THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. lit (piwnman -AND- BLOOMSBUltG. PA. I'l-Idii)" Morning, JU' S, ISIO. 4J-TIIK OllliUJIIlllAN lias the Largest Circulation or any pnptr iiitbllihtd In Northern Pennsylvania, anil also a much lrfr sheet (hnn any of llicotem pornrlti) nml Is therefore the belt medium for advertising In this section ofihe Slate. "Squelched.' Our neltilibor In endeavorine to ncquiro n retmtritioii as nti editor, is also extremely solicitous to retain his posi tion in tlio ranks of tho medical profess ion. Ilencohe attends our local nnd Stato medical associations with much regularity. On his return from tho Stato Medical Society which lately met at Philadelphia, this neophyte publish ed n turns on tho subject of tho admis sion of women as members of tho Asso elation, censuring tho Society for reject lng them.andaccuslngsuch men as Drs. Oras3, Pancoast, and Neblnger of en gaging In '"a petty tirade" Anxious to ecp the speech of "our member" on this subject, we turned to a report of tho pro cecdInir-. and found it verbatim in tho Philadelphia Inquirer of June 11th. Dr. Gross in speaking of tho admis sion of negroes and women as members of the (-ociety was Interrupted by Dr, Corson. Our editorial neighbor emu louaof thonotlcoof so distinguished n man, and burning to figure iu tho re ports of tlio association solemnly rose to his feet, nnd the report says: "Dr. Uradley, of Columbia County, intimated that too much time was used in tho argument, as many members do sired to go homo.'' "Dr. Grosi If tho gentleman wants to go I shall placo no obstaclo In his way. (Applause.") "Dr. Bradley attempted to reply, but the house refused to hear him, hissing ami stamping their feel so that it teas impossible to hear a word he said." Alas, poor Yorick Squelched in tho houso of ills friends, nnd whero lie was best caiculatcd.toshlno hissed in Phila delphia as aJlepublican stock-holder had been in a political convention thoro two years ago. It illustrates for tlio mil lionth time tho instability .of human greatness. Clerical Cant, Wiyecelve, nlmo3t dally, Additional proof that the fools and hypocrites are not nil dead, but seldom do wo read of anything more indicative of tho fact, than tho following extract from an ad dross of tlio Rev. Mr.Orr, of Uxbridgo, England, delivered recently. Such very sanctimonious nnd godly creatures as this Reverend, aro of tho class of those who figure every now and then in our courts as defendants in criminal Hiiits. Their intenso sanctity reacting in tho shape of seduction and other in excusable falls from grace. But hear tlio Jtoverend gentleman. I daresay some of you, my friends, will expect me to say somewhat con cerning that foolish creature, Charles Dickens, of whom the papers havo been full duringtho last week. ThoAlmighty no doubt, allows such men to be gifted with such talents in order to servo as n moral filter to tho immoral. The regen erate soul would loatii such garbage. I do not pass sentence on this foolish creature who will havo to appear before his Judge and Maker; but I feel for and am grieved for tho people who can en)oy such company and trash. It Is liko tho mirago of tho desert, which de ceives tho weary traveler. I shall say nothing about tho place where ho 13 buried but "birds of a feather ilock together." Think of this, peoplo of England, who are accustomed to an open Bible. Sarcasm. Tho Chicago Republican in a burst of delicious irony thus sums up the result of Grant's (so-called) this prctent. Wo do not remember to havo read lately anything more bitterly Ironical. That the stato of affairs as depicted by tho Jlepubllcan owjht to exist, but does not h perfectly apparent, and it will bu somewhat difficult to pcrsuado the peoplo that things aro "lovely" with their taxes for tho present year staring thorn in tho face, or as long as the dally papers aro filled with accounts of defaulting officials In tho North, and arbitrary and unjust proceedings in tho South. Tho reduction of tho public debt $105. ouUjUUU ; continued peaco with all man. none; a reduction of tho expenses of uiu, uuu uuiiiiiiriiiiLr uiuuncus Willi every department; nonest collection 01 mo revenues; ousting anu punishment of dishonest oftleiais: improved public credit; Improved finances; economy; rigid accountability on the part of offi cial?, and general peace, quiet, and res tored law and order In all parts of tho Unlou. . Xhe Zncomo Tax. Wo wero a llttlo premature In our ex pression of opinion, last week, concern ing tho action of tho Scnato in abolish lng tho incomo tax, as that remarkable body of small men restored tho tax on July 1st. Tho rate of taxation is reduc ed from flvo to two and 0110 half per cent, to bo sure, but it Is tho tax aftor ail, back again. It is to lost two years. Tills proceeding on tho part of tho Sen ntoisa direct Insult to tho whoio peo ple, who, oven before their rejoicings are over at the abolition, aro outraged by having It Hung In their faces. Wo showed last week that with a surplus of 010 hundred millions of dollars at tho present rato of taxation there was 110 need of extra taxes or tlio continuation ot this one. But itmakesno difference to this mockery of a Legislative body, whoso whoio idea is to pass what they call laws forthonegro, and plungo their hands deeper and deeper into tlio public purso. XHercur, The Jlepubllcan favora Mercur'a ro nomination. It is easy to bo seen, how ever, that its editor chafes under tlio Bradford comity domlnation.andiidopts lilni thtough necessity, not choice. Ho says: "Wo dp not mean toeuy that ho has In every instil iho fully wet tho wishes of each individual man. Neither do we desiro to bo under stood as indorsing every word.appolnt merit oroctlon which may bo traced to Mr. Mcrcur. Errors, oven, either in our own Judgment or his, may havo been made." TMs in net tho language of nn enthus iastic t.duilrer, but of a man compelled I pjf iriy pressure 10 support an owiox-l lous candidate Xhe Editorial Convention. Tlio meeting of tho Democratic edi tors of Pennsylvania assembled tempo rarily In parlor 13 of tho Logan Houso, Altooiia. at eleven o'clock n. in., Juno IS. Jame P. Uarr, of tlio Pittsburg Post, took tlio chair, when P. Gray Meek, of tho IJollefonto Watchman, nnd 0. B. Brockwny of tlio Columbian wero chos en Secretaries. fter the appointment of certain committees, nnd tho transaction of oth er business not necessary to lay boforo tlio public tlio Convention adjourned to meet at tho City Hall at three o'clock p. 111. Al'TlSKNOON SESSION. Tlio Con volition ro-ussemblcd prompt ly at tliroo o'clock. Mr. Birr being un well, Mr. Zelglor took tlio chair. Tlio cotumlttco on proceedings then raado report, in substance us follows! 1st, That this association be recog nlzed ns tho Democratic Editorial Asso ciation of Pennsylvania. Permanent officers wero then chosen as follows; President. Jacob Zeltrlor: VIco Prcsidont, D- II. Nionlan; Secro tnry, P. Gray Meok; Corresponding Secretary, Joseph S. Larc; Treasurer, John Hodgson. A committco on con stllutlon and by-laws, to report a future meeting, was then appointed, as fol lows: Gibson, Moore, Stnlilo and Barr 2d. Tho primary object of this asso elation shall bo unity of action among its' members in tho promotion of Demo cratlc principles, tho furtherance of the Interests of tho Democratic party, nnd tlio cultivation of more fraternal feel Ings among its members. OJ. When now Issues arise, nbout which there 5s some doubt or difference of opinion as to the course tho party ought to pursue, it shall bo tho duty of the President of this association to call a meeting, to consider tho samo. ' 1th. In regard to present issues, wo recommend that this association of edi tors declare : That wo denounce tho manner in which the so-called amend ment was declared part of tho Const! tut ion, and wo will labor for its repeal, being opposed to negro suffrage espe cially to having it forced on States con trary to tho will of tho peoplo thereof: opposition to tho Chinese labor system, or anything that depreciates tho digni ty of white labor: opposition to cor ruption wherever found and by whoev er perpetrated. Tho abovo propositions, after brief discussion, were adopted separately; when, on motion, Tho Convention adjourned, to meet at Bellcfonte, at the call ot tho Presi dent. Grant and San Domingo. Tho San Domingo treaty has been killed by tho Scnato, Mr. President Grant to tlio contrary notwithstanding, Twonty-eigiit votes were wanting to ratify it. Mr. Grant in tho interest of tliia treaty has descended to a level never before reached by any President, by lobbying hi person in tho halls of Congress, and by promising to "use all his iniluenco with Congress to make the annexation of San Domingo popular boforo ho broached It officially," and yet in spito of all this, tlio treaty was ruthlessly slaughtered, and by n vote which must havo opened tho eyes of his Excellency to his growing unpopu larty with .Republican Senators. Among tho names of thoso voting against tho measure aro thoso of such prominent Republicans as Edmunds, Schurz, Scott of Pa., and Sumner. Tho Presi dent's disgust and disappointment, openly expressed, will have no benefi cial effect on him, however. Ho is ono ot thoso men with whom nn opinion onco expressed, or a line of conduct onco adopted must bo followed at all haz zards. Obstinncy, a rooted dislike to ac cept of really good advico and a total want of tact aro characteristics of this warrior Executivo under tho burden of whom tho party which placed him in power is beginning to stagger. Capt. W. McClelland. It gives us much pleasure to announco that the abovo named gentleman has received tlio Democratic Congressional nomination in tho XXIVth District composed of tho counties ot Lawrence, Beaver, Washington and Greene. Wo havo known Capt. McClelland from tho tlmo ho entered Battery "B," 1st Pa. Artillery as a prlvato, to tho present Ume, and a more gallant soldier or tru er gentleman wo havo nover mot. His unanimous nomination is a deserved compliment, and reflects great credit upon his District. Wo havo no doubt of his election. On this subject that veteran war-horse, Col. William Hop kins of Washington county, writes ns follows : Jlessrs. Swan .0 Eckert: Gentlemen When I partially yielded my assent to tho uso of my unrao in connection with tho Congressional nomination, it was with tho express understanding that it would only bo with tho concur rence of all tho counties composing tho district, that It should bo thus used, aud that, loo, without solicitation on my part. In accordance with this under standing, I havo been entirely passive, not having either orally or by letter so licited tho support of any man In tho district. But I learn that a Democratic meeting held in Wayncsburg, on Tues day evening last, an expression was given favoring tho nomination of a gal lant soldier (Capt. McClelland, of Law renco county.) and I therefore feel that 1 am reuovcu irom my implied assent; and to tlio end that entire harmony may iiruvau in muKini; 1110 nomination. 1 respectfully decline to allow tho further uso 01 my namo in mat connection, Tills is perhaps all that I need to sav, but I trust that it will not bo deemed out of placo for mu to tender to tho nomocracy 01 my nativo county my most proiouua gruuiuuoior tneir proll ured support nt tho present time. At most forty years ago tho Democratic party of Washington county took mo by tho hand, and uniformly adhered to mo ever slnco with unfaltering fidelity. nover having failed in a single instanco 10 instruct lor mo lor nnv position in connection wim which my namo was presented. Having scrveu mom lorso many years in tho various stations to which I havo been called, to bo now nssuied, as I havo been, of their continued confidence, iillsmo with emo tions which words nro inadequate to u.jiruas, - Jiespeciiuiiy, VM. llorKINS, Washington, Pa., Juno 17, 1870. An Easton editorfcays that a man in Now York got himself in troublo by marrying two wives. A western editor replies by nssurlug this contemporary that a good many men had dono tho samo thing by marrying ono. ANorth ern editor retorts that qulto a nurabor or ins acquaintances found troublo enough by barely promising to marry, Without COlllL' nnv TurHinr. A Rniithni-n editor says that a friend of his was both- ered enough when simply found In company with another man's wife. THE KALEIDOSCOPE. A ma)i of limy life, III fluctuallontlniid Its vast concerns." DAVIll-tTltn KINO. It was at this II ma, that "Davldcatno to Saul and stood boforo lilm." Nor can wo wonder that tlio King "loved him grently." Ho was now In tlio first tlush of manhood, ruddy, nnd withal or a beautiful t'ouiilenatico ntid of n comely person. Wo must bcllovo that at this time, nl least, however much ho may havo liecomo corrupted in after life, ho was of puro nnd ulovatcd mind that ho was virtuous, honest, upright nnd amiable. Ills lovo and cultivation of music, was In itself, almost a guar antee of nil this in ills character, aud oven tho pleasures and corruptions of a very dlssoluto court, tho bustlo of poli tics, nnd tho distractions of war, wero nover nblo to eradicate this early parti ality. Ho chased, with his music, tho evil spirit from tlio couch of Saul, who slept nnd was refreshed upon moro than one occasion, doubtless, ho led tho band of tho warlikoKlug.and celebrated his victories in hcrolcsong and soul-stir-ring music often in tlio spacious halls of the palace, ho strung tho harp to notc3 of gladness, whllo tho jowish maidens nobio lords aud chief captains, kept merry limo in tlio mazy dance. How long tho young harper rcinalucd with tho troubled King to watch at his couch nndsootholilmwitliliis dulcot strains, it is impossible to say; but boforo tho breaking out of tho war with tho Phil istines, in which Goliali of Gath took part, wo find that "D.ivltl went and re turned from Saul, to feed his father's sheep nt Bethlchom." But u new era of life was about to open upon him. Tho ambitious long ings which hitherto ho had smothered or nursed in secret, wero becoming too strong for control. Ho was fast becom ing conscious of his powers moro than onco had ho encountered in single com bat, tho wild boast of prey, and como off victorious ho had taken by tho beard tho mighty king of tho forest, de livered tho lamb fromhi3 mouth, and slain him; nnd now, when ho wascomo to tho camp of the Israelites, at tho command of his father Jesse, ho saw tho whole army of Saul appalled by tho giant champion of tho Philistines, Such was tho fear of him, that, single handed and alone, Goliah of Gath could un doubtcdly havo driven tho entire Is raclitish army from its entrenchments Nor was tlio valiant Saul less panic stricken thau tho common soldier. Tho King had decreed "that the man who kilicth him, tho King will enrich him with great riches, and will give him I1I3 daughter, and make his father's houso free In Israel." Inflamed by tho anticipation of mag nificent fortune, dazzled by the idea of being a son-in-law to tho King, Influ enced also by the natural pride of mak ing his father's houso free in Israel, lie says to Saul, with all tho confident bold ncss of inexperienced youth "Lot no man's heart fail because of Mm ; thy servant will go aud light witli this Phil istine." He seems to havo had a faint notion that God was with him, but up to this timo ho does not appear to have had much confidenco in tho anointing by Samuel. Ho evidently, however, fell within him a power not his own, nnd to this wo would ntlribnlo tlio boastful manner in which ho spoke; nnd accordingly ho went forward to meet tho giant, in the namo of the Lord of Hosts, armed only with a staff, a sling, and "flvo smooth stones out of tlio brook." Tho champions of tho ri val armies approached each other, and hero occurs a colloquy whicli reminds ono of Homer's heroes. Something of this kind seems to havo been almost universal in tho era of single combats, but in our day It has necessarily fallen into disuse. After tills ordinary and boastful pre liminary, in which tho characters of tho two men are admirably portrayed, tho battlo is commenced by David, and tlio first stone from his sling smoto Goliah in tho forehead and felled him to tlio earth. And then, running up to him, tho youthful conqueror drew tho sword of tho giant from its sheath, and stand upo 11 tlio body of his prostrato foe, smoto off ids head, and bore it in tri umph to tho king. Haul lias lorgotten tho faco of his for mer friend, tho young harper, and nono of those about tho person of tho King, so lar as we can gather from tho nrtrra tivo vouchsafed us, seem to havo had any recollection of ono who must fre quently havo como in contact with them, in his character of harper, or of armour-bearer to Saul. To the ques tion, 'Whoso son nrt thou, young man?' David, still modest and retiring, nn. swers ingenuously 'il am tho son of thy servant Jesse, tho Bothlehcmlto." Notwithstanding tho public promise that saul made, though noUn tlio pros enco of David, ho docs not appear to lutein! to rullll It in tho person of tho sonJessee. Not only was ho forgetful of his kingly word, but ho more than oncoattomptedtho llfo of David; fall ing in this, ho finally madolilm captain of a thousand, nnd then offered him his eldet daughter, Merab, to wife. David modestly excuses himself, but at tho samo tlmo enters into tho arrangement. Howovor, tho wicked intention of tho King was not consummated. Atraln ho deceives David, and givc3 Merab un to Adrlel, the Meholathltu, to wifo. David Is by no means heart-broken at tho event, for MIchal, tho younger daughter of Saul, loves him, nnd wo h avo every reason to beliovo that her lovo is returned by tho youthful hero, Wo cannot help surmising, that In for mer years, tlio young princess and tho cunning musician had strolled together through tho gardens of tho palace, that ho had amused, perhaps unconsciously wooed her, with happy songs of nglow lng future, and enchanted her with me lodious strains of ids golden harp. How bright tlio memory of those sunny days would fall across her pathway. Doubt less, they had long loved, but It was not for tho Iiumblo harper to aspire to tho li and of n princess of tho houso of Saul; and tho passion only discovered ltsolf to MIchal, when thero was a possibility that sho would loso her youthful lover forever. But tho thing also pleased Saul; and David, zealous and ardent ns a young lover should bo.inoro than com passed tlio task allotted to him, paid down doublo tlio dowry required of him by tlio King, whereupon tlio nuptials werocelehrntcd, and David and MIchal wero united In marriage TO UK MNTINUKIl, A mason In Paris, lately committed suicido after bulldlnga thick brick wall In tho doorway of his lodging room, Which had to bo taken down boforo his remains wero discovered, Tho resident's Position. Tho Prcsidont Is nt tills moment sub jected to criticisms which no man situa ted as lie Is could aflfcrd to disregard, slnco thoy proceed not from thoso who aro opposeil to lilm In politics, hut from thoso wltD havo hitherto boon nmong his most cordial supporters. Tlio com plaint that In mnny Important respects ho Isdisappolutlngthojust expectations of tho peoplo gains ground every day, mid Is echoed back from nil parts of tho country. A year ago ho had ovcry ad vantage in ills favor. People wero pro pared .to extend to him tho most gener ous consideration nnd forbearance Or dinary shortcomings would havo been readily pardoned. Wo havo ourselves, as our roaders will tttcat, over been roromost to dojustico to his lntontlons, nnd to placo his actions in tho most fa vorable light beforo tho country. But it would bo useless to deny that tho President is rendering it a task of In creasing difficulty to defend lilm against enemies Into whoso hands ho is con stantly playing. It is certainly not tlio faultof his sup porters in tho Pr6ss that so thorough a want of harmony oxists between tho Scnato and himself. Matters seem to bo getting Into very much tho samo stato as they wero in tho tlmo of An drew Johnson. Projects In which tho President takes a deep interest nro ig nonilnlously east out of tho Senate This opposition may partly bo duo to tho dissatisfaction with which certain features of tho President's policy aro regarded, bul it may bo traced still more clearly to tho want of tact which Gen. arnnt often displays iu Ills deal ings with men. Ho seems to havo lost tlio art- of conciliation. His nomina tions to offlco aro dictated in many in stances by caprice, or by personal pref erences which nre founded on motivos Inexplicable to thoso who entertain n. high opinion of his character. Ills an tagonists, Indeed, find it easy to inter pret his conduct by tho assumption that ho is influenced by nil kinds of unwor thy considerations. Wo who havo patiently stood by him cannot tranquil Iy accept that hypothesis. But in pros enco of some of his nets wo stand bo wlldcrcd It is impossiblo to defend them; It is impossiblo even to under stand them. Thoy aro purely phenom enal In their character, and cannot in any way bo traced to tho ordinary caus es of political action. Ono of tho -great mistakes which President Grant is making Is to sup poso that tho" quality of determination, not to call it obstinacy, which won for him many of his successes in the field, will servo him equally well In tho are- nn of statesmanship. Tho first duty of any ouo who occupies his great position is to suppress his own individual pref erenccs -whenever they nro in conflict with tho public interests. Instead of exercising this degreo of nelf-denial.tho President seems to know but ono rule what ho has onco decided upon must novor afterward bo modified. If for somo inscrutablo reason, ho promises an offlco, nothing can Induce him to nl tor his purpose Ho is deaf nllko to tho appoals of his friends and tho taunts of lils enemies. Hut there nro few public men who could niroru to repeat cxpori ment3of tho samo kind. If tlio Presi dent is resolved to habitually spurn tho nilvico of Ills impartial supporters supporters who havo nothing to ask frpm him and nothing to expect ho must not bo surprised if in tlio end ho And himself standing alone Ar. 3 Times Jlepubllcan.) latest News. THE INCOME TAX. Washington. Julv 1. ThoSnnnto to-night, to tho surprise, apparently, even of itself, restored tho incomo tax by fixing tho rate at 25 per cent., to con- tlnuo for two years longer, with $3,000 to uo exempted, this action leaves tho matter in suchashanothatin tlm ills. agreement botween tho two Houses a conicrenco commmeowlll be obliged to retain this tax nt somo rate. Chicago, July a. An election took placo throughout this Stato vfsfprilnv upon thoqucstiou of tho adoption of thn adoption of th 0 new constitution. But iuw unci scattering returns havo been recoived. but enouirli to mako it r.nrfnin that tho constitution as a whole, and eacn 01 mo eight propositions submitted to a separato vote, havo been adopted by a Jargo majority. If there bo -uuy exception it Is on tho question of minor ity representation. At this hour there seems llttlo or no doubt of the success Of that proposition. VIENNA. Julv2 Advlprx linvnlinnn received here statin? thatn slinrn simple ofearthquako was experienced through out, ureeco yesicrtiay. xno town or Bar toria is a hcan of ruins;. An Islnnil In that neighborhood suddenly disappear ed at tho timo of the shock. No further particulars aro at hand. SAN Er.ANCISCO. Julv 3 Vrstni-ilnv was tho hottest dav of tlm censnn. llin tho rmomcter marking S8 in the shade In this city, 103 in tho iuterior. Philadelphia, July 0. A mectlug of delegates from counties in Pennsyl vania whero tho Republicans am In tlm minority was held yesterday, and a resolution adopted that tho Itonnhllr-nn Stato Cominlttcofrom minority countios called to meet on tho 13th Inst., is rec ommended to call a Stato Couveullon to bo composed of delegates from tho minority counties nnd districts, with n vio w to procuring legislation favoiablo to minority representation, and ilmt 11 invito all majority counties and districts mvorauio to inusamo to send delegates. New Yoiti;, July 0. Fourth of July brought forth n crop of murderers. At St. Johnsvillo, N. Y., Charles Gacker deliberately shot Thomas E. Burdick, a school teacher, through tlio breast, killing him instantly. Near Boston, Abraham P.echborg, n German, ,was killed during a drunken row. At tlio west shaft of tho Hoosic Tunnel Chas. McCarthy was found murdered by somo person unknown, Threo negroes wero killed at Wesson, Miss. A policeman was beaten to death by rowdies iu Bal timore, and nt Union Hill, N. J,, Hen ry Eppinger had occasion to kill a ruf fian who attempted to rob lilm. A Boston gentleinau who could not waltz, offered n young lady ono hun dred dollars If sho would Jet Jilm hug her as much ns tho man did who had Just waltzed with her. It was ngood oiler and showed that money was no object to him, but thoy put him out of tlio house so hard that his cyo was qulto black. An unmistakablo casoof blackball I iig n llttlo crying ncgrobaby. Congressional. TiiunsuAY, Jund'30. In tlio Soiiulo, yesterday, tlio consideration of tho Tax nnd Tariff bill was resumed. Tho par agraph' making tlio duty on coal fifty cents per ton was rejectod, after debato leaving tho rato as under tho present law. Tho amendment to strlko from tlio frco list books, maps nnd chart Im ported in slngiocoplos nnd not for salo, was agreed to. Tho bill was finished, and povornl additional amendments were offered, among them ono to strlko out tho duty on UissoniDr-steol rails. Tho Senate, without acting 011 tho nnicndmout, at 101 P. M. adjourned. Tho Houso resumed tho consideration of tho report of tho Conference Com mittco 6n tho Currency, nnd after a protracted debato, tho report was reject ed, by yeas CO, nays 132; nnd ou motion another CouforcucoCouiinlttco was or dered. Tlio pay of tlio Into Hon. Mr. Eaton, deceased member of tho House, from tho dato of his death to tlio end of tho scsslou, was ordered to ho paid (,0 ids widow. Tho Scnato amendments to tho Indian Appropriation bill wore reported back. Piuday, July 1. In tho Senate, tlio Tax anil Tariff bill was resumed. Tho duty on steel rallwny bars was reduced from 11 cents to 1 J cents per pound, nnd that on railway bars mado In part of steel from 1 to ono cent per pound. In tho Houso, after somo routine bus iness, tho Scuato amendments to tho Indian Appropriation bill were taken up, and tho report of tho Committee 011 Appropriations was agreed to ex cept in instances whero soparato votes were called for. Tho amendment in creasing tlio appropriation for Indian expenses in California va3 opposed and described as a schemo to obtain tho farms of tho Mission Indians, who nro citizens and votcrs,nnd wasnot concurr ed in. A committco of conference was ordered on the points of disagreement. SATUitn-AY, July' 2. In tho Senato yesterday, tho Tax bill was again tnken up in Committco of tho Whole, and its consideration concluded. Amendments offered onn taxing tho interest ou Gov ernment bonds and another imposing a flvo per cent, tax on tho incomes from bonds, were both rejected after a long debate At tho ovenlng session, the vote striking out tho incomo lax was re considered by avolo of 2G to 25, and n long dobato ensued upon this subject. An amendment was finally adopted ex tending tho tnx until 1872 at tho rato of two and ono half percent,, and the Sen ato reversed Its action, striking out the tax, by a votoof 20 to2-',-and at a lato hour adjourned. In tho Houso tho greater portion of tho session was devoted to tho further consideration of tlio Funding bill, which was finally passed, by a voto of 10 to 11. Monday, July 4. In the Senate, Saturday, by n voto of 28 to 22, tho Senate refused to adjourn over tho Fourth, after which action, the special order, the further consideration of tho bill amending the Naturalization laws was proceeded with. Another amend mcnt, striking out tlio word "whito" from tho Naturalization laws was also adopted. Pending a debato on the Chi ncso question, and its relation to tho bill, tho Senato adjourned. In tho Houso considerable business was transacted. A number of reports from tho Committee on Public Lands wero received, and various bills passed, among them one forbidding tho convoy an co of Indian reservations by treatj to any other grantco than tho United States, niiother for tho protection of set tlers on tho public domain, and nlso one forbidding tho salo of public lands in certain States nnd Territories except under tlio Pre-emption nnd Homestead laws. Tlio Houso refused to allow It H. Merrick to bo heard nt tho bar of Houso In defenso of Pat Woods for tho late assault on Mr. Portcr,ln Richmond Tho Louisiana Contested Election case, Darrell vs. Baiioy, was decldcd.tho ma jority report, admitting tho former to liis seat, being adopted by a voto of i)7 to 30, A motion to reconsider was al lowed to bo in order on Wednesday next. Tuesday, July C Tho United Slates Senato with an exceptional show of de votion to duty, refused to hnvo ajolllfi cation yesterday, and sternly put itself down to hard work. Tho funding bill was received from tho House Tho day and night sessions wero almost wholly occupied with tho Naturalization bill. There was a long fight over an amend ment by Mr. Sumner tostriko tho word "whito" from tho bill. During tho de bato tlio Chineso Immigration question was brought in, and Mr. Sumner an nounced himself on tho sldo of tho Asi atics. Ho was attacked by soveral Sen ators, and finally his amendment was voted down yeas, 1-i; nays, 30. The bill then passed. The Houso of Rep resentatives was not in session. Wednesday, July 0. Tho most im portant action of the Sennto was tho at tempted reconsideration or tho Incomo tax decision of last week. Mr. Wilson brought tho matter up again so as to procure an expression of opinion in a full Sonato. Tho motion of Mr. Pom cror to strike out tho Incomo tax sec tion was then rejected by n tlo voto 20 to 20; so tho tax will staud. In tho Houso of Representatives Mr. Wash, burn, of Wisconsin, nrosentod. frnm tho select committee, n report in favor 01 1110 proposed government postal-telo-graph sjstem. Tlio Houso took up tho contested casoof Barnesagalnst Adams of Kentucky, and voted that tlio latter was entitled to ids seat. As a balm to tlio disappointed scalawag contestant, however, tho Houso granted him $.1,000 for oxpenses. Communicated. Li; Raysvim.e, Pa., Juno21,'70. "Lo Ray Lodgo" No. -171, A. Y. M was constituted nnd tlio officers Installed ou Juno 22d, 1870 by D. D.G, M. Hen ry B. McKcan and his Deputy Grand Officers, Tho following members wero Installed officers for tho yoar: W. S. Heaton, W. M.; B. W. Little, S. W.; W. B. Stevens, J. W.; S. W. Buck, See'y.; A. D. Fassett, Trcas.; Edwin Ford, Tiler. Fratornally, S. W. Buck. A carrier pigeon was carried from Conshohockcn bv tho down Pntts'tnu'n Accommodation train, tho 23d inst., tc renncoyu station, 7 miles distant, and mado tho return flight In 17 minutes. Another pigeon carried by tlio samo train tlio day previous to tlio Falls, 10 milos away, flew back to Oonshohocken In 20 mlnutw. Clippings. -Aloxandor II, Stephens now goes about on crutches. -Thoy givo Wachtel, tho tonor, $100 n night for singing In London. -Wilmington, .Delaware, now em ploys only femalo public school teach ers. -Ladles will got their ages ready fortho ceiistis.taker, under pen alty of $30, -Kossuth, who was recently so poor, in Italy, Is now said to bo going bnck to Hungary.. Tho Pacific Railway runs through nineteen tunnels betwocn Omaha aud San Francisco. A hoy of nino years has gono to tlio penitentiary in Brus3ols for attempting to kill his mother. Tho Czar drinks $100 worth or wlno a day, and that Is chielly what's tho matter with lilm. Two Paris women rushed under tliegulllotinoto dip their handkerchiefs In Traupmnnn's blood. A citizen of Akron, Ohio, who has Just obtained his eleventh divorce, claims tho "championship." A peripatetic razor sharpener nto n livo toad in Tyrone, tho other day, for tho small consideration of half a dollar. A llttlo girl in Kentucky went out to drown a kitten tho other day, but drowned herself instead, nnd tho kitten ran homo. Tho curious will bo delighted to know that tho word "Its" cannot bo found In tho Scriptures from tho begin ning to tho end. An Indiana man kicked his wife "sixteen feet over a hydrant;" and then added insult to injury by asking her "How is that ror high V" Don't swear becauso you havo to mako a few beds in your garden think of your wifo who makes them all tho year 'round without grumbling. Iu Allcghauy county, N. Y., a man who died recently left ills wifo ono cent his brother n few dollars, nnd $5,000 for tho erection of n monument to himscir. A "colored ladv" in Lcxincton. Vn., celobrated tho ratification of tlio Fifteenth Amcndmont by giving birth to twlns.ono whito nnd tho other black, Worn an "Nature, impartial in her ends, When sho mado mnn tlio strongest, In justlcethcn, to m ako amends, Mado woman's tonguotholongest." A Western paper implores twogen tlemcn to givo up their projected duel, as tho coroner is ill, nnd it would bo un feeling to impose the duty of nn inquest upon him. A tank containing ono thousand trout, passed through Easton, on Satur day Inst on their way to Baltimore. They wero from tho pond or Dr. Slack, at Bloomsbury. A young man in Cold Water, Mich, suddenly lost his voico on Christmas, and he lias been unabloto speak since, except in his sleep, when he talks as fluently as ever. Tlio wifo of an impecunious Missis- sipplan recently solo for $22 nl auction, whlc h may bo legmdcd as a high prieo considering tho oxtrcnio insecurity of tltlo to such property nowadays. A Danbury wifo cured licrliusbai'd of singing "Shoo Fly" when sho was lecturing him for being out lato nights by letting her shoe fly at Ids head witli such foico H3 to givo him a headache Tlio Concord J'atriol reports that u New Hampshire boy of fifteen years is now six feet flvo nnd a half inches tall, but It docs not brag about him yet, as lie has not got his growth. Tlio stock pens of Gaff's distillery In Cincinnati, containing -1,200 hogs, wero burned on Wednesday morning. Thrco thousand hogs were roasted to death . Losson livestock and buildings $00,000. A woman in Warren, Pa., whllo in tho act of putting her child to bed, re cently, found a largo black snakocoilcd up under tho bed clothes. When tho snuko was killed it measured flvo feet in length. An actor in Albany was allowed only seven minutes to cliango Ids dress "from that of n Puritan father to a for est fiend," nnd complains in a card to tho public,thnt a critic excoritiated him because ho was "thus unnblo to do Jus- tlco to said fiend as regards dress." Sceno In lliojuvenilodeparlmentof tho graded school : Teacher What is a reptilo ? J'upilA. nanimnl that creeps, if. Namo one. P. A baby I Fifteen minutes for recess. A lady in Michigan has recently re covered her reason, after being insane twenty-threo years. Tlio interval has been a blank, but sho remembered viv idly whntovcr occurred beforo it, nnd sadly puzzles her now friends by her Btorlosof "what occurred a row weeks ago." A California Indian, whoso wifo had been bitten by a rattlesnake, sent for u bottlo of whiskey to counteract tho effects of tho poison. But the hull- nn, having flrst tasted tho whiskey, en ded by gottlng drunk on It, leaving his wifo to die, which sho uncomplaining ly did. A man in New York became insano on Tuesday, and rushed through tlio streets naked, It tool; six persons to capture lilm, nnd they wero obliged to tlo him with ropes. Ho held thp daguer reotype of a woniouflrnily In his hand and continually cried out, "Oh, father, it was not my fault." Stcuo In n Syracuse, N. V. couit : Lawjer How do you identify tills handkerchief? Witness By its general appearance and tho fact that I havo others llko it. Oounsol That's no proof, for I havo got onojust lluoitln my pocket. Witness I don't doubt that, as I had moro than ono of tho samo sort stolen. There Is a family of nino brothers nud sisters iu Maine, whoso elrclo has nover noon entered by death. Tlio youngest Is now sixtv-tlirco and tlm oldest soventy-nlno, and their united age is wii years. Tiioy havo 80 children, 111 grand-children and 10 creut-L'rand. cuuuren, Tho Bkowhegan Jleporter is responsioio ror nil theso statements. Chicago has had a lurv conmnscri nt Jilua niggers, two Irishmen and a Ger man, Tlio niggers went to sleep and when the decision was mado thoy ugroeu wan mo whllo men. "Forty Acres and a Bflulo." Tho following Is nn extract from tho speech of Henry Boyd, n colored man, delivered at Carrolton, Mississippi. Ho lias been called tho "Black Domostho lies," nnd Is evidently n negro of good, hard senso : "And now tlio carpet-baggers como here nnd tell us thoy aroour friends and tho Southern peoplo our enomlw, They tell us they set us frco. Oh, yes; thoy'vo dono It all, no doubt. Thoy sot ns freo about liko thoy set tho initios free; Ben liutler set tho spoons rreo. Immense laughter and npplauso.J Thoy dono it all to help tho Yankco and injure tlio Suulhorti man, Thoy can't fool this nigger. I know who brought the nig ger to this country in tho first place. Tlio Northern men brought us hero.nnd when thoy began to loso monoy on tho nigger they put tho nigger in their pocket sold him down South; ii'id then to keep the South iu Iho Union to mako her pay taxes, they turn around and get tho nigger and tho mules and spoons rrcc; and thoy would not havo sot any thing frco (excepting tho spoons) if thoy could have got tho South back Into the Union without it. "They proinlso him tlio 'forty acres and tho mule' I know flvo niggers that starved plum to death wailing for that mulo and forty acres. Laughter. I'd liko to know whero tho carpet-bagger' got his forty acres I You all know tlio Devil took tho Lord up into a high mottntnin and promised if lip would rail down nnd servo him, he'd givo lilm tho whoio world, and tho old scoundrel know all tho tlmo ho didn't own a root or land on tho continont. Groatlaugh tcr.J "Tho carpet-baggers nsk mo to cast my voto to keep tho whito rolks down. Now all I ever wanted was to got on n level witli tho whito man. They say that a nigger is bettor than a white man In Cincinnati. Well, that may bo true iu Cincinnati, but it ain't triio down here It Is my interest to stand by tho Southern man, and it's my wish to. Whatever law 13 mado to affect tho whito man's plantation also nffects my llttlo cotton patch in tho samo way. "They want to dlsrrnnchlso tho whito man and mako tho nigger put them into offlco, that they may havo taxes and things their own way. They nover would havo passed a law allowing nig gers to voto if tlipy hadn't thought tho niggers would voto tho republican tick et. Nover I never! nover! Who bo- llovcs othcrwiso? Not this nigger, cer tain. Tho Yankco brought tho nigger hero Irom Africa for selfish purposes, sot him frco or selfish purposes, and now they want to voto him for selfish purposes." UloomHbiirg Market llfxiort. Whont per bushel ltyo " Com " M Oatx. " Floor par barrel Cloversced Flaxseed llntti-r Et-os Tullow Totntoes w Pried Apples llnins Kldcs and HhuuUlerH Laid per pound Hay per ton 1 Hon J1.S0 , 1 Ul 1 0 tu . 7 Ml . 8 IU , a (15 . .10 . 10 . 2 55 '.n . 17 . 20 No. I Hcolrll pli; r.loom .t32af.i . ISIfiSSl M uiiiwut. llepilocl: Hoard -1 p r thousand Te t I'lno " " " (0110 Inch) .. Jolil,ficantilnj, riank, (llcmloeh) Khlliflef, Xo. 1 per thousand .. $10 00 ... llaM .... IS 00 .... H (0 Oldlnc ... 1 W ...8 1 00 ft. , Plil Imlelphln UlnrUeti. 1'LOUJl Noitmvcbtern mpcrfiiioat 5.2i Notthwcslcm extra S&K'S Northwestern Inmlly 5.50( t.8. I'oniisyhnnlu nnd Western supcrtlue... 5.0035:0 l'cunsylvnntannd Western extra 0.7,'5 ( l'eniisjlvanlanud Wtstein family u.Koill.ou l'enniylvuula aud Western fnncv 11.5!W13.K Kyo Hour 5 25 wiikat Pennsylvania red.v Irai Shio Woulhcm " " .., tl.-fl Western " " ji t1) " , whito " tiw Hye 1'ennsylvanla re, vbus tl.01fttl.U3 Loii:i-cllow, " ji.,0 Mixed, I1.07 OATs-tdms (,2cei3c 1 uuvibioKt -Misu l'oili.p bbl W&QtUJS, 8-ii.oo Uressed Jlogs ,!fUi 8Hc"c Smoked Hums " OVCairjt Stu.iil.lnra ti l..Uiy IticsiCto 8.UU58!!5 JMS87.'.!5 U2.S5 Sist is Clove in id vbus 'Jlmotbjsicd V Lu? Flaxseid ' CATi-ix-lleef Cattle Cows, tj. head HuKEl1 l f) GUSbl'Io iioa8--,i)iw)tbS ""z:::::::::::::: tikf) MARRIAGES. JIAUSi:n-KIlUJI-0n tbc3dlust.,bv tho Kcv. in. .1. ryer. Mr. David Slnuser to Miss fiarah Jnuo Kium, both ol Montour township. HirX-TlinilL-On tho 3d Inst., by Itcv. F. J, Mo lir, Mr. Joshua F.llill.ori.ycomlnsfcitatton. to Miss Umlrauiehl.of Tuibotvllle, Clt AWFC-nD-I.YONS-At tho resldenco of Jesley Lyons, by llcv. J. F. Urown, on the 34 Inst., Jlr. Henry a Crawford, of Mlnersvllle, Hchiiylkill county, toMlssAuua Lyons, of l'lno township. Columbia county. DEATHS. ItlTTfcll-On tho 19th dny of June, 1S70. Tommlo II., son i of William nud Matilda Hitter, needs years, 1 mouth and i days. Two waxen hands are folded Upon a pulseless breast. An ueblUK heud no louger 1s subject to uiucbt. W'o'vo laid nur heart's lost ireasnro lleueath tho cold, cold sod, W o know ho will Lo nu nugel In htnviu alono with Clod. Wo know 'tis wronu to mmmur, Ilut lonely, nh I so lono. Bo poor scemscur existence Slnco Tommlo Irom earth has floivu. JlCrCnHYin.?rl!cnwc;od township, on the 26th of June, 1S70, Mrs. saruh Mccarty, aged 01 years. NSyilMT7No"r Iro" Dal", on tho 29th ult., Hiram, tnfunttou of Illramnud Neyhart, aged month and 23 days. ' u NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E1 ? ST It AY STEElt. ,..curao to tlio enclosure of tho subseilber. In l-lshllificrtek lownshhv nn lu t jti.r t....a ic-n a HIJU ANU W1I1T1-! VEAIlLINa riTEEK. The" ou uer Is requested to come forward, provo pro pcrly, pay tharecB iindtakoltnway.otherwlsolt wlllbudlsposedof uecoidlUK to law. ... , , , . , , E. KlONltOK AI.DEN. 1 IshlBBcicik, July 8, li)-3t. WANTKD-AN AOICNT I r To TAKl: ORDEItA Mill 1'ltUIT ASM) Olt.NAMENlAI.TllUiai, VINES, Hilttlltlll.llY, i, To nil 1ii;i,ivi:ki:ii nkxt rAM Addrcs M, A. DAII.HY, 157 I'lymoulli Ave line, lto hosier, Now York, J137U-11. A UIHTOIVS KOTIoij. J. V. KSI'ATK Ol- ISAAO 11EU IIA1IU, urciiAsnii, lathe Oiphnns' Couit o. the eounly of Colurn. bit;, 'iho Auditor appointed to distribute tho balance In tho hands ol Iho ndiu'r, ainomi thu auditors, aud lioirs herebr wives noileo that ho will meet Iho i artles Interested, for tho purposopf his appointment on riaturday tho 13th day of August, 1S7U at ten o'clock A. m, at his otll'-o in llloomsburB, In said county. All parties interested uro requested to attend, or bo ilehnr. red from coming In for npnit of the snldfund, u a UAllKI.EY, JH70-U, Auditor. rpEAOirtfuS WANTED. Mix nialonnd thicofemaletcachersnrownutcU for tho sihools of Conyngham District, Coluui bla county. About til) per month will be paid to UKOoduialo Uacher.iiud lioinfm todl, lc fo iiiules. An examination of uppllcunts will be held by I lie County the school houso near Ceutralla, on Saturday, theolh day of August uoxt, beulnuiuK at 10 o'clock, a. in, ., , niClIa.llUTHOHNTON.See. Jb'-iMt, Coiiyuubum Hchool llonrJ. a PEOIAL NOTICE. Prnf 11. A. I.tidwlor would rcjnieclfullv Inform the citirtni of the cuuuty that Uo U prepared to tcl vo irlvattt liAftousln tho German. French, I,at- will also teach vocul music and clvelnstructtous on tho Melodcon, Lessons will bo given either at his residence, In EastHtrcet near the Forks llotol.or at those of Ids pupils us may bo desired, liloojnsSuiv, July D, tuTO-dw, quange-villS inur Th. IIIO ft, a ncM wllh tliclr mac ilne r.Mr?in . 1870 THE NCW rKNN(YI,VANu TIIUESlIKll AND (!I,imv.. r.ltenled by Adrian Cornell, with v.i. , ' double actum Hepara tor combine I i.J,2! " M'tni Fanner nee.l-1. Itonti'tbo it V.i fS tested nnd lias far o.tcooded t m h" Un all who havo hoch It, opera, Ion S,pf,-,fUoS, ? Kin un expressly tq meet Iho warn', n,hi" be r r. Wn mtmirueMiin ti.A. ."u'.,fti the p.,J i un expreixiy to meet tho warn , ,.,"" 'it r , Wo m-.niiractum them, ovcnhS, '? fW naehlnueilli lin mn,t V, ..'.? r. lWr. Ti,,. ivor and under-hot fr lever 2 Jor Lchl no can bo mado to do any ' Til, work, u Kltuplo In (oiiliruS? SUmn miiKo and not ltablo to irV, V.mV1!"". m, of work, u Klniplo Iu t.,nii.SS rlmoiii laniiRo and not ltablo to r0f our nr I ,nV h They iiimi continue to inn, , ,, ."..'' Talr, ' 10 bratcd --u, ti1(1 C(le. W1IEUI.EII'B UAItAVAr CHAIN- 1IOES13 POWER. ,0 Tin-r-c... --..1,0111 U Is clleeted, nud rIvm tl.o,le,iiS, n'2il'WDt,' II to (I luelie; lew Ion tlMiV,?,1 '" They nlso attach " '"" "M sljli! M.UOTl'H l'ATKNT l)0UI)r,I3 AtliVn npnv ...... SIIPpt to their mnelilnei, mamifictua-jrmi, i IV1I-J IlKhtct rminlfm Lover 1-ower" Su'ife1" S nUn Innhln owl Hli.ol.,,..-!..1. .,u InO emin. on hand ii good supply ot well st iS, of tho be,tVwlliy7na cxperleiS6!11' eiigaced Hi tuctr mnnur.icture, "S ,r,km' the r mar. hliw. 1 lucy BUarani. SUrEuIOH TO ANY JIAN-UIMr-rn. elsowhoro. All havlDnr ronniM.. .- . remember that vto lmvonlltliarirf,in.i U ltepalrlng dono at short notice n,f , 011 ritter"i bio terms. Machine Vn t2,"".J.?u -"om. low prices nnd credit clven wiio .il,.,!.,l,1,11f l-or further particulars caUonor iiarSi SCHTJYLEH & LOW AanicuLTurtAi, wouks, oiusucvhiv COLtr.MlirA rvitTVT.. ;,. "iu-s, wwU-,, I( Xli".. J?.??"!?"1?. '' st ana n,,. wa'jackson keu'lVa'SK f r.m!!o.!ira!VuVeurnfdulS- produce takou In exchange. ot C0WrJ J, 3 IU-W. ADJOUl'.xnii JXECUTOlt'S SALE, 1110 suuscriocr. Executor of JlitUan r.. ate of Fisulngcieek toushlp,ColSta2 I'a., deceased, by virtue of II o i,07r T..??1"1' thorlly conferred on him y lhJ"," fa.tS Michael 1.(1111111. deeensi-,1 mil i!L ? 1 ' .W sale near C. II. nnd .1. V. Mellenry'SM iif K2f Klshtmicreek two., on HATUItlUY liirvW 1870, nl 2 o'clock In tho nfiernoon. ihe rnii,'.''. rem esiaio lo wit : aujniniui; anj, 0r j ., v,"' Ilcnry.Hr .. Alexander Krai.ic SphMem Daniel Jlclleury aud others, iMttitif'- 200 AGUES OF UNSEATED LAND ono hundred nnd twcnty-flvo aerea mUlicniM nret oir the south end, of s-dd land, t 5 lireiS run parallel with south line, elvlni minluw the privileged tho hjle t"ro Ej nnd liny aires, moro or les, nt tlio ame nrK per uciu, ' " Te mis op Hai.c Tt n per et nt ot the dutcLiv money to bo paid nt the striking ikmn of u property, one-half less tho ten iir csiittotl paid on tho m-st davol April, A. D'lffl.atiwS tlmo possession will ho Rlvin.aud iliebataw to be paid on tho hist day or April, li?:, witn in. terest fromthe tlrst day of Apnl, Wl, at hMi tlmo a full and s-utllcl- ul deed will be Bivia. Also at tho samo tlmo a drain Hi naralor tin bo sold, on which n, crodlt of six mwittu irlll n given ou approved security. . , , , , . ''VltUS II. WHITE, I-lshlngcrcck, July 8, lsTU-it hAecnior. LARGEST BEST CHEAPEST! INTEHPIUSE, INDUSTRY, TACT, Ji Liberality, audfio lint IVifenUiaveforiro i ueuiy l ears been ireeiy used upou MOORE'S ItUKAL NEW-YORKER, And ns n result It Is now, pre-pm!uintlr,tit Largest, lies' anil Chen pest Ii.i.i'siiiiiEDKriit: J'USKAHl AM)'AMII, WUCKI.Y 111 ItiOllOT 3 Teus of thousands of wide-awusc 1'inite, L over tho Com incut, tidco and mlmhet ii-ltrii-lor ltsuii'clorlUfifi,rifur,yiliuhfii .,i j,t THE l'ltUSS AND I'nOl'IX I'liAIjE II' For example, nn Kxelinmwsuys "rnnRru. f the most hUyunltn Prmtitl, AUlti .Vi'-,i, H'iJ drcutaftil and Jleaitity li',, ird 7ri,r, Ul uhote, wici vnwjtmlsils it i i it it'll n i,lr. S-Vol. XXII, Oeglns lu.l 1' 111 III Oil $1XU per votuuiu of I'd mmiu-ri.ur fi perjeui i.e.s 10 cuius, ntiir -rtur tM .viurt'SH 1). D.T. MOOltl', I' lMrll llow,Ne Yntk, will n:i for the XiH Villi H.EKL. JJBq DLH.I. lit M nil una f , .minrv Ml. li.V'l HOLLA will nnv fhrfhoMRMI HT.r.KI.V il ilu Weill a month n-iys lorTlir PAIl.VM N Aliw I, W. ENOLANIi, I'ul.lHlin, Mu ins. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to tnUo omLcttniri ent-aiemlvlsed lo counsel wliliMl NNlCOA itoroof ItiuiS'clraulo Iwircnu, wim hsiefiw eulcd claims beloio tlio Patent ollii-e fur oTt 'Incuty Yeais. '1 heir American and Euiow l'atent Agency Is Iho most extensile m (' wuriu. marges less luuu uhj uinn ngency. A pamphlet containing full total nous lo inveiuois is seiu gniiis, MUNN & CO., 37 1'arlc How, New iort. I N EWSPAl'ER ADVERTISING1 A Hook of lli closely rrlnted pages, lateM sued, contains a list ol tlio best Amlra l vortlslng Mediums, giving the nsmeirim. (.... ...ii.. Ai-..,.t,i.r p..lltl,-ul nnd rami Newspapers, toKttlierwithallllio-iclmilnilJ"! circu inuons, puonsueu iu me " t-;cil lull, v uiiguiiuii;, HciiiiHivift.-.-"" ,;:.mJ vcrllser, and eviry person wlio ciyJ becoming such, will llnd this bw ,JJ vniuc, junucu ireo 10 uuy '''",,;v ",,-, hi lllteon cents. UEO. 1. ItOWKI.b 4 Co., i uu vuriise uicir uusjiicsa et.. ";:"' , ,.. g-rci inatlcally In such a way: that H,w w "fJJ the lnrgeBt nmountof publicity for tlieWJ peuuituro ot money, ' Q AXON GREEN. is llrlglitcr.wlll not Fade, Costs I"'! I otherVoaiUolt wllll'ulnt tlceniurlitit SOLD 11Y ALL DEALEIW IN PAINTS, r ii u'pn.-ii x rav. MaunfuciuK"- 123 S01lTn IrH STIIBET, WIllABtti.: noMPT. noNdiiAiTi.n nnut I uvN'i'u WAMTKl) in everj.O'.l r A and village for the lorst wl I successful DOI LAH HOIWK In i;rS,l nl.v nvn . ,inrMl hv Hie lendlnS IJJrlll E xpuss Co's. of tho Uniled 8tM 1 eive unlvo snl salisfact "".''' 'Seikitl Iree. llsvlug twohouses-llos onanJi" 1 our facilities are iinipus led,: ' u il n,. I h In nlnollnt all olllCf COUCH"" a trftdo combined. . rnt-ECU'I1! m Federal Mtrect, "o',,,,,, BUi;lV BltlDi: and UrldiB'p'-T0",lIO Young Men, tieo. 111 sealed e "fKin.ri A UD Ai-riOCIATION, HoX I'.I'iliUaiil".; 7 mtVoui. CI.AUMH5 J nSVCHOMANCV, Oll MIUI- .VVuMrK"1 I wonderful book It 'K' " ' lb ,,,, , y 0 laseluiito any one they Ut posseis this powir.) It iierooro!.. 7th stieut, Philadelphia, 1M -X-T-T.-.CJ i -tm ita niiT!-. ! JL That tho J.V(.Vw'-(ri-i"e'' ' ,,;, Ji.fAc(.i,'uUiito boIoundl . , J Orig-nul uud llcllllble Dolibl'M'Jtjji-,!! Mii.liliie., made by the 5 ,j M x 1 1 1 IMtlNll t 0 of Hiuum, Olilo. K w let eoniuiniug imiiicoi'i.-" cTa T iTaiTl,1 V Wanted in l ' '!k.' .rrr.. ' 'Pin,1 ''' mav,im!ntj J lll'l l-reolorHtaiup.TA""'' mil 13 JAPANKSK cons, "Ju'it ; I 1 Corns without isilni, I'll'8 -.ffi our. '1 uud shoe stoics. Humph ' "'''J, .' l lirico mm iruue sofi-" 'v.-u' Vols- CdltN FILE CO., l'lno i trect, M JIS7U-IW. rpEAOUERS WANTED. Ono mnlo nnd two female teiwWr arJ V for tho schools ot Ceutralla l". wr, J" 1 county. About 170 pel t,. to l' i la.ou niuay, ino uiii " - - Jll'70-3t. n mi n t. i,'! K . fi . , p-ii,l I Ou tho ..W.l of .Tuesday, la2v ibe was Htoleufroin lie ;l'retujj y w'jA iuiieiuiui.iv 7: ! lipro . I lump ou the right fore leg. 1 ha,nc lheiudwliibol.be7ully;5fK Hemlock, July 1, 1S7IWW. males. An examination .V K t ,t Sk! held by Ilia County ruiirli iW'fJ . liext, t