t (ifatumMnin jloomsburg, Friday, August 5, 1070. IWanted.-A Journeyman Tin-smith itnodlatclv. Smith iittrvrtrvmi. In30-tf. OrniiBovllIc. Work lins boon resumed by tlto miu- sni vumrniin mm uoiiyngnain. DtEWARD. John IV. Yobo offers a ro Itnl of S200 Tor tlio nnnrehcnslon oftlio irtiercrs 01 jus son. m . - " The deleirnto election wni held nt Jls placo on last Saturday without nny lluTuanco or 111 iccmig. h'lte census returns aio showlm? ihi, jjmlallon of nclRhboJliiK towns to bo r less uiuu iiiuiiiimuiiniHs jinu expect i run Now York Tribune ndmits thnt s Democrats in Uoiicrcs3"votcd stead- i for every lironosltlon to reiluen or liCJl taxes." FKMPEIlATtjllE. of .III V. 1R70. n fioni3burg,ob.sorved nt sunrise. Mnxl- htn 70" on tno mil., iuiuimum ou" on t 9th., nnd Ulst. Avcragu 033. On hwiNO to tlio space taken tip In this KK'sissuouy ilu report, of tno nro- IJiiiBS of tho Convention, several hiraunications iiavo been crowded Rio Wheat. Mr. Jos. T. Reedcr, of r .ll.. 1 I-.1! ..... . . ' nuKiin. una it'll wiin us two iicntis in fccat containing respectively 107 nnd i trams, um any 01 our larmer Itnus beat this? ILL of our ilcnubllcan exc haiieon Icpt that printed here have retracted Sir falso statement as to tho irauilti- It voting in New York, based upon e reran i census returns. . C. KESTER. John jreAVlllinnmnml ergoD. Dutlcr, havo withdrawn their ucs as canuiuaies lor tno L,e;;i3ialuro Km Montour countv. and Tlioinni lalfant has announced himself as a bdldatc. I'e aro informed that Mai. Isaac S. Inroeof Citawissa will run as a Indo- fadent Candluato for Associato Judtro Rho coming election. Mr Monroe is tircsent tno liicumuont oi tlio olllcct ting been appointed by Gov. Geary fill tho vacancy caused by tho death fudgo Ilcrboln. Base Ball. Tho second came, of eba . or tho scries, for tho eliam- nshln of tho County will tako nlaco this town to-morrow, (Saturday) frnoon, between tho Iiloom boys and Catawissa Club. Tho first gamo was l by tho Bloom Club. left thanks aro duo to Mr. Richard rntoii,of Centralia, forn copy of tho trame uiromcie, a newspaper pub led in tho north of Ireland, and filled ti interesting items. It is seldom fan Irish paper is seen in this com ity and is almost a curiosity. sake. A young man named Hcr- i lJieitcricii. lrom iiuel.-horn, was Mill jail on Sunday last, bv ids ly, for fear of his committing somo Ecrous net, as no is pcriectiy crazy. Ream that it is tlio intention to ro te bhn to the Lunatic Asylum nt xibuurg ai mo oaniesi opportunity. a:w Post Oitici:. A new Post fco lias been established nt I'inoSum- in tlio upper end of I'ino township, county, lllchnrd W. Lvons is imastor. This ollleo will provo a penienco to tho-.o of our subscribers bs in Pine, ns thov havo been oblhr- ieretoforo to travel somo distanco for Ir mails. lour. Thieveh. .Monday iilaht last jiremlses of Kvnn Joins in East fcmshurg woro entered and omo two peis ot piums taKen lrom his trees. wasnwa.v lrom homo at tho timn Ihlj daughter know nothing of the eery until tho lollowlnir inornlntr. Iluvo beforo alluded to tho heavv lty provided for this kind of oil'nnm Bhu Borough Ordinances and our s ii, mat somo oi tneso i lerors niav nuglit and made examples of. iCuuiosiTY. Mr. Solomon B am- It of Madison township has left an mums uiuce, lam uyn common lien In measured U3 inches ono wnv uml Iches the other. On lirnsikimr lids I for tlio purpose of cooking it, thero found inside of it nnother perfectly fat egg us incnes ono way nnd o Uliu other. Can any of our hen mg farmers show nny thing to sur- iiiiii. iPitovEMENT. Work is progress :iplilly on tho new brick addition ie Columbia Hotel. This Imildlmr compriso a largo kitchen nnd a flno DK room. Hchtcd bv n sit v Held In toof. The largo hal'l has been trans M Into bed-rooms, whlnh will Rio tho capacity of tho liouso for fi. Other changes will bo niado on IMUoor, nnd a gentlemen's reading if-' npio room Ac, will bo provi When finished tlin Ifnlnl u-lll lm pat comjiloto tlio town has had. Sate Faiii, Tho following names Hf j""onE tho Judges on tho promt- iur mo next meet inr or tno JlSJivauIa Slato Airrlcnltnrnl Knplii. o be held at Ser .'ml (in. nn Spntpm. P7, 28, 29. 30, 1870: Thorough bred V, JICV. 1). .1. Wn nr. nmiK inrio ions and horses for nil work, W. II. i uioomsburg; threshing machines t llOrSO-nnwnrH. Itnlmrt. V. CA irL- Jmsburg; elder mills, chums and UM Of Hlmllnr r-linniftnr Win r I 'din, Berwick; wagons, carts, drays carriages, F. P. Makers, Sereno: , cider, cordials Ac, Henry Zup fr, Bloomsburg. ft: people aro bcglning toseo tho ry oi sonuing sinuncii, honest as deleeratoj to a. nnvintlnn. tr Ito not, they nro as much to hlamo cueiegaies who uotray them. Wo bted weeks nso that nnv cnndl- pfferingor delegato receiving nny ry ior nis voiosnouui uo ruled out st'onvcntlon. As no such motion Made It Is presumahlo thnt nothing c sort was dono. or elsn thn nnrtv ling it was recreant In dutv in not PllL' fillPll llinllnii Tf tlin i.inlnrll.t jlionest they can excludo corrupt .iiiu agnation oi tins subject will MllOeood effect nf reforming nur lite Rvstein kn lint, thn will nf II. n o and not tho cnprlco of delegates I'uiy. vniioinis matter is iresh S minds of tho peoplo wo would iu shkkcsi tno pro nrictv or noid- 1 Convention this winter for thn N of inaugurating such lcform as ke irauu uuucuit if not lmpossl- OMsnuilO. I'A.. Stati: KnnM.ii, POL, IjITEIiAitv A PjiMMi'Tir'tii. I''TE.-l'rof. Silas AVrlght, Prin- 1 iiiu juuiaiii vanoy ioniini ;Und former Sunt, of Schools of v wiuHiy, has been elected to fill ISCancv l-niieii1 I... l...,ii,.,. ,t ti.fi.T ' l,u aiKiiiiuii . Will IIIIIS lrnf W. ll,r Ij n Pill Of tho Ktato Noriiml Ppl.nnl i'tbt)HtntnKiiiini-tt.(n...in. urt..i 'lUiu nils nlriinlv n.i.i.,..i ,..,..i. I'l'ttacher' "9 " 1 loroUBh nutl suc" hav V10 ,,rS0rS. llltllIa I"StI "Ve been l'rlne nn s nml "vr,.,... LZm c1Sm Bell?oIs. nml uniting ItW1'!"1 CJfIrienco nndbtrcngth luiormlnn.it nl. Ml... " 1110 Princlnal. till) rnmninnllv fiuara,,ty of tn() continlu,u prosper ol 1 11 "O'nsburg Stnto Normal U1 "nil Literary Institute. .rpT-tir : tul'ET, President. , , THE DrtoWNr.n.-Oti Sunday last a child ui jiuury voavcr, ot I'omt townsntp, Was accidentally drowned In a sprlntr nenrthnhouso. Wo did not learn tho ngo oi tno clilld. Northumberland Don ocrat. Cim.n Dhow.ved. A llttlo llvoyear old boy named John Colo, sonofUunlol Cole, of Mount Carbon, strayed from homo on Tuesday afternoon Inst, In twin I'.u i wiin uvo oiuer iiiiioiioysjnnu ina iiuuj wui luunu on wounosiiay In tllO llnnlr nt. lMiInrntvmtla T.nn. ding. His companions 'do not know nujui miu uio wnicr. isianaaru, liinl-ini;. Wo nio sorry to record another loss by lire, sustained by tho enterprising firm of Messrs. Jnelcon & oomn mat occurred last Thursday nigin, institist. Tlio llro btoUooutnt tho plnco of seasoning their lumber, which was to bo used for car making. A largo pile of lumber was consumed, together with tho hulldimr. nmnnmlnn "to nhout $L000. Tho pllo was rpiito eon- "B""i ' mi' iiuiuiings oi tno loumlry nnd innchlno Alton, and had theio been it strong wind blowing toward thco uimiiiiips mo wnoio wouiil liavo been eon-umeu. fortunately tho lumber was green nnd burned slowly while iiiuju was a cum, and ourcltlzens acted with energy in'keeplng tho ilames cir cumscribed. This Is another Instance that points strongly to tho necessity of ...jviuH mi i-iiii'tuui uru company in lser Wick. Whllo WO nro fmnrnvl II rf Id hi, gard to tho extension and beauty of our lil.lnn li'MI,. nm ,.11...... , ....... ..... " "ill llll'.t;il-) IUU 111111111? up lino dwellings and buildings that would bo creditable to Ini-irnr iilnpnu.mil of sircatcr pretensions vnt. u-n hif-lr 1 In. essentials to preserve our town from the ravages oi tiro, lid us have a tiro or gan zauon without delay, that wo may i iin-j ius.-ui,nci in nccoiuancu witn tho dictates of srir.ro.orvuthm mill comniensuralely with our sister towns. Jla wie: Gazette. TOWN" C'oUXCiri. ThoCounpil mrl (iii Saturday, July Sloth, all tho members present except Mr. Knorr. Tho roiinrt. in cjiruui ioiiiuiissioner was accepted nnd, together with eoveral other bills, ordered paid. A resolution was adopt ed authorlzinc tho School Directors lo make nn excivation in tho alley b ick of moiscw bcliool House, on condition inai l ie same no waned nn nm wv. ercd. A motion lo reconsider tho re classification of Irondalo pronertv w.is lost by a tio vote. Tho Council then ad- ourned tomeeton Mondnv. Amnist. nt On Monday, tho members of the Coun cil were all present. Tho Committee to comer with butchers reported, through thcirChalritian that tlio slaughterhouses in town weiein very good condition and that tho proprietors were doing their best to keen tlicm so. v.. It. Hi. dlomau was appointed a member of tho 1'olieo lorce. A committee was appoint ed to act with reTorenco to tlio procu ring of n sultabio Engine liouso for the Friendship Fire Co. at a reasonable rent. A petition of .somo fortv piliznns of Scott-town, was received, praying that their properties might bo classified as ".suburban'' they being west of the lino oi tno uioonisburg Iron Co's., rail road which is classed as "suburban." iaid on tho table. A motion looking to tho reconsideration of tho resolution to reconsider tlio ro-classification of the Irondalo property was lost by a vote of t lo si. Adjourned to meet Saturday, August Glh, at 0 o'clock. The National Game. As usual, when tho Athletics and Itcd Htoeking3 meet each other In tho base ball Hold, aoiisiderabio excitement prevailed in this city yesterday whilotheso celebra ted clubs were playing a mntehgamo nt Cincinnati. Tho Western Union Tele graph npreciallng tho interest of tho public, had tho result of of each inning placed on the bulletin board shortly af ter it was played. A closo gimo was predicted on all sides, from tho well known ability of each club. Tho form er defeats of tho Athletics, however, by tho Itcd Stocking?, put tho Pennsyl vanians at a slight discount. Tho first inning was announced as a blank for tho Beds, which was followed bv a niinilar scoro for tho Athletics. Tho next two innings plac.-d nothing to tho scoro of cither s!d. In tho fourth in ning the Cincinnatls woro again put oil' witha"whilevashl" wlillo tlio I'onn sylvaaiaus wont to tho field witli ono run to their credit. When this re-ult was mado public considerable enthusi asm manifested itself in the parties con gregated about tho bulletin board. Tho fifth inning was a repetition of all pro ceeding ones to tho Bod Stockings, while tho Athletics ndded four to their ssore, tho game now standing ilvo to nothing. At tills stago of the contest a general feeling of confidence prevailed that Pennsylvania's favorites would carry oil' tho honors, and tho end of tho game showed thnt it was not misplaced tho Athletics having niado eleven runs and tho Bed Stockings seven. Thcso clubs will jilay each other in Philadel phia the next time, ono moro gamo be ing necessary to completo a series of three games, tho Athletics and Bed Stockings having won ono each. Pa triot. Oraxoeville Academy. Orange vittc, Lhlumliia County, . Professor I. K. Bchoonover, Principal, Miv. I. 12. Schoonovcr, Preceptress. This iiuti htitution, for tlio education of young ladles and gentlemen, will re-open un der charge of Prof. Schoonovcr, on Mon day, Aug. 1.1th, 1870. Teachers, or ac knowledged ability and high order of talent, will bo employed in each denm t- Ijncnt, and no eilbrt spared to secure to pupiis iiiorougii miu judicious culture. Tho course of instruction will includo all tho branches usually taught In High Schools and Seminaries of tho first rank. Special attention given to Normal School tralningond Commercial instruc tion. Terms Primary Department, $:1 to $.1 per quarter. 1 Uglier branches, JO to S3 per quarter. This excellent institution Is located in a pleasant village of about six hundred inhabitants free from tho temptations of a largo city about six miles from tho railroad Willi dally communication to tho different roads. Tho buildings nro situated upon an elevation.surround ed by a beautiful grove, and perfectly healthy. Calendar for lS70.-Fa!l term com mences August 15, 1870 continuing 11 weeks. Winter term opens November 7, 1 70 continuing 11 weeks. Board cm bo obtained In prlvato families at from ifi.00 to $1 per wcok, or dcslrabio rooms will bo lurnlslicd to students wishing to provide for them selvcj. Scholars will bo admitted at any tlmo during tho session although It is prof er.iblo to commeuco with tlio term. For further particulars, nddress tho Principal, at Or.ingovlllo, Pa. uOl Iw. LOCAL NOTICES. Musical Instruments, Canes, Fish Ing Bods, Music, Ac. Altstatt, Court liouso Alley. Musical. Ii. it. Powell, no Penn nvcnuo, Kcrnnton, Pa,, has tho Ocucral Agency for tho Clilckei log Pianos and Mason & 1 1 ii i it! I it Organs in Northern Pennsylvania and Southern New York. Thcso celebrated Instruments aro tho only Pianos and Organs manufactured that aro selling at low rates strictly on tho "One I'rho (System." Send to Mr. Powell for tlio now circulars and prlco lists. nat-iit. Tmiti) Ktueet Graded Bchool will open August tho first, by 12. W. Wyn koop ,t Co. -Jt Henry Zupi'inoeu watchmaker and Jeweller deserves notice as a superior workman In his line. Ilo keeps tho most Judicious selection of spictticles that can bo found, nnd ho Is uncommon, ly successful iti fitting them. COLTOIBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA SciiuYLEit & hov ot Orattgovlllo, Pa.. Illnlllirnplllrn (l. t., mi"".,." w l!.rl,cn!'erA'tl10 best Wheeler's Ball- ....j jyisu owcrnnu rnrcs her. from ninnrlirln.il , ---- i'.ivluiiis unit iuu oesi VK"WuC.r3,,nn,i"In.. 11,13 county. If ni. . . i T'"v in" to oxnmlno ,,ii .u,mmI,I,1cs boforo l'tirchaslng any J.nrr bci' Klmr''lco them to givo O....O.UV.UIJIUU uvcry respect. Tiicy at bo mnnufacttiro Plows nmi nttm Xrt cultural iinplements. Seo their ndver- useiiiuiii in another column. tf, l)n. RAfiit'a r.ni..i, ,.....,.. i . m,t ." fl,n """"" KUllUll U) 10 (It pO tho Ignorant nnd credulous, nor la it represented ns being "composed ofraro ii.A r.i suusiiiuces, urougut from tllO tOUr pornnra rtf (l.r. . .. ..v.. .j w. iuu 1..111H. carripii Tia . 1 V" "'""iwiKsoi iourtccn cam els. Hill lirntlffllf nrja 41. 111...,, ocean on two ships." It is a mild. , . w , M . i u iiiu rt'iriiin suou ing, picawnt remedy, n perfect Slice fin fin- r!.r,..,t v.i. ' SLU ' hT i i., ,i. ,r ",",. iV'f ' rrii, " """,'," '"""Liiu, - aim Hituircd dlsoa. d.. of B ih ,t Gover.i,r,v, rj.n,;,,. ,",'".'".,Y',.'U ngo of tlio genuine,) olfers a reward of I... - - I I . nut.uiIlulflUO. I'or salo by druggists. Sent by mall. i..i.....i, mi si.iy cuius. Address tho luupneior ns above. Communication. To hc Volrrn of Colnnililn Count)-, Without entering into any controversy .q m tho tipppjlti. m -..r.,it r 111!..,. I i . . 1' . ' .'. ....v. i. ....ii v i'n i tun-,, ii ii my Lu saieivsaid tlia at such conventions do not always In uiK iiuuui iuu inosi uesirauio results. I ritllPt- tl'Mr.lu tl.run ,ll. .... In i . ..u.v,,, ...v;: UUlllUS, IIKO 1111 her litinino Inulttnitnnu ...... r..,,ii.in IMI I ILLl I'll 1 1 1 I V . !M 1 1 1 1 1 ' I I 111 IW mnl.'rt IlliJ. .....v... ....win. muni ir :u v : r. iv i lie action of tho Democratic Conven- Ion lvpoiitlv lintit I.. lllr..... i... i V.i . , J""""isuiiij, mill :vl! intlt mtttnlt.i-ift... ...I.n ... i '; - "..--.'"...ik iHi.u any uuier l.irty or fnetlon mny do between tho iresenl and tho timo of tho coming iiiuiiii, n may not uo considered out f place to remind the voters ofColuni iln County, of the old ndago which runs n (hit wlso: "Let well enough alone." Thero aro many who think that this irineipio might well bo applied in tho 'lot (if 1 Tnti fa.nn M Mn.n.r.n nt. ns all know, ono of onr Associate iuiiv-3. mi. itiuiimu in ins snort career VVllii'll nppi.nrlU, nmla .i-t,1. ,l.n rinber Court,) has certainly shown not i-ily tho Integrity but tho ability which h juld enllllo him to tho confidence of no peopie. jSO Associate Justice, lion iralilo and competent as most wo may .IV nf tlinm Tut- innt... Inn i.ivo been, has mot tho expectations of ii. niini; iiiuiu ciiinjiiL'iciy man jihs udgo .Monroe. And many linpo for its ic-olcction. Thn-o who know him, i-itliout any urgoney on his part, pro- tlliltl 111 111 It P:llllll(l.fn mi.lllitM .l....n entlrelv outside nf nnrtv Inlni-nat nml simply with a view to tlio crood of tlio public; Many Citizens. Wo havo always recognized tho right of our subscribers to express their views, If properly written, in the columns of tho Columbian, even when differing front onr own. For tliat reason wo givo room for tlio preceding communication, written by a prominent gentleman of the County. We desire, however, to stato that John U. Yoho bavins been placed on tho ticket for Associate Judge by tho lalo Convention, wo shall sup port him, and resist any attempt to disorganize tho party by running inde pendent candidates. Mainville, Pa., Aug. 2, 1S70. Ciias. B. BtlOftiwAY. J2s(i., fir: It seems that It is tho wish of a gi cat many Democrats in this section, and I pro sumo throughout the countv. that von should publish the whole proceedings oi tno j-iemoer.iue ucicgaie convention held nt lJloomsburir. Ausrust 1st. The people seem to demand that you pub lish the whole proceedings, us to how each delegato and for whom they sepa rately voted on inch and every ballot. Thev cannot all attend the Convention and stem as anxious to know the whoio proceedings as tho-,o who attend. They wish to know whether tho delegates they sent represented tlto wishes of (ho majority of tlio peoplo or acted to suit themselves. Hoping that you will pub lish In this week's Coi.u.miiian tho full proceedings, is tlio wish ot many. ours truly, C. J. Oa.mpiiei.l. It is impossible to comply with the wish of our correspondent, because the Secretaries did not put down tho names f delegates as they voted, and tiio bal lots were taken so rapidly that we woro unable to do so, though such was our wish. We ngreo that tho vote of each dele gato on all questions should bo recorded, so that his constituents may co if ho has faithfully represented them. Such n practice would be a check upon men who aro disposed lo trade or sell their votes, and wo trust will bo adopted In tho future. UlnoiublilirK Mnrliet Urinr(. Wlioat l-i'i lir.shel.... Ilvo H..-) 1 I'll 1 III 60 . i-o . S H) 2 in Cum " 0..1S. " Hour per liarvcl IUVClM'f u 'luxietd nmur Kan 'JltllilW , 10 75 2 M 111 , 17 01 . 10 UO 'ntaturjS lllfil Al'liles HlllllH HUles alitl KlioultllTS aril ner round Hay pel' Inn .'p. 1 Kcolch nkr ....s.'Kia'a . S'-'Jat'io j) No.'J " " Hlm.in LUMBEU. tomlocls llu.iids nei ttioiisniid feet .. til 110 ... lrtiilV ... la 01 .... I0 ... 7 0.1 ...b 1 10 I'luo " " " (mm lucti) .. Jnlfcl. Krnnllltu?. T'l.nik-. (irf-mlnck-l Hlilngkti, No, 1 j'f t tliii'jsiind KWIjIS It. IMillniteliJiln .ilarkelk. i. . .-...I. NurltiwiRteru aurortmo at . SV0iS.-i.7i $4UI4i.V1 ...0.7j4 7,;u . !7.2')f 17.(0 fO.83 8I.IJ) 1.1.7 fl ') J1.1-' .fl.lS.JSl.oJ 5l.Olul11.UI ,. lUj.a.l'lf M.'II.Ml $-.1.1 0 M .'C U; ,. 1 ('.' If J 5 (jvlfi'iii I di'tt I (r), 1I.'J (nil. n ;,5)us.io 5.'l.oo 0 (10o f IV 7.i twxoali.oo ui-iawt-Hivi-ll i'Kllli , Norlliwc'Ktcru l.iiully WcaltTii, Uo. do. l. 11.1.1 H W 1IUAT l''i.'iViisyi'v'a'uU niitiiiii'iu " " , t..ui... . .i it itvi: I'oimsyHimln l i e. luin....'.'.'.'.'.'. i.'UUN Vl'llnw, Ml..,! I. DATS J.1. 118 ."!.'.'""' I'i;wvlblUKI,--.iuh I'IHK,I bbl .sett, neui, lirc-i.M'il llos, a l -iniiiliud limn, " . ' bhuuldoih ' lo tr.t 11.1 C'loveiMi-it liu !.'"!." 1 lluolll)'ui:id V bui hl.lVw.i.il I. CATii.i.-P(i'f I'aitio v it..!!!!!.'.'.'.'."'!!.'.'. huki.1 v .'.'.'."".'.'.'..'..'.'"!.'!;;;' Ilmib-V IUU Its MARRIAGES. ht'IU'LTZ-MAl'riEll-Oii tho 3Ut nil., by I'ev. ii mi ti , , i, .in, j-uui r-i'iiuiiZ 111 .ill, 1.11711- btlli .Miiuter, buili oi Cuoiicr tun uotilti, Mua tour 1'uuuiy, ,ritiyr.LI,lECE-rttIIONE-At Itoliraliiiiftoa tlio r-lll lltl., 11 l.tlll'l- J, d. IIHIVl'y, .111. Will. J, '1 rlvi'lleru lo Hint huo Hliuuc, bolli of Uuliim ul.i I'ounly, Til. llAlttUNqEU-Oii tho Oilli nil., In ri'.mUllii nvji., i.n,11 uuui'iTii inriiUKcr, iiiiuiiitr ol in, liuiilusor, lu IhoSllijHirof licriigo. I'AUVEIt-Iti Jadison l-p on tho Olli of July, (luorno l-nrvir, iim-d TU.j (.am, II months nnd 3 du i, ItOIUUNS-Iii 1'lno iwp., on tho aw nit., Eliza liiSli, iliiuulili-r of Is iuu uml .Mary ltubblus, ugod 1 ivir, S inuiHIn nud ii dnj s. KULT-In llorwli lt, on Ilia IH Inst., Hoggin J youiii'tt clilld ol Alouzo J.uud Nancy Hull, ugul 1 yul', 11 inonlht mid '.'1 duv . KIKENDAI.L.-II1 Mllllln twp.,on tlinSM nit.. Manturiit. widow of tho Into Jonenii Klkeuilall, lu lur Willi year. DEATHS. Domocratic Ticket. Eon coNoitEsa, CIIA11LES 1J. imOOKWAY, OF TOMTMIllA I'ntlVTV. (Huljcct to tho (Icolnloit ol tho Congrcdilonal IU1I11TI'I.'3.J FOIl ASSOCIATE JU1JUE. JOHN It. YOI112, JltU'LIN TOWKSIIII'. EOIt MIlEIttKl", ni2i:s j. milijAud, HC01T lOWHSIlli'. FOIl COMMlHSlONEIt. HIRAM J. RI2I2DEII, CATAM'ItSA TOM'NSIIII'. fOIl .IUHY COMMtSHIONElt, ISAAC MoIlllIDE, MAIllsOX TOWNSlllr. roil COItONEIt, JOHN D. HOUCK, no A n i nci cms uc towns it i r. roil AUDITOIi, DANIEL liEE, JIAIIHON TOW.S-SllIl-. Receipts of "THE OOLTTIWCDIAN' tor JUiy iuo. t'ntiir Itnrru 4 Rift .t'(.i,.f t ti'-..ii. 15 W ;)00 T Altn-il Juylor COio 'lNt of Jolm Dyer Illnirll 3 00 200 J.nwUTIttln .tiihn Vna Llow 2 00 iW lonni Itnntz 1 1 1.1. inni. It.ii-...,.. :i 70 a to letter, Could: Co, IllnuUs (!W. Miller J .M Owens An l Evclvl t E.I .Mcllcury II E Cono Anion Johnson Hi' 1 In ill U! l-imlU'.il 4 llreliinlir.illclrrichlj.m (100 lohuHHIenier i 00 II (10 .1 W Albert son a 10 l!OU W It llhodes 200 M t-iimilelriUIVO 500 2 00 OC.Mnrr 100 m'.deo 1" Itim ell A Co 10 7 (lot Hiram Thomni O W Hinder 2 00 2 00 ooii 'loim Koons 1 41 John Collins 7 2 I'Mwiird Henry Ellhu Taylor 2 00 sniuupl ltoat 3(0 IVIerHelinbach 2 00 I". II lllKgs a 10 William llenver -I 11 .J W. McClenry II 00 tlco llellord 200 DrJnaJ. Thayer III wi .Ueorso llreUch oil lolio Kinllh Clo Kilns Mills 0 00;lt or snmutl koo .Mather SM E UI.el.ly :ioo 'E.y us 11 M'D.iM.l Ilrobst 1 oo Is H hitler 7 fill 'Henry Zurplnger 2oo lolmKoons nn J.ibtiHcolt II 7i llllanks looo'lolin Kinllh 7 20 Solomon I Iusk Itlehurd I'rult SOU .lolmEssIck 2to Judiun t ill. 2 00 C.lthaillio ltoat 200 MM Iltobst 2 0) Oliver Cle ell 60 .Inieph E Hicks .lobn Hcnglo 7 2"i ,1 S Uuhli 11 2i 'V Wlnlerstcen 0(0 w IV Wilbur 2 00 i; J Mclleury .'loo Illank3 1(0. ,.I E.McIlrldo 11 o'l'hoinas Olobous 'J 10, Prof 1' EFIiintlers .ti'1 r.nocliCadinau 1 00 H'own of lllooiua 1 7e I luirit 10' L 11 l'owell i. .Mi'imcnliiill Olilrol.. 200 2 00 4 00 2 00 IXnto of Jacob joiniHon .1 U .lnliw..nii (IcoruoTiivcy Inulnli lClliiu Est of tlco Vlngcr I'hiis Eyi rly Thoiuns Euwler HIl Miller .1 Hun 2 00 3 00 2 01 .101) 2110 15 00 I 00 'J IHI HlHIlltR riml wldmeyer Hmltli Dun Lnz.irusiC .Mortis Mr M IIiii-..iiIiiii.1i 21,0 2 SO .V Iv Hinlth .101 .1 A Durnn 5 00 10W 20 2 00 1 to 2 00 21 200 "lo i;.M Aldcn IMVld Httoutl Ir W M Iteber E yi Wynlcoon It V l'li.li'n (IN Col Hon U E Kavno i.niiu, in it n Mill-dersllci- Wnl ll.irr.ill 4 00 2 0J 200 :100 2 00 H H Hhueiii.'ikei' Ainos liursou ineob Keller lll.mhH Est or .Mm tin lllll- liicl fr 2 00 2M 2 00 500 200 4 00 1V11T lllllmnvrr ClltilWlhiL lliilltc Ccntro linvinhlp 012 i si oi .nio CJioir EtJCoso Clmi Ic foster .1 W McClenry ltev L UMleln 30 200 2 00 5 CO .Inlin llli'lc-i 2 00 SI .n Henry .tippliiKer E W Wyuliooii 300 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TN THE ORPHANS COURT IN X nml for tlio County of Columbia. In tho mat ter ol tho jcllllmioi W. II. Eut, administrator ... ......ii...! iviiin, .iiu ui .juciisuii lor.usnip, deceased, lor speculo performance of contract, Mflvltl.l. IS7II IV W Mill... I'... ... I , ......... v., u LUUliUUU I.U111- luhbloner to tnko proof or cnuiract. lly Uio Court. CertllleJ from tho ItecorJ. ,viii.i.iM.i'ON ii. i:.r, citn;, V. i . in.vi. oivu .u iuu..u'ju cute, laiio uollce, lint I Mull ntlend for tho purpose, of my ut'j.m.iiin.ui lib li.J Vllll.t-, U iJIU'J 1I1S IJU TJI , Oil h.iuirilny, tho 27lh itny ol August, a. p., 1s;o. nt ten oVloclc, 11. 111. C. W. MILLEIt, IXiCCUTORS' NOTICE. Jl i.STAri:ot' i.kwis incniiBicii.nw'n. Lcller.s tehtaineiiliirv on Mm i.tnin i i n,..i. Dlitlcildi, lalo of llrlnrercok tup,. Col. Co, dee'd. I i:i o been Limited lv Die KeifUtor ..f ..ii.i county lo Emmor Dietterlcli nod btciihen Dlet terlcli of llriarcreek lownbliln,, Columbia county, l'.i. All persona having claims ngntust Uieeslnto ore leoue.ted 10 ni-esenL llicm mti... Execuiois In Columbln county. Thoso Indebted to the estate cllher on nolo, judsment, inortiuen or hool. niioiint Mill iiinke payment to ihol-:-ccutory without ilelny. i-.ii.Muu ini.n i:i:icii, Hl'El'HEN lmITEltlCII, irf , 70-Ow. Executors. IDOW'S APPRAISEMENTS. Tho following appraisements of ical nml nm. sonal property fcel nnnrt li widows oi ilecedt iim. llllVO been illed 111 till, olllcn nf thn l(i.i'tslm.n. Columbia county, under tho Hules of Court, nud will ho presented lornbsolulo conilrmatlon, to the orphans' Court to bo held lu Uioonisburg, In nnd lor wild counly,on We'JuCoday.theStliday of Sept. 1S70 lit two o'clock l M of tnid day, unless eiceptlous to such eonilimatlons nro piuvlously llloil.oi which nil pcitous luteiested lu said cttntcs will tulco notleo : WldoW Of JaCOb ArllPV. Inl nf T-'i-nnl.-ll.. town-blp, dcceaseil. i mow oi iianzer ussick, Into of JIadlson toivnshlp, deceased. II. Widow of .tnlin ll.illninti bit,, or rli...ni..n...i toMushlp, deceased, 4. Widow of Michael Lpmnii. lnln nr l.'lfci,. lngcreek township, deeeaseil. 0. Widow ol Jacob Ulilon, lalo of IJrlarcieek township, deceased. is oiuowoiueoigo Keller, Inloorciiecnwood owuship, deceased. 7. Willow of .Indies llllllillt l.tnnf llai.il..nl. Imvlislilp, deceased. n. Wldoiv ol D.mlelH. Vunduislke, latoorMI. rieas.iut township, dmnsed. ... , iv. Ii. JA'-ouv, niig,.o-lm. Itegisur. O EOISTER'S NOTICE.-Notice is JLV hereby given to nil Iesnlers. rre.llinr- on.i olllsr l ersons Iniereslpil In thn rstntno ..r ,i, . peellvo ilicntenls niul minors, that tlio follow .mi uui n i nii.uioii hum gu.iruian nccounts hao I ecu Illed 111 tho ofllcu ot tho Uegltter ot Colum bia county, uud will bo presente l lor contlrmn t on and nllou-niicn lit tlm ciiiiimiiwi.n.... ... i... held In Uioonisburg, on Wednesday, ihoSl'h day or Sept. Is7(i, nl two o'clock lu Iho allernoon of 1. I Irtt nml partial account of Lewis Yetter. ..ncutor of lliu csinlo of Cieo. Iluu-cr. Into of toailngcrcelv townshlp.dectased. 2. '1 bird and tlnnl in i.nmii ,.r luin, .ii...iAn.n iiilinlnMralorof llaltls Applemnn, Into if llem lock lownhhlp, deceased. il. I'll'st mid limit in.rmiiit nf T-tnrm..1 ir.ii.l. gunrdl.iuol Hut persuiiaud estate of Jacob W. Hill, minor child of Jacob Hill, lute of Ciulro Imwishlp, deceased. i. i um ami uuni account ot i:iwoo4 Hughes, I-'"'.1!''"'1," f Um person uud estntu of Thomas J. iuu, iinor ciniii oi jacou lllll, lalo of Centre toiuisliip, ikieand. 0. '1 he i account rif Ei.iauucl Lazarus, adminis trator (if cieinuil u. llltl.etls, Jnlo ot Oraugo township, deceased, 0. Tho lllst and llnnl nminul nf fl 11 u....l.,. luliiilnutrntor or Iho estate ol Catharine Heybert latoof llrlaicieek township, deceased, 7. I'lrst ncrount of Hjlvistcr Kllchen nnd Joseph II. Ivllcbcn, ndnilnlstrnlors of Wlllluiu .inn. ii, miu in .ui. i-ii;iit:iui ot),, ueeensen, S. I'll'st and 11 nil 1 nrnniint nt tnil.lnu tr Wlllteniebl. euai'di.iii nr tin. i.rsm. nn. I .i.,t of Jlnry A. M'liltenlght.ninliior i hlld of .Michael ii iiiii-inni, iioe in iiemiocic lowusuip dec d, 0. The necoutitnf Pete llfliiilii.li nn, i n.mf..i Iluylor, trustees to sell mil ettnto ol John Hay. lor, lalo of Montour township, deceased. 10. TllO llrst llCCOIlllt (if DllllU IH-rl.ii n.tmlii. Isll'.ltor of thn I'slllln l.f Prttrl,.! Ill 1..I.. C iiiyiigh.ini lowushlp, decease 1. ' . . "iiiieeouiu oi is.immi cieasy, niltnln Istialor ol the estito ol H. W. Creasy, late ot beoti lownsblp, deceased. 12. Aeiouiit of tuimtel Criusy, gunidlnn of tho Person mill estnlo of Mlimln A l'i..iun .,.1 cldld ot Maltlicw llioim, lalo of MiUlli'i towii siilp. deceased. u. ino iiceoiint of Isaac Krii'Ubaum, nittnlnls trator of I redeihk llnrtnuiii, lalo of l'lsliing. ereek townsli hi ili.m.ns...i a 11. 1'lrst account or lllneliard Berger, executor or Atiilrew Oblnsser, late of Jilonm twp., dee'd. infii ii , v"'1 .' "lra"' J- liceuer, ailm'ror I'-Jllilltoliiliacli, latoor Locum twp.,dec'd. 10. I list llllil tllinl fil-nnim, nl II !.' 11 ndmlnlstrntor of Jnmoa Dugan, hub of Monto ur township, decoased. i'iV1 V '"'"ounior n, i'. linrlmau, guardian or I'.liznbelh A. ltalslon, minor child ot James r,.'tlstou. Jr.. lalenf Itliintn t u-n .l...rn..i Is, The ui count oi Levi L.Tnte, guaniiau or V."'!?1 . - ,""llt''M1. minor child ol Hlinon 1'. ",M ul illu ,u'i. i iierwicir, ueceaseil. 111. I hn in.i.nmil hi ll.n.t 1.- ii..i. executor ol Willlaiii Blean, li'lo ot llloom twp."! deeiioid. o. I inal account of John K. ltobblns, admin, ir.itor nr lleiij.iinla l'oe, l.Uu ol Jloutour livp. t'ce.ised. ,1' !!"". account of H. 1'. F01 titer, exeeulor of iiali Iloilmau, lalo uf Caliiwltsn township, de- 22. 1 lm account of Martin A. Aninicrmaii nud Cyius II. While, executors of William llobblus, lale of l ishlugeieelc townshln, decenscd. W. II. JACOBY. nus5 7'-!m. Itegtsler. li Ij E N & N12I2DL.ES, USovrn IicbwrAin: Avknuk, rjuuur.i.i-iii.v EMTAIILIMIEU l.V ISIS Cont inue Uio inanufaeturo of their old standard qua Illy SUPER PIIOdPIIATE OP IilJIE, AND AM.MONIATEI) EEUTILIZEIl. Hilt 1, nril.lll,ll nmunl.l n I.a.i. lln.n.a I. I, .1.1.. teiuuuer.itlvo to tho Eaumek oii Iikai.i:ii. SEND 1-QU ClItCULAll. NO. I PERUVIAN C1UANO, (tlennluo Uovo-nment from rhlnehn and (Junn. a po Islaudi.) Pure Cntclnod, nud Lnnd IMnsler. llydraullo Co iiieut, Ckudles, uud u lull towoiluicut ot lll ilN. I.NU ANU UllKASlMIOItllllt lowisl iniitki t rati. A DISCOUNT TO DEALEItS. Hliould tlio denier lienryou, not kcepoururtl cles.send yourordoialousnud they 111 receive prompt ntieuilou, l'or Halo by the Uloomsburg Irou Co. ntiBV70-13l NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AU O U H T . I'ltEPAIlE l'OIl THE tllOLEUA. .. i'. I"" .iiciiien ieriu"comos luonntiger of t lint lrlglitful . pcslllenco-Cholera nnd kfiidred dlsentcs. Wlmt untold nnd Indcserlbablo mis. cry has been vlsllcd upon thousands nnnunlly by HlCKf! IllVrill eilllltllflllll- 11.11 n.,.... 1:. ... hp mndoHwnro thalnsprclllo for this class of dlscnsos, as well nsiiceitnln provcntlve, Is tho relebrnlei MliSUl.KU'S HElll nirrblM. It will positively ioiMlv tho sysicm ncalnst tho at tacks of Aslnllo Cholern, (.holern Moilins, Chol- r.rn lnr.inl 111.1 1 11 .i.l.rr.n i.i... i;m- 1 -i.il 1 n 11 niiiuiiii;. uoiii.iiiiin. VBculery, t'liollp, I'nlulers' Chollc, Ac. r. H , , , j 1 , , ,i, , 1 iiyticmii.in.cmcr 01 1110 u. h. Hospital Hhlp, "ralcon," highly leconunonds It lor Cholern, nnd has used it Willi marvellous sue- ..... v.... -i. ..inn line 1111 miuui ui iiiurey In every nstniico. Hsld by nil druggists nutl ilenlrrs. lfl, n mm .tnllni. i.- I BQin....n-.i wui.u. ,-v. IUtlli:. ,1111 iv SI 000 NEW A 111), tlii' m lor nnv case of Illlnd llleedlng Ilclilng.or JJIcerntod Piles tint n lii.sm's Pii.r ltKMi:i,v rails to cure. It Is prepared expressly to cine JI10 riles nnd ltollilng else, nud has cured iiriilri.iiitB ' "io uy an via iniriA CONSUMPTION. . 1 ii. 11 1 I. lttv iiiuiKs; nil i.iver, iwuney, WJii .1" I,oav,"!-OPel',1a Weakness, romnlo VV. .1 1 ' "s-iiiiui .'euiiiiViiinn nil COIltpilllUlS or Iho Urlnnry Organs In Mnlennd rctiiale, pro ducing Dyspipsln, Costlvencs4, Oravel, Dropsy Iho illooil, tho Illlllniy, (Handular nnd Kccietlvo Hystem; Conects nnd Mliengtliens tho Nervous and Muscular forces; It acts like a cliaim on weak nervous, nnd debllllnted leinales, botli young u.. ..u,,u niiiiiin, uu .iiinuutii. rstmi every, where. Lauohatuhy llj l'ranklln Ht., Haiti, more, JId. aug5 70-Iy. lTVKTTniQ adduixs ed.son imos., f-l ,1, I'll J J MKKI 1 IllU'Ill .kC!!lS,!J'JSIUlU St Washington, 1). u, lor advice, terms nud refer dices. gAXON GREEN. in 1 gniei , ..iii not l ane, (,'osls Less than nny other hecausolt will l'alnt twice as much surface. SOLI) IIY ALL DEALEItS IN PAIN T S . .1. 11. WEEKS & CO., Manuraclnrcrs, 122 NOllTII Irit STIIEhT, I'llItiAIIKI.lMIIA. IlttHT.STOWN CLAHSICAL INHTITltTIJ fir I iiun,iMiit twUlo!, Send for circulars lo lev. J. L. Ai.iiXANin.ii, l'rln., HUlHstown.N. J jEWSPAl'ER ADVERTISING:' A I look of 121 closely ptinlcd pases, lnlely Is suid.eontnlnsnllst or tho best American Ad. ertlS HIT Mediums, i.lvlmr llin iimnii li-nntn. lions, nnd lull pattleulirs eoncerull.g tho lend ing D.illy nnd Weekly l'olilleal nnd Enmlly Nowsiiapei s.iogelher with nil thoso liming largo eiieuiiuioiis, puuiisueil in the interest of Ilelig lon, Agriculture, Lllernture.itc, Ac. Every Ad yeitlser, and every person who contemplates becoming such, will Hud this book of gient vnlue, linlled ireo to nny nddrcss on receipt ot iill-l-li ITUI-. VIIA7. I", lllll, 1,1,1. iv i.u mo. I kl.n.s S.V. in 1..,.,. ii,.,,, ' ...HIS ,.OII,..UIV I 111 11. Ill" l'lttsburg (I'a.) .cmtn; In itsissuoor Mny S. ISiO, sajs: - Iho llrm or O. 1". ltowell ,t Co., which Issues this Interesting and valuable book s tho ingest and best Advertising Agency in tlio United Hlntes, nnd wo can clieei lully tecom iiiend It to tho intention oi thoso who desire to ndvcrllsu their buslt. 'ss sclcntitlcnlly nud systo inallcally in sneli i wny; that is.so to secure .uu uisi-Bi iiiiioiiui m puouciiy lor ino least ex. peudltuteot money." pATENTS. Iuvenlors who wisli to lake out Letters r.tt- eiiL nie ini ispn id ('nt msm u-n ii .ill s. A- ill ml. ltors Of tho iS'cien(e Amrrlcmi. win. l.nvn i.rnsn. culed claims heroin tho Patent olllee for over 1 wenl y Years. '1 htlr Anicricau nnd Euiopeau l'.iteni Agency Is tho most cxteuslvo In tho nunu. tiiurges ies, man nny other reliable ngeiicy. A pamphlet containing lull Inslruc- Hons lo iuveutois Is sent gratis. .MUNN i CO., 37 Park ltow, Ni ew York. 1 VOI" (tUACKS. A Victim nf n irl.-In.l Isnrn. A Hon. causing nervous dehilit v. iirnitmliim ilia. cay, Ac, having tiled in valu every ndvcrllscd "l'ii "us :i simpio means oi sen-cute, which bo will semi rreetohisfellow-snirerers. Address J. II. TUTl'I.E, 7 Nassnu st New York. Sinking Slowly, Disease! that progiess rapidly to a crisis nro not tho only ones to bo dreaded. Canker or dry rot does not blast a trco ns suddenly ns n stroke of lightning, but unless nncsted, It destroys it ns certainly! aud lu like manner chronic dcblll- ly, iillhouijh it does not 1,111 with the swiftness of yellow fever, Is ns sure to sap the springs of lilo eventually usany ncutedisease, if noteheck- ed by Invigorating medication. There Is some thing inexpressibly touching In tho spectacle of prematura decay. Languor, pallor, emaciation, depiction of splilts, nudn distaste for exertion, aro its ordinary symptoms, and they should bo promptly met by tonic treatment, lliebest In vigorant end e.-:iillnrant that can beadnilnlsler- l lun case ol llilsklud is Hosteller's Mtolnacb Ilillcis, Tliosllmulntlug principle of the pren- nratlon rouses tho doimnut energies of the sys tem, nnd tlio ktrcngtlienlng nud regulating prop el ties give a ieunaueut nnd healthful Impulse to the vital forces thus brought Into play. Tho falling nppotlto is re-awakened, tho process of digestion and assimilation aio quickened, the quality of tho blood Is Improved, tho secretions hceomo moro natural, and every organ that con tributes to tho nourishment of the body under goes salutary change, lly theso means tho re pair of tho physical sliucturo Is effected and Its health nnd vigor restoted. In no class of ills cases has iho beulllccnt operation of tho Hitters been more mniked and striking than in thoso charncteilzed by general debility nnd nervous prostration, Ladies airected Willi these ailments Hud In this most Mholesoiue of all tonics and correctives tho salest and surest means of rellyf. It Is strong lo lesloronud powerless to injure, .Such Is tho uniform testimony ol'Vlottdsof wit nesses." augi'TO-lm. SSIUNEE'S xoxiCE. Notleo la lieieby given lh.it Samuel Kuorr, !so.. Asslulleu ol Janus M'. flipmhi'rllit. bus tiled his account, together with tho vouchers theieoi. In tho ollleo ol the Prolhonotary In unit lor tho County ol Columbia. l J.Lilil.SUllir. ll.J.I', J12)'70-3t, Prothonotary. r o s t . I WII..I.....I (r.1111 lllu iMAlilt.a. n( ll.a ..,l.....ll.. ei, In llloomsburif, ubout two weeks siuce. a small red cow. lour years old, marked with whllo on the billy and having u lew white linlrs on tlio loieheiul; nml a hole through rlghtear. A llbei.il icuatd will bo paid to any one Undltig her. Apply at Iho Htoro of ltobblns ,s Kycr, Mnln hl Uloomsburg. 1'. c. EYEIt. lllooinsbuig, July2t, '70-lt. !" CLE ON THE HEIRS OF SA- XXi UAH A. llOWMAN. I ui.U.Mlll.V COUNTY, ha : Tho Commonwealth of 1'cunsylviiula lo 'jhonias lloivman, Henry Iiowmuu, Wisley llowuinn, Hiram liowmnn, s, II. llowimin, (Icorgo L. How man, Jdanassa llow V.1,".',1,' Jl'.l,n ''"Wtnii.i, Jlary InlerniHrriid wiili l'lilllp Jlouery, l'elilna hnildi, Henry liownia.i. Audiew llowman, Jehu llou man, Celestia .Mil ler, wile ol William Miller, Mailluu Itlller.wlfe ot Wm. T, Hitler, Jane, wlfuot Ihomas Culver, Mnilhii llowimin, Jo .ili P. llowman nnd said Martha lulugii n I. or, who has lor licrguardian Holoition Nihait, lineal discendiiutsof fcuiah A, liowmau, lii'i uisiil, and loall other persons In terested, dittlfih: tiu nioheieby elted to bo nud appear beluiullie Judges ol our O.phuus' Coin t ai an Orphans' Com! to beheld nt uioo ns burg, on Ihu Hist Monday of Septen.ber next, tin ii nml time to iiciepl orieluse lo tako the rial isluteol mid Munll A. llowman, deceased, ni Ihcnppiaisid valiuiilon put upou it byiheln ipust tally nwaidid by the said imiit.and re luined by the Miulll. And hue.if fall not, Wliniss iho llouorublo William l.iwill, Prisl dilit i.l oui snld cotlll, the bill day ol May, A. 1). nlie thousand eight huudrcdaud scMiity. V. EI.I.I.M.ION II. ENT, Cleil;. llluouisburg, June 21, 1S70.-iw. Real Estate Sales. p U IS I, IC S A D E V A I. U A II L E I? E A I. E S T A T E, In pursuanco of nn otderortheOiphnus'Couit i,',!,',-'0!1,"'1'! ?"llu!V vHm KATUIt)AY,.ugust t'Olh, l,i, at ten o'clock lu tho forenoon, Joseph lt.iuih, ndmliilsirstor ol John Itauch latu ol Montour ton nship, Columbia county, deceased, will cxposo to sale, by publlo M luluo, nn Uio premises, tho iollow ing described real estate, to wit: nil that CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situate In Montour nnd Hemlock townships Co lumbia county, aillolnlng lands of Poler llelm biich on Iho last, Jacob Lelby uu J oihera on Iho wiiilh, IV'tu- llsjlor. Ell Iiaiior and Eredirlek Hlongo on tho west, nud icoigo Toby on the north, coiitaiulng Eiairrv aches and eleven peiiciies strict inensure. Whereon oro creeled A GOOD DWJ2DlilNa HOUSE, n good Imnk barn, wnjon house, plgslyc, spring Iionse tuid other out buildings', good siulngol neier tailing water nt tho houso und barn; n good uppjo, orchard. About blxty acres ot which Is cleared land, baluuro In good woodj, into Uio enlnlu (if suld John Itauch, deceased, S;Ci)NiiiTioss or 8 vi.r.-Ten per cent, of tho l.uichase iiionny to Lojinidon the striking down nr Ihopropiily. ono-holt oi iho bnlaiuooi i io purehaso money lo bo paid on Um 1st day ot A pill, A . 1 1. 171, and Iho halancoon tho 1st day ol April, A. D.1S72, Willi lnleiest on tho samo loin Ihii Urn daynf Apnl 1S71, Purchaser to pay lor Diol and Mumps. Posso'slou wlllboglieu on thoUtduyor Apill.A. D.1S71. ThogriVluin Iho gtuund und Unit to bo sowu this lull it ie kUMd. Minw to leinalii on iho piimlses. JOHEPU HAVCH, AduVr. Jtii0rr-1. ",10 "iiio tlmo nnd place will bo sold by iho hi'lisof mlddoceustd.lho lollowlng pirsoual prorcrly towltt ONE WILLIAM PENN COOKINIi HIOVE, plpound nxtunw, ono coppir kettle, ono clock, ouo wall h, one shot gun, ono fiiiulug mill, iuu beds uud beddiiig, ouo set of carpeutcr tools, Conditions inndo Itinu-ti nn ifm nr unln i, .. I.. rllu "LUIS OP HAH) DECI-AHED, 11. P. FoliT.NKH, Alll lloneer. Montour twp., July at, iiHo-It. GRAND JUROR.S. EOll HKlTIiMIII.il TEIIM, 1S70. llloom Win. J. lleldlemnn, llnllzor I.encock, llenton Hnmuel Apiilcman, Ephralm Kline. Heaver I'. L. Hhiimnii. llrlnrercok Emiiior Dellterick, John 1', nrlnk, Cntnwlssa Joremlnli lliobst, Nathan ilclwlg. llcnjnmlii .arr,.lr, ( enlro Htephcn Poho, Levy Illdlay, I'ishl n gcr eek 1 Iliiitn Pcalcr. .l.,.rt.c'.,"v"ollA' J- Dicier, Itichnril Johnson Ellis Eves. Hemlock-Ell Old, J nekton Theodora Hmltli, Maiuo Win. C. ltclchnrd. Jladlson-Oeorgo lleuglo, Valentino Wclllvcr. Mount Plinsnnt Henry J, Johnson. riugarluaf Jctso Hutttiinu, Wm. II, Petcrman. PETIT JURORS. JL FOIl BEPTEMilEIt TEIIM, 1S70. llloom-Mlltnu Iltmynn, (Icorgo Yosl, John M. Chemborllu, John J. liiirklcy. lientou-Ueorgo W. I'ousl, John U. Weuncr. llenver Allen Mann, Charles 1). Troy. Conynghaiu Moirls loiwls. Ciitiiwissii-.Wllllniii Mnrtln, Jacob L. Shuman, Oeorgo W. Clark, Clinton Ellis. Centre Iauo cryder, Isnnc Orovcr. Centralia I lor. lianlelLcnlhan. Elslilngcrcek Joslali Heaeock, James N. Jones, Perry llucknlew.Mntnucl E. Weaver, (Jcu. M. Howell, llenjaiulu 1'. Edgar. Ernnkllu lteiiben ltlgel, Jesso Mcnse, (Irecnworiit John Lcggotl, John lllack, Ellas Kline, Irn Mclleury, Isaac M. Helmut. Hemlock-Wiii. Wlnterslcen, Joseph K, Mc Mlchnel, i.ovl Wright, Mntlilns Moore, Jlulhlna A. tnrlon. , Loeiist-Wm. 11. ltelnb-ild, William CnmpUell. Josbun Womer, H.uniiel Miurs, Jr. .dpunt Plenfnnl-Heury A. Miller, .Mllllln-Ileniy lletkr, John Klkcudall, Cbrls- tliu Lui7., Horace Hchwoppcnhlsor. Moutour-JoBiah ltoberts, Win. M.()ulck, Madison Joel Hnj der, bllUllltl Demott, J,"io-EIIJnh Wilder. bcott Daniel A, Creasy, Thomas Dallmau. 1ST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAD AT 1 WEPEMIIEUTEIIM 1S70. CInrk. 1 Eieeze. fEdwardMcCall.ct.nl. J. is (John Hwccuey fW. lit it llllnm Lougcnbcrgerct.nl vs titgh W. .Mclteynolds.ct. nl. I'rce.e. J Clark. ICahler. CI. u I;. lTecye. Ikeler. l-'reere. Ii Clirk, Llllle. 7 Kahlcr. Clark. 8 rieezo. WliUmnycr. Ereeze. Clark-. 10 Kahlcr. Ilrockway. 11 i Jacob Michael, vs Samuel C. Krlckhaum, Charles It. Oteen, is cter Ucliug, ( William Creasy, ! vs IHiunuel (Swe.penhcler, j (J col go Z.iir, Iwllllam.McK'clvy. (lteubeli II, King, vs Elisba II Pursel. f L. Ilenllc's, use. t vs 111. It. Creielliig.et.nl. Alexander Colley Atluns Cole. (Monroe Iiruudago -f vs lEllshnU. Puiscl. Mlcliael Orovcr vs H. S. -Murr. Clark. Ciaik A Ilrockway f Peler Schug, Little. IchnlesLeo. Ilrockway. l:i Wiiitmoyer, f David Lewis, guiudiau, - vs LColllusSutllirsadm'r. ( Continental Coal Co, "i is (.Lehigh Valley It. It, Co. (Ann Margermnj i vs LlMvldllunt.etuv. (Thomas Ilnglies' use, I is Wisley ltuekel. Marrllrotlicrs. II Fleece. Abbotl. I) Freeze. Clark. 1U Frece. Howell. fM.T. Howe. l.IossoW. Mc (M.T.Howe.l.cl.al. 17 Freeze. .Iciiill. Whllmoyer, Ilrockway i is Thompson. Miller. fFleil toide ! Fiederlck Ilos.ler, s ileou O. Ilossl.'r, ct. nl. ( John Ja J. vs Ul. L.Jo i Jacots, vs in Ikeler. i, Johnson, Ilrockway. 31 Llllle. (W.I). Kline, ct.ux. 1 Ns (.AbinhamMooie, et.nl. ClaikiSI.Ittlo. (K J. A U.P.MclItnry. Jl -! vs Ilaldy Jk Jackson. (Joseph It, Evans. Whltmoycr. Prec.o. L'Velle. ( James Masters, vs ( A. J. Fine. Timelier .1-Co. tt, nl, 1 is. (W'ni, Ooodmnn, I Win. JL Martin, ct.ux, vs (.Timothy Itngan et. nl. (Oeorgo lionet's executor, vs David It. llowt r (C.I). Fowler, 1 vs (.Ileiibu Miller. (Dankl KSejbetl, twillMuiHlinrrer r William bliairer. -j vs (Daniell'.pcsbert, f P.obertGorell. vs ( Iku ney Mtlircaity, el.al. f Chaiies 11. Wllhelm il.ul. 1 vs (Michael Woods. f Daniel Miotics, j s (William Tyson ( Joseiih Miller, i vs IN. L. Campbell. (Thomas Fry, i 1 s (Willlntii Coleman. (Sliarplcss A Hiirnian, vs Ciiarles I). Fow ler (Melchlah Miller nilm'r, - vs (.Ellas Olger. (C.H. Fowler. i vs (Jesso 1). nice. I C. U. llowman, et. nl, vs (Mnuassn liowmnn, et. ill, ( Peter Haytoau's use. I vs (Jacob Shall'er. et, al. fllratuliall&Co. i vs (.McNlnch & Shunian. I Hnrvoy C. Hess, i vs (Samuel Criasy, adm'r. (Noah Mouser's use, vs Oeorgo Hlrouser. I Johu Turner, f vs I Daniel Snyder. (IsiilaH Ycager. vs D. It. Johnson. (John Kromcr. vs I). F, Key belt. (Lewis J. Adams, vs FlshlugcicckSthowl District Little. Inldy. Clntlc A I'iceze, Clarl:. Knorr. Freeze. 2li Jackson. Llllle. Clark. Clark. s Little, Fieize. Little. Uoblson, .'in nalily. Ithodcs. it Ilrockway. Jack sou. Freeze, Ilarkley. ;ti Clark. Miller. ill Jackson, Butler. Heeler. Howell. nil Llllle. Jackson. ;e7 reeze. Jackson. as Llltlo. iVbholt. I Freeze Jackson, o Freeze, liarkley. II Wiiitmoyer. Freeze. Little. 4.1 Whltmoycr. Thompson. II Little. Ii Uuckalew A: Uaikley, Howell. 1(1 Llllle. (William A. Case. 1 V (Mo-es CoII'inau. et. gOJIETHINCI NEW! 'Iho undersigned would hereby givo notice that bo has Just completed A FIItST CLASS HEAltSE.nnd that he hast he facilities for carry ing on (he business oi U.NHEltTAKINO In all Its branches IN C 1 tl HT Y L E . He has engaged expcilcnced persons who will tako chargo oilhe bnilles nf iho deer used as soon ns they "shuillool this inoilal coll," nud ntlend lo washing tlnm, shaving, dressing, Ac. bluouds lurnlsheil also to order. At much expense, ho lias also procurul an I R O N I C E ii O X, in which bodies can bo picserved in n cleanly nnd diy condition, Cur i luges lurnished for fu nerul oicasions, In shun, be Is pi. pared to takn thai go of a c'irpkelminiiilalely niter diath, and savo rlendsiiudulallvesiillluitlier Iroubloiu regnril loll, lie also carries on the business of O A R 1 N 12 T M A KINO t'lilioisteilng In nil Us blanches, icpnlrlng fiirul tine, resulting nine bottomed tbalrs.Ac, Ac. Plueo of business on Iron Slreei. below Main. , , , , KOIlEltT ltOAN, rpilE bUllSCRIUER HERE1JV J- Blvcs notice Hint he still continued tl tho MANUFACTUItE OF WHEELER'S PATI2NT RAILWAY CHAIN HORSE POWERS, nud Is ngnln in tho Held for tko Uarvett of ls:o, ni.d Is pieiuired to luriil-.li l iirineis wllh tlio most reliable Machine ollued to tho public. I also build DOUIlI.E-UEAItED JACkH.Ionl. null lo tho nid ol ii tour-liinso I.eer Power.lo uitiicli my 'llue.l.ers lo, Hireo hoists will do tho Himoiimoimu.i thrishlugwltli llilsurinnge ineut.thnt lour will wllh any oilier llircshcr, I nmiilko Aginl to sell WIIKELER'H CO.M IIINE1) TlIItlisIlEltaud W1NNOWE1W. For fnrlhcr pnillculnrs or for Uio purpose of w...v..,, Illtlvtlltl.B, ,Ullll- J.M, lIUI.SIII.Elt. Jclu'70-lni Light Street, Col. Co., Pa. o NE HUNDRED RARRELS flll.Hi; 11 YE W 11 I H KEY, HII1KIJ TO SIX VKAltS oi.n. The unilewlBiictl iiu lor sale, by tho Ilanel or (lallon, tho Miy Excelleul stock of HILL 11 E Y E II W HIBKEY, heretofore In store at lllooiosburg nnd now re leasotl by tho Uovernnieut. To be sold In tho In P.'..!.1.01. Ul" He' of Mnriln lllllnieyer, doe'd. tJ12nu-liu PETEH DILl.MEVEll, Xdm'r. COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, N. W. SAMl'LE. C. W. NEAL. J. L. TAYLOR i Iff. W. SilMFJjK & CO,, Ooruoi- ol' Iuin Slroot nnd L. & J3. Rail Hoad, BI003yESBTJ3R.C3-, F -A.MAO HI N I ST S , IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS: BLACKSMITHS AND UOH-ER MAKERS. MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, i:.i:itAr. .iiaciiixi: nouit axi itr.i'Aiits. MILL CJEAHINO, B1IAFT1NO, PULLEYS, HANOEItH, HEAD BLOCKS, saw nyciLXi a-EA.R,iisra- of all jesiidst'ds. CASTINGS FOR FURNACES ,,m AND ROLLING MILLS. ALHO CAP. WHEELS AND AXLES AND UENEKAL MINING CAHTINOH. BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS. CAR ROXES, COMPOSITION BELFIELD'S CELEBRATED GLOBE VALVES, STOP COCKS, CHECK VALVES, AIR COCKS, OIL curs, STEAM WHISTLES BT2JAXVI Ci IT AGES, ?H?H AND riXTIWOS CONSTANTLY OlST KCVMID. AGENTS FOJl SHIVK'S GOVERNOR, ACKNOWLEDGED TO HE THE SIMPLEST AND BEST IN THE WOULD. MILLWIIIOIITH AND MACHINISTS SL'PPLIUi EITHER ON HAND Oil FURNISHED Al SHORT NOTICE, VIZ; GUM AND LEATHElt IIELTINQ OF EVERY DESCUIPTION, HEMP AND SOAP STONE PACKING, fij LS, RED AND WHITE LEAD, AC. IiESSElCS AND SOLE MANUFAC'l URERS OF HALL'S PATENT DOUBLE DISCHARGE TURBINE WHEELS. LIBERAL .NDUCEMENTS OPPEItED TO THE TRADE. oPiainS!'1,? for "l0 "EUIIEKA" fimui fiitl Sepnrntiiirc Macliino nud "EX i. Hn IJran Duster. Send for circular ipecimen Mncliincs con bo scon at tlio world'. BLACKSMITHING, HEAVY Oil LIGHT FORGINGH, MERCHANT IRON OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. Also manufacturers or Wm. 15. Deuel's HAY nnd HARVEST GRINDERS, patented November 2nd, 1809. 1 , REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. ORDERS FOR BRIDGE BOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, ' tiATmrnvo.m,, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED PAITLRN SHOP. WE HAVE NOW IN THIS DEPARTMENT THE LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY AND ARE PREPARED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OK PATTERNS AT SH0ETNOTICK, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS THRESHING MAUIlS rA8- A SPECIALTY. JlucKEYE Reapers Repaired AND ALL EXTRA PAP.T3 PURN1S1IED. MANUFACTURERS A a D PROPRIETORS OF l-IORTON'S PATENT HAY RAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. ,S$T 1?;.n,"T.IIil,vi"B l'ut iu roacliincry especially adapted to tlio manufacture or Moulding Cut tcrs.wo are prepared to cxiculo largo or small orders, at short no tlce, nnd on vt ry favorable terms. Send for Circular and prlco list. Mm- 7,'CMf JTIFE INSURANCE FOR THE PEOPLE! HOMESTEAD LIEE INSURANCE CO. O F P E N N S Y ii V A N I A . OrrcE 701 Chestnut W. M.HEYFEET, Pres't. LAWRENCE MYKlH, V. Pies't. II. E.DAVIS. Suirt i.i Agencies. '1 lilt Company nrtnwln-il by leaillus rtiiu - Wllll'IV IIUUWU ill Ul't'Flllll HUH Il'inmsillll- n l. lu u-iii'li of nil, liuu uituiiteil a httm nt MONTHLY PAYMENTS OP PREMIUMS, piiulillni; uvary man to imivklo for liti f unlly In else or bis. do.Uli, nt a colt so trillinz in seircoly toiiuli ll. Sin'ci.il nttoutlou U callc.l to tills Oumtuuy'H a-B,A.nDTj.Tira- policy, a lunch nccileil IVitme ill Life Insurance, entirely new lu this country ; designed to protect in enso ol ilentli, Uio interests ot S II A R E II O L D E R S IN R U 1 L D I X O ASSOCIATIONS .l.Nll ALL OTlIKIti Who lmvo borrowed money or iiutchnseit property pnynblo lu Instalments extending ovar by CANCEI.LINd nuy balance ol iudebteducis rcmiilniui; UNPAID in caao or DEATH. THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL THE ORDINARY FORMS OP LIKE AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES AT LOW HVTE3 OK PREMIUM, ON THE PARTICIPATI.NU PLAN, WITH HUT FEW RESTRICTIONS AS TO OCCUPATION, AND NONE AS TO TRAVEL OR RESIDlS.NCi;. .-l'nll lurormatloii ns tol'laus nnd Features, is contained iu Pamphlets which will bo forward ed by mult on application to the Homo unlet-. Active and responsible men wanted as Amenta. F. M. BATES, Rloomshuro, Pa. AUKNT FOR COLUM11IA COUNTY. Illoomsbiirf, August 3, 1870-6m. Legal Notices. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, 1 SI'ATi: OF JOHN fiKOVKH, Ili:r l). Letltrs nf administration on the fMuto of John tliovcr, Into of Ctuttu township, Columbia county, dee'd linvt'l eim wanted by the lliKlslcr of said enmity to Samut l Ntyhard, residing in the township nud t'ouutyntoresaiil. All persons hav luif't'laliiis ugtilnst llic estnto of the di t-edent are iiitiiesttd lo pien'iit lliein for settlement, uud those Indebted to the estate to mnkc pay ment lo tho ULdeisliiutd. ml nilnistriilni .without delay. SAMUEL NEYHARI), JUjtO-Uiv. Administrator. ADM I N I STR ATORS' NOT IC12. KSTATE 01- 11AMKI. S. VAMltliSUCE IIF.C'D. i.i'itcr.s iii iitimiuisttniii'U on toe estnto of Dnnlei S. Vnndersllte, Into ol Mnuut Plensnnt township, Col, to., ilee'd. liavo been Rrantcil Ity tho lleulslerot said eountv to Slarlhu 1). Vl'U- dersllee, nml William J. Illdlay ofMl. Pleasam. All jHrsiMiH naviUK claims ni;uinsi uio esitue oi Iho decedent me leqtU'stnl to piestnt them lor betllemi'iit, and llioso Indtbtidto thetsiuteto uiiiUu pnyuitnt to tho uuderslgntd, udmlnislin- lor, williouiueiny MA'ltTlIA D. VANDERSUCE, 11. l.lA.l J. Jllfl..l. Admiiilstrntoi'U, JUS'70-01. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. kstaik or Isaac itr.it ii Aim, nt.t i:seii. lu tho Orphans' Court oi tho county ot Colum bia. 'Iho Auditor uppolnteit to distribute Iho bntancu In the hands ol Iho ndui'i. niiiiiin: the ciedltors, und liclrs heitby kKcm iiotketliat lie will meet tno rallies Inttresieii, inr uio pm pose of his uppointineut on Saturiiny the 131 h il.iv of Aiuiusl. IsTu nt tin ii'tloik A. si. nt hi, ollleo In lllooinsbiiri;, lu said eouuty. All parlies liiltrt'sleil nro reqiiesled to tillenil, or bo iu bar red lrom roiiilui! In lorn part ol the said luud. Ci U. UARIsLI'A , JlST0.lt. Auditor. A rniTOR'S NOTICE. J.S, UROIWT, 1 No. SIS! May vs. V JAl Oil ROWER, J Term, A. D. 1st 9, Tho uudeisluned nppolulcd Auditor Ac, Aa, to lunko lt-porl, dlstrlbutlni; the priKeedsnl Uio Hhi rltl's sale on Jiiilmiiinl or Vend, Ex., No, Hi Sipltmbir Term, 1H.U, will meet tho pnrllesln luleiesl lor tl.o puiposo of hlsuppoiuimeut nt his ollleo lu l'ntnwlii,ou Pruli'y, Hepti iiilur S.M, A. D. IstO. nt It'll o'eliifk of snfil ilnv. ll i.,.r..mj lnleresed uio ieiueslcd lontlend, or be debnri'id uwm tuiiiiiiK m iui u lull I HI lllo saill Illllll , W. 11. AIIIIOIT, JIM'JO-lf. Auditor. jVTOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. .siuico is ueriiiy bivcu io uio mx-Payers' of tholown of lllooiiisbure. that ou und utler Tiles day, July llllh, Ifc-n, the undcrslgued will bo pic paled lu rt'celie the town times nsseiucit for tlio jeiir IHO, ut his ollleo, lu thj Eicliniuio llloek.iu ...... . .. ..,....tW. Hum ..ivi ..-iiu.ui, um .u noor, and said tux-pujtu meheteby rtqulicdto jmi imta wiili . Flo pcrteutuin iitimll- 'uiion tho niuouut uddetl thereto, R. It. ifcpr.i. It lllniiliisliiiri. .Iiilv"! IC-n 'n- . CASTINGS, AND RABBIT METAL MAITR Tf) nnTYFVP.. N. W. SAMPLE & CO. Street, Philadelphia. R.W.DORPIILEY.SooV. .eii'1'ino - i of tlio luilusliliil Interests of tlio Htnte, null, ilealrluu to plnco Lllo Insnrnuce with- OTIOE, All oersons knnu-lnir IlirtiiL. Ivnn in in.i.l.i. id lo the l.slnlo olJneoli L'yer, ilecensed. sri hereby nolllled to settle Ihelr necouutaet ones, otlierwlso they will bo collected necordinir to h'w- H. II. MILLKR. Uloomsburg, Mny 0, 1870-tf Administrator ATOTI CI2 IS IIERERY GIVEN . thai nn application will bo made nt the next' mietlliK ol the (Jenernl Assembly of tuo Com uiouui'ultli ol Peuusylvnuht fortlio Incorpnii. tion ot a bank, In accordance with me laws of tlia Commouweullh, to bo eulitletl tho "Catawlsaa Deposit undhuvlnu llauk," tube loealed ntCnta. w l.sa, tol. eo.,Pii wllh u enpltnl of tiny thousand dulliirs, wllh the rluht lo Increase the samo to ouo hundred nnd lllly thousaud dollars. Cntnwlssa, July 1, ipTU-lsm. JSTRAY NOTICE. " Came to tlio premises of the subscriber. In 8u Kiiiliuf lounsiilp, ou or nbout tho llrst day ot Juuo lust, a dun yenrtlnB steer, Tho owutr Is leiiuested to eomo loruuid, pioieproixrly nnd tnkohlui nwuyor ho will be s.il.i meordliig to luw. CLI.N10N COLU . Hi'.gnrlonf twp., July lfcTO-at. TVSSdLUTION OF CO-PARTNER- XJ HIIIP. llioeo-p.n I nershinlieretoloro existing between John II. Pursel nnd cluster H. Funnuu, under tho firm mime of John 11. Pursel & Co. Is dissolv ed by muiunt consent. Tho business will l,o hereafter conducted by Cluster S. 1'nrin.iu, In W'hoso hands the books of tho lalo firm are fell for stttlemelit. All persons knowing theinseiMu ludtbti'd uro hereby uotltled to make put incut at once, JOHN 11. 1'UllsEL. .. CHI-SThlts. I'URMA.v. llloomsburt;, July SS, lb70-lt, DissoiX'tTonof co-partneIi. Mill'. The Co-purtnetshlp lieriloforo exlstiui; bo, tweon John Wolf anil Reuben Miller of llloonu burn, Colunibhieouuly, Pu., under tho llrm name ot Miller A Woli, Is this day dissolved by mutual fOUEt-ul. Tho business will bo coiltluucd by John Wolr, who will also keep the bonks ami pa pern and utile tlio nccounts of tho old tlru JOHN WOLF. ItEUUEN MILLER. Illooinsbnif, July 13, lsTO-lt issoi A'TJ ON OF PARTNER. IsHlP, lllo publlo nroheiebj nolllled that the Htm Swuj ze.Krauitr A Co.,Tiereloloro doluc business In Malianpy, hcliuylUiil eouuty, was dissolitd by mutual consent, November Mil, Ibca. Tho books nnd nccounls were lift lu the hands ot U M. Sw) ie lor colliclloii, JOHN W. KRAMER, Mnha.iio-,July!,ll,;o.t.U- M' bWAYZE- jj" OTIC 12 . lly virtue of n lllll nf Bale, properly ciecuti d nud iloiUortd, the horse, wul'ou, Iiaruess,sleli!h, uud nil the itriis's, intdlcluts, Ac, Ac. In tbu tnilldluif cr shop lierctoloro .ecupled by J, It. Uorduerlu l.lcbt blieil, huo bttn purchssed by nnd Uellvurd to nivi nnd ate my properly; nud 1 hne tmplo)iilS. It. Uorduer my A tint Iu sell.ptdi lo, ninko upniiddlsposocLanu cerry on tin) bUHliuss lor luy use nud beuetlt. OLIVER CLEWEI.I, Light Street, July ,T0-8t. v- 4. E 1.. - oi --i .vim luiiu Aressurtr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers