THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. FARMER'S COLUMN. Tiling!) a runner hIioiiIiI Xoi lo. A farmer should not imperil Ills Htlo to land ho nlroady pommes ly over anxiety to obtain mi mlilltlorml number of adjoining acres.- Ho should not ntlempl to cuitivnto mora laud than ho can ntti'inl to in sea son) or keep moro stock limn tiiu farm will supply nutriment for. Ho should not put on" for to-morrow what needs to bo dono to-day ; should not wait till rt farming implement is wanted boforo ascertaining whether ho lias It, or if so, whether it is in a condi tion to bo used. Ho should not let his slock run down so in winter, that hair tho summer will bo wasted in placing tho animals where thoy should havoboen at tho commence ment of spring. Ho should not, when a field is plant ed, leave tho struggling shoots to con tend with weeds till tho latter becomo tho prominent featuro of tho field. Ho should not go to sleep over night beforo first having determined what work ho and his help nro to commence with lu tho morning with means pro vided to make) tho labor effective Ho should not rely too much on thoso whom ho may employ; every house hold wants n head, no matter how faith ful its hired members may be. This position belongs to tho owner of tho farm, and ho should occupy it. Ho may labor or not as suits his inclina tion and means, but tho direction of af fairs should remain with him. Ho should not seek to get extra work out cf bis laborers by turning day Into ttVllight or night. Laborers regard this practice as nn Imposition, and will becomo rnoroso and discontented at tho exaction. Besides, exhausted nature requires a sultablo time to recruit its energies ; and should havo it. Ho should not glvo way to passionate languago bceauso of mistakes made or errors commiUcd by his help. These arc annoying, certainly, but tho uso of vllo languago will not tend to repair tho fault nor lessen tho chances of a repetition of it. Premeditated wrong doing should involvo dismissal from service. Ho should not, if lured from his bus iness during a passing season by somo trivial sport, ho much surprised to find that his hired help had been enjoying n partial Holiday during his absence. Ho should not bo moroso and tyrau nlcal in his family. Ho should bo tho kind, Just and decided master, not the captious and exacting tyrant. Ho should not be Indifferent to tho physical comfort of thoso who servo him. Nouo aro exempt from sickness. Let him bo kind and cousideralo to thoso who suffer. Thoy will ropay by extra exertions when restored to health. Finally, the man who makes a mild decision tho rulo of his household ; who plans his business properly; attends to each department In Its season ; is satis fied with suro and steady, rather than spasmodic and doubtful gains, will pass through life serenely, and leave, as a legacy to his chllcrcn, a competency of mis worm's goous.and an unsullied rep. utation. Rural Ncto Yorker. Fanning- as a Business. A man who is not smart enough to runastoro is not smart enough to run a farm. Xarmcrs aro not to bo mado out of what is left after lawyers, doc tors, ministers nnd merchants, nro sort ed and picked out. And if a man fails on n good farm, it is not likely that ho will succeed in a store, for it requires moro talent to bo a thriving furincr than to be an avcrago merchant. Tho ono cause of greatest falluro is tho dis- proportion between a man's farm and his capital. A farmer's capital is his skilled labor and his money. If ho has little cash he must havo no moro land than ho can thoroughly well man- ago Dy his own personal labor. Every aero beyond that Is an iucumbrance. Ono aero well worked is moro profita ble than twenty acres skimmed over. It 13 this greed of land by farmers that havo not tho capital to work It that keeps So many poor. Small farms aro better thau largo ones, simply because they aro better suited to tho avcrago capital of common farmers. Largo larms wmi largo capital aro bettor than small ones. But, two hundred acres of land, in tho possession of n man who lias only cnougn capital to stock and develop ten acres, icaus to ono of two things eltii or that ho pays taxes on ono hundred and ninety acres which ho does not use, or as is moro commonly tho case, that ho spreads his small capital out over tno wholo two hundred ; and that is cu iiuu inui 11 is uuo a spooniui oi gu ano on mo uranu rralrlo. Farming Is a good business for nil men who conduct It on business princl pics, and havo capital according to tho Blzo of their farm. If a man docs not understand his business, he will fall, wnctiier ho bo a farmer, lawyer, minis tor or merchant. If a man attempts to run a mine, a manufactory, a bank or n furjn without capital, ho will fall alike in ail or any of them, but no sooner in ono thau another of them. J; arming for amusement is another and entirely different tiling. Somo men prefer dogs and horses; somo men pictures; somo men landscapa gardens and fancy grconhouses.and iarms, as a means or agreeably spend ing their money, and occupying tliei leisure. A farm may bo a rich man plaything. Ho does not livo from his ground Ills ground lives from him. Klco Articles for IJrcaltras.. Fried Bread is very good, and is pro pared hy simply dipping it in n couplo of eggs well-bcaten, to which a cup of nunc, a mtio pepper, and 6alt havo been added, and then frying it In but ter. If It is too 60ft to turn, set it into tho oven and brown It on ton. Ham Toast is also very good, and is mndo by chopping lean ham lino, mix log with it a Httio popper, butter, and two well beaten pggs; warm all in a pan, spu'ad on hot buttered toast nnd eorvo. Coal for Hoes, Says an oxcliango; if farmers would go to tho coal pits nnd got au uio rejected coal ana break It up, and kcepa supply where the hogs could havo frco access tolt, they would havo very rew sick ones. It Is from this part that sulphuric acid Is made, Jienco its xBcuieinai properties. A Lob Anoelos, Cal,, curiosity is a eabbngo plant which brandies out overy year and bears a great number of small cabbages. THE YOUNG FOLKS. lie 1 Voir n ml tlio Seven I.lttlo Coats. Oncoupon a tlmo there lived an old Goat who had soven young ones whom sho loved as overy mother loves her children. Ono day bIio wanted to go into tho forest to fetch somo food, so, calling her soven young ones together, sho said, "Dear children, I nm going into tho wood; bo on your guard against tho Wolf, for If ho comes hero, ho will eat you nil up skin, hair and all. Ho often disguises himself, but you may know him by Ins rough voice nnd his black feet." Tho littlo Goats replied, "Dear mother, wo will pay great atten tion to what you say; you may go away without any nnxloty." So tho old ono bleated and ran off, quito contented up on her road. Not long aflcrward3,somobody knock ed at thohut-door,aml called out,"Opeu my dear chlldron; your mother is hero and has brought you each something." But tho littlo Goats perceived from tho rough voico that it was n Wolf, and so they said, "Wo will not undo tlio door; you are not our mother; sho has a gen tle and loving voice; but yours is grufi'; you aro n Wolf.'" So tho Wolf went to a shop and boughtagreat picco of chalk which ho ate, nnd by that means ren dered his voico moro gentle. Thou ho emtio back, knocked at tho hut-door, and called out, "Open, my dear chil dren; your mother ha3como home, and lias brought you each something." But tho wolf had placed his black paws upon the window-bill, so UiuGoalssaw them, and replied, "No, wo will not open tho door; our mother has not black feet; you aro n Wolf." So tho Wolf went to a baker and said, "I havo hurt my foot, put some dough on it." And when the baker had dono so, ho ran to tho miller, saying, "Strew somo whito Hour upon my feet." But tho miller, thinking ho was going todeccivo some body, hesitated, till the Wolf said, "If you do not do It at onee,I will cat you." This mado the miller afraid, so hopow dered his feet with flour. Such is man kind! Now, tlio villain went for tho third time to tho hut, nnd, kuocking at tho door, called out, "Open to mo my chil drcn; your denr mother is como, and lias brought with her something for each of you out of tho forest." The littlo Goals exclaimed, "Show us first your feet, that we mayseo whether you aro our mother." So tho Wolf put his feet up on tho window-sill, and when they saw that they wcro white, they thought it was all right, and undid tho door. But who should como iii? The Wolf. They were terribly frightened. nnd tried to hido themselves. Ono ran under tho table, tho second got into bed the third Into the cupboard, tho fourth into tho kitchen, the fifth into tlio oven, the sixth into the wash-tub, nnd the sovenlh into tho clock-case. But tho Wolf found them all out, and did not do- lay, but swallowed them all up ono after another; only tho youu gest one, hid In tho clock-case, ho did not discov er. When tho Wolf had satisfied his appetite, he dragged himself out, and lying down upon tho green meadow under a tree, went fast asleep. Soon after tho old, Goat camo homo out of tho forest. Ah, what a sight sho saw! Tho hut-door stood wido open; tho table, stools.and benches wcro over turned; tho wash-tub was broken to pieces, nnd the sheets and pillows pull ed off tho bed. Sho sought her children, but could find them nowhere. Sho called them by name, ono after the other; but no ono answered. At last, when sho camo to tho name of tho youngest, a littlo voico replied, "Hero I am, dear mother, in tho clock-case." Sho look her out, and heard how tho Wolf had como nnd swallowed nil tho others. You cannot think how sho wept for her poor littlo oues. At last she went out nil in her misery, and the young Goat ran by her side; and when thoy camo to tho meadow, thcro law tho Wolf under tho tree, snoring so that tho boughs quivered Sho viewed him on all sides, and per ceived that something moved and stir red about In his body. "Ah, mercy I" thought she, "should my poor children whom ho has swallowed for his dinner. bo yet alivo I" So saying, sho ran homo and fetched a pair of scissors and a nco. dlo and thread. Then sho cut open tho monster's hairy coat, and had scarcely mado ono slit, before ono littlo Goat put his head out, and, rs sho cut further, out jumped ono after another, all six, still alivo, and without any Injury; lor tno monster, in ids eagerness, had gulr cd them down qulto whole. There was a Joy 1 They hugged their dear mother, nnd Jumped about liko tailors keeping their wedding day. But tlio old moth cr said, "Qo and pick up at onco somo largo stones, that wo may fill tho mon ster's stomach.whilo holies fast asleep." So tho seven littlo Goats dragged up in great nastoapllo of stones and put thoin In tho Wolf's stomach, us many as thoy could bring; and then tho old mother went, and, looking nt him In a great liurry, saw that ho was still insensible, and did not stir, and so sho sewed up too Silt. When tho Wolf nt last woko up, ho raised inmseii upon nis hind legs, and, becauso tho stones which wero lylnc in Ills stomach mado htm feel thirsty, ho went to a brook in ordor to drink. But as ho wentnlong, rolling from sidoto side, tho stones began to tumblo about In his body, nnd ho called out, "What rattles, what rattles Against my poor bones? Not littlo goats, I think, But only big stones I" And when tho Wolfcaina tothobrool; no stooped down to drink, and tho heavy stones mado him Joso his balanco so that ho fell, and sank beneath tho water. As soon as tho soven littlo Goats saw this, thoy camo runninir un. slnclntr aiouu, "ino won is uead I tho Wolf is dead !' ' and they danced forjoy around incir mother by tho sldo of tho brook. The following epitaph niav bo-seen by any ono visiting tho old nravevard at Hallowcll, Me. : "Hero lies tlio body or Jones the poet, That !i, lio tliouBlitto, and tried to show it. HWUIO UU JI1UUV IUO WOUU UCUOVO it, The devil callt d and be had to kayo It." (Jen. It. WcKee, of Kentucky, has just Dcen married to His lirst wifo the second time. Thoy were divorced twen flvo year ago. "Do you enjoy good heaifh.Zacharv?" Why, yes, (o bo sure; who doesn't?" 13 KIDNEYS. Tho Kidney nro two In number, situated nt tho upper part of tho loin, surrounded by fat, and consisting of thrco parts, vlv tho Anterior, tlie.tnlcrlor, and tho Exterior, Thonntcrlornbsorbs, Interior conststsof lis- sum or veins, which servo nsn deposit for tho urlno nnd couvoy It to tlio exterior, Tho exter ior Is n conductor uUo, terminating In n sluizlo tube, nnd called tho Ureter. Tho ureters nro connected with tho bladder. The bladder Is composed of various coverings or tissues, divided into parts, vis.! tho Upper tho Lower, tho Nervous, nnd tho Mucous. Tho tipper expels, tho lower retains. Many havo n deslro to urlnnto without tho ability j others urinate without tho ability to retain. This fre quently occurs in children. To euro these affections, wo must bring Into action tho muscles, which are engaged lu their various functions. If they nro neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. Tho reader must alio bo mado nwarc, that however slight may bo tho attack, It Is suro to ntrect thebudlly health nnd mental powers, as our flesh nnd Mood nro supported from theso sources, Goer, on Rheumatism. Fain occurring lu tho loins Is Indicative) of the abovo diseases. They occur In persons disposed to ncld stomach nnd chalky concretions. The OitAVEL, Tho gravel ensues from neg lect or Improper treatment of tho kidneys Theso organs bolng weak, tho water Is not ex pelled from tho bladder, but allowed to remain ; it becomes feverish, nnd sediment forms. It Is from this deposit that tho stone Is formed, and gravel ensues. Dr.oraY Is a collection of water In soiao parts of tho body, and bears different names, nccoid ing to tho parts affected, viz,: when generally diffused over tho Is culled Anasarca, when of tho abdomen, Asaltos; when of tho chost, Hydrothorax. iThkatment. Holnibold's highly concentrated compound Extract Duchu Is decidedly ono of tho best remedies for diseases of the bladdcrf kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, and gouty nlTe-cllous. Under this head wc hnvo nrranged Dysurln, or dlfllcnlty nnd pain In passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small nml frequent discharge's of water; Strangury, or slopping of water; Hematuria, orblooJy urine; Gout nnd nhoumatlsm of tho kidneys, without any change lu quantity, but Increase In color.or dark water. It was nlwnys highly recommend ed by tho late Dr. Physlck, lu theso affections. This mcdlcluo Increases tlio power of diges tion, and excites tho absorbents Into healthy exerclso by which tho watery or calcareous dep ositions, nnd all unnatural enlargements, ns well ns pain nnd inflammation nro reduced, nnd It Is taken by men, women., nnd children. Di rections for nso nnd diet accompany. Philadelphia, I'a,, Feb. 23, 1807. II. T. Hei.siiiold. Druggist: DEAnSin I havo been n sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, blnddor, nud kid ney nlfectlons, during which tlmo I havo used various medicinal preparations, nnd been under tho treatment of tho most eminent Thyslclans, cxpcilcuclug but littlo relief. Having seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my family pliysl clan lu regard to using your Extract Iluchu. I did this because. I had used all kinds of nd vcrtlscd remedies, nnd had found them worth' less, nnd, some eiulte Injurious; In fact, I despair ed of ever getting well, and iletcrmlucd to nse no remedies hereafter unless I knew of tho In. gredlents. It wns.tbls that prompted mo to use your remedy, As you advertised that It was composed of buchu, cubebs, nnd Juniper berries, it occurred to mo nud my physician as nn excel lent combination, and, with his ad Ice, after an examination of thenrllele, and consulting again with tho druggist, I concluded to try It. I corn- in enced Its uso about eight months ago, nt which tlmol was confined to my room, from thcarst bottle I was nstcnlshcel and gratified at tho ben cflcial effect, and after ublng It three weeks, was able to wal k out. I felt much llko writing you n full statement ol my caso nt that time, but thought my improvement might only bo tern' porary, and therefore concluded to defer nnd sco If it would effect a perfect cure, knowing then It wculd bo of grenter value to you nud more sat' lsfactory tome. I am now ablo to report that a euro Is efl'ccted arter using the remedy for flvo months. I have not used any now for three months, and leel as well In nil respects ns I ever did. Your Cuchu being devoid of any unpleasant tnsto and odor, a nice tonic and invlgorator ol tho system, I do not mean to be without 11 when ever occasion may lequlre Its uso in such aire tlous. M. MCCORMICK. Bhould any doubt Mr. MrCormlck's statement, he referB to Uio following gentlemen: Hon. vanla, Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon, vanla, Hon. Hon, Hon, -Hon. phla. Wm. IIiulku, cv-Ooeruor, lvunsyl. Tn on. II. Klouence, Philadelphia. J. C. Knox, Jndge, Philadelphia. J, 8. BLACK, Judgo, Philadelphia, D. It. Poivrmt. ex-CJovernor, l'eimsyl Ellis Lkwis, Judgo, Philadelphia. It. C. UlilEU, Judgo, United States Court, O, W. WoobWAnn, Judge, Philadelphia, W.A. PoiiTEii.Clty Solicitor, Plilladel- Hon John IIkii.f.ii, ex-Oovemor, California. Hon. 13. Banks, Auditor General, Washing, ton, D. 0. And many others. If necessary, . . . . Bold by Druggists nnd Dealers everywhere. Bowaro of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other, PitiCE-il.53 per bottle, or 0 bot tles for fO.CS. Delivered to any address, Dc- scrlbo symptoms In all communications, Address H, T. HELMBOLD, Drng nnd Chemi cal Warehouse, C81 Broadway, N. Y. NONE ABE GENUINE UNLESS DONE W IN STEEL -ENGRAVED WHAPPEIt, with foo-slniilo of my Cbeuileul Warehouse, and signed U, T, HELMBOLD. M7My- i T 11 Hail Roads. LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS IlUItd ItAiI.ItOAl) On nnd rtjr duly B, 1570, Passenger Trains will rim ns rnilnreflt doing North. Oolng.Houtlu Arrive Artlvo .envo Leave I'-!,'1, n. m. n. in n. m. 7.W Hcranton... Mil 1M(J &S0 Leavo Ml 1.1 'i 1..-K) B.17 s.r, (US 0 Vi Arrlvo nttslon Kingston Plymouth Mhlckshlnuv..., 8.11 7.11 7.10 11.12 ln.Vi f.ri 8.) 7.f)l 7.IJ Leave o. Ill 7. H K.I2 Ml 11.91 M.07 10.1) An ive ihtwicic !." llloom' S.SS Danvlllo 4.f) Le nso North'd OJ LSI Connection medo ntsernnlon br tho 10. JO n.m trnl'i for evrrnt llcnd, Rlnchnmlon, Albany and all points .North, ICnst nnd West. D.T. ROUND. Pup'l. c ATAWISSA RAILROAD. 1570. BUM M Ell AKUANGEMENT. 1S70, Passenger Trnlns on this r oad will l nn as fol lows I Mail Hoilh. Dep.M? n.m ' 8, " i.:) " " " " 10.30 " " ln.i'2 " 11.17 " " PAW" HTATIONS. Wllllnmsport. Mitnoy. Milton. Danville. Rupert. Catuwissa. Illngtown. Kummlt. Mail XorOt Arr, 6. VI p.m. Dop.5.'iJ ' 4.10 " " 4.00 " " " " 3.32 " 1 1.CI " 1 1.40 " 1 !..' " 1.10 ' lo.ii) n.m 11.10 " 1 8.15 " 1 2.W) p.m. otinUake. l Mabony J i-.ii A13 Li', 11.13 June. 1 Dluc.Tnmnqnn. Dine. ' i.cnuiuK. 1 l'otlsvlllo. " Philadelphia. 1 dlno Mnuch Cuuuk, dine' 1 llcthlchem. ' Arr. (.r. l -a s.M 3.SI 1 Phlla. via Bethlehem, 0.63 n.m. 1 Easton, " 11.45 " Kow vorn, it. ijiueny si., " f.0.- ' via I,., 11. ' I'.no " 0,115 " L. " 0.00 " C.0i a.m. Boston, " O.tO p.m rnssmiriirs tnlctrir tho S.b1 Irnln from William- sport, will Imvc two hours lu New Vork.ior sup- tier, nml nrrlvo in Boston nt 6."0 a.m.. cloven lour- in ndvnnco of all other routes. New day coaches accompany nil trains be tween Wllllamsport, l'cw York nnd l'hlladcl "V.!?.:. -... dm. WEBB.fiupt. jVrORTHEItN CENTRAL, RAIL- On nnd after Juno tilth 1870, Trains Hill IcavoSu.MiUKV ns follows! NOltTHWAIlD. o.V A. M., Dally to Wllllainsporl, for Elmlra lannuuuigim, ltocncsicr, nuuaio, suspension Bridge, nud N. Fulls. 3.40 r. M.. Dally. (except Sundays) for Elmlra nnu Buthilo via Erie Hallway from Elmlra. 0.13 i'.m., Dally, (except Sundays) for Wllllamt- port. TKAINH SOUTHWARD. 11.15 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltluioi i WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 11.25 P.M. DallyfcxceptSunday'sJfor Baltluion Wushlugtou uud Pulladelphla. EI). H. YOUNG, General Passenger Agent. Al.riir.l) 11. 1'iski:, Gen'l SupU, TEIjAW ARE, LACKAWANNA, & r wisi i.iiis UAU,uu.u. nummer arrange incut, April 11,1870. Trains leave ns follows I KASTWAllD. WkStWAItn. Fx- Ac- Hx- Mall HTATIONS. mull press com. press Ac- com. P.St via i. A i:. nivls A u. p.u. Km Tio 8.00 4.10 8.15 4.25 8.40 4.50 11.28 7.33 o.oo Too 11.15 7.'.1l 11.41 7.50 11.51 .im 7.30 3.:w 8.15 1,12 11.03 7.03 12.00 8.05 12,15 8.20 12.25 S.30 12.40 8.11 12.53 8.53 1 .05 1.15 1.30 ll.SH 1.40 0.4 2.00 H.0S 2.10 10.00 2.30 10.20 'A IS 10.38 P.M. o.oo s.30 3.10 0.15 11.10 3.4C 0.21 0.23 4.01 9.33 0.50 4.20 0.51 10.30 Lai 10.12 nm 4.57 10.30 12.(10 6. 1.5 10.47 12.T 5.31) ll.(i2 1.10 ll'.M. A.M. A.M. Arl New York. Lv 0 12 9.01) 0.00 rvoi jiarciay ....Christopher St..... ilobokcu Newark Washington i..r, 4.10 1,01 via Cell, lilt, of N.J, , .New i ork (hot Liberia ) ,...Ncw llnmpton..... Oxford Urldgcvlllo ...Philadelphia .Trenton. , Phllllnsburi. 1W 3.40 7.10, ."..IS RBI) 1.21 IA17 I2.-17I 5.40' 3.50, 1.30 S.I 5.1.1 5.-JS 5.11 1A30 12.-2", Manuuku Chunk.... ..lieiawarc ....Mount Bethel Water Uau .....Htroudsburg Hpraguevlllo Ilenryville ...Oakland Wirks Tobyhanna Unuldalioro 12.08 12.52 S.tr2 4.51 11.34 11.2s 11.02! 10. HI 1.10 4.01 a 15, ln.27 :i.:n 10.11 3.15 11.50, AlOhCOW Dunning Scranton ...Clrrk'H kummlt.... ...Ablngton ...Factory vine Nicholson. .1.1 J 2.10, 0.41); tl.IO 8.31); 8.14 7.52 1-S1 0.43 0.10 4.57 ....llopbnttom J 7.13 .Momrn&e ....New Mllfold ! 1.10 S.43 l-.M C.51 0.30' -ureal neuu... A. 51, Trains do not stop nt Stations w here tho Tl Is omitted. Connections, At Jcw Hampton with Central It. It. of N.J. Tho Mull nnd Lxprcss tialns enslwanl and west ward connect with trains lor New Yoik, Eliza beth, Vlaluileld.Homcrvlllonnd other stations. At Washington with Morris & Efscx 11. 11. Mall and Kxpiess trains make close nnd reliable eon uectlons with trulns lor New York. Newark, Moirlstowu, Dover, Waterloo, llaekcttstown Ac. At Manunka Chunk with lielvldcro Delaware Cluso eonnecilons arc mado by Mall nnd 'nssciipers No. 1, nrrlvo lul'hllndclpblain tlmo to lake tho ii.uo p. in, iraiu lor liaiiimoio nun ivntailllgion. At bciautou with Laeknwanuaiiloomsburg & Delaware & Hudson linll lloads. Trains on these loads connect with our tialns for l'ittston, Wllkes-Darro, llerwlek, lllooinsburg, Danville, Olypbant, Archbald nud Caibondale. At Ulughamtoii with i:ilo llallwny. Mall No. 1 connects with Express Mall on Krlo Hallway, leaving ats.12 p.m. with a sleeping coach at tached, arriving at lluCalo at CM uet uiorulng. Express No. 3 connects with tl way train lor Owego, Itbncu, nnd Elmlra. Albany A Susquehanna ltalinoad. Tcurtralns a day runeaeh way between ltlngbamton nnd Albany. Onolcnvcs lllughamtou ut '.iiup.m., uud utrlves at Albany at U.0U p. m. bjracuse, lllugbumtou A N. Y. 11. It. Trains fo r by rucut e leal cal7a.m.aud 0.25 p. m. Trains from Hyriieute arilvoat 11.4Ua. hi. and 8..' p. in. It. A. IIENKY, W. F. HALLSTiivD. Ueu'll'ass. aud Tkt, Agent. Supt. JEADINQ IIAILIIOAD. SUM M Ell Altlt ANQ EM ENT. Monday, May ltlh.lwo. Great Trunk IJne from tho North and North west for l'hlladelphla.New York, Heading, l'olts vllle, Tamaqua, Ashland, bihauiokln Lebanon Alleulown, Eastou, Ephrata, Utiz, Lancaster Columbia, Ac., Trains leave Harrlsburg for Now York, as fol lows: At 6,35, and 11,'JS a, in., and 2,50 p. in., connecting with similar trains on Pennu. lUUroad, and arriving at New York at 12,10, noon, 8,00, (1,U5 and 10,1X1 p. m. respectively Hlecpiug cuis aecompauy the S.W and ii.'i'ju. in. trains without change. Iteturulngi Leave New York at d.OOn.m.nud lioo noon ami &.UU p. m. l'hllndeliililu at Mi a. m, and 3.30 p. m. Hleeplug cars accompany the a.m., aud S,00 p.m., trains irom N. V without change. Leave Harrlsburg for Heading, Potlsvllie, Ta niaqua, Mluersvllle, Asblaud, Hhamokln l'lue Urovo, Allcutown &i'hlla'd.ats,, 4,10 p.m., stopping ai Lebanon and principal way stations; tho 4,1'Jpm. train connecting for 1'hll'a l'ottsvlllo nnd Columbia only. For t'ottsvlllo Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susiiuehauim ihillroad, leas o Harrlsburg ul 3,10 p.m. East Pennsylvania Itnllrnad trains leavo Head ing for Allcutown, Kastou and Now York nt 7.'Ji lu.uu a. m., l.V7aud 4.15 p.m. Hemming, leave New ork at D.lio a.m., lino noon and S.OJ p. in. and Alleutuvtu at 7.20 a. m. l'J.23noou,4.20 and s.43 p. in, Wuy Passenger Train leuvts l'hlhidtlphln ut 7.30 n.m., connecting with similar train uu East l'a. railroad returning Horn Headlugut 0,33 p.m. slopping at all stations. Leave l'ottsvlllo nt 6,4Unnd o,oo a.m. jmd 2,'J) r.m llerudon at D.30 a. m bhumoklii ul 3.10 uud 10,10 a.m., Ashland at 7,05 a.m. and liutuuoou Mali ouoy city nt 7.51 a. m. und 7.17 p. m. 'laiuauua ut 8AJ a. m., und 2,20 p. m.for Philadelphia nnd New Yurk. Leave l'ottsvlllo via Schuylkill and Snsnue. hauua Itailruad at s,15 lor ilarrlsbuig, and 12,(16 noon, for Piuu drove uud Tremout, Heading Accoiiimoilttllnii Train leaves l'otls vlllo ut S.iu a. m., passes Heading at 7,30 u. in., ar tlvlug ul Philadelphia nt 10,20 a. m. lieimnlnsi leaves Philadelphia at 0,15 p. m., passlug itead ing at S.Wp.111., arriving at iMttkVlIlu ntu.10 p.m. Potlstown Aceominmtntlnn 'rrittinlivie'PM l,itfa. euwu nt e,3j u.m. reiurning, leaves Phlladi luliu ut 4,00 p.m. Columbia liallroad Tialns lenvo Heading nt ";'l''t w-JO p.m. lor .puraui, Litis, i silicas 1'erklomcn ltall Hoad Trains leavo Pcrklomen Junction nt a.OOu. iu8.(M A6.U0p. in. rcturulug: IcavoSchwcnUsvlllont 8.0.1 a.m., 12.43 uoon.nud 4.lj p.m., (flunectlng ivith similar train ou KoudiliL' ltallrond. Colebrookdalo liallroad trains leavol'ottslonu ui k.iu n. m nnu p. in.,returulug leave Mount Pleasant at 7,10 and 11.25a. m., connecllnB Mini ""''".I iiiiuj vn iieauiug Kaiiroau, Chester Valley liallroad Trains leavo HtMgc. port at s,3oa. m. and 2.05 and 6.w. m. rcturulug. leavo Duwniugton at 0.20 a. m 12.45 noon and R.1S p. in., couuecllug with similar traits ol Heading ltallroad. Ou Suudays, leave New York nt 5,00 p.m., 1'hll phla nt K,00 n.m. nud 3,13 p.m., (the b.oo n.m! train runu ngoulytoltcodiiig;)lcavel'ottsvllle8,00a.m.! Harrlsburg nt 6.33 a. m. nnd 4.10 p. m. and leave. Allcutown nt 7,25 n, in. and 8.15 p. m nud Iteadlug at 7,15 n.m, and lo.Mp.iii.for Harris burg, nt 7iia. m.for New 4.45p. m, lor Allentowii, nud nt 11.10 a. ro, niid 4.23 n. in, toe Philadelphia. n'V",i;mi"".!.!0,"'.Jnl(,n,i eason, Echool -il.u dfced rates U 1,uw Bl' I'0"""" ilt ll taJchBpasgcD''-cfUtd ,UroU6Ui 100 I'ouuii nlloweu O. A. NICOLLH, l'.cadlng, l'a.. AprlPffl ' gROWN'S PAST PltKiailT FROM I'lIILADELIIIIA TO IlLOOMSEUitU. and intermediate points. Qoods forwarded Willi vi nim iiuu ue iuw raics. Goods, at Philadelphia, must be delivered at 1 liner & Co's. HI Market street, For lull par tlcuhus, apply to .. JACOI1 SClIUYLEIt, I'roprlelor, Aug. gQ.'oi)-lf. It. It. Depot, llJoomibuig.i's JOB PRINTING Neatly executed at tills Ofllc H TOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION. Titn iiiit.nnl'iiY np mi. Hmrps-nifB (IllDAT MICDlCINias. Will p.eonlo never learn to know! hat n diseased liver and stnmAcli nec essarily dlscnso tho rntlro system? Tho plainest Principles of common sense teach this, and yet theroaro liuinlre'ds who rktlculo tho Idea. and l ontlmio In Iho tonrso which almost Inevitably brings them prematurely to the crave. Living ns tho majority of people do, nlcorapleto vnrl ancc. wllh tho laws of nature, It must bo appar ent loan nml, Rooncr vr nui-r, iiaiuro wiu re veiifio herr-rir. Hence w And that persons who Indulge to exews In the use of very rich or Indl (Cpstlliln Imid or Intoxicating drinks. Invariably nynh(nvy penally In ihoend. The Rtonnch lit. omes disordered nnd refuses to net J tho liver l.uN lo tterltirm Us functions, dyipepsln nnd Its ntu ndanl evils follow, nnd still thnRiillerlngln dl lduals persist in cllmelnti lo the t hnrouehly ex ploiied Ideas of tlio post, Dr. KUIIi.Nt;iv' med icines are recommended to all stieli. They bring sure nnd certain rcller wheieverthcy tiro west ns directed, nnd nil that Is necessary to establish their lcputntlon with every oiling man or wo man In tho land Is nfilrnnd Impartial trial of them. Let thoso whoareskcptleal on this point, and who Imvo permitted Inleiesteel persons lo prcjudleo them against theso now celebrated remedies lor Consumption, discard their preju dices, and liogoveriuilby tho principles of rea son nml common mpiih. If (bo svslem Is disor dered depend upon it, in nlno cases out often tho seat of the ulsorder will bo found lu the stomach and liver. IMclconso nnd Invlgornlo the stomach nnd to si Imulato tho liver to healthy action, uso . .. Bl'll KNl K'S M ANDltAKK PILLS.-Tho dally increasing demand for theso pills is the best evi dence ofthelr 5 alue. Thousands upon thousands of boxis nro snld dally. Why? hiiiiply becauso they net promptly nnd cfllclcntly. luvalldswho may not Unit 11 convenient to call on Doctor HCIU NCIC In person nro lurnrnied that full mid complete directions lor uso uecompany each package of tlio M VNDltAKH PILLH. PtTLMONIO HYlttJ AND M;AW1;i:D TONIC. Theso medielnes w 111 cure consumption unless tho lungs nro so far gono that tho pnllcnt Is entirely beyoud tho re ich ef medical le-llcf. ,,, it mny bo asked by thoso who nro not f.imlllar withtl.o virtues nr thoso gient remedies, "How elolir. Kl'Hi:iCK'S medicines ellect their won derful cures of consumption?" . lm , The answer Is n slmplo one, They begin their work of restoration by bringing stomach liver nud bowels luto nn nctlvo henfihy condi tion, Ills fnoillhat cures tins formidable, dis ease. Kt'lIi:NCK'.4 MANDItAKli l'lLIJJ act on the liver nnd stomach, promollni? secretion, nnd removing tho bllo nud slime which havo result ed liom tho Inactive or torpid condition of those oigans, and of tho system generally, 'nils slug gish Unto of tho body, and tho consequent ac cumulation of tho unhealthy substances named prevent tho proper digestion of food, nud, ns n natural consequence, creates disease, which re sults In prostration and finally In death, MCIIDNUK'H PULMONIC SVIIUP and HI3A WllKD TONIC, when taken regularly, mlnglo with tho mod, nld tho dlnestlvu organs, muko good rich blood, nud as (l natural conseiiueueo, glvo llcsh and stiength to tho patient. Lot tho laeuny say svnai u may. mis is ino uuij- uuo cure for cousumptlon. IJxperlcnco has proved it beyond tho shadow of a doubt, and thousands ore to-day alivo and well who n few years since wero legarueu as uopeicss chu-h, uu, mm iycu Induced to try Dr. feCHENCK'S remedies, and w ere restored to permanent health by their use wlthneonsumptlvo patient Is to Invigorate the I inn fit I lit, iirsL kinns tun nnvHiLiuu buuuiu uiivu sysicin, isow now is mis 10 uu uuuue ciiuiuty iw.i iivirlvin Tn,il(plnpn tlmt exlmust and cner- vate inedlcrnes that Impair instead of Improve tho functions of tho digestive organs. Doctor KCHKNCIC-S medicines cleanse thostomach and bowels of nil Bubslauces which nro calculated to Irritate or weaken them. They create au appe- tlln tirmnnln lipnllhrill dlcestlou make UOOd blood, nnd, ns a consequence, they luvlgornte aud strengthen tho entire system, nnd moro es pecially those parts which are diseased. If this cannot be done, then tho case must bo regarded nn n li.tnulfMitt nnn. H tho physlclau ilnrts it lmpoiRlble to mate a PATIENT FhU JiUriUUY, 11 IIIO unvuscu jcioui; jM.titint. nnrtnUn nf I'nntl TinurtHlllllU flKXl niUt ntoperlv Is Imposnlblo that lie van i-i h. in il.".ii nml Ktrunuth: aud It U caunlly 1m- poKstble tobriug a patient to this condition no long us the liver burdened with diseased bile, una the stomach ladeu with unhealthy slime. Almnstt ihn firftt rrnuest mado to the chyslclan by a consumptlvo patient is that he willpro- scriuo meiiicinca uiui wm iuhuywui coukIi, niuht sweats and cliills, which aro tho mit-ii iiliAitilnntR nn ronMi inntlon. llut this should not bo dono.ns thocousu Is only an ctlort of nntnio to relievo itself, and tho tiluht sweats and chills aro cauteu uy itio uiseaseu mng. in rptvu'iiipq (irillmirllv ttroscrlbetl do more harm than t;ood. Tlicy lmpuir the functions of tho smmarn, liupeuo iieuuuy uiKnuii, uuu iBt;i' vnti rnlliiT Ihaii euro tlio dKcaso. 'I'hnirt la. nftnr nil. nnthliitz liko facts with which toHitbstanttatoa position, and It Is upon tacts that Dr. HCUKNCK relies. Nearly all who Imvo taken his medlclno In nccordance with his directions havo not only been cured of consump tion, but, fiomlho fact that thewo medicines act wllh wniuU'rtul power upon thodlpesllvo orKims patients thus cured frptedlly Ralu Ucsh. Cleans Intj the hjbtem ot all impurities, they lay the Inundation for n holld, substnullal structure, destining theso organs to tiu.ltu, thej' create au appetite. Thofooots properly iibslmllntetl; the liii.intlty or blood is not only Increased, but is mado rich nnd (strong and tu tho faceol such a condition ol tho syttun all disease must bo uuu- iMirti. ... Knl I (llrrviMfm nrrmTiiinnv encli of tho modi' clnes, mi it Is not uiVolutely necessary that patients (,houldco Dr. fcCHKNCK personally. uiiiesi iiwy uchiru 10 jumi imn iuiibicahiiiiiimi. i-'or this purpose lie is at his prlncll'al olllcc, Jso, ir. TsTtirii. Ktvth fil ('inninprco. Phila delphia, every Haliuday.from UA. M. until 1 l M. Ailvlen la r-lvrn ivltlmnt chflriTO. but for thorough esaraluatlon with tho ltesplromcter tho churgo Is So. , , .1'rlco of tho Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed jomo enen, ;i.oo j'cr uoiur, or 5(..y iv jiuu uuauii i.indiulo 1'llln I'jccutsu box. I t uruggifats. Thlslsthn most tlioronoh lilnoil nnrinpr vpf dlscovrrcd, and cures alt humors from tho worst rrrcjuin iu a commuu r.rvpuon, Jimntcs ana Jltotthc on the face, and scaly or rough sun, which mo Mich tinnnytug blemishes to many young persons, yield lo the nseot a few bottles of this wonderful medlclno. 1'rom ono to clht bottles euro A'7 Ithcvm, J.r?slpct(nt ticnhl Jlcwl, Jling M'ortnvMJoftSt Scat Irruptions vj the &kint8ciofula Korcs. Vlccrs and'UtonLer" itHhe Mouth anil Stmn. ach. It Is n puro intdtclnnl extract of native ioois nnu pianiK, communis in .nmo7i.v nature's most tovereli'ii curntivo nronertlcs. whlcli (1ml has Instilled Into tho vcRetftblo Ulusdom for heallnK thoblclr. It Is a great restorer for tho -trenj;tr. and vigor of tho system. Thoso who aro la Li I'll Id. blcenlcss.havo nervous annrchenston. or fears, or nny of tho ntl'ectlons symptomatic of utwmkjt, win mm uouviut-inj; uviueucu ui us restorative powtrupon trial. If you feel dull, drowsy, tlcblhtated ami despondent, havo frequent J lead ache, mouth tastes badly In tho morning, ir regular appetite and tongue cotded, you are sutler lng irom J'orpid IJvcr or "Jldlouitiess." In many eases ot "Liter Complaint" only apart of theso symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all huch cases. Dr. l'lcrce'a Golden Medical Discov ery has no equal as It effects perfect cures, leav ing tho liver strengthened and health;. 1'or tho euro of Habitual Constipation of tho Uowels It Is a never falling remedy, and thoso who have used It for this purpose are loud lu Its praise. I n Jlronchtal, Throat and J-ioifir Diseases, It has 1 reduced many truly rcmarlcablo cures, whero other medicines had failed, bold by druggists at f J.00 per boitle. l'repared nt tho Chemical Laboratory of if, V. l'lUUCK, M. U. Q ItANGEVILLE STILL, AHEAD, Tho undersigned respectfully announce to Iho tanning community that they aro nguln iu uio neiu wun tneir machines for tho hnrvesio 1S70. THE NEW PENNSYLVANIA TIIUES1IEU AND CLEANEIt, Patented by Adrian Cornell, with Major's patent double acting bepurutor combined, is whalcvery Fnrmcr needs, ll e-au'l bo hi-at. iMinu Iipi, r.Mriv tested nud lias far exceeded tho expectations of n.t nnu luitn ni-,-u us fiiuruilOllS. 11 I1SS UCeU got up expressly loiueei ine wauls or the Farm er, Wo manulaeturo lbcm, overshot for tread power aud undershot for lover power. This machine can bo made to do any desired amount of work, is slmplo lu construction, easy to manago and not llablo to gel out of repair. They also contluuo to manufacture tho Cele brated WlIEELlHt'S HA1LWAY CHAIN, HOUSE l'OWUn .t- TIinESIIElt, from the original iiatterns, wllh nn Improve ment In t ho power, whereby a gain of 23 per cent, lsellected.aud gives the desired power nt from I Jo 0 Inches less elevation than tho old style. They also attach -MAJOK'rt PATENT DOUI1I.E ACTING BUEiTT IHON I10TTO.M SEPARATOHS lotholr machines, manufactured only by them ain st'euovd liillii-iii hy letters patent from Win. -M. .Major, 'iheyulso inaiinlucture Iho best aud lightest running Lever Powers lu tho country ulso Double nnd Hlmile-Ueared Jacks. Having on hand a trood sunniv r,r won kr,i,ui,n.i i..i.r.? of the best miallty.nud experienced workmen (liaaged in their manufacturer they guaruiiu-o their inachluem SUPEHIOIt TO ANY JIANUFACTUItED elsewhere. All having repairing to do should remember Hint wo hu call the oilglual patterns. Jtepalrlng donn nt short notice nnd on reasona ble terms. Machines sold nt nstonWuimly low price nml credit given when desired. . I or lurlher particulars call on or address SOIIUYLiEIt & LOW, AUUICULTUKAL WOHKR, OUANGEVILLE, COLUMIIIA COUNTY, 1A, whero they raanufaeturo tho bCBtand cheapest iron nnd oodeu llcaui Plows In tlio State, also wagon Jaeks, Iron kettles nnd nil kinds of work usually douo In Foundries nud Machine shops. All woik wutianted nnd nil kinds of country produce taken tu exchange, - ' JlV70-lf. PHILOSOPHY OP MAlUtlAOE.- X ANEWCouiUKOFLEiTujiKH,nsi!ol!verednt i i?.1?.1,"10:1 ".'J 'telnilennd AiiatomlcnlMuseiim 1205 Chestnut St., thrco doors nbovo Twelllh, Philadelphia, embracing Iho subjects) How to I'iv10,!',ll,,'.wl"'J.,0,1J0 fur! Youth. Maturity nnd Old Ago) Manhood (Jiuerally Reviewed 'J ho rousoof Indigestion! Flatulence and nerv! ous DUeuses nceouuted lor Marrlogo Philo. sophlcnlly considered. These lectures wll be for w aided on leceli.t of 16 rents hy nddresslnui Heeretary of the Pennsylvania iVyteciinio ir!LAl?Ai,,0J",rAI' "'i;u1 U-J3 Chestnut St., Phlladilphla.lVuusjUauIa. ' JeSl'70-ly, BUSINESS OAItDS, VIS1T1NU CA1IDS. I.ETTEH HEADS, DILL HEADS, rilOQItAMMES, l'OSTEHS', to., dO. Neatly and Clicanlv Prlnlnd From tho Latest Styles of Type at the COLUUIUAM OFFJCU jr sale uy nil nprs ,o-iy. Dry Goods & Notions. JJ"EW STOCK OF OLOTIIINO. Fresh arrival of 0001)3. david i.owKNiu:na Invites ntlentlon to his stock of CHEAl' AND PASHIONAIILU CI-OTHINQ. nt hlsstoroon Mnln Htrcct, two doors nbove the American House lllooinsburg, ru whero ho lifts just received from Now York nnd 1'hlladelphla n full assortment of MIIN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, lnclndlns tho most fashionable, durable, nnd handsomo DIIESS aOODft, consisting or 110X, SACK, ItOCO, QUM, AND OIL-QLOTH COATS AND DANTM. of nil Mrls, sires nnd colors. Ha has also replen ished his already large stock of l'ALli AND WINTEIt B1UTO, STUirKD, I-iaUItKD, AND I'LAIN VKST3, S111UTS, CHAVAl-S, STOCKS, COLLAI13 HANDKnilCHIEFS, OLOVrs, SUSniNDEItS, AND FANCY AllTICLIH Ho nas constantly oa hand n largo nnd well-sc ected nssortmeut of CLOTHS AND VISTINGS, which ho Is prepared to mako to order luto any ktnd of clothing, on very short notice, and In the best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, nnd most of it Is of homo manufactnre. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWIXIIY, olo fory description, fine and cheap. His cosool Jewelry Is notsurpasscdllu thlslplace. Call and examine his general nssortmen of CLOTHINO, WATCHES, JEWELIU , 1C. DAVID LOWENBEIIU. c. o. m a n a havo Justrccclvcd from the castorn markets n largo and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, CONSISTING OT Casslmers, Jeans, llest blenched .t lirown Muslins, , Calicoes, Tickings, Table Linens, Cotton & All-wool flannels. AC, tc, A'good stock of Ladles djess goods, Latest styles A patterns, Splees of all kinds, Good stock groceries, linccnswaro, Stono ware, Wood & willow ware, Flour & Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin Urass.Ac. All goods sold cheap for cash or pro. duco. He would call the attention of buyers to his well and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In the coun try, feeling coufldcut that ho can sell them goods at such prices as will ensuro satisfaction, Nov. 5,'Ca-tf f. C. MAItll. B UY THE BEST. THE IlED LION BHAND, SAOK AIT AO A Is superior to nil others In color, quality nud ii-v , lijjc juuiiu uoiy ui M. P. LUTZ'S lionifir tn Tirv Vnllnn. t 1 new building next to the Court house. Main btrcel, lllooinsburg, l'a. may 13 70-tf. JJILLEK'S STORE. FHESII ARRIVAL OF SUMMER QOODS. Tho subscriber has lust returned from the cities wun another largo nnd select assortment of FALL AND WINTER QOODS. purchased In New York nud Philadelphia at the owosi ugnrc, anu wuicu lie is determined to sell on ns moderate terms ns can be procured else wnero in uioomsuurg. ins stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of tho choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with a largo Inssortmcnt of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting or tho following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cassimeres, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, While Goods, Lluens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarware Queenswaro, Hardware lloo la aud Shoes, Hals und Caps Hoop NeU, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glasso.1, Tobacco, Co (Tee, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY'. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ue Invites the attention of the public generally. Tho highest price will bo paid for country produce In exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER & SON. Arcade flulldlngs, Bloomsburg, l'a. Q O N P E O T I O N E It Y . Tno undersigned would respoclfully announce to the publlo that he has opened a "unouuc' FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, in the building lately occupied by Fox & Webb wheio ho Is prepared to furnish all kluds of PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS. NUTS, RAISINS, AC, 40,, AC. Jiy WHOLESALE 011 11 ETA I L. In short, a full assortment of all goods In his lluo of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for the Holidays. Particular atleutlou given to nilEAD AND CAKES, of all kluds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIES, CHISTMAS TOYS, giiatautJZdf0"01' Bnd eolls(:l:"01 will h Nov. S3, 1667. ECKHART JACOIIS. jJ E 11 O II A N D I S E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To my friends and tho publlo generally, that al DUY GOODS, anooEiUES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, 40., are constantly on hand nnd lor sale AT BARTON'S OLD STAND DLoousuuna, by JAMES K. EYEH VfAlkO. Solo Aeent TTinauiirv 1MB. Large lot constantly on hand. febSW. Ji tney want tho inobtponnlnrand bcfcttsunmiJ f "S, f"'"- ifudfurcireu a. Theywilletvou nothing, and may bo of great Uniflt to youi febll'70-ly, gLATE HOOPING, BVEnr VARIETY MOST PAVOllADLE HATES. JOHN THOMAS, AMD CASPER J. THOMAS " " uioomauurg, i'a, iur.w,ewy ratr-W (Tf! t J" n ar,m., HI.MIIIIHI, Dry Goods 8c Grocorios. riKAND OPENING Ul (IUANI) Ol'ENINtl liiiAisu uri'iisiisu (IUANI) Ol'ENINtl tlltAND OPEN1NO FALL AND WINTEH (1001)3, FALL AND WINTEH (K)OllH, FALL AND WINTEH MOODS, FALL AND WINTEIt (IOODH, FALL AND WINTEIt UOODS, consisting ol consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DUY (lOODS, DHY (lO(il)S, DUY (loon's, DHY (lOODS DHY UOODS, HATS AND PAIft, 11 ATS AND OA!", HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, J10OTM AND SHOES, HOO'lH AND SHOES, hoots and shofx, hoots and shoes hoots and biiols, clothino, heady-made clotiiind heady-made cloi'iiino, , HEADY-MAIlli CLOTIIINd, HEADY-MADE CLOT111I50, LOOKINO-dLASSICS, LOOK INU-ULA SSI W, LOOICINH-OLASSEH, LOO K 1 N (l-() LA SS KH, LOOK1NO-OLASS1W, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OIIJ4, PAINTS AND OII.M, PAIN'IS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND Olla, ailOCEUIES, OltOCEltlES, (HtOCEHlES, (JltOCEHIES, (JHOCEHIES, tlUr.ENSWAHE ItUEKNSWAHE, . HIIEENSWAUE, UllEENSWAHU, UUEliNSWAHK 1IAHDWAHE. HAltDWAUE, HAHDWAltE, HAltDWAUE HAHDWAltE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE TINWAHE, SALT, SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH FISH, FITH FISH, OHAIN AND SEEDS, (JKAI.N AND SEEDS, OHAIN AND SEEDS, OHAIN AND SEEDS, OHAIN AND SEEDS, AC., Ac. Ac, AT NEAT, A CO.'S, NEAL A CO.'S, NEAL A CO.'S. NICAIi A CO.'S. NEAL A CO.'S. Main and Market StreoU, Main nud Mnrkct Streets, McKELVY, McKELVY, McKELVY, McKELVY, McKELVY, Northwest corner ot Northwest coi ner of Northwest corner of Northwest corner of Main ami Market Sticcls, Main nnd Mnrkct Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets. HLOOMSmiUG. PA HLooMsmmo pa llLOOMSllimo PA., IlLOOMSIHIRO FA. 1II.OOMSI1URO, I'A. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAIIX, IRON AND NAIIJS, IRON AND NAILS, In large riunnlltlcn end nt reduced rates, alwny UU 1IHUU, Miscellaneous. AT E W COAL YARD. y The undersigned lespectrnlly Inform the cltlrens of llloomsburir nnd Columbia county, that they keepall tho dlllercntnumbers nfstuve coal and selected lumpconl lor smithing purpo ses, nn their wharf, ndjoiulng M-Kelvv, Nenl A e,o a r urnace; who u goou pair ni liuiuio scales on tho wharf, to weigh coal, hay, and straw. Llkcwlsoahorsoandwngon, to deliver coal to those who deslro It. As they purehaso a large amount of coal.they Intend tokcep a Miiicilnr ar ticle, and sell at tho very lowest prices. Please call and cxamlno lor yourselves before nurchas- ,uu ci&twucic. j. w. iir.riii.;i(Miiiir, AUUUblUS MASON. rpiIE iintloisjgiicil will tako in cx- i change for Coal and Groceries, tho following named articles : Wheat, Rye, Com, Oals, l'ota" toes, Lard, Ham,SliouUler,aml sldo mcat.liuttcr, I.ggs, Hay, Ae.,nt the highest cash prices, at his vtuwif oeuic, uujuiumg incir eo.u aiu, , , ,r , , J. W. 1IENDERSIIOT. Bloomsburg Mar. 10,'dMy. 0. IIOWER, ias opened n flrst-elass BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP. AND FUR STOIlI- at tho old stand on Main Street, nioomsburg.afow posedof theveryhitestaud be'ststyles ever ouer- v ,i uio viuivuiiuiwiiumuia uounty, lie can accommodate tho public with tho following goods Siniifi test ratc,',-1ilfn's heavy double? soled klnhmiS ..i,.';."."', "".1 " ' P.01?u men's line boots and shoes of all grades, boy bJ?,k?1d,U00,s,n!u,'l,ll01!3 'n'l kinds, meh' glove kid Balmoral's, women's, boys , i ",M,ro"0.'"i. naiiers, women's glove kid ml f id y ""O'WV111.1'11'8 morocco Balmorals and led" andw"1 l!Sa mVut'of Uld nlb0 CaU at,cntlon 10 bls flne assort HATS, CArs, FURS AND NOTIONS, which comprises nil Iho new nnd nonnin, vni. euesat prlceswhlchcunuotfnlltosullnll. Those SiM1iSu.B,rSnlUed,,,t.tue ,owe8t eash rites aim iVt,ri. ; i"Kivu baiisiaciiou, A call if.m .1.1 "'""oroPU'ehaslng elsewhero as it Is S.uiSiw' nargalns aro lo be foMiid DecTo-O-. .uocouu.y. TniUI0N "Alll AN INDISPENSAItl.E KTICLK FOR THE LADIES. tlvtcntnl July Wi.ltw.) This Curler Is tho most prneci invention ever of iered to the public. It Is cu&uy uperuieu.neai ill ap nearance. and will not in. lure the hair, ns there is no heat required, nor nny metalllcsubstance used to ru or ureal; ino Hair. Manufactured only and iui emu ,iy MCMILLAN A CO. ,iKo 13 North Frout Street, I'IILAM!I.1'1IIA,PA. Sold nt Dry Goods, Trimmings nnd Notion N. II.' Simile Box rf, cents- 3 Boxes, assorted sizes. M cts. .Vafrfetnniiy pmt of thounlt- iu ommii. uiiuu ree'eiiii oi ino muuey. Je2TiO-Sjr,m. 910,000 aUAHANTUK. B UGK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTHER LEAD I lil. For Us Unrivaled Whiteness, 2d, tor lis Unequalled Durability, .id, ; or its Unsurpnssesl Covcrlug Property. Lastly for its Economy. 3-lt COSTS LESS to paint with Bunt Lead than any other Wbllo Lead e-xtout. Tho samo Mi'iKiiee-uveiH Aiejld, H (I l lr A l.l,, IS moro DUR ABLE, and inukes WHITER WORK. U UC1C LEAD, Is the Cheapest nnd Hcsl tlO.000 GUARANTEE. IJ U OJC Z I N O EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCS. A'.'' .t'orlts tlncqualled Durability, '-d. For Its Unrivaled Whiteness, "J. f or lis Unsurpassed Covering Properly, Lastly, for Its Great Economy, being tin CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, and juosi uuiiAiiLti wnuo i-aiut in the world, BUY only . RUCK LEAD AND BUOIC ZINOi TRY IT AND BE, -CONVINCED. Satisfaction Gnarautced by tho Manufacturers. BUOIC COTl'AaE COLORS, Prepared expressly for Puintlng COTTAGES, OUT BUILDINGS of every deserlr. Hon, FENC1M, Ao. THIHTY-FIVE DIFFER ENT COLORS, Durable, Cheap, Uullorm, uud Beautiful shades. Sample cards sent by Mall if desired. Dealers' Orders will bo nroinntlv executed bv the manufacturers, FRENCH, RICHARDS A CO., N. W, Cor, Tenth and Market Streets, jsuij'jO-ly. l'lUladelpulA Jgardwaroc Cutlery rPHE NPV IIAUBWAlti:? Slaving cnlne, f SV.S? "iu"E. OPENED A NEW Btlmv J tly from the MnnurJ.,,,... 1 r'v. dlree cash, , on n declining market, w i Vfo W'l li tho Ramn tn ,ul'h'liS ro.i .'' offer FAHMEIIS. JlECHANifv nnd tho reft of Mankind, a ceno, . -' prising nil Iho kinds nn.l (Vu.mffiU,wit,cnn, In n city Hnrd Waro Stoi e 'i c." 'unu;L': f t o county, ntuuusuaii'yi0'w' t" , the witil All thoso whouroilei,iri0usor , ,,. ' n our Hue can savo Monei- iil-'u, , '."Ingtnu .-owllnulwarosioio. 5 " iookli,siJfe-i l'lenso glvo us a cal land exnmln n, AP,,0,lyr mB on It, Smith, ' - . GUNS, UUTLEuv ' , no, 109 N, Tiunn stu .n.cAL,01;' Nov.22,,7-tf.1,,ni"U)-'''"A. " QA RRIAGE MAX I'PAITOHY, Bloomsburg, Pa, M. II. HtIAN A 111), vi, i... r!AniiIAnr.s nnnmn, and every description of Wogons both ., . ,:;v. .:r .v . Will Jit iil.Li ii uu iimiiu ui MIU Ut'Sia 1(1 Umsl Anr. I ablo materials, nnd by the mM cjMrlc3 nSTi'.mte.m,.! 1.lti ",l,!ro, '2 nnd suro to glvo perlecl satlslnctlim, 'tiU SLEIGHS of all the newest and most lasliionable Mill, well aud curefullv mudu and nfih,, )..., 1 lals. ' " lllFiHX-Lltlll in iiiuir UIK IS ftt-Kiil ftg in bclIovtHl that nonuhupcilorciui liurdutitl IdUh v-u.s iivij 1 UY, .TJ, Lllt AGENTS WANTED V0U l J) IBLBIJ YRICS A MASTERLY VERSIFICATION OF THE SUBLIME POLHtY OF 'llll; lllliUi SO pronounced by lending clercvmen smllir. men of all denominations. utilrt.niivn,iniiw.i I and highly esteemed both for liseuatlntncft I merit nud mecbnnknl fliith. A lienuiifut 'n. I pectus, irom n new nnd ntlglnnldislgii.iimiii I t.iu ...i.i.ii,, nijun i. .iiii.tiiiK.l H Mill UUP I pte copy when eteslleil, at -ll vtrttnt, hu tlmlht I WllOl.litiAI.i: rillll:. Ejcluslu. Terrltorj I Mini iiiu.uum j.ineiii, jeiiii, i uruui rurittQ'an lernis, eie-., aeuuess C. F. VEST p, may(i'70-tf ;i llaielaj t,. NmYuk. lusuraucc Agencies, Q. L O 15 E M U T V A I, LIFE INSURANCE CUMIUNY o i- NEW YOKK. Pliny l'lecman, ricsldcni, h. c. 1 rrriinu,!se I Casli capital over ?' ', .".'ii, idl i.inl. j. Tj. korison, HLoojir.vno.rAl ueni:ral aoent. For Luzerne, Lyconmi;; and i ulum'ih coun I s, Aug. 50,'03-ly. 'NSURANC K A Cf h N C Y. Wyoming XUm Fulton North Amerlc.i City International Niagara Putnam Merchants SprlugQcid Farmers' Dun Wile Albauy City Lancaster City Yoik Horse, Death & Theit......... Home, New Haven llSJlt t,M',M l,l(vi,M 1.SU.M 5. Id 1; ' tV1 l,i.i,MI Danville, Horso Then FREAS BROWN, h""'. rcai8.C0-ly, hloomsbcMi H Foixudries. QIIARPLESS & HAITIAN, E.VQI.E KOUNDIlY AND HANUrACTCBINO Hid, STOVES A TLOWS WIIOLffAI.E A ItnAil I TIIK CKLEnnATUD MONIltOSK IK0X KAH iN1 THE IIUTTON WOOIIEN 1IKAM 1'I.OWS. Castings and VlioTlrlcIclirrcpnlriiiBe-IIyMeV' All kinds of Brass or iron casting made toow i upon short notice . .. r. irnnuv 11. F. SIIARPLF-SS & V. H. HAM Bloomsburg. Pa. Mnr.lll.'ti'J-lf. THIRST NATIONAli WHITE LEAD, BF.ST, PUREST, AND I'lIlIAVWl' BATIKFACTION (iUAIIAXH"1' For Whiteness, Dural.llty,aiullii"ia,1' cy. It has no equal, . , ., i,(,ui J Sold by nil dialers in Paints Ihu.nEi'1 the country. DARKER, 3IOORE & JU-1N bUCCKfcSOia TO T. MORRIS PEROT A CO, Sole Pinprlelors, Plilladeli.bin, W Dialers In ull kluds of DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS, UUW iiyiaruFrs, .it'., -if. b I ultl e'L HI 11111,1 WHIIlfl V..-.. our "F parties ions loru luo I Kits. and the uumu of DARKER, JIOORE &, JIKIN. 1 On cadi label, For bale by mara,c,y. W$22& "17ARMERSI EXAMINE AND Ut. i ... n r r, T XT A Ti T 11 Ji J it 1 u i i' BAUOll'S BEING THK FHiST RAW. BONE I'JIll,UA'rE AH others, nro imitation. B a"uo"" ' S RAWllOSB TIME, SUPER PHOSWIATE OF Ui" .nanE MARK. jii- lSiO. FALL, lift -e lTntUIl'11' This ihinvre Is mode of lln,w-.ilsVoh"1!! loucs. rich In Nitrogenous n n Jt er- JJ ..unie l 111 of VltUol, resenting the ". W', ijiiiw." nigniy soinblonnd quicaiy ",'," ,, to lna' ui uiweiu u eiiui. B A U Q II & SONS, MANUlfACTUl'l"". Omen-No SO S. Delawaio Aveuuc, I'AILADELFHIA. H1570-tf. JAC s Importers nnd Dcalors lu rotc ,; HARDWA Tits C'At'TION.-OwlnH to the IryW.''lh,rh Irst National Win to - u. hnvo bl en Induced l,'(,'', 'ihere-1.! niiieloUMierinesaiiiu ." - i. (, llownro t,l ( ounieiiii"'. -v -j,,,,,! Is put up lu ist'a,liru, ,'JjK,s . with nident luctulliowhe bn-J"