., 1.11 fiuuiu iiuru biret.i, x iiiiuueiiuia. tin A flftn INfelX MONTHS can bu mado OlUW.UUU by abbrawd and n liable man In li Mire, salo business. An luv estiuellt ofSij 111 return a clear prollt or 5173. 1'orpartlculars call on nr address liio NOUTII AJIUtlCAN I'lC T UltU CO., No. M Nas-sau Hlreet, New Yorh. XTEWSI'AI'lUt ADVEnTISINd. A New Honk l of lis pages, l'rlco ::o els. by mall. A.MElll- CAN NKWM CO., New lorl;. UnitWlCK, l'A. This Bowing Machine runs sllllor und easier than any other, It has luwcr parts, it has a cut! itccl thuttlo that will never wear out, It has ChiUo's Patent Inblo which to see shows lis use. fulness, Atculs wanted In unouuplod Tcirltoiy lu I'cunsylvaulii, New Jerrey, Mai) land, Do'.hwiiiii Virginia, Will Virginia and District of Colum bin. "lATjj 1' AIU AT BCItANTON. 1I1D till- !' , i . ' , ,. .., iiT.7,a i i r "i exhibition or tlio l'ciiiisyivnnin uy buch ukilxiuuiuivu .y; iate AnrtPiiiinrni Hnnii.,., .in hn lmhi t io liriviletto of votlni; at till, Jloui- I' Bcrauton on tlio 27th, USth, iiOth mill daysburg Standard. i ""ui una uioiitn. i-rom nil tno in- , , . r tlOallon ivn lim.n rnnnlirril H.lj i.vl.l. I ninTlINO FOU VOTES. "Lot AlllCri- I "Ion womlsca to tclhieo nil others ulv- etuis rulo America," ns Mercur ealtl last that Bocicty. Tlio number of en week at Towauila, When lio linil tin "tawatloup to this tlmo far oxceed Irishman aiiiiolutetl postmaster at Du- iy inevious year, 'moro win uo a i Biioro, aiercur iuuukih u wuum kvuiu rouispiay In every department, also tlio Irish vote of tlio IStli uistnet uy F tie eiilenilhl trntllnn na tlin urnml. tnrnlnrr lint nf ollk'0 ft IlllllVO JteillUlll- itin . ..-:." i. r . ----- - . . - i-'yiisuii in iniir rintH urn inueii lur. ciin to lniiKO roiim lur mi iiisiuiiiiu. n ' than lubt year, Wo would udvlso won't do Ulysses 1 Why not appoint u l,UrHtlzcnsto vialt llin Ktnln Vnlr If npriro uml htlitk to vour lirlllcllill'S V Ir- I" yuibiro to fceoalliio exhibition. Tho l&hinen and nctiroes never ro well to- iroau companies havo reduced their etlier, and will not voto for tho Bamo talIls. AN IllISHMAN. iiulrlnrr tiersons voters niav in timo havo their names upon tho list, and not defer tho matter until ino evo oi election, nnu pmuuuij p U II L I C S A Ii K O K VALU A 11 li 11 UUAI. 11 H T A T 11, Tlin nii(!erf.tirnrd. llKCcntnrs of tho last will ami testament of Jluriha A. .1. White, dee d, w ill oiler nt nuhiio vtuuuo upun ino pieiiuses, uv vlrluo ot power In said lust will contained, on SATUlllJAl.UUlUUCII ISl, 1SII', lit IVVll U CIOCI. in ino aiieruuou oi bum uuy, ino uiiiuwiuij no-scribed 110 USK A Is' I) LOT QV OUOUND, kiluatn in I.Iebt Street. Col ulnbia County. 1'a.. nun uouuiitu on ino noun oy hii iiuey, on inu east by till alley, on thu t-uuthbya lot or Mis. hydla llngeLbudi, and on tho west-by Main street of bald town. Whcrton nro elected a two hlory MUCK DWEUilNO IIOU8E, btaolo and outbuildings with a well of excel lent water, with tho appurtenances. 3-Tkkms of Halk. Toil per cent of tho pur elniKo niiinev to bu liald ilown on tlio ilav of tuli' and the baiauco on Iho 1st of April, A. I. Is71 wnen poasession wiu uo given, aim a ueua oxo culed and delivered. BAMUEIi Will Hi, CAHOLINUDUWITT, Executors, ALSO: At the tamo tlmo tho following de scribed IIOUS U AND LOT, v Iz : sltua'.c In Light Street aforef aid, and bound iil km inttiiuK. llii tho nortli bv lot of JiicobTer- wllilger.ou tlio west by an ulley.ou thu south nis opened a first-class HOOT, R1IOE, HAT CAI, AND FOB STOItE. al tiioold stand on ittainStrett.llloomsburg.afow uoorspuovc inouourt iiouse. ins btocK iscom loscdof the very latest and bcststyles ever offer ed to the citizens ot Columbia County, lie can accommodate tlio public wlththofollowlnggoods at tho lowest rates. Men's heavy doublo soled stot:a boots, men's doublo nnd single tap soled kip bouts, men's heavy btoa siincs of all kinds, men's lino boots and shoes of all grades, boy's double soled bootH tind.shoc!, of all Kinds, men's glove kltl halmuial bhoes,mtu's, women's, boys's ami misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove hid Polish very llnc.wiiiaen's morocco lialmoralsand calf shoes, women's very lino kid buttoned gait ers. In short boots ot nil descriptions both peg ged and sewed, llo would also call attention to his fine assort- meut of HATS, CAl'S, FUItl AND NOTIONS. wblch comprises all the new and populai vari eties at priceswhichcanuotfalllobutiall. These goods nro ottered at tho lowest cash rates and win oo ituarnnieeu. logive baiiMiicwuu, iv can Is i-ollclfcd belore purchasing elsewhere as it Is believed that better brrgaius aro to bo found tbnu at ruy other place In tho county. uec. ii o ;i nhn 11 w a it i). JJyJ Kor any coso of llllnd Illcedlng Itching, or UJceruUU Piles that Uk IIinu'.s Klmmiv lulls to cure. U Ispicfaiiil expressly to emu tno rues ami nmiiim; ittami nascurtMi cisid of over 2U jcarn atanuluj;. IjJ" Driib't'l-stcj. VIA FUC1A. Do 111 iiii'b Via Fund 1h tho mire lu lecs of llailtB Herbs, Hoots, ami lierilt's, fur COXSUMI'TIOX. Inllammallon of the I.unciinll Liver. Kidney. niul Itlmliler tllfeeajeh,ort;anio Weaknebd, Kemalo AUUctlmu., (Jem ral Debilliy.aml all inmplalnls vt tho Urinary Oigana In ilaloatnl 1-Vmale, pro itucint; Dyhpep'iia, Cohtlvenchs, Gravel, Uiupsy nnd fctrolula, which most genei ally terminate lu LoiiMimpmu iJt'Ciinc, ji inn mei aim curicueti thu Ulooil. thu ltilUary. Glamlular ami Hocretlvo Hjfctem; Cnruetuaml htienKthtus the Nervous and Mu.culartune-i;lt acts like a charm m weak nervmin, and dubiiitalul lemalcK, both youuy and old. Nomj bhould ho wlllioutlt. Sold every where. liAuouAionv IU Franklin Kt.t Ualtl nune, Mil, l"UKV7tM Whereon aio encted iV Alain Micet.ot biud luwn. u i wo Mury 1UUCK DWELLlNO IIOUSIO, a good stable, out bulldlnrjs, svell of water with 1 ump, in-. Tkums Itcasouable, to mlt purchaseis. bCp'J'7U-3t. CAllOI.l.Ni; M. DliWITT. A liliKN & NUKULES, 12 Houth Drr.vwAin: 1-.M1A1 AVK.NCf, rillLAPELl'lirA IIFI) IN 18R Contlnco the iiinmii u'tnro of their old slnndard iiuallly fcjUl'ICli I'ilOril'IIATK OV UJIE, ajimoniatkd I'EivnLizr.rt. Doth of which nro sold at Low I'ltifts, highly runuuerattvo to tho rAiiMKnou Dkalkii. wend rem cir.L'ui.Ait. KO. 1 I'EItUVIAX OUAXO, (Ueuulne Oovcnmeut from 1'lilnch.i and Ouan apo Iblauds. Ture Calcined, nnd Land l'laster. Hydraulic Ce ment, Candles, and it lull assortment ol IIuun inu ami Oiieasino Otl.s at lowest market rates, A DISCOUNT TO DlIALKaS. Should the dealer muryou, not keep our arti cles, bimH our oi deis to us ami tliey wllltecelve prompt attention. Tor K do b Iho lhooiiibburg Iron Co. "DIIII-OSOI'IIY OV Address IlIiAKK & CO., FCltANTON, l'A. eeplOlO-ly Lh KINDS OF JOB PllINTINQ ii-jitlv eiecuted at TUB COLUMBIAN Uteam rluttng OOlo. pitlVATH SALE O F VALUADLK 11 12 A L IIHTATII. The uudirslgued oilers at private talo about 1)0 ACltKS OP VALUAI1LK LAND, situate In Ilcnton tow likhlp, Columbia county, bounded by hinds of Kllrubelh Kline. Daniel Miultz, Jacob Abb, Jacob ilclbhlluo und othus, l'lllien Acres of which Is tharcd laud. It uUo i-ontalns u good young orchard, A FBAME HOUSE AND UAHN and u nover fulling bprlna of water. Also a umciusi HAW AND LATHE MILL. Tho balance of tho tract U heavily thubeicd with ouk, white plue, Ac., .... For terms, conditions, Ac, apply lo tho uuder blgned, 'Iho actual uuuiber ot uireswlllbodo tcrmlued by burvey. ........... T lleuton,Junuil,lo-tf WM. AI'l'I.EMAN, T HE 11EST AND CIIEAl'EST HAY It A IC E in iii i: m a n i: i:t. MAUl'AtTUllF.U AN1 1'Olt S.II.15 UV N. W. HAMl'LE A CO., COLUilUIA HtON WOUIvf, 1II.OOMH. HUItO, l'A. CALIi AMD KXAMlNi: IT. lllooiufcburg, Juno 10, mo-tf MAltUIAGE. A Vi:vv rniTnsEot' Lectituks. as delivered at tho I'tnna. l'olytcchnlcand AualomlcalJIUbeHm IJilj Llii'btnut M., thuo doors nhovoTwclftll, J'llliaiieiplliu, I moruriug lliu biinjecisi nuw m l.tvu and Whut to l.lvo for; Youth, Maturity mid Old Age; Jlanhocd (linerally Itovlewed; 'J be rnuiout ludlittbtlon; l-'latulenco und nerv ink lll.mkrK nriimntrd lur Marrlniro l'hllo- biil litiiilly tcntid.nd. 1 heso leeiun-s will be forwaultd i n rudpt of 15 cents by addretblng: Keirelary of tho IVmibylvoiilii I'omtcchnio AMI ANATOMICAL il LSI I'M, I'tH ChlttlUlt Bt i'niiaiieipni.i, iciiubiyuiii.i. Jeil'7u-ly. 0 1 M 1' L E H, Tho undcisb:ne.l will rhccihillv innll(Kr.Kr) to all who wish It tho lteclpo and full directions nr iiii-iiailinAiiit uslni: a sllnlilu and lleautllul V i genuilo 11.11111, nun , ill iiiiuieuiuu-iy leimivu Tau, l-'iti khs, I'lmpleb, lilntehes, and all erup Hon audimpuiltUsofttie rkliLleavlnglhebumo boil, Clear, tiuuuin nun ueuuinui, lit. .-lll uUo bend li-ncKl iLklrucllntis for nro- dui' vtryblmplumeaus.aluxuriaut growth til nnu on a I'luuueauor biiiooui miuiuubs iiiuu tliluv dab lium llihl iimillcatlou. '1 he nbne can buol. tallied by return mall by ItUUrCbMllig 1 UU-, l . LilAl -JlAiS, l uemibl. 1. I), llos bva, I'Ji llroadw uy, New Vokr, Aug. li.'UU-ly, BUH1NESS CAUD.S, viarriNa cauiw, IiKTTLH I1IIADS, HILL H1SADH, ritoauAMMns, I'ostiius, AC, AC. Nctttly und Cheii'ily I'rinted From tbo Ijihtt hlyknof Typeat the COLUM1IIAN OKKICK- PllINTING Neatly executed at tbU Offld Having seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my faiiilly pliyul clan In regard to using your Hxtract lluchu. I did this because I had used nil kluds of ad vertised remedies, and had found them worth less, and, eomo quite Injurious; In fact, I despair ed nf ever getting well, nnd determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of tho In gredients. It was this that prompted me to uso your remedy. As you advertised that It was composed of buchu, cubebs, and Juniper berries, it occurred to mo and my physician as an excel lent co mblnatlon, and, with his advice, after an examination of thcaitlcle, and consulting again with tho diuggist, I concluded to try It, I com menced Its uso about eight months ogo,atwhlch tlmo I was conflntdto my room, Tiom tholh-bt bottlo I was astonished end gratified at tho ben eficial ellect. and after using it three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much liko writing you a full statement ot my case nt that time, but thought my Improvement might only bo tem porary, nnd thereloio concluded to defer and sco If It would eOtct n pcifcct cure, knowing then It wculd bo of gi eater v aluo to you ami more sat isfactory to me. 1 urn now able to icport that u euro Is efTccted niter using the remedy lor tiro months. I havo not tiftd any now for tlmo months, and h el as well In all respects as I ever did. Your lluchu being devoid of any unpleasant tnsto and odor, u nice tonlomul luvlgorator ol tho ui stem, I do not mean to bo without It when ov or occasion may rcquiro its uso hi such affec tions. ii. MuCOUSIICK. Should nny doubt Mr. McCormlck's statement ho refers to tho following gentlemen i Hon, Wm. IliGLEn, ov-Uovcrnor, l'enusyi vanla. Hon, Tuns. II. Fi.ouk5.cb, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon, J. S. Hlack, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon. D. 11. lVi!Ti!!t. ex-Ccvcrnor, l'luusyl- vanla, Hon, Kllis Luwis, Judgo, Philadelphia. Hon, It. C. limr.E, Judge, United States Court, Hon, O. W. WooiiWAim, Judge, Philadelphia, lion, W. A., City Solicitor, Philadel phia. Hon Jons Uicii.Ku.ex.Ooyernor, California. Hon. K. Hanks Auditor Ueneral, Washing Ion, 1. C, Aud many others, If tceswry. Bold by DuigglsU and Dealers everywhere, P.ewaro of counterfeits. Able for Helmbold's. Toko nn other, Piuce-!I.?3 per bottle, or 0 bot tles for CM. Delivered to any address. Do bcilbe symptoms In all communications, Addiesj II. T. HKLMISOLD, Drug aud Chemi cal Warehouse, CM Hivadway, N. Y. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLisa DONi: ui IN STEEL - ENOUAVED WUAl'I'EIl, with f.'Cblinilo of my Chciulcnl Wurthousc, and signed H, T. HKUIUOLD, Jll'70-ly lteiurmugi leaves 1'hlludellihla at i.15 u. m.. passing Head ing at 8.01) p.m., arriving at pottsvllle at luo p.m,!., .un A(-piiTiinii.iiiLtiiiti '-mtn:le!Lves Potts. town at ,'25 a.m. rtinrnlug, leaves Philadelp.'ils au.oop.m. Columbia llailroad Trains leave Reading at 7,LiJ a.m., aud tj-io p.m. Jor l-pnruia, liiuz, i-annis-ter, Columbia, fa., ... ,. 1'i.ikiniiien ltall It .:id Tra ns leave Perklomcn Tnni.lnn lit. 7.1(1 II I.', il. III.. a.Uil dt h.Xi D. UI. return luu; leave Schwenksvillo ntG.SO. n.lo a.m., liW noon A' t.10 p.m., connecting with similar trains i n Itonillmv llnllroml. Colebrookdale jtaliroau trains icuvui-oiisiunu ntti.iuu. m and li.'-0 p.m. .returning leave Mount Pleas,autnt 7.U)and 11.23 a. m.. connecting wiln similar trains on ncaoing liaiuotm. C'lii.Ktnr Viitti-v ltiillroadlialns lcavo hi.due- .A..rl niul ' IL". lin.l ri.ll' II. ill. lCtUllllUL', leave Downlngtoll at ti.-'O a. m., 12.13 mum und 5.1b p. m tunneaiug Willi bimnar uuii." i Heading llailroad. Hi, Ht,il,iL-. 1,-nvn Knw Ynrlr lit fl.Otl I1.1U.. PUIl pliiaat 8,00 a.m. and 3,13 p.m., (the V"u-'"-,r,llL luuuiuirouiy ioiteauiug:;ieaei'oiisviuoi','.va ..... llarrlsbnrK nt 0.33 n. in. unit 4.10 l. l". nj leave Allentown at 7.tl5 a. m. and b.1.3 ii, m., alio iteadlug at 7.13 a.m, und 10.03 p.m, lor ihirrls burg, at 7.ita. m. for Now York, at iti p. in. ioi Allentown, and at 11.10 a. m. und 1.-5 p. -Philadelphia. com m uitti ion, amcage, nLUbi.ii. ccnooi l. Kxcurslou Titkels to and Horn all rolnis, id re- uuecu raits. l'.;i limine checked tlirourli: I0U pounds onowe. each l asycugcr. General buperlutendeni Kcading, P.i , Kept. Its 1570. p ATAWIKriA IvAILROAD. liTo. SUMMHIl AltttANCIilMKNT. 117I, l'.isseiii-erTrAttisoti this rnad wilt run ssfol. Ion s I STATIONS. Willlamspoit, Muncy. Milton. Danville. ' Itupcrt. ' I'aUiwtssa. ' Illngtowu, ' Hunimit. 1 Otlakake. ' K, Mahony .Tunc. 1 Dhic.Taiiinriua. Dhie. ' Iteadlug. ' ' l'ollsvllle. " ' l'hlladclplila. 'dine Mauch Cuuuk. dine Jietnieticm Phila. via Ilctblehcm. J.-0 " Kaston, " .cw lortt, ft. I.lberly F.t., lnl.. ArH. 11. 11. 1.. valley lb lb Mall XortA A rr, trVlp. m, l)ep..).ai " 4.40 " " -1.(0 " ' .1.10 " " 3JS! ' ii 2.S5 " " 1.W " " I. Ill " ' l.!M " ' 1.10 ' " 10.10 n.ta 11.) R.13 " 2.1) p.m. 1-j.ii, ti.i'.'j a.m. 11. ti ' tun e.ui d.ou (l.Tll " 0.5s n.m. lloston, " P.w) p m Passenirors takli c tlio 8.13 train fiom Wlllliini- spoil, whl have iu bourshi New York, lor buj.- :'i-r, iiihi iiiTiseiu uosion nt a.m.. eicvi-ll lour- In ml vuuco of ull other routes. New dav coaches nccolnmiiv nil trains be tween Wllllumsport, l'ew York and Philadelphia,. iruiiis run mruugii ny nayiiKiii. UKO. WHDB.Supt. T AO IC AW ANNA XJ 1 AND ULOOJIP- I1U1KI ItAlLltOAH On nud alter July u, 1670, Passenger Trains will run as loilows: uomsNorm. Arrive Arrive n. m. Scranton s.iu Golng.Soutli. Leavo Leave p.m. a.m. nttston 11.12 Kingston.... . 7.43 ll.lll Plymouth 7.3U 1U.&3 Hhlckshluuy.... 0.52 0.(1) ncrwicu; H..H u.iu o..iu llloom. - 5.18 11.21 Dauvlllo -1.50 7.13 L.eavo lenve North'd 1.15 li.ll Connection made atKcranton by tlio io.tu n.m. trat'i ror Orcat liend, lllnhamton, Albauynud all points North, East and West. U, liUUU.U,DUll I. 3.U0 Leavo 3.50 i.r. 4.31 5.17 5. -13 If. IS li.53 Arrlvo 7.--3 7.18 8.12 K.21 U.02 VM 1(1.07 UUJ Arilve 11.211 DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, i W1-3TKHN HAII.ltOAD. Hummer arrange ment, April ll.lbTU. Tiulub leave as lutlows: i:astwaui. wt-srw-Aitn. Ac- com.! Mall STATION Ac- CHID. 1.83 I. II) 1,01 1.21 12.17 12.17 O.I0' 3.511 P'CII 7.10 5.1S II.M s.:t! f..2112.i3! .1.11 l-'.os 5. ( 12.32 h-'il 1I.SS 11.2s II. lh! i. Hi: it.". Via M. it II. Dlvls.A M Arl New York. (Lv (f not Uarcltiu A;.) S.W) Christopher 8.W) K.l Newark. s.l) Washington H.'-: via Leu. nib or rs.j. ... rvew ion: ....New Ilamp'toti .ixrild Urldgevlllo ...Philadelphia i reuiou I.lll ti. 1 11.1 8.j : 8.00 2.10 7. a 7.13 (1.13 1.53 ii.iu '-at 5.10 1.21 1.57', 1 I.lll l-.'W 3.15 123-3 l-.M I A.M 1.3)! Phllllli-bui".. hvto1. Mann nka Chunk... .Delaware .Mount P.cthcl ....Water Gap , ..StlOUdbbUl-iT ....Siuaguevlllo ...lleury Mile Oakland lu.tiii i oiks 10.27 Tobyhauna lii.lli uouiusburo 11. 'W, Moscow 0.4(1 Dunning 0.10 Kciuutou s.;ts...ciai-lts Humtult.. 8.3U ...AblugtliU K.llL.Factorjvillo .321 iNicnoisun. 7-37 7.15 0.-31 (1.31) A.M .Uiinboltoiu Montrose ,...Now Millolil.... Orcat Head... 0.00 li. n: 11.4-1 11.5.'! 7.30 8.13 11.03! .Ml I-M3 I'.'.Ul 12.10 1.0.1 1.1.3 l.twl i.pj ti.ii 2.(1(1' O.'iS' 2.11) 1D.M .3.11 2.4sl 3.VV .S.I' 3. In; 4.1M l.-KI 4. .! 4.)7 I 10.2'J IMS 0.00 I'.lo 0.21 P.-13 l)..r 10.1J I.I..-I 1 1.17 .sniiill.r i-.m.a,m, ti.:w 11.10 .: 0..7) 11.00 I'.'.mi 1A.13 1.10 A.M. This Is Iho most fhnronah blood nurlfler vet dlbcovereil, anil citrra all humor from the worst Scrofula to a common .Vinftoii. J'inijitj and Jllotchcson theare, nnd sealii or rough akin, which aro such annoying blemishes to many young pcrbous, yieiu in I1IQ uso oi n lew nuiiies oi nils wonderful medicine. From ono to eluiit bottles euro itdt Khcuui, Jbystjx'las, .Scofd Jlcad. Jlinfj ll'ormj, Rolls, Nralil j:rtjtiont tlf the Skin, Mirtlul'i Sores, Ulcers itnd"Otnktr" tilths Jlouthttiut Ai.,ii ach. It is a puio medicinal extract of native roots and plants, combining in tmrmonn rsiuu'o h most loserelgn curative properties, which God has Instilled into tho vegetable kingdom f ir healing tho sick. It isn great restuier for Ih.i strenglli nnd visor of tho system. Thoso who iro languid, bieepiess, navo iici ion crjy.rtit-niiiini t feais, or nny or the directions symptomatic, or i iA-Hcn, will Und convincing evidence, of lis i" t'iratlvo poWLrnpon trial. If you h-i-l flu!', . irttit. flehililittptl nnil itriimnden.'. havo ticoui-l.t JI wlitchc.iumdh tables badhi In tlio moruina tr- i-c-mi.Vt appetite and tonrue contcd. you am sun.- - ingiroiu I (irjim j.i nr ur ji HiuiwHi m, in iiiuii, i.n-is ol "TAier nnnulalnf only a part of ihn-i sj inptnms nro expeiitnced. As n icmedy lor ail mh-Ii oasis, Dr. Pieice's Golden Mudlintl lile u erv bos no equal as It effects perfect cures, li a . - lug llld liver fll ciijyiitm-a nnu iimiiy. i.n un- cuio of Huhltuai Constipation ot Iho llowelt. it Is a neerialliug rcnuuy, nnu inosowuo ii'. us id it forthls purpose nro lnud lulls pn.t In JlrovcMttl, Throat and I.tinu lilarxtft.U lm i,)niluci-d many truly remarkable cures, who. n oilier ineillelues had f.illed. Sold by druKul. s at S 1.0 1 ir bo tie. Plipaied at the rheum u LiibnrHlnrv or It. V. PIKItOK. M. I)., JI22';i).l lluflulo, N. . E. s. O A a E , C O O 1' E 11 P.ITHKT, COLUMHIA COUNTY, : A. Coopering hi all ltihranthes well niutcnrofui; done. Particular attention given to iho mm . Incluri) oi meat burn-Is, kraut Mauds, pii l.1.. tubs, wash lub, Ac, lttpuhhui attended lo. llupelt, Hi-pt. I', If 71-2ni. c. 1 0-l' A RTN E KS 1 1 H' NOTICE. Jho eii-inrtUHrslili huetofmo oxlsllng In tli.- nameot D. & Win. Masters, Is nils clay uissun. -. by mutual consent, the business In no eniitlnu. .1 by Win. Masteni, wllh whom all noooumswul bo leit.aud parties It'dobtid nro lequeslml l" unit und make settlement, nod tho..o hut It. ; alalmsare renuei-ied to pieseut the samo. DAVID MAKThUM. WILLIAM M.lsTi:i;. Jtillvllle, AUg.l). U70-3t. Trains do not stop nt Millions whero tho Tlmo Is omitted. CONNECTIONS. At Now Hampton wllh Central It. II. of N.J. '1 be Mall and Kxiirest trains eastward and west ward connect with trains for New York, Hliia both, I'hilntleld.bomcrtllluund olliir btallmis. At Washington with Morris A Pssex It. It. Mall and Kxpress trulns make close aud tollable c-oiiucctloiib with trains for New York, Newark, Muiribtowu, Dover, Wuterioo, Hackotistown Ac, At Manuuk.i Chunk wllh Helvlderu Delawaro 11, It. Closo connections aro made by Mall and l-.xpicss tialns, with tialns lor Philadelphia, Trenton, Phllllphburg, llelti.lere, Ac. Ily Trniu No. 2, pabbengerM reach Philadelphia tin Cam den, by No. 4, via Kcnsluiilou, Passengers on No. 4, urrlvo hi Phlhidelpliia til time to lake the H.uO p. m, Hutu lor ll.illliuoro nud Wnthliigton, At bcrauton with Laekattanna .t Ulonmsbnrg ADelawuie A lliuUon ltall Heads. 'Irallib uu theho loads connect with our trulns lor Pittstou, Wlikes-Uaiie, htrtvlck, lilnonibburg, Dautllle, tilyphnnt, Atcbbuld and Caiboudale. At lllnulmmton with Krlo ltallwav. Mull No. I cuunet-ls wllh Pxprcbs Mali on 1-rlo Hallway, leaving-at p. m. whuh bieepiug coaeu ai IiicIkhI. nrrlt-int! at lluUidoat 3.20 nuxt luoinlns. Inputs No. 3 connects with u way train Lir uwigo, iiiiui-ii, uuti lumiru. A lEaiiy jl BUbrjuihauua llnllltoad. Pourtralus n clay luueach way betweili lllugliainton and Albany. Ouu leaves llhighumtou nt 2.3up. m., and nultesnt Albany at 0.00 p. m. , , Hi rutubo, llli.gbaiulon S.V, It. It. Tin us fo 1 1 racusu lc at e at 7 a. aud t,i5 p. in. 1 ruiui from bt rocuro airit o ut 11.4? . w. and 8.J p. m. It. A. liPNltY, . W.l'.HAl.I.HrLAD. Utu'l Pass, aud Tkt. Ageut. hupt. N' ORTIIERN CENTRAL RAH WAY. on unit alter juuo I2tn isto, tran-.s win IcuveHUNiiPliv as follows 1 NOP.TIIWAIII). ce. . u. liullv in Wllllunibimrt. lur Ulmila Ciiiiiiudaigua, iiociiesier,, niupeuiuu lirlclgo, und N, Fulls. 3.14 I'. M.,l)ally, (except Buudaynmr pjinun nui. l.ullillo via l.riu luiuway uiuii r.iiiiirH. . 0.13 I', m., lUUy.lexceptHundays) lor Wllliarnt- 1 ' TltAINH 80UTHWAUD. ll.ti A.M. Dally toxcept Monday's) lor llallliuon WILMINGTON AND rillUVDlil-PJUA. ll.Ii P.M. Dally(exceptHundiiy'u)forDaltlmor' V, ...u.K.ou aim ! miiiuui;; Y0UXU Ueneral I'uk.cusit Agcnl. ALtllKO 11. 1'ItUK, Ueu'l bupt,, RROWN'S EAST ERE1U11T PltOM PlUL.DELriIIA TO ULOOMHHUltU and Intermediate points. OchkIn fotwardtd will ruioancUlcbimlcliundutluwiules. (loodb, at Ph.ludelphla, mubt bo dellveitd ni I)llun tV.Co'. HlMurket blrcct, For lull lal tlcuhus, apply to ' JACO hCHUYLllt.Pioirhlor. Aug. W,'(9-tr. . lb Depot, IllooinsbuiK.l'a IO,OOU CCAHANTIlt;. B VCK LEAD HXCl.Ls Al.LOTHUnLKAD! 1st. For lis Unrivaled Whltcncs, 2.1. I'or lis t'w cMiullvd Durability, M, l'orlts Unsurpassed CovtrlBg Propt rty, Lasll lur Its llcoriotuj''. 3-It COSTS uB to nalnt wllh IIcck Lhaii than any other While Lisul extant. The smiie W eil'llt UOV11S nuiir.,i,i.,uiuuig null- Allfil;, and makes: WHITHlt WOltlC. HUCK I.UAD, Is the Cheapet nnd lief IC.OnO OUAltANTHH. lll'OK UKO nXCEUS ALL OVHUU ZINCH l'orlts lliicnuallod DimiblllU'. For Its tlnntaled Whiteness. Per ltn Uin.urnai.iwil Coverlun Property. Lublly, for Its (iroat I i-ononiy, being Iho CIIHAPliST, JlAJiiwusiiMi', uu most DUIt.vnLK Whllo Palut lu tbo world. JI U Y O N L Y DUCK LEAD AND RUCK .INC: THY IT AND 111: CONVINCBD. Sillsfactlon Uuurantfed by lha Mauuuu'lunis. 1st, 31. RUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared csriely for Painting COrrA ft FW. OUT nUI I.Dl NITS of ery descrli tlon, FF.NCIX, &i3. TlllHTY-HVK D1FF1K HNT L'OLOltS. Duiable, Cheap, I'ulfoiui, turn Heautllul bhades. -' Hamplo cards .cut by Malt If dtlrl. Dddcib' Oidcis will t e promptly executed l y the manufaeturers, l'KFNl H, llKHAUDSACO., N. W. Cor. Tenth ami Market Mrwm. JanSs'70-ly. PlilUtUlphlH iIARlMiESS & HARMAN, BAULK rOUNDUV ASH UANUl'AOTUr.INU ktlol STOVIH A PLOWd WHOLiWALiJ A HIIiAll. THE t'ELBDUATED JlONTllME IRON 11SAH AM' THE I1UTTON tt'OOUBM 11KAU PLOWS. Cesllngsand Plie llrlck for reilrlug city wot s All kinds ol lira ur Hun imtlng inndsi lo oidt r upon M. J. 8 HA11WAN, lllooiubbuig.Pa. I'ropilelors 3lur.iu,'l-u. TVT O T 1 0 E . The cii-tallltnl.lpbil.t c exUtlliK UL.Ii i it ..iiiini. ii ii A liliy.m Jola, t ojuii i -i I'l'iiitj 1 ii.listbts 1 1) 1 1 1 ii il I' KIt t d by ii ti i iiil c ii-'ii'l. All i- ii'luR iitd Kltiiiumlb ii ut ,!,W,h..,CbOV.h,.,.,l iola, August IS, IbTO-ltyr,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers