The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 16, 1870, Image 3

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'tit dttmJriim
Boomsburg, Friday, Sopt. 16, 1870,
THE proceeding of tho Conrjrcsslonnl
inferenco appear in nnouior column.
KiiANaE. Cornelius Cronln Una boon
Eiolntcd Postranstor nt Dushoro, Hul
Bin county In tho 'placo of John M,
ii.cock, removed.
REV. w. O. IIendrickson will tic-
cr ft Tcmpcrnneo Address in mo
Irsbyicrmn ciiurcn or mis piaco, on
t'Sdiiy ovening, tno -uui mat.
Iutent. Auionc tlio list or natents
intwl durinir tho past week, wo no-
fone to Andrew J. iroscott or Unm
a, for nn improved enr coupling.
frou can Kot black, white, drab,
bwn ,pnrinuRo,Doiicn no,scnrict, pi n k ,
km. ijiuu twin muuiun ucrmaiiiowii
fool nt M. P. Lutz's, for 13 els per oz.
Mrt. J. S. Sanders proposes to bend
Tfuzlcton Sentincllo tho former sub-
libera of tho Gazette. Quito a uuin-
r of tlicm iiavo sent us uieir iiiiiiim.
hiE "Domestic'' Sewing -Much I no
Lo seen mm. i quiz's ury (loom
tore, vo not uuy n maciuno ncioro
tna tho "uomoauc" n carciui cxrtin-
VERV Democrat in tho county wo
ye no doubt is anxious for party bug
tithls fall. How many of them have,
flea single effort towards nccom-
thing it.
oxciressional. J. B.McCulIum of
knuehanna county lias been noniina-
for Ooncross from tho 12th Congros-
Ml District composed or tno coun
b of Luzerne and' Susquehanna.
Daniel Billmeyeu has been now-
tied for Sheriff of Montour county.
place of Robert Ilusscl, deceased, lie
nnacuvu, wurhiug ajuuiuunu, cuuit'a
good stock, and will niako an cfll-
lot oiucer.
kevhue Accident. On Friday of
It week, a liUlo son of Uov. Mr. Sliar-
itsor Mount I'icasant township, ieii
Em a chestnut trco and broko both
dm between tuo oioow nnu wrist, no
doing very well, his injuries not nf-
jtlng nis spirits in tno least.
keveu was weather moro onjoyablo
fen that which wo aro now having.
Bos and mosquitoes have ceased to bo
J annovance. Darter collars and cuffs do
It wilt, soda fountains luwo ceased to
ifi necessity, and n a man (iocs not
top soundly, it must uo uccauso no is
criminal or belongs to tho Radical
I Accident. On Tuesday tnornlnc
it Mr. Wm. Mowry, a conductor on
Ec of tho Brown Lino of cars, whilst
tempting to cot on a train at Hicks'
ferry, on tho L. & B. II. 11.. missed his
ting and ieii unucr tno wnecis wnien
tono oi nis legs completely on. no
kl from tho effects of his injuries, on
ted nesday night at his home in Dan-
3kape8. Tho yield of this delicious
alt has been unusually largo this year
B vines oeing lainy loaded uown wun
e fraurant clusters. One gentleman
this placo hi-8 over ha a ton of the
tit. uo proposes to uso homo oi it in
biking wino and, Judging from tho
Eouiit of raw material wo Mioulu
link ho might get enough to start a
Mlesalo liquor store.
IFiiost. A sharp frost visited us on
onday morning last,thi!ground being
into wnuo. ivniiot noi severe cnoucn
Icauso damage, it is yet a forerunner
rtiioso tocomo which will. A killing
bst would provo disastrous to tho
Ickwhcat crop and will carry sorrow
to tlio bosom of many a lover of tho
aue.'' a winter without buckwheat
Ikes would bo but a sad one Indeed,
Passed. Geo. A. Clark, son of Rob
nx. tiark. isci.. nas passed an exam
bition at Princeton College, creditable
i himself and cratifvine to his friends
fed lias been admitted to that iustitu-
la. There will bo many In this placo
no win take picasuro m tnonoovoiuct
i nis menus wero numerous and
srm. Wo wish him tlio success which
Bare sure his pluck and rnauliness
uu ensure mm. uoou iuck to mm.
Court Week. Tlio number of ner-
pi who wero in town during tho past
tk was not largo, except on the first
ly or two. A largo amount of business
u accomplished, although a great por
ta of the time was taken up by tho
lirder trials of Palmer and Kantner.
lo civil list was not reached. Three
Icks at least could havo been absorbed
trials, Judging from tho list, and it
Juki seem irom tno accumulation oi
kluess, that courts of a einglo week
Rll bo things of tho past.
Township Elections. As our rea
rs are awaro, Township and thoGen-
m uucuon aro now neiu at tno samo
pe. It is now tirao our friends wero
pting around for good, strong men
local candidates, ns their Retention
pll aid tho general ticket. In nil ca-
p nominations should uo regularly
me, tickets printed, and no split or
ut-pendent tickets bo permitted. Men
!'0 will not nlildn liv thonctlon of the
fjority show a selfishness anti-demo-
ftic, and that justillts their rejection
r uie party.
The Schools. Tho followinc aro tlio
imes of tho Teachers recently appoin-
u mr iiioomsuurg, ns wen as tno
hools to which they wero assigned :
uoom ino. I, (new Duuuingi i: m.
tea. Principal: Geo. E well. Assist-
It . ' '
IHoom No. 2, (now building) Wm.
b, ben io smitn, Assistant.
Room No. 8, (new building) A. Hart-
d, L. D. Kase.
Koom No. 4, (new building) Miss T.
matta, Miss Florenco Wirt.
No, 1, (old academy) Jos. Garrison.
iao. n. old academy i Miss iuuo isetz.
IXo. 3. (old academy) Miss Efllo Vauco
Port Noblo Miss Slattlo Yarnall.
IWclsh Hill (colored school) Miss
JMorgantown Mr. Grimes.
Schools begin tho first Mouday in Oc
IDase Ball. Another gamo between
eTown nnil Ttnllrnnit Nines of Cata-
lUsa, was played on Saturday last. Mr
fiT proved mmseii nn exceueii uiii
and tho cranio was an oxecedingly
PS one. Aflnr a verv rlnsnenntcst thu
fC'Ru uoys wero again successiui.
Iwoof tho Town Nino wero nicely
:i. . . . .
I 'm out" between 2nd nnd 3rd by Har
'randMoyer. Abbott and "Witman
"w great skin as caninins. nnu sscoit,
udwle. Kllno and Lewis mndo somo
usually uno plays.
town nine.
It. It. NINE
n tj
3 2
3 2
2 3
& 1
3 2
3 1
1 2
1 1
fine, n r i
Mover 3d b
Ludwig, p
Eyer, 1st u
wit c no
bott.lstb 1 3
Putter, l r 5 o
Probst M i. n V
into, a s
Lewis, 1 f
i-wme, r f 3
Stadlor, c f
ruoibachss 1 0
ward, 'id u
Wltmnn. o
K'y.wh i i
iacr 2 l
Harder, r f
iota), 20 lull Total, 0 10
r. n t a
i,nni 2 0 1 3 2 0 2 0
ine, 0124 2 103
pi.. ""i uw. iiouuiiis nnu itamscy,
.wtchea-Town Niuil 0$ itall
Tun Census. Wo trivo below, tho
population of certain townships, ns
completed by tho Census Marshal and
annex as well, for tho purposo of com
parison, tho figures of tho previous
census, that of iBGO. It will bo observ
ed that tho greatest proportionate In-
creaso is mat oi i-ino townsnip 1UU,
whilst tho least lncreaso is in Hugarloaf
white ii7i cora oVti
Mtiles Females Maths Females Total
1 470
i H
LOCAL NOTICES. & Low of Orangovlllo,
Pa., manufacture tho best Thrc&hers
and Cleaners, tho best Wheeler's Itall
way Chain Horse Power and Thresher,
from tlio original patterns and tho best
Lover Powers miulo In this county, if
not in tno siato. i;on't lall lo examine
their machines beforo purchasing any
other. They guaranteo them to glvo
satisfaction In every respect. They al
so manufacture Plows and other Agri
cultural implements. Seo their adver
tisement in another column. tf.
Ii you havo n discharge from tho
nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss
of tho senso of smell, tasto or hoarim?.
eyes watering or weak, feel dull ami
stupid or dobllitutcd, pain or pressure
in tno neaci, tauo com easily, you may
rest asurod that you havo tho Catarrh.
Thousands annually, without manifest
ing half of tho above symptoms, term
inate in consumption and end in tho
grave. No dlseayu is so common, moro
deceptlvo or loss understood by physi
cians. R. V. Pierce, M. U., of Buffalo,
N. Y., is tho proprietor nf Dr. Sago's
Catarrh Remedy a perfect Speciflc for
Catarrh, "Cold in tho Head," or ca
tarrhal headache, which ho sends to
any nddress, post paid, for sixty cents,
or four packages for $2. Pamphlet sent
free. Sold by druggists.
Aiiomatio Schiedam Schnapps
seem to bo extensively gaining our
public confidence, and promises to take
tho placo of ovory other liquor now in
use, especially for medicinal uso.
This is not surprising; for.npart from
its being found in most of our respecta
ble Drugstores in this city and country,
and its being strongly recommended by
tho physicians, tho mild nnd agreeable
tasto of this article, contrasted with the
strong, pungent nnd actual sensation
nroduecu on thonalato bv tho common
deleterious article which is now the
general complaint of nearly all tho
medical faculty of this country would,
of itself, sulllco to clvo it tho decided
preference. If prescribed as a medi
cine, it is not bad to tako ; and to Uso
as a beverago it is considered by judges
to do superior to any nrticioot tno Kind
over Imported into this country.
Music! Go to Alstatt for Music. In
struments, Canes, Pishing rods,
court nouso Alley. "
milleh, hughes &, co.,
This SewluB Mnchlne runs stiller nnd raster
than nny other, It has lower parts, It lias a cast
tltel shutllo that will never wear out, It lias
Blake's Patent table which to seo shows its use
Agents wautcd In unoccupied Territory In
Pennsylvania, Now Jcrecy, Maijiand, Delaware
Virginia, West Virginia nnd District of Colum
uro agents for the sale of " urocuway's ' jusuy
ceieuitlteu uream otitt ottt stueu iites, wucti tney
will kell ns ehcan us eountrv brewed ales: i h ol
and hslf burrels constantly on hand. Tills nhi
is brt-weil liy wiuiuin jiroeitway, oia totfj)
liasi .ieint(l ntreei, isrw jurjt i-iiy.
liiooiukuurg, juuo iv,
JL CUL'lUltAL KOC1ETY. Hie exhibition of
Hits Hoelety ItirlhTUwIU bB(heldatheraiituu,on
jveitwy, m, ,i euacjj, mpteiituer
xoiu. J nuTBUuii. rtei)ieiiiuer .vtu. rriuu'. Dement
ber st'lli. 'Ihu itiuumls aro Btmclous. tlio bulhl
lugs und nrcoinmodatlons ample, uud tlio pre-
luiutu list nuciai. jicre u no cnurpe jor entries
n trciit. Ilnisi m riilt red fnrsnterl. t'nfrv II.kiIim
open 'Jtrtdajt September 6th. Kor catalogues or
tuiurmauou, uuuii'h ut ncniiiiuu.
luiiii u. tfiuiuun, 4 ,v-satrui
D, W., Itcc. Hecrelary.
ELiiitiptii: McConkkv. Cor. Sco'y.
Scrnnton, Sept. U, ISTiMw.
The natural result of exhaustion of strength
t,v ..vpcw&lvn Inltnr or action. Ida feellm; of weuk-
UesS, UUIIUKSB, uraviuiH, MHllUn, lUUUI
of body or iniuu. esc rersou. ot u. wros ruusu
tutlou, or whoso hu tilts are sedentary, frequently
complain of this relaxed condition of tho vital
energies i uud when persons of a nervous tem
ruriiiiiiit nru tlius utjikened and debilitated.
disease Inevitably follows, unless It is at unco
checked and overcome. All who suiter from
these caubea Alike require u remedy which will
strengthen tho system without exciting tt, and
owakett feeling of true enJoiueut. m ihnt . llfo
may titeomo a source of pleasure. MlHHLhlt a
llrltll linil'.lltt nas wuu its way mm iuo -tidr.iwn
nr itimisands of this class of liersons,
who uuriuly endorse It us the best luvlgoratlmj
ugent, uud the most poleut uud genial of all
tonics suu Ulierutives tor streugiucuiusi uuu i
storing tno pnyticai coiuiiiuiiuu.
Democratic Ticket,
ran itErriESENTATivi:.
noAniNGcnREi: township,
rotl AUDITOlt,
(To bo voUitforby tho voter of lllooin, Rcott,
riiK'iriniti liuu urt'unwuuil.;
Tlgllniico Comniitlcc
llRAvnit 1' L. &Lumn.n. ilnsc.iHclillcttrr. O. I
ltr.NTnN I, 1C, Krlcklmutn, T. 1). Colo, John
Iticitwicic Hon. A. I), fecclcy, Isailoio Cliam
Ijcrliii. lnfilah Ilowrr.'itF:i,K Albert Hnillh.Haiaucl KelcUicr.
tiiA.un i uaviu Jiowcnucrff, u. m. iitowu,
UuwtM W.-Hnmucl Wilklns. CO. llfticlrtv. W.
(. Mt'Kluiicy,
i KNiiiAi.iA-u. , iauiimu, uuwaru uuney,
MIU'K McNntlcy.
CoNYNiiiiAM N. It. Tliornt'jn, Cliao. Doughcr
ty Patrick Hlituighessy,
CnNVNdiiAM M. I'eterLuby.Thomns Urcunnu,
1'iilrlrlc llnrlr.
rtMHIll rt'lllTOlI,
LitNntK Hi ram Schwerncnhctsor. Srmutl
lluwtr, JfRse milimau.
risiiiNuna.KK K. J. McIIcury, M. A, Am
nun 11 uu lluli Meltrldr.
1'uankmn Mbbes McIIcnry.Chri&tlan Artlcy
John Wlt'iftv
i.hkknw'ood Jacub H. IWnns, Isaac A, Dowitt
aiu uu.
IlhMLocKWm. H, Hhooinakcr, David Wng-
tier, iliiuh Mcllrltln.
Locust Oera Hower. Klias Creasy, Wclilnx
Inn Yifiicnr.
.maimk-u. J. uampucii, joiiu ui, vtiiuuu
Mutlin Uanlcl A. Iles Samuel Xuss, Sam
ut'l HintRT,
Mt. rr.KAS nt J no. Mordau, Thomas Weill
vcr. Jncltsou Ilieler.
Madison Richard FruIt.LewIsHchuylcr, John
.Moxtouk Kvan Welllver, leter A. llvans,
Noah JW ouver.
UiiANGi: John .Snyder. U. A. ilcgargelLlllrum
It. Kllno.
I 'ink L, A, Geimun, Johu Lore, Valentino
ltoAuiNQCUKKi; John Manrcr, Amsey Craig,
Hamuel Iluuck.
Hcott ocar Kut, J. M. Rice, Henry A. Oman.
V. 1J. KOONtf, Clialrmuu.
i tako this method of anununcin to tho pub
lic, that nt tho solicitation ot numerous filumls,
I havo consented tohonn IndciemU nt Candi
date Tor Associate Judge.
jq O T
I O E ,
At tho renuestof a number of friends. I nn-
nounco my name as an Independent Candidate
lor Kherltl.and respectfully feullclt ttieHUpncirtof
the public. AARON HMIT1I.
Is Urtphtcr. will not Fade, Costs I.esn ttian nny
oilier bccau&ult 111 I'alnt iwlcc fis much btirfnco
1' A I N T S .
J, II. WEEKS & CO., Mnimfuct livers,
l VOI" aUACISS. A victim of early inillscre
A tion, causliii' nervous debility, iircinaturu do
uuy, Ac, hflVlUK tried 111 valneveli aUvelllseil
remedy, lius n sluiplo means ol seli-cuio, wlilch
ho will heml Tica to his fellow-hulleurs. Atldrcfcs TUTl'LE. IS St., New Yolk.
CllAltMINO. loOpanesj clotli. This wontler
lul boolc lias lull Instructions to enihlp hu le-ul
erto laselnateelthersex,ornny nulmnlatwlll.
Mcsiiiorism, Hplrltuallsm. uuil humluds of other
curious experiments. It can bo obtained by
sendinu address, with 10 cents postage, lo T. w.
EVANS ACO.,No.llS)o.ElKhthKtf l'hlladelphla.
SIDNEY E. MOUSE, Jll., .t CO.,
37 Park ltow, Nnw Youk.
WA N T E I). Lands In Pennsylvania for
cash and cood stocks. TOWNSENU 11IIO-".,
iji nouiu imru street, i'unaueipnta.
terest in one of tlio best Silver Mints of tlio
day, developing, u near iieorKCionn, col. can
satisfy u of its undoubted Mtluo ns a tiooil In
vphtincnt anil a navlmr one. ltcst t)f reterences
Itlveu. I wish to sell one-hall ol It ten ckojj
jot cath. Address my Att'ys, TO'NSi;Ni)
IIIIOH., Ul South Third street, I'hlladelphla.
INHIX MONTHS can bu mado
by n Mhrewd and reliable man In
ti sure, sale business. An Investment of ait win
return u clear prom or si,j. i''orparitcui.irs can
on or address tho NOHTH AMICKIIJAN PIU
TUItE CO., No. 65 Nassau Mieet, New York.
tif 1"S naifes. Price. '10 els. bv mall. AMLlil-
CAN Ni:WH CO., New York.
p u u
V A L U A 11 L E 11 E A I. E H T A T E .
Tim ntirlpisifiicil. l-'xrculors tif tlio last will
and testament of Martha A. J. White, dee d, v. Ill
oiler at public vendue upon the pieml.scs. by
virtue ol poucr In said lust will cuuttilned, on
HA1 tlltl'AY, UulOlll'.ll 1st, 1S7U, at two O'ClOfIC
In thu ulleiuoon of midday, the folluwlug do-
son bed
sltuato In LUht Street, Coluiiibl.i County, Pa.,
and uouiuitu ouine nortiiuyau niiey.ou tuu
east by nn alley, on tlio south by u lot of Mrs.
I.ytlla HaRenbucti, nnd on thu wist by Main
Htteet of said town. Whereon uio erected, to
stable nnd out buildlngH with n well of excel
lent water, wuu tno appurtenances.
TrnvH op hat.t- Ten nor cent or tho nur-
eliaso money to be paid down on the day of sale,
nnd the balance on the 1st of April, A. D. 1S7I,
when possession will bo given, and n deed exe
cuted uud delivered. bAMUEL WllJTJi
ALSO: At the same time tho following do-
-.-I. Bit, in in T.lphl tslrret nforeold.nnd bound
ed us follows: On the north by lot of Jacob ler-
wIlllKer.ou the west by on auey, on tiiesouiu l..t ,,t I. ..Iai- n.til f Imiiiii. uud Dlltho OlSt bV
Jlalii sireet, of said town. Wheicon uro elected
n two story
a good stable, out buildings, well of water with
pump, ixu., ;
Tkums Iteasonablo, to suit purchasers,
sepu7u-3t, oauulIne h. dkwitt.
VALUABLE heal ehtate.
Tlio uuderslgned oilers nt private sale about
HltUatO 111 JJemou luiihinji, nmnuuiu wi'iiiity,
bounded by lumU of Kllfabetb Kline, Daulul
it'iiiion in.ufir wiiit'h Id cltaicd laud. It ulio
lontulitsa good ounu ore hmd,
and a never falling iprlna of water. AUo u
Tlio balance of tho tract Is heally timbered
with oak, white pluo, ic.
For ternm,condHloui, lc, apply tu the uuder
hifined. 'ihe uctuul nuuibc-r ot ueica will bode
ttrmliied iiy fcurvey.
Heuton,Juno.U7U-tf AVM, AI'l'IXMAX.
MAMJrAcrimfcu anu ion balu iiv
N. W. SA51PLE & CO.,
1IUHO, l'A.
CALL aw hxamim: it.
Itlootusbure. Juno W, IKO-tf
WltRHRA4. lit tbnlttt'anr !hl rinttimniittmnltli
It H made tho duty or tho Hhcrlirof every county
to at vo notice of the Rneral Klpctloii, by
tmbllcatlon lit ononr moro newspapers In tho
county, at lean twenty dnys beforo tlio election,
and to cnumernto tht-reln tbeolllcors to bo elect
ed. and to dednato tho places nt which tho elec
tion H to bo bold.
Tiiereioro j, .MuuniiCAI MII.T.AUD.IIIgli fihrr
lirof Columbia eounty, do hereby make known
and proclaim tolhoquattnrdeloctoniof Colum-blai-mmty.
tlmtngeneral i;iertlon will bo bebl
on 'lUi.HllAY. TJ1M Kt.KVUNTII 1AY OK fjJ. (bcliiK the llrst Tur5ilay In
Ritld mouth,) at tho several districts within tho
county, to wlti
Kraver township, at Iho publlo house of Thou,
J, Hhuinan,
Jiuntou townsnip. at tho public house of wes
ley 1'iatt In the town or ltcnton,
Kiist liloom, ut tho Court House, In Uloomv
West liloom, at the Court Houso, in Illooms
llorough llerwlck at the Town House, in tho
borough t)r Berwick.
Hurough Ccntrallu, nt tho public house ol It, A.
Weldeusaul, ,
Urinrcreek townsbtp,at tho public school houso
near U vanillic.
Catdwinna township, at tho public bouse of
Huinuei KosieuiMuuor. in tuo town ortatawiHHn.
Centre tuwiiHhlp, at (ho school houso near Ja
fay( tie Creafccy'H,
li'orlti Couynshnm District at tho school house
near the eolllery of John Alldrewu & Co.
Huuth Couyngham District nt the house of
Thorn u Kllfttr, lately fixed by a vote of tho citi
zens oT that, tou'i.kVihi.
''iahhlfiereolt township, at tho public- huilso of
Fiauklln luwiibtilp at tho I-.awr.iuco school
Oreeuwood township, at tho homo of Joseph
lit 1 UltUIlt
Humluck township) at tho public houso of Chas,
II. Dlcttcrich in tho town of illicit Horn.
Jackson towushlpat tho hoime or DzeklelColo,
Locust township, at the publlo houseof David
Yenger in Mlabtowii.
MitlUn township, at tho public hoiue of Anion
Ues4 in the town of Miltliuv llle.
MndUon township, at thu public house of 8am
nel Itlmhy, In Jeihuytuwn.
Mt. Pleasant townslilp, ut thu lio.iso of H. W.
Montour township, nt tho houseof Wm. Hot
llnhcnd, Maine township, at tho public houe of Abra
ham K, bhuimiu.
KtmrinKcreek township, nt tho hniiie lovintrl y
oi-cuhicst hv Ueo. V. Di-wlsbAh.
onuit) inwiibhlp, at the public houe of Clin
ton v. nnlo lu Ornnecvtlle,
Pine township, at tbeCenlroHchool House late
ly llxed by a voto of the citizens of said township,
Hugarloaf township at the house of Allnas Cnle ino puonc nouso or win. 1'e ti
lt ill Ks.
At winch thno nnditlaees tho nunllfled electors
wnn'iav uy (junut liiu jouowiugrsiaie aim couu
ty onieers, viz ;
Oio person fur ConRrcss.ono person fir IUpro'
Rcntii live, uno neraoii for An-toolfitn Jmlrrp. onn
1 eruii for Slicrlti; ono person for Commissioner,
nnu jurbuu lurdiiiy L-oiiinussioiier, nno person
for Loroner and ono tiers on lor Auditor.
It is further directed that tho election polls of
me loycrui uismcis miuii uo iipeueu oeiween tno
hours of sir and seven o'clock In tho forenoon,
nnd shall continue open without interruption
aim Hiijuii milium mini nuvcii tt cii'cu in uio o civ
when tho nolbt shall be closed.
Pursuant to tho provisions ennlalned in tho
70th section of the uct llrat aloresald, tho Judges
of tho atoresald districts shall respectively take
ehargo of tho certificates of return of tho elec
tion of their respective districts, and produce
tbcmnt a mccltug of one Judco lrom each dis
trict at the court Iiouho. In Uloom&burg, on tho
third day alter tho day of thu eltetlou, bclnon
I-'rlday. tho loth day ol October, nt lu o'clock
a. mM men aim mere io tui nnu perioral me uu
ties required by law of said Judges.
Also, that whero n Judge, by hlckncss or una'
void u bio accident, is unable to attend such meet
Iul-C or Judges, then tho eerttlleatu or leturu shall
tin iRkt!ii cliurira of In one of the liiHnpetnrt nr
elcrlts or the election or tho district, who shall
uo and perform thu duties ieiulied ot bald Judge
UlUlUlU lO ULlfUU,
'liio iieiuru juuccsoi mo coniricssionai i)-s.
rlc.t. noninosed ot thu Counties ot Hradford. Co
lumbia, Milllvan, Montour nud Wyominir, tdiall
nift-L uL tho Ciitirt Houso In TiiiikliHiinitrk. on
'iueiday tho ldth dny or October next, to niHke
out tho returns for Member or Congress.
aiio reiuru juuges ot ino iiepicsemaiivo uis
trlct, coiuposcd ol the counties of Columbia and
louiour huau niut-i at ino Lnuri iiouse, in
lllooinsburir. on 'Jucsdav tbonitieteenth ila of
October, next, to make out the returns for mem-
bcror Ascniuiy.
'Iho lollowiny Act of Assembly, reguhithiK I
tho mode of ollng In the Commonuealth of,
lenniylvaiila, was pismM -March 1Mb, lbOS nnd
muls thus;
HLCTiuN 1. Holt enacted by the fcenato and
Iloiito of lltprejentatle.s of tho Commonuealth
ot renusylvanlalu Ocneial ssembly met, nnd
n ib ueieuy t'liacu-a uy iiiuautimriiy oi uio haiuo
that thu rpiallllcd voters of tho several dWUieta
In the sovt-rul counties of this commonwealth, at
all Kcucral, to.nshlp, borough nnd special elec-
iious, aro ueiioy neieauei aiuuoneu mm re
quired to vote by tickets printed or written, or
partly primeuauu paruy wruicn.H craiiy ciass
ltled ns iollows : One ticket shall embiaco tho
names ot all Judges of Courts ted lor. nnd la
belled, outside, "Judiciary;" ono ticket shall
unbrace the names oi alt the State nllP-urs voted
lor, and bo labelled "Stale;" ono ticket shall em
brace the names or of all county oilleers voted
tor. Including tho ollleo of Senator, Member and
.uuuiucniii Yseiauiy, 11 mhuu nr uiiu iiiuiii-
lers oi LuiiKiehi. ii voien ior, aim uo laueucu
Couutv :" one ticket shall embracotbe names of
all township olllccrs vnted tor ami bo labelled,
"Tnwmdiin: ' one tlckt t shall embrace tho names
oi all borough oillces voted for, and bo labelled.
HLCiioN a. That It shall bo the duly ofthoShcrltr
In tho several counties of this Commonwealth to
1 , In their election ptot'lamaUont, lieuultcr
hsuod, the llrat section oi this net,
:notri: is iinnuDY oivkx.
That every person excepting Justices of tho
iVft.-n i ho shull hold anv uluce or nniiointmcut
orproiltortiustunder tho Untied States, or of
this Stale, anv city or corpornted dMrkt, wheth
er a cum ml v.mncd ollker or otherwise, a subor
dinate ollh-er or uncut ho is or shall be employ
id undertheI.eKMatuie,executleor Jiallelary
Uepaitmeni or ims inie, or m any i uy or m ay
lueorporated district, uud also, that every mem
ber ol Cunnress nud of tho State Legislature, nnd
ot tho select or common council of any elty. or
commissioner of any Incorporated dlsti let. is
by law lnenpauio oi iioauun eAeiciMUB i- iuu
time tho otllee or appointment or Judge, Inspec
tor or Clerk uf nny election or this Common
wealth, and that no Inspector Judo or other of
llccml such election shall bo eligible to Lo then
vottdlor. ,
i ho lnspectois nnti juugum uib m-ciumtMiaii
mcit at their renpeetto places appointed ior
holding tho election in tho district to which they
iu&pecliely belong, before sc en o'clock In the
mornins.and tuch of mid Inspector 1 1 a 11 ap
point ono clerk, who shall bua qualltied oter
uf such district.
In easo inu person wnohimn receive iuu seruuu
i..iifst uuniber of votes ior ini.ector shnll not
attend on the dpy of nny eUctiou, then the per
son who shall havo lecelved tho second highest
number ot votes ior juugeai mo next iireeeuiug
eltctiun shall act us inspector in his place. And
In tnso the person who shall havo received tho
highest numbir of votes tor Inspector shall not
nttend, the pel son elected Judgo shall appoint an
Inspector In his place and lu case tho person
elfettd Judgo shall not attend, then the inspec
tor who iceelved tho hluhest number oi votes
shallappolntajudgein ids placo or if nny vu-
eaney suau couiiiuit' in iuu ijuun mi tuu nimi-v
r.rnmi lit ii i niter Iho tlmo fixed bv law for tho
oneulngolthe ehctlon, Iho qunlliled voters of
Mm o t. nn. war i. or oisirirt ior wiiicn sue 1
oilleers shall havo been elected, present at such
ek( tlou suau eicci uuu ui iiit-u uuuiocr i mi
ciifli vnniii'V.
"itsnau uu iuu am) inu "uiui ntM-ifiui
icspectlely to attend nt tho placo of holding
every general, special or township election, dm -Ing
thu whole tlmo such election is kept open,
for tho purpose ot glviug Inhumation to tho In
pcctor8 nnd Judges, when called on, In relation
to tho right ot any person assessed bv thtm to
vote at such election, ami on such other matters
in lelatlon to the assessment to tho said Inspec
tors or either oi tuem snaiurom rime require,
I, nouiin vbnll lm ni'iiiltted to voto uL miv
election ns nioii said thanu white citizen of the
nse of twcniy-ouo or moie, wuu siam uavo resi
ded in this State at least ouo year, and lu tho
election district wheio he oilers to voto ten days
Immediately preceding such election, and with
in two years paid n stale or county tax which
shall have been assessed nt least ten days beforo
tho election. Hut a citizen of tho United Stales
who has ptevlously been a qualllled volt r of tho
United Slates who has previously been a qualified
voter of this J5latu nnd returned and who shall
Imvo lu tho election district nnd paid
aforesaid, shall bo entitled to voto niter residing
luthl s Stale six month1. 1'rovlded, that tho
ii-iiitn firrmen. citizens of the I'll It ed States, be
tween tho age of twenty-ono and twenty-two
years who have ren!ded In tho election dfstilet
ten hays ut. uioienui snail uo emmeu to vote
niihniK'h ihev shall not havo paid tax.
Wo person shall bo permitted to voto whoso
name Is not contained in tho list of taxable In
habitants furnished by the Commissioners, unles
Klrst, ho produces a receipt for tho payment
within two years of n State or county tnx nssesv
ed ngrtcnbly to the Constitution nud glvo satis
factory evidence either oil his oath ornlilrmnllon
orthuonlhorufllriuatlouor other, that ho has
paid suclnvtttx. or on lulluro to iiroduco a receipt
Hluill tuiilto ontli to tlio imymout tlicreof. Hecotut
11 110 Claim iuurii;lll lo oiu uy uuiug nil eiucio(
outwtelt lliongooi iwuiiiy-uo uiiu iwt-iuy-iwu
emu, lio felmtUlenoso ououtli or nlllrmatlou that
Tn Ii-im rrkldcillti 1I1I4 hlutaut loiistono veur next
betoio hUuppllcntloii.nlul lunko t-ucli proof of
ri-bUti'iico Hi Uio district ns la required liy this
cct, nnd ttiat liodoen vertly tiellevo fromtlione
count Klvculilm, tlmt ho In of nuo nforcsntd. uud
ElU II oilier cviueucu 10, is reiiuiiiu uy nils ni-i
tlio tin in ft nf llin iitrsnu tlm.i mlinlt.
tni tootushall bu inserted lu tho nlhhnbetlcal
lUt by tholuspectois.anda note maitu onposlto
thettfoby willing tho word "tax," ifho shall bo
HUiniUCll 10 vuiu y reuiiu 01 imyiiiji 1'iuu in , 111
the word 'ugc,"if heshall bo ndmltted to voto by
nmuilinf S 15 I'll Shall l0 Called OUt to tllO
eUiks, who shall mako the llko notes on thu list
guu rs itepi uy 1 neui.
in nil ca-es whero tho namo ot tho ncison
fiiiimint 111 voto tdtoutidon lluiltst furnished bv
tho eommU'tomrsand ussessor, or his right to
vote, WllOllier Jouiui iiirifuu ur mn. j inyt-1-iL'ii
to by any qualllled citizen, It shall bo tho dutv
of Iho Inspectors to examluesuch person on oath
its to his qualifications, uud If ho claims to havo
resit ltd within tho Staio for ono ytur or morehU
oalh shall he sutnctenl proof thereof, but shall
mako pi not uy nv icasi ouu eomiieieiu wnuesst,
v.boslialt he 11 oualltled elector. Ihnt hu has icn-
ided lu thodlstiict for 111010 tliau ten dns next
jnimedlulely pn cisllng such t ttctlou, nnd .shall
also nmueii swt nr inai nib uoua nuu lesiueuie,
in puisuaucoof iiU lawful calling, Is In bald ills
trlet, and that hu did not remove iuto suid dls
tiii't nn' Ihn ournoso of vcttiiif lliereln.
hery perou quallllctl as aforesaltl, nud who
shall kiaueduoproof, if reoulied.of tlio tesldeuco
and pauueiitof laxesasni'irekaid, shall bu nd-
mltitd lo votolu thu lowuahlp, ward or district
111 wmcii uosnuii lesiue.
if miv nervou shall n re vent or attemnt lo mo
vent any oillcer of nny election under this uct
Horn noiiiiug sucu eieciiuu, or uso or uuuuivu
nny violcnco tnuny such otllcir, or shnll inter
innt. nr iimtroiu rlv lnterferu with him lu thu ex
ecution of Ids duty, or shull block up the windows
or avenue tunny wludow where tuo sniuomay
be holdlug, or shall riotously disturb ihu peatu
nt such election, or s hull tuo nny Intimidating
threats, roue or violence, wun uesigu 10 iuuu tiiuluH' nr nvtrauu uiiv i lector, or to iru-
VLii tlil 111 from voting or to restialu tho" freedom
of choice, buch person, on conviction, hall b
nuedlu any sum not exceeding the hundred
dollars, nud Imprisoned for any tlmo nut less
Minn tin-fit iinr morn tluili tuelvo inonttm. nnd if
it shall bo shown to Court, wheio tho trial of such
olttnse shall bo had, that the pcrbon so olluud
lnuwns not n resident of thu clly, ward, district
or township wheio tho oll'cuso wan committed,
nud noteutltled to voto therein, then on convlc
thm ho shall bu scutenml lo pay a Uno of not
less thnu ouu hundred nor muiu than cue thoua
nud uollnrs, and bu imprisoned not Ubu I ban &Jx
inomim uunuuru iuuii iu jvun
If any person, not by luwquullilcd, shall fraud
ulentlv voto nt nnv election of this Common-
wrnlth, or bcliiK otherwise qualllled fihfd I voto
out of his proper district, if nny person knowing
tho want or such qualification, shall aid or pro
euro such person to vote, tho person o fremitus
shall nn conviction bo lined lu nny sum not ex
ceeding two hundred dollars, nud bo imprisoned
hi any icriu not exceeuuiK nireo inouiiiH.
If any ouoshitl votont moro than ono election
district, or otherwise fraudulently voto moro
than oiico on tho sami' day, or shall fraudulently
fold nnd deliver to the Inspector two tickets to
gether, with tho intent tllctmllv to vote, or who
shall procmo another to do so, ho or they of-
ICiioiug Miau, on fon teiiuii, uu iiovu in any
tun iiiiI Ikoi 1 linn fill v imr in 1 H-ii t fin 11 11 vn linn
dred dollars, and be iinpilsoned for a term not
lens iuuii inieu J ior 111010 uinu iwcnu muiium,
If nny l ersou not qualified to voto lu this Com
mon wealth ugreuably to law (oxcept ttiO soils of
qualllled citizens,) shall nppeur nt nny placo of
election for the purposo ol influencing tho cltl-
r.eun fiiuiuuea 10 uie, uu &iiau on i ouviriion iur
foil nnd nav anv sum not exceeding ono hundred
dollars ior every such ollenso nnd bo Imprison
ed ior nny icriu not exceeding mrco moui s.
T1II3 Itr.dlSTHV IiAW,
Inlso&tvo olUclal notion lo tho electors of Co
lumbia county that, by nn net, entitled "An
ict luriner supplemental ionic neiieiaiiuioiuo
elections of this I'ommonwealllV approved
April lTili, A. l'. isoi'. Jt is r.roviucii ns follows i
Ace. t. Alter tho asso smentalrivo been com-
plftcnl on tho tou'h day preceding tho second
iucBdny In uciober oi each year, tho nsessor
shall, on tho Mon ny lmnicdlutely lollowlKg,
iimku a return to thu county cummlishiuirs ot
ino names oi unpersons assesseu uy niiiiaiuce
tlio it turn ruoulieil to bu mado bv Jdni bv iho
second siCtlou of this act, noting opposite each
namu thu observation nnd uxnhiuaiiuus iLoulr-
ed to bu noted as aluiusaldi nud tho county com
missioners snail ihcHupon eautu too namo to bu
added tothoietuiu requited by thu second sec
tion of this act, and a full and con cct copy lliciu
ot lu bu inadu, containing tuu names ol nil per
sons so ruurued an resident taxable s In said
ward, borough, towns hip or iireeluct,und lurnlsh
the same, together with tho uecessiry election
blatikM to the oilleers of tho election In sat-1 waul,
borough, township or precinct, on or bi fore six
o'elocK lu the morning of thfl second Tuesday or
October, and no man nrmll bo permitted to vote
ut thu election on that day Whoso name is not on
said list, unless he shall m.ike proor ol his right
to ote,as hereinafter lequlred.
Arc. 4. On tho day ol election nny person
wiiosu namu Is not on the said list, and claiming
thu right to vote ut said election, shall produce ia
leatt one qualllled otcr ol thu dlrdriei as a wit
ness to tlio lesldchce or the claimant In the
district or which lioelilms tobuu voter lor tho
ptrtod ot at least ten daj s next piccedlna said
etecllun, which witness shall t.iku and subsci'lle
a written, or partly written uud partly printtd
ullldavit to tho Uct stated by him, which alllda
vlt siialldtlluucle.uly wheio Iho khIcIcucu Is of
Ihu pcisiHi so claiming to be a voter; nud tho per
roii so claiming tho right to voto shall also take
anil subHCilbuti wiitien or paitly written and
Itarll printed tillldavil, staling to tho best of hl.s
Knowledge uud belter, whuru and when hu was
born, lb At ho is n eltUeu or thu Commonwealth
of l'euusyhanliv audof thu United H tales; that
hohas icslded lu tho Commonwealth ouo ear,
or It lonnerly a eUzeii theielu, and has tuued
therefrom, that hu has resided therein six months
next piecedlug said election; that ho has not
moved Into thu district lor thu purpose or voting
therein; that ho lias paid a tttnluur county tax
wllhlu two years, which was asesedut least ten
dns bcluio said election ; and, If n naturally.ed
lctlzcn, shall also state when, wheio and by
what com l ho was inUurnlUtd,aud shall also
nroitucii Ids cc-i tlllcato ot uatuiallzatiou lor ex
amination; the said ulllunvlt shall also statu
when and wheio tho tax clnluied to be paid by
tho ullldavit was assessed, and when, where nnd
to whom paid, and tho tax receipt therclor
snail uo prouueeu ior cxumiiiaiioii, unless iuu
nltldnvlt shiillstnto on iilsnlhdavli that It has
been lost or destroyed, or that ho never iceelved
uuy, but lr tho peison so claiming the tight lo
vole shall tako and subscalbe an uillaut, that ho
Is a, native burn eltlenot thu Uult-dHtatcs (or
If born elsewhere, shall statu tho iact In bis atll-
davlti and stiali produce evidence that ho lias
been naturalized, or that ho has been natural!
zeil, or mm uu is euiiiuu 10 ciuzcnsuip uy leas
nn of his father's nnturalIzatlon:)and shall lur-
therstato in his nllUUvlt that ho N, nt the tlmo
of taking tho ullldavit, between tho ages or
twentyono and tweuty-iwu, years; that he hns
leslded In tho Wlatu one year and In thoelecttou
district ten days next preceding such election.
, hu shall bu entitled to vole, although ho shall
not. bavunald taxc: mo saia nindavits or all
persons making such claims nnd tho niildAVlts
f th witnesses to their residence, shall be nres-
erveci uy ine uieeiion, nnu inu cioso oi
inoeiecuou 11117 rnwiiuuinauM-uwiiii 1110 jisi
or voter-, tally list nhd other i-npeis uqulud by
law to bu ltted by tho return judge witu the pro
thonotary, and diall leiualn on lllu therewith In
tho prolhonotary's olllce, biibject lo examina
tion, as ittier election papers are; If thu election
oillcer-) shall find that tho applicant or uppllcants
possess nil tho legal quallilcatlous ot voters, hu
or they shall bo permuted to vote, and thu namo
or iiHiues shall ho added to tho list ol taxables
hv ttiu election oillcer. thu woid "tax ' belli: ad'
ded wheio the claimant claims to voto on tax,
nnd tho word "ago'' w hero hu claims to voto on
ago; thusnmoords being ndded by thoelerks
ill eaeil lusu iest;i;iiei uu iuu 101a ui pcisuiii
Vol lug at such eieciiuu.
Nt r. r. Itshalt be lawful for nnv rniallllcd cltl
zen of thu district, notwithstanding tho namo of
tho proposal voicr is eoimuneu 011 ino hsl 01 res
lilpiit tuxables. lo challencu tho otoot such per
son; whereupon tno same proor or mo right or
suttrago ns is now reqmreu uy law snail uo puo
llcly niadound acted on by iho election board,
nnd tho vote admitted or rejected, nccordlug to
tlio cviiicnce: every person eiaiiuin 10 uu a. na
turalized citizen shall be required to produce his
naturalization ccitlilcatuat tho election beljio
voting, except wheio hu has been for ten year,
eonseeutlvely.a voter in tho ilistrict 111 wnicn ne
oilers his ote; nnd on thootooi biich person be
lng icccUcd, it shall be the duty of thu election
oMLffi to wi tin or stm on on such eerttlleatu the
wont "mtii," wuu uio nioiuii linn J im; uuu 11
any election oiueer or oiui cis shun lueeivc a sec-
otifl vMn im tlio MilllQ il.iv. hv VlllUU Ol thu SailiU
eeruncnio extepuus wuere soiin iuu tmuu-u 10
vuie ny viiiuu vi ino naiuraiiz-aLion 01 men ut'
eis. iht'vatul thu ncisoii who shall oiler such sec uif, uoou so (iiiv-ndluu shnll bu gullt of a
blah ml sd 01 nea nor. and on eouvlcilon tin leol. bu
lined or liupilsuucd, or both, at tho dhetellou of
tbeeourf: but thu lino shall not cxceeil 0110 bun
dled dollars lu imcIi c.ic(i)or the impilsouiuent
uiuvtar: the like nuntsnuieni snail uo imucieu
oucouvictlon.ou thuolllceiuol election who shall
neglect or reluso to make, or causo lo bo made,
theiuiloeiueut ltqulied on aiuiesaU naturali
zation eertlllcate.
Ace, (j. if any eiceiiou omccr sunn reiusu or
neglect to requliosuch prool of tho right ot sull
ingoHS Is prescribed by this law, or thu laws to
which this is a supplement, trom any person oil-
erlng to ote whose namo is uot on tho list of as
sessed voters, or whoe ilht lo voto Is challen
ged by nny qualified voter prcbent, and shall ad-
miisuen persou 10 voie wuuoul ifquninK sucu
prool, cery poison so ollending shall, upon con-vii-tion.
bu anlltv of n blah misdemeanor, nud
shall bu sentenced, for eery such olleute, to
pay n lino not exceeding ouo bundled dollars or
10 unueigo uu imprisouiueui 11 ol imuu mwii tuu
year, or either or both, at tho discretion of the
A7v n. Thu retnectlvca-hirssois: Insnectors and
Judges ot thu election;, shall each haetho power
10 aiuuinibier oaius 10 any peisun u.iiniiuH ui--right
to bu assessed or thu light of sullYage, or tu
legaru 10 any oiner mailer or uiiug u-uuuai iu
lieuone or lnunlred Intoby any ol said tiiUcers
under this nci; and any willui lalso swenilm; by
any))eisoulu 1 elation to any mutter or thing
concerning which they shall be lawlully Intel ro-
gaicu uy any 01 saui oiucers auau uu puuiimu
cc. 10. Tho nssessois Miall ench ieceIo tho
samo compensation lor tho tlmo ueccbsuilly
kiii-nt in ni-i formliii? the duties thereby enlolued
n is provided by law br ihopcrfouunucuol their
OIIIIT Ulllie-i in du jiion uy iuu vmuuj vuiiiiiiias-
lonci-s as In other eases; and it shall not bo law
ful ior any assei-sor to assess a tax ugalnst any
pei on whntever within ten days nexi pitcedlng
thuelccllon to bu held on tho second luvsday In
October in nny year, or within ten days next be
foro any election Tor electors of President and
Ylcc-rresldent of the United States; any viola
tion of this piovision shnll bo n misdemeanor
nud subject the nlllcers so ollending to n lino not
exceeding one hundred dollars, or to imprison-
lucni 1101 exceeuing inieu iiiiuhuj, m uuin, u,
tho discretion ot theeourt.
t'!re. 11. On tho petition of flvo or moio cltlens
of tho county, slnilng utuUr oath that they ver-
11V ueneo inanrauns uu prueuvtii ai, inn
lection auout 10 uo ueiu 111 any uibiuci, 11 suau
bu the dutv of tho couit ot common nleas olsald
ennntv. it In session, or 11 not u tudue thcieof la
vaeaiioiJt iiini'iiuiiuiiiujimitiiHii, nuuvi iiini 111
tellli'trnt eltl7ciisot I he count r to act as overset n.
nt said election; said overseers shall bo selected
liom (iiuereni poiiiieui parties, wueio ino in
spectors belong to tllil'eieiit parties, and wheio
both ol saldiiispeetnrs belong to the samo politi
cal party, both of Ihe overseers shall be taken
irom lliooppomo pomicai puny; saai oversells
shall havo the light to be pi'i sent with the oilleers
ol tho election, durum the whoto tlinu thu same
Is held, (he oies counted and tho leturus made
out nud sfgued by tho election oil leer; to keep a
Msl of voters, if they see pioper; tochnllcngo nny
person oileilug to ote, uud inu rroguto him uud
nis witness under oath, In legard to his ilhtof
sullragu at said election, and to examine his pa
pers produced; nnd tho ollh'urs ol sntd election
uie uqulrcd tontlout totaldoverseeis so elected
nnd appointed every convenlcheo nnd iaclltty
lor thu discharge of thelrdutu; nud It Mild ele-e
lion omeers siiuii iciu'-u 10 penuosiuu uiiseei
to liu nit sent. qliI ret hum ihe lr duties us nfoiu-
snld, or U they shall bu driven nwuy Horn tho
polls by violcuce nud intimidation, all thu votes
polled at such election district may bo relucted
by anv tribunal trying a contort under 8ald elec
tion; J'loiiiUd, 'Hut uo person signing tho peti
tion shall bu appointed uu overseer.
Acc 11. Any ussessor, election oillcer or person
appoluted us nn overseer, who shnll neglect or
reiuso to perform any duly enjoined by this net
Ject ton penalty of ouo fiuudied elolhirs, nnd If
UUy USfcesiur sunn ih-os an v n inuii lis it, vuiil
who Is not qualilteil, or shall reiuso toussessnny
mm who is oualllled. heshall be liulltv of a mis
demeanor in olllce. nnd on conviction bo punish-
eel ny nnu or imprisonment, aim uiso uu suiyeei
to nn ctlon for damages by tho party uggileed;
nud If nny peison shall Irauduleutly alter.adtl to,
eleiacu or destroy nny list of voters muiio out us
directed by this act, or tear down or mnovotho
samo fiom tho pluco whero It has been llxi-d.wlth
Irauduleiit or mischievous Intent, or for any Im
proper purpose, ino person so oueuumg sunn ne
tmlliy uta high mUdcmeunor,aud on eouvletlou
shall bu punished by n Uno nnl exceeding ono
liundred dohars.or liinuKonmeut not exetudlng
twoyeats, or both.nt the diven-tion of thocouri.
Ate, 13. AUelectlcns for city, ward, borough,
tow nshln and 1 lection ollherushtdl herealter hu
twlitnn tho second Tuesday of October, sublectto
nil provisions 01 iuu mv ieiuainiu iuu euiuon
of kiich oilleers not IncoiwUteut with this net;
iho persons eiecieo lu sucn unices ut una uinu
shall tako ilieir places nt tho explintlon of tho
terms or tho persons holding thu nt thu
thnu ot such election; but uo election for the
otllco of assessor or assistant assessor shull bu
la id, under this net, until the year one thousand
eight hundred nud seventy.
In obedience to thu icqulremcut of Johu V,
(leury, Uuvernorof the Commnnweallhof l'enn
sylvanla, I hereby publish tho nitceuth Anund
ment ol tho Constitution of tho United htntes.
tho Act of Congiess onlorclug thubame, nud tho
Ai 1 or asuemuiy renin vo uiereioi
Tho Fill ecu th Amendment of tho Constitution
nf tlio itnltetl Htiilrn Is uu lot low M 1
hte'TiON 1, The rltiht of cltlzrnsof tho United
States to olu shall not bo denied ornbitdiied bv
thu by ittiy state, on account of
ritte, etiior, or previous rouuiuoii 01 servuuue,"
"SrCiioN V. "Jho Congress shall hnvo power to
enforce this urllclu by miiioiulutu leutslutlon.1
au Act to enfoiee thu lisht of citizens of 1I10
l'nitil htntes lo voto In f lie teverul Htatcs of
thu I'niuriiud ior inner purposes 1
'HiniiiN 1. lie it enacted bv the Senate it nil
Jloute 0 Jit-victaUattift uf the (tided bUilei 0
wittrira in iun;rt utttmuttu, ima aueiuzeiiit
01 thu uniitu tttnies, wuo are, or snail bo oiner
wUo qualified by law to otu at any election by
too people, 111 uuy mute, iciniory, 1111 rici,cuiiu
tv. ell v. Durlbli. luwnshln. school dKtrlet. muni
cipnlify or other tenltoiial sub-dlvlslon, shell
nu cuiiiieti uuei siiowen luimuai an sueu eiee-
lions, without distinction of i ace, color, or ptc,v
lulls eondtlloii of strilude: nnv (ouslltutlou
law, eusluin, iibnte, or recuhithm of uu Htntoor
Territory, or by. or under Us aulhoiliy, to iho
1'iiiit rurv iml wit likliiiuliiiL'
"rittnoN 1;, Amll9 t1 jurthtt niacfcd, ThaUf
Uy or under tho authority nf tho Constitution or
laws of nny Htnte. or tho laws of nn. Territory,
nny net Is or shnll bo required to be done ns t
prerequisite or qualification for votlntr, nnd by
bucIi Oonslltntlon or law, persons nr oilleers nro
or shnll be charged with tlio performance of
duties in fumlsh'iig to olllronsnti opportunity
to perform such prerequisite, rr to become qual
ified to vote, it shall 1-otLn duly or every such
person nnd unVer to give to nil citizens of the
United StAtes, tho sninc nnd equal opportunity
to perform such prerequisite, nud to becomo
qualified tu voto without distinction of race
color, or previous condition of servltudoj nnd If
nny such person or oillcer shall retuso or know
ingly omit to Rtvo full ellcct to Oil? section, ho
shall, for every such olleiiee, Tirfelt nud pay tho
sum or live hundred dollars to tho person Ag
grieved hereeovend bynunctloiion
tho caKc, with lull costs nud such allowance for
counsel fees nitho cotttt shall deem Just, nnd
shall nlso, for every such oilcnce. be deemed
guilty of n inlsdf mennor. uud shnll on convic
tion thereof, hu fined not less than flvo hundred
dollars, or bo Imprlrnntd not less thnu ouo
mouth nnd not morn than one year, or both, nt
tho discretion of tho court, "
A further supplement lo the net relating to
elections In this Commonwealth t
"Hkition lu. That so much of every net of As
sembly ns provides that only whlto freemen
shall be entitled to otoor bo registered ns vot
ers, or us claiming to voto nt nny general or
sptclnl election or this and
tno same Is hereby repealed t nnd that hercntter
nil lreemen, without distinction of color, shall
be enrolled nnd registered according to thu pro
visions or tho first sectl n or tho net approved
seventeenth April, Ink, entitled "An Act fur
ther supplemental to tho net rclatlngto the elec
tions 01 tliN Common weulth." and when other-
wbo qiiHlHWd under existing laws, be entitled
to vole ut all general and special elections, in this
fl I veil under tnv hntid. at tnvrifllre. In Itloomn.
butg, this Dili day or t-eptcmber, lu thu year of
our Lord ouo thousand eight hundred nnd sev
enty, uud in tho ninety-tilth year of the inde
pendence 01 iuu I'luuii mau'H.
Hherllt of Columbia county,
llloomsburg, Ta, HeptomberO, 1W,
it 1: M 1 II M Ii I S T
or Titn
v ivr n 1? N' r 1 r a n n it a kx i i i n i n on
or Trtu
to nr, itKi.n at
li LOO M H Ii U UO, 1 A.,
On Wednesday, Thursday nnd lrlday,
October 12th, 13th nnd llth, 18 70.
As cverythlngof I his kind must hnvon ej-s-tem
to carry Itonwlih satisfaction, exhibi
tors an 1 contributors will please read tho fol
lowing Instructions, ami come lo tho l-'alr
expecting to abide by them without nsklng
for nny tiiteratloii. J, J, UUOVi:it, Scc'y.
ciAsy i-nousi:s.
WlllUni Yviutcrsleen.Hupcrluteuilcut,
Judget?-l)anlel Morris, I'.noch Ulttcnhousu,
Cyiui ilcllcnry, William N, llrown.
Best blooded stallion,
" stallion for alt work,
" stallion colt, not over I yeais,
(' pair draught horues,
nest pair can 1 tgo horses,
M ' ' "
nest brood marc with colt nt her side,
nest single carriage horse,
Eest single carrlago mare,
n?st geldlug between 3 and 1 years,
" mnro '
" gelding betwf en 2 nnd 3 years,
" horsj colt between 1 and 2 years.
" mare colt " '
" hor.-o or mro colt under 10 mos,
12 n.)
1'J 00
H l0
0 00
K ('0
r oo
s w
fi oo
10 t!0
o oo
,1 00
3 00
0 00
8 00
4 00
1 00
-1 CJ
3 00
3 00
y oo
a oo
liest pair match cult
broken t harue,
nf-st Jack,
under 1 yeais
.1 CO
5 00
2 00
4 00
2 00
3 00
3 00
Best pair mule,
Test iuulocolt be' ween I ana 2 years,
" " under 1 ear.
nxhlbltois under this clas will have their
horses on tho gi ound by teuo'e lock Thursday
morning when they will bu examined,
Philip Youni;, Superintendent.
Jndses Nehemlah Ilocce, Jacob ICostchba
der, William I. Trtns, l-'raukllu Mhumau,
Buit bull .".years oil and unwaids,
S12 00
1) 00
0 00
i oo
:t oo
2 Of)
ti oo
1 oo
3 00
2 00
Hest bull between 2 nud 3 years old,
2(1 "
Best hull between I nud 2 years old,
Best cow 2 years nnd upwards,
2d " '
Best heifer bet ween 1 nnd 2 yean,
" Llin can uueer w iiioiiins,
n.l .. .. A...
Agriculturist ly
Best heifer jie'ween 2 and 3 j ears
" htlfer under 10 months,
Devon AVocX.
Best bull 3 years and upwards,
Best bull between 2 nndJiyiais,
2d "
" " between land2yenrs,
" Best bull calf under 10 mouths,
" cow 3 years nnd upwards.
2d " '
" heifer between 2 nnd 3 years
2d " "
" heifer betv een 1 anil 2 years,
" heller under 10 months,
Aldcrticy Slock.
Best bu!1 j , tars and upwards,
Best bull between 2 nnd 3jtais
2d " " " "
" between I nud 2 yenrs,
' ' under 10 months,
' cow 3yeninnd upwards,
2d " cow "
" heifer
" heifer between 2 nnd 3 yeais,
" " " 1 nud 2 cms
" ' under 10 months.
Graded SlocK,
Best bull 3 years nud upwards.
2d " ' "
" " betweeu 2 nnd 3 ears,
2d "
between 1 nml 2ycars,
" under 10 mouths,
2J "
Best eow 3 yeais nml up wauls,
3 Oi)
2 00
I) 00
ti 00
1 w
3 00
2 00
2 00
Ag. ly
o oo
4 00
4 00
:i co
3 00
2 00
y oo
0 00
-1 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
Ag, i y
0 0)
1 00
2 00
4 00
3 00
2 00
12 00
9 00
it 00
4 l
3 00
2 00
2 00
Ag. l y
o w
4 00
:i in)
4 i-o
3 00
2 Oi
1 heifer, between 1 nud 1
huilei between 2 nnd :
e ars-,
" " under 10 months,
Xalicc Stock, '
Best bull 3 years and upwards.
li 00
0 to
ti 00
4 110
3 00
2 00
2 00
A p. l y
0 00
4 00
4 00
3 (0
2 00
1 between 2 and 3 years,
' laud2ycais,
' ' under 10 months,
" cow 3 years and upwnreN,
' heiter between 2 ami 3 yeais,
" heBer under JO months.
Oxen. and Steers,
Best yoko oxen owned and worked by
1 lw.wl "
5 03
3 Ol
Best oku steel s between 2 and 3 ear?, jUJ
Kxhlbitors will havo their stock ready for
tho Judges to examine by lOo'ehnk a. m, on
Thursday, mill tu.'dna n until 3 o'clock p. in,
on 1'rld.ij.
Amos V. Kesler, Huperintendeut.
Judges Matt hiss Uurtmnn, Isaiah Dlttt-
Best brood sow nnd plirs, six or more,
G 00
0 oo
1 00
5 C0
3 00
5 10
3 L
3 10
2 00
3 00
2 10
iui i-u iioh, iwn or iuore,
' brood sow,
lot pig!, 3 or more, undorS wcclts
sto'k hogs. 3 or more1,
ti.As iv-&uia:r.
Johnson II, Ikelcr.fcupeiinteudeut,
Judies-AudrcA Lnubaeli nud Johu It.
Fine )VooK
Best buck,
4 (0
3 00
4 OJ
3 CO
i 00
" pen of uhcep, not Icsi than eight,
Middle Wool.
Best pen of bheep not less.than eight
" luck,
4 00
3 00
i 00
3 CJ
Zfjj Wool,
Best pen ot sheep, not less than eljjht,
" buck.
4 00
4 00
3 00
1 1-0
a oo
Thomas Ballmnu, Kuperlutcndeut.
Jndgcs-lVter B. Weuner, and Charles W.
Best bionzoturkey 40 lb. 00
" domesilu turkeys, 2 00
21 1 to
binhma pootm, ' 2 00
" chickens, Agriculturist 1 y
2d ,l " W
" geese, W
Cd " " Ag. 1 y
" duelm, 1 00
and larg'st display of tumo pigeons, 1 ou
" poultry, i to
3ll it tt ti atM)
cLASfi vi-oua:n, Hi:i:ns and flouu.
John Betz, Bupcilntcndent,
JudgetThoj, Cole, nml Moset MeHenry.
lloht llllv lrfiund. uhcut Hour.
3 00
3 00
Ag. ly
3 lU
' " bixkivlieut (lour,
" " ljulloiir.
' " crn infill.
" timothy seed,
biibhil ltd uhjal,
" " ubltuulimt.
M ' " '
" " rjo
" buikuluat,
11 ioul stcd rorn eurtf,
" ' jellnir, "
smoked u
" half bushel lluv siod,
" bushel outs,
l -V)
1 .VI
1 w
1 60
1 60
1 60
Ar Jy
l M
1 60
cLAfcs vii-vi:oi:taulii.
William J-amou.hnpcrlutendcut,
Jlldnr-S WIllllltiLl'lwiinnH. nml Hmlllt
Best bushel iKilutfris.dlUvri'nt vxitsllts 1 t
2 00
I 60
1 60
1 0D
1 0
J U0
Ab.,1 y
I 00
I ui
I on
I no
I mi
l Ml
An. 1 y
I uu
Atr. i y
' imlf ilnson vcRclnble oylcm,
. TV011 lomnlocu,
' Slieailj t.tciihlmKe,
" UljuiichcfiofceU-ry.
" I c-KB pliiuln
' two quarts llinRl(m.
" 3 "Hurt! CnrollimlicniiV
" " mmp .
" pumpkin or fcriunKli.
" puiupklui), IS or mom,
Hnmuel NeylmrJ, Sapcrlntciutont.
JiiiIro Illrnm J. Itcodcr. .
llenl dl'plny, 0 or rncli,
looking ioz frtll or winter npplcs
M Uooplntr winter apples, 0 of enen,
" 0 ot tlio RWi'cU-Kt winter or full,
MUvoretl U Uoz. fall or wlnternpplCH
" iiiinrtHlberluii craln,nuy kind,
2 no
llrat iS. dwaif.ntindard fall or winter, 2 W
" lookliiK liulf doz, any kind, 3.)
" flavored and most Juicy half do, no
" largoat liair doz.dwari or Btandatd,
fall or winter, 30
llent display of any kind, hairdo, encli, 1 S?
' llavored and most Juley liair dor.. so
and ilnent looklPK fmirdnz. :io
" nnd largem variety linlfdoen, 30
flest doren,
Best display, wild or cultivated, (hot
house excluded,
Best six clusters of Concord.
2 CO
" Delaware,
" " Clinton,
" " nartroid Proline,
" Iona,
" Adlronilac,
" Hebeera,
" " York Mnderla,
llcstdlsplay, not less than two varieties,
ono tlu7eii each,
Best display, nny kind, not Ichs than 2
Dried Fruits.
Best quart apples, pears, quinces, peachew, p
rlcots, nectar lues, cherrlessour or sweet,
plttwl or unpltted, (jrapes. eulth'ated or
wild, strawberries, any kind or raspber
ries, blackberries, dewberries, huckleber
ries, plums, twetchts and prunes, 30
Tho fruit uot to be removed until the elrso
of tho exhibition, and 1 articular care Is to bu
observed by all peisons that thcbamo Is not
Henry Zuppluger, Superintendent,'
Judges-aeo . Gilbert, nnd 1). r. Unguis.
Hcstqu.irtol currant wine, U 10
" " blackberry w lne, 10)
M urapo wine, 1 m
" " 1 berry wine, 1 00
" ' lyo whiskey, 1 us
' " elder vinegar, Ak. 1 yr.
CLABS X-DOMliiTlC M.Nli'I''ACTUlli:-l.
llarmau O. CrevcllnB, Bnperlntendcnt.
Judges Mrs. lMul Hughes, Mrs. Daniel Me
Henry, Mrs. I'.llzabetli l'ursell, and Miss
Mary Meudenhall.
Best lo..t or bread, (2 14
2d " ' 1 ()
Best loll or bulter (3 lbs. or ocr) 2 00
2d " " 1 (10
Best pie, 1 00
" canned rrnlt. dlnerent kluilR. foot
less Iban 1 quart of each,
Best pound cake.
" sponge
" uineer
sample of preserves (not less than
1 ouart.i
Best sample c f fruit Jelly,
" cucumber pickles,
Ag. 1 JT.
vunciy 01 picsies,
" apple buttir (1 quart or more,)
M peach butter
" grape " " " "
" plum "
" cured ham, Ag.
" sample sausage,
" luuinle yeast.
1 57;
3 00
' hard soap,
" bolt soap,
" gallon of sorghum,
JDIthH. James Mastus, superintendent.
Judges Mrs. Ezcklel Cole, Mrs. William
Hageubucli, Mrs. Jise Ohl, Miss Margaret
Uest 10 yards or (1 mr.i I,
2d " " "
Best 5jards woolen cloth,
10 M carpet,
2d " ' "
" 10 sards plain linen,
" diaper "
" knit wool stockings,
" " mittens,
" ' cotton stocking,
ei so
Ag. 1 y
1 61)
1 60
Ag. 1 y
1 so
1 60
Ag. 1 y
1 60
1 00
2 00
Ag. ly
uuiuu luaue biuri.
pair woolen blankets,
" pair linen sheeta.
home mado tublo cloths,
Lloyd Taxtou, Superintendent.
Judges Miss Kate Bot7, Miss Hannah
Waller, Mrs. Amelia A. Butler, Miss lteli.
sujder. Miss ICalu Lazarus.MUs Ida McDow
ell, Miss Hadlo Harmau, Miss Kloia Barton.
Best knit quilt, 11(11
tidy, 1 00
" tatting work,
specltucu bead work,
" shell
" burr M
' leather "
" " hair "
" " wax "
' diawlug,
" palntlntr,
silk embroidery,
worsted embroidery,
" cotton embiuldoiy,
" worsted mat,
M cotton mat.
1 l
1 l
1 00
1 W
1 00
1 Oil
1 00
1 US
1 00
1 (10
1 Ml
1 I'O
1 Ml
1 no
1 lul
1 00
1 JO
w 01 aeu suppers.
fanev nlu cushion.
Iie-iu dless,
scluitn moss ii-itntliig,
collection ot tl.lhli.u,
ntllllcial tloweis,
spiiliucu ol house plants lu bloom,
specimen or drkd grass,
' lluwits,
" penmanshli),
vailely of Ilowois,
William II, Hagenbuch, Superintendent.
Judues-Kh Mcndtnhall, and Dr. D. W.
Best family carriage, $100
" open buggy, 3 to
" top buggy, 3 00
" farm wagon, 1 00
' spring wagon for farm use, 3 m
for pleasure, 3 00
" whcclburruw, Ag. 1 y
' sled. a Ki
" sulky, 2 co
llenrj' Yetter, f-'uperluteudent.
Jrdgis Henry Dclchmlllerand Isaac Ilea
cock. Best right hand vlow, Jl 00
plow for general uso, -W
" left hand Plow, 1 00
" right and lelt hand plow, 201
' corn plow, 2 UJ
" subsoil plow 2 10
" square drnj, 2 no
" one horse cultivator, 1 Oil
" two ' " 2 01
two horso corn planter, 2 J
thrfshcrnndKeparatorct.mblned, 101
41 mow er and reaper combined, 5 01
3d ..... 3 oj
" hay fork, Dlplomn
" jiortable elder preis, 2 to
" clover hllller, 3 10
" sausage grinder, 1 UJ
" washing machine. Diploma
" clothes wiluger, 1 ID
" grubbing hoe. 1 00
" set mlueis picks. 1 0)
" pair of fore and hind horse shoes, 1 00
" sharpened dtllls, 10)
" axe handle, CO
" grain cradle, 1 00
" rol'e-, Ag. ly
" fanning mill, 2 OS
" corn shcller, Diploma
" straw and ladder cutter, Diploma
Should thero bo any new or meritorious Im
plements ami Inventions exhibited, tbut nro
not provided for In tho foregoing class, the
Judges may report tho merits ot the samo for
premiums to the Kxecutlve Commltlee.
S, D. Rdnnrd, Superintendent,
Judges Jacob Harris and Jacob Girard,
Best cooking stovo with fixtures, (1 CO
parlor ' " " -3 10
" set artificial teeth Diploma
" variety ot tinware, 3 (O
" vaileiy of earlhenware, 211
John 0, (lulck, SuiKrlutemUnt.
Judges-J. W. Dletterlch and Tred
Best set dnublo harness,
" double carrlago harness,
" slnglo , " "
" suit of clothing,
tl 01
1 tu
.1 ui
3 no
3 0)
2 m
2 no
palrcaii uoois,
pslrkln bonis,
imlr miner's shoes,
dressing stand,
display cabinet waie,
set Windsor 1 balls,
spring seated shalrs,
rocking chair,
halfdoz. brooms,
two sided solo leather,
two sides kin,
two sides calf skin,
sample of bricks
1 10
2 W
1 UJ
1 (0
1 to
1 (0
Ag. ly
1 (O
1 00
1 00
Ivl Hutchinson, Suivrlntendeut.
Judges Aaron ,Hmlth and IVIllljm K'ellcr,
Best swarm of bees S-5 00
5d " ' " , .100
3d " " " 1 00
" flvo poutuls of box honey lul
2d " M
Best bee hlvo 1 00
Tho honey to bo taken without destrnjlug
the bees; tho kind of hives used, nud the
inanagenteut of same ututod,
Dr. R, 11, Little, Superintendent,
Judges Clinton Meudenhall, and Dr. Me
irgel. j gurge
" half biuhrl nwpcl polntocs,
1 nunhelorilclil tnnilpi,
" linlf IjtulielufruUibngiM
" " euicur licetn.
" inunuol wurlrcl,
" Ijcets,
' " rnrrotn,
" " imr-mlp.,
1 onions,
Best 11 oiling horse or lnsro Ut trot
91 00
(Jli ir0ji
110 horso or niarn trrtltlnu for the
ilist to compete for the 2U prem
ium, B0 00
2d" trotting horse or mare 21 trot 45 0)
class xtx-FAnMiirt's uvr.
John llnrtman, Superintendent.
Judges-Daniel Melfenry nn.l lt.F.Clirk.
Best trotting horso or maro (1st trot) IW 00
" trotting horso or maretsd trot,) no
horso or mnro trotting for tlio llrst
torompeto for tho 2d premium 3.1 tu
" wnlk'ng horso or mare (loi
2il " ' ,3 to
Tho tilnl of horses under tho farmer's lll,
will tako placo on Thursday nru-r.ioon. l or
tho display nnd trial or hoises. In oaeli class,
on oihlbltlnri, none-hull' mllo track li.1sbw.11
thoroughly repilrnd within tho grounds. Ten
per cent, cntranco Ten, tor nil eutrlos mndo
under the eighteenth nnd nineteenth classes;
not less than three entries to innkft a mntyi
In each caso best three lu live.
William Xeal, Superlntendenl.
Judges lohti K, Clrotr, Joseph Klnrplesi,
Julgo Mcltcynolds nud Charles li, Doibler.
.. ,B?' r!m 0"c around Ino courso to 10
2dJ . , .." " " w
not less than six entries to lnakon inee.
l.ntraneo reo m cents lu each ease. Thojndg.
is selected are requested to iiotiry tho Kxecu
live Cotiiuilltoe, utibo secretary's onio.,( In
every case, whero they are disinclined or un
nblo to attended to thu ditties assigned to
1. Kvery person hnviug articles for cxhlbl
Honor compctlllon must becomo a member
of th.i Association before cutorlng them.
2. Minors can liccomo members or exhibit
ors when their parents are members.
3. The field or competition is open to nil,
Persons from other counties and states can
beenmo exhibitors tipou the lamo terms us
clllrens of Ihls county. .
4. All articles ofl'cred for competition roust
bo owned by thocompetltor. Fruits, vegeta
bles. Powers, must b 'tho growth, of the
competitor, nnd nil mnnufietured nrllotes
must bo mndo by tho compclltur.
6. All stock entered must bowhatls repre
sented or premiums w 111 bo rorfeltod,
0. All articles Mr exhibition or rornnctl-
tlou must be entered by 5o'cloiltl'. M.,on
H'cdUcMlny the Hth, nnd except In Impossl-
blc cases,
1. be on Iho mound ny lint tlmo, ana
lenuiln there until Friday nt 3 o'clock, r. M.
when they wllllwnt Ihoillsposal or the ox-
uiuiior. k
7, Stands lorsaleof rerresliriienls can bo
obtained by application to thotjecrelary or
II. 1'. Ilartmaii. ... .
s. No llcenso will be granted to stands that
sell spirituous nr malt liquors.
Judges appointed to exumlno tho different
cbiHse-. will contcr n ravor ou the Association
b calling at tho Secretary's olllce early on
'Ihursday morning to obtain their Instruc
tions. (in Wednesday the giounds will beopened
t the public, and continue open three days,
A membership ticket, with nnoslnglo ticket,
liiiedollar. Admission cards to lulinll the
b arer, twenty-five cents.
N'o i-erson will be permiltcd to votont tho
11 xt on ctlon or the Assnclatlou except pro
d ic ng their membership ticket.
4-Bportlug list to be iirlnted In lirge bills.
W. IS. KOUNS.l'ics't.
J.J. nrtOWllB, Sco'y.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 2, 1STC
urrnrtT, Columbia cou:;ty, ia.
Coopering In nil Its branches well nnd caiefully
done. Particular attention given to tho manu
facture of meal baru-ls, kraut Rtnivts, idcklo
tubs metit tutis, ap Heiialrlna attended to.
ltupuit, t-cpt. u, 1570-lm.
Monday, Slit. 6tb, I8TA
tlrcat Trunk Line from tho North and North
west lor Phlladelnhia.Now York. Kcanlinr. Pnlts.
ville, Tnmaquu, Ashland, HUamokin Lebanon
Allentowu, Uastou, Epbratu, Llttz, Lancaster
Columbia, dec.
ir.iinsieavo iiarrisourg iorr.ew vorir. ns io
lows! At 6.35. 8.10 and K.'AS a. in.. and
2M p. 111., connecting with similar trains ou
rcnua. linuroau, and arriving at New York al
12.10. uoou. 3.60. and lo.uil ti. m. roiiectlvelv.
steeping cars accompany tho 5,33 a, m. trains
without change.
lteturutng: Leave New York at 0,00a.m. and
12.00 uoou nud 6,00 . m. I'hlladelphla at Mi
ik. m, and 3.30 p. in. Bleeping car accumpauy
tho 6,00 p.m., trains irom N Y without chauge.
ijeavo iiarrisuurg ior iieauing, I'oiisvnie, la-
luuqua, Mluersvllle. Ashland, bhaiuoklu Al
lentowu uud l'hllu'd. ut a.lon. m., and 2,60 and
1,10, slopping at Lebanon and urlncliKil way
siaiions: 1110 -i,iupju. train conueciiug ior i-uu a
rottsvlllo and Columbia only. For I'oltuvllle
Schuylkill Haven nud Auburn, via bchuylklll
nud Susquehuuuu ltallruad, leave Hurrlsburg nt
8,10 p.m.
usl l nnsylvanla Railroad tialns leavo Read,
lug ror Allentowu, Kaston and New York nt 7,2a
10.30. n. m.. and 1.15 r. m. Returning, leave
New York at 0.00 a. in., 12.00 noon and 6.0J p. m.
and Allentowu nt'Jua. lu. 12.23 noon, 1.2a am
p. m.
Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at
7.30 a.m., connecting with slmllnr trulu ou Kast
I'a. lallioadreluruiug Hum Ucadlugui0jp.m.
stopping ni all stattons.
Leave I'ottsvllle at 5,innd 0,00 a.m.,uud 2,'xl )).u.
llerndun at 10.00 a. m Shamokln at S.loand 11,15
n. m., Ashland at 7,05 a.m. and 12,30 uoou Muu
nnoy City at 7.51 a. in. and 1,17 p. in. Tamaqua al
8.33 a. m., and 2,20 p, m.for Philadelphia etia
New York.
Loavo Pottsvllle via Pchuylklll and Susque
hanna Railroad at 8,15 a.m. ior Uarrlsbur:, unJ
12,(10 noon, lor Pino Urovo and Trauiont,
lteaitlug Accommodation Train leaves Pntts-
vinoal6.lua. m., iiasses licauiug al i,aoa. in
riving nr Philadelphia nt 10.20 u. 111. itetlliuluxl
lt-uves 1'hllaxleljihin at 6,15 p. m., passing Read
lug nt S.OOp.m., arriving at I'ottsviilo al 0.10 p.m.
Poltslown Accommodation Trallulcaies Polls-
bown at 0,23 a.m.,, returning, leaven Phliadelpln
at 1,110 p.m.
Columbia Railroad Trains leuvu Reading ,1.
7,20 n.m., and 0-15 p.m. for Hphratn, Lltlz, laiwa-
ler, uoiuiuuia, e;c,
Pcrklomcn Rail Road TralnsleaMi perklomt
Junction at 7.10 0,05 a. in., 3.00 A 0.35 p. m. return
nip: icavo bcnwcuKsviuu aic.a'i, c.w a.m.,
noon A 1.40 p.m., connecting with similar unlit
1 1 ''.ending ltallioad.
1 'ebtookdalo Ballroad trains leavo Fnilsioiw.
al s.aia, 111 uud 0.20 p. m.,tclurntugle4ieMouii'
l'.t-. -..titlat 7.00 and 11.25 a. 111., councetln-i 'i
slin t ,r tralus on Rending Ralhoad.
C 1 ter Valley Rallload Trains leavo 1)1 ;dn
rori at s, and 2.05 and 6.ti2 p, in. retuiitiUL.
leave (i.20 a.m., 12.15 noon t-ia.
11. m., connecting with similar ti.tii.s u.
Reading ltallioad.
Uu suitdtu's, leave New Yolk at 5,00 p.m., I'm.
piths ut t.,00 n.m. and 3,14 11.111., (Hie p,m 11. 111. trai..
1 unul uu only ti,Riadlng;)leaei'oltHvllloS,0l'a 111.
iluirlsbitig at 5.:i5 n. m, and 4,10 p. i. mu
l-ae Allentowu ulT.-jn. 111. nmlMi p. 111. ,1111'
Rt-ading at 7,15 n. lu, and lalVj p. 111, lor Hmiu-,
bmg, ul 7.2Ja. m. ior New Yolk, at 1.15 p. lu. lot
Allt-utown, and at 0.10 n, in. nnd 1.2i p 'n '"'
Comiuiiuiliin, Mlltagc. Sinhon. rihooi 1
Kxciirslfu 'ln-kcls loauil fiom all 1 olnls,! I le
dum! lules
baggni ilucktd Ibroligli; II'O l-ounds allowe
each pairrnui-l,
CI. A. NIC01.1.H,
Cieni lul bupcrlulendiut
lloadluj, P.l , Sept. 10 1(70.
.Li BUltd RAiLltOAD
Ou andvltr Jul) 5, IS70, Passeuger Trains wll
run us follows:
C'.ulni; North. Cult, South.
Arrive Airlvo Leave Leave
p. m. a. in. p. m. a.m.
Scrnnton s.10 li'.'O 3.S) 7.20
1.3.) '
Pltlston f .1 1 11.12
Kingston 7.15 11.10
PI) mouth 7.30
shickshluuy.... 0.62
lterwicl; n.05
Bloom 5.28
Danville 1.50
Nnrtll'tl 1.15 0.111
cottiteclioii mmtti iitscrautou by the 10.43a.m.
tral 1 lor Great Bend, lilughamtou, Altniuyand
ull points North, Last uud Wist.
Passeugcr Trains 0:1 tUlsroid will run t,s fol
lows : J
Mull -SuKA.
Dep. S.15u,m
" h.l)
" 01) "
" 10.10
" lo.:io
" 10, li '
" 11.17 "
" 12.21 p.m.
Williams rant.
.Ml Ron.
Mail Xarth
Arr, 1.50 p. in.
l)p.3.2o "
' 1.10
" l.W) "
" 3.10 '
:: is ::
" I.5J "
- i.-.aj -
" 12.13 '
" 2,15 '
" 1.25 '
" 3.15
Arr. . 1
" 1.21
" 2.M
" 600
" 3,20
" 0.05
' 1.10 "
' 1.10
' 10.10 n.nw
li. m
1 ii, Muhouy June,
'Dine. Tamaqua. Dine.
' ltcadiug.
" Potisville.
"dine Mauch Cuuuli. dlue" 2.(0 p.m.
jeiuteiit in, i-,iu
" Phlla, vlallethleheni, ' 0.60 o.m.
" Haston, 11 11,45 .
New Yolk, it. Llbeity at,,
M.U...VB. It. It. ' 0.00
" L. Valley R. R. " B.W
&.aj a.m, Uostou, 0,10 p ni
Passeugers taklr g tho 8.15 tralufrom William
sporl, will have two hours lu New York, lor sup
per, and arrive In Boston at 6.&0 u.iu., eleven
liour- in advance of all other routes.
New day coaches uccomnauy all trains be
tuciu Wllllaiusnort. Few Yolk and Philadel
nam) 11111 liui-'iiu uy uayiigui.
Oko. wnnii.Kiipt,
IN . WAY, .... ,
un anu Riier June i-iu isit', jiuius win
Ic.ivuBUMtmtY us follows:
6.MA.M,, Dally to Wlllhinispoit, for Llmlia
l auuituaigua. l.ocuesier, iiuiihii-, nospeiisiou
Bridge, uud N, Falls,
3.10 f, m Dally,(except Sundays) ror Klmlin urn.
ltniiuin vn, l'.riu lnillwav irom Klmlrn.
0,15 r.M., Dally, (exi t pt Buudaj ) lor Williams.
11.45 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) Ior BalUltinii
11.25 P.M. Dally(exptSunduy')torBaltlinoi
Washington anil PiiUudolphla,
Ueueral IVvscugtr AkcuI.
At.n'.tn U. V'iske, Uen'l Snpt..
iiown's fast rmoiaiiT
und lulenhedlalB points. Unodsfomatdid will
cun itltd dinstU-li and al low iti .
UuihjJ. 1 1'liuaiimpli-a, must be ilillvereu nt
Blimr nt Jlaian sunt, Tor lull vr apply 01) Kmu.Ul ,lorrlHc,
Aug. SO.'00-tr. It. R. Dtjol, llloomsLuiK.l