The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 09, 1870, Image 3

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JlUUUlOUlUt-i JLllUlVV, uu n. v, lO'Ul
For Balk. Six thrifty yotin plga,
rn WOOICH old. Inntilrn nt tltla nfflpn.
Tun Doiuncrntlc Congressional Con-
iipsiinv next.
Dr. W. II. Hrae-ley appeared ns n
tdi-L'ntn nt Jlcnillni' uotivutuio 1 lust
. tin ............ ...1 I.I .1
' II
At no provlous Court hnvo wo over
... .....I. .11 I
- .11.1 njn .... r. fl'l... . I..
.1.1.... .. .. t .1 I.. II
....a.-n ' 1 " alv....
As usunl, wo Rlvothis week tho Court
...... ..
til r,. l.t,. . ' ' t
1IIBV. QtVlU 1U1 I 1.1 lit J.I. I. 'f'.T X
Patents. Wo notice among tho list
r ll.liit.ta lojitfifi ll,........l ...... 1......
iirliJK uio imai wcck. onu to John w.
r urn it. ui mis liiwii. ( r 1111 imi.rnv.r.ii
Tin: First Tho Treasurer. D. Ijow-
I ! I C.xm t DtA
OlrllL.lLU lUi iO(V.
At tho meetlnp;of tho Standing Coin-
IlllUUU iUWHUtiy Jltaii lUIH. UL'O. v .
The Standing Committee met 011
h iiuiiiiriitiiL iiiiHini'H'. r in prim iinQiwi
iivt'i iwuvo men. unu moy propose lo
11 hu 1 u u iu 1 L' 1 nil ncuvn nnu
J. A. Douan, Sowing Machine Agent
uii luiii.v ui -T4-U leas iimn rviru 1 r urn is.
nv TitrKiins 111 wiiiil in 11 11 r, mnirn nt
tA 1 1.1 11 T . . .
11 mil.
Tin: falsehood in last week's Republic
1 1 r r-. ! .
this wccic. Whim n denial Is hard
necessary wo may hero remark that
r miPKninw niiinnrizn.q nq to hrnmi
this pmco, shot, a few days Hineo, n
f .1 r....i n 1 i . . a 1. .
I'i'ii mi x 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hi in .infnii"u
Promoted. Our friend Jeremiah
iiirMf'iiit jhiiii iriir. iiiiiiii-mnf 1 11 r. 'I li
no.! iv 11 i)iin-r hi 1 1 1 11 (mini 1 nun
ii mom, w il 1 1 rsi i" 1 1 1 iinninr.
niiGinuiuv in ins unnnriii i. una on.
JAY S i fll I .flllX MIL -"VriiVTr 1110
coruiaiiy mviieu.
I.v order to make hotter thno, tho
I. ...I.. ... T . I . I
vtr liiii 1 jii 1 11 v 1 nniL lii 1 if 111 1 . iriitT
h)(J3 inarKPH "urown ijine, jtsadinp
opot, willow ht. wnarr, rhiin." ah
UUS IlXl'lVLU UII III u 11 liui;k II. 111..
Ill bo delivered next day at Kupert at
nvmpk a. 111.. iniikint' uhnnt iih ennr!
mo as express, and at much lesB
Tjie nrocccdinirs of Iho lato Lcclslu
veConforenco wero received nt such a
nr Tim I iinmmra rnllrncT1TlT1ll, inn tivii
IlIIIII'H I'llll ill mil. Hirn'l. II iiiiii h 11111111
ce. All other questions seem to liavo
cii ouuuiuiuunu iu iiiu ii.-ioiaiiu
Saij iJKATir. A littlo daughter of
Irani SliuIIz, aged about two years,
as urowneu 111 a wutonncr troucrn. on
ugust 26tli, on his premises in Pino
wnship. Sho was playing with tho
licr children under n grupoarbor near
r nml nuI.l A.. tl 1..
i uuii niuiiLU itii liiu nuuai; uui.. il la
ll"i-i.u, wem, lusieuu, in liiu iruugu
II lull in M m urnu t.niwi 111. iimi tiirii.
fifteen or twonty minutes after, but
Stunsis-oI Tho "Una" hrw burst
lko to tlin tiistn nf Mr. filrtnn mill in
nU'nrL'llinnclilnnr Mm n.ilntnra I".-.
inly no better Job could have been
ns visiting Ulooinsburi: Is steadily
creasing mid tho 'Bus among other
Hit's WIN (rlvn thnaft Pfllnlnff Horn H
vornblo opinion of tho enterprlso of
r iiimnin
IlEnnio Paiik. WiT.i.iAMsrnnT. Pa
Tho IIotMl Fair nf tlin irnrdic Pfllk
in in rtnnrnm mil" Tirrnn coa ti tit it
n iiiiraeuon. xno uesi norses in mo
'iited States and tho Canadas bovo en
o nest ruunlng horses. Tho premiums
bo contested for amount to $,13,500.
iieronwiai. roans to wiiiiamsportnrui
We bavo received n copy of IJoyd's
eat ar xuup 01 ruropo, mo most nC'
rato nnd detailed of any yet publish
it is wen unisneu nnu Dears t no
arks of careful nnd rellablo work-
such deservo tho success thoy havo
nu Bt.. New York, to whom all or.
ay roly on getting u good and thor
rniv iFiiatiirnrriiii mm. iinin
The Berwick Gazette, Wo nro
v II.1UVVUU ill IllJI'UilllilV I'Ullif
U leaves tho Coi.umeian ns tho only
- 'MULl 11 1 1 1: IllilV 111 LIIU
our 4. m vn urst nhnn il unto tno
Former suhscribern to tho Gazette
eli Hlwll UtnaitlPhVi iuiikwmvu
in iirwi it ia fimiaa iniiiii.iiurii ti tit r n nn
in ineir names lor iiiuuumjmiuax
Bui'UItlnu Rtnl. nml tlin nliui nf
onstructlng machltiory will show for
In practical use. This fact Is well
limit m ii.. t i.
ivf II1U AlUllUIL'tia 111 Liiuusuutin
-Mil.-. 4u uiui y uav, niu uciuuruicii
lliirer Kmvlnrr Munliftina iirlilnK li.itm
ties or fiii.iii, w.t, Ttni.w, uimh,
urauie, easy to learn, and not Hablo to
H OUt Of nr.ln. 'Pl.rn . ., n ..1 . 1 , w.j n .n
Jf m advnnco of till olhers. No fauilly
I1,!? Wish tho most perfect work In tho
nortest tlmo should bo without a81ni.
MfW'iu fni -il.
On! 1 . v nu niu win in
fcrinal U,UI nr0 80IU 00 C"3y
" mo ugcni in ims piaco.
Enterprise I Our townsman 0. 0.
Mrtrr, lins Just received a splendid lot
ni inn urrsi unous uircci irnrn xsow
York mid Phllndolphln, and of tho
tcatnnd most fitslilonrtblo patterns. Also
n full lino of Fresh Groceries. Prices
will soon rlso and purchasers should
Salt him BDCCdllv mill ohtnln nnmn nf
his rino Roods nt tho very reasonnblo
rates nt which ho offers them. IIo Is
determined to suit all classes of pur.
clinsers both as to goods and prices.
TAX ON MoitTOAriES A ensn bus
ust been decided In tho Court of linn
aster countv.undor thn net of A nrll -Ith.
18GS. oxcmt)tlUBmortimi?Q.-(. tmlcinenlH.
recognizances, nnd moneys owing upon
articles of agreement for tho sale of real
esinio miiuo alter tno passago or tlio act,
from nil taxation except for Stiito pur-
pusisi, nun uini irom anu auer uccem
ber 1st. 18G8. no taxes of anv descrhi
Hon, oxcopt forHtato purposes, hhould
ho assessed or collected on tho securities
above specified,
HnWAItn. Oil last Mondnv innrnlinr
ns Mr. a. W. Frey was crossing tho Nes
eopec mountnln tomo rufllnti tired threo
siiois at inni. Tiioiiibt went throui: b
US hat. tho BCCnild thrmif?li liUIprinrm.
and tho third through bis rlirbt phpik-
Mr. Frey was alonn nt tho time. IIo
s w ins assailant und would rccognlzo
him. If ho snw him ncrnln. Iln nirp n
rewaid of 75.00 for liis nrrrnt.-(onn.
bury Columbian.
Tho assailant wn3 probably onoof Iho
"ishinii Creek Confedernles who ilnnsii't
know that tho war is over I MUtonian.
It would bo well cnoupli fnrtlinnillhir
of tho MUtonian to know that tho Fish
ing Creek district does not Ho near the
ivefcopec mountain, nor on both shin.
of tho Susquhanna.
TllINOS No Woman rnsifMua m
You can novcr, by accident, get a lady
(bo sho old or younirl to conies ! Thut
sho Inccs tight. That her shoes aro too
small lor tier. That sno is over tired nt
a hull. That sho paints. That sho Is us
Id ns sho looks. That sho has lircn
moro tlinn five minutes drMsIni'. Tlmt,
sho has kept you waiting. That sho
blushes when a certain person's nnmo
Is mentioned. That sho over eava a
thlntr sho doesn't mean. Tlmt. slm u
fond of scandal. That she sho of all
persons In tho world 1 In love. Tlmt
sho can't keep nsccret. That shu doesn't
want a now hat. That sho can do with
onu slnglo thing less when sho is nbout
10 travel. That slio Hasn't tho disposi
tion of an nncclor the temnnr fifn Kntnt
or how olso could sho go through one-
mui wimi, suouocs . xnat sno uocsirc
Know better than nny ono olso what Is
oest lor nor. That slio Is a illrt or a eo-
luetto. That she is over In tho wrong.
THE STATE FaIH. It nmienr In lm
niu iioucy oi uio csuuo alt cu lurai
Society that ovcrv hortlon of tho Stntn
shall have a chance to show tho progress
oi a given geograpnicu district in Ag
ricultural, lioriicuuurni nnu iuecnanl
cal pursuits, and in pursuauce of this
wen uenneu n an tno society tins vear
has fixed on tho thriving city of Scran-
iuii, in liuzuruu couuiy, 111 niu in uis t 01
mineral and acriculturnl wealth, as its
jiihcuui u.xuiuiiion.
For this purposo a carefully prepared
nnu liiiuuBiiacu ui L'rounu nns oeen en.
closed, abundantly s uinilicd with w.
ter; juisy oi access to any part or tho
city of bcrantou and surrounding towns
anu upon which uavu neon erecteu two
halls, carefully protected from tho wea
ther. 2o0x30 fect each: ono hall 175x15:
several spacious tents: 125 horso sta-
uies; iou cattio sneus an ampltlicatro
witli 1,000 seats, and every other ar
rangement for tho comfort of visitors or
exhibitors in ovcry department usually
represoiiieu at sucn snows. WO auviso
all but especially those who havo nev
er seen tho operations in n treat coal and
iron district to visit Scrauton and tho
atuto 1'iiir, which commences on Tues
day, tho 27th day of September, 1870.
Eveiiy Saturday for Sontnmhpr in.
is ono of tho handsomest illustrated na.
pera ever issued. It contains Euronean
war pictuies. tno uauen prisonors ta
ken at Nlcdorbronn: French soldiers
bathing at Nancy: A Prussian Outnost:
Saarbruck; and some recruits for ihi-
South German Array. It has, besides,
And portraits of Mademoiselle Sessl and
Geo...W. Chllds or tho Philadelphia
Ledger, a beautiful art picture, Morning
in tho Desert; and threo ndmlrablo
summer pictures, A Picnic in tho
Woods, by A. Ilomun: Summer Davs.
by W. J. Ilonncssv: and On tho Heaeh
at Lonir Branch, bv C. G. Bush.
Its Literary contents comprise able
and very interesting editorials on tho
isaiuuco oi l'owcr, an Eiupiro's Bull
Run, On tho Uncertainty of Things, a
Deslrablo Calamity, etc. It has a full
summary or liomu and foreign news
two additional chanters of "Tho Mvs
icry 01 Kuwin urooil." a sKctch orueo.
W. Childs by James Pnrton, and other
fresh nnd rcndablo articles. Altogether
It Is a remarkable number of this first
class family Illustrated Weekly.
The Catawissa Railroad. Tho
question of routo for tho cxtenslou of
tno uatawissa itaiiroau tvo ucuovo has
been decided. Tho road, if extended
nt all, will bo from Milton, by way of
juuncy. 'xno loan 01 ono nunurcu
thousand dollars, asked of tho citizens
oi tins pmce. has nearly nil oeen tnitcn
Tho amount reached on Saturdnv was
ninety seven inousnnu, witn ono or two
thousand moro promised, mid of courso
tno uuianco win no raisctt it tno build
ing of tho road depends upon that. Wo
regret, however, to bay, that tho friends
of tho cntcrpeloo at Williamsport, havo
not been quite so successful. Tho two
hundred thousand dollars wanted nt
that nlaco. have not yet beon raised
ButclTorts toseciirutbcreiiuired amount
nro still belncr made, and wo bono to
hear of tho subscription being filled up
vorv soon. Wo mav add. that wo havo
every reason to beliovo that if tho local
subscriptions aro tilled ui to the figures
nxeii uy tno company, tno won; 01
uuiming uio extension win uo com
nicnced nt anecJInncy Luminary.
We hnvo received tho following com
munlcatlou, which wo for tho
benefit of tho persons Interested :
UnityviIiIiK, Lycoming Co., Sep. !,'
Col. 0. Jl. Jirockwan. Dear Sir .-My
subscription for tho Columbian ex
pires tno Yin oi tins month : you will
picaso iiiscontiuuoscnuine: it to mo un
til tbcro Is a dun 20 in tho postmasters.
It has for 11 lone tlmo been couilntr so
irregular that 1 havo been reading stale
news unui 1 navo iiccomo disgusted
with mem. 1 am suited wen enougi:
with tho columrian, ami I attach 110
blame to you for Us irrcuularltv. but I
would prefer taking no paper than to
nu uisupiioiuicu 111 11s punctual arrival
and If 1 havo to depend on mv nelirh
bors ono-hnlt of Uio tlmo. I may as well
tho other half, so pleaso dUcontltiuomy
paper until wo get honest postmasters
into ouico.
Yours truly, with respect.
E. J.
Schuyler & Low of Orauuevlllo
Pa., manufacture tho best Threshers
and Cleaners, tho beat Wheeler's Rail
way Chain Horso Power and Thresher,
from tho original patterns and tho best
Lever Powers intulo In this county, if
not in tno tsinto. uoii'i 11111 to examino
their machines before purchasing any
other. Tiioy guarantee tneni 10 givi
satisfaction in ovcry respect. They ai
so manufacturo Plows and other AgrI
cultural implements. Beo their adver
tlbcment 111 another coiuiiiu. u.
Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Golden Med
icul Discovery Is not ti fancy drink umdo
of poor poUouous strychnine whiskey,
proof spirits nnd reftlsu liquors, spiced
and sweetened to pleaso tho titsto and
lead topers on to ruin, as are tho so
called ''Hitters" of tho day. It is
nuro medlnil extructof native roots und
herbs, and Is a speedy, safo and sure
remedy for all sovero. acuto and Un
goring coughs, loss of nppctlto, "Uvcr
Comnlnlnt." or"nilInnsnrq. nml nnn.
iimuoiioi inouoweis. JNotiung equals
for mirlfvlni? Ihn blnnil. nml ni.rlnn
nlmnfcs. Ill n I nli P.4. nriftlttntia artlt rlmllrn
oryslpehis. scrofulous nnd nil skin dlsa-
boiu oy uruggists.
Is it Medicine? a rripmi nf ntira
who halls from ono of tho upper
districts of South Carolina, called at tho
J.-IBK uiucu, nnu nmong other novelties,
ho mentlnneil "Wnlr.'u a
Schiedam Schnapps,'' nnd stated ns n
iiwi, mm. in nisscciioii or tno country,
nearly all of tho nlivslclnns In eertnln
casos, when they deemed ardent spirits
necessary 10 prolong or eavo lifo, inva
riably used theso 'Schnapps,' Justly re
garding it ns tho only spirits that could
bo procured iiuro and unadulterated.
iio aiso slated that this medicine or
'Schtianns.' was lippmnlnirthnnnlv Iipv.
erago sold on tho great stago or railroad
mines, no says uioso physicians who
havo used and analyzed it, state that
for diseases such as gra vol, gout, rbsu
mutism, Ac, it is incomparable.
The latest and best Music. Instru
ments, Ac, nt Altstatt's, Court llouso
Democratic Ticket.
(Huljcct to tho Occlilon of Ilia Congressional
roit siiEniKi".
8C07T lOWJIilllP.
roii conoNEit,
(To lio votpd for by Iho voters of Illoom, Scolt,
nuKiinum auu urcenwoou.j
S. II. MIIiliEB.
Vigilance Coiiimltlec.
llCAVKR F. Ij. Hhumau. MoacaSchllchGr. (3. 1.
uknton I, K, Krlckuauin,T. 11. Colo.
I1EUWIC.-K linn. A. 1). Sefilpv. lN.iilorn fMitini.
brrllu, lualali Uoivcr,
UiiiAiiencEK Albert ISmlth.Biimucl Kclchnor,
Qeorgo M. llower.
iiujou ti. uavia ijowcnocrg, u. il. iirown,
rcier itlllniej-er.
ni.orm suiuuui wiuims, u.ii. unrciay. w.
, McKlnney.
Ceniiialia 1). W. I.mlhau. Edwnrtl Curlev.
Miles McNiillcy.
CoNYNOIIAM X. 11. Tlioriltoti. Cbal. Doui;lier-
ty, Frttrlck tshaugliesiy.
ijn vu u am a. l'uier ijuuy, i nomas lirpuuau.
ratrlck Burli.
OATAW1S8A M. V. 11. ICllue. Htenhnn UnlJv.
iiuuiu rviiciuu.
t'ENniE Illrntn Seliweppcnholser, Bamasl
FisnisacnEnK-E. J. Mclleury. M. A. Am-
oiwKNurooD-Jacob 8. Evans, Isaac A. Dcwltt
llEULOcx Wro. It, Shoemaker, David Wag
nor, Hugh. McUrlde.
Lrficusr uera llower. 1:iiah crensv.
MAINE-U. J. l.'ainnhi-ll. John Nnss. Wllll,im
ujiikcu uer(er.
.iirri.iii uaniei a. uess,
Mr. l'tBASAKTJno. Mordan, Thomas Weill
MADISON lltcliard Fruit.
MONTOUII Evuii WhIIIvgp. lVtl-r A. Kvnns.
Noah Aloujer.
oitAsaE Jolin Snyder, O. A. Mcgargcll.lllram
II. Ktluv.
Fink L. A. (Icrmon, John Lore, Valentine
1 lako this method of announcing to the pub
lic, that at tbu hollcltatloli uf numerous Irluads.
I nave consented to be au Independent Caudi-
uaie lor Akbuciaiejuuge,
aug-Jl7U-tt isaauis. MurJiiui;,
O T I 0 E .
At tlin reniiri.L of 11 number nf friends. I nn
nnu nee mv naninasnn indelieudcnt Candidate
for Sheriff, ana respectfully solicit thesupportof
luu puuue. AAUUli aJuiu.
augiu u-ll.-
Is Urlchter. will not Fade. Costs Less than nnv
other because it w 111 l'alnt iu ice as much surface
J. U. WEEKS Jfe CO., Manufacturers,
VOl" Q.UACKS.-A victim of early lndlM-rc
Hon. caUKlim nervous debllltv. nremalure dO'
:.iv. AC. hfiVliiLi tried In vnln everv ndvertNed
remedy, bus a hlmplu means of e-cure, which
nu win seun tree in ins leiiow-hunerers. ivuureas
11, iuuli;, s Mibtnu tt., .New lorn.
1 C1IAHMINU. 1IK) iniL'fs: cloth. This wonder-
ml book has full Instructions to ennble (ho rend
er to laselnateelltiersex.oranv animal at will.
Mesmerism, Spiritualism, nnd huiidre ds of other
curious experiments II- can uu uuiiuurii uy
Rending address, with lo cents postaue, to T. w.
EVANS 4 CO., So. Eighth fit., l'lilladelplnn.
87 I'aiik Row, New Yoiik.
WANT1! 1) . Lands In Pennsylvania for
cash nnd cond stock. TOWNHEND 11H0S..
Ul isouill inim sireei, I'liiiaueipuia,
ll tarest In ono of thu best Mlvcr Mines of the
day. developing, Ac, near Georgetown, Col. Can
saiisiy you oi us uuaouuieu vaiue its a guou in
vestment nnd a paying one. Rest of references
given. I wish to sell one-hall otlt ten cAran
for cash. Address my Att'ys, TOWNSEND
uuua., ii nouiu iniru sireei, i-ntituieipiiut.
01 HA flAA IN BIX MONTHS can bo made
tl l llir.llliw uv a gnrnwd and reuaoie man in
u sure, sate business. An Investment of will
return a clear prout or 5170. For particulars ran
nn or address thu Nllltl'lt AilrJRICAN l'IC-
'I UHli CO., 14 o. M Nassau istreet, .ew toru.
A New Hook
nf 12S tunes. 1'rice 1.0 ets. by mall
CAN NEWH CO., New York.
ContlDuo tho mainifactureof their oM staudaid
ammoniati:d kehtjlizer.
Iloth of which nroitnia at Low rnicia, highly
reinuucrawve w ino km eh oh ukajlkk.
(Genuine Govo'-nment from Chlncha and Guou-
ruroCulcincd.and Land I'lftfcter. llydraullo Ce
input. CamllpK. nml a lull nhsortment nt liUltN
irU AnU UltKANlKIl Ull-aul JOVthl liiuruci. iuivb,
Kh nn M ihn iltpnlcr luur vou. not kii-n our nrtl
cleK.M nd your orders to un und they wlUieculve
prompt nueniion.
t or Hftlo y iho JUooinkburtE Iron Co.
Tho undersigned offers at private talo about
situate In Denton township. Columbia county,
bounded by lands of Kltiubeth Kline, Daniel
Hhultr, Jacob Ash, Jacob Delshtlue und others,
Fifteen Acres of which Is chared land, Jt also
contains a good young orchard,
and a never fulltcg spring of water. Also a
tirst class
Iho balance of tho tract Is heavily timbered
with oak, whlto pine, Ac.
For terms, conditions, 4c, upnly to tho under
slgued, 'iho actual number ut ucres will bode-
tiTinlt.iil hv kurver.
WltnKRAS.bytlielawiinl thU Commonwtallli !
It 1 made the duty of tho Hherlffof every county
to Klvo notice o( tho Rcneral Election, hy
publication In ono or moro newnpapera In tho
county, at least twenty days boforu tlio election,
nnd to enumerato therein thooincers to le elect
ed, and to iicslrrnnto tlio places at which the oleo
HohIs to bo held.
in or Columbia county, do hereby nko known
nnd proclaim to tho qualified elector of Uolum
blacotinty.thatnRonemt Election will )m hold
OLTOHEH. 187.. (being tho, tlmt Tuesday In
nnld month,) at tho several districts within tho
county, to wlti
lJenver townsliln, nt tho ptiblic house of Tlioa.
J. Hhumau,
lienton townshlh.nt tho public housa of Wes
ley I'latt la the town or Ueuton.
Liwt l!toom,ftt tho Court Jloaso, In IUoom
. West nioom, nt tho Court Houno, in Illoomv
Uorough llerwlck nt tho Town House, In tho
borough of Ucrwlelt.
lloroutth Centrulla. nt tlio public house ol It. A.
V eldeiiMnuI.
Hrlnrcrctk township, nt tho public school houso
near Evniisvllle.
CuUtwls,i township, nt tho public hono of
Btimucl Kostenbaudcr. In tho town ofCutawfisri.
Centre township, nt tho school houso near Ln
fiiyctto Crcasey'iS.
North Conynelwm Dlitrlet nt tho Rehool houso
near tlio, colliery of John Andrews A Co.
Houth Oonyngham District nt tho houso of
Thomas KUuer, Intnly flxudby u votoof Iho cltl
sens nt that Irnvnuhln.
FlshlnKcrecktownshlr, nt tho public house of
. l'nmkim township nt tho Lawraucc school
Greenwood township, at tho houso of Joseph
It. rntton.
Hemlock township, at tho public house of Chas.
II. Dletlcrlch In tho town of Jluclc Horn.
Jackson township at tho houso of KzeklelColo.
Iiocmt township, at the publlo houso of David
Yeancrln Klnhinwii.
Mlillln township, at tho public houso of Aaron
m nf, 111 uio luwii 111 liiiiinviiio.
Madison township, nt tho public honso of Bam
ucl ltlmby. In Jcrsovtown.
Mt. rieasant township, at tho houso of II. W.
Montour township, at the houso of W'm. HoU
Maine township, nt the public houso of Abra
ham K. Hhumau, thn hnimn far morl v
occupied by Geo. W. Drtflsb.ich.
oniugn luwusnip, ni mo punuo uouio or ui ni
ton W. Yaplo in Orangovlllo.
Pine township, ut thoCentro HchoolUouso lato-
lv fixed OVft Vote (if tlio rltlZPli nfilil tnwiinhln.
nusiirioni inwnsiupai ino nous) oi Annus t;oio
ncoit inwiiBuip.niino imunonouseoi win, i'eu
it In INliV.
At winch tlmo nnd places the qualified electors
Will rirvi uy uuiiut UIO lOHOWlIlg BiaiO I1UU LOllll
ty olllcers, viz ;
O le pcrhon fur f?oiiRro8.nno nerison tor Uf nro-
Bentative, one person for AttsncUto J lit 1 150, ono
tersou for BherliT, one person forCommlstlnner,
one person for Jury Commissioner, ono perwou
11 ih lurLut-ruirui-iuu unit 1110 eiecuoil pons 01
nu Ncvi iiii iiiiriuiK niutii nu oiii'iun upiw ncii inn
hours of six and seven o'clock lu tho forenoon,
and shall contlnuo open without Interruption
nnu iiujuui iiiiicnt 1111111 nuvch i) uHiuit in 1 hob vcu'
inn wueu ino nous snnu 00 cioscu.
Pursuant to tho orovlslons euntnttird lu thn
"Oth section of tho net llrat aloroHukl, ilia Judges
ui niu iuiui-miiu uiNijfiL'i Hiiuii retpecuveiy lime
chargo or tho cerllflcntcH of return or tho elec
tion of thoir respective districts, und nrodueo
iiiciuiii n nieeiiuK "i onu juauo irom eacn uis
trlct at tho court house, lu llluomhburff, on the
third day aflur tho day uf tho election, being on
Friday, tho 15th dav of October. lH'i'J. nt lDoYitx-k
n. m., tlien and theru to do uud jK rlorm tho du
nes required oymwoi haiujuuges.
Also, tlmt where a hi dee. nv Nlckneim nr tin.i
voidable accident, is uuahio to iittend sneh meet
ing or ju'Jkos, men me ccrtiucateor return shall
b taken cnarao of by ono of Iho InsupctorH nr
cleiksof tho eiectlon of tho district, who shall
do und perform tho mules required of said Judge
-Tho lteturn JuOtres of the concressinnal D's.
trict, composed ot tlio Counties ui Urndford, Co-
iumoiatMUiivan, iMoniour auu wvomiufr, shall
meet at tho Court House In Tiiiil;huniii1r. fin
Tuesiluy tho lrfth day or October next, to inaku
out the returns Jor Alemberof Congress
ino reiuru juimcsoi mo iiepresenuuivo Dis
trict, composed of tho counties of Columbia nnd
Montour Miall meet tit tho Court House, lu
llloonisbunr. on Tuesday tliniiineteentli dm- or
October, next, to make out tho returns lor luttn
bcrof AsKcmbly.
1110 louowiug vet oi Asscmoiy, rcguuuin
tho mode of voting In tho Comiunuwi'iilth of
Pennsylvania, was pas-sed March 16th, litis, nnd
rends thus:
HKCTIOV 1. lio It enacted bv tho Hennln nml
Houso of Heprescutntlvcs of tho Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania In Genenil issembly met, and
it Is hereby enacted by thoauthorlty of tho sanio
that tho qualUled voters of thofaceral districts
In tho BCernl counties of tills cunimou wealth, ut.
nil general, township, borough and hpeclal elec
tions, me hereby hereafter authorized and re
quired to vote by tickets printed or written, or
partly printed nnd partly wrltten.s verally clash-
lnen us luiums. unu hckci snnu emuracu ino
names of ull Judges of Courts voted for. und la
belled, outside, 'JiuUclary;M one ticket shall
embrace tho names ol all tho State Olivers voted
for. and bo labelled "State:" ono ticket shall eni-
braco tlio names of of all county olllcers voted
for. Including tho oillco of Senator, Member nnd
Members of Assembly, if voted for nud mcm-
uers 01 oiiBret.'. n yoteu ior, nnu uo laociicii
"('ouuty;"ouo ticket shall cmbracetho names of
nil township olllcers voted for and bo labelled,
"TuwiMiln:"one ticket shall eiubrnru tbninim(t
or nil borough olUccs voted for, uud bu labelled,
tHKCTioN 2. inaiiishiitHJinodutjoftheSherlfr
in tno several counties or mis uounnonwcaiinio
scrt in their election nrocinmuitous. iicrcuucr
ssuod, tho lirst section of tills act.
