THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY.PA. Is Sthc (jfotumMnu AND gltfDmsiHwtvggcmwwit. BLOOMSpUllG. PA. Friday Mornlti?, Sept. HI, lSIO. - TI1K OOI.U.HIIIAV lias lilt I.Biqrlt GlretilMlon of any pnper pulillilit-d In Northern Pcwuylvanlft, nltit U alio ft ranch larger sheet thiut nny of llscolcm pnrarlest ami It therefore Ihehest medium for atlrertlilnR In thlt section oftlie fltnf e. To Our Hcadors. Our conncctlou with tho Columdiak as lla editor has ccasoil. Wo havo only tlmoBlnco closing tho bargain for its sale, toglvo our readers notlco of tho fact botbro going to prcs, mid will give thodotalls next week, together with tho nanjo of tho now editor. Our wholo attention shall bo given until tho elec tion to tho Congressional canvas. XVXcrcur'a Record. McPhcrson'B Hand-book for 1870, gives us votes In Congress upon import ant questions at tho last session, and with Us aid, in connection with tho Congreslounl Qlobo for former sessions, wo shall preparo for tho noxt number of tho Columbian, nn exhibit of Jlr. Mereur's course and votes in Congress during his service of sovon years. For tho present, and referring otily to tho proceedings of tho last session, wo pro sent him from tho record upon two questions : Duty ox Pjcj Ikon: In tho Houso Representatives, Juuo 0, 180, tho In ternal Tax Bill being under considera tion, Mr. Schcnck moved to amend by adding a now tariff section flxing,amoug other thing?, tho duty on pig iron at $7 per tou Instead of J9, (tho existing rato of duty,) which was agreed to. Yeas, 137; Nays, 41; Mr. Mcrcur voting in thcajjirmalive. Income Tax: In tho Houso of Rep resentatives Juno 1. 1870, tho Internal Tax Bill being under consideration, Mr Cox moved to reduco tho tax on in comes from flvo to thrco percent, which was agreed to. Yeas, 11 1 ; Nays, 70 ; Mercur voting in the negative. Mr, Potter then moved that tho said income tax should not contlnuo to bo collected after tho year 1870, which was not agreed (o. Yeas, 72; Nays, 107; Mer cur voting in the negative. Mr. McCarthy moved to slrlko out all tho sections relating to income tax, so that tho tax should bo abolished,' which motion was not agreed to tho voto being yeas 01, nays 122, Mcrcur voting in the negative. Ho was therefore against abolishing the tax ; against reducing it from fl to 0 per cent, and against stopping Us col lection after tho present year. Xho Murder Trial. Wo commend to tho attention of tho peoplo goncrally.but mora especially to those gentlemen who formed tho jury at tho recent trial of Richard Palmer, tho artlclo in tholast Republican in rolatlon thereto. It says, "Had Palmer who came up from tho coal regions, charged with murder, been an Irishman Instead of a Welshman, it is our opinion that ho would havo been nllowed to go Scott free." In other words, gentlomen of tho jury, this honorable editor con ceives that you deliberately perjured yourselves and convicted Palmor not on tho law and ovldenco produced, but by reason of his nationality. This seems to us an insult as outrageous as it is uncalled for. Thero wore, on that jury, somo Republicans who now have an opportunity to sooof what stuff their leader In this county is made. It may be a good way to sccuro tho confldenco of men of your party to accuso them of tho most flagrant perjury, but wo doubt it. Tho editor of tho Republican in his eagerness to hit the Democratic party lets neither truth nor decency stand in his way. To print a sensation artlclo in his paper he sacrifices everything which ordinary mortals prizo, honor, truthful ness and regard for others. acntlcmenof tho Republican party, aro you not proud of him, moro espo ciaKji. wo appeal to, thoso perjured ones who sat on Palmer'a jury ? Slough on Grant. For several weeks wo have practical ly had no Government. Our festivo President has been attending horso ra- ces, smoking cigars at Long Branch, and enjoying himself gonerally. Tho heads of the different Departments, fol lowing tho oxaraplo of their Chief, havo scattered to tho four quarters oj tho Union; and. not withstanding the pres. euro of business jiiome, and tho com plications abroad, matters of gravo Im portance aro left to irresponsible clerks and subordinates at Washington- So crying has this evil become', that even the Republican papers havo takeu up tho question, referenco to tho recognition of tho French Republic.tho Now York Times says: "Jules Fuvro " Is waiting for an answer to his dls " patch, asking a recognltlonof tho Bo " public of Franco, as the cable repro " sents. Ho had better bo informed that " thero Is no Government of tho United "States In Washington at present, and " that ho should address his dispatch to "the caro of somebody who knows " where tho Government is. It has not " been heard from in this region for a "month or more." Can Democratic denunciation bo stronger ? The State FAin. Tho 18th Annu al Exhibition of tho Pennsylvania Mtato Agricultural Society will tako placo on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thura day and Friday, Soptomber 27, 23, 29, nuu av, una oius i.ur to do tho uost ono yet held. Wo hopo that tho citizens of our county will tnko sufficient Interest In tho Fair to sond articles for exhibi tion ana to attend themselves. Tho premiums are large and comprehensive and aro worthy of tho competition of our poopie. uertalnly Columbia coun ty should bo able to contrlbuto mfao hlng which would bo entitled to a prize. Wo havo heard as yet of no steps being taken to Bend any articles. This Fair will undoubtedly help our own County Fair Jn October, especially In lie matter of Agricultural Machines and implements, as thoy will bo bout hero, in preferonco to returning them to tho agencies and manufactories. Let our citizens wake up, Democratic Congressional Confer ence. Tho Democratic Congressional Con ferees of thosoveralcoiiiillescoinpoilng tho 13th Congressional District of Penn sylvania, met at TuuUhannoek, Wyo ming county, Pa., on Tuesday, Sept. mill, 1870. C0.V1'K1U:C3 l'UESENT. Montour 1). P. Crossly, Dr. Kphralni O. Kester. . Columbia -C. P.. Mcllonry, W. II. .Tncoby. , , , . Wypiutug-D. 1). Dovyitl,.JJj,(hai. Slttaor. Sullivan- Hdii. James De'egim,' John (1. Wright. Bnulford-Gen. W. K. Barton, Delos Rockwell. On motion llou. Jnmes was chosen President. C. B. McHcnry and Delos Itockwcll worochoscu Secretaries Tho coufcrees proceeded to nominate candidates, for Congress. . II. Jacoby nominated Charles B. Brockway, of Columbia. den. W. E. Barton nominated V. 13. Plolctt, of Bradford. John A. Slttscr nominated It. R. Lit tle, of Wyoming. John O. Wright nbmlnatod Geo. U Jackson, of Sullivan. On motion a ballot was taken by call ing tho coitntloi In alphabetical order. Tho first ballot resulted as follows: Plolctt, 2; Brockway, 4; Jackson, 2 Little, 2. On second ballot tho voto was a fol- lows: Plolctt, 2; Brockway, 2; Jackson 2; Little, 4. Tho third ballot resulted as follows : Plolett,2; Brockwny, C; Little, 2. Tho voto in full was as follows : For Brockwny, Messrs. McHcnry, JacOby, Crossley, Kester, Deegan and Wright j For Plolctt, Messrs. Barton and Rock well; For Little, Messrs. Dewitt and Slttscr. On motion tho nomination of Charles B. Brockway was mado unanimous. A committee of two, consisting of D, D. Dewitt and W. E. Barton, wero ap pointed to inform tho candldato of his nomination. On motion the following lettor from Col. V. E. Piolett, which was read In Conferenco,was ordered to be spread up on tho minutes of tho Confereneo : To the Oenttemcn constituting the Democratic- Conference of the Vjth Congres sional District. Ge.vtlemln-: You will pardon mo for appearing oeioro you in tins way. tho deep Interest 1 feel in securimr U'roiiro sentativo to tho 42nd Congress from tho latu District, prompts mo to mauo tins communication. The first object to bo attained in your meeting, is harmonious action. Who ever you select as your candidate, will uuu a great nuvaniago in mo moral power secured by a unanimous nomi nation. To enablo you to reach action of this character, gentlemen named as canuiuate3 iy tno suvorai counties, must oo unsciusn, anu Huooruinato tncir no sire to bo nominated, to a thorough canvass of tho merits and fitness fortrto task of carr.vlnir our standard tou suc cessful iiSUO. Tho four democratic counties within tho 13th district wero attached to Brad ford County, to enablo tho radical re publicans to over balance nnd silence their vote. Thus far this Gerrymander ing has been successful. I yield any position which my unanimous nomina tion by Bradford County would appear to give me, li oniy oy uoing so, a union of all the various interests can be se cured. Bradford county has no claims to tho nomination based upon other grounds than expediency. Of this I wish you to judge. Plaeo in nomina tion either of tho jrentlcmen offered by tho several counties, nnd I will yield tho candldato so nominated my cordial support. Should you fall of harmoni ous action with tho names now beforo you and go outsldo of this number, I hone that I will bo able to reconcile my sense of duty with a cordial support of sucna nomination. lour menu, V. E. Piolett. On motion John G. Wright and W. E. Barton wero appointed a committee to invite Col. V. E. Piolett and Hon. R. R. Littlo to wait upon tho Confer ence. These gentlemen nppearcd and addressed tho Conference, pledging themselves to a cordial support of tho nomination. On motion Confereneo adjourned. JAMES DEEGAN, Pres. C. B. McIIENIlY, Spe,,., DELOS ROCKAV ELL, J b?c s ADUIIKSS To (lie VoltTN or tlio Ileiireseii (alive District composed of the Coa tics ol' Columbia ami ItCuntour. Tho Conferees selected by tho Demo cratic Convention of Columbia County, to confer with Conferees from Montour County, upon tho question of nominat ing a candldato for Representative; having discharged tho duties Imposed upon them, deslro to present tho result at which they have arrived. After several sessions and faithful ef forts by them to sccuro an harmonious nomination, it will appear by the pro ccedlngs of tho Conference, that tho Montour Conferees withdrew, leaving tho undersigned to constitute tho legal confereneo for purposes of nomination Whereupon they proceeded to ranko a nomination under regularusagoiind par ty law; and now announco It to the peoplo of tho District. They havo so lectcd a gentleman widely and favora- bly known, who has held responsible positions of public trust, and whoso fidelity and Intelligence can bo relied upon in tho performance of Ieglalatlvo duties. "If supported by your votes, ho will not betray his trust. Ho will rep resent all tho peoplo of tho District fair ly, and labor also, to pronioto all tho best Interests of tho State. Tho Columbia Conforees greatly do sireu to eccuro an linrmonloiu nomlna tlon, and put rorth their host efforts to that end ; but thoy wero not met In n similar spirit by tho Conferees of Mon tour County, who prosontod a slnglo namo for nomination, and refused to namo or to concur in tho nomination of any other. Their right to present candldato was no moro unquestionable than tho right of tho undersigned to object, and to require that a new man should bo proposed. Without this, n conference has no significance or utility, and a meeting of Conferees is a moro farce, or a delusion to bo practiced up on tho people. Tho Columbia Conferees wero chosen by their County Convention, uudrr elr cumstancos which precluded them from yielding to tho demand mado by tho Montour Conferees, that a particular candidate named by them, and no ono else, should bo nominated. Beforo their telcctlon in Convention, and when their names had been proposed lu that body as Conforees, ono of them, In tho pros. once, and with tho concurrence of tho other, plated openly to Iho Convention timt it tho Convention expected them to vote for Mr. Clmlfaut. thov wero nbotit to tako the wrons men. and should chooso others." Under this ex- ' plielt declaration, their choice by the Convention tea's equivalent to an instruc tion not to concur in Mi nomination. They kept faith jipon this polut",,but being unlnstructed, cither virtually; or In form, ns to aiiybthcr.polut; thoy,felt frco in Conference, to support n number of gentlemen, resident Indifferent parts of Montour county, nnd did so, upon thQ first day of jho Confereneo meeting. And Ihey would haw agreed to other gentlemen of that county, If their names had been proposed to (hem by Uio Jr&nloiir Conferees. This conces sion to that colulty wai ono mado in tho lntcrc3tR of peace, union, harmony nnd good neighborship, nnd not ns nn admission of absolute right In that county to tho nomination. Agreement In n Montour nomination being found Impossible, by reason of tho extraordinary nttltudo of tho Mon tour 'Conferees, tho Conferees of Colum bia county exercised their reasonoblo right, In presenting a candldato from their own county; and upon tho seces sion of tho Montour Conferees from tho Conference, proceeded to confer upon him a regular and proper nomination. And In view of tho larger population and Democratic voto of Columbia coun ty, as compared with Montour, n nom ination from tho former cannot bo thought unreasonable or unjust. It cannot bo thought Improper or Inequl tahlo, that four thousand democrats in Columbia county Bhould obtain repre sentative nominations moro frequently, than Hlxtccu hundred in Montour. Tho nomination of Hon. Leonard B. Rupert having been regularly and fair ly made, is how submitted for tho sup port of tho people of tho District ; in tho firm confldenco that it will bo tri umphantly sustained, and that his elec tion will seeuro harmonious and proper action In futuro nominations. -IltAM Deku, , John A. Funstox. Conferees. A'ottcc ol'NoiiiInrttlon. BL00M811UKO, Sopt. 8, 1870. Hon. L. B. Rui'EUT, Sin You tiro hereby notified that In tho Representa tive. Confereneo held In this place, on yesterday, upon tho secession of tho Montour Conferees from the Conference, you wero duly nominated as tho Dem ocratic candldato for Representative for tho District composed of the counties of Columbia and Montour. Your ac ceptance of tho nomination so made Is respectfully Invited. I RAM DERU, JOHN A. FUNSTON, Conferees. E.cttcr of Acceptance. Bloomshuho, Sopt. 8, 1870. Gentlemen .-Although tho nomina tion tendered mo was unsought nnd un expected, I accept it thankfully nnd with a due sense of tho honor conferred. In case of election I shall endeavor to discharge tho representative duties as signed me, with fidelity and in n spirit of friendliness, courtesy and justico to tho peoplo of tho wholo District. And it shall bo with mo a leading object to labOr with all good men of tho Stato to restore to tho Legislature that character for integrity, economy nnd devotion to tho public intercsts,'whicli characterized it in former times. I am, gentlemen, very truly your obedient servant, L. B. 11UPERT. To Hon. Iram Derr, and John A. Funstoh, E-:q., Conferees. Court Proceedings. SnriEMiiEit 8, 1870. (continued,) Report of reviewers vacating a road in Hemlock twp. confirmed. Alley In tho town of Orangcvlllo, confirmed. Report of rcvlewors of a road in Cat awissa township, loading from a public road near Hughes & Son's foundry, to intersect tho public road leading from Catawlsr to Ashland, confirmed. Itcport extending Fourth street in tho town of Catawissa, confirmed. Road In Mt. Pleasant twp. near tho honsoof Hiram Thomas, confirmed. .Report of viewers of a road In Locust twp. near J. J. Campbell's, confirmed Report of royiowors, reporting against a road In I-ishlngcreek twp. near win, Ikeler's, confirmed. Report of viewers of a road In Jack son twp. near Samuel Hartman's. Re ported against a road, confirmed. Report of reviewers not granting a road in Jackson twp., near D. Young's confirmed. Report of viowcra to vacate a road In Catawlssi, near tho railroad, con firmed. Report of viowers to vacato a road in Pino twp. near E. Taylor's and E. Eves confirmed. Report of viewers of n road in Bloomsburg, near O. A. Jacoby's, con firmed. Report of a road in Franklin twp near Vnlontluo Voght', confirmed. Report of a bridgo view In Sugarloaf twp. Tho Grand Jury concurred with tho viowers and tho Court approved tho concurrence. Report of viowers of a county bridgo between tho townsh!p30f Hemlock and Mount Pleasant over Littlo FIshlnIg Creek. No bridgo allowed by the Grand Jury. Sheriff's Deed to Lavlna Davenport for lots In tho town of Berwick, ac knowledged. Sheriff's Deed to Oeo. W. Hoffman, Esq., for nn interest In a tract of land In Greenwood twp. acknowledged. Sheriff's Deed to Polly Brown for a lot of ground In tho town of Orangc- Vllle, acknowledged. Shcrlif's Deed to Horry S. Marr, fora lot of ground In Montana, Col. Co., no knowlcdgcd. Report of Geo. S. Coleman, Ejq,, auditor on oxceptlons to tho account of Andrew Freas, dee'd. Commltteo of Stephen Walp, a lunatic, confirmed ul si. Acct. of Win. T, Shuraan, Esq., com mltteo of Mary John, dee'd. confirmed Petition for a rulo on Mary Hupp, Administratrix of tho estate of Ucorgo Rupp, dee'd. to enter counter security, Rulognuitcd returnable to next term and purchase money not to bo paid In tho mean time. Petition of Eliza T. Eyerly for audi tor to miiko distribution of tho b.dauea lu tho hands of tho administrator of tho cstato of Dr. John P, Klugo, deo'd. 0, B, Brockway, Esq., appointed Aud. Widow's nppralseinont of John Da!!- map, dee'd,, confirmed. Widow's approvement of Daniel S. Vanderslicc, dee'd,, confirmed. Widow's appraisement of Baltls Es- hick, dee'd,, confirmed. Widow's annralsemont of Jas. Em met, 'dee'd., confirmed. Widow's appraisement of Geo. .Kel ler, dee'd,, confirmed. Widow's appraisement of, Jacob Glr- lon, dee'd,, confirmed Widow's nppralseinont of Jacob Art- ly dee'd., confirmed. Widow's appraisement of Michael Latnon, dee'd., confirmed. In tho estate of Thos. W. Young, de ceased, on motion of 0. B. Brockway, rulo on tho heirs of tho dee'd., to np pear nt tho Doc. term, nnd accept or ro fusothocstoto nt valuation,, or show causo why tho samo should not bo sold. Report of salo of tho real est, of Benj Boone, n lunatic. On motion of Mr. Little, 0. W. Miller, appointed Aud. to mnko distribution. In tho cstato of Jacob Eyor, dee'd., on motion of Mr. Frcczo, rulo on tho heirs to appear on tho first day of Dec. term and accept or rcfuso tho real est. at tho valuation, or fihow causo why the samo should not bo sold. On motion of S. Knorr, Eq., J. B. Roblson was appointed Ami. to dlstrlb uto tho money In Court, arising from tho salo of tho property of Samuel Schwop- penhciscr, among tho creditors entitled thereto. Account of Henry Worlman, Jr., ex ecutor of tha est. of Henry Wcrtman, dee'd., on motion of Mr. Knorr, M. Whitmoycr appointed nudltor to dis tribute tho money in tho hands" of tho executor among tho heirs. Aud. report lu tho est. of Peter M. Trough, couflrmcd nisi. Referred back to tho auditor to correct distribution In judgments of Eliza Hess and Geo. K. Hess. Petition for n rovlowofn road in Hem lock twp. near Lovl Wright's. John G. Quick, Peter Evans and Evan Wei-lls-cr appointed reviewers. Petition to relay and vacato a road in Sugarloaf twp. near Collins Sutllff's. Samuel McIIenry, Andrew T. Ikelor and A. Hartmau appointed reviewers. Petition for n road in Sugarloaf twp., near Jacob Fritz's. Goo. Hurloyman, David Yocura and John Savago appoin ted viewers. Petition for n road in Madison twp., near tho house of Wm. I"airman, Win Miller, Eri Ikelor nnd John Murdan, appointed viewers. Petition for n bridge in Jackson twp. Henry Hess, John LowIsandMontgom ery Colo appointed viewers. Petition for n road in Greenwood twp near Catharino Thomas'. John Roblson Wm. White and John Vanlieu appoin ted viewers. Petition to vacato a road in Mt Pleas ant twp, near Philip Kline's. Wm. Eycr, R. Robblns and' E. Henry ap pointed viewers. Petition for u road in Catawissa and Franklin townships. Lewis Motz, Hen ry Hollenshead and Wm. II, Abbott appointed viowers. OKAND JURY'S REPOIIT. To the Houorable, tho Judges of tho Court of Common Pleas now compri sing a Court of Quarter Sessions of tho peaco in nnd for tho county of Colum bia; Tho Grand Inquest of tho Common wealth of Pennsylvania Inquiring for tho body of tho County of Columbia Respectfully ropresont that wo, pursu ant to our required duty, calmly and deliberately investigated all bills of In dictments presented for our considera tion at this term, nnd havo passed upon them accordingly, that wo havo exam ined tho public buildings and find them in good condition except windows and shutters in Sheriff's house, which wo recommend bo repaired, and tho win dows in bo repaired, and also recoraend that water pitchers nnd glas ses bo placed in tho Grand and Traverse Juror rooms. All of which is respect fully submitted. F. L. SHUMAN, Foreman. SEPTEMBER, DTH. On motion of Mr. Knorr, J. B. Robl son, Esq., appointed aud. to distribute tho amount found in tho hands of tho of J. M. ChemberlIn,among tho credit ors. Petition for a road in Locust twp., at Currantown. Joseph Lovnn, Gcorgo Craig and David Long appointed viow ers. Petition to chnngo tho road loading from Slabtown to tho "Old Furnaco" at a polntovor tho land of Mrs. Hamp ton and Leonard Adams, Lucas Fall ringer, Geo. Howor nnd John Snyder appointed vlowe-rs. Petition for appointment of viewers to viow n slto for a road and vacate an other in Mt. Pleasant and Orango town ships. Wm. Long, Emandns Unangst, and Nathan Flcckcnsleln, appointed viowers. Petition for vlowors to layout n road in (he town of Catawissa, viowers ap pointed. Petition for a road in Locust twp. W. H. Abbott, John Keefer and Benj. Mil ler appointed viewers. REPTEMI1ER 10TH. Charles Eyerly vs Margaret Eyerly. Divorce. On motion of Mr. Clark, C.B. Brockway, Esq., nppoluted commis sioner to tako deposition of witnesses in this case, and Court order notico to bo given. On motion of 0. B. Brockway, Chas. 0. Loldy of Montour county admitted to practice In tho soveftl courts of this county. Petition or Mason 0. Johnson, guar dian of Lullo Johnson to sell her Inter est in a houso and lot in Light Street. Guardian authorized to soil tho ward's Interest at prlvato sale. Petition for a road In Sugarloaf twp. near Ezeklol Colo's. John Zaner, Mar tin Ammcrman nnd James Edgar ap pointed viewers. Petition for a ro-rovlow of a road In Bloomsburg, near Robblns & Eyer's store. Mordecal Jackson, Hudson Owen ami I. Bower appointed re-roviowcrs. Com. vs Richard Palmor, indicted for murder. The Jury returned a verdict of manslaughter. Com. vs Lewis Kantncr, indicted for tho murder of Wm. Connelly. A jury was called, Tho following gentlemcu wero sworn and ompannelod to try the caso: John J. Barkloy, Reuben Rlgel, Samuel Mears, Jr., Henry A. Miller, Johu M. Chemborlln, Levi Wrlght.Jes so Mousch, Geo. W. Poust, Mathlas Moore, Isaac Grover, Geo. W. Clark and Perry Buckalew. SEPTEMBER 12TU, Com. vs Lewis Kuutner. Witnesses oxamined on tho part of tho Common wealth. Boston, Sopt. 8. The littlo craft call ed tho City of Ragusa, which sailed from Quceustown about eighty days ago reached this port, today, having safely crossed the Atlantic, Sho is only three tons burden. Who Aro Benefited by Xhc Reduc tion of Tnscs. 'Vhajhpress has been trying to malto a littlo political capital for Grant's ad ministration by publishing a tablo showing tlio nnioiint nnd character of thu reduction of taxes made nt tho Inst session-o"f Congress. Tho flguroi dis played so exultlngly are thus set out by our neighbor : I ltcorltitfl I HmircMof lcvcmio. In (Hen 1 Reduction ypnr in o i BppcliU tuxe1, Incliutltu tho'eon Rmltpr (Irons rcculpty..,.. , Hnlei Income, Iticltitllng haIp.- (Utl.i'O! ' 8,501,0.10 S7,2I10IIO 1,019,1100 1,MI,K fBi.noi) 10 JO 15.01I.OJO JlO.CTI.OoO 0. 781.01)1) 8,801,000 21.700(1(10 1.0I9.0O1 1, "Ol,(0 H)1,(I)0 25.IK10 l.lW.OOO rics ,, IjPffarU'S h Hnrcrft-4lonl Articles in i-ciirtlMOA. lVwnortA Htiunin Tolnt.. SS3.0I0.000 1 tH,8U.00O Wo do not think tho editor of tho Express can havo examined tho nbovo tablo with any care, though his publish ing it twlco would seem tolndlcato that ho took more than n mere casual look at It. When scrutinized and properly understood, It must bo regarded as any thing clso than n causo for exultation on tho part of Radical politicians. Llko nearly all tho legislation of Congress tho reduction mado in tho taxes was mado in tho intorost of monopolios,cor porations and rich men. Tho tablo dis played by tho Express shows that near ly nil tho reduction of taxes over which it crows was made In tho interests of capital, and not of Industrial pursuits or tho laboriug classes. Tho first Item, tho abolition ofspcclal taxes, (Including bankers) amounts to $10,071,000. Tho removal of this amount affords no relief to tho masses of tho peoplo. It only touchos a small class of wealthy and favored individu als. Tho sccondltem,thatofgro33 receipts, affects railroads and other corporations. It amounts to $0,781,000. It Is that much tax lifted from railroads, Ac, but tho peoplo will not dcrlvo a dollar of benefit from that reduction of taxes. No railroad in tlio country has lowered its faro, or rates of freight, slnco the tax on gross receipts was removed, and It is perfectly safo to predict that nono will On tho contrary, Tuesday's Now York papers Inform us that tho New York Central, New Y ork and Erie, nnd Penn sylvanla Railroads havo combined to raiso their rates of freight enormously. This is tho report : At a consultation of Jay Gould, on tho part of Erie; Commodore Vander bill, on tho part of tho New York Cen tral and Hudson River Railroads, and Col. Scott, representing tho Pcnnsylva nia Central Railroad, a uniform rato of freights from this city to tho West by theso respcctlvo railroads was agreed upon. Tho rates bottled upon exceed tho summer charges nbout soventy-fivo per cent, nnd and aro shown in the fol lowing li?t of first-class freight prices ndopted on tho thrco roads, taklngcffeit to-day : , Per Cwt Present Former 2cw York to Price. Price, Cleveland S G3 $ 3: Columbus, Ohio 77 -1( Cincinnati 90 -H Indianapolis 02 47 Evnnsvillo 1 10 07 Louisville, Ky 1 12 00 St. Louis, Mo 1 2.' G7 Quincy, III 1 25 07 St. Joseph, Mo -1 71 1 11 Chicago, 111 1 00 CO Tho following aro tho rated by steam by way of tho lakes : Present Former Rale. Rate. To Detroit, Cleveland and Toledo $ G3 $ 30 to unicago ana Mll- waukie 71 33 Tho faro for transportation of cattle from Buffalo to Now York, which has been carried on for somo months past at tho competition prico of ono dollar per car load, has been increased to $1.-10 per car load. Tho third Item of reduced revenue that coming from the tax on sale, only affects heavy dealers. It docs not touch tho retail traders and storekeepers from whom tho peoplo buy. It is $8,801,000 taken oil thoso who could very well af ford to pay it. Tho next item Is that of Incomes, nnd that brought little relief to tho masses forcoinparativcly Tow of them paid any part of tho $37,213,000. Tho reduction mado upon legacies successions, passports and articles In schedule A., which includes watches and gold and silver plato, will bring no relief to tho tax-ridden masses. Tho last item in tho list is stamps This does not includo stamps on tho poor man's box of matches, but applies to stamps on notes, cheeks, fcc. With such things tho working classes havo not very much to do, and tho relief ex perienced from tho reduction of $1,330, uuu will not bo felt by thorn. Let tho peoplo look at this table, which is now going tho rouud3 of tho Radical newspapers; let them study it itom bv item, uud then let them tell us, if any ono of them can, how tho masses nro benefited by this boasted reduction of taxes. Tho tax on Income was a war measure, o doubtful constitutionality, and it affected somo peoplo who lived on comparatively meagro salaries. Tho change In Us provisions brought relief to some who could Illy uhlrd to pay flvo per cent, of all thoy received abovo a thousand dollars; but, with that ex ception, wo fall to seo how any except the capitalists of tjio country havo been bonellted by tho reduction made in tho taxes by Congress. Tho truth Is tho Radicals wero truo to their theory of Legislation in this as In other things. They protect tho rich, favor capital and aid monopolies. Tho industry and labor of tho country Is left to bear tho bur. thonsof an oxtravagant government. It needs nothing more than tlio exhibit which Radical nowspapers nro now making to show how completo Congress and tho administration of Grant are run in tho interests of monopolies nnd certain privileged classes. , Cincinnati, Sept. 7.-In thogamoof baso ball played hero to-day between tho Whlto Stockings, of Chicago, and Red Stockings, of this city, tho former wero victorious by n score of 10 to 0, Tho following Is tho score by Innings; 123460780 w.mocuings. 1770 brrrr H. tJtockluss. 00OIUU03 8-0 Ooorgo Wright, of tho Red Stockings, wa3 unable from his injuries to play, and a substitute was necessary, Tho spectators numbered about ilvo thnns. and. San Francisco. Sent, o. Tho t nn in ship 'Jhuranga collided with a coal- ueicu near Aucuianu, jsow Zealand, on tho 23d of July, Both vessels founder ed immediately. Eighteen h ves wern lost. Taxing1 tho Wccosnltlcs of Xilfb ! Dlsgulso It as they may, tho radicals I cannot concoal tho fact that their sys tem of tnvatlon boars most oppressively on tho working classos, tho toilers who earn their bread In tho sweat of their faco. Tho tax-bill passed by Congress at Us last (session, whilst It rolloves tho upper ton thousand" of most of their taxes, falls to lighten tho burden so pa tiently borno by tho working millions. It strikes somo Twenty-four Millions oir Incomes, which rellcvcsthowealthy only, as nono but thnlo well-to-do havo a net annual lucomo oxcocdlng $1,000. It wipes out some Twonty-Sovon Mill ions moro collected principally from gross recolpts of corporations, sales of merchants doing a Inrgo business, li censes of circuses, theatres, lotteries, billiard nnd bowling saloons, banks, brokers, pawn brokers, otc, from lega cies and successions and tho special tax on banks. Tho reduction of flfty-ono million of dollars In internal taxation, therefore, only boneflts tho few, corpo rations which "havo no souls," million aires living in luxury nnd splendor, merchant princes who mako their hun dreds of thousands per nunuin, etc., etc. A slight concession was mado to tho great moss of tho peoplo In tho re duction of tho duties on tea, coffo, su gar nnd molasses. It Is conlcndcd,how- ever, that no reduction has beon mado on tho two last named articles. Tho es tlmatcs of tho annual revenues to be derived from theso four articles undor tho now tariff nro ns follows: Coffee $ 0,500,000 Tea 7,000,000 Sugar and raolas3es 28,000,000 $11,000,000 Estimating tho population of tho United States at forty millions of poo plo, this shows an annual tax of onedol larper head on tho articles of coffee, tea. sugar and molasses, or at a rough calculation, about sct-ei dollars to each taxable inhabitant. When to this aro added tho duties on articles of clothing bedding and table linen, on mechanics' and miners' tools, farming-Implements nnd school books, not to say anything of tho poor man's solace, tobacco, and when theso aro supplemented by tho enormous tariff tax of ono hundred per cent, on salt, by stamps on articles of ngrccment.stampson medicines, stamps on bank checks, stamps on matches, &c, tho sum total of tho taxes to bo paid annually to tho United States gov ernment under the now tax laws, by a laboring man with an ordinary family, Is not less than Fifty Dollars Tho loss to the revenuo from tho ro peal of tho taxes on gross recelpts.sales, legacies and successions, the special tax on banks, licenses, Ac, Is to bo compen sated by the Increased duties on cotton goods aud Bessomer i-teel. So far as tho latter is concerned, it is safo to predict that the custom receipts from importa tions of that artlclo will bo smaller than heretofore. The duty is almost prohib itory. Cotton fabrics nnd other articles of prime necessity to tho laboring man will, therefore, bo relied on to mako up tho deficiency. Tho working-classes will bo required to shoulder tho burden of which tho corporations and monov- kings havo been relieved. Bend your backs, yo farmers, mechanics and mi ncrs, yo tillers of tho soil, shovers of the piano and dolvers of tlio earth I Tho load Is prepared for you. Kneel down that your radical task-masters may tho moro easily imposo It. Patriot. THE WAR IN EUROPE, Prussian War Nows. London, Sept. 9. Notes of a decided character havo been addressed to Berlin on tho subject of peace, by tho Cabinets of St. Petersburg and London. It is said that Queen Victoria has appealed to Queen Augusta in behalf of peace. Berlin, Sept. 9. Tho Emperor Na poleon arrived at tho Chateau Wilhelm hobo on Monday and was graciously re ceived, and with his sulto conducted to his appointed residence. Ho appeared composed and cheerful Hearing that a republic had been pro claimed in Franco, ho said : "Tho Ger mans on entering Paris will bring order In the machinery of stato thero." Ho however, manifested no vindlctivo spir it towards hl3 countrymen. Brussels, Sopt. 10. Attheir present paco tho army of tho Prlneo Royal and tho Bavarians should bo In their desig nated positions around Paris by Wed nesday noxt. From theso points they will slowly close In upon tho French fortifications. A Prussian force was at Corapolgno this forenoon. Berlin, Sept. 11. Midnight. It is reported that tho government of tho United States is making vigorous and energetic remonstrances with Prussia ngalnst the necessity for a further eon tinuanco of tho present war. Threo earnestly written despatches havo been received by tho minister of foreign nf- falrs to this effect from tho authorities at Washington. Brussels, Sept. 12-4 v. m., via Lon don . Italy, Austria und Russia are agreed In principle and havo author ized Russia to ask Prusda for an armls tico. A dispatch to that effect has been sent by telegraph to Berlin. No answer has yet been received. Lord Lyons who has heretofore acted as intermedl ary between Franco and Prussia, has resigned tho tnBk In favor of Senor Olozaga, tho Spanish Minister. Berlin, Sept. 12. The ministry of war is in receipt of confirmatory ndvlc es or disaster nt Laon, subsequent to th surrender of tho city to the Prutsloos King William also telegraphed to Quoon Augustn, corroborating tho Intclligouco or this latest and most grievous calami ty. The king's despatch states that fifty i-russians and threo hundred of tho gar do mobllo wero killed by tho explosion of tho magazine and destruction of tlio cltadol of Laon. Tho dukoof Mccklin burg Sehwerln was nlso wounded. Many soldiers of Prussia and gardo mobllo sustained sorlous Injuries, which received prompt attention. - King William says tho disaster was unquestionably tho result of treachery Paris, Sopt. 12. Tho Prussians at tacked Toul ut eight a. m. on Saturday, and persisted until nlno in tho ovenlng j-uoy wore, nowover constantly ronuls od, nnd many of tho batteries dismount ed. Moro than ten thousand Prussians wore placed hors dtt combat. Verduu continues to holdout against mo enemy. At Montraody. on Thurs day, tho garrison gallantly repulsed tho Prussian attack. Tho Prussians havo surrounded Mcaux. Thoy aro in foreo at urecy, and aro approaching Nolssv lo Qrand. The latter is only nine miles irom raris. Pauh, Sept, 13-Tho Prussians lu strong force nro Invading tho depart ment of Ol-to. Thoy aro at Crell. The 'refect telegraphs that tho lirldg.i over tho Olio at Crell h:n Innin hlmvil U. Crcll Is distant, according to mlnuto ilculiitlons, nbout thirty-one miles di rectly north of this city. London, Sept. 13. Tho Em pros Eu- genionnd tho Prlneo Imperial nro bMII at tho Marino Hotel, In Hastings, A umber of servants of tho Imperial household, two carriages, mid twenty thrt-o horse, arrived at Hast lng-i, yes terday, by special tralu. Tho Prlneo goes out frequently, and mlngloi frooly with tho peoplo, and is already popular with all clashes. Latest Plows. ContNNE, Utah, Sept. 7. A party of men engaged on tho new road to con nect Coch Valley with Bear Rlvor Val lev discovered n hugo natural cavo with n stream of water running through It toward tho entrance. Somo of the par ty with lights penetrated tho cavo a dls- tanco of nbout two mllos wtthnut dis covering any other outlet. In somo places tho roof of tho cava was so high that It could not bo seen wuu tno lights thoy hod. Thoy intend shortly to ox- ploro tils natural wonder thoroughly. Santa FE.New Mexico, Sept. 8. In- formation has been received of tho re cent murder by Indians In Apacho Pass of Mr. Hofmor, n large Gormau browor of this city, who was on his way to Tucson to sell a stock of ale. His con veyance and horse3 wore captured. Special correspondence from Ralston to thoiveto Mexican, says now Indian dep redations In tho vicinity of Tucson oc cur every day. A few days slnco French's train was captured near Fort Smith, four men killed, and everything belonging to tho train carried off or de stroyed. London, Sept. 9-fi r. m. Tho report of tho loss of thoEnglish Iron-platod steamer Captain, which was circulated lato this afternoon, is fully confirmed at Lloyds. Tho disaster occurred off Fin istcrro, Franco. All on board, 000 lu number, perished. Capt.'CowperColos. Lord Northbrook and n son of Mr. Chllders, First Lord of tho Admiralty, were among tho lost. MARKET REPORTS. Uloomftljurg Market. per hnshel.. live ' 51.10 Corn " ... 1 0 Oats. " M , 0 in) . 8 01 205 Flour Tier imrrcl Cloverseed Flaxseed Mutter II 2: Kues Tallow. 111 CO , 2 ri 'J 17 , 22 Potatoes brled Apples Hams Hides and Hlimilders ..... i,urd per pouuti H nay per ton Iron No. 1 Hcotch pig No. 2 " ' liloom ....f.12o.'.1 . S29.H83I 'W LUMUEll. Hemlock Hoards per thomaud feet 810 00 I'luo " " (one Inch) IKU20 Joist. Hcanlllutr. l'lank.ilZemliiek). IS ir ahlnules, No. 1 per thousand s K) siaiug " it. ;;".'.'.'.!!.'."'.'.."!8 1 00 Philadelphia Markets. Flouh North western superfine at S, iNoriilwcsuril exira Northwestern family Western, do, do. , live Hour red, lius Mou I hern " 14 Western " , Kye Pennsylvania rye, ?Ums L'oits Yellow, ' Jllxod, OATS bU8 FitovisioNil Mess l'ork.vhbl 31es.s Heel", ' Dressed Hogs, V lb bnioked Hams 41 hhouldcrs i) lb Lard, v 11 tjKEiw Cloversetd u 1ms Tlmothyseeu Hi bus Flaxseed 44 CATIIK Ueef Cattle lb Cows, & head Bit HEP ft lb Uous 100 lbs , 7.(H)tf87..r0 ...SS.75aO.00 $14.) Sl.iO . U7S fl bit, DOcSllio 52: 0111.10 823.10 littjl5!o lfi-ff!llM S7.t0'.io lll.UU t2.i!0 15$83 J13.75i,11.2) MARRIAGES. YKAOEIl-OItOVK-On the 3rd Itov. Wm. J. Kj er, Mr. John Yeager, to Miss Lydla vjiuve, uoiu uj j-iysuurg, norm u CO., l a, LEVAN CAUTNEH On Iho 4th Inst., by the numv, otr. .iuunuei i,evau, to ituss Angelina v-iiiuci, uuiii ui luuiuur twp.. oi. cu. MAA8-nonciIEH8-On tho Sth lust, by tlio euiue, tfir. r.uwuru aiuus, 10 buss 3ituy liar chcrs, both of Danville, in. SIIAFFEIt MII,LEn In BloomsburR, on tho lOlli llov. B. F. Alleuian, Mr. Daniel pnaner to jnss Isabella c. Jllller. all or 11cm lock, Columbia county. Fa. GinT ON FAUST At the same plaee.on tho 1st init.,by the sarae.Mr. Mathlas OlrtontoMlss r.mmuA. or uemiock, Columbia co, DEATHS. ItUDY In ninritnsliiiriF. Antnitt 97 ITorrv An. rond. lufuut sou of J. H.auU CiUuarlno Iludy, WOnKllEI8EIt-In Espy, on the 27tli lllt.Al- V. uv uuusmerui aiues a. ana uvnia w urKiieiser, ageu 1 year anu 2 moutus. MII.T.EIi At Umo nidge, on the 2IUi of August 1K70. 1'eter 11. son of William and Cclestla A. .uiuer, u,;eu i year luoiuiis nnu l) tlays. Oh how still littlo Pcler's lying, And they whisper he Is dying, Tears aud prayers cannot savo him, Ho must go to him who tavo him. Those bright eyes must close forovcr. Those sweet lips will kiss us never, Fold Iho woo hands o'er his bosom. And thus fades our littlo blossom. BHOF.MAKElt-On the Olh day of April, 1S70, at j,uw.i.u.,i,i.uiu AiHiuurciiu, youngest daugh ter of (J. 1.. and E. 11. fjhoemukcr, aged 7 years, rather griovo not, mother weep not, llrotlicr, Ulster grieve no more, Think of her as only sleeping, Not ns dead, but gouo before. LINES ON THE DEATH OF LAUUA. Thou has left us darling Laura In the spring limo of thy bloom. And our hearts aro sad und lonely bluce wo laid thee In tho tomb. 'TIs no wonder wo are lonely, 1 Is no wonder we are sad, Thou has ruaoe ono less our number, Khali wo ever moro bo glad 7 Thou wcrt lovely nsn blossom, In the summer's rosy bloom ; Hut alas thou art now uieamlug, Fast a- leep within tho tomb. Hut the little feet will Journey Now they press I he green bants lightly lly the golden river s shore. ... una nuuu .! siu 111! mure. II. U. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N OTICE TO TRESPASSERS. AH persons aro forbidden to trcstvms on tim grounds of the undersigned. In Centre township, for the purpose of shootlnir, llshlng, Ac, TUoie so doing hereafter will bo prust-cmed according lo jaw. W1LHON MILLEU. ieuire iwp.,oepi. lu, is,u3. T O S T I on Tuesday, Heplember 13th, betwen Illoomv bum Post Otllco and tlin IMvr ltrll!,ant r-ntci..'!.,. sa, u I'ABH JiOOlC, containing Information of no yuluetoauyout buttlieowuer. Thoflnder will . luwfirucu vy leaving it at mis oinco or at tho i-ums jtutui, , JOHN W. OOUDNElt. scpl6'70-2t. Lairdsvllle, LycomlugCo, N OTICE. HI X cood main Rrhnol telphers n-nntml In TTn .uu luitunuiji. rw:,,uymi!i i-uuiuy ; lerni oi leacu lng Ilvo mouths. The day of examination will bo on Heplember 22ml next, commencing atO o'clock a. in., lu ltlngtowu. Wages will bo ubout gw.uvper muuiu, casu every inonin. 11. KllEUS, Boo'y, Illngtown, Bert. 16, 1870-lt. 0 PXEOUTOIVS NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Oeorgo Evans, late of JJrtarcreek twp., Columbia co., deo'd., have been granted by the Heglster of said county to Johu W. Evaus. of Uerwlck, Col. co. All persons having claims against tho estate are requested to present them lo the Executor In lierwlck Col. co,, 1'a. Thoso ludobled lu the estate either on note. Judgment, mortgage or uook uccounv win muav jmfuii,iuimi t.xec- uior wiiuoui ueiay, J0IWW.KVAN8, ecpl870-6w. Executor, mm Tim wll.1 adventures and tli.i,. """m, of Ucorg 1 iivMen wh. nro-i "iflcncM n kn lwldliin otlho rn,l mil? 111 r.i i Hon f . tisiri, orcnt buffalo hum,! ii TrfT,"- n& In li rV famous 1'MltfOS . This nw work replo o Tlih "f 10) .f real Indian llfo,arld7tlil1,rifriii,r!.' d r- ijir.ivlug, ono of author li '."I'. S Will ho caifcr r annhi J... -r l" lmnl..'u avid It; t rnlrwl . no wi lo i.wako and sej w wits samplo page, clr-iiUr, t" rm s L'l""!! Held 8CJ " - 'irattiut Hi " Phil. A D '.UINIHI'IIATOII'S NOTtPiT" ..... .... , i Lett crs nr ndmtui'siMil'on' liOmi ron ii1 IV, ilenM have been grn Jack-urn townihtp, Columbia n Vi"dlnU linviniT n1iittn naiitiwt. Dm All hPtw. out lo Hie underside n,l,nii iT,t2,,,ni W 1.en,o,r. B,MHa will come forward, prove pro,,erly Vi'fw- nnil tnlcn thorn nwnv ( 1 '-'.iiPaTfli.. cnrUlim to law. S vmiV"' ugurioai, Dept.. iu, is;U 3t, u-vj. V: I7STRAY NOTICK. .A J uimelo Ibo premises of Iho suUHh.. i .. township. 011 or about Iho l.t Z S ''"flat WHlTi: ilAllltOW. weighing bciwT ?. "going taWE in fa,?'.'," y.'.Uf?!".00""'!. prove r,m. ana rino twp., Hopt. 0, 1870-3t '"-'ilKE, ASTRAY NOTICE. aino lo llip premises oflho BnlincrlhM i tlio other a ycurllnu. lUaiZnlr mlnnlt ivnrfl iirnvn ni-nnnrli- tin..i " Uinit Int. - - uauiM ui-niruiiiif ia i Sasarloat. Sent. 9. ISTO"" "AIt!W0X. tti Tr. irxnnn Jji. 1 laving purchased tho stock or n,. u ... Si "elected 10 best variotv of ' re'nrw 1 Mhlnu ...... .MlUft-J ver brought to this place. He lsalnn.... , o mako llools nndnW-s lo order J tWXS iVni.mmnn llloomsburg. f'a. S QKNTa WANTED I IN THIS COUNTY. AND IN At.t. THn I'fllNCIl'AIi OITIE-J AND lOWNj OP IES. ,r HYLVANIA, nv TUB NORTH AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF I'lIILADELriUA. LmEItAI. iNDUCnilESTd OllEIlEI). Vuuelitrs should a-co mpinj appKntUm far ojni"i Call or nddrcsi W. W. KUttTZ, President, 133 WALNUT STREET. NHLAlJELPiIH scp9'70-lm. Legal Notices. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. E3TATKOP JlWfAlf II. VtTUWlV nvr'n Letters orntliiinUt rut Inn nn lhnit.iifpn(THhh n.Kurman, lute or ltloom twp..(iumbUcouDtj I dee'd.. liavo been crnnfml liv thn Itrr?ktfirr,rM I county, to Michael V, Ilyerly of Bloom twp. I ii I'vinuiiBiiimiin tiiuiiis ur uuiuumii ngaiSsl I the Ucccilent are requested to m.ilte them knoffD, I aim vuoiu li'ueuiuu m niniio payincir. iuig2fl70-Gw. Admiu.htrator, HlLJl...i r. l.ll'.KL.Y nXECUTXUX'S NOTICK. JLU ESTATE OP HAINT STOUT. DEC'D. Letters tCHtimientarv on tha rotate n( Jsalnl I Htiut. luto nt Miidtsnn loMiisliJn. flolmnbli I county.dfcM.h.avu liucn mmilvJOy the lU'eKUrof I uiiuuium uouuiy in .Mtirina hijiu, or jiuaiscna twn.. Columbia cuunlv. I'a. All iktmiuh hainil rianns against uioesuiiyiuo rciiueMemo puaii them to tho Lxucutiix lu Columbia County. Ill Tlioo Indebted tn thu -statu ellhvr ouiiuteJuJi-l mem, mnnuiio or uoon nccuuuv wm nian nugVOTO-Cw, Executrix. II, V niifi'i, A DM I N 1ST H ATO I VS NOTICE. r wtit. nv I . r-iiu Ti( 1 ITU. tirr-'n. l.elters ol'ndinluistrutton outlioesUteof JacoSl Triuib, lato of Uloom twp., Columbia counir.l dee'd, havo been urantedliy the Ki-gWerormll county lo Jonathan Tiaub reslJlui! latlie wal mill rouuiy uioie-iiii'i. jvn iimihiui.,"., against Hie estate of tho decedent aro requital in present inem ior semeiueio, uu. , debted to the estnto to make payment lollie an-1 uersigneu, uuiuinuiraior, wnnwiu iic'-"; , RUKiO'iO-Oif. Ailitlnlstnlor. .IllNA 1 11A. lll.Ytl), T?XECUTOR'S NOTCE. Ji fcSTATB 111-" JOII.N UKAHIlAllli ... - letters tcstomenlary on tlio fiute or l Oenrharl, lato of Main township, U'"''! rountv deceased, havo been granted W i'l ltealslcr of salJ county to John J. u"""-! of Main township. Col. co. All 1U;J ,.l ing ciaini-i against too esiuiuuic - present them to tho Kxetutor id a JI lowushlii. Thoso Indebted to i he estate elttMO'i note. Judgment, mortgago orboolt wconni w inuno paymcni. tu '"o,'V,ii44Iu',i.-V,TiirKT. SCP1270-CW. " E,tcuWr' NOTICE IS HEREBY Olwi that an application will he m',,terSI mectlnB of the General AsseniUly of IM - I ..-1 monweal i or l'cnnbyivam.i , VK. i. i!r ihil tlon of a bank.ln aecord.iucow th (.omniouweallb, lo no eiiiuuu " Deposit and Having Hani!," 10 uo ''"f'h"0Vi,d wlUa.l'ol. ro.1l,.,willincapllalofllltyi' dollars, with iho right lo lucrei e IN mow "I ono uuuureu uuu iiiij.iuhhv. VILUIVISSU, uuiy 1, 10,v-V"., p U B Ii I C SALE . r t. n n o V. H T Y, r u it H u s u a . " The undersigned, nn'lnlslra',0'n?,',,!SSi earliarl, deceased, will lA??u'vmtcl crlalo residence, ono mile from Msm"'v I m , '.,.. v nn-.f,ih TXl 111U1WOA1 K riVHJ.w, J nt ten o'clock In tho forenoon.tlia WlowlnSP' sonal properly, to win I 'H w n M A RES, lyenilins coll, Scows, bull, lhf 'e,f'S,& shoals, 11 sheep, 2 two-ho"e w. i)a, i l wagon 1 fauuliii mill. 1 sled, a lot 'B" . .TlTlVAlOM ri.ouaiis, HAiinowti .BEDS AND BEDDING, I . .nninarJI I coolt stove new). 1 cy'i'fVira. ii bureau, chslrs. carpets by rH 0, j lurtl utensils, and n largo amount ol u' nerouii inn,. ,wi r.iruilni' lnmlemeull loonwu. mention. CO BUSHELS WHEAT, 50 bushels rye, 2M bushels oats, hay bytbl srEri.rN,-; mi... T-. Tlnnnntl S37 V wuu uuua ii-- - ,, n... hlltcnWi"16! ..,. r.nn. i certain plant, cat" ' ,1 escapes tho f0ect.ol' the poison. TMtl 1 HuniRu beings on tho other u"nJ; ,benii on reason aud expcrlotico insclectin. t0;,l of protecting health awl uron'. uytl somo lnlininces. Now, what does n. this vital subjeet7 t'oes " - . u,ewi Invigorate nnd purify tho " , way to protect It ag-ilnst n0 '"J' 'X t-l which generates dlsea.e? n we M'0 I bst nucstlou is, wliav gumo mioa im choosing a medicinal nafeguaw. ,ellt. ,..n,.f i,exiicrlenct- cxperlcuco of eighteen years "P'ultJ unbrokoii scries or sitisiaeio. ,,,,- po-"l suresns iluil Hostolter'sBtoroach liii ,' sticusthenliiB, regulating and an ii M,.l ties wnlch nro not combined m i" ' pioporllons In any other pnf jial This thercfoio Is tho onlldolo to I bids us rosrt when ou.- Ucnii' 1Jen,j either by Iho malaria which t''0"" clbtr ml1 disorders, or by any oimi -. , Mlm cut and constitutional or coiinecii. hablts, occupations and lmrkU'"'.,la u scnrcl The venom or noiuu. mciii'i moro subtlonnddaugcrous inn"'" ,j ,w II In foul nlr and Impure water. ),eK' . . ..MI.,n., aud 'other serious mal.dlesrr''u' MCSu lusulubrlus elements, It U ttbsoiuiw that tho stomach and all l" " t wnJlf l Bhould be, .o to l,e"B'" , " BhlcUt" upon ine amount ui -- , u, iunur- system can opiso to tho de let" . Jfpe(; that assail It, tho safety of the ,H and It Is uecausa tho ubcat v w w i OHANT Imparts energy ' rf" j., tW most Important luuctlons can bo recommended anu k - ...... ....Htne. vuHluuio proveumu i j?STRAY NOTICE. Camo to thn premhos of tho nhuni nbout tho fflth or Auiiust " as, "lb!.r,''' HI'HEH. ono llUINIJl.C HKlI-I-il"9 MOWS It ED lllilFEIl. nil Imvintr tiiS.Il1i,-01l PALE er fruiting oinc.