V THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. r PARMER'S COLUMN. CoriiH. ilitril corns nro caused liy too much lirooMitro of tho Bhoc, or by Its being so loojo as to slldo back and forth on tho spotwhero tho corn niter want shows It self, Medical books roconl several cases whero pnrlug ri hard corn has caused a bleeding, which no known means could nrrcst, and death ensued. Nothing harder than tho finger nail ought over bo allowed to touch a corn, which can bo always cured, or kept from causing Inconvenience, by simply bathing tho part In warm water for half an hour for several days In succession ; often a Blnglo bathing will accomplish tho object of so softening thn parts adjacent to tho'act ual corn, that it can bo picked out with tho finger nail, and tho shoo can bo In stantly worn without dIsc3tiifort,whtch an hour beforo gavo great pain) It may return In a week, or n month, or a year, but tho Bamo treatment will always avail. Paring them causes them to spread and take deeper root. Soft corns arc Very troublesome, but nro sometimes removed by patiently bathing or soaking them in strong alum water night and morning. It is so much better to know a safo and inexpensive -way of doing things, that It is really worth whito to teach theao methods to every child In tho household, llalVs Journal qf Health How to Mnko u CuirmlnU Milk. About tho first of April I had In ray possession (from a cholco cow) a very fino calf, which I was desirous of rais ing, but it was so obstinato that it was utterly impossiblo for mo to makoit drink without first putting my finger &..in its mouth, and then my hand in the mllk, and then as soon us my hand was' withdrawn, it would not drink a drop. I kept it in this manner for two wcoks, giving it during this thno sufficient milk to keep it from starving, and had made up my mind to kill it, when 1 tried tho following plan: I took a piece of corncob, put ono end In tho calf's mouth, tho other in tlio miiK. Tills it would suck, and as soon as tho cob fell from its mouth, it went diving around tho pail to find it, and in a few minutes began to drink. I repeated this operation but twice, when I took tho cob away, and it drank alone, and has dono so ever since. Tho calf is now doing well, and growing finely. If any aro bothered in tho manner I was, I would adviso them to try tho plan I did, and I guarantee it to bo very effect ivo. Cor. of Country Gentleman. Do Cattle Lose Their Cueist I think they do not, but as I know of a number of persons, who as soon as an ox or a cow is taken sick from any cause, (and of courso tho animals do not chow'thcir cud while sick) mako them a cud ; somo using codfish skin and sweet elder bark and yeast, another preparing a wad of hay in somo mys terious way, another giving a piece of salt pork. Of courso nono of tlieso things will hurt the animal. Tho ques tion is, whero do thoy get tho first cud ? It is certainly not made by tho haud of man, and put In tho calf's mouth; on the contrary, tho littlo calf, at two or threo weeks old is soon chewing his cud. In my'oplnion, when animals aro fak- n sick, no matter what causes tho sick ness, thoy stop chewing their cud from the Bamo reason that a person loses his appetito, but as they aro restored to health by letting nature havo its courso, or by assisting nature with some mild medicine, thoy get well, and their ap petite returns and they will riso and chew their cud as before. Western Ru ral. Pleasure In the Care or Cattle. "Cattle husbandry not only exercises and invigorates tho mental faculties; btit also quickens and cherishes tho af fections, and thus adds vastly to the pleasures and comforts of life. There is great pleasure in aiding and directing vegetation, in making ten blades of grass grow whero ono grow before, In tending tho flower garden, and watch ing tho development of tho leaves and flowers, in planting trees, and observ ing tho expanding buds, tho opening blossoms and tho golden fruit, but there Is a higher pleasure still in guiding ani mal life. Tho roso and tho peach aro things of life and beauty, and give us oxquislto enjoyment; but they do not appreclato our care and attention, and never sympathize with humanity. Not so with tho animal. In his eyo wo seo tho higher beauty of Intelligence; and though he cannot say 'Thank you,' In responso for our -kind attentions, still he looks grateful. Tliero was much truth in thoremarks of a poor man, who, when aaked to sell Ills pet dog for n valuablo consideration, replied "No, I can't part with him. I would like tho money! but tho wag of the dog's tall when I como homo tired at night is worth raoro than money." Tliero is a sympathy between a kind master and his dumb beast which gives a higher pleasure than that which merely minis, tors to tho gratification of tho senses, It stirs tho goul. Next to divinity and humanity, tho lower animals call forth our affections and excite pleasurable emotions." Diarrhea. Is n very common dlseasoin summer time. Cholera is nothing moro than ox- aggerated diarrhea. When a man has died of diarrhea, ho lias died of cholera, In reality. It may bo well for travelors to know, that tho first, tho roost iuipor tout, and the most indispeneablo item In Oienrrest and euro of loosenessof the bowels, is absolute) quiet on a bed ; au turo herself always prompts this by dta Inclining us to locomotion, Tho next thing is, to eat nothing but common" rice, parched iiko coffee, nnd then boll cd, and taken will) n Ultletnlt and but tcr. Brink lit Ho or no liquid of uuy kind. Wis of Ico may ho eaten and wallowcd at will. Every step taken iu diarrhea, every spoonful of liquid, oiuy aggravates tiio disease. If loeomo tion is compulsory, tho rolsfortuno of tho necessity may bo lessened by hav Jug a stout plceo of woolen Dannel bound tightly round tho abdomen, so as to bo doubled In front, nnd kept well iu its pipco,. In (ho practico of many years, we havo never failed to notice a grati fying result to follow theso observances. -IMVt Journal (tf Health. Ppea'tjce toys that in his clly stuff ing improves the fair es well nu tho fowl. nun.' vrmMft rmvcj A Tnlo of Ono Who Traveled to Leant What Shivering Meant. So his compassion was excited, and, contriving a ladder, ho mounted, nnd, unloosening them ono nftcr nnothcr, ho brougllt dowu nil soven. Then ho pok ed nnd blow tho fire,nnd set them round that thoy might warm themselves: but as they sat still without moving, their clothing caught flro. So hosahl, "Tako caro of yourselves, or I will hang all of you up again," Tho dead heard not, and silently nllowed their rags to burn. This made him so angry that ho said, "If you will not hear I cannot help you; but I will not burn with you." So ho hung them up