u (Mumlriau. Bloomsburg, Friday, Juno 24, 1870, UoN'T foreot (ho Festival nnw pnlnp We announce this week llio ntiino era now candidate for Commissioner Wk nro Infiirmnil Hint tho whiskey elonglng to tlio Into Martin mnmoyor or, nnd Ills farm roloasecl from seizure. f 14 IL IlirilV lllll. III IIIHIICII. LECTUBE. in tho Hall of Ynuntr iivovcninir Juno ziin. uv tin iinv. (lYraiES. Tiicso sincuKir upotiln lrnvn T.I -.1. t l.-l il. i nt'iunui tuuiau uiu iisiuu uuiitnur ui tirarnvrn. 1 inn .Tnnn "NT rVif-.i-r.r- .... Urnelilntif .Tnrlrvn rC 41m nm.!.-. .. f .nrnrno uouiiiv. Jiaa rositrnnii., n una na( n 'wini-tli iti-Ifl- flirt tntn n liiiniifiq in nnnnmin itio t-nai. tnco iu wiiKCd jjarro. iohu wuuit ur i wo our ncicuuor nas , Iah.I m.i ,,t,1.1nn.lnl.n.l 1... Tun Hon. Jeremiah B. Ulack of York ,i inq mar rnt trnnr trmn "nvno liuiiuin imiiuau tiuu 1U WJUUil III UIU . -t ..i ...!. STOKMY. UUHL'IU VibllUU OH 1UUII- . t7 -.. -1 1 .1 r zlitnincr was unusually vivid and ft! UIl LUU JUIIU1V1UU IIIUIIIIIIIT WIIH III1 .t i i ...i.:f. i.i" i .UL'.ILU UUlti litll'Ui 'lUUIilllll.') Ui J I ill 1 tl.t J 1.. At l - a w A Ttn.mn - i. airy in uciivu uuuiauuii i liiis m i rs before, nnd would answer thnt thorn nil T. SI m I 1 1 H I III rl l l'H i il i iirnu i r I tin llfll ItTI'MM LI I llllVITIINM II1IMT MU'Il IlllSIa UK uioitf NUj;. v iiirrninnrn. fl III IliilllLV KII'KI'Il tun. Ill inn ua nuixiu li in u Million ii r Hi'iiiiiir i-siiiii. in. 1 1 us uuiin ruuiL'cioo nmi snnr i-acmc a,wu ranjoniy, wnnst uoiiouay, 01 . l,nil,.i.i .. r : .. i. . 1. 1 . t- iv. n w I iirK miiifiiu ri'fiirri n mvon .jkiii kiiii HiriiKit in iitih emir 'i nn Timiini'i ir in iiKifiiimniirf' nn xn n- vwnn .r in i ill mil ' t'vttt r ii-n. . ir inr .i lino Dy iicnry ivowier, James Hponen- jall, charged with being concerned in e in ur hit. i in w:is nrri'Mit'ii nirpn nv DLuuis, uiini'ii u. uuuwurii. it is Ittr.nn ITT. T 11T 1 1 11 . fllflll tl nrtnnrtfta nnd Iiwlnn-K.tifj rtvt Pol IhV ' ' in I 'nnnlir I vtrrtntiuolnti- oi liorKSCountv imu tnn ininrinn ,.tiin .. ...i T.-.i r.- -. l)urciinsn nnntifv inr rnnl nutntn nr fnr , .(-fVM ..v. nill-nnrMl ll'ftrn Invnli n In nn nr,r trnrr miw nm. 41. n n .n.,.., n,. , A "".mm-U itlUKltU 111U OUU VU VII.XI01U11 I'll ill TIT. P KTrtT)-r . T me Afm ifl.f.l, Urrf'fl fn iVTnnlnti I not nnt JLK llv MfTtiriil n 'llin 1 finnnnni' Ylnlfinf'A nf Imll ctrirtna la lmitnni luItlL' known in thn Tlnlinl Stitn.-i ffiauy years. rn una inn rn....,i jn i.n n.mii 4 io cover tho&o black noudescriut IT 171II ilfMllttlnca lr nlimti In nnnn. jv iiiit'riii. iifiiiiii iiiif. ii r. t iiri citim Valt.-.l.... i,.. r loll. 'ill uipmtinrd nninrv nrnantif I lnlf imiinnu nan nm. inirt Hi.1. n .in..n... rni... ncntnifiii r riin... rii.n.....nu ...nn - i'ii. ..buiuiiiii uiuwuj n ivwivtu llllll 1111 . 11 . tlT 11.1.1. U .11 AMU' "-auiecit'u xicasiirur lor uiu ensu- "luma Wll 4 il'l"I ITI 1 l.llllil 111 I'lllII'll nh it .I". ..... .u vuvui ulna lliuiu ii'ii in iiiiiiii- nnn. i : - : 'WUI lllW'n 1 1 111 11 Tn nr iinl HUM IT. I'vinuil Xliniltl ln fl innn la nn iiinn i..i .. . . . - nn.ii ii" al...i . - .iwm... llullotlllll Kuvurrinannni rim. .ini . sou iw i "vuuiuucu, uuin io navo u vnl?f,1'.ousokeel,c"s working. btM&y tl10 .-tvant of it. This lSai "..as tho boys say. Is about tho pallcnco of i.i. ... .1. i . - .v VIUkAK LJIIllllIl'N III lllll -T.irUiv,uniuivu, THE Tjiu editor of tho UcjmbUcan boasts iiiAiiiiinuinu nig caivus among ins sub scribers. Wo glvo up. In that respect ! U l-HlillUb ii,iruuuil 1III11, Ar.i'itAiir.TtriAT..'l'lin rll-. !.,,... Icnco of only 81 letters, contains all tho letters of tho alphabet! "Johnqulckly vaiuiiiiuii'Vu iivu low ung3" , NJ:iv n1,41'EIhrWo ,cnn thnt Col. I, (IV I Ti '1'iltn will alnri n I.. Wllliamsport. about tho 1th of July !mx ' , boea1"wl "'0 Sun uml Democrat, Aim mi gunuuiiian cannot romain idle nnd turns ns naturally to cditorlnl du ties us tio llowcrs to tho sun. Tun liONOtcsT day. Tuesifny last was tho longoit day of tho year being (1 llllln .iin.. II..... .1 ..n .. I I n iiiuu uiuiu iiiuu iiiiuun nuura uciWCCIl tho rising and tho setting of tho sun. There will bo llttlo or no chaugo In tho length of tho next threo or four days. (Hill Mmil tlmt lnnmllio .i.ltl I...I1.. ...... ... . Uiii,. lYin Kiutiuiiiiy. decreaso uutlll tho 21st of December, unicii win uu inu Biioriosi day, wan ouly about ulno hours between sunrlso NKiiLiis O'Nkiis Tnoui-K. This ciiiiipnny oi incatrical nrtlsts gavo two ciilprinliiinnnta In (tin rv.i...t Tr.. i.. this placo on Tuesdnv nnil Wmliin-i1.,. evenings last. They wero tho first of uiu i. uiu viiu 1I.IVU V1S11CU us. Tncir iciiurmanccs wero lively nnd sparkling litcrsnnrsnil with almrlurr ot.,1 ;i,,i., nnd gavo much sntisfactlnn. Tlin nnii! ienccs wero not as largo ns wo had fan t ed thoy would bo. Tlio energy and flbillfv oi Hin mmtinnw nrnilnful.. .1n. serveil better houses. Poiiiam tlmv may do better nt their next visit. Conitr.rTinv 'rim S!,ml.,i n......i In I nil nrflpln nn rlntfoftiMi Mn.i. tho following slatomont: "It forcibly reminds us of lite uddru.m in i ltd ...!... ..n n 41. .. "V . III . I iw uiu uiMiua m, inu wruiiKuviiiosciiooi 111 fitlltviliTn nniiufii Aft..- r. .1 . 1 tho hoys ujion their duties toward their Instructors, and tho advantages of an education, Ac., ho turned to tho llttlo Kins, renmruiiig; 'Now. cirls. you "iiuw inn uiu uovernor. i wain 10 Bivoyousoinoatlvlce. Uo obedient to vntlr I rmrtltrifa I in .iIoim. I. I i """"' uui-itain 111 JUUi IIU1I3UII. Httulv linril in npnnTTii-illuli ttrm. Inal l.i.f abovo nil bo virtuous, nnd somo day. lYiiu, uuuna, juu may occupy uiojirouu and exalted position now occupied by Mrs. Geary.' and closed liv fclsslmr liein In turn.1' AVIinlnvni- M.-lout..r.ll ...ou I ii -r ..iii inn Hum-, lil nt tho ornal School in this place, and WO don't u-nnfc Hin ni-iiiimilll.ino (,. claim tiio credit of it. Don Piatt is Pained. Don. writ. inc from Wnsliinutnn mivs ; I WamillitlPll fo lonrn IVniii (lir Iflr.l. Custodian of tho boot jack, yoitorday that tho Administration had been down with tlin U'lnn nlinlln. Tim A ilnilnljhx. tion had Imprudently partaken ofstraw- uunics uuu cream, wuctner tno berries wero too ripe, llko Cuba, or not ripo enough, llko San Domingo, I do not kllOW! Illlt. tlin nrontii cnnrnrl oml .mi. died so that tho digestive apparatus oi uiu vuiuinisirauon was paralyzed and tho fruit, instead of digesting, went in to rapid decay, causing a fearful accu mulation nf fmii ,rnnj In tlin clni.i.,,.1. of tho Administration, disturbing tho uuuis ciuu causing lnienso pain. Tlio iiviuiiiL'ui, consisicu oi a mustara pias ter tfl tlin hninla nnl Qtim.inl. nf II. n " uuitv... ..111. ollIUUbll I1IU AdUlilltstrntintl mill n lint lirlnlr tntlin small of tho back. Iu forty-eight hours uiu luuiinisirauon was sumcicntiy convalesncent to bear llfteeu minutes of tho Stato Department whoro tho ven erablo Hardino gavo small dosesofCata cazy on hemp and Thornton on Fenian- 13II1. IiAsi'iir.RRV Festival. Tim Tinntlit Church of UloomsburL'. (for tlin first tirno) Intend holding u Raspberry, Strawberry nnd Ice Cream Festival, tho proceeds to bo devoted to their Sabbath School. It will bo held in Snyder's Hall, on Thursday, Friday nnd Satur- uuy uveuings, juuo sua, nitli und 23th. Among other inducements tho Society have procured n beautiful and expen sive Gavel, to bo voted for bv tho Ma. sous, Odd Fellows, American Mechan ics, j-mgnis oi I'ytiuas, itca .Men, Sons of America and Good Temnlnrs, tlm Lodgo receiving tho highest number of voics io uo tno recipioiit. Also a com plete set of Dickons' Works, Diamond, Kdltion, handsomely bound, and illus trated by Darley, to bo given to tlio Lawyer rccclvim? tho hle-he,!. number of votes. Also a handiomo Dressing uuwii, onurcii uy mo jsaptlst Uorcas Society, to tho Kditor receiving tho highest number of votes. First-class music will bogiven atintcrvals by Prof. Nile.s and daui'hter. A enrillnl invlln. tion is generally extended. lil UUUKU OF cojr. Ui'iscoi'AL The Uislion of thisDio- ceso recommends Immediate action lo secure an endowment for tho proposed new Kplscopalo of at least flity thou sand dollars, and has appointed tho fol lowing named gentlemen to solicit bub scriptions, and, judging by tho names, to head tho list with n sum which shall no an example or liberality : -Asa i-ucKer, luaucn ununk. Wm. liuehler, Harrisburg. Judgo Maynard, Wllliamsport. Isaac Fckert, Heading. T. 1C. Franklin, Lancaster. Wm. L. Conyngharn, "Wilkcs-Uarre. II. Stanloy Goodwin, llcthlelicm. T. It. Sitgravos. Kaston. II. 11. Rockwell, Scianton. J. llervey Uarton, Lock Haven. P. Uiihly, Jr., Danville. 0. It. Pax ton, Uloomsburg. ',. II. Russell, Honcsdalo. Judgo Watts, Carlisle Henry Colt, Allentown. Charles Ruber, Pottsvillo. W. II. Cooper, Montrose. nUIirnATrnV Tlin timir Vunmiollml Tiiithnrnn Plinr.li of Armin.i Tnn r..,il ............ .i.m. ivjr a. ill, .Ulllll- son township, Columbia county, near W'l.II,. TT.,11 ...Ml 1... .l-.H i. i ... ii ii imu iiuii, win uu ucuicaieti jjorii's day, July 3d, nt ten o'clock In tho morn ing. OUR friend Ilenrv Jnm.es Plnrl.- nf Hloomsburg, Pa., having spent several weeks in our city, left us on Monday morning. Ho was pleased with our ell mate, country and peoplo. He made hosls of friends here, nnd nil nro anx ious that ho should permanently locate nmong us. Wo aro glnd to learn that ho iirupusus paying us another visit ero long. A orth Carolinian. Official Oiiduu Affkctinq Asso ciations. Tho following order from tho Treasury Department, in response to an inquiry from ono of our citizens. airccts benevolent ami other associations i nnd contains information Important to Know : Sin: John McDennott. 'I rensmrnr nf St. Patrick's Renellcial Society, has written to this olllco resneetliic duty on orders nud rccelpls of nbovo Association, and has been referred to urucrs on uio Treasurer issued olllcl ally by nu ofllccr of tlio Society, to a third party for payment of dues, to.lck iiiuuiueia, ivc, Hiiouui no sinmped at tho rato of promissory notes, tho samo as orders drawn on bis owu bank bv tho cashier. Scries, No. 10, pago 15, 1M paragraph, Receipts given by oftleers of tlioSoci cty In tlio common courso of business for Bums cxeecdhiL' J.O shouhl bo stamped. nut n orders or receipts pass between tho odlccrs of tlio Society, for instance tho Secretary nud Treasurer, not for tho liurpoioof making payments, but mere ly to regulate tho internal accounts of tho Association, it Is hold that they need not bo stamped. vours, itespeciiuuy, J. w. ijouoiiABS, Acting Commissioner. John R. Uiuutkniiach, Ksn,,, Collect or fntorual Revenue, (Jth District, Norriitown, Pa. BpeciaIi nttention of tho Ladita Is invited lotho JJineiton Hair Curlers, ml. .union, I In (I.I., 1,,, 1... nr. ki Afn. 11V. UI 14-11,14 444 4441a li3.?UU, If V 4.H liOl 13. Milian & Co., 03 North Vront Street, rninuieipnia. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA BASB BALL. New Youk. Jun n 12(1. Am nvntltnip mil Inilr place to day on tho Capltollno gronnds ni urooKiyn, jn . Y., between tho Ath. lctlcs, of Phllndolphln, nnd tho onco fa inoUS Atlntltlcs. of Itrnnltlvn. Tlio Philadelphia boys started for noiuu lo-nigiu, ciniming to havo won tho championship, this being their sec ond defeat of tho Atlantlcs this season. ATlii.ETtes. o. n.i Itcncli, ai u t s i.iiifi!i .. Vi O. 11. 3 u Vii ' v - ' nraiin.au it .ne.?-iv 2 3 ?.L". 1" b,..;... hA i.,,ii,":'""V f. Si h"?' m".n Keruuson. c Mcnneier, r. f. , 1 lUtlcllll'o, h, s 3 llechlol, I. f. o 7-.llli.li i. imu, c. ..'......',"; I'lb-a y.i i.'' . mil., o i u 1 u 27 M McUtiiiaM','!-. r!" iNMNrm t 1 n A fi a r a n AIM. .11- o r x - .r .V X " ." V " , f. ' u ' u li' ... .I..1111; UUUH1U1U1 Umplro-C. Glover, of the Umiilro Club. PuiLADnLFiiiA, Juno 22. The game between tho Red Rtnek Inrra nmi A Hilnf. les was tho most oxcltlng that lias over ueon piaycd ncro. Tho following Is tlio result : Jtctl siocUIngs-2, 2, 7,5, 3, 1, 2, 0,2-27 Athletlcs-7,1, 1,0,1,1, I, 1, 0-25 LOCAL NOTICES ASTOXtMirt.V'J Tlin Ii no Inn do .Inn n by Moyer Pros, ofthisplaco.in Mason's Patent Fruit, .rnra. with immninin uMn.i 4 i. . . . I 'Wll,l,lHll 411IUU topi, tho best In tho market. Thoy nro iiieiving mem uy mo car load, nnd nro fully determined to fill tho demand this season. Send in your orders early, ns fruit, and tho call for these superior jars o 1II1I11U11SU, Heat. Now is tho time, when tho hot saason has fairly set iu, to procure from David Lowonhnre' nun nf tlinjn umgnuuiiy cooi summerstilts of which ho has a full assortment. If you can not keep cool In ono ofthom, you might m well mako up your mind to slzzlo. Put tho experiment is worth trying, so call on him by nil means. Ho is bound i picuso nu classes oi purchasers. 4 Foil Colielis. SnrnTlirnnt 1!.,i.hi - - - "0--l - ...v..., .'IU1I1.I141IS, early stages, nothing equals Dr.'Picrce's A terativo Kxtruct, or Golden Medical discovery, it H also a great blood lmrlHer nnil qfrnnffli wis i n f.i i. nM 4.. t.i I i I i -.-w.-fc,... .IJluu;, Ul lUIIll', Sl)l(l bV drUc Ma nr urillll tlirnn nn,l n quarter dollars to R. V. Pierce, M. D., ...iii.iiu, x. i., uuu get inreo uoities 4ii.u ui ijAjiiws ciiuiges. 1V nV veeks nS wo published a i. v .w iiii...ii; iiiiiuiws of Dry flnniU In Ar I T..i(.ila v - . .mi" a U1U41.. TIIO lirlCCS WOrn Rn mnnll Inivnr fl.nii peoplo had been paying, that somo iiiuujjiii, uiu guuus ruusi, oo oi an liner lor quality, or ho could not airord to sell them ut such prices. Since then lieonln liavn evmrllnnrl nmi fnoln.l 41. n quality, and thousands of customers aro 11UW Wllllllir in Fiiuriiir Tlinr I 1 1 Ctfrt la n 1 ft . f "J "v viiwiu ta nub i wvuvi tno- uuub iiu)t in norinern I'OnilHVlvnnln. rVhn Innrnnnml ago has induced him to put somo styles ui kudus buu luweruimi 1110 priCO W0 I'UUilSllUU. -pOWi OltDINANCi: .NO 2. AX 0I1DIXANCE TO SSIAIL'SH A roLlCE DCrATIT- me.1t asu roil OTnuu I'linrosts. Beit '.Ordained and Enacted by (Ac Town Coun cil oflhc Town of Bloomsburg. and it in hereby Ordained and Enacted bv Authority of the same. Section I Art. 1 That tbo Town Coun cil shall annually at their 1st or 2nd meet Ing in each year, appoint a Chief of Police, who shall lo a resident, over twcnty.flvo years of age j and such assistant Folicemcn as tho Council may deem expedient. Art. 2. It shall ho tho duty of tho Chief of I'olico to see that all tlio regular Tolico at tend to their duties, faithfully in tho per formance of all things required of them Ly law or by tho Town ordinances ; and use their lest endeavors to preserve tho peace and quietness of tho Town's and whenever occa sion requires, to detail a special I'olico to aid him and them to suppress riots and rows, and to call to his assistanco any or all tho citi zens of tho Town to aid In quieting disturb ances and making arrests. .lr(. 3. It shall bo tho duty of all Tollce meu to wear sorio suitable and uniform ladge, dress, cap or other cusiguiaof offjeobv which they may bo fcnown and recognized! to bo designated und authorized by tlio Town Council. lr(. -1. It shall bo tho duty of evtry citi nn ol tho town when called upon by a Town officer, by tbo High Couslalle or by any I'o lico officer, to assist in tho preservation of pullic order, and in tho prevention of all as saults, riots, tumults or disturbances; and each person refusing or neglecting to assist when to called upon shall upon conviction pay a line not exccedingtbreedoliars Tor each noglcct or refusal, with costs. lr( 5. Any I'oliccrnan refusing or neglect ing lo go with and assist tho Chief of I'olico, or tho High Constable, in quieting disturb ances, or in making arrests shall, on convic tion pay u fine not exceeding ilvo dollars for each and ercry neglect or refusal, with costs. Art. C Any person offeringany rcsistanco to or in auy wiao Interfering with a Tolicc man of tho Town or High Constable In mak ing arrests, or in tbo discharge of any other duty, ahull, on conviction before tlio Presi dent of tho Town Council, forfeit and pay a fino not decoding llvo dollars for tho first of. fonco and not exceeding ten dollars for each subsequent oirenco; and any person striking, or otherwise oll'ering violcnco to an officer, or his assistant, when'in tho dischargo of his duty, shall, on conviction beroro tho .'resi dent of the Town Council, foriclt and pay a fino not oxccedlng Twenty dollars for each offence, with costs. Art. 7. Each rogulur Police officer shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation bo foro entering upon tho duties of his oflico to support tho constitution of tho U. 8., and of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and to perform llio duties of his respectivo olllco wilh fidelity which oath or affirmation shall bo filed among tbo records of the corpo ration. 0UD1NANCK NO. 3. AS OnillNAtiCE TO AMENIl SEC. 6 Al'.T. 2 OI1 OR IIIKANCK NO. I. He it Ordained and Enacted, by the Town Council of the Town of Uloomsburg, and it is hereby Enacted by the authority of the same. Sec. 3. That hereafter every bitch owned or kept ly any person within the Town lim its, shall lo taxed two dollars, and so much of the second article of tbo sixth section of Town ordinance, No. I, entitled "An ordi nance for the preservation of tho peace and lor other purposes." enacted the I3th day of May, 1670, as is Inconsistent herewith be, and tbe samo is hereby repealed. E. MliNDKNIIALL, President, Attest i F. Cooi.ev, Secretary. Juno 18, 1870. Tho alovo Ordinances to take effect from and alter tho 15th day of July, A. D, 1870. II. MMDENHAIiL, fttrt Attest : F. CooiEv.iS'cc'y. MARRIAGES. COLEMAN-AMMERMAN-On Juno lltli, by :'... i-"'"i . " u ii, .ui i u v.11 uiuii vuiuiuuu and Miss Aiuuuda E. Aminermnii, of vUbury, Columbia county, Pa, OAIH SNYDEIl-Ou tht llllli Inst., by itev. n ui. j, r.yer.air. Jusepii curl, of caiawiuii, lo illks Curolluo Hnydtr, of I.ocut township. KAUNS-SMALE Attho Excliaugiillotel.Cam- ura, juuo l., isiu, uy jiev. ur. Jviiigoie, 3ir, James 1'. Karus, and Jllss ltohecca A. Humte, both of Shlckshluny, UEINHAMER QHEDNWOOD At Wilkes- iiaire, juuo v, lbiu, uy A. li. Winner, J, 1'., Mr, Holomou A, ltelnhnmcr, of Leuluhlou, Pu,, tu Miss Frances A, Urceuv, ood, of lleutou, IllooinsliiirK flarkct lleport. Wheal per bushel 11.25 Ityo " 1 til Corn " 1 til Oats. " to 'lour nor Panel 7 oil Clnvetsoed 8 00 y iuxsecii 2 ly nutter 3.) Funs 20 Tallow 10 i'ulllloes Dried Apples 2 U lluius 2. Sldis and Shoulders 17 Iiurd per pouud , M H 20 Hay per Um 18 uo i ion No. 1 Scotch nii: 112 No. 2 " " 110 llloom 3U LUMUKll. Hemlock Hoards i or thousand feet SI6 CO Pine " " (ono Inch) 18a20 Jolsl, Scantling, Plank, (Hemlock). 13 UI Shingles, No. Iper thousuud.. K 00 Hiding " " It IU 00 CiuidldiilcN Itor A'oiiiliinllon. Tho following gentlemen havo been mentioned for nomination lo tho several County Offices to bo filled by election tho present year, and their imines will bo presented for tho consideration of tho Ucmocratlo County Convention! BHEltlFF. EMANDUS UNANQST, risniNocnisEn Townsmr. jamesTlake, SCOTT TOWNMlir, SAMUELR. KLINE, SCOTT TOWNSHIP. REE3 J."MILLARD, RCOIT TOWNilllr. AAR0NSM1T1I, HtiMLOCK TOWN8IIU", I. K. KRiCKIlAUM, IlKNTON TOWNSlIIr. WILLIAM APPLEMAN, 1IKMTOK TOWNSIIU'. WILLIAM EYER, (I1IEENWO011 TOWNSHIP. matihaTkline, KIS1IIN0CI1EEK TOWNSHIP. ASSOCIATU JUDOU. JOHN It. YOIIE, JIII'I'MS TOWNSHIP. samuelUreasy, MiriM.N TOWNSHIP, COMMISSIONER, HIRAM J. REEDER, TATAWISiSA TOWNSHIP. MINNKlTlIlLiK, CATAWIS3A TOWNSHIP. JOHN I'TiFaNNON, CENTRALLY nOROUCIIf. County Convention. TllO DrtmnPMt In Vntnr. nf 11m untmiml tll.l.l.l. Ill Columbia county, aro requested to meet at tbo usual place ol holding thu goncml elections, on Snturdiiy, the 3utli day or July, 1S70, between tbo hours or threo o'clock nnd seven o'clock In tbo nflcmoon of that day, and elect by ballot .'.. ..wanna in ici'icai-ni, mo iJISiricl 111 n LOU11- ty Convention to be held nt the Court House In Bloomsburg, on .Monday .August 1st, at 12 o'clock 1100U. to select two CouuresKlnnnl nniiri.t..oa in meet similar conferees from other counties of mu runnel, io ituiiiinaio a canuiu.ito ror con gress ; two Representative conferees to meet Similar Conferees lllllll Hin nllu.r pnnntv In il.n District, to uomlunto a caudidato for member of iwbuiuui ; luiiuuiiuiiieouo person ior Associate Judgo: ouo person for Hhcrlll'; ono person for Jury Commissioner, ono person for County Commissioner; ono person for Coroner, nnd ono person for County Auditor: To bo supported by .. -'"""v. .., ,'ui i.i. iiiu turning vitTiiuu, ily order of tbo Committee CHARLUS 11. 11R0CKWAY. Chairman. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "nillLOSOl-IIY OP M All It I AG E . X A New Couiisk ox Lectuues, uh delivered at the reuua. rolytechnlcund Anatomical Museum ia)5 Chestnut Ht., tlireo doors nbovo Twelfth. Philadelphia. embracing tho subjects: liow to jjivo uuu tvnui to jjivo ior; xnuiu, Aiaturity and Old Akoj Manhood Uenerally Kovlcwed; Thecausoot Indigestion; Flatulence and nerv ous Diseases accounted for; Marriage Philo sophically considered. These lectures will be forwarded on recclntof 15 cents bv ndilrsslnrr; Secretary of tho Pennsylvania Polytechnic A.MI ASATUMICAL ilUUEUM, 1VJ CUCSlllUt Wt., Plttladelpltia. Pennsylvania. Jei'l'-tMy. JglUDQK NOTICE Wo will meet at Mr. Isaac Kllngamon's, In Beaver twp.,ou Thursday tho7tn day of July next, from U o'clock, M. to 2U P. M.. to let cou- "wi iu ihuvo luu uuveicu j-riugu ut mai piaco 10 anoint about li in lie un creek. Now ln uliln. gles, clear of sup. to be used. Tho bridge to bo baiso length as old ono; wing walls to bo about samo as old ones. Abutments to bo Kl feet nbovo tow waier maru. nan uuu fapeciucailons can uo seen on tho ground ulday or letting or at this oliice In tho meantime. All communications relating this matter wllibu properly attended DAVID YEAOElt, ) Commrs. WM. a. QUICK, y nf CYUUS UOllIllNH. Pnl.Cn. Attest,- Wit, Khickua-um. Cleric. CommlbMloner's UUlce, 1 Bloomsburg, Juno 2Z, 1S7P. j RULE ON THE 1IEIIIS OF SA ItAH A. BOWMAN. COLUMBIA COUNTY, ss: The Cominnn---iti. or Pennsylvania to Thomas Bowman. Heurv B. Bowman, Ueorge L. Bowman, Manassa Bow man, John Bowman, Mary Intermarried with Pllllln Mowcrv. l'eUlua Hiuith. Ilenrv Itf.uiinriH Andiew Bowmau, John Bowmuu, Cele&lla Mil- iur, wii uiu y uiiuui AiiiitT, i-iauiua Hitter, wlfo ot wm. T, ltltter, Jane, wile oi'lhomas Culver Martha Bowmau, Joheph P. Bowman and hald iJiuruiu uuiug u uiiuur, who iias ior uerguaiulau Solomon Nlhait, llueal desccmlantHof arah A. mni uu. uectJihtu. uu loan umer nprvnn . tcretstud. Ui ceil no: You nui lierchv cltm.l in i... audaDULar beloiotho Jiultifs ol our (imiinnu' Com tut uu OipbanV Cotutlo buheld ut Blooms burg, on tho Jtiht Monday of Hopleniber nexti run! fklatb of raid Haritti A. lioivmnn. .incni at theappruUed valuation put upon it by tho in- uuiieu uy uiu oiifnii, auii uereoi lall not. Wlliitbii iho llonorablu Wtltlom I'.iwnii pit.ni. dent ol our suld court, the (itliduv nf Mnv a h ouo thoiuund eight hundred and seventy, W KLLINU'ION 11. KN'J, C'leik, NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL . WAY. un anu aner juuo iiu isiu, i ruins win leave Sunuuiiy us follows : NORTIIWAItD. 55 a.m., Dally to WilliamBport, for Klmlra Cunuudnlgua, ltochcster, Uulluhi, Suspension Uildgo, uudN, Fulls. 3,10 F. M Daily.fexcept Sundays) for Elmlrti uiu. liuiiuio via lrie ivuuwiiy ituiu I'.iiiinti. 1.15 p.m., Dally, (eieeptsuudays) for Wllllutm- ' TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 11.15 A.M. Dally (except Monday s) tornaltltiinu WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 11.25 P.M. DullyCexceptSundny'sJforBaltluion wabutugiou anu i-uuuucijiimi. yOUNU Oeueral Passenger Agent. Alfulii II. 1'iske, Uen'l Supt,, piUVATE SALE o r VALUADLE REAL ESTATE. Tho undersigned ofl'era nt prlvalo snlo about 00 ACRES OF VALUABLE LAND, Milium IU liCllluu lull imiiiii, 1.U1UII1UU1 iuuui,. bounded by lauds of Elizabeth Kllue, Daniel nllUHK, jacoo ash, jucou licisnuuo una tHiiers, Flflecu Acres of which Is chared laud. It also contalusu good young oichard, A FRAME HOUSE AND BARN and n never falling tprlug of water. Also n first class SAW AND LATHE MILL. Tho balance of tho tract U heavily timbered with oak, white pine, Ac, For terms, conditions, Ac, apply to tho under signed, Tho actual number of acres will be de termined by survey. lieutou.Juno 21,16,0-tf WM. APrLEMAN. riMIE HYPERION HAIR CURLEllS. AN INDISPENSABLE ARTICLE FOR THE LADIES. (Pateiifcil JuliVth.im.) I This Curler is tlio most prrfect Invention ever of lered to the public. It Is easily operuted.ucat In ap pearance, and will not fu ture the hulr, as there 1st no heat required, uor auy metallic substauco used to rust or break tho hair. Manufactured only and for salo by mcmillan a co. No, 03 North Front Street, 1'niLADitt.i'iHA, Pa. Sold at Dry Goods, Trimmings and Notion Stores, N, 11. Single Dox 23 cents; 3 noxes, assorted sizes, M els. ilallcdree to auy part of tho nutt ed States, upon receli I of tho money. Je.TiO-o;sui. p U B L I 0 SALE -o r VALUABLE II II A L ESTATE. In puisuauceof uu orderof thoOrphaus'Court of Columbia counly. Pa., 011 SATURDAY, July luth, 1S70, ut ten o'clock In Iho foie noon, Thomas C. Fowler, ouo of the admlnlstiatnis uf Benja min Fowler, lute of Cenlio twp.. Columbia eo dee'd., will cxpobu to sale, by publiu endue, on the picmUes, u A LOT OF GROUND blluate in Centio township, Columbia couuty, deserlbed nsfullows: Buuudedoii thonuithby lauds of John Fester, uu tho nut by lands uf Gilbert 11. Fowler, on the south by lauds of Fred, bhuller and on the west bv the same, whereon ure elected a Framo Dwelling House, Bank liaru und out bulldlugs CONTAINING EIOHT ACRES, The petitioner therefore praj 8 tbe Court to or der the sale of tho suld mil estate fur payment of tho debts, dc. of the said decedent. WELLINGTON H, ENT, Clerk, -Coniiitions ofSalv. Ten per cent, of tho one-fourth of the purihase lucuey to bo paid ut the striking down or the property; the one fourth less the ten ier ccut.,ut ihecoutlrmatlou ol the sale; aud thu reinalulug threo-fourths lu one year therealter, with Interest from contlr- I11U1IUU lllll! THOMAS i:. FOWLER. jeitwiw Administrator, HEUIFF'S SALE. Iltf VlrliiAnf nurillnl V.ii,IUI..i,l U.i.ni... I. sued out of tlio Court of Common 1'lerui of Col umbia county nnd to mo directed will be expos cd lo salo.by publlo vendue or outcry on tlin premises, on Mntunlny, July 2, lwo.ntono o'clock In the nftcrnoon, the fcitlowlnir reiil estate to wll, situate In llio town of Montana, township of Con yiiRlinm, Columbia counly, bounded onthe nasi by nllfleeii fnotalley, on llio south by Inmlsof tbo cslalo or l'eter Ilelwlg.on tlio west hjr Ccntro stre belnrx imy feet In width as lla out on map of said town. Holrcd, taken 111 execution and to be sold ns tho properly of Joseph u. Loliiy. MOIIDEOAIMILLAUW, llloomsburs;, Juno 17, ';o, Hliorlir, gllERIFF'S SALE." " Ily vlrtuo of a certain writ of Venditioni Ex ponas, Issued out of the Court of Common Plena of Columbia County, nnd to mo directed, will lie oxpojed to public sulo or outcry, on tho premises on Wednesday, July 0, 1870. at ono o'clock In tho afternoon, tlio Interest of William V. Alberlson In tlio following real estate, situate In Oreenwood township In the county of Columbia, HtStO Of I'cntlSVlVailla. Imtllirlml mi ftm twirlli by lands of John Htalcy, on the east by lands of Y;"ii'ii nruci, uu uiu Hiiiiiii uy ianus oi Aaron llceco, on tho west by lands of Andrew, Uray, COUtallllniZ flbOtlt IlflV ftprpu. Alun tlin lnlarMl of said William 1). Albcrtson, fu n certain lot of Krouud situate iu tho township of Ureeiiwnod, aforesaid, and bounded on the north by lands of Almlra Alberlson, on the oast by lauds of .mini imu e, on me Nouiu oy lunus or Isaao Dowltt and others, on tbo west by inuds of Joseph Hands nnd others, containing tllty acres mora or less, on which Is erected n, finiiio dwel ling lionsa and Immo burn, with othor nniiurto minces. HpIeihI, taken Into execution nnd to bo sold as the property of William I). Alberlnm. . .MOllliUCAI MIIil.AIll), IlioomsburB, Juno 17, '70 Hherllf. TtTOTICH, All persons bavlnrr unpsld nccounts against ui luivnniiiji oi mourn in uoiumniii uouniy ror iiiuji-ui 4v, jy. loo-,, nir iiuuis conirscieu orcro nted by tho Supervisors of wild Township, lire rcauesloa to brltiK In tholr accounts, properly authenticated anil lenvo tha samo either with Michael R Eycrly or William l'eacoclc, on or before tho Dili day of July, A. D. 1870. invirii iinueroiir nanus luis lllll nay oijune. A. li. ls;u. MICHAEL F. E ERLY.I WILI.IAJI PEACOCK, Auditors u. n. mtiNKKit, f llliiomsburi;, Juno 17, ls;o.tf. JOHN Q. JACOUY'H RAKEHY AND CONFECTIONUUYl UKHWIC1C, lTNN'A. Tho undersliineil winitil rnMimplfiilK' liifnrin Uio Citizens of llerwlolc, and vicinity, tluil ho mil uiit.'iiL-u ii vjonieciioneiy anu iniKery its ODD l'liLI.OWS1 HALL, llerwlck, Pn., whcio ho Is prepared lo furnish all kinds of PLAIN AND RANDY CANDIES, I'ltENCH CANDI1C3, POItUKlN AND DOMKSTIC FRUITS. ORANOES, LEMONS, IlAISINS, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. JJV W1I0IXSAI,C AND 11ETA1L. Among tho nssortmeut will bo found Cream ..ui., j.iigimu nuiuis, i-eaiuus. AlinolulH, l-'ll. borts, kim, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, Jellies of differ ent kinds. Mustard, Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate, Canned Krultof nil himtv. Hnm Him .ii iiv liiaJ cult, Soda Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Cheese, Soap, Writing Paper, Agreement I'npcrs, En- 1 4.4U1H.-.1, FISH AND OYSTERS, ....i. t.iuiiiiii! ui iu. iiiuus. ru-Mi ureau ana Cnkcs every day. Ico Cream In Season, Your imiiuill;e IS KUUCUCU. Berwick, Juno 17, 1870-tf JU1I1N U. JACOllV s TATEMENT OF CENTItALIA SCHOOL DISTRICT. MICHAEL OOREY, Treasurer, In account with Centrnlia School District. DU. To amount received from D. Camp(L. T.) To Stnto nnnrnnrlntlAii 8 602 CO 02 21 1115 to 1,0.1! 00 tl,0S2 89 To H Thomas' bond To Juo Kllleen Collector Clt. fly orders redeemed lly llountyTax toConyngham SI, 170 1)1 KM (HI 150 UO 3S 82 3 111 1,082 M Dy Commission 1,910 01 2 per cent Ualuuco duo JOHNKILLI'.EN, Collector in account with Ccn- iiiiiiiinciiuni uuinci, ior tno ricnool Year end ing Juno lhOP. DR. To nniouut of Dupllcnto $1,001 25 CH. Hy exonerations 22 CIO Uyumount icturucd to Com mlKslniiiif'g vi ni. Dy Commission on 1,017 30 Ci 5 ner rent ri c? lly Treasurer wt to uy uatanco 07 4) 1,1191 '.' JOHN KILLEI:n, Collector In account Willi u. ...... 1,,. ,.v 11111,1 4iAii ici ior uiu j 1 ur liw, DK. Tontn't (,l llounty tluiillcnln '.W II Clt. uy exoneration 0 :v, lly umounl icltiriuil lo Com missioners s 73 Uy ComiiiisMiii on 21 m: (ir, pcrcont. 12 to Tieasurcf 115(0 Until lie 81 00 2.57 1 1 iionouoii. MARTIN GAUdllEN In ncvnunl wilh Centinll.1 lloroiiKh; 111! To nm'tof Diipllcnln CR. lly exonerations lly cotiiuii-.siim cm ;'i30(j3 percent, lly in.Y on unseated laud Uy nmauut paid Tieasuier Uy balance cm i: 3 IU 20 117 .'.5 50 GUI St 3 11 no 12 THOMAS (initAGHl'Y. Treasurer, In account with Ceuliull.i ttorough DR. Tonm'tol tax lecelved fioin Collector uu 9 CR. lly ordeis redeemed 5i,o 30 Assets 07 LIABILITIES. Thomas Ueraghty 07 JOHN P.HANNON. 1 Auditors HENRY CODDINUTON, of Borough. Ccntrulla, Juno 17, 170-lf. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Jl. ISTATK OF JOHN DALI.5IAK, DLC'D. Letters of udnilulstiatlun on the esttiteot John Dullman, late of Uieenwood twp., Columbia co. dee'd., huvo been grunted by the Register ol said county, to William Eyer of Greenwood twp. All nelsons having claims ordemnuds aguinot the decedent aro reciucstcd to make them known, and tboso Indebted to make pnymen', WILLIAM Kl i:il. Jel7'70-0w. Admlulstrulor. pOWDER KEGS AND LUMBER. W.M. MONROE & CO.. Rupert, Pa., Manufacturers of TOWDER KEGS, nnd dcaleis In all kinds of LUMBER. glvo notice that they aro prepared to accomodat heir custom with dispatch, and on the chcapes erms. Tlio Living Machine. Injuic llio muiu tpriug of a watch and every portion ol thoMDihs becomes disordered. The humnu stomach hi lo tho human system what thut clastic jilece of metal Is ton chronometer. It Influences thencttou of the other organs, aud controls, to a certain extent, the whole living machine, Tho comparison may be carried lur t her 1 for ns the wiukuess or other Imperfections of the main spriugls indicated on the face of the time pit cc, bo also Is tho weakness or other dls oider of the stomach betruyed by the face ot the Invalid. The complexion Is sallow or faded, the eyes aro dtilcitut lu lustre and Intelligence, nud there Is 11 worn, anxious expresslonlu the whole couuteuanco which tells as plainly nswiltteu words could do, that tho ureal nourishing oigun whoso ofllcu It Is to minister tu tho wnutsof tho body,and to sustain nnd renew nil Its pails. Is not pcrfoimlug Its duty. It rcnulrcsrcnovntlng and legulatliig, uud toncromplish this cud Hos teller's Sloinac h BilteiHinay bo truly said to be the one thimj nn dul, Thu bioken main spring of a wnien may bo irplnrcd by 11 new one, but tho stomach iun only bo icpnlred and strengllicned, uud this is ouo of tho ohjcits of Iho f.imous veg tlablo iitoiallvo which for eighteen years has been wuglng n successful contest with dyspcnsln In nil i llnuite-. As n specific ior Indigestion it stands ulune, When Iho nsourrcsor thopluu macopu'lu Ituvo bee iiexbansled. without, nt best. doing ihiiio 1 1 :n 1 1 mitigating the complaint, 11 roiuto 01 1111 wiioiesuiuo und palatable, yet pim fnui, ni.mni me 1 nects a licriecl and ix-uim nentcuri'i lu nil cases of dyi pepsin the liver Is moio or less dlsoidticd, and upon this in porlnut gland, as well as upon tho stomach and bowels, tno iiiiieuact wlllislnsulur dlsliucluess. icgu latlug aud reiuvlgorallug every secretlvo nnd nsslmllntlng oigan ou which bodily and mental lieaitn depend. Jc3'70-Iih, A LL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING J. neatly executed at Tim Coluxuian steam rriunug umeie. s Logal NoticoH. AWIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. KSTATH OF HKNIIY YOST, IlltO'll. lA'ltcrs nrailinlnlHtrRllnn nn I fie estutn of Hon, ry Yost, late of lcust twi, Columbia county, ilee'd., have tieen granted by Iho Ileglsterofsald rounly, to Elisabeth Yost and Jneob HtltlQ of iiueiisv iiiwiiHiiip, uiinmbin county, fa. All persons linvlRg claims nr demnnd. against tho decedent nro requested to make thorn kuown,nud those Indebted to make payment. KLI.A1IKTH YOST, . JACOll HT1NE. moy20'70-6w. Administrators. I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. J KSTATR OF UIClfAF.I. M3MON, liF.C'd. LettcrstcslninenRiry on the estate of Michael Iiemon, Into of Flshlngcreck twp,, Columbia co deo'd., hnvo been granted by the Register of said . ,t" whjiuiii. iiiiiiBpiii risiiiuxcrceK iwp. All persons having claims against tho estnto lire rfimifitlnl In lil-imnul Ilium ... . l.n I .. Columbia county, Pn. Thoie Indebted to the CKtnlo cither on note, Judgment, mortgago or book account will mnke payment to tho Exec utor without delay. . ...,. CYHUS II, WHITE, JclO'70-Ow. Executor. WIDMYER & JACORY EXCIIANOElllA)CIC,llIX)OMHIlUltU,PA. nip agents for tin, tide or' llroekway's" Jiwlly celebrated Cream and old stock Ales, whcli they will fell as cheap us country brewed ales: whole and half barrels constantly on linml. 'Jills ale Is brewed by William E. llrockwny,3l.5 Io3i5 East Klcventh Street, New York City. Hlooimburg, Juno lo, 1S70-11. A DJIINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 lloarlugcitck twp., Col. eo. All persons having claims ugalnst tbo estnto of tho decedent nro re quested to plescut them for settlement, nnil those Indebted lo tho estate to makopnymeutto um iiiiuti'isiuiiiu, iiiiiiiiiusirainr, wiinouioeiiiy; , .,. WELLIlSO'lON YEAUElt, Jc3'70 dw. Admlulslrntor, I EXECUTORS' NOTICE. J KSTATK. Of jAMIS KMM11T. iil-ii',1. Letters Icstnnieiitnrv cm tlm iHtmn nr l.nm. r.minltl.liuo of llemliiclclwp,. Columbia county, cleo'd, bavo been Rranted by the Uculsterot suld oounty to Andrew J. Emmltt nnd Christian I,. Eminllt of Hemlock township, Columbia county, Pn. All persons having claims against the estnto nro leiiuestea lo present them to the I'.Aruiuuia iu i.uiuiiiuiacouui'. 'iiioso Indebted to tbeesiatc cither on note, Judgment, mortgage . " i-'iiii. i in iiiuiiu iujinuib IU um LX- ccuturs w llliout delay. ANDREW J. EMMI'IT, CHlllHTIAN E. EM.MI IT. JC370-0W. Executors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE L.STATK OK ltAI.Ty.r.u tssii'if. lii.n'n. Letters of administration on tbo estato of naurer i-txKK uue of .inuiisoii township In Columbia counly, deceased, have been gruulud by the Register of said county to William Mc llrldo of While Hall Montour county. All persons having clulms agalusl tho estato ol tho decedent mu rtquesteu to present them for settlement, and those Indebted to tbo estato to mako payment to tbo unitersiirneil udininl.trn. iur williuuL uciuy. WILLIAM MclllllDE, Je3'J0-0t. lUllllllJI 111 i Heal Estate Sales. pUBLIC SALE O F VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court S.i L?i-,.mHla. :ol";' . on, SATURDAY. July li, 1870. at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, Jacob Wnnlch, administrator of Lydla Wanleh. Into Of lllnoiil Inwnshln. In i.nlil nnimti, ,l.nii .-m expose to sale, by public vendue, on Iho promis es, a HOUSE AND LOT sltunto In tho town of Bloomsburg, In said county, bounded by lauds of M. C. iV'oodward on the east, on tho south by nu alley, on the west by lot of Peter Jones, on tho north by Main street of said town. WELLINGTON II. ENT.Clerk, 3-C0NniTi0Ns of sale: Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchnso money to bo paid by the purchnser at the striking down of the prop erty ; one-fourth less the ten percent, to be paid onthe confirmation ol tho salo; tho balanco to bo paid In ono year from tho confirmation ot sale, with Interest from the time tho purchaser gets possession of the said premises. , ,.,. , JACOll WANICH, Jcl7',0-Iw Administrator. pUBLIO SALE O F VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Will be sold by Iho undersigned on the prem ises on FRIDAY, tho 21th day of June, is"0 utlO o'clock, a. m., tho following described real estnto in ll lll TWO LOTS OF GROUND, isltuate In Beaver towns). in. Columbia cmiinir. Tho llrst the rent, beginning at the north wctt t urner 01 uiu joik latejy owncu uy manes Jiann inruiu Bouuiwunny UHJUg UIO WFal liJju IlierCOI and along the mltlUlo of bixtb Hlreet, about 1110 ji-ri. iu uiu Jiiiuuiiiiii UIUIUT DirfCI, II It'll CO UI sight angles wehtwardly along the inlddlu ol Hunter btrcet about looo feet to the bide of the Ball lload, theme aloug tlio tUlo of tho Bail I toad to Its Intersection with tho mlddloofMc Cauley HUeet on tlio north we&tliuo of the tract thehceontho lino about uOO leet to thn place ot beginning, unbracing tho idols U,10,((,:i and a JMiiun Liiit.ii iuiiifii.il mi. jiiiu ii riiiiLm iiininrm nu iii-ii u 11 it, ituriu in pjol .taim 1110 nireuis wiui Intho LonuiiH ou tho nlnt of UuMipm in v. rJudinc lots 15 .. 1(1 In rdut.'t. AKt ih kin.iii int nt tlio noi th wt coiner f the irnct lying noith of mu luui iiiuu nuiwti'ii ii uuu uio puoiiu roau oi) the mntl), uml Johiison's laml on llio west, and BiiKti'h land t. n th( noithu-st,inraf,ui)ii2to the sidoof Iho Hull road and (homlUdlu ol tho pub lic loud, containing about thrtoacics. Ti i ins niado Uimwn on day of suit. uoiuatr v. ci..m;, Ji'TO-w Atty.ku W. W. HUbbclI. JjNXECUTOR'S SALE. 'iho subscriber, Executor ofMlclnel Lemon, Into nf risiilngciiek township, Columbia county. Pa., deceased, by vlrtuo of thu poweis und mi then lly enulellid em him by llio will of suld Mlehiul Union, dirrusid, will cxpoio to public snlo at the Into lesidenee of thu deceased In Flslilngercilc twp., on TUESDAY, Juno 2S.1.S70, at 10 o'clock, A. Jl., IIihIoIIuw Ingper.soual prop el ty, to wit: ONE TWO YEAR OLD COLT, One Yearling Coll, Tho Cowt, Grain Separator, um ui-ei, win- iui ii'iiit-r iiiit'se uuu joois, Lum ber nnd various other ni tides not necessary lo specify, Teuns inndo known on day ul sale. ALSO : i!o0 ACRICS OF UNSEATED LAND, lu I Ishingcrcel; township, fo bo sold lu two parts of one bundled uud tweuty.lliu ucres each, Tkiims or Haie. Ten percentof tho purchnso money tube paid nt the striking down of the propeity. One-half less tbe ten per cent to bo paid on tho llrst day ot April, A. 1). 1S7I, at which time possession will bo Klcn, and the balance to bo paid on the first day of April, 147, at which time a lull and sullic lent deed will be uiven. , CYRUS B. WHITE, I'lshlugcreck, June 17, '"0.2t. Executor. p UB LIC SALE o l' VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. In pursunnco of nn order of the Orphans' Cour of Columbia county, Pa., will be sold nt publlo saloon IV.o premises, on SATURDAY, July 2nd, 1ST0, nt ten o'clock in tho loreunon. by Isauo Ty ler, guordlnn of Iho persons and estates of John, Tyler, Mary Emma Tyler and Hellen Elizabeth Tyler, minor children of Susan Tyler, lalo of Wllkes-Dnne, In Iho county or Luzerne, deceas ed, will expose to sole, by publlo vendue, on the premises, three undivided fourth put Is ol eci lain real estate, situate in East liloouitbuig, in the county of Columbia, nnd State of l'ceusj Ivunlu, bounded and described as follows, to wltr Ou the north by nn alley, ou the esstbyan alley, on the south by a lot of Jucob Edinir, uud on the west by Iron slreet, containing litlfeetnn said Iron slrret, nud extending back of an equal breadth to bald nlley onthe cast, whereon are creeled u FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, nud frame stable. Tho rrmninlng undivided fourth pait of said real estate will bo sold nt the same lime and plnee, by the eldest sou of suld Susan Tyler, deeensedo that tlio purchaser will icet a good title lo the whole of said real estate, Iho said real estate will heboid loieether, or lu two lots to suit purihnsers. Late tho estate of salddcceased.slluatelutbetou nofKusl Blooms buig. uud counly uforeiuld. WELLINGTON H. ENT, Clelk. 4S-Ttii5is ok Ha i.i;: Tin per cent, of onc fouith ol the putclutto money, at thu striking down ol tho properly; tho one-Iounh less the leu rer cent, ut tlio eourlrinatloii nbsulule, nud the icruniuiug thice.fouiths In ono eurllieie ultcr, with Inicicst from continuation uf, tf, und in no sccurcii uy juuuieui, ixiuu anil morieuge, on the premises. ISAAC TYLER, Bloomsburg, June 10, 1S70. Uuurdlan, pUllLIC SAL E o r VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In puisuancnornii order of the Oiphnns' Couit ol Culumbla I'ciunly, Pa., ou SATURDAY, July '-'ml. 1S70, ut lo o'clock in Iho loieuoou, Mury Hupp, Adiiilulstiiilrlx of George Hupp, late of Roaring Creek township, lu huldeouuty, decens- f-ll. W Uf CXllClSG 111 r lltlllll i llitlln rill tlm nil ItlLt l. nil that CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, sllimtuln Ri'iitliigCiiik lownshlp, suld counly, hounded uiyldcseilbcd as follows, towltt Be ginning nt a stone und runulnir thence by lands ol Jolm Heiubiocik, soiilfi elijIity.soMii degrees west, one liiiiidiid und folly. lour perches and I'luht-teulhs lo u nunc; the m o by lands uf John Huglus. inn Hi ulno and u hulfdi-Kiees west, one liu lull ul uml llueo lierrhes ton slonm I be ni-n In- luuds ot Jucob Flsber, uorlh, elKbt and a half iiiuTem ium, uiiy-iwiipeiciiesiuusioiiei llieuee bv lands of ficiilco ltftner. kouiIi. iilnhlnnii iliu KtiiKeiisI, thliteeu uud elghbteutlis pcirhtsto ii pine knot; thenco n til lb scNcnty-nluo und tluee-ciuuiler degiees eust,nluety-ouo peiehes to ii stone t thence by lands nf Benjamin Miuri. lets.soiitli ulno und a hulfdegiecs east, one bun dled nudseicn and Ihe-linlli perches, to the JillllVUI 4,14.1111,11111, CONTAINING 67 ACRES and ono bundled aud thirty. three perches. Con dltlous mude known on day of sale , , MARY HUPP, Hoarlnjirec l, June 10, ls;o, Admiulstralrli. Letters or administration on tbocstnto of John i eager Into of Locust twp., Columbia county, deceased, hnvo been granted by tbo Register ol said county to Wclliueton Yeaeer rciifiltnre In Mininur llill.l 1 E.AIII-.11. J1FO 11. COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, N. W. SAMPLE. O. W. NEAL. L. J. TAYLOR. IV. W. SAMPLE CO., Ooi'nuv or Muiu SLroot und L. ci 13. Hull lload, -BXiOO-tVES-B-CJUa-, IPJi.. MAOHINISTS, IRON BLACKSMITHS AND BOILER MAKERS. MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, OUIVUKAIi JMAC-IIATU WORK AM) llKl'Ains. MILL GEARING, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, HEAD BLOCKS, SAW IvIILL C3-E3A.-RIXra- OP ALL JSIHSTDS, 0A8TIN0S FOR FURNACES M.'iO CAR WIIEKIiH AND AXI.1W B A SS CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS, OAR BOXKS, COJII'OSITION CASTINGS, AND BABBIT METAL RELFIELD'S CELKBHATED GLOBE VALVES, STOP COCK'S, CHECK VALVES, AIR COCKS, OIL GUI'S, STEAM WHISTLES STEAWI OTJAOES, STEAM TIPH ANU riTTINGS aosrsurA.3srTr4-s- oisr hand. AGENTS FOll SJIIVE'S GOVERNOR, ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE SIMPLEST AND BEST IN THE WORLD. M1LLWHIUHTH AND M ACHIN1STH SUPPLIES EITHER ON HAND OIU'URNIHIIEI) A I H1IORT NOTICE, VIZ; GUM AN D LEATH ER BELTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, HUMP AND SOAP STONE PACKING, OI IX, RED AND WHITE LEAD, AC. LESSEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF HALL'S PATENT DOUBLE DISCHARGE TURBINE WHEELS. LIBERAL .NDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO THE TRADE. oTArlbc,0,fii;!1t?furill0''EUUEKA"Sm,lt Hll1 Separating Mncliino mid "EX CLLSIOR ' Bran Duster. Send for circular. Specimen Machines can bo seen nt tho works. BLACKSMITHIN-Q, HEAVY OR LIGHT FORCINGS, MERCHANT IRON OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. Also manufacturers of Win. B. Deuel's HAY and HARVEST GRINDEIil-'. patented November 2nd, 1SC9. ' REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. MADE TO ORDER. ORDERS FOR BRIDGE BOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, PATTERN SHOP ",""mlM inr-jiiuijiiiji x- uitiMwibi) WE HAVE NOW IN THIS DEPARTMENT THE LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY AND ARE PREPARED TO Mi.KE ALL KINDS OF PATTERNS AT SHORT NOTICE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS THRESHING MAcflINEs''ATEST PATTERNS' A SPECIALTY. Buckeye Reapers Repaired AND ALL EXTRA PARTS FURNISHED. MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF MORTON'S PATENT HAY RAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. rN.B. Iliwliigputluinachinery especially adapted to tho manuf.ictuii of Moulding Cuttera.wouro prepared toexecuto largo or small orders, at short no' tice, and on very favorable terms. Send for Circular and prlco list. May -wr N' W' SAMPLE A CO. Rail Roads. T A fiTC A W A "Ni M A Aicn nr nrwra. XJ UURll HAil.HOAD in uuu mur jan. 17, i87i, ra;.scugi.r Trains will un as follows: Going Ninth. GoIngSouth. Arrive, Arrive Lcuvo Leave p. 111. a. in. p.m. a. in. icrnnlon s. 11.00 i.vo 7.20 Leave 'lltslou s.lt la. 10 c.32 7 m flugstou 7.."i0 lu.lll 6.(0 H.2Q Ml'inniilli 7-til ll m r. in ..T Shlckshlniiy.'..'.' 7!.5s tuo ulio iiVj iierwick ip.uj t.,.1,1 11.10 v.42 Bloom 5.2S 7.il 7.311 10.17 Danville 1.30 7.15 M.10 lo.ii Leave 1 Lenvo Aulve Arilva NnlthM 1,15 Ci. Ill S.15 11.35 Connection made ntKcrautoii by the lu. 10 11. in. Irnln lor Great Bend, Blui;liamli,u, Albany nud ill points North, East and West. D.T. BOUND, Sup'l. pATAWlSSA RAILROAD-On and 1 nHir HOVhAV 1..... it ii.fi li... trulusnn theCntawls;a Railroad will riiu at the following nuined hours: MallHoith. stations;. Juil A'orfA Dep.8.f.5n,iu Wllliamsport. Arr.G.oOp. in. uia - jMnncy. Dep. s.2tl " 0.i7 Wutsuntowii, " 4.57 " 10. U5 " Mlllon. " 4.10 " 10.15 " Dauillle. " 4.U0 " 11. U5 " Rupert. ;i.io " 11.17 ' Culnw issii, a.3J " 12.22 p.m. Rlni;tnwil, 2.25 " 12.5s ' Hiinnnlt. " 1.50 " 1.03 " tlunknke. " l.lil " 1.20 " E.Mahouy June. " 1.30 " 2,13 "Dlue.Tumnquu. Dine. " 1.10 1.23 " Rendluir. M ni.ni n.m. Arr, 0.15 " l'hlladelphla. " s.15 " . n, 11 f To Kcw York via. Read '"' I lug or Maucli Chunk. From New York via. I Maucli Chunk. f "" NoChangeof curs between Wllliamsport and Philadelphia. GEO. WEUU Suy't. DELAWARE, L.VCKAWANNA, & WESTERN HAILROAD.-Suromer arrange lueut, April 11.1S70. Tralus lcuvo us lollows: HASIWAIIH. WESTWARD. Fx- Ac c- pross com. com, Via M. & E. DlvlSilA Mi Arl New York. Lv (bof llarclay St.) 8.00 ....Christopher St...., 8.110 nouoken K.15 Newark. Washlnirtciii Ill.'s via ceu, uie, 01 ...... New York lftxi 3.10 ItXMlIMerluHt) 9.00 3.0(1 7.W 6.(8 C.ll 1.21 .New Hampton.... 11.15 7.'J0 12.17 12.57 ..oxioru 11,4.1 ....Brldirevllle 11.11 7.50; 8.U1 3JJ 4,12 7. U5 8. (15 8.2U 8.:iu 8. 8.53 5.10 S.50 1.30 ....Philadelphia.. 7.80 -ireuion.M....... s.f5 Phllliosburi.' 11. (H U.30 9.33 1 12.:io 12.25 12.08 12.52 ii.iis! 11.2s 11.1s: .Manunku Chunk I2.no ut'iuwnro 12,15 ....Mount Bethel 12.25 Water Gup 12.10 .....Stloudsblllg H 12.31 Snraeuevllle, ...... 1.U5 llenryvllle 1.13 3.11 fiilrj 1.51 ii.".' Ouklaud 1.30 O.a.1 ni.i'i ..rurKs I. Ml g.u 10.27 lll.ll ......Tobyhanun......... 2.110 vj Gouidstwro.........! 2.1uilo.irj .........Moscow , 2.;ii10.2,j ll.50i U.IJ U.10 ..uuiiuiug v.is I0.3S r.M 8.(10 1 ";.'.' "crpuiou 3.20 0.(10 ,) 7.SU 7.15 0.15 K.no .i.iuiii nuuiuiii..,, U.I.J e.11) ...Ablngton a.40 0,21 9.23 ..Fttctoryvlllo 1.01 0.:u U..11 Nicholson l.'.M 0.51 I11..SO ....llopboltom 4.M 10.12 11.00 Montrose 1.67 10.su 12.01 ....New MUfurd 6.15 10.17 12.83 K.U li. 10 3.10 7.52 7 '37 1 1.57 7.15 1.1(1 (I..1I 3.15 010 .....ureae iieuu...... aao n.m i.lu Ii'.m.a,m.a.m. r.u A.M. Trains do not ston ut Stations where tlieTlmo Is omitted, Connections, At New Hamilton with Central It. If. c,r N. r 1 he Mull and I'.xpiess liulns iiistwiirduiiil west- wiuu eoiiuii'i wiin iraius iur isew lork, r.itzu. belli, I'lalntleld.l-omcrvlllound other slullnns. Al Wuslilngtuu with Morris A Essex It. R, 3Iall and Exbress trains tiial:iielii4.H mui i-..iintii.. rouuectloiis wilh tialus Ior New York. Newark. Morrlstown, Dover, Wnleilisi.nnekctlstowii Ac. AtManuukaLhuuk with lielvidero Dcdaiinio R. It. CIoso connections are made by Mull and Express Ira 1 11s, with tiiiius tor Philadelphia, Trillion, Plillllpsbiirg, llelvldere.iSii. By 'Irulii No. 2. passeiigeis rcneh Pliiludelphla via (."um. den, by No. 4, U Kinslngtou. Pusieugeis on No. 1, urrlvo In Philadelphia In tlinn to take the 11 1411 p. in, irniu ior iiuittinoiu aim wnsnincion, At Scrunlon Willi Lackiiwuiina a Bloouislnirg A Delaware Hudson lull Rnuils. Tralus on these roads connect with our tialus lor Plltslou, Wllkts-Bairu, lieiwlek, Lloouisburg, Danville. Ulypbuiit, Archbuld and Cuibuudiile. Al lllnithnmtoii wftn l.rlci Railway, Mall No. 1 connects Willi Express Mull on Erie Railway, leaving ats.f.' p. 111. wilh a sleeping coaoh at. taohed, arriving nt Bullalo at 0.2U next luornliiK, Expiess No. 3 connects with a wuy train tor Uwcgo, llhui'41, uud Elinlrn. Alhauy A Suso,uehuuuu Rail Road. Fourtrulns nilay luu iucli way between lllngbaiiitnn nud Albany. Ouo leaves lllughaiulou ut iSi) n. iu.. uud anivesut Albany ut 9.00 n, lu. 1 Syracuse, Ulughamton a Is. Y, It. H. Tralus for Hyrucuse leave at 7 a. lu. ami liss p. 111. Tralus from Syracuse urrlv e al 11.1. a. w. and 8..U 11. in. It. A. HENRY, W.F.HALLHTiaD. llen l Pass, aud Tkt, Agcul, Supt, Ex- Mall STATIONS. Mnn press AND BRASS FOUNDERS: AND ROLLING MILLS. AND GENERAL MLNINtl CABTINdri. JEADINQ RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Mav 11.H1, IS70. nf'fV 'Vr.n.Vu. t1'.1? flSIn Norlh nud Noi 1 1, V,S1'1 f'',r Pblladelpbla.New Ymk, Rcacilii!; I'otts. ville, Tauiurjua, Aslniind, ShanioUln f7c baiion Allentown, Esslon, Ephraln, LH17., Lancaslei Culuiilbla, iVC, Trains leave Harrisburg fnr New York us nn lows: At 5,35, d.iu uml 11,25 11. 111., n.ii Ji.'U p. 111., umiiccllng wltli similar trains on Pcnna. lcallrond, and nrrlvlug nt Now York 10 12,10, uocin, 3,.w,(i,0j and lu.uo p. ra. respcctlvcli Sleeping cars accompany tbe 5,33 and 11.25a 1,5. tralus without chance. 1.5,?tur'llnSi Lt,'e New Yorknt 0,U0a.m.unu 12,00 noon and 5. Ill 1. m. l'iiii i,i..iin,in . 1. 11. 111, una J.3U p. in, sleeping curs accompany Llio 1I.ISI n. m iiii.i ml 1. ., i ... im. ....... without change. ' Iieavo Harrisburg Iur Reading, Pottsvllie, T. maoua. Allnersvllie. Aililmul Klmnmsiii iii... Grove, Allentown A- l'hlhi'd.ut s,lu a.m., & 2,10 J. 1,10 ii.in stopping nt Lebanon find principal wui stutlons; the J.lupni. irulu counecllng for Plilrn Pottsville and t'olumlila only. For Pottsvllle Schuylkill Havcu unit Auburn, Ma Schuylkill linn uuaiiuvii.iuuii eiiiiouu, leave uarrisuurie al 3,10 p.ni. East Pennsylvania Rallruad trains leave Read ing for Alli-utnwn, Fjiston und New York at 7.2' IMU h. m., 1.27 uud 1.15 p. 111. Returning, lea NewYorknt luu a. 111., 12.00 noon nud5.0i; p. n.. and Alleiituuii tu 7.'Ji a. 111. r.--.'i nimii. j eo ui... 8.15 p. 111. way nissenger Tmiu leaves Philadelphia in i.jun.m., connecting wilh similar train ou Fusi P.L railroad rettn-iilnii rutin ucmMm,.!, ii-i. ... stopping at all stations. i.eiii o i-oiisviiie at i.K'iinil 9,00 u,mnnd 2J0 r.u,, llerndrin nl u.:li 11. m i.iiiiiii..i'i ,,, hj,i...i.i 1 a. 111., Ashland 1117,0.5 11.111. nud 12,30 noon Mule unoy City at 7.51 n. m. uud 7.C7 p. 111. Tumaouu ui 8.:i3 n. in., and 2,2u i, m.lor Philadelphia 1111.1 Leave Pultsvilio via Schuylkill and Susque hanna ltuiboail nt8,13 n.m, ior Harrisburg, uud 12.06 noon, for Pino lliuvo aud Tremout, Reading Accommoilutlou Train leaves Polls ville uto.10 a. ui., passes Reading at 7,30 a. iu.,ui- 141 iiik ui 4 iiutiuuiiiuiu ui iv.xu a. iu. iieiuruiiiK leaves l'hlladelphla at 3,16 p. m., passing Hcuu lug ut 3,00 p.m., arriving ul pottsville al 9.10 p.m. Pottstowu Accommodation TrainMoavesPotu.' town at 0,25 n.m.,, returning, leaves Phllodclpbi, at 1,00 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading H 7,'JJa.m., aud 0-13 p.m. for Ephruta.LHlx.Ltuica ter, Columbia. Ac., Pcrklllllien lbill nnml Tmltial.n.n.iSlAiiuii Junction at 9,00 a. m3.O)JfS.30p. m. returning; leavoBcliwenksvilloul n.m a.m., 12.15 noon, aua 1.15 P.m., connecting with similar tralus on Heading ltallrnad. rookdale Hallroad trains leave Pottstowu at9.10n.lll nnilneilll 1.1 w I...HI111. Imiiia Mnlllil PleilSailt Ut 7.0(1 ATlll llv.'. 1.1 milii.ilTiii il II ii sl'ullar trains on Rending Rall'ioad. Chcslcr Valley llallroud Trains leave Bridge- 4 4 ui o.iwa. m. anu 2,uj nuil 5.0211. m. rclurnint. leaVO DoWlllnntnn ii, ium.. ... in i. ..inn. .n.i 5.15 n, m couueetiiii' vttli 4.11'iiltnr trains ui lleadlui: Railroad. On Sundays, leave New York at 5,00 p.m., Puti phluiit fc.uu ii.m.ttud3,15p.iu.,(the8 00 a.in.triUu riinu Ing ouly toHesdlng-.jleuvcPottsvllle 8,ooa.iu.: Exeurs't'on mVi Season. School ucu duced ratesT "" i""."" iinggage checked throuth; 100 pounds allow e. eaeli pusseuger. o. A. NICOLL3, ... ,, . .General Superintendent Heading, P.i , April 29 ls70. JROWN'S FAST FREIGHT FROM PH1LADELIHIA TO BLOnMsnirm. and Intermediate points. Goods forwarded will cure and detputch uud ut luw lutes, ' iiiiiTTJ !' In Ci ' ,u,M,t uo uellvcreu ,n tlcuhGsTaTpiy to r0r ,u" ,"' a.,., n -.! , , hi "UVI.ER, Proprietiii. Aug. 20. Ci)-lf. R. It. Pc.iot, Bloumshuinifi 5UBLI0 SALE or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Tlio School Dli rctins of llloom towushln nil. cll ut public halo 011 SA'lUIIHAi lho25lh dny . . " .mi1 mi 1. 1 4 l' III-. iiivhiiii Uliv of Jlllie, ul Inn o'eloc li, ,1. III.. nil thut eeitiiin so and lot ol ginuud Willi Ihi-appurlcnuiir! known us the SMOKiriOWN SCHOuI. PROPEIU'V slluntc on the back pint of lot No. II, In tin 1 .. ol illcH.lllsLliltr 11 Lull 11 lis llillillisvlllu. si (i hnol hit UI1.gtllty.llM1 by lolly uu. By order of the llimrd W.M. PEAedt'h liloiiiusbuig.Jiiue-il, D70-IW. feeuli.i' N J O T I O E , All ll.tM.1141 1:1. fill lllll II 1 ..... Il 1 . .11 I.i ln.l. I... cd lo the l.slulc ni Jucob l.sir, duiusid, me leieby iiotlBtd to settle Ibelr accoiinlsul ul.ic jilheiwlse they will lc eolleele.l iiccnidlng tu Isw. h, 11. MlLLtlt, Blooiusbuig, May 0, ls70-lf Aelmliiisiiutiir pOOTS AND SHOICS. II.ABK M, BROWN, CKNTRK hTllt-'FT, AIU01N1M1T1IE fiTOKK 0T liUllUlhS A; S.VS.M, A lull and complete assortment of ready made boots uud shoes for men, women aud eulldieu lust received and for saie-ul reusouablu isles. Vuiletles to suit all clusses of customers. Tbo best of work done ut short not he, us heretotote, Ulvehiiuueull, iupru-K, !,.. .,V"i.u1' m' unit ..io p. m. oiYuA"e".,JV,n nt 7.25 a. in. uud 8.15 p. m., uuu Heading at 7.15 0. m.niul 10.u3p.rn, for Hsms b'fs'.at 7.2Jn.m. for New York, at J.45p.m. PI iadelT,hla"',a "l "' " "id i:251P.u- Q