The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 24, 1870, Image 2

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rrldnr .Horning, Jiiiim ti l 1S?0.
W TI1K OOr.UMUIASI lins llle Irgeit
Circulation of nny paper nllltlieil hi
Northern Pcniiiylvmiln, nml U alio a
much larger sheet titan any of lUcolem
iorarle anil la therefore the belt medium
for adrcrtlilng In thli lection oftho State
Something Wrong.
It is a matter of vnst publlo Interest
thnt tho returns to tho present Census
should bo correctly made. Hut such
will bo very far from tho caso. In ma
ny Instances, men havo been appointed
as a reward for political services, who
are notoriously unfit. Again, tho peo
ple) for ten years past havo been 80
hounded down by re venuo assessors and
tax gatherers, that thoy avoid tho cen
sus marshals, or glvo figures of valua
tion for their property far below what
It should bo, under tho Idea that it is n
dodge to exact taxes.
But another grave fault Is tho incora
plefen -, of tho method. For Instuuco
. mil of tho marshal's business is
tit t ill" value of each ono's real and
iMuiuuul estate. Jones, for example,
buys of Smith u farm for $10,000, giv
ing bonds and mortgage for It. Tho
mir-hal asks Jones the value of his
faiMi mill puts down $10,000. IIo then
goes to Smith aud asks hlin tho value
of his property and includes the mort
gage and bonds given by Jones. In tljis
insinnco 1119 returns snow nn amount
Just double tho actual ono, and is value
less in u statistical point of vlow.
She Knights Templar at Williams
port. Tho 17th annual conclave of tho
Knights Templar of Pennsylvania was
held at Williamsport last week, begin
ning on Tuesday and ending tin Friday.
CrusadoCommandery was thefo in force
but owing to a lack of banners did not
mako as good a display as othcrcomman-
dcries with lesser numbers. About sov-
enty-flvo of our Sir Knights appeared
in procession. Gen. Ent was aide-decamp
to tho grand commander, and
won now friends by his Knightly bear
ing and good horsemanship.
It is estimated that thero wero not
less than 15,000 strangers In Williams
port to witness tho parado, whllo the
residencea of Masons along tho route
wero decorated with emblems, and
those who were not moinbers of tho or
der displayed tho stars and stripes.
Over 1,000 Knights, representing thir
ty Commanderies, appeared in full uni
form, and sixteen bands, including tho
Marino of Washington, furnished mu
sic for tho occasion.
Mayor Ilordie and tho City Councils
rovlowed tho procession as they passed
tho Court House, tho different Com
manderies saluting them in honor of
the hospitalities extended. Gov. Geary
and other dignitaries wero in attend
ance through tho cntlro session.
After marching over tho routo laid
down,tho Knights proceeded to Herdlc
Park, where standing room was, scarce
ly obtalnablo within hearlngdlstanco of
tho main stand, whero tho installation
of tho Grand Encampment Officers elect
took place.
The citizens of Williamsport say thoy
never before havo been favored with
such a grand display, nor havo thoy
had so many people within their limits
at any ono ilmo Other occasions, such
03 fairs, races, mass meetings, &c, aro
simply nowhere in point of numbers,
interest or grandeur j and nover wero a
people better satisfied than thoy with
tho demonstration of the day.
Our valued friend and ancient com
rade Col. H. B. M'Kean of tho old
Sixth Reserves was elected Eminont
t'onuiiHuilt'r for tho ensuing year, and
Hi bui K wa selected as tho place for
iiie;tiiii of tho uext annual conclave.
Columbia County Co-oporative Re
lief Association.
, Somo weeks ago wo published an nr-
tide on this subject copied from tho
Williamsport Gazette A Mulleltn. Tho
charges wero so serious that wo thought
1 1 our duty to call attention to them,
and .fully expected our cotemporary
to vindicate tho parties assailed, as ho
has had considerable pecuniary benefit
from tho organization. Ho has failed
to do so, (unless abuse of us Is vindica
tion of others) and wo havo taken tho
troublo to oxamlno tho subject.
, Wo find that tho Columbia County
UO-operativo lteller Association was
regularly chartered by our Court on tho
Cth of Jast September, its object being
legal and meritorious. Among tho po-
titioners and officers wo find tho names
of responsible men such iuW. H. Brad
ley, Editor of tho Republican, Samuel
Knorr, Assessor of Internal Revenue ;
Daniel Snyder, Abram Snyder'," It:- J.
Millard, W.II.Woodin, II, R. ICiiiio
and others.
Tho object of tho Association is stated
to bo "tho relief of Fathers, Mothers,
Widows und Orphans of deceased mem
bers" and this is accomplished by each
member paying $5.00 for that purposo
upon tho death or a member. That is,
If tho organization numbers 1,000 per
sons, tho. families of tho deceased aro to
recelvo $5,000, nnd a proportionally less
sum fora less uumbcr. In short, It Is a
Mutual Life Insurance Company, and
wo do not sco how any ono can bo
"swindled" If tho officers aro thorough
ly honest and conscientious. If other
wiso, tho members aro liablo to loss in
mis as in any name, Having Fund or
other organization.
Grant and Cuba.
"The great CuDan debate is over, juid
what docs Jt amount to? To nothing
woro man tno oiu story or trio mount'
ain and tho mouso." N, V. Times.
So, after nil, it seems that tho official
patronugo of tho President Is stronger
than Congress, and that that august
body rather than loso its hold on np
pointmonts for tho constituents of Its
honorable members, Is content to re
ceive tho recent insult offered by Mr,
Grant in his Cuban message, and pro-fen-
to fat "humble plo" rathor than
thwart the pluns of His Majesty tho up
pointing powor. So bo it, but wo aro
pleased to havo tho vexed question set
tleq as to "who's bossing this (adminis
tration) Job."
One hundred and blxly-ilvo acroa of
tho Agricultural College land scrip, Is
tued to Maine, were bold yesterday to
G. F. Lewis, of Cleveland, Ohio, for
18,700. j
Congress a Soureo of Banffcr.
Wlion Congress assembled, on tho nth
of December, It seemed to bo impress
ed with n sense of tho necessity of
prompt legislative, action upon tho
questions boforo tho country. It mado
many demonstrations of a hearty will
ingness to dispose of huslnoss, mid for
a short tlnio It seemed probablo that It
was really In earned. Tho financial,
tho manufacturing, tho commercial and
tho agricultural energies of tho wholo
country were depressed, aud business
cutcrprlso of all kinds was eagerly
waiting Tor tho establishment of a per
manent policy which could bo mado tho
basis of safo action in tho future Tho
peoplo wero inclined to bo hopeful and
confiding. Thoy had patiently waited
for tho final completion of tho measures
which tho war had rendered necessary,
and which tho resistance of tho Demo-
cratlc party had so long postponed', and
thoy confidently looked to tho Forty
first Congress to complete tho work
without further delay.
Thoy believed, and with Justice, that
thero wero no longer any serious obsta
cles in tho way,and that Congress could
easily accomplish Its work in timo to
allow tho cntcrprlso of tho country to
How In Its natural channels. With
controllng majority In both Houscs.and
with a political reputation almost un
equaled, the Republican Party had
what may bojustly termed n splendid
opportunity. It had only to address
itself to tho work boforo it with energy
and wisdom, and to mako a practical
rt'3ponso to tho wishes of tho country,
to attract to tho party oven greater
strength than was displayed In tho cam
palgu of 1808. Wo aro sorry to add
that the result thus far has been llttlo
hotter than n general disappointment of
tho hopes which wero indulged. For
over six months Congress has trilled
with tho people, until thero 13 danger
that tho party itself will bo mado to suf
fer for thodllatorlnos3 of its representa
tives. Instead of adopting a wlso and
well-considered course of action, Con
gress nas mttcrcu away month after
month of precious time in dreary and
profitless debate; it has allowed Itsolf
to bo diverted from tho essential work
boforo It, to tho consideration of a
thousand paltry schemes of legislation;
It has spent weeks upon a struggle be
tween local Interests over a tariff bill
a bill which ought not to havo been in
troduced, and which thero was nover
any prospect of passing from tho bo
ginning; It has palterod with an over
whelming popular demand for relief
from excessivo burdens of taxation, and
has almost cntiroly failed' to suggest
any well-digested and symmetrical
financial, policy.
Meanwhile, tho time has passed by
for the current year; labor is sorely de
pressed; trade is paralyzed; capital is
idle, and stagnation prevails In almost
every branch of business. Thoso who
aro accustomed to feel tho political
pulsoof tho people detect unmistakable
signs of dissatisfaction. Thero is gravo
danger that tho Republican Party, six
months ago strong and full of vigor,
will find itself materially weakened by
tho ineillclency of Congress. It is un
accountable that our representatives do
not seo tho mischief which must inev
itably accruo from their do-nothing
tactics. The peoplo are fast losing pa
tience, aud,unless Congress makes hasto
to retrlovo its error, they will bo likely
to visit tho remissness of Republican
Legislatures upon tho party itself.
Times (Republican.)
Tho Fifteenth Amendment.
Punchinello thus satirizes tho bill to
enforco the provisions of tho Fifteenth
Amendment under tho head of "Con
densed Congress:"
In spito of tho obstinate silenco of
Sumner, tho Senate has been lively.
Its first proceeding was to pass a bill
an interminable and long-drawn bill
ostensibly to enforco tho Fifteenth
Amendment. But tho tltlo is a llttlo
Joko. As no single person can road this
bill and livo, and no person other than
member of tho bar of Philadelphia
could understand, If ho survived tho
reading of it, Punchinello deemed it
his duty to have the bill read by relays
of strong men. What Is tho result ?
Six of his most valued contributors
sleep in tho valloy. But what aro their
lives to the welfare of the universe, for
which ho exists. Tho bill provides,
1. That any person of a darker color
than a chromo yellow shall hereafter
bo entitled to vote to any extent at any
election, without reference to age, sex
or previous condition, anything any
where to the contrary notwithstanding.
2. That any person who says that any
such person ought not to voto shall bo
punished by a lino to tho oxtent of his
possessions, aud shall bo anathema.
3. That any person who shall, with
intent to provent tho voting of any
sucli person, strlko such person upon
tho noho, mouth or oilier fcaturo, with
in ono mllo of any place of voting,
within ono week of any day of voting,
hall bo punished by ilno to tho extent
or twice ills possessions, aim shall bo
4. That any perBOn'-who'sliall advise
any other person to question the right
of any person of tho iiuo herelnbeforo
specified to voto, or to do any other act
whatsoever, shall bo punishable, by flno
to tho extent of threo times his possess'
Ions, and shall be anathema.
5. That all tho fines collected under
this act shall bo expended upon tho en
dowment of "Tho Socloty for Securing
tho Pursuit of Happiness to American
Citizens of African Descent." And if
any person shall call in question tho
Justlco of such a disposition of such
tines, ho shall be punishable by u ilno
to tho extent of four times ids possess
ions, and shall bo anathema.
Mr. Wilson objected to anathema. Ho
said nobody in thcSenatobut Mr. Sum
nor know what it meant. Besides, It
was borrowing from thosyllabusof a do.
graded superstition. Ho moved to sub'
stltuto tho simplo and Intclllglblo ex
pression, Ho-be-dam.
The Democratic Slato Editorial Con
vention assembles at Altoona on
next Tuesday, Wo hopo tho fraternity
will workmoro aud talk less than thoy
usually do on such occasions.
Sioux City, Iowa, June 21. Colonel
Morrow, of tho Thirteenth Infantry,
readied hero last night and reports an
attack by flvo hundred Indians upon
tho Fort Uuford wood choppers, on thn
Uth Inst., killing almost all of them,
Colonel Morrow pronounces this tho
opening of tho long meditated war.
. A map of tny I"'. .,
lis Urichmtlons nod tin van eonrenn."
,' CVI"'
ItjWaaftho lddlo ofnn unusually
cold anil (lisagrrcahlo winter. Tho roads
wero almost Impassable, being in that
slato when neither sleighs nor wagons
seomed to bo the proper vehicles for
speedy ami comfortablo locomotion. A
few days boforo tho tlmo concerning
which wo are about to write, largo hand
bills had been placarded about tho
streets, setting forth tho wonderful and
fantastic tricks which would undoubt
edly bo performed by Slgnor Andreas
and his accomplished band; whllo tho
intervals betweon tho different Blight-of-hand
and magic performances, would
bo filled up and rolloved by a perform
ance on tho banjo by a celebrated play
er, and singing and dancing by tho SIg-
nora Andreas. Tho boys, as usual, wero
on tho qui vlve for tho showmen, antici
pating raro fun, and nlready laughing
In expectancy at their novel tricks.
Thero was something "in tho bills"
that appeared to strlko tho fancy of tho
populoce, for tho ovent raised more than
tho usual amount of excitement In tho
village. Wo aro not easily moved
from our propriety, do not interest our
selves much in sucli matters; and at
though wo nro. or at any rato wish to
bo charitable, yet wo confess wo do not
look with n very lenient cyo on, nor en
tertaln a very exalted opinion of those
who aro content to mako a living off of
tho public by sllght-of-hand exhibitions
negro banjo playing, dancing, and im
modest posturing, with a species of
low legerdemain generally. Holding
such opinions, wo did not of courso ox
pect to find beauty, tasto and refine
ment among tho expected band of per
formers. Whllo our notions of femalo
delicacy and propriety aro not so Quix
otic as to cxcludo women from tho stage
in tho lcgitlmato drama, wo think a
strolling player, singer and dancer, a
depth in tho social scale to which thoy
should not descend.
Having been detained longer than
usual at our office in tho evening, tho
hands of tho clock wero turning past
tho half aftor nino when wo entered, as
was our wont, the family sitting-room
of tho hotel. Upon a rocking-chair on
tho opposlto Bldo of tho room sat a lady
as yet young, though evidently a moth
er, as a sweet babo was calmly slum
bering upon her kneo. Instinctively
wo felt that this was The showman's
wife. Having long been nn Inmato of
tho houso, wo almost felt oursclf us ono
of tho family, and taking a seat at a re
spectful distance, assumed the privilcgo
accorded by strangers to each other.and
particularly those living in a place, by
a temporary sojourner in it, and opened
a conversation with our modest looking
Wo wero soon satisfied, from somo
casual remark, that wo had not been
wrong in our conjecturo as totholady's
identity; but wo looked in vain for her
husband; nnd thought wo could detect
her by anxious glances towards tho
door, and tho quick ear which caught
every sound, that sho was impatiently
awaiting his re'turn. Thero was an ex
pression on her faco that told us, plain
ly as words, that she was unhappy. Sho
was youug, sho was pretty, entertain
ing in conversation, with an affable
manner, and an amiable countenance,
notwithstanding lis half melancholy
expression, which, by the way, height
ened tho interest wo already felt in her,
if it did not positively enhance her
beauty. It was a long hour before tho
slgnor returned, and her anxiety had
oncoortwico shown itself In words. As
ho came, in, a sinllo, half reproachful it
Is truo, greeted him. Ho seemed to bo
tho beau ideal of a bruto of a husband,
killing a lovlug and sensitive wife by a
studied neglect of coolness, moro crush
ing and heartbreaking than treatment
of a harsher naturo. After observing
them together for a little while, and ta
king n part In tho conversation, wo
arose.bowcd.and left tho room; and tak-
Ing a light from tho waiter, retired to
our chamber, rather, indeed, to wcavd
up an imaginary history of the shoiv
man's wife than tho sleep.
Tho next day wo observed his beha
vior to her very closely, and improved
every opportunity of conversing with
her. There was a great deal of sunshine-
in her disposition. A llttlo attention,
a kind word would at onco clear hor
brow, and tho joyousncss of her still
girlish naturo would shine out In all Its
gladness and brilliancy. She wus evi
dently a woman of superior endow
ments, and her education and early as
Bociationa had been bo far abovo thepo
sltlon in which she found herself placed
that sho was ill prepared to feel couton-
ted. Sho was ardent in her feelings, in
tho highest degreo sensitive, had an un
usually flno voice, and au excellently
cultivated musical taste.
Tho success of tho performance on
the first night Induced tho company to
romain for soveral days in the village.
Their cntortalnmcnts wero always nt
night. It was nino o'clock In tho even
ing of tho second day, when we threw
off our. cloak and jvalked into tho sitting-room.
Tho babo was asleep in tho
cradle, and sho was sitting upon tho'so
fa, gazing abstractedly nt Uie figures in
tho carpot; Sho looked up with a happy
smilo as wo entered tho door, but It fa
ded instantly, and sho said, "I thought
it was William." Wo answered her at
random, for tho remark had sent our
mind unwittingly toour bachelor apart
ments, and tho fuct that there was no
ono to welconio us home, after tho tur
moils of tho day, with such a sweet
smilo. After somo general conversation
she asked,'Ha3tlio performance closed?'
Wo answered that wo had not been
there, but belloved it had. Wo con
versed on various subjccts,still William
camo.not. Finally sho spoko of him,
and wo took advantago of tho circum
stance to inqulro Bomowliat into her
history, At first sho appeared unwil
ling to Bpeak of herself,hut after a little
wo wero favored, in substance, with tho
following Inci dents in her life.
"My father Is ono of tho wealthiest
and most rcspectablo merchants in tho
City of , in thoStato of Now York.
I W03 brought up in tho host society in
the place, and in my education neither
caronor oxnenso was spared. I was
sent to tho host schools, and provldod
with the best teachers tho country could
supply. I was tho only daughter of my
parents, and thoy, us well as my broth
ers, lavished upon mo all their fondness
and attention. I was still a school girl
when I became acquainted with Slgnor
Andreas his real namodoeu not mat
ter now aud our acquaintance soon
rlponed Into intimacy. IIo was not a
sultablo companion or match for mo in
any respect; nor can I Imoglno why II
should havo becomo so Infatuated, un
less because of tho opposition I oncoun-
tored. Ayo wero ongagod boforo wo had
arrlvedfnt an ngo'sullnblo for apprecia
ting nnd'iiiHlerstandlnglho Importance
of tlio'rcTiillon wo wero so vllllng to
"My family woro nil bitterly opposed
to our union, My brothers threatened
tho most summary proceedings should
I connect myself and them with
Iho.famllybf Slgnor Andreas; aud de
clared that they would not only not ac
knowledge lilm as a brother, but would
certainly discard mo as a sister. Would
to God I had listened to tho admoni
tions of my mother, tho rebukes of my
father, or oven tho imprecations of my
brothers 1 Let mo tell you, blr," sho
continued, "that, generally speaking,
the woman who will marry a man con
trary to tho wishes of her parents and
friends, who so far disregards their ten
der affection nnd sollcltudo for her hap
piness, will seldom mako an oxainpla
ry wife. Sho who will not acknowl
edge tho authority of a parent will sel
dom brook tho government of a hus
band. I know," sho remarked, seeing
that wo looked surprIsed,"thattho con
fession 13 sufficiently humiliating, but
I fear it is too true.
"In this stato of offalrs wo eloped oud
wero privately married. Wo wero nol
ther or us twenty years old. Wo left
tho city thollttlomonoy wo wero mas
ters of was soon exhausted, and no
opening seemed to present itself. Oh I
tho folly, tho Inexperience, and tho
self-conceit of youth. 1 had left all tho
comforts and luxuries, tho homo and
tho friends of my youth. Necessity
drove us from placo to plnce,and t feared
to think whero my husband picked up
our precarious subsistence. Although
not constantly in our present business,
if I daro dignify tho calling wo follow
with tho name, yot, oversluco my mar
rlago my manner of life has been about
such as you sco it. I am now hurried
from one part ofjho country to another,
traveling through cold, and storm, and
rain, by day and by night. Before our
child was born it was endurable, but
now, tho oxertion and exposuro
aro too much for my constitution.
That and other things aro very rapidly
wearing mo out."
"In God's name, madam," said we,
"why not return at onco to your father
and friends ? It seems to us wo would
uot hesitate n moment what courso to
"Yc3, my parents would probably re
celvo mont home, but tho truth is, I
fear to ask them till tho worst comes."
"Remember, madam, when tho worst
has come, it will then bo too late."
Whllo wo wero speaking, tho clock
struck ten 1
"How terrible," said she, "Is this
nightly neglect and delay 1"
Does ho usually stay this Iato after
tho closo of tho performances?''
"Frequently. His traveling agent is
a man of no principle, indulges In every
kind of vlclousness, and is leading my
husband still moro and moro astray. I
am daily, almost hourly, losing influ
ence with him, and his coldnoss nnd
neglect" her voice failed her; and af
ter a moment, tears camoto her relief.
That Is a plea we can never withstand,
and as wo could not offer her any con
solation, although our sympathies wero
entirely with her, wo loft her to her
tears ami meditations, and quitted tho
Thero was an unusual fascination
about tho woman, aud our new-born
Interest In her induced us to attempt to
discover what tho slgnor was about.
Putting on an old overcoat and a, slouch
hat, and taking a heavy cano in our
hand, wo sallied forth on our journoy
of discovery. Not being exactly certain
of his tastes, wo did not know at what
placo wo might find him; but being
willing to givo liim tho benefit of tho
doubt, wo entered tho most rcspectablo
oyster saloons first. IIo was not to be
found. Asa last resort wo bent our
steps towards a low grog-shop and oys-
tor cellar, whero wo know that gamb
ling was done on a small scale. Tho
keeper eyed us suspiciously, but a quar
ter for n mug of alo to a fow topers who
wero sitting around tho stove, was an
irrcslstablo talisman, and with a know
ing nod wo passed through a door abovo
which wero tho words in largo letters,
A couplo of tallow candles served to
shed a light upon tho tablo at tho fur
ther end of a narrow room, around
which wero seated four men, playing
tho gamo popularly known as poker.
Tho stakes, about forty dollars In bank
notes, wero lying at ono end, and tho
gamo was progressing. Two of the men
I knew as most abandoned scoundrels;
ono of them liavlug lately, In n gam
bling quarrel ntabbed his adversary;
and tho other, having boasted of tho se
duction of a married woman in the vll
lago, threatened tho life of tho husband
If ho dared to resent tho iusult. Tho
other two wero tho slgnor and his agout.
Thero wero several men standing round
tho table, nouo of whom wero tobcr,
and all of whom wero ready and wll
ling to, back their acquaintances. Hav
ing satisfied our curiosity, wo debated
Whether wo should stay and sco tho
slgnor out on account of his wife, or let
things tako their natural courso. Think
Ing discretion the better part of valor
aud tho death of tho whole four and
their confederates no loss to the com
munlty or to any of Its individual
members, wo quietly left tho room, and
throwing another quarter on thn conn
tor ns wo passed out, directed our steps
towards the hotel.
