THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. FARMER'S. COLUMN. Liberal Muntirlnpr. Tlio summer Is ended, nnd farmers nro at this tlrao busily ciipigi'l lut ting lu their full crops. It would sw in lUtnost superfluous to sny it word In re gard to tho uso of fertilizers ; nnd yet tliOBUlJect Is ono of such iUi?orbliiR Im portnnco tlint wo cannot fuibenr saying something In regard to It. Thoro nro thoao, wo know, who havo lllllo or no frtlth In tho teachings or nil tIco of what aro known as "book farm ers." They nro not willing to ndmlt that men who do not dally wield tho spado nnd hoo,;hold tho plow or drlvo tho mowing or reaping niachluo, know anything of practlcai;farmlng, nnd that, therefore, their suggestions nro without value. Fortunately the number of this clrtsi of skeptical ones Is dally lessening nnd will contluuo to grow smaller as in telligence spreads Its Influonco through out tho land. Thoro is nothing moro cnty of practical demonstration than that good crops cm not bo grown upon tho samo land successively for n num ber of years, without n liberal uso of fertilizers. Our.cntlro country furnish 08 Incontestable evidence of tho truth of this. It has been attempted so re peatedly, and has so repeatedly failed, tho wonder is that men can bo found who will persist In following out tho old system which has resulted In reduc ing tho averago of our wheat crop from twenty-live bushels to less than half that quantity per acre. Our ndvlco to tho farmer Is Manure liberally. Do not bo afraid of tho ex pense. Judicious liberal manuring is lifeo Judicious liberal advertising. It requires somo ncrvo on tho part of the termor nt Href, to bring his courage to tho sticking point, but that reached, ho rarely over falls to follow it up. If ho has not enough farm yard manuro, then let him not hesitate in regard to procur ing a supply of somo ono or moro of tho many well established concentrated fer tilizers, whIch.aro to bo found In tho market. This ndvico may, In the esti mation of somo persons, smell a llttlo of tho Bhop, but if practically applied, It will provo sound and good, and for this renson wo tender it. lion to ratten n Poor Horse Many good horses devour largo quan tities of grain and hay, and still contin ue) thin and poor. Tho food eaten Is not properly assimilated. If tho usual feed has been ungrouud grain and hay, nothing but a change will effect any do elrablo alteration In tho appearance of tho animal. In caso oil meal cannot bo obtained readily, mingle a bushel of flaxseed, with n bushel of barley, ono of oats, and another bushel of Indian corn, nnd let it bo ground Into a fine meal. This will bo n fair proportion for nil his feed. Or, tho moal or barley, oats and corn in equal quantities, may first bo procured, and one-fourth part of oll-cako mingled with it when tho meal is sprinkled on cut feed. Feed two or thrco quarts oi tho mixturo thrco tlraos daily with a peck of cut hay and straw. If tho horso will eat tho amount grocd ily, let the quantity bo gradually in creased, until ho will eat four or six quarts at overy feeding, three times a day. So long as tho animal will cat this allowance, the quantity may bo in creased n llttlo every day. But avoid the practice of allowing a horso to stand t tho rack well filled with hay. In order to fatten a horso that has been run down in flesh, tho groom should bo very particular to feed tho animal no moro than ho will cat up clean and Uck his manger for moro. Selecting Calves for Mllkci-N. A writer In ono of our exchanges nyn: "Tho points that Indicate tho good cow aro discernablo In tho calf, and why not ? This may Btngger somo dairymen, but that is Just what wo wish to do. This wholesalo slaughter ing of calves in tho spring Is wrong. A cnlf will show a good milk mirror as well as n cow, a rich cream-colored ud der as well as a cow, and a healthy look and a strong loin as well as a cow and theso points make up a cow overy time. tct tho breed bo what it may, this is our experience In the matter. A calf that is worth ten or fifteen dollars fcliouM not bo killed for its meroliide, for tho lack of Judgment In selecting." To IMcIUc Onions. Tako small round silver-button on ions about tho sizo of n hickory-nut. Bcmovotho outer coat, and put into a 6towpan of boiling water. When they look clear, tako from tho water and roll up In a cloth soveral times folded. Whon quite dry, put them into stone Jars aid cover with hot plcklo ma-Jo Uius : or ailsplco, whito pepper, liorso sT&dlsh, and salt, an ounco each, ono quart of best white-wino vinegar, scald all together and pour oyer tho onions. Let them set two or thrco days by the fire, then tie a bladder wot with tho pickle over them, and over that a pieco of leather, or seal them up In cans. Charcoal for Horses' Wind. "Many years ago, I recollect," says a correspondent of a London paper, "a horso being brought Into tho yard of Josepn uignai a celebrated man for keeping hunters at Croydon. Tho horso was much affected in tho wind, and could hardly movo from distress. In a few days this animal did his regular work as a hunter, with perfect caso and comfort to himself. Tar water was tho euro. Tar Is carbon, and charcoal is nl so carbon; charcoal in tho powder is moro easily given than tar water. havo tried it with most beneficial effect and I think it stands to reason that tho removal of noxious gasce and flalu Ieneofrom tho stomach of tho horso must improve his wind and condition. Tar is frequently given with benefit in cases of chronic diseases of tho rcsnlra lory organs; but Its effects nro totally uincrent from Uioeo produced by char coal (enrbon.)" DiAKuuis is never bo vaiuuuio as when it Is fresh. It then holds In asso ciation not only nil tho fixed soluble substances natural to tho Bolid oxcrem cnt, bat much that is of great vnluo ronna oniy in the liquid. It is In n condition to quickly undergo chemical Change, and tho gaseous ammonlacal products ,aro doublo thobo resulting tfcom that which hod boon withered in a heap oat of doors for several wonllia. Tbb apple crop in Nor Hampshire Will bo imwww, and the market Is already glutted with the fruit; fifty TPto a bushel bcincr tho rullnrr nrlea at . w Mer. THE YOUNG FOLKS. The Three .loiiinejiiien. Thoro wcro onco threo Journeymen, who agreed together to travol In com pany, and nlwnys work In tho samo town. Hut ono season thoy could find no master to employ them, so that by degrees thoy became qulto ragged, and hud nothing to live upon. Thoy naked each other what they should do; and ono proposed that they should not stop any longer where thoy were, but wan der about; nnd when they camo to n town where no work was to bo had, they should separate, first making an agreement with tho landlord of their Inn, that ho would receive their letters, so that each might know whero his companions were. This plan nppearcd the beat they could adopt, and they set out on their travels. On tho roid a well dressed man met them, who Inquired of them who they were. "Wo nrojoiir- ncymen," said they, "In search of work, nnd hitherto wo hnvo been suc cessful ; but when wo nro no longcr-for- tunnlo wo mean to separate." "There Is no necessity for that," said tho Btrani;cr; If you only do what I tell you, you shall not want for money or work ; for you may oven becomo great lords, nnd rido in your own car riages." "If It docs not injuroour souls and happiness," said one, "wo will readily do what you wish." "No ; I havo no claim upon you," re plied tho man : "of that sort, at least." Tho other Journeyman, meanwhile, had observed tho stranger's feet; nnd when ho saw ono was a horso's hoof and tho other a human foot, ho would havo nothing to do with tho agreement at first. But tho Evil Ono said it was not their souls, but somo other man's, which ho wauted ; and so being reas sured, tho thrco Journeymen consented to tho agreement. The Evil Ono then told them that what ho desired was, that tho first man should answer to every question, "All thrco of us ;" the second, "For money; nnd tho third should cry, "That is right." This they werotosay on all occasions, but any other word they must not speak, on pain of loslnj nil their money again; but so long as thoy obeyed instructions, their pockets would always bo full of money. For a beginning tho Evil Ono gavo them as much as thoy could carry and bado them go Into such and such n city, and stop at such and such an inn. They entered the appointed place, nnd tho landlord camo towards them nnd asked If thoy wished for something to eat. Tho first man replied, "all threo of us," "Yes," said tho landlord, "that is what I meau." "For money." said tho second man. "That is understood." "That Is right," said tho third. "Yes, that is right," repeated tho landlord. So n plontlful meal was spread beforo them, and thoy wero well waited on; and ns soon as thoy had finished tho landlord brought in Ills bill, and laid it beforo tho threo companions. "All threo of us," said tho first; 'formonoy,' said tho second; and tho third repeated, "That 13 right." "You aro qulto right, sirs," said tho landlord, "all threo of you must pay; and without tho money I cannot entertain you." Thereupon thoy counted out moro money than was asked, and tho guests who wcro looking on said to each other, "theso peoplo must bemad!" "Yes; theydonotap- pear qulto sano," said tho landlord; yet stiil they remained in his house, speak ing no otlier words than "All thrco of us. For money; That is right." Nov erthelc33 thoy saw and knew nil that wasgoingon: and ono day it chanced that a great merchant came, bringing with him n grent deal of money, to tho inn. 110 said to tho landlord, "Tako caru of my gold or theso threo foolish Journeymen may steal It from mo." Tho landlord did so, and as ho carried tho paddle-bags Into his room ho felt that they woro heavy with gold. So ho put tho threo Journeymen into a lower room, and tho merchant into tho best room by himself. At midnight, when the Laudlord thought everybody was usleop, ho wont, accompanied by his wife, into tho rich merchant's chamber and killed him byn stroko with an axe, Tho murder committed, thoy went to bed again; and when daylight camo thoy madon great upronr, for tho mer chant was found dead, lying in pools of blood. All tho Inmates of tho inn wero collected, nnd tho Landlord declared that tho murder had been committed by tho threo Journeymen. This tho other lodgers confirmed, saying no ono olso could havo dono it; nnd when tho threo Journeymen wero called, asked If thoy had dono tlio deed, tho first replied "All threo of us;" tho second, "For raonoy;" and tho third said, "That is right I" "Now hear them," said tho landlord "they confess It themselves." There upon tho threo wero taken nnd thrown Into prison; and while thoy lay thero thoy perceived that It was n serious matter for thorn. Hut by night tho ovll ono camo and said to them, "Keep up your courago for one day, and despal not of your fortune, for not a hair of you Bhall bo Injured," Tho following morning they wero ta ken beforo thojudgo, and asked by him "Aro you tho murderers ?" "All thrco of us;" replied tho first. "Why did you kill tho merchant?" asked thojudgo scconuiy. "i'or money," was tho rep! v "You wretched men," exclaimed tho Judge, "havo you repented of your crime slnco?" "That is right," said tho unru journeyman. Thcu tho udiro or. dercd them to bo led away to die, for moy jiau confessed their crime nnd woro hardened about it. So tho threo companions wero led away, and tho landlord had to accom pany them, being tho accuser. Just as they wero seized by tlio hnngmnii and Jed ui) to thOEcaffoId. whern tli tloner stood with a sharp sword, all at mi u cuui'ii iijijH'areu urawn by rotir blood-red foxes, who went so fast that iireiiowouiumio stones, whllo from wiu winnow ui mo concn Mnnfl nun luvdr, oncU Wit 1 n WllltO linmlk:ni-rllnr Who -Executioner said, 'Thero'comes u par- r!nn I" nrwl frnm ftin nnnnli n ..nlm. . heard BllOUtl tit? "Pardon. nnnlni. III Presently out of tho ccmrU tha v.vii Ono stopped, dressed as n distinguished lord, nnd said to tho threo prisoners. " i ou aro innocent, vou mav Rnnnic nnw and stato what you. saw nmi imnni 'i xnereupon uio ursi Journeyman said "Wo did not kill tho merchant, tho (iiuiuurur Butiiua iiiLTu-' i nfjini lnf tn t im landlord), "and for a proof of this go into his collar, and you will llnd many other bodies of thoso ho has destroyed. .i.ujuuS. inuuuiuMn ma guards, and thuy found tho cellar as the man described, and tho landlord was conso aucntlv taken, nnil his limil u-oo ii.nni- off. Tho Evil Onn Mi nri unfit in Mir three Journtjmcu, "Tou nro free, nud Will havo inonev nil vkhh hit. . t havo got that for which I bargained." K KIDNHYBi mo Kidneys nro twolu number, sitimieu at tho upper part of tho totn, surrounded by fat, nnd consisting of thrco parts, vl v tlio Anterior, tlio Interior, nud tho Exterior. Tho anterior absorbs, Interior consists of tis sues or veins, which sorve nsn deposit for the urlno nud convey It lo tho exterior. Tho exter ior Is n conductor nlso, terminating lu n slnglo tubo. and called tho Ureter. Tho ureters nro connected with the bladder. Tho bladder Is composed of various coverings or tissues, dlvldod Into p.irts,vlz.l tho Upper tho Lower, tho Nervous, and tho Mucous. Tho upper oxpels, tho lower retains. Many havo n desire to urluato without tho ability; others urlnato without tho ability lo retain. This fre quently occurs in children. To curothoso affections, wo must bring Into action the muscles, which nro engaged In their various functions. If they aro neglected, Ornvcl or Dropsy may ensuo. Tho reader must nlso bo mado aware, that however Blight may bo tho attack, It Is sure lo affect tho bodily health nnd mental powors.ns our flesh and blood nro supported from theso sources, Ooor, on Rheum atissi. rain occurring lu the loins Is Indicative of tho nbovo diseases. Thoy occur In persons disposed to ncld stomach- nnd chalky concrotlons. The Giiavkl. Tho gravel ensues from neg lect or Improper troatmcnt of tho kidneys Theso organs being weak, tho water Is not ox pclled from tlio bladder, but allowed to remain ; It becomes feverish, nnd sediment forms. His from this deposit tlint thostonols formed, and grnvel ensues. Dnorsr Is ft collection of water In somo parts of tho body, and bears different, names, accord ing to tho parts nn"ected,vlz,: when generally diffused over tho Is called Auasarca, when of tho abdomen, Ascites ; when of tho chest, llydrothorax. Tiieatment. Ilclmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract lluchu is decidedly ono of tho best remedies for diseases of tho bladder( kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, and gouty affections. Under this head we havo arranged Dysurla, or difficulty aud pain lu passing water. Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent discharges of water ; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urlue; Gout and Rheumatism of tho kidneys, without nny change In quantity, but Increase In color.or dark water. It was always highly recommend ed by the lato Dr. Thysick, In theso affections. This medlclno Increases tho power of diges tion, and excites tho absorbents Into healthy excrclso by which tho watery or calcareous dep ositions, nnd all unnatural enlargements, as well ns pain and Inflammation aro reduced, and It Is taken by men, women, and children. Di rections for uso and diet accompany. rmLADELPniA. PA., Feb. 25, 1887, II. T. Helmbold, Druggist: DEAn Sin I havo been n sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid ney affections, during which timo I havo used various medicinal preparations, and becu under tho treatment of the mo3t eminent Thyslclans, experiencing but llttlo relief. Having seen your preparations extensively ndvertlscd, I consulted with my family physi cian lu regard to using your Extract nuchu. I did this becauso I had used nil kiuds of ad vertised remedies, and had found them worth- less, and, somo quite Injurious; infect, I despair ed of ever getting well, and determined to uso no remedies hereafter unless I knew of tho In gredients. It was this tlint prompted mo to uso your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of buchn, eubeb's, nnd Juniper berries, it occurred to mo nnd my phyHiclnn ns au excel lent co mblmitloii, and, with his advice, nftcr nn examination of thearllcle, and consulting again with tho druggist, I concluded to try it. I com menced Its uso about eight months ago, at which timol was confined to ray room, rromtheflrst bottle I was astonished ond gratified nt tho ben eficial cOect. aud after using It threo weeks, was ablo to walk out. I felt much llko writing you a full statement ot my caso nt that time, but thought my Improvement might only be tem porary, and therefore concluded to defer and seo if It would effect n perfect cure, knowing then it would be of greater vnluo to you and moro sat isfactory to me. I nra now nblo to report that a euro Is effected after using tho remedy for fivo mouths. I havo not used any uow for three mouths, and feel as well lu all respects as I ever did. Vllll Tlitr-l.M l.r.lnf. .Is.vaI.1 nnv Mllnl.flcnt tnsto nnd odor, a nico tonle and luvlgarator of the system, I do not meau to bo without it when over occasion may require its uso lu such affec tions. M, McCOKMICK. Should nny doubt Mr. Mccormick's statement ho refers to tho following gentlemen: Hon. Wm. Dicileu, ov-Qovernor, Pennsyh van la. V'. Hon. Tiios. I). Floiiek'ce, Philadelphia. Hon.'j. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. .Hon. J, B. Black, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon. D. It. roiiTKit. cx-Ocvernor, Tennsyl. van la, Hon. Ellis I.ewjs, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. It. C. ditiEit, Judge, United States Court Hon. O, W. Woodwabd, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. Pobteh, City Solicitor, Philadel phia. Hon John Bioeu, ex-aovernor, California, Hon. E. Hanks Auditor General, Washing. tm, D. C. And many othcrii. If ecossary. Hold by Drngglsta and Dealers everywhere, Ilewaro of counterfeits. Atk for Holmbold's. Tako no other, ruiCE-J l.ta per bottle, or 0 bot tles for 40.C0. Delivered tn any address. De scribe symptom In all communications. Address IT. T. HEI,MB0M, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, CO I Broadway, N, Y. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN STEEL - ENGRAVED WRAPPER, with fno-slralle of my Chemical Wnrthouio, and Igned JL, T. HKLMBOLD. JU70-ly RANOEVILLE STILL AHEAD. Tho undersigned respectfully annonnco lo m l.'nr.Mliiiv fommmiltv tlint. Iliftv are nir-tln In thnfloUl with their machines: for tho hnrvcslo jyjn. Tim NEW PENNSYLVANIA THRESHER AND CLEANER, Patented by Adrian Cornell, Willi Major's patent Innliln nt I nt. Hftnnrntnr mmlilnnil. tn whnlrverV Farmer neeiK 11 can't bo bent, it has been tilrly tested nnd lias far exceeded tho expectations of all who hnvo seen Its operations, It has been got up expressly to meet tho wants or tho l-arm ef. Wo nisnufncturo them, overshot for trend, power nnd undershot for lever power. This machlnocnn bo inndo to do any itculrcil amount of work. Is slmplo In fonstrucllon, ensy to tnnnngo nnd not llnblo to get out of repair. They nlsocoutlnuo to manufacture tho Cele brated WHEELEIfS UAILWA1' CHAIN, HORSE TOWER 0 THRESHER, from tho original patterns, Willi an Improve ment lu tho power.whcreby ngnlnof 23 per cent, lselleclcd, nud gives tho dealt ed power nt from .110(1 Inches less elevation than the old style. They alsontlneh MAJOU'S PATENT D0UI1LE ACTINd SHEET 1U0N BOTTOM HEPAltATOIW to their machines, manufactured onlv by them nnu hccui M. Mnjor, nnd hccurcd to them by letttrs patent front Wm. lucyniso lunmiincmro mu nesi mm lightest running Lover Powers oho Doublo nnd Hlnslo-lienred Jnncs. itnvttig on hnml it good supply of well seasoned lumber nrttinhest fiunlitv. nud experienced workmen engaged in ineir mnnumciure, tney gunrnuue their machines BUPEUIOn TO ANY MANUFACTURED elsewhere. All having repairing to do should remember that we have nil tho original patterns. Repairing done nt short notlco aud on rensona blo terms. Machines sold nt nstonlshlugly low prices and credit given when desired. I'or further particulars call on or nddroas SCHUYLER & LOW, AUHICULTUIIAL W0IIKS, ortANOEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. whero Ihcv manufacture tho best nnd cheapest Iron nnd Wooden Ucnm Plows In the Htnte, ulso wsgon Jacks, Iron kettles ami nil kinds of work munlly dono In I'oundrlcs ami Mnchluo shops. All uoik wnrtonled nud nil kinds of couulry produco taken In cxihange. JlS'TO-tf. ioiin a JACOBY'S UAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! BERWICK, PEJW'A. The undersigned would respectfully lnlortn tho Cltl7ens of Berwick, and lelntly,lhat ho has opened a Conlectlonery nnd Bakery in ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick, Pn., whero ho is prepared to furnish nil kinds or rLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS 0RANOES, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac, Ac., Ac, Ac, t.y wnoi.iaAi.ri and iietaii.. AraoiiK tho npsoitmcntwlll bo found Cream berls, Fig, Apples, Cceoa Nuts, jellies of differ ent kinds, Mustard, tvdsup. Pickles, Chocolate, Cnnut d Fruit of nil kinds, Corn blnteh, Egg Bis cuit, Hndn Crackers, Oistcr Crackers, cheese, t-oap, Wilting Paper, Agreement l'apcis, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, Anil nrr.ilueo nf all kinds. Fresh Bread nnd Cakes every day. Ice Cicnin In Season, Your patronage Is solicited. JOIING.JACOBY. Berwick, Juno 17, lS70-lf QON F 13 0 T 1 O N BUY, 'rno nndrrfclirntti would resncctfullv announce lo i no puuiio ma i- no uas opencu h " FIIl3T-UhA8S CONFECTIONERY STOHK, In the bulMtni; lately occupied by Fox A Webb wuere no in preparouto iiumsn iui kiuus oi PLAIN & FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN A DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, AC, AC. BY WHOLESALE OB RETAIL In Rhort, a full assortment of all Roods In his line of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for the Holidays. Particular attention Riven to HHEj.D AND CAKES, of all kinds, every day. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OU ISTM AB TOYS. A call 1 solicited, nnd satisfaction gua.rnni.eeu, ISOV. 22. 0.B1. ECKHAKT JACOHS. C. II OWE It, as opened n first-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUR STORE, at the old stand on rfatn Street, rJloomsburg.n few uoors nuovo uieumri jiouse. JiishuicKiHcnnv nosed of the very latest and best styles ever ofler- ed to tlio citizens of Columbia Count v. Ho can accom mod ale tho public with the following goods nt the lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled Rloga boots, men's doublo nud single tap soled Kin ooois. men s neuvy hiona hiioes oinu kidus. xnt'ii'H nnu uuois aim bino m mi Kriiues, ooy UU11U1H ttJitV4 UOUIS 1II1U.HIIIIUH UI 1111 Kill UN, I11UU clovo kid Ralmoiat's. women's. liovs' and muxes' lastlUK gaiters, women's glove kid Polish very finewomen's morocco lialn-oralaand can siiocs, women's very nue kiu otmoneu gall ers. In short boots ol all descilptlons both peg ged and sewed. no wouia nibo can aiieniiou 10 uia nno assoit mem or HATH, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS. which comprises nil tho new nnd nonulni vari eties nt prices which cauuotfailto suit all. These goods nro oll'eicd at the lowest cah rates ami win no guaranteed logtve satisractiou. A call Is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as It Is ueiicveu miu oeiier oargains are to no lovnu umu ui auy omcr piaco iu me couuiy, XJKM, U fit- c?i nnn iiewa-hd. ipl,UUu Kor any case of Blind Bleeding i icuing, or uicerateu i-iicb tnai u& lllNG h l'jl.t ItKMbuv tails to cuie. It li picpaud eipitssli' to cure tho Tiles nnd nothlni' fle.iiiid Iiiinchici oasca of over 20 5 cars standing. Solo by nil VIA FllOA. Do Blnff's Via Pima Is thn mire tuteea nt Itntt- X4cu, ivuuiH, nun iiernes, jur CONSUMPTION. Inllararaatlon of the Luncs:nll Liver. Kldnev aud Bladder cllsenkes.ornanio Weakness. I.'cinnli AiuicLious, ueuerni xjcuuiiy.auu nil complaints oi me urinary urgaus in jiuie ana nmaie, pro ducing Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Gravel, Biopsy nnd Hcrolula. which most ceueinllv lermlnatolu Cousutnpllvo Decline, Ii purifies nud enriebes iuu uiuuu. tuo iiuiiury. uiauuuiar nnu riccreitv System: Corrects Hud Htreuirtliens llio Nervnn and Muscular forces: It acts liken charm ou weak nervous, and debilitated lemnks, both young where. ' I.A uokatohy 112 l raukllii bt.. Ball! more, aiu. laugo yu-ly, LLEN & NEEDLES, ii Sooth Dixawake AvcsuE,riiii..M)Ei.pni. IiSTABLlSlIED IN 18IS. Continue the mauufacture of their old standard quality SUPEIt PHOSPHATE OF LIME AND AMMONIATED TEKTILIZEn. Both of which nro sold at Low l'nicrs, highly U'lUUUUilUt u iu liiu I'Altaiuu Ult JJUAJ-Klt, SEND FOB CIItCULAlt. 1 PEHUVIAN GUANO, NO, (Genuine Govo-nment from Chtncha and Guan- upo jfcifuiua.) Pure Calcined, and Land Plaster. Hydraulic Ce ment. Caudles, nnd n full nhhnrtimiiL ni imnv inq and OitKAbihu uiuiat lowest lunrUetrutes, A IjISCOUNT TO DEALERS, Should tho dealer near you, not keep our aril, juui UlUtIO U II q UUU iliV WlllTeCClV prompt attention. fur nHio uy uio liioomsuurg jrou co, nug57U-13t THIL0S0PHY op srAimrAOR X A New Coukse of Lectujikh, ns dell vcred nt the I'enua.l'olytechnlound Anatomical Museum laia Chestnut M., three doors nbovo Tuelfth, l'hlladelphla, tmbraeiiig tho subjects! How to Live and What lo LHo fori Youth, Maturity and Old Agoj Manhood Uinernlly Hcvlewid: Tho cause of ludlscbllon; FiatiiUure and nerv ous Diseases uccouutid fori Murriogo l'hllo. sophlcally conshleicd. Tin to lectures will bo forwarded on ruelhl of !5 ceuls by mlditjslnut Secretary of tlio l'enusylvnnlft 1'oliteciiniu Af S A W,1!"1 Mvstuw, 1J3 Chestnut St., l'lilladelphla, lVunsylvuula, Jcl'l'TU-ly, TI-M ! Ii K S JL , 11 II 'i'ho understcnej will rlirrrfiiin irtnll (vovri A all who wish It the lleclpo and full dlricil'ous r nrenarlns nml iislni it ilmnln m..i itm...,u..i egelablo Balm, that will Ituiuedlately removo Tnu, I'rtckles, l'lmples, Blotches, and all ciup tions and Impurities of the bkln.lcavinalhobanio soil, clear, suioolh nnd beautiful. He will ulso send (Fitig) Instrucllons for pro. verysi tuple mcuns.uluxuilaiit growth of Loir on a baldhead or smooth face lu lib than iijii i j imj irum nrsi nppiieaiion. J ho abovo eon be obtained by return mall by nddiessln 1". i sing lllUM.I'. (JHATJIAN, Chlmlst. 1". O. Box 612S, Its Broadway. Now Yokr. Aug. tl,'U-ly, EUSIN1CSS OAJtDS, V1HITINO CARDS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, rilOGRAMMEH, POSTERS, dC., 40. Neatly nnd Cheaply I'rliitod Prom IheLalestHlyltsGfTyiieat the COLUMBIAN OFFICE. JOB PRINTING Neatly executed at this Offlti Q I 83,000 WILL HE PAID TO ANY PERSON nr. kIii. -Mil' n Preparation showing half ns many living Kctiulnn permanent cures as I)n. FiTi.r.u.s VrnkT.iit.n ItiiM'WATic ltKJiKiiv. Tho jclen tlllo prescript Ion or Prof. .IO-t. P. PirLrll, M. D., ono or Phlh'di lphla's old. st regular Pnvslclons, who has mn lo It u nniitlim n specially a T yenrs, permanently curing with this ttemcdy a In every Inn patients 'I'tcntcds o warranted under oath, from ltrslnlered eaves, n risitlt unpnrnllci ed, It lm pleasant Me Heine, frco from Injur ious Drugs (swoin v uelicrs rrom llenowned Prominent Physicians Indorsing Dr. Fltlcr nc- eompnny eaen oottlei. HI ri-oieeimuierern iniiii l Ms, n legal gimrititeo minting numlirof bottles wnrinnled to Cure will bn forwarded without chnruo to nny person sendlti'? by letter n full, trulhlul description ufciso. In caso of fulluro to cure, the amount paid will be reiunded. rrlco 51.iVJpcr I oil In: II hollies 7.60. Med ten I ndvlro sent by letter gintls. Aiidres-t Dlt. l-'ITLElt, linico V.v !!0 Mmilll l'OlI.tTIt Slrei t. Pllli lllel- nhla. or No. 7 01 hiioauway, ft. y. boiu or oblnltii d by drtigglsls. sejit.'iO ly. H TOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION. THE PHILOSOPHY OK DR. PC'HENCK'S (IRE AT MEDU'lNlX Will peonlo never learn in know ilmf ii tllupnKOil liver ntul filotii.ich n cc- pssarllydlsi-nso tho entire nyMeni? Tho plainest Principle1 01 common kciimo icucn inn, mm yei llinmtiin bniifllcilM u'lm lldlllllo the ldc.1. nild continue In the course which nlmot Inevitably brine them picnmlurely to tho grave. Living ns Uio mnjornv or pfopio no, ni compieio vari ance, with tho laws of nature. It must bo nppar- vcuro hi'ihclf. 'llenco wo find tliat persons who induio in exec in uio uo oi very ncu nr mm ifcstthlo lood or Intoxicating drinks, lnvarlablj nuv ii lieavv i.ctialtv In ti.oend. Tlio utoinacl hecomcH disordered and refuses to act, tho Itvor fulls to perform Its lunctlons. dyspepsia audits attendant evils follow, and Mill the suirvrlng lu divMiiuNpindxt in clliiKlnp to the thoroughly ox DJUiicu KiL'tis oi mo pnsi. ur. rJii r-jv o uiuu clues are recommended to all fiucn. Jliej unui euro nnd certain relief wliei ever they nreticd asdlretted,nud nil Hint Is necessary to establish inuir i im in nn inn n i i vlty iliiiiii' iunuuiu man in me lami is ni.uruim iimmriiai mm oi lliem. Let those who nreslieptlcal on hum point, and who havo pcimlttcd interested poisons to prejudice them against thee now celebrated reimuies ior in luion, uiMraru wivir iiruju Uees.niid lie imveriiml bv tho nrlncinles of tea- Mm and common henst If thu svstem Is dlsor di'iel denend nivm it. in ulna cases out often tho tent oi the ol-sorder will bo lound In tho stomach nnd liver. To cleanse and iuvlgorato the stomach and to fatlmula to tho liver lo healthy actum, ufcu l-Ulli:2iCK'H M niiuaki: PlLl. ino uau; lncrenslm: nrmniul for theso nil Is Is the best evl deneoof Iht-lr vnhiiv Thousands linon thoUsatltU of boxtK nre sohl d.ilty. Why? Simply becauso they act promptly nnd efllctenlly. Invalids who mav not llnd It conven'ent to call on Doctor hCHENUK In person aro Informed that full and complete directions lor uso accompany eacn patuaK' oi me MANDIIAKP. PILLS. PPLMONIC SYRUI' AND SEAWEED TONIC. Thcvo medicines will ure cniisuniniion imlcKs ilm luir'S are so far so no that thu pulieut Is cutlicly beyond the io.i"n oi mcuicai reiier. It may be aked by those who nro not familiar with tho virlnes of Iheso great remedies, "How do Lr. hCIlENuK'S mcdlomes eflect their won derful emeu of rotihUHintlon?" tho nnswer is n Rlnipio one, mey uegin ineir wonc oi leKtomtlou uy nriuems ino siomacn iiver ami uoweis nuo an nciivo neauny concu- lion. It Is fno.ltlmt cures this rormlilnmu tus ease. bt'HKNt'K'H MANDRAKE 1'ILLS act ou tuo liver and stomach, promotmc Rccreiion, ami rci)iovln tho liiln nnd kIIhih which have result id liom tho inactive or torpid condition of these ornans, aud of tho K.vstem Generally. ThlsslHg elsh stnto ot thu body, nnd tho cotipequent nc eunuilatlon of tho unucnlthy substances named pruMiib i ue proper uikcsiiou oi iouu, uuu. u u natural consequence, creates disease, wnlch re sults lu prostrntinnand Ilnally tn de ith. hClIESCK"4 Pfir.MONrtJ SYRUP nud SEA WEED TONIC, when taken regularly, mingle with the food. n.ld tho dluestlvu omaiis. make trondilch Mooil. nml na n natural consenuencc. Kive nctn anu suengiuioino pjuenu Jvei. uiu laculiy say what it may. this Is tho only true cure for consumption. Experience nas proven It lii'vnml thn klimlnte oi n u oubt,nnd thousands uio to-day alive and well whoa lew years since were legarded as hopeless iBes, but who were Induced to try Dr. SCHENCK'S remedies, and wero restored In oermnnent health by theiruso Ono of tho Ilrst steps tlio physician bhould take with n consumptive putlentis to invigorate the sjstem. Now how Is this to bo dono? Certainly notuygtviiiK meuiciues mat exnaust aim ener vntt! iiudteiiif s tlmt ImiHilr Instead of im prove tho functions of tho dlgestivo organs. Doctor SCIIENCK'S medicine, cleanso ttiestomnch nnd bowels of nil Bubstunee.s wnicu ure caicuiaicu 10 IrrltnliU nr u.'nnl:(ii thptn. Thov crcilla nil finne- iitt nmmnin iwiilthftil digestion malco i:ood blood, and, as a consequence, they Invigorate mid Mivn!tb(-n tho entlio syMem, nnu moroes nrriiillv Jluio tifirts tvlilch ore dlhe.ictl. If thb ciuiiot bu tlone, then tiio cue must beiegnrded us ti nopeiess one. II MIU IIIIYHICIIIII I1IIUS 1L 1II1IHI1U1U IJ Jll.lKtJ patii'jjt ULTNtJitv. if tho dlscnsed nerson caiiot p.u'iiiko of good nourishing lood and pioperlv Is Impossible that lie can train iu flesh nnd strength : nnd It is equally lm possible to bring a patient to this condition sn 10ns as 1110 iivcr is ouiueneu wuii wisi'.ni mif. mid tlio Hiiiniiirii Luicn wim tin ueaiinv sunie, Almost tho lli-rit rcouest made to tho nlivslclan by iv eonsumpUVo patient Is tlint ho willptc scrlbe medicines that will remove or allay the cough, night sweats nnd clillls, which mo tho suiu utteudnuts on t ousumntlon. Dut this should not be done, ns thocutt is only au cflort ol uatuio tjreUmo Itself, and the nlaht sweats aim cuius nro caue'i uy me iuseavuu 11111, xnw ifiacdlca oidlnarlly prescribed do moio harm thuu yood. They impair tho lunctlons of tlio biomncn, imptiio muuiiy uiuusiiuii, nnu uyyi vntu iTtthcr tlmii t uru thu disease. Thero is, after till, nothing llko facts with which to substantiate n position, and it is upon lacts that Dr. bCHENClC relies, Nearlyallwho havo taken liU medlclno in accordance wlth'hU dinciions imvo noioniv necu enreuorconsumn- lion, but, fiomthu laet that these meillclius act with wonderlul power upon the digestive organs nallentK tlius cuied sntodllv iralu llesh. Cleans lug the s stem of all intimities, they lay ihe lounuaiion ior a souu, huoHiuntim Niiucuirc, HLKtoilncr tlirko (trtuns ttt health, tliev creulo nn npietite. Tlie fond m property nssunllated; the mummy oi uioou is 1101 tuny incicueu, uui i mudu ilch untL siioni; nud lu tho face ot such condition ol the system all dlseaso must bo ban- Ulu-d. Eull directions aec&mtmnv rnchof tho medU clues, so that it Is not absolutely ni'tessaiy that puiienis suouiiibce nr. m iiinuiv rersonauy unkssthey desiiu to lme their luusexamtntd. ror this puiposo he a at his principal oillce. No 1j North hlxth M., corner ol tomimice, PJiila dclphlu, cveiy Saturday, fiom )A, -M, until i'. 4i, Advice Is irivcn without thunro. but for thorough examination with thu llLbplrometer inu cuurgo is 50. Prlco of the Pulmoulo 8yrup and Seaweed Ti.liln -..!. til fl-f til . Iinlf iUn drake 'pills 'Joeeuts a box.- Vor sale by all urugtjisis, npih'ju-iy. 71llsiRthn mnuf llinrnimli liwinil tMirlOivr v dlscuveii d, and cures all huuwra from the worst iSi-i'pMrt to a common J'.rttptloii, JHnmlcs ami IllQtcheion thcuce, and tcctty ur rough ttktn, which nro sncli annoying blemishes to many young persons, yield to the use of a few bottles of this wonucriui mcuicme. nom one to eiclit bottles euio halt Jlhcum, IXyilptUu, Scald Head, Jlina 1! uri, llollt, Xcalii y.'i i'j.iwu aj the (;, Scrofula Aoi ct, lVcfrnil"ttiil.(r" I1W19 Mouth and Atom, (ici. It is a pure medicinal extract of native roots and plants, combining in lumnomi Natuio's most Eoverelzn curative pi opertlos, which God has Instilled Into tho vegeUhlo kingdom for heallnx tho sick. It Is n, great restorer for tho strength nnd vigor of tho system. Thoso who are. languid, sleepless, havo ncnoua apprehensions or fears, or any of the altectious symptomatic of weakness, will Hud convincing evidence of Its restoratlvo pow, rupon trial. If you fool dull, at oivsi. di bllUaled and dcpumlcnt, havo frequent llauluchc. Mouth UisUsbuUlyUi tho morning, r regular upiKtltc and tongue coated, you aro suffer ing from Torpid J.leer or "Jlitlousness." In many cases ol "Liter Lomplatnt" only apart or theso symptoms aio experienced. As a umedyfor nil such eases, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery has no equal as It effects perfect cures, leav ing lh liver ttrcnglhencd and healthy. For tlio euro of Habitual Constipation of the Bowels It 1 a never fnlllug reimdy.nnd thoso who havo ustu iv iur uus puipote- aio louuin its praise, In Jlronchlul, Throat and Lung lnseiucs. It ha l.roduccd inanv trulv reiniirktililn oiuiT iiitincineN nan laueii, Kolll llV illllLrilalu nt $1.0.) cr b itle. Plepaied at tho i'hemlcal t-annraiory oi Jl'70-lf It. V. 1U1-. hi r., M, IK, JIiilI'.ilo, N, V. s O.MKTHINO KKWI Tho undersigned would herchv glvo notlco that ho has lust completed A I'HW CLASS HEAltHi:, and that holiustbefnellitli srnrcarry. lug im tho business of UNDERTAKING lnall its blanches IN 0IT1 HTYLE, Ho lm engaged experlenceil persons who will taku chargoofthe liodle of the deceased as soon oh they "shutUo of Ibis mortal coll," and attend to washing Ibem, shaving, dressing, 4c, Hhrouds furnlsheil ntj to order, At much expeuso h. has also procured nu I It ON I OK BOX, In wldch bodies can be preserved In a cleanly aud illy condition, Cnrrlnge. lurnlsheil fur lu. n ft iiccaslous. In short, liu Is preparid tn tako charge of a ciipbolmmcdlattly alter death, and save frlindanudielatlveiiullfurthir trouble lit l (Kurd to It, Ho ulso currlc on the business of 0 A B 1 N K T MAKING Upholstering In all Us brunches, repairing fumi. line, reseating cane bottomed, do' l'laco of holiness ou Iron Street, below Main. . ..ROBERT ROAN, Bloomsburg, Jnly?J,I579-tf, Dry Goodfj & Notions. JpW STOOK OF CLOTHING. resit nrrlviu of SUMMEft O00D3. DAVID LOWENHElia invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, lilsstoroon Mrvln Street, two doors nbovo tlio American ltouso Bloomsuurg, ra., whero lie lias Just received from New York nnd illadelpbln n foil assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CL0T1IIN0, including tlio most fashionable, durable, and tinudsomo DItESS 000D3, consisting nf BOX, SACK, ItOCO, HUM, AND OIL-ULOTH COATS AND I'ANTS. of nll6orts,slzesnndcolors. llohasnlso rcplen Islicd his nlrcndr largo slock of ALL AND WINTEll SHAWLS, STItU'ED, FIQUIIED, AND 1'LAIN VESTS SIIIUTS, CllAVATS, STOCKS, COLLAltS UANDKEnCHIEFS, OLOVES, HUSl'ENDEHS, AND FANCY AUTICLIB Ho nas constantly ou hand n largo nnd well-se eded assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which lie Is prepared lo make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nud in tho best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, nnd most of it Is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEW'iLUY, oloerydescrlptlon, flnennd cheap. Ills caseol cuelry Is notsurpassedjlu thlslplace. Call nud xamlno Ids general assortmcu of CLOTHING, WATCH EH, JEWELBl , AC. DAVID LOWENBEIIG. c. 0. 31 A 11 It havotuit received from tho eastern markets ft largo and woll selected slock of D It Y GOODS, 0ONSI3T1NO OF Cnsslmcrs, Jcaua, l)ct bleached A Brown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Tnhlo Linens, Cotton Si All wool flannel AC., &c, A good btock of Ladies dres goods, Latest styles a patterns, Sptecs of all kinds, Good stock groceries, Quecnsware, Btotio ware, Wood & willow ware, Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaulnj; TIu, Brass, Ac. Ail goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. Ho would call tho attention of huycrs to his well nnd carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept lu tho coun try, feeling confident that ho can sell them goods at buch prices ns will eusuro satisfaction. Mov. flGO-tf C. C. MAnn. THE RED LION BRAND, D Ii AOK ALPACA Is superior to nil othersln color, quality nnd JI ie , iu uu 1UUUU UUI) Ub M. P. IiTJTZ'S "CUKI ill 171J UVIIKifl Ullll All.11,1119, IU UlUttl-I B new building next to tho Court House, Main Htn el, Bloomshurg, l'n. mayl3 ';o.lf. jyflLLElt'S STOItE. FRESH ARRIVAL Of BUMMER GOODH. Tno subscriber has lust returned from tho cities with nnutuer large aud select assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, purchased lu Now York and Philadelphia nl tho nwest ngiire, anu winch ho Is determined to soli ou ns moderate terms as can be procured else whero In BUwmsuurg. His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS 000D3 of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together wun n largo .assortment of Dry Goods and Grn ceiics, consisting of the following artlclea Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Oasslraeres, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, Whlto Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarwaro lluetnsware. Hardware Boots aud Shoes, Hats and Caps Hoop NeU, Umbrellas, Luoklug-Qlasieit, Tobuceo, CuIIee, Sugurs, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutme; AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In snort, overythlng usually kert In country stores, to which ue invlles tho attention of the pumic generally. The highest price will bo paid iur country piouuco in exchange for goods. S. 11, MILLER Jt BON, Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Tu, gEVEN ItlCASONS WHY Is the Best Liniment in the Would FOR HORSES, FinsT, It Is composed or tho most l'OWEnrcL and 1'ENF.TitATiNO liquids known In Chemistry. Skoonii. Comblued with tho nbovo li a Midi cinai. Dir., made expressly for this Liniment, and mixed by nn entirely new process. if.l,lili"-7T.1'e.u0..r tlie "" and penetrating Ingredient. Is to drlvo or forco lu lull beautiful MEniciNAi, Oil, which lubricates the Joints and muscles, nnd Immediately throttles the disease, and compels 11 to loosen Its deathly, Bicken lug and poisonous fangs. e Fouimi.-Thls Medicinal Oil Is used for tho samoroason that a good mechanlo always uses oil- o , make li t machinery work with ease and precision. So In Ihe same way tlio musclos and Joints of our nnlmaU should bo lubricated If we wish to havo them travel with rapidity and case. I- iFTH.-lt is very soothing In lis action, will not burn or lilister the nnlmnl like most of the "red hot" liniments of the day. Sixth. Not ono drop ol tlucturo of cayenne or red pepper enn bo found In Its composition : ror we, hold that no liniment can bo ehectlve which linrns and blisters Ihe animal until tho muscles uie hard nnd dried almost lo a crlsn, WEVENTII.-KverybOltlelSW-AKltANTEDtOKlVO BI?J,.?ttfll,f'!c"ou' or W money will be rofuud. id. T his shows conclusively I'lattho propria, tors havo full coniidtuco In tl.U prepuralion, and proves lor Ihe seventh time that U.K.S.H Is thu best Liniment in Ihe world lor horses. W;iui7ou iour Mercumt to palmojr Tinc ture of Ited J-eppcrand Jattshorn, or other trash on you.but ask for O.KH. H.for ulrses, ana take no other. Sold byaltdrug4ists. .Dr u' CAIIKY it CO., Hole I'roprletors. sepl270-lyj m Washington Street, New York. Hi ai.v uihik. oi tlio greute.1 luu-ubi aim Im. fflSIKl.,1ittc.u ! h,,, mornl nnd Physl. ologlcal standpoint, by an eminent physician and" medical professor, It show, how Hatan"" working out his subtle und dangerous designs through our most .acred domestic i nnd social re lations, l'ure-mluded, but outspoken and ag. Frrtf,l,!0,,UB,,?u,','orlmuille",ll8"elicateubJocts treated of without gloves, but lu suchn mauuiras SS'i t" mhilstcrto aprurleut curiosity. Thel'hys. eisttnT'iZ'iM'i.''. iililli. iTr, ;ui. r ..r.i-.T.'i" ."'".'t".1."? " " am will coutr bulo lo that end Just In proriorl on ai It has readers. A citcular ient rreu. conlalulni fiif?ii?BtoC.r,,t.,on aua y'P"' "f ih o work Willi "i ,Ki.'taQU' - VKN1'i Buhllsher ' scptnu-tf 5 College Bluee, N.V, l is uelioved. JJ O T I 0 13 , .The co.partnershh IMTtn,nl,lnl....l. in P?lyonWX ."SI.', ;V0tdUe1uTei,r,,'iymmisI M Ml". WUh lhB uew ,lrm u"e Of jgUY THE BEST. Dry Goods 8c Grocorios. riHAND OPENING H ttltAND Ol-ENINO UllANI) Ul'MNINU (litANll OI'BNINU UllANI) Ul'ENINU OF FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND WINTER 0001)3, WINTER GOODS, WINTER HOODS WINTER GOODS, WINTER GOODS, consisting ol consisting of consisting of oonslstlng or consisting of DRY (100DH, DRY GOOD,", DRY OOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATH AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAI'M, BOOTH AND HHOns, BOOIB AND H1IOKH, BOOTH AND HIIOIX, HOOTS AND HHOKH, BOOTS AND HHOEH; READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MA I IF. CLOTHING, RKADY-MAIIi: CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOIUNO-OLAHSKH, IiOOKING-OliAHSEB, liOOKING-OIAhHI-W LOOKING-GLASS I, NOTIONH, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, 1'AINIH AND OII.M, TAINIS AND OIUS, PAINTS AND OILS, 1'AINTH AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, (lltdCKltllX, OROCEltlKM, OROCEIttEH, OROCERIES, , tlUEENHWARK tlUKKNSWARK, llUEENSWARE, (iUlIENHWARE, llUEENSWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE,' TINWARE, TINWARE 4'. TINWARE, 1H' TINWARi: TINWARE, HALT, HALT, .HALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, KITH FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, Ac, AT NKAL NEAL NEAL NEAL NEAL McKELVY, McKELVY, McKELVY, McKELVY, McKELVY, CO.'H, CO.'H, co.'s; CO.'H. CO.'S. Northwest corner oi Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nud Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest eorncr of Main nml Market Htrrpfji. Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., BLOOMMIUIKI, PA BLOOMSUURG, 1'A., BLOOMSBURG, PA. BLOOMSBURG, PA. IRON AMD NAILH, IRON AND NAII.H, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, in large quantities and at reduced tates, alway Miscellaneous. TUB SUBSCRIBER HEREBY gives notlco that ho still continues tho MANUFACTURE OF WHEELER'S PATENT RAILWAY CHAIN HORSE ROWERS, nud is again in tho field fur lho Hnrviti nf t:o nt.d Is prepared to liirnMi Fanners wllh tho must renaoio iuacuines onerea to tho public, . I aiso build DOUDLE-fj EARED JACKS, to at lacti to the(ird ef u four.liorse I'nwer, to i ""J iJiiiimiD ,i, 1IUIMH Wllllll tho same amount of threshing with thlsarruuge- uk"i iii.iv lum iyiii iiii iiuy inner iiiresiier. '!!" '!Iso. AEUlt to Mil WIU FI.ER'H COM DINED TilHKaHEH and W1NN0WLIW. For further paithulais or for tho purpose o ordering machines, tiddref s J.M.IIUL&IUZER, JelO'70-tm l,lgl,i street, Col. Co., THE HYPERION HAIR CURLER'S. AN INDISPENSABLE lillLl.i; I on THE LADI1M. UWintul JuljMh,lWJ.) This Curler Is lho most :ouiil-i. liornnv inelalllobubstauco u&cd lo rim or lueaic me Hair, jiaii'it.tetnied only and iui mxiv uy McMillan & co, No C3NoiIh l'ront Street, 1'HIL.tIlEI.I'IIIA, 1'A. Hold at Dry Goods, Trimmings and Notion Blores. N. B. Single Box ?5 cents; 3 Boxes, assorted sizes, 03 cts. Mutltdne to auy part oi the unlt- 4 "i'Vll 5 receipv oi ino moue'y, tV,'i1"!a' MV N-V.oras Rli St.. I'lnrlnnsl 1,0. . ! i"u i"si KHii:iranti iki selling luliscrlption lsjiiks publMiul. and UiomniUiK nntlilni , 1 V I c,rV"mr8; Hey Will COSt you . M, .ul IJU Vi tt,t4ll m-ni.Ky l(j j'Un, fehll'70-ly. 810,000 GUAUANTilK. BUCK LEAH EXCELS ALL OTHER LE.VDI 1st. For lis Unrivaled Whltcnevw, 2il. For Its Unequalled Durability, 3d. For lis Unsurpassed Covering Properly, Lastly Ior Its Economy. , -It COSlSLEKHto paint Willi Bt't'K I.EAn thnuuuy other Whllo Lead extant. The mine weight covers MORE HUlll'ACi:, Is more DUR ABLE, uud make. WHITER WORK, B UCK LEAD, la Ihe Cheapest aud Bet GUARANTEE, IiUOK ZINO EXCELS ALL OITU'.R ZINUi 1st, Vor Its Unequalled Durability, Sd. For Its UiiiUuled WhlteneM, .si, 1 or Its Unsurpassed Cuverlng 1'roperty. Lastly, fur Its dual Leonomy, being lho CHEAI'EST, HANDsOMIiST, and most DURA1ILE Whllo I'alut In the world, nuv ONi. v BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Sillsfactlou Guaranteed by Uio Manufacturers. BUCK COTTACJE COLORS, l'repared exptessly for Balutlug COlTAOFJt, OUT IIU1LDINGH of ery de serin tlou, FENCES, Ac. THIRTY-HVi: DlFFEft. EN T COUHtH, Durable, Cheup, Uniform, aud Beautllul shade.. Buraple cord, sent By Mall If deslrcel. Dealers' Orders will be promptly executed by the manufacturers, FT.r-Ni II.Btt itAltDH Af'O., N. W. Cor, Tcutii una M jruet Mr els, Jan!S70-ly. l'hlladelphla V-'aytv tfj z,. Muriect inennoueveriir yiiT All X ' J 'l'r, 1 t io public. It Is .feiVin Kf i e' ?T I pearanco, and will not In lC Ml l,lru 'he halr.ns thelo Is ii ' yeas I no heat leimlied. nornnv Ifiil Hard-warp , & fjutlo rpilE NEW irABDWAtitTZr2 JL , .NIMBUS ULTRA lESTOIlE Having enlarged our Blorn i " OBENEDANEWyr'SJu., directly from the Manufacture,, t Y' cash, ou a declining marketw' t"hMftl ,M oiler tho samo to r I)rtIairJii g FARMERS, MECHANICS Burr, nndtherektof Mankind n , ILl,E8. prising nil the kinds and'ou.iitil. . stock rctn iiii.viij jiuiu ware Htoro. sutti, y fr;: ol o county, nl unnstiali, " Jw !? " ieit?J Allthosohoiirodeslrlousnr.,,ricfs- " In our line can save Mmiey CiWiM'n ,w Now Haulwaro Store. y y '""Itlng in'.Wi l'icaso glvo us a call and exnmi ' Apr.nwyr llU'NyA?,r,4, Hloomsbarp JAC0I1 K. SMITH, gniTii & aELTJ5EIiH,lI Impqrler,RudDealmin Foreign ,. II A R D W A R p ' OUNS, OUTLBRY, 4C NO. 403 N. THIBt) BTnEET, AB CAt " Nov.,,w.,,i,-ruowm QARRIAGE 5IA NUFACTOHY, Bloomsbnrg, ra. M. C. SLOAN A nrtOTHim Have on hand nml fur sale at tho most bio rntes ft splendid stock of 1 rcMon- OARRIAGES, BUOQlra and every description oi Wagons bolh I'LAIN AND FANCY wnrranled to bo made of tlio best and mol ,ii,r A10,.!""1""!1.".' nni'. hy tho most eVSJrtJS w rumen. Jii nn sent out from tha it . shment will bo fi.unit in iu.,,riif ...."". nnd niiro lo glvo perlcct PatlMactlon. Vbh!2 also n line nssortniintof '"pyctiTt SLEIQIIS of all lho new est and most InshlonaUo stvl ell ond carefully mado and 01 lho i J, SB? lals. '""" An lnsnectloti nf i heir eo,li- i. believed Unit none btiperlor can be found i in h. country. Nov. 26.W. Insurance Agencies, Q L O 11 13 JI U T UAL .LIKE INSURANCE COMPANY O P NEW YORK. Pliny lrconmu, President, H, C. Freemnn.Ste eapiiai over wu.lwi', su paid. J. B. ROBJSON.BLOOMSHUkO.PA GENERAL AGENT, Tor Lur.cruc, Lycoming and Coiamlla counties. Aug, 20,'(i'J-ly. r SURANOE AO ENOY, Wyoming. jm Etna 4f.OOC.0CX I tulton... 3jg,n North America sco,it City CAM International l.W.OI Niagara l,iM Putnam Merchants aiJ.OJ I Hprlngflehl 670.M I Farmers' Danville -.. . 5W,W I Albnny City M0.M I Lancaster City acd.OCO 1 Vork Horse, Death & Theft.... 6VX0 1 Homo, Now Haven l.WJ.M I Dauvllie, Horso Then FREAH BROWN, (itn!, mai8.C3-ly, Bt.ooasacr.a, Pi Foundries. gHARPLESS & HARMAX, KACH.i: FOUNDIIY AND MANt'FACTCKlSO tStll, STOVES & PLOWS WHOLiaALE 4 RETAIL I TUK CKLEBltiVTED MONTU03E IK0.1 DUX iSI I t THE IIDTTON WOODEN BEAM I'LOWJ. Castings and Firo Brick for repalrlngcllrSlovii I All kinds of Brass or Irou casting made loonier I upuu snort notice. ..... it. r. & P. S. BARMAN, Bloomsburg, I'u. proprietor! Mar.rj.'tiU-ii. JpiRST NATIONAL I Willie liT-ALI, BEST, PUREST, AND CHEArESIi I SATISFACTION GtrAIlAMEEOl I For Whiteness, Diiiatillty.nndBrUllaii-.H I cy, it nas no equal. . Jlj Sold by all dialeisin Palais thrnnsbont tho country. BARKER, MOORE & MEIXi n succiasona to i T. MORRIS l'EROT & CO. Solo l'roprktors,rhlladelplila,l'o., Dtaleis in all kinds of DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS, OWS, iivutiurrs, dc if. I Oaution.-OwIhb to the rfrn'M'V!,-! ur "First Nalioui.1 White I end, Mi'lleshae been Induced toiB.rn H ions nrlieio ui.elir the nunc ;iianie, oro Boore of Counter!. IK J'?K. uo is put up 111 exiiii nn.' 'ir.,,iu'kl .oik, with piltent metallic he haaV I lUel tbuuuiuuot BARKER, JIOORE et Ml. On each label, For stile by mnr25'70-Iy. "ovEiiiinowrj. ARMERSI EXAMINE AM""" T II E O.R I a I N A L baugifh buino I'ntsr Raw Bone 1'noH'J"'1 All othois nro Imitation. Jlitil The B A U O II ' S kaw hone PHOSPHATE OF ijmeJ 8UPER MARK 1570. FALL, ...i.rnii. ..i This Jfiiiiura Is mode of Hnwur,lr.,,liell Ilonos. rich In Nltioi'enoua inaticr. u. h ., nu ,.r 'iii..i llin Hone ir.l. mo u highly soIuUoand quickly avallahiyjsoKi me Aiiiinonia in sucu l""!'1" ",r, ha cror.,.. prompt and vigorous action upon tw' H5 1W past season , tho indications, will oJ ,,ui lire lht it will maintain Us well 'u;''riiilr Hon. Woriquest all lu need of a live mis article a trial. B A U Q II st S 0 N b, Man ufactuiikhs, Offjck-Nii SO S, Delaware Avenue. BAILADELl'IHA. JUVTOtf. -I .ZV v A R P. THE undersigned rcspw'yii trfj Unit thev keen nil lho dlUe.reni uu" purp moo isniiiK ;,, ,,i,ibiru'."lTvl coal ami selecleel lumpeoa tor -,'.', vy Jsei" ... n ll, urlinrr. ntt oiullltf l.v.r-iif.U Sf1 l their wharr, niljolulnjl .M 'ifto i?! urnaco; Willi rntixfl pajr ' lui HWl Co a I nu thu ii iiiu wmiri, iu nmi" ... ,lellver ."r.i Ikowlso a hof so and wago i , u "''ugse 15 1 lose who desire It. As they ''Siui'ffl thoso umoun llcle, call lug rpi.IE uaaotattaS'J& j. cnuugo ior uoai ,. ,," euro. oaii,:,,trt I J. w, HLNDK' Bloomsburg Mar. W.'ftMy. mm? IB