THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT BLOOMSBUIIG COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. FARMER'S COLUMN. To Sec Din vn n Well. A Now Hampshire Journal of Agri culture suggests nn excellent jilnn for exploring tho bottom of a well: " "It Is not generally known how easy n mutter It Is to examlno the bottom of n well, cistern or pond of water by the use of n common mirror. When tho sun Is shining brightly, hold a mirror so that tho reflected rays of light will fll Into tho water. A bright spot will bo seen at tho bottom sollght as to show tho smallest object very plainly. By this means wo havo oxtuulned tho bot tom of wells fifty feet deep, when half full or moro of water. Tho smallest straw or other small object can bo per fectly seen from tho surface. In tho namo way ono cau examlno tho bottom of ponds and rivers If tho water bo somewhat clear, and not agitated by winds or rapid motion. If n well or cistern bo under cover, or shaded by buildings, so that tho sunlight will not fall near tho opening, It Is only neces sary to employ two mirrors, using one to reflect tho light to tho opening, nnd another tosenditdown perpendicularly Into tho water. Light may iso thrown fifty or a hundred yards to tho precise spot desired, and then reflected down word. "Wo havo used tho mirror with success to reflect light 'round n field to n shaded spot, and also to carry It from a south window through two rooms.and then Into n cistern under tho north sldo of the house. Half a dozen reflections of tho light may bo made, though each mirror diminishes tho brilliancy of tho light. Lot any ono not familiar with this method try it, and ho will And it not only useful, but a pleasing experi ment. It will, perhaps, roveal a mass of sediment at tho bottom of a well that was llttlo thought of, but which may havo been a fruitful sourco of dis ease, by Its decay In tho water." Value of Hen Manure Tho best method of using an article so strong in ammonia as this Is by aid of composts. A Maryland farmer recently tried two experiments. Tho first was an ap plication of n certain amount of pure hen manure to COO hills of corn. Tho second experiment was to compost an equal quantity with as much moro of muck. Tho compost was applied to .1000 hills of corn. Thoproduco'of tho latter was twlco as good in proportion to tho former ,and CO per cent, better than from Peruvian guano. A farmer who will study, diligently "Tills Blmplo matter of composting his manures with muck will find a, gain to him every year of nearly doublo his manure piles. Frequent experiments demonstrate tho fact so plainly that a load of barn yard manure mixedand fermented with an equal quantity of muck, loses none of its valuo for fertilizing purposes; but produces doublo quantity, equal in every respect. Valuable Tabic of Dry Measure- A box 1G by 21 inches square, and 23 inches deep, will contain ono barrel. A box 1G by 2i inches square, and 11 inches deep, will contain ft half-barrel A box 1G by 1G Inches square, and 1G 8-10 inches deep,will contain ouo bushel A box 12 by 11 2-10 Inches square.and 8 8-10 inches deep will contain half a bushel. A box 8 by 8 MO inches square, and 8 810 inches deep, will contain ono peck. A box 8 by 8 4-10 inches square.and 4 2-10 inches deep, will contain a half- peck. A box 7 by -1 Indies square, and 4 8-10 Inches deep, will contain a half-gal Ion. A box 1 by 4 inches square, and 4 2-10 inches deep, will contain ono quart. It must bo obvious to everybody,that tho above tablo would bo useful to housekeepers, who are In want of somo dry measures of capacity, by which they can ascertain whether they receive tho' proper quantity of produce they buy, by dry measure. Thesquaro shapo Is preferred, nsbeingeasler to make and calculate. It occurred to mo that I might render an acceptable scrvico to tho city subscribers of your excellent Journalof the Farm, by giving dimensions of squaro boxes holding abarrel, half-barrel, bushel, half-bushel, pcck,half-pcck, gallon, half-gallon and quart. Tho above measures aro all within a slight fraction of being correct, and it is bo lioved as much so, as any measures of capacity havo over yet been mado, for tho difficulty of making them with ab solute correctness has never yet been overcome. FAiurnn.. Oiifom for I'oulfry. It Is a well known fact to tho owners of poultry that (ho occasional uso of on ions, mixed and -fed to poultry with their other food, is ono of tho best ways of keeping n yard of poultry In health. I am afraid It has not received tho at tention and uso Its merits really de mand. I am well satisfied that tho uso of this vegetable would prevent three fourths of tho diseases that a poultry yard Is subject to. Not that It Is a cure all after a disease has onco secured a hold, but I know that I havo cured cases of most sovcro croup by its uso after standard remedies had failed, I became convinced that if any article like this would cure, tho occasional uso or it would bo a proventivo nnd sucli havo found it to bo not only In croup, but in all those diseases that poultry are JlaWo to under carelessness mid mis- management. Fowls will readily eat it If It Is sliced flno and mixed with their food. Glvo it as often as onco a week oflener if you choose it will do them good. Make a trial of this vegc- table, breeders of poultry, ond then you will know for a cerlainty how to appreciate it. Exchange. BEETS N OT Soil. ExilAUSTEItS. The t'tlca Jltrakl says no valid objection can be taltcd to this crop on tho scoro or lis exhausting UioeoJI, A tri-ycarly rotidlon of tho tcet enriches tho soil. Tho tops cut off and plowed In, ns well as tho rails and charcoal from tho eugnr houses, are excellent fertilizers. Largo quantifies of animal manuro also nro obtained from tho herds fattened on tho pulp. Thus would tho yield of tho land bo more than quadrupled In value, while tho Jand ItseU would bo improv. ed, where now it Is being exhausted by continuous cropping with cercnls. Tim df mnen rnncril In )tn vorrrJnliln MorJd by inscefs every year. Is estimat- THE YOUNG FOLKS. A 1'nle or One Who Traveled to l.i'iuii What Shivering .Meant. COtfCt.UDKll. The second night ho went up again Into tho castle, and silting down by tho fire, began liU old song, "If I could but shlverl" "SVhcn midnight came, n ringing and a rattling nolso was heard, gentle at first, and louder and louder by degrees; then thcro was a pause, and presently with n loud outcry half a man's body camo down tho chlmnoy and fell at his feet. "Holloa ;" ho ex claimed, "only linlfrt man nnswerod that ringing; that Is too llttlo." Then tho ringing began afresh, and n roaring and howling was heard, and tho other half fell down. "Walt a bit," said ho; "I will poko up tho flro first." When ho had douo so and looked round again tho two pieces had Joined themselves together, and an ugly man was sitting In his placo. "I did not bargain for that," said tho youth; "tho bench is mlno." Tho man tried to push him away, but the youth would not let him and giving him a violent push sat him self down in his old placo. Presently moro men fell down tho chimney, ouo after tho other, who broughtnlno thigh bones and two skulls, which they set up,and then they began to play at nine pins. At this tho youth wished also to play, so ho asked whether ho might loin them. "Yes if you havo money I" ',Monoy enough," ho replied, "but your balls aro not quite round; so ssylng he took up tho skulls, and, placing them on his latlic,tumcd them round. "Ah, now you will roll well," said ho. "Hol loa I now wo will go at it merrily." So he played with them and lost somo of his money, but as it struck twelvo everything disappeared. Then he lay down and went to sleep quietly. On tho morrow tho lung camo for nows, and asked him how ho had fared this time. "I havo been playing nluopius," ho replied, "and lost a couplo of doll ars." Havo you not shivered ?" "No I I havo enjoyod myself very much; hut I wish somo ono would teach mc that!" On tho third night ho sat down again on his bench, saying in great vexation, "Oh, if I could only shiverl" When it grew late, six tall men camo in bear ing a coflln between them. "Ah, ah," said he, "that is surely my llttlo cousin who died two days ago;" and beckon ing with his finger ho called, "Come, llttlo cousin, come!" Tho men set down tho coffin upon tho ground, and ho went up and took off tho lid, and thcro lay a dead man within, and as ho felt tho faco it was as cold as Ico. "Stop a mo- iisetit,'.Ucieaf-"I wm-wsmr It m a trice;" and stepping up to tho flro ho warmed his hands and then laid them upon the face,'but It remained cold. So ho took up tho body, and sitting down by tho fire, ho laid It on his lap and rubbed tho arms that tho blood might circulate again. Hut nil this was of no avail, and he thought to himself if two He in a bed together they warm each other; so ho put tho body iu tho bed, and covering it up laid himself down byitssido. After a llttlo whilo tho body becamo warm and began to movo about. "See, my cousin," lio exclaim ed, "have I not warmed you?" But tho body got up and oxclaimed, "Now I will stranglo you." "Is that your grat itudo?" cried tho youth. "Then you shall get into your coffin again;" nnd taking it up, ho throw tho body in, and mado tho Hd fast. Then tlio six men camo in again and boro It away. "Oh, deary mo," said ho, "I shall never bo ablo to shiver if I stop hero all my life time 1" At theso words in camo a man who was taller than all tho others, and looked moro horrible; but he was very old and haa a long white beard. "Oh, ynu wretch," ho exclaimed, "now thou shalt learn what shivering means, for thou shalt die!" "Not so quick," answered the youth, "If I dio I must bo brought to it first." "I will quickly selzo you," replied tho ugly one. "Softly, softly; bo not too sure. I am as strong as you,nnd perhaps stronger." "That wo will see," said tho ugly man. "If you aro stronger than I, I will let you go; como let us try;" and ho led him away through a dark pass ago to a smith's forgo. Then taking up an ax ho cut through tho anvil at ono blow down to tho ground. "I can do that still better," said tho youth, and went to another anvil, whilo tho old man followed him and watched him with his long beard hanging down. Then tho youth took up nn nx, and, spll tting tho anvil at ono blow, wedg ed tho old man's beard in it "Now I havo you; now death comes upon you!" and, taking up an iron bar, ho beat tho old man until ho groaned, nnd begged him to stop, and ho would givo him great riches. So tho youth drow out tho axe, and lot him looso. Then tho old man, leading him back into tho castlo, showed him threo chests full of gold in a collar. "Ono share of this," said ho, "bolongs to tho poor, another to tho King, and a third to yourself." And Just then It struck twelvo and the old man vanished, leaving tho youth in tho dark. "I must help myself out here," said ho, and groping round ho found his woy back to his room and went to 6leep by tho fire. Tho noxt morning theKlngcamo and inquired, "Now havo you learnt to shiver?" "No," replied tho youth; "what Is It ? My dead cousin camo here, and a bearded man, who showed mo a lot of gold down below; but what shiv ering means, no ono has showed mo!" Then tho King taid, "You havo won tho castle, and bhall marry my daugh ter." "That is all very flno," replied tho youth, "but still I don't know what shivering means." So the gold wiw fetched, anil tho wed ding was celebrated, but tho young Prince (for tho youth was a Princo now notwithstanding his love for his bride. nnd his great contentment, was still continually crying, "If I could but shlvcrMf I could but shiver 1" At last It fell out In this wlso : ono of tho cham bermaids said to tho Princess, "Let mo bring In my aid to teach him what Bhivcrlngis." So sho went to tho brook which flowed through tho garden, and drow up n pall of water full of llttlo fish; and, ot ulglit, when tho young Princo was asleep, his brldo drow away tho covering and poured thopall of cold water and tho llttlo fishes over him, bo that they Blippcd oil about him. Then tho Prince woko up directly, colling out, "Oh 1 that ranked moshlver! dear who, that makes mo shiver! Yes, now I know what shivering means!" A QIiu' "Dayton, Ohio, recently T H K K I I) N K Y B . Tlio Kidney" aro two In number, situated nt tho upper partof the loin, surrounded by fat, and coiulitldK of tliroo part J, vlv tlio Anterior, tho Interior, and the Ulterior. Tho antorlor absorht, Interior consists of tli sues or veins, which serve ns ft deposit for tho urlno and convey It to the exterior. Tho exter ior Is n conductor also, terminating In n slnglo lube, and called tlio Ureter. Tho ureters nro connected with tho liladdor. Tho bladder Is composod of various coverings or tissues, dlvldod Into parts, viz.! tho Upper tlio Lower, tho Nervous, and tho Mucous. The upper expels, tho lower retains, Stnny have a desho to urinate without tho ability; others urluato without tho ability to retain. This fro tiueiitly occurs In children. To euro those affections, wo must bring Into action tho muscles, which aro engaged In their various functions. If they nro neglected, Oravcl or Dropsy may ensue. Tho reader must ulso bo mado aware, tbat however slight maybe tho attack, It Is suro to affect tho bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood aro supported from these sources, Oout.ob ItiiKUMATisM. rain occurring in tho loins is Indicative of tho above diseases. They occur In persons dlsposodto acid stomach and chalky concretions. The Oiiavel. Tho gr.wol ensues from neg lect or improper treatment of tho kidneys These organs being weak, tho water is not ex pelled from tlio bladder, but allowod to romaiu ; It becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It 1 s from this deposit that the stono is formed, and gravel ensues. DitorsY is a collection of water In somo parts of tho body, and bears different names, accord ing to tho rarts affected, viz,: when generally diffused over tlio body, it Is called Anasarca, when of tho ubdomen, Asaltes; when of tlio chest, llydrothorax. I ,TunATMENr. Helmbold'H highly concentrated compound Exltact Buchu is decidedly ouo of the best remedies for diseases of tho bladdort kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, and gouty affections. Under this head wo havo arranged Uysurla, or difficulty and pain in passing water, Beauty Secretion, or small and frequent dlscharyvs of water; Strangury, or stopping of water ; llematui la, or bloody urlno ; Gout and llboumatism of tlio kidneys, without any changoln quantity, but Incicaso In color,or dark water. It was always highly recommend ed by the late Dr. I'hyslck, In theso affections. This medicine Increases tho power of dlges Uon.tiud excites tho absorbents into healthy exercise by which tho watery or calcareous dep ositions, nnd all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and lnnammatlon are reduced, and It lstakon by men, women, and children. Di rections for nso and diet accompany. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb, 25, 1SG7. II. T. Helmbold, Druggist: Dkab Sin I havo been n sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladdor, and kid ney affections, during which time I havo used various medicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of tho most eminent rbyslclans, experiencing but llttlo relief. Having seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my family physi cian In regard to using your Extract Buchu. I did this because I had used all kinds of ad vertised remedies, and had found them worth less, and, somo quite Injurious ; In fact, I despair ed of ever getting well, nnd determined to use no remedies herealtcr unless I knew of tho In gredients. It was this that prompted mo to use your remedy. As you advertised that It was composed of buchu, cubebs, and Juniper berries, It occurred to mo nud ray physician as nu excel lent co mbluatlon, and, with his advice, after an examination of tuenrtlcle, and consulting again with tho druggist, I concluded to try It. I com menced its uso about eight months ago, atwhlch tlraol was confined to my room. From thofirst bottle I was astonished ond gratified at the ben- eflctal effect, and after using It threo weeks, was able to wal k out. I felt much like writing you a full statement ot my caso at that time, but thought my Improvement might only bo tern porary, and therefore concluded to defer and see If it would effect n rerfect ciue, knowing then It would bo of greater valuo to you and moro sat isfactory to mo. 1 am now able to report that a cure Is effected alter using the remedy for five months. I havo not used any now for three months, and leel as well In all respects as I ever did. Your Hue hu being devoid of any unpleasant tastound odor, n nice tonic and luvlgorator ol tho system, I do not mean to be without It v, hen- ever occasion may requlio Us uso In such affec tions. il. MtCOItMlCK. Should any doubt Mr. McCorinlck's sltttemont, he lefurs to the following genllemcu: Hon, War. Bir.i.Eii, ov-Uovernor, Peuusyl van la. Hon. Thus. II. Fi-oiience, Philadelphia. Hon, J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon. D, It. PoiiTKii, ex-Oovernor, P:nnsyl- van la. Hon, Ellis Lewis, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. It, C. Uuier, Judge, United State Court Hon, Q, W. Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Philadel phia. Hon John Uioler, ex-aovernor, California. Hon. K. Banks, Auditor General, Washing, ton, D, O. Aud many others, If necessary. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere, Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other, Price $l.!5 per bottle, or 0 bot tles for 10.W. Delivered to any address. De scrlbo symptoms In all communications. Address 11. T, HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, 631 Broadway, N. V. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN STEEL - ENQItAVED WHAPPEH, with fso-olmlle ofmy Chemical Warehouse, and slgued II, T, HELMBOLD. U70'ljr Rail Roads. T A OKA WANNA AND BLOOMS- JLi HUKl, ItAiLHOAD On ftnd atur July 3, 1S70, Passenger Trains will run ns follows! lioniR Norm. KomgHouin. Artlvo Arrive Leavo Leave p. in. rt. in. p.m. a.m. Hcrnnton MO l-.'.D .l.ttll 7.20 Leavo :i..',u i.l l.'HI S.17 3.11 (MS (1.6.1 Arrive Pltlslon Ml 11.12 II. W 10.M VA'.I H.TI 7.M 7.11 Lcavo 7.H Ml Ml U. W II.3J llt.07 1H.I5 Arrive lllllirstnu 7.11 Plymouth 7,.'tu Hhlclcshlnuy.... 11.52 iiorwicK v., lllnonv S.2S Dauvlllo I.tii) Leave North'd 4.13 (Liu II.2J I?minwtlnn tnnde At Kcrniilitn bv IIih lo.til h.iii. Irnl'i fnrtlri'nt ltend. ltltuiliamtnn. Albany nnd nil points North, Unst and West. v, 1, JiUUI i', oup i, pATAWlSSA HAIL-ROAD. 1S70. SUMMEit ARKANGGMnNT, IS70, Passenger Trains on this road will run as fol lows : Unit Smth. Dep. 8.1.J n,m HTATIO.NS. Wllllamsporl Muncy. Milton. Matt Xoith A rr, 5.50 p. m. Dep.3.2H "Z " -M0 " " 4.IID " " 3.10 " " 3.:u " " 2.r " " 1.50 " " 1.40 " " 1.30 ' ' 1.10 " 10.40 a.m " ll.:u x.n ii.: in " " " 111.10 " " 10. li ' " 11.17 " " " I2.:n Danville, ' ltupert. ' I'atawissa. ' Ulngtown. ' Hum in II. 1 Ounkake. ' ' 12.11 " 2,15 " 4.23 " .15 Air. 8.M " 1.2.) ' 2.5.5 " 01.5 " 3.20 1., Mahony June. 1 DIue.Tnmaquii. Dine. ' Heading, ' Pottsvllle. " Philadelphia, 'dluo Mauch Cnuuk, ditto1 S.13 " 2.00 p.m. Hctiiieneiu, Phllii. via Bethlehem, " Kastou, " New York, fl. Liberty st., via L. AH. It. 11. 0.6,5 a.m. 11.15 " ' CO.) ' ' 0.00 ' ' 0,03 " " L. Valley 11. 11. " 6.50 " ' 5..M a.m. Boston, li.w p.m Passenizers taklrc the 8.15 train from William- sport, wilt havo two hours In New York, lor (.up per, and arrive In Boston nt 5.30 a.m.. eleven hour- lundvanco or all other routes. New day coaches accompany nil trains be tween Wllllniuspoil, Few Yoik nud Phllndel- pnia Trains run through by daylight LO. WEBB, Supt. N1 OUTIIHKN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. On nud after Juno 12lh 1S70, Trains will leave SusnuiiY as follows : NORTH WAKD. 5.83 A.M., Dally to Wllllamsporl, for Elmlrn ranaiuiaigun, liocnesier, uuitaio, riuspensiou Bridge, nud N. Falls, 3. 10 l'. M.. Dally,(exeept Sundays) fur Elmlrn and llullalo via ituiiwny irom j.imint. 0.15 I, m., Daily, (cxceptSuiKlays) for Williams- Pr ' THAINS SOUTHWA11D. 11,15 A. M.Dally (except Monday's) for Bnlllmon WILMINGTON AND PHILADl-XI'IlIA. 11.25 P.M. Diilly(exceplSnndny's)for Biilllmoti wnsuiligioii ana ruiinticipuia. i:u. S. YOUNU. (Jeneral Passenger Agent Alfred 11. Fiske, Oen'l Supl., TELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & Juf V 1--"1 KAll.HUAli. minnner arrange menl, April 11,1(C0. Trains lca5 o ns lollows: EASTWARD. VLSTWAltl). 1'X- Ac- Ex- Mali STATIONS. AlK press com, press Ac com. l'.M p.m. 012 U3 fl.OO t.3.5 8.15 4.10 DM 1,01 ioiiii 3.10 7.10 1.21 5.48 12.17 12.S7 0.50 5.10 K.15 3.50 (1.30 1.30 5.33 12.30 6.28 12.25 3.11 I2.0.S 5.02 12.52 1.51 ll.'H 11.2S 11, is 4.10 11.02 4.01 10.41! 3.15 10.27 3.31 PUI 3.15 0.50 3.115 0.1) 8.00 2.40 0.10 7.31) k.: 7.15 8.30 (1.1.5 1.53 8.11 ! 0.10 1.39 7.52; 5.10 1.21 7'37 4.57 1 7.15 1.10 1249 0.51 3.43 1235 0.39 a.m. Trains do r Is omitted. Via M. .V E. Dlvls. All New Yolk. Lv foot Jlarcliw St.) Christopher St Ilnbnkeu Newnrk Washington A M. I'.M. 8.110 1.10 8.00 4.10 8.1.5 -1.25 8.10 4..50 11. -'8 7.33 0. 00 5.00 11,15 7.20 11.11 7.51) 11.5.1 8.01 7.30 3."JI 8.45 l,l 11.0,5 7.0.5 12.00 8.03 12,15 8.20 12.25 8.30 12.10 8.41 12.5.5 8.55 1. (15 1.1.5 1. ) (1.211 1. 111 9.11 2. WI l.6.- 2.1'J 10.(111 2.3IJ 10.20 2. IS 10.3S P.M. 3.2(1 0.00 8.30 3,10 11.15 IU0 3.1(1 11.21 0.25 4.01 U.35 11.50 4.20 0.51 10.30 4.M1 10.12 11.00 4.57 KU'J 12.00 5.15 10.17 12.35 5.30 11.02 1.10 l'.M. A,M. A.M. via Ceil. Hit. of N.J. rew otk tFuot LxbcrlH Nt) ...Newllampton ..Oxford BridKCVillo ..Philadelphia , -Trenton Pliilllnsburc .Mantinka Chunk .ljciawnro ....Mount Bethel V, ater (lap .....Strottdsburg . Snraguovlllo llcnryvlllc Oakland Forks Tobyhaiina Oouulsboro Moscow Dunning Scranton ...Clark's Summit.... ...Abluglon .,1'octoryvillo Nicholson ...HHnpbottom Montroie ...New Mllloid Ureat Bend Connections. At New Humnton with Central It. It. of N.J, The Mall and Express trains eastward and west ward connect Willi trains lor isew ork, Eliza beth. Plalntleld.Somervlllonnd other stations. At Washington with Morris & Essex It. it, Mall and Exmess trains make close nnd reliable connections with tinttis (or New York. Nownrlr iiiorriMown. Dover, nierloo, iincKcttstown ixc. At Mnnunkn Chunk with Belvldero Delaware It. It. Close counectlous nrcmade by Mull and Kxnress trains, with trains lor Philadelphia. Trenton, Piillllphbuig, Bolvlilere.&e. By Train No. 2. passengers reach Philadelphia via Cum den, by No. 4, via Kensington. Passengers on No. 4, urrlvo lu Philadelphia in lime to tako tho ii..v p. in, irain jor iiaiiimoro anu usniugiou. At Scranton with Lackawanna A Bloomsburg A Delawaro A; Hudson Ball llonds. Tialns on tnese mails connect witii our tin us for Pltutou Wllkes-Barre, Berwick, Bloomsburg, Danville, Olyphaut, Archbald nud Carboudale. At lUngliumton Willi Erie Hallway. Mall No, l connects Willi ExnrefsMallon Erlo Kallwnv leavlni- nt 8.4- n. m. with il sleenlui. roach at tached, arrlvlm: at Bullnlo nt 0.20 next mornlnir, Kxpiess No, 3 connects with a way tralu lor Owtgo. Itlmca, and Elinlra. Albany Susquehanna ItailRoad. Fourtralns a day run each way between Blnghamtou nnd Aiuuijy. uuu leaves llllignumiou uv -.dup. m, an d arrlvcb at Albany at 11.00 n. m. Syracuse, Blnghamtou a N. Y. 11. It. Trains fo r Syracuse leave at 7 u. m. and 11.25 p. m. Trains irom nyruciiho urnvu ui ii.w a. Hi.nua o.;m p. m, It. A. HENltY. W. F. IIALLSI'EAD. Oen'l Puss, and Tkt. Agent. Supt, JEADINQ RAILROAD. SUMMF.ll ARRANGEMENT. JIONDAV, JlAY ICtll.lSTO. (Ireat Trunk Lino from the North and North west lori-uiiaueiniiia.wew Yoin. lli'iiulnir. Polls' vllle, Tamaqua, Abhiaud, Shaiiioklu Lebanon Aiientowu, l-jastou, Epiiratn, Lltlz, Iiucustei vuiuiuuui, a.1;,. Trains leave Harrlsburg for New York, ns lol lows: At 5,3o, 8.10 nud 11,25 u. lu,, and 2,50 p. in., connecting with simitar lialuH on Penim. lUIIrona, una arriving at Nuw York hi 12,10, noon, 3,50, u.o.) Ami 10,00 p. m. rehpoellvtly Hleeplug cars accompany tho 5,33 and 11.25a, lu. trains without change, lleturulug: Leaio New Yolknl 0.00 a.m. aud 12.00 noun nud 5,00 p. in. Philadelphia at 8.15 in, uim u.uu ji. in. niiepiug cars accompany i 0.00 n. in., and 5.00 trains lrniu N. Y the P.'Xl n. iu uud 5,1X1 p.m., imlus liuiu .", Without cliauge. Leave Harrlsburg lor Heading, I'otlsvlUe, Ta. uuiua. Mlnersvllie. Ashland, hainokln Pine mnqua, Allnorsvllle, Ashland, Miamoklu Plue Urove, Alleutown .V: Phlla'd. nlK,lua.iii., 1,10 p.m., stopping nt Lebanon and piiuclinil wuy stations: the LlUnlu. train couuectluir for Phll'u Poltsvlllo nnd Columbia only. For Pottsvllle riciiuyiuiii iiaveu nnu Aunuin, via Kcuuyiutll aud busriueliauuu llullruad, leuvo Harrlsburg al 3,10 p.m. East Pennsylvania nallioad trains leave Itea.l. ing for Alleutown, Kaslon and New orli ut 7,-i HUD ii. in., l.'-7 nnd 1.15 p.m. lleturiilug, leave ,miw lorKai u.oun. m., r..ou nof,n auu&.tij p. in. and Alleutuwu at n. m, l.'i noon, l.vp and 8.1 j p. in. Wav Passencer Trnln leaves Phlladelnhta at 7,l!Ua.iii connecting Willi similar tialii ou East l-a. ruuroau reiuriuug irom iieauiugai uup. III. slopping at all stations. Leavo l'ultsvllle nt S.lennd QM a.m. .and t,.rn Herudon nt U.:HJ a. m., bhumoklu ul !, and U. 111., JVDIlltlllU Ul U.I11. HUH J...SJ IlOOIl .11UI1 nnoy city at 7.S1 a. m. and 7.17 p. lu, Tauintiuii ul a. m and X.-V p. m.for Phlladilphl.t mi l New Yorlt. Leavo Pottsvlllo via Behuylklll and Sus'juo hanua ltullroad at 8,15 ii.m. lor Harrlsburg, uud ll',05 uoou, for PlueGrovu uud Treuioul, Heading Accommodation Train leaves Potls vlllu ut5.iua. m., passes Ituutlugat 7,oOa. m., in riving at Phlludeliihla at 10M u, in. lteturulust leaves Phlludeliihla at 5,15 p. m,, passing lUud. Ing at S.lKjji.m., arriving ut Pottsvllle al U.IU p.m. Puttstown Accoiuinouatlon TratiuleavisPoits town at ti;i a,m, returuliig, leaves l'hlladelphls at 1,(0 p.m. Columbia llallroad Trains leave Heading at 7,'JU, and b-15 p.m. for Eplirutu, Llliz, J jiutas. ler, Columbia, Ac., Perkioiuen llall Iload Traiusleavo Perklomeu Junction nt U.OOn. m 3.00 p.m. returuliig: leaveHchweuUsville at,, 12.13 noon, aud 1.15 p.m.. connecting with similar trains on Heading ltallroad. ColebrookdaleBullroud trains leave Pollstown at U.IU n. 111 and OJ p. m.,riturulug leae.Mouul Plcusantnt 7.1X1 finj ll.aa, m., cuuuecllug Willi similar tin Ins 011 Heading ItniUoitd. Chester Valley ltallroad Trains leave Bridge port nt K,3Uu. 111. and 2.U5 nud 5.1.' p. m. leturulug. leave Downlugtou nt U.'JU a. rn., noon and .15 p. in., cuuniclliiB with Minllur trulns or Iteadtiig ltullroad. On Buuduys, leuve New Y'ork at 5,00 p.m., Phil phlant s,U0 a.m. nud 3,13 p.m., (tlio ,uu a.m. tralu riinuliigouIytolteadliigi)leavel'olisilletl,Ul)a.m.j Hurrlkburg at a.33 u. 111, nud p. m. uud have Alleutown nt7.tau,m. p. m.,nnd Iteadlng nt7,15 n. m.iiud lu.U5p. 111, for Harrls burg, nt 7.2.1a. m. for New York, at l.p. m, lor Alleulowii. uud at U.IU 11. in, aud 1.25 p. m- lot Philadelphia. Coininulnllnn, Mileage, Biflson, School ui.u J'.xcurslou 'llckcls touiid from nil poluts.ut in duced rates. ' Baggage checked through; 1W) pounds nllowis each pusatnger, a. A, NJCOLLH, ,, ,, ,. . General (superintendent Heading, Pa., April 2U 1S7U. JItOWN'S FAST FRKiailT FItOM PHILADELPHIA TO JILOOilSBUltO. and Intermediate points. Goods forwarded with care aud desjmtch uud ut low rates. Goods, at Philadelphia, must be delivered nl Jllluer Co's. Ml Market btriet, For lull par. llcuhus, apiily to JACOB K'HUYLEB, Proprietor. Aug. W.'CO-tt. It. It. Depot, Bloomiburg.Pa JOIJ PRINTING Neatly execs tea at tuli om H TOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION. tiih T-itit.n!oi'iiY nt.' int. Hftir.vcun (IKEAT MKDH'INHS. Will people never karn o know main-tiisenscu liver mm sinmnrn nee- snrliy Ulseaso tlio enure sysiem7 mo plainest 'i-lnch.h-n nl ,-rtinmnli senso leneli 1 his. mid vr-t tliriomo hundreds wlin rldtculo Ihn lilen.nnd outiuuoin 1 no cnu nro which nnnon ineviiniiiy 'rings tin in pieiiiiiiuioiy i mo gr.ivp. Living theinnjntily or peopio letnnlntllv of lieotifo do. nt eollllilelo Vail mice, Willi the laws of nature, it until im nr-pnr- ni. in mi iimii. lonui-r in-inter, n iiuro u re- iicn lif i-mi lr. IIr,n ( MM lllld lfmt liersotis III) ImluUtn to excess In tho uso of very rich or Indl esttblo loral or Inloxlcallns drinks, Invariably pay n heavy penally In tlieend. Tho slomieh lieeoiues disordered and ionises tonel; the I her f.ills to perforin lis iuticllims, dyspepsia and Its nttendniit eMIs follow, and ct III the MUVerlng In dlildiialspeislst In dinging toll"' Ihmomtlily ex- uoaeii mens oi mo pnsi. ui. ri.iii.i.ii n men plnrs nro t(ftimtnttiili-d to nil such, lhc.v ijrlitir sure nud certain relief whetever they nro used ns illtpiH-il, .Hid nil that Is liccosnnry to establish I iiMi n nn u- ipvurv nn lie mail nr wo man In the land Is af.ilrniid Impartial trlnl of them Let Ihose who are skeptical on itus pomi, nnd who have permitted Interested persons to prejudice them against thco now celebrated remedies lor Consumption, discard their preju dices, nnd bo governed by tho principle or ion sou nm! common sense, if tlio system Is disor dered dcpind upon II. In nine Cases out of ten tin, sent (if tlin ('.tinnier will bo found ltl tlio stomach nnd liver. To clonnso nnd Invigorate- tho stomach and toslltnulato tlio liver loneniiiiy action, uu A ..,.., , ,, lnctenslHgiicmand for theso pills Is tlio best evi deneoor llit-lr Milne, Thousands upon thousands of boxes me sold dally. Why? blmply beoatno I hey net promptly nud efficiently, ItiMilldswlio nny not Hnd It convenient tit rail on iioaor SCIII'.NCIC Hi person nro lnrornicd that full and complete dlieellons for uso nccompauy each pni'KHgll ot i no ............. ....... r,,,r.,mt(-, UVlltll ANiiHr.Avi:i:iiTiiNI(!. Tlicso medicines will euro iiitiMimplioii unless tlio lungs are so gone Hint the patient Is eutlicly be olid tho lencu in ineiiii'iii roiiei. . ,,, It inny bo asked by those who ato not fiimlllar wltli ititi vlrliios of Ihrie Croat remedies. "How do Dr. 1-CHF.NUK'H medlcinos ellcct their won deriul euros of cunsuHipllon?" The nnswir Is a s innlo one. niey uogin iiioir work ol restoration by bringing lire slomacli liver and bowels Into nn netlvo healthy condi tion. Ills food thai euros tins formidable dis ease. SCHENCK'S JIANDliAKi: PILLS ncton tlio liver and slomacli, protiiotltiir secretion, and l emovlnii tlio bllo and sllmo which have result ed Irom llio Inactive or torpid condition or llteso organs, ana oi mo system generally, hihwhs nll. Llnln nTllin I .mlv. n,l IllO rilllSOIlUOllt nO' (iiiiiiiiiitlfit, nr tin. iiiifioalilivsubilnnces named pievcnt the propel uigenioii oi loou.iiuu.iis u natural consequence, crcinc m-emo, .viuvn iv suits In prosttntloiuind llnally In death. s -ii . - . s l'lii.Mii.iii Miiiui' nun m-..v TiiN'ic. win ii inkeii reirularly. mliiLtlo with ih f,i.l. uiil Urn illifosllvu orirans. maUo gOOlI riCll UIOOU, lltlll ns U lllUltrm ouusi'Mueue., glvo llesh and strength to tho jiatleut. Let llio ,tl.- .nv ,r1,n, Il l.lV tills Is t llO lltlll' IrilO euro lur consumption. Expeilcncolias proveil It beyond the shadow of ll uouoi, nnu iuohs.uhis in u lo-dav alii o and well who a few years since. wero regrtruou as nopeioss oii-e, mu ,i; n.v Induced to try Dr. hCHEN'CK'M remedies, nnd won. rilitr..,! tr, lioi-milllOllt llOlllltl l)V tlll'lr I1SO One of the Ilrst stons the tuiysKinn miouiii la m Willi n eonsuninllve imtlont Is to liivlgorale tho system. Now how is ibis to be thine? Certainly lioi uy giving nieuicims nun i-aiuui-,. im- iie, vnti niodlclues that Impair Instond of Improvo ll, fmioll.ina ,f tlin (lli.fltlvil (Itll.'lllS. llllClor SCH ENt'K'S mod lollies elontln. Iliusloilliich and bowels of all snbslulices winon iiio i-nii iii.iu-ii 10 irritate or weaken them? They ireatoiiti appe tite promote lieiilllifnl dlgosllon liinko guild blond, nnd, us a consequence, they Invigorate n,l klrnt.ulli, I, tlll lltlri, KVhtOlll. lllld llllirett;- peolully tboie pal Is which are diseased. If this o.itiiiotbeilouc, Ihen the caso must bo regarded nu lifiticlLU ..,,(, j I tnu T-iis siciaii iimisii iniii,--.i.,i.- n. ,u..i.v iittuvTiiii. iiiTN-iiiiv. if tho illieaseu lierson eauuot pariaito or gooa nourisiuiiK mini nuu pioperly digest il, It Is ImpoSHlblo that be can ir ill. In lllwll -llnl itll'lllTtll ! lltlll It lS CriliallV ltll- lOlslUlO 10 linilg ll paiieill louus nmnuiyii b,i .mil llin wlfiiniii-ti lmloti with lltlhoilltllV hllllie. Almost tho Hist leqtiest. llllliio III llio in sh-iuii t.i- n fililllln,,tlvn lvtlllltl.S Illllt llC Will mo- sc ribo iiiodiclntH that will remove or iillnytlio cough, nlglit sweats and chills, which nio tho suro alloniliiiils on consumption. Hut this ihimM not. ho ilnnp. ns tlmooil" 1 IsotllV nil CIlul ,if n-iliirn Inroth-vo Hself. and llio lllalll hW oat: nnd chills are caused by tho diseased lungs. The ronw.i ni imi niiriiv iiicscrioeii no nioru inirin 4 cnnil. Tht-V Itlltnlir tlio fllllCtiOIlS Of lllO Mnunu-li, nnpeuo ucniiiiy uigesuou, uuu iigEjui- vnni i-ni iipi-1 11:111 onrn lim iionio. There Is, utter all, nolhlng llko facts Willi whlelilombslautlntoii poslllou, and It is upon rncts that Dr. SCIIICNCK relies. Nearly nil who have taken his medicine In accordance with his .tin .llntiu lull., lint (inlv liOCll CUVOd of OOllSUinil- tlOIl, 1IUI, HOin lllO lUCl null llie-n iiieuieuiei neL with wonderltil power upon the digestive organs patients thus cuicd speedily gi In tlcsh. Cleans lug Hie system of all liiipuritics, they lay the fou mini lou for it solid, substantial stincture, it.-i.tni im ttmsp (ir.nis to health, thov oronte an ontictitc. The food Is properly assimilated; the qiiantily ol blood Is not only increased, but 1 liinilo iltli nnil stronc nnd In tho lace oi such t cond Ition of tho system nil disease must bu ban Uh,..l. l'ull directions neeompany each of the medi cines, SO mill 11 IS 1101 ausouuoiy ni-cisMua in.i tifittoiitM stmiiiiiiin Dr. KCllENCK nersonallv mi Iork tin y iiosini to have their luncs examined, For tills purpose lie is at his pilncipnl olllce, N'o. 13 North sixth. St., corner ol Commerce, Pliiia. iieinnia, every waiuiuoy, iiom u.. ji. limn P. M. Aiivton is plven without choree, but for a thoiough examination with the lteKpliotiieter tlio chargo is S.5. . Price of tho rulmonlc Syrup nud Seaweed Tonlo each, S1.50 per bottle, or S7.50 u half dozen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents n box. For saloby nil druggists. npiV70-ly. This Is the most thorough blood purifier yet discovered, and curen all humors from the worst Scrofula to n common 7-.Vn;ii'oti. J'implci nnd Jtlutctics on theace. and cai or rourjli 4.111, which nro biich annoying blemishes to ninny young peisons, yield to the uso of n few bottles of this wonderful medicine. Prom one to eight botlles cuio Halt llhcum. Dn&tyictas, Ncntd Jlcml. liiuq U'ormt, Holts, Sculjr Jj-itjitions ttf the Akin, Scrofula Sores, Ulcers anUuajnlcr" in the MouthanU Stom ach. It Is a pure medicinal extract of nutlvo roots and plants, combining In harmony Nature's most sovereign curative piopertles, which Gnd has instilled into tho vigelablo kingdom for healing tho sick. It Is n great restorer for tho strengtli and vigor of tho system. Thoso who are languid, sleepless, have ?im-oti apprciemioni or fears, or any of the nllecllnus symptomatic of weakness, will find convincing cvldenco of its restorative powirupon trial. If you leel dult, tlroicsy. ilebthlaltd and despondent, have Irequent Jfeudaehc.vioulh tastes badly ill the morning, ir regular amietttc nnd touyue conttd, you aie suller ing irom Torpid .furor "Jtdwusnui." In many cases ol "Ltur Complaint" only npart of these symptoms aie experienced. As uiemedy for all such cases, Dr. Pierce's Golden Mcdii-nl Dlcov cry has no equal as it cllects pcrrect cuies, leav ing the liver strcitnthcnid nnd htalthi. l'or tho cuio of Habitual Constipation of the Bowels 11 is u never falling remedy, and UiomiwIio have used It lor this uiu loud lu Its praise. In Jlronchatt, Throat and J.un; Disiases, It has 1 reduced manytiuty lemarkiiblo cures, wheie other medicines had failed. Sold by diuggisls at 81.0'J per bottle. Pieparid at tlio Laboratory of H. V. P1EIIOK, 11. H., Jl22'70.lf llullalo, N. V. QUANUKVILU'. STIlJlj AHJCA). Tim untlerslgmd lespectfully aunonncn 10 tho Panning community that Ibev aroag.iln in the Held with their machine.! lor tho harvest o IS7U. THE NEVl' PENNSYLVANIA THltESllIUl AND OLKANKlt, l'alenled by Adrian Cornell, with Major's patent double nclinghrpiir.ilor combined, Is what every l-'ariucr Held,. It can't bo has been l.iltly tested and lias lur cxecedtd llio expeetiillons of all who hau senilis operalliius, Jt has been got up expressly to meet 1)10 wauls of llio Farm, i-r. We maiiiiliieluiii them, oveishot lur truul. power and utuUrsliot lor ievtr power. Tills lnnchliieinn be mado lodouuy deslied amount 01 woik, Is simple lu construction, easy to manage and not Halite to get out of repair. They ul,o continue to mutiul.ieluie the Cele braltd VHr.ELElfS ltAILVt'AY CHAIN, TIOItSK l'OWKU .0 TIIItESHEIt, from tho original patterns, Willi an improve meut iu llio power, whereby n gain ol 2i per cent. Iscllucled.nud gives ihodeslred power at Irom 3ioU Inches less (levutlou lhau the old style, They also attach M.UOIt'H PATENT DOUBLU ACTINU .SHEET IKON BOTTOM HEPAIIATOHS tolhelr machines, manuf.ic'.uit-d only bylliem and se ured to thi in byle-lurs patent Irom Win, M. Major. They also mnmuueturo Hie best uud llglilont rutinliig Lever Power, In llio country also Diittble nnd Mngle.Uiared Jacks. Having 011 hand a good supply of well seasoned lumber ot the best finality, and experienced woilctueu engaged In their luiuiuliuluu', they guaiuutiu their muclilues HL'PEltlOU TO ANY MANl'FACTUUED tlsowhere. All having repnlrlng to do should remember 1 lint wo havoall the original patlerus. Hcpalilug 1I0110 nt short notice and on ri-nsouu' ble lenus. .Maehlnes sold at astonishingly low prices nnd credit given when ed. 1 or further particulars call oil or address SCUUYhKH & LOW, AaniCULTUBAL WOBKN, OUANOEVILLE, COLU.M1IIA COUNTY, PA, whero they iiiauiifacturo llio best nnd cheapest lion and Wooden Beam Pious lu tbuHlale, ulso wagon jacks, lion kettles nud nil kinds of woilc usually done Hi Foundries and Machine shops. All woilc warm ntiil and till kinds ot couulry produco taken In exchange. Jls'TO-lf, PHILOSOPHY OF MAltKIAGK. X A Ntw C'oi'iibK of LEt-ri'iiiJi, ns elillvered at the Pi'iiiu.Pulttcliilcaud Anutumleiil Museum 12H3 Chestnut HI., three doois above Twellih. Philadelphia, (inbrnclug Hie subjects! How to Live nnd What to Live for; Youth, Maturity nud Old Agoj Manhood tlenerally llevleweir 'llio lausoof lndlgestloiij Flatulence and nerv. ous Diseases aiiounlcd lori Marriage Phllo. tophlcally coiisldired. Huse lectures will be foivwirdul 011 rcielpt of 15 teuls by uddretslngi Herniary ol Ilia Piniisylvunlii Poiaim-hnio A.NJI ANATOMIt'AI, WUhfctlJI, P.-Jj ClllSlllUt Kt., Plillndelphlu, Pennsylvania, ' Je2l'7U-ly, OUKJNKSS OAIU)S, JJ ViaiTINO CAHDS, LI.1TEH HEADS, HILL IIIIAUH, I'UOUItAMMEH, POSTEIW, AC, AC. Neatly nnil Cheaply Prlnlcd From the Latett My leu of Tyi nt the COLUMBIAN OFFJCii Dry Groodu & Notions. jq-EW STOCK OP CLOTHING. Fresh nrrlvnl of hl'SIMHIt (IOOIH. DAVID LOWUNnr.UO InvIlcH nllentlon to lils slock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTIIINO. at his store on Malu Slrcel, twodoors above llio American House Bloomsburg, P.t., whoro ho has Just received ft out New York and Philadelphia n full cissorlmcnt of MlHs" AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most f.ishlanable, durable, nnd haudsoino Dr.E.-)3 UOODH, consisting of BOX, SACK, rtOCCl, GUM, AND OIL-GLOTH COATS AND PANTS. of nit sortsrslzes and colors. IIo has also replen ished his nlrcady largo slock of FALL AND WINTEtl SHAWLS, STltlPED, FIGUBED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIUTS, CIIAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS IIANDKEUCHIEFS, GLOVI, HUSPENDEBS, AND FANCY AKTICLES lie nas constantly on hand a largo aud well-se eded assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINQS, which ho Is prepared to mnko to order Into nny kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd In tho best manner. All his clothing is made tp wear, nnd most of It Is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWKLItY, olo cry description, flno and cheap, Ills casool Jewelry Is not sttrpnsscdlln thlsjplnce. Cull nud examine his general nssortmen of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELU5. , AC. DAVID LOWENBEBO. c. 0. M A n It hnvcjustrei'clvcd from tho eastern luarltcti n largo and well iselcctcil stock of 1) It Y GOODS, CONSISTING OF L'nsslmers, Ji-aii", Jlest blenched A ltrnwn Mucins, Cal leocs. Ticking, Tablo JJiicm, Cotton A All wool fluhiioN, AC.t AC,, AK"1 tock of t indies dress goods Latest ht Irs a patterns, flpkcH of all klndH, Good stock groceries, (Ineensware, Stono ware, Wood A willow ware, J-'louv it Chop, Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleauhiK Tin llrass.A'c. All Kfods sold che:iii lor eash or pro iluce. Ifo would call tho nttenllon of buyirs to Ills well nnd can fully Mdeeted annulment wldch compnac-soverytlilngnbtially kejd In tho eoun try, feeling confident that ho can sell them goods nt such prices ns will ciimuo satisfaction, Mow 5,'6lMf U. C. MA It It. B UY TIIK BF.ST. vt is superior 10 nil othcis In color, quality nud 1'", lUIIUUUII.J !(. HI. P. LUTZ'B Dealer III Dry Goods nnd Notions, lu Blower's new building next lo the Court House, Main Htrcet, Bloomsburg, Pa, (mayl3 ,0-ir. jyjILLEH'S STOKE. FBESII AIIUIVAL Of SUMMEit O0OD3. Tho subscriber has lust returned from tho cities with another largo aud select assortment of FALL AND WINTEH OOODM, purchased lu New Y'orkaud Philadelphia at the owest flgnro, and which ho Is determined to sell ou ns moderate terms as can bo procured else Wliero In Bloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES' DHESS GOODS of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a largo Assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, couslstlug of tho following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmercs, Shaw Is, Flannels, Silks, Whilo Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirls, .Muslins, Hallowware Cedarware tiueenswnre, Hardware Boots and Bhnes, Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, UioUiug'Ulnssci, Tobacco, Collee, Sugars, Teas, Itlce, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS HEN ItALLY. Ill snort, everything usually kept In country stores, lovililch no iuviles the nlteutlon of tlio public generally. Tlio highest prlco will be paid for couutiy pioduco In extlinngo for goods. H. H. MILLHltetSON. Arcado Bnildlugs, Blooiiibburg, Pa. CON FBOTIONEHY, Tlio undersigned would lespectfully announce to the public tuat he ha.s opened a F1HUT-CLAKS CONF1XTI0NEHY bTOHR, lu tho building lately occnplod by Fox A Wtbb where ho Is pieparedlo luriilsh all kluds ol PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, PHENCH CANDIES, FOUEION & DOMESTIC FHUITS, NUTS, HAIMNS, AC, AC, AC. UY WHOLESALE OH KETAtL. In short, n full ussnrtinent of all goods lu his lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac., suitable for the Holidays. Particular attention given to HUB AD AND CAIIEH, of all kluels, fiesh every day, OUKISTJUa O A N D I E s, OHIHTMAH TOYS. A call Is solicited, and guaranteed, satisfaction will b Nov, 22,1867. ECKHAHT JACOBS. jy e a 0 II A N D I S E NOTICE IS HF.HEBY GIVEN To my friends and tho public generally, th r.t el kinds ot Dlty GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, AO., are constantly on hand ami lor salo AT BAP.TON'8 OLD STAND liLooiisuuno, nv JAMES K. EYEH fAlso, Hole Agent for;Et.i.ia' Phosi-jiatk or jur. iJirgo lot constantly on hand. febs'OT, iZ2il0IL"f$a 1,'ublMiul and HiotiuiKdt: fiMiftf!" ti'Il'lforclrculura. Theywlll cost you notldug, and may bo of great benellt to you. feblP70-ly. gLATE ROOFING, EVERY VARIETY A T MOST FAVORABLE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AND CABPKll J, THOMAH Box, 277, uloomsburg, l'a. llar.lWMy THE P.ED LION EHAND, Dry Goods & Grocorios. n RAND OPENING VJT (IP.AND OPKNINO (IIIAND (IRANI) UllAND OPENING OIM'.NING OPENING or Avmrnit goods, WINTEH GOODS, WINTEH GOODS WINTEH GOODS FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND WINTEH GOODS, consisting ol consist Ing of consisting of consisting of consisting of DHY GOODS, DHY OOODM, DHY GOODS, DHY GOODS DHY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAW, HATS AND CAIH, HATS AND UAPH, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTH AND, SHOPS, 11001 H AND HIIOFH BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HEA1 1 Y-M A DH CLOT1 UNO HKADY-MA l)K CLOT! UNO, HEADY-MA HE CLOTHING, HEADY-MADE CLOTHIflO, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOK 1NG-G LASS ICS, LOOKINO-O LASHES, LOO K I N O-O LASS ES LOOK1NG-OLABSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GHOCEKIES, GHOCEHIEH, GltOCKHIF-S, OHOCEHIES. GHOCEKIES, tlHEENSWAHE llUHHNSWAHE, UUEENSWAHE, tttlEENSWAHH, UUEHNSWAHB HAHDWAHE, HAItDWAlll-l, 1IAHDWAHI-:, HAHDWAHE, HAHDWAHK, TINWAHE, TINWAHH, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, T1NWAH1-;, HALT, HALT SALT HALT, HALT, FISH,- FISH, I'ISII, KITH FISH, (1KAIN AND SEEDS, GiiAIN AND SHICUS, (1KAIN AND SEF.DS, GHAIN AND HHI'.DH, OIUIN AND SHEDS, Ac, Ac, AC, AT NEAL NICAI, Mt-KELVY, McKKLVY. CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. Ml'KELVY, NI-AL nictvi'.i.v v , McKELVY. NEAL CO.'S. CO.'S. KEAL Northwest corner ot Main nnd Market Streets. Northwest corner uf Malu and Market Strecut, Northwest corner of Main uud Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Street. Northwest corner of Malu uud Market HtreeUi, BLOOMRmrilO, PA BLOOMHIHiBO PA HLOOMSBUHO PA., HI.OOMSBUHO, PA, BLOOMSIIUHG, PA. I HON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAHM, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, In largo quantities and at reduced rates, alway ou ilium. Miscellaneous, K W COAL YAK D. The undcrsicncil rcsncctfullv Inform tho citizens of It looms burn nmi Columbia county. nidi, uicj- ftvup nu nio uiiiriL-iimujiiuurn uikiuvh cotil nnd fieleclcd lump coal for sinlthtng rmrpo sts, on tlietr wlmvf, mlJolnhiK M'Kelvy. In cal A Vti's Kiuimce: wlthncood imtr of Hiidjln t,pnls on tho whaif, to stiKh loal, liny, nud straw. jjinuvriKu 11 nurKu nnu wiigon, 10 ueiiver co.n 10 thoso who desire It, Asthey putclmse n laro nmouu lot coal, they intend tokeep a superior ar ticle, and hell nt tho very lowest prices. Please call and examlno for yourselves before purrhiui lus el&ewhere. J. W, IIKNDKUSIIOT, AUGUSTUS MASON. TIIK undorrilgned will tako In ox chaiiKe for Coal and Groceries, the following named articles : AVheat, Hyc. Corn, Oats, rota toes, I,ard, Hanj.Khoulder.aud hide ineat,ilutter, IKKi Hay, Ac, nt tho liiKhest cash prices, at hU Oiocery htore, adjoining their coal yard, J. W. HENDKItSHOT. BloomBburg Mar, lOO'O-ly, SO. II O AY E It, ipeued a first-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUIt STOKE. at tho old stand on MnlnStreet,Bloomshnrg,afow duorsahovo tho Court House. His stock Is com- 1110 very laiesi anu neststylt-H ever offer ed to t he citize ns or rnlimil.h, r..i,i,- 11,. acconimodato tho public with the followlnggoexls at the lowest r.Hes. Men's heavy double solod stoga boots, men's doublo nnd single tap soled Kill ImnlU lit.h'u l,nut. ..... i , ...... .. men's line boots and shoes of all grades, boy's double soled boots of nil kinds, men's glove kid Balmorul Mines, men's, women's, boys's and misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove kid Pol Sll Vl-rV f1tli.Wiiliii.i'M,i,nw, lil,.?-..i.. n..?l calf shoes, women's very Uno kid buttoned gait- ... .u uuu.q ui uu uesiTipilOUB OOIU llCg" ged and sewed. 1 B Ho would also call nttentlon to his fine assort lueiiL of HATS, CAPS, FUHS AND NOTIONS, which comprises all the new and populni varl etlesat prlce-swlilehi-anuotfailtosultnll. These goods are oileied at tho lowest cash lates aud 1."il,",Kl,,n,r"1r'"''d '"Bivo sallsfacllou. A call s solicited before purchasing elsewhere as it is beiiuvc-d that bcttc-r bargalus nro to bu found tlinn ot any other place lu the county. Dec, ti 07 Tiny,!SM0N HAIU AV INDISPKNSABLE AUTUI.E FOU THE LADIES. (JVfrnf(((JurjCM,lMi7.) This Culler 1h tho most prilect Inicntloucierof. ieled to the nubile. It Is easily operated.neut In ap. pearaiiee, and will not In Juiu the hair, as there Is 110 heat required, nor any metallic suustnure used to 1 list or break the hair. Manufactured only nud forsuloby MCMILLAN it CO, ii No, 13 North Frout Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA, Sold nt Dry Goods, Trimmings nnd Notion Stores, N, 11. Single Box JS rents; 3 Bonis, assorted sizes, l els, .lfintditeloiiuy pull of Hie unit ed Sillies, upou leet-iiit of the money, SIO.OUO IIUAUANTlCIi, BUCK LEAD EXCELS ALL Ol'HEU LE.ID I 1st, For lis I'nrlvaled Whiteness, 2d, l'or lis llneejuullcd immunity, Sil, 1- or Its Unsurpassed Cuverlug Property, Luslly for lis Ecouoiuy. 3-It COSTS LICSH to paint with Buck Lkaii than any other White Lead extant, The snmo weight covers MOKE SHHFACE, Is more DUH AllClC, aud makes WH1TEH WoilK. U UCK LEAD, Is the Cheapest and Best 10,000 GUAHAnTEE. 1) U 0 K ZINC EXCELS ALL OTIIEU ZINCa 1st, Vot Its Unequalled Durability, Sid. For lis Unrivaled Whiteness, ;id. For its Unsurpassed Covering Property. Easily, for lis Gu-ut Economy, bciug tho CHICAPICST, HANDSOMIST, and most DUItABLE Whito Paint lu tho woild, H U V ONLY BUCK LKAD AND 15UCIC ZINO: THY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by tho Manufacturers. BUCK COTTAQK COLOKS, Prepared expressly for Painting COTTAOF, OUTBUILDINGS of every deserlp Hon, FENCES, AO. TII1KTV-FIVH DIFFER, ENT COLOHS, Durable, Cheap, Uniform, aud Beautllul shades, Hamplo cards lent by Mull If desired. Dealers' Orders will ho promptly cxecuteei by tho manufacturers, ' ' Fl'.ENC'lt, HICHAltDS 4 CO., N. W. Cor. TeulU and Market Htreetn, Jan2S70-Jy. I'WiaaelpUft rpUE NEW HAnDWAi.rf-15 Having cniargoil our btof."?.' iitiMMi.,, . ...r:lurQ Hoot,, ... m,,vi..ij ""in 1110 .llnimfaplnr. l caith, 011 a declining inarkef.w tWclw,.. . . -.,.lnu, nnd Prising nil lii'o In n city Hard Ware ffift aiii of the countv. nt um,.i,.tJ '.""abln kit . ,, ., - nv inw .uei...' , n,ll,,n.n,. -T.r .."" .... New Hardware Store. 'u'' bV look" .'.'? IW lease glvo us n call" nd exnm,. ' " 11 VUKItlo, I " I" - ni:-"'cj. JACOB K. SMITH. , n nrrmit ..-..- j. n. hj "i. It. Importersnud Dealers in Foreign mht) HARDWAnv OUNS, OUTLEP.v.1 No. it)9 K.TmRDSTKCT,Anc ' j'HILADELphu, "" Nov, 22, 07-tf, QARRIAQE SIANUFACT0UY, uioomRlmrg, ra, M. C. SLOAN A IinnTtrr-n Have on hand nnd for sale at tlio mr1(.t CAIintAOKH, I1U001ES, nid every description of Wagons both PLAIN AM Pavpv nblrt inatennlH. nm bv lli.i mn.i wiiiftiiu-iii in ninii kciil iiiiL irntii ti. .... iiniiuiL'iii 111 uu iu 11 11 11 iti nr nr ilia ii t,,. ., K I. !! t fl IT si of all tho newest nod hmvt tflLtiiror.i i..... A11 lrmnrr'tlnii nf t brlr wnrlf u n.i.,.i .. uuiioviHi vuai, none superior cnu be found ini vu" J .'UV. mTi. tt-ll. AO KNTS WANTED V0H XIBLElJYRICS A St , OTl'l I I.V M'IICIl-lr , ,n uui,i.iu'i lui.jiii or 'iuii miiii en ......... ...i 1r.n.ll.. .1.... . ... pectus, Irom n new and orlglcnlelt -lun.ihor 11111 ropy wilt 11 ucsiieo, ill .i ;fr ci 11. till vat. ir,nu mi. miiirnkd I ' i TV P r.iMi.i... mny(l'70-tf 3 Il.n-e-lj.-i M, Kewkit Insurance Agencies, Q. Ij O B E JIUT U A It LIFE INSUKANCE COMI'ASY o f NEW YORK. Cash capital over f.',a".0ii,iill paid. .t. n. itmiiKox ni.ooMsiurnn.f OENEItAL ,OF.ST. For Luzcino, Lycoming and Colnmlila counties. Aug.S0,'C!)-ly. INSURANCE AGKXOV Wyoming US Fulton- Sfn.. A .....vino Uf. nt.. IV ....IV.'!.'!,'!'!-, Ill- IIIICIUHIIUUHI t - Niagara U' I'utnam lllll mtuciu , " . . ..... U Albany City - K iJiiucuaiDi Vjiiv !. 1 - ' t. Iftfl iiomu. new iiuvuii - Danville, Hor&G Then VltlAK 11KUWN. AtlttiL Foundries, OIIAHPLESS & JIAHMAX, V . n. I- l-,, V AVI, A 1 A , . . ...u.Vl tBI Hill CKLKUUATEI) MONTROSE 1U0N Till, 1 MTTTftS econtlEX 11KAM TtOtf. . . itC'nt f ast liL'sandFlrollr curorriTiiiii"s'"'- All kinds ot Brass or iron casuus I, A, ull I,I,T t-.l .T ,'.n.,l-" . Illnftttiklii, i. I'll. 1 I Miir.HI.'OU-tf, JpinsT NATIONAL WHITE LKAD, BEST, PUREST. A.M lllEAl'LST1 BATISFAl'TION l.tAltANl""- ..-T.,iiiv sndDrillM' cy. It has no equal. u . .,rt.iinnout sold hy all di-ulirsin I'liiiilsH""1"'" llio country. 1. . -1 ,r t..t jinnlll'. .1 MElSt i)iVlViVl'.Il Jliwi-'. hi'ii-ytooiis to t. MonnisrcnoTAW- Hole Proprlctori, "'""I'SfiJ '"" Denltis luallMniUw DllUOS, OILS. PAINTS UUSS, nvtSTi'Frs, at " our "First Nallonal Wli'te lmrll,. liiiv.i lit I 11 IlldUCi ll to m.M Hons article ULder tliu siini; m m Horn llnei-nl-B of CoUIlteHells itl Ine is put up 111 i frelaouw pois, wllll patent jini, and the name of BABKEIl, JIOOHE A MLI-. f,. lltCl, For sale by MOVi:iu.iKma. iuarS5'7i-ly. TAItMEHSi EXAMINE AN" ,n T II E O B I Ci I ' A1" nl'lVI, THE UK ST HAW VOt. i.,.,i,iIIOU. .. HlllissI'lIAl " . All otners nrw ' BAlTcril'S HAW IIOSB 1 ll SUl'EH PIIOSPIIATL ui' " FALL, Ill'U, T V ll'llU Ail B A u a II & s 0 s. MANpyACTUll. OyyiCK-No 0 H. Dolavraro AH PAILAUEmilA. Jll47lMf. This Jfmiurtt Is mado ' dUK Bones, rich In Nllrotieuous n '"VriitPj Oil of Vitriol, presenllua Hie B I bleiuii a hlBhly kolu ,lo and iiulclily ' ''u'", the Aiuiuonla lu sucli P'V' ,,rou lUeC U prompt nud vlt'orous netion uro" ' Where BauA's . '"'ff'1'0,' wTilioot',? past season, the Indication. " (rolA !i .,11 in ntedi' Rlt