Blooinsburg, Friday, July 29, 1870. Wanted. A Joiirncvinmi Tin.-rniUh immcdiniciy. HMrrit jmoTitEits naU'ii, urnngoviiio. Mom; bulldimr ntul Jmnrovcmcmts It1 you wish to cot n full mul rcllablo ... r (...l l),.nAn,ll.fJ TTntiln .... .Ia . n filK CUnn rtvwl lltlll ne . n J1.M Vr. mibliali this week Iho .Tiirvnml rial iisis. xuu iiuaiiR.'i ui i riiYursii tirors una ui'L-a u-uiiuuuu in viu;v ui mu l.n 11 1 Mil 1 it I '.I I itit- nt nnvl tnvm t !. .1. Tjtu lfl&t Session of Congro-ft npnro . . t .ht d" t l O l it f il . - M I ... .iwu inn niiiiiiiiii. iiKfii imiinr i Mimi'in . V lutal nnaa nnn fit f.i i'l-i-ini-,jiiiiT.1 m ilhout tlio Columihan. Tho law wo 111. 1. A.I Inntitm .. Uh ...... ... ...!,.M .,..1,1... HlMUIIllUll 'UlL't Had IIOAD3. AVo learn that in some . I 1 M.n .. 1- 1 II.. il.i Ii fotco J.i misy turning mom in order. ft. H. A((iil)i:T. On Int 'PiipsIhv lUlUlLlli I JUL i UUil I Ullkl U 111 III.. If ( tlm nniinl. ntifl em tin i rmitr novi r.tlllio cnclno oiTtho track. This cn- f tT.VinV ( 1M f AVIUM! V. "V. H7 n iMiis it'll nmu. win uu nisiniiw'ii nt mul i vim in n lif i piy. ntiiin inn en imttt. UlUV, VW1'"""'"- J J ...... n (, nii-u- i - 1. 1 f-1 It.,., il.,.,. I. -,... tio Jlaulca s. tlio lion. Irocman .irke. radical, and ex-conimrollcr of rv. t'l II I . I M I I I I i II1M I (II.I Al III A IIlll it i i i Liiu i v uu iiiii t'ii;iiif t'li clvo our readers the lat '-I and most labie news. Jivorv i.unl v snouitl ini's i i i h ri fii win sin iMii'd nun iinr. in t i. I i . .. J1... lowincf day two men nameil resncc- ui for tho eamo eauso and the next uminir. navuiir nccn mouj'ju ucioro and costs. 'nv in A X- I InSM III. it lnfr nrli II. i (hiipiI fn llin liPJiiNO. 1 1 :t villi lionn lftfr mi 'nr., u' in ii iiiir rii('k-HM mir init rnt' i inifici.iuiiii. v:is inn in iiiri'ti. vfittni' tn rntnin tlm Tunnnm Tuv i ui u!iv rnfnln it M'lwi r.iit. if U i ihe rcccints. IseMdes is it not ns immririiiimHii nv t v nu inr iinti. iiv.'N- i .in i xi 'i i. . r. ! iiirfi in' iii inn nrii nn rnTiirn.iv i ir i inim innn in Utivo to tlio feos of certain Town -r u' isi Tintnii i i :nrnrnmni it VUI1JLT Willi U1U UUIUUUIM UI lOWU ghter hhoi)3. Tho nmncrtv of tlio -id, l friivi i(T)..tH ....11 4.. IICJ..I (....11 (111! IK'I I IfP VlTf TTir AT htci rVii.i..l.-tti j r, 'v "v "J fift lie I U Tlir ii.,n f . .....Jl.n DflTlPra nrn rninW'iil nuriil -i fl it tlio ll-V.VMl.l .hui. IIJ HI J cuLLi'fuiin- 1 1 ii i r ltn in irni inn nun promptly delivered. If any deiny ; , - . . j v inu inviii. i iiiw?u uu.- uitni irnin inn nt icn iintl t ilhiif to illlllOni fn f tirt fn.t.mi.j rn . - -r i Jll J,l li -.' IUIIJ IIV.UIUU I 1 Atl'HIIfi IIMII Mill' isa file of old newanancrs. It brIiiL'3 n Vncit nn ...III. nll . 1 - 1 7 .."tf iTtlll (lit KDtf WtU 4IIH run, muru man ino most lauorcct -f-..u.. v t liiu lll.llUk lilllt 1 IIU 1.14I - --...w I'linivil 3 MUtf -ltV 111 Ull il --.-.iw i.i, lllv lV.Mli UI till UIXIUIIU -ii&vuiiih jiiLUii-jui'b aiui incir cures jouoweii tlio sab o train of h a Or. WHO cmilil inn rn n( im In..1, ' . " -4tjraii UOUHU IUI 1113 ... - v t& uia v iii iiiii vi.' I --Ui .III 1 1 III Ji( ... hiv -uiii iijai,. mt.s inn loi- nrc,. nn.,...! tin..".. ." . fffllif.-tnn.. 1 1- 1 .... iJiuvhiuii; " - "innn i u UI IMU WlllUJl LIIOV ra ti,A . f .ui. f in. i . . I iiiuiuivwtv. 1UW U n" -uuiiui'i" nrn nnniiinvinir ii- w.rum. wui tho nuvanlnc-cri of iiaislnt- 'IttU.' t IllfiilPV In fr1iiitiw inniu 1'Ooplo who answer hl.s letter Hi J-ndollnrriiHBood money for -UUurcd dollars in unnr inrmnv. nro navcfl Hkn ltiifn.s nv wnnilrr- u-om of common ectue. WLAVtirnnn n.. 4i.n Ktu ,.r i .... rii.l.. , o ' - 4uii mi litii mm travoit wn 10 our tiiDseus and i "..lM-----i III UaQLIIUU 11IU r - llllllliniil nt t lii i-vl i. ...i.i.. I Ir. h.i . IMU VVMMIUKlll J1U' TYl.... VVIH111..-I1I i i. ..ii 1m.... "' wo leiira mat it is ".IL-K kllr,llr... n.,.l . iii;"""""ruiiiir inereased uccom. )., '"-' iur, tjioiincr w rein n ffi',J.,m? largo exiieileneo h in "- luiuiui iiiiiiiiiiui i ir iiii-i. .ii iiiinriiii.i i. . Wo vk, f.favorUowUl1 1110 l,ub- THE -T UltttWIClv lini n mnn who n fnw oyonliiR sluco drank twenty 'four bottles uj porter. Patijnt. IjettcH patent Imvo been nailed to jir. ii. it. Minimum or tins place, for im Improved. Towing Hook to bo used on i .nnl boa's etc. A largo smii ikii iiirvnuy oceu ouureu to ?lr bhlpmnu for his Invention. Ni;w l'Ai-t:ti.-Wo learn that n now 11 n.1 1 ll'llini la Dlinft t. in I.n i .J. - " i' mini- V,X ViV1'10, l" 1J- Yordy, or Wilkes Jtorro, Kdilor. 'L'wo pnpers of llopub. nv ui luuuuvuics in so sniaii u county m JLontour. would seem to Indicate that tho alialrs of that party nro look- in;; i sumewiini. Tun best cam palgn document Is a cood nnllltnil nnwinaivtr Au II u . 1 1 . t . 1 1 , i . ted periodically, and contnln's tho latest iiiiniiiirnnrv, nnii rrniwnvi fntw in. tiwit interests every family, this medium of iiiiiueiiciiiu puunc upinion siiouni com mend itself to nil Democrats 1 You can ill! ninrn with a nmratifiimi- uu n nnm. paljju document than with nnvtiilnL' H. It. ainnrrstt. There will bo a mcetillL' oftho frlond.i of tlm ITimlnnk Creek and ifimnv lt:ill nt Xnw Columbus liuzoruo Co., on tho tlth of iusiH(, i, ii, wnon ins Hoped that there will be a Koncrnl atlcndanco.of tho citi zens of this, liiizurno and Lycoming Counties. Thcro seems to bo much In terost taken in tho matter nnd with this, success is moro than probable. Vivm. Tho brilliancy f'vriueu- cy of tho lla-lns of lightning durlnt; tho storm of Sunday last vero remark-abl-', At times nconflnuous ctream m" u!o"tiieal light would pan from one end of tho heavens to tho other. Th: peculiar illumination oftho skv ure- vented tho more ordinary wonder of uu'inn n" iro n i? ni; not cod c.-mri' ally. Sad Acriiir.N'T. Michael Hess of Salem township, Iiuxerno cjunty.w biie engaged m iiisirucungfromomen in ui" Uio of tho mower, on Wednesday, neci- dentlygot ono of his feet before the knives and received a severe cut in the ankle, severing tho arteries and sinews to tncanuio Joint, nnd it Is leait'l his foot will havo to bo amputated. Dr. It. 11. Iilttlo attended him. Harwich Ga zette. Tin: llemtbUcan Incautiously rushes to tho defence of Mercur on his taiilf neord. foriroltini' that lie BttidioiHlv avjids discussion on tlio subject for ft ir of arraying against him the 1'rco Tin- uersoi uradioni county. JJUt our cu. teniporaiy stales, that "uiiin the umendmeut of Butler to reduce t (meaning tho tar'ff ui.ou Ir.m,) "Mr. Muicur voted for u tarill' and tfjUiii! U reduction." and nuot-jts tho Ojiirircs- sional G'olc ai authority. Mow wo as sert thnt the thoxra no swh far, did defy our ncjilibor to miblish it. Wo also nsk when and where, in or out of Congress, Mr. Mercur over mado a Tariff Speech. School, Giisls. Tho nrineinal of a lloaton fchool lias suggested to pan.n's and guaidians that the girls ut nn up proachintr exhibition shall bo simnlv and plainly dicssed. 'J'lio leeop.uiien daiion is universally applicable; and should ba universally heedi.d. Mot oi lv at school exhibitions bulatschcol.every day, Aincnean girl., aio overdressed. ino la'liions aro lullowed as tiioiiEul- lossly by them as by their mother; and from veiy early litres thev aio accustom ed to wear Jeweliy and to spend money rt uu a ireuuum wmcn joau.s to luturo Improvidence. Wo tlaro not hope that tho ISoston teacher will succeed In ids (utempt to inaugurate reform, if ho should, ho will boono of tho benefactors of bis race. Tho practice lie deprecates the source of much frivolity, and of an extravagance which too often bears bitter fruit in ut ter life. A . V. 'J lines. Sixty Yiiaiis M'AitRir.i). An inter esting and unuiual oveut occured in this borouirli on Monday ovenintr of last week. It wes tho celebration of tlio six tieth anniversary of tho marriage of our venerable and oiteemed townsman. Win. Cox Kills. l his osliniablo wife. It was made the occasion for n visit from their dauehtors with their husbands, one son and his wife, and a number of grand children. Ai tho celo- uiimcion oi their trolden wcddniL' ten yea. 3 a, all their sous and daughters, fcuiis-lu-law and daughters in law, and grand children were present. On the Into occasion, two sous with their fam ilies were unablo to bo pn ent. It was arranged by tho younger members of ino launiy to no.d a reception in tuc ovenmj;, and uotwithstandimr the in clemency of tho weather, a largo number of our citizens called to pay their re spects to the aged couple. This, part of mo programme was a compiotosurprlse to Mr. and Mrs. Kills, but they seemed to enjoy meeting their neighbors and friends very much. Fow married coun- leslivcto eele.irate tho sixtieth anni versary of their wcddiiiL' day. That tlio subjects of this notico may livo to enjoy tlioieturn of many more anniversaries of their wedding Jay, we aro sure, U ino nearly wish oi nit who navo tne pleasure of their aciiuaintanco. Muney Uitini) At'i'i.i; I'ii'.ty. A correspon dent, who has evidently been putting up at some hotel or "fashionable'' boarding house, thus indigently rhvmes his deto-itation of "dried applu pies." ins next epic win do on "iiasn:" I loathe ! abhor! detest! despise! ibom uate dried aiinlu ic: 1 like trood bread. 1 like irood meat. Or anything that's lit to eat: But of nil poor grub beneath tlio skies, The poorest Is dried apple pies, (iivo mo tho tooth aeho or soro eyes in preierenco i j sucu uiim ot pies. fho honest farmers tako trnarlv fruit. 'Tis wormy, bitter, and hard, to boot: They leave tho bulls to mako us cough, Anil don't tako half the peeling oil; Then oil a dirty cord they'ro strung Aim lrom somocuaniucr window liung; And thero they servo a rooat for Hies. At liiNt they're sold nnd made in pies, i read on my corns, or ten mo lies, Butdon't pass me dried apple pies. Imi'Ohtant Aitnr.sT On H.itiii-iliv afternoon last, t man driving n black mnro attached to a red wagon, passed rapidly through town and when but a short distance below tho hill thohorso fell and Instantly died. The man leit tho dead horse, wagon and harness, and dis appeared until about dusk, when Con stable Wood ward, who, suspectingsonu'- tiling wrong, was awaiting ins return, unrated him and placed him in Jail. A further examination brought out tlio fact that ho was tho thief who, on the 21 it of Juno last, slolo a liorso from fll'Oriro 'I'lH'liv fif 1 limilnr,!.- I, .1.1.. and a set of harness from Mr. Harry. 'ino norso was nttcrwards recovered abovo Scrantou but the harness was nover found. It further nppears that tlio horso which died ns stolen In 1'ittston from a man named Ilobert 11. Green and was evidently driven to death. Warrants havo been Issued for tllO tllCftS oftho two horses nnd l'nr I'm. city to animals, In driving tho horse to ueuiu, and wo icarn inni another war rant will bo Issued for tlio theft of tho harness. Tho thief Is u young man 'lain ed John Herbert, and is a reckless fel low who admits tho charge of stealing tlio nrst horso and seems to euro verv Uttlo for tho consequences. Should ho bo found guilty of tho various charges, ho will undoubtedly passsomo time in tho 1'cnltuntiary. In tlio wagon wero found a money drawer containing two notes, aud a hint cage, botli of which were identified by Mr. Oreou as his property. Tho wagon also contained a coat which, as it Is much too largo for Herbert, Is presumed to bo stolen. It ivould seem as if everything which eamo In Herbert's way was picked up and appropriated whether valuable or not. Ho is now in Jail and In Irons, having threatened and attempted au escape on tho llrst opportunity. miSwj finn 1 1 1 A ....... I .. . .. P ..... v .... jiiiiiuill OUS.SIOII UI i iu rcnnsyivama Htato Teachers' Asso ciation will bo hold In tho Court Houso In tho city of Lancaster on tho tlth, 10th mm mil ui ivuxusi nexi. TllO 10I10W- lug is tho plan or nrrango tneiils for Stato Teachers' Assoclntinn for tho present year: Excursion Tickets on Allegheny Val ley It. It., Catawissa, Cumberland Val loy, Philadelphia nn:I Heading, and branches, ueadlngmid Columbia. Frco IVssim to return on C.Uasauqua and Foclsvllle, Delawaro and Hudson, ijicivuwnnnuauu i!iooinsuurg,t'hlIadol phla and Baltimoro Central, Pittsburg and Oonnelisvlllo. West Clic3ler and Pbiladelpliia. Wilmington and Head- inc. Kvr!,rclnt rTIM-'Mlj tccml .... Presentation ofordcr from Ticket Agent ui inu iv-isuLi.iuuii, on juiawnro, Jjacis awanna and Western, Lehigh and Sus quehanna, Lehigh Valloy, Mortliorn Lantral.Oll Creek and Allegheny ltlvcr, Ponusylvania, Philadelphia and Krie. Thesn orders may bo had on application fsfnnm nnlnqpil l in Hwi ,i,iii,.rclrmMil Applicatio:i should stato tho iiamo of tho person using eacli order and' tho jwnroad htauons Dotwccn which tho ticket is to bo Issued. C. H. HAiinrxo, Ticket Agt ll'i) Oxford Strc2t, I'hil'n. Soxn.v Y'u S rotiM. We greatly noubt whether thero was over presented, oven to "tho oldest inhabitant." so wolrdlv beautiful astorm Rfeiio as that of Sun day night last. Tho storm began at a Utile before half past seven, and shortly after its e pnimencement tlio clouds wore tinged with a crimson Hush which docnoiiedanddcenenod until tho wb'jle heavens. were lighted as by tho mlgbra-t of conflagrations. Tho rain r. li in torrents and yet brighter and more golden grew the clouds until the very air scorned Heavy with tho rich-iii'-s oftho coloring, and tho waters be low run like streams of molten gold, 't'lie m'oiio was at onea magnificent and awful, and thero wero many who tlMitght or tho last great day when tho whole earth and lhoo that dwell there in shall perish by tho llery clement. Words aro inadequate to convey an idea of the gmgi'oinness of llioscene. It was dou'itloss caused by the r.iys oftho net ting sun rellected upon tho clouds, but -o long dill tho e"lestial Illumination continue and with isuch unabated violcucodid tho rain fall, that, for a time, it was ii matter of doubt whether it was tlio sunset or somo peculiar elec- sri-ai pneiiomonoii,licretoloro unknown which had painted, this splendid cloud scenery. The fallliisr rain (Irons cauirht the rellected llaht ami added irreatlv to the splendor. It was such a sight as r w will forgot and the evening ot July il li, ISTfi.will bo remembered by many lo whom the ordinary marvels of na ture aro but as things which pass them in.u my line winds. A . r.-ji1lt.w r...v.n nf l.r.n l,.tl - v.i i.tuiu ill'J J.lll Us played on Wedue-day, July aith., be tween tho "ltivcrside" of Catawissa, mid tho "independent M'ine" of tlii.s pi. ice, on the grounds of tho former, which resulted in favor of tho "Inde pendent" uy tne lonowing score. INllhi'IINDKNT. 1! j III VnilllK. o 1 A iii.l,'. ''! 4 ' M.lmtt llUi'kdil'VV, p lli'lmc ci', s a t'lurk, Ii Mi- ill- j'utll c lanlwl. , Kt o Kn. iiv, ' f lllll.-m.l l r 1 (illliRUlll, 1, IllWIl.ltllilll.lsl I, 1 K l,t, ja h 4 Kllllf, Jib CJKisly, h s I Scull, v 1 I Sl.ijall'r.o f 3 H.lWy, 1 1 Hliutt, r f U IS Iniil!!"!. 1 2 :i I .I (I 7 s ) Kiv-rrsi .o, i 2 ii l :i l o u iis lllill-l'tituUlit, 7 a u l) 5 '2 0 1 I'j L'lliplit lr. It llllrn. Hf .ti'i-s 'liuriili"-' , anil It tmsny. Tlini' I'l'ijanu' 2 lmuiM mul Ii minuter. Tho "Independent M'ino" reti'-n their siiieero thanks lo tho "itiverside" for their kind treatment. Tin: third .'time of Bisollall between tho Kclilopentf.kopiilelioriiiontui'tles, or jiigni-sjueei, and iiio.Muiunsoi urango ville, was played on the grounds of the latter ciuii.on mo aitoruotmot July 'sm, iy inu uiiiuwiii score, RLIII.Ill'.'-). ii i riL'Fi-iNs. i: o 1 llonslr. I .1 :l I 1U my, : : 'J b .Inrohy, k s 1 ii II JlerriiiK, lsth 3 I 2 'I'uiiisloi'U.'.'iiil Ii l a O. Mlllii-U, c 2 l r.iu li.m, -na li 1 .1. r..icltw: lt. r.v f 1 '. Mellli lt, p I, li Ili-l'llOl ,11 1 . .iinnK' b 1 t I .el ct,.iiI 11 a K. lUti-.vwalU'r, 1 f 2 Ki.l, r t K ii ni'imi, r i) 'I ii,.viui.ims,rr 1 I 11. lliuiy, 1 1 z li 2: I.NSIXllS- 1 2 J I 5 U 7 S il 11 I.i. is. 0 2 2 0 11 7 2 1 C-"i 1 u 1 2 I) 2 0 li l 15 As will bo sren from tho tcoro. tlin playing of both clubs has been marked by di ( Sited progress in tho manly art. Wooplne that the "link pendent M'ine" would "carceiy oL.'iin another sue h a victory as was that of July lib. ii aiioriistno fccniopcnteivonnichoon enturtlos trreat nleasure. to thank, imh liely, tlio ladies or (bo Mullins, whoso good things were relished nono tho le.-s Doc.iiiso spiced hyan occasional shiunsn of their pretty faera. "May their shad ows nover grow less." LOCAL NOTICES. Musical Instruments. Canes. Fish ing Itods, Music, Ac. Altstatt, Court ltouso Alley. iiii;irowu iiiiio can carry nacknn'es lrom I'hiladelnhia. tied in iiaiierassafe. lyus ny express, uiiierenco in time lrom ovenintr until mornintr. CharmM on packages weiKhlmr from flvo to ten pounds icts., irom ten to sixty pounds I'JCIS, f, Musical, L. B. Powell. 11(5 l'enii avenue, Scrantou, l'a., has the General Agency lor the Ubickeiing Pianos nnd .unsou .v iiiiiiiiin urgiins in iNorthern Pennsylvania and Southern Mew York. Those celebrated instruments aro tho only l 'lanos and organs manufactured that nro selling at low rates strictly on tho "One I'rico System." Send to Mr. Powell for tlio new circulars and nrico nsia. ll.JI-UI. M'otick. Tlio second annual camii- niteting of Oiiingevillo circuit will bo held on tho old "rounds near OrjiiL'o- vIIIb, eommoiicing August Kith, and lo contlnuo ono week. Mo tralllc of any Kinn win uoanowdi on tlio grouiui. Hacks will not bo allowed to como :vid dopart dm lug public service,otber wiso they will bo excluded from the ground. Pastors and people of neigh boring charges nre earnestly invited to tent with' us. J. F. Bnowx, 1 , )r,HJ I. Kdwaiids,' I'-'tors. Kciieka! Krur.K a ! ! Kit.i-.ka!!! What'.' Nature's soveieign remedy for healing tlio sick. Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Golden .Medical Discovery combines in iinriuony more oi .Nature's ino-,t valuable medical nroiiertlcs than was over heforo combined in ono medicine. For the euro of all coughs, whether acute or lingering. It has nroven lis superiority over everything else. For lurpid i.iver," or "lilllnusnesv' and for Constipation of tho bowels, It Is a never-falling remedy. As a Blood Pur ifier for tlio euro of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions and all humors It is unciiual- cd. HjUI by druggists. Timii) Snti:r.T Graded School will open August tho first, by E. W. koop it Co. -it Sciii' A Low or Orangovlllo, Pa., uiauuf'acluro the best Threshers and Cleaners, tho best Wheeler's Hall way Chain Horso Power and Thresher, from tho original patterns mid tho best Lover Powers mado in this county, if not in tlio Stato. Don't rail to examiiio their machines beroro purchasing any other. They guaraiitco them lo give sutislactioii in every respect. They al so uiunufaclui'o Plows and other Agri cultural Implements, Seo their adver tisement lu another column. tf. OMR HUNDHEl) UAHHELS i' u i m i: it v i: w ii i is k x: v, iiiia.i: iu six ui.n. Tlio uuU-rsli:ui!il has rnr mlc. by Ilia Hand nr Q illau, tlio very IJicclk ut mocU uf U I 1. 1, M V Y K It W II 1HKUY, licrelnforo lattoiu nt DlauiuiliurK nuil now ro. lo licit by Iho (lovvrnini'iit. To boholil In tlio lu tlio HcirMiit Martin lllllnieyer, ilt-o'tl. ji'70-iiu ri:Ti:u iiiixmuyi.i:, Aiim'r. rjriowjr oudinanck no. i. aji onDm.icB to hx tiir rr.ns and courssaA- tios or cr.riTAin iow.s opfichih. He it Onhlntil and Unacted ly Iht Toun Coun cil of the Town of nhomtturq. and it ii hcrcM Ordained and Jinactcdlu Authority of the same. , Sectio 1. That tlio Ices of the ITcitilent ortho Council, when acting lu lili capacity oriiiagntrato.ihall ho ns follow. i To.-an Information or complaint, forovcry ten wonU, two cents. Tor ilockct cnlry of any caao brought ho foro him fur hearing, twenty cents. For wairant nf arrcit or coniinltmcnl, for ty conts. For aJmlnlitcihig oath or nfiiriiiation, ten cents. For taking recognizance, twonty conlj. lor a suhpa'na for wltnoisos, twenty cent. tor hearing a cato whero complaint shall ho illsmlsscil without a trial or examination ol wltDcssos, twenty cents. For hearing a caso on trial ami entry of juilgcmonl, forty cents. For warrant to levy fino or forfeiture, for ty cents. For an official or certified copy of any pi or or rroonl, two cents for every tcu words Including ccrllficato. Si.ction 2. Tlio fees and allowances to tho Town Constable Tor sorvlccs and outlays shall b us follows i For au arrest, for each person and taking heforo tho President of the Council fifty cents. Serving a sulpa'na on ono person, twenty cents and for each iiddltliiual person after tho first, ton cents. Levying fino or forfeiture on warrant thir ty cents. Taking or holding In custody aflcr con viction ondconvoyiug to prison, fifty ccnli. For travel In executing process, nx ccnls per mllo circular. Fur tho ncconary support of persons ar . rested or held by him iu custody, such amounts as may bo reasonably expended by him ti bo taxed and allowed by tho Prcidcnt of the Council. Tor taking ouimali Ac into chargo and custody and impounding tho same, as fol ows : For a horse, mare, gelding or mule, fifty ccnls, and when moro than ono for each ono after tho first, twenty-five, cents. For caltle aud sheep respectively, fur tho first ono, thirty cents and for ouch Addition al ono twenty ccnls. For swine, p.ieh twenly cenli and for pigs niider mo monll s r,ld eni'h five cents and abovo that ago a. d under six months, each Ion cents. For gee i each ten cents. For levy and sale of property in any caso and for slo of impounded animals Ac. (and dnlv accounting fir proceeds of salo) on each dollar not exceeding thirty dollars six cents, and on each dollar abovo thlrth, four cents. For advertising impounded animals Ac, in any case, by written odvcrticmonts, fif ty cents, and by printed advertisements, twemy-livo cents together with tho actual and reasonahlo coat of printing Iho same. For feed and feeding of impounded ani mals or geeso any necessary and actual amount expended to bo settled and allowed by tho President oftho Cuuncil. Section 3. Tho compensation of policemen fur services rendered by them shall bo tho same as Iho compensation allow, d tho Town Constable for similar services. E. MENDUNHALL, Altcst: F. Cooi-kv, 1'm't. Sccfy. Tho above Ordinance to lake, clloct o. and lifter the 8th day of August, 1S70. E.'MEXDEXHAIJi, Attest! T. Cooi.kv, Vm't. SccCy. Coti 11(3 Convent ion. Hin ncmncrmic voters of tho several Districts In Columbia county, nro riiiuektcil to meet n tlio ' usual nlaront lmlillni! tlio gcneint elections, on Siiituriluy, tlio iutli day of July, 1S7U, lietwocu tlio hours ui iliri'o o'clock una seven o'clock In tlio nllciiiooii or Unit day, nnd clictliy ballot two persons to represent tlio lilstilct In a Coun ty Convention to ho ludd ut thu Court llouso In IllOomsbUl-ir. Oil MoUllaV.Alimist Isl.llt rr.'r.!nMr 110011. to select two (.'tlll'ltv).lminl n,mtm...i In nieol klmllar ctiuii-ri'es uoiu oilier counties of niu ui-uii:i, iu uuuiiiiiiio n caiiiiiiiaio lor con cress; two lloiiiesinlatlvo conlucos to nuvt Nllnllitr roiifurri'S lrniM tin, ntlm oiii.- t.. District, to noiiilnnlo a iniuliilato for member of .ia-,viiiuiy ; Itlliuilllliaicouo pel 1,011 lor AbOCllllo Judgo: ono pi-ison lor Slierlll; ono pciMin lor Jury Comiiiissioncr, ono person lor County Ciiminlsslonirj ono pel son lor Coroner, and ono !. 1 - "lJ .iituiiui ; ill uu blippilllt'll uy tlio Democratic party ut tlio coming cltctlou. lly order of tho Commltii'o. C1IA111.LS3 Ii. nitOCKWAV. Chairman. C';tmliil;iU's toe Xuniliiiitlon, Tlio followlni; geiitleincnliavo bicninentloued for nomination to Iho vcvenil County Olllecs to bo filled by election tlio present year, aud tuclr names will bo pn.-i,cutd for Iho consideration of Iho Democratic County Convention : .SIIEIUFF. EM AND US UMAKGST, riSUINGCIICEK TOWKSIIIl'. JAMES LAKE, SCOTT TOWNSHIP.. SAMUErTiT. KLIM'i:, f.COTT T0WKSHI1". HUES J. MILLAHD, hCOlT TOWNdllll. aahom"smith, 1II..'II.UCK TOWSSltir. I. lv. KIUCKHAUM, ljnKTON TOWNSIlll'. WILLIAM APPLEMAN, iil::ion townshic. WILLIAM EYER, (ii:i:i .swoon TOW.V3H11'. MATH IAS KLINE, 1 Ihlll.SGCIIKI.K TUWKbllll'. A. K. SMITH, M.MI1SON lOWNSllll. ASSOCIATE JUDO I-:. JOHN It. YOIIE, Miri I.IN TOWNSHIl. SAMUEL CHEASY, Mlt'lLIN lOWKSUIl'. J. 11. JAMESON, MAINK TOIVNSIII1-. COMMlSiSIONUIt. IIIHAM J. HEEDEIt, CATAM-ISS.i TOWKHIir. MlNNElTniLE, CATAWISS.V TOH-NSIIIC. JOHN P. HANNON, CEXTltALIA liOllOUtlll. JUity co.M.Mis.sio.Ni:it. ISAAC McBUIDE, .MADIfcON TOWNSIIII". ANDHEW HESS, SCIIA1U.O.U' TOWNSIIII'. KM ADVERTISEMENTS. p U B L I 0 SAL E o I' ll i; a r. V A I. U A II 1 liSTATU Iu nursu.incu ot nn nrili'rorthoOrnh.ins'Cnnit. ol ('iiluiiibl.ieouuly. l'u., on SATL-lll)AY,Allgust Dilh, 1S70, ut Uu o'i-loelc In tlio Ion-noon, ji,i-pn .i.iuru, iiiiiuiiiiMiaiui ill JUI1I1 llllllCIl 11110 Ol Montour township, Columbia couuty, ilectitsed, Will CXnosu In sale bv lillhllu vi-llduu. nn Mm premises, tho lolluwing Uisciihed real vtliilt', to ,, ui ilia. CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, ultualo III Montour nnd Hemlock townships Co luiitOU county, adjoining lamU of l'eli-r Jltlm baeh on tlio cast, Jacob Lelby nnd othcis nu I ho L.illlli lln.-l... VII lloi.ln. , , .1.1. l,,.,, . . ,v. ,.J ... ,UI U.K. I' 1 l-lll-l ll'l. Sitonuo on tho icsf, and Ueorgo Tuby on tho uortli, toiitalulug EIUIITY AC'Iir.S AND EI.l:VEN PEIICIIES strict measure. Whereon nro erected A GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, n good bank barn, wagon house, pig stye, spring huitso nnd other out buildings; cood spiiugol never l.illlui: water nt the liousu una barm u Kood apple oiihard. Aboutslxty acres of whleli Isclenii'd land, bul.iucu lu uoiul w-ooils, Jato tlio i.inmi'i .uni uuiih ...,uii,, ui'ivasuil. M-conihtionsofSai.k. Ten per mil. of tho lUrcliase inonev lo bo nalil on thn sti llcln,- .(mi-,, of Iho propeity. Ouc-Iuiil ol tlio liulancu of tio purchuso money lobo paid on tho 1st day vf April, A. 1), li7l, anil tlio balance on tho 1st day ol Api It, A, D.IW.', with Interest on tho sanu, lrom tho llrst day of April le71. l'lirclmst r lo pay (or Dec! and Stamps, l'ossoislou will boiilvi-n on tho 1st day of April, A, D. 1(71. Thn sralu lu t.iu fctuuuu mm null 111 uu sown litis lull 1 re- strvvd, straw tu remain on tho premises, JOSiEl'll ItAUCll.Adiu'r. AIJO At Iho knmn limn nml titon u-lll l,n sold by tho lulls of suld decvased, the following porsoual property to win . ONE WILLIAM PENN C00KINQ BTOVE, plponnd fixtures, ono copper kettle, ono clock, ouo watch, oiio miot t'liu, outi fuuulug mill, two beds aud beddlnir. ono set of mi-iti-ntur iiil. 4c 4c, Conditions mado known on day of salo. THE UEIltH OF BAIl) DEC'EAHED. II. P. 1'OIitneii, Aucllonw-r, Moulour twiv, July i.'i, IS7U-II, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby glvnii that Kimuol Kuorr, Esip, Asilgnco ol James W. Chcmborlln, lips Hied Ills nccount, tnirclhor with tho vouchct . thereof, In tho olllco of thn Prothouoliuy In and for tho County ot Columbia. WEI 1.1N0TON II, ENT. J123 70-CI, Prolliouotnry. LOST, 'llraycd from tho premises of tho subscrib er, In Jll'iomsliuri', iitiout two weeks since, a small reil row. lour yosrs old, marked with vvlilt 3 mi tho belly unit having n lew vvhlto hnlrs on tho loretieiiil; nnd u hole Ihrough rlghliai, Alllicial rownru will be pnld trutuy ouo Undlug ber. Apply nt tlio Mlmu ot Itobhlns ,t Kvcr, Mala Ht., liloomstiurif. 1-'. C. EYEIU llloomsliurg, July '70.11. N Of T I 0 E . llv virtue of a Itlll nf falf. iimnfrlv pxp futoil nn f ilo'ivorcj, tho howo, wnnou, immcss, bIcIkIi. iiihl nil tlio ilrutfH, liicdleliits, Ac, iVc. lit thu Im lldi cr tshop licrttoiora omijil'- l by J, It, (Joi iIiht In Llfht Htiectjmvo Ijuuii luitcJiiicU by nnu dollvtipd t mot nml nro my projerty; iu l I Imvo employuJ H. It. (lorUncr my Avvul lo kcII, pcdulo, iiijitio tipatulil'tipnsoor. nnd enrry on tlm biulneas for my uso ntul bcnt'ift. I ight Street, July 2. '70 v.. QOU11T 1'JtOUljAMATlON. Wnnr.KAS, tholIon.WIUlnm Khvcll, Resident Judgo of tliu Court of Oyer mul ToimYner nml CJoiiTiu.IuU Delivery, Court of (iuurter HessUms or tho I'enc.) nud Couit of Common I'lca mul Or phan'H Court In tlio JUtli Judicial l)lMnot, con1 nnedof tlio counties or Cotumbl.i, .sulllvun mul wyomhifr, nnd tha lion, Itntn Dorr nnd IsnnoH. Moiiroo A-sodato Judfrcs of Columbia county linvo Ivsu.'d their pucept, hf rliv dnto tlio Olu uuy ol May lit iho (tu' or our lord, ouo thousnnd. right hundred nlid seventy nnd to i.icdlirctt'd lor lioldlnnLViurtof Oyer nnd Ter mlntr nnd UenernUiuurtcr sessions or tho IVucp, Co irt of Common Dapti mul orptmn'M Court, In JtlooniKlmrK, in tho county of oltinibln on tho nrsi .Aiommy, oeimj ino um u.iy oi cironucr lit'Xt. to contlnuo ouo wcetc. 'otlco 1h hereby ulvun, to Iho Coroner, to tho Ju,llccs orthe lVaee,nnd tho Conslnblt-H oftho said county orColumbln, they bo then nnd theio In their pi oner person nt 1!) o'eloelc III the foi 1.110011 of fea Id olli iluv ot Ht nt.. with tho.r roc oitN, InquKHIonHnud other icuiiiiibrunre, to dothosu ihiniiH which to thill' olllecs nppi-rtnln lo ho done. And thoso nro bound by ri'cO!ui7.ntioi. lo iitnsci'iittt nun lust tho wis onci'H that ure or may ho In tho jail ot the miui couuiy m oiuiuouit 10 no inch mm iiii'io io piosccuio uu in ns sunn oo .in 101s nro icipHtetl to ho punetu.i! lu their nt lend niiee.iuieeiibly to their not let 1. D.dcdnl Hlooms a . butf, the JMlhday of July, In tho jenr h. 8. or our liord, ono thousand dht him ' drednml Mvcnlv. nnd In thu nlnrtv- rouilhycnr of tho Indopendenco of tho United ni.ues oi mericn. .aiuiiim-.cai iHii.iiAiin, llloomshurt;, July Cj, l!70. Slierlll. GUANl) JUUOUK. roil KKlTllMUElt TKU.M, lvTO. Illoom Win. J, Uiddleman, liallzer I "acock, Utnton Samuel Appleman, Kphralm Kline. Dearer 1". D. yhumaii. llrlarcreeU Kniinor Dcllterlelc, John 1-Mtrlnk, t.'atawlssa Jeremiah Diobst, ulhau llehvlg, Detijamln Z.ur. Jr. I intr" -.Stephen l'ohe, Ley Illdl.iy. Fish. nircr ecli illinm l'tnli-r. Urii'iiwooa-A. J. Ikeicr, Dlchnid Johnson, J.lil.H J.VL'S. llcuilock-niOhl. Jackson Theodore Km1 111. Maine Win. C. Uciclnird. ''ladlson UeoiKo Ucno, Vakutlno Wclllver, Mount l'lcnmi -Ilcmy J, Johnson. Huijarloaf Je-bo llartuian, Wiu. It. l'cterman. PKTit junons. 1 FOIt SKI fKMlil-.U TKllM, IsTO. Dloom MID m Dunynn, (Jeorgo Yoit, John M. CheiL.berltu, John J, D.irkley. De 1 3U Ueorgo W. Dou.t, John ( Weinier. Ih'uvcr Allen Mann, CluulesJi. Troy, ( onynglian -Moiris Dew's. i.atawist,a .Widinm Mait -i, Jacob I . fchuinan, Ciioigo W. Claik Choi )ii Dills, I irr -Iaic Ciydir, Uaac Ciioer. C lalUi Dor, D.iiiUlDfiiMuu. rishliiseuek JosI Ui lleacock, James N, Jone., lVrty Duekaluw, Samuel D. Weaver. (Jeo. M. I low ell, Ik'Uj.iuitn Dd-'ar, DiarUUn Ueiiuta Hlyet.v esse Mcnse. oitenwood John DckkoII. John DUek, Ellni K) ue, IiaMiHe ay, Ihu-ieM, Demott. Jli'tnloc'i -Win. m ittetn, Joseph K, Mu Mkhael. i.evl Wilyhi, Math'as Mooie, Malhias A. (.ill ton, I icast -Vm. II. Ilcinbold, William Campbell. Jothuu Womer, haimiti Meais. Jr. .douut I'Krvant-llc.iry A. Miller, MtlUm-ltemy llctUr, John ICUtmUtl, Chris tl tn Dut., Horace fcchweppcnhWer. Moutom Jobtuli Uobfiis, m. M. Quick, .Madison Joel hnydtr, htiumd Deiuott. I'm -Dlijaht'Uider. bcott Daniel A. Ciuaiy, Thomas Dallman, iST OFCAUriKS FOR TRIAL AT X sn-'DMUKUTDUM 1S70. Clark. 1 Tieezo. flMn-nrd VH (Jolm Hwceuey f Wllllani Longeuberger et. ul s Hush W. Mcr.eynolds.ct. nl. 1'rteze. Claik. ICahlur. 1 Claik. Diecze. Ikclcr. Ii i ezo. 0 Chuk. Utile. 7 ICnhler. 5 Jacob Michael, vs S'auiuel C. Krickbauiii. ft'liarlcs It. Ortcn, vs-U'eterlic-hus. t William Creasy, i vs ISamutlSwcppculicIser. I Gcorso 'Mr, vs (.William McKtlvy. (Ecuben II. Kins, EllsliitU l'ursel. f L. Herdlc'n, use, vs Ill, Jr. Alc.vandei Colley vs AllnasColc f Jlonroe llrundago (.KllsliVl!. Purtcl. f Michael Gruver J vs III. H.Mnrr. Wliltmoyer. Frcezo. Clark. 10 ICnulcr. Erockway. 11 Chilli. Claik.tllrorkway Lllt'le. I Peter S'ch vs I Chillies I. Peter S'clius, I'roi-kway. Ill Wliltmoyer, Marrllrolhcrs, II Flei'C, f David I.s-wls.Gunidiau. U'olliusHutilirsadm'r. r Continental Coal Co. t Lelifel? Valley It. 11, Co. ( Anu-Margeium; i vs U'avlillluut.eluv. Thomas lliighes' use, t vs IWisley Iluckel. f JI.T. ltnwc:i, t.IcssoW.. Merrill. f Frederick dossier, vs (.(lldeou U, dossier, (I. nl. Ahboll. l"i Ficcip. Clark. li, Fri'e.e. Unwell. 17 Freeze. Wliltmoyer. llriukway A H Thompson. Mlllir. l'J Ikeler. llrockway. LI I I.lllle. Claik&Lllllc. f John In. L. ilin JacoLs, vs Juhnson. (W. II. Kl I vs tAbrnhai lino, 1 1, nx. uu Moore, i-l,nl. fIJ .1. .4 lM.MeIIcniy. i Ualdy A Jackson. (Joseph It, Evans, 1 . Whllmoycr. Fiecri'. L'VclIe. '.'I I. Illlt', James Masters, J vs I A. J. Fine. 1 Timelier .t Co. vs. Win. Goodman, I Win. M, Mai tin, ct. hx, vs ITImothy llagan, !(Jeor;;o Jlowcr's cxcculor, vs David 11. Jlowcr fCDFowlcr, 1 vs (.Iteubn '! I"er. IDanlel F.Scybcrl, t William Bhaia-r fWUltniilShaliVr. I vs IDanlclF.Bcybeit, l'.obcttGoicII. vs 11a i luy Mel'.iearly, Jt'hailcsH, Wllhclm l.Mlclm'l Woods. I Daniel Ilhodes, wiinani Tyson ( Joseph Mlllir. vs (X. L. Canipbull. (Tliomns Fry, s IWUllam Coleman. (Sjharpless A- Haim.iu, vs Charles D, Fouler f .Melchlali .Miller ndin'r. vs (.Ellas (ilgcr, (C.H. Fowler. J. vs (.Jcsso D, Itlcc, (C, 11, llowmaUjCt, ai, vs tMauassa How mail, it, ul, f Pilir ILiyinaii'Mtise, vs I Jacob KhatlVr, ct, nl, f llramhall Co. vs I MoXInch A- Hhumau. (Harvey C. Hess-, vs Bainuel Criasy, ndm'r, (Nouli Mouter's use, vs Georgo Htrouser. I John Tutucr, .. . Jlaldy. '.'1 Claik .i Freeze, Clark, ! 1 Kuorr. Freeze. IM Jackson, Utile. CI.uU. Clark. ys Uttlo, Freeze, Lltllo. lloblson, mi llalJy. lthodcs. ;i llrockway. JurVsou, Freeze. Earkliy, .'Il Clai k. Miller, i Jackson. Ilutler, ;i Jkeler. Howell. l.llllc. Jackson. 17 Frce7C. Jackson. LI', lie. Abbott. UI Fiieie. Jackson. 10 Freeze. LMrkloy. II Whllmoycr. Freeze, II Little. 41 Whltiuojer, Thompson. Little. I'i lliiekalew & Ilarklcy, Hon oil. IU Llllh. I iinnici Hnyuer, flsalal ll).lt. salah iajer. . Johuson, ( Krmner, vs D. F. Hoybctt, (Lowls J, Adams, vs FlshlugcreekBuho.l District WillUmA, Case. V lUnscs Coll'iuaii, el. ul. JISSOLUTION OF CO-PAltTNEU- '1 ho oo-partner Hoberetoloro cxlsttmr between John II, Pnrscl nnu Chester h, l-'iirmiiii. miller tho linn name of John II. I'ursel A Co. Is dissolv ed by iiiulua' consent. Tho business will bo hereafter coudii. ti'il by t.'lieslor S). I'm man, in whoso hands tho books of tho lato arm nro loft se.llemcnl, All persons knowing: themselves mdeb.i'd uru heieln nntlflpil tn innlfi nnvment ntoucc. JOHN II. I'tMtsiJL, ciii;vri;uH. iiniJiAN. ll'oiinsbiiru, JulySJ. 1S70 it. DISSOLUTION OK CO-PARTNER-Mill'. 'Iho Co-pailiicishlp lii-ivtoloio cxlsiliw be Im eon .tnhu Wolf unif l!"ibi n Jl lller of Illiiuins- mi ik. voiuiiniiii couniy, i it., iinai I'liioiiiiiiimmo or lldli r.i Wall, K ibis Uu ilsolved by mutual riillfeilt. TllO hllN!tn-,.i Ulll l.n r,l l,,n.l I... John Wnir, who villi nlso keep tho hooks nuil 1-..1-1.-,-, uu;, ni-iiiu iuu iti-i'iiuiii s 111 l IIO KlU lirill JOHN VUI.I ItLtUlEN MlI.tEIt. llloomsburg, July 13, ls7i)-lt JQISSOLUTION OK PARTNER- ilio puhllo nioheroby Hut iho llrm Hwiivre, Ivmmer A Co., hoioloiore doiiiB buBlnoss ,,, ...iiuaiiuj , .i-iiiij iKiii uiiiu? , whs Dissolved by iiiuitial consent, November stn, i mi, xno boiiksnnd cccountsvierclcltlu Iho linuiUol C. M. Hwny7o lor vulliclloii, JOHN W. KItA Mlllt, Mahnlmy, July K,ls70-lt, 0" A NCI H VILLE STILL AHEAD. 'l'llO lltl.tnr.l'MOll I-Mh-Pinilttf n,,n,.nn In tlio KirmlMis ciiiumuiiity thai i'iiov mv nitaln In jjin Held with ihotr m ichlncs I I'm harvest o THE NEW ITNNSJYLVANIA THRESlIEli AND CLEANER, PaliMUod by Adrian ('irni'll.wlib M.ij a-s patent ilonblcncttnttHejiornlor ciiiiililncd, Is what every I iirmiT no. a-. Hcin'tbo,il has liucn f.ilHy lesii-it mul lias far elf etiid i 'n pi-i tntions oi nil who have Mi ll ns iipoinilon ., H has been got mi i vpri..v mnifii Iho w.nilsot h0 Kurm iT, i- Til-nun n'liiiii i ln'tii, ov.-i- hot lor treail poni'i' mid iiiiile.shot lor Irvcr pnwir. This iniichiiii' i'iiii bo mail; loilnaiij di-sircd aiiiotinl a Moil., Is slmph' lu ion tnvtton, e-uy lo iiniiaiji' and in! llaiih' lu w; out ol repair. liH-y nlsoi intlmii. lo manufacturo i!u- Ci-'o-b rated WIIEEI.I U'.S lt.VILWAV CHAIN, HOUSH I'OWER .C- TIIRKSIIKR, from tho pittcrus, Willi nn Imprnvr. nn nt In tlio power, wlicn-by a train ol 23 per cent. Isilh'i-ii., Iiiuil aivei iiu'ilvslrcit power at lrom .Mo (l Ini'liis less eli'vatiiiu than iho old .stile. J bey iilsoiittaili MAJOlt'M l'.VI ENT DOUI1LE ACTING SHEET IIION 1IOITOM SEPAU.VTOllS In their mai'lilncs, iii.'inurac'.uri'd only by thorn nml sei'urod li.tbi'tn byletiers piitenl from Win. JI. Major. 'Ihi-j ul-o iiiauulacliiio Hie u-sl unit llaluest t ti tit i T nv; l.-wr I'.ji,-, i, In tin. ruunlry also Doublo and sini;li'.Uiii.'"il Ja.'ks, liuylnir on hand ngoo.l supjily of i,v,i seasoned lumber or tho best ou.illty, and expoi li-ni'o.1 woikmeu ciiKnaoit In tlic-it- n.niiit!.vii,u', they uuaianltp their luai'hliies SUPEItlOlt TO ANY MAN UFA! TEEEl) i lsowherc. All bavin..- r,',n!i In-r to, In should remember lhat v.o huvenU ihoorluinal puterus. Jti'pali-lin; iloni' at shoil noilio nndon UMsotia bio l"rn,s. .Machines sold at iistnnKhlngly low pileis and in illi Klveii whun iloslru I, 1 or luriher pattleuiais i.iitun oi- u Idieis SC'HUYLLR & LOW, AGItlCt l.TriiAI. WOP.KH, OKAVliCVILLE, ' OI.I-M11IA COFNTV, I'A. whero they manu'in'tm'c tho best and cheapest Jron and Wooden llcatii Plows In tlio Sln'c, also waKim Jaeks, lion kelili snml all kinds or work USliallV llOllO III 1 omilllllS nil.) Ml,..hllm .1...... All wink v.ali.iiilnl ai.d .. 1 kinds oi umutrv proiluco taken lui'-. Inuo. Jls"0-tl'. Seal Sstatc Salea. AD JO UllNKD JgXEC'UTOR'S SALE. 'ilio niij-.eiib.i-, i.-iciutor o, Mlth.iel J.iniim, latcoi l iMiliiRi uik to iisbl,i,('o'.iiiibia tounty, I'd.,, by vlltuo ol iho poii-rs anil an ihouty eoiiii ru-d on film lv 1 1,,. will of saui M lehad Ei innn. di it iiM it. i ill t-u o. sale near C. U.aliJ J. D. M W.-oiy s. si.ll Waicr, . ..""!. '.v '.SM'-'..U r,,ul lai.ii.jun ;,uiu, ls.O, at J o i-loi-l; In the iilnnooli, tho lullownu; ical ctaic In Mlt: inljiiiii.iig land, oi ,l.u. Slc, AKxundi-r Kinnier, JosephColcaian, Daniel MelHnry and nthus, lontalnlni; 230 ACRES OF UNSEATED i.AND, one liundred and twenty-t've acres vvil'hosnld llrst oil Iho south cud of said l.'inl, Iho lino to , .... i',,i.,,,i-. uu . .uu iiu. -iviu i(iieu.i-,cr tho in IvJIeiro ot lakfiii-lhu v.'IkiI,, tn,, hntt,!i-o,t nnd ilfiy ai-res, nioio or 'iss, nt Iho satao tnico per nctc. Ti:t:3ts or Sa t.t:. Ti n i i-rci-nl ol iho i uichasn money to bo paid at ihu stiJklng iluwu ol tlio propeity, iuu .half K- . tt.o tin pi-r cmi to bo paid on tho ilistduvol, A. D. Is7l,nt vihkh time poisesslon will bo given, and I he balal.l o to bo paid on the llrst day ol'Apltl, IsTJ, with In tciest Uomtho IllstUay or Apill, JSTI, tit. v.luell time n full mid sulllrn it dei-i'. will bo givin. Also nt the uiiiio time n Gialu Separator will bo Sold, on M hioh 11 riodlt of si v mini i !i- n-lll I... gl eu on nppro id sicuiltv. ,., , , , . , . 1 uvtu. ii hut;, I Ishlmjcrcik, July s, t:xci'titj:, piUVATE SALE o I VALUAEI.E P.EAJ, ESTATE. Tho itiiiltrslgucd ot'.irsat private salo about 00 ACR1CS OF VALUABLE LAND, sltunlo luPi'iitim township, C.ditmlila comity. ,..i,in-,i i.uiu.s in i.iii-aiaMii jviiiio, iianiel sbullz, Jacob Ash, .l.ii oh I'.i Isbllni' nnd uthils, llllun Aelisof which 1, i haled land. It nh.ii conlalnsa good ouiigoich.ird, A FRAME HOUSE AND BAHN and a never fnlllng spring of water. Also a 111 st class HAW AND LATHE MILL. Tho balance ol tho tract l lioai-lli. iitnl.o,i..l with oak, white pine, Ac, For li'rms.ionililiuiis, .vc, nrply to die undor sigiiei, -Ihe ni'lual niimber ol at li-s w 111 bo ill-leimll.i-d by siint-v. iieuion ,jiiue -I.ISTU-II W.M. Al'l'l, E.MAN. JOMKTIUNO NEW-! TllO Ullilei-sll-lied ll-nnl.l ,rli-n ,,.,ll,.n I lhat ho has Just completed A 1-IKSf CLAS.S I HEAItHi:,nnil that bo hnstho tiiellltles forearry- ii'B mi ino uusiniss or I .Mii:ui'AKlNG iu ull Its blanches IN t' III ST V L E. Ho has cnsntreit ev-prrlcnrcil jiprsons who wilt take l'Liiri'0 nf the bodies ol tho di ceased ns soon as they '-shulllool this inoilnl i oil," mul attend to washing ilicm, shaving, diis.lni:, Ac. Minimis Uirnlsneil also in older. At much expense, ho has also pioiurul an 1 II ON 10 E 11 O X, In which bodies inn ho preseivid in a cleanly mill diy condition. CiillIiiKe HIltlMled lur 111 ncial cceasloiis, in (hurt, I'o is pit pined to tako chargo of n cirpm Immediately utter ilcnih, nud snvo Irlends ntul relatives all further trouble In leuaid toll. Ho alsj carries on tho busluess of 0 A B i N E T M A KINO FpliuNti lib.- In lure, li M-alll' ; 1'i.lLC Ol I'll- III ill II iifl.r-.. I. i-niiliw tiiinl- 111 I otloliii d ell ills iV.'. ,VC. 11 II. u 'II. . I. I-. u 11 ml. i. u'li i.r i.i. an, i - --. - o li. This Is Iho imst thoionh biuiul piudliiii-l dlsi .vi k il und . m' ii . ii in i wor .sim.ii to a . aiimiiii 7. j' j'o , 3 and In .in i, nr, , . , ( fi .a W. U'll nro hlli'li muni) ing blt-ni stit s to iii n young poisons, yield tu the Use ol 1 til. bottles ol tills wonderful n-.i-dleltie. From to elitht bottles I'lllo AVicuiii. l.,y ,,H.Ua, Sr.ild lUml, Jtlnn 11 Ol'liu, ii(,, Aiuu V..,h ,y (,? ii, ,i,.i-(,ii,( hunt, I len t anil iXml.ii " in the Muulhimtl 6,'ui. iiii. 11 Is a puro iiiidlclnal extract nl naiive loots and plants, cnluldulllK i"iimi..n, Nalllie's lilost loveii lun emallvo piuprtUw, wlil b (iod has InslllliMl Into thu vijimblo liii.ainm i.,i luutlliiz Hie sick. It Isa gieat ristuur lur the ktiingtli und vltorol dm systiiu. Hiose ho are i languid, sleepless, havo iu mini nt.. Ik iiin or feurs, orany of die alleetlo'is t.ii.ioinaiie ol li'i'lliii, Mill nnd cutniiu nig eld. mo of Its rchtiualivi! powirupon trial. II sou n.l ami, tlruu'ty, tUtltlalul anil ill -. til, lit, l.aie lleqilellt Itettilaiht,1iu,iUll tut-li , Ut I!.' lu the llinl llJng, ii . uyultir m in til, and h ii'iu lit ,1, 5 1 u mo mile. - lug lrom J'ltrj, nl .ue, in ,Jttii-tt.,nitj." In niatiy cases ol "an c iiii'liiinl ' only 11 (inrt ol symptoms aio e.iiltiued. Asn it-misly lur all such ciises, Dr. I'leicu's (nildiii Mudltnl llin-oi-ery has no t-ipiul as It tiled pel feet elites, leav ing Iho liver tliinulluiiiil nnd laullhy. For Iho cuie ot Habitual Coiisllpallou of Ihu Uowels It Is 11 never lulling rinitdy, und llioso who havo ustil lt lor IIiIk 1 puiposo mu lend In Its praise. In J.micliiul, Jiinif and J.vuy Ultima, it has jrodueid mauyliuly iinuuliablo cures where " 'hi-riniUlelueiilmil fulled, hold by iliuguMs at ll.uj per bmlle. J'repaicd lit tho Chemical Lalmrutory of lllSI'TH.,," It. V. IM l-'lli-l.' t 1. IIuIIu'IonV. roB PRINTING Neatly oxocutod ut IhU Oftld COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, N. V. SAMPLE. 0. W. NEAL. J. Ii. TAYLOR.'', . 1T. W, SiiMFXE! & CO.. aornor or Main Stx-oct nnd L. & B. Hail Itoad, a33L.003VnSI3'CTK,G-3 MAOUINISTS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS: BLACKSMITHS AND BOHtill MAKERS. MANUPAOTUllEltS OF STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, nnXEUAfi MACHI.VIl "sVOUIt AM) UCPAIKS. ' - MILL GEAItlNO, SIIA1TINO, PULLEVS, 1IAKQEUH, HEAD ULOCKH, MILL C3-jE33?lI2Sra- 03? ALL X-2H3STDS, CASTINGS FOR FURNACES AND HOLLINO MILLS. ALSO CAll WIIEUf.S AND AXLES . AND OBNEItAL MINING? CASTINGS. BRASS CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS. CAR HOXICS, COMPOSITION CAST1N0S, 11ELKJ ELD'S CELEBRATED CL015E VALVES, STOP COCKS, CHECK VALVES, AIR COCKS, OIL CUPS, STEAM W1IISTL1-B STEAia CcTj-AGES, SC7JA"M TZFB JVIvTD riSSIKCS aoisrs-r isttx.-jT oisr i-acA-ism. AGJ3NTS FOJl SIIIr:"S GOVEKNOU, s ACICNOWf.EDdEI) TO JIH THE KJ,'I'!.i:lT ANU t'IMT IN TJ1E WOULD. MILLWRIGHTS AND MAf'lIINJsrs KlPi'Ll1' ElTiIEU ON JfANll Olt I' UltNMHEl) A'i HUOltl- NOTICE, VIZ; GUM AM) LEATIIEI I1I.LTINC1 OF EVFHY DESCltlPHON, HEMP AND SOAP STONE I'M KINC.'iiLS, EED AND WHITE LEAD, AC. . LKSSHES AND SOLI: MA N UFAC'TU RKRS OF HALL'S PATENT DOUP.LE DISCHARG1' TUIUUNE WHEELS. L111EI1AL .NDUCEME.NTS OI'EUED TO THE TUA1JE. Also Agoutis for tho "EUREKA" Sinn nml Hcpttrnti in; Mnchino nml "EX CELSIOH" Hi-nil Duster. Send for circular ptcliiicu Mnuliincs con lio seen tt Hiu works. BLACKSMITHHSTG, HEAVY Oil LIGHT FPIIOINOH, MERCHANT IRON 01.' ALL SIZES ON HAND. Alto inniiiiff.ctiiror.s of Win. 13, Deuel's HAY mid HARVEST GRINDERS, intuited November 2nd, InJ'J. REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, HOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL KIKES. MADE TO ORDER. ORDERS F Ml BRIDGE HOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FUKNIS1IED PATTERN SHOP. WE HAVE SOW IN TJIIrf Hf.PAIiTMENT THE LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY AND AltE PI1EPAUED TO MAKE ALL IUNDS OF PATTEHNS AT SHOUT NOTICE. AGRIC ULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Ol- Till! LATF.HT IMPROVED PATTERNS. 'I'll RESH INU MACHINES, A LI'ECIALTY. Buckeve Reapers Repaired AND ALL L.VJRA PARTS FURNIbllED. JIANUFACTL liilS A.-.J) PROPRIETORS OF I-OPiTOs"S PATENT KAY HAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. S:fN. 13. llnvliifr put in mnuhincry cspceiully tulaiited lo tho luanufaciuic of Mouldiii"; Cutlers, wo nro ruopurtd toexecuto huge or small orders, ut short no tice, and 011 very fttvoiahle term. Send for Circular and price list. N. W. SAMPLE & CO. May 7.'.')-tr . 1'J-1-?;?-'" " 'LLL.'!'J-55j-- Legal JSTotices. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 sTATK 1 r JOIlM UI'.'J IU:, 111 l.'ll. I.elti'ls of iidnilnlslralloii 011 the c .lain of John Giover, late ol Ceutio ton nstiip, Columbia . couniy, dee'd hiuolaeji gianleil by the Ktgisle.- 1 of said county tosamuil Ne.vbatd.ic Iditi In 1 Iho township and lotllity ntr.rt said. All i( isons hav lug claims agalusL tho 1 stato i.t tho dec( dent are Itiiuisu-d lo piisint Uieui lor setllti.ient, I (.ml those Indebted to tho estate to ill i..i pav- I meut lo Iho uudcl signed. iidmlnisliattu-.M tthouL delay. HAMl'EL N KYHAIl'l, Jlhi'70-0.v. Adiulnlstriitur. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. IlsTAlK (If 1IAMFI. s. VANllhllsLtrK llFC'll. Lettiis ol administration on the estsio of Daniel S. Vamlersllt e, late nf Mount Pie-, nnf towi ship. Col. co., itie'd. have btcn pi iiiinl b the Hi clsler el said etlitil to ;l 1 1, . 1 1. V.-'n-diisll.-i- 0111I Willi. 1111 .1. Ilti'l i.v in Ml. l'li-asar All )ii i.s bin .LK clu. Ins l-k.iliisl tho t sUlte of die i'i i ih tit I'i'i' 1 . iii( sti d to pic. cut them lur S( Itltiiitut.nnd thoso Indibtidto the istato to make pnjineiil lo the lllidi isluid, lutliilnlstra lots, without delay. MAItTIIA li. VANDEll-sLICE, WILLIAM J. HIIILAY. Jllj-70-Ct. AdinlnUtratois. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. rsTATK OF JOHN IlAI. I.MAN', II EO 11. l.ittcis ol'nil.-niulstlatlou on tho estalcol John Dallman, late ot Uiceiiwnod Iwp., t'olumblii co. llic'il., bao been gl anted by the lEeglslerof said rounty, to Wlllhilll Ever of (liecnwooil Iwp. All poisons having claims or demands against Ihotlecideut ate iciiuisttil to make them known, unit those ludi-bled lo make paymeu. WILLIAM F.YEII, Jel7';u-(iW. Administrator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. IISTATK Ol- ISAAC lillll'IIAItll, III ( i:si.n. lu tho Otphnns' Couit o. tho county or Colum bia. 'Iho Auditor appointed to distribute tho balance iu Iho hands til the ndm'r. among tlio creditors, and hells hcuhy glt imiieo that ho will met t tlio partle-j luteicstcd, for tho putposonr Ids appoint ment on Sat tu day Iho 1:1th day ot August, IS70 at Itn o'lloil; A. M. at his otlleo In lllootiishurg, iu said county. All parties iinti .-sun in e i eiiuesii'ii 10 a I leuu, ill i.e. led Horn cnmlng In lor n part of iho said Mind C. G. l'.AUKI.EY, JIS'70-lt, Auditor. EDITOR'S NOTICE. J,S, llllor.-ST, 1 No. JI.'May JAColn.oWEIl, ) Term, A. D. ISIII. Tho undersigned uppnlnted Audi! ir im,A.c, to mako it'pnii. dtstiil'UIlng the ni,itn-ds ol iho hliei 111', solo on .ludgineni or Vi-tid, Ex No. Ill eiaemucr it rm. isoy. will meet ino niutlisln intirest lor tho purpose ol his appointment tit his nillce lu Cntnwlssa, on Fnd ly, Kcplt nibor IU, A.D. s;u, at ten o'clock of said day .A 11 pt nous Inleicsed nro ri'iiui-sHtl tontt. ml, or bo liebarrid uoiu ooiiiiug iu lor n pan 01 i ne sain itinil . , , W. U. AIUI'ITT, JUi'TO-tf, AuJIto . jSJOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. .-sniico is Hereby Riven to ilio Tax-Payers of the'l'oM u of Itlonlilsbliru. on anil idler Tueu. nuy, jiuy oui, 1670, tne uniieisigneti w ill no pve ji.nt d !, It. 'else the tun n laxis ai.sesnl lor the eni I.S70, at his olllco, lu l Im Exeliuu io Illis'k, In said Tom u,-d tloor fiom west elid.iiu the Ul Ho i,', nnd saltl tax-payers lire hireby utxuliej lo pay the sunn-. n lux unpaid ut the cx'plrallou of lltlrly invs in in thu 2tith day oi July, ls7i, bimll be pnld Hi live i ir uiitl.m j.i nulty tipim tho an . uiil . .ltd llieutii. E, li. I KELElt. I uihii .lung, July ;".', Is70, Toi.n'i'reasuur. Tii'lKK IS HKREHY GIVEN it i 1 .it au iij plleullon will be mailt uiiheiuxt i.ii el llig t.t tilt Gllll-lul Assilubly til thu I III I. ni.uiwciil'h et Pennsylvania lortbo luenipoia i it.n nl a bank. In tKcuiihince with lb,- litnsni ilio t ouiiiiuuiMiiltli. to be inlille.l thu "t'tit.iwlssa Deposit mid having Il.iuL-," lobo loeilled III t'llla- w 1ssa,tol.cii..Pa.,wlthtuaplluloft)il diousauil dollats, with the right to Inert use I liu sauie lo ono hundiid noil llity thousand dollars. Culuwlssii, July I, tB.U-iiu. J.STRAY NOTICE. i.imo Id the prtmisis of the subsi't-iht r, In Hr, township, on or uboui ihe u-st day nl Juno last, it dun yeui ling steer. The owutris inUt stul tu tiimo tomaut, plow pti'i eily and taue htm aiu or he will be .'d I uri'iit'illng tu law. CLINtu.N lol.E. sujailisif lu p., July W, ls70 Jt. rpiIE SUHSCRinKR HERE11Y " J. glvis uollei' that ho sll'l loulliiues .b MANFFACTFHE OF WHEICLER'S PATENT RAILWAY CHAIN HORSE POWERS, and Isntaln In the Held fi r tke llnrveitof Isto, aud Is nicpured It, 1 nrmers Willi the most reilablo Machluos olli-ied to Ihe public. I also build JWl'llLE-UEAllEI) JACKS, to nl taeh lo the iod i,r a four-linrso Lever l'oer,to nitueh my 'Jhreilieis lo, 'Ihree horsts 111 do thu sumo of thrtshlug with tnisaiuiuge luent.ihat lour will Willi nuy other thresher, I nmitlso Agint to sell WHEELER'S COM II1NE1) THltEwllEH una WINNOWERS. For fni thcr r;arllculatH oi fur tho rurposo of ordering mach una, address 1 M.HFJ.SIIIZEIl, Light Street, Col. Co., l'a. Jol07u-lm AND 13AH15IT METAL Stoves and Tinware. Is1 .TEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH IIAGENEUCIf. Mnln Street one door abovo E. Meudenhall'H Store. A laigo r.ssniiioci.t of Stoves, Heateis and Ranges lonsiantly 011 hand, and for sale at tho lnwist tates. Tinning In nil Its branches carcfullyattciidcillji, ind lallslaetiiiu gnat untied. Tin work ol all kinds w holcalc and retail. A lal is leijuestcil. pi-.p, (j'j-tr SIO.UOO CJUAUA.NTKE. I'i U C K L E A 1) iJ EXCELS ALL OTHER LEAD I 1st. For Its rnrivalod Whiteness, LM, For lis Unequalled Durability, til. 1 oi- Us FnsuipasKed Covering Tropcrty. Last ly lor its Economy. ri-It toTSLExsto paint wllhlluoK Lkap than any otlur While l.eail extant. The sumo v.i'ighl ei.virsMORI'. KfltrACE. Is moro DUK AllLE.liIld m.lkts WHIfEP.-WOItK. P.UCK LEAD, 13 tho Cheapest nnd ISorf 10,0(10 GUARANTEE. RUCK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCH 1st. For lis irncqtuillci! Durability, '.'1. For lis Uurlvaled Whiteness, in, l or its Unsurpassed Cuverlng 1'ropcrly. Easily, lur Its ( hcouomy, being tho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, nna most DFRAIILE Whlto Pulut In the wmld, n V v ONI, v HUf'K LEAD AND HUCK ZINC: TRY U' AND HE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by iho Manufacturers. HUCK COTTAGE COLORS, I'ropnroit cxpiessly for Painting (-OTTA n I. our UUIT ns of ovcrv llescl I ii ! ?!'.. FE.Vcr.s, ,tc. 'JHlHTY-l'-tVE DIFFER IINI' fOI.OlIS, Diunble, chenp, Uniform, and Ilcautllul sliaclcs. ' Sample cards sent by .Mull If desired. PoulMs' on', is will be ptouiptly ixccutcd by tho tnanulueturers, FRENni, IIK'IIARDS &'C0 N. V". Cur. Tenth and Market Streets, J.ina. Tf-lv. I'hll.idilp'hlu JOHN G. JACOHY'S '' HAICERY AND CONFECTIONERY! DEUWICIC, I'liNN'A. .The undersigned .would ickprilfully Inlorni tho t'111.ens of Hcrwlck, and vklnlly, tliat lio has opemd u C'oiilictlouiry antl Uakery lu ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Ilurwlt-U, Pn., wlnrc l.o Is prepared lo furnlth all hinds ol PLAIN AND FANCY ( ANDIFS, i'HLNi'H CANDIES, Ft JtElt.N AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAIblNH Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. l.V WIIOl.hSAI-K AM) llKr.MI.. Anitiig thu assortment will ho fnimj c'loain .sttts, j.uhiisii s HIUUIS, 1 Vilnius, .VtlUOtlilS, I'll. Itits, Fin-. A poles. Ci coa Nuts. .lulll.M .r din,.,. flit Ulluls,, Cat-up, Plekles, Choonhile, t'unuid Fruit ol all kinds. Corn Standi, lim III.- cull, tl'llo t'lUl'kel'S. Ulster rin, kers llieis... l-oap, Wilting I'upir, Agroeiuent Papers, Eu vilopes, FISH AND OYssi'lCRS, Anil nrotluca t f n'l kinds. l-r,sh Itr..n,l ,it.,l Cakes every dny. Ite timm 111 t;,ason, Yvur patronage is Holtcitid, , , , jiui.-s 11, J.llUl.l. Ilcrwlclt, June 17, ls7U-tf Wants. TE AC I 1 ERS WA NTED. .1. t llie itiii!. ami t ll'i, r.,i,tnlA l.a.A. . .. . lor the i.liools ot Cinlinllit lll.MSn, n,i .t.. ii.ui.i.i . About Mil per inimth will bo iwid tu n K - ;l mi'e liuelier, and Horn SOS to suit. te. "" ' Ai. uxainliittllun of iipVtilcouls will lo : --, . - -. - j -.., . tiiii-iiui-ui, hi le.iinii- '.'."n.1 ,'. ''?, ",'u uxu ''"y "f July next, bcglii. n lug at lu o clock, ii, m. .VI. J. HCGIlr H.SCC, Jll .0-31 CHiliulla beliool Jliwrd. 'J,'E. :aciiers wanted. talx limlr Aiui Mm e It lilulo leflf horn nrn n-aiitnl fie lim i,li...l. .,i C.iiuiiulinn. llkt.lM f-Vsl..... bla run nly. '"r lae tt rm oi Ten montlis(tfo whom Kood biiinrlt ul hv laid. Au txauiumtlon of upplUaiiis will bo In Ul hytliu County huperln- iiuwi'i v iiuuhi til nt v TIII.JJ ttllW, lilt fuitu i d.iv. the Lth iliivtjf AtitUkt iki iboitiiiit, at Wo'ch in. JIaTU- . Lv nyi'uluim bchoul Hon id.