0 Irunr.TSUKD uvehv mi day morning K(T11I! COLUMMAN HUII.tll.NU NEAIl TJ1K COUNT HOUSE, nr CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, Kdltor nnil Proprietor, Iras-Two Dollars a Year, payaUo In Adr&cco. OIROUlATION" OGOO. job rniKTiNa lalldcscrlptlons executed with nentness and lllspiucu III. leiisuuiiuiu iuicti Bloomsburg Directory. STOVES AND TINWARE. jl. llUrnilT, dealer In stove A tinware, Hit , icrt block, Mnln st. vest of Market, vl-nlJ rACOU METZ, denier In stoves nud tlnwnro I Mnln street, abovo court huuso. vl-nlj CLOTHING, &o. UVIIl LOWENBERO, Merchant Tailor, Main I ,t 2d door above American House. vl-u I S irM. MORRIS, Merchant Tailor comer of Con; trO aim HI., UTtT 11II1LT B BlUrU. Vi'U.J DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Ac. P. LUTZ, Druggist and Apothecary. Main St., , below tho l'ost Olllco. vl-n II EoYKtl I1R0S., Druggists and Apothecaries, I ISrOWer S UlOCttiUlllU Bt, Vl-IH.l CLOCKS, WATCHES, &0. Jewelry Ac, Mnln Hired near went st. vu-ntf i Jewelry, Malutt., Just below tlio Ameiioim MJIS IlUIlNirAHD. Watch niul Clock mnkcr. fiicnr southeast corner MiUu and Iron BtH. vl-l l flATHCAUT. Watch Mid Clock Mukcr.Mnr. u kct btrcut, below .Main. Mii I BOOTS AND SHOES. M. IUtOWN, Hoot ami Hliopinnkcr, Centre L btrcct, rear ot itobblns & Kyer'w Htoru. vl-nKi i below iiariiuau'8 siorc, west m lantei. m-u frRY KIEIM. Maiiufacluicr ami dealer lu flloots ami Bhoes, O racer lea, etc., Alain street. bt iliooiusuurg, vi-ihj PKOFESSIONAL. HI. II. C. 1IOWKU. Burgeon Dentist, Main st Lftbovo the Court House, vl-ulJ fcxchangu lilock o tr Wtbu's book bloi u v3-ulS II. V. KINNI:Y. Hureeon Ucntlst. Teeth Cr true ted wllbout italn: MalUNt.. nearly on- uto .Episcopal ciiuicn, vi-nio In. IKKL1ML AHorncY-nUIjiw. Ufllrn. 2d illuor lnKxchunguitlocktnearlhu "I-lxelmnt;o 10. BARKLHY, Attorney-nt-Lnw. Onicc, 2d ilnor In Kxchaugo Illuck, near the "Kxchatige cJ." vln3 HI. McKlXVY.M. D.,BuiK('on nnd Physician iiouiibmu jiuiu bi,t ueiuw j unite i. vjiuj ffcouia Muuiaiubircei, oeiow iiiruci. vi-nu C. ItUTTKIt, M. I). 8iiiKPitn and 1'hyslclan (puiiftvii Biivvi, uuuyu iuiii, vi-iuj m. ItOIlISON. Attorncy-at.Law. OUIcolIart ILLINEIIY & FANCY GOODS. lopiioslte Episcopal Cbuu-h,Matii st, vl-uli KS MZZlr HAllKLr.V. Mllllni-r. UnmkKV 1'Ulldlug.MulnblrcLl, vl-uU l.uoks,aud blatlouery, Eebunguiliock,Maln M M. DKItltlCKSON, Millinery and Fancy fts. 11. KI.1NE. Mlllluerv and Faucv Oooil", IfUiln street below Maikct. vl-ul1 US. JULIA A. & RADII I1AIIKI.KV. Tji.lloc' lUankH and Dress l'utteru.., suutheast corne r nuuu YCStbi9, V1U4J BU MISSES KAUJIAN Mllllnerv and Fanev Bowls, Main St., bilow American House, vlnll HOTELS AND SALOONS. 1U.MI1IA HOTEL, bv 11. fctohner. Main s lboo Couil House. vln ICS HOTEL, hv T. lSent. Tuvlnr. prist, i n'1. ( Main street. yl-l ' IDMYEK A JACOIIV, CunriTtloni ry, Ilakcry uu vjier naniun, wnoiesaieauu retail. Jx Bgelllock.Maliifclreet. Vl-uU (EHCIIANTS AND QROCEIvS. p.'. MA1IU, Dry Goods and Notions, south- ,nnuiuui,ra. ocaier in 1-ry Goods, Oro. Wlis, liools, shoes, Ac., corner Main and trcets, v3.u30 A. BECKLl'.V, Hoot and Shoo stole, books ft KtntlimoK.. Mnl., ... u 1 ... . . r wuiu ci uviuw jiuilJltJl. Vl'iiu ACOII.S, Couleetlonerv. ciocerlns nte.. Mnln below Iron vl.jn IIUN'DENHALL.GcneralRloekorMerchan 'i;?''1 Lumber, comer of Main strict and .-..UUM, VI. I liolcsale ami retail, Exchango llck.'vl-nl3 A Vt'lltl f.,.rtt , ..... MIOWl'll ll..,un...i r. .... Un St., above Coutt House. vl-ulJ llHinWtfl! llr,.nn.l n, l- .... jir aiiilusl. and Couit liouso alley'. vMiM El'KB I'YEIi. denier In Dry Goods, Oro pw, etc., cor. Main and Centra sts. vl-uM ' OIHON. ririM.rlr. X. P,nuktnnu M.ln Ifrctt below Market. Vl-iHl ' Wt'i, i . . ... . . wroeurics ami ueuerai jicrcnan Malnstabiive West. vl-11 tlLVV, NEAL A CO., dealcis lu Dry Goods, r;crlt'ii'lour,l''rf'il.rialt,I-'lsli.Jiou,Niiilsl ... vu,. ..mm unu .iiaritei sis. viuu . MILLER A SON. lienor In flnniU. Broceilis, Quecusware, Flour, fcall, Khues. , v.v., Aviiuuu iiiucif, .iiaiusi, vi-uia MISCELLANEOUS. B'lTAIAV. ilnrlilo Woiks. nnoilnnr lir-lnw ' Olllce, Alain btreet. vl-nH (OIKItlTltn TITI1MT, m i,ini.iirlliirr.iB K'l deakTH In Lumber of nil klnda ; 1'Janlnt; iu lUIUUUUi VJ1I1Q It. Glue Maker. andWblto nml Fnncv puer.beottowu. vln 17 .vuiiini.)iAi1 rmiuiv, iiuiitd IJIirill'SS (Jktr, Khlvo's Ulock Main Btreet. vSulO I PltlllClTI, I V n-..... . T. UOHDlKH.t! nuor dealer second door Irnm rtlawcht corner Main and lion sts. vl-uH R WDLEMAN, Agent for Muuson's Copper ll-ular Lightning Hod. usvlll PlHOltNTON, Wall l'a per. Window Hhodes p. u&mrcs, jtuperi uiocu, Alain si, vi.i t;,:0IlELL, Furulturo Itooms, thrco story Main fatrcet, wist of Market si. vliiti ioSENSTOCK.l'hotographcr, over llobblns ffMer's store, Main st. vl.u BiWN, dealer In Meat, Tallow, etc., Chem. fF" alley,i ear of American House, vlnll ''A.VITKkTnM A m i.mli.fll mwl nLti "iBle IiiKiirniin rfitnnnnlH llnm'nr,a llnllil. Nnblreet. vl-ul3 f'B Wr.FFENIlACII, Uroom Faclory. Or. wit at his resldeuco or at Miller A Hou's 1'ouptiy aiiea. Eest green Western brush Vi-1118. IB CABMAN, Cabinetmaker and Chair, rooms Main street bel, Iron, va-u'.'l LA511 Co.,Machlnlst8,Eust lllooms. P 1ft m r. LiH.ll.It. Castings niaUo at short fwulncry made aud retired. -Mi'i) Bdnir. ,,KiU'er m pianos, organs and Weon8,tu O. W. Coreil's fmulturo rmuns Vl-nt3 '" E n?nY J,Intul,, J"'owu 'ou7 uut llloomsburg.UerwIck roud, vl-ule PuS ffi'u? '"bile, northeast corner Kifmni?: dcal in furniture, truuka, reder "WOW Ware. IW.nr llm LVrlru I ?1.,S Buck Horn. IiHIorVH,I0E1,.AK'Kn" d"" in dry IDretnin'?.!"!11 J-eue"l luerchuudlse. VOLUME IV -NO 31. Orangeville Directory, A SW' COLEMAN, Merchant Tailors and As. f,r.?' f" pushing goods, Main St., next door to the llrlck Hotel. vlnl7 1 II. HERRING A HROTII Elt.Cnrpcnters and A. llullders, Main St., below Pino, vl-u!7 DOWER & HERRINO, dealer In Dry Good, I) Groceries, Lumber and geucrnl Merchandise, Main si. vi. B'imK l!STEtj nnJ refreshment Saloon, by ItohrM'llenry cor.of Mnln nndl'lno st.,vl-n 17 LJlaln stnoxt door to Good's Hotel. vl-n 17 DAVIp HERRINO Flour and Grist Mill, and Dealer In grain, Mill Street. vlni7 nit. A C. Ki;r,cnNEn,Blacksmlli,,TirMiTl Btrect, near 1'lue. vl-ul7 T. rV 1 iPT'i-1 lTSI ri! f iln 11 Bn',1 Hnrgcou, Main u2:i TAMES in. HAHMAN. Cabinet Maker and Un. o dcrlaker. Main Bt., below I'lue. vl-n!7 T M. HAHMAN, Haddlo nnd Harness maker. 0. Mulust., oppslte Kriimo Cliurch. vsull SCHUVI.EIt A LOW, Iron fouuncrs.Jlachlnlsls. and Mauuraeluicrs of plows, Mill Bt. vl-nl MILEH A. WILLIAMS ACo,.Tannersand Man ulaclurcrs of lealher, MlllBtrcct. vl-n!7 SAMUEL HlIAlil'LESS.Maker of uTolTayhursI Grain Crndle. Main St. v2no. w ILLIAM DELONG Khocmakeraufl manufae- uueroi iiricic, .Mill. st., west or Pino vlulO Catawissa. F. DALL5IAN, Merchant Tailor, Second Ht. llobblus' llulldiug. vi'-nlj B. I) .It- J. K. UOIUIINH. Hurceou nud IMivslclun ' Unnnn.l Ul l.nlnM Tntt, nlLlSEUT A KLINE, drr cooilt. triocnrles. nml U general merchandise, Slain Street vS-nli J II. KISTLElt, "Catlawlssa House," North , Corner Main nud Second Stieets. VJnlS KElLEIt, lllllard Saloon, Oysters, and Ico , Cream In season Main St. v2nl2 M .... iiitvii'll.uvUlU IU UUUUItl.HCIUIIUIlUlM' . Dry Goods, Groceries Ac. v2-u!8 r 1tt,r,nun .i..i..iKf).. , i n... UEHANNA nr llrlelr ltolr.1 H I.Vwl,.., baiitler l'lOlirietor.solltll.pnstrnriifT Mnln nnil Second stieet. v2n!2 Q 1). HINAItl), dealer In Stoves and Tin-ware, i5. Main Slieel. V2nlJ TM. It. AIJIJOTT. Attorney at law. Mnln St. Light Street. II, F. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, (list door abovo School House. vln id IQIIN A. OMAN. Manufacturer nud denier lu ' llools nud Shoes, vlulii J .1. I.EISEH, M. D., Surgeon nnd Physician Olllco lit Keller's Hotel. vSn2i Jji.i i.ib j-.. i.iieaier in jiry unoos Groceries, Flour, Feed, Salt, Fish, Iron. Nails. etc.. .Main street. vln 13 11. S. ENT, denier lu Stoves and Tin waro In nil us brunches. vlnM Espy. Uroeeries, aud general 'ilcrcuaudi&e. vl'uil WVY STEAM IXOUItlNQ MILLS, C.S. Towler. Hi Tioprletor. VJnlG J lnnilllfililnrc Ul,n ... ... . rn W. EDO Alt, Susquehanna Planing Mill nnd llox Mauufactoiy. vilull Business Cards. L'VELLE, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, Ashland, Schuylkill County Pa. Q W. 2IILLEH, ATTOIiNEV AT LAW, omeo Court llonso 'Alley, below tho Coi.um- 1IIAN Olllce. llouiitUs. I!ni It-l'av nml Pt-nslniis collected. lilooiusbuig I'a. sep.a)'ti7 JOBEHT F. CLARK, ATTOltNEY AT L.VW, Olllco Main Klrcpl. holnw 11m Pimil llnnsf.. IlloomsUuig Peun'a. J 11. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olllco Courl-Honso Alley, below tho Cor.ua man Olllce, lUoomsliurg l'a. c. B. BltOCKWAY, AITOHNEY AT LAW, 1H.OOMSUUUU, t'A. 5-0tEirE Couit Houso Allov.ln tho Co. lumiuan building. Jaul,'C7. J? J. T1IOHNTON JLi. would announce to tbccitlzcusof Iltooms- buiir and vh'ililtv. ihiiL bo has lust received u lull uud complete assortment of WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADX1S, I'lXTUitES, conns, tassels, nud all other goods lu his lino of busliuss. All tlio newest anil most amuoved tiatterns of lb day nio always to bo iouud In hH establlslimeut. juur.o, ey-ii juaiu i. ueiuw ittlkel. c IIKSTKR S. FUKMAN, 1IAIINUSS, KADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTUKEIt. and dealer lu CAUlU'f-UAGS, VALISEH, FLY-NETS, BUFFALO 11011LU, 110i:bi;-I(LA.SKKTH Ac., which ho feeU coulldcut he can M.-1I at lower rate than any other pei&on lu thu county, Ex nmtuo tor yourselves. mwn iiuru cioor ueiow mo court iiouse, Alain Stieet, Illotmibburg, l'a, Ug. O, Jftilr, pnri'LEs, Tho UlldersIC'nGj will rlieerrnllv mnll tviirv'i tn all who wish it tlio Recipe uud lull directions or pieparlngnnd using a slnipio and llcautllul Vegclablo llalln, that will Immediately remove Tnu, Ireckles, pimples, lllotches, and all erup tions nnd Impurities ot tho Sktu.leavlugthosuiue soil, elinr, luoolh and beautilul. jiu win niso senu (kiiek) instructions ror pin duclng.by verysl mplomeans,ii luxuriant growlli ol Hair on a buldhcad or smooth lace lu less than tlilitv days irom Urst annlleatiou. Tlio nbuvo can beobtalned by return mall by addressing '1 HOH. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, i". ii. uox eiiM, juj jjioadwar, New Yokr, Aug. (1,'UMy. )OWDEH KEGS AND LUMBER. W. M. MONROE & CO., Rupert, Pa., Manufacturers of POWDER KEQH, vnd dealers lu all kinds of LUMI1EH, glvo notice that they are prepared to accomodat heir custom with dispatch, and on the cheapes erms. rpiIE BEST AND CHEAPEST II AY HAKE IN THE MARKET. JJAhUFAClUUEl) AND t'OU BALK 11 V N. W. SAMPLE & CO., COLUMDIA IRON WORKS, I1LOOM3 11URO, I'A. CAM. AM) EXAMINB IT. Illoomsburg, Juno 10, lsTlMf TiriDMYEH & JACOBY 1 1 E.CHANUEUL0CKJIL00MS11URG,PA. nre agents for tho salo of "llruckay's" Justly eelebiuted Cream and old stock Ales, wbeh they will sell nschfup as couutry lirewed ulcsi whoto uud half barrels eoustuntly on hand, This nlu Is brewed by William E. Ilrockwuy, S15 to its East Eleveulli street, New York City. llloomiiburg, Juno lii, 1&70-W Philadelphia Directory. JACILK HOTEL. NOIITII TUMI! STItllET, H. D. CUMMINOS, rnorniETon. jjJSTADLISHED 1793. JOHDAN AllllOTIIElt, Wliolesalo Grocers, aud Dealers In rlALTI'ETUU AND nilUISTONr.. No 213 North Third St, riilladclphla. V. It, IIOIINE. W.S. KISCI. J. U.BK.V11EI1T. JJOItNE, KINO & SEYDEKT, WHOLESALE DHY GOODS. No. 421 Market Street PHILADELPHIA. Orders filled promptly at lowest prices. January 3, IMS. W. HANK'S WHOLESALE T0I1ACCO, BNUI' F, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. IIU North Third Strecl, llelwteli Cherry nnil Race, west side. Phlladolpliln. jpHANK & STHETCli," (Successors to I. II. Waller,) Importcis nnd Dealcis lu (lUEENSWAUE, CHINA, AND GLASS, No. SSIN.ThlidSlreel, llctween Race and Vino Sts. l'lIll.ADr.l.rniA. ?: li.,STi!hVrir. "th'lPaitncrs. , , , I. H. WAwmt. Special Partner. Jeill ,0-1. M. KEI'IIEAHT, . WITH BABNES, BHO. & 1IEHHON, HATS, CAl'S, STRAW GOODS A FURS, No. 501 Mnilat Street, (Abovo Flflh,) 1'HII.AnEM'ltIA. JOHN STHOUP & CO., Successors to Stroup A Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH. No. 21 Noilh Whams nud 23 North Thhd St Philadelphia. JICIIAKDSON L. WRIGHT, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. HI SOUTH SIXTH STREET, i'l!oi.Ai)i:u'iii . oct. zaCU-Iy ILLIAM EISHEIt WITH T 11 O M A S C A It S O N A . O. witoi.i-SAr.n DEALERS IN HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS & NOTIONS ,ko. is xoutii rour.Tii stiiekt Pliilailoliiliia. Juno J,'C9-Cm yyAINWRIGIIT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, N. E. Comer Second and Arch Streets, Pinr.AnELi'UlA, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUrs, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES ItlCE, Sl'lCES, 111 CA11U SOI1A, AC, AC. 3-0rders will reo.lvo prompt nlteutlou. may 10.07-tf. Hotels. T HE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tlio undeislgned would Inform tho travelling public that ho has taken the nbove named estab lishment and thoroughly refitted tho same for the perlect.convenieiico of hlsgucsts. His larder W 11 bOStOf'kPlI Willi I lift l.os, , hr, tnnrlrul ntl....la Tlio choicest liquors, wines nud clgius always to . WILLIAM PETT1T. Apr.23,C9-tf Ipy, in. JJRICK HOTEL, ORANGEVILLE, COLUMDIA COUNTY, PA. HOUR M'HENRY, Proiiriclor. Tills well known Ifnllsn. linvlnrr lipmi Tint In thoroiigl, repair, is now open to tho travelling public. Tho bar is stockid with tho choicest liquors anil ciKnrs.aniitiio tablo will be, at all tlmcs.sunnlit'd with Iho ilollcnrlfH nf tlin sfnsrin. No pains 111 bu spared to lusuio tho comlortof glll'SIS, Orangeville, dec. 10.'C0-tf. MON i'OUR IIOUSE RUPERT, PA. WILLIAM. 11UTLEH, Proprietor, This Houso hnvlngbcen put In thorough repair Is now open lor tho letepllou of giitsls. No pains will bo spated to elibiiro tlio perlect coin lolt otitic triueleis. Too 1'iopilelor solicits a bharo ol public patronage. Tho bar will bo sioeiieu ai uu nines with lino llquois and clgais. marll'70-tf. B ENTON HOTEL. W. P. PIATT, Proprietor, DENTON, COLUMDIA COUNTY, PA, This well known Houso havlmr been nntlii thorough icpalr is now opiu lor Iho livetitiou of visuuih. imi jiiiiiis iiueoeeii spnreii 10 eusuio tho peiltct eomloit of gllfrsts, Tho pioprletor also inns n singe iioni ino Jlniel lit illoomsburg and luteiiuedlato points on Tuesday, Thursday uud Saliiulay ot each week, tmayo'70-lf Stoves and Tinware. JTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. IS.UAll HAOENCUCH, Mnln Street ono door nlinvn 1?. enlIenl1nlt's Store. A largo assortment or stoves. Heaters nnd Ramies coustantlv on baud, ami for halo nt tho low eat rales. Tinning lunll Its brunches carefully atleuded to, 'Hid butwiuclion guiiniuteed. Tin work ol nil kinds wholesale aud retail, A tul Is reqiiLstid. Mir.u.WMf gTOVES AND TINWARE. A, M. RUPERT announces to his friends nud customers that ho continues tho above business nt his old place on JlAliN tsrui. 1.1', 1I1.UU.MH11UHU, Custonieru can bo accomodated with fancy KTiivra of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tlnwaro nnd every va riety of article found lu a Stovo and Tinware Es tnbllslunent lu the cities.aud on the most reason nblo terins. Repnlriugdoueatthebhortestnotlce, ou haud fur bale. B O0TS AND SHOES. CLARK M. I1R0YVN, CEKTUE hTHEET, AIUOININO THE flOKE OP llOllUIMj A KYE11. A lull and complelo nssortnuut ofieadyinade boots and bhotslor nun. Moinin and children just KiclMd and fur saloiit riasouablo rates. VurlitUsto nut nil classes of cuslomeis. Tho best of woikdoiiuiitbhurluotlcc,its heretofore, Give hliu a call. apr6'7u-lf. D E N T I S T R Y . 11. C. HOWER, DENTIST, Respectfully oilers his professional services to the ladles und gentlemen of llloouibburg uud vl ClllltV. He Is nreltared toattend to all tho varl. mis oiieratlous lu tho Hue of his pioresslon, aud Is provided with the latest Improved Poucklain Tketu which will bo luserUd on gold platlup DlltU, twit IUUUV, U.IBU IU IUIIU ll. l VII USUIO little uralteeth. Teeth extracted by all tlio new anil most approved methods, uud ml operations on tlio teeth carefully and prupeily attended to, Resldeuco and olllco a lew doors ii'iovo the Court House, baiuo side, uioomsuurg, jnn.ai.'Kiii jgARGAINS BARGAINS, QUICK SAt.ES AMI KMAI.I. l'UOl'ITS. SAVE YOUR MONEY. Go to HENRY YOST. East Uloonisbuig, Pa , lor all Kinds of the best homo uud cltv made F IIUMITU H E . Prices reasonable uud the best work done, JllS'JB-U BLOOMSBUEG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, Choice lfi;!). Into Misohiof, Dancing feet nnd busy fingers, Never still tho wholo day through ! Tor tho llttlo brnln from drenmland llilngs them work enough to do. Itnclug through tho gorgeous pirlor, Romping on tho winding slnlr, Teal lug books and brenkliig vases Into mischief everywhere. Picks tho cakes and tastes tho Jelly, Ilrcnks tho windows, Hiatus tho door, Throws tho statues from tho brackets, Scatters playthings ou tho floor. Tearing llttlo coats nnd trowscrs, Rumpling up tho curly lintr : Dusy, naughty, llttlo fingers, Into mischief everywhere. Spilling Ink upon iho carpet, Dashing pictures from tho wall, 111 caking mirrors, Bluglug, shouting, In tho attic and tho hall. Tracking mud ncross tho oniric", Turning over dcs.t nnd chair, Cutting nil tho morning paper Into mischief every whero. Hut no look of hatoormnlleo Darkens o'er thoso laughing eyes ; Not u thought of harm or sinning In its llttlo bosom lies. For Its soul Is puro and guiltless, Whatever harm tho lingers do, Though tho llllle feet are straying Into mischief all day through. Lost. Onco thero was n boat locked last to shoro s Hut rust eat tho chains day by day, And Iho boat was loosened moio nnd more. As tho fastcutugs slipped away. Yet any day nn outstielclied hand Could havo caught It and locked it again to laud, lint never n hnud was stretched to save, And tho boat at last was frcui And shot llko an arrow over tho wave And drifted out mid-sen. And never, oil l uovcr ncioss tho main Will tho boat to tho shoro bo brought ngaln. So was my heart, love linked to thlno ; But neglect eat tho chains away, Yet u louder word, love, I opine, Would havo saved It any daj I Ay I n tender woid suld first or last, Would havo mended tho chain, and held it fast. lint tho word was lacking! and so my heart Slipped from Us chains like tho boat; And then, as tlio last links fell npart, It sped o'er tho wavts iillo.il, Nor pleading hands, uor words, you sec, llilng tho boat to shore, or my heart to thee I dtlificclhneoit!). A .MKMOKY. 1IY MARK TWAIN. When I say Hint I never knew my auslcro father to bo enamored of hut ono poem in all tlio long century that ho llvctl.iicr&ons who Unow him will easily hclleyo me; when I say that I havo never composed but one poem in all tlio long third of a century that I have lived, persons who knew mo will bo sincerely grateful; and finally, when I tay tho poem which I composed was not tho ono which my father was enamored of, persons who may havo known us both will not need to havo this truth shot into them with a mountain how itzer beforo they can receivo it. My father and I wero always on tho most distant terms. I was a boy a sort of armed neutrality, so to .speak. At it regular intervals this neutrality was broKCii, and suffering ensued; but I will bo candid enough to say that tho breaking and the suffering wero always divided up with strict impartiality be tween us which is to say my father did tho breaking, and I did tho suffer ing. As a general thing I was a back ward, 'caution1, unadventtirous boy; but onco I jumped oil' a two-story stable; another tlmo I gave an elephant a plug of tabacco nnd retired without waiting foran answer; nnd still another tlmo I pretended to bo talking in my sleep, and got oh"n portion of a very wretched origlnnl conundrum in hearing of my father. Let us not pry into tho result, it was of no consequence to nny ono but mo. But tho poem I havo referred to as attracting my father's attention and achieving his favor was "Hiawatha." Somo man who courted a sudden and awful death presented him with an ear ly copy, and I nover lost faith in my own senses until I saw him sit down and go to reading It in cold blood saw him open tho book.and heard him read theso following lines, with thosaino in HccUonlCsS judicial frigidity with which ho always read his charge to tho jury, or administered an oath to n wit ness : Tuko your bow, O Hl.iwalha, T.iko your arrows, Jasper-headed, Tuko your war-club, Pusgawab-un, And our mittens, Mlujeknhwau, Aud your bitch eanoo for sailing, And tho oil of Mlshc-Nnmn." Presently my father took out of hU breast pocket an imposing "Warranty Deed," and fixed his eyes upon it and dropped into meditation. I knew what it was. A Texan lady and gentleman had given my half brothor, Orln John- son, a handsome, property in a town in tlio North, in gratitudo to him for hav ing saved their lives by an act of bril liant heroism. By and by my father looked toward mo and blghed. Then ho said : "If I had bitch a son us this poet, hero wero a suhject worthier than tho tradi tions of theso Indians." "If you pleaso, sir, where'.'" "In this doed." "In tho deed?" "Ycs-in this very deed," said my father, throwing It on tho tablo. "Thoro is moro poetry, moro romanco. moro sublimity, moro splendid imagery hid- licit away in mat homely document than could bo found in nlltho traditions of nil tho savages that llvo." "Indeed, sir? Could I could I get it out, sir? Could I composo tho poonir slrdoyou think?" "You!" I wilted. Presently my father's faeo softened somewhat, nnd ho said i "ao and try. Hut mint, curb folly. No poetry nt tho oxponso of truth. Keep strictly to tho facts." I said I would, und bowed myself out und went up stairs. "Hiawatha" kept dreaming tn my head and so did my fathor'u remarks about tho sublimity and ronmnco hid den in my subject, nud also his injunc tion to bownro of wasteful and oxubor- ant fancy. I noticed, Just hero, that I had heedlessly brought tho deed nwny with mo. Now, at this moment camo to mo ono of thoso raro moods of daring recklessness, such its I referred to uwlillo ngo. While another thought nnd in plain dcflanco of tho fact that I know my father meant mo to wrlto tho ro mantic blory of my half-brother's ad venture and subsequent good fortune, and 1 ventured to lined merely tho ven ture of his remarks and ignore their spirit. I took tho stupid "Warranty Deed" itself and chopped it up into lliawalhan blank verso, without alter ing or leaving out tlirco words, nnd without transposing six. It required loads of courage to go down stairs und face my father with my performance. I started thrcoor four times beforo I, fin ally got my pluck where it would stick; but at last I said I would go down and read it to hlin if ho throw mo over tho church for It. I stood up to begin, and ho told mo to como closer. I edged up a little, but still left as much neutral ground between 113 as I thought ho would stand. Then I began. It would bo Useless for mo to try to tell what con- llieting emotions expressed themselves upon his face, nor how they grow 111010 nnd moro Intense as 1 proceeded; nor how a darkness descended upon his countenance, nnd ho began to gag and swallow, and his hands began to work and twitch, as I reeled oil' lino after lino with tlio strength ebbing out of ino, mid my legs trembling under 1110. THE STORY OF A GALLANT DEED. THIS INDENTURE, made tho tenth Day of November, In tho year Of our Lord, ono thousand eight Hundred slx-nud llfty, llctween Johanna S. E. Giiav And Pitn.i.iu O11AY, her husband, Of Salem City lu tlio Stato Of Texas, or the Hist pail, And 0. 11. Johuson, of tho town Of Austin, ditto, WITNESSETH ; That said pro ty of tho first, For and In consideration Of tho sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, lawful money of The U. S. of Amerlcay, To them lu hand now paid by said P.uty of thesecund part, Tho duoieceipt whereof Is here Dy coulcssed aud acknowledg-ed, Havo Granted, II 11 gained, Sold, Itemised, Released aud Aliened and Conveyed, Continued, and by iheso presents do Grant nnd ISargain, Sell, Remise, Allen, Release, Convey and Cou- Firm unto tho bald aforesaid Tarty of tlio second part, Aud to his heirs and assigns Forever and ever ALL That certain plc.'o of parcel of LAND sltuato In city of Dunkirk, county ot Cliaiitauqui, And Ukowiso furtheimoro lu Y'oik State, Hounded aud described, to wit, As follows, herein, namely: I1EGINNINO at lliodlstancoof A hundred two.nnd-forty feel, Nortli-lialf-east , uorth-east-by north, East-iiorth-enst and uorlherly Of tho northerly lino of Mulligan street, On tho westerly lino of Drannlgan street. And running thenco duo noitherly On lirnunigui street 9W feet, Thenco nt rldit angles westerly, Norlh-wc.si-by-west-aud-wcst.liilf.Wesl. Wesl-and-by-uoilli, 1101 th-west-by-west, About I kind of dodged, and tho boot-Jack broko tho looking-glass. I could havo waited to sco what became of tho other missiles if I had wanted to, but I took no interest in such things. Guluxy. Eiotv to .Hallo :i .Scraj) Hook, It is a very pleasant occupation for children, and sometimes for larger children to make scrap books; and this is tho way to do it : If you can sparo tlio money it is well to buy a regularly mado book of firm whito paper, so bound as to leavo room for tho filling of tho leaves. Othcrwlso an old account book does very well, if tlio binding bo good, nud if the leaves bo cut out, leaving about an inch, and cutting two out of every three. Wo al ways keep our books covered, and then they are fresh when they aro finished, which is n work of tlmo. Most of 113 find in our reading, tilings which wo want to save pootryorproso facts or principles, according to our taste; and tho usual way is to cut them out, carry them In a pocket book till they aro worn out, or leave them In somo box or drawer until they becoino rubbish, and then forget them. Tho best way Is to keep 11 box for such scraps, and when you find anything you wanttosavoputit there. Of courso thero will bo n tremend ous gleaning when you como to uso them. But 110 nvitter: ave them. Then somo rainy day or evening, wo get our apparatus together. A nice llttlo painter's brush, rather largerthann big thumb; nsmall,smooth board, ouo or two' inches of old cotton or linen, and n bowl of common paste, mado merely by boiling flour ami wa ter. Then pare each scrap carefully (or it is well to hayo done that beforehand); lay it down upon tho board, and brush over tho back nicely Vitli tho pasto. Then lay It smoothly upon tho page, and rub it down quietly and smoothly with your cloth; nnd so on, tho noxt aud tho noxt. On tho right-hand pago it is well to rulo a lino at tho left of tho pago nnd begin thero, nnd not let tho Joinings of tho scraps como opposlto each othor on tho two sides of tho leaf. A llttlo prac tleo will ennblo ono to do this qulto ea sily nud with very iittlo muss. Keep short pieces for filling up tho odd places In tho pages. Tho book will partly dry whllo you aro working on It, for tho pieces need not bo mado very wet, nnd whllo it is still damp.piit it under a heavy weight nnd leavo it over night, Ono of tho best nud most equal weights for nny pressure is n pall of water. It is n great satisfaction to look ovor one's scrap-book, nnd to bo nblo to refer to things which you want to remember nud would othcrwlso hnvo lost. Ono mado for children, with a few pictures Interspersed, is a novcr-fiilH'iig sourcoof amusement. A book is sometimes somo yenrs in making. It Is so much tho bottor when it is doue. 1870. COL. Tlio XciMllc (hui. A writer in tho Chicago Tribune gives this description of tho Prussian needle gun, which will probably play an im portant part In tho coming battles of Europe. 1. Tho rnngo of tho needle gun Is HMO to 1 100 yards. 2. Tho movomonts of loading tiro per formed with tho right haud ns follows : nn upward stroko with tho palm ot tho right hand against tho chamber knob onens tho breech, tho cartrldgo Is Inser ted into tho cavity of tho barrel, n push forward and it downward stroko of tho chamber knob with tlio right hand do sea tho breech, and another push on tho needle chamber with its splral,'springs) completes tho loading nnd tho rlllo is ready for 'fire. During tho movement tho gu nis held with tlio left hand nt a 'ready.' .1. Tho gun is nover loaded or ro-Ioad-ed whllo nt 'aim,' simply becauso It is impossible to do so. I. Tho powder is not Ignited at tho rear end of tho cartridge, but next to the ball, wiici'o tlio igniting matter is placed in a kind of socket of papier macho, and this Is what gives moro power to tlio ball, tho powder burning from tho front to tho rear. o. Tho cartridge is mado up ball lu front, ball socket with igniting matter, powder. Tho shape of tho ball resem bles tho bhapo of a cucumber, nnd is called long lead (lung bid.) IS. Tho recoil of tho gun is felt only when it becomes vcry;inuch heated, and tho air-chamber filled with tho rcfilso of powder. When clean 110 recoil is felt at all. 7. In caso tho needle should bend or break or othcrwlso become useless, a now one can be inserted in less than livo seconds. Each soldier carries an extra supply of about six needles. It is not so much tho superiority of the needle gun over other breech load ers which liassecured and in all proba bilities will in tho present strtiirglo se cure success to the Prussian army, as it is tho thorough education of each indi vidual soldier and his familiarity witli his weapon. Tho ncedlo gun was first used in Prussia In ISIS and in 1810, in Baden nnd Schleswig, and not having been deemed elective without an entire chaugoof tactics, and especially of skir mish instruction, was almost con demned. Tho Prussian army has but 0110 cali bre for all small arms, so that infantry or sharp-shooters can bo supplied with cartridges from any cavalry, pistol or cartridge wagons. "AImM That Kim)." Among tho stories told of Gcnernl Thomas, is ono of an incident which occurred when ho nnd his chief of stall", General Garfield, wero Inspecting the fortifications of Chattanooga, in 1SC3. They heard a shout, "Hello, mister! You I I want to speak to you;" and General Thomas found ho was tlio per son addressed, by an uncouth, back woods East Tennessee soldier. Ho stop ped, and tho dialnguo which ensued was as follows : "Mister I want to get a furlough." "On what grounds do you want a fur lough, my man V" "I want to go homo and seo my wife," "How long Is it sinco you s-aw your wifoV" - "Ever sinco I enlisted, nigh on to three months." "Thrco months!" good-naturedly, "Why, my good man, I hnvn't seen my wife for thrco years." Tho East Teiincssean sloped whittling for n nioinent,and stared incredulously; at length lie said : "Well, you see, my wife ain't that kind." Even General Thomas's grimuess was not proof against tho laughter which ho rodo away to conceal, leaving thouston- ishod soldier without an answer. llYDitopiioiiiA A simple remedy. Tho Norristown Jntlepenilcnl says: In ISl'Jono Valentino Kettering, of Dau phin county, communicated to thoSeu- ato of Pennsylvania 11 sure remedy for tho blto of any mail animal. Ho said that his ancestors had used It In Germa ny iTiO years ago, nnd that he always found it to answer tho purpose, during a residence of fifty years in tho United States. Ho only publishes it from a motlvo of humanity. This remedy consists in tho weed called chlckwccd. It is a summer plant, known to tho Germans and Swiss by tho names of Gauchnell Rother Mayor, or Rother Iluehnderdarm. In England it is called Red Pimpernel, and its botanical namo is Angelica Phonlcea. It must bo gath ered in Juno, when in full bloom, dried in thosando and then pulverized. Tho doso of this for a grown person is n small teaspoonful.or iuweightadraclim and a scruplo at once, in beer or water. For children tho doso Is tho same, yet It must bo administered at tlirco differ ent times. In applying It must bo used green, cut into pieces, and mixed with bran or other feed, For hogs tho pul verized weed is mado Into iittlo balls by mixing it with Hour nnd wntor. It can also bo put on bread and butter, or in honey, molas.?cs, &c. Tho Rov. Dr. Muhlenberg said that In Germany thir ty grains of this powder given four times a day, tho first day then onco n day for a wholo week, whiloat tlio samo tlmo tho wound Is washed out with 11 decoction or tlio weed, nud tho powder btrowed in it. Mr. Kettering said that ho in nil instances ndiiiinistorod but 0110 dose, with tlio most happy results, A MINISTER Intel v delivered astrom? sermon against visiting ou Sunday ovenlng. After tea tho young clergy man said to n tried ; "Como. let us tro to tho ilenpnn ami spend tho ovenlng with his daughters." "How." cried his friend, with much surprise, "is It possiblo you can mako sucu u proposal 10 mo, niter tlio sermon you havo Just concluded ?" I'oiiaw," said ho, "I only madothoio remarks in order that wo might havo tho letter chanco with tlio elrls our. EOlyos." DEM. - VOL. XXXIV NO. 27. .IomIi IslllhigH on I.allln. Lnfiln is strictly nn amusement, nltho somo folks mnko n bizzlncss of it. It has been considered nn Index of character and there Is somo so closo nt reasoning that they can tell what n man nail for dinner by seeing him lair. I never saw two iaff alike. Whllo there nro sum who don't mako enny noise, there aro sum who don maiso cnuyiiung nut noise mitt sum agin who havo music In their lair, nnd othcis who lair Just as a rat does who has caught a steel trap with his tail. There Is 11 mistake In tho usserslitm Hint It is 110 comfort to hear sum lairs that como romping out of a man's mouth llko it district skool of young giris.just let out to pla. Men who never lafi" may havo good hearts, but they are dcepseated like somo springs, they havo their inlet and outlet from below, nnd show no spark ling miDDle ou tlio brim. I don't llko a giggler ; his kind of Iaff is lino u dandyllon, n broad yeller with out n bit of good smell about it. It is truo that enny kind of n luff, ifit is honest, is better than none, but givo mo 1110 inn mat looks out of a man's eyo fust to sco if tho coast is clear, then steals down Into tho dimple of his cheek and dances in eddys lliar awhile, then waltzes a spell at tho corner or his mouth, like a thing of lire, then bursts its bonds ov beauty, and fills tlio air for a moment with a shower of silver longued sparks, then steals back with a smilo tow lay in tho heart, tow watch again for its prey-this is tho kind of a latr I luv and ain't nfeercd ov. Xcw Game. Out on tho Pacific Railroad, tlio other day, n Kickapoo Indian saw a iocomo- tivo coming down tho track toward him at the rate of forty miles an hour. Ho thought it was an imported breed of buffalo, und ho was anxious to secure it so ns to tuko tlio prize at tho annual cx lilbition of tho Kickapoo Agricultural Society. So ho fastened ouo end of his lasso to his waist-belt, nnd when tho euglno got near enough ho throw tho liooso nicely over tho smoke-stack. Per haps it is not necessary, but wo may 113 well relate that tho locomotive did not stop. Tho engineer nnd fireman wit nessed tlio most successful attempt at tho ilying trapczfl, mado by any Kicka poo Indian upon tho plains, since tho 1st of January. There was an aborigi nal funeral at fi.t next station when tho engine arrived. Tho gravo was not largo for they only buried a small pleco of copper-colored meat tied to a string and enclosed in a sardine box. Selah. The translators of the Biblo have left tho word Sclah, which occurs so often in tho Psalms, as they found it, and of courso tho English reader often asks I1I3 minister orsomo learned friend what it means. And tho minister or learned friend lias most often been obliged to confess ignorance, becauso it is a matter in regard to which tlio most learned havo by no means been or ono mlud. Tho Targums, and most or tho Jewish commentators, give to tlio word tho meaning or eternally; forever. Kiniehi regards It a sign to elevate the voice. Tho authors or tlio Septuagint translation appear to havo regarded it ns a musical or rhythmical note. Her der regards it as indicating a chango of lout'. Matheson, as a musical tone, equivalent perhaps, to tho word repeat. Aceiiallng to Luther and others, it means silence ! Opsonins explains it to mean, "Let tlio Instruments play, and tho singers stop." Woejier regards it ns equivalent to sursum conic up my soul ! Soiumcs, after examining all tho seventy-four passages in which tho word occurs, recognizes in every caso "an actual appeal or summons to Jehovah." They aro calls to aid and prayers to bo heard, expressed either witli entire dis tinctness or ir not in tho imneratlvo "Hear Jehovah!" and tho like, still earnest addresses to God that lie would remember nnd hear, Qlc.Jlililiolieea Xaera. Knowledge is Power. Tho fact that knowledgo is power, is very hap pily Illustrated by nn nnecdoto that happened in Edinburgh somo few years ago; A gentleman walking in tho street observed a largo crowd gathered around two dogs. Tho larger one, powerful mastiff, had tho smaller ono in his relentless grip. Every ell'ort had been made to loosen his hold, sucli as slitting ids ears, and biting and pinch ing his tail, but in vain. At length a quiet, K'holarly looking gentleman camo up, nnd making ids way through tho circle, nsked to bo allowed to separ ate tho combatants. Assent was given amid laughter and cheers, when draw ing n siiutT box from his pocket, ho up plied a pinch or tlio titillating powder to tho mastiff's nose. Tho efi'ect was so great on tho brutoM olfactory senses that ho not only released his hold, but mndo oft' ns fast as his legs could carry him. Tho scholar was greeted with cheers, but ho replied only, "Gentle men, I havo but given you proof that knowledgo Is power." The colored peoplo down in Delawaro havo gotten into such a habit or steal ing mils that tho farmers havo begun to bring their fences in nt nights. It is n good deal of trouble, they say, but It is not any harder than to undertako to Identify tho ashes or tho rails when tho thieves aro brought to trial. Per sonally wo nro not much o! nn ngricul turist, but it seems to us that perhaps tho fenced might bo protected very nico ly if every rail on each farm had a watch-dog chained to it ; or ir n lire proof safo largo enough to contain tho fence, wero erected in each field. Mr. Greeley recommends laying bank-notes along by tho fences, so that tho thieves will tako them and lot tho rails alono ; hut fie doesn't know enough nbout farming to start a two-year old orphan In tho business of making dirt-pies. Everybody knows how ho planted four acres In eauned tomatoes and as ono of liln friends asserts, tried to mako his liens Jay scrambled eggs by stirring thorn up with a polo I Ho Li not worth minding. I ItATJiS OP ADVliUTISINU. One square, (ten lines or Its cquivalou t.lu Non. parcll type) ono or two Insertion!, I1.E0I HitM Insertions, JJ.OO. STACK. Ill, 2lt. 8t. CM, 1 One square .50 11,00 (1,00 (8,00 10,W Two squares......... 3,7) 6,00 7,00 C.OO lSfi Three square! 6,00 7,00 9,00 12,00 J8.00 Four square 7 00 0,00 11,00 17,00 . 2g,9 Uuiirlcr column., 10,00 12,00 11,00 20,10 30,M Ilnlfcolumn 15,00 18,00 2000 80,00 00,0 Ouo column .J0,00 80,00 0,00 00,00 lOO.M Executor's or Administrator's Notice, (8.00, Auditor's or.AssIgncc's Notice, (2.50. Local notices, twenty cents ft line; by the y tar ton cents. Cards liillio"IlHslncssDIrcclory" colnmn,(S.0 per year for tho first two lines, nnd (1.00 for each additional line. Important Hates. Tho following will refresh tho minds of our readers ns to tho dates of tho most important inventions, dlscovcriea nnd improvements, tho advantages of which wo now enjoy: Violins invented, 1177. Pumps invented, M2o. Paper first mado of rags, 1 117. Almanacs first published, 1170. Spinning wheel invented, 11130. Spinning jenny invented, 17f9' Camera Obsctira Invented, 1C10. Printing invented by Faust, Mil- Engraving ou wood invented, 1100. Roses first planted In England, 1505. English shilling first coined, lHOo. Diamonds cut nnd polished, 1189. Punctuation first used in literature, 1020. Gun locks invented nt Ntirenihurg, 1517. Wntches first mado nt Nuremburg, 1001. Soap lliyt mado at London nud Bris tol, 1001. Theatrical exhibitions first given In England, 1J178." Muskets Invented and first mod In England, 1121. Post offices established in England, 1101. Printing introduced into Eugland by Cnxton, 1171. Maps and charts first brought to Eng land, USD. Fortifications built in tho present style, 1000. Sugar refining first practiced by tho Venetians, 1003. A Tough Fish Sior.Y. Tho editor of a western paper lias been up In tho country troutlng, aud is responsible Tor this fish story: "A jovial old gentlo man whom wo met in our travels told a story (ror tho truth of which wo do not vouch) to il lustra to tho number of fishermen upon theso streams. 'A few days ago,' ho said, 'I was passing a bridgo over Swift river, when I heard my name called; I looked around to seo who spoko. No person was in sight, and I was nbout to pass on, when my eyo roll upon a largo trout standing up on ids tail in tho river, looking as though ho had spoken to me, "Did you speak, Mr. Trout?" said I. "I did. sir," said he, "I wish to inquire if this is the way to Blckford's mill ?" "It is," said I. "Ain't there any other routo?" said he. "Guess not," said I, "uules3yougo by land. Why do you ask ?" "Becauso tho river Is so full of theso fish hooks that I can noyer get up this way." ' The Effeminate Man. Wo do not mean any particular man by Inserting tho following Irom Josh Billings: "Tlio effeminate man is a weak poul tice. He is a cross between root beer nnd ginger pop, with tlio cork left out of tlio bottio over night; ho Is a fresh water mermaid found in a cowpasturo, hands filled witli dandelions ; ho is a teacup full of syllabub a kitten in pan talettes a sick monkey with a blondo moustache; ho is a vino without any tendrils a ily drowned in sweet oil a paper kite in a dead calm ; ho lives liko a buttcrlly nobody can tell why ; ho Is its harmless as aeeut's wortli of spruce t urn, and as useless ns a shirt button without nny buttonhole ; ho is ns lazy as a bread pill, and lias no moro hopo than a last year's grasshopper; ho goes through lifo 011 tiptoes, and dies llko cologno water spilt over tho ground. A Japanese houso is a convenient houso in many respects. It consists at first of ono entire apartment. Thon movablo or permanent screens nro placed in position or thin wall3 put up, so as to divi'lo tlio houso into such rooms as tlio owner may wish. These, of course; ho can change ntnuy tlmo with out interfering with tho structure of tho main building. They havo nochim- noys, for they never havo a firo In a privato honso except in a iittlo movablo sand-tilled box, where they boil their tea and warm their hands with ignited charcoal or fino pieces of pine wood. During the late war in this country, many officers and privates warmed their tents by this plan. An Iowa man tried to kiss a neigh bor's wife, but beroro ho got through tho lady hit iiim on tho head with a rol ling pin, aud put him out of doors. Tho husband took a revolver nnd went tothomauforsatisraction, but conclu ded to settlo it by taking tho villain's note for $10, which ho traded off for a corn plough. Tho man who holds tho note can't collect, tho giver of it claim. Ing that ho did not get valuo recolved. "Boy, tlio com you aro hoeing there appears to bo qulto small." "Yes, sir wo planted small corn." "But it looks yellow." "Yes, sir, dad had to go nil tho way down to Undo Nat's to get yellow corn to plant." "I shouldn't think you would havo more than or crop," "No, sir. wo don't expect but hair n crop, wo plant on shares.'' A Gentleman in Now Orleans was agreeably surprised tho other day to find a plump turkey served up ror din iter, nnd enquired oriiis servunt how it was obttducd. 'Why, sir,1 replied Sam bo 'dat turkey has been roosting on onr fence treo nights, so dis morning I solzo him for do rent ob do fenco.' "Itii ought I understood you lofay that your father was a merchant only it week ago," sold a lady to a llttlo girl Who was soliciting alms; "nud if that is so, how could your fimnly have been so reduced to beggary?" "It U truo ma'am; my father kept a pea-nut stand, and hut week ho took a bad two dollur bill, and failed I" A Richmond wag sent nn extract from tho Song of Solomon to a city pa per, as original. Tho editor published it ns a "fair specimen of the trash dully consigned to tho wasto basket." A Boy'u idea of having a tooth drawn mny bo summed up as follows: "Tho doctor hitched fast on me, pulled his best, uud Just before it killed ino tho tooth camo out." Jfl! a 1 V-ifl -r,i 1 - '71