'4 THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA loomsburg, Friday, Sept. 2, 1070. lou Sam:. Six thrifty younu iiIks, I W0CK3 OKI. lIK'UirO fit U1IS UIHCC IiirtKBT. On Friday last u man by imino of Jnck Thompson wns put In Iiock up for disorderly conduct. Inn Democratic Stulo Central Coin lo mot at IlarrlsburK on Tuesday i. wo nail inmost lorgotion inuru I ouch nn organization. n that ovory Democratic foreigner U entitled to his naturalization nif U hero next week. It will ho his Jchanco before tho election. Kasiis. liucknlow, Freeze, Whit er and Bradley left hero on luesday to nttond tho itendlng Convention cctirlng representation to iniuorl- lnn Standino Committke. It la knrlnnt that nil tho iiiciiiIiph of tho nty Standing Commltteo should ho knit next mommy at, ino mcciiug dl i,y tno Liminimti. IN important campaign h about nlnL'. Money will bo needed. and I rentiers should promptly pay up t tlip.v owe. Next week will afford excellent opportunity to send or Bg money. r. Sunburv Oazeltc nnnlhllntc.) tho 'onian for giving credit for locals tsf from ita columns, wo do notHeo h illtrerciico In such n practice, and of tho Gazette in giving credit by Bug "Jxtchungc," "Uloomsburg l'a- Ac. 'nr. Democratic Convention of Wy- Bug County, ono of tho five in this L'rcssional District, have Instructed Ir Conferees to suiiport H. R. Littlu ! Congross. ltnuil'ord County will id her Convention next Monday, and (I undoubtedly Instruct her conferees one of her citizens. Lin Sunbury Democrat, belli tho faor man's menu," advocates tno an- lion of tho Incomo tax, which falls upon tno ncni democratic con- ency. Gazelle. 1 tho Incomo Tax only falls uiion tho h. whv did tho Into Congress reduco Sum llvo to two-and-a-half per cent? r Is easy to bo seen that tho Hemtb- bi has' two editors. In ono column -Uts "a uoy In years" (ouryouthful re presume.) win no it candiuato ;ongrcss, and in nnotnur it argues ; Mr. Duckalew is opposed to' us. thcreforo our nomination cannot bo do. Doctor, don't mix things so. liiESEUVE Tins Pateii. At much enso wo havo procured n plato con- ling a map of tho seat of war in Ku- it is an improvement on any t wo havo seen, and will enable our Hers to lumrcchitu and understand news wo givo each weuk. Uy sav thls number of thoCoi.u.MiHAN tho tuition" will always bo understood. Good Wn-'i: i'on Someiiody. io lteeder, who has charge of the , ouieo at tno Jixcnango, Montour nty, cut, witli a span of horses and n i.v rentier, twenty acres ot wiioat. pen acres of oats and loaded hay on n con lor four pitchers hiio is only pen years of asie. "Uo ror her," Bng aentlcmvn sho can undoubtedly li a husband at homoo'nights with r btrong arms iaiiiiitnr Meritocrat. By tho proceedings of tho Ilcprcsent- vu Conference, published in another lumn, it will bo seen thai no uouilna- ;n lor iiepreseniativo lias yet oeen reed upon and that tho Conferenco iiourucd to meet on Monday next. So Montour Conferees presented their palliate, to wnom tuo uoiumoia uon- us objected and insisted that somo man no selected, wo shall await S further action of tho Conferenco bu- 3 discussing any result aimed at. tin colomnornrv. ovldentlv reforrintr the editor of this Journal, In t-penk- f oi too uongrcsiionni contest, bays luro "a boy In years, mid a iilsrmy in Dadlv." Wo wero born in tho same with and year that Dr. Uradley was, p ne is uircuuy "oare-juolca" on the of its head. Wu lay no claim to u btilic intellect liko his : but wo do Ink wo could voto as often (and far fcre correctly 1 than did Mr. Mercur. Ilio achloved anything beyond this, i nave yet to learn it. . Court Mautiai, of tho Ninth Di llon National Guards of Pennsylva I, will convene in tills ulnae, on lurnlay, September, 1st, 1870, for tho pl of such persons as may ho brought oro It. Tho detail of tho court will Isht of the foIlowiiiL' oflleers: Ilaj. C. D. Broekwny. Judge Advo- IaJ. C. It. Campbell, Staff 9th Divls- ;.ipt. A. F. Levi. First Temnlo lard. -apt. Thomas D. Levi, Thomas 5Cou- Ueut.Matthew Rlclmrd. First Temnln K . . i ' P"ru. Lieut. Andrew Sowers. Llheitv Sentinel. Jikiwnei). On Tuesday evening of It week, Mr. John Palnion, whlloen- pu in uoatlng logs lu tho pond oi iinrew lives' saw mill in i'lunuets tek township, tliis county, fell into wnier anil wns drowned, iur. nun- i, was engaged as mwyer on tho mill, 1 at tho tlmo of tho accident was two. His brother, however, who was tho mill, heard tho snlnsli mid ran Ihis assistance, but too Into to sjvo m. As Mr. Paiuton was on a lloat or and known to bo a eood swimmer isbupposc'd ho must havo been t.el.cd Bin n nt and rendered uiinuiu to neip useii. as tno water is vcryuceptn ' pond the body was not recovered Itil nbout ono o'clock on Wednewlny prning. iioicnvesn iniiiuy. Jiuncj Imlnary. Fatal Acciiient. On Thursday prning, August ism, dames israisor, iouuc man in tho employ of M. II. Itty. of Salem township, was cngugtd lullng rails with a two-horso team, pien uesccnuing n hill, by tno Binning I ono of tho rails, or from somo other le, tho horses becamo uiimanagahlo, m Btiirteu oil nt a ill 1 run. When Mr. pader was thrown forward from his N, tho wheels of tho wagon passing eir ms biioitliler and breast. Killing llm liistantlv. Tho horses wero found Irtlierdown thn hill, lvlm? beneath tho u'kkcu wagon, both more or less in ieu. ITho funeral of James Urnder took I'icp on Saturday It'st, and whon tho rint-r reinrnnii in nor iioino. uiier in- lliillll'' tlin ri.moltm oT hor Inved 1111(1 J'tono to tlieir llnnl rostlmr nlaee. sho fUnl that lior ilniiirhtor. win, for hoiiki o nuu laid in n critical condition, nan I'VtUHllui- flntt lini ut.lrlf hull rkfcu Its tlfglit for that haven whence ' traveler returns. Thus had n dnuhio "W fallen ntinn tint nlrooilv liriil;cn lattidand widowed mother. Jkrwlck IU with unusual sorrow that wo NruLii of tho above accident. Young r'"u r was a former nehnol miiln of . US U'lln nlor, lild ulator. w-lm un unil. piily followed him. Our sympathy uo nut littio In alleviating tho ills kni ? "' bereaved mother, yet us years ago snared uernospitnii. , WO trust 1 lint ulw. M-l II rni, Iw.r ll.ut IIUVO nnlv fmnn ,1 filwtrl Ituwt linfurn l"'.a,'(l may tho angel of Peaco pour fS bo&ouT W)llsouUlou 1,110 lKt bleed- Notice. Wo would call nttontlon to n notlco of Ilrldgo letting to bo found In another column. On Saturday last u gamo of baso ball was played botweou tho Independent Nino of this placo and tho Schloppcko pplehoopen turtles of Light Street, lit which ns will bo seen by tho score, tho Light Street Nlnocaniooul second best. On the provlous gamo ns may bo re membered, tho Light Street boys wero victorious. INDEPENDENT. ; 8CHL0P3 AO. OH! O 11 Apnloman. 2 b 2 10 Kdcar. o f r, 1 1 Uuckalow, p n O'L Mcllck, ss 2 Hltenbcndcr.lfO 11 Hnclimnn, 1 b I) Mcndenhall, c -l (i Knt. 1 f 1 2 uinnc, a i) Conner, 1 b Nfttl, s s Ulllmeyer, c f Klwell, rf 0 l Mcllck, p i), Kldler, 2 b 7' O Mcllck, c u Liousor, u u t), Mcmltiger, r f 1 Total 27 73 1 Total Innings 12 3-1 r Independent 30 1 fl 1 7 Schlops itc. 3 3 0 1 0 27 8 12 3 Files caught Schlops, II; Indepeu dent, 12. Umplro C. Utmngst. Scorers Hamsey und Smuckcr. IJahe Dat.Ii,-Tho return gamo be tween thu Town and Uallroad Nines, of Catawlsw, was played on Saturday lait, resulting In n narrow escape lor tho Uallroad Hoys. Tho gamo was In every respect n llrst-rato one. Tho fol lowing is tho scoro: TOWN NINE. II it. U. NINK. o u o n Butter, s s 2 2 Ilolllnshcadcffi Kline, p l IJodine, 1st b I Iiarndt, 1 f I Waters 2d b il Scott o i Urumbach o f -I Sharpless, 3d b - Illtorf !! Young, r f 3 3 2'Eyur, 1st b 2lilarder, 3d b 3 ! Ward, 2d b 2' Ilito, ss 2 iMoyer c 3 Wltmiin, p 2.Lewis 1 f fi 1 2 3 2 1 Total, 27 -0 i o? o., Total, 1 r, 0 2 t) 2 Innings 1 2 3 Town Nine, 3 0 0 It. It. Nine, 3 0 0 Umpire, J. V. Cool. Scorer, Joo. Bobbins. Fly catches Town Itoad, 5. 1 1 I 2 Nine, 1; Hull LOCAL NOTICES. ScuuYi.uii & Low of Orangevllle, Pa., manufiieturo tho bes-t Threshers and Cleaners, thu best Wheeler's Hall way Chain Horse Power and Thresher, from tlto original patterns and the hot Lever Powers made in this county, if not in tho Stato. Don't full to examine their machines before purchasing nny other. They guarantco them to give satisiaciion in overy respect. They al so innmifiicturo Plows and other Agri cultural implements. Sco their adver tisement in another column. tf. To Country Merchants and Strangers Wolfo'sSchlednm Aromatic Among tno complaints lor winch tuo 'schnapps' has been declared it specific by tho emi nent physicians who havo corresponded with tho proprietor, aro dropsy, dys pepsia, debility consequent upon long continued sicknesa and old nse. onlleii- sy, asthma, gravel, colic, nll'ections of tno moneys, ami nil chronic diseases. For tlicso and mauy other disorders, it Is now prescribed, with great success, by moro than thrco thousmd medical practitioners in various parts of tho United States. No Hu.Mnud. Wodo not wish to in form you, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or nny other man, has discovered a remedy that cures all diseases of mind, body or estate, and is designed to maku our sublunary sphere n blissful Paradisu to wnic-h ilea veil itselt will ho but a sido show, but wo do wish to inform you that Dr. Hage's Catarrh Ilemedy has cured thousands of cases tif c ttarrh in its worst forms and stages, and tho proprietor will pay S300 for a caso of this loathsomo dUeaso that ho cannot euro. It may bo procured by mail for sixty cents, by addressing It. V. Piereo M. D 133 Seneca street, Uulfulo, N. Y. A pamphlet rree. Sold by druggists Look out for men representing them selves as Dr. Eage; Dr. Pierce, who-o private Government Revenue Stamp is on every package of tho genuine, is the only man living who can manufiieturo tne original Jir. sago's uatarrn itciiio dy. Receipts of "THU COLTJXVZBXAN' for August, 1870. .tosn W Miller 5 2 m IT llcnt Taylor ooo 3 00 Jesso Menscll 3 HI nrnu r.nuiu IMofDW Clark Isaac Aruwlnu KstolUKclchard KlllahShuit Simon Fettermau John lismlili Ueuben 01tbnn8 Christina Artley John JOearlmrl Saml Fritz O steadmau s W .Mi-Henry llenj Miller ATCrevcllug E Jacotis lUvld Yeuffer Hetiben Uouurt N A M Kindt Est of II lount John F Fowler . W I.IIortrell E M Enubacti Tickets EO West John O Freezo l'KrlstbatiKh W A Forsyth Ctcophas Eetteer W II Jacnby John A llrc-Isch M i Woodward J Welllver A M Whlto l'hillp. Miller 1 A l-.vans II (1 1'hllllpH TKoons .111 Creasy JohnU Quick Itarnor Family (1 F FIlt-kluKer Ii.iulel shuhir 4 (Hi lo 111) 100 : no 2) 2 0ti 2 (10 GO 2 011 Stephen Allen (! W Miller l no 2 0(1 0i ICO ncaver ("K coal Co son 4 to 2 (HI 2 30 J il n;cier 4 2 75. .V (ic-rnmu Wmlllltcr 2" 40 ,Wm Yost 2(0 3 311 Nelson Kitchen 2 00 1 M Coxo 2 01 3 m Miller ,t Wolf E J Mcllenry EslSshultz 27 30 250 21(1 II 0 GOO 1 On 2(1(1 Jus F Stoker I J lUrlt ev 1 to 4 00 200 2 01 3 11 Is nil M O Shoeuiakcr 20 lotin Ii Hopper Henry shun hllO 2 0H UF Mcllenry Amos llurson 1UC ltd Clinton I'olo 210 2 (ml .Uai ker, MiMiro & Co 111 i.0 2(f 2 0 2 00 2W' 2 2Ut 2 nn .) w .Mcutf ary u io Win Morris 3 oil Kst ot H stout 3(0 I'Mlinsnouei-bunr "0U Oll.Marr loo I w Mcciears- I ' llenver Crk Coal Co 10 1 l oo :t (ij Wm Merrllleld 2 01 llnlm U" flr.l r X I.) 2V Il.lvldI.oim 200 1 00 Joseph lless 101 2 00 list or ESeinnect 2 00,1: J .t U l'Mcllciiry 500 3(0 Clark llrlul: 2 01 (,o Estor John Itnudi looo F.st orllEsslck 11 Zupplnyer Jllchiu-1 Irucv 2 01) Ellas YOU1IB 3 no .las Heller 3 00 Wm Holler 2(0, Henry llarmau 2 00.IW II Ent 1 ooJfW II Jacoby (100 .las I) Itteiler 3(0, (leo 1' Itouell .tCo 4 oi j J Illloblson 4 00 'it Fabrlnger 3 00 (J M Ilrown John Kk-ler 210 2 00 I, KlkendaU Kuiie Snyder E I. KlkendaU 2 (1 5( 01 Joshua Hartzcl 4 00 l-;llslia llnyiuiin (1 W Ululion Co 8 11 111 2(0 101 2 00 Wl son Miller National I'ubCo J wi, i( i.yous KJ& U l'MclIenry 50'J John Suvupj Democratic Ticket. roil cosaiiEss, CIIAItLES U. IlltOOICWAY, 01- TOI.UM11IA COUNTT. (Subject lo tho decision ot the Congressional L.oiuerecs.1 FOIl ASSOCIATE JUI1UE. JOHN It. YOIII3, llItt'LIM TOWNSHIP. FOIl SIIEKIFF, ItKKS J. MILLARD, SCOIT TOWNillll-. FOU COMMISSIONEE, IIIHAM J. ItKlCDIClt, CATAWISSA TOWNSHIP. l-on juuv co.MMissioNEit, ISAAO McUHIDK, KAUISOS TOWNS1UI'. FOlt COIlO.NKIt, JOHN D. HOUUK, IlOAlllNGCIlEKi: TOWNS1II1'. rOIt AUDITOlt. DANIKL LICK, MA1H-.ON TOW'NHIIII'. ci rvnn hew a ill). V 1 ,UUU For any case of llllud bleeding lichlng.or Dlceralcd Files that lit, IIimi's 1'n.n Kkmkiiv lulls to euio. It Is prepured expressly It, luro tho Piles nud nulhlug el-e.uud has cured eases or over u e.irs siauuuu. ouio uy m. iiruggisis, VIA Kl'OA, be lllng's Via Fuga Is Ihe pure Juice of U.rka, Herbs, uoois, uim iierries, iur CO.NSUMI'TION. InlUmniatlou of tho Lungs; nil Liver, K idney, and bladder illseiues.oriiuulo Weak nets, hiimalo Anili-linus, (leueral IH-btlliy.nud all coiuiiUInU of tho Uriuury thgaus In Mulonnd 1-nuale, pro ..:.;,. ii, ...l,. i-.ikilveiicss. (iruvei. Uronsy aud beruliila, hleh most generally terinliiato hi I-............,!... n..llnp. Il iiurltlesaud eurlcl es the lllood, the miliary, Utnndutar and Secrcllvo Hystem; Corrects and strengthens tho Nervous and Muscular lorces: It acts hkencliurmoiiwouk nervous, unit debilitated (emails, Isith young ..l.l V-,...,. Lt.,nl.l 1,., i-tllmuL it. Sold every. where. Lauouatouy-11-! FrauUllu St., luilt- JjniIJIIUJI LIST OP THE riFTHENTIt ANNUAL EXIIIUITION OP TUP. COLU.MI1IA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL AND MECltANI. CAL ASSOCIATION, ' TO lit'. HEM) AT 11 h O O M S 11 U It O, r A., On Wednesday, Thursday nnd Friday, Oclolicr 12th, 13lh nnil lllli, 18 70. Aft cvcrylhlimof this kind must havon ays. torn lo rimy Hon with Mitlstactlon, exhlbl. .lorn nnil contributor,! will plensarcn-J the fol lowing Instructions, nnd come (o tho l-'nlr expecting to nhldo by them without asking for nny nltcrnllon. J. .1. 11HOWE11, Hoo'y. Ct.AHM I-1I0R9ES. William Wlnlcrsleeii, Superintendent. Jmlces Dniilel Morris. Enoch Itltlcnhousc, Cyrus .Mcllenry, William N. Drown. Ilest hlnoiteil stallion, ntnlll,,,, f,.,, nit 812 no in BO 8 no (! 0) 8 110 n oo g HI stallion colt, not over 1 years, " pair tlrnught horses, nest pair carriage horses, Id n oo nest brood mnro with colt at her side, 10 00 o on nest single carrlajro horse, !d " " llest single carriage marc, nest gelding between .Innd 1 years, M nmre " " i;t-l 1 1 lie helweeu 2 nud 3 years, 44 Imrso colt between 1 nnil 2 years. " innro colt " " " horso or maro colt under 10 raos, 0 no s oo A in 3 oo 4 no 4 no 4 oo 3 00 3 (Kl 3 00 1! 00 3 00 5 no i no 4 (111 J 00 :i no 3 09 llest pair match colts, under 4 years broken to harness. nest Jack, Hest pair mules, !d Ilest mulocnlt between land 2 years, uuuer i c-ir, Exhibitors under this class will hovo their horses on tliOKrouud tiy ten o'clock Thursilny morutnir when they will bu examined. CLASS II-CATTI.E. l'hlllp Yonn, Superintendent. .Indues Nehelnlah Itcece, Jacob Kostchbl ikr, William L. 1'ieus, l'ruiikllnSliuinan. Durham. Hest bull 3 years old nnd upwards, Hi st bull between 2ond 3 years old, ., .. .. .. .. , SI2 (XI U 00 0 oo 1 (III 3 (111 2 04 8 111 1 IK) 3 IH 2 (10 llest bull belween l and 2 years old, Ilest cow 2 ycars"hnd upwards, best heifer between 1 nnd 2 ycaM, bun can minor io monins. .1 ' Agriculturist ly liest heifer Jiotwecn 2 and 3 years " heifer under 10 months, Devon Stoek. Ilest bull 3 yeors and upwards, '' Ilest bull between 2 nnd 3 years, " " between 1 and 2 years, I no 3 till 2 00 12 00 tl 00 0 (Kl 4 no 3 no 2 no est bull cniiunucrio niouins. 2 If) Ac. 1 y Id " " cow 3 years amt( upwards. " liclfcr between 2 nnd 3 years " heifer belw eon 1 nnd 2 years, " heller under 10 months, Aldcrncy Stock. G OI 4 () 1 ( 3 (N) 3 00 2-00 12 00 I) no I! Oil I 1 3 01 Ilest bull 3 years nnd upwards, llest bull between 3 nnd Sycais betw cen 1 and 2 j ears, under 10 months, 2 00 2 00 Ag, l y II oi " cow 3 years nnd upwards, .. c(nv. .. .. " heifer " heifer between 2 and 3 years, " " " liiud2years " ' undrr 10 months, Graded Slock: 4 oo 2 no 4 (O 3 Kl 2 00 net bull 3 years and upwards. 12 M 0 0) between 2 and 3 years, G 01 4 01 3 CO between 1 and 2 years, ' undcr lO mouths, 2 00 2.00 a. 1 y llest cow 3 years nud tip-muds. 0 oo 4 no 3 nil 4 10 3 Oil 2 00 2d heifer, between 1 and 2 years, licilcr oeiween - aim J years, " under 10 months, A'ad'i-C Slock. llest bull 3 years nnd upwards. 12 01) II l 0 00 4 Oil 3 011 " between 2 nnd 3 years, ' 1 and 2(years, " under 10 months, cow 3 years and upward, heller between i and 3 years, 2 00 2 00 Ar. l y o ui i no 4 on 3 10 2 00 heifer under 10 mouths, Oxen and Slccrs. llest yoke oxen owned mid worked by exhibitor, 2d best yoke, " " Ilest yoko steers between 2 and 3 years, 2d " " Exhibitors, will havo their slock ready 5 00 3 II 1 Kl 2 (0 for tho unices to examine by lo o'clock n. m. Thursday, and to remain until 3 o'clock p. on m. on l- nuay. CEAKS I1I-SW1NE, Amos I". Kcslcr, Superintendent. Judges Manillas Ilartman, Isalnli Plctt best brood sow nnd plus, six or more, 0 CO 0 00 4 no lot lal hugs, two or more, ' boar, 1 broiid sow, lot pjgs, 3 or moic, under S weeks 1 stock hogs. 3 or more, .1 no 3 oo 3 00 3 no 2 00 3 00 2 no class iv-siiEi:r. Johnson II. Ikeler, Superintendent. Judges Andrew Lntibach and John It. lobe. tine lleo. llest buck, 4 (0 2il ' 2d 3 00 4 00 3 OO ewe. pen of sheep, not less than eight, 1 00 4 00 4 CO 3 00 4 00 300 Middle HW. best pen of sheep not less than eight " buck, 2d " " .. ewe, Long Wool. llest pen of sheep, not less than eight. " buck. 4 OH 4 00 3 Oil 4 00 3 00 2d 21 e.ve. CLASS V-rOULTIlY. Thomas lluUninu, Superintendent, Judges 1'eter 11, Weuner, and Charles W, MelCelvy. best brono turkey 45 lbs. $i 00 " ilium stie lurkevs. 2 00 2d 1 2d 1 2d 1 5d " 1 CO brahmn pootrn, 1 chickens, 2 00 Agriculturist 1 y ! 00 Ac. 1 y Keeso, ducks, 1 no and lurKCkt display ortamo pigeons, 1 no " poultry, 1 00 i 3 00 CLAH VI-OUAIN, HEEbS ANII FLOUH. John bclr, Supcrlntc ndeut, J udecsThos. Cole, nud Moses Mcllenry. best llfty pounds whent Hour, f3 no " buckwheat Hour, 3 00 " ' ryollour. M cm meal, " half bushel clover seed, 3 00 Ag. ly 3 no 1 50 3 00 Ag 1 y 3 00 1 50 3 (0 1 50 1 50 1 50 I 50 1 50 1 50 " timothy seed, bushel red wheat, " whlto wheat, rJ0 ' buekwhent, gord seed coru ears, " " ytllow, ' " smoked ' " half bushel llax teed, bushel oats. CLASS VII-VEGLTAbLES. William I Jimon, Superintendent. Judges William Thomas, and John Smith, best bushel pntatoes.dlll'erent varieties 1 60 half bushel sw el polutoes, ! (kl ousuei oi ueiu luruips, 1 half bushel of ruto b.igas 1 " sugirbeeis, 1 " inuugel wurlzel, ' " beets, 1 M carrots, 1 " parsulps, 1 11 unions, 1 ' peas, 1 50 1 50 Agly 1 00 Ag; i y l no 1 01 2 oo 1 00 1 00 1 UI l to 1 no 1 to Ag-1 y i oo Ag.ly half dozen vegctablo oysters. peek tomatois, 3 nei ends of eiibluize. 3buuchesofee'ery, 1 rui; InauiM, o two quarts lima beans, " 3 quarts Curollua beans, " " touj, ' pumpkin ur squash, " pumpkins, 0 ur inure. CLASS V1I1-FIIUITS. Samuel Ne) hard, Superlnteudei... Judge ltlrnm J, lteeder. Apple), instillsplny.Gofcnili, 2 ( " loukiiig full ur w Inter, 0 each. 30 " keeping w Inter ui ples, Uof each, 30 " Oof Hie sweetest winter or fall, 30 "half dor, lull ur winter lluwired, SO ' quint Siberian trnbs, any kind, 30 l'eari. Ilest dwaifor standard fall or w lulcr, G 2 00 ' loukiiig half duz, any klud, 30 u ilavured huiI most Juley hulfdoz. 30 " largest half doz.dwurf orttaudurd, UI Teachet. best display of nny kind, half dot, each, 1 3 " flavored und most Juicy halt doz. !0 und limit looking half doz. 30 ' and lurgitl variety half dozen, 30 Quintet. best doen, 75 2,1 50 3d " " 3) Qrapu. bestdlspluy, wild or cultivated, (hot house ixeluihd, best tlx clutters of Concord, " " belawuic, " " Clinton, ' " Isnbolls. SO " nartford 1'rolltlc, no " " Jonn, J10 " " Adirondac, 80 " Itebecca, 80 " " York Madcrlfl, 30 Plum. llest display, not loss than;two varieties, ono dozen each, 30 Ilasphcrritu best display, nny kind, Iwovarlotlcs, CO CAcj(iuf. llest 'itiart, 00 Dried 1'ruita. Best (iinrt apples, pears, quinces, peaches, up- rieuis, iieeinrinis, cuerries,isuiir ur sweei, pitted or unpltled, (trapes, cultlvatcsl or wild, strawberries, any kind of raspber rles, btacKberrks, dewberries, liucklebe.--rlcs, plums, twclcues nnd pruues, 30 The fruit not to bo removed until tho closo of llm exhibition, nod -particular enre is to bo observed by all persons that thosomo Is not mjurcu. CLASS IX-WINES ANU LltiUOltS. llojry Zupplnger, Superintendent. Jtidgis-aeo H. Gilbert, nud II. 1'. Hughes. llest quart ol currant wine, tl CO " " blnckbcrry wine, 1 Oi ' 11 grapo wlno, 1 00 " " i berry wine, 1 00 " " ryo whiskey, 1 no " " elder vlncjnr, Ar. 1 yr. CLASS X-I10MEST10 MANUFACTUltES. llarmau O. Crovellng, Bupcrlnteudcnt. Judces Mrs. l'nul Hushes. Mrs. Daniel Mc llenry, Mrs. Elizabeth l'urscll, and Miss Mary Meudenhatl. llest lost ui oreau, a tu best roll of butler (3 lbs. or over) 1 1IU 2 00 i no l oo (o 1,0 so to 50 to lyr. oo m so best pie. " canned fruit, dinercnt kinds, (not less tbau 1 quart of each, llest pound cake. spongo ' " ginger " 14 sample of preserves (uot less than 1 quart,) lleslsamplo rf frultjclly, ' cucumber pickles, Ag. H variety of pickles, " apple butter (1 quart or more,) peach butter " " " grnpo " " " iilum " " m Ag.ljr. fto w Ag..yr " cured ham, " samdu sausage, ' sample yeast, " hard soap, " Bolt soap, " gallon of sorehum. 3 00 CLASS Xl-HOUMEHOLU MANUl-'AC- tuue-M. James Maslers, Suporlnteudcnl. Judges Mrs. Ezcklel Cole, Mrs. William Hageubuch, Mrs. Jesso Old, Miss Margaret A llittlilll. best 10 yards of flannel, 2d " " " best 5 yards woolen cloth, tl SO Ag. 1 y 1 fin 1 50 Ag. 1 y I So 1 50 CO 1 50 1 01) 2 00 Ag. l y in - cuvpci, 2d ' 10 jards plain linen, uuiper " knit wool stockings, " mittens, " cotton stocking, " homo made shirt. 2d pair woolen blankets, pioi iiiii-u nni'i'in. " homo made table cloths, CLASS XII-FANCY AltTICLES ANU ; FLOWE"S. Lloyd I'axlon, Supcrlntendcut. Judges-Miss Knto bet, Miss Hnnmli waiter, iiirs. iiui-iut .v. i iti, ,'-" snjdcr. Miss Unto Lnzarus.MIss Ida Mcbow- elf, Miss Sadlo Harmnu, Miss l-'loru barton. llcst knit quilt, llllV. SI 00 1 00 1 00 tatting work, specimen bead work, ion 1 shell " too .. bvirr " i "i " leather " 1 00 " " hntr " 1 00 wax " 1 00 " dranlng, J OJ " painting, ! " ' slllc embroidery, 1 oil ' worsted embroidery, 1 Ol " cotton embroidery, 50 u worsted mat, J M cotton mat, 50 ." worked slippers, 1 00 " lancy pin cushion, 1 00 " head dress, I 00 " specimen moss painting, 1 00 " collection of dahlias, 60 " artlllclal flowers, 50 " Sieclmeu of house plants lu bloom, 1 00 " specimen of dried grass, 50 .1 flowers. 50 pcnmaushlp, 1 00 ' vurlet y of flow ei s, I JO CLASS XIII VEHICLE3. William It. Hagenbttcli, Superintendent. Judges Eli Meudinhall, and Ur. 1). W. Montgomery. Ilest family carriage, " open buggy, " top buggy, " farm wagon, " spring wagon for farm use, " " for pleasure, " wheelbarrow, sled. ' sulky, 81 00 3 no 3 oo 4 oo 3 no 3 00 Ag.ly a (0 2 to CLASS XIV AtUtlCULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, MACHlNEItY, dC. Hfliry Yctter, s-uperlutenileut. Judges Henry belclimlllernnd Isaac Ilea COCK, ilest rtgbt hand plow, " plow for general use, " left hand plow, ' right nnd left hand plow, SI 00 2 00 1 no 2 0) 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 (m 2 CO 1 01 1 O) 5 01 corn piow, subsoil plow square drag, ono horse cultivator, two " two horse coru planter, 0110 44 " 44 ... thrcsherund separator combined, mower, and lea per combined, 4 on 3 00 Diploma 2 00 3 (0 1 0) Diploma 1 no 1 00 1 00 nay fork, portable elder press, clover huller, sausage grinder, washing machtue, clonics w ringer, grubbing hoe, set miner's picks, pair of foro and hhnl horseshoes, sharpened drills, axe handle. 1 00 1 00 CO 1 00 grain cradle, toller, fanning mill, corn slieller. Diploma 14 straw nud ladder cutter. Diploma. Should there bo any new or meritorious Im plements and Inventions exhibited, that nro not provided for In tho foregoing class, tho Judges may report tho merits ot tho samo for premiums to tuo Executive Committee. CLASS XV-STOVES, TINWARE, UAItTH ENWAIIE, AO. S. D. llelnnrd, Superintendent. Judges Jacob Harris nnd Jacob Olrard, best cooking stovo wllh fixtures, SI CO 44 parlor 3 00 " tct artificial teeth Diploma 44 variety ot tinware, 3 to 44 variety of earthenware, 2 00 CLASS XVI-CAUINET WAltE, SHOE MA1CEUS, TANNEItS, AC. John 0. QulckrSupcrtntendcut. Judges J. W. Dlctterlch and Fred Thfalcr. best set doublo harness, $1 00 44 44 team 44 4 10 14 doublo carrloco harness, 1 00 ' tlnglo 44 44 2 no " suit Kif clothing, 3 00 " palrcnlf boots, 3 1.0 44 pair kip boots, 3 0) " pair iniuer s tuoes, wj 44 bureau, 2 Oil 14 dressing stand, 1(0 44 display cabinet ware, 2 oj 44 set Windsor chairs, 1 01 44 spring scntett sliatrs, 110 44 rocking chair, 1 00 44 settee, 1 10 44 half doz. brooms, Ag.ly 44 two sides solo leuther, 1 00 44 two sides kin, 1 cm 44 two sides calf skin, 1C0 44 sample ( f bricks Diploma CLASS XVII-bEES AND 11EF.H1VE3. Levi Hutchinson, Superintendent. Judges Aaron Smith and William Keller, best swarm of bees SJ 00 2d 44 4 4 4 4 3 00 3d 44 44 44 1 00 44 five pounds of box houey Ino 2d 44 44 50 llest beo lilvo 1 00 Tho honey to bo taken without destroying the bees; tho kind of hives used, and tho management of tame slated, CLASS XVIII-Sl'OltTINa LIST. Dr. It. II. Little, Superintendent. Judges Cllutou Mendcnuall, and Dr. Me ga rgel. best trotting horso or maro 1st trot 9ISS no 2d 44 44 44 ' ,4 75 00 " " (2d trot) no borne or mate trotting for tbe first to compete for Iho 2d prem ium, 50 no 2d 44 trolling horso or maro 2d trot 2,0) CLASS XIX-FAUMEIfS LIST. John Hurtinan, Superintendent. Judges Daniel Mclenry and H. I". Clark, best trotting hortuor murellst trot) 850 00 - troilliighorsoormure(2d trot.lno horso or maro trolling for the drtt to enmpeto for the 2d premium 25 00 walking horse or maro GUI 2d 44 .. am, Tho trial of hortts under the farmer's 1M, will take place 011 Thursday afternoon. For tho display und trial of horses, in each cless, on eihlblllon.n one-half mllo track hasbec.l thoroughly repaired within the grounds. Ten per cent, eutranco fee, lor all entries mado under the eighteenth and nineteenth classes; not Jess Ihun three entries to muke amnion lu each case bist thrco lu Ave. TLASS XX-FOOT 11ACINO. Wllllnm Neal, Superintendent, Judges lohn K. Orotr, Joseph shnrples, Judge Mclteyuolds audClutrleslI, liabler. Ilest run once arouud the course (0 OO 2d 44 4 00 Not less thnn six entries to make a nice, Entrance fee 50 cents In each case. Thejudg 1 s selecttd ore requested to notify the Execu tive Cuiumlltee,nt thu Secretary's olilce. In every cote, where they are disinclined, or mi ablo to ulUnded to iliu duties assigned to them. HULES AND UF.UULATIONH. 1. Every person having articles for oxhlbl. tlon or competition must become 11 member of the Association before entering the.n, 2. Minors can become members or exhibit ors wheu thclrpnrents are members. 3. 'the lleldol competition Is open to nil. Fersous from other counties and stutes cun become exhibitors upon tho tamo terms as citizens of this county. 4. All articles otTered for competition must be owned by thecouipetltor. Fruits, vegeta bles, (lowers. Ac., must be the urowthof the competitor, und all manufactured urtlclca must be mado by tho competitor, ft. All slock emend mutt bow lint Is rcjirc- fcontml or ,irimtiimii will lies forfeited. 0. All articles for exhibition or competi tion must be entered by 6 o'clock l'.M., on Wednesday the Hlb.and except lu hnpostb bla casts, be 011 tho ground by list time, and remain there until Frlduy at 3 o'clock, I'. M, wneniuey will beat luuuisposuiuj uieei ulbttoru. 7. Blnnds for sate of refreshments can bo obtained by application to tho Secretary or b. F. Ilartman, s. No llcensowlllbeEranlcd tostniuls that sell spirituous or malt liquors. Judges appointed to examine tho different classes will confer n favor on tho Association by calling nt tho Secretary's olllcocarly on Thursday morning to obtain their Instruc tions. On Wednesday Iho grounds wilt bo opened to tho public, and eontlnuo open llireoduys, A membership ticket, ndmlttfng two persons during thn Fnlr, ono dollar. Admission cards to admit tho bearer, tweutyllvo cents. No person will bo permuted to vole at Ihe next eUetlou oftho Association except pro dtio na their membership ticket. J-rportiug list to be printed in hrpc. bills. W. b. KOONS, l'res't. J. J. IlttOWEIt. Hcey. Iiioomsbtirg, Sept. 2, ISTO. TyiDOW'S APPHAISEMKNTS, The following appraisements of real and per- liave lieeii Hied In tho otlleo of tho lleglsterol iMiiiiiuii.i-uiiiiij,i,uui uiu uuiesoi i;uuri,nn will lie mesenled for nbsotutu ennnrimtHni,. , tho Orphans' Court to bo held In Uloomsburg, in and lor said county ,nn WoducsdajMho 51hday of Sept. 1S70 at two o'clock r. m., of said day, unless exceptions to such conllrmatlons aro previously tiled, or which all persons Interested lu Bald CBtates will tuko notice: 1. Wldiiw of Jaenb Arllnv. tntn nf l.'rn1.,ln town-hip, tleceased. i. kiuw oi iiiuizer i:ssick, lalo or Madison towushlii,iieens, d. 3. Widow of JohuIl.illman,latoof Ureenwood 4. Widow of Michael Lomou, Into of Fish Inizcrt ek townshlo. ,lei-,-iis,i1. 0. Widow ol Jacob ulrlon, Into of brlarcreelc towuslitn. ileceased. 0. Widow of Ueori.0 Keller, latcof (Ireenwood township, itecea-ed, 7. Widow of James Emmltt, lato of Hemlock linit,i, ui-V.Vllsi.-U. s. mow oi DumciM, vniiiicistico, laloofMt, . "in .i-iiiii,, iii-i i-iinuii, (1. WlllllW fit ll.lVl.t Vntt lnlnnrlilo, Inun ship, deceased. .. , w. it. JA''onv, augi'70-lm. Iteglslcr, 1) KGlSTKIt'S NOTICE.-Notice is XX hereby ClVClI to all legatees, creditors nnil oihcr persons Interested In tho estates of tiio re spective decedents and minors, that Uio fol low- iiiii iiiiiiiiiiisiniiioii 111111 uuaru an necouiiLs invn been Hied iu the otlleo ol tho Ueglster of Colum- uiaeouiiiy, nua win no iiresenteu ior connrmn- llllll iniiliillnw,ii,w In 1I.U fln,l,nWA,,,.l held 111 Uloomsburg, on Wednesday, tho it'll day Of Sdlt. 1S70. Ut tWO O'clock 111 till, iiftprnnnn ,if blllll Oil . 1. First and partial account of Lewis Yctler, Executor of the istolo of Ueo. llower, lalo 01 lloarlngcrtek tuwnshlp.tiecensed. V. 'third and flnal a, count of John Appleniati, ,.,....,,-,,,,,, , iuiu .piieiuiiii, iaio 01 iiem lock township, (licensed. 3. First and llunl account nf Elu-ooil lfnr.lira guardian of ttio nersonaud esbitoor .im-ni, w Hill, minor child of Jacob Hill, late ot Centra iu iiNiup, ueeeasea, 1. Fllsl and llualnccount ol Etwond Hughes, cuurdlanof tho person oud estate of Thomas J. lllll, minor child of Jacob Hill, lato of Centre liniiij,, mnil.uu, o. 1 ne iiccouni or Kmnnuel Lazarus, ndm nls irator or Clemuel O. ltlcketts, late of Oraugo 0. 'Iho llrst and lfnnl ncrniint nf n n SMl,nri .,..,.,,,,iniui u uio iMumiii Liiiuariiio acym-i 7. 1'll'St llCI'fllltlf. Of Stl-U-.,ktnr l.'l,.,l,nn n,.,1 .lusepu 11. iviicnen, niiininisirntois or wuilum iiii;iii-ii, one oi .,ii, i-ieusnni twp., ueceaseil. H. First and Html nrpmmi ..r stntiiiou v Wldtcuight, gumdUu ol tho nerson and estate V.r..J!lir".A.4 Whltenlght.nmlnor child nf Michael oiii-iiigiii, uuu 01 iiemioeic township ilec u. V. Tho account of Peter Helmbach nnd Daniel imyiui, nusiees 10 sen real estate or John nay lor. late of Montour townsbtn. itrcn,isp,i. 10. Tho tlrsL account of Dpimts Itvrtm l,,i,. Istralor of tho estate of Patrick llyruc, lalo of i,u..j .......... ,u, .tan,,,, i.-i;u-.,.si.-u. II. 'Iho Hist account of Samuel Creasy, admin lstrator or tho esUto of II. w. Creasy, lalo o! Scott townshin. decensed. 12. Account of r-atnucl Creasy, guardian ortho person and estato nf Mlunlo A. lirow-n, minor t.i .u . ...ut.iiu,, lliuwil, lillU Ul .M1IUII1 town ship, deceased. 1J. Tho aCCOUUt Of Isane lri if-lrhnnm n.lmlnlu. trutor of Fiederlelc Hartinnn, lalo of Fishing creek towns iln. (lceensn,t. 11. First account of ltlnehard Dcrgcr, executor of Andrew Obku!,er, into of bloom twn.. dee'd. 10. Tho account of Hlr.un J. lteeder, ndm'rof unviu uouruacn, iaio 01 Locust twp.,iico d. 10. First nnd Dnnl npi,mml nr II l- llnMmon administrator of James Dugan, late of Montour 17. 'I he account of n. 1 Hurt man. iriinnltnn n Ellzubelh A. Halston, minor child ot Jumes ltlllstnu, Jr., late of bloom two., deceased. is. The account of Levi L, late, guardian of .fusi-pu l-. j. umrson, minor ciiiiu 01 imoti ;'. t'utterson, late ut the llor. of berwlck, deceased, 10. 11111 uccouni ot itobt. F. Clark, survlvlni cMtuiui ui iiuaiii cioau, iaio 01 luoom twp deceased. i0. Flunl account of John K. Hnbblns, ndmlu isiiuiui ui iienjaiuiu luve, iaio 01 .louiour twp, deceased. 21, Final nccount of B. V. Fortner, exccnlor of saraii iioumau, lato or Catawlssa township, de ceased. 22. 'Die account of Martin A. Ammermnn nud cyrus 11. White, executors of William nubbins, i.ue 01 e isuiitgcieiK lownsnip, oeecaseu. 23. First and nartlal account of CouradKream craud Franklin Fruit, ndmlulstrutois of Simon luiuer, iaio 01 Maoisuu tivp., itercascil. 21. Thulllstunil Uualaeeouutof Silas W. John son, irunrdlaii of thu uersons nnd estates of Az- 111.1 -uoiiusuu. .u:till jounsou. joint juuiisoii uwen L. Johnson. Thomas Johusou. Sarah John- ton, uuu Hainan jounsou, minor cuuurcu 01 Ulinnriuo jounsou. line 01 uoiumoia co.. ueo 11. 25. Flist and llunl accouutof 1. C. Wnilsworlh, admfuUtlatiir ul l'cter Emory, lato uf Fishlng- crceu luwnsuip, uecenbeu. nug.V70-lm. Itejlster. Heal Estate Sales. O K VAI.UAUI.H IiHAL KSTATE. rpl... ....1i-K.t.r..n.t I'rcAtilnie nfll n 1 i.t U'lll nnil TiSinmcnt ul henry Delirentiucher, Into of Ierry township, Moutoureouuty, Va , tlccM,, by virtno uf liiitlKirftv In mtttl Will contnlned. will expose tn s.U by nubile vcn1ue. on tbo premls e, on HATl'mJAYElTlIMUKH 3iu. UTO.nt JV O CiaCIC, A. .M,,lUO UlOHl VIIUIUUIO llfUl JL,bUllU wlilcb linscoinu Into in a l lift fornmny junrs. Tbo liuitls Mii upon nnd mljomlnj; tlm public rtMti leaumn iroiii uiiiiiKiunviiiv. iu uie r,i ebniitte; be ins tlisiant Irom Wnbhliigtouvllk, nnil Cburcli acconimoilHtions, about unoamlu Imlf intlCK, irom DanvlJlo nlmut 10 inlU-N, lrom Milton about 12 inllc.i, nnl from 11 loon is bum nbout 13 m Hi1-:. They are in n hltjli state of cul tivation nnd or tno very best quauiy. 101 ACHES AND 47 PERCHES. whereon nro erected n large beautifully situated, two and a half story HTOSi: DWELLING HOUbEI fitono Fprlnu House, bank barn, and other out bulhlintr-:. with a. well of excellent water, and n considerable quantity of cbolco fruit, and witb. ttniuer nnunuant ior nu mini uuu uuiiuiur pur-rn.st-s.and watered bv a brancli of C'tillllsriuanuo eretK,uii ino nuriii unueubi uuuuuuties. THAU iso, j, con tain inu 10G ACHES AND 102 PERCHES, adjoining tract Ho. J.nbovo mentloued; JO acres of whli li Is clinred, wllh pood npplo orchard oa pnit of It, 5 ncreH h)nrtely tlmbt-red and .M acres Maple, Chestnut, Ac, of limneuso value, und the lmni ui best niuilitv. nfler tho timber has been cm en, ino inui is ui a buperior ipjauiy iut uuuuing unrp, wnons. &c., ana ino tanu is win eied by u bnuuh of ChilllMiuntpuo CretU. Tit ALT No- 3. 1.lnieslonel.ot.eoutaiulinr 1 aero nnd 7U perrhew. TllALT.No, 4, Jjnubtoner.ottcontalulnj; z ncro and uo perches. Tit ACT No. fi. Limestone Lot. coutal nine 1 aero niiti oi perciieb. j itAtrr Zsiu li, laiiiifstono L.01, eomaming ncriHinul VA ncicbts. Tlio htone in tdl cast'H easily accessible, and L'ootl lu. biilldliic nnd Mine burning. 4l'trbuiit) (Judfini; to examine tho farms, will uo ouiif)U; hiiown over inem uy xir, 'JruckeninlUer v. ho rt sides upon tho premies. Drafts mav Le sic u In the liam'-s of either ot tho executors. 4f Tkum4 of Haj k. Ten per cent ol tho pur chase moLey bhall bo paid onlhoday of salfi, rmo-tblrd of tho tialancu on tho 1st ol April. , J), IfcTl.when posseswlon will be Klvn, and tho lmlniuo Ai.rll 1st. i:l villi interest Irom April 1st, 1: I. And the j urehasirs shall enter into iiKretmcnts with uturtty to comply with tho nuns of tale. L'pon thu pnjmint of tho pur chuKe money, Kond and sutllcitnt deeds, nt the eiptiue oi inu i'urcimser ior nuuii jp, suuii uc t xi titled ai d ilelUtred bv the KsecutorH. N. li, l'rlvllto to work up tho timber on Tract No, 2, will be slven Immediately upon (li te ring liitolhoaiuei ment with fcecurltyiui afore- sum, juiia a. i uimu?i, jii(H)insuurir,i-n.. JUiiNhillJAUllll, WnhhliitIonllU',l'u, uugl-;u-iw. Executors, piUVATK SAIjK o r VAIiUABlU IlEAI. ESTATE. Tho uiideitlsm-il oUV-rn at prlvalo bulo about 00 ACHKS OF VALUA11LK LAND, klliintn in r.fiilon tnu nsliin. Columbia enuntv ImiuikIi-,1 hv biuils (if Eliziibeth Kline. .Diuile! hlmli-. .Im.ili Ahli. .liunli llclMhlinii unit ntberH. riltr-eu Ai-rc-n nf wlilt-li Is chared land, It also couliiliii a uuuu uung urcuard, A FIIAMK IIOUSi: AND IIAltN nnd n never f.illli'E nrrlus of water. Also a llrttclats HAW ASU LATHE SI I I.Ik '1 he liclancnof tho tract In heavily timljercd wiiu itaK, miiiu jiine, I 'or ii-riiis.ciiiiuitloiis, Ac., np)ly to theiuuler tlKiieil, 'Iho actual numbir ut ucrca will bode- tt-iiiiii.cil by tiiiM-r. ilcutun ,Juuu Jl.IsfU.lf WM. Ari'EESlAN. pOWDER ICEOS AND LUMBER, W, M. MONROE Ji CO., llupoit,Pa,, Unuufaclureraot POWDER KEOS, und denlera lu all kluil of I.UMI1E11, give notice that Ihey are prepared to accomodit belr ciibtom with dispatch, and ou tbe cbeapes erms. JjJ II. LITTLE, ' ATTOItNEV AT LAW, Onico Court-IIouss Alley, below Uie CoLUM H1AN otllee, llloomUiuig l'a. rf-Mn,,,,m iiimnr. a sr nonst WftKitnifl. ttmlton. William I'.twfU. 1rf ,1m,(. Jiulgo of tho Court of Oyer nnd Terminer nnd (l.iiirrnl Jail Delivery. Court of uunrter sessions of tho 1'eaeo and Court of Common Fleas nnd Or phan's court in tno utli judicial uisiriei, com- loseu oi ino couiilies oi iyiiuiiun, nuiuvaii anu .Vvomlntr. and tlm linn. Irani Ilerr and Isaao H. Monroe Assoclato Judge of Columbia county havo Issued their precept, bearing (Into the 6tli day of May lu tho year nf our 1ord, one thousand, eight hundred and seventy nnd to modlrected lor holdlngnCourtof Oyer nnd Tor miner nnd Genernl Quarter Sessions of tho Fonco, t ourioi lommou i-ieas nuu urpunn n uoun, in bloomsbiire, In Iho county of Columbia, on tlto first Monday, being tho At li day ol September next, to eontlnuo ono week. Nolleo Is hereby given, to tho Coroner, to tho Justices of Uio Fence, nud tho Constable of the said county of Columbia, that they be then nnd uiciu in viii-ir proper ih-isuii lib iu u ciuck iu 1,110 forenoon of satd 5th day ol Sept., wllh their rec ords. Inquisitions and other remembrances, to dothosothings which to their olllces appertain iu ue 110110. Aim iiioso innt are oouiiu oy recognlznlice. to tiroseeuta mzatnst the nrls- ouers tlint aro or may bo In tho Jail of tho Mini cuuiii ui vAjiiiiuoia, 10 ue mill 111111 thcro to prosecuto them ns shalt bo lust. Ju rors nre requested to bo punctual In their attend ance, agreeably to their notices. Dated ntblooms- ,- uurg, 1110 Anuoay oi juiy, 111 ino yenr 1,. s. of our Iird, ono thousand eight nun- ',, ilreil soil sevenltf. mill In llin ninety- fourth year of tho jndependeneo of tho United Slntes of America. MOltbECAl MILLAH11, Uloomsburg, July so, ls;o. Sheriff. GHANI) JUHOIIS. FOIl SEl'lEMbhlt TEItM, 1870. bloom Wm. J. bcldlemuii, Itallzer Lencock. llenton Samuel Applemaii, Epliralm Kline, bcaTer F. L. Shuiiiun. brlarcreek Kmmor llpltlcrblr. .Tobn lMlrtok-. Catavvlsso Jeremlali brobst, Kalhnn Helwlg. benjamin Znir, Jr. r eiure nicpueu I'Olie, uevy Jililiay. FlshlugcreeK Hiram l'enler. tlrcenuood A. J. Il:r-ifr. Klflinr,! r,,,n Ellis Eves. Hemlock 1:11 (JIH. Jackson Theodoro Smith. Mume Wm. C. ltelchard. Madison Ueorge beagle, Valentino Welllver, Mount Flcasant Henry J. Johnson. Sugurloaf Jesso llartiii.111, Wm. II. 1'etcrman. PETIT JUHOItS. X. FOIl SEflEMUElt TEItM. 1S70. bloom Milton Itlinvan. (lenrirn Yost. John t Chembeillu, Joint J. baritley. ociiioii ieurgo iv. 1 falsi, juun u. wenucr. llenver Allen .Mann, Charles II. Truy. Couvngtialll Murrls Lewis. Catuwlssn-sWllllain MnrMn. Tnuli r. uln,1n n,..,a W I'lnrtl ,. 4 uemre isaao uryuer, isaao fj rover. Ceutrnlla bor. liaiile) lulhati. 1-Is ilnucreetc Joslii 1 lliw-.,ir inn,a v Jones, ferry buekalew, Samuel I;. Weaver. Geo! M. Howell, benjamin 1-', Edgar. i- iuiiiiiiu ucuutu itigei, jesso Mensc. 1.11ns Me A. Ulrlon. 1 Locust-Wm. 11. Itclnbold, w'llllam Campboll. ,,i,,,i,. ,, ,,,.i,,3aiiinti .HVlllN. Jr. jlOUUt I'leusUIII llf-liri A Stlllnr ,il"f",",1rH.l;"rl' 1It'H-''.Johii KlkendaU, Chris tian l.utz, Hornco ehwelpclllllscr. V. 4,11 "oueris, wm. m, huick. Miidlsou-Jnel Snyder, Samuel Demott. l'iue Elijah Snyder. Seott-Dauiel A. Creasy, Thomas Dnllman, T 1ST OF CAUS.KS 1-OH TKIAL AT LJ HEl'lEMllEltTElt KUM 1S70. Clarlc. Mward McCaU.ct, nl 1 Ercczo. llakcif. VH hn Hweetiey (William Lougenbcrgerct.nl Ulugh W. Mclteyuolds, et. al. Kri-eto. ! Jacob Michael, Samuel C. Kilckbaitm. fCIinrlei II. Green, I VH (.retcrythug. William Creasy, Samuel Sweppeuhelier. JO sorgo Znir, I William McKclvy. f Reuben U. King, li:iisliils Tursel. (Ju Herdlc's, u"e, h Ui. 11. Crevellng.et.nl. Alexander Collcy vs Alluas Cole. fMouroQ llruudage VH (.EUslm ll.Vursel. (Michael Grovcr 4 VR III. S. Mnrr. Clark. Knliler. Clark. l-'rcrzo. 5 Ikclcr. Freeze, il Clark. Little. Kahler. Clark. n I-'rcere. Wliltmoytr. U l-'rueze. Clark. 10 Knliltr. Erucliwar. 11 Clark. Clark a Broekwny f Teter Pchug, V2 VH I.lttlo, IChnries Leo, ( David Lewis, guardian. 4 VH iColllnsSutllffHadrn'r. Continental Con! Co. (Lehigh Vntteyll. It, Co. (Ann Margerum; vu LDavldllunt.etux. Thomas Hughes' use, i VH l Wesley Ituckel. CM, T, inme-l.et.nl. UcssoW. Merrill. Frederick HoHslor, VH Gideon G, Hossler, et. al, (John Jaeots, VH IO. L. Johnson. ( W. It. Kline, et.ux. 1 vs I Abraham Mooro, et.nl. (11 J. & U. P. Mcllenry. VH (Joseph It. Hvans, JamcH Masters, VH (A, J.l'lno. (HiacherACo. et.al. llrockway. 11 Whltmoycr, Marr Urotlier. 11 Freeze. Abbott. 1 Freeze. Cl.irk. Ill Freeze. Unwell. 17 Freeze. Wliltinoyer. llrockway A IS lioinpton. lllller. ill Ikcler. llrockway. Si I.lttlo. Chirks Little. -.-I llnldyi Jackson Wliltinoyer. Freeze. E'Vellc. il Little. U.-ildy. ill. (Jooilman, I Win. M. Martin, et.ux. vs ITImotliy Eagnu ct. al. IOeoro UoMcr'scxociitor, vs David It. Howcr (CD. Fowler, -i vs (.ReulmMlllcr. I Dimlc-lF.Scjbcrt, twilliiniBliaffcr I William Shairi-r. IDauiclF.Scybort, f Robert Goroll. f va lllaruey Mcllrcarty, ct.nl. Clifttles II. Wllhclm ct. nl. ( va IMlcluicl Woods, f Daniel Rhodes, wUlfani Tyson f Joseph Miller, va (N. L, Campbell. fTliomns Fry, ! va (.Wllllnm Coleman, f blurplesa it llarmau, va (.Cliarlca D, Fowler f Mclchlah Miller ndm'r. va (Ellas Ulcer. (C. S. Fowler. i VH (Jesso II. Rice. f C. 11. Ilowmau,ct. nl, v I Mnuassn llowmnn, et. al. I Peter Hiiymnn'H use. i VB t Jacob Sliafli-r. el, nl, ( llrnmliall & Co. VH McNtuch & Hbumac. ( Harvey C. Hess. 1 VH (Samuel Creasy, ailm'r. I Noah Mauser's use, vs 1 Oeori;o Stroucr, Clark A Freeze, Clork. Knorr. Freeze, !tl lacktioii. Little. Clark. Clink. Little, Freeze, i Mtlle. Itublsou, 311 naldy. Huodes. 31 Erockway. Jacttton. Freeze, llarkley. !l Clark. Miller. 31 Jacktou. Buller. a. Ikeler. Unwell. 3ii Utile. Jackson. 37 Freeze. Jackson, 3s Utile Abbott. Kl Freeze Jurktou. 10 Freeze, llarkley. tl Wliltinoyer. Freeze, 12 Little. it Wlillmoyer. Thoiunscn. tl Utile. t ltuclialew X llalkley. Howell. HI Utile. John Turner. IDaniei'suydcr. (Isatah Veager, vs 1). It. Johnsou. (John Kromcr. VH 1). F. beybert. f Lew la J. Adams. i VH Flshiugcreek Salio.l District f William A. Case. 1 VH (Mosea Coirmnn, ct. lit. JOHN 0. JACOBV'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERYl UERWICK, PENN'A. The uiiderslcued would respectfully Intorni the ClIlreiiH of llerwli-lc, and vicinity, that ho uas upeiieu a LOiueciionery anu naaery iu ODD FELLOWS' HALL, llerwlck, 1., whero he Is prepared to lurulsh nu uiuiis ui PLAIN AND FANIV CANDIES, FRENCH OANIiIlis, FOREION AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANUEH, LEMONS, ItAISINS de le,, da, ac, UY W11UI.1-.SA1.IS AND It ETA 11- AmoiiK the iissorlmeut will be fouud Cream .-SU1H, KIIKIISII AIUUU1S, 1VUI1UIH. AIIUOIlUH. rii-l-erts. Finn. Annies. l'( i-ua Nllls. JulllCH of differ ent kluils. Mustard, Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate, (-annul Fruit or all kinds. Corn Starch. Kan Ills- (llll, t-ndu Crackers, Ulster Crackers, Cheese, boni. writiuu I'liper, vgrcumui, i-upeis, r.w velojii-s, FISH AND OYSTERS, Ami nroduco of allkluds. Fresh llread and CnUiM ecry day, lie Criatu lu Season, Your iiutronaiie Is sollclled, ' JOHNO.JACOUY, llerwlck, Juuo 17, l7D-tf ROBERT F. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olllco Main Street below tbo Court House, uioouisuurir I'vuu a, COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, N. W. SAMPLE. 0. W. NEAL. J. h. TAYLOB1 Iff. W. SAMPLE & GO., Oornoi' ol' Main Street mid L. & 33. Kail Kernel, BXj003VnSB-CT3R.Gr-, 3P.A.- MAOIIINISTS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS: BLACKSMITHS AND MANUITAOTUKEKS OIT STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, ca:xi:iiAi. maciii.m: wonu axi iikimiks. MILL UEAIIINU, SIIAFTINO, rOLI.KYH, ItANUEIW, HEAD 1ILOCKS, SAW IVTIIjIj GW3 A.K.I3STGJ- OF ALL KINDS, CASTINGS FOIl FUIINACES AND ItOIiIJNU JIIIjLS. ALflO CAH WIIEKLH AND AXLES . .. .... AND aENEHAI. MINING CASHN08. BRASS CASTINGS CAR, HOXE8, uuau'osrnurs uastiisuh, AND UABBIT METAL, BELVIELD'S CELEUItATED OI.OUE VALVES, STOP COOKS, CHECK VALVES, Alii UllUKH, OIL CUPS, STEAM WIUSTLKB STEAM aUACIES, STEAM TZFS AND riTTIWaS CONSTANTLY 03ST HA.TSTI. AGENTS l?On SHIA'E'S GOVEKNOK. ACKNOWLEDGED TO HE THE SIMl'I.EMT AND UIWT IN THE WOULD. MILLWItlaHTS AND MACINNIHTH fil'I'l'LII'f EIT1IEII ON HAND Olt I-'UltNISIIED Al H1IOUT NOTICE, VIZ; UU.M AMI LEATIIE1! I1ELT1NQ OF EVKIIY IIRSCKII'TION, HEMI'AUD HOA1" STONE PACKINt!, Oi i, RED AND WHITE LEAD, AC. LESSEES AND SOLE MANUI-'ACTUIIEUS OF HALL'S PATENT DOUBLE DISCIIAHGIi TURBINE WHEELS. LIHErtA,, .NDUCEMENTs) Also Acrouls for tlm "F.TIUF.Iv A Stun, CELSIOH" Bran Duster. Send for circular 'pudim-n MttuliiiiL'S cim bo w BLAOKSMITHIWG, HEAVY Olt light ronoiNGs, MERCHANT IRON OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. Also manufacturers of Wm. 11. Deuel's II A"Y ami HARVEST GRINDERS, patented November 2ml, ISO'J. REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. MADE TO ORDER. ORDERS FOR BRIDGE BOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISIIEL' PATTERN SHOP. WE HAVE NOW IN THIS lir.PAItTMENT THE LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY AND ARE PREPARED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF PATTERNS AT SHORT NOTICE. AGRICULTUR AL IMPLEMENTS OF THE LATEST I.MPP.OVED PATTERNS. THRESHING MACHINES, Buckeye Reapers Repaired AND ALL EXTRA 1'ARTS FURNISHED. MANUFACTURERS AjD PROPRIETORS OF HORTON'S PATENT HAY RAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. Stay N. B. Having put In machinery especially adapted to tho manufacture of Moulding Cutters,vo arc prepared toexecuto iargo or hmall ordera, ntsliort no tice, and on very favorable terms. Send for Circular and prlcolist. N. W. SAMPLE & CO. May 7,'iM-tr JVIFE INSURANCE FOR THE PEOPLE! HOMESTEAD LIFE INSURANCE CO. O F P E N N S Offce 701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. M. SEYFERT, Pres't, LAWRENCE MYEIt '. V. Pres't. R. W. DORPlll.KY, fieo'y. 11. li DAVIS, Sup t ,n Agencies, w, Tills Comoanv orunnlxed byleadlnn reirepcn4ntle. of tbo Industrial lnteret-U of tho State. widely known nn successful nud rt spoiislhli- biuliieMi men, ileslrlus to plae I.Uo Jnsurnneo wllli- u reai-u oi uu, ims uuupieu h s siciii ui MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF PREMIUMS, enabling every man to urovltlo for hla f.imlly In ... .1. mi ...... I. . t nitn.,)!,,,. j mllml In ttiitl I 'illll a-K,r)XJTiisrc3- policy, nmuch needed featuro Iu Llfo Insurance, entirely new In this country: designed to protect In caso uf death, tho Interests ot SHAREHOLDERS IN BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS AMU ALL Who havo borrowed money cr purchased U Bl'lllB by CANCELLING! any balance ol Indebtedness THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL THE OnlllNAUY FORMS OI LIFE AND 11(1.311 U 31, Ui 1 llli -.l(lll.ll .V ll., iii.i,'i uii nu . rr.t, i,r.-,i iiu.iiu.,,? T6 OCCUPATION, AND NONE AS IO TRAVEL Olt RESIDENCE. tti-'nii infnrmniinn fia tnl'lans and Features, is contnlned In Pamnhlets which will be forward cd by mall ou application to tho Home Olilce. Actlvo and responsible men wanted as Agents. F. M. BATES, Bi.oojisnup.fi, Pa. AGENT FOR COI.U.MUIA COUNTY. ei.,mtii KniiHtint- Apciirtrft lu either l.scomlnir. Clinton. Ceuire. NortLumLerlaud. Montour. Columbia, Sullivan, Urndloid or llogalounilis, nioomsburg, August 5, 170-Giu. Legal Notices. UDITOR'S NOTICE. JALOIUlOWKIt, j Term, A. V. IStD. Thn iinilprHiirliPil nimnintoil A mil Lor &.C. iLc. to make report, OUtrlbutln Uu proci'eiKof tho ntit'iiu n t-nio ou juuvuif iu ur vitu, i,x u, . Heptembtr Term, imit vrlll meet Uio iiarilesln Intcrctit for Uio purpoKu of his appointment ut his ofllco In Cntawlfesa( ou 1'rnlay, Hf plettibcr J, A. 1). 1ST0. at ten o'clock of bald da v. a 11 lurfous 1 uteres ed are rcquoistcU toattend, or ho debarred irom cuiuiug m ior a pari tn uio taiu iunu . J122'70-tr. ' ' Auditor, VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN X that nn application v. ill bo made nt tho next uneiiHK ui tun ut'ui'iui iiMtmuiy in mu wjih- mouMeultu of I'ennbylvanla lortlu lucorpoia tlou of a bank, in accorduncowlUiUieliiwaorthe Commouwenlili. ta bo entlUtd iho "CnmwlsMi Deposit nud Having llank," to bo located nt Cutn- Wit-ha, tLUI. t'U.,1 U., W4III U S.UIU14I1U1 lilt lllUUPUUll iinilnrH. with ihe rlcht to lncn-aso the Knmo to one hundred nnd filly thousand dollar. A L li E N & NEEDIiES, t2HOUTIt Uelawahe AVENUU, rillLAHnLI'lIIA !TAllLIHIlfU IN im Continue tho manufacturo of tlielr old Handard ijuulllj- SUPF.R PIIOSPIIATK OF 1,1MK, AHU ammoniati:d kkrtilizkr. Ilolh of which arc. sold nt Low ritirrfi, lilgbly remunerative to the Faumeii on IIiialkh. SENU FOlt CIRCUL.lt. NO. I PERUVIAN GUANO, (Qeuulue auvo'ument from Clilnclia and (ln;in- upu I1U1IU, Pure Calcined, and TjiikI Plaster. Us iliuullo (V ment, CaudlCH, and a full assortment nl ItcitN IMU ABU UUKASIWJ OILSUt lOHtH llllltkl I lull . A DISCOUNT TO UIlAl.r.IlH, Uhould thA dealer nenr vnu. not keen cur arti cles, tend your ordcru lo u und they v 111 rtcelvo prnuiiH uilt-niiuu. For Halo by Uie llloomiburK Iron Co. autV;il3v BS1QNEES NOTICE. Notice 1h hereby Klveu that Kamucl Kuorr, Kan.. Asfthinea of Jumcs W. Cheinberlln. hau flletl hU uecount, lot ether with thu oucheii thereof, In the ofllco ol the rrolhonolary lu and 1 l.' I T 1 Vj lTr-i VT it wim '1287D-5U Piothouutary, BOH-Elt MAKERS. OP ALL KINDS, OI I-'EKED TO THE TltADE. i ml RctmrnHno- Mnclilim mill "E EX- bCCIl Y li V A N I A , eaeof liL-i tle.itli.nt a cost so trlfllns an soirodly 11 OTIICItS properly pnynblo lu Instalments extending ovtr Ul J Villa, renialnlug UNPAID In caso of DEATH. KNDOWJI KNT POLICIES AT LOW HATES OF w ill iil ate nddif ss WILLARH A. UlLLIAMS.f-pccial Agent, .-NO. 1'1 WILLIAM &T. WILLIA3ISl'OKT, gOMET. IIINU NEW sr.. The undersiKiied would hereby lve notle that lu, has Just completed A KIIUsT CL.&S llllAllwl'.and that holiaBthofaclltllea torcarry liiti on tho loudness of UNUERPAKINd lu nil Hi, branches IN O 1 T i 8 T Y L E . Ho has engnced experienced persoua who will taUe ebarue fd the Imdlet, ol the deceai-ed ns boon as Ihi-v fchullle of thta mortal (Oil," and attend to wat,hluirrheni,!havlnt:,drct!du&-,Ac. Hlirouda furnished nlso to order. At leiieli expense h has also piocured an IRON 10 E II O X, In which boillta can l o prci-crved In n cleanly and diy ci ndlllon, Carrlauis (urnlslied for fu. ucrul occaMcms. In hoil, be la prepar; d to take cliatte of n (-iti te iniiudllaiely ufier dealh, and knve Irknilsand lelatheaoll further trouble la reiiaul loll. , , flu also carries on the business of C A R I N E T M A KINO ITpholBterliiE In nil Its branches, repairing furni ture, Hi-iatlliit cauo bottomed cbalia,AC., do" Pla co of busliutsoa Iron (Street, belosv Main. ROllERT ROAN, nioomi.burit, July K, 16:o-tr. JJ C. IIO AVER, Una opened a Ilrst-Clats HOOT, B1IOK, HAT CAP, AND HJK Hl'OUE. at tho old stand 011 MnlnKtreet, llloomsburg.afew doora above tho Court llounu. Ills Hock lcom posed of the very lali t and bekt stylea over offei i-d to tho citizens of Columbia County, lie can nccomuiudalu tne paDiiowuniHeioiiowiiiisisiju ut tlie lowest rules, lien's heavy double so led slugn boots, men's double and single tap soled men's II110 luKits and shoes of nil grade, boy4s double solea boots and.shoes of all kinds, ineu'i rluvekld Ilalmnral shoes,iuru4a, women's, boys's aud mlstva' lastluu gaiters, women's ulove kid Polish Very Iine,wi)llieil miiunicw iiaui-viruisaun calf shoes, women's very tine kid buttoned nail, ers. In short boots ot nil descriptions both pet. gi-d amisewou. Ho would ulso call attention to his flue assort, ment of HATH, CAPS, FURS AND NOT10NB. u-lilr-h onmnrlaea nil tha new anil tMjttulal varl ctlesat prlieswlilchcannotfalltosullull. Tlie gooua aro uuereu av lue luwesi, caii imwm will ue Kuarumceu loglu saiisiaeuuu. j .. It snllelled before purchasinK elsewhere as 11 tm believed that better baruslus are to be foanij inuiini any oiuer piace iu iiwniu.. Dec. b'UI JOI1 PRINTING Neatly eiecoted l tbU OOl 'Mi - i 4 -a IV r JtK W5i - Jti is r if; L)1 1. i W JyjiVj.. aAa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers