it (jfatumtimi comsburc, Friday, August 20, 1870, . ...nnln nl.l Ili.m ll.In ..111..,. ir.VW UIU V(U1 Ml UIU VJIItll 1 llltlli 11 II1VJ uulinc Coinmlltco. Music, Instruments, Fishing Hods, ncs Ac, Alstatt-Court Hoiuo Alley. UDOH JUHHHOI. 11113 WCUK IIIIIUJUIIIXS utsclf na nn Iiidciieniloiili'iinuiiintoior 1-14KI1II1 t IlllL J 111 I II t l l!i III I W II). 1 fllll'. iLlilulltil' Villlilllllllu lui linUUJLILU ilirp. A row nioro such conversions .5,-1 M,.t, flin ..,,., aist. Aim iiuniiurn uavo rcsu men M1- -.,- , .I wnl-lr nf tmint Imf tlin Irnn fitnnn .. I llinrVllff IT....C. ...1.I..1. i... n. n .LiHil. nmilt tr 1 1, ,.n,l t in.n..r l-.nUtl(UJI.lVU.IJ .1. 1 1 V-V. V. IIIVH.U11 tis ruiiuituu unit u mini iu uuy uuiiu- Hiecuiiisii u" ii J unipcr uerrii"i to np, no nioro man a uon enn lay scram- , ' r, I... ..H....I.W. !... .... ...Ml. .. c," iNoiiims hko uxpuricnco tnsncii irr ' A i - - . iiiiii iisnri iiimu ill ci'iiim ciuiurun s miiiim aim man's )t, Just rocelvod by U. U. Marr, Main opt. olio door bolnw Iron. Also n .. ...n. ..I ....... i r - i . the latest stylos, all for salo at the l .nl.l.. I.ll I ...... Ill 1 that of taking newspapers from an iinriiu room iiihii r i lit) Hiiiiiitisiiitiii uu Al in 111.-31' iiiu.iu mill nur II. n, l,-.,t,tn,l lilrwf ,ln,,i,li1 lllilb l,.u ilia. vi. iuul ill J'vlltli Mr. J. A. Fttiiston, for a line colored I iiimml nr iimm In .'nrniid Ij. 1MI11I 1IIUQI.1.VU. till. .,, ..II. Will.. , ii.. ir... I ...... t. country. III. II JiAllll.lliXUU IJU11V UUI1U Ul not weaiuer seems 10 no uroKcn.nnu . ....I....I.... 1 ..t..l.l .,,1 UIO CI! UN illlZ LIJII IIILIIll', llllll IllUlll- . i.r...ii.r,.i.Ji.i7... ri.. i i.n i.,.. .....1 ........ .. ,.1. ......... n 1..... ...til vouchsafed us. A short buckwheat coon jno.miaatiu.n. uuriricmi i: : Jtcck of tho Ilellelonlo U atciman rcL'civeu inu liuuiiuaijuu iul iiieiu- r of Assembly from his district, for mini nine, xinu nu win nrovo u rustv and zealous guardian of tlio i:i:sc Tho number ol cee.-o which vr- hnnn Iniiiniinrlrd nf Itiin ri'iiifirK'- viirco. r.iincr i no low yi nunaiico . Iir IMHIl I 1111 iri'li.l! IIIlVli lilKllll IIIWllll. i iii'r 11 vv ii v iiuiu iiii' II iv 1 1 iiii'iii isi'. I'll ii mil. i.inir iiviiv ii'inii iiiiiiiii i'T liiiiimu nil tlifni iirniiiii 11 nr'O.i fit Waii Kkwh. As evl l'iico that tho I17IH1U III I lllllllllllll I" II IV!, II l.flill 111 1st ill 111" ijiiii:ii.'.s hi inu mil in j'.n ..n ...n..1... 4..I It... 41... ueroi daily paiieis .sold at weuivs omontlis lrom about to near uvent.ij ! This is certainly a remark- in i. ......... rtM... .......... . ..ll n Imiiliiifr ilnilliu ul' 'im Viirlr ntul iilclpiiia. llitow.v'ri IIoTi.r.." -Tho now hotel not to bo known as tho "Kuglo,"us ii'ii iiv im i ii tin r ! i ... I4iui. iiir iimu'n vine flvnn iww tintiiii in tlin usii. ll m iii'iiiii'iiiv ll in ii n. iiiiii ill I ill, . . . : . .' i ' cintciuied, ns Air. Jiiown is well ui ouiu ess naiioiiizo his esiniin.s i eat. Tho Improvements will bo com ('It'll Iiv fYinrt viiit.- In ttturi fiifini'Min 11(1 It IV t'tlltlll 1(1 ItlVI 1. iiilln JIIHer. nirtd about 11 vo voars. re- i((ir ntint i I'nc'rfiirni'n iiiiii ma niiiiii f.. ..... . . rriuav inorniiif insr. itiiiir! imr kmcii 11 linilil iitwl ni'iit it'iii'.i 1,'ii.lifu I it ,11 1 I It it .It III ...... 1 1 ln.... !..!.. . I...n.l.. ml... hi. I till fl 1 1 ftltftt't If. C'11'fi ll it.. L'llt 1 ll 1 V!ll 11 ir mil i I rniutini wil l. twenty lioiii-s ffnm t in ilnin nl tlio Itl.l'mr 11. .1 i. f. 1, I .1... OI nl r.lfiiifiiin. ...t.i.w.. .lt.t.1 iilinm. ii v.uiituui LUUI1IJ) 1111.11 111 XJ fill 111U .uuiiti iv nt net ii'im in vn ittr i vsil'L'uil'11 i v ins irinniis in i n i n lllllllt 111 l..f.r. .t.i.I I. I.. If.... ..-Ill ii in session at tno t ino oi us ( eat n. ai niirntnniit wnn (mil null tlwi tlrst nriiiii lit i f in in fti'iim. tinti "i inu iieupiu Willi reiiaiii luiuuuiut. wi of a Sheriff in October. Governor tary appointed William 0. Young, on 'iuay Sheriff until such Unions roguiany clouted oliicer tauo the pos; on. Timk ! I Wo fool It to boour duty, as mo mucinous uiversiiy oi tinrs pro m i i,i inu tnit'ti ".'it iii'ft ftiftiii.'u atches or steam whistles agree, and e dllloronco is wldenlnL' tlailv. Thorn umvjorl.i minute i lercuco between 0 1 mo ot the town clock, and that ol o wiusuo ni iucivoivv it isears i- ur- co. In other words tho wlilstlo blows r twoivn o'f'iocic whun tno town c men ulcates twenty minutes past cloven ov wo submit, that this sta o ot ai- irsis both absurd and unnecessary. ll f..... .1.1..!.. I.n ....... n. It... 1 t ... mo steps bo taken at once to secuio mformity of hours. If tho f -ct could no bo established that tho town clock correct, tlio other timo pieces could 'irilliln.l I... It ll'lll .ninn iifimi' 1,11k. C mliiloil. hiiniano nnd charitable Uztns bco to 11, that wo know whero oaro during tlio day, that wo may 'teat our dinners nt unseemly hours ''rrcllro to rest bufo.othero is lust and u reason therefor. MONTOIIIL (InltNTV PtlN'VIINTION "l Democratic Convention was In a Monday, Aug. 15, in Danville. T itii.ti r ' ,v.i ...i i... r -iini; ivus cauuii hi uitiui n u. int.... 1 11.. U......1I ng wnmlttco, when (ieo. W. Allies of and ' it-!. ii.... t.i.:. i n i. in See itarlw. After calling thu roll of dole tho 'oinhmtlou for Assomlily, by a vot oof ulna- !n was ufterwards mailo unaiilmous iu'i mi inn iifiir itiiifii M'lui imni "wiiliei Sltlcr was noinlnntetl as Trea ,'ii tho seventh ballot. James -.,iiiu ui j;tuviiivt, 1VUS liuilllllliuil -"wtiiny iniiiinisaiMiiiir. on inu nrsi tlrst """I. Jiaybcrry Kbultz recolvod ouiluatloii for Jnrv CoinmlssloiiGr. tho on "Ofceeonil liniint f! er iiomlnntcd as District Attorney ,,.57. '-rncst wns nominatca i cj "u "i Roiomoii jiuny lor n!ill. ".v0""0" was well nltended 1'v.ncci harmony prevailed. Notice. Al n comrrecatlonnl meet- Inif of tlin l-'Irst Prcsbvtcrhm Church In tlio town of Ulooinsburg, It was ro- solved tlint It was expedient to romovo tlio (icatl now lyws in uio um i-rcsuy-terlnn btir.vlnirtrround, and Uio under- siRiiod wero appointed a commlttco to ntlptid to tlio matter. Tlio Commlttco : 111 bo nlcascd to consult with nil par ties Interested. WM. NEAL, If. 0. HA11TMAN, Colli, T. K. Chiton, U.MUVALLF.I) Yet. ''Blood will toll V" say tho horto fanciers, In esti mating tlio enduranco of n lino nnlmal : nnd tho motto Is a good one, outsldo of tho Bportlnf? worldT A ptiro article Instrinslcallv trood must dlstntico all competition, eventually. Tho success of Udolpho Wolfo's Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps lias induced tho manufacture i an Hundred imunuons ; out in uio nrlvalled salo of his manufacture. Wlillo others liavo achieved If at all but a scanty hucc's may bo found tho mihllc nnnreclation of a nuro nnd whole- somo beverage. " An old democrat from Orinigovllle, lalies us to bend him The Jicnublivan. Ho says ho cannot understand tho "tel escope" arllcl in tho Columiiian and tiiat thcro is nothing clso in that paper." republican. Tho Democrat alluded to in tho above must bo a ve.y old one in his second childhood wo should fctippose, from tho fact thnt ho c .mint even read tho namo f an nrticlo cor.ectly, nnd also that ho rlshcs to take the ll ubliean. Ho will need a "telescopo" to find nnything In tlio coliiiims of that paper which h worth reading, nllhougli ho will proba bly discover much that Is Just suited to is capacity. Coi.onr.D VoTints. Mercur's vote for the XVth Amendment, giving no- ;rocs tlio right to vole, sit on juries, hold olllco, Ac., in this .Stuto, will lo-iu him tho votes of many respectable white men. To counterbalance this tlio opposition rely upon tho colored oto in tills District. For fear, however. that tho disaffection might bo larger than they supposed, then have common- eu impormiy iicyro voters duo tie jjix rid. Ten nlre.ulv havo arrived in Danville, according to tlio Intcltiycnccr, and more are to follow speedily. In niior words tno cnoico 01 tlio noopio oi this District is to bo inlluenccd bu an mportcd colored vole! Think of it, into men ! It seems not to bo known to anv con siderable extent that pursoiw indulging u prolanity Hiiliject themselves to u ino or lmin isoiiiiient. jsvery adult who uises, and so cursing uios tho nam.o of ither of the threo iiersons in thu Trini ty, is liable to bo lined sixty-cents for acn curnc, ana every minor lor each imilar ollenco may be liunishcd by a line of focty cents lor eaeli lirofano ut terance. Failing to meet tho obliga- ions adults can bo imprisoned lor twenty-four hours for each ollenco and minors lor twelve hours. If tho law touching these cases were enlorccd hero the treasury would soon bo overllowed Willi lands, or our county prison inado- luato to nccommoiiato tno ono-inous- nutii part oi tno oueuuers. An Odd rjiiit.owDisAi-i'iiAits. Clio- n IjO(Il'0. AO. o(J7. I. O. O. F.. of Ti- tusville. desires to ascertain tlio where abouts of Jonathan Locke a member of that lodge, who mysteriously dlsan- pearcu irom xuusviiiu, on tno utu ot July, llo was seen at Parker's Land- nitr on tno 7th. and at uii u tv on the 8th, sinco which time ho has not boon heard or. Jlols Ofi years of niro. has light blue eyes, weight from 131 to J Si lounds ; has out three lingers on tho eu hand, tno ntlio miL'er Having hcen taken off when tiuito young. I Io is bald headed and has a scar on his right chock. Any information will bo thank fully received by tho above named lodge. Newspapers throughout tho State will confer n f.ivor by copying ims nonco. I'm: Associate JuDaixjiniv On tills question our opponents are in a terrible muddle, uatawissa, a itopub Mean stronghold, demanded that no Kcpubiican should bo nominated lor this olllco and won. But Fortner, though aoicatcu, wouui not surrender. ;ind spoiled the programme uy bringinu out Judge Kcstcr as an Independent candidate. lUereur was nt onco "inter viewed," and has promised that JCester shall oc wttlulrawn xcillun ttco weeks. I ho mass of tho party aro then expect ed to vote for Judge Monroe, and Cata- wis.-a win lie reconciled, ui course this will bo n sovero dig at Fortner, but io has nad many reverses in ins mo- lime, and will boar it with ids ordinary christian patience, enncciall.v us the same parly demand lih scalp. lie must "cave n," or resign. Aicreur nnd Bradley iavc huid so. 1. S. Sinco writing tlio above wo earn that Fortner was In town on Moil' lav. nnd that Judiro Kester's namo was withdrawn as a candidate. Tho boys havo got whipped back into tlio races and now allectionalcly l;iss the mud thatsmoto them. Sui.iiivAN County Convention. Tho Democracy of Sullivan County met in Lonvenion. on Tuesday. August Kith, in Duporte. The meeting having heeu cnllul to order by u. (J. Finch, Chairman oi tlio Standing Commlttco llon.ltichard Bolford was choicn Chair man, and 0. C. Finch and Kdwurd Bergan, Secretaries. Tlio delegates then presented their credentials ami toolc their seats. C. C. Finch, of Inporlo Borough, of fered tho followiiiET resolution : Jlesolecd. That Hon. James Dcegau and John F. Wright bo appointed Con gressional Uonierees, to meet similar L'oniereos lrom tno counties oi Jirad ford, Wyoming. Columbia and Mon tour, nnd that they bo instructed to support tlio nomination of Hon. Oeorgo ii. jacitsou lor uongress, which resoiu Uon was adopted unanimously. waller spencer and i;nward uergan wero appointed Bopresentatlvo Confer ees to meet Conferees from Bradford County, John Brown was unanimous ly nominated for County Commissioner us was also Ocort.'0 W. Bennett for Aud itor. JolinK. lutrrcll was'noniiiiated lor Jury Commissioner: Sauford K. BenUi linn was nominated lor coronet. Aiier tho appointment of tho Standing Com mlttco for tho ensuing year tho Conven lion adjourned. Nr.GOTiATiNO. During tho past week Judge Mereur, being secure ol tho Bepubllcan nomination for Congress, has been busily engaged in trying to heal up tho party wounds in tins and Montour Comities. Doctor Bradlev becaiHo of his eminent skill in sue! matters, prescribed Uio rrqul-lto doses for Columbia, and old nnd honored llenublieans saw thenibelves turns ..rt. In l.t. n t.t,,. t,ftfl,tnt-lt'lfpf.ft-.,, ,,,, ,1 ii'-iuu iy ii ii.ii .,. ,'.. i rtrt' i " it, in olllco-holders. Catawlssa, becauso of her sturdy Indcpcmienco, rcnuirca tno most attention : but tho usual promises wero made, aim mailers aro supposed to bo "lixcd" tnero. But In Danvll o greater d llleuitles occurred. Tlio Tumi men could not un derstand ivhv n man of Judiro Mercur'i reputed ability should never have opened his mouth in favor of their Interests. IIo wns absent, or "iiougcd" wnen impor. taut votes wero taken affecting our In dustrial Interests, and all through his enur.-a has shown a wonderful ludlffer- enco to the withes ol Columbia and Montour Counties. Then his voto to coiitluuo tho uucon stltutlonal Incomo Tax had to bo ex ii ulned. Finally, and thcro came tn rub, ho had to account for unperformed niniiiUfx. and to repudiate or Justify ills appointments. Again promises wero made, our congressman Knew Unit In nil probability uio nexi appor tionment bill would put these two conn ties Into a different Dhtrict, and after this election ho could snap his lingers at Tariff, tlio men, olllco-holders, and olllco seekers, of theso Counties. Whcthor Uio men of Danvlllo nro satisfied re mains to boiseeii. J:iSL5M I HUlT Thikvino, As tho season is now nt hand when porsons wlio culti vate frulta aro annoyed by mnraudtng fruit thlovcs, wo publisli for their beuo- lit tho following provision from tho po nal codo of Pennsylvania, to meet such ascs, With Uio rcmnrlc thnt It Is tho ubllc duly of every ono to prosecute offences ofthlsltlnd tothofullostcxtent f Uio law. Tho provision reads ns fol lows : "If nuv person shall wilfully or inn. llclously Inluro or destroy any fruit or ornamental trees, shrub, plant or grape vines growing or cultivated In any or chard, garden or close, or upon any puuue street or souaro In this common. wealth, ho shall bo gullly of u misde meanor, and on conviction, bo fined not exceeding ono hundred dollars, and un dergo an Imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both, or cither, ot Uio iiscruuouoi wiocouri." Jlxuctnt'is Al'OLoaiSTS Tho Itnnuli. llcan papers of tills Comrressionnl DIs- trlct are engaged in tho up-hill work of explaining Mcrcur's position, glossing over his failings and faults and sotting lorin ins political career in ncceptuolo shape. Tho Jtepublican of this plnco has been at tho business for somo timo with no very rrent results, nnd nnw comos tho Sullivan Free. 1'ress and after praising Alcrcur profusely, says : "but that ho has been misinformed and de ceived by unscrupulous men in whom no nt ono time had commence, in regird to matters of small local Importance, thcro 13 alto no doubt. But Mr. Her- cur. tmliko tho Pope, is not infallible, and when beset by untruthful men is namo to err, niui wo icci inclined to looK charitably upon tliei-o errors." which is good naturcd enough on tho part of tho rreci'fess, nnu ought to convey much comfort to Mr. Mereur. It needs a largo amount of charity, party zeal and polit ical blindness, to make even n tolerablo C.nsressnian out of Met cur. and nono know tho fact better than tho editors of tho papers who aro vainly endeavoring to persuade tlio peoplo of this District unt no is such an ono. BAH13 BAlilf. On Wednesday p. m.. the liivcrsldo club and the Jtallroad nino of Catawissa, played an unusually fine game. It opened sharp nnd lively nnd continued so thiougliout, tho um pire caning uoin striker and pitcher down to business. A iiv from Shnrn. less' bat was beautifully taken by "Ward. It fell short and Ward running sharply for it took it Just before It touched tho ground, fulling as ho mado tho catch. Other iluo plays were mado by Bodino, Whitman, Kllno and Ludwig. The loiiowing is a summary ol tho game : TOWN NIND. II II. It. NINE. O It I O It iVbbott, e .'! 3 Young, r f i! 1 Itutter, e f 3 2 Eycr, 1st b 2 3 Barnes, 2d b r 1 Ludwlg, p 15 Bodine. rf 3 "Stadlcr. ef 1 3 Kosty, 1st!) 2 1! 'I lite, ss r, ;t Kline, p 3 1 Ward, 2d b 2 5 Sharpless, 1 I 3 2iWltman,c 3 :j narnut, .hi o it i ctter, 1 1 ;i 3 Brobst, ss 3 1, Harder, 3d b 1 1 Total, 27 1"! Total, 27 03 Innings 1 2 a 1 f, (i 7 S J I'own Muo, CI 2 0 11 3 u 2 2 It. It. Nine, 2 2 2 1 12 0 0 r, o Cmpire, J. V. Cool. Scorer, Joe. Bobbins. Fly catches Town Kino. 5: Bail Boad, -1. A match game of basoball was played at Danville, Saturday, Aug. 20, between tho Independent Nino of this piaco and tho Hanswagling Nino of Danville, which resulted in lavor oi tno indepen dents by tho following score : INDEPENDENT, " ItANSWAafilNO. OB1 OB Apnleman, 2 b 3 ft Bussel, o 0 (i liucKinow, ) o o isaiuy, p i Ludwig, c f 11 Oearhart, s s 3 Mcudciihall. e 3 G Miles, lb 2 3 Tomkiiis. lb 2 (! Voris. 2 b 3 lsiiimoyer, s s l -i tiaruer. 3 b L 3 Meminger. r t 1 (i, Savage, If 2 3 Clark, 3 b 2 C Butler, c f 11 Bltenbcndeiyf 1 0 IIunter, r f 1 1 Total 18 is:i Total 18 23 Innings 1 2 3 1 5 C Independent 5 10!) 18 0 IS Hanswagling 11 2 0 7 0 2 2S Umpiro, Col. A. J. Frick. Scorers, Messrs. Bamsoy and Baldy. Tho fiuost catch of tho gamo was mado by Jiittenuondcr oi tho independents, who took with one hand a loiitr llv to left field, in lino stylo, for which ho was warmly applauded. Tho batting ol tlio i nuppcnticnt A ino was more usually good, and tno holding was com mendablo. By this victory tho Inde pendents have done somo what towards retrieving tho defeat they encountered irom tno Light wtrcet club with the un pronounceable name. Tho gamo of base ball at Bohrsbunr, on Saturday last, between tho Shoo- i-1. 's ot that place, anil tho JUulllns ol uruugevillo, resulted as iollows, at the end oi tno seventh inning : SIIOO-l'IA'. Ol 2 Beagle, 2 Henry S. 1 (Comstock, 1 Kisner, 2 Yocum, 3 llayman, ll Mcgargell, 2 Williams, .1 Henry J. L. It O Preston, p 13 12 0 0 11 1) 10 12 11 Edgar, e Patterson, s s Black, 1st b Duwitt. 2d b Smith, 3d b 5 lveiier, r l 7 v Teas, c l ft Triveiplece, 1 12 Total. I!) 21 , Total, Oli 21 Time of name. 1 hours. Cmplre, O. W. Melick, ofthoSchlops. Tho tlrop balls of Preston wero pun ished badly, but tho thunder bolts of iseagio and ratterson wero hard lo nil. Tho entertainment alter lliogamo was duly appreciated, nud tho Muffins aro pleased to announco that they consider Uillespio u caterer of the first water. Tho most exciting part of tlio gamo was tho heavy battiiiL' and tho going to grass oi j-.dgar, by a liner on tno uat, on mo nosowmc iiiroui.' itciarot ireoiv. Tlio Champions of Oiaiigevillo, nnd uuciieyes oi Jtoiir.sbuig i tumor emus played a game tho same day, and tho former got away with them in fine siyio. Champions, fill ; uucKeyes, 17. LOCAL NOTICES. ScnuviiEU it Low of Oratigevlllc. Pa., manufacture tho best Threshers nnd Cleaners, tho best Wheeler's Hall way Chain llorso Power and Thresher, from tho original patterns and tho besl Lover Powers mado in this county. It' not In tho Stato. Don't fall to cxamlno their machines beforo purchasing nnv other. They guarantee them lo glvo sausiacuon in every respect. Tiiey ni so mamifncturo Plows and other Agri cultural implements. Seo their adver tiaeinent In another column, tf, "Tlicro wasilfl'(i2 who llwd lit n Hiit'lili'. luC(IUglllhU"ll ucold I llUl llOCOUlUlldl hlllB Poor, unfortunate. Batracldan! In what a sad iillL'ht ho must havo been And yet his misfortune was ono that otter, uciaus singers. jMan.viioncoiuuo fill voico among thoso who belong to tho "genus Homo" is utterly spoiled by "cold iu tho head," or 011 tho, lungs, or botn combined. For ino aoovo men tloued "croaker" wo aro not awaro that any remedy was over dovisedj but wo re oico 10 Know mat an human singers may keep their heads clear and tnolr throats 111 tuno by a timely uso ot ur, Sago's Catarrh Bemedy.and Dr.Picrco's ah. j-.xi, oruoiucn Jiedicaiuiscovery both of which oro sold by Druggists. "Stau Bone Phosphate." J. W, Mct'leary, general agent for tho salo of inu aoovo puospiiaio is now canvassing tho county. Tho testimony of some of tho best citizens of tho county who havo purchased 1110 rignt, mnuuiaciurea nua used thu phosphate, proves boyond a douui mat 11 is ono 01 tno ucsi puos nhntesever brought into tlio county, Wo hopo it may commend Itself to our farmers, us all aro awaro of thu benefits derived from tho uso of a fertilizer of tills kind. CltlJtl'V 1 A very vivacious votinr? gentleman residing In Light Street, has n letter In tho Jtepublican of this week, In which ho Insinuates thnt wo nro cither "a fool, Idiot or slavo." Theso bo parlous words, but they havo tho effect of weakening tho writer's argu ments. Tho artlclo In tho Columhian was a communicated ono. nnd tho Light Street gentleman should havo known, that somo things nro printed In news papers which tho editors do not en dorse. Such Is tho fact. Tlio best wny to havo an error corrected Is not, how over, to call tho editor cither "a fool, idiot or slave." OiiANOKViiiLr, Academy. Orange ville, Columbia Countu. Pa. I'rofcssor I, II. Bchoonover, Principal, Mrs. I. E. Schoonovcr, I'rcceptrcss. Tills iiistl stltutlon, for tho education of young ladies nnd gentlemen, will ro-opon mi ner cnnrgooi rroi. scnoonovcr, on Mon day. Auir. 10th. 1870. Teachers, of nc knowlcdged ability and high order of micui, win no employed in each depart ment, nnd no effort spared to securo to pupils UiO'-OilL'li and Imllnlrms eu turn. Tho course of Instruction will tnrlntln nu tho branches usually taught in Higl: Schools and Seminaries of tho first rank. Special attention trivon to Normal ocnooi training mm commercial instruc tion. Terms Primary Donarlmnnt. S3 fn So per quarter. Higher brandies, iG to iso per cjuarior. This excel cnt institution Is Incntetl In n pleasant vllingo of niiout six hundred habitants free from tlin tnmnlntlnna of a largo city nbout six miles from tno rauroau with dally communication to tlio different roads. Thn linlldliufs . : . . , t. uio auuiueii upon au oiovatioii.surround cd by n beautiful gro.e, and perfectly iii;tiiiii . calendar for 1870. Fa term coin- mences August 10, 1870 continuing 11 weeks. Winter term onons ICnveinlier 7. iRTn continuing 11 weeks. uonra can bo obtained in private families at from S2.50 lo SI nni-u-i-ok. nv desirable rooms will bo furnished tn students wishing to provide for them selves. Scholars will be admitted ntnny timo during tho session ulthoi'-rh it is pref erable to commeiico with tho term. I'orlutlher particulars, address the Principal, at Orangovllle, Pa. ii31-lw Democratic Ticket. foil CONUIIESM, CHABLES B. BBOCKWAY, OP COLUMDIA COCNTV. (.Subject lo tlio tlcclslon ol tlio Conui'cssloiial t-oiutit'cs.; FOlt AfSSOCIATE JUUOE. JOHN It. YOHE, S11111.1N TowKsinr. I-'OIt SIIElltFl', BEES J. M1LLABD, SCOTT TOW.S-SHIP. KOlt COMMISSIONElt, IIIBAM J. BEEDEB, c.vr.uvissA Toirssmi'. I'OIt JUUV CO.M.MISMIONElt, ISAAC McBBIDK, MAllISOX lOWX-illll-. rou conoNEti, JOHN D. HOUCIC, IKIAl.I NtiC'KKIK TOWNSII11-. l'OIl AUDITOlt, DANIEL LEE, MADISON 'IOWN.SIU1-. L L E N it N E E D L E S , issouru D1.1.AM-A111: Avii.nuk, 1'mi.Am.r.i'jiiA ESTA11MH11ED JN IMS. Cnntliuio Iho iicinur.u'luic of tlii'Ir old staiuldul iiu.dlly SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AS I) AMMONIATEI) l-'EUTlLlZEIt. Until nrwlilrli nrnsolil ntLow I'ltit BU, lilylily it'iiiunt.'r.tllvo to tlio 1''akmi:k tut Dkalu:. KENU l'OIl CinCULAIi. NO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, (Ucnuluo Govc-nmcnt from Clilnclta and Ouan- upu ibiauas.) ruin Calcined, ami Land Plaster. Hydraulic Ce ment, Candles, and a mil assortment 01 lluiiN :a and Oiikasxso oils at lowcM mailt-etialiK. A DISCOUNT TO DEALEIIS. Should tho dealer near you, not keep our arti cles, f-end your ordeiH tousandtlx-y willrecelvo prompt attention. For Halo hy the Mloomsburg Iron Co. .ins') 70-Ut yiDO W'S APPB AISEJIENTS. Tlio followlnt; appraisements of real nnd per holtal propel ty het apart' to widow of decedents, liavo iKcn tiltd In tlits olllco of tho ItegKterot Columbia county, under tlio Itutcs of Coutl.aud will bo presented lor absolute eiinlliiiiatlou, lo tlio Orplians' Couit to bo held In lllooinsbur, In and lor said eouiity.on Wi-dnesday.tbo3tlid.ty ot Sept. IsTU at two o'clock i sr., 01 said day, unless ti.ictpllouH toHlteli coullrmallons alo ptuvlously lllod.of wblcli till nelsons lulctcskd In said tstatts will lako notice: 1. Widow of Jacob Art Icy, lato of I'rankllii tou'tl-'lilp, deeea-tcd. i Widow nl Esslck, lato of Madison township, dece.tsul. ;t. Widow of.lohn D'itlman,latuorUiecuwood township, deceased. I. Widow ol .Mlcbiel IiOluon, lato or I'isb IUHcrcek tutruslilp, deceased. 5. Wlilow ot Jacob union, lato of llrlarcreek township, deceased, tl. Widow of Oeorgo Keller, lateofarceuwood township, deceived. 7. Widow ol JaHtes Emiiiilt, lato ot Hemlock township, deceased. s. Wldotv or Daniel H, VandelkUcc, latoof JIt. l'leasant township, deceased. U, Widow ol David Yosl, lato of Locust town ship, deceased. W. II. JACOllY, nugi'70-lm. Itcsisttr. TO EOISTER'S NOTICE. Notici: is ll hereby given to till legatees, creditors anil other persons li-teresled In Ihoeslates of tho re- ecm ii ueceueiiis nnu in mors, mill I no lollott'- lugadmluKtiallou and accounts havo been tiled In Iho olllco ol tho Register ol Coluiu' blacounly, and will be presented lor continua tion mid allow-unco In Ino Oiphans'C'ourt, to bo held lit Uloomsburg, on Wednesday, tho "ith day nl Hept. 1570, nl two o'cloclllu tho ulternoou of bald day, 1, 1'lrst and aceonut of Lowls Yclter, i:.cctitor of tho estalo of lico. Hower, lato ol Itoarlugcrcck township, deceased. . Third and final tticount ot John Applemai'. ndmlnlstrnioroi UhIUh Aiiileman, lale ol Hem loclc townslilp, deceased. a. first and dual account of Klwood Hughes, uuardluu ot iho peisouand esiutuol Jacob W. lllll, minor thlld of Jacob Hill, lale ol L'elllre township, deceased. I. I'lisiand account nt riwood Hughes. Kualdlanor Iho petsun and estate, of TboiiuisJ. lllll, minor child ol Jacob lllll, lato ufiut.o townslnp, deceased. 5. The accotiulor r.iuauuel Lazaius, ndinlnls. trator tit L'ieiuuil u. lilclcetls, mtu of Oiuusu ton nshlp, deceased. u. 'Iho first and llual account of (1. II, Seyberl, iiduilutstinlur estatool Catlunluo Heybeit latoot llrlatcrteU tuwnshlp, deceased. 7. 1'lrst account of Hylvestec Kliehen nnd Joseph 11, Kltelieu, admlnlst-ntors of Willl.uu Kllclictl, l.lto ol Ml. l'leasant twp., deceased. !,i-,.1"'.'"; .aI"1 ".'!"' account ol Mathlas W. Whlteulght, Kuaidlau ol tho person and estate '.'.f..J "rA- "bltenlght.iimlnor child ot .Mlcliael Whlleuight, lato of lleniloel: township dic'd. V. 'Iho account of l'etcr llelmlmcliand lianle llaylor,tinsiie!.tosell leal estatoof John liny lor. latool Montour townshlo. iltwiiteil. 10, Thoilrstnccoimtof lieuuls ilyrno, ndinln tstrator of Iho estate of I'atrlclc llyrne, lato of uoiiyiigiinui townsuip, ueceaseu. II, Tho tlist nccouul ofisaiiiuol Cio.isy, admin Istintor or tho esWlo of II, W. Creasy, late ol ticott township, deceased. U, Account uf hiu.iiu'l Creasy, guardian of tho 1'ti son and eslato of .Mlunlo A, mown, minor child of Matthew llrowu, lato of Mllllln lunn ship, deceit, ed. 13. Tho uecouut of Is.iao Kilcltbnum, ndmlul. -Iralor of I'ledcrlclc llartmau, lato of l'lshlui.. creels township, iteceascd. II. First account of Hlnehard rtcrger, executor of Andrew Oblasser, lato of llloom twn.. dee'd. 13. Tlio account ol lllram J, Iteei'e.-, ndm'i of iftiiiu ivuuiuiieu, into ot JiOCUSl lWJ.,!leo u. 10. l'lrsl nud tlnal account of 11, f. Hattmnu. ndiulnislrator of James Uuguu, lato of Muuluur township, deceased. 17, The account of II, V. Ilartmnn, guardian of l.llzubelh A. Halslnn. inlnur clillii ol .Inmi'S It ilston, Jr., lato of llloom twp., deceased. IS. Tlio nceount of Levi L, Tale, gua.illau of uuacjiii i- aiivisiiii, iiiinor euuii ot niitiott x: 1'altersou, lato of tho Uoi.of llerwlelc, dece.seu. 1U. Tho at count of Hoot. I'. Clarlt, aurvlviuif c eculor of Wllllaui Bloau, lato of llloom twp., deceased, 0) . t'lual accouut of John K, Itohblua, admin lslratorof IljiiJamlnTove, lalu of Montour twp., det eased. Ul, final nccour .of 11. 1 Fortner, executor of Bantu llotl'mau, lata of Catawlssa township, dc c td. .'. Tho nccouut of Mai tin A. Animcrnian and Cyrus 11. While, exci mors ol William Itobblus, lato of I'isblngcieelt tuwnshlp, dccciuied. 1) . l-'lrstaiul paitlal accoantot Conrad Krcam craud Franklin Fruit, ndiululstra usolHImon Coiner, lalo of Madison Iwp., dtecased. 21. Tho tlrst mid flualnccouutof Mllas V. John Noil, ututrdlau of tho jiersons and estates of Az ma Johuson, Adam Johusuit, John Jolinsou, Oweu L. Johusou, Thomas Johnson, Harah Johu (on.nud llaauali Johusou, minor children of Ualuarlno Johnson, lato of Columbia co., deo'd. "1, First audlluul account of 1', C. Wuds worth, mliulnlstrator of ller Kmory, lata of Flshlug creek township, deceased. W.ii.JAconv. nucVJO-lui, KcghUr. COUNTY, PA jgfo Real Efitnto Sales. pUBLIO SALE -0 1' VAT.UAnt.l-: HEAL ESTATli Tho iindcrBlRiied. Ejurulom of tin) Unt Will nnd TrMnnient or llemy Dellienbncher, lain or Deny township, MoutoiirroiMily, Ia., den'd,, hy vlrlun ur nntlitiriiy InicildWIll eoutnlned, will expost) tiiKiilo by puhllo velulue, on tho prelnlH. e, on HAlL'lllPAV,ul:l'TE5llll:il nun. ISTd.n IlloVlaelt, A, M.,tho , 1 tvnluablo Ileal Estate, which hnxeoino Into niaikrt for mnny years. Tho laudH llo upon nnd ndJomliiK tho ptibllo road ltndliiK fiom Wnslilin;' 11 e I.x chnntui beins dlsinnt from Washington ll lp, nnd Chuuli ni-commoihttlons.iiboul ono nud n bnir milts, liom Danlllu uboul 10 tnllcn, Irom 1MIII011 nbout V2 iiiIIik, nud from lllooiusbui'K nbout li miles. Theymolnn lilah utato of cul tivation nnd of tho very best miallty. Til ACT No, 1, conlatnlnis 101 ACBES AND 17 PEBCIIES. whereon are erectf d n largo btnnllfally idtunlcil, two nnd n half Btory STONE DWELLINO 110USEI Stonti Kpilnt House, hank bnrii.nnd otlierout building", with n well of excellent water, nnd n considerable. i,uantlty of cholco Irult, nnd with timber r.buinlaut lor nil farm nnd building pur pi sen, nnd wnlcicd by nbinnch of Cbllhgriunquo crei k, on Uio north nnd tnst bouudarlen. Tit ALT' No. i.1, eoutnluliig 100 ACRES AND 102 PERCHES, mljoiiiltig trnct Ko. 1, nbovo mcntlonctlj id ncrcs ol vrlilch Is cltnrcil, wltli Rnoil npplo orclmrd on lrut ol il,rniicsBimrHcly tlmbcrcti nmlMncrcs ilrht latn Tiincer, consisting of Oak, Hickory, Mnple, Chestnut, Ac, ofliuinenso vnliip, and tho ldtul or U-Rt cjimltty, nfler tho timber Ims been r ut oil". Tho Ofik Ih of u MiporJor quality for bulkllna Vnrp, Wilsons. cM nml tho laml Ih wat ered by u brunch or ChUlU'iuuque Creek. THACT Xa 3, Wraestono Lot, contnlulng 1 ncro nnd "tl rorcheH. Tit ACT No. I, IJlinestonoIiot,contnlnIni' i ncro ntul iirrches, 'lIiACTXo.5( Limestone Lot, containing! ncro nnd 1 iuml'Iics. 'JUACT No. (I, Limestone Lot, containing 3 uniK it iiii nciciiurt Tho Rtono in all ca!cs rnstly accessible, nnd uood for bullilinii nnd limo biitnluir. tf-ltri,on dtslrlng to exnmlno tlio farms, win nv ijuiiHiiitfiy siiowii over inciu uy air, 1 l'LiCKPiiinlllir in mkUXok nt nn tbn mrintot. ItraltH may bo kcu In tlio hauufl of either ol the XjAUCUIUTH, -CTeiimsof Hali:. Ten per cento! tlio puv chnvo inonrv sbnll hn tiahl on tho ilnv of isale. ouc-thlld of the ImltiiiMt mi thn lut ot Anrll. A, l.lb71,vhcn jxism RRlen will be Riven, and thp bnnnro Apttl 1M, W2, with lnteiest lrom April 1st, 1S71. And tho puuhasers shall enter into iiKictincniH wiin leciirny io comply wuu me teims ot tale. Upo l tho pnjment of tliopu. chnse money, good nnd PiitUcl nl deeds, nt tho oYpuisoot tho i.urchti-ei8 tor stamps shall be uinuiid nuu (icnircu ny me j.xccuioi4, X. 1!. 1'i11I(ko to voile up tho timber on J met o.l will bolNCit hnmedlntely upon ai ming into i lie aL're nienl with Sfcnrl.vaanro.e Haul, .10IIN A. FUNS'lON.lIIocins.jurg.l'a., JOHN HlUUlCKJt, WnshlngtomlUe.Pa. augl'J'70-lw. Kxeeulors. piUVATK SALK o r VALUAIJLi: ItKAL KHTATI!. Tho undersigned oilers at private biIo nbout 00 ACltKS OF VALUABLE LAND, tltnntrt In t-ftttlntt t m. It. r-r.1...., nn..i.i.. uiiuiiueii uj i.iiui-i oi i.ii7.'ioei ii inline, uamei Shult, Jacob AfIi, Jacob lleishllno and others, rilleen Acres of which Is cleared land. It also contains u toou young orcnaru, A FRAME HOUSE AND UARN nnd a never failles fcinlng of water. Alt-o n n i m eia.ts SAW AND LATUM MILL. Thu b-tlnnre of tho ti-actls heavily timbered tt II 11 I'll It, It nil Ul if, ivi-,, I or 111.1,00110 lions, ,e., apply to tho under signed. Tho at uial number of acres will bo dc tenulr.ed by surver. l:ellloll,.lune il.l.sYu-tr WM. AITLKMAX. A UGUST. pukpaui: foii Tin: ciiolkua. With tlio "heated terni" eutue-i tho danger of umi uiKiiiHii pesiiieni-e vmner.i ana Kiiuireit disease. WhnL nnlidil iiiid Indt si-rlli-ilittt inW- ety has been vNlted upon thous.unH annually hy IIILMJ 11 V. 1111 I'lllllDI lllll S. liUL (IVI-I'V 1)111) fltlL'IIL It I ho mado awfiro th.U u sneHilr fm-thl-i nlns nf uiM.'iises, at wen as n eeii.uu pri'vemive, is ino t'e fiir lieu Jiirsiiiji'.iL'rt 111:1: ; iuttiiuh. il will 1 osltlvely roillly Iho system against llm at tacks of Aslatie Chuu-ta, (Jliottm Moihus, Chol era Inlintum, Diurrlm-ii, Sunmn-r etmiplalnt, Kysentery, holle, l'alnters' cholte, .te. D. Jl. Itlihell, M. I)., l'hysIelaii.Jn-ehlef of tho U. 8. Hospital Hhlp, "I-'alcon," hiKhly lecommcuds It loi Liioieiiitami oasusea ir wuu marvellous suc cess In such cast's. It acts IiUonn antrelof mercv In cveiy Instauee. Hsid by ml tluigglstH and u tan. is. I'iit-ooiiu umiar per uuic, itingw'u. cm nnn hewahj). V VVv Km- nnv casoof ltllnd Illeedlnc iit-uiiiii.or riceraicii i-iies mil iik iuno s ni-n lil.MF.m l.ilU to cure. It Is menurrd ixnriH.Jv to ruro tho l'llts nud nothing Ue.and has cured cases 01 over l-j caiM isi.iiiain. mna ny nu DiugEjistfi. VIA FL'OA. Vo Hum' Via l-'inja Is tho puroJuIcoM of UarUrf, Ileibs, 1 toots, and JJeirles, Jor co.bUJiirio.v. lull tmnntlonofthoLun; nil Liver, KIduoy, ni'd Illathler dlsease.orcai'tc Weakness, remalo Aillli'tlons, General Deblll'y.and alt complaints of thu Li tmuy Organs lu Maloand t-'utnale, pro duehu IyiA'p',ia, Costlveness, Gravel, Dropsy nud srndula.vhlcli mo-st Keuerally terminate In Consumptive Decline. It purities and enriches thu Itlood, the Ihlllary, (llauduLir and Secretive KyMom; Coinctsaud Sliemstheus tho Nervous and Muscular lnrces; it acts UUeacharmou weak nervous, and debilitated leninlcH, both young and old. None should bo wlihuu: It. Sola every while. Lauouaiouy 1U 1'raiiUUn .St., U.UU moie, Mil. augV7u-ly. 1 Tri,ivrrnnci addiiuss i:dsox duos., li Jil LUJvi0l'atentAKent.s,tVJ'lnthst. ashlujjiuu, D. 1,, tor advice, terms and refer em cst gAXON OllKKX. Is IlilKhter, will not I'ade, Cosis Less than any other btcau-'elt Mllll'alut twice as much bill f.ieo t-OI.Il 11Y ALL IJKAI.r.HS IN 1 A I N T S . .7. II. WIXKH & CO., Jlanuf.vcturers, 12J MUM II li lt HlUKIll', 1'llU.AIiKI.l-IIIA, UIOiriSTOW.V CLASSICAL INSrll'UTi: for yuniK .Mm util Jlit's, Send lor circulars to Itev. J. I). Al.KXANIimi, Trill., llUjIltslowii, .V. J N JEW.SI'Al'KIl ADVKUTiSINa- A Hook of Uieloiely piluted pa-es, lately Is sued, contains n list ot tho beitt American A1 Nettlslnj; Mediums, lilvlnj; Iho n-iiues, clroula llousud itlll pat tlcuiiUh conceinliif; tlio lead-In-; lially and Wteklv I'ltlttical and l'mully Newspiipei.s,loetlicl' wllh all thoso havltu-laruo circulations, 1 ulilished In the lllteu-sl orllellK. ion, AKrlculluie, Lltcratuie,.Ve., ac. Uvery Ad evllstr, and tily peisou wlui coltttmplates hecointm suib, Mill llnd this hook ot gieat value. .M alii d tire to anv whin ss on receipt ot llilceil cfnls. (II.O, I". ltdWLI.I, A CO., I'llb llslieis, No. id 1'aiik How, New Volk, 'llm I'lllsbuixd'a.) .roller, lit Itslssuoof .May 20. IMU, says .- "Urn film ol u. 1". ltowill ,i Co' which issues this ImeiestluK mid valuabio book, Is the lau-est Mid best AtUeillsIui; Aeney lu Iho t'niled Sl.t es, and wo can elicei'lully leeom mciul ll lo tin- aiu mlun ol those whodcslro lo ad velllso tln-lr busluess st-it utilh-ally and systo mallcally in such a way; that is, so to secure the latust itiiiiiuul ol publicity lor lliele.tslex peudituio ot moniy," pATEXTS. " " Inventors who wish lo take out I.elteis l'at cut alt-aihlM'd to counsel V Ith M U.N.N' A CO..ed ilors of tlio .S'ifiittjle Aitu-i'icttii, who havo prose ruled tlalins beloiti tbo I'.lti III ollleo tor over Tut illy Years. 'Ihelr Ameib-an and lminpcau rati'iit AKi-ucy Is tho nust exteiisho In tho wolld. Lbalps liss than any oilier tellable iiKtncy. A iaiiuitilct coutaluiut; lull Instruc tions lo flivt-lllois is sent t-uttls, JIUS.N A CO., -J7 Tark Itow, Now York. 1 VOH tH'ACICS.-Avlclim ofe.ttlylndlscrc iV tlou, causing iu'inous debility, preiualuro i c eay, ,te., bolii.- ii led lit valuevety advertised ii'ineily, has a simple means of self-cuio, which ho will send Ireuto his fcllow-siidcrc rs. Address J. Il.'IUTll.i:,7iiNassaiist.,New York. Sinking Slowly. that pro'tress rapidly to iv crisis nro not tho only ones to bo dreaded. Canker or dry lot does not blast n treo assuddeuly as ustroko of lightning, but unless arreslod, It destroys it ns certainly i and In like manner chronic debili ty, nllhougli It does not kill with tlio swiftness of yellow fever, Is assure to sip tho sprlnt-i of lite eventually us any nculo disease, if not check ed by luMRorattui! medication. There Is some IhliiB Inexpressibly touching In tbo speclaclo ot picmaturu decay. Languor, pallor, emaciation, depression of spirits, and a tllslasto forcxcitlou, aro Its ordinary symptoms, and they should bo piomptly met by toulo treatiucut, Tho best lu vlgorant nud exhllaiaiit that can bo administer ed In a caso of this kind is Hosteller's Htomaeli llllteis, Thostlmulallns prliiclplo of tlio prep aration rouses tho dormant encrcs of tho sys tem, nud tho bticnslheiiliiijaiel regulating prop. crllei Blvenpeimanentiiuil bealtliful linpulso totliovltul forces thus brought Into piny. Tlio falling appeltto Is lo-owakencd, tho piocess of digestion nnd nsslmllatloii aro nulckencd, tlio tjuallly of tho blood U Inipiovtil, tho seeiotlous becoiuo moio natural, nud overy organ thai con tributes to tho nourishment of tlio body uudcr goes salutary change, lly Iheso nieuus tlio re pair of tho physical structure. Is tll'ictcd nnd Us hciillh nud igor icslond, In no class of dis eases has tho benlllctuttipcratlonof tlio Ililters been moiomaiked and ttrlklng than In tlioso by geniral debility and nervous prostration, l.-idlta aHected with theso ullmeuts 11 ml lu this most wholesome of all tonics nud correctives the surest and surest means of relief, it Is strong to restore and powerless to Injure, Huch Is tlio uniform testlinony of "clouds of wit nesses," (iiugSTll-liii, ALL KINDS OF JOB PIUNTING ujatly executed at Tub Uolduiiian Hlcara f nutlug Offloa, riOUHT IMtOULAMATlON, WlIKnEAM. tholton.WlHInm r.Krf-l. I'roftt,!tf Judgoof tho Court of Oyer ami Terminer nnd Uanornl Jail Delivery, Cmirtot quarter sesnloui of tho Teaco nnd Court or Common l'leas nnd Or phan'fi Court in tho lth Judicial DltdrioL, com iroscd of tho counties of (,olumhln,(Kulllvnn nnd wyomlnn, nnd tho Hon, Iiam Derrnud InnaeH. Mourofi AKKoclato Judge of Columbia eouiily havo Issued their precept, hearing date tho (itfi day of May In tho year nf our Lonl, ono thousand, clht hundred nnd noventy nnd to inodlrectPd for holdlngnCoiirtof Oyer nnd Ter miner and General Quarter Benslonn of tho Pence, Com t of Commoa l'leas nud Orphan's Court, In niooiiiKuurn, 111 tno county ofCoiumnia, on tno llrst Monday, belmr tho 6th dav ot Hentomber next, tocontlnuoono week. Notice is hereby Klvcn, to tho Coroner, to tho Justices of tho rmce.nnd tho Constables of tho Bald county of Columbia, that they bo themnnd iitviu 111 uii'ir rinu-i ih-ibwii iiv iu u uiwh iu uio forenoon of nnld Atli dav of Hent.. with their rec ords, Inquisitions and other remembrances, to dolhoHo things which to their olllces appertain ui uu uuiio, iim iuoso inait nro oouuu oy recognizance, to prosecuto against tho prls o.ei.s that aro or may ho iu tho Jail of tho mild county of Columbia, to bo then nud thcro to prosecute them nn shall bo Just. Ju rors no requested to bo punctual in their attend ance, agreeably lolholr notice. Dated nl It I ooms ,j uurj;, 1 no if 111 uay 01 j uiy, 111 ino year L,H. V or our lrf)rd, ono thousand eight bun- v 'J ilh'il ntul Knvrtxtv tutil lit Dim tilriflv. foui Hi year or tho Jndependenco of tho United Htatcs of America. MOItDKCAI MILLAUD, ItWuiiiitlnii-ir Inlif On iw-ii UiIit' GIIANI) JUIIOHS. l'OIl HElTOIUEll TKIIM. ISfTO. llloom Wm. J. IJcldleman, Ualticr Leacock. llenton-Hamuel Applcmnn, liphralm Kline. Heaver 1-'. L.Hhumim. llrlarcroek-Emmor lieltterlck, John F, Hrlnk. I ntawlssit .tfirnmliili ltrtitiut rtiiill.n,, 1lf.l..,i.. llenjamlit 'Air. Jr, iiiirc ntcpuen i-oiic, i.ovy Illdlay. 1 Ishluircreek llirnni l,iil,.r. ,.f.'.r''?.uwo'',a-A- J- Ikelcr, ltlehard Joliuaou, Lllls Kves. ' lIcmlock-EUOlil. Jackson Theodore Hmitli. Maine Wm, C. Helchard. Madlspn-Ocorgo lleagle, Valentino Wolllvor. Muunl rieasnnt Henry J. Johnson. Hugarloaf-Jesso llarlniau, Wm. II. l'elormaii. 1DET1T JUKOllS. X KOll Bl'UTHMllLll TIIltM, 1S70. Uloom-Mllton Uunyan, Oeorgo Yost, John M. Chembeilln, John J. lfa.klcy. lleutou-Oeorgo W. l'oust, John C. VcllUcr. ..v.., , ,-... vi. ...niui, Dunnes u, iroy, Conyngham .Morris Lewis. ."v.. 11 .toiiiiu , j aeon u. ouuinau, Ueotgo V. Clark, Clinton Hills. .. . TT n.. " -V -ft-. , isiiuc urover. I'enlralia llor, Daniel Lenlhan. llslilngcreek-Joslali lleacock, Jamos N. Jones, l'irry lluckalow, Samuel U. Weaver, Geo. M. Howell, Uenjauiln 1'. Hdgar. , I'lauklln-lteubeit ltlgcl, Jesse Mensc. ..I rienwood-Jobn Leggott, John lllack, FJlns K lue, Ha Mc leury, Isaac M. Demott. ',4ll',,V'',lt'e,, Jusepli K, Mc- A tilrto J ---b-it, .-.itiuiiis .tioore, .itaiuias Locust-Wm. 11. Itclnboid, William Campbell. Joshua Wotuer.aamuel Mears.Jr. v.;,,.. " irsiiii neiiry .. tinier, nf, ',1r1iliel,ry "c!1"'. John Klkeudall, Chris tlin Lut., Horacotjcliweiiiicnlilser. Moutour-Joslah Itobeils, Wm. M, Quick. Madlton-jpel hnyder, Hamuel Hcmott. l'lnc LHJah Hnjder, hcott-Haulel A. Creasy, Thomas Dallinau. 1ST OF CAUSKS FOII TIUAL AT i HKl'-rHJIllEItTEllM 18711. Clark. 1 Freeze. Hakes. (IMward JlcCall, I. John Hwecucy f William Lougcubcrgor i vs (.Hugli W, Mclteynolds.ct. nl. 5 Jacob Michael, vs Samuel C. Kilckbaum. (Charles 11. Green, i vs (.PcterHchug. (William Creasy, -) vs (Hamucl Sweppeuholser. f George .air, twilllam MeKelvy. flleulicn H.King, lllllsha HFursel. Free.e. ;i Clark. Kahler. I Claik. rice.o. Ike'ler. Fieee. Clark. Little. 7 Kahler. Claik. s Freeze. Whllmoyer. Fiec.e. Claik. IU Kahler. llroi-kwny. II Claik. ri.. . Herdle's, use. (11. II. (Alexander Collt-y - vs (AllnasCole, (Monrno llrundago -! vs (Kllsha 11, l'ursel. ( Michael Grover J. vs UL H. Man-. Claik .t lliockway I l'etcr Schug, 1'J I vs Little. llrockwny. HI Whltmojer, Marrllrothers, it Fivee. ( li.wld Lewis, guardian. -( vs LcolllnsSutllirsadm'r. f Continental Coal Co. (.Lehigh Valley It. U.Co. Abbott. t Ann Maigerum; 15 i vs Freeze. UJavld Hunt, etux. Claik. (Thomas Hughes' use, id vs Freeze. (Wesley Uuckcl. Howell. (M.T. Howell, 17 -f vs Freeze. (Jesse W. Merrill. Whllmoyer. (Frcdciick Ilosslcr, Hroekwayi IS vs Thompson. (Gideon G. Hossler, el. nl. Miller. (John Jacots, Ill vs (G, L. Johuson, Ikcler, Ilrockway. ai LU llo. Clark it Little. HI lialdy J: Jackson Wliitmoyer. Freeo, L'Vtlle, 'J.I Little, lialdy. Clark .t Freeze, Clark. '3 Kuorr. Fieeze, L'li Jackson, Little. a Clark. Clarlt. L'S Little, I'l eeze. l.llilo. Holiisoll, :m lialdy, Hhodes. :il Hrockway. Jaekson, :i Freezo, llalkley. I'luik. Miller. .11 Jackson. Ilutler, Ikcler. Howell. ."il Little. Jackson, :.7 Freeze. Jackson. Little. Abbott. ;:i Freeze, Jatksou, 10 Freeze, llarkley. II Whllmoyer. Freeze. Ii I. Illlo. II Whllmoyer. Thompscu. II Little. Ii llllcltltlew t Hark ley. Howell. 1(1 Little. (W.II. Kll I vs lluu,ct. ux, I Abraham Mooro, c t, al. (II J. A U.l'.McIIeury. i vs (Joseph It. Hvans. I James Masters, vs t A. J. Fiuo. (Timelier .1 Co, et. al. s. Wm. Goodinau, (Wm. M. Martin, tt. ux, ITimotliy Itagau et, al. (Geo ( Dav :orgo Hower'H executor, vs lavid It. Hower (C.I). Fowler, (Keubu Miller. (Daniel F.Seybelt, twilllam Ubairer (William Shatter. I vs (Daniel l'.Scybert, f Hubert Ooicll. I vs I Harney Mclliearty, j Chailes II, Wllbelm et. al. IMlchaa Woods. ( Daniel llhodes, I s (William Tyson (Joseph Miller, (N, L. "ampbcll. (Thomas Fry, ( vs (William Coleman, ( Sbarpless .V Harman, 1 ns I Charles I). Fowler (Melchlali Miller udin'r. ( vs (Lllas Glger, JC. S. 1'owler. Uesso 1). Itlce. f C. 11. (Mam . Howiiinn,ct. al, vs ilanassit Howman, et, al. l'eter Haymnu'H use. i vs I Jacob Khallcr,, I Hiamball S. Co. ( vs (McNlucli.tiShuiimu. ( Harvey C. iless. vm (Samuel Creasy, ndm'r. I Noah Mouser's use, vs iGcorgoSlronser. (John Turner, N (Daniel Snyder, Ilsalalt Yeaj?er. vs I), It. Johusou. (John Kromcr. vs II. F, Heybcrt, (Lewis J. Adams, vs Flshlugcrcck Sellout District ( William A. Cite, 1 v (Moses Col t Coll man. et. ul. JOHN (1. JACOHY'iS UAKICUY AND CONFFCTIONFHYl IIEIIWICK, l'FNN'A. Tlio undersigned Nt-ould respectfully lulorm tbu (.'Illens id llernick, nnd vicinity, that lie has opened u Confectionery and Hakery In ODD FIU.LOWS' HALL, llerwlck, l'n., whero ho Is puparedto furnish nil kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDID?, FHF.NCH CANDIIX, FOltKION AND DOMESTIC h IHJITS OHANOEH, LEMONS, U.MSINS &C. dc, do., lie, T1V WJIOLKSAI.U AND 11ETAIU Among tho assortment will bo fouud Creum Nuts, English Wulnuls, lVanuts. Almonds, Kit belts. Figs, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, Jellks of dltrer out kinds, Mustard, Catsup, Pickles, Chocolato, Canned Fiult ol all kinds, Corn Ktaich, Ek-g Ills cult, t-oda Ciatkers, Oyster crackers, Cheese, Soap, Wrltlug Paper, Agretmeut Papers, En velope, FISH AND OYSTKHS, And produco of all kinds. Fresh lllciul and Cakes every day. Ice t'leum lu Stosou, Your paiionago Is solicited, , . , , J01ING.JACO1IY. Herwlck, Juuol7,ls70-tf N OTIOE, All ItCrfcOllH kUOWllllI tllClllJif UfH tn Iw. Imloht. vk to tlio KhiHte ot Jacob Kjer, ilecfusod, aro lit ivby notilletl to byttlo their uecouut Ht ouco, otltcrwiAU they Will b tulUetia uccordlntc to lawT . .... . 11. MHJ-EU, liiootuiburu, May (I, JWO-lf AUmluUtrator COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, N. V, SAJU'LU. O, V. NKAL. J. L. TAYLOR. KT. W. SAMPLE & CO.. , Oorner ol Main Street and 1j. & 3J. Itnil Rond, BLOOMSBUBQ, MAOHiNlSTS, IRON AND Jilt ASS FOUNDERS; BLA0KSJI1TIIS AKU MANU37AOTU11ERS OF STEAM ENGINES & AVATER WHEELS,, iaciii.m: horu ami kuimiiis. MILL OEAItlNO, SHAFTING, l'ULLKYH, HANGKHH, HEADDLOCKS, saw nvniLL gke A.itiasrc3- of all jEcnsrr3, CASTINGS FOlt FU11NACKS ALSO CAH WHEELS AND AXLES BRASS CASTINGS CAH BOXES, COMPOSITION CASTINGS, URLFIELD'S C13LKI1HATKD GLOBK VALVICS, STOP COCKS, CIIIX'IC VALMCS, Al li UUUI'wH, OIL CUPS, STKAM WHISTLES STEAM OUAGES, STEAIVZ 2IP33 AND riTXIWOS CONSTANTLY OINT HAND. AGENTS FOII SlilVE'S GOVEKNOlt, ACKNOWLEDGED TO 11 H THE HI'Iil.I'.ST AND I1EHT IN THU WOULD. JIILLWltlallTS AND .MACHINISTS f tl'I LIi.S EITlIEIt ON HAND Oil FUltNISlIED Al HIIOItT NOTICE, VIZ; GUM AND LI'ATU I I HLLTINO OF HVEHY DEWCUIPl'IO.V, HEMP AND BOA1 STONE PAt'KINO, uiLS Itl:D AND WHITE LEAD, &0. LESSEES AND SOLE MANUFACTl'KEKS OF HALL'S PATENT DOUBLE DlSClIAltfJl' TUIUUNE WHEELS. LIlirilAL .NDUCE.MENT8 C Fl'EltED TO THE TltADE, AlsoAKcnlHfortlio"EUItEKA"Hlim anil Sqiaralliift Mauliliio and "EX CELSlOll" Bran Duslcr. Send for clri- ' ir jiicclmcn Maeliinus can bo scon at Uio works. BLACKSMITHIKTGr, HE.VVY OIS LIGHT I'OHGINGH, MERCHANT IllON OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. Also manufacturers of Win. U. Deuel's II AY and HARVEST GRINDERS, patented November 2nd, lSG'j. REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. MADE TO ORDER. ORDERS FIR BRIDGE BOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED PATTERN SHOP. WE IIAVENOW IN THIS urJPAKTMEN r THE LATEST IMPItOVED MACHINEUY AND AHE PREPA It ED TO MA K E ALL KINDS OF PATTEHNS AT SHOUT KOTICB.. AGRICUUrUUAL IMPLEMENTS OP THE LATEST 1MPHOVKD l'ATTEUNS. TH RES II ING MAC1 1 1 N ICS, A SPECIALTY. BurKRYrc Ukapkus Repaired AND ALL EXTHA I'AltTS FUHNISHED. MANUFACTl'i:F,RS A.M) PROPRIETORS OF MORTON'S PATENT MAY RAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. JN. B. Having put in nmiliiiit-ry I'spt-cially adupted to tho manufacture of Moulding Cutter.s,U! aro prepaicd locxecuto InrKts or small orders, at short no tice, and on very favoiablr- tctirix. Soiul for Circular and prlcollst. N. W. SAMPLE & CO. May 7,'C'l-tf LIF IFE INSURANCE FOR THE PEOPLE! HOMESTEAD LIFE INSURANCE CO. O I' P E N N S Y L V A N I A . Oi'FCE "HI Chestnut W. M. HEYFEItT, Pres't. LAWRENCE M VE1W, V. Trcs'l. Ii. E. DAVIS, Sin. i Ol Asr-ncld. This Coiuimiiy orKitnlrt'il hy lug rcjrit ' of tlio Industrial Intercuts of the State, Nvlilrly known us hui'i'tsslul anil m-iionslblt- lni'-ii.. s men, tklrlUK lo iilitco Llfo lusurauco with in ii'itcli of all, lias ailoiitt'tl n shU-nt o MONTHLY" PAYMENTS OF PREMIUMS, rinililliij every man tn iiravlilo fur Ills l inilly lit of li'-j iluttli, at a cost so trilling ai scarcely to In; ii-li, HiUl attuutloa Is ciltcil to ihls Cuint.iiiy'H G-K.A.3DTJA.TI2Sra- POLICY, itinucli ueetlcil feature In Llfo Insuranee, enllrtiy new In this country: designed lo protect lu case of death, tho lnteiests ot SHAREHOLDERS IN BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS ANO ALL urilLiU io havo borrowed money cr imicliaj-ed pmrerly payable lu Instalments extending over u belled ot iai, by CANCELLING any balauco ol ' ulcbttduess rcinaluln; LNPAII) lu caso or DEATH. THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL THE OltlllNAUY I'OltMK OF LIFE AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES AT LOW HATES OF PltEMIUM, ON THE PAItTICIPATlNll PLAN, WITH HUT FEW 11E.STU1CTTONH AH TO OCCUPATION, AND NONE AS TO TUAVEL Oil H12SIDENCE. S-Ftill lnformallou as lo Plans and Featured. Is eiml,i'uul In Paiiiphlets which will bo forward ed liy mail nu nijilliatlon lo the Homo OHU-e, Aclivo and re.-ipoiniblo men wanted iw Agents. F. M. BATES, llLOOMsnuno, Pa. AUENT lull IOLU.M11IA COUNTY. 3-Personn solleltlm; Accnclt-H in cltN-.' I.j ( om'.i".', I 'ti.ttm. Centre, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia, Sullivan, lliadiord or T1ita Couutit--, w ill i.l mhltt ss V, 1 1 1 '.l.l'A WILLIAMS, Special Agent, ". i'l Will I AH feT. WlLLIAMSroUT, I'A, Dloomsbure, August 3, ISTO-Ciii. Legal Notices. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1'Mr.VTK ot- JOHN (IIIOVKII, ill c'n. Letters of administration on tic- vi .. nt John Uroveri lalo of Ctutro township, Ciiluiiibia county, tleo'd haohmi Kiaultd bv llie Hi-t;istt.'t of salt! county toSauiucl Ne. haul, h sfiim- m the township and county aloiihaal. Atl p, tons hav iiiKelaluiHaualusi the estate of the Occident aro ieitiested to present thtm inr stttletncut, and those Indebted to tho estate tn make pig ment to tho ltudersigued,niltnlulstrator,v,lthoul delay. HA.MUE1. Nl.YIIAKD, Jll5'70-0w. Ailliuuliralor. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. USTATKOf PAN 1 Ft. K, VANHllU'SI.It'll lit f' 11. Litters tit admtnistiallou on tlio estate or Daniel H. Vandersllee, lato or Mount PIciimiiiI township, Col, co., ilee'd. bao been urauled b tho Ittglsterol said county lo ilailha D. N'aii dersllce, and Wllllaui .1. illdlay ol .MI. Pleaviuit All pcrsouu ha lug claims auatustlhe estate ol tlio tleccdcntaio ieitusttil to present thiutloi bettlement, und tlioso ludebled In the (state to make payment to tho iiudei signed, iiiluiiulstui tois, wlllioutdelay. MAIITHA D. VANDEIhSLICE, WILLIAM J. 11I1II.AY. Jll5'70-tit. Atllilliilstiatois. TUditor-s notigicT 1. H, I1UOUST, ST, n No. 21J..M iy tt'EIt, fTellll, A. D. W'l. jAcoii uow Tlio undersigned itnnolnt,-d Auditor Ac.. A to make report, distributing Iho pincicdsol ihe Hherltf's bale ou Judgment or Vind. Ex., No. 12 Heptember Term, 1M.U, will meet tho piiiliisiu Inieresifor the purpose of bis nppoluiiuenl nt Ills ofllco luCittaulssu, on I'riiljy.i-epitinliuriM, A. D, 187(1, at ten o'clock of said tlay.All pttsons luteresett are reiiuestiHl loatteud, or bi. d, baired froui coming Iu lor a part of the said lund . W. II. AUllulT, J12S'7(Mf. Audlloi, vro'i'i ce" i s 1 1 e Rich y" a i v en Xl that nu application will bu made at the next lueelluguf the Ueuerul Absembly of tho Com utouweallli of Pennsylvania lor iho tuco! i-ora-tlou of u bank,lu aecorthuHowlllilhelawHof tbo Coiuiuouweallh, to bo i-utllled Iho 't'iitawlssa Deposit and Having llilllk," to bo locatC'd ul Cata wlssa, Col. co.,Pu., Willi ucaplliilotlltly ihousiiud dollars, with the right to Increase tho same lu ono hundred and liny lliiiusand dolldis. Catawlssa, J uly 1, le7u-tiui, s PECJAL NOTICE. i'rof. M. A. J.mHrtff umilil im.pi ilfiittv Infiiiiu tlio cltldiv of thu tuuiily thai liu U intpniKl tu eive jirlvute h't.fconblu tho Utinuui.l-uiiU), J.nt in uiulUii'i-k lunsuouct unJ in uu. Jlu will also ttach mjiuI mukleuiul ulvt-liuliucllciu on tho Mt'hHiron. j,fbboiiK will lo uttii t'illin" At liU ttbldouce, In i:uklbtHtt luart.o t-urliH llotel.or lit thoso or hU implluiuf muy bo UtluU. illoonikburg, July b, ls.u-ow, JOB PRINTING Nellr executed Kt UiU Offlct BOILER MAKERS. AND ItOLLINQ MILLS. AND GENERAL MINING CABTINOB. OF ALL KINDS. AND BABBIT METAL Street, Philadelphia. It. W. DOUPHLEY, Sco'y. rpiIK Sl IiSCRIBER HEREBY X i, i ' s 111 tin that ho still continues the .MANUFACTUnn OF WIIEELKU'S PATENT RAILWAY CHAIN HORSE POWERS, ntul iHiti-nni in llm fli-lil fi-it-tLn ltArvest of 1S70. and n prepaud to furnish Farmers Nvlth the most reliaoio .nucuiucs ouerea to inu puune. I nisiibiiltil DOUI1LE-OEAHED JACKS, to at tach to tho rod of a lour-hiirKo lA-ver Power, to nltaih ni Tlneshcrs to. Threo horses will uo tho sauiHamiiiiiitofibreshlugwItli tnisarrunge'tt lour will wllh any other tlireihtr. I am also Agent to Mil WIIF.ELER'H COM IIINE1) THItlilHEUttntl WINNOWEKS. Porluillier pnrllcularH or for the purixte o (iidellng inacliilies, tuldless J.M.HULSHlZElt, JUO'TO-Iin Light Hliect,Col,Co.,ri. OMETHING NEW! Tho undersigned would hereby give notice that ho has Just completed A HlWT CLAIM 11 IU HUE, ami I hat he baslhofaellilles for curry ing oitho business of UNHEHTAKINU In all Its btauehes IN OlTt HTYLK. He has eugnged experienced persons who will take charLe ol the laiules ol the dtceosed ai soou as they "sliulllo ot this mortal coll," and attend to mm. bin. tuini, shaving, dressing, Ac. Shrouds lu olslied ulso to o,de.. At luucu expense ho has also pruetired au IRON I OK BOX, lu Nihleh bodies can bu preserved lu a cleanly ii ml my tt udltlon, Curnages furnished for fu lu i al i ecnsluns. Hi short, bo Is prejtared lo take charge of n i-irpso linineilliilely after death, and mini' uleudH and rilulhesuli lurther trouble lu legatdtolt. Ho also curl les uu the busluets ut O A B I N E T JIAKIHG I'liliulstoi inu in all Its brunches, repairing furul tun le-taling cune iHittoluiit elialls.Ao., &c. 1'liiL-e ot business uu Iron btri 1 1, below Main. ' ItOllKUT UOAN, lllcsiiushurg, July is, IKO tf.