The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 26, 1870, Image 2

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toflmsslmt'g Democrat.
Frlrtny Itlornliif?, .input 2fi, 1870.
HT-TIIH COLUMlTlAN Imi the Largest
Circulation of any paper published In
Northern PcnniylYanla, itnil It alio b
mncli larger sheet, tlmn any oflticotein
porrlci nml It therefore tlx belt medium
for advertising In this section oftlie Slate.
Democratic Standing1 Committee
A mooting of tho Democratic Stand
ing Committco will bo hold at tho Court
House on Monday, SoptembcrGth 1870,
for tho transaction of important busi
ness. A full tittendanco Is earnestly re
quested. A mooting al tlio samo timoand place
ol tho delegates who represented Sugar
loaf, Greenwood, Scott and tho Blooms
burg Districts is requested, to nomlnato
candidates for tho offlco of Poor Com
missioners. WM. 13. KOONS,
rolltical Assessments.
For many years tho Radical Congress
men and politicians liavo raised a cor
ruption fund by making assessments on
tho hard-worked clerks, poor laborers,
and other employees of tho Govern
ment. But ono Republican paper that
wo havo seen has had tho courago to
protest against this shameful procedure,
and that is The Day. Hear it :
"Wo find tlio following in tho 1'ress
"of yesterday:
"The assessments of tho republican congres
sional committco on tho employees of tlio New
York custom house will amount to 510,773."
"Tho holdncss of publishing such an
" item without censuro is a significant
" and sad commentary upon tlio times.
"Formerly, if such assessments wcro
" mado for partisan purposes, tho fact
" was kept secret. Thoso who levied
" and collected such forced contributions
" were ashamed of their work, because
"public sentiment would havo con
" demned it. Gentlemen who gamble,
"as gentlemen sometimes do, dosiro
" tho fact kept secret, and tho fact is
" crcditablo and complimentary to tlio
" public. But tho abovo item was print
ed without apology and in contompt
"of public opinion. Or, bo that
" public opinion has so changed that
" such statements may now bo mado
'with perfect safety-? Wo trust not,
" though tho appcaranco of this news
" item in thoPms suggests a doplora
"bio demoralization of tho public
" mind. If such facts may bo now pub
lished without fear, gentlemen who
" chooso to engage in tho gamo of faro,
" need no longer wait for night-fall, nor
"go through blind alloys to reach tho
" residenco of tho truculent and trench
" crous 'tiger.' O, shame, whero is thy
Tho Radical Congressional Address.
Our opponents, nftcr levying their as
sessments upon tlio post-masters, labor
ers and other employees of tlio Govern
ment, havo Issued an address to tho
pcoplo stating tho grounds of their do
mand for a coiitliiuauco in power.
Tho main ono is that tho Republican
party saved tho Union. Tills is not tho
fact. If thcro had been no Republican
party, there would havo been no seces
sion nor any war. When it came, Dem
ocrats as well as Republicans assisted
in conquering a Victory, and among tho
leaders contributed fetich men ns Mc
Clcllan, Hancock, Rosocrans, Dix, But
ler and Grant.
Tho second claim is for having secured
liberty and suffrngo to tlio slaves. Freo
(loin to tho slaves was tlio inevitable
result of tho war, and was not its pri
mary object, and therefore tho Repub
lican party can claim no merit on that
score wo ncknowlcclgo that giving
tho negro tlio right to voto was an act of
tho Radical party, but it was dono as a
political measure, and In order to main
tain their supremacy in tho South
whero tho whlto voters wero almost
solidly against them. The recent elec
tions In Tcnncssco and North Carolina
show that they havo failed in tills
They also claim tho merit of n suc
cessful administration. This wo deny.
Never in tho history of our country lias
thero been ono marked with less nullity
and with moro blunders. Of this fact
tho Committco had a dim perception,
becauso they wcro forced to admit tho
following :
"Accustomed to success oven against
fearful odds, and underrating perhaps
tho intrinsic tllfilcultles of tho pending
issues, many Republlcanslookou to Gen.
Grant's Administration with high
raised expectations. Of courso they
havo been impatient, and not always"
satisfied with results. But whilo theso
expectations havo not been fully real
ized in tlio nction of cither tho Presi
dent or of Conirress. much hns been
iicliiovcd; enough, at any rato, to satis-
ly tiiem mat tno uiiiicuit problems win
bo wrourrht out and tlio lioncd-for re-
Milts accomplished."
Tlio claim of a reduction of tiio pub
lie debt is puerile. At tlio closo of tho
war of course our expenditures wero
lcssoi'ed, and under Johnson's adminis
tration a reduction of tlio public debt
began. Tlio taxation was kept up to
tho war standard, and tlio generation
which fought tlio battles is being forced
to bear its burdens, besides keeping up
the most expensive administration wo
ever had in a tirao of peaco. Theso aro
thosubstanco of tho claims mado by
tho Radicals for a continuance in oftlco,
and wo believe they aro groundless and
War Bosh.
Tho war now raging botween tho two
greatest military powers in Europe,
has been seized upon by an innumera
ble army of correspondents, real and
Imaginary, from tho seat of hostili
ties, and tho public aro treated daily to
batches of "nows"(?) so utterly Incon
gruous and incomprehensible that it is
absolutely astonishing that oven tho
American public guliblo as It unques
tionably is, "does not reject tho misera
ble stuiT, and Incontinently rofuso to bo
longer humbugged. Ono day theso vo
racious chroniclers of tho "situation"
givo out that Napoleon Is "laboring
under cerebral excitement, constantly
muttering that ho has been betrayed,"
and gloomily nwalting tho coup tVctat
that Is to end for over Jhis and
dynasty. Another equally positlvo
and perhaps moro truthful member of
tho correspondent's legion declares em
pbaticaliy that the "nephow of his un
cle" is at Chalons, in excellent spirits,
and in company with tho young geii'
tlcman who recently received his "first
baptism of flro" and at whoso "tran
quility" tho soldiers wept, rapidly or
ganizing tho troops being concentrated
at that point. Still another report do
ciarcs tho Emperor dead of an apoplo-
tic fit, tho Empress en route for England
through Belgium, and tho Imperial
Prlnco gono to Italy to accept protec
tion from Victor Emanuel. Out of all
this bosh tlio fact still protrudes that
vast armies on cither side, armed with
tlio most Improved Implements of des
truction, aro in tho Held aud will clash
In deadly fray on many a field cro tho
result Is known.
Mr. Fornoy.
If thero bo ono man in tho United
States, who, moro than any other, do
serves and receives tho contempt of tho
better class of tho peoplo and tho press,
that man is John W. Fornoy. No ono
has dono or is doing moro than lie, to
foster and perpetuato tho feeling of bit
terness which exists between tho North
ern and Southern people, a feeling which
weuld havo disappeared long since,
wero it not for tho oxlstenco of such
pestilent felloivs as this Forney, who
by malicious perversions of truth seeks
to strengthen his party at tho exponso
of tho peaco of tho wliblo country. Tho
New York Times, a Republican paper,
which diners from tho two published
by Mr. Fornoy, in that it is honest, ro-
mark3 as follows :
"What 1b about to happen when Mr.
" Forney's two papers begin to talk
"about 'renewed Southern outrages
' all of us know. Somo scheme for pro-
' moting personal ambition or factious
" greed is to bo presented to Congress
"or tho President. Somo plan is con
"templated for carrying an election
" against tho will of tho people, or for
" porpotuatlngun authority that cannot
" withstand tho free oxerclso of the bal
"lot. Then tho Kuklux reappear, and
" murders and outrages multiply at a
"rato which only vivid imagination
" can explain. Of this startling Intel-
"ligenco tho Washington Cirom'c.e anil
" tho Philadelphia Press havo a monop
"oly; thoy aro without a rival in that
" lino of tho newspaper business. And
"thoy aro preparing now for fresh
" manifestations of their peculiar skill.
"They would havo us belio-o that tho
"defeat in North Carolina might liavo
" been prevented had thero been moro
"bayonets at tho ballot-box j and they
so iiescribo events in other States as to
suggest tho n cecssity for military np
nearances to make suro of Republican
"victories. They ask us to rely moro
upon tlio bullet, nnd less upon tho bal-
" Int. II
What Measures of Economy tho
Democratic Tarty Troposcs.
Ono of tho happiest nhd most truth
ful answers wo over saw, was that giv
en by tho Enquirer, to tho question of
thq Cincinnati uaietlet "What mea
sures of economy does tho Democratic
party propose V" Democratic brothers
show It to your Republican neighbor.
It may bo tho moans of his conversion.
Tho abolition of two-thirds of tho
present standing army as uselessly kept
up by tho Republlcin party.
Tlio cutting down tho naval expense")
ono-ha f at leiut.
Tho practlco of keeping $100,000,000
of gold in tlio Treasury from year to
ye.r, instead of employing It to take
up bonds that draw 50,000,000 annual
interest should bo stopped.
Tho amount of Interest debt would
bo reduced ono-thtrd by Imposing upon
tlio bonds a national Jtax equal to tho
amount to that paid In Stato aud local
taxation by all other property. This
would save $30,000,000 or $10,000,000 a
By expending tho currency to an
amount couinicnstirato with tho busi
ness and industrial interests of tho coun
try say $300,000, greenbacks and
in employing it to redeem bonds, somo
$18,000,000 aycar Interest mlghtbostop
pcd. Tho Internal rovenuo machinery, with
its collectors, inspector,!, pimps and
spies, would bo abolished, and tho mat
ter turned over to Stato and County
Collectors and Treasurers, who could
collect tho Federal taxes ni small cost.
2so extravagant grants of money
which aro now mado for tho "Whlto
House such as $2,000 annually for fuel,
and $10,000 a year for lighting tho Pros
dent's House would bo mado.
Theso aro &ome, but they aro by no
means all of tho measures of economy
which tho party can and will proposo
for diminishing tlio lax-paying burdens
of tho people.
Stato Aid to Railroads.
In Indiana, Illinois nnd Michigan tho
pcoplo have put an end to tho system
of granting Stato aid to lailroads. It is
tlino wo did ho in Pennsylvania. Mil
lions of tho people's money have been
expended in this way, and tho result
ins been tho creation of scs'cral monop
olies that control tho entire Stato.
Through tho firmness of Gov. Geary,
nino and a half millions of dollars wcro
saved for tho Sinking Fund last Spring
but ut tho meeting of tlio next Legisla
ture, renewed efforts will bo mado to
pass tho samo scheme; and wo would
suggest that our candidate for tho Leg
islature, whoever ho may be, should bo
pledged to voto against any appropna
Hon from the Stato to aid in building
any railroad.
Wo havo had too much of this in tlio
past, and wo do not wish to havo It re
peated In tho future, ll'c do not believe
that thc2coplc should build and pay for
railroads, ami then pay for the privilege
of using them.
And Wow To Work.
Tlio certainty of Mercur's re-nomlna
tion gives him tho advantago of begin
ning work at onco, and at present ho Is
engaged in consolidating tho party for
action iu October, quieting dissensions
ftmonglila friends, and making nrrango
menta to secure a full party voto. It is
unfortunato for us that Bradford holds
hcr.Convention so late, but that need
not deter us from going to work at onco
iu organizing the party, circulating
documents,and performing other duties
Incident to tho campaign. "Whoever
rriay bo nominated should bo supported
with all our strength. No disaifection
towards a portion of tho ticket should
prevent any man from doing all In his
power to wrest this District from RadI
cal hands.
Lot each man, then, put his shoulder
to tho wheel. No ono Is so unimport
ant that ho cannot assist. Organlzoyour
clubs, soloct your cicctlou committees,
and if you need documents send to tho
Chairman of tho Standing Committee
Tho party that is thoroughly organized,
prompt and active, cannot be defeated.
Eclipso of the Sun.
Tho total ccllpso of thosun on tho 22d
of December noxt is to bo fully and
carefully observed by American as well
as European 6a vans. Congress placed
over $20,000 at tlio disposal of Professor
Benjamin PJorco, professor nt Harvard
nndSuperintoudant of tho Coast Survoy.
to bo used in, defraying tho oxponses of
parties to bo sent abroad to observo tho
eclipse, and threo expeditions will prob
ably bo sent, ono under tho euro of Pro
fessor Pierco himself, a second under tho
command of Professor "Wlniock, tho
director of Harvard Observatory, and a
third undcrtho direction of a competent
naval officer. Tiio lino of totality passes
through tho southern portions of Por
tugal, Spain, Italy, Grooeo, Turkoy nnd
Russia. The stations to bo occupied by
tlio parties will bo .elected bo as to Ho
Within this lino.
Sco To Xt.
Wlilloln tho Land OIlco nt Harris
burg a fow days since, says tho Altoona
Tribune, our friend A. O. "Wilson, a
clerk in that department, gavo us con
siderable Information in roforenco to
unpatented land, from which wo infer
that thero aro many owners of real es
tato resting in fancied safety becauso
thoy hold a parchment paper showing
their land to havo been pateniod. Theso
parchments aro correct, and all Is safo
so far as thoy go, but from tlio number
of charges on tho books, against lands
in tho different counties, wo infer that
tncrolsa balancoduo tlio Stato on tho
majority of tracts in each county. This
balanco happens In this wlso: Tho
original owner took out a patent say
for 200 acres of land, but when tho tract
was surveyed it was found to contain
220 acres. Tho surveyor mado return
accordingly to tho Land Ofllce, and tho
balanco of patent monoy has been run-
on Interest, nt 3 per cent, per nnnum
from that time up to August, 1838, and
nt u per cent, per nnnum from tho lat
ter dato to tho present tlmo. In addi
tion to tho patent monoy and Interests
thereon, an additional chargo of $15 for
tho patent is added. "Wo noted ono caso
in which a tract of 100 acres hod been
patented, but when survoyod it was
found to contain -110 acres. Tho excess
returned to tho Land Ofilco and
chorged up, Including patent monoy,
Interest nnd $15 for tho patent, is some-
wiicro in tho neighborhood of $500. It
would bo advisnblo for all property
holders to seo that tho wliolo tract thoy
occupy has been patented, otherwifo
thoy may bo called upon, to settle a bill
when short graco is given. If thoy can
ascertain tho namo of thoorlginul own
er, thoy can readily obtain tho Informa
tion. Tho amount of monoy received
by tho Stato, within tho ilrst year, for
land patents, amounts to over $9,000,-000.
How tho Dead Soldiers arc to bo
A Berlin letter in tho London Tele
graph says : -
Mark ono instanco of tho German
practical spirit as a proof of tho fashion
after which theso Teutons prcparo to
fisht. In recent wars popular feeling
has demanded that rank and file, cap
tains and generals, shall bo equally and
impartially mentioned in tho lists of
tho slain j but difficulties havo arisen,
becauso tho enemy cannot know tho
dead men's names, and, when tho mus
ter roll Is called after battle, tho missing
may bo only wounded or prisoners.
Germany has, in her solid, calm man
ner, arranged, in view of this difficulty,
that each wlfo and mother shall speed!
ly know tho best or tho worst about
thoso who go to fight "with God, for
king, nnd fatherland." Slips of parch
mcnt, llko luggago labels, havo been
prepared, on which the name of each
German soldier is plainly written, and
one of will bo fastened insido Ids
coat when ho goes Into nction. After
tho day Is desided, tho enemy, if ho bo
master of tho field, will bo requested to
collect and return theso labels, of which
about a million havo been provided,
grim tickets for an unknown Journey 1
Think of tho German wlfo or mother
sowing it on tho battle ticket of her
stako in tho quarrel tho address of her
particular "material of war," tho awful
traveling label whereon no loving hand
may writo "With care,'' .seeing that its
bearer goes into tlio valley of tho shad
ow, to como forth again or not as heav
en shall decree. Hewn on with German
thread, ripped off, perchance, with
! reach knife, wholo packets and par-
cols of theso llttlo human memoranda
will surely bo returned: but yet every
man who buttons his coat over tho label
of death has looked Ills fato full in
tho faco, and mado himself "ready for
tho burial."
Tennessku gives 20,000, not i'OOO,
Democratic majority.
Importance of Ono Voto.
At tho session of Congress commen
cing on the 1th of March, 18G3, tho pay
of members of Congress wa3 increased
from $3,000 to $5,000 per annum. Tho
voto on tills question was closo. Tho
motion was passed by tho closo voto of
51 yeas to 50 nnys. Oxi: Sinolu Votu
In tho negatlvo would liavo mauo it a
tlo voto and that would have defeated the
bill. That put $2000 per annum extra
Into tho pockets of members of Con
gross. Tho Congress of tho United
States uudor tho now apportionment
will bo composed about as follows :-Sen
ate, Seventy-four members; Homo of
Representatives, Three Hundred mem
bers making n total of Three Hundred
and Seventy four members. Theso rcceiv
ing tho Increased pay of $2,000 will
Just mako tho additional pay of Cong
ress, Seven Hundred and Forty Eight
thousand dollars ($748,000) or nearly
three quarters of a million of dollars,
ovcry year at "Washington, One single
tote at tho session of 1805 against it
would liavo defeated tho bill. It is
sometimes said that fcpcech-inaklng is
an important matter in Congress, but
tho abvo statement shows tho impor
tance of a single vote. Oni: votk would
Ol-1 THE C'OU.VTllY. Ex.
All four of tho Republican candi
dates for Congress In South Carolina nro
negroes. Prior to Wliltlemoro'd.wltli
drawnl tho ticket stood threo negroes to
ono whlto j but in tho placo of tho great
expelled, a negro has been nominated,
and thoebony quadrilateral Is thus com
plete. "WithRovels in tho Senato, it
lias been imposslblo for tho party lead
ers to discourago negro nominations
by arguing, ns heretofore, Hint black
men in Congress would hurt (ho cause.
Hx-CJovcrnor Soymour on tho Coolio
Letteii to the WonictNaMEN AT
At n mass meeting of tlio working
men, held nt Rochester on tho 1th Inst.,
tho following letter was read from Ex
Governor Seymour on tho question of
Chlurso Immigration to tho United
Utica. August 3, 1870.
Sir: I put off until this tlmo my an
swer to your letter asking mo to speak
to a meeting nt Rochester upon tho sub
ject of Chinese Immigration, as I hop
ed it would bo in my power to do so.
I am sorry that I cannot attend. All
ngrco that It Is a gravo subject. It is
ono that must bo met, and It must bo
met now. Strong Influences aro at work
to open tho Hood -gates and pour in upon
us tho worst classes of over-crowded
China. They can get to our shores nt
less cost, and In greater numbers than
tho pcoplo of Europe. If thoy continuo
to crowd in thoy will overthrow tho
customs, civilization, and religion of
tho wholo Pacific coast, nnd they will
nlso crush down tho position of laboring
classes throughout our country. I am
against this. I am not willing that thoy
should gain a foothold here. No nation
In Europe would suffer such an Inva
sion. If Britain, Germany, or Franco
should allow anything of tho kind,
their governments would bo over
thrown. Why should wo givo up our
civilization in any part of our country
for that of Asia?
It is said wo want cheap labor. Wo
do not want cheap labor, but well-paid
labor. Interest, as well as Juslico and
humanity, calls for this. If all who
labor iu tills country took tlio faainu
wages and spent as littio money as tho
Chinese laborer, our government would
bo bankrupt and business would shrink
up. "Well-paid labor spends freely with
tho business man and fills tho national
treasury by tho Imposts and duties it
pays upon what it uses. This is tlio
wholo source of our financial strength
ns compared with other people. If la
bor is brought down to tho Chinese
standard, thero will at onco bo a differ'
onco in tho condition of classes which
will in tho end overthrow our govern
ment. Wo pay higher taxes and inter
est than than any other people, and,
tho prico of labor is put down to Asiatic
rates, capital will swallow up tho cam
lugs of toil moro rapidly than ever dono
in tho history of nations. If this Is to
bo our futuro wo havo lost iu vain
nearly a million of lives in tho lato civil
war. It is not tho object of govern
ment to undersell others, to pinch our
selves that wo may pinch others. Tho
great end of statesmanship is to givo
comfort and plenty to each homo, nnd
to tako caro that labor is well paid. Wo
should seek to givo happiness to eacli
fireside circle, and not to fill the coffers
of capitalists.
It is said by somo, if wo shut out
Chinese immigration, wo do so in tho
faco of our former professions. This is
not so. Wo invito European immigra
tion, becauso it adds to our power and
happiness. Europeans do not overflow
our customs, religion or civilization
They do not bring hero any straugo
blood. It has always been our practlco
to shut out any immigration that
hurtful. Wo send back to Europe crim
inals and paupers, by virtuo of Stato
and National laws. Every city and
town guards against incomers who en
danger social order or safety. Wo aro
in no way bound to tako into our public
system any mischievous elements, or to
destroy it by personal influences,
wo believe iu our religious creeds,
tlio forms and privileges of our govern
meat, then wo must beliovo that Asiatic
creeds and customs nro baleful. To-day
wo aro dlvidlug tho lands of tlio nativ
Indians into States, counties, and town
ships. Wo aro driving off from their
property tho gamo upon wliich they
live, by railroads. Wo tell them plain
ly thoy must givo up their homes .and
livo upon tho corners of their own ter
ritories, becauso thoy are in tho way of
our civilization. If wo can do tills, then
wo can keep away another form of bar
barism wliich lias no right hero.
I havo no doubt that tlio Chincso liavo
useful qualities. They are said to lie
good servants, ready to do tho work of
men or women, but thoy liavo not tho
traits which will build upon this conti
nent a great nnd high-toned power. Wo
must not judgo of thoso who camo hero
by thoso who stay at home. Wo get
only tho dreg. Thero Is but ono way
of dealing witli the matter. Tho policy
of exclusion must bo as sharp and as
vigorous as that of Massachusetts or
Now York against tho coming pauper
ism. It must bo borno in mind, that
under tho lato nmendmonls to our Na
tional Constitution, youcau givo them
no qualified condition, you put upon
them no political restraint, mado neces
sary by their peculiarities. Thoy can
grasp tho rights of voting and lawmak
ing desplto all Stato legislation. It is
to bo hoped that this subject will bo
taken up and discussed in n fair torn
perato way by all classes. Wo must not
let it drift nnd settle itself. Unless wo
aro ready to givo up tho consequences
of tliis now danger to tho public peaco
and homo happiness of our peoplo, wo
must confront tho problem at tho out
sot. Truly yours,
To Elias Mapes, Recording Secre
tary of Workliigincn's Assembly, Ro-
Conveuted. Wlien Dr. Johu lef
this county for North Carolina, ho was
behoved to bo tho oxponcnt of extreme
Radical sentiments. Slncoho has set
tled thoro, howover, ho has shown n
moderation and fairness that, while It
has surprised us, must commend him to
men of nil classes in his adopted Stato.
SInco tho lato election ho has given his
friends somo wliolesomo ndvlco, from
which wo mako tho following extract :
"Tho whlto pcoplo can ilvo and pros
per much easier without tho colored
people than can tho colored raco with
out tho aid and friendship of tho
Tiio trim policy henceforth for the
coioreu man is to shun tho counsel of
acmagogues, wniio or black. Let him
treat as an enemy every man who would
engender a feeling tending to array race
against raco. Instead of talking or
thinking about oillco ho should study
how best to mako friends how best to
sustain and strengthen and build uptho
party that conferred upon ids raco tho
boon of freedom nnd all its blessings.
Mark wo do not say that tho colored
man lias no right to sharo in tho ofilcos
but what will it avail him if by insist
ing upon tho right ho gives both thoof
ileesnnd tho Government over Into tho
hands of his enemies V Wo mako this
"plain talk" for tho benefit of tho col
orcd pcoplo of this county and District.
May thoy ponder Jt well,"
Fronoh War Nows.
PAnis, August 17. Tho following
ofilclal dispatch has Just been mado
Metz, August 173 P. M. Wo had a
serious engagement yesterday, (tho
10th,) near Gravclolto. Wo gained
tho ndvnntngo, but lost heavily.
PAUis," August 18. Tho different bat
tles nround Metz wcro fought by tho
troops of tho Third nnd tho Fourth
Corps. About 10,000 French troops
wcro engaged. Tho Prussian loss was
cry grent and is computed nt 20,000.
Tho French loss Is comparatively small
owing to tho aid nflbrdod by tho can
non of tho adjacent fortresses. Having
attacked Pfalsbourg unsuccessfully, tho
russlans havo retired six milomotrcs
to tho valloy of Dorscuhelm to ass.uro
their communications.
Pauis, August 18 Evening. Tho
following additional details or Tues
day's battlo near Doncourt and Vlon-
vlllo havo been obtained from official
sources : Prlnco ! rcuencic uiaries at
tacked our right, and was firmly met.
Tho corps of Gen. Argand, at Rezon-
ville, hastened Into tho nction, which
ceased only with night. Tlio Prussians
repeatedly attacked, us aud wero as
often repulsed. Toward night a fresh
corps sought to turn our position, but
was beaten off. Our losses nro serious.
Gen. Battaillo is wounded. By8 o'clock
in tho evening tho enemy was repulsed
along tlio cntlro line. Ho had 120,000
men engaged.
New York; August 10. A special to
tho World from Loudon states that tho
losses on both sides In tho battles of
Tuesday and Wodneiday woro fifty
thousand killed nnd wounded. Tho
Prussian estimated loss is 100,000 (?)
men sinco thoy entered France. Tho
pcoplo regard Tiochu ns an actual die
tator, and ho Is talked of as a prospec
tlvo Consul of tho Republic.
PAnis. August 21. General Trochu
has issued another proclamation, tho
meaning of which is that Paris will
havo to stand a siege.
Pauis, August 21. Tlio statement of
Count Palikao that tlio Fronch won a
victory on tlio 18th, and drovo tho Prus
sians into tho quarries at Jaumont, is
repeated from other sources. Jaumont
is between Metz and Thlonvlllo.
Pauis, August 21 Noon A Deputy
to tho Corps Lcgi3latif to-day announc
ed to persons collected near tho Cham
ber, that tho Prussians had entered
Cliatillon-sur-Marno. This movement
would iudicato that tho Prussiaus aro
marching on Paris by way of Sezanne.
London, August 21. Tlio King of
Prussia's announcement of a victory at
Rezonvillo on Thursday is contradicted
by official statements in Paris ycsler
day. No doubt of a serious engage
ment to tlio south of Metz on that day,
iu which tho French under Bazaino
performed marvels of heroism, and
wero winning tho battlo when their
ammunition gavo out. Thoy fell back
in good order, nnd withoutany pursui t,
to Metz. Tlio battlo was without do
cisivo results.
Pauis, August 21 Noon. Tlio Prus
sian despatches claiming a victory in
tho battlo of tho lGth aro falso. General
Ladmlrault camo up at C o'clock in tho
afternoon with fresh troop3 nnd crushed
tho Prussians.
Tho fortified town of Pfalzburg, in
tho Vosges, capitulated on Saturday to
tho Wurteruburg army. Tlio capturo
of this fortress Insures tho communica
tions of tho Crown Prlnco with his
bases of supplies.
Pauis, Aug. 22- Tlio protended vic
tory of tlio Prussians, at Resonvillo, on
tho 18th, finds llttlo credenco here.
Notwithstanding tho dispatch of King
William, it is believed that all is going
well with tho French Army.
Pauis, August 22. In tlio Senato to
day, ono of tho Ministers stated that
after a suspension of nows for forty
eight hours, tho Government had re
ceived a dispatch from Marshal Bazaino
confirming his former dispatch in regard
to tho affair of tho 18th. After a battlo
of nine hours, Bazaino held all his po
sitions. London, Aug. 22. AH rellablo ad
vices from tlio seat of war show that
tho Germans nro seeking to surround
Marshal Razainennd provent reinforce
ments from Paris from Joining him. A
dispatcli from Mczicrcs, dated to-day,
says tho loss of tho Prussians In tho last
battlo was fearful. Moro than 10,000
wounded remained on tlio field of bat
tlo without assistance.
Prussian War News.
London, August 17. Last oveuing
tho gorrisonatStrasbourg mado nsortio
toward Houhoim, but werodrivon back
with a heavy loss of men. Thoy also
lost threo guns.
Fuankfout, August 17. Gen. Slier
idan, with Consul-General Webster, has
through tho good offices of Minister
Bancroft, been cheerfully accorded per
mission by tho military authorities to
follow tho campaign with tho head
quarters of tho King.
London, August 18. A telegram
from Brioy, a town fourteon miles
north-west of Metz, lias tho following :
"An obstlnato strugglo occurred near
Mars la Tour, yesterday. It is suppos-
ed tho engagement was general. Largo'
numbers of wounded of both armies
oro arriving at Brioy, Travelers report
mat n vast number of Prussians havo
been thrown back upon tho Mosollo by
tho Imperial Guard. Tho Prussian nr
tillory was intrenched between Brioy
and Saint Jean."
London, August 100:15 p. m.
Thero is a report In circulation hero.
which gains somo credenco, that tho
-t-mpcror .Napoleon is dead.
London, August 10-10 o'clock n. m.
Despatches recoived in tills city to
day, giving later dotails of tho engago
ment near Metz, on Tuesday, stato that
(luring tlio battlo Prlnco Albert, of
Prussia, and tlio French General Lo
Orand, wero killed. General Montalgno
is missing. In this engagement tho
Prussians manreuvred an iminenso
number of troops, estimated at ono
hundred and fifty thousand men.
London, August 10. Tho Daily
eics nas in us extra issuo of this morn
ing a dospatch from n Brussels eorrcs
pondont, which states that Napoleon is
suffering from ncuto symptoms of fo
brllo monomania, during tho narox-
ysms of which ho incessantly says that
no nas ucen betrayed.
A Berlin despatch to tho Times says
tho Fronch armies wcro separated by a
victory ni iuars-io-rour.
Tho Times correspondent also declares
that tlio garrUon at Mots Is in n famish-
ing condition. Thcro aro no provisions
nt Metz, nnd tho nvonucs of supply
havo been Intercepted.
Tho Times declares that, unless Mnr-
shal Bazaino can by n bold strokocut
his way througli tho Gorman army nnd
oxtrlcalo himself from its colls, tho
French, army on tho Rhino will bo
forced lo capitulate. It Is assumed that
such an allcrnatlvo is almost Imminent.
Duehden, August 21. Tho Saxon
troops engaged in tho battlo of Rezon
villo fought nil tho nflornoon, nnd met
with complete success, taking many
prisoners. Tho Second, Third, Soventli,
Eighth, Ninth, nnd Twelfth Army
Corp3 nnd tho Prussian Guards boro tho
brunt of tiio battle.
Caulsuuhe, Aug. 21. Strasbourg Is
In flames. Tho French havo fired tho
surrounding villages. Thoy mako fro-
quent sorties, which nro constantly re
pulsed. Eight thousand Prussians havo
nrrived with a train of heavy sicgo ar
tillery. Tho city is surrounded by 30,000
men under Gen. Wcrder. Tho inhabi
tants nro demoralized, nnd dlsordor
ovcrywhero prevails. A surrender is
hourly expected.
Pont-a-Mousson, Aug. 21, via Lon
don. Prisoners still pour in. Last
night thcro arrived 2,000 privates and
30 officers, nnd to-day moro soldiers and
51 officers wcro brought In, among tho
latter General Plombiu. Tno loss of
the French during tho week cannot bo
less than 50,000 killed, wounded, and
missing. At Courclllcs, Vionvlllo, and
Gravclotto they aro known to havo lost
15,000 in each battle, including nt tlio
latter placo -1,000 prisoners.
Beiuin, August' 22. Tho Prussian
advance on Friday, when last heard
from, was rapidly closing In upon Ver
dun, which city is imperfectly defend
ed. Communication between Metz and
Verdun lias been cut off both by rail
road and telegraph.
Tho Prussians liavo occupied Masures,
striking Paris at tlio south.
Tho crown prince's army Is reported
to bo ono hundred and fifty thousand
Latest Wows.
Sckanton, Peiin., Aug. 17. A burg
lar was fatally shot by the Polieo, about
2 o'clock this morning, whllo uttompt-
ing to gain nu entranco to tho First Na
tional Bauk building at C.ubondalc.
An explosion of flro-damp occurred
this morning In the now shaft of tho
Roaring Brook Coal Company at Dun
more. Eight men wero seriously
BiNGHAMTON, N. Y., Aug. 17 Tho
storo of D. M. & E. G. Hnlbort was cu
tcrcd nt3 o'clock this morning, by threo
burglars. Tho noiso awoko two clerks
who habitually slept In tho storo, and
who attacked tho burglars, beating
ono of them very soverely and captur
ing him, whllo tho others made their
escape. But whllo tho clerks wcro pre
paring to sccuro their captlvo Ids com
panions returned to rescuo him, and
shot ono of tho clerks through tho head,
killing him instantly. His namo was
Frederick A. Merrick. Tho clerks had
a rovolvcr, but it missed fire. Tho
burglars fired fivo shots altogether, and
evidently supposed thoy had killed
both tho clerks, Tho name of tho sur
viving clerk Is Gilbert Burrows. Ho is
but slightly wounded. Rewards aro
offered for tho capturo of tho murderers
as follows: By tho city, $2,500; by the
county, 2,500 ; by tho Messrs. Halbert,
Binghamton, August 10. Tho bod
ics of two of tho threo burglars who
murdered tho young man Merrick, in
Halbert's store, in this city, on Wednes
day morning, wero found this morning
in tlio Chenango river. After tlio mur
der thoy attempted to cross tho river
aud wcro drowned. They wero both
injured, ono of them very soverely, in
tho fight witli tho clerks at the storo.
Their confederate is still at largo. Tlio
bodies have not been identified, but it
is evidont thoy did not belong iu this
Wasuinqton, Aug. 18. Mr. W. II-
Allyn, for eight years chief Clerk of
tlio Bureau of Steam Engineering in
tho Ivavy Department, has been dis
missed. Ho has published a letter in
which ho alleges that his dismissal was
procured by tlio Chief of tho Bureau,
J. W. King, becauso ho opposed the
sottlenient of tho Corliss contract for
steam machinery in tlio manner in
which it was mado by King.
Philadelphia, August 18. This
afternoon tho Athletics, of this city,
met their Waterloo, their opponents
boing tho Mutuals, of New York, who
inflicted such a crushing defeat on tho
Philadelphians as they liavo not met
with sinco thoy took rank as n first class
Daso ball organization. Whouover
crack haso ball club meets defeat its
partisans nlwnys savo themselves with
tho stereotyped words: "Wo would
havo won if so and so had taken placei"
but no such consolatory reflection could
bo indulged in, respecting tho rosult of
tho gamoj for it must in candour bo ac
knowledged that tho Athletics wcro
fairly and" squarely beaten. Thoscoro
stood Mutuals, 21 ; Athletics, 8.
Baltimore, August 19. non. John
Pendleton Kennedy, of Baltimore, died
nt Nowport on Thursday evening. Ho
represented tlio Baltimore city district
in Congress threo terms, was Secretary
or tlio Navy under Fillmore's Admin
istration, and nt tho tlmo of ids death
was a trustco of tho Pcabody Southern
Readino, August 19. Tho girl Cath
nrlno Hummel, on trial sinco Monday
last on tno chargo of murdorlng an in
fant child of Wm. LuJy, near Boyer
town by cutting its throat with a butch
or-kuifo, was acquitted to-day on tho
ground of Insanity. Tho medical opin
iou, based on tho testimony in regard
to tho girl's physical coudition sinco
her early childhood, was that sho was
airectcd with the non-convulsh'o form
of opllepsy. Tlio prisoner was re
NEW Yohk, Aug. 20. It is thouirht
that tho dog found in Nathan's houso
lias been identified by a Mr. Schenck,
corner Thlrty-fourth streot nnd Fifth
avenuo, whoso houso was recontly rob
bed. Mr. Schenck recognizes it a3 one
stolon from his houso on tho night o;
tho robbery. Tlio robbery nt Sclienck's
nouso is supposed to havo been com
mlttcd by threo men, of whom two nro
now in Sing Sing for burglary. Tiio
third was at largo until n few days ago,
when ho was arrcstod on a chargo of
having been concerned in tho assault
and robbery or tlio diamond broker,
J ackson, in Amity street. His namo is
London, August 23. A serious con
flict has occurred between V.o French ,
and German troops of tho papal nrmy
stationed nt Rome.
Tho Eastern Budget stntcs that the
Italian government will occupy Romo
without delay, if tho Popodocs not suc
ceed in suppressing tho dlsordor.
Augusta, On., August 23. About
threo hundred negroes broko open the
Jail nt Loulsvlllo, Jefferson county, Sun
day, nnd released tho prisoners. Tlio
sheriff sent to Atlnntafor troops, wliich
readied tho scono of tho riot to-day.
Somo of tho leaders weronrrcstcd. Tho
rioters threaten to burn Louisvillo nnd
tako vongennco on tho whites, but tho
prompt nction of tho citizens prevented
any further trouble Tho difficulty is
said to orlginato in tho arrest nnd Im
prisonment of a negro for shooting n
London, August 23. It is nlmost cer
tain that tho Interposition of tho great
powcrsof Europe in tho Franco-Prussian
question will tako placo In n fow days.
Just Xilto Them.
The Ohio Radical Stato Convention
resolved against tho policy of granting
subsidies to corporations aud monopo
lists, but not until tho present Congress,
composed or moro than two-thirds Rad
icals, rrom tho ltli of March, 18G9, to its
adjournment in July, 1870, gavo tho
following railroad companies the num
ber of acres of laud designated :
Chicago and Northwestern 188,801
Day do Noquo and Marquette. 128,000
lUnrminttn and Ontonacou 213.200
St. Paul and Pacific 500,000
Branch St. Paul and Pacific... 750,000
Minnesota Central 290,000
Wlnnna and St. Peter 090.000
Memphis and Llttlo Rock 805,539
Cairo and Fulton uoo,()Ji
T.min Rock and Fort Smith... 158,771
Iron Mountain Railroad 800,001)
Cairo and Fulton 182,715
Iron Mountain 1,100,000
Jackson.Lanslng and Saginaw 1,0."2,159
Flint and Pero Marquette 6S0.822
1 ,nkP Superior and Mississippi 600,000
Minnesota Southern 735,000
1 Iastings and Dacotah 550,000
St. Joseph nnd Denver City.... 1,700,000
ifmiBin nnd Neosho Vnllov.... 2.3o0.000
Southern Branch U. Pacific... 1,202.000
Placervillo and Sacrameiilo.... 200,000
California and Oregon 1,510,000
Atlantic and Pacific 12,000.000
Northern Pacific 20,000,000
Stockington and Copperolis... 320,000
Former Congresses compoacd of liko
Radical majorities disposed of 3o,000,
000 acres to tho Union Pacific Railroad
nnd 17,000,000 to tlio Northern Pacific,
Tho entire amount of lands given away
to corporations by Republican lcglsln
tion foots up nearly two hundred rail
lions of acres. Just as tho good lands
aro being exhausted tho Republicans
aro becoming virtuous. Larcaster In
iTKw cm,seutl lo K , WfiKWi Sffff
M fr'H . i 1. 1 . . . .1.
CX, KSTAl K OK JOSt Alt It. UitM .7, U
, o' uiiniiimiraiioii on tho "Ec .
KcU, havo been mnmoit by tho lt,?u lc!f
aunty, to .Mlclmol v. 1 or ,. i,' H'Mor of
Vll bcrcous imvlnit claim? "ft "n!"" l?
be ilrcedcnt nro requested to mS W,1"1 5Ib5
tnd Uioho lmlobteil to innkc WmVn?m"S
Letters tostnmculnrv UV .Ti E9 . I
Htont. Into of Mmlliou ton ,,,ffiW W &lt I
county .ileo'd.lmvo been irrnnin !... ; -Wumiii. I
Columb n tvuuty to Marthas t .rS'loial
twp., Columbia county. Pu. ai ui I
olnlins nRnlust the cstatenro reoii . ' ''win, I
mora 10 mo lixccuiruc in Coluihbin , "0Wmi I
ment, mori
nyincni to
lKiKo or bonk nccou, V'"? f.Jrf I
tlio Executrix . ;vlti,n,,t'S S 10al" I
KAIL-llOAD. V a -'ll.NCY I
",ltle7 h,vcnuint book vim
cd by tboCominfilonerof 11,6 ifJJ!'ll."0m.
nnd Jiuncy Jiau uond Co.. at u,n it", f 'ina
tcVnbcr 18T0, for three . uiyVl u 01
id Muncy ltall Uond Co "at tho iW'ueik
I Harrison, In lluimngt i0V,
liny. tiii -.u.
lll.ll -l-'n ni-bll , ... t. . '-J-VllirK i .1
.11.1.. u v.u . . ... i-uuii uiv. r-.-ii.-". . ,
of recelvlmr subscription for HTock in "JWN I
Uond Company, VK m 'alilluii I
iy uruerui .uuiiuisioncrs.
JOIW K-nnv.
Hecrctary of Hoard of (hmmi.. ? "H
W. H. Monnon,
dcoM, Havo been Rrantedtyil e K 5j05'il
against tlio c-stuto of tho diculcii. SI ,It.l,l,UJ I
to preieui inem lor selllemuit.and li !,.. T" I
iH-uu-u hi mi liiiuu io nin ko pny nrniiViii. u'l
derslgned, administrator, wliiiini W-!?lh I
"M" OTIC E .
At iiib rciiuesi. oi a number of frlet.,1. I ..
ouncoinv namonsnn ln,i,.i,n.i:., : .'
uugiir;u-tr. ,lllu
camo to i no n muses or tho nibwlbtt iJ
Hrmlnclc townsli li. mi nr nl.iii ,...l".T."l
Whiti: How. without nurks. Tlio nSf?ill
como liirwillil, provo piniicily. lmyihariiifil
tnko her nway, or shu will be u,i SKI
l.iw. i
ncraiocK, August 10,,
IIUMIY suit,
Tho Couuly Huperlnlen.ltiit win Hold Mal
nmlnntlon of Teachers, tlio Academy, on WcdiKby, u, JJ I
I h -, I lu J I - 1, , 111, I
r.,,,,1,.,,. l-n.IKUEIt.sJ
lho co-partnership lif-rctofure exuiEnitinr J
namo of I). & wm. Masters, Is tliisd.irduWkfl
by mutual consent, tho tiusliicMioLranuna.l
by Wm. MnstcrH. with whom nil nccounUTt.1
cull and mako Fcttlcmcnt, nnj tboe tirtiJ
milium uiu i t-'iiuurjiuu m pirn'iii hid ha me.
ltAVIll MoitKi
HX 114 1111, lift I ll, lOI J-Ul,
Co.soiiESSMAuBuTLER.of Tcnncssco
lias somo hard charges to answer : flrst-
forgery, by which ho absorbed other
pcoplo's pensions ; second, robbing tlio
mails, by which tho pensioners rccoiv
cd no satisfaction from the department
ns to why their pensions wero not paid
nnd third, perjury in taking tho iron
clad oath to practlco beforo tho Court of
Claims, when at n subsequent dnto an
act removing disabilities was found no
cessary iu his caso bcloro ho could tako
his seat. Mr. Duller is ono of tho most
reliable Republicans in tho House.
It takes soven volumes of tho Con
gressional Qlobc to contain tho precious
debates of last session two volumes
moro than wcro over required beforo.
Ono volume, our correspondent states,
is entirely filled with "speeches" which
wero never delivered, but which tho
pcoplo havo to pay for putting into
print. A moro scandalous misuso of
tho public money it would bo very dif
ficult to conceive. Tlio tax-payers nro
victimized in order that tho writer of
somo hideous trash, which every news
paper or magazine editor would instant
ly pitch out of tho window, may liavo
tho plcasuro of seeing himsolf "bound
up" with a scoro of other noodles. Sinco
tho Congressional Globe is thus abused,
would It not lio n wiso courso to abolish
it altogether V Ar. Y. Times.
S T,
un Wednesday. Auuust JOlh. finin IhewtMtVrl
tho subscriber u ml and while h.ut, bcu yerl
old, wclKtilnn about bot) pouikK A liberal rl
warn win uu paiu 10 mo nit icr. i
-inoomsourK, Aug. iv. inq-u.
JL Tlio County MuprnMeiiilent will lioid t
cxaintnatlon of Tone hers fjr ilia tturn-Jiln
Greenwood, at Mltlvllh, on HUurJiy Itu. ill
Inst., comrueuctuir al 10 o'tkx it. a. in. I
nuglir-lKIt. A. T ULNG,S.
Illoomibtirg Market,
Wheat per bushel $1.50
llye " 1 en
Corn " 1 iu
Onts. " so
Fiour per barrel 0 K)
cioversecd t (io
riaxhecu 2 Uj
lluttej 10
Tallow la
Potatoes go
Dried Apples , 2 iy
hides and KhouldcrH 17
Laid per pound itf
Hay per ton io cj
M). 1 Scotch nig
." .suas-u
llloom.: ,jo
Hemlock Boards per thousand feet 10 00
V'!10 " " ("o '"eh) lsa'.ij
Joist, ScnnllhiL', rinnk, (Hemlock). 15 03
HulUBleH, No. 1 per thousand K 00
" " ' 7 (10
BldillB ' ft 8 l to
I'lillailtliihla Markets,
northwestern snpernne at t5.Z0MZ.XH
Northwestern extra ttuisWii
Northwestern .family a.0i4 70J
Western, do. do. 7.00 $7.60
live Hour JO-.'.
Wukat .cuusylvaula roU.W bus
Houthern " " ji,so
Ws'" " " 1.103 (LIS
IlYK-Pcnnsylvaula rye. bus 81.U3
C'oun Veilow, J1.05
... si,'ieJi " Wc81.(W
(UTS-bus 6tjci0a
l'ltoviMONH Ma I'ork, bbl ai.iio
-Mi-ss jjeei, "
liiessed llogs, lb
SUluiVvtl J1UI.IS ..
.1 Ml 1.1
liUMIUHBll JJC(3liO,iU
Lard, V 6 16crsliH.
HKEDti (.'loverseed Vbus $
Tlmolliyseed V bus 5.t 1
Flaxseed " .,
Cattle lieof cuttle I tMtm'Aa
cows, ti bead 5(t5
n c ci pi uu ..,,, al tKWttiO
Houa- IW tts $13.MsU.75
8 VB 1jc15?0
KITCIILN-MNDT At the M. E. rarsonago
In OrniiKbvUlo, August II, by Itev, J. Fcaron
nrowu, Mr. John Klichen and Miss Lupueinla
Kindt, of Greenwood, this couuly,
LIlWAItDS-LOWItnV-At the samo place, by
...v dului , mi&MB. .v, an. uiiiuu Ji. i.uwarus
uuu rcuuiuuuia iiwrey, 01 uruugcviiio.
IIAItTMAV llRll.'HNVlll.-n.n., Il.nir,1. I.,.,
at tho residenco ol the In bin's mother, in Cat
awissn, by ltev. it. (1. 1)111, Mr. Isaaoj, Hurt
man, ol Aurora, Cauada to Miss Hadlo
Helfsnydcr, of Caluwlssu.
SMITlI-OIIAItljI--On tho 1 It li lust,, at tho
die. Mr. James Hinllh aud Miss Ida U. Charles,
both of Ilazlelou, l'a.
GAHUETT (JAUTHWAITI5 On tho 22d lust,,
at Town Hill, by Itev. U, Wadswortli, Mr. Hen
ry V. Oarrett of Wllkes-Uarre to Miss N. A.
arlhwalte, of Union, all of Luberuo county.
nOUEUTH In KllL'firhinr Atiirn.f IKIli IK?n nt
typhoid fever, Lemuel UoberU.uged about Zi
LOOKAItl)-In Denton, Aug. 30th, 1870. Bertha
iMtllln, daughter uf Alouio aud Alary Lockurd,
nged two months,
MII.I,Klt-In Mt. Pleasant, ou tho SOth, David
Masters Miller, aged i years und U mouths.
RJ O T I O 13 .
1110 co-parinersiup neremioro rihUDZQQ.a
the nnme of Koons & Lcldy, at lola, L'oium'fl
county. Pa., has this day liennlNsoluiIliyttl
luai consent, ah cninis ami i-c-uii'ineuutE-a
bo matin Willi the nw 1 nil liluli r t ipnaratl
M. Lcldy. l.UU.VS A- LlUIl
join, August j-, .&7Mir.
tS3' .'5 0 C 13 X T S C-J
CnSTAIMlNli I.-(lltT.l'.Ii.llTrOI.n!S3
matter. Political, Literary, ,srloultural,(W
Nows, Ac, Irom tlio First ol iwineraiiw, iw
til tho First of January, JWI, lor Filly lw
slnglo subscribers, SI.. tocium ontu.tvi
Aiuiiu -r lu'imtv .iii.i c til mi ti rhili. (if one b:
drod (to ono ailofross), cash In mb-uire Uln
Editors nnd Proprietors, Harritan,l
augu iu-iw.
FU.VD hi
EVAN WEI.IVElt, Collector,
To amount of Duplicates a 5)
Hy amount paid IJenry kaz-iru
l!y percentage
Hy exonerations
llalanco paid toWchool Trc.iMirrr
HENIIY LAZAUrs. frca'unr,
To amount received of Lnn
Wclivcr collector
Hy uin't paid Janus ISarton nnle
lly ' for implicate aud
publishing last setlleiucut
Ilv ncrcentitLO
Auiuunt In hands of Trcasmu
NOAH Mlirrtr.Il,
I and for tho County "t on uu""-, ", T,:t
terof the, uuj ;---i
ni jeremiad
deceased, lor
May 3rd. I87U,
inissiouer iu
lly tho Cou
ilinuiiui ...... " ..rpi
Kline, lato of JmHS:
r speclllo lK-rfimnanrt MJ
f 'V Miller. Lull. COUtlUUMf'
to taa-o prooi ii" ,
Jouru tvrtltlcd from He Rf II. fc '
to persons mieresieu "'J."''";;mi(.
notice, that I shall intend for tb pug
appointment at my ollkc, In m
butnrday. tho mm u.iy oi l"."jijuul
-,-ii.i.nnriimif'l X'VI' I f 11-7
ill EMTATi: OF IEWI1 111 frrl-6l n, JI
iictlcrs icsiamcmary ou n. ""pd, i
Dlcttcrlch. lalo of llrlarcrec-k ;P- ,
dee'd, havo been granlcd uy wo j I
COUIUy to r.iumor im-iimy "' , '('Jail
icncu in iiiitii.icn. ,,.titnis(?
county. Pa. All persons ; ,u,m
tho eslato nro requested lo V"xSuli
Executors lu Columbia county. IJ.;.
to I ho estate either on note., u .i -
or book account wlllimikcr.omeuiw''-1
editors without delay.
Hundry wrns m ';;.", Lou'
.ourtofCouii.ionl U
o me directed III ' ,
lo vcuduo ..route o ' ,
misburg, attcu n ' If m
llv virtuo of Hundry
ed out of tho Court of t
county aud to
solo bv nubllo
Houso In llloomsburg, at ten '"7oUotl
noon of .Monday fcSept. 6Ili M "uu I
estate, to wit I , nnd il l
All that certain niece or PJL0,a&
iu tno .torougii oi j'ti v-inntv K-iLl
Balem township. Lmeruo "Slatt'l
parts of lots marked and 1 1 " J'f jWili I
Cral man of said town, nun "'(.,,, I
llfly-uluo. ncglunlnglu tno ".'ieM l
ber nity-slx on Canal h''1), . i ,o lol i"-,,i,-.f,,r im.i a fourlh feel ,,M
sixty In Luzerno county, twuce yuti I
vlir.. v nn. li 111 ICet 1U..1'"-. -..mlill
duy convoyed lo the uiorts ' edS
ltogers), theuco by saldl f'trl if lot t;
andn quarter feet to. IU" .f.iAiiiiu
f rii. v ili,.,t,-ii livlliesuuiw " . i. ..nib
(tUtiw' -
foci to tho ulaco ol bcBll'l,):.
hereditaments and "I'l'V i,, uid' lo w,i
tlio rrop'erty of JHraiiibiuetl'''
aij5u- .cat
At tho samo tlmo n "tl i;!.!.'.? line "no J
lot orpleceof g.ound, slluau 'f L-ulunitJ I
lu orungoviiie in iu '"V, ami "
Mlnln l'..l, liKVlmllln. U0I1I1U' u ., ,
as follows, vizi bounded on t'l1-. aiiiiji
Bamuel Co'eiuan.on iu ',,7. tuiid ut
thtttilcl Hpear, ou the i'07,iiiiiMn'l
iel Hpear and on l,'f VXr UU lb t l,l
village of OraiiBOVllle. tethtr I
nuieutsnnduppurlenanci'i. nuil l0 KM
neiziu, liiuen iu r'.m,! ..rli
tho property of Ucog. yggjft jnixjjjl
Notice Is hereby alven that Hamuel Knorr,
i.sq., Assignee ot juuies . ciieinueriiu, nas
tiled his account, together with the vouchers
thereof, In the olllce nl the Prothouuary In aud
JOF fcUO iAJUUiy UJ wuiuiuun,.
JI2S71MH. ProlUououiry.
ine miueisiK""; :, (ackoi
aallon, the very Excellent ii ,
, in .tore at n ZtK
tlietlqvcriiiucut. lo w
leased ny
:-aseu uy ino iiw,'"", r.Yiu 1(1 i'r. l,il
i.rpkl m lln, Heirs of MM '.Vi-VLIt,!
K O O 1
1 T . nltSl I
L A T 13
c V e n T
Ilox, 277.