THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBXJHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. FARMER'S COLUMN. rutting 111 Wheat. Tlio kuiso of ono-hnlf tlio failures of tlio wheat crop In vnrlntt part., tif our country, la nttrlbutntilo to tlio cnrelis and improper way In which It U put In, and tho Improper rotation of crops. A man who follows oats with wheat, or any other small grain, or u ho follows wheat with wheat, docs not descrvo success, and Is suro never to rccclvo It. I know I utter a thrlce-lold talc when I say that such a System of farming will ruin tho best lands on earth, and uovcr do any good ; but It Is n talo that cannot bo told too often for tho good of our wholo country, and somo farmers In particular. I do not hero seek to point out any now discovery of my own, but simply to inculcate lessons which I havo learned In tho schools of observation and experience. Wo bo llevo it was that scientific agricultural 1st, Voclcker, who wroto tho admirable tBiay on "Clover as a preparation for wheat," and Ills admirablo teachings In this respect should bo followed as "higher law" by our farming commun ity. That wheat after clover will pro duco a third moro than wheat after any other crop, no intelligent agriculturalist of tho present day will deny. There- foro wo arguo that whenovcr clover can bo grown, it should by all meaus bo sown as a preparation of tho soil for wheat. Where it cannot bo grown, net tial experiments with other crops will point out tho unerring road to success ful wheat culture, and when it is onco ascertained what is best to cultlvato ns a preparation, in any particular soil or climate, follow tho teachings of naturo implicitly, and a less complaint will bo heard at tho harvest lime. In addition to tho improper rotation of crops, tho manner of putting in wheat has much to do with tho success or falluro of tho crop. Why, I havo of ten seen well to do farmers sowing wheat in standing corn, whero tho flat tall grass and weeds wero thick, and then following after with a ono horso shovel plow I And this too, in October or November 1 Again, I havo seen somo men sow it down on oats or rye, or wheat stubblo, and follow with a Ca rey plow or shovel I Somo oven sow it on land that lias been broken up with an indifferent two horso plow, and brush it in with a busb. Can such men reasonably look for a -half crop ? Wo will not Insult tho American farmer by telling him at what timo ho should sow or the manner of putting it in, to in sure that success which ho should and would meet with, for we feel suro lie knows already, and only hOpo ho will do a3 well as ho knows how to do. Cor. Country Gentleman. Oiling- Farm Implements. Every farmer should hnvo a can of linseed oil and a brush on hand, nnd whenever ho buys anew tool, ho should soak it well with tho oil and dry it by the firo or in tho sun, beforo using. Tho wood by this treatment is toughened and strengthened, and rendered imper vious to water. Wet a now hay-rako and when it dries it will begin to bo looso in the joints; but if well oiied,tho wet will havo but slight effect. Shoy els and forks aro preserved from chesk ing and cracking in tho top of the han dle by oiling; tho wood becomes smooth as glass by use, and is far less liablo to blister tho hand when long used. Axo' and hammer handles often break off whero tho wood enters tho iron; this part particularly should bo toughened with oil, to securo durability. OHiug the wood in tho eyo of tho axo will pre vent its swelling and shrinking, nnd sometimes getting loose. Tho tools on a largo farm cost a largo sum of money; Uiey should bo of tho most approved kinds. It Is n poor economy at tho present extravagant prices of labor, to sot men .at work with ordinary, old-fashioned implements. Laborers should bo required to return tholr tools to tho convenient places provided for them; after using they should bo put away clean and bright. Tho mould boards of plows aro apt to get rusty from ono season to another ;evcn if Bhcl tered; they should bo brushed over with a few drops of oil when put away and will then remain In good order till wanted. Farm Journal. A Discovery About Corn. In this thinking and observant age, now ideas and discoveries aro being con stantly mado known, many of which, It is true, aro nover nfterwards heard of, while others pass into tho treasure of established facts, when their merit has been proven. Wo havo Just met with the following paragraph in an oxchange: "An intelligent nnd rellablo neighbor of ours who has for many years been making experiments with corn, has dis covered an importance and valuo in re planted corn which is quito novel, and worthy of publication. Wohavealways thought that replanted corn was of very little consequence, but this gentleman says, 'it is of so much conscqucnco that ho replants whether it is needed or not or rather, he plants two or threo weeks after tho corn is planted, a. hill about every fifteenth row each way.1 Ho says: 'If tho weather becomes dry during tho filling timo, tho silk nnd tassel both becomes dry and dead. In this condition, If it should becomo sea sonable, the silk revives and renews its growth, but tho tassel does not recover. Then, for want of pollen, tho now silk Is unablo to fill tho ofllco for which it was designed. Tho pollen from tho ro planted corn Is then ready to supply tho silk, and tho filling is completed.' Ho says nearly ail tho nbortlvo cars so com mon in all corn crops Is caused by tho want of pollen, and that ho has known cars to doublo their size on socond fill ing." Maqio SoAr. Ten pounds common bar soap, (10 cents per pound); threo pounds soda ash or eal soda; ono-hnlf pound borax; threo ounces liquid nmo nia; four gallons water; cut up tho soap ana put it In n boiler with tho water, nnu neat it till dissolved, then put In tlio soda ash, borax.nnu. ammonia, and In n few minutes it is ready to turn out intojars. It will bo almost hard soap WJicn com, ana a plecoof it dried will do to uso ns hard soap. About a pint of it wo put into a boiler with four gallons water, ana beat nearly to boiling, and wash tho clothes Jn It. A Missouri nowspaper claims that tho Jtogs of that Slato nro so fat that in order to find out whero their heads nro It is uecceesary to mako (hem squeal, nnd then Judge by the sound. THE YOUNG FOLKS. Tlic Snuriotv mill Ills four Children. Sparrow had four Young Ones in n swallow's nest, hut, Just as they wero Hedged, somo naughty boys discovered tho nest and pmhod tho birds out ; but happily n slight breezo was blowing nt tho time, and boro them up, But tho Old Sparrow' was sorry becmiso her children wero gono out into tho world before sho had warned them of its dan gers or taught them good manners. Now, in tho spring-tlinon great many sparrows chanced to meet together in n field of corn, and among them tho Old Sparrow happily mot with his Young Ones, and took them homo with him in groat Joy. "Ah I my dear chlfdren," ho said to them, "what a trqublo I liavo been in about you nil tho summer ,wtil!o you faced tho world without nay tulvlco; now hear my words, and attend to your father, nnd take caro of yourselves, for little birds mu3t needs meet great dan gers." Thereupon ho nsked his eldest Young Ono whero ho had been during thesum- mcr, and how ho had kept himself. "I havo been in a garden," ho replied, "eatlng.caterplllars and worms, till tho cherries wero ripe." "Ah J my dear son," replied tho Old Bird, "bill-grub bing is not so bad, but there Is great danger in it; therefore keep n good look-out, especially if peoplo como Into tho garden carrying iong green poles, which aro nevertheless hollow and havo a small hole at tho top I" "Yes, my dear father," replied tho young Sparrow ; "but what if n green leaf Is stuck with wax over that littlo hole?" "Whero havo you so scon it ?" inquired tho father. "In a merchant's garden," was tho reply. "Oh 1 my son," cried tho Old Bird, "merchants aro crafty people; truly you havo been among the world's children, nnd havo seen their cunning ways ; take caro now that you mako a good uso of what you havo learnt, and do not Jjo too confi ding." Then ho asked tho second Young Ono whero ho had been. "At couit," ho re plied. "Sparrows and thoso sort of birds do not belong to such places ns that," said tho father, "at court thcro Is much gold, velvet, silk, armour, harness, and such birds as hawks, fal cons, and owls. Do you keep to tho stables whero they storo tho oats, or thrash out tho corn, and then you can satisfy your wants with a daily supply of food." "Yes, father," said tho son ; "but If tho boys wcavo their straw into knots and meshes, many a ono may get hanged by them." "Where havo you scon that?" asked tho 'Old Bird. "At court, among tho stablo boys." "All! my son, stable-boys aro bad boys I If you havo been nt court with the fine lords, and yet havo left behind you no feathers, you havo learnt care fully, and Know how to behavo your self in tho world: still keep a sharp watch, for tho wolves often eat tho clov erest dogs.'' "And whero havo you sought your living?" asked tho Old Bird of his third Young Ono. "On tho highways and byways I have turned over tubs and ropes, and so now nnd then I havo happened upon corn and barley-seed." "That is, indeed, a flno subsistence," said tho father ; "but mind you observe tho hedges, and sco that no ono bends down to pick up a stono ; for if so, it is timo for you to btart." "That is truo," said tho young Bird ; "but what if ono should carry littlo pebbles in his bosom or pocket beforo stono walls ?" "Whero havo you seen that?" "With tho miners, dear father," ho replied; "for when they travel about they carry with them secretly stones to throw at people." "Oh, miners, working peoplo, curious peoplo they I If you havo been among them you havo seen and experienced a great deal." At last tho father camo to tho young' est son, and said, "Ah I my dear Cack lenestlo, you were always tho weakest and most foolish ; do you stop with mo, tho world has so many wicked nnd rough birds with sharp beaks and long claws, who attack and dovour nil tho littlo birds : keep you witli me, and let tho worms and spiders on tho trees nnd ground near us contpnt you." "Ah I ray dear father, ho who finds his own living without injury toothers, ho fares well, and no hawk, owl, eagle, or falcon, shall harm him; for at all times, and every morning and evening, ho desires of God his dally food, of God who 13 botli tho Creator nnd Protector of all tho forest and villago birds, and who also feeds tho young ravens, nnd hears their cries, for without his will no sparrow nor starling falls' to tho ground." "Whero did you learn all this?" ci led the Old Bird, astonished. "When tho breezo took mo away," replied tho Bird, "I camo to a church, whero I spent the summerin eating tho flics nnd spiders off tho windows, and there I heard tlio sermon preached, for the Father of all Sparrows nourished mo through tho summer, and kept mo from all misfortuno nnd florco birds I" "Truo, ray dear son," Eald tho Old Bird ; "fly back to tho church and keep tho ilies and tlio spiders from tho win dows. Also forgot not to chirp to God Hko tho ravens, and pray to tho Creator dally, and so you will keep woll, wero tho wholo world full of wild knavish birds : for ho who commends his affairs to God, cnduro3 all, prays, and is gcntlo nnd kind, keeps ills faith strictly, and I1I3 conscienco clear, lilra God will over protect and defend.". Tlio Old itcggnr-IVoiunii. Onco upon n timo thcro was an old Woman, who begged as you may havo seen other old women do ; and when nnyboay gave her anything sho would say, "Ood bless you!" Now this old Beggar. Woman went to a door, and bo- foro tho firo stood a good-natured lad warming himself; and, ns soon as ho saw tho poor Woman shlvoringoutsldo, ho enld to her, "Como and warm your Eelf." Sho went Jn ; but going too near tho fire, her old rags began to burn bo foro alio was nwaro of It. Tho youth stood nnd looked at her; but should ho not havo extinguished tho fire? Cer tainly; nnd If he had no water at band, lioBhould havo caused water to flow out of his oyes; nnd bo two charming Httlo streams would havo been given I Why Is a chalrrnaker llko a school- nuutor y BtcauMi iq cttnoa bottoms. T" E KIDNEYS. The Kidneys nro two lu number, situated nt the upper part of tho loin, surrounded liy fat, nnd consisting of threo parts, vis,; tho Anterior, tlio Interior, mul tho Exterior, Tho anterior absorbs, Interior consists of tis sues or veins, which servo nsn deposit for tho urine nnd convey It to tho exterior. The exter ior is n conductor also, terminating in n single tube, nnd called the Ureter, Tho ureters nro connected with the bladder. Tho bladder Is composod of various covorlngs nr tissues, divided Into parts, viz.: tho Upper tho Lower, tho Nervous, nnd tho Mucous. Tho upper expels, tho lower rotalns. Many liavo n desire to urinate without tho ability; others urlnato without tho ability to retnln. This fre quently occurs In children. To euro thoso affections, wo must bring Into action the muscles, which aro engaged lu their various functions. If they nro neglected, a ravel or Drorsy may ensue. Tho render must also bo made aware, that however slight maybe tho attack, It Is sure to affect tho bodily health and mental powors , ns our flesh nnd blood nro supported from these sources, Gotrr, on Ritbiimatism. rain occurring In tho loins Is lndlcatlvoof thoabovo diseases. They occur In persons disposed to ncld stomach and chalky concretions. The Okavki. Tho gravel ensues from ncg' lect or Improper treatment of tho kidneys These organs being weak, tho water Is not ex pelled from tho bladder, but allowed to remain ; It becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It from this deposit that tho stono is formed, nnd gravel ensues. DnorsY Is a collection of water In somo parts of tho body, nnd boars different names, nccortl Ing to tho parts affected, viz,: when generally diffused over the body, It Is called Anasarca when of tho abdomen, Ascites; when of tho chest, llydrothorax. Tkeatment. Hclmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract Buchu Is decidedly ono of the best remedies for diseases of the bladder, kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, and gouty affections. Under this head wo havo nrrnnged Dysurla, or difficulty and pain lu passing water, Scanty Secretion, or sranll nnd frequent discharges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water ; Hematuria, or bloody urine ; rioilt and Rheumatism or the kidneys, without any change In quantity, but Increase In color.or dark water. It was always highly recommend ed by tho late Br. Tbyslck, In affections. This medicine Increases the power of diges tion, nnd excites the absorbents Into healthy exercise by which the watery or calcareous dep ositions, and all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and Inflammation aro reduced, nnd It Is taken by men, women, and children. Di rections for uso and diet nccompany. Philadelphia, Ia., Feb. 25, 1887, II. T. IIelmbold, Druggist: Dear Sir I have been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, blnddor, and kid ney affections, during which timo I havo used various modlclnal preparations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent rbyslclans, experiencing but littlo relief. Having seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my lamlly physi cian in regard to using your Extract Huchu. I did this because I bad used all kinds of ad vertised remedies, and had found them worth less, and, somo qulto Injurious; lu fact, Idespalr ed of ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies hercarter unless I knew of tho In gredients. It was this that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that It was composed of buchu, cubebs, nnd Juniper berries, It occurred to me and my pliyslclan as an excel lent co mblnatlon, nnd, with his advice, nfter an examination of the nrl lcle, and consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try It. I com menced Its use about eight months ago, at which timo I was confined to my room. From tho first bottlo I was astonished and gratified at the ben cflclal effect, and after using It threo weeks, was able to wal k out. I felt much llko writing you a full statement ot my case nt that time, but thought my Improvement might only betem- porary, and thereloro concluded to defer and seo If It would effect n perfect euro, knowing then It would be of greater value to you .and more sat isfactory to me. I am now able to report that n cure Is offectcd after using the remedy for Ave months. I have not used any now for three months, and leel ns well In nil respects as I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid of nny unpleasant taste nnd odor, a nice tonic and lnvlgorator ol the system, I do not mean to be without It when ever occasion may require Its uso In such affec tions. m. Mccormick. Should nny doubt Mr. Mccormick's statement, he refers to the following gentlemen! non. Wit. Bioler, ev-Govcrnor, Tennsyl. vanla. Hon. Tuos, B. Florence, Philadelphia, non. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia, lion. D. R. Porter, ex-Governor, rennsyl. vanla. Hon. Ellis Lewis, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. R. C. Orier, Judge, United States Court Hon, Q. V. Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Thlladel phla. Hon John Bioler, ex-Governor, California, Hon, K. Banes Auditor General, Washing ton, D. C. And many others. If ecessnry. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Ileltubold's, Take no other, Pkice-11.25 per bottle, or a bot tles for fO.W. Delivered to any address. De scribe symptoms In all communications. Address H. T. II ELM HOLD, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, 691 Broadway, N. Y. NONE ARE GENUINE" UNLESS DONE UP IN STEEL - ENGRAVED WltAPPER, with fo-lmlle of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed . . II, T, HELMLOLD. JllWy Rail Roads. T ACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS- 1 J 1I1TIKI ILAil.UOAl) On nudviur July 6, 1870, Passenger Trains will runasiouowsi . Going Norm. Going south. Arrlvo Arrlvo Leavo Leave p.m. n. m. p.m. a.m. Bcrauton 8.1') HMO .I'M 7.20 Leavo .K 4.15 4.30 6.17 3.1", 0.18 e.M Arrlvo Plttstnn 8.11 11.12 11.10 10.6.1 O.oo 8.30 11.21 7.13 Leavo 7.11 8.13 8.21 il.O'J 0.32 10.07 10.1) Arrive Kingston ...... 7.1.1 I'lvmouth 7.00 Hhickshlnuy.... (1.52 uerwicK n imu Bloom G.IN Danville 4.50 Leave North'd US 0.10 7.SJ h.ji fVifr tmi mndo fitRcrntitnii liv tho 10.10 n.m. trftl'i for Great llcnd, KlnRhnmtoii, Albuuynnd all poluU Nor tli, Knst ana West, Um 1. JUUU"tlJ( Dlip u QATAWISSA RAILROAD. 1.70. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1870, Pnssenirer Trains on this road will run as fol lows: Mail Smth. Dep. 8.15 n.m STATIONS. Wllllamsport. Muncy. Milton. Danville. Rupert. Cntawlssn. Rtngtowu. Summit, (unknkc. Mail Horth Arr, 8.50 p. m. Dep.6.2ij " " 4.40 " " 4.00 " " Jl.ll) " " 3.32 " " 2.23 " " 1.50 " " 1.40 " " 1.30 " ' 1.10 " " 10.40 n.m " 11.30 ' M .:) " 10.10 " 10.30 " 10.12 ' 11.17 " 12.2ip.ra. 1.-J 12.40 2,15 "DInc.Tnmaqua, Dine. " 4.23 iienuing. " 3.15 " Pottsvlllo. Arr. 6.4, " Fhllndelnliln. 8.15 " 2.00 p.m. " 1.25 "dlno Mttitch Cnuuk. dlno 55 " Bethlehem, 1.1U 6 03 " Phlla. via Hcthlchcni, " 0.63 a.m. " i;astou, ii.jj " Now York, ft. Liberty St., ' 0.03 ' via L. &H.U.U. " 0.00 " ' 0,lO " " L. Valley It. R. " 0.60 ' ' 6.5S a.m. Boston, " 0.00 p.m Passengers taklrg tho 8.H train from Wllllam sport, will havo two hours In New York, lor sup- ricr, nnd nrrlvo in Boston nt 6.30 n.m.. eleven lour- lu ndvnuco of nil othcrroutes. New day coaches accompany nil trains be tween Wllllamsport, l'ew York nnd Philadel phia. Trains run through by daylight. GEO. WEtlll, Supt. IOnTHKRN CENTRAL HAIL- On and after June 12th 1ST0, Trains will leave SD.Miunr ns follows : NORTHWARD. 3.33 A.M., Dally to Wllllainspnrt, for Elmlrn Cnnandalgun, Rochester, DuUalo, Suspension Bridge, and N. Falls. 3.10 r. 5i.,Dally,(except Sundays) for I.lmlra nno Bull; Ualn via Krlo luiuway irnm i.inunu 0.15 r. m, Dally, (except Suudays) for Williams- port, TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 11.15 A.M.Dally (oxceptMonday's) forllaltlinoK WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 11.23 IViL Dally (exceptSunday's)forBaltlmort WiWIilngtou nud Pulladelphln. ED. H. YOUNG. General Passenger Agent. Alfred R. Fiske, Geu'l Supt.. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & WESTERN RAILROAD. Summer arraugo- meni, Apru ii,i&,u. rrains leave ns luuows; EASTWARD. WESTWARD. Ac- Ac- Ex com. com. press r.M. Via M. &. E. Dlvls. Arl New York. fLv (bo( lltmlau St.) ...-Christopher St.-... lloboken Newark- Wnhhlncton Fx- Mall STATIONS. JInn press A M. l'.M. 8.00 "Uo 8.00 4.10 8.15 4.25 8.40 4.50 11.28 7.33 0.00 5.00 11.15 7.31 11.43 7.50 11.53 8.00 7.30 3.30 8.45 4,42 11.03 7.(13 12.00 8.05 12,15 8.20 12.25 8.30 12.40 8 li 12.53 8.53 1.03 1.15 1.30 0.211 1.40 0.41 2.00 V.SH 2.10 10.09 2.30 10.20 2.4S 10.38 r.M. 3.20 0.00 8.30 3.40 0.15 0.10 3.16 0.21 0.2 4.01 0.33 0.50 4.20 0.51 10.30 4."l) 10.12 11.00 4.67 10.30 12.00 5.15 10.17 12.35 5.30 11.02 l.OO r.M. A.M. A.M. 4.13! 4.35 4.10, 1,01 via Cen. Rlt. of N.J. .New York.. woo 3.40 ttbot lAberlxi tin 7.40i 0.18 oiio Ji.4) 0..W 1.21 tsw Jiitiupiou....- 12.17 ...Oxfon! II..., 12.37 ....Brldiievlllo. 5.40 I'nuaueipiiia.-.., 3.50 irenion. 1.30 ..Phllllnsburi. 5.3.1 1 12.30 12.25 1 .Manunku Chuuk... ft.28' 6.11 -.Delaware ....Mount Bethel Water Gap ...-.Stroudsburg Spraguevllie Ilenryvlllc. Oakland ..Forks Tobyhauua Gouldsboro Moscow Dunning Scranton ...Clark's Summit.., ...Ablngton I2.0S! 116! U.'M 11.28 11.181 II. 021 10.411: 10.27! III. 11 0.501 U.40; 8.3S 8.30 8.00 7.3(1 7.15I- (1.1 0.10 6.10 4.57 1 1.55 8.14 -.Factory villo l.TJ 1.21 1210 1233 A.H 7.52, 7-37i ,.iMicuoison- Hopbottom- ..Montrose - New Mllford ....Great Bend 7.15 1.10 U.5 3.13 r.M 0.30 A.M. Trains do not stop nt Stations whero tho Time Is omitted. Connections. At New Hamnton with Central R. R. of N. J. The Mall nud Express trnius eastward and west- waru connect witn trains lorlew orir, Linza beth, Plalnfleid. Homervllle and other stations. 1 wasiuucum wiin Atoms .x .bbox il it. Mall nnd Express trntns make closo nud rcllnblo connections with trains for New Y'ork. Newark, Morrlstown. Dover. Waterloo, llaclrettslowii Ac. At Manunkn Chunk with Belvldero Delaware R. R. Closo connections aro made by Mall and Express trains, with trains lor Philadelphia, Trenton, Phllllpsburg, Belvidere. Ac. By Train No. 2, passengers reach Philadelphia via Cum den, by No. 1, via Kensington. Passengers on No. 4, urrlvo In Philadelphia lu timo to take the 11.30 n. m. tlaln lor Baltimore and Washington. At Scruntou with Lackawanna .tBloomsburg & Delaware &. Hudson Rail Roads. Trains on these roads connect with our trnlns for Pituton, Wllkcs-Barro, Berwick, Bloomshurg, Danville, Olyphant. Archbald and Carbondalc. AtBlnguamtou witn Erie Railway. Mall No. 1 connects witu express .Man nn itauuny, leaving at 8.42 p.m. with a sleeping coach at tached, arrlvlnc at Bullalo nt 0.2U next mornlnz. Express No. 3 connects with a way train for Owego, ltluicn. nnd Elmlrn. Albany .1 Susquehanna RallRoad. Fourtralns a day luneach way between Blughamtou nnd Albany. Ono leaves Blughumtou ul 2.30 p.m., and arrives nt Alunuy nt 0.00 p. m. byracuse, Blnghamtou A N. Y. It. R. Trains for Syracuse leuo at 7 u.m. und 0.25 p. in. Trains Irom Syracuse an I ye at 11.40 a. hi. ami 8.30 p. m, . J. lir.iSlll. V.f . HALLailiAIl. Geu'l Pass, and Tkt. Agent. Supt. "READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May icth.1670. Great Trunk Lino from the North nnd North West for Philadelphia. New York. Reaatng. Pott vllle, Tamaqua, Ashland, Mhamoklu Lebanon Aiieutown, uastou, JJpmata, iauz, Lancaster VUIU111U1U, tYl., Trains leavo Uarrlsburg for New York, as lol- lows: At 6, 8.10 und 11,25 a. m., and p. m., connecting witn similar trains on Pennu. Railroad, nud arriving at New York at i2.iv uoou, o,m. u.ijj ami lo.uu p. m. respectively mccpiuH cum nccuiupnuy luu o.aj uiio. 11.-JII trains without chiiuuo. Returning: Leave New York at 0,00 a.m. and iuu noon ana e.uu p. in. i-iuinuclphln ul t.i: a. m, and &o0 p. in. Sleeping cats accompany the 0.00 a.m., und 5,00 p.m., trains Iroin N. V Lcue Harrh-burg for Reading. Pottsvllie. Ta. maqua, MiuersWHe, Ashland, bhnmoklu Pin Grove, Aiieutown & Plilla'd, lit 8,10 a.m., & 2,50 4.10 p.m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way suulous: tlio l.loiim. train connecting lor Phll'u Pottsvltle und Columbia only. For Potlsvilie Dciiuyiuui jiuvcu nuu Aiiuuru, via Kcuuyiiuu ttuu ausqueuuuuu iuuroau, leave jiarruuurg in t),.v fi.iu. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains lenvn Itrnil lug for Aiieutown, Eastern and New Yolk at 7.23 lu.30 a. m., 1.27 and 4.15 p. iu. Returning, leave New York at U.OUii. m, ,12.00 noon und 5.0J p. m. nuu Aiieiuown uw.2uu. in. 12.25 uoou, 4.V0 aiu' 8.15 n. m. Wuy Possencer Train leaves Phtludelnhla nt 7I3uu.m., connecting with similar train on East i-u. ruurouu returning irom iteauiugato,3jp.m stopping at all stations. Leavo Pottsvlllo at 6.1(and 0.00 n.m. .and 2.5J) n.m llerudou at 0.30 a. m,,bhamoklu at 5,10 und iu.40 u. iu., wisiiiauu ui j,vm u.111. aim uoou Alan nnoy City at 7.51 a. m. nud 7.17 p. m. lumuqua at u a. in., unu -;.v p. m.tor I'Uiiuueipnu nno New lork. Leave Pottsvlllo via Schuylkill nnd Susque hanna Railroad at 8.15 a.m. lor Uarrlsburg, uuJ i.-.Lu uoou, ior i-iueurove unu irtinont, Heading Accommodation Train leaves Potts- vino uio.4u a. ui., passes ueauiug at 7,30 a. m., u: riving at rnuaueipiua at iu.u a. in. Returning leaves Philadelphia ut 5,15 p. m isissiug Read. ing at o.ou p.m., arriving ut Pottsvlllo nt 0.10 a awuiuiuuuuiiuu jruiuiieuvus 1 oils- town at 0,23 a.m.,, returning, leaves Phlladelphtp at 4,00 p.m. r Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at ";lu., unu o'iq p.m. ior .upuraia, ttitiz, ituca Perklomeu lull Road Trains leave Perklomen Junctional 0,00a. m., 3.00 4 6.30 p. in. returning: leave Sehweuksvllle at 8.05 a.m., 12.45 uoou, und 4.15 p.m., connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstonu iu tug a. m anu p. in.,returuiug leavo Mount Pleasautat 7.00 und 11.23 a. in., couuictlutf with B.iui.a. iiittus uu iieuuiug ituuroaa. Chester Vullev Railroad Trains leave nrlduc. port nt 8,30 a. ta. oud 2.05 uud 6.02 p. in. leturulng. leavo Dowuluston at 0.20 n, in., 12.43 noon and 5, I;' connecting with similar truiLs or ..cuius JUlliruuu, On Sundays, leave New York at 6.00 n.m.. Phil. puiaat 8,00 a.m. ami 3,15p.m., (tho s.uo a.m. train ryuulugouly toRcadliig',)leaveloltsvllle8,00a.m.: llarilsburg at 8.33 a. m. and 4.10 p. m. nud Reading at 7.13 a.m, and HU13 p. iu, for Harris burg, at 7.23a. iu. for New 4.45p. m. loi ...... rl ttuu a1- v' u m. uuu 4.2JP. ui. 10, Philadelphia. Commutation, Mlleoge, Season, School juo txcurslon Tickets to and from ull points, at dueed rates. ' Baggage checked through; 100 pounds nlluwcs each pasnenEer, a. a. Nirnox General Superintendent , Pa., April 21) ItfTO. Rcadiu; JJROWN'S EAST FREIGHT FROM PHILADELPHIA TO ULOOMSBUltU, nnd Intermediate points. Goods forwaidcd with care uud despatch uud ul low rutes. Goods, ut Philadelphia, must bo delivered nt Illtner & Co's. Ml Murkel Htuet, For full pat Uctiuus, upply to . "lji u j mi. proprietor, Aug. SO.'CP-lf. R. It. Dti-ot, Blooiusburg.Pa A LL KINDS OF JOB PRINTINO Ux. neatly executed at Tux Coluhbian utuuo FruuUng omo. H "TOW TO CUBE CONSUMPTION. Tlir, PHILOSOPHY OF DR. BCHENCK'S GREAT MEDICINES. Wilt reonlo never learn to know that n diseased liver nnd stomach nec essarily disease the entire systcm7 Tho plainest Principles of common senso tench this, and yet theronro hundreds who rldtculo tho Idea, nnd continue In tho course which almost Inevitably brings them prematurely to the grave. Living ns tho majority of people do, nt complete vari ance, with tho laws of nature, It must bo appar ent loall that, sooner or later, naturo will re venge herself, llcnco wo find that persons who Indulge to excess lu tho uso of very rich or indi gestible food or Intoxicating drinks. Invariably pay n heavy penalty lu tho end. Tho stomach becomes disordered nnd refuses to net; tho liver -. t.Ar..... tt- In... .1 i..nn...ln n..ll- attendant evils follow, and still tho suffering In dividuals persist In clinging to tho thoroughly cx- itioucei ideas 01 mo past, ur. ne m..t. iv n men Iclnes nro rccommeiuled to nil such. The.v b-lmr sure nnd eertnlu relief wherever they moused nsdlreitcd, nnd nil that Is necessnry to establish u eir rcmuniirm wn i ovcrv niiinu mail or wo man in tho land Is n rnir nnd Impartial trial them. liCtthosowhonroskeptlcafon this lKilnt, mul who havo permitted Interested persons to prejudice them against theo now celebrated icmtuics lor v.onsumpuoii, ui-ciim iui-m iitgu dices, and lw governed by tho principles or rea son nuil romtiimi Mtiw. If the system is disor dered depend upon It. In nlno cases out often iiiu im-ui. ui me niMorucr win mum. ... m stomach nnd liver. Toclennso nnd Invigorate luostomaciiauu tostnuuiate lucuvcr louenuuy action, uso , Mil ISA UK'S MANDIIAKK I'll.ui. i no uaiiy increasing ucmanu for incso puis is ino uesi ev dence of their value. Thousands upon thousands of boxes are sold dally. Why? Simply becauso they act promptly and efficiently. Invnllds who may not And It convenient to call on Doctor SWIENCIC lu person aio Informed that full nnd complcto directions lor uso nccompany each package of tho AND SEAWEED TONld-Thcso medicines will euro convumption unless Uio lungs are so far gono that tho patient Is entirely beyond tho reach of medical relief. It may be nsked by thoso who are not familiar with tho virtues nf these creat remedies. "How MAMHIAV do Dr. SCIIENCK'H medicines cllect their won derful cures of consumption?" Tho answer is a slmplo one. They begin their work of restoration by bringing tlio stomach ller nnd bowels Into nn nctlve healthy condi tion. It Is fnniltlifit cures this form idalilo tils- ease. SCHENCK'S MANDItAKE PILLS net on the liver and stomach, promoting secretion, nnd removing tho hlleund sllmo which havo result ed from tlio Itincllvu or torpid condition of thoso organs, and or tho system geneially, r-Uh htntn nf llin ImilV. nlld the COll Thlshlug- ino consequent nc- cumulation of tho unhealthy substances named prevent tho proper ingestion or food, nnd. ns 11 natural consequence, cieaies uisea.1,, wmi;u iv suits 111 nrnitrutinn mill flliallv ill death. HUllENCli'H PULMONIC HVHUP nnd SEA WEED TONIC, when taken regularly, mluglo with tho food.nkl tlio dlgcstio organs, mako irnnil rich hlnn.L ntul ns 11 natural CullSCntlCUCC. give llcsli and sliength to tho palleut. Let tho lacullr snv what It may. this Is tho only truo cure lor consumption. Experience has proved 11 neynuil tho shadow or a uoiiut, aim uiousnuus nro to-day nllvo nnd well w lion fewyenis slnco wero regarded ns hopeless eases, but who wero Induced to try Dr. hCHENCK'H remedies, nnd wero restored to permanent health by their uso One of tlio ilrst steps tlio physician should tako with n consumptive patient Is to invigorate tho system. Now how Is this to bo done? Certainly not by giving medlclniH that exhaust and ener vate medicines that impair Instead of Improve tho functions of the digestive organs. Doctor MCIIENC'K'S medicines cleanse tho stomach and bowels of nil substances which aro calculated to Irritate or weaken them. They create an appe titepromote healthrul digestion make good blood, and, as n consequeuco, they invlgorato nnd strengthen theentlio system, mul moroes peclnlly thoso parts which nro diseased. If this ennnot bo done then tho caso must be regarded ns a hopeless one. ... ir tho physician finds It Impossible to mako a patient feel JtUNanv, If tho diseased person cannot partake of good nourishing lood nnd properlv digest It, it Is impossible that ho cau tmln in ilOi .ml sirctiL-tli nnd It Is eouallv im possible to bring n patient to this condition so long ns me liver is ininicueu wnn tusen'-eu uue, ninlthn Rlnmnch litilplt with ullhenltllV Slllne. Almost tho llrst request mado to tho physician by n consumptive patient Is that ho wlllpie scrlbo medicines that will remove or allay the cough, night sweats nnd chills, which nro tho suro nttendants on consumption. But this Khniitii tint tin ainne. ns tliccotmh isonlvnn ellort of nnturo to relievo Itself, and tho night sweats nnd chills aro causcu uy mo uiseaseu mugs, ino remedies ordinarily prescribed do moro harm than good. They Impair tho functions of the siomaeu, impeuo neauiiy uiesiiuu, uuu vain rather llinn euro the disease. There Is, after nil, nothing llko facts with which tn sulislnntlntn a nosltlou. nud It lsunon tacts that Dr. SUIIENCIC relies. Nearly nil who hnvo taken his medlclno In accordance with his directions have not only been cuied or consump tion, but. from tho fact that theso medicine net with wonderful power npon the digestive organs patients thus cured speedily gain llosh. Cleans ing tho system of nil Impurities, they lay the foundation for n solid, substantial structure. Restoring theso organs to health, they crcato nn uppetito. The food Is properly assimilated; the quantity of blood Is not only Increased, but is mndo rich nnd strong nnd in tho fncoot snchn condition ot tho system ull dlseaso must bo bau- isueu. Full directions ncpomnnnv each of tho medf clnes, so that it is not absolutely necessary that patients should sou nr. riUiilNLK persouauy, unless they destro to hao their lungs exauilnul. r or ill is 1 impugn jiu is lib 111a luiiini'ui vim 1-, u. 15 N'nrth sixth St.. r nrner 01 Commerce. Phila delphia, every Saturday, from OA. M. until 1 Advice Is given without charge, but for n thorough examination with the llesplrometer I hn chiirirn lu S.V Prico of tho Pulmonic Syrup nnd Senweed Toulo ench, $1.60 per bottle, or S7.50 n half dozen. Mandrako Pills 23 cents n box. For sale by nil druggists. npiMu-iy. This Is Iho most thorough blood puritlor yet discovered, nnd cures all humors from tho worst .Scrofula to n common iiptlon, lHmnlcs nnd Jllolchcson theace. nnd sraljt or rough skin, which aro such annoying blemishes to mnuy young persons, yield to the uso of a few bottles of this wonderful medicine. From ono to elcht bottles euro hall Rheum. Erysipelas, frahl Jleatl, Jlliu Worms, Jlotts. Aco.i Eruptions of the Skill, Seroula Sores, Ulcer und" Clinker" in the Moulhanil Stoni' ach. It Is a puro medicinal extract of native rwuis unu plants, combining innariptii,niuio H most sovereign curntlvo nroncrltes. which God has instilled Into the vegetable kingdom for healing tho sick. It is a great restorer for the strength nnd vigor of the system. Thoso who nro lnuguld, sleepless, hnvo nerioiw opprthcnsloni or fears, or nny of the ntlectlons sym pt omnt lo of tceakness, will And convincing evldelico of Its restorative power upon trial. If you feel ilull, tlroicsif, debilitated and despondent, havo frequent Headache, mouth tastes Ladly in tho morning, Ir rcffular appetdc nud tonrpie coated, you nre Ruiler Ing from Jhrpid IAvtror "Jlttioumcs." In mnuy cases ot ".it er Gmiilalnf only n part of theso symptoms nro experienced. As a remedv lor nil such cases, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery has no equal ns it effects perfect cures, leav ing tho liver itrenathcued nnd health). For Iho euro of Habitual Constipation or tho Bowels it is a never lailiug remedy, nnd those who havo used It for this purpose ore loud In its praise. In Jlronchlul, Throat and Limit Diseases, It has produced many truly remarkable cures, whero other medlclues had failed. Suld by druggists nt 81,00 per bottle. Prcpnred nt tho Chemical Lahnrntory of It. V. PIEItUE, M. !.. J122'70-tf Buffalo, N. Y. QR ANGEVILLE STILL AHEAD Tho undCTidinied resnectfnllv nnnonncn to the Forming community that the.v ore ngaln lu um neiu wnn tucir mucuiiies ior 1110 narvesi o 1670. THE NEW PENNSYLVANIA THRESHER AND CLEANER, Tatented by Adrian Cornell, with Major's patent muuuiu uciuit; rcriiiui,ir cuiuuiiieu, i, wnai every Farmer need. It can't bo bent. It has been falrlv tested nnd has far exceeded the expectations of .... nun tiu.u ,au II, MlieiUllUUf, 11 IlllS UCCU got un expressly to meet tho wnnts of tho Farm- or. tvo manuiaciuro mem, overshot for tread power and undershot for leer power, This machine can bo mado to do any desired amount of work. Is simple iu construction, eusy to ...... hum ... ....u.u ... kvi, uui. ut icpair. They also continue to manufacture tho Cele brated WHEELER'd RAILWAY CHAIN, HORSE POWER ,0 THRESHER, from the original patterns, with an improve ment In tlio power, whereby n gain of 23 per cent, iscllected.nnd gives tho desired power nt from " , v "y: , -itunun uiuu mo oiu stile, They also attach MAJOR'S PATENT DOUBLE ACTING SHEET IRON BOTTOM SEPARATORS to their machines, mauufactured ouly by them and secured to Ihem by letters patent from Win. JI. Major. They also manulacturo tho best nud lightest ruunlug Lever Powers, lu tho country nlso Doublo uud Single-Geared Jacks. Having on hand n good supply of well seasoned lumber of tho best quality, and experienced workmen engaged in their manulacture, they guarantee their machines SUPERIOR TO ANY MANUFACTURED elscwliero. All haying repairing todo should remember that wo have all the original patterns. Repairing douo at short nollco and on reasona bio terms. Machines sold nt nstonlshlugly low prices and credit given when desired. 1 or further particulars call ou or address SCHUYLEIl it LOW, AGRICULTURAL WORKS, ORANGE VILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. whero they manufacture tho best nnd cheapest Iron and Wooden Beam Plows In the stoto, iilo wagon Jacks, iron kettles and nil kinds uf work USUUllV dOllO ill l'nundrlnfl nml M...I.I.... U...... All milk warranted und nllkluds of country nrndllcn tnlcf.,1 In v( tin...... - JlS'70-tf. PHILOSOPHY OP MARRIAGE. . , A NEW CounsE ok Lectukls, as delivered at tho Peiiua.l'olyteehnlouiid Anu tomlcal Museum i.. ., t-hestuut (,t., three doors above Twellth. Philadelphia, embiaclng the subjects: How to Llvo and What to Live lor; Youth, Maturity nnd Old Ago; Mnnhood Ueuernlly Reviewed Iho cause of Indigestion; Flatulence and nervi mis Diseases aceountcd fur; Manlage Phllo sophlcBlly considered. These lectures will be forwarded iiu receipt of M cents by addressing. Secretary of lhn lVniisvlvnnh. t', - .V.,. t?f ,Al?A,Tfu!!A'' ff'"!;", I Lhes nut St., Philadelphia, Peuusylvuulii. ' Je!l'70-ly. TTTHrTJf.'sia ru nno X) VISITING CARDS. LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, l'ROGRAMMES, l'OHTERS, AC, dC. Neatly nnd Ciicaiily Printed From the Latest Blylos of Type at the COLUMBIAN OFFICK Dry Goods & Notions. jyrEW STOCK OP CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of SUMMER GOODS. DAVID LOWENBEUO Invites atlcutlon to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, tt'. his storo on Main Street, two doors nbovo tho American House Bloomsbtirg, l'a., whero ho hs.s Just received from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment or MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durable, nnd handsome DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, ROCO, GUM, AND OIL-GLOTH COATS AND PANTS, of nit sorts, sizes and colors, lto has also replen ished his already largo stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS' HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES Ho nns constantly on hand a large and well-sC' ectcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into nny kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd In tho best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, nnd most of It Is of homo manufacture, GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, olorery description, flue nnd cheap. His casoot Jewelry Is not surpasscdjln thlslplace. Call nud examine hisgeneral nssortmen of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC. DAVID LOWENBEUO. c. C. M A 11 it havojust received from tho eastern lnntkcls largo and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, CONHISTtNO OF t.'osslmors, Jeans, Best bleached A Brown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Talilo Linens, Cotton .t All wool Annuel, .ic., Ac, A gowl stock of Ladles dres goods. Latest st j les A patterns, Spines of all kinds, Good stock groceries, Quccnswarc, Stono ware, . Wood & willow ware, Flour & Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaulug Tin, Ifrass,&c, All goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. Ho would call tho attention of buyers to his well and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kcjit in tho coun try, leelluK confident that ho cau sell them goods nt such prices ns will ensuro satisfaction. Nov. 5,'09-tf C. C. MARR. B UY THE REST. ssassatsi THE RED LION BRAND, D'Zi ACH A Xi S? A C -1 Is superior lo nil othcrsju color, quality and prico; to bo found only nt ' M. P. LUTZ'S Dealer In Dry Goods nnd Notions, In Browcr's new uuiiuiug ncxi to tlio Lourl House, Mnln Street, Bloomshurg, Pa. (mayl3';u-tf. JJILLER'S STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL OF SUMMER GOODS. Tne subscriber has lust returned from tho cities with nnotber Inrgo nnd select assortment of FALL AiiD WJNTER GOODS, purchased In New York nnd Philadelphia at tho owost figure, and which ho is determined to sell on ns moderate terms as can be proem ed else whore lu Bloorasburg. His stock comprise LADIES' DRESS GOODJ of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a largo Assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmeres, Shawls, Flannels, Bilks, ,'hlto Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirls, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarwarc (tueensware, Hardware Boots nnd Shoes, lints nnd Cnps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glasoi, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Rico, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs. AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In 6hort, everything usually kept In count stores, to which tie Invites the attention of the puuno generally, rue Highest price will bo paid iur suuuiry prouueo iu exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER & SON. Arcade Buildings, Bloomshurg, Pa. Q O N P E O T 1 O N E R Y . to t?, SShf,'?1.?1'? w?nW rcsI'ctfully announce , .UHV us, UM UJ'UUCU It FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, in tne building lately occupied by Fox & Webb ..uu.u .a jucjiaicum luriusu all Kluas Of PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, &C AC. BY WHOLESALE on KETAIL. In short, a full assortment or all goods I his line of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suluibloforthe Holidays, Particular attention BREAD AND CAKES, of all kinds, fresh every day. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OHIHTMAS TOYS. A call Is solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. will b Nov. 22, 18j7. ECIUIART JACOBB. jtyJERUHANDISE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To my mends and the publlo generally, th nt al DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, 40., are constantly on hand and lor sale AT BARTON'S OLD STAND RLOOMBIlDIta, BY JAMES IC, EVER WAIto, Sole Agent foKius' PnosritATK or imk. ijirge lot constantly ou hand, (febS'07, NEW COAL YARD. THE undersigned respectfully Inform the e tlzens of Bloomsburir and Columbia county, that they keen al tho uillerent numbers ul triors coal und selected lump coal lor siniuilng I'urito. ses, ijn their wharr, udjolulng M'lfelvy, NeaV Co's Furnace; with a good poXr of Bnlfulo scales on the wharf, to weigh coal, liny . nnd 1 strawl Likewise a horso and wagon, to de-flver ro il S those who desire t. As they purclmseii laria amouutof eoal.they Intend t(iL?pasuterio?u'rt i ,Cie:,S'!dkl'1".ll"iu y"r l'Wtt (.rices. pleiVie call uud examino ior yourselves Iwfore iiurchas Ing clsow here. 'j. W. Ili:NllEltsil()T. AUGUSTUS MASON. rpiIE uiidurrilgned will tako In ox- ;i'7B;!,."uJ.,"J''u.1 'o li'ghtst cash prices. utUbi Giocery Store, ndjolnlug Ihelr coal yard; Bloomshurg Mar. JVCS-lK " W. Dry Goods & Grocorioo. G RAND OPENING . GRAND Ol'ENINU (IRANI) OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING or WINTER GOODS, WINTER GOODS, FALL FALL FALL AND AND AND AND NTKR GOODS. FALL NT UK GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting ol consisting or consisting or consisting of consisting of DRY DRY BUY DRY DUY GOODS, GOODS, GOODS, GOODS GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND C'AI'S, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HAT'S AND GAPS, BOOTH AND SHOES, BOOIB AND HHOl'-H BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MA DM CLOTHING, READY-MA UE CLOTHIHO, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOK I NG-G LASHES, LOOKING-GLASS!, LOO K 1 N O-O LAKH EH, LOOKING-GLASSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND l'AINIS AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND OILS, OILS, OILS, OILS, OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, tU'EENSWARi: tiUEENhWARE, UUEENSWARi: llUEENSWAHE, 11UEENBWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE TINWARE TINWARE TINWARE, SALT, HALT SALT SALT, SALT, x FISH, FISH FISH, FITH FISH, - GRAIN AND GRAIN AND GRAIN AND GRAIN AND GRAIN AND HEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS, Ac, Ac. AT McKELVY. NEAL A CO.'S, & CO.'S, it CO.'S. it CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL Mt'KELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL & CO.'S. Northwest corner ot Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner or Mnln nnd Mnrket Streets, Northwest corner nf Mnln n,l Mnrlrpt Httw,tii Northwest corner of Mnln nud Mnrkot Streets, Northwest corner of Mnln and Mnrket Streets, BLOO.MtBUHO, BLOOJIHIIURU, BLOOMSHURG rA l'A PA JIl.OOJIKIlUItO, PA., RI.OOMSIUIRG, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, Tomr tut . IRON IRON IRON AND NAILS. AND NAIIil, AND NAILS, In largo quantities and at reduced rates, alway Miscellaneous. rpiIE SUI5SCRIRER HEREBY JL gives notlco that ho sllll continues tho MANUFACTURE OF WHEICLICR'S PATENT RAILWAY CHAIN HORSE POWEHS, and Is again in tlio field for tko Harvest of 1S70. and is prepared to lurnMi l'nrmers with tho most reuauio imiciiines oueieil lo mo imullc. . I nisi, build DOUIH-I'OEAIIED JACKS, lo nt' men lo ihe ind of n rotir-horso Lever l'ower.lo nttneh my Threshers lo. 'ihteo horses will do uio saino umounioi lhrtshingwith thtsnriauge ment.thnt four will with nny other thresher. ,.J.!nn,kn Agent to sell WHEELER'S COM BINED THRESHER nud WINNOWERS. For further paillculais or for tho purposo o oiderlng niachliies, address J.M.1IUL.SIIIZER. Jel0'70-lm Light Stit'et, Col. Co., n. rpiIE HYPERION HAIR X CURLERS. AN INDISPENSABLE RTIULE FOR THE KsP V-'1 r (P"'i(ctl Ju0ii,1807.) l'A '' iifri.'" This Curler is tho most V-fci i.J ' : prrfect Invention ever of- L.AU1US. most vcr nr. lcifil to tho inibllc. It is L'fisuy opcrnu a.ucat in np' iu n ranee, nnd will not In fill o the linlr, ns tlieru la iioltfat reruiicd, nor nny nictalllchubstunco used to rtiKt nr tirenlc luo hair. Mnnulucturtil onlyauU jui Buiu uy McMILTjAN A CO. Ac No ft! Noith Front Street, PlIILAUCLl'IlIA, PA. RoUl at Dry Goods, Tilmmlngs nnd Notion N. H.Slnitte ltnv C. centu- a TtnTfa nntinrlcil sizes, W cts. .Mailed ne In nny pnrt of tho unlt- J "p-a 5! receipi 01 ino money. i'r'ihcJlnV u,Vl " M.. flnelnnall, O. 11 they want the mnsfrinpii ar nnd liet sellinit 5?TJjf h'r118 '.""'"-""b and tho moi t o. f.'f.'i'f"'" ffi'd for circulars. Theywlllcostyou nolhlug. and may bo or great bcutilt to you. febll'70-ly. SHI,OUO C.CAKANTKIS. BUCK LEAD EXCEL--. ALL OTHER LEAD I 1st. For Us Fnrlvnled Whiteness, id. For lis I'luipiallcd Durability, .id, 1 or Us Unsurpassed Coveting Property. Lastly for Us Economy. S-It COSTS LESS to paint with Buck Leah thuu iiuy other While Leud extnut. The tame neiKiit covers jiuiir; Mitiir A(;i., is moro DUR ABLE, uud makes WHITER WoitK. BUCK LEAD, Is tho Cheapest and Bel J10.000 GUARANTEE. I) U 0 K ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCfl For Its Uuequnlled Durability, For its ITnrii-nlr.,1 l'lil, ,....,. ' 1st, -M. JI. For its Unsurpassed Covering Properly, Lastly, for its Qreat Economy, being tho CIIEAP1T, HANDSOMEST, nnd most DURABLE White Puiut in tho world, 11 V V OXI.Y BUCK LEAD AND RUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by the Manufacturers. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expressly for Painting COTTAGES, OUT BUILDINGS of every descrln (ton, FENCES, Ac. THIRTY-FIVE DIFFER ENT COLORH, Duroble. Cheap, Uniform, and Beautiful shades, ' Ramplo cards sent by Mall If desired. Dealers Orders will be nromntlv executed l,v the manufacturers, FRENCH, RICHARDS A CO., N. Vf, Cor, Tenth and Market Streets, JanSS'70-Jy. Philadelphia ' Y - - - -r . , Hordwaro & Outl0 OPENED A NEW Rttnmm In directly from the Mant,faMnr"rrLY. " cash, on a deolining mfrkJ F r5r". Porch..., , offer Iho Bamo to ' V'tputu? FARMERS, MECHANICS lu,,, nnd the rest or Mam,.-.. 1 1UJ "WLIipk, prising nil Uio kinds nnd S,m lock iL in n , cl?y Hnrd Ware St. rem1,'1 , owii or the county, nt unusuali'v ,til.blf to tb? JH yu iiiosownonrodesirlousnr.1 M. In our lino can save Moie v SiWhssls... xsew iiartiwaro store. " ' '"Ins in".."i Pleasoglvousncallnndexami Apr.23.eo.lyr IlUK"fe?Df,s , "'"omsbuiita jacou IC. smith. gMITH & SELTZERSUTa' J,R,( Imnortersnn,! itntnu. .. v"'r",iur'oreJn Bflrlfl.- II A R D W A i r. GUNS, CUTLElty L NO.109.TniKD8TI!I!CT)An''f0'.'111""-'',,!10 QARRIAQE JIANUFACTORY, Bloomshurg, ra. ... ...... iinuuiMl liavo on hand nnd for salont the most ulullb9l,DJ'llllMI1l BlOt'K Ol - 4 l,t,T , ... and every description ol Wagons both pr. A TV A Vli t-. warranted to bo made; of the best nnamci nb 0 materia s. and hv 1 1 ... ,,,.,.lra- workmen. .All work suit out front llsnmelil will no loulid to lieottlio lilshili .? nnd sure to give pel feet satisfaction. ihilH L is 1 una 01 an 1 no newest and most IsHilwuM, tt,h well nnd carefully made nud ortbo uS; fig .11 luniiL-ciiuii .,1 iiie'ir wnnr in .,,.., ... . .,...r,7 v... nruiui cau iieiouna lath Insurauco Agencies, Q. L O B E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY o r NEW YORK. uisii capital over s j.iwu.uw, all pall J. B. BOBISON, ULOOJI&nURO.Pi GENERAL AUUXT, For Luzerne, Lycoming aud Colombia counties. Aug. ai.'oo-iy. TNSU RANGE A0ENCY, JL. A;tua in ruiiuu. auj .toriu siueriui nui iuy 11.1 international um jNingara lw Putnam H Dt, Merchauts & pnriniiie:u a.' ritrmcrs jiauviiie yj Alh.anv r.ltv ttj Ijtncasler l:ltv Tlj Vnrlr llnr.n lit i AT i.n ft.. Home, flew iiaveu l,tuv Danville, Horso Then FREAS 1SHOW.N, ifiil, ru ui S (.!)-! y, Blooxsscso, Pi Foundries. s IIARPLESS & IIAUMAX, h;.tii.s. i-ouriiiiiv am, saaiiauiw. TIIK IIUTTOX WOOIIEN 1IEAM PLOWS. nn T-l... 1I.I..1. r.. r.,m ritti,,. irumi Jin niuua ii union ui .1 uu ...n,,ub u..-. - upou short notice. .n... II. F. HIIAUPI.I1SH 4 r.S.HAMi. Bloonisbitrg. l'a. nopi. Mnr.lO.'b'J-tf. piRST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, BEST, PURRST, AND CHEAPEST! ( ror Nviiueness, iiuiouiiij.uiiw"- c It linn tm iwnml. . j Mnlil nil PnlUtS thmUS5' 1110 couuuy. BARKER, JIOOItE & Bl'LClShOCS TO T. MORRIS PEROT 4 CO, Solo Troprli tors, riillfludiWn.Wi Dealers In ull kluils of DRUGS. OILS, PAINT;3, CLASS, LlVialUFlS, AC., iC. Ca . . '.v.m-t-t."!'.'. .'v..'.;..'t :.,.,( -ottiff our ' purlieu hnvo been Induced ioif'rj rtieshnvo been Induced toolItr PJ lore Bowuia 'ol Ciiunlcritits. ',;)lti Inn It, ..t .... 1,,'nYtlll llCHMT til 1, nl ,..,l. i,l inr!illlicire unu mo uamo 01 BARKER, MOORE & MEIS, On each label, r or sale uy -rrs. jARMERSI EXAMINE AND WV T II E O R I a I N A I THE FlIlST RAW BONE J11U3I All others aro Imitation. ijaITo'ii'S oTTTii.m uuriGDII A VK ur u IS PALL, 7...T.,. r itaw ortSi nuiguiy suiuuieanti uuicij as to n1-- ,... Am...n..ln h. Ul.ll nMlllOri lU" .. . KlDS prompt al ., ,, iu",:s aim vigorous iicii"i' -'.nu nein'-. Whero Bauairs i-iiospi""" r., ,,itier wuero nre that it will maintain its '! ' "t-uillli" Hon. Woretjnest alii" ueedota' give mis urtieie n inui. r i. . tt n ir .t- S O "i it it ej 1.1 . - - MANtJyACTlUlt Okjick-No B. Delaware Ave PAILAI)i:il'1A' JUS'70-tf. -r" ONE IIUNDREI) IViiiKB G iv ii I 8 ll l l, li Jl l, i 1. 1' -- j,,,! heretofore In store at WW.WeJdW leased by Iho Goveriuneut. , J" .,, tr.. , -.. r XT (1. SL A T E 11 O O ' 1 " -., .. r, n VABIETI ...nil! TlATE1 JOHN THOMAS, AND f.'bn f BOX. '.77, Mar.l?.-9-ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers