The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 09, 1870, Image 2

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    Stfrc (ifdumMmt
riidny Jloriiliip, Scit. !, 180.
J- THIS COI.tMBl.VJI lias the Largest
Circulation of miy paper publlshtd lu
Northern Pennsylvania, and la -alio .
much larger sliest than any of 111 colein
porarle anil It therefore tli best medium
forml! trll.liiR In Ihli section ofllie Slate,
Minority Convention.
Tho Convention at Heading on 81st
of August to secure electoral reform by
tho representation of minorities, was
respectably attended and tho proceed
ings wcro harmonious.
George Lear, Esq., of Bucks county
presided, and sessions wcro hold In tho
morning and afternoon.
Wo copy tho following synopsis of
tho concluding proceedings from one of
tho New York dallies :
After tho adoption of tho resolutions
embodying tho sentiments of tho Con'
vcntlon In relation to tho necessity of a
Constitutional Convention, denouncing
tho present practice of referring all
matters of local legislation to tho mem
bers of tho majority In tho. several Dis
tricts, and Indorsing tho action of tho
Stato of Illinois, a Committee waited
on Senator Buckalew, who consented o
deliver an address. It would bo. Impos
sible, In a brief summary, to convey
any idea of tho ablo and masterly expo
sition of Ids views on Uia minority
question. Ho spoko upon tho impossi
bility of making this question of re
form a party IsMte. It wus not adapted
to the interests of any party or individ
ual, but to tho necessities and Interests
of tho whole people What was pro
posed was a freo vote to all tho electors,
which would cnablo them to represent
themselves in tho Government, whether
Federal, Stato or Municipal. Tho term
"cumulative" was insufficient to ex
press tho wliolo Idea of tho now plau.
Tho term "freo vote" was thorcforo to
bo preferred, as Its signification was
moro comprehensive and exact. Whcro
tho voter holds several votes ho was to
distribute or concentrate them freoly
according to his own judgment and
honest conviction, instead of being sub
jectcd to legal compulsion as to tho
manner In which they should be bo
stowed. Ito objected nlso to tho term
"minority representation," becauso it
did not indicate Iho entlrd s'ttopo and
purpose of tho reform. The term pro-
portional or totality representation was,'
moro exact, though' tho terms might bq"
thought uncouth. Every considerable
interest was to bo represented by its
own votes, and thus tho entire mass of
electors brought Into nctlvd relations
with Government. After explaining
tho character and' operation of tho freo
vote, hb proceeded to mention 'iq detail
tho elections to which it was applicable
in Federal elections to' tho choice Of
Members of Congress and Presidential
electors. In Stato elections to the choice
of members of tho Iicgislature, Judges
of the Supremo Court, Associate Judges
of counties, County Commltsioners'nnd
County Auditors, the Councllmen of
cities and boroughs, Directors of Com
mon Schools, and sundry other muni
cipal officers ; also to tho choico of di
rectors and managers of incorporated
companies, ns well as tho election of
delegates to nominating conventions.
Ho explained nt somo' length tho ad
vantages of tho freo vote, under tho fol
lowing heads : First, that It would very
greatly reduce tho.oxpenso and conse
quent corruption of elections ; second,
that it would establish just and ,full
representation .of tho people; third,
that fow candidates would bo beaten, as
each party would only support a num
ber of candidates it could elect J lastly,
that better men would certainly ,bo
elected to office, as tho necessity pf.con
cilltatlng the floating or corrupt vote,
constituting tho balance, of power be
tween parties, would bo avoided.
The conclusion of tho address was an
earnest appeal in favor of reform to
cheapen and purify elections, Insuro a
greater degrco of contentment among
tho people, avoid much ill feeling by
decreasing bitterness of election con
tests, and insuro an improved class of
men for public service. Tho greatest
unanimity and enthusiasm marked this
part of tho proceedings, and tho argu
ments for reform wcro heartily Indorsed
and applauded. An Executlvo Com
mittee of 21 was appointed to carry out
tho objects of tho Convention, and also
a Committee to confer with tho Legis
lature, noxt session, in regard to action
invited from that body by resolutions.
A resolution Inviting cordial eo-opora-
Hon of men of all parties was passed,
and also recommending tho passage of
laws for applying this method to muni
clpal elections in. the State. Tho Con.
ventlon adjournedjOftcr usual votes of
manKS, at o o'ciock, sinuie.
The British fieot at Splthoad, lias, ft
appears, paid honors to tho memory of
ino mo itumirai iarragui. unuer
these circumstances, tho United States
Government will, perhaps, by-and-by
do tho same. At tho funeral of our
great naval hero, no leading member of
tho Administration was present. They
wero all too busy. It will, perhaps, be
some consolation though a small one
to Admiral Farragufs relatives to
know that nt least his tinmo and meiils
aro remembered in a foreign land.r-
Luzebne Co. Convention. Tho
Democrats af Luzerne met In Conven
tion yesterday, when the following
nominations wero made : For Congress,
Samuel T. Turner, of Wilkes Barro;
for Prosfdcut-Judge, Hon. George W.
Woodward j for Assembly, S, W.Kccno
Michael Fiynn and Geo. W. Search ;
for Prothonotary, Francis A. Beamish ;
or District Attorney, E. L, Mcrrlman ;
for Clerk of tho Courts,Chas. Itoblnson
Tub Republicans of Sullivan feel
eoro that Mercur nnd his parly liavo
again deprived them of a candldato for
tho Legislature. Bradford again for
tho seventh, time claims both membors
notwithstanding repeated pledges to
tuo contrary, Buillvan, Ilko Columbia,
.Montour and Wyoming, nro very deal
rnblo when votes aro needed, but tlorj't
amount to much when tho loaves and
fishes aro to bo divided.
A new apportionment for members of
Congress and of tho Legislature will bo
made this winter. Our Congressional
nnd Senatorial District will be undoubt
dly changed, i
Court Proceedings.
SEr-TEMiinn 5, 1870.
Court met, Hon. William Elwcll and
his Associates, Irom Dorr nnd Isaac S.
Monroo on tho Bench.
Joseph I. Ikclcr, Samuel Stctlor and
Rudolph Shuman, appointed Tip
Constables sworn and returns received.
Franklin L.Shumnn of Beaver, appoin
ted Foreman of tho Qrand Jury.
Tim petition of Qoorgo At Clark was tho. Court, praying for a
guardian. Robert F. Clark, Eq., ap
pointed guardian.
Tho petition of, Win, B. Urovc, for
appointment of guardian. Peter Ent
Petition for tho salo of tho real cstato
of Amos Rhodes, deceased. Salo gran
Petition of Torlnda Hacronbuch for
appointment of guardian. Honry Kllch
en appointed.
.Petition of Win. E. Hagcnbuch for
appointment of guardian. Nathan
Flcpkcnslein appointed.
Petition for an order of sale, in tho
cstato of Eleazor Hess, dee'd. C. W.
Miller, appointed auditor to report facts
and his opinion as to tho propriety of
granting tho order.
In tho cstatoof John Davenport, dee'd
C. W. Miller, Esq., continued ns audi
Petition of Stephen Gcarhart, guar
dian for tho salo of tho real cstato of
Jacob Goarlwrt, Jr., deceased. E. II.
Little, Esq., appointed auditor to report
facts with bis opinion as to tho proprie.
ty of granting such salo.
Petition for tho salo of tho real cslnto
of IJalser Esslck, dee'd., for tho pay
ment of debts. Salo ordered.
Petition of Augustus Troup, admin
istrator of tho cstato of John Troup,
dee'd., for an order to sell tho real cstato
for the payment of dcbls. Salo or
Petition for tho salo of tho real estate
of Henry Yost, dee'd., for Uio payment
ot uems. saio orucrcu.
Report of salo of the real oUato of
John Rouch, dee'd. Confirmed ni si.
Petition of Anna E. Hayman, for ap
pointment of guardian. Peter Hayman
nppointcd guardian.
Report or salo of tho real cstato of
Benjamin Fowler, dee'd. Confirmed
nl si.
Petition for n citation on tho adminis
trators or Jacob Goho, dee'd. Citation
Report orw. II. Abbott, Commis
sioner in lunacy inquest or Anthony W
Davis. David Davis nppolntod com
mittee. Stephen' Thomai vs tho Pennsylvania
Canal'Co. On motion, Sheriff allowed
to' amend hid return to tho summons.
John Zelgler vs John G. Hanley nnd
John G . Hanley, executor of Mary Ilea
cock, (tee'd. On motion Court grant
leavo to amend tho praecipo and pro
ceedings Jn thiscaso by striking out tho
nnmo of John G. Hanley,
Wilson A. Thonias vs JnnJes V. GI1
la'spy and W. AJCIIno, on application
of W. A. Kline, notice and sclro facias
toJaines.T. .Glllaspy to show causo
Wiy subrogation should not bo awarded
In iavor of W. A. Kline.
Petition to change tho placo of hold
ing tho election in Locust township.
Election ordered for second Tuesday or
October, A. D., 1670.
Greenwood (ou'iislilp vs Pino town
ship. On motion, of E. II. Little, rulo
granted upon Greenwood township to
show ciuso'why they should not' pay
the expenses and cost3.
Com. vs Patrick Gara nnd wife for
selling liquor without a license. On
motion of District Atttornoy, II. 8.
Marr tent in $200 for appearance of deft
nt next term.
Petition or supervisors of Sugarloaf
twp for man'damus. On motion of "C,
B. Brockway, upon petition formauda.
mus'to levy an additional fax for road
purposes in Sugarloaf tvp. Rulo gran
ted to show cau30 why said 'mandamus
should not issue.
Coin, vs John nerbcrt. Charge Lar
ceny'nnd cruolty to animals. A true
Com. vs Jacob Kostenbauder. Chnrgo
assault and battery. BUI Ignored,
Report of salo of tho real cstato of
Su3an Tyler, deceased, by tho guardian
Confirmed nl si.
Report of salo of tho real cstato or
Lydla Wanich, 'deceased, by Jacob Wa
nlch administrator. Confirmed nl si.
Petition for citation In tho cstato of
Henry Meilck, deceased. Citation awar
ded. Petition of Hellen S. Sullifi" for ap
pointment of guardian. C, H. Lariah,
Petition for appointment of guardian
of minor children of Collins Sutliff, 0.
H. Larlsh nppointcd.
Petition of minor children of Reuben
Honninger for appointment of guardian
Allen Mann nppointcd.
Petition of Sarah Shaffer fornppolnt
mentof guardian. Jacob F, DIeterlch
Petition or Lydla Ann Shaffer for ap
polntment of guardian, Jacob F, iMo
tench appointed.
Petition of minor children of John
Dallnian lot guardian. Tho3. Dallman
nnd John Eycr appointed guardians
Petition of Wra. B. Opdyko for guar'
dian. Joshua F. Opdyko appointed
Petltitlon for partition in tho cstato
of Benj, Camp, deceased. Inquest
Report of sale in tho est of Geo Rupp
deceased. Confirmed nl si.
Petition of Laura Mt Parker for guar
Ulan. J. w. Reeso nppolneed.
Aud. report in tho cstato of Peter &
Catharine Lutz. Confirmed ni si.
Aud. report to distribute proceeds
arising from tho Sheriff's salo of tho
property of Jacob Bower. Conllrmod
nisi. Exceptions filed.
Report of auditor to distributo funds
In tho hands of tho administrators of
Isaac C. C. Richard, dee'd. Confirmed
ill si.
'Iho nccount of Samuel Knorr, Esq.,
Assigneo or. I. w. Chcmberlln, con
Samuel L. Potter vs Margaret Potter
alias subpoena awarded,
On motion of C. 15. Brockway, Esq.,
II. II. Grotz, Esq., continued as auditor
in tho matter of tho administration of
tho real cstato of Geo. Pfell, dee'd.
A, K, Walter vs Honry A. Weldon
haul. On motion of H. S. Marr, Esq.,
court grant a rulo to show causo why
tho Judgment in this case should not be
opened, nnd (hat all procecdlngsshould
Com. vs Ebony Cook. Charge lar
ceny. BUI Ignored.
Com, vs Cuthariiio McNeills. Recog
nizance of Mary iMcGuIro end Patrick i
McNeills forfeited In open Court for
want of ajppeanuico.
Com. vs Anthony McNollls. Recog
nizance of Mary McGuIro and' Patrick
McNeills forfollcd In open court for want
of iippeaiBuco.
Com. vs A. Ilolderman. Recognl-
zanco forfeited to bo respited on appear
ance of defendant nt next term.
Com. vs A. V. Cool. Cliargoassault
nnd battery. Bill Ignored. Prosecutor
David Hunt to pay cihIh.
Com. vs David Hunt. Chargo-as-
sault and balery. Bill Ignored. Prose
cutor A. V. Cool to pay costs.
Com. vs Jonn Gunning. Charge as
sault nnd battery. Bill Ignored. Mary
Gunning pros to pay costs.
Com. vs Sarah Hill, John Hill, Sam
uel Conner and Wh'field S. Conner.
Charge nuisance. BUI ignored nnd
prosecutor to pay costs.
Com. vs Goo. Swaggart. Chargo as
sault and battery. BUI Ignored. James
W. Sonkcy, prosecutor, to pay costs.
Com. vs Richard Palmer. Chargo
murder. A truo bill.
Com vs Richard Palmer. Chargo
felonious assault. A truo bill.
Com. vs Lowls Knntncr. Charge-
murder Ac. A truo bill.
Com. vs Reeso J. Millard nnd Georgo
Swaggart. Chargo assault and battery
BUI Ignored. James W. Sankoy, prose
cutor, to pay costs.
Reuben II. King vsEIIsha B. Pursol
Jury called. Jury withdrawn and causo
Com. vs James Harris. On motion
ot C. B. Brockway, attachment for wit
ness, issued.
Com. vs A. W. Eaton. Chargo as
sault and battery. A truo bill. Defend
ant pleads not guilty. Jury called. Plea
of not guilty withdrawn and defendant
pleads guilty.
Cora, vs Jesso D. Rico. Charge nui
sance. On motion or District Attorney
non pros nllowed and payment of costs.
Petition for chango of tho placo -of
holding tho election In Pine township.
Ordered that an election bo held on tho
second Tuesday of October agreeable to
tho prayer of tho petitioners, nnd that
notico then bo given by tho Constablo
according to law.
Petition for revlowera of a road in
Franklin twp. James McNlnch, Casper
Rawn and Clinton Mnrgcrum. Contin
ued. Report of rovlowers of a road In
Jackson twp near tho house or Daniel
Young. Confirmed nl 6i.
Report of a road in Benton and Jack
son townships. Confirmed nl si.
Report of viewers of a road In Fish
ingcreck twp. near tho houso of Win,
Stoker. Confirmed ni si.
Report of a road In Briarcrcek twp.
near Evans' saw-mill. Confirmed ni si.
Report of a road in Mt. Pleasant twp
near Welch's bridge. Confirmed ni si.
Order for reviews of a road in Hem
lock twp. Continued.
Com. vs A. W. Eaton. Charge arson
A.truo bill Deft, pleads uot guilty.
Jury called.
Application for tho incorporation of
tho M. E., Church at Benton. Ordered
to bo published.
Com. vs Kreamer. Case dis
charged and each party to pay half tho
A. Wcsner and wife vs Henry Wa'
son or Wcrtz. On motion or John G.
Freeze, Esq. Judgment stricken off.
No declaration having been filed.
Com. vs P. Creasy and Wm Shaffer.
Charge negllgcnco in office. A truo
Com. vs T. G. Morgan and M. N.
ICcefer. Charge nuisance. A, truo bill.
Com. vs Simon P. Kaso. Thrco char
ges for nuisance. A truo bill in each.
Jacob F Stauffer vs Dora E Staulfer.
Petition for divorce. E II Littlo ap
pointed commissioner to tako testimo
ny in tho case.
Petition of Chas. Dougherty for ap
pointment of constablo. or Conyngham
twp. Appointed and sworn.
Com vs .Margaret Palmer. Charge-
adultery. Jon pros, allowed on pay
ment or co3ta.
A W Eaton indicted for assault and
battery. Sentenced to pay a flno of $2o
and pay costs of prosecution and under
go Imprisonment of sixty days.
A W Eaton indicted for arson. Sen
tonco to pay the costs of pros.
Com vs Philip Creasy. Held lu tho
sura of $200 for nppcaranco of himself
and Wm Shaffer at next term of court.
Solomon Helwlg vs Jeremiah Gctkln
nnd bamuel Eck. On motion of W H
Abbott rulo granted to tako deposition.
Potitlon of Amos John for appoint
ment or guardian, Ellen John appoln
Petition or L L Tato guardian or Jos
F Patterson for discharge Discharged
upon tho terms and conditions set forth
in his petition.
Petition of Elmlra Evelnnd for cita
tion on tho administrator of S Blank
dee'd to filo nn account. Citation award
Aud. report In tho cstato or Benj Nuss
dee'd. Salo ordered.
Potitlon of Goo H Brown for transfer
of tavern licenso of B Stohner. Llcenso
Com vs J V Glllaspy, Chargo fraud.
BUI ignored, prosecutor S C Brlnser to
pay costs,
Com vs J V Glllaspy. Chargo fraud
uleutly disposing or property. Bill Ig'
uorcd and pros S C Brlnser to pay costs
Com vs Lackawanna & Bloomsburg
Railroad. Chargo nuisanco. Bill Ig
uorcd nud pros to pay costs.
Flvo Com cases against S P Caso and
others wero continued by agreement.
Treas Deeds for seated and unseatod
land sold for taxes. Acknowledged.
Com vs Richard Palmer. On motion
of District Attorney, Richard Palmer
was arraigned beforo tho court for mur
der and plead not guilty. A Jury was
then called and tho wholo panel of tho
Traverse Jury was exhausted beforo
thero was ajury ompaunollcd to try tho
caso, Tho following goutlcmen wcro
sworn ns a jury: Jacob Demott, Morris
Lowls, John Kirkendull, Horaco
Schwcpponhclser, Henry Uetlcr, Geo,
Yost, Chas. B, Troy, Samuel Demott,
Wm. B. Quick, Milton Runyan, M. A.
Glrton nnd John O Weuner. Tho last
gentleman had been setosldo,and when
tho wholo Jury was exhausted ho was
recalled and sworn.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 2.-Tho base
ball match between tho Atlantic Club
of Brooklyn nud tho Red Stockings of
Cincinnati, was played on tho grounds
of tho latter Club at this place, yester
day afternoon. Tho Atlantics went
first to tho bat, nnd wero defeated by a
score of 14 to 8, About 10,000 people
witnessed tho game, and great interest
was manifested. I
Representative Conference.
Representative Conferees from Col
umbia and Montour counties met nt
Bloomsburg, pursuant to adjournment,
on Monday, September Cth, nt ono
o'clock p m.
Tho President, Mr. Hughos.cttllcd tho
Conference to order. Tho Columbia
county Conferees then asked tho Mon
tour Conferees to namo somo man for
tho nomination, other than Thomas
Chalfaut. .They refused to do so. Tho
Cotifcrenco then proceoded to tho sev
enteenth ballot.
Hughes and Yorks votod for Thomas
Funston and Dorr voted for Leonard
B. Rupert.
Beforo tho Columbia county Confe
rees voted, tliov offered to let their votes
stand for tho nomination of any ono of
tho rnon voted for ny tnem, on tuo liutu
Inst., which was not acceded to by tho
Montour uonierces.j
After tho Bovcntocnth ballot tho Co
lumbia county Conferees again proposed
to tho Montour Conferees, to namo n
new man, which was not acceded to by
Tho 18th and 19th ballots being then
taken, resulted as had tho 17th ; when
on motion of Mr. Dorr, tho Conference
adjourned to meet nt 1 o'clock of the
samo day.
SEr-r. 0, 1870,-1 1. m.
Conference met pursuant to adjourn
ment, aud was called to order by tho
On motion or Mr. Yorks, tho 20th
ballot was taken, and resulted ns fel
lows: Ohatfant two votes.
Rupert two votes.
On motion of Mr. Yorks, Conference
adjourned to meet at Bloomsburg, on
Wednesday, Sept. 7th, nt 1 p. in.
Wednesday, Sept. 7.
Conference met pursuant to adjourn
ment ; was called to order by tho Pres
ident, nud on motion proceeded to tho
21ST 11ALI.OT.
Rupert two votes.
Chalfiiut two votes.
On motion, tho Conference adjourned
to meet nt 4 o'clock p. in., tho same day.
At -1 o'clock Conference met according
to adjournment, and proceeded at onco
to tho
Chalfaut .,
two votes.
two voles.
Rupert two votes.
Chalfaut two votes.
At this point nn adjournment for two
weeks and to meet at Danville, was
proposed by Mr. Yorks, which was not
seconded nor voted upon. A motion to
adjourn sine die was also raado by tho
samo gentlemen, which was not sec
onded. Permission was then given to Mr.
Yorks to withdraw from thoConferonco
for ten minutes, to consult with his
On tho return of Mr. Yorks, and on
his motion, tho Conference proceeded
to tho
For Hon. Leonard B. Rupert, Messrs
Derr and Funston 2.
ForThomas Chalfaut, Messrs. Hughes
anu xorKS z.
Tho23lh ballot being taken, thoic-
sult was tho samo.
Mr. Yorks then moved that tho Con
ferenco do now adjourn, which was not
seconded nor voted upon.
Mr. Yorks then moved that Thomas
Chalfaut bo declared the nominee for
Representative for this District, which
being put to a voto was rejected by a
voto of oyos 2, nays 2.
And thereupon without rurthor pro
ceedings tho Montour Conferees with
drow rrom tho Conference.
Tho Columbia Conferees remaining in
Conference, proceeded to tho
2Gtu kallot,
which resulted as follows :
For Hon. Leonard B, Rupert, Messrs.
uerr anu ! unsion votes.
Tho following Resolution was then
adopted :
Ilcsolvcd. That Hon. Leonard B. Ru
pert bo declared tho regular Democratic
candldato for Representative, for tho
Roprosentatlvo District composed or
tho counties or Columbia and Montour.
Tho Conferees then proceeded to pro
pare and adopt nn Address to tho voters
or tho District, utter which, on motion
adjourned sine die.
Latest News.
Williamspoiit, Aug. 01. The Sop
tomher meeting or tho Herdlc Park As
soclation,rrom tho 13th to 16th incluslvo
promises to bo a grand success. A largo
number or horses havo been entered
among which aro somo or tho best in
tho country. On tho 15th, purso $1,000,
for all running horses; $5,000 will bo
given to any horso beating 1:13. On tho
10th, purso $1,000, freo for all horses
$2,000 to first, $1,000 to second, $000 to
third and $100 to fourth. Tho nssocia
Hon will glvo $15,000 to any horso bea
ting 2:171 In this race.
Potwville, Sept. 2. Tho first mini
versary of tho establishment of tho
Dally Miners' Journal was celebrated
last night by a banquet at tho Ameri
can Hotel by tho publishers to tho cdl
tors, reporters, and compositors, with n
largo number or Invited guests. Benja
mln Bannan, senior proprietor, gave, In
speech, interesting details or his ferty'
two years' oxpcrlenco as a Journalist,
Colonel R, W. Ramsey, Junior propria
tor, stated that tho main object or tho
entertainment was to cultlvato frater
nal feolings between employees nnd em
ploycrs. Everything passed off delight-
imiy, auu it is the Intention to mako
this nn annual affair,
London, Sept. 2.-A telegram from
Constnntlnoplo brings nows that tho
seaport town of Samsouiij In Asia Mln
or, a station or tho Austrian Steam
.Navigation Company's packets, has
been destroyed by firo. Tiventy-flvo
nu mi red nouses nnd six churches uroin
ashos. Many lives wero lost, iho in
habitants aro suffering terribly rrom
want or food and shelter. ElKhty.flvo
houses wero burned nt Ycnldjo, in Mac-
euon i aua still another firo has occurr
ed at Monduulu, whero 880 houses wcro
Wasuinqton, Sept. 3. A record oi
tho Treasury Department Just made
public, discloses tho fact that Eliza R,
Arrowsmlth, of Somerset county, Now
Jersey, Is tho oldest pensioner in tho
united States. Sho Isono hundred nud
four, In possession of all her faculties.
nnd draws $000 per annum. Her hus
band was an assistant commicsary of
muos in tno revolutionary war.
PiTTSiiunaii, Pa. Sept. !. A Belgian
Iron-worker named Joseph Savago, ro-
contly brought to this city to superin
tend n portion of tho wort In Painter's
Iron Mill, was murdered last night.
ills body was found near his own hnu so
his head beaton to a Jelly, Two violent
nssatilts had previously been made upon
him by unknown parties.
CincAao, III., Sept. i. A llrobroko
out about C o'clock this afternoon In tho
papcr-storo or Messrs. Lallln, Butler A
Co., nnd is still burning nt nlno o'clock
p. m., though undercontrol. Tho wholo
or tho magnificent Drake block, on Wa-bash-avenue,
corner nr Washington
streoL Is destroyed. Tho total losses
will reach ubout $3,000,009, on which
thero is from gl.fiOO.OOO to $1,800,000 In
Fronoh War Nows.
Pauis. Sent. l.Le Public says tho
Government hos received no official
dispatches to-day, In consequence of
tho cessation of telegraphic communi
cation between Sedan and Mezloros,
but it is certain that battles wero fought
on Tuesday nnd Wednesday. Tho first
was n surprise, which resulted In a
partial panic In tho corps d'armcc of
Gen. Fallly, who, awaiting tho arrival
of Gen. Wlmprfen, his successor, still
commanded. Thero wero nlso sepurato
and detached conflicts, in which our
troop3 displayed great heroism; but
there was a want or unity during tho
engagement, and tho Prussians claim
tho victory. But In tho batllo or yes
terday there Is no question that McMuh
on had a great success against tho troops
or both princes.
Bazalno was not engaged yesterday,
but It is known that ho to-day contin
ues the work 40 energetically begun by
McMahou. Tho Corps Vlnoy, which n
few days ago passed through Paris,
reached tho battlo-fleld yesterday, nnd
is doubtless fighting now.
Paius, Sept. 2 Midnight. At Cour-
cellcs, on tho 2Gth ull., Goneral Bazalne,
while feigning to evaeuato Metz, drew
tho cavalry or Prlnco Frederick Charles
Into n trap. A bloody fight took placo
und tho cavalry wcro badly cut up.
Many prisoners wero taken, nnd tho
prlnco himself mado a narrow escape
from capture.
Pauis, Sept. 4. Tho Council. of Min
isters havo issued tho following procla
mation: To the French People:
A great misfortuno has como upon
tho country. After thrco days or heroic
struggles,sustalncd by tho army or Mar
shal McMahon against 300,000 or tho
enemy, 40,000 men havo been mado
prisoners. Gen do Wlmpfion, who took
command of tho army in placo or Mar
shal McMahon. badly wounded, has
signed a capitulation. This cruel re
verso will not shako our courage. Paris
Is, today, In n completo stato or defense.
The military forcc3 or tho country will
bo organized in n few days. A new
army will bo under tho walls ol Paris.
Another army is forming on tho banks
of tho Loire. Your patriotism,-your
union, your energy will savo Franco,
Tho Emperor has been mado a prisoner
in tho struggle,
Tho Government, in accord with tho
public powers, will take all measures
required by tho gravity of ovonts.
(Signed,) Count de palikao,
KIQAULTDE gesouilly.
of tho Council of Ministers,
Paius, Sept. 5-0:20 p. m Paris is
in a stato of indeserlbablo enthusiasm.
Tho gardo mobllo occupies tho tribune
The peoplo hero havo forced tho gates
or tho garden or tho Tullorles.
Tho soldiers at tho entrance and tho
barracks fraternlzo with tho people. A
republican spirit Is manifested every
Tho mob aro removlug and destroy
Ingiu nil quarters of tho city every
semblanco or tho empire. Tho imper
ial flags nro being torn down from tho
housetops and from tho fronts of tho
shops and public buildings, nnd where
tho imperial arms decorate shops they
aro violently removed and smashed in
tho streets,
Immonso throngs filled tho placo
L'Hotel do Villo. Tho mob gained an
entraueo to tho building nnd poured up
tho staircases Into tho grand saloons
Portraits or tho emperor and empress
wero torn from their hangings nnd
thrown out of tho windows into tho
streots. Hero they wero buffeted about
for somo tlmo and trampled beneath
tho feet of tho crowd. Henri Roche
fort is tho Hon of tho hour. Ho has
been liberated from captivity, and his
excited followers boro him in triumph
to tho hotel, aud excitedly cheered
along tho route. Immenso crowds fol
lowed Rochefort, cheering and singing
patriotic songs. Tho peoplo shouted
"Vivo la Franco," "Vivo la commerce,"
"Livo all nations," nud vociferated
other erics.
Pauis, Sept. 5 evening. General
Trochu has been appointed president or
tho government, with full military
power for tho national dofence.
Tho voto on tho deposition or tho Im
perial dynasty In tho corps legislate
was carried by 185 out or 200 votes.
Pauis, Monday, Sopt. 5. Tho peace
ful rovolutlon Is iu full tide. From an
early hour tho approaches to tho Corps
Leglslatlf have been filled by a vast
multitude. Tho steps or tho Palaco
Bourbon present a vast sea or heads.
Tho Opposition Deputies nro received
with n perfect frenzy of enthusiasm.
M. Thiers has recclvod nn ImmeiiHo
Prussian War Nows.
London, Sept. 1. A special dispatch
to tho Mundard, dated Florenvlllo. llel-1
glum, this (Thursday) morning, says:
"ino I'reneh imvo Just been badly
beaten on tho Sedan road. Tim lnu.
slans havo entered Cariumm (a fw
miles south-west of Florenvlllo.) Thero
WUS furious fiL'htlnL' all duvrm Wiln.
day between Armigny and Douzy."
Brussels, Sept. 1. Information of a
grava character has been received by
tho Government from tho frontier. Vi
olations of Belgian territory by ono or
tno otlieroftho hostllonrmles In Franco
Is Imminent, and rolnforcoments havo
been dispatched to tho Count of Flan
ders nt Phlllpsonvlllo,
Vakknns via Beulin, Sept. l.-rMe-
Mahou's vfforta to rescue Metz havo eu-
tlrely failed In consequenco of tho do-
feat ho sustulued on Tuesday, when ho
lost twenty guns. Tho French losses
wero immense as compared with thoso
of tho Prussians. Tho Uhlans and dls-
mouutod Hussars, took near Sedan,
two strong positions, In spito of tho do
termined resistance of tho Freuch.
London. Sept. 2-Mldnlght. It is
stated that n declaration has bcon ox-
tensloly signed in tho German army
asking King William to become emper
or of Germany.
Beulin, Sopt. 2. Two sorties wcro
mado from Strasbourg on Friday morn
ing, but both wcro repulsed. At thrco
o'clock on tho samo tho French attempt
ed to drive tho Prussians out from tho
railway stnllon, but failed. Tho Prus
sians havo nearly succeeded in complet
ing a parallel 400 paces from tho for
tress. BGUBSilM, Sopt. 2-3 V. M. MuMah
on Is completely beaten and shut up In
Sedan. A hundred French soldiers
sought refuge In Belgian territory and
wero disarmed.
Tho samo conespondent, ono hour
later, says: Tho Prussians nro between
tho frontier and the northern fortresses.
MoMuhon has probably been cut off
from tho last road left him to Paris,
Bazalno has been completely beaten bo'
foro Metz by Prlnco Frederick Charles,
Freuch fugitives aro running ubout
Brussels mad with excitement.
London, Sept. 2 From German of
ficial accounts or tho battle at Metz, It
appears that Marshal Bazalno was evl
dently acting In conceit with Marshal
McMahon. Tho battle lasted a day
and night. Bazalno was driven back
after a display of tho greatest valor.
Tho lns on both shies was) torrlllc. The
4th Landwehr fought gallantly. Tho
1st Army Corps was congratulated by
Prlnco Frederick Charles on tho vic
Beulin, Sept. 3.-Tho following news
Is official : ,
Mundelsiium, Sept. 311 a. m. At
four o'clock this morning tho French at
Strasburg opened iv violent but Ineffoct
ual firo along tho cntlro lino. A savago
artillery duel ensued. Tho Prussian
losses nro unknown. When the tolo
gram left they wcro unimportant.
Tho French mado a sortie against tho
Islo of Wakncn nnd on tho railway near
the station. Col. Rnz with a battalion
of Baden Grenadiers repulsed them nnd
drovo them back Into tho city. OiiO'
officer and four chasseurs wero taken
prisoners. Lieut. Col. Wcrden was
Beulin, Sept. 3. Tho followlnghlgh-
ly important despatch has just bcon
mado public:
Sudan, France, Sept. 2, 1:32 p. m.
To tho Queen A capitulation of tho
wholo French army at Sedan as prison
ers of war has Just been concluded with
Gen. Mimpfen commanding instead or
Marshal MacMahou who is wounded.
Tho Emperor turrendered himself to
mo ns he has no command, and left ev
erything to tho Regent at Paris. "His
resldcnco I shall appoint after an inter
view with lilm at tho rendezvous to bo
fixed immediately. What a courso
events, with God's guidance, havo ta
ken I William.
Washington, Kept. 3. Tho follow
ing has been received hero at tho Stato
Department :
London, Sept. 3, 1:15 p. m. Tho
Emperor and MacMahon's army havo
surrendered nt Sedan to King William.
Tho wholo French army aro prisoners
of war. Tho Emperor's residence to bo
nppointcd by King William, after an
intorviow between them. Tho capitu
lation wns concluded with General
Miuipfeu, instead of MacMahou, who
wns wounded. (Signed)
Minister at London.
London, Sept. 3. Tho following is
just received hero :
Bisussels, Sept- 3, Noon Gen. Fail
ly has been shot. Ono nccount siys by
MacMahon's orders, and another by his
own soldiers.
The Empress enjoined Prlnco Napo
leon to return to Paris, but hu h is re
fused, nnd a decree hasbeen issued strip
ping Kim of his rank of Princo und
senator, -run jxotie ot tins city says
tho lreneh havo been utterly defeated,
Tho Emporornnd MaeMahon nro prlS'
oners. Tho French soldiers massacre
their own officers nnd many of tho hit
ter havo Oicapod to Belgium.
Buusels, Sopt. 3, 1 p. m. Thonum
her or French within tho boundary or
Belgium on Friday, was about 10,000.
They all laid down their arms. Thoy
wero then conveyed to No mar. Thoy
brought along four hundred artillciy
wagons, two guns and ono thousand
BEP.tiiN, Sept, 5. Tho queen has ro
celved tho following despatch from
liing William:
To Augusta:
Vaui:nnes. Son. 4. 1870.
What a thrilling moment was that or
n mnnll.. .,!tl. V. I TT
, "nu mi i wiiii i.Mijuiuoiu iiu was
cast down but dignified in his bearing
nnd reigned. I gnvo him Wllhelm
hohe, near Cassolas, tho placo whero ho
wm ri'suiu. uur meeting tooK placo in
u ennui iurt on mo western glacis.
From thero 1 rodo through tho ranks
or our army, and arrived at Sedan.
llio reception or tho troops thou
maye3t imagine, it was indescribable,
May God aid us further. (Signed)
Commissioners of tho Poor.
Tho Delegates to tho lato' Domocratic
Convention, from Bloomsburg. Scott.
Greenwood nnd Sugarloaf, met at tho
court llotuo on Monday, tho fith of
Sept., to nominate two candidates Air
Commissioners or tho Poor.
Tho following delegates wcro present
Bloom. Fist Ward John Cusoy.EII
West Ward. Owen Fyerly, Robert
Greenwood. Robert Robblns, Goo,
W. Utt.
Scott. Daniel Snyder, Jacob Terwll
Kugarlnar. Cyrus Iiarlsh, Joslah It.
On motion, Robert Bobbins was elec
ted President.
on motion, uapt. ueo, w. Utt was
elected Secretary.
Tho Delegates then proceeded to tho
nomination or candidates.
A b illot being lul l, S. U. Miller and
William Kramer having received tho
greatest number or votes, wero declared
duly nontlnnted.
Geo. W. Utt. President.
Feveu and AaiiE. This most un
comrortabloofnfillfilonsl'i very proval.
t'!',t' i,'om 11,0 Susquehanna and Juni.
ati. In tho neighborhood of Duucaunoii
it appears to ho especially severe. Wo
Jitwo heard or no eases In our own town
which has been of lato years free from
inu disease, tiio intensity hot rays of
i ,UUK uu uy, louoweu oy
cool ovonlngs und early mornings nro
productive of chills, and duo pneuu
tlons should bo taken by thoso living
!!l;'?lith?irlver W,.I0S0 Iju1iu's-s calls them
out in tho mornings beoro tho fog has
HEILMAN-EYEU-On llio .Ir.l lint., by 11a v.
1). J. Wnllar, Mr. Wm. II. of Went
llcmlcjolt, Mnnluur co to Mlsi Mluervn J.
Ej cr or Eyer'n drove.
by tno same, Mr. Geo. 11, Ilnrucr lo .iui Mary
C. IionlUcrgcr,
LIEIUII-1'AI.M-Oii tlio llh Iriit., liyltov. Wm.
.1. Eycr, Mr. iioumri i.irrsii to Mlsi iiarunrn
l'rilm, liolli ot lMuvllIc, Pa.
Mi:iXKL-HIf!iB-On tlio I7tli nil.. Iiv ttov. A.
If, J InliCTiniom, J , wi Pinxeintiu mihauui
M. IIIcKk, bolliol Ilcnclillnvcrj,
HAMPTON In Ilerwlclt.on the ISttt ult., Ada
K diumhtcr of Jnseli 1). nml Alice D. llamp
ton, ngeil 2 months und 0 tlaya.
FAUS-In Afton. Ill In county, on St1i lilt,, Jonh
im W., on of J. 11. nnd A. 1). Enus, nged 1 year
10 nimitns nnd 3 Uitys,
McltENIlV In Frnnkliri, Annlo K. daughter of
Moio W. nnd Huruli A. Mi'Hcnrv. uued W
month nnd ID diije.
BltUITZ in Pino townihlp, AttRinlW, ttcl)icca
Araoo'ia niuuiz, ngoa i yr., iw iniw. iwiu o uj .
Llltlo llelie In calmly ftlceptnff,
Willi the damp I'littn nn her cast,
LnvlUKoycs tirottndly wcvplng
O'er nor lonely plucoof iet.
Slio has left our clri'lo broken, ,
Hope'" brlsht star has tut In night,
Yi't wetrensuro many n token
Of her spirit's upward flight.
We havo laid her In the church-yard,
A mono we'll place above hor lied.
So we'll remember whero our darling
Baby sleeps amongst the dead.
Thus sho fell asleep In Jesus,
And wo laid her in tlio gravo,
Wht-ro I he palo wild rose will blossom
Aud tho drooping willow wave.
And beslilo that mossy hillock
For, perchance, amid the zephyrs
Hello's pwn spirit whispers mere.
vo Will uonu in sue in prayer,
Uloomsbiirg Market.
Wheat per bushel.,
llyo "
Ooru '
Oats. "
Klour per barrel
I On
1 D
0 W
Cloverseed...... . S (10
Flaxseed HH 2 h
Mutter . 4
Ttifiow . 1"
Potatoes h oo
Drlea Apples SM
Hum 'Z
Bides urn! Hhoulders n
Hay per ton 15 UJ
l.nril tier nnntid
I HU?i
No. 1 Bcotcli pis .32ffiS.1
No. a " " - ti)VJ)
llloom IM
Hemlock Hoards per thousand fret
pine " 11 " (ono Inch)
. 818 00
... IKa'J)
... IS 00
... 8 00
. 7 00
... 1 00
Joist, Meantime, 1'lniiK, (Hemlock).
bhluyles, No. f 'per thousand....
Hldlnc " ' ft. !
Philadelphia Markets.
Northwestern supernuo at 8j.C03t5.G2l
r.0l'iuweiern exirn,..,
Xorthwestcrn family,
.... aaw.vo
Western, do. do
i.Sl 1 33
live uour
WiiKAT Pennsylvania red, t bus
Southern " "
Western "
Kvc Pennsylvania rve. wbus
CoiiN Yellow, 41
OATS vhus
Piiovisiofts Mp-s 1'orlt, bbl
Mess Ueef. "
11 rested Hogs, lb ,
bmoked Hums " .........
" Shoulders v E
Lard, lt
Beeps Clovtrsied bus
Tlmothysced p bus
Flaxseed " ...
CATTi.n Ueef fnttloMBi
Cows, & heiul
4cfat 0
Uoaa 100 Its $13.7oaH.'5
uuno to tho premises of tlio subscriber In Pino
IniciGliln .... ,.v T.l ... I I.TII n
WHITE ilAltltuW, wclgnlni; between iiu and
Too owner will como forward, prove property,
auu mito 1110 nnimai iiwav or u will no aoiu aO'
coming to law. i'lllNEAa WlllTMlKE.
1'lno twp , ept. 0, 1870-31
nine to tlionremlses of tho Subscriber in Riiir InWII.Illn mi nr nllnnf thn lit nf tni I UTil
two tint k lritniled he J On, one four years old',
tliu oditr ft yearlim:. Tlioowuer will come for-
wont pntvo property, pay chaises and tak tutm
uwuy ur inuy wm uu hiti ucromini w law.
Biuarloaf, Sept. 0, 1S70 HI,
. Having purchased the stock of tho old Key
stone Shoo Store, and added thereto a largo nml
well selected new stocls Is prepared to exhibit
tho best variety of
evorbrounht to this place, llo Is also prepared
to make Hoots und Shoes to order In the latest
nnd best styles. Kor cash only. In tho old I'ost
Otlluo buildine, comer Main and Market Streets,
Uloomsburt;, I'a. . sepO'TO-ly.
CoopcrlnK In all Its branches well and carefully
done. Particular attention given to tho manu
facture of meat barrels, kraut stands, plcklo
tub-, meut tubs. Ac. Uepalrluo attended to.
Iluperl, -ept. I), 1870-liu.
CUL'IUUAL KOCIETi'.-Tho exhibition of
this Society for 1K0 will be held at Scrunton, on
Tucidau, Sentcmber27th, H'eiMejiteij, September
l!(U!i, Thurtilay, September 20th, Friday, Septem
ber 30th. Tho grounds are spacious, the build
ings and accommodations ample, aud the p.'o
ml um list liberal. There U no charge lor rnirlci
except Horses entered forspeod. Entry Hooks
ope n licadayt September 6th. Kor catalogues or
luformatlou, address at Scranton,
JOHN c MO mild, President.
D, W , fiKii.Kit, Itec. Secretary.
Eliikidge McUoskev, Cor. Beo'y.
Scranton, Sept, u, l;o.ltv.
peusonal rnoPEinv,
Thaunderslgnod, administrator of Catharine
a carhnrt, deceased, will expose to tmbllo salo at
her latq residence, ono mllo from Maluvlllo Co
lumbia county, Pa., ou
THURSDAY & FRIDAY, OCT. Cth 4: 7th, 1S70.
nt ten o'clock In th9 forenoon, the following per
sonal property, to wit :
1 yearllntr' oolt, 5 cows, 1 bull, 1 helfor, 0 hogs, 0, li sheep, i two-horsn wagous, 1 spring
wigou, 1 fjuullii mill. I sled, a lot of harness,
PLOuans, liAunowB and cultivatou,
l cnolt stove (new), 1 cylinder stove, I cupboard,
bureau, chairs, carpets by tho yard, cooklug
utensils, and a large amount of household furn
ltuio and farmlug Implements too numerous to
50 bushels' rye, 130 bushels oats, hay by tho ton.
1300 bushels corn.
sep9'7l-lt. Administrator.
Tho undersigned. Executors of tho last will
and testament of Martha A. J. While, deo'd, will
oiler ut public veuduo upou tho piemlses, by
virtue ot power lu said Ustwlll ooulalued.on
SATUUDAY.OOTOIIUIt 1st, 1S70, at two o'clock
lu Iho ulteruoon of bald day, the following do
se rlbod
situate In Light street, Columbia County, l'a
nud bounded ou the north by an alloy, on the
oust by un ulluy, ou tho south by a lot of Mrs
Lydli IluKonbufh, und on tho west by Main
Nil vet of said lowu. Whereon are eroded a two
staoln ami outbuildings with a well of excel
lent wuler, with Iho uppurteuunces,
4S-TKHM.S of Haie. Ten per rout of tho pur
chuso money to bo paid dowu nu tho day of sale,
und the balance on the 1st of April, A. D. IS7I,
when pnsHrhalou will be glvon. oud a deed exe
cuted und delivered. SaMUKI. WHITE,
AL'-'Oj At tho sarao time tho following do
scribed HOUSE AND LOT,
vis i situate In Light Htr et af.ire-alJ.aud bound
ed us lollows i on l he north by lot ot Jacob Ter.
wllilner. on the west by uu ulley, ou the south
by lot of i ester uud Oman, and on tho oast by
Aiaiu nireei, ui sum lowu.
... i.ii .... mw,
Whereou are erected
a two story
a food stable, out bulldlugs, well of water with
pump, xc., do,
TeitMS-Itcusouable, to suit purchasers.
sep'j'7o-st. cauolInk H. DhiWITr.
are agents for the sale of ''Uruckway's" Justly
celebrated Cream and old stock Ales, wbch they
will sell as cbtup as country brewed ales: whole
uud h-lf barrels constantly on hand. This ale
Is brewed by William K. llrcckway.815 10 35
East Eleventh Street, Now Yurk City,
Jiloouisburg, June ID, lWO-t A
nv THE
LlllKIIAL iNDtJollMEXM Orttm
Voucher) ihoulil atcompmu ovptimumia,
Call or mldros
W. W. KURTZ, l.rC9!j(nt
131 WALNUT 8TIIEET. rila,
Legal Notices.
J KSTATK Orinillll i. 1 lE.
"Letters of nd.-nlnlstratton on the ,,i?, "Mo.
ILKtirman, Uto or llloom twp StafamS0'
All persons havlnu claliiirotydeaHK)m I
tho decedent aro requested to ninE., J1 "Wm I
aud thoso indebted to mlt5mVn.em"S I
an820', "gS
l Li rhtate or fUtKt ...... . '
Letters testamentary on ihi
Htjut. late ot MadlSon townshi'r",' sll
county,dco'd,have been granted l fc0,lll.
coiumuia uonniy to Martha Ki;,nt "WWII
two.. Columbia county, IX aimSj' SmI
clallWllglntthestl:tearelSnJ;,i? b'SI
them to tho Exocutrtx In lKbWto,lSII
nug2070-6w. MAI'TliAsToCT,
V KSTATF. OF JArilli ti. ..... "i""""
Letters of administration ou tuanidfi.i, . I
Trent), late of llloom twp" c0TUm& MI
ueo u, navo wen granted by the ltTOi.1.,., 'h
county to Jonathan Trnub iAiSiiS?Stf'-
nnd cbttnty nroresald. AllScrsoni if.if.,L,"
ngalnst th5 estate of tho VlESK ,,?icl"a
tS present them lor uiemei .???
denied to tho estate totnaKnj'inent toS',,1!
derslgued, administrator, wlihiut detaj
XII ESTATE Ol' LEWIS lil(rrt-.,nn
Letters testamentary on tho csul ,? I
Dlelterlch. lato nt llrtuii r!.?",0,.l"ll
deo'd, havo been granted by tho Itci R&S;
county to Emmor Dletierlcfi auj sffi
terlch of Urlarcreok township, coinSS
county, Pn. All persons havlnii c almV 2J
thuestnto nro requested to prewiVl tKm ffi?
Executors In Columbia county, Thwe iffi
to tho estato either on notejudimrat
or book account will inakeWiatitlJoS?
pernors wltliont ilplnv. " BtI
KMMOrt niETTrmi-i.
nugyTU-uw. tietaSi
letters testamentary ou the esute of UiJ
Oearhnrt, Into of Main township, ColamSil
county deceased, havo been erauieJ tr 1
regi f ? "a Vi cou,lll' 10 J""n J- UtiihSI
lng claims against tho estalcare reootsWiil
present tnem lo mo Exeraior In il
township. Thoso Indebted lot he esute elttttsl
note, Jnogmeut, mnrtgaga or hook account rll
iiv.(in JOHN J.OAitlURl7
jl i inai nn iippucaiion wm da made ottheceil
mpettnor of tlio t.enrriil At.KPtiil.i. nt ih r.l
mouwenllli of renusylvonla for iho Inremr.l
lion of a bank, in acrurdaiiceltl)ibeBViiiiM
Commonwealtn, to ho etiltttcil the "Catairl
ueposii anursaviog hiuik," to bo located aiuufl
uuiittio, nun in? iibut iu miR'alM UILI 1
one uunorcu nim ituy mousana uolurs.
Catawissa, July 1, l&TU'tim.
Came to tho memlscii of llio subscriber t
Hemlock township, ou or about August toll
como lorward, prove properly, p.-iy churetatl
viiiTe now. wiiuuut, iuuks. ine ownvrtii
uxito ucr away, or biio win d noki awiraiti
law, ilKNUY bHUTtl
iicmiock. August vj, ibTO-ar.
Tho co-partnershnJirciofrtro exMlDgliLH
naruooi it. a wra. Master, is mis uay uiit
by mutunl rouscnt.ihobastnehstotie conttr.
by Wm. Mastern. with whom nil rccoucui
bo left. aud names Irdelned are reoues'ed
call nml make Kettlemi-nt, ai. those brnli
claims tuo rt'fUiPHttxl to present the hhiiip.
3I1UV1UO, Aug. 19,
InuUcg lshcrebv Given tlint books wilt be mm
cd by the Uommf-Kioneri of the II unlock
and AMuncy Hall Koad Co., ut Hie II Hel of As!
mi iiarrisoa, in iiuniiuiiion lownsuic, iusni.
county, fa., ou Thurdut tbo lab oay oiScJ
tomber, lH;t, for three diyt-lu sucioo , TM
UUUKN Will UO KUpt Opeil IfliUI U
uniu ito ciocK i'. ji. oi eacn uy, loruici'uiw
or rcceivins suoscnpuon wr siocnin ui
Itoad Company.
lev nnli- Af I'niiitiilmlminN
.1011 V KOOXj.
W. S. Moniioe. ITeslilenL I
Secretary of Hoard of CommKslonea
Keptcmber 15th, for buliaiiiB a bridge oihHj Hemlock township, near 6)IJ
l'ursell's. Abutments to be S feet lugb. Bi&l
to be tho samo as Iho cauil lirUse 1
on.l .... Inn.. t.'ni flirt Iff MirtldLri
aunlv at Iho Commissioners' Offlee. Wm
to bo opened on 15th Inst.'K. Comolaul
Attest Wm. Kkickuaum, (JlerU.
Uloomsburg, Bcpt. 'J, lS:o-i!t.
To my friends and tho publlo generaUy, tttl "I
kinds of
are constantly on hand and lor'
tlfvnuaultUll. BT
XfAUo, Solo Agent tofXWS' rB0'rl
HUE. Lare lot constamiy k
T.,lll ..,r,nn when bittCH W .
serpent resorts to a certain rlan'' ".'fmdul
escapes mo cuocioi inu -- ,Atlm
Human beings ou tho other hanJ, nu rm
ou reason and oxperlcnco luselcc uus'
of uroteetlnL- health and llfeas"!"5'
somo lnlluouces. Now, what does rewa
this vital subject? Does u " maki
lnvlgorato aud purify the iyrteM
way to protect It against the 'vlf'
which generates dlseasOT Bu' ':, 4tollol
uexiquesuou is, wnui. - ruaD 1
choosing ft safeguard
nllnatntvmir mnnltor bO CXPtr,enC ',
experience of eighteen years ronl" 'Zi)M
.,i.i... ,iM r ...iNfActory Um.M
surcs us that Hosteller's Stomach " i' I
strengthening, regulating and aatWP'Jw
ties wnlch are not comuincu iu
proportions in any omer i "' "..i-h r
This thcreforo Is the auliaoie i -
bids us resort when ur ,epJiB
cither by tho malaria which prou .,,.
disorders, or hv any other cause, w . J
ent and constitutional or connect
hnblts, occupations ana Pu" u Kl
The venom oiu bmi"- ,",,. will!
morasubtloauddangerouslhaiiiu j,,!
lu foul air nnd Impure water. " fn,wl
vers, uiuouBuisoruei,uv.- - . b,
and other serious maladies 1"""
lnsalubrius elemenls, It is .b,0''lri) (if I
that the stomach and all t CJOjj.l
should be, so to speak, lo ull.utlii'
Upou tho amount of resistance " ,,1
system can oi.po.a to the ltll itf'l
that assail it, tho safety of tho W"
,i.,.l II. la lieeauaatho Oil CAT W". . u I
oiiant impurts energy and re itil
most Important functions ol . rfMn I
can bo tecommeniieaaua
valuable provenllvo moJIclue.
oei'temheii. ,
q Xm.!3!.
by excessive labor or ac.lou. i UtfV
ness. dulluess, heavlne". LnM "f
of body or iiiliid. Ac. I ""jci'tary.
tutlon; or whose habltsare "dj to" !
complilu of thUrelaxed coum VOuj'
energies i und when ""'a'anil i'W
perameul aro thus wcaUeucu
disease Inevitauiy 'u""""trrwuo ur,.l
checked aud overcome. A "jJedy.wJW.J
,ii.vMmmi.aii rllke reauire a i ...filing I
strengthen the . ny.w ni wu ' atau , ' g5 1
awake a feeling of true "JJJure. Wztu'l
may become a wurco of Plf,S.',y Into l 1
lidenco of thoui-auds of lh jo j,, ,uvli', I
t Jnlca Hid ulteratlvM wr ''rejb
Rlorlug luu puysicai