AND .nfti.Mi iMrt.MJV ,'imAV ntnrxftvfi MttitmtAU Tiiftt.titvn win tiiii rvitu-r HOUSE, Y Hun ii n. nni u irv vvii i . 13 (11 tor nml Proprietor, Iwo Collar: a Tear, pryallo In Advance oixiaxJi.A.'riorT cnoo. JO II PIlIMTlNa ticscriniioDS rxocmcu wuii iivihhwbi STOVES AND TINWARE. U10CK, .uiuu nil hlni 01, vi-mi CL0T1IINQ, &u. a Ullll .MOIII St., OVLT -llllier S BIOIC. d-n.k) DKUUH, UlllilUlUAl.H, AC '.I.l'TZ. Driieirlstnhd Aiiolliccnrv.SInln St.. li.i. jitvv.-,., j ,i minim uihi iiixjiiiccm ich. CLOCKS, "WATCHES, AC. ivvclry. Main St.. Just below tli Aintrlcun Hi ,M I,, iipiiit'r ill I ini'HH. wmrHwa nml .irsouthenstcorucr Slnlnnud Iron sts.vl-l'i 1-1 lll-ili iwuu, men null c locit limner. BOOTS AND SHOES. t vnnr nf Itnlitilnu A: li'i-r'u Mttiri. 1 .11 1.1 t'tli ttl.'TV llnrit nml wiinfitiifitror Mnlti .t ,Uiln nml Hhoi'fl. UroCL'lleH. Lie.. .Mill 11 Mlft. lhmtnf.iilir. l.n 1.1 PROFESSIONAL!. II. C., Burgcun Dentist, Slain St., Vizi, in., mirKcon aim rnysirinn. c ha Litre iwocko cr u cuu-s uoousioiu u-u-js Tl V. KINNM'A. Hurupcm l)f nllst. T.nth nor iiuLXCim uku'nrino "r.xciianno . BAR K LEY. Atlorxicv-nt-Lnw. onico. 2il unrin Kxchniipo ltlnrlr. iiinr (tin 'MTftinnirn Vl-Ui . JirKKI-VY.M. I)..KtlHrcoti mill I'll VMlcinm oruibiuo uuiu hi., uciuw uirKL-i. viuiJ l.liIKKlf.V A. WAKllY IJIH) S. j in btitct bcluw, 0. ksiindUrcbs l'utlenu, Houthuabt corner and AVcHtsts. Vl-ul"J : MlhSKH IIATIMAN Wlillncry and Faucy His, lulnbl., lJCl(iv AmiiKaUJloUbe, Villi I HOTELS AND SALOONS. l'MllTA Hfl'rl T. liv II kli.lim.r AI11I11 H oeuonit House. vin Main street. vl-l1 MYi:u A .TACOllV.Confccllouery.Ilakrry i ltlnr-lr Mntn kti.-t vl.i.l l lUtUIIAiNTS AND UKOUKHS. LITCitlirtr'f .Unl... I.. 1 ri y.. . UKCKLEY. Uoot and Slmn slnrp. lionlts MAtloiii'rv Muln ul l,..l..u' f,nlfnl rl.nll . ' - "WIVHIllUHl fe VVllllH Lit,, r I'VH Air 1. r r 1 A M'Min rA..-nA,i 1 n.., un-saio uuu retail, lCxtliuuno llloclt. VI-U13 . miiiwi.'ii 11... -- 1 . .. ifMn iilI tf 1... .v. .... iil.X .1 1'YIMT ,lri,l I. Tl.. I.. OXUTON. Rrnrfiloa A Prnviklnnc Main ireel Iji1iiw M.iil, nl.mi . FVL'U i-i- 1 .. V0r&,I'lour,n'cii;Halt,l',Ibh,lron(Nuiw! i cor, Main and JIarktt kts. vl-nlJ L Mil T I'!) . l-xt I.. 1.... 1 1 -.v., liUll VJ UlUlUi UltlUBl, i'KlJ MISCELLANEOUS. oil Olllco. Main Btrtct. vl.utl ,,',,juitw j.uiuiiv w., iiiiiiiuiiiLiuicia l uenlera In Lumber of all kinds : l'lnulng Lur tbo ratlroud. vlultl HllC!lT,ri r i...,,,T r.t OSTEtt. Gluo Maker, and Wlillo nnd Knnev inner, bcottowu. Vlul7 VIUU8TSIAN. Haddlo. Trunk A Ilnrueiis. .noilllINH.llfHior dealer second door from EIllLFSIAJN. Acent for SIuusoli's Conner ---. MUIUIl,li IIUU. U.Utf .TlmilKa-inr A,...,i iiri.i., 'uAiuicB, Humeri uiueu, jijniu 01, vi'W .'OlXtX Furniture Itoonm, tlneo story ''I, Muln BHcet, west ot Slnrkel st. vlufj . PhntOffmtilirr nvnr 11ililtlm more, sinlust, v. T?;. ' .! "taierin sieni, Tauow, etc., cnen. "u s alley, unr of Amerlenn Houbc. vluU MA . . . . nfcU .11 IJ I Itll'T.'l.'T.'VIt T'lT llr,w...i l- 'bitat his icstdeneu or at Sillier A Hon'u umntly llllcd. lleit green Wcitcrn brush 1 vi-ms, ' IAUSIAN. rnliliieliiinlrpr nml n inlr -l.uvui.ium bllCbl Uei. lIOll. Xtl i'.'I iiiiu. 1 v inmiM nm ..,1 ml 1 , ,1 a. 1 iliKliVmu VV? ir i,'" I'miioi, organs nnd .,u, , vuieii niuruiiuio rooms vl-ull lilf'ijACOUV, Maible and llrowu Hlon7 Hiliuw Lut'w In furnlluro, trunks, i uow Ware, near lho l'mki ii,.i,.l Hum. .' ceder nil Buck Horn. . a r dealers In dry ll 1IW I, lin.l.llua iu fcoulU cud Mlgwu, vi-ula VOLUME IV NO. 33. Orangeville Directory. A 15. W. COLESIAN, Merchant Tnllors and JV., Gent's furnishing goods, Slain St., next ilunr ouioJiricic uotei, vl-nl. I II. ltmiltINU & llltOTIIUn.Cnriicutersnnd . llulldetx, Slain kt., below Flue. vl-nl7 OWER a HEURING, dealer In Dry Goods, i Groceries. Lumber nnd sciicrnl Mpri,hriti,Hc,v Milium, vi-1117 1) ltohr JFlIenry cor.ofSlnlii uhdl,inost.,vi'-ui7 DR. p. A.SIEGARGEL.rhyslcInn nndSurKCon, Alain bl nest door to (Jowl') Hotel, vl-ni7 DAVIU HERRING, Flour nml Grist Still, nnd Denier In grain, still Street. vlnl7 11.40. KF.r.CIINi:u,Ill.ieksmllin,on SII11 . Btreet, near Flue. vl-nl7 I..E0WARrS.rhysletnn nml Kuigeou, Slnln st.,llrst doorubovoSFllcnry's Hotel. VI-USJ TAMES 11. 1IA11MAN. Cabinet Maker nml Un. O dotlnker. Slalu St,, below l'luo. vl-1117 f M.lIAltMAN, Kaddlo mid Harness maker. U, Slain at., iislto rrnino Church, villi 11 SCHUYLER & LOW, Iron founders, Machlnlsls, and Stnuufactuicrs of plows, Mill Bt. vl-ni MILKS A. WILLI ASlSACo.raiincrsnnd Slnif ufaclurcra oflcatbcr, Sllflstieot. vl-1117 SAMUEL HHAIIFLEKR, Sinker of llieirnyliurnt Ornln Cindlo. Sinln Bt. vl!n5. 7IT.M AM I)i:i.0NH SlioemnkeraiKt mnnuf.K- tuicroi unek, suii!-;t.,wesioiruio viuia Catawissa. F. DAf.LMAN, SIcrchant Tailor, Second Bt. llObblllS' IJUildlUg, V2-UIK It. J. K. nonniNH, Burgeon and Fliyslclnn Becoml Bt below Slain. v2-nlK GIM1KUT KLINK, dry good, groceries nnd genual mcichaudlse, Main Btrcot v-Mil.! It. KISTI.F.It, "Catlnwlssa House,' . Comer Slalu and Beeond Btrcets. North V2U1S KI5ILi:it, Illllnrd Baloon, Oysters, nnd Iec , Cream In benson Slalu Bt. v2ul2 M. M. liUOUST. dealer in GeneralMerchanaiRo Dry Uuud, UroccrlcH Ac. VJ-ulS QtLSQUIHANNA or Itrlck Hotel, S. Kostcu kJ Lauder l'ronriotnr.snulh-i'fistcnriinr Mnln nml becoud fitrcct. v2u!2 1 H. ItlNAIll), denier In Stoves and xiii-warc, I. Slain Ktieet. v2n!2 ITM. II. AliDOTT, Attorney at law, Main St. Light Street. 11. F. OSIAN & Co., Wheelwrlglits, Hist door above School Houe. vlnld JOIIX A. OMAN, Slanufjclurcr and dealer In Hoots nnd Shoc-t, vlnlG J. I.CISEIt, sr. r Burccon and Fliyslclan. Olllco at Keller's Hotel. v2u27 1)151 15H KNT. dealer In Dry Ooods Groceries, 1 Flulir. Feed. Bait. Flbh.liou. Nails. etc.. Sluln htleet. vlnla S. KNT, dealer in Btoves nnd Tin wnio In all Its brnuehcii. vlulG Espy. n F. ItEiailAItlVt llt0dealer In Dry Goods JJ' Giociilc,uudgeiHrnliUreliaudUt. v2ull 7;SI'VBTi:ASI IXOUHINO MILLS, C.B.Fowler, J'j l'loiirlelor. v2ul(i I D. WnrtKHF.MRIt.JlootnmlHhooStorsntid nianuf.ictory. Bhon on Slulll bluet op- liusim luu raieiuii Aiilli, v.111 T. V,'. 15I)aAl!,KuMUchanuii FlanlugSIlll nml lies Slanuf.icloiy, v2nll Business Cards. M. L'VELLH, ATTOnMJY AT LAW, AMilnnd, Bchiiylltlll I'onnly l'n. W. 3IILLEU, ATTOl'.NHY AT LAW, Oflleo Court House 'Alley, below tho Coi.ujr- jiian Olllee. llountus, Uaek-l'iiy nnd l'enslons eolteetcd. llloomsbutg l'n. Heii.2U'l.7 JOIJEItT F. CLAIIK, A'J JOHNIIY AT LAW, Olllee SInin Klreet below lbe Court House. lllooiuvbuii; l'Liiu'n. 71 II. LITTLE, ATT0HN15Y AT LAW, Oflleo Crmrl-llouso Alley, below tho iiian Ollke, llliiomsbuig l'n. Q IJ. BaOCKAVAY, AT LAW, llI.O0.M.SIIUla, 1'A, XS" Oi'Flrn-Court H0111.0 Alkv. In tho Co. LUMiilAN building. Janl,'C7. E. J. TII015NT0N bui 15 and vicinity, that ho imsjubt received a full and cnmiilcto ahsurtmcnt ol i'.itil.1 iiminniinAln iliAnlllTnnonr lllivima. WALL IWr-UIl, WINDOW BIIADKS, yiXTUKES, C0ItX)3, TAh.SKJ-5, aud&U other goods In Ills lino of business. All lho iii'WList aiulinobl nitnioved nalU'rns if thei day am alwnyu to ho louml In hts cbtablUliment. jiiar,i, tuii iii am ai, uviu jiuiuti. "1HESTEH S. FURMAN, J HAUNESS, BADDL15, AND TKUNK MANUFAflUUKH, and dealer In CAItFET-DAGS, VALISEH, FLY-NETS, EUFI-ALO liOIlLH, 1101ISi:-llI,AliKET Ac, which he feels confident lio can sell at lower ratothnu any other person In tho county. Ex nmino lor yourselves. ttnon unm uoor iifiow tuo court iiouse, Slam Bin tl, Ulooiusburg, l'j. Aug. P, 1S70. piMPIiES. Tho understand will ebeprfnllv mnll !i'npicl tn all who wish It tho lteclpo and full direction, or pienailng and using u simple und IJcautllul Vcgetiiblo Hulin, Hint will Immediately remove Tau, Ficekles, Flinples, lllotelies, and nil nup- iiuna 11 uu 1 iiii.u 1 1 inn ,u iiiu ru ill, lein lug inu suiuo soil, char, smooth ami benmllul. How 111 nlsn send (KUEK) ln.trnctloDis.for pro dui' vcrsl mplcmcuiis.nluxui hint growth 01 liulr on a biildluud or smooth laeo Juless thau thirty days lioni Ilist application, 'ihu nboo tan boobtuliii'd by leturn mail by nddiesslng Tllos. F. t'HAl'MAN, ChtniUt. F. o, Box S120, 1W Hioadway, New Yokr, )OWDER ICEQS AND LUJIDElt, W.M. MONROE CO., Rupert, ra., Mairtfacturers of FOWDER KEGS, vud dealers In nil kinds of LUMBER, tlvo uotlco that they nr. prepared to nccomodat heir custom with dispatch, and on the cheapen criiis. rjUIE REST AND CHEAPEST II AY It A K K IN THE MARKET. MANvrAnui'.EU anu ion ham: nv N. Y. SAMPLE & CO., COLUMBIA IRON WORKR, IILOOJ1S HUlia, I'A. I'AI.L ASH EXAMtNl'. IT, Bloomsbtirg, Juue 10, IKTO-ir "WI1)MYEH & JACORY I EXCHA.NdE BLOCK, 11L00SI.SI11TI!G,1'.. nre nnenlu forii,,. li,. ni .1 iir,.i,..flu'ui i,,l,u. eelebruled Cream and old stock Ales, wuch they w"! ."l'l.n, rhenp a tountry brcwiI ales; whole and half borrols constantly on baud. Tills alo Is HrV.V'0'1 tjy.'Vllllam E. llrofkway.SlS toSJS J'.ast Eleventh Blreet, Now Y'ork City. mwiumurjj, j uuo IV, ls,u.L Philadelphia Directory. jAOLE HOTEL. ar NoiiTit Tmuti Biheet, It. 1). CUMMINUS, rr.0rn1r.T0B. STAULISIIED 1703. JOIIDAN ADF.OTHEn, Wholcsnlc Grocers, nnd Dealers In BALTFETRI5 AND I1RISIST0NK. No2l3NorthTlilrdSt. Flilladclrhln. C. lMlOUNi:. W.H. KIKU. J.ll.HKVtlKUT, JTOltNE, KINO & SEYDEUT, WHOLESALE DHY GOODS. No. 121 StnrkctBlreel 1'IIILADELI'HIA. Orders flllej iiromptly nt lowest prices. .Innimry 3, 1S0. JJ W. HANK'S NVIIOLESAI.K T0I1ACC0, BNU F, AND ciGAr. WAitEiiousn, No. I If, Norlli Third Street, Dclweeu Cherry nnd Hnec, wcslslde. riillndclphln. JjMtANK & STKKTCII, (Successors to I. It. Waller,) Importers aud Dcalors in (IUEENBWAKE, CHINA, AND GLASS, No.iUI N. Third Street, llclween Haco and Vino Bts. l'lln.ADr.l.i'liiA. UlifBTKTCir. Oou'irnrtncrs. I. II. Waltei:. Special Faitncr. Jf2l70-tl. M. KEPIIEAIIT, WITH DAKNES, BRO. & IIEIUION, HATS, CAFS, STRAW GOODS & FURS. No. 503 Slarkct Street, (Abovo Fifth,) FiiiLAnELriiiA. JOHN STI10UP & CO., Successors to Stroup & Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH. No. 21 North Wharves and 25 North Third St Fhlladeliihla. JICIIAIiDSON L. WIUGIIT, JIl. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 12S SOUTH SIXTH STREET, I'HOLADCLPIII . oct. 22,'fc9-ly ILLIAM FISIIEIl WITH T1IOJIAS CARSON A; o. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HOSIERY, SIEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS it NOTIONS SO. IS NORTH K0VJ11TII ST1U:ET Philadelphia. Juno 1,'C'J-Gm AINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, N. L". Corner Second aud Arth Streets, l'llILADEI.VHIA, Dealers In TEAS, SYIturn, COFFEE, SUGAR, SIOLAS&ES men, spices, 111 cAitii soda, .tc, .tc. 4c0rdeis will rectlvc prompt attention, may 10,C7-tf. Hotels, rjiHE ESPY HOTEL. F.SFV, COLUStlllA COUNTY', I'A. Tho undeiRlgned would Inform tbo travelling nubllo that he hns taken lho nbovc nnuied estab lishment and thoiouglily reiltled tho samo lor tho perfect, eonvenlcneo of his guests. Ills larder Mill bo stocked with Die best tho market nllords, Thu cholristllquoiH, wines and elgnrsnlways to bo found lu his bar. WILLIAM l'ETTIT. Apr.2rl, Usjiy, l'o. JIUCK HOTEL, ORANGEVILLE, tOLUSllilA COUNTY, FA. , ROHll 31'IIENRY, Proprietor. This well known House, having been put In thorough repair. Is uow upon to lho travelling public, lho bar Is slocked with lho choicest liquors ami clgnrs.umltho tablo will bo, nt nil t!mes,supplli-d with Ibn delicacies of tbo season. No pains will bo spurt il to lusuio tho comfoitof guests. Orungcvlllc, dec. lO.'CO-lf, MONl'OUR HOUSE RUI'ERT, FA, WILLIAJI BUTLER, Froprlctor, This House hnvlmr been nut In thorouchrenalr Is uow open tor lho reception ot guests. No pains will bo spaiedto pnsuro tho perfect coin lort of tho travelers. Tno l'ronrletor solicits a sluiro of public Tho bar will bo stocked nt all times with lluo liquors nnd cigars. 111U111 ,Vll, JgENTON HOTEL. W. P. PIATT, Proprietor, DENTON. COLUMUIA COUNTY, PA. This well known lfouso hnvluic been nut In thorough repair Is now open lor tho reception of visitors. i a puins nuvo ucen bimrtu lutusuru thft titrfcrt rdi 11 fort of L'UFhls. Tho tironrictor aibo ruus a wiaye iiora mo jioici 10 iwoniu&unrg and lntermedluto points ou Tuesday, Thursday uuu oamruuy 01 uuciinecu Liuuyoiy-ii Stoves and Tinware. EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH 1IAGENBUCH, Slain Street ouo door above E. Sfcndenhall's Store. A largo assortment of Btoves, Heater, nud Rnnges constantly on hnnd, aud for salo ut the lowest rates. Tlunlug in all Its branches carefully attended to, qud satisfaction guaranteed. Tin work of all kinds wholesale and retail, A lal is requested, pr.,(SMf gTOVES AND TINWARE. A. St. UUl't.UT announces to his friends aud customers that ho continues tho nbovo business at Ids old placo on SIAIN STREET, DLOOJISBURG, Customer!, can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVliS of nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tlnwaio and cvory va riety 01 article lound In a Ktove nnd Tinware Es tablishment lu t ho cltles,and on tho most reason able terms. Repairing done nt the shortest uotlco, 25 DOZEN MILK-FANS on hand for sale. JJOOTS AND SHOES. CLARK SI. BROWN, CEh inr.bTIlEET, AtUOlNItiCn. uu S'ioiu: ov l:olimh!,,t i;vi:k. A lull and complete assortment of leads' mai boots mid shoislor men. Mmuen und culldien .lust reiclvid und for snloat reiisouablo lutes. Vuilillisto sullall classes of (ustomcrs. 'lho nesi 01 vvolk uouu nl snorl nouiiMis ncrclororo. uivv nun acuii, inprft ,u-ll. D E NTISTEY, II. O. HOWER, DENTIST, Resnectfully oircr. 111. professional services to the ladles and fientlc-ineii of iiloorunbuiifnmi vi clulty. llolspuparedtoatteud to nil the vari ous operations In tho lino of his prulusslon.nnd Is provided with the latest Improved Fobcelaim 1 riTii wiuen win uo inserted on goiu plating sllvt rand rubber base to look nn well nsilm nns uraltectli. Teeth extracted bv nlltho newnnJ mosi-uiMiiusi-u lueincKin, uuu un operaiiouu on the teeth carefull) and plopeily attended to. Residence nnd olllee a lew doors ii'iovo tho cxmrc jiouse, 1111110 siue. Bloouisbuig, Jau,3l,'tstf AROA1NS BARGAINS. UUICK BALIS AKP 8.VAI.I. IMIOI'ITU. HAVE UVll .MONEY, (in 1 1 EN It Y YOST. Fnst Illonmsbuig lu, lor nil nine's of the beat nuiuu uuu cny inauu F U R N I T U R 15 . Prices HnsouaUvnud the best utile dour. JUS'70-lf falttttt BLOOMSBUKG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, (poke Is It a Olrt to Lovo Thoo P Is Itnsln tolovo llieo? Then my soul Is deep ly dyed, For my lire-blood, ns It eushes, lakes Its crim son from love's tldo ; And I feel Its waves roll o'er mo nnd tho blush es mount my brow, And my pulses qulckou rapidly, ns tho lovo drenms como nnd go j I feel my spirit's weakness j I know my spirit's power ; I havo fell my proud heart fdrugglo In tempta tion's trying hour j Yetnmldthodlnofcnulllct, bending o'er life's hallowed shrlno, Yleldlugnll, my soul 1ms murmured, I nm Ihlno forever tlilno. Isltnsluto lovo tlieo,f What wcro existence worth, llcreft of nil of heaven that lingers Mill on earth? Friendship's smiles, llko gleams of sunlight, shed Ihelr gliding o'er tho heart Hut lho soul still cries fur something more than friendship can Impart, Frozen hearts, like Ice-bound eyries, that no summer ray can melt, Vainly boast their power to conquer what their hearts havo never felt; Hut I envy not their glory, 'mid lho rnptnro that Is mine, When with earnest soul I tell llieo, I am thlno forever thlno. lsltnslutolovo thco? tail, Qcnllo voices round 1110 Aud I press warm hearts nbout mc given thco my nil. -but I'vo What though stern falo dlvldo us, nnd our nanus, not hearts, bo riven? Sly all of earth thou hast wilt more? I daro not oiler Heaven I Yet lu somo blessed moment when our dark eyes flashing, meet, When I feel thy power so near mo, feel thy heart's quick pulses bent Then I know may God forglvo mo-I would everything resign, All I have, or nil I hope for-to bo thluo-forover thine. Is Itnsln to lovo thee? I remember well tho hour When wo vowed our lovo to conquer, nnd resist temptation s power; When I felt my heart was breaking, nnd my all of llfo was gono; When I wept tho hour I met thco, nnd tho hour mat 1 was born ; But a hidden storm was raging, nnd, amid the mulllcd din, I lluug my arms arouud thee, forgetting It was sin; Closo pressed upon thy bosom, with thy warm haud clasped In mine, ismncu inrougn tears nnd murmured: I nm thlno forever thlno Is It a sin to lovo thco? with love's signet on thy brow, Though thy lot bo dark as Hades, I will el lug to thcons now; Notmlnotho heart to f.Ul thee, when other cheeks grow pale ; Wo havo shared tho storm together, I'll stand by thee through tho gulo, Though our barks may drift nsuuder, yet with truo henrts beating high, Let tuo golden sunlight cheer us, or tho nngry storm-clouds lly; I rom our helms, with steady bilghtnesn, our beacon lights shall shine, And lho watchwords on our pennons shall bo "Ihlnc forever thlno!', Is It a sin to lorothcc? when I bend tho kneo In prayer, Alldbeforon High OinnUclcnco my burilciiu.l heart lny bure, On tho brenth of lovo to heaven, nsceuds thy blessed name, And I plead weak, erring nature, If lolng thco ho shame; HeaTcn knows 'Us no light sacrlflco I'vo olleied HP tothoe; No glided dream of fancy, but my being's des tiny. SIuco our fates wo may not conquer hero, dlvldo thy lot from mine u Hie star-Ill world abjvo us, call 1110 Ihlno forever thlno I cpliiiceltancou!). THE SNAKE EATER VKTID HIS STORY. In the year 182S, ft man under lho oi ile guerre of John Thompson, was tr.iv ollntr through tho United States cxhlh Iting himself ns a fcnako eater, to lho nstoulshmcut of tho natives, lio had a horsonnd van, carried his own tent from town to town, and generally pitched it in the suhurhs. Tho tent held about 150 persons comfortably, and when John Thompson, who was his own door-keep cr, found ho had n suQleicnt number within, ho closed tho aperture, Jumped upon a small platform, and tinkled a bell, upon which a curtain was raised and tho performer commenced his du ties. Tho man seemed to bo about twen ty-eight years of aco ; his fuco was thin and a leaden wanness overspread his features j but ids sunken eyes had that supernatural brightness so often scon in tho eyes of tho consumptive. His voice. though faint, wa3 musical, but Inter ruptcd by an occasional cough j nnd as lio removed his cravat nnd turned up Ids wristbands over tho cuffs of his coat ho pointed to a box beforo hlin covered with glass,and said;"If any ono desires to satisfy himself with regard to tho replilo which I nm uow nbout to dovour In tho prcsenco of you all, and to restoro again from my throat alive, ho will pleaso draw near nnd oxaralno it." Ho then turned tho box on end ills playing tho glnss cover to tho audlcnco and disclosed to their sight n hideous rattlesnake. It was coiled, und, when disturbed, elevated its spiry head from its circle, nnd wlillo its forked tonguo played witii n rapid motion, it darted ngalnst tho glass, In vain nttempls to escape, wlillo its rattlca continued to qulvor with n violent nnd whizzing Bound, accompanied by that apparent flattening of tho head which denotes tho highest pitch of resentment. Its dilated eyes shot flro, and tho coarso scales in Its contorted form grew rugged in its anger. Thero was no mlstako about its being n veritable snake. After thU tho box was put In its ori ginal position, tho glass uppermost. A chilly shudder ran through lho audlcnco nt tho next performance. Tho snako eater turned his back to lho company, and bent ids faco forn moment over tho edgo of tho box, and a kind of chuck ling sound was heard beforo ho drow forth tho horrlblo reptllo In Ids hand. Tho snako bcemod languid nud passive, although tho rattles continued to sound. Ho then placed tiia head of tho venom ous Ecrpcnt to ids Jips, nnd opened his mouth, and tho long coll began to des cend. It was nn appalling bight to see tho liugo replilo gradually going down tho throat of uhuuiau being. Thoehcoks of tho young man begun to dilate, nml Ids comploxion becamo a livid purple. His eyes ticcmed bursting from their sockets j masses of foam gnlhcred nbout Ids Hps ; nnd ho lookod ni if ho was un dergoing the utmost mortal ngony, nnd oven exhibited throes of death. On 0110 occasion no less than twelvoof his audlcnco were Inkcn out in fainting fits. .Yftor apparently mumbling nud crush ing tho fearful moal, tho snako cater again partially opened Ids lips, and tho forked tonguo or tho replilo was seen playing llko threads of bright red flro between tlicm. Presently it began to emerge. It moved very slowly, ns if held back by other serpents who had preceded II, in the nwfut deglutition of lis master. As tho long, loathsomo folds hung from his lljw, and continued to extend, tho features of tho snako cater assumed their wonted aspect, nnd In a moment tho replilo had emerged, was replaced in lho box, and tho feat was accomplished. Thon, after scaling himself for n few seconds to recover from tho perilous execution of ids task, tho snako cater aroso nnd addressed ids audience. Ho desired them to bellovo that ho wished not to appal, but to surprlso thorn. Thero wa? acknowledged an art in what 10 had done ; but It wni a mysterious nnd undiscovered one. " They call 1110 mnd," ho ndded bitlerly, "and 11 enn- urcr, but a conjurer I am not, and though I havo been mad, I am not now. Yet often do I wish I were. You will denominate my calling 0110 of foolish hazard, nnd perhaps of disgust; but did you know nil, you would judgo mo better. I thank you for your attend ance, anu If 1 havo succeeded lu sur prising you, my aim lias been won," THE SNAKE EATER'S BIOQRArilY, AND THE WAY THE TRICK WAS DONE. Ono day John Thompson had per formed in tho suburbs of a western city, when a gentleman appeared among the audlcnco who had known tho snako eater under a different narao and In n different sphcro of lifo; In fact, they bad been collego chums, nnd tlio visitor this evening had considered that tho snako eater's lot would havo boon cast In rpuito a different mould. Tho old fol low-colicglans met. Eight years only had they been parted, and yet what changes had taken placo in that period I " Will you go back with mo to Eug- Jand?" said Thompson's old com panlon. " No," answered tho snako cater. "I must die in n laud whero all those I hold sacred arc burled, I will tell you a short but melancholy history, and afterwards don't question mo, but keep my secret ; let mo spin out lho fow years allolcd to 1110 as John Thompson, and let mo select tho spot whoro I must bo buried. " But to come to tho facts my frtond ; I am not what you think I am. Though regarded hereabouts as ono who has dealings with familiar spirits and wiz ards, I am a broken-hearted inan,a child of sorrow, and almost without hope. I do nottipcitlc this foryoursyin pathy, for human sympathy can but at best awaken afresh tho wells of mourn ful tondornois iu my heart without pouring 0110 lay of suushino upon tho troubled fountains; they must flow on in darkness without a prospect of day, yet listen to my story. "About eight years ago, wilh tho spirit of adventure stirring within mc, I camo from tho walls of an English university to tho far western States of America, I wroto to my parents for money j in fact I asked for my patri mony, and said 1 would never expect any moro from them. They sent 1110 a handsome sum, and 1 sought witii this coital In hand to mako trado wilh tho Indians, nud, therefore, took land closo on the frontiers. I bought furs from tho natives, nnd bartered generally wilh them. For nil tho country could pro iluco I gave manufactured articles ; nnd thus I went on prosperously. My cap ital doubled, trebled, quadrupled in fact, In all respects, I was prosperous. Then followed n lovo affair, and it was pura lovo with me, my friend. Tho family of my affianced thought I lived too much out of civilized life, nnd would not consent to our union; nnd bo wo eloped, nnd what a wlfo Bho mado mo I I speak not in rhapsody, but sho was tho loveliest being that over Inhabited this lower world. Nono could oxcel ltor in beauty, nnd sho mndo that beauty perfect by tho graces of a mind puroand highly cultivated. Her voico was mel ody, hcrsmlloa burst of puro and liv ing light, and hor calm, bluo eyes wero tho sweet expositors of a sinless affec tion. To speak no moro or her perfec tions, sufllco It to say that I loved her with my whole soul. Sho wns my idol ; her happiness was tho center or my every wish, and sho was tho object or my ovcry aspiration. "Wo wcro married; timo went on, and brought mo a bud from lho roso 1 had established iu my green bower nt home. Wo wero Indeed happy then. Aloorftom society, though wo missed a fow of its luxuries, wo suffered nono of its vexations and demoralizing corrup tions. On Sundays wo rodo many miles through tho wilderness to attend a placo of worship established by tho mission aries, anil to hear tho word of God read and revealed. " On tho day that my (tailing lltllo Sarah had attained her second year, sho was bcaled near to my counter, and her mothor was standing by, when thrco florco looking Indians entoredthostoro. They had evidently traveled along way for Ihelr leggings wcro torn and dirty, and their feet wcro almost soro. I ro. cognized 0110 of them instantly as tho Crouching AVolf, a dcaporato being who hung alternately around tho skirts of settlements, begging for rum, orgctting it In barter for tho furs of wild animate. Just a year previous to this ho had vis ited 1110 for tho purposo of procuring tho 'llro-water'; I had refused him, nud ho left 1110 with lho view of future ven geance. " Hoogh!" said lie, and ho reeled up with his gruil-looklug companions to wartl tho counter whero my child wns play and my who stood, "lho Crouch lug Wolftaid ho would como back. Ho wnuls lho talking water; ho wants Unit or roveuge. Ho will havo one." "I tried to reason with him, hut ho was deal to reason. Ho had tasted rrom tho flagon of 0110 odds red companions, and tho fumes wcro In lite brain, ' 'Come, mcdiciiio man,' said ho, 'lho I if it lilt ,Pf(jI($ 18T0. Wolf wants tho flro milk. Whero is it? Ho cannot wait. Ills spirit is up. and his forehead Is warm.' I saw that ho grew despcrato ; but my resolution was taken, I sloruly do tiled htm ; 11 was n fatal denial. "During tbo colloquy my wlA) and child had gono out on tho green sward, und tho latter was picking wild flowers and Blrluging them. Tho Crouching Wolf left mo, growling somo guttcral sentences to Ids companions; and oh 1 merciful Heavens 1 I saw them advance towaid my child. I was motionless, and paralyzed with terror. As tho Wolf approached my lltllo girl, lio drew a tomahawk from his bolt, and nourished on high. I sprang toward him, but was pushed back by Ids com panions. Tho dear, Innocent, unaf frighted child smiled lu tho faco of the Crouching Wolf, and itsccmed nsif tlio cheerful purity of her looks stayed ills vengeful arm. Ho paused, until a scream from tho mother moused lho terror of her lltllo gill. Sho then shrunk back from tlio relentless savage whllo her mother like myself, was kept at bay, nnd tho dear little Innocent, quivering with dismay, said, In child ish simplicity. "Naughty Indian ! if lie hurts Sarah, ma will bo angry, and punish him." As slio said this sho hurst into tears; her last forever 1 "In ono instant tho trenchant weap on of tlio infuriated Indian clovo asun der tlio head or my babe; in tho next his excited comrades, or whom now thero wero five, had murdered tho wifo of ray bosom. I havo an indistinct and horrid rcmembranco of my burning Btore tho red fiends yelling over tho consuming roor and wall and my escape to tho forest. Tho rest was but silence and oblivion. I was a mad man! "Ten months nfter that I found my self in New Orleans. I had reached tho city, no ouo knew how had been con veyed to a hospital, kindly treated, and discharged as cured, but an outcast and a beggar. Misfortunes seldom como alone. I found that during my seclus ion from tho world my father had died , and as I had already received my sharo or ids property, tho residues melted awayamongscvcral brothers aud sisters. Jly inheritance on this side or tho At lantic being destroyed by Indians, I was without homo or rriend. "How I subsisted I scarcely know. At last as I was one day walking mood ily along,I saw ngroup collectoJaround an Indian who was performing trick3 rrom a box with a rattlesnake. Tho Indian was tho Crouching Wolf. "Tlio murderer of my wife and child!" I exclaimed, as I penetrated through tho ring and with one fierce blow relied tho vilo monster to the earth. I seized him by tlio throat. I placed my kneo upon his breast. In a few moments ho was a distorted and ghastly corpso bo neath my feet. "JIy award or retribution was con sidered just, nnd no effort was inado to arrest mo. Availing mysoiror tho box belonging lo tho Crouching Woir,whicli I contended was mine as a debt, I soon learned tho mystery or tho art as IT by Intuition. An upper drawer or tho box contained tbo real rattlesnake; an un der drawer merely tho skin or one, which could bo inflated by tho breath at will. The motion or the loiiguo which was dried and had wires within, was produced by load-stone; tlio move ment of the ratllcs by the Bamo causo. Filled from tho lungs, It could readily bo taken into lho mouth nnd repassing outward, inflated again. I bought n now snako from tho museum, which I killed and prepared according to tlio model before mo. I could not enduro the thought of even using tho samo In struments employed by tho destroyer of all that I most loved on earth, and I turned from his trickery witii n reeling or almost positive loathing; yet in tlio end I did not see why I should not make capital oufor it. "A nttio pracuco mauo mo an nueiii. In tho mystery or snako eating, nnd I havo sinco wandered in loneliness from town to town, attempting this curious enterprise. My pecuniary success has been suftlelent for ray comfort anil convenience. With a slight exertion 1 can turn my ruco into tho colors and contortions you havo Just witnessed this evening, and which heighten tho intorestor tho spectacle "Rut these things can only tempora rily divert my thoughts, for I carry within my heart an aching fever, which no prosperity can allay or rcmovo. Tlio objects which have cheered mo can cheer no more. I stand alono in this wilder ness world a mourner "nnd a pilgrim. My visions nro of my wifo and child ; my day dreams aro of them ; but I must suffer, you see, until I meet them In that hotter country whero the sun de scends not, and darkness is unknown ; 'whero tho wicked ceaso from troubling nud whero tho weary aro at rest; I can forget my child, for her existenco seems to mo like a misty traiice,in tho fond us- suranco that tho sparkling dew drop lias oxlialcd In heaven ; but for tliocherlsh ed that sustained it, I ceaso not lo grieve. Alas for tho wifo of my bosom!" With lho last words tho snako eater's voico failed, his body was convulsed, until a flood of (ears relieved him, Ho would hear no sympathetic words from his rrlcud but parted with him thus. "You alono havo my secret. In a fow month move my body raiut bo con signed to tho earth on tho sacred spot whero my wlfo nud child wcro murder ed, You will ho ono or tbo executors or my will nnd 1 beseech you faithfully to carry out my instructions." Tho snnko calor was right. 'A few months after this Inlerviow ho died; nnd now, In tlio very center of n pop ulous town, on tho banks of tbo Missis sippi, may lio seen n toinbstono re cording tho events which occurred on that spot nnd tho hopo cf tho departed husband that bo should meet lite wlfo In heaven. Death from Exfosurk, A West ern coroner's Jury returned n verdict that lho deceased camo lo his death from oxposuro. "What do you mean by that?" nsked a relative of lho dead man; "thero nro two bullct-heleis in his skull," Just so," replied tho coro ner; "ho died from exposure to bullets." COL. DEM. - VOL. XXXIV --NO. 26. A dirl of Ehlrtocn murders Her1 Child and its rather and then Commits Suicide. A fow days ago thero occurred, in tho lower part of LTnIon County, N. 0., not far from tho Stato lino, a case of infan ticide, murder and suicide, which, in its liclnousness, has seldom been equal ed. Tho attending circumstances, In connection with their absorbing inter est, point to a slate of morals not at all enviable. As far as we can learn, tho Tacts aro those. They need no comment. Tho perpetrator o! lids crimo wns n whlto girl or between 13 and 1 1 yearn or ngo. It had been noticed for some timo past that sho was envtrnte, but no ono had nnyldeathatsho would attempt to destroy her offspring. Tho morning nrtcr lho deed is supposod lo havo been committed, tlio girl acted In a very strango manner, undressing her3e!f,aud going from placo to placo ns if out of her head. Every placo wai searched, and at last, by threatening tho girl with instant hnnglng.sho disclosed thu where abouts of tlio body of tbo child. When found it presented a sight tlio most sickening nnd repulsive. It was com pletely hashed up with cuts, nnd out of nil sliapo with bruises, bearing tho trac es of lire. Sho was thon confined at homo to await tho duo process of tho law. Every hour seemed to visit upon hor some now trouble, until at last she sank into n dreamy existence, appear ing to recognizo no ono, hear no ono, and, in fact, to bo utterly oblivious to tho world around her. In this stato sho was left tho night succeeding tho mur der of her child, alone in her room. At about 12 o'clock sho nrosc from her bed and, crossing the hall which led past her door,sho entered tho opposite room, whero her stepfather, a man of CO, was sleeping. Hero sho took a largo razor from tlio table, and, quietly gliding up to tho bod, struck at what sho supposed to bo her stepfather's throat, but which proved to bo Ids arm. Feeling tlio pain ho jumped from tho bed and grappled with his unknown aud unseen adver sary. Tho strugftlo lasted not moro than a minute, tho man receiving a fa tal wound in tho jugular vein, sank to lho floor. Tho girl received a slight wound in lho face, which, although painful, was not dangerous. Sho next sought tho part of tho liouso where her mother nnd sisters wero sleeping, aud shouted in a frantic voice, "I'vo killed ray child nnd tiio child's father, and now I'll kill myself." Her mother rushed out and found her covered with blood and groaning heavily. Her wounds wero found to bo fatal, tho last cut having severed ono of tlio largo blood vessels of tho throat. When sho perceived that sho must dlo sho confess ed to nil; to having first cut tho child to pieces with a largo knife, and then trying to burn It in tlio woods, when slio was uislurbod by footsteps and forc ed to bury it; lo having such n hatred for tho "tiling," as sho called it, as lo tako it out of tlio ground and to having trampled on it for some time; and lastly lo having burled it again. She said her stepfather was tho father of her child, and had induced her, month? before it was born, to destroy it. Having made this, her dying confession, and exoner ating :d 1 olheiK, sho slowly f-auk away. Martha Washington's Watch. Tlio "father of his country" had i. couple of "love affairs." T!m liisl was wilh Miss Mary PhiliipM', a daughter of tin; owner of tho Phillip.,-e estate iu Westchester and Putnam counties. Willi tho graces of tliis lady lio was al most incurably smitten, nnd tradition avers that "George H." as ho is pro fanely called "sat up" witii ids "girl" all night occasionally. Rut, In tho mod ern phrase, Mary "couldn't see it," nnd gavo Georgo tho mitten somo timo iu t ho year 1750. In tho year 175S ho met tho widow Custis, and not being favor ed at that timo witii tho advice of tlio elder Mr. Samuel Weller, lio neglected to "bevaro" of that dangerous variety of tho sex, fell over head and ears in lovo iwitlt Mrs. Custis, successfully "sparked" her, and iu due course of timo was mart led to her. His old ilarao Miss Phillipso, becamo tbo wifo of Rog er Morris. George's wedding occurred In 1750. After tho betrothal of (Jcorgo and Martha, ho presented his lady lovo with a handsomo gold watch, mndo express ly to his order in London. This watch is now in Newburg, an'if nn effort Is be ing mado by tho citizens to purchaso tho interesting old relic and deposit it at Washington's headquarters In that city. Tho prico nsked for It Is only 1 ,000. It wns given by Mrs. Washing ton Co Mrs. Hallburton', her niece, nnd tho mother of Judgo James D, Hall burton, of Virginia. Tho saddest part of its history is that it is now thrown on tbo market for sale, as ouo of tho results tolls owners, tho family of Judgo Haliburton, of tho fortunes of our lato war, which stripped so many of our southern countrymen of their possoai ions. Tho waleli bears tlio namo of its maker, "Rarwlo, London, No, 7L'l." It is of tho old-fashioned "bull's eye" pat tern, reduced in thickness to a neat lady's style. Tlio gold caso Is Inlaid with white enamel around tho back aud faco. Tho watch is iu lis original caso nnd accompanied by its original key. Tho letters of tho name. "Mar tha Custis," aro marked on tho dial plate, ono Iollcrjust outside of each or tho figured indicating tho hours. Tho watch is now 11-years old. A day or two ago it was "wound up," und tick- ed as of "yo olden time," but it mark ed tho houiH slowly, reminding ono of a bravo old heart beating on buyoud its thrco score and leu. Old Captain Moon (or We-dcm steamboat notoriety,) was silting ouo night on tho capstan,- -keeping a sharp look-nut ahead, when, lulled by the driving machinery, ho went fist asleep, which was no sooner perceived than ouo or lho hands gavo "Jdiii a turn round," facing tho boiler fires, then stuck a pin in him. Opening his eyes, lie gavo ono Jump und fchotitcd --"Rack her I stop her I hero's nhlg steamboat right onto us." HATES OF ADVERTISING. Ouo S'luare, (tea line, or Its equivalent In Nou. pnrcil lypc) one or two Iniertlons, 11.50) tur, Insertions, 12.00. srACK. 1m. 2m. 8u, dm. lr Ouo square. I2.M 13,00 $1,00 13,00 110,00 Two squares 3,50 5,00 7,00 9,00 18,00 Threo squares 8,00 7,00 8,00 12,00 18,00 Foursquares 7 00 0,00 11,00 17,00 23.CO quarter coluniM..10,oo 12,00 11,00 20,30 80,00 lialfcolumn 15,00 18,00 2000 80,00 60,00 - One column ..50,00 30,M 10,00 00,00 100,00 Executor's or Administrator's Notice, tioo. Auditor's or;Asslguco's Notice, (2.00. Locnl notices, twenty cento a line; by tho year ten cents, Cards lnlho"l!nslncsnDlrcclory" column, 8.00 per year for tho first two lines, and $1.00 for each nddltlouallluc. riizc. 1 liato a III, A ill is got no manners. Ho nlut no gcntilmun. Ho'snn iutroodcr, don't send in no kard nor nx n lntcrduckshun, nor don't knock nt tho front door, nud nuvcr, ntivcr tliinx uv takin off ids hat. Fust thing you know ho Is in bod with you nnd up your nose tho wltat lie wants llmr Is a mystry and lio In vites hisself to breakfast and sets doun In yoro butter, thout brushin his pants. I lo helps hlssoir to sugar, nnd meat, and melassis, and bred, and presurvos, and vinnegy ennythlng, und don't wait Tor no Invilashum. -He's got u good nppytllo, and jlatas suno cat ono thing as nuuthcr. T'aint no tuo lo chaliingo him for takin liberties; ho keeps up a hoslllo kerrlspondenco with you, wether or not and shoots hisself nt you llko a bullit, nnd bo never misses, never. llo'llkiss yoro wifo 20 limes a day, nml zlzz and zoo, nnd rldlkulo you If you Bay a word, nnd lto'd rutlior ym'd slap nt him limn not,cozhc'sa dodger uv the dodglrinist kind. Every limo you (.lap, you don't slap him, but slaps yosolf, nnd lie zlzzcs and pints tho hlno leg uv skorn nt you, till ho nggro vates you to dlstrackshin. Ho glories in a lighlin ovcry pop on tho ixackt spot whar you druv him from, wich pruves tho intenshun to leczo you. Don't tell mo ho ain't got no mind; ho knows what hois after. 1 te's got senso and to much uv it, tho lie nuvor went to skool n day in his llfo except in a supa dish. He's a mean, millignant, owdashus, prcincdditatcd cuss. His mother nurvcr paddled him with a slipper in her face. His morrais wuz ncglcckiid, aud he lacks a good deal uv humility lnitely. Ho aint bashful a bit, nud I doubts ef ho blushes ofting. In rack, lio wuz uuvcr fotch up at all. Ho wuz born full grown, ho don't git old tithcr things get old, but ho nuver gits old nnd ho is impcrdent and mis chevus lo tho day uv his doth. Ho droopz in cold weather, and you kin mash him on a window pain, and you'vo jest put yoro finger in it. Ho cums agin next yecr, and a hoep moro with him. Taint no use. Ono Hi to a family might do for amus ment, but tho good uv so many fllzo I bo dog cf I kin sec ; kin you ? I hcv thort much about flize, and L hcv uotist how oftiiiglhey stops in thar devilry to comb their heads andskratch tliar noso with thar four legs, and gougo thar nrm-plts under thar wings, and tho tops uv thar wings with thar hind legs. And my kandld opynyun iz,that fllzo is low.xy, they eeches all tho time, la miscrbul, and that makes 'cm bad-tempered, and want to mako uthcr peopll mizerbul too. Uftiint nin't (ho ilossry uv flize, I givo it up. Altbo a Hi don't send in his kard, ho always leaves one, and I don't liko It. Taint pritty el 'Us round. Ho kan't mako across mark, only a dot, and lio Is always a dottin whar thar nin't no l'n. Thars no end to his periods, hut ho nuver cuius to a hill slop. Such linndridlu is dizagreeabil. He's a arliss, but his frcslico and ids w ill paperin I don't admicr. Thar'.s inn much sameness iu his patterns. His specs is lho only specs that don't help tbo eyes. You can't see tliroo urn, and you don't want loo. I haloafli. Durn a 111. j& righting Man. Ono of tho generals oT tho "Lost Cairo" s.tys that at tho timo or tho at tack upon Fort Pillow, tho Confederates had eonvcrled a Mississippi boat Into a cotton-clad, tho malo or which was n big double fisted samplo or n river-bully, "full of strong oaths," enforcing ids orders by knocking men about tho head and adds; Just beforo wo camo into tlio fight,ho camo swaggering up to mo and said; "Well, General, Isupposo when ono side or tho other's licked, you big men'll quit and shako hands?" "Yes, Jim," said I, "when tho fight iug is over I expect every man to go homo nnd nttend to lite business." "That nin't me," saiti Jim, smiting his loft palm with his list liko a sledgo hammer, "for if I over kotch a Yankee south or Cairo, I'm going to mash him." A ten-inch shell that camo whistling over tho boat Interrupted any further remarks Just then, nnd shortly nfter wo wero putting nway nt tlio Federal boat in nbout n3 hot a flro ns I over want to see. I am suro that thero wero ono hun dred gun3 opened upon us nnd wo got ouo broadsldo so near that tho flash of their guti3 sot our cotton bales on fire. Our people fought well; the other sido was too much for us, and wo had to drop down tlio river. During tho ac tion, whllo cannons wcro roaring, boats sinking, shells shrieking and bursting all around, and lliontr filled with smoke and flame, I qulto lojt sight of Jim; and after wo had dropped down tho riv er, out oT lho flro and all hands wero repairing damages, that valiant hero crept out from behind a cotton bale, and sneaking past mo with a flag or truce, said: "General, I ain't so mad as I wns. Thlsaln't tlio kind or lighlin I'm used lo; and when them Tellers get ready to stop thrown' them Iron pots around I'll quit ir they will." Ulini). "Well, John, did you tako lho nolo I gavo you to Mr. Bmlthers?" inquired a gentleman of his rustle ser vmi I. "Yes, fir," replied John, "I look tho nolo, hut I don't think ho can rend it." "Cannot read it!" exclaim ed lho gentleman; "why bo, John?" 'Rej:auso lio Is to blind, fclr. Whllo I wor lu lho room, ho axed mo twico whoio my hat wa, mid il wor on my head all tho lime." To any ono who can Bay 'Shoes and socks fdiock Susan' Willi rapidity and faultless pronunciation, four times run ning, a largo toward will bo paid. f