again in a row, and sitting down by tho firo ho soon wont to sleep. Tho next morning tho man came, expecting to rccelvo his fifty dollars, and asked, "Now do you "know what shivering nienns?" "No," ho answered; "how should I know? Thoso fellows up thoro havo not opened their mouths, nnd were so stupid that they let tho old rags on their bodies bo burnt.') Then tho man saw that ho should not carry away tho fifty dollars that day, so ho went away saying, "I never met with such nn ono before." Tito boy nlso went on his way nud began ngalnto say, "Ah, If only I could but shiver if I could but shiver I" A wagoner walking behind overheard him, nnd asked, "Who aro you?" "I do not know," anawered tho boy. Tho wagoner asked agal n , " What do you hero?" "I know not." "Who is your father?" "I daro not say." "What isltyou are continually grum bling about?" "Oh," replied tho youth, "I wish to learn what shivering is, but nobody can teach me." "Ccaso your silly talk," said tho wag oner. "Como with mo and I will seo what I can do for you." So tho boy went with tho wagoncr,and about even ing time they arrived at an inn where they put up for tho night, nnd whllo thoy wero going 1 nto tho parlour ho said , qulto aloud, "Oh, if I could but shiver If I could but shiver 1" Tho host overheard him and said, laughingly, "Oh, If that Is all you wish, you shall soon havo tho opportunity." "Hold your tongue," said his wife; "so many imprudent people havo already lo3t their lives, It wero a shamo and sin to such beautiful eyes that they should not seo tho light again." But tho youth said, "If it wero ever so difficult I would at onco learn It; for that reason I left home;" and ho never let tho host havo any pcaco till ho told him that not far off stood an enchanted castlo, whero any ono might soon learn to shiver if ho would watch there three nights. Tho King had promised his daughter in marriage to whomsoever would venture nnd sho was tho most beautiful young lady that thosun over shonoupou. And ho further told him that inside tho cas tlo tliero was nn immenso amount of treasure guarded by evil spirits; enough to mako any ono free, and turn a poor man Into a very rich ono. Mnny had, ho added, already ventured Into this castlo, but no ono had ever como out again. Tho next morning tills youth went to tho King, and said, "If you will allow me, I wish to watch tlirco nights in tho enchanted castlo." Tho King looked at him, and because his appearance pleased him, ho salu, "You may mako threo requests, but thoy must bo inani mate things you ask for, and such as you can tai;o with you into tho castle." So tho yout h asked for a firo, a lathe, and a cutting-board. Tho King let him tako theso things by day into tho castlo, and when it was evening tho youth went in and made himself a bright firo in ono of tho rooms and, placing his cutting-board nnd knife near it, ho sat down upon his lathe." Ab, If I could but shiver!" said ho. "But oven hero I shall never learn." At midnight ho got up to stir tho fire, and, as he poked It, there shrieked suddenly in ono corner, "Miau,miau! how cold lam!" "You simpleton!" ho exclaim ed, "what aro you shrieking for? If you aro cold, como and sit down by tho fire and warm yourself!" As ho was speak ing, two great black cats sprang up to him with an immenso Jump and sat down ono on each side, looking at him qulto wildly with their fiery eyes. When they had warmed themselves for n littlo whilo they said, "Comrade.shall wo havo a game of cards?'' "Certain ly," ho replied; "but let mo seo your paws first." So they stretched out their claws, and ho Bald, "Ah, what long nails you havo got; wait a bit, I must cut them off first;" and so saying ho caught them up by tho necks, and put them on Ills board and screwed their feet dowu. "Slnco I havo seen what you aro about I havo lost my relish for a gamo at cards," srud he; and, instantly killing them, threw them away into tho water. But no sooner had ho quieted theso two and thought of sitting down again by his firo, than thero camo out of every holo and corner, black cats and black dogs with glowing chains, continually moro and moro, so that ho could not hldo himself. Thoy howled fearfully, and jumped upon his firo, and scattered it about as if they would extinguish It Ho looked on quietly for somo tlmo.but at last, getting angry, ho took up his. knife and called out, "Away with you, you vatrabonds!" and chasinir them about, a part ran oil, nnd tho rest lio killed and threw into tho pond. As soon as ho returned ho blow up tho spurns oi ins nro ogam anu warmeu himself, and while ho sat, his eyes be gan to feci very heavy and ho wished to go to sleep. So looking around ho taw n great bed in ono corner, in which .ho lav down: but no booner had ho closed his eyes, than tho bed began to movo of itseii anu traveieu an round ino casuo "Just so." said ho. "only better still:" whereupon tho bed galloped away as If six horses nulled it un and down steps and stairs, until nt last all at onco u ovcrser. uoiiom upwarus, anu lay up on him like n mountain; but up ho got mrew puiows nnu mattresses into tno air, and saying, "Now, ho who wishes may travel," laid himself down by tho tiro and slept till day brokp, In tho morning tho King camo, and, seeing tho youth lying on tho ground, ho uiougnt Hint tno spectres imu Kiiieu him, and that ho was dead; so ho said, "It is a great misfortune that tho finest menarotlius uilleu;" nut mo youtn, hearing this, sprang up, saying, "It is not como to that with mo yet!" Tho King was much astonished, but still very glad, nnd asked him how ho had fared. 'Very well," replied he; "as ono night has passed, so nlso may tho other two." Soon after ho met his landlord, who opened his oyes when ho saw him. "I nover thought to seo you alivo again," said he; "havo you learnt now what shlvcrlmr mean9?" "No." said he; "It is all of no uso. Oh. if any ono would but tell mo I" TO SC OOHTINl'UlJ T 11 E KIDNEYS, The Kidneys nre two In number, situated lit the upper part of tho loin, surrounded by fat, and consisting of throo parts, vl v tlio Anterior, the Interior, nud tho Exterior. The anterior absorbs. Interior consists of tis sues or veins, which sorvo ns n deposit for tho urine and convey It to the exterior. The exter ior Is n conductor also, terminating In n single tube, and cnllod tho Ureter, Tho ureters mo connected with the bladder. Tho bladder Is composod of various coverings or tissues, divided Into parts, viz.! tho Upper tho Lower, tho Nervous, and the Mucous. The upper expels, tho lower retains. Many havo a desire to urinate without tho ability: others urinate without tho ability to retain, Tills fre quently occurs In children. To cure theso affections, wo must bring Into action tho muscles, which nro engaged In their various functions. If they nro neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. The reader must nlso bo mado aware, that however slight maybe tho attack, tt Is sure to nlTect the bodily health nnd mental powers, as our nosh nnd blood nro supported from theso sources, Gout, on Rheumatism. l'aln occurring In the loins Is Indicative of the nbovo diseases. They occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and chalky concretions. Tub Okavel. The gravel ensues from neg lect or Improper treatment of tho kidneys These organs bolng weak, the wntcr Is not ex pelled from the bladder, but nllowed to remain ; It becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It Is from this deposit that thostpnols formed, and gravel ensues. DnorsY Is a collection of water In bomo parts of tho body, nnd benrs different names, accord ing to the parts affected, viz.: when generally diffused over tbo body.lt Is called Anasnrca, when of tho abdomen, Asdics; when of the chest, Itydrothorax. I .Tkeatkent. Helmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract lluchu Is decidedly one of tho best remedies for diseases of the bladder. kidneys, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheuma tism, and gouty affections. Under this head we have arranged Dysurin, or diaiculty and pain In passing water, Beauty Secretion, or small and frequent discharges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urlno; Gout nud Rheumatism of the kidneys, without any change in quantity, but increase in color,or dark water. It was nlwnys highly recommend ed by the Into Dr. Fhyslck, in these affections. This mcdlcino Increases tho power of diges tion, and excites tho absorbents Into healthy exercise by which the watery or calcareous dep ositions, nnd all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and Inflammation are reduced, nnd It Is taken by men, women, nnd children. Di rections for use and diet Accompany. PHILADELPHIA, PA., Feb. 25, 1S57. II. T. Helmdold, Druggist: DEAn Sin I liavo been n sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladdor, nnd kid ney affections, during which time I have used various medicinal preparations, and been undor the treatment of the most omlnent Physicians, experiencing but littlo relief. Having seen your preparations extensively advortlscd, I consulted with my family physi cian In regard to using your Extract nucha. I did this because I had used nil kinds of ad vertised remedies, nnd had found them worth less, nnd, some quite Injurious; In fact, Idcspalr- cd of ever getting well, nnd determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of tho In gredients. It was tills that prompted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that It was composed of buchu, cubebs, nnd Juniper berries, it occurred to me nnd my physician as an excel lent co mblnntlon, nnd, with his ndvlce, after nn e xamlnatlon of the article, nnd consulting ngaln with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I com mon ced Its use about eight months ago, at which time I was con fined to my room. From the first bottle I was astonished and gratified at tho ben eficial effect, and after using It three weeks, wns ablo to wal k out. I felt much Uko writing you a full statement ot my enso nt that time, but thought my improvement might only bo tem porary, nnd tlierclore concluded to defer and ice If it would effect a perfect cure, knowing then tt would bo of greater valuo to you and moro sat isfactory to me. I am now able to report that a euro is effected after using tho lemedy lor five months. I have not used any now for three months, and feel as well In all respects as I ever did. Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant tasto and odor, n nice tonle and Invlgorator ol tho system, I do not mean to bo without It when everoccaslon may require lis use In such affec tions. m. Mccormick. Should any doubt Mr. MtCorinick's statement, be refers to the following gentlemen: Hon. vanla. Hon. Wm, Rioleii, ov-Qovernor, Pennsyl. THOU. II. Flohence, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. J. S. Black, Judgo, Philadelphia, D. It. Pouter, ex-Governor, Pennsyl- Ellis Lewis, Judge, Philadelphia. It. C. Grieu, Judge, United States Court, Hob. Hon. vanla, Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. phla. O. W. Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia, W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Phlladcl- Hon John Blown, ex-Governor, California, Hon. K. Hanks, Auditor General, Washing ton, D. C. And many others, If necessary. Hold by Diugglsts nrd Dealers everywhere, Ho ware of counterfeits. Ask for Uelmbold's, Tako no other, PiiICE-JI.23 per bottle, or 8 bot tles for (CM, Delivered to any address. De scribe symptoms In all communications. Address H, T. HELMB0LD, Drug and Chemi cal Warehouse, Mi Broadway, N. Y. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN STEEL - ENQItAVEI) WRAPPER, with bc-fclmlle of ray Chemical Warehouse, and signed II, T. IIICI.MI10I.D. nvmr Rail Roads. LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS tiuua itAiiitioAn On nn leiur Julyfi, 1870, Passenger Trains will run ns follows! Going North, , Going South. Arrlvo Arrlvo Lca,vo Leave p. m. n. m. p. m. n. m. Scranton 8.10 lilt) 3.80 7.10 Leavo Plltston Mi 11.12 SJSD r.ts Kingston 7.1 II. Hi J.15 Ml Plymouth J.3U 10.M 4.30 s.2l Hhickshluny.... 0.62 0.00 6.17 D.iri llerwlek 0.ui ".30 Ml 0.32 llloom' 6.SS 7.M 6.1H 10.07 Danville -I.!) 7.1 (l.M 10.13 Leavo Leavo Arrive Arrive North'd . 4.13 0.40 7.U 11.20 Connection made ntScrnuloii by tho 10.40 a.m. train for Urent lleml, Dltighnmtou, Albany nnd nil points North, East nnd Went. D.T. HOUND. Hup't. rtATAWISSA RAILROAD. li-,0. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1870, Passenger Trains on this road will run n fol lows! Matt Halh. htations. Mall Xorth Dep. 8.15 n,m Wllllamsport. Arr, S.50p.m. ' 8.11 ' Muncy. Dep.6.2S " " V.m " Milton. " 4.10 " " 10.10 " Danville,. " 4.oo " " 10.30 ' Rupert. " 3.10 " " 10.12 ' Catawlssa. " 3.82 " " 11.17 " Rlngtown. " Z.'ii " " 12.21p.m. Summit. " 1JW " " 12.33 " Uunkako. " 1.40 " " 12.18 E. MahnnyJunc. " 1.30 " " 2,13 "Dluo.Tamaqun. Dluo. ' 1.10 ' " 4.23 " Reading. " 10.40 n.m " 3.15 " l'ollsvlllo. " 11.30 Arr. 0.4.5 ' Philadelphia. " 8.13 " " 1.2-3 "dlno Mauch C'nuuk, dluo" 2.00 run. 2.53 " Bethlehem, ' 12.10 " " fiic " Phlla. via L'etblcliem, " 0.6.5 a.m. " 3.20 " Easton, " 11.43 ' Now York, n. Liberty st " 0.05 ' via L. A S. R. R. " 0.00 " ' 0,03 " L. Valley R. R. " 0.50 ' ' 0.68 a.m. Boston, " 0.U1 p.m Passengers tnklrg the 8.13 tratn from Wllllam sport, will havo two hourslu New York, lor sup per, and arrive In Boston at 5.30 a.m.. eleven hour- In advnuco of all other routes. Now day conches accompany all trains be tween Wllllamsport, Few York and Philadel phia. Trains run through by dnylleht. UEO. WEBB, Supt. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL- On and alter Juno 121h 1S70, Trains will leavo Sujfnunv as follows : NORTHWARD. 5.15 A. M., Dally to Wllllamsport, for Elmlra i;nnnnaajgua, iiocuesier, uuuaio, suspension Bridge, and N. Falls. 3.10 v. M., Dally.fcxtept Sundays) for Elmlra nnd Buffalo via Erie lUllwuy from Elmlrn. 0.15 v. M., Dally, (except Sundays) for William- port. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 11.15 A. M. Dally (oxcert Monday's) for llaltlmoit WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 11.23 P.M. DallytcxcoptSunday'sJfor Baltimore Washington and Pnlhulclphln. ED. S. YOUNG, General Passenger Ageul. Alfred R. 1'iske, Gen'l Supt., DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & WESTERN RAI f.nOAD.-Suminer arrange ment, April ii,!t,i. Trains leavo as iouows: EASTWARD. WESTWARD. Ac com. Ac- com, P.M P.M. 4J3 4.33' Via M. & E. Dlvls. Fx- Ex- Mail STATIONS. Mali press previ A a. p.m. i"tujb Uo 8.00 4.10 8.15 4.25 8.40 4.50 11.28 7.35 0.00 "mo 11.15 7.'J0 11.43 7.50 11.63 8.00 7.30 3.30 8.43 4,42 11.03 7.03 12.00 8.03 12,15 8.20 12.25 8.30 12.40 8.43 12.5.5 8.153 1.05 1.15 1.30 0.20 1.40 0.41 2.00 .&s 2.10 10.(10 2.30 10.20 2.48 10.3.1 P.M. 8.20 0.(K) 8.30 3.10 0.15 0.10 3.46 0.21 0.25 4.01 0.33 0.50 4.20 0.51 10.30 4.S0 10.12 11.00 4.57 10.30 12.00 5.15 10.17 12.&5 5.30 11.02 1.00 P.M. A,M. A.M. Arl New York. Lv 012 (woi jsarciay or.) ...Christopher St,-... Hnbukeu , Newark- ... Washington 0.00. 8.33 6.U) 4.1U I, Oil via Cen. RR. of N.J, , flew 1 oris (MiotlMertvAX) ...Now Hampton -.Oxford 1000 3.40 7.10 6.48 1.21 12.17 12.57 Urldgoville 0.50 R.I3! (1.30 5.33 5.10 3.50 ...I'niiaueipnia.. , .Trenton l'hllllnsburtf 1.30 12.30 12.23 12.(18 12.52 11.34 .Manunku Chunk.... S.2S , .Delaware ...Mount Bethel Water Gap ...-.Stroudsburg Hpraguovllle Henryvllle -.. Oakland Fprks Tobyhanun Gouiduboro Moscow Dunning , Scranton ..Clurk's Summit.... 6.H 1,51 11.28 11.18 11.02 1 10.4(1 10.2; ll'.l 0.60, 0.40 0.10 8.3.1' 8.30 ...Abington -.Facturvvlllo 8.11 7.52 7-371 7.151 0.51 Nicholson - ..,-iinpDotiom Montrose,....... New Mil ford - Great Bend 0.89 A.M. Trains do not Mop nt Stations whero IhoTlmo is omitted. Connections. At Now Ham ptoii with Central It. It. of N.J. Tho Mall nnd Exprcfas trains eastward and west ward connect Willi trains lor New York, Eliza beth, Plaluflcld.Somervllle and other stations. At Washington with Morris & Essex R. R. Mall and Express trains mako close and reliable connections with trains lor New York. Newark, Morriblown, Dover, Wnterloo, Hackettstown dc. At Manunka Chunk with Belvidero Delawnre It. R. Closo connections aio mado by Mull and Express trains, Willi trains for Philadelphia, Trenton, Phllllpsburg, Bolvldere, A.c. By 'irnlu No. 2, passengers leach Philadelphia via Cam den, by No. 4, via Kensington. Passengers on No. 4, arrlvo in Philadelphia In time to lake tho 11.30 p. m, train for Baltimore and Washington. At Scranton with Lackawanna A Bloomsburg & Delaware & Hudson Rail Roads. Trains on theso roads connect with our trains for l'ltltton, Wllkcs-llurre. Berwick. Bloomsburg, Danville, Oly pliant, Archbald and Carboudalo. AtBlnghamton with Erie Railway. Mall No. 1 connects with Exprets Mall on Erie Railway, leaving nt8.42 p.m. with 11 sleeping coach at tached, arriving at Buffalo at 0.-0 next morning. Express No. 3 connects with a way train for Ow ego, Ithaca, and Elmlra. Albany .Subquehanna RallRoad. Fourtralns a day run each way between Blnghamtnu nud Albuny. One leaves Blnghamtun ut 2.30 p.m., and arilvesat Albauynt 0,00p.m. Syracuse, Binghaiulon a N. Y. It. R. Trains fo r Syracufco leavo at 7 n. m. and 0.23 p. in. Trains Irom Syracuse arihuul 11.40 n.m.niid 8.30 p. m. 11 . A. HENRY, W. F. HALLSTEAD. Gen'l Pu&s. and Tkl. Agent. Supt. READING RAILROAD. SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May 10th, 1870. Great Trunk Lino frnm ihn "N'nrth nml Wnrtli. West forPhlladelnhla. New Ynrlc. U,.nnlnc Vntts. vlllo, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shaiuokln Lebanon Alleutown, Easton, Ephrata, Lltlz, Lancaster Trains leavo Harrlsburg for New Y'ork. as lol lows: At 6,33, 8.10 and 11,'-, u, m nnu 2,30 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Penua. Railroad, and arriving at New York at 12,10, noon, 3,50,0,05 and lo.uo p. m. respectively Sleeping ears accompany tho 5,33 nud 11.2oa. in. kitiiu wiuiuui viiuukv. IteturnlniE! Lcavu Now York nt D on n.in. nnil 12.00 noon uud 5,00 p. in. Philadelphia ut Mt ... i, uuu o.av j. iii. oiei-piug cum uccuiupuuy tho 0,00 a. in., uud 6,00 p.m., trains from N, V without change. Leavo Harrlsburg ror Reading, Pottsvllit, Tiu raaqua, Mlucrsvlllo, Ashland, shamuklu Pine Grovo. Alleutown d. l'hilu'd. nt 8.10 a.m.. & 2.5U& 4,10 p.m., stopping nt Lebanon and principal way stations: the 4,10pm. trulu connecting for Phll'u Poltsvllle and Columbia only. For Pollsvllle BciiuyiKiu jiaven and Auburn, via scuuyikUI imu ousqueiiuuuu iauroau, leave jinrrisourg ai 8,40 p.m. East Pennsylvania llnllrnail trains leave Ilrnd. lug for Alleutown, Eastou and New York at 7.23 10.30 a. in., 1.27 and 4.45 p.m. Returning, lenve New York ut V.tXl a. in., 12.U0 noon and S.0J p. m. uuu uiicmunu ill I ii. iu, 1IUU1I, 1..U am- 8.45 p. 111. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia nl 7,10 u.m., connecting with similar tiuln on East pa. railroad returning Irom Reading ul0,& p. m stopping at nil stations. Leavo l'ottuvllle nr. 5.4Uantl DnOn.ln..nmt (6I) n.m Herndon at 0.3U a. in., bhamoklu at 6,10 uud 10,40 a. m Asuiuna at 7,05 a.m. uud 12,:ju noon Man nuoy City at 7.61 u. m, nud 7.17 p. in, Tnmaqua at 8.33 a. m., and 2,20 p. in, for Philadelphia nud New York. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill nnd Susque hanna Railroad at 8.15 n.m. for Harrlsburg, nud l-.iA, uuwu, 1U1 liUUUIUIUUUU J.1C1UUUI, Reading Accommodation Train leuves Potts vlllo at 5.40 a. m., pnsses Rending at 7,30 a. m., ar riving nt Philadelphia at 10.20 u. in. Helurulnxl leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., passing Read- mu ui o.vu p.m., arriving ut l ousvilie Ul v.w p.m. x'oiisiown Accommouaiiou iraiuneaves ruiui. town at 0,25 a.m.,, returning, leaves PhlludelphU' at 4.00 n.m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at ,.-v B.i!i., uiiu.4-13 p.m. ior Lpuraiu, itlliz, jtncug ter, Columbia, Ac, Perktoineu Rail Road Trains leave Perklonicn leavoSchweukavillo at' H.U3 a.m..12.45 noon, and 4.15 p.m., connecting with similar trains uu lteadlim Railroad. Colebioukdalu Railroad trains UavePotlstowii ai imu a. in niiuii.-u p. m. .reluming leave Jinuut plcasautut 7.00 and 11.25a. iu., connecting Willi Bi.uimr mini,, uu iieuiiuig iiaurouu. encster Valley Railroad Trains lenve Bildge port ul 8.30 a. in. and .(15 nnd A.d2n. m. leluriiinu. leave Downliigton nt 0.2O a. in., 12,13 noouaud .u., luuuuuuil Hllll BUUUUr ll.l, l.o Wl Reading ltallroud. On Sundays, leave New Yotk at 6,00 p.m., Pull, phla ut 8,00 a.m. aud 3,15 p.m., (the 8.00 u.m. train running only toReadlug;)leavePottsvllle ,00u.in.; llurrlshlire' nt. A a, n. in ..,l J in . in. n,ul leave Alleutown at 7.23 b, in. aud 8.U p. iuuua Rending at 7.15. u. in, and 10.05 p.m, fur Harris burg, ul 7.2Jn. in. for New York, nt 4.45 p. m, lor .1. . ... i ttlm "v w.u . hi. anu .'.ap. "i Phllade Inula. Commutation, Mileage. Season. School -u.u j.Atuiiiun jicKcis to uuu irom uu points, ui re duced rutes. 1 1 Buggage checked through; ICO pounds allowiv cuchpuneuger. G. A. NICOLLH, ,, ,. . Geuerul Superintendent Reading, Ph., April 20 1870. jROWN'S FAST FREIGHT FROM PIIILADELnilA TO BLOOMSBUUU, and intermediate points. Goods forwarded with caro und despatch uud at low ratcM. Goods, nt Philadelphia, must bo delivered at Illluer 4 Co's. 811 Market Street, For lull par ticulars, apply to JACOB fsCHUYI.ER, Proprielor, Aug. 20,'00-lf, R, R. Depot, Bloomsbuig.Pa JOB PRINTING .Neatly executed M U1I4 0c H OW TO CURE CONSUMPTION. mm rim.n?oriiY' of urt. Rmrrcxmr's GltUAT MEDICINES.-Will poonlo never learn in know that a diseased liver and stomach nec essarily disease the entire system? Tho plainest 1 rmcipii's u I'mii iiiuii nennw ii-i.eu mis, aim yet there, nro hundreds who rldlculo tho ldon,nnd rontlnuo In tho courso which almost Inevitably brings them prematurely to tho grave, Living liiomnioritv or neonio uo. at comti eto vari ance, with tho laws of luiluro, It must bo appar ent to all that, sooner or later, nnturo will re venge herself. Henco wo find Inat persons who Imlulgo to cxccrs In tho use of very rich or lndl gcsllblo food or intoxicating drinks, invariably I my 11 Heavy pi'iiuny ill luu vnu. inu hiuiiiiicu iccomcs disordered nnd refuses to net! the liver nttcmhml evils follow, and still tho suffering In dividuals persist In clinging to the I horoutthly ex ploded Ideas of the past. Dr. HUIIEN('K7S med icines nro rcciimmciuieii 10 nn sum. Tiiey urinfl sure nnd certain relief wherever Ihey nre mod ns illmted, and all that Is necessary to establish llielr reputation wllheviry nlllng manor wo man In tho laud Is n fair nnd iniirartlnl trial of them. Let thoso who nro skeptical on this point, nnd who havo permitted Interested persons to prejudlco them ngalnst theso now celebrated lemedles lor Consumption, discard their preju dices, nnd bo governed by Iho principles of rea son nnd eommou sense. If tho si stem Is disor dered depend upon 11, In nlno cases out 01 Ion Iho sent of the olsordcr will bo found In tho stomach nnd liver. To elennsa nnd Invigorate tucsiomacnauu losiinuuaiu inoiivcr luucuiiuy action, uso bCllllNCK'S MANDRAKE rtLLS.-Tho dally Increasing flemaud for llieso pills Is tho best evi dence of llielr valuo. Thousands upon thousands of boxes nre sold dally. Why? Simply because they act promptly nnd cfllclcntly. Invalids who may not find It convenient lo call on Doctor SC11ENCK In person nro Informed that full nnd completo directions for uso nccompany each pnekago of tho MANDRAKE PILLS. TITLMONIO SYRUP AND SEAWEED TONld-TIieso medicines w ill euro consumption unless Iho lungs aro so far gouo that Iho patient Is entirely beyond tho leach or medical relief. It may bo asked by llioso who are not familiar with the virtues or theso great remedies, "How do nr. t-CHENCK'S medicines ellect their won derful cures of consumption?" Tho answer Is n simple one, They begin their work of restoration by bringing tiro stomach liver and bowels Into nn active healthy condi tion. It I' food Hint cures tin formidable dis ease. SC1IENCK'MANDRAK1:PII.LS ncton tho liver nnd stomach, promoting secretion, and removing tho bllo nud slime which have result ed Trom tho Inactlvo or torpid condition of these orgnns, nnd of tho system generally. This slHg-i.l-i, .int. r,lin IimiK'. nu, tin. eniisenurnt ac cumulation of tho unhealthy substances named prevent tho proper ingestion 01 iixxi, uuu.ns iv uatural consequence, creates disease, wnlch re sults In prosti ntlnn nnd llnnlly In death. (-flll-k-cl.-'M pm.MfVNIil HVUIIP nud SEA- WELD TONIC, when taken regularly, mlnglo with tho food, aid tho digestive organs, make grant rich blood, nud ns 11 natural con. equenco, give flesli nud sticligth to tho patient. Let tho mculty say what. It may, this Is tho only truo cure for consumption. Experience has proved it beyond tho i-hadow of a doubt, and thousands nro to-duy alive nnd well whoa few years slnco wei o regarded as hopeless enses, but who wero Induced to try Dr. frUltENCK'S remedies, nnd uprn i'i.tf,ri.il to iierumnetit health by llielr USO One of I ho first steps tho physician should tako with a consumptive patient Is to Invigorate the system. Now how Is this lo ho done? Certainly not liv civim-.medicines that exhaust and ener vate Medicines that Impair instead of Improve Hie function of tho digestive organs. Doctor hCHKNCK'S medicines clcanso the stomach and bowels of all substances which nro calculated to Irritate or weaken them. They crcutoun appe-tlte-promoto healthful dlgestlou-mako good blood, and, ns 11 consequence, they luvlgornlo nnd strengthen the entire system, and moro es pecially those parts which tiro diseased. If this cannot bo done, then tho caso must bo regarded ns a lmneless mm. If the physician finds It Impossible to mako a PATir.ISl il'.Cl. JlUiUlll. 11 luu uibcuwiu ,.i-in,i. rcmint. i.arlnkn nf coot! nourishing food nud properly digest lt.Jt Is Impossible that ho can gain In llcsh nnd strength; nud It Is equally Im possible to bring n palleut to this condition so long ns the liver Is burdened with diseased bile, nnd the stomach laden with unhealthy slime. Almost the first request mado to tho physician by n consumptive patient Is that ho will pro scribe medicines that will removo or alloy tho cough, night sweats aud chills, which nro ttie sure attendants on consumption. But this should not bo done, ns the cough isonly nn effort of ualuro to relievo itself, nnd tho night sweats nnd chills nro caused by tho diseased lungs. The remedies oidlnarlly presciibed do moio harm Ihan good. They impair tho functions of tho siomncu, lrupeuo lieiuiny iiigeniiuu, imu uggiiv -vnto rr.lhor than cure the disease. Thero Is, arter nil, nothing Uko facts with wtifeli in substnntlato a nosltlou. nnd It is unon lacts that Dr. SCHENCK relics. Nearly nil who novo taken Ills raeuicino m nccoruanco wmi ins cl rretlnns liavo lintnulv been CU1TUOI COllsuuil) Hon, but, from tho fact that these medicines net Willi wouueniu pow er opoii mu uiuesutu lugim? patients thus cured speedily gain llesh. Cleans ing the system of nil Impurities, they lay the foundation for n solid, substantial structure. Itpktnrlnir tliesn nrirnns to health, thev creato ail appetite. Tho food is properly assimilated; the quantity of blood is not only increased, but is mndo rich nnd strong nud In the lacoot suchn conuuion 01 uio sysitm an uiseusu jiuisi. uo uuu' lshnil. i-'uil directions nccomnanv each of the medi cines, so that it Is not absolutely necessary that patients should seo Dr. hCUl'CK personally, unlesstucy ueslio to navoincir lungscxainiuni. For this mirnoso he Is ut his principal olllee. No. 15 North Sixth St., corner ot Commerce, Pii I la. ilclphla, every Saturday, from OA, M. until 1 1'. M. thorough examination with tho Itesplrometer A.l.,1-. la -.ln.. .-111. mil -lnM 1.1,1 Oil- (1 me euarge is co. rnco oi tno iruimonic wyrup anu neaweeu ionic eacn.9i.iju ner oome. or fti.auu nan iiuti'u, JMflmlniltn I'll!!. jceuUn box. For baloby all tliuggists. LAItGEST BEST eilEAPKST ! I7NTERPIUSE, INDUSTRY, TACT, ll Liberality, and the Jlcst Talent, lmvo forover 'l wenty Yean been fiecly used upon MOOUE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER, Aud ns a result It Is now, pre-eminently, the largest, Host and Cheapest IIiLUStkatfdKitkaij, Mtjjkauvani) Family Wi:ekly In thoWorld. Tons ol thousands of wlde-awako People, all over tho Contlnrtit, tnko nnd admire tho Huhal for llsbuxiQxlorAbUityfVatueJUmtrationStfitilcl-c, thu ntcss and rroruj niAisu iti IYvr ex ami tie. an Exclmnco snvs: "TilK IlUKAL the most jlUonntty JWnteit, Ably J-klitctl, Widely ttrcutatid and Jlcartilit Welcomed J'ancr. it a tvhole, which nnwjlndt Us vty among the eovtc," A A Vol, XXII, begins July Try It! Only ci.ou per volume 01 u uuinueri, ut u per year. Letts to clubs, Subscribe JS'ow! Address u. it, i iuuhi;, n i'aru now, rsew yotk. will pay for the Xcw I'd York WKliKIiY b$5 O UOLAW BUN from nmv diiiiuuiY j 171. OSK 1)0 L LAIC will pay f 0 r t h 0 B 1' M I-W VAZK I Y lo. do. 00 cents ui nays ior 1 11 n jiaiui nu. uhu-m, J. W. KMiLAND, Publisher, Xew York. PATENTS. I Inventors who wish to talto out Letters Pat ent nre ndviscd to counsel with MUNN A: CO..ed Itorsof tho Hcientiftc American, who Ijavonrose- cuted claims before tho l'alent ollleo lor ver Twenty Years. Their American and Lniopeau i'ntent Agency Is tho most exii-nslvo In the. worm. cnnrRos icss man any oiuer rename agency, A pamphlet containing tuU Instruc tions to inventors is sent BratlK. MUNN & CO,, :7 l'artc How, New York, N EWSPAl'EU ADVEHTISINa- A Book of 113 closely pi luted pages, lately Is. sued, contains u list of iho best American Ad vertising Mediums, giving the nincs, circula tions, aud full particulars enncerutm: tbo lead. log ually nnd Weekly rolltlcal and Family Nuvvsnancrs.iogetlier with all llioi,e having larno circulations, published In the Interest of Relig ion, Agrlculturi', LlUralure.de. ac. Every Ad vertiser, aud every perton vilio conttmplales becoming such, will llnd this book of great value. Mailed Ireo to any address on receipt ol uiicen ceuis. ur.u. i: iiuvvi'.i.i, a: lu., I uo Ushers. No. 40 Pauk Row-New York- The I'lttsburg (l'a.) Leader, In Its Issue of May 0. lkTO.sayst "iho linn of o. 1". Rowell . Co., wiiieii iK&ues iuis initresimg uuu vamaoie uoou, is tho largest and best Advertising Agency lu mend it to thenlfemion of those who desire to ud vertlso their business seleutlllcnlly and syste matically In such away; that Is, so to secure me juiki'di uiuuuni ui puunviiy ior ino jenst ex penditure of money," gAXON 0 KEEN, : Is Drl Killer, will not Fade. Costs Loss than nnv other because 11 vvllll'alut twice as much surface SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IN PAINTS. J, II. WEEKS & CO., Manufacturers, 123 KoiiTii Ini srnKnT, I'iiilaselfiiia, I'HOMIT. HONORABLE. RELIABLE. A GENTS WANTED in ovnrv eltv. XJLtown and village Tor tho largest nud most successful DOLLAR HOUSE lu tho country ONLY ONE endorsed by tlm leading I'aners und E ipuss Co's. of tho United Btutes. Our goods liivo iiuivcisai sausuciion, our premiums to iree. Haying twolioiises-lioslon and Chicago OUr faclllKes nr liiwiiunl,..! nml ,.nn l.ii.li.n,. exccids In amount all other concerns lu this IIMtltl IU11IUII1CU. BEND roll CIRCULARS nud l-'REKCLUn to . , . u- UIUMIUON & CO., 133 Icderal Btieet, Boston, or Hi HUilo Street, Chicago. HIDE ami ltrlilf PrAnm V..i.. for ( Young Men, tree, In sealed envelopes. HOW RD AfcftOClATlON, Box 1',1'hlladClphla, I'u, nSYCIIOSIANOY, OR ROUI. CHARMING. A L wouderlul boolsj it shows bow either sex can lasclnnlo uny cue they wish. Instantly. (All possess this power.) It teaches how to getilcli. Alchemy, Boreerlis, lucanlatious. llemunology. Muglc,Mekmeri.m,rJplrlluallsm,Mnrrlsgellurdo nud a Ihousand wonders. Ms lied for S3 cents. Address T. WILLIAM it CO., l'ubll.hers, Boulli "Hi street, Philadelphia, l'a. ' "VTES! IT IS TiniMI X That UioVMi.VoueM Xha J!ctl Dnvnert Iho liift&il.Jlakerilo be found In the woild aro tho Original nud Relluulo Double-Motion jlliiin ,.... ,i.vi luunv uy ino I.IPIA III AN Ill.'Af !. 1URINU CO., of Hsleui, Ohio: Heid foV Painph" lcuonlalulug particulars. pu S A TiTi'SMli" W lv?.nte 1,1 nraylngbuslnesT, FlStliii ; Sfi B. Kknmeuy, 115 Che.tuulrit! Til If !.,l"!AIV. WACHINK.-Now Book rcolorMtnmp,TARllANTCO.IN. X riiiu: japanehi: rnnw T.-ir.T nn Curtis WltllflUt Imln , ttrl... fa...l.t . .1 luidshoo stores, H. in pies mailed on receiptor I i ii ik vii. v i Yi Sr.!J iYt. r :2??..tA N 1 JJE JWi-iiv. ' '"v" Dry Goods & Notions. JyJ-EW STOCK OF OLOTIIINQ. Fresh nrrtval of SUMMER GOODS. DAVID L'OWENflEIta invites Attention lo his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. athlsstoro on Main Street, two doors above tho American House Dloomsburg, Pa,, where ho has Just received from Now York nnd Philadelphia a full assortment of .MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durable, and handsomo DRES3 GOODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, IIOCO, GUM, AND 01L-GLOTH COATS AND PANTS. of all sorts, sizes nud colors. Ho has nlso replen ished his nlready large stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIOURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS' HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES lie nns constantly on band a largo nnd well-se- ectcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho Is prepared to mnko to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nud In tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, nud most of it is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, oiocry description, fluonnd cheap. His caseol Jewelry is notsurpassediu thlsjplacc. Call uud exanuuo ins general assortmcn of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELIt. , AC. DAVID LOWENBKRG. c. a m a it it liavojust received from tho easlern markets a large nnd well selected stock of DRY GOODS, OONHISTINU 0 e Cnsslmers, Jeans, BcU bleached A. Brown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Linens, Cotton A All wool U.mncls, ,ic, 4c , A'goo,! slock of Ladles iM-css goods, Latest blyk A patterns. KpUes of nil kinds, Good stock groceries, Queenswaro, Ktono ware, Wood ,t willow ware, Flour .t Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tlu', Brasi,Ac. AU goods (.old cheap for cash or pro duce. Ho would call tho attention of buyers to his well and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept lu tho coun try, feeling confident that ho can sell them goods at such prices as will eusuro satisfaction. Nov. SCO-tf C. C. MARR. THE RED LION BRAND, TJ Xi A C K ALPACA Is superior to all otheis in color, quality nnd imeu , iu uu iuuuu umy ai. jr. r. lutz's Dealer in Dry Goods nnd Notions, lu Brower's new building next to tho Court House, Main Btreet, Bloomsburg, Pa. iuoyl3 .o-lf. jyjILLEU'S STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL OF SUMMER aOODS. Tuo subscriber has lust returned from the cities wltn another large and select assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, purchased iu New York and Philadelphia at tho owest figure, and which bo U determined to sell ou as moderate terms as can bo procured else where lu Bloomsburg. Ills stock comprises J.ADIES' DRESS G00D3 of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together witun large assortment of Dry Goods aud Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cus&linercs, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollowware Codarware Queenswaro, Hardware Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cap Hoop Nets, Umbrella, I-ookliig-Glassej, Tobacco, Cofleo, Sugars, Teas, Rico, Allsplco, Glugcr, Cluuamou, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In Bhort, everything usually kept In country stores, lo which ne Invites tho attention of the publlo generally. Tno highest price will be paid for country pioduco In exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER & SON. Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa. QON P E O T I O N E R Y . Trie undersigned would respectfully announce to tho publio that he has opened a FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, in the building lately occupied by Tox 4 Webb where ho ts prepared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN 4 FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, AC., AC, UY WHOLESALE OB RETAIL. , In short, a full assortment of all roods In his lino of business, A gi eat variety, of DOLLS, TOYS, 4c.,' suitable for the Holidays, Particular attention HiX tO BREAD AND OAK EB, of all kinds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS DANDIES, OHISTMAS TOYS. guarante'ed?0"0"011' and ea""fac" will b Nov. 22, 1SB7. ECKHART JACOBS. jJEROIIANDIBE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To my friends nud the publlo generally, th at si kinds of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, AO., are constantly ou hand and lor sale AT BARTON'S OLD STAND Bloomsuuko, ny JAMES It, EYElt r.tIio, Hole Agent for;ELUs' Phosi'Iiatk or 1MK. Largo lot constoutly on hand. feb8'o7. g L A T E ROOFING, B VERY VARIETY MOST FAVORABLE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AM) CASPER J. THOMAS Bo.. 277. nioomsburg, Pa. Mar.19.MMy ' jgUY THE 1JEST." J A RCJ AINS-UARO AINS. HUICIC SAT.FJ) ANn SHAM. 1-llOVITO. BAYE YOUR MONEY. Go lo , , , HENRY YOST, East Bloomsburg To., for all kinds of Uilv home and city made usm I'U UN ITU RE, iEl!-c.1'l,..rfn,cuaWo uuj h" woik done. J1W iV-lf Dry Goods & Grocorios. G RAND Ol'ENINO GRAND OPENINU GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAN.D OPENING or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WIN'lT.ll GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER UOOIM, consisting oi consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAl-S, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES, IIOOI H AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SIIOCS, HOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE C LOT RING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHIKO, LOOKING-OLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKINO-OLASKKH, LOO It I N G-G LASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, OHEENSWAHK IJUEENSWAIIH, IJUEENSWARE, tiUEENKWARE, UUEENSWARU HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, 1'ITH FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, AC, Ac, Ac, AT McKELVY, NEAT, & CO.'S, McKKLVY, NEAL A CO.'S, McKEI.VY, NEAL A CO.'S. McKKLVY, NEAL A CO.'S. MCKKLVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Noi thwest corner ol Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Nort hwest corner of Main und Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main aud Market Streots, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSIltIRO, PA 11LOOMS11URG 1A BLOOMSUUKO, PA., BLOOMSUUKO PA. DLOOMSmiRO, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, in large quantities and at reduced rates, rdway on nnud. Miscellaneous. NEW COAL YARD. The undersigned respectfully Inform tho citizens of Bloomsburg nud Columbia county. iu,.,. nit i.L-ei, uu uim-i eni, milliners 01 biovo coai anu seiecicu lump coal ror smithing purpo ses, on their Tharf, adjoining M'Kclvy, NealA Co's Furnace; Willi a good pair of Ruirulo scales on tho wlinrf. to vvclnh coal. hov. nnil slrnw Likewise a horso nnd wagon, to deliver co.il to thoso who deslio II. ABthey purchasoa large amouutof coat.they Intend tokeep n superior ar ticle, and sell at the very lowest prices. Please call and examluo for yourselves beforo purchas ing clscwheic. J. W. HENDKItHHOT, AUGUSTUS MASON, THE undersigned will take In ex change for Coal aud Groceiles, the following tiuincd articles : Wheat, Rye. Corn, Oats, Pota toes, Lard, )Iam,SliouIdcr,ani(slde meat, Butter, l.ggs, Hay, ic.nt tlio highest cash prices, at his Urocery Store, adjoining their coal jard, J. W. HE.NDERSIIOT. Bloomsburg Mar. 19,'CD-ly, HO. HOWER, ipeued a first-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUR STORE. ut tho old stand on MalnStrcct.llloomsburg.afew doors above tho Court Houso. His stock Is com posedof the very latestand beststylesever ofler ed to tho citizens of Columbia County. He can accommodate the publlo wlththofollowlnggoods at tho lowest rates. Men's heavy doublO soled ktoga boots, men's double nud single tan soled kip boots, men's heavy Hoga (.hoes of nil kinds men s lino boots and shoes of all grades, boy's doublo soled boots nnd.sliocs of nil kinds, men's gloyo kid Balmoral hliues,mcn's. women's, boys's ,,r. , . ...i.h fcUiiun, nuiueus giuve luu 1 ollsu very flno.n omen's morocco Balmorals and onirimnVVT;;,V,rr" :,""'.,'''suu . ..u-.iv.il .c,.y uuu uiu uuiiouetl call, ers. In short boots ol all descriptions both nea geu imu soweu. He would also call alt etitfrm tn Mo mcntof "w HATS, CAI-S, FURS AND NOTIONS. whUh comprises alltho now and ponulai vari eties at prices which cunnotfallto suit all. Theso goods nro ollered at tho lowest casli mtes anil K1i',l,'0i,KU,".ronu'''u loglvo satisfaction, A call llu "'"ronurcha.Hlng elsewhere as it is belloved that better barga us aro to be fovud u;7aiiy other place in the county. " ?,"f "Jl! St., X.T. oraRlf.iihKi.ri.,,. ',, n ehlPTO.ly, ' AN INDISPENSABLE ARTICLE FOR THE LADIES. LTYitVnfa! July W7i,16.) This Curler Is tho most prrfect Invention ever of rorrti lo tho public. It is cosily operatid.neatinnp penrance, nnd will not In. Jure the hair, ns thero Is no In at required, nornny metallic substance used to rust or break Iho hair. Mnnulacturid only and lor sale by MCMILLAN A CO. No, C3 Noi Hi Front street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Stores nt Dly Coodsi Trimmings and Notion .iJi'.H'"8.1'1?''?1. W cents; 3 Boxes, assorted sizes, to its. Aful!(irrc lo any part of tho uult ed Slato sj upon rectlid of the incuty. JARLY ROSE POTATOES, THE CHEAT TOPIC OF THE DAY, The subscriber has n limited tunply of tho Early Rose Potato, which ho will bell to those wlshl jg lo procure this excellent variety, at the low rate of Two Dollars per bushel. Ho has also, twenty of tbe Best Varieties of STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY, IIOT-HOU8E AND OUT-DCOIt PLANTS, all of which will bo kept on hand, nud for sale, iu their season, PRICE LIST OF EARLY ROSE POTATOES I Per pound, 25 Cents j Per peck, 7Sccntsi Per hall bushel, UM ( Per lushel, ItOOj Per barrel, $5.00, n.arl8'7(Mf. w- CMElNtf 41 8 BUSIN1CSS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, AO., AO. Neatly mid Cheaply Printed From the latest Styles of Type al the COLUMBIAN OmcK Hardwato & OutlCry7 TIIE NEW II ARDWARF fwrT .. . . NE PLUS ULTRA Sr0UE. Having cniargoa our Store Room ... OPENED A NEW mti'm ?. Jt directly from the Manuraclnrm rTi,V cash, on n declining market, w o ai? nf, ??f M H olfcr thosamoto "r 1-atreu to FARMERS, MECHANICS, BUILliPn0 nnd tho rest of Mankind, a general 3 prising all tho kinds nnd'nualltiJSI,,,.lot'lt. con. In a city Hard Ware sm. . S" ""nallr vS: of the county, nt unusnally low price," ""' All those who nrn tips rln.iDn, . 'il.es. In our lino can snvo Money by ir,V,ti!lR,P8 eoodi New Hardware Store. y ,0klng la ft"?? Pleasoglvo usacall nndo!tamlnon. . Ap,M-,yr 1 JACOn li.. B.MIT11. - gMITII & SELTZEr; 111 Importers nnd Dealers In Forelcn n i , u"mtM!. II A R D W A R R GUNS, CUTLERY, 4C Nov.22,C7.tf.P,nLAUEr'rn'A. QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pa, M. CI. HTOAM A. linni-lii.-.,, Havo on hand and forsnloattlioiuoht reanoui. OARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN AKIl IMVnv iiiiiiiiiue.. iiui ,uu ,1, iu nrKi nnu nml iint. I ablo materials, nnd by tho most cxt.erlttf! I workmen. All work sent out irom lUfSI llshmeut will bo found to hoof the highest !Sa I nnd sure lo give perfect satisfaction, TheyhavJ I UT. UlnilQ or all tho newei.t nnd most fashionable Hrlti well uud carefully mado and ofiUo Ust niK At. tH-n-IInn nl tli.l. ... . . I belloved Hint none superior cau Jiclound In tot 1 AGENTS WANTED TOIl xbleAjyrics A MASTERLY VrRSIFlCATION OF Tlir SUBLIME rOE'lRY OF 111E BIBLE. SO pronounced by leading rlcrejirwn tndliT.I men of all denominations. Ciili.rKniivniin,Il nnd highly esteemed both lor Its grew IntrlMj merit and nitehnnlcnl llnKh. A lenutirul rnl pectus. Irom a newnnd original desigu.ihoirlril tho dlilerent styles or binding, etc., Ktitoll lutein FRKEtoiillnerepteil as Agi-iitn.nrjilsuiQ.1 pie inpy when desired, at-HpircniMmlanuf WJIOUXALJ; Pllici:. Executive limtorjl niiti iiii,.,iubi. j.iueiiu eiiu. f i.riull 1'flrucuiail keiiup, vie., uuuii-aa I- T.1 VI'VT T, l.lt.l, may6'70-tr 3 Barclay hi. Xew'l orV. Insurance Agencies, Q. L O It E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY o r NEW YORK. Pliny Freeman, President, H, C, Frecinaa,Sw Cash capltnl over t2,tXVtatM,all paid. J. Ii. ROinSON,BI.003tSl!Ult(J,f.1 GENERAL AO:ST, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug. 20,'60-ly, TNSURANOE A Q KX0Y. JL Wyoming twl Altun ... l,ao," Fulton North America City ' International Wl Niagara 11 Putnam Wm Merchants -.. W Sprlngflold W Farmers' Danville - s''i Albany City 1 Ijincnstercity York Horse, Death di Theft...... W" Homo. New Haven 'Ml Danville, Horso Theft - FHEAS BROWN. AiteA mar8,69-ly. Bloomsiicbo, PiJ Foundries. OIIARPLESS & HAIOrAN, EAOLn I'OUNDltV ANU JIANUFAl irBI0 '""I STOVES & TLOWS WHOLESALE A KEIil THE t'ELEUUATED MOSIK03E IHOS HEA li THE HUTTON WOOUE.N 1IEAM rl.OffS. , .T,....,.f...-.,nlHniTrltlStOVl ell-.llllKSIllUl C 11 U IHIl 1.1". t.i ,- -tnntl All kinds of Brass or Hon cabling i"Je """l upon shoit notice. ,, ...nvivl B. F. SH ARPLliSS A 1. S. I ffij ninnrriHlmrir. l'a. I'mpran-l Mar.lD.'ti'J-tf. JIRST NATIONAL WHITE LEAP, BEST. PURKS'iANO ClIUArEST HATIfl FACTION IIL'-VKAMttl'l wim,ii.. iiiimbllllj.niiuBrUlM- cd.!,t.,h.".8, y,,.ui Palais ll.rsn.sM'1 ,1110 cuuutry. BARKER, WOOltK & J1EIX. SUCCLfcbJn' TO T. MORRIS FEKOT A CO. Sole Proprietors, rmtm Deiilcrs in all kinds cf DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS. GLASS, DvusTUrrs, 4C, if- CAUTION.-Owlilg to ,.Vifiy.1Srl01 our "First Niillounl Whl Je '" ",,nJ particB have been Induce u aV,'me. JWI rlnnu .. P. IM . .1 I insnllie UftDie. foro Beware ol Counlerlelt. .'.'jn lttl Ino is put up lu exlra heal) lyjietl pots, with patent metallic win " I BARKER, 5IOORE & JlF.I'il On each label, f or sale by ,..,. MOYi:nhn.a. TMRMERS! EXAMINE AND X T II K O R I a I K A I" .K..VI1 The Finsr Raw bone riio-rB" 1 AH otheis arc imitauon. II A u"o It'8 haw noNK , ri SUPER PHOSPHATE 01' 1BI FALL, r-X. . ,.!J This Manure U mpdo u'.naa,tr.ll,';,li j.uva. lien 111 AIIIUB""" . n.iiio I I'-"', il OU of Vitriol, prebcullug the '.V'ii0W,,!'l a highly boluUoaud nulikU f ?,tol tho Aminonlii in such jnoi'ortl"-1 'ee')l pro ii past ure tlnn. Wii if line give this nitlcle n trial. us aiiicie ii irmi. , (, B A u a II & s 0 s' l . .. l. . r-T IT KGIvl. ..,AVl'":e -iriP miunii vigorous oil1"" -'.:.. ill t season, the Indications, jilJ "jt that It will maintain Us vie1 ', . rii . st all in wu oyyit'E-No s h, ijiu rAlLADKLFHIA' JlllVC-W. In . ...