umtjimi 1 Tt T 1 rt nt. rtnmH rr. rrinnv. .111 Tf m imvii a (....Vuisu iiiio wi'l'iv lliu JllllllU Ul i:, wuum luiuni umuKH io lion. v s -U4l.jn illLIJI t III 4 unnji" roiuntcera. cent, thcro win bo two sent to whero rflDENTS. UI1 1U0 U ilV Inst, in nlus excursion train on tho Jj t IJ. .nnu tho evening tram ran over a . " ., r.n r mil itini n ,1 1 .. ...... I i.. I I.. a1! JiAliTi. All lntcrcstlnt? rrimin nf ii i i. ..i,. i i.i ji pan icwii. iMiiuuiu v-uuiwjaa oiiiuo Tho ecoro stood, Abbotts sido 1L M. 15. & S. F. Association-. At liatnfofnn inpfmilf Mnt1 itfilott Ttilt S7 . Iliiwarad Ol iwnivn liiinrlrnil ....... svi-.t.l H. la iiLtu iuiu iiuu uiu jiNMii'i ii inn. miu sii.wu uui miiiii n. hum iiwi rf tiODUlation of Bloom as ascortalnod IIU V At-IUIMIIIII IK i.s .1 II I. Wlllf'll The census of 1SG0 gave 2,C0S, thus years, or nuout 1'j per cent, per .- pOLTOffiLktf AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY PA tTM'Tl tina rAofrvltntl Ills I Ti,. . . -;- " . ... ' ciuiors uccinro uio "lovely .sex" witnin u lew ua.vs it lias been iiitiiihv iiul. limn nun minni-ii mr I 11 VL'l Caiiim llllll I1CIW 1L l.H llllt, II IT II I II nicii'uiuiuKiuti iiiuio ioi tinsyoar uo curiosity. n iinu intruauiu in iiiinumiclllLr mat utuguc in inuuuivii, as, i ,. jur sejv- i-nnrs. nun w Know mnr. nn rnmoa . , -- - ... uieru wiin ii lirsi-ciuss renuiaiion lUU&U'iilll. (tin vnrnniMps nnii tnnrn riinirtiit to Una Rciitlemen ns lilghly quail- as tlie.v were. Wo liono wo shall lose tlielr skill and experience-as t i T ninty f n.l.t - I.. (ft 1110 nlnlll liOllfrn In Hin rnnitv lonowiDK oniccrs woio installed: . uncoil iu. ivts: v. i; .loiin ; Atc'i. William Uurgcss: Ass't. in iiPtnrntr. Ilnywan ; Treasurer It I IT' ATTr I 1 1 1 lil ',kii nH ui iuuiil I'jciiyaiii imvn.mim. mioii IinvliKi1 tut mi In lita ct nti tlm hMillh for so mo limn, iitwl iin. cdlvovcr'OXi'rtrd IitinsnlT ntiTuw. last. Ho was wannlv lovod lv (r:u lttirut over ins sniiiimi mpmim rALCATiox. AVo Ii-am that A. I !or, Treasurer of tiio Cock Robin WorKS 01 Uanvi o. and formnr v icr of the National Bank of place is a defaulter to a lame inn. :iiiii n:is ii i is I'mirim i . 'rim iiti. ?iiu,uuu to ?i;;u,uoo, Assets not f!l, but wo muleistillHl that it is Kf ihU. l,.,l,,l,i.,.l,,, V I..f ll 1 1 I'M Tit fit l I IM nil n A ll.i.T-Tn.. , . .-- ... I nrpnrrrii mi vvminnti dk ririH lusr. notu Kiinr-Ki'ii nnii crrinvpti eoiileofour town. Jlrs. ISecklev Lf'fll. IlllliriQt till fn flio lirttii rf n. I MlO HVftdlllf. Imliirn tit n 1IHi , 1 ll'l'l III I' llfll I lull ntl Ulllt ik linn l. SDC was tiiknn 11 u'nti k H mr lt. .1 I HIT in lint llitic-r. vnmlltm 4 ..I.. Iirrnitfcn rf l.nll. o-. r..ti.. I'vvm.u. lt UVU11I, KJU Jl'llIlllllV in Dtt llffinl lint. r-1 n " I'nor.E. A. Lunwia lmsrcslclietllils position In Uio Normal Sclioofof this placo. Heo Ills advertisement in anoth er column. Tub Bfitilblu tho Hnzlolou Sentinel P3 A'i .".r I'o'-' nsplratlons Is not Just fled by niiytliing that lini nppeared in tlio Republican. Tin. Govornor has appointed a. Jr. irnrdlnp-, K3qi) 0f wilkes-IJarro, to fill tho vacnicy occasioned by tho reslgna lion of Judjfo Conyiighmn. I.ast wook our papor was so much crowded that wo hail not spaco to insert tho communication of H. W. Frcy. Jjlnck Creek, nnd tho sutijcct by this timo has lost Its interest. Tin: NT.w iMap. Tho now map of nioomsburg is finished nnd tlio agent is i bu-y delivering copies to subscribers. It is a very rreditablo work, nnd gives an nccttrato idea of thoslzo nnd extent of our town. TittUMntATtmn of Juno 1870, nt liioomsburp;, observed at sunriso: Max Iintiin. OS" on tlm "Sil, in, .,.,,1 m i. Jliniinum on tho "2d, Avcrngei Avcrnjio of J uno of last year, Jlnximum "l3. tr ' Tltli Amortnuti n.1.1 I.VII,.... M, 11.. Mntb Volumo with tlio issue for cur rent lllOntll. Tllln U tlm nlilitar nt.,1 uuiiuu iu uo uio uest .j(iu Follow publi. cation in existence. Wonotico in its at- iniCUVO Contents nlllnnrniio Inlnfiullt... and instructive article.-:. Principal eon iri bu lions! concluding chapters of lliu ciiiuuuiu unguini serial, conscience iiiuiu-y;-- jiouers irom i-'ranco and Oer- many; iseiuiillllu and Curious Facts: Jiougo uetiellts; Humors of tho Day Inntial Labor; Ladles' Olio; Youth's IK'partmeut; Tho Kebokah Degree; Domestic Economy; Corrcsnondeiu'e: Mhcol any; Choice Poetry, etc., etc. Published liy John AV. Orr, So. !)0 IN W-snil street. Now Ynrlr. SI .-. ,.,r volunie. Iiflt n.. nt..l , I - . - .....V..W 1.1 .JUL VUIVILU 11-1UII1U since, concoriil.ii? tlm tlmff nf n uiu waic'j DPinL' in cpn nnr. IM'II lllit I Im I It Inf ..h ll.n lave blncu been heard of. A few Arm 41i. a. . i . . fiwuutu wiin a verv Hani snmn rv lrnD -...1.:,.!. i. i.t . fTDvcntcd, nnd no legal obllga rested upon bim to mako good -l ' till nn iiio-t r. . 1 -. ..v nVV ii V.1 V UlllUUlUl IVfll' nn m... rni. - t c -w u-iu. nercaitcr uown trains aro j.t imu u;io X't M,. ui' uio un trains aro tiuo at nr,il r.tio mi . 'utter change Is a most dlsasrcea- eiled to wait until nearly noon, throwing all tho work into tlio aoon. AVo bono that tlio chanco not bo one of long duration. wn UouNcu.. Tho Council met tnntnif Inct nit .v. 1 icept Sir. Knorr. Tho rnto ul tax- fht. Trt..... i-.i . ... mini iiuiiiuais iur inueiisuillg was fixed at eight mills on tho F. Ml... 1CI1. .1-.. f -t I 1 U" ' ouiy was cno- Hlio day for bearing appeals from wents. Messrs. A. Noblo. Isainli fbucli, II. O. Hower, Isaau ltoad 't JiunebJlcUridonnd Haltzer Lea vttroapjiolnted on IhoPolieo force 'Ultnltli. it.wl... i .i i-..- - .u wuvivo HVIU UIUL'11.11 1UI tf nf i,n f.... rni . ..e it. . ittu miir. i iiu iiMiuri 111 lliu r "'"-' ui -niK'i nuJH "US lie- nnd oidertd to bo nald. Ail. ITt'j ir rn. .... -"o luuiiijKi.. - riio I emu i? oi IM lr. it ..... T' Vf ,:v "linden nnii isaac jveen, t 11,0 M-uiUerof young Yolio a-V V1 til linsciliitvpniiiilprri.If itirtnn. t.Uon f. .... : , ' . iv . . J VVr. u" -niurtuay ami i-riuny Itlngtown, before Justico David . n1Iu,ttifc11 was ncfiultted of both W'.aild dischnrpril. Isnnn Ifpon. w?y morning nftcr his Jieariug , , -u ciiBo was iiu 'itsearifii frti.. ii. n 1. 1 i inll.. . ,4U tuii?itiuivi iiiiu woods, slnco which ho has Ittt. to'1, FrwIerlekB, nnotlier ion v'fi1 wus 'ffi'Sl't bVforo tlio elis?iiWn,y l,0," nftL'r tho uvl Si 1J01lru ln tlio other eases, :rcoun?pr, nnsWL,r th0 t l.UI'VI(l,n.. 1. . ... T to tt:.V . -o impucnto oitner of iwraSW' m.v- a Ai.i,i. , ' . ..""""slB '""i 'io kaCl''a"d,nttho time. Messrs. "ler ?5 iaT,,,l' n,1U -?,If,BSrs- I'lttl u any counsel. JMilitauy. Tho martial splritofour citizens Is being aroused, and severnl companies are In process of formation. Uorwick has already organized one numbering scvinty members, nnd unuuKii iiuvu ennsieu nero to lorni a company oi Light Artillery. Tiioguns, liarneas, nnd equipments liavo been promised tills county if n company is speedily organized. Wo think this is a matter in which nil of our citizons should take nn interest, and there is no reason why Bloomsburg should not havoalargo, handsomely equipped or ganization that will reflect credit upon us at homo and abroad. A meeting was hold in Snyder's Hall on Thursday evening, July 7th, for tho purposo of raising a Company of Light Artillery. Cheating ix Makum: Wo liavo been credibly informed that tbero aro personstravcling through tlio country taking orders for monuments, mantles, Ac, which they represent ns Italian marble, nnd which resembles it so close ly ns to deccivo tho inexperienced, but tho marblo they fill tho ciders with is n species known ns Yunkco marble, which tho frosts of n fow winters or tlio bent of a few summers will crumbloto pieces Tho effects of tho froBt on tills species of marblo, wo aro told, may bo scon on monuments of tho Yankee inarblo In tho Hollenback cemeterv. U'lllpll Ilium cost thousands of dollars and which aro not worm nnyuiing into what tho par tics paid for them. Tho best, wnv I rt get n good job Is to patronize your own homo dealers, and thereby savo tlio ten or fifteen per cent commission, for this, "iy bo sure, is added to tho price Ul tlltJll. Mum. A Nr:w Iit.-Maktvu MiPHiv... 'riilr0rrOrColm'Sifronl 0crmany proinisoof 1. uui uiu w.iuGui ice. a certain I-ranz AVindhouscn, of Drunswick, has invented a now machine for freezing ' wiinum u.u am oi cnciulcals, where tho air is llrst nowpi-fniu- doused then cooled by tho udmission of waier, anu nnaiiy expanded till its pres SlirO is about COUal to that nrilin ntmoa. iinuro." liy inn means, t hnmmtm .tlm very nstonlsbinGr result. Ii nili lowering tno temperaturo of the air to nuy uegrees Leisius, (four degrees Fall reniicit,) so that when conducted in moderate quantities into n spaco through which water llnws. "Mm n'ninr is almost iniincdlately turned into ico or which enormous blocks may thus be ti . "csireu.-- xno invention will also, it Is said, bo nnlienliln In ilm cooling of largo appartments such ns uienires, nospnais anu ciiurchcs. UOUNTJIY LIFi;. Ilnwnvpr linl Ilm weather mnv teem to tlmsn wlm nm uoouieu io won; enclosed bv brick wans in crowueu cities, In tho country ills otlierwlso. The fresh air of Hm country oven during tlio hottest days iiuooi;aai;a lUVIUUlillllllT tiunilllft.4. ir. 14 sustainim? and bcnlth.L'i vl III'. Pllrn find iiuuiiiui ii, swcoi s over tun hu n,a. ties tho green leaves of tho long files of growing corn, ami brings a brown tint to tho palo cheek of tho invalid, while wiiu magical power it restores vigor mm Biieiigui io mo enervnieu body .iiiunu who suppose inaiiiioiauoroi tlio farmer in tlio harvest-field is of tliomo3t sevoro character aio greatly mistaken. All tho advantages of pure air and puro cool water nre bis. wliiln tlui.n u'lm In. bor in cities nro necessarily deprived of uuui. jiani as mo worK oi tno agricul turalist appears, tlio lnbor of tho city clerk is more oxhnuslinir. nnd thochun. cos of long life and cutlro freedom from diseaso aro entirely in favor of tho til- icr oi tno son. Tiiu Fourth. Tho Olthnuniversary of tho Nation's birth-day was quite generally observed throughout tho country, but not with tho enthusiasm or to tho extent of former years. There was to do sure, much powder burned, many patriotic speeches mndo and di vers liquids consumed, but tho grand exhibitions of past years tlio parades, tho public dinners nnd tho costly and artistic disnlavs of llro orl;s worn nil liilsalng, nnd nro ovidently things of uiu past, xno uay is iookcii upon moro ns onoof rest and quiet enjoyment than of tumult and excitement, lleneo tho stores tiro mostly closed nnd business generally suspended, whilst plc-nies, nnd mild festivities of tho kind aro nil' morous and well ntteuded. Blooinsburg was as quiet ns upon n Sunday, ns thuro wns no public observance of tlio occa sion, nnd many of ourcitlzens left town to attend celebrations in neighboring towns, noticeably iu Orangovlllo. Tho streets were nearly deserted during tlio nuy .uui iiouuiig nroKO uio monotony THIS WCok WO nnnnnnpn Ilm f ni, o.i.iiii. i ,, i fi. ,"uu",um" cnuuiuato for Aasoclnto ii T",!.: JJmv,ck alte still ndvcrtlsos tho Trensurcr's nnd Commlsslr.' i, . ont,ctl nI'tl unseated land, wiui-ii iuuis jimco wcoks ngo, At tho Into meeting of tlio Grand Commnndorv of PiMinivivnntn ni nm liamsport, n chnrtor was grnntcd for n now Comirmndory nt Cntnwlssn. It Is n imoii i.ti i w,lvllryt" una will soon .u Pinr.nva Tlm rn..n.i i ii.t i V. ... i"11' ii'iiumern- blp pigeons ln Sullivan county must bo taken with somo allowance. Parties who hnvo been thcro shooting report hat the birds liavo been driven away threo times by hunting parties nnd that r. . . tt'im"3 ,mVo perished ottti V1U1UI1. Vu decllnn iiiililtuMn,. 11 ferrlng to n certain woman ln Beaver Valley. It is unsigned, nnd wo do not ituuiv uiu wriiur. ii tno writer will prove, to us tho charges ho make?, wo will then help him unearth tho matter. una unrig tho guilty to Justice. If erlmcs liuvo been committed, lot in formation bo mndo beforo a Justico of uiu i-eacs. Wi: hitVO IllrOlUlv nlllllloil In lltn cmk. yoy of tho extension of tho Cntawissa Hi irom wiiton to Willlnmsport wo lenrn that it is tn prmn ilin rii. ni Jlllton, run through Union county ns fur ns Montgomery Station, tbenco ro eio i into Northumberland county, nnd then continuonlong tho river, touching ty. .ituif.y nun jioiuoursvilio, 10 Wll i i.i ni.-j jiui v . (swiuury uazcicc., Josonh T.. son of Win. r. Nesblt, proprietor of tho Washington IIuuso In Nortliumberiaud, aged about five years, was drowned in tho North iiiaucn uinai at that plnco on Sunday iiiieriioon last nt about 0 o'clock. Wlillo reiicning lor llootl-wood ho lost ids bal anro ami fell into tho canal. Although "i.viiiii.v iLuuvereu, an enoris to restis citato him proved unuvalllng. ATori nmorriiim. iscmoctcii. PAIM'UIi ACCIDNT .Tncrili Tlnr.t- o,... of Buck, of this plnce, aged nbout 1 1 years, had his left thumb so badly V";11 ",u l"i wurits oi messrs. Jack-son & Woodin, Wednesday last that amputation became necessary; Dr. H. II. Little tiorformnil tl innimriillnit and tho boy is doing as well as could bo expected. This is tho second boy that ii. .1 .Mi iiu uiuiuu ut mo samo works Hiuiiii iwo wccks. jierxciclc Cfazettc. "FitANK Buck." Ono of tho most prominent, pertinacious advertisers ln central i-ennsyivania, is Frank Buck, Confectioner nod Ico Croamist nt Wll. liamsport. By dint of nprspvprnnnn and printer's ink ho has mndo himself Known inrougnout this entire section of uio otaie, anu no ono moro cmlncutly deserves tlio success he hns nchioved. At tho recent gathering of Knights Templar in that city during their weary, sultry march ho gave to each a lemon, which was n far moro chnritn blo and prnise-wortby gift tlinn all tho lllllll U1C113 OI 1I1R llpn l Hrillun urnnM navo been. It was not nn advertising dndp-e Iip. cause tho parties wcro nil strangers. In ui-iiuii oi uiu irnicrnuy we tiinnk him iur ins uisiniorestcu geucrosity. In tlio evening tho colored population iiad a ball in Snyder's Hull and danced until daylight, enjoying themsolvea ns they can do, on such provocation. At Orangovlllo, thero was an Indian representation nnd procession, a speech delivered by Uov. M. Brown of tho town, nud singing by tho Gleo Class. Thero was also a baso ball match, in which tho Orangovlllo boys wcro defea ted by tho Bloom club, in a mot disas trous manner, tho scoro being very much lil:o tho handlo of n pitcher, nil on ono side. In tho ovening there wns a hop, nt which thcro wns a Jurgo alien danconud dancing wus kept up until a Into hour. At Benton thcro was n lively tlnio, tho Bloom Brass Band furnishing mu sic for tho occasion. An oration wns dolivored by K. II. Little, Ksq. Dor wick had a grand iiarndo of tho Order of lied Men, a delegation from this town forming n part. Thero wns a Blium battle us well, nnd from nil nc cotints n verv nlensiirnblo dav wus en- Joyed. wo near mat a very largo picuio was hold nt or near Uupert. Taking all things into consideration tlio 1th of Ju ly, lb70, may bo said to hnvo been a very creditable holiday, ns thero was Uttlo drunkenness, lighting or riotous conduct, nud our Lock-up is still with out a numo. nnd ita hospitality is as yet untested. A Goon Fur.T.nw that n.ii i'fn . IIotkl. II. G. Smith, nf llin T.nnnna. ier jjttun liueumenecr. whn lm ippn on a visit to Cano Mnv. nnvq. llin fnllntir- ing well deserved compliment to that must, popumr innuioril, Mr. George Bol Hotels depend crrpnllv fnr si on tho qtinlillcntions of thoso who havo uiu iiiaiiagenient ol them. There is much lncnning in the slnng phrase, "ho " " buuu luuow, uui no can't Keep n hotel." To "run" a first-class establish ment 011 tho Ainnrlnin nrinplnln nf Im. tel keeping requires a combination of luienis oi a raro order. He who would succeed must show military precision in tho ordering of his arniy of ser vants, wliiloho meets his guests with unvarying smiles and unrulllcd polite ness of manner. Ho must remember faces that ho hns seen but once, and bo ublo to recall tlio multitudes of names recorded from timo to time on his reg ister. Ho must bo very liberal in pro viding for all tho wants of an exacting public, and methodically correct and economical in tho management of bis varied business transactions. Men of tlio class wo liavo attempted to describe aro rare, but they mako fortunes. Mr. Geo. Bolton, proprietor of tho Bolton Houso nt Harrisburg, nnd part proprio. tor nnd solo manager of tlio Columbia Houso at Capo May, is ono of thoso raro iii i wiiom it can bo truthfully said "ho Is a good fellow and can keep a ho tel." Ho keeps two of tho best and most popular estab shmpnts In tlm couniry. iio makes ills guests feel pcr leetly at home, and thoso who put up with him uro not only suro to return, but, ns tlicv do so. tliev rppnll tlm Hnpu ui uiu puui who saw: Tho traveller alone Ufa's weary wuy must often To thinlc'iio lina fuuml Ills warmest wclcmnn nt an lun. Uio Columbia Houso opriinle-t Ilm ...nn. ,.ll.!1.l- ..... muni, ultimo location on uio isianu, has tho handsomest croimils. nnii u In un us iicpariincnts ns admirably ar i.iuKt." n.i ins wen conuueteu. Rocoiptsof "Xnn COLUMBIAN" ior judo J.B70. I) lAirenlictir ftHirc John Hinltli 20 Jerlali Vnnllorn 200 U H llucknlow SI 25 AlexnnilorCarr ami josi or w u Hurley soo1 Win Rlimtnerii oiwil i JJIinnileiH A Hon 6 (10 J O Kooler Ij Knium Joseph Kolins Trcns'8 Licenses Trcns's Deeds Mercantile Ap praisement County Treasurer Coo.Wethorlll&Co Hugh Thompson J L (llrton lllnnks Thomas l'unston Peter Creasy Illanks Hnytlor, Harris Si liafisctt III Waller 'tofW WMelick II 1" Wolf David Lewis Kilns Ash Illmiks Dcmocmtlo Stand .ing Commlttco Van Atnburgh W K Dlcttcrrch illnnlis Itlchaiil Kilo 10 J McIIenry Mrs ,M i; Oreon Jesse Ilolfmau Miss I,et Hartzel David K. .Major J Ilulahlzer lllcharil Kitchen 11 t'i;vorctt Thos Monaijihan Dr J lCilwnrds I2nos Pcaler O K HoliliiHon 1'roIO W Walker W H Wanucr It J Millard O W Maugcr KNLllilwng UeprKo llainpshlro Cud iloluru John Moore 5 CO, loll II Wnnlrli (leo M I'enler Win Ilyer Illanks Wm (1 Harris OOMarr larolt llnnA J W Kvaus .J; Ur naarilslnv OOoUohnOHIiulti 4 00 J osepli T lleeilor uiauKs Wm Hitler LlM... iir.,nnnM in ra'1. ;;"". 06 0uKrank Keller i 6 0(1 1 CO 2" UO hltlpHhoemaker M M Albertson i ; ti Caso Illanks Lawrenco Watlors 200! Commts's Hales ?r.Mi., nn w V.'l.llllu.l. ..Ulllllf 21 (io! 5 0j vm, 2 0IH 4W 4 00, OOOi 13 OS 2,' tail son sn 20i 1!S 2 00 JOO owl 2 00, 060 1 210 108 6 Oil1 200 ; 210 2(0 200 2 On aoo 210 6 0.1 2 00 Geo Krcsstcr w it lint Peter llrusler J li Ilrugler tier uci resiivai 2 011 SSI 40 U) 2 00 1(10 2 00 BOO 50U 4 01 M 9110 1 (X) 000 150 2 0) 2 00 1 00 no 2UI 19 0) 42 03 200 100 00 2 00 2 00 6 00 Nor Hehool Festival 4 00 H Decker Andrew Croll M O McCollum J I) Wilson Pat ltohanneii Bam uel Albertson Hlott K Collcy t'.i.nw yj iteu I II mill .1 Ititnilnr CaptWMcClcllan PIk Smith a v liioi Geo Mooro Albert Hunter J KMhnrplcss Geo W Wears John Crouso Hoiirv Klelm 'Hon Wm Klwcll Daniel Hitter Ilohr Mcllcury I A McJIenry 'W m llcury ISlilckshlnuy O U I A M 'Centre Pchool DIs kl W Fullmer Geo M ilcaglo 2 00 200 6 00 2 0) 7 CO 300 2 00 10 00 8 CO 6 10 310 2 011 a no II 0J 3 60 2 10 2 00 8 00 3 09 4 30 0 25 3 00 3 00 2 00 .1C0 2 CO 2 00 2C0 County Convention, ii!rl;?J,,.0.!n.o,'!r'ltt0 volers of " several Districts in Columbia county, ure requested to meet a tho usual place ol ,0idiUE the f tiencral "leclfons on SaturUiiy, the 30th day or jfily, IhTOrbctwemi' tho hours or threo o'clock ami keven o'clock In tho afternoon or that day, nnd elect by ballot two persons to represent tlio District Inn cmm. ty Convention to bo held nt tho Court llouso in llloomsburtr, on Monday.Aiiifustlsi.iitiio'cIock noon, to befoct two CouKrcs5louai conferee ? to im,cc tTf,",1lil1r P00'" ttom other counties of tho District, to noinlnato u candldato for Con. Kress: two ltcprcsenlatlvo coutirees to meet similar conferees from the other conuly In thi Dlstrlc , to uoiulnnto a candldnto ior niombcr or Assembly : to nominate one person for AMochthi Judso: ono porsan lor Bheiiir; one person ii? Jury Commissioner, ono peison i5r Countv Commissioner; ono person for Coroner nnd nn person for county Auditor : To lie iS ift iho Democratic party ntthe coinlug : flection lly order of the committee. u' CIIAW.KI D.11KOCKWAY. Chnlimuu. CiiiKliitufes Ior Rumination. Tho following gentlemen havo been mentioned for nomination to the soveral County Olllccs to be filled by election tho present year, and their names will bo presoutid for tho consideration of tho Democratlo County Convention s SHEHIFF. EMANDTJS UNANGST, FISUINuCIlEEK TOW-VSIIIP. JAMES LAKE, SCOTT TOWXSIIIP. SAMUEL It. KLINE, SCOTT TOWNSHir. REES J. MILLARD, 8C0TT TOWNSHIP. AARON SMITH, HEMLOCK TOWKSIIIP. I. K. KRICKBAUM, ' nENTON TOWKS1I1P. WILLIAM APPLEMAN, 11ENTON TOWNSHIP. WILLIAM EYER, GKEKNWOOD TOWNSHIP, ' MATHIASKLINE, riSHINaCllCEK TOWNSHIP. A. K. SMITH, MADISON TOWNSHir. Logal Notices. I rXKCUTOll'8 NOTICE. J...mTB Or MICHAEL I.UMItN Michael inn co. nf salil All pcisonS' mv ill"k"V?V,KXfr f.L'i.r.c',.".w",'d lo l""ut them C. tho Kxeculor In i?.1".""''.'!. rouuty, Pa. Thoso Indobiod l" tho r. iiEfil. i,eiicrs trsinmentnry on Iho estate or J Lemon. Into of Flshlngcreek twptlllum ',.'ll:!."!lv9.u'''i.SranTed by the lenlstcr t'tiiiuiv ill I rr ii wi.iin tt.. nirnlii Ml.lA l,l.. I"."' IIIUVIIHIU HI II1U uiuu iiii iiuip. JlKlirmenl. tlinrlirnirn nr nSVYr ir ffilll'.'iiY'.1.1. m"ku P'O-mout to tho fixec- OYIIUH II, WHITK, Executor, utor wllhout delay, JelO'TO-Ow, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. vii;i!.rri'iLll1J"i11,l"ltlon 011 Ihoestalo of John iS?? i 1 of ,,'t twp., Columbia county, deceased, have been urnnti'il by the Itcglstcr o said county to Wellington Yeager rcsh lno : in Itonringcrcck twp., ColTco. All rarsons ltuJiiVi claims uealnst tho estate cStlw uSut aro ro lucstcd To present them lor settlement and .Vl,os,l!'.cl1lc'a V "l0 VMe lo uako paymlnt to tho unaeiBlBncd.ndmlnlstrntor, without de ay, lel'70 nt. WliLLlWllTON YKAGUll, Je3 70 Ow. Administrator, IXECUTORS' NOTICE. J-J MTATKor JAMMEMMITT.DLC'D. nSfi ,m ttf,ln.nif '""yon Iho estate of James Km nllt.lato or Heinloclitwp.. Columbia county. dec'U, havo been ginntcd by tho Itcglster or said rU"iyn V1.A,,illiVw ):,umllt ""ci,rlst"an L. tmmltl ul Ilemloik township, Columbia county, Pii. All pcisons having claims iVgainst the is into nroutiiustnl loprcsontthcin to the Executors u Cohmiblii county. Thoso Indebted to tho chtato clthi r on note, Judgnunl, luortuaco Jt3'7il-Cw. A.NDUEW J.KM.MI1T, Cllltlai'IAN K. KJIMliT. Kxtcutois. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE USTATE OP 1IAI.T7.EK LSS1CK, PEC' I). Letters or ndnilnlstrallnn ou tho estnlo ol I. Lsslck Into of Mndlson township In tolumbln tnunty.dceinsed, huvo been granted by Iho ltcglster ui ' wild county lo William Mc. lirldo of Whlto Hull Montour county. Ail persons having claims ngalnsl Iho estate ol Iho dceideul ai o i cquestod to present them ror sclllemint, nud Ihote Indebted to theesu.tolo mono paj imiit to tho undersigned nilniliilslin t'y.y.1, 0'.'ul WILLIAM -McllHIUJi, J-"J .0-0t. Adlull.liljlt RULli ON THE HEIRS OF SA ... HAH A. IIOWMAN. COI.UMI1IA COUNTY. SH: Tho Commimwenllli or Pennsylvania lo 'lliomas llowman, Hemy Powman, Wesley Ilowinnn, Hiram nouman, a. II. Powman, QeorRO L. Iloiwuau, Mnnassn How V,1.".1,1.- ,0.l," "owinaii. Mary Inierinarrhd with Phi Ip Mowery, i'cnlua Siultb, Henry Powman. A ml lew llowman, John Powiiun, Celestla Mil ,l0,V,".V.r W."0" JIlller- Wfllloa Hitter, wire i ." .V1 '"tier, .lano, w Ifeor Thomas Culver, Martha lliiwmnu, Joseph P. Ptiwinnn and snlti SiIsV.ii.lj?lViB n,.ln.,.nor " lorhcrgunrdlan Hnlomon N ihart, lineal descendants of Knrnh A. llowman,! eeeased, and to nil other persons In terested, (Imttngi Yon uio hereby clled to be and appcur beloro tho Judges of our orphans' Court nt an Orphans' court to bo held nt lllooms burg, on iho ilrst Mondny of Hepiember next, then nnd thereto ncccpt oricfuso to tnko the real eilute of said Saiah A. llowman, deceased, at tlio appraised valuation put upon It by tho In 7,VJ,si ."'."y l,wn0ll.,,y tlie Mlti eourt.niid re- Utmssthe llnuniahle William i:iwell. Presi dent of our said court, the sth day of .May. A. D. ono thousand eight hundred and seventy. WELLINGTON II. KNT, Clerk. l!loomsburg, Jnno2l,1870.-lw, Real Estate Sales. UBLIC SALE VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. In ItUrSllltneA Pf nit nfitai. .III,. f i. ... n of iv 7,, i,""' '.'?i;.V ""'"..-ouri ASSOCIATE JUDGE, JOHN It. YOHE, JIirri.IN TOWNSHIP. samueETcreasy, MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP. J. R. JAMESON, MAINE TOWNSHIP. C0MMIS3IONEU. HIRAM J. RENDER, I'ATAWISSA TO!l"NSim MINNElTlIILE, I'ATAWIHJA TOWNSHIP. JOHN P. HANNON, CP.NT1IALIA UonOUGII. JUItYl'O.MMIfiSIONnil. PIKENIX PETOIIAI, CI'IIEH ( 01)011! PIKKNIX PUIOHAL CUHI.H COlKllli PIKENIX FF.TOHAL CUltUH t'OUGll 25 Centh. ., rl!?,T licnlx Pectoral will euro Iho diseases of tlio rhriiat and Lungs, such ns Colds, Cough, Croup, Astliiiia.llronehllls.Cnlarrli.HiiroTliiiiat Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, and Pulmonary Consumption. This medicine is prepared liy In. Lcyiobcrhollicrnr Philadelphia, and fnrmorly of Plwnlxvlllc, Pn nnd nllhoiiKh It has only booiiolleied ror llyoycais, more than nno mllf Ion bolllcii hiivnnlrciiily been sold, nnd the do. Hand for It is incrensliig eveiy Jay, Many of Iho ItclnllpriigBlslsbnyltln lots or nvo gross, rind not n row nt Iho Country HloreUecpers try nnegrossntnllme. Nearly ev'ery one who has oyer sold Itleslltles lolls popularlly, nnd nearly all who hnvo used II, bear testimony to its won '.'."t".l.1'ow!"' "';iirliiB Cough. Wonreconndcnt that thcro is no known medicine of such gient vnluo to Iho community nsthePlnonlx Pocuiral. It-has cureil cases or tho most painful nud dis tressing cough, of years standing, It lias given luslant relief Inspells of coughing. It has inilnntly storped tho paroxysm of hooping Cotigh, nud grcully shortened Its du ration. It has cured Croup In a fow minutes. Consumption has been cured by II, whero nil ot her remedies had fulled to do good. HoarsciHsshasbceu cured by It in n single lllEllt. Many physlclnns recommend ll,and others use It t hemselves and administer it in their practice while others oppose It becauso It takes nwny their business. Wo lecpiumcnd It In our roiulers nnd lor fur therpnrt P'ulars. would refer you lo tho circular around thoboltlowheiej-ou will Hud numerous eertiflcates given by persons who liavo used It. " "u I'muwuiiu iuo insia thai clilldton try for it. gtli It Is astlhiulatlngcxpcctorant, giving strcu at tho snmo timo lluttll ailuvs tlio eouiih. nip proprietor of this mediclno has so much conndenep In Its corntlvo powers from tlio testi mony ol thousnnds who hnvo used it that Iho !,"0.''c-:?lV'0,1.9fu.mU'11 1" " puii baser who is not satisDed with tho etrects. It Is so cheap that nil can buv it. l'rlco 2j Cenis, Lnrpo Dottle Jl.oo 1 1 Is prepnrcd only by LEVI OllKHlIOLTZEIt M. P., ,. . wholesale nnuaoisr, t.l '' North Third hircet, Philadelphia, K. H,-If your iiwtrtst Drugalstor Hlorekeeper tlocs not have this inedklnu ask him to get 11 for you, nnd do not let him put yon on wlm somo other prepnrutltm liecnuso ho maes moro mon ey on It; but go or send at onco to some store where you know It Is kept, on end to Pr. oher holtzcr. Hold by K. 1. Druggist, lllooms burg, nnd II. W. I rensy, ,t Co., Light Htreel, nnd nearly every druggist ami tlorekeeper In Colum bia County. ttce. lo.'iiiwlm, THY WILL YOU iien, numinisirator or Lydla Wanlch. late of Bloom township, ln said county, dee'd. will expose to sale, by public vendue, on Iho prnls- HOUSE AND LOT sltunto lu tho town of Ploomsburg, Iu said ou,Vl,,oyebaTod.?dt.!,ea0Jai;ta. SfcifoVSuS, JnCS- " byVa1n WELLINGTON II. EST. Clerk 3-Coniiitions op Hale : Ten per cent ol pnc-fourlh of tho nurchnso money to bo paid by tho purchaser at tlio striking down of tho prop erty; one-fourth ess tho ten percent, to be paid nilt, ,c,ounrm'1"0" 01 "lei Ihobnlarice to bo paid n ono year Irom tho con Urination ol sale, with Interest irom tho time tho purchaser gets possession of Iho said premises. JACOll WANICH, Administrator. Jel7'70-lw pUB hIC SALE ISAAC McBRIDE, MADISON TOWNSHIP. LOCAL NOTICES. Schuvleii & Low of Orangovlllo, .'a., manufacture tho best TiirpsimiM and Cleaners, tlio best Wheeler's Rail way Chain Horso Power nnii TliriHhni-. from tlio original patterns and tho best j-Aiver rowers mado in this county, If not in tno Htato. Don't fail to examine their machines beforo mireliaslntr nnv otlier. They guaraiiteo them to irivo r.ttrit l . . .n. " . Biiiioiiiuuuii in uverv respect, xnpv ni. u iiiaiiumciuio nowsnnu otner Agri cultural implements. Sco their adver tisement in unoiiicr column. tr. E. II. BlOGS offers fnr sntn Mm Uv. chanco Block mid Aremlo. hW Main Street, Blooinsburg, Pn. Parties uisirousoi purcnasing can seo mm in town durine Julv. or win wrlto him nt any timo nt willlnmsport, Pn. Box 100 nt. " STYLISH Nenl . mill pnmfnfltililn nrn Lowenberg's Summer suits, nnd they aro to bo bought for reasonablo prices. It Is worth a man's whllo to mako an effort to keep cool, this hot weather, "'!! r Ult'so "B"' nd niry suits Will hcllinniazllicrlv. Cnnsnlr. vnnrnivn comfort and sco Lowenberg at once. List of Letters. The following is a list of letlers remaining n tlio l'oit Oilico at Blooinsburg, July 1st, I H70 i Hates llarion F Beach Martha Biers Uobcrt Brccce Henry Couklo Mary M Crowed Q W Crowcll A J CaJman Paul Chadwrlck Frank Coie Mils Klhobetl Davis Mrs J h lieiuclit II V.oiun N J L'bner John 1! Earl Mils Alice Freas Margnrelt E Fruut J V French Ciarlia Fiilicr A 0 Hartmau Amos Ilcta Willimu lienrlo 0 J Hlmman Ellzobitli Hughes Sutau Jacob Abraham Johnson E 0 Kaso Joseph B Kramer Susan 2 Kclley James Klino Loyde Knouso Pliilllp Leehcr Mis C'allio McBrldo Frank Maitellcr Ffflo MeBrido Itobt Mcrccr F F Melllck II D Melllok Henry Morris Diana Mumy Iircal Murry llanev O'XIiiu Harry Kceg J l'rice Alllo llyan Thomas Stevens Z S Blrothcrs Win Vllct Itebecca Visller Benjamin Williams Mary K Persons culling fur any of tbe obovo letters, will Plesto my Ibcy aro advertised. 1). A. BUCKLEY, V. M. jStEY advertisements. Health's Best Dofcncc. "Ihc wcnkcalelh lietbs,"siiysSt.I,aul,fiothnt eighteen hundred years ago tho value of mcdl clnul plants wns appreciated, Iu Iho 014 Testa ment hotnutcnl remedies nro lepeatedly lecoiU' mended, but In no passogo or sacred history Is man recommended to swallow calomel, or bluo pi II, or any other mineral prepniatlon. The sick wei e directed to ent herbs to si rengtheu purify tlicm, to heal them, to resloro them, in that day tho uitof making vegetable extracts was u nknown, Tho hcibul medicines were mere Infusions, It was reserved for n later age to unite the sail Itaty essences of Ionic, apeilcut nud nntlbillous roots, barks, nnd plants, with nn acllvostlmii hint, and thus secure their rapid dlll'uslou through tho debilitated or disordered system. Tho erowulug triumph of this effecllvo mode of concentrating and applying tho virtuosi of medl dual vegetables was achieved lu tho production of Hostetlcr's Stomach Hitlers. Never beloro had a perfectly puro alcoholic stimulant been combined with tho expressed Juices of the finest s pcciiics of the vegetable) kingdom. Never yot inougu eighteen years havo elapsed since Us In troduction, hasthlsgreat icstoratlve been cnual led. It Is taken nt all seasons, In all climes, as the most potent safeguard against epidemics, as a protection against all unhealthy exhalations that produce debility or beget disease; oanrem edy for Intermittent nnd other malarious fevers: as an appetizer asusoverclgn euro for dyspep sia ; as a general loulo and luvigorant: as a ecu tic, painless nporient; as a blood depurcutl asa nervine ; as a euro for bilious ntfcctlons ; ns a harmless anodyne j and as tho uest defence of health under unfavorable circumstances, such ns sedentary pursuits, undue bodily or menial exertion, hardship, privation and exposure. jcs' VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an orderor Iho Orphans' Cour of Columbia county, Pu., will heboid nt public f ?-'n ? .'l 0 l1.rr,,a,,tt;. on SATUHDAY, July 2nd, 1S.0, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, by 'issaeTy- Ti'.i'.r "i"lor ?I1",',r' of Tyler, lato of - , r.l ' . ' . lu'l,ij m Luzerne, ueeeas- cd, w 11 expose lo sale, by public vendue, on tho piemlscs, three undivided fouilh parts ol cei lain real estate, situate in East llloomsburg. lu the e-ouuiyof Columbia, and Mate of Peeusjlvnula bounded and described as follows, to wit: On Uie north by nn alley, on Iho east by nn nlley, on tho south by n lot of Jacob Edgar, nnd ou the ,.tvuv iiwi, m tit, i-oiiuiining lujieeton said Iron sheet, and extending buck of an equal bieadth to oaldiil cv on t ha t .wiimmn1 FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, ond irnmti stable. Tho leinalnlng undivided fourth pint of said mil i-mm will i.T. ...i.i ... ,r. snmo ihiiennd place, by the eldest son of said Susan lyler, deceased,so that the purchaser will ,v. ? . ttiu wiii.iu oi Mtiu real cslate. 'J ho Mild leal estate will be sold tosether. nr in two lots to suit purchasers. Lnlo theesiato of unit, -t.-ti, Biitutieiu tiiuiuwuoi i-ist lllooms burg, nud county nioiesnid. WI.l.l.lNTi'litv 11 rT r-i... , 3TlllM m Kimv1'., lourth ol the puichaso money, at thu sulking down ol Iho piopnty; tho onc-iourth less the ten i ir eeiil.iil thotontlrinatlon absolute, nud ,,.t . iii . K ""'"-'uunusin ono jcartlierc nili r, wiih Inta est from ninth mutton ti. u. and to be seemed by Judgment, bond and mortgage, on fhepieiiiKes. ISAAC' TVLElt, ,M..u,.,tiis,uuiie iu, i3,ti. liiiardlan, HUIN YOUlt EYEHlallT IIV L'SINU COMMON ahASSES, When yon can puiehaso LAZARUS & M O R R I S' CELF.r.nAiED ri.nii:cTi.n SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES, THE BEST IN THE WOULD. Pm'i?? Sr0M,t.C0.mV",,m',?!! ''' "10 Faculty for &,' They can only be obtained In RLOOMsnmia pa., Of Miss A. D. WEBB. HOOK STOHE, MAIN STREET, EM LAZARUS A MORRIS mn ii-o u- Miunractnrlngoptlelnns, maii3,,0-ly. Hartlord, conn. WOEKS, J. L. TAYLOR. COLUMBIA IRON N. W. SAMPLE. O. W. NJAh. IV. W. SAMPLE CO., CJoi;ncji' ol' Main Kit-cot and Ii B. lioud. rBXiOOSDBXJORO-, Xj&.. MACHINISTS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS: I3LAOKS511T1IS AND 1J0ILER MAKERS. JIANUFACTUltERS OF STEAM ENGINES & WATER WJJEBIj OKXHItAEi MACHINE WOUIt ANI IIB1A1HS. MILL GEARING, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, HEAD TILOUKB, SAW MILL O-E A.E,I3STO- OP -A-LIL. X-2I1TOS, CASTINGS FOR FURNACES t. AND ROLLING; MILLS. ALSO CAR WHEELS AND AXLES AND GENERAL MINING CASTINGS. BRASS CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS, CAR. BONES, ' COM POS I TION OAST 1 NtJd, AND BABBIT METAL UKLFIHLD'S CELEURATEI) CIl.OBE VALVES, H'lOP COOKM, ClfEOK VALVKS, AIR COCKS, OIL CUPS, STEAM WHISTLKii SI'Byjtr,! OTJAOU8, Ul'KAIVi l?XffXl AlfS TlXUlNUtt OONSTANTIiTT OIT HAND. Aai3NT,S l-'Olt Sl-IJVK'S GOVI3UN011, ACKNOWLEDGED TO IIU THE SI.MPLBHT AND J1IBT IN THE WORLD. MILLWRIGHTS AND MACIUNIMTn KUPPLICl EITHER ON HAND OR FUllNlaHED A I miOUT NOTICE, VIZ; GUM AND LEATHER EEI.TINO Or EVERY DEacltilTlO II, IIEMPANI) SOAP OTON'E PACKING, OILS, RED AND WHITE LEAD, AC. hKHSHKS AND ROUS MANUFACTURERS OF HALL'S PATENT DOUBLE DISCHARGE TURBINE WHEELS. I.llll'HA), .HDUClJMENTri OFFERED TO THE TRADE. PiH4iAB,tlMl'n;'KUL?R1VV'S!1,ul aml Separating Mnclilne and "EX nt tho works ' "" circular. Specimen Machines eon be sttn BLACKSMITHINGr, HEAVY Oil LIGHT FOUGINOH, MKItOIIANT IRON OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. pafc'irN VemV HA V nHrt "ARVEST (JRINDEH,W, This is NO PATENT JIED1CINE HU.MBUO Fwl'f'W" loU"l'o ""0 Iguoinnt and credulous nor Is it lepresentcd as being "composed of aro and precious substances bimight fmu "iio four ni'imnfi!1'0 7"r'Lt c.n"'lod ovin limes nefos? leei eainJlf1,",'"""?1.1 0,1 "10 "n" of four nei ,.,,",!?' 'il l,''"S1!" "cross tho Atlaullc 2..f l" ' i" bl"P,s-' J t i ii simple, mIM, tooth. -"ii,, , ' vr.ry?('',fj";c'; for c.TAmin nUd rV,? ?.'f H E iilJAii," also for ol enslvo Hrenlh Loss or inpuli nicnt of tho Reuse orSmell.Tasto or a caso ol Calarih dial I cnimot cure. SJ O T ICE. All nersous lndebled to tho subscriber, mi Kntn ur ituoie. itccuuui, uro uereuy uoiineu Hint pay. nieut Is lesiulrcd by tho 15th ol August next tVltUUUb lltll, Benton, July l,b70-3t J. W. FULLMER. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1 t Mint uii nnnlicutlou will Lo nmiln nf ilm nnvf imciiiiH luo utuvrui huemuiy oi tlio Com muuuu'allh of reunsvlvanlu for iho inrnmmn. UUI U 4 U"1I..4M UVtUlUilUVP w uii lilt) 11IWK Ol I IIO CuuimonwenUli. to be cntttleU the 'Catawlsw iiepoiii uiiunavicg nuim," ui ue local ea altuln wisMi.Loi. ro., ru.t Willi ncnnltalof illty tliousauj do liar y, with the riylit to lueretu.e the tamotu uno muuirt'u iiiiu nuy inousunu uoiiJtM. N OTIOE, 1 OOn BItlOK FOR SALE. llIoom,hurg, July 1, 1670-St, All persmis hnowltii. tlieltti.ftvr-M 1ii(1,.l,tit,1 tn tho llrm of Jos.L. riliannoucM Co. or Jos. UMhan. lion aro lieroby nolliled I hat the books are In tho naiiusui i.j.iioins. iney win incase can aua bettlo ou or beforo August 1st, or they wlil bo collected iiccurdlug to law, JOS. L. SHANNON, Bloomsburg, July 1, 18T0-3I, jgRIDGE NOTICE Wo will meet nt Sir. Isaoo Kllngamon's, In Beaver twp., on Hiursdoy Ihuilli day of July next, from Ii o'clock, il. to VA P. M., to let con tract to move the covered Bridge nt that place lo u point about ) mile up creek. New lap shin gles clear of sap, to bo used. The brldgo to bn saivo length as old one; wing walls to bo about same as old ones, Abutments to bo 13 feet above low water mark. Plan and spcclllcatluus eau be seen cm thu giound ntday or letting or at this ofllce In the meantime, All communications re la I lug this matter will bo properly attended to, DAVID YEAGER, ) Column. WM. (1, OUICK, I of , CYRUS IlOU 11 INS, J Col. Co. Altetti Wm. ICrickuaum, Clerk. Commissioner's otllce, 1 llloomsburg, Juno'.'i, into. I O V 15 L 1 O S A L 10 VALUABLE REAL EHTAT1 In puisiiaucoof nn older of the Orphans' Court S-"',lJ-;;bl'i ,'Sl,,),f''Vu?ou.HATUuuAY, July Sud. li.o, nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, llary Hupp, Administratis of Geoigo Hupp, lato of Hpuring CiceU township, in raid couniy. deceas ed, will expose to public vendue on the premises all that CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situate In Roaring Cicek township, said county, bounded nnd described asfolluus, to wit: Be ginning at n stone nud luuulng thenco by lands or John Ilelnbiook, soulh degrees west, ono hundiid mid loriy-four perches and eight-tenths to n stone; Iheiieo by h mis of Jolm ilughcs. north nine nnd u half degrees wcst.ono , . . .r.i. ..n .ut.niuiie; iiieuee uy iuuus oi jiici.o i- isner, norm, eight nud n hall FOR SALE BY .MOST DRUGGISTS EVERY WIIEItE. 1'JtICE ONLV 50 Chnth. r'ii 'T .n',!11.'' pi,,t I111'!'. iccclpt ofsixTV ti'fi 1 l,acascs for 3! vi) or 1 Djtcn Ior pamphlet IlicEM. TV. Buffalo, N. Y, REA31ERS, TAPS AND DIES. nuLiAb and NUTS OF ALL SIZES. MADE TO ORDER. ORDERS FOR BRIDGE BOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, PATTERN SHOP. AND KSTnlATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED WE HAVE XOW IN THIS DEPARTMENT THE LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY AND ARE PREPARED TO MAKE ALL KIND3 OF PATTERNS AT SHOUT NOTICE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS THRESHING MACHIN 1 1MPUVED A SPECIALTY. iSUCKEYE ilBAPBRS REPAIRED AND ALL EXTRA PARTS FURNISHED. MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF MORTON'S PATENT HAY RAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. nftMmii;r,!HViueimlin u1dlil'c-y especially ndnptcd to tho manufactuit tice, and on very favorable terms. Send for Circufnr and pricolist r.'oa-tr f,ri 01 bend on y."! a l! ccnt "lamp for Dr. S.ige's Catarrh. Address tlio Proprietor, R, V. 1'IElic inaylJ'70-lf. May; Stoves and Tinware. N. W. SAMPLE & CO. uegrees enst, lllty-lwnpeichestoiistono; thence nn by lauds oreienrtio llflner. kputli .tli.l.t'o.,,, .ia. giceseasl, Ihliiieii nud elght-ttnths pciehesto u pine knot; Iheiite noitli M-venty-nluo nnd threc-ejuaiter dtgiics easl.uluety.ouo perches to n stouo; ilunen by lands of Benjamin Sharp. ,. l ""7 " "" !' . ..tits't tjii ens i, ouuuiin- i . "P! k,',ve'i ,l,ul IHc-tcuih peichcs, to the CONTAINING 87 ACRES and cue hunched and Ihlrly-thrce perclcs. Con dltloiis made know n on day of sain Roorlngcieck, June 10, HBO. AmmulatVatrlx. J)R1VATE SALE O F VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Tho undersigned oilbisat prlvato salo about 00 ACRES OF VALUABLE LAND, situate In Benton township Columbia county. I'ouiidcd by lands of Elizabeth Kline, Dnulol ouvt.u . wi, jiu uii ueisiiiineauii otners, 1 lllecn Aciesof which Isclenred laud. It also contains u good young orchard, A FRAME HOUSE AND BARN and n never falling spilng of water. Also n Ilrst class HAW AND LATHE MILL. Tho balanen nf llin Imii lu l,n.i.,n.. ,i...i.A..i with oak, white pluc, 4o., ' l or lerms,condlllon. ic, apply to the under signed, 'iho uctuul number of acres will bode- WM. APPLEMAN. crmlncd by survey. Ponluu ,Juiiot';0-lf p U B L I 0 SAL E O F VALUAULK REAL ESTATE. Ill mil suauco of nn order of Iho Orphans' Court or Columbia eminlv Pit nt, u .in-ni, it . . ltlh, ls70, at teu o'clock In Iho foienoou,' Thomas L. l owler. uno oflhu udmlulstrators or Ilcnja- ...... . u.,,,,, iutoi ceuiru iwp., uoiuninin co., ctl'O d.. will exoosii tn kit .t lt' ..i..:. .... tlm liriMiileriM ii ' ' A LOT OF GROUND nip in Ccnlio touiishlp. Columbia county, -ilbetl as lolltnis ; Boiincled cm Iho not tit by ARCH STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE. ' Til ? Ii S'ri ffi L??l:'"""-'-'A. Ilx8& St'yleif Uhl"i,,B iW " la' ol UAIII'ISTISUH rA'M'i1?"'1 nt tlio low e st Cold Hates, nnd will bo 'WfS f lf$lll?U l'l'" season's prices. . sli '"'Uf'SELS at 81.Mi.tnd all other goods hi i proportion. JOS. liLACKWOOH. inarSo ,u-um. tz Arch hi. Phlladeljilifa. JARLY ROSE POTATOES, THE ORFAT 'lOI'lO OF THE DAY. The mbicilbev has a limited supply i.t the Early lioso Potato, which bu will nil iniimsn wlshijg lo proline ibis ncelleut variety, at Iho low rato of Two L'olluis pa bushel. He also, twenty of the Best Varieties of STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY, HOT-HOUM: AND GUT-POOR P1.ANTH ull of which will be 111 M mi buii.l in,.l I,.,-t,.i lu their season, ' PRICE LIST OF liAUI.Y ROSE I'Oi'ATOEH: Per tumid, sr. Cents: i'er peck. 75 cents: Peibnii bushel, 81.50 ; Pe r bushel, JS.00 ; Per ban el. 85.00. marlS'ro-lf. W Ali. poWOER KEGS AND LUMBER, VV. M. .MONROE A CO., Rupert, Pa., Muuufactuicis ol POWDER KEUH, nud dealers lu nil kinds of LUMBER, ."?"' W. "iiii a half l-Ivo notice that,,-1 ,n. heir custom with dispatch, and em the cheapen orrus. 810,000 aUAUANTKli. BUCK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTHER LEAD I 1st. For lis Unrivaled Whiteness. Sl !or y.nciiunllcd Durability, .! ot "K Unsurpnsied Coverlug Pn l.unny ior us Lcouomy. JiEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH IIAGENBUCH. Sioh'" Street ouo tloor nuovo E. .Maidenhairs A largo nssortiuent or Stoves. Healers und ltangc5 constantly ou hand, and tor sale at the lowu-sL rntcj. Tinning In nil its biauche-sraicfullyiiiieinledti) nndsatlslaetlon KUarnnteed. ' " ' trial lsVr0equ?.5ted k"J"!' wllo"!aI J r' -" A Apr.o.oa-tf gTOVKS AND TINWARE. . A. M. ItllPEItT announces In his triends and ciiil., ihst continues the nbovo business at hh old place uu " MAIN STREET, ULOOMIP.DRO Custohiers can lu n.-cvimndatcd with I 'AHOY 111 OV ol nil kliuu, stovepipes, Tluwaro and eveiy n- ... ij ni itrucioiounu in nstovoand Tlnwnio Ei lablkhmont In tho cities, nnd on theinre.t reinn. nbln (erins. Repalrlngdoneatthe ahorteni nnii.. ST. DOZEN MILK P.VKH on baud ior sale. jVJEW STOVE AND TfN SIIOI'. ON MAIN SI ICE Icr, MK.VH1.V OITO.lll MlM.Hl' SIOIIK, llLOOMSRUKO, PENN'A. ' Till! h.. I..L, !,... i . l.lsuew " ' 1 '"'" STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ii this place, whero he Is prepared lo mako un new 1 in Waiie of all kinds lu his Hue, nnd do it lining tYiiii iieuincss and dlspatcli, upon the most leasouable terms. He also keens on h ind niuvLa VARIOUS PATTERNS ASTYLEH, which he will sell upon terms to suit purchasers. .wiSi.. ?.t ' V.?" KooU hieehanic, and .v jmiviiu iiutioiuiEe. Bloomsburg, April 28, 1MXT. ''wm 'MniY" gTATEMENT OF CENTRALIA SCHOOL DISTRICT. To nniouul ivcelved from D. Camp(L. T.) S'J! ai'inopriallou Jofl Thomas' bond In .Inn IvIUrrn Collet tot ('II. liy orders rcdi-emed By Sclinoi' J"S 10 L',V,'UBl''"" By Commission l.dio nt fit a percent rtahinco dim C62 01 JJ 1 IDS 10 1,033 OU Sl.'JM hi) Sl.lTilill 100 J SS 82 3 18 1.9SJ SO I9" u ,:Jhrffl' '"""'"I"'' In atvnunt wlthChn t i alla scho,, District, lor (ha School Year end- llij J liUU Ijt)f, BU. Tn t.iu'iuiil c.r Duplicate Clt. Hy i xriutiniioii-, lly ninnunt retui nod to I'cmi- By CbmmlsDlPii on 1.07 !KI rt 5 Pit rent By Tre.isurt-r By bnlanco S1.C91 : 1.091 23 C'cllcctnr lu account with 257 11 JOHN G JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! BERWICK, PENN'A. pcily. 3-It COSTS LESS lo paint wllh lli-e-K Lk.vd than any other Whlto Lend extant. Tho mmo weight covers MORE SURFACE. Is more DUlt- nur.(uuu mulct's ,1 U11K. nUCK LEAD, Is Iho Chenpest nnd Best. 10,000 GUARANTEE. B U C K ZINC EXCEW ALL OTHER ZINCS. 1st. For its Unequalled Durability, 2d. l or Its Unrivaled Whiteness, .11. 1 or 'Its Unsurpassed Coverlug Property lastly, for Its Ureut tconomy, ' ocing tno I'liiCAPi'.ST, HANDSOMIiST, and mosi iiuii.viii.b; Whlto Paint In bo vrorld, n c V o N l v BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by tlio Manufacturers, Jiiiitn.. ir"i" "ll't u" , "'o i uy lands ol 111 oil II. Fowler, ou lliu south by lauds of tied, bhaller and on thu nest by the same, wheuoii uio elected u Frame Duelling House Bunk lUru and out bulldlniis k CONTAINING EIGHT ACRES, Thopelll.iiuii; Iheieftiio prays IlioCouitlo or of Ihoilebls, ic. of Ihoinlddeeedent, w WiuiON II, ENT, Clc-lk. O-Coniutions or HALF. Ten scr cent, of the ouo-lou Hi of the purchase ineuey to bu paid at the sulking down of tho piopertyi tho oue. fllUrtll less tho ten n,.rr.,.nt I ll.n ..t.llrn.n I l,,rt ol the sale; ami the remaining three-fourths In ono year therea(ti.r. wiin ittiri.1 im,.. n.,tt,.- m!llI?'l'.l1' THOMAS C. FOWLER, en ,u-w AUmluuirator, BUCK CO'lTAGE COLORS, 1'iopaied expicssly for Painting f'Vr'l' 1 lii'u iiiiu iti.i, . v-v .-., a iiuj iiilin cm tn evcrv tlescrm t on. FKNTI H .e-.. 'riiiiiTv-kii.i. V.Vf.V.f.X Butffillffi.srU,UbU'' anu ""WiflfiS Sumplo cards sent by Mall If clcslied. the'aiirt'lifc'tirel-s:"' b ,,r0U",Uy xm FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N. W. Cor. Tenth nud Murket Hlreels, JauM'70-ly. Phlladclphl.i JJ E R 0 II A N DISK NOTICE IS HKIIEHY GIVEN To my friends and Iho public generally, liml ull kinds u DRY (iOOD.S, 0 KOCH HI lis, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, At)., are constantly on hand ttud iur fcalu AT BARTON'S OLD STAND IlLoosisuciia, ur ' JAM1M K. EYER -Aho, Bole Ageut foiCEina' I'niuii'iiATKor luir, tjirga lot constantly on hand, frbS'fl7. ., n'R,!,ule"' e.".(,d wonltl icspeclfully Inlorm tho Citizens of Berwick, nud vicinity, that ho has opened n Couleclloncry nnd Bakoiy In ODD FELLOWS' IItLL, unTiudsor-' wl"'ro II0 ' r1,0!1"'1 10 fiirnUh PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS AC, etc., Ac, Ac, nv wiioi.ra.VLi; .vsn retail. Among tho assortment will bo found Cienii Nuts, Kugllsh VVnlnuts, Peanuts. Almonds, I'll berls, 1 Igs, Apples, Cccoa Nuts, Jc-lIIca of dltlcf cut kinds, Mustard. Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate. Canntd I- iult of all kinds, Corn Stauh, Egg Bis. cult, Soda Crackers, Oyster flackers. Cheese. Hoiip, Writing Paper, Agiiemenl Papcis. En velopes, 1 FISH AND OYSTEltS, And producp of all Uluds. -Push llnnd ami ?.k.K!.CA'ry day. Ico t'iciim In Season. Your rationago Is solicited, li til K' 11 T t ( MTlV Pcrwlclr, Juno 17, P70-tr JOHN I.-7L1.1.EN Ceiilia'liil-cliool nittrl.'t Ior Iho year IMS. DU. To ain't t. iiounty implicate CR. By exoneintlou By ninouut iciuiiiitl ,j Ciiu- missioue:s Hy Coiumissnii ou sia : (j,:, percent, 'lieusur'i llalanie 12 10 145 00 81 (Hi BOROUGH. M ARTIN GAPGIIEN In account with Centralis lituough; To nm'i of Duplicate DR. (9 5 20 97 15 56 506 3 11 CR. P.y exouciuttous ffA By commission ou 500 40 per cent. . By tax ou unseated land Hy amount paid Treasurer By bnlanco T".?.iIAS .af;PAj,1ITY.' Tieasurcr, in account wllh Ccntmlln Borough Toam'tot tax leecivcd l'lmn Colleclor CR. ," By ordeis redeemed find M Assets LIABILITIES. Thomas doughty 07 JOHN P, HANNON, 1 Auditors HENRY COPDINUION, ofBorough. Ci-iuinlla, Juno 17, lS70-lf. A l)MINIS.TRATOR'S NOTICE. U. HTAfK eir JOHN p ILT.MAX, IltC'l). Mu SIC, 'tlio tllidrri.liiie.l wpiiM t .i.t.n.-l full,. h.r..n. Iho citizens of BlooinsLuig and vicinlly that ho has located lu I heir midst lor tho purpose of lol. lowing his piolestion us u teacher of music. For a muiiber of yiiirs ho has beon located in Brook lyn, N. Y but cuullnned lll-heullh miiilc 0 couu Ir.v lesltlcnco desliublo. H,t will i,..,!, nt their homes, or luclaseis.ns tin y ma- pilfer, at uiodeialo iut.'s. ' 1 PIANOS TUNED ?r..r,'.,i',ll't'J ?.? 'bort notice. All oiders can bo in. itc nili uiiiee. Ho would ri'SlillClllK- .,.llll .. .1...... .r.t... public patronage. j w Nll.lM iiioomsourg. May 27, ls70-lf FIIILOSOPHY OF MARBIAai:. V M:v Cot'i:SEoKl.Beni ni,iisilellvenslnt .!il,.1;!"'u'oluihiilciiiidAtiaUiiiiiiiiilMusruiii IJIIA I Unci, .11, U. tl.r.. .In 1. . .. 1... ...... :rr', --,,","". ,3';t tunc iiiiciu auciu intillll, Philadelphin.eiubraciug the sul.jecm llow to I.lVll fin.l Wlm. In It... ..... V.T.-.I. 1I.....I.. and Old Ago; Mnnhooil tltneiully llevlowcsl; Ihoeuiuoul ludlgeslloiii Fliitiiltiicenind neiv. oua Diseases nceounttd lor; Manlago Phllo. suphically eeinsldercd. '1 1.1 so leeiuius will im forunrdett cm rcreliilof 15 riuls by nddiessluu: Secretary of tho pnii) Ivunla PaLVrKOHNir Philadelphia, Pciiiuylvaula. ' JfJI'TO-fy, roi PlllN'l'l NCI Neatly executed at this Ofllce Li'ltCls Of adnilnlstrntlmt on llin T,tl. D.illman, lato ot Uieenwood twp., Columbia co dee'd., huv o bee n granted by the Register orsald enUUt.V. to William i:i-r nf Clr. .ntrl ..... All 1 ei tins i having claims or demands against thtittnii pntnriin mu kli.llnmnVA,t...ntrv.n and Ihose ludebtcd to iiiuku puyinen'. ' vn.j.iA.M kyi:h. Jel7'70-cw, Administrator. N J O T I C E , All 1 ClfcOlIS llUVltll. lllinnf. I ni-,nm.t, ...I...I Iho township of Bloom lu Columbia County lor the) ear A. D. lsu, lor debts contracted or ere attd by the Pupervisors of said lowushlp, aro uqueslecl lo bring in their accounts, properly iiiiilicmitiititl inidlcavo the iniiu either Willi Mlchuil F. Ejeny or William Peacock, ou 01 beforo Uiu Ulh day of July, A. D. ls'O, (liven undcrour hands Ibis lltll day of June, I'.llll.lllSl jiifitAFi. f. fa eri.y,i Wll I 1AM Pl'ACOCK, V E. R, DlUNhER, f ailg, Juuu 17, 18,0-tl. Alldllols A DM I N ISTR ATOR'S NOTICE. -iV. ,J"AT0i' IIKMKV YiWT, UI.O'l.. J.t-Uers on tlio es'siool Hen ry Yea, , lute of Locust Iwp, Culnnibla count), tTtc d hnvobecu Hrauiett by tho Register of ssltf ounty, to UllziiUlh Y'ost and Jacob Hllue ol locust township, Columbia county. I"a. All m rating liavlHg elalins or demamls agalnit Iho tiecciient are riqutslesiioniakeilicniliuon,Bnil thcu liidelitnl loiuiilit. puymcnt. Vl-IZAIIKTH YOST, JAM HI Hi INF., may'.lj'TO-i'w, Admlulslistoia, 50 nflf) 'x vear andexpen eJnv.vJUU H.H It. ueents In tell the e-cle-brat r tl W II ON H E W 1 N G M A CI 1 1 N IM, The bent innchlno In I to word ttil.haliitcn froA slJti. ej t Maciiikm witiioiT Mosv, For lurthtr I nrtlrulals, addll'lu'.'. N. dliht , I IiIUu'h P aprSiO-Vin. I