Thnt ovorv nerson cxccntlna Justices of tho
Ti.vipii wtm Kitnll I10KI unv oillco or unnolutmeiit
of profit or trust under tho United Htates, or of
this Btnte.nny city or corporate! district, wheth
er n commissioned oillcer or otherwlhe, n suitor
dinnto otllccr or agent who Is or shall bo employ
ed under tho Legislature, executive or juuicinry
Department of this mate, or of any city or of uny
incorporated district, and also, that every mem
ber of Congress nnd of tho Ktato Legislature, and
of tho select or common council of nny city, or
commissioners of any incorporated district, is
by law lnenpama 01 uoiuiug exercising ui inu
time tho oiHce or appointment of Judge, Infcpec
inmr 1'UtIe of nnv election of this Common-
Aveallh, and that no Inspector Judge or other of-
Iicw 01 sucn eiL't'iiuu oimii uu viibiuiu iu uu iiivii
'i lm insnrrtnrsnnd Judiroof tho elections shall
meet nt their respective Places appointed for
holding me election in me uiMrict 10 wiucu mey
lcs-pectlvely belong, beforo seven o'clock In the
morning, nnd f-ach of said inspectors shall up
polnt one clerk, who shall beu qualified voter
of such district.
In cuse the person who shall recelvo tho second
highest number of votes tor inspector shall not
attend on iho day of any election, then tho per
son who shall havo received tho second highest
number or voteN tor juugo ni mo next nreceuiug
elect tun hhnll net as inspector in his place. And
In cae tho person who shall have received the
highest numb r of votes foriuspfctor shall not
nttend, tho person elected Judgo shall appoint an
Inspector In his place aud lu diho tho person
f.iMm1 iiiiliH shtill not nttend. then tho lusni-c-
torwho received tho highest number ol votes
shall nppolutn Judge In his place or if nny va
cancy shall continue In the bouid for the spneo
of one hour nfter tho tlmo llxed by law for tho
opcnlngottho election, tho qualified vuters of
the township, war.', or district for which snch
olllcers shall havo been elected, present at such
election shall elect one of their number to fill
such vacancy.
"Jt shall no uio uuiy ui inu mmtui usvcbuurs
respectively to atteud at tho nlaco of holding
every general, special or township election, dur
ing tno whole time such election H kept open,
for tho purpose of glviug information to tho in
spectors nnd Judgos, when called 011, in relation
to the right of nny person assessed by them to
vote at such election, and on such other matters
lu relation lo the assessment to tho wild inspec
tors or either of them shall from time rcqulio,
Nn nppsnn Rlinll bo tiermltted to vote at nnv
election as aforesaid than n white citizen of the
age or iweuiy-oue or more, who suaii navo rest
ded inthlsHtato nt least one year, and la tho
election district whero ho offers to vote ten days
immediately preceding such election, aud with
in two years paid u fcJtuto or county tax which
shall have been assessed nt least ten days before
the election. Hut a citizen of the United Htates
who has previously been u qualified voter of tho
United Htates who has previously been n ouall tied
voter of this State and ic turned nnd who shall
have in tho election district and paid taxes,as
aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote alter residing
lnthl h Mate six months. Provided, that tho
whlto freemen, citizens of tho United States, be
tween tho ago ot twenty-ouo nnd twenty-two
years who havo resided in t.10 election district
ten hays ns aforesaid shall bo entitled to voto
although they Bhnll not havo paid tux.
No person shall bo permitted to vote whoso
uamo Is not contained In tho list of tax niilo in
habitants furnished by thoComintsstouers.unless
First, ho produces n receipt for tho payment
within two years of nhtatoor county tax assess
ed agreeably to tho Constitution and give satis
factory evidence either on his oath orntllrmat Ion
or tho oath or alllrmutiouof other, that he has
paid such a tax. or on failure to produce n receipt
shall mnke oath to tho payment thertof. Hecond
if he claim the right to oto by being nn elector
between thoageof twenty-ouo und twenty-two
years, ho shall depose on oath or atllrmatlou that
lm has resided In IhlsHtntoat least one year next
before hlsappllcatlon, aud mako Btieh proof of
resldeneotutnouisirici as is required by this
act, nnd thathodoes verily beliovo from the ac
count given him, that ho is of age aforesaid, nnd
such other evidence as is required by this act;
whereupon tho name Dftlie person thus admit
ted to vote shall bo inserted In tho alphabetical
list by tho Inspectors, aud a note made opposite
thereto by writing the word "tax," if he shall be
admitted to voto by reason of havlug paid tax; or
the word 'age,"lf heshatl bo admitted to voto by
reason or such ago shall bo called out to tho
clerks, who shall make the like notes on tuo list
of voters kept bythem.
In nil cases whero tho name ot tho person
clatmtuir to voto Is found on the list furnished by
tho commissioners and assessor, or liU right to
vote, wneiuer luuimiiu-iruiiur inn, is onjecieu
to hv unv nunlllled citizen. It shall bo tho duty
of tho Inspectors to examine such person on oath
us lo hi qualifications, uud If ho claims to have
resided within the Ktuio tor one j-car or moro his
oaiusunuoo buiiicieui proui inereoi, mil suim
in. alro i) roof bv ut leant uuo coiuneteut witness.
who shall ho u qualified elector, that ho has res
ided In tho district for more than ten days next
immediately preceding such election, and shad
also himself swear that his bona tide residence,
trlct, aud that ho did not remove luto said Uls
trli't for tho nurnose of vctlmr therein.
Every permm qualified ns aforesaid, and who
suuil Mi&uttuuvpruui, 11 rtuuui-u.ut inu resiueucu
and puyinent of taxes ns aforesaid, shall be ad
mltted 10 voteln tho towuvhlp, ward or district
111 w men nu kiiuii ri mu.
If un v ttcruoii shall urtivent or attemnt to nra.
vent nuy oillcer of any election uudtr this act
from holding such election, or use or threaten
any violence to an such omccr. or shall inter
rupt or Improperly Interfere with him lu the ex
ecution of Ids duty, or shall block up the windows
or uvenuo to nnv window where tno same mav
bo holding, or suult riotously disturb the peace
at such election, or shall uu any Intimidating
threats, iorco or violence, w ith deslgu to lullu
euco unduly or overawe any elector, or to pre
vent htm from voting or to restrnlu the fieeuoia
of choice, such person, on conviction, shall b
lined In auy sum not exceeding live hundred
dollars, und Imnrlsuued fur uuv tlmo not less
than three nor more Hum twelve mouths, und If
it shall bo shown toCourt,wherethe trial of such
oik-use shall be hud, that tho person so oil end
ing was not a resident of the city, ward, district
or township whero tho otlenso was committed,
uud not entitled to vote therein, then on couvle
llon ho slm 1 1 bo sentenced to pay a flue or not
less than one hundred nor luore thuu onu ihuus
uud dollars, uud be Imprisoned not Us thuu six
uiouiu nor more inuii iwu yuura
If any person, not by lawquullrlcd, shall fraud'
u1cntlyola nt nnv election or this Common
wraith, or belli otherwise qualified nli nil vote
out of his proper district, If nny person knowing
tho wantnfsuchquallflcallo!i,sIiil!nld or tiro
euro such person to vote, Iho person offending
shall on conviction bo lined In nny sum not ex
ceeding two hundred dullnrs. nnd bo Imprisoned
111 nny lurm iiol cxcecuiug mrce mounts.
If ailV lino Sll4ll Vntn nt ninrnllinli nun nlrHlnn
district, or othcrwlHu fraudulently voto more
muii unvu "ii liiu tuiiuB unytur sunn iruuuiueiiiijr
fold nnd deliver to tlio Inmircinr two tickets to.
gctlicr, with the intent llleyatly to vote, or who
shall procu 10 nuothrr to do so, ho or they of-
itrnuiiig cirui, 011 ruuviciinn, uo nnrti 111 nny
sum not less than llfty nor moro th 111 llv hun
dred dollars, nud be imprlsnnod for n term not
lens than three nor mom than twelve months.
11 nny person not qualified to vote 111 mis com
monweullh agreeably to law taxcent tho sons of
qunllflc t citizens,) shall appear nt nny place of
election fr tho purpoto of nitlttcuclng tlio citi
zens qunlltiod to vole, ha shall on conviction for
feit nud pay nny sum not exceeding one hundred
dollars lor every such offense nnd bo imprison-
i lornuy ic nu iiol exeeeuing mree inoniriF,
Inlsoelvo olllclal notlca to tho electors of Co
lumbli county thai, by nu act, entitled "Ait
Act further supplemental to tho uct relative to tho
elections of this Commonwealth." approved
April 171 )i, A. D. IbG'X It Is provided as follows.
tie, t. Alter tho usseisments have been cum-
51 e ted on the tenth day preceding the second
ucsday in October of each year, tho assessor
siiJiii, uu inu .uun uy linuicuiaieiy iniiuwisg,
maken return to thu county commissioners 01
ttio names or nil persons assessed by him since
tho leturu requited lo ho imido by him by tho
tscuond section of tills net, noting opposltueadi
numo tho and explanations requir
ed to bo noted usnluresuidt und I he county com
mlssloners shall thereupon cnuso tho usme to be
luldcd to the return required by the second sec
iiuji ut iuii u-t., uuu 11 uui uuueorreeieupy uicro
or to bo made, containing the uuinesoi nil per"
sous so leturncd as reNideut tuxables lu said
ward, borough, towns hip or pi eel net, nndlurutsh
the same, together with tho necevsrtry election
blanks to thuulllcers of the election iu said u urd.
borough, township or precinct, on orbeforo bIx
o'clock 111 the mornluit of tho second lueadny of
October, nud no man Hhnll bo permitted to vote
nt the election uu that tiny whoso name Is not on
Niuu iisi, unless uo snail mauo proof 01 ins ngnj
to vote, us hcrelnalter iciiulred.
Vcc. 4. On tho uny ut election nuy person
whoso name Is nut 011 tlio said list, and elulnilui
the right lo voto at said election, shall produce ut
jviui, unu (luamieii Miierui inu uistrici us 11 wit
ness to tno liMkleiH-u of tlin thilntntit. Iti thn
district of which ho claims to ben voter for tho
period ofnt lenst ten days next preceding ald
election, which wllnes-s shall take and subscrlre
u written, or partly written nnd partly printed
nlllJavit to thu fjet statu 1 hv him. which nMlti.-i-
vit shall dellno elearly whero tho rcsldcnca Is of
inu iieinuu hu uui lining 10 uu u viner ; nnu inu per
son so clalmliiLf tho mint to voto shall also lulto
uud subserlbou wiltien or partly written nud
partly printed uflldavit, slating to tho bust of his
knowledge nhd belief, where uud when ho was
burn, inai. nu is a ciu.enoi ino uomnionucaim
or Peiiusylvaul.i uud or the United Htates; that
ho has u-! UI til in the Commonwealth one year,
or If formerly 11 ei l,an therein, and has moved
therelroui.thathe has rt Hided therein six mouths
next pteeedlng said election: that hu has nut
movtd Into thu district lor the purpose of voting
inerein; uint ne nas p.iiu u buuu or eouuiy wx
wlthlu two icar. whiuli wua nssesscd ut least ten
das beloie said e ice t Ion ; and, it n uaturullx-d
lctien, shall til so slulo whin, where uud by
what court ho was uaturallztil, aud shall also
pro luce his eirlillcuto of naturalization lor ex
ttmliutlou; the said nlllduvlt shall also stale
when and whmo Iho lux claimed tube pail by
the ufilUavlt was, und hen, whero nnd
to whom paid, uud tho tux receipt therefor
shall bd produced fur examination, unless thu
uflldavit shall state un btsullUluvll that 11 has
been lost or destroyed, or that ho never received
nuy, but If thu peisuu soclalmlng thu light to
uto shall taku untl subscjlbu an ulllaut, tnut ho
isn naiivo oorn citizen 01 ino umua mutes (or
If born elsewhere, shall state the iuct In his ulll-
davit, aud HUalt produce evidence that ho has
unu naiurtuizeu, or iiuil no nns uceii nniurulP
zed, or that ho Is entltltd to cllizeuslnp by reus
ou ofhlH father's ualiualizatlon:)'and shall fur
ther stale iu his iilHdavIt that hu N. nt tho limn
taking tho ullhtuvit. heluceu tho aires of
twenty-one and tucnty-two ytars; that hu has
resided in tho htnto one vearund lu tho election
district ten days next preceding such election,
110 sunn ue niiiuui iu uiu, itunougu uo snail
not havo paid taxes; tho said adldavlts of all
nersons mnklnirsuch claims, und tho nilUMvitA
01 1 lie u uteres lo ineir reMoenee, snail nu pres-f-rveil
bv tlio election board, und ut thu clnn n
tho election they shall be enclosed with thu list
01 voters, uuiy nsi aim oiner papers riquirui by
law lo bo tiled by the leturu judjo wltu iho nio-
thonotarv, und ahull remain 011 fllu thercwllh iu
110 iirouionuuiry uinetr, ouiuect iu ex anima
tion, us other election miners uio : If the election
olllcers shall Uud that tho applicant or applicants
potent 1111 inu irgai quiiiiiicuuuus ui uiers, 110
ur thev shall bo irmiiled to vote, and tho namn
or names suau 00 uuueu 10 mo nsi 01 luxnoics
uy mo election omcers, mo word "tax" being nn
ded whero thu elulmaut claims to vote un tux
und tlio word "age" whero lie claims to voto 011
age; iho same uoids being added by thu clerks
iu each caso respectively 011 tho lists of peisuus
voting ul buca eieeiiun,
iS'cc. fi. Itshall bo lawful for nnv nuallflcd cltl
zcu of the dtstrict, notwithstanding tho name uf
tho proposed voter is contained ou tliolUt ol res-
lucnt luxuuies, io enuiiengu inu oiu ui sueu per
son : vUnuetipon tho same prouf of tho rlhi of
suuruge us is uuw lequireu uy law suan uu puu
llclv made and acted on by thu election board,
Hudtho vote admitted or rejected, uccordlug to
the evidence: every person claiming to bw a na-
lurniizeu ciuzcu suau ue rcquinu 10 pruuuco 111s
naluvallzatlou certltlcatoat the election befoio
vollm;. excent where lie has been lor ten year,
eouseeutlvely,a voter In tne district in which hu
oilers his vote; und ou tho oto of such person be
linf receKud. IL shall be tho duty of the election
any election oilleer or otHcers shall icccivo a sec-
onu voio un inu bumouav. uy viriuu ui m suinu
eertlllcate exceptlug whero sous aro entitled to
voio ny viriuuv. 1 mu uaiuraiiTiiun ui ineiriuui
i-u (I.,. t llw. .er,,, lI, ill ntl..t CII..I. ion.
oiid vote, unou so ofleinllnir shall bo Lrulltv ofn
high mlsilenicanor, and 011 conviction thereof, bo
lined or Imprisoned, or both, nt tho discretion of
me court; mil iuo iiuumiuii iiol exceed onu imu
died dollais lu e ch cae, nor tho imprisonment
0110 year; tho like punishment shall bo lutllctel
on convlettoii.-m tho olllcers ol election who shall
neglect or leluso to make, or cause to be made,
tho Indorsement uqulied on aloicsald natuiall
z.iilou eertlllcate.
6tc. 0, if any election oiucer snail reiuso or
neglect to icquirc such proof of tho right or suff
rage hs Is prescribed by this law, ur the laws to
which this is n suuniement. from nnv nor son off
ering to voto whose name 1m not on tho list of us
sefsed voters, or whoso right to vote Is challen
ged by any qualified voter piesent, and shall nd
mltsuch person to vole without requiring such
pruoi, every persuu so oneiuiingbuuii, 11 puu eun
vletlon. be milltv ofn hluh luiadeineanor. and
shall bo sentenced, for every buch ollente, to
pay n line not exctcumg one nuuareu uoiuisor
10 undereo un ininrlsoniucnt not more than one
year, or either or both, ut tho dUcietlou of tho
Sec. 9. The resppctlvon'spssors: inspectors nml
Judges of tho elections shall each have tho pow er
10 ftuininisier oams 10 any person cmiuiiug inu
right to be assessed or tho rhtht of sullrage, ir In
regard to any other matter or thing lequlrod to
bedonoorlnqulreil lntoby any of said olllcers
under this act; nml nny wilful lalso swearing by
unypeisouln relation to any mutter or thing
concerning which they shall bo 1 iwlully interro
gated by any of said olllcers shall bo punished ns
6Vc 10. Tho nssessors shall each receive tho
same compensation for tho tlmo nicessnrUy
spent In peifoiinlug (hu duties thereby enjoined
u, Is provided by law for thoperiormuuceol their
other duties to bo paid by tho county commiss
ioners as in oiner cases; aim 11 suau noi no j aw
ful tor unv assessor to assess a tax aiialnst nny
person whatever within ten days uet prtcedlng
tho election to be held ou the second Tuesday lu
October in any year, or w llhiu ten days next be-
roru any eieciiou ior eieciois 01 i-resuieui mm
Vhe-Prcsldcut of tho United rilutes; any viola
tion of ihls provision shall bo a luisdemeunor
and subject Iho oil leers so offending to a Hue not
exceeding ono hundred dollars, or to Imprison
incut not exceeding threo mouths, or both, ut
the aisennionoii-jecjutt, a
Stc 11. On tho netltlon of flvo or moro citizens
of tho county, slating under oath that they vev
uy nciievo iuui nanus win uo praenceu ui 1110
lectton about to bo held in nny district, it shall
bo tho duty of tho court or common pleas of said
county, it In session, or If not n jiulao thereof lu
vacation, to nppolnt two Judicious, sober ami lu
teins ut citizen of the county tonct as overset iti
nt said election; said overseers shall bo select oil
from ilHImcnt noli Men I nurlles. whero too in.
speetors bclon;: lo dlllereut parties, and where
both of said inspectors belong to tho same politi
cal party, both of tiiu Otcrsecis fchnll ha taken
from the opposite political party; said overseers
shill have tho right to be present with the olllcers
ot the election, uuriug ino wnoio utuo mo same
In heiil. the votes counted nud tho returns nuidu
out nnd sljjued by the election olllcers; to keep a
list 01 01erH, u ( uey i-eu proper; iu eiiuueugu 11 uy
person offering to vote, nnd interrogate him nnd
Ills resird to his rluht of
sull'iugo at sal 1 cleUlou, uud to examine his in
pers piixluced; ntnt thuulllcers ot said election
are required to all'ord tot-aid overseers so elected
aud appointed every convenience and facility
ior me oiscnargo 01 meiruuiic-; uuu mam elec
tion olllcers shall reiuso to pcrmitsald oveiseeis
to bo nrcsent. und nerform tlielr dutlts us afore
said, or If they shall bo driven nwaylromtDo
polls by vloleucoand Intimidation, alt tho voles
polled at such election district may bo rejected
by any tribunal tryiug a couteK uuder said elec
tion; i-rvvuiai, jiru uo person smuingiuo peti
tion shall bo appointed an overseer,
See. 11. Any ussessor. election oillcer or nerson
appointed ns au overseer, who shall neglect or
reiuse 10 pcriorm any uuiy eojoiueu oy mis ncc
without reasonable or leaul cause, shall bo nu-
ject ton penalty of one hundred dollars, aud If
any assessor sunn usscssuny persuu us il voicr
who is not qualified, or shall refuse to assess nny
ouo who Is qualified, ho shall be guilty of u mis
demeanor lu ot lice, nud on conviction bo punish-
eu uy uuo or imprisonment, unu umo uo suojeci
tn nil rtlon for du maces bv tho onrtv neirluvutl:
and if nny person shall fraudulently mter.udd to,
deface or destroy any llt of votcis mnd out us
directed by this act, or tear down or remove tho
same irom 11101 race wucru unus ueeu
fraudulent or mischievous intent, or tor nuy im
proper purpose, tho person so otfeudlng shill bo
guilty ofn high mUdciueauor.nnd on conviction
shall bo punished by u Uuo uit exceeding one
hundred doliars.or Imprisonment not exceeding
two years, or both.nt the disci etlon of thu court,
&cct l All elections for eliy. ward, borough,
township and election oitlters snail hereafter bo
held ou the secoml Tuesday uf October, subject to
all provisions of tho laws regulating thu election
of such ofllceis not Inconsistent with this uct;
tho persons elected to such offices nt that tlmu
shall take their placcsat the expiration of the
terms of tho persons holding thn same ut tho
tlmo ot such election; but no election for tho
oillco ofnsscsor or assistant assessor sbull be
held, under this act, until the year one thousand
ctkht hundred nud seventy.
Iu obedlenca totha requirement of John YY
Gtui'Vi Governor or tho Commonwealth or Penn
sylvania, I hereby publhdithe Fifteenth Amerd
ment ot the Constitution of tho United htntes,
tho Act of Congress enforcing the same, und the
Act of Assembly lelntlvu thereto!
The Fifteenth Ai.ienJmcnt of tho Constltullan
of the United Mntes is as follows t
Hkction 1, Therh'ht of citlzt nsnf tho United
Htates lo voto t bull not be denied or ubrlducd bv
the UnitedHtatts.i r b unyhtate.on accimutuf
race, eoior,ornovious conumon 01 serviiuue."
"SttTHiN V, Tho Congress shullhuve power to
enforce thl ertlcle by upproprlate legislation."
An Art lo tn force the rluht uf elllzuiiH or ihn
Tnlted htates to vole In tho several Htates of
this t'nlon.aud for other purposes 1
"Hi-oiion J. Jla il entitled hu th,
the Senate and
Jtoutv 0 Jln-iamtutiitM qf the United State v
rtiiiinoi 111 v!rfi uttcmuKll, imii Ulliuizeus
01 me iJiineu ntaies, wno nre.nrsiiaii bo other
wise quulilled by law to vote ut nuy election by
IV. ellV. liuilsh. lOU nshln. sohonl tlUlrlct mtml.
clittlllyor other ter.llorlul sub-dtvlslon, shall
l e entitled uud allowed to vote nt all such elec
tions, without distinction of race, color, or pre,
huts n ndlllou of stnltudet uny t'oustltutlon,
law, custom, utuge, or resulutlou of an (state ur
'lirritori, ur i,or under Its uulhoiliy,tu tho
contrary nolu ftbslsndiukr."
"rixCTiONS. si$utbc it jut'Out ntf((f, Tliatlf
v or under Iho authority of tho (jonslltutlnn nr
mwn 111 iiiijc rjiniiU inu iiinn m nny lcrriiory,
nny net Is or shall bo required to bo dona ns it
prerequisite or quniiucnuoii ior voiinu, anu uy
such Constitution or law, persons or ollprs nro
or shall be ch urged with tho performance of
dutlts in furnishing to rlllzensnn opportunity
10 punorni sucn prerequinuu, or iu ueuumu ijum.
Ifled to vole, If shall fm tho duty of every mich
Grrsnn nnd oillcer to give to nil citizens of the
nlteil Htates, Iho same nnd equal opportunity
qualified to voto without distinction of race
color, or previous condition nf servitude; nnd If
nuy such person or oillcer shall refuse or know
ingly omn to vivo iuii eueci 10 mis section, no
shall, for every such ollchce, forfeit and pay tho
sum of flvo hundred doltnrs to tho person ag
grieved then by, to be recovered bynu action on
tno case, with full costs and such nllownuco for
co unset fees nstho court shall deem Just, nnd
shall also, for every such offence, bo deemed
guilty ofn misdemeanor, nnd shall on convic
tion tncreoi, 00 uneu not jess man live nunurcu
dollars, or bo imprisoned not less than ouo
month nnd not moro thnit one year, or botli, nt
thodlscretlon of tho court."
A further supplement to tho net relating to
elections lu this Commonwealth t
"Hkctiom lo. 1 hat no much of every uct uf As
sembly ns provides that only while freemen
shall bo entitled to voto or bo registered as vot
ers, or us claiming to voto at nuy general or
special election nf this Commonwealth, bo ami
tun numo if uereny ropeiueu ; nnu mut nereaiier
nil freemen, without distinction of color, shall
be tninllcd aud registered according to the pro
visions of tho tlrst sn'Ml in of tlio act npproved
seventeenth ApTll, 1MI', entitled "An Act fur
ther supplemental to the net relailngto the rice
nous ui wnt vuiiimuiiweaiui, 111111 wuun omtsr
wlso qualified under existing laws, be cut. tied
to voto nt nil general nud special elections In thU
Given under mv hand, at mvofllce. In lilo u-
burg,thls Dili day of heptember, in tho yeaTut
our lord 0110 thousand eight hundred. nnd sev
enty, and In tho nlnety-Uflh year of tho Inde
pendence of tho United Htates.
Hhcrifror'columbifi county,
llloomsburg, Pa, Heptcmber D, lS7it,
It i: M I V 31 MS T
of Tlin
to nnitr.T.ti at
is 1. 0 0 jr. s n u n 0, v a.,
On Wednesday, Tlinr.ty nnd Friday,
Uclolicr IStli, 13lli und I lib, ISTO.
As over.vthluitnf this kind must liavon sys
tem to on rrj Hon with satisfaction, exlilhl
lorsnuil contributors will please real the fol
lowing lnstruellons, nml enmo to tlio I'alr
exnectluir to nbldo by tliein wltlinut nsltlug
for nny tilteration, J. .1. llUOWEIt. Hoc'y.
William Wlnterstecn, Superintendent.
Jiulgesllaulel Mtrrls, Enoch Rlttenhouse,
C'yrm .Mclleury, William N. Rrowti.
llest blooded stallion,
" stalllnti foruilworl:,
" stallion colt, nnt over I years,
I'd " " '
n ('J palrdrattghl 110-,
nest pair can lare hordes,
Id "
nest lnood marcwllli colt at lier side,
!!2 IK1
111 l)
C t
8 0)
ft I'D
10 IH)
i: lm
5 fO
3 on
,'l t )
3 O)
1 ll
4 DO
1 U
:i i)
It (i
a co
ucst single cirrlniu liorsc,
Rest slnsle rairl.igti inarr,
nest Reldlus between .1 nnd J years,
" niarn "
rtcMlitslietween 2 and 1 years,
" Itorsj eolt between 1 and 2 years.
" marniolt "
horxo or tnirc colt nmler 10 iniw,
Ecst pair malrh roll, under I
urnaeii m irirness,
nest J lell.
3 to
a ih)
2 00
I 00
Rest natr miller.
'.' IIO
3 liO
3 W)
llest mulouolt between 1 and 2 j cars,
" " under 1 car,
Exhibitors under this class will hnvo their
horses on the ground by I en crelts-tc Thursday
luornluis when they will bu oxemined,
riilllp Y'ounff, Superintendent.
Judires Nebcin lah lteece, Jacob Knstcllba
der, W llllam I.. Treas, rraukllu .Sliuinau.
Host bull p years old nnd upwards,
12 (l
(l (1)
4 I)
X W)
a on
u m
1 to
:i go
2 oo
Itest bull between 2nnd 3 years old,
Rest bull between 1 and 2 years old,
2d "
n Rest cow 2 years nud upwards,
Rest heifer between 1 and 2years,
Lull call under 10 months.
Aurlcultiirlst ly
llest heifer between 2 and 3 years
2d "
" belivr under 10 months,
Devon filocL
4 oo
:i 1)0
2 10
Hi st bull 3 years and upwards.
t, null between 2 nnd 3 years,
' 1 eiwcen 1 nnd 2 years,
o mi
4 00
.1 tfl
2 ()
2 0.)
. is-
o no
4 (II
4 00
.1 to
;i 00
Rest bull calf under 10 months,
2d "
n 1 " C0VI 3 ycnrs alu. ui''irtls.
"t liclfer between 2 and 3 years
heller bclw cen 1 and 2 years,
" heifer under 10 months,
AMcrnt? Stock.
o Rest bull 3 years and upwards,
" llest bull between 1! and 3 jcjts
2d " " " "
!l 00
U 00
1 to
3 00
2 C)
2 00
A. i y
4 01
2 00
4 00
3 00
2 GO
between l nnu 2 years,
under 10 months,
2d "
" cow 3 years and upwards,
2d " cow "
" heifer
' heifer between 2 nnd 3 years,
" li.nd2yea.-a
" under 10 mouths,
Gratlid Sloel.
Best Lull 3 years and upwards.
2d " "
12 00
0 00
n oi
4 )
3 10
2 00
2 CO
as. l y
li Ot)
4 I)
3 Ol
1 10
3 111
2 00
between 2 nnd 3 years,
2d '
between 1 nnd .years,
1 uudorJOmonlbs,
Host cow 3 years nnd upwajds,
belfer. between 1 nnd 2 years.
heller between 2 und 3 years,
" ' under 10 months,
Native Xtorl.
n Rest bull 3 yeurs and up,vatds.
between 2 nntl 3 years,
" 1 nnd 2 -enrs
" " under 10 mouths,
2d " "
" cow 3 yc?rs nud upward,
heitcr between 2 ami 3 yenis,
" heller under 10 mouths,
12 00
a 4i i
1 CI
:i oo
1 IK)
2 00
. ly
t; no
4 oo
1 0i)
3 I )
Oxen and Steers.
Rest yolco oxen owned anil worked by
exhibitor. fl 01
2d best yolie, " " 3 IVI
llest yoke btrers between 2 and 3 years, I oo
2d " 2io
Exhibitors will bavo their stotlr ready for
tho Judges to . xumluo by 10 o'eloelc a. in. ou
Thursday, und to remain until 3 o'clork p. ri).
ou I'rlduy.
Amos l Kestor, Superintendent.
Judijes Matthias Hurl man, Isaiah Dlett--i
Rest brood how and piss, six ormore,
' lot fat hoys, iw u or more,
2d " " '
" boar,
2d " "
(1 CO
G oo
1 to
8 U)
3 i0
.1 It)
;i oj
3 Ol
2 0.)
3 00
J 10
brootl sow,
" lot plus, 3 or inoic, underSweolis
sto' k hos. 3 or more.
Johnson II. Ilieler.Superlnteudeut.
Judics Andrew Enuuach audi-John It
Fine UW.
Rest buelc,
2.1 "
" owe.
2d " "
11 pen ofshecp, not lssi ttiau eljlit,
HiMle Wool.
Rest pen of sheep not less than eight
" but k,
2.1 "
" ewe,
2d " "
4 f 0
3 00
4 C 1
3 00
4 CJ
4 00
4 00
3 10
4 00
3 03
llest pen of sheep, not less than eight.
4 00
I (1)
3 (10
1 (0
.1 U
2d '
Thomas Rallman, Superintendent.
Judges Peter R. Wcuncr, and Charles W.
Rest bionze turkey M ltis. f.1 00
' douiistlu turkeys, 2 00
2d " " 1 CJ
' braltma pootra, 2 13
" ehlikens, Agrlculluilst 1 y
2d " " M
geese, i oo
sl ". !' . An. 1 y
1 uu
and lurgtst display of tamo plgeous, 1 uu
IMiiltry, 4 oo
1 " sou
Joliu Ilclr, Superintendent,
Judges Thos, Cole, and Moses ilellenry.
Host llfty pounds whent Hour,
' buekwiieut Ilour,
" " ije Iluur.
11 " corn intsil,
" linlf bushel oloM-rseod,
(3 II)
.1 ui
3 OU
As. I y
3 lO
1 so
3 00
Ac 1 y
3 10
1 u
3 to
1 W
1 0)
1 fiO
1 DO
( ' timothy seed,
M bushel red wheat.
Id "
" " wblto wheat,
:d 14 " "
" " ryo
" ord seid coin ears,
' " yillow.
" " .mokitd
" half bushel tlax stud,
" bushel isits,
1 60
WIllUui iJtmon, Superlutendent.
J tidies William Thowm, aud John Stult,li.
Ecst luislifl iwiintoes.tlliTerent varletlM 1 M
" half bushel rtwrul potatoes, 3 01
bushel or nriii turnips,
" halt bushel of I tiln lnuns
" sutfir beets,
" ' iimtitrelwurtscl,
" " been,
" turrols,
, lsirsnlji.,
' M onlous,
ni ,, peas,
1 00
1 0)
I (0
1 M
1 Ul
2 00
An. iy
I 00
1 w
1 b
I (I)
1 Oil
1 00
1 oo
AS. ly
1 to
A.l y
I' JinHitojou eaetnble ojster",
" peck,
" 3 lieuds or cslihagt..
" 3 bunches or ee'erj-,
" 4 rBif plants,
" twt)(iuarts limn beans,
" 3itiarts Carolina bans,
M soup .
" pumpkin or srinasn,
" iiumpklus.O or more,
Samuel NeyharJ, Superintendent.
Judge Illrntn .1. Reedcr.
llest display. Oof mill,
" lnolilmt fall or winter, 0 rneh,
" keepluK winter apples, 0 of each,
(J of iho sweetest w lutt-r or fsll,
'linlrdor. rail or winter llavored,
" quart Siberian crabs, nny kind,
Rtst dwarf or standard fall or winter, (I
2 00
2 to
" loottinH nan no?, nnv klnu.
" llavored nnd must Juicy half ilo?..
11 largest half doi.. dwarf or sUindard,
Uet.t display of nny kind, half iluz, each,
" llavo.-ed nnd most Juicy half dox.
' and tlnest loolcloir hairdo?:.
" uud larKUtt vnrleiy half dizsn,
Rest dozen,
Rest display, wild or cultivated, (lint
house excluded,! 2 CO
Rest six clfilers of Concord, " 10
M " Eelaware, CO
" " Clluton, 30
' " Isabella, So
" ' nartford I'lolldr, W)
' " lona, i SO
" " Adlruudac, 30
' " Itebecel, 30
" " York li.tderln, SO
Restdlsplay, not less thau two vortctles,
ono doren each, 30
llest display, any kind, two varlelles, to
llest quart, SO
jDnctl Fruits.
Best quart apples, peais, quinces, peaches, ap
ricots, nectarines, chcrrles.rsour or sweet,
pitted or unpltled,! (rapes, cultivated or
wild, strawberries, uny kind of rnspbc,-.
ries, hlucnherrles.dowberries. huckleber
ries, plums, tweteheg aud prunes, 30
Tho fiult not lo bo removed until the clf-so
of the exhibit Inn, nml particular care is to be
observed by all peisous that thoi-aniuls nut
lleury y.uppliutcr, Supcrlutendcut.
JudKCs-GeoS. Ollbert, and 11. 1'. ItujlKF.
Rest nufirl ol currant wine.
(1 (o
1 0)
1 ou
1 oo
1 oo
" " idackberry wine,
" " uraite wine.
" " i berry wine,
rye w niskey,
filer vinegar, Ar. 1 yr.
llnrmiii O. Cicvellnij, Superintendent.
Judses Mrs. I'.iul tliulies, Mrs. Daniel Me
Henry, Mrs. LIlKabctli 'urell, and Miss
Mary Meudenltall.
liesi loci Ol ureati, 9A
1 til
n Best roll of Lniter (3 lbs. or over)
" llest pie.
" inuuctl fruit, dirrarcnt kinds, (not
less t-iati lqu.u-t ol each,.
Best nolinil c tile.
' spouiro '
" Rlnur
t-nmpleof preteie. (not less Unu
1 ouait.)
2 CI
1 00
1 IU
Rest sample f f fruit Jelly,
- cueuiuuer pica es
Air. 1 r.
variety of pie Its, 5)
npple butter (1 quart or more,) 50
peach butter .... 51
" Krnpo " " ul
plum " " .VI
" cured hem, Ag. 1 yr.
" sample nil sp.4e, ti)
sample yettsl, W
' haul soup, Au. I yr.
" ho ft soap, B)
" gallon ot soii'.Uuiii, 3 00
1 I RhS.
James Masteis, Mipeitutcndent.
Juilues-Mis. E7-I1M Cttle, Mrs. William
Hngenhuch, Mrs. Jt-o Uhl, Miss Marguiet
Uest 10 yards ol .1.. 1,
2d "
Rest 5 ynrus woulen clutlt,
" 10 carpet,
" Hi sards plain llne-i,
tliuper "
" knit wool stockings,
" ciuioiiSlIti'SWe,
fl 50
AS- If
1 So
1 .10
1 50
1 AO
1 00
2 0J
Ac 1 y
nomu mauo binrt.
pair woolen blankets,
" i.ur itiiuti fittrui-..
" homo made Utble cloths,
I.loyd raxtou, tsupcrlutendent.
Jinlscs Miss Knto Hel7, Miss Hannah
Waller, Mrs. Amelia A. Ilutlei.Mlss ltelf
sujder. Miss Ente Lazaius.Mlss Ida McDow
ell, iti iss Isnuio iiitriiiuti, .)tis r nn 1, iirti tuu.
Best knit quilt,
' tidy,
" tatting work,
speclnicn be.ul woi 1;,
.. .. hurr "
" " leather "
.. har ..
.. . wax
" diawlup,
" palntlim,
silk einbroldcrv,
worsted embroidery,
14 cotion cmbroldeiy,
14 worsted,
44 cotton mat.
SI u)
1 00
1 CO
1 00
1 to
1 Ol
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 IJ
1 00
1 o)
1 (4)
1 Kl
1 01
1 U
1 IX)
v.-orKeu suppers,
laitev nln cushion.
iti'Hii tues
4 si ecimc u nios tnlntlptr,
41 1 o leeilon if dttltllat ,
" fluwers.
4- .fit-lltien tl htmse plants lu blocin, If")
44 sneelutl'll of drktl glass, M
" 44 llowers. 50
44 44 penmanship, 1 Otl
44 variety of flow e.s, 110
William II. llitgcnbnch, fiupcrinteudcut.
Jntlaes Eli MenCoilull, nud Dr. 1). W.
Best family ct ri lage,
44 ojien buggy,
4 to)i liiugy.
44 farm u-tinon,
44 spring wagon for l.trtii use,
" 44 " for pleasure,
44 wlieclL-turow,
44 sled.
44 sulky,
(r.Ass xtv AtiiticmriiUAi.
SI no
3 00
3 01
4 oi
3 in)
3 01
2 til
Henry Yetter, r-uperlntendcnt.
Judges Henry Delchmlllernnd IssaoHea
Rest right hnnd plow,
44 plow fur gensrnl use,
44 left hand plow,
44 rlaht and left hand plow,
44 corn plow,
44 subsoil plow
44 square dra;?,
44 ono hoiu cultivator,
44 Utu 44 44
44 two hoi so corn planter,
44 ono 44 " 44
4 tin 1 sir nnd sepainlor minhlntd,
Jl W
2 UO
1 00
2 01
2 00
2 Ul
1 M
2 Gi
2 ro
1 0)
1 0)
3 in
4 CO
mower anil rtnper etoiioiut ti,
Sd 44
.1 0)
2 I'll
3 10
1 01
1 iu
1 oil
nnv fori:.
)toi table cider press,
clover hulk-r,
sausuize erluttcr,
washing maeltlue,
clothes wriUKur,
grubbing Itoe,
set luiuer4.. 11'L-ks.
1 O)
pan- 01 lore untl niiiii nurse snues, 1 uu
44 sharpened drills, 1 00
44 nxenant'le, to
44 grain cradle, ... 1 00
44 rullcc, Afc. 1 v
44 Miming mill, 2 01
44 corn sl.ellcr. Diploma
44 stutw aMlloddcrcuttcr, Dljtloinr.
Should there bo any new or meritorious Im
plements nud Inventions exhibited, that nre
nnt provided for in tho foregoing class, tho
Judges may report tho merits ol the same for
premiums to tho Executive Committee,
S. D. lteinard, Superintendent.
Judges Jacob Harris und Jacob lllritnl.
Best cooking stovo with llxturrs, II C)
14 parlor 3 00
44 set artificial teeth Diploma
44 variety ot tluwaie. 3 10
44 varlely of euttlienware, 2 00
John ti. Quick, Supeilutcudent.
Judes-J. W. Dlctterleli and Fred I'lifjlw.
iiesi sei tiouoio Harness,
44 44 teum 4'
11 double currlugo harness,
4 single 44
44 suit of elolhlng,
44 pairralf bonis,
44 pilrklp boots,
44 pair miner's shoes,
" bureau,
iiiessiug stand,
4 dlsplayeabluetMaie, .
44 set Windsor chairs,
44 spriux si atcd ch.ili a.
41 roeklug clulr,
4- utter,
. bnll 1I07. brooms.
(I 01
1 cu
1 (u
2 U)
3 CO
3 (0
3 0)
i OJ
2 )
1 to
Jt Otl
1 01
1 (0
1 Ul
1 to
1 to
1 00
1 11)
two sides stile Unther.
two bides call skin,
MlllllUU Ul UllVte.
Levi Hutelitnsou, rureilntendent.
Judges Aaron Hlulth and William Keller,
Rest swarm of hoes 00
5,1 " oil
sj " 44 44 1 ui
44 flvo itouuds of box honey 1 UJ
jj 11 .. .. .. .. 80
Rest beo lilvo , 1 IJ
'J he honey lobo tuliin without tliblrolni,
the bios; I lie kind of lilies used, uud thu
management of same stated,
Dr. R. II, Little, buperlnteudent.
JudKes Clinton MeutUnhnll.and Dr. Mo
irarac f.
lu.t trotting hoiso or luutejsttiot I1C3 00
73 00
110 hot se or mate, trnttln? for the
tlrst to coiaiieto Ior the 2d prim,
2d 44 trotting horso or msre 2d trot
50 (JO
John Harliaau, Huperlntcudent.
Jndites-lJaulel Mclleury and II. V. Clsrk.
Host trotlluii horse or mnretlst trot) (W 00
4 I rott liiu horse or innreC.Vl trot,) no
horso or mare trotting for the tlrst
tn compete for the 2d premium 25 0)
41 walking horse or mnro trl
2d 14 4 44 44 3 ijo
Tho trial of horses under th fmner's ilt,
will tako place on Thursday nficr ioon. For
the dlRphiy nud trial of horses, lu each class,
nn exhibition, nnuo'linlf mile track: has I men
IhorouKhly repaired within thu grounds. Ten
per cent, entrauco fee, tor all ent 'le- made
under the eighteenth and nineteenth elasies1
not less than t'irro entries to make n mil i
in each case best three In live.
oum xx-koot uacini.
WUUstii Nenl.Kuperlutendent,
.fudges lohu K. Urolr, Joseph Hharples),
Judge Mclteynoldg nndCharleslI, Double r.
liest run once around tho course M 00
2-1 " " " 4 00
Not less than six entries to makon race,
Kntrauco fee &j cents In each enso. Thejud;
es seipcted nre requested to notify tho Kxecu
tWe Committee, nt tho Heeretary's onioi1, In
every ca-s. where they nre disinclined or tin
nbio to attended to Iho Unties assigned to
1 1. Kvery person havlnir nrtleles for exhlbi
Uonor comietlllon must becomon member
or thA Association before entering them.
2. Minors cn become members or exhibit
ors when thelrparents nre members,
a. Tho field or competition Is open to all.
Persons from other counties and states can
become exhibitors npon the tamo terms ns
citizens of this county.
4. All articles o tie rnl for competition mast
bo owned by thecompetitor. Fruits, vegeta
bles. Hnwerf, Ac, must bntho growth of the
competitor, nnd nil manufactured articles
must bo made by tho competitor.
5. All stock entered must be what is reptc
scuted or premiums will te forfeited.
. All articles for exhibition or competi
tion must be entered by 5 o'clock 1. 11 on
Wednesday the 11th, nnd except In Impossi
ble cases, be on the ground by hat tlmo. and
remain there until Friday nt 3 o'clock, I if.
when they will bo ut tho disposal of the ex
hibitors. 7, Htands for sale of refreshments can bo
obtained by application to the .Secretary ur
11. I Hartmnu.
t. No lleeusowlllbeeranleU tostands that
Rfll spirituous or malt liquors.
'Judges appointed to examine tho different
classes w ill eonler n favor on the Association
hy rnlllngntthe Recretiry's ofUce early on
Thutsday morning to obtain their Instruc
tions. On Wednesday tho grounds will bo opened
to the public, nnd eontlnuo open threo days,
A membership ticket, ndmlttlnetwo persons
during the Fulr, ono dollar. Admission curds
to admit the bArr, tweuty-llvo cents.
No person will bo permitted to vote nt the
1 'Xt -It ct Ion of tho Association ex'ept pro
t n UK thetr membership ticket.
V.-portfmf list to bo prluled In liruo bills.
, , W.aKOON..f'ics't.
J. nilOWHIl. Heoy.
If loomsbun, Hept. 2,
Pho Ullderfileiiril roqnof fulli- nnnnnnivi tn
the I'HiiiittiK coiumuiilty that theyurenmlu in
tl.H Held with their machines for the haiveslo
PalontM by Adrian Cornell, with Mejor's patent
tlouble nuliit; heparalor combined, is whatovcry
Fanm rnei'U-', It can't he has been f.tlily
tAMcd uud has fur exceeded tho expectations of
nil who have seen Us operations. It has been
Kot-tip expitssly to meet the wants of the Farm
er. V o miinuhictmo them, overshot ior tread
power and undershot for lever power. This
machine can be made lodoauy dc-nlmlfcrnounl
of work, is Htniph in eoiif truciion, tasy to
manaoaud n t liahle to ff-t. out of upalr.
Thi'y hImi i-oullmu1 In manufacturo tho Cele-
Jionsi; 1'owkii o tiikksiieu,
from tho original patterns, wllh nn improve
ment in the power, whei eby a ualii of 25 per cent.
Is elleetcd. and elves the desired nnn-ornt from
UtaG Inches less elevation than tho old style.
They also attach
to their machines, manufjc'urod Gtily bv them
nnd secuicd to them by letters patent from Wm,
u. iupjor, incy uiso mnuuiuciuro iuo oesi ana
lightest running Lever Towers In tho couutry
also IJcmhle and t-lngle-Uenred Jacks. Having
on baud u good supply of well seasoned lumber
of the best quality, and experienced workmen
v iik itu in iiieir luuiiuufiure, mey guarumto
their machines
elsewheie. All having repairing to do bhould
remember that wo hnvo nil the original patterns.
Ilepulrlng done at short notice and on reasonn
blo terms. Machines sold nt astonishingly
low prices and credit given when desired.
For timber particulars call on or address
whero they mopiifflCtJKr,.!
wagon Jacks. Iron kettles nnd nil kinds of work
usually doue In Foundries nnd Machine shops.
All woik warranted and all klLds of couutry
produce taken In exchange,
Tho undersigned would respectfully Inlorm
tho Clllzcus of Berwick, and vicinity, that hu
hns opened a Confectionery and Bakery In
Berwick, Pa., whero he Is prepared to furnish
all kinds of
tie, dc., t&c., &c.
Among the assortment will bo fouud Cream
Nuts. J-itgllsh walnuts, Teanuts, Almonds, Fll
leils. Figs, AppUs, Cocoa Nuts. JelllcH of dlfler
cut klmls, Mustnitl, Catsup, l4leitles, Chocolate,
Canntd Iiult of ull kinds. Corn staich, Egg 111s
(iilt, hotla Cruekers, Ojster Clackers, cheese,
riutp, Wrltlni; Taper, Agreement l'apcrs, En
veloi ts,
And puduce of ull kinds. Fresh Bread ami
Cakistttry day. lie Cieatn in Siasou. Your
1 atronago Is solicited.
Berwick, Juno 17, lS70-lf
Tne undersigned would rostiectlullv anaouues
to tho public that he has opened a
In tho building lately occupied by Fox & Webb
wheio he Is prepared to furnish all kinds or
tn short, a full assortment nf ull goods In
Uis lino or business. A great variety ot
suitable for the Holidays. Particular bttectlon
given to
uf all kinds, frebli every day,
A call Is solicited, mid. satisfaction will b
guuriiuteed, f4r'-
C. llO'WEB,
has opeued a firslclasa
at tho old stand ou laain Street, Rlnorasburg,afew
doors nbovo tho Court House. Hlsbtocklseoin
posod or t Uo very latt st uud best btj lea ever order
ed to the citizens or Columblu County. He can
nt-commudato the publio wltlt the following goods
at the lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled
stoga boots, men's doublo aud single tap soled
kip boots, men's heavy btoga shoes of all kinds,
men's Hue Isiots and shoes of all crudes, boy's
double holed boots of nil kinds, men',
glovo kid Balmoral shoes,meu's, women's, boys',
uud misses' lasting gutters, womtn's glove lcld
Polish vr ry fine.wouien's morocco Balmorals aud
cilf shoes, women's very One kid bulloued gait
ers. In short boots ol ull descriptions both peg
ged aud sewed.
Ho would ulso rail attention to his line assort
ment of
.t't.i.'h eomnrlscs all tho new and nonulai vari
eties at prices which cunuotfallto suit all. Theso
goods me- offered ut the lowest cash rate, and
win no guitruuieeu logivo buitsiaeiiou. a ran
Is solicited before purchasing elsewheie as It Is
beileved that better bargains are to be fovnd
thau at any other place lu the county.
ncc. ait-
51 nnn hew a. nn.
Oi. VJ U For any case of Blind Bleeding
Hclilug.or Ulcerated Piles that Ds's Pilk
HtMKitv tails to cute. It Is piepartd expressly
to euro the 1'lles nud nothing i be, and bus cured
rases of over 20 yours staudlug. Sole by oil
via wax.
Do lliiiB'u Via Fuea hi the nure Juices of Balks
Herbs, Roots, nud Berries, for
Tiiilsmmntlnn nf the I.uncsi alt Liver. Kldner.
nml llludder dlseases.orgauio Weakness, Female
Allllctliius, Oenerul Deblllty.aud ull comiilaluts
of the Urinary Organs In Male aud
Djspepsta, Costlveucbs, Gravel, Dropby
and hciolulu. whlcli irosl generally terminate lu
Cuusuiuptlve Dccllre. It purities and enrlcbes
tho lIltxHl, the miliary, Glandular and Secretive
System; Corrects and Strengthens the Nervous
uuu 4iiiscuiur luiten: ii ueis liKUUCUftllliuuwvHS
liervous, uud debilitated lemales, both young
uud old. Nono bhould be without It. Sold every
where. 1.AU0I1AT011Y 112 Frunklln St., Balti
more, Md. (augy70-ly.
Neatly nnd Clieajily rrlnted
I'rom the Latest Style of Type at the