It was about cloven o'clock when wo
onco moro entered tho sitting-room.
Uhe showman'1 s wife was walking tho
iloor Impatient, anxious, tearful.
"I am left thus alono," she said upon
our entrance, "night aftor night among
Grangers, who caro not for ono thoy
knowonly as astrolling player. I know,
I feel tho estimation In which wo aro
nil held."
Wo begged her to calm horsolf, assured
her that every respect should bo paid
her, and ventured to hopo that Signor
Andreas would soon mako his appear
ance. Tho moments passod heavily
and slowly, and sho continued to pace
tho iloor moro and moro Impatiently.
At last Bho turned to us, nnd said,
pointing to tho clock "There, It Is al
most midnight 1 If you have any com
passion on mo, direct mo to tho hull
whoro thoy porformod this oveiilng, I
will go and seek him." Wo assured her
that thero was no probability of find
lug him at tho hall, and pointed out to
her tho rashness nnd probablo result of
sucli a atop, bho was not, howovcr, to
bo put oil, aud finally a domestic, was
despatched witii her to tho hall. Wo
took occasion to Inform tho servant
whero to find him; and, as wo did not
wish to witness tho return, wo retired
at onco' to tho sollttido of our bed-cham
ber, .i
sLong did wo tlioro miiso unon what
wo liadJustli6ardande,Scen, nor could
wo noip condemning tno nusuami tor
his most unkind and ungenerous beha
vior to bis wife. Sho hud forsaken nil
and followed him. Ho had taken her
far from tho homo of her childhood, far
from thoso to whom sho could natural
ly look for assistance nnd comfort; sur
rounded her with strangers, exposed
her to tho inclemency of tho weather,
left her unprotected nnd alono from
dark until midnight, liablo to insult
and misconstruction, without appear
ing to caro for her convenience, hor
comfort, or her happiness. Her natural
disposition was amiable, Joyous, cheer
ful; and her constitutional gaycty
would break out In splto of his neglect,
llko tho fitful gleams of tho sun In a
November sky.
Boforo I slept I heard their voices In
no very gontlo concord as they passed
along tho gallery to their sleeping room;
and at length, with my head full of
them, I-slopt and dreamed of tho slgnor
nnd gamblers, nnd money, and women,
and wine.
Early tho next morning, as I was
buttoning on a warm overcoat prepara
tory to going to my office, an open two
horso spring wagon drovo up to tho
door, and Slgnor Andreas nnd his band
of performers, and his beautiful wife,
heated themselves In it. Bho was scarce
ly half clad, considering tho stato of tho
weather; and looked tho very Imper
sonation of despair as sho folded hor
babo in her thin swawl, and laid it
ngainst her breast. I stepped out on
tho pavement nnd spoko to her. A tear
trickled down her cheek as sho bado
mo "good-byo," and I parted, I pro
sumo for ever, from The Showman's
In tlio lions' Sen.
An Appalling and Horrible Occurrence.
Three of ftobinson's Circus Men Kill
ed and Four Shockingly Lacerated by
the Savage Beasts.
Upon starting from Cincinnati for tho
season, tho management of James Rob
inson's circus aud animal show determ
ined to produco something novel in
tho way of n band chariot, and conceiv
ed tho idea of mounting tho baud upon
tho colossal den of performing Numid
ian lions, and which would form ono of
tho principal and most imposing fea
tures of tho show.
Although repeatedly warned by Pro
fessor Sexton that ho deemed tho cages
insecuro and dangerous in the extreme,
tho managers still persisted in compel
ling tho band' to rido upon it. Nothing,
however, occurred until tho fatal morn
ing of tho 12th.
Tho band took their places and tho
procession commenced to movo nmld
tho shouts of tho multltudo of rustics,
who bad assembled to witness tho grand
pageant and hear thoenllvcning strains
of music. Not n thought of danger
was entertained by any one, but tho
awful catastrophe was about to occur.
As tho driver endeavored to make a
turn in the strcols, tho leaders became,
entangled and threw tho cntlro team
into confusion, and ho lost control of
them, and becoming frightened they
broko into a violent run. Upon tho op
poslto sido of tho street the fore-wheel
of tho cage camo in contact with a largo
rock with such forco as to cause tho
braces and stanchions which supported
tho roof to glvo way, thereby precipi
tating the cntlro band into tho awful
pit bolow.
For nn instant tho vast crowd wero
paralyzed witli fear, but forn moment
only, and then aroso such a shriek of
agony as was never heard boforo. Tho
awful groans of terror and agony which
aroso from tho poor victims who wero
being torn, lacerated by tho frightful
monsters bolow, was heart-rending and
sickening to a tcrriblo degree.
Every moment somo ono of tho baud
would oxtrlcato themselves from tho
debris and leap over tho sides of tho
cago to tho ground with a wild spring
and faint away upon striking tho earth,
so great was their terror. But human
naturo could not stand and seo men lit
erally devoured before their very oyes,
foi there woro willing hearts and strong
arms ready to render overy asslstanco
necessary to rcscuo tho unfortunate, vic
tims of this shocking calamity.
A hardwaro storo which happened to
stand opposito was invaded by tho re
quest of tho noble-hearted proprietor,
and pitchforks, crowbars and long bars
of Iron, and In fact overy nvallablo
weapon was brought Into requisition.
Tho sido doors of tho cago wero quickly
torn from their fastenings, and then a
horrible, sight was presented to vlow.
Mingled among tho brilliant uniforms
of tho poor unfortunates lay legs, arms,
torn from their sockets and half de
voured, whllo tho savago brutes glared
ferociously with tholr sickly green col
ored oyos upon tho petrified crowd.
Professor Charles Wlilto arrived at this
moment and gavo orders In regard to
oxtrlcntlug tho dead and wounded ho
well knowing it would bon difficult
nnd dangerous undertaking to remove
tlicra from the infuriated monsters.
Stationing men with forks and bars
at every avallablo point, ho sprang fear
lessly into tho den omld tho mousters,
nnd commenced raising tho wounded,
nnd passing them upon tho outstdo to
their friends. Ha had succeeded in re
moving tho wounded, and was proceed
ing to gather up tho remains of tho llfo
1C3S, when tho mammoth lion, known
to showmon as old Nero, sprang with a
frightful roar upon his kcepor, fasten
Ing his teeth nnd claws In his nock aud
shoulders, lacerating him Inn horrible
manner. Professor Whllo mado threo
herculean efforts to shako tho monster
oil', but without avail, and gavo orders
to lire upon him.
Thocontcntsof four of Colt's navya woro
immediately poured Into tho carcass of
tho ferocious animal, and ho fell dead ;
and the bravo llttlo man, notwithstand
ing tho tearful manner In which ho was
wounded, nover left tho cago until ovory
vestlgo of tho dead was carefully gath
ered together nnd placed upon a shoot,
preparatory for burial. It was found
that threo of tho ten were killed out
right, and four others terribly lacerated.
Tho names of tho killed aro August
Schoor, Conrad Frciz and Charles Groin,
or. Collins woro produced and nn Im
mediate fuuoral determined upon, as
tho bodies woro so frightfully torn and
lacerated as to bo unrccognlzablo to
their most Intlmato friends,
Tho Hons uro tho sumo ones which
nearly cost Prof. Charles Whllo ids llfo
two years ago, while traveling wllh tho
Thayer & Noyoa parly, and wero kuown
to bo ft dangerous cago of animals.
Every attention Is being given to tho
sufferers by tho kind nnd hospltablo cit
izens of Mlddletown. and at last ac
counts thoy woro all pronounced out of
danger. Mlddletown (Mo.) Manner.
Startling Affray Botwccn Two Crazy
Not long ngo ono Lawrcnco Rapps,
living near Monroe, Detroit, becamo
deranged, being subject to fits of melan
choly nnd weeping. Ho continued to
grow worse until it becamo necessary
to send him to the nsyltim nt Kalama
zoo. Ono morning last week Georgo
F. Strceter was to start with tho unfor
tunate man for tho nsyluui,butfelt that
ho should need asslstanco, and Chrlsto
pher Rapps, brother of tho crazy man,
volunteered to accompany Strceter,
Tho Detroit Fac Press says i
"On tho train tho two brothers had a
scat directly In front of tho officer, nnd
It was noticed that tho insauo man grow
moro nnd more excited . Ho continued
to groan and weep, deploring tho ca
lamlty that was so soon to separate tho
two, perhaps forovor, and refused to bo
comiorted by tho sympathetic and choer-
Ing words of tho officer. Liwrcnco had
now and then n gllmpso of reason, nnd,
when the trio got off for dinner at the
Junction, was tho coolest of tho threo,
They all sat down at tho hotel dining'
tablo, tho offlcor between tho brothers.
Tho tablo was filled with men, women
and children, passengers oil tho troln
which stood opposlto tho door. Tho
meal had only commenced, when Chris
topher, the sano brother, suddenly ut
tered a loudscrcam ofsorrow and despair
which startled ovory one, causing every
cheek to turn pale. As ho shrieked ho
roo from tho table, dashed tho otllcor
aside as ono might a child, and then tho
two insane brothers locked together
n mad struggle. Up and down they
whirled, shrieking, kicking, striking.
pulling, each ono n giant In strength
each ono a demon In his hate. Tho
strongest men trembled and pushed
away from tho strango scene, the worn
en screamed, and for a moment or two
thero was such a strnugo spectaclo thero
as ono never witnessed In his lifetime
The mad brothers struggled aud writh
cd, now ono down, thou tho other until
somo of tho passengers cried "shoot
them!" Tho officer, coolest of all
mado several efforts to scparato tho
combatants, which was accomplished
by Lawrence seizing his brother's hat
and springing through tho crowd to tho
door. Ho went straight aboard tho
train, clambering on top of tho cars,
Christopher was thrown down and
bound, nnd then came a strugglo to se
cure tho other brother and tako him
from tho car. Tho feat was at length
accomplished, and then ho was tied
hand aud foot, and left at the hotel
while Strceter came on to this city with
Christopher. Tho victim was locked
up at tho Central Station whllo tho offi
cer returned to go forward with tho
other, and will return to-dny and tak
this ono to Monroe. Tho ycll3 and
shrieks of tho poor fellow confined at
tho station were enough to mako ono
tremble, and ho jumped aud bounded
against tho door of his cell In a way
that shook tho building. Tho wholo In
cident is ono of tho strangest that has
occurred for a long time, and but for
the torn clothes nndscrntches exhibited
by tho officer, and tho yells and shriek
of tho last victim of tho fearful disease,
might seem llko a romance.
The New Attorney General.
We aro now enabled to answer tho
question, Who is Ackcrmau? Amos T,
Ackerman, appointed by tho President
to tho oilico of Attorney General of tho
United States, mado vacant by tho res
ignation of E. R. Hoar, is n native
JS'cw iiampsniro, out nas for many
years resided in the Stato of Georgia
Ho studied law with tho late J. M'Pher
son Berrien. When tho sccesslou move
ment came on, ho opposed it, butnftor
ward yielded to tho current which
swept his Stato out of tiio Union. In
1802 wo find him raising a regiment for
tho armies of Jeff. Davis, and shortly
afterward a momber of thostnffof Gen
Robert Toombs. IIo served about
eighteen months In tho Confederate
army. After tho failure of tho Southern
cause, ho applied to Congress for rcmls
fcion of his political sins, which was
granted in a bill for tho removal of tho
disabilities of sundry repentant rebels,
In his petition for restoration to the
rights of citizenship, ho states that he
entered tho Confederate scrvico volun.
tarily, but promises if Congress will
only forglvo him, ho will go and sin no
more. Ho has been a "republican'
over slnco ho received tho congressional
absolution, nnd In 18G8 was on tho Grant
nnd Colfax electoral ticket for bis Stato.
When Gen. Grant became Presidout, ho
appointed tho liumblo nnd repentant
Ackerman U. S. District Attorney for
tho district of Georgia, which position
ho has hold until tho present tlmo.
Though acting with tho so-called "re
publican" party of hja Stato, it is said
that ho has been nn earnest and consist
ent opponent of tho Bullock faction.
Origin of tho Term Trco Mason.
Dr. Buchansays: "Tho members of
tho building fraternities wero called
freo masons, not because thoy wero
freemen, but becamo thoy wero frco
masons; that Is to say, that being ma
sons, and having granted to them, as
such, the king's peaco or freedom of his
kingdom, they wero freo as masons to
work anywhere there; but thoy wero
not altogether free, apart from that
charactor, for, as men, thoy wero not
freo to intoriuoddlo with tiio politics or
other affairs of tho country, but as
members of tho building fraternities
their prcsonco Is needful in tho king
dom for tho purposu of carrying on tho
buildings ; and In order to encourngo
and protect them, tho masonic frater
nities received by charter, or othorwlso,
tho protection of the "King's peace,"
which entitled them to bo held freo ns
masons from nil molestation, and being
employed on tho magnificent buildings
then erecting for tho church, they there
fore received tho protection of tho
church nlso. llcnco, having tho freo
dom of their country in their masonic
capacity, and the protection of both
church and king, thoy woro doubly
ireo, no nouio nor any ono daring to In
suit, attaek or onslavo thorn, becuuso
thoy wero tho 'frco masons.' "
TIemkmiiuk, tax-payors, that Morcur
voted to contlnuo tho present odious
Jncomo tax, and also Yotod agaliuit re
ducing it from flvo to threo per cent.
Thursday, Juno ICth, 1870.
Mr. Edmunds cnllcd up tho Houso
bill to defino tho duties of Pension
agents, to proscribe tho manner of pay
ing ponsions, nnd for other purposes.
Tho bill provldes,nmong other things,
for tho quarterly payment of pensions,
nnd makes tho fees of pension ngonts
Mr. Mavnard. from tho Comtulllco
of Ways and Means, reported n bill to
relievo coal from nil taxation, ana mov
ed Its reforenco to tho Commlttco of tho
Whole. After discussion, tho bill was
recommitted. Tho Houso then pro
cceded to voto on tho currency bill and
amendments. Tho nmendmcnts offer
ed by Messrs. Ingcrsoll, Lynch, and
Smith, of Oregon, woro severally re
eded. Others wero agreed to, nnu tno
bill passed yens 08, nays 81.
FniDAY, Juno 17. In tho Senate,
yesterday, tho Franking bill was taken
up at 1 o'clock, and a protracteu uouaio.
ensued. A motion topostponouiosui)
lect till next session was defeated by 17
to 31. An amendment continuing tno
present provisions of tho law regarding
frco transmissions of newspapers was
adopted. Au amondmcnt depriving
members of Congress nnd postmasters
of tho prlvllegowa3 offered. Tho Ben
ato adjourned without voting on tho
In tho Houso, ft bill was reported to
abolish tho duly on all kinds of coal,
Tho Houso at an early stago In tho pro
ceedings began to voto on tho Cuban
resolutions. Tho substitute offered uy
Mr. Bingham, on Wednesday, for tho
resolution reported by tho majority of
tho Commlttco on Foreign Affalrs.was
ndontcd bv a voto of 102 to 88. The
Conference Commlttco on the Pension
Appropriation bill reported non-ngrco
ment with tho Senoto, and tho Houso
refusod to concur In tho Senato's amend
ment relating to the Navy Pension
Fund. Tho Sergcant-at-arms was di
rected to tako Woods, tho assailant of
Mr. Porter, to Richmond to testify In a
murder trial, and then bring him back
to await the action of tho House.
Saturday, Juno 18. In the tcnato,
yesterday, at tho expiration of tho
morning hour, tho Banking bill com
ing up in regular order, Mr. Sumner
otulcavorcd to liavo it set aslde,and tho
Mrs. Lincoln Pension bill further con
sldcrcd. This was not done, howovcr,
Tho evening session did not closo until
nearly midnight. Tho Post-offico Ap
propriation bill was tho subject under
consideration tho entire tlmo. Tho
Franking question was brought in by
amendments and discussed. Mr. Sum
ncr's cheap postago amendment was
rejected; Mr. Nye's (a two-cent postago
in placo of three) was adopted; but no
final action was reached on tho measure,
In tho Houso tho Committee on Elec
Hons reported in tho Virginia contest
ed caso in favor of Mr. McKcnslc, tho
sitting momber. A bill to cqualizo
bounties was reported from tho Mili
tary Commlttco, and at onco passed
through tho various stages. It allows
$8!lli to non-commissioned ofilcors
soldiers and musicians for each month'
service between tho 12th of April, 1801
and tho 9th of May, 18G5, deducting
United States bounties already paid
Monday, Juno 20. Mr. Conkllng re
ported back the Houso bill in relation
to naturalization, with an amendment,
and gavo notlco that at an early day ho
should call it up. Tho Post Office ap
propriation bill was then taken up,and
a number of amendments debated until
the hour of adjournment.
Tho Speaker laid before tho Houso
tho credentials of B. F. Whlttemore,
Roprescntalivo elect from tho First dis
trict of South Carolina. Ho suggested
that tho caso should bu postponed. Ho
now moved tho Houso postpone tho
caso until Tuesday, after tho morning
hour, and then tako up tho naked ques
tion on Whittemore's admission.
Agreed to SO yeas to 0 nays.
Tuesday, Juno 21. In tho Sonato,
yesterday, tho bill to reduce taxation
was reported from tho Commlttco on
Finance. Tho Post-office Approprla.
Hon bill was taken up, tho question bo
ing on the amendment abolishing tho
franklngprivilege. Mr. Sumner's prop
osition for cheap postago was voted
down. An amendment providing for
two cents postago was nlso rejected.
Another was offered allowing each
momber of Congress $500 for postago,
and was rejected. An amendment thnt
tho bill shall not lako effect until Oct.
1, was agreed to. Without acting on
any other amendment, the Senato took
a recess.
In the Houso u number of bills wero
Introduced, nraong them ono authoriz
ing tho President to open negotiations
with tho British North American Prov
inces for their admission as States of tho
Union, and one to annex tho Republic
of San Domingo. A bill authorizing
New Mexico to organlzo as a State un
der tho name of "Lincoln," was report-
eu irom the Commlttco on Territories,
and was recommitted. Tho Houso
went into Commlttco of tho Wholo on
tho Fortification bill, appropriating
$1,201,760. A motion to strike out tho
enacting clnuso was voted down by 59
to G. Tho bill was, after a long debate
reported to tho Houso and passed. Tho
Army bill, appropriating .$29,977,007,
was taken up in Commlttco of tho
Whole; $50,000 was added fur motcoro
logical observations and $20,000 for
shade trees in tho Northern cemeteries,
and tho bill was reported and passed.
Wednesday, Juno 22. Tho Houso
bill to pavo Pennsylvania avenue- was
passed. Tho Senato took up tho un
finished business, tho post offlco appro
priation bill and franking repeal amend
ments. Mr. Trumbull's nmendmeut
limiting tho franking privilcgo hcreaf-
tor to tho departments, nnd nllowing
public documents to bo franked only
irom Washington City, wft3 rejected by
n voto ot n to 25. Tho question recur-
ring on Mr. Ramsoy'a proposition to
repeal tho franking privilcgo, a largo
uumbcr of amendments wero proposed,
ouiy ono or which was adopted, to wit
prohibiting any allowanco for stamp?
or increased pay to Senators or Ropros
entatlves In consequents of the frank
ing ropeal, Mr, Ramsoy's nmendmcnt
as amended was rejected yeas 20, nays
28. Tho bill then passed, and tho con
sular and diplomatic appropriation bill
was passed,
Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts, from
tho Reconstruction Commlttco, report
od a bill for a full and general grace,
amnesty, nnd oblivion of wroni":
ilnlnra : n.lal . " on8Ull Bdi
gaged In tho war of tho late TrS n'
Ordered to boprintcdandrccoZ
Tho case of 11. F. WhlttcnioreS'
Carolina, then como up hy ! ?i i h
slgntncnt. Mr. Logan offered .. 1. f
nun iixuini; inu nciion or t in IW .
too on Military AlftlnBaor,h7,?,!
In reportlug and adopting n rMn ??'
declaring Mr. Whlttemoro. l,J u 7lot
duct in selling military nnd n,v.t
dotshlps, unworthy of a seat In n
Houso of Rcnroscnttiti
Inn lila rn.nliinf tnn -.,! ti ' '
tho Houso of Renrcsehlntiv.;
"8 that
. 1, UW M
in allow llinsntil n 1? itn ...
bo sworn as n Representative In H.
Forty-first Congress, and dire t i ,
his credentials bo returned to hi
After a long discussion tho MoT'
question was seconded yeas 81 7
07 and then tho reaolntt
Mr. Logan was adopted-yeas lnii,.
n I oil
Latest News.
WARIIINflTnV. .Tnn 1n nn
Imilnnf ItilniW of (1, . IeJ
' 1 MU I lift ...
j..- . ....... llIU tuimaito-dav i
tlin rlinneo In din pol,l,a Ti ' '
den nnd unexpected to many b(Z
o- v -uiui;ii ILWnaon.
iiuu represeuiuuves. Un Tiins,1i,. i.
, ... - -"aiun
tornev-Gonoral Hnnr n-imi
meeting, in goou numor.anil certainly
with no Intention of resigning then f,J
no iniormcu soverai membera miu
press thnt ho was golnu homo fm- n
days, and would then return, nml te
iuuiu nuiu uuariy mi mo summer.
His resignation wascomtnunlMtrrii.
tho President last evening, in a britt
but friendly note, In which he stated
innt no nau unauy ucierinlncu to trits
draw from public life, and trusted that
mo president wouiu accept his resigna-
tlnn. In fnko nfTnnf imnn 4l.n o
, . tumirnia.
tion oi ins successor.
xj.u visum! uiu wmio House at i
tlnn i'itli tlif. rii-na,lnnl t 1 t.
...... i-.iuiiui, uuut-rai rorter
carried to tho Senate tho name of ths
Hon. Amos T. Ackerman, of Georrfi
as attorney general, vico resid
is win Kiiuwu inai wis was a sur
prise to Judge Hoar. Ho did not dream
that Mr. Ackerman was to bo his suc
cessor, nor did Secretary Fish, for the
latter entered tho Whlto House after
Gen. Portor went to tho Senato with the
nomination, nnu was men luiormw n
It. Senator Sumner expressed hlisur
prlso, nnd called on Judge Hill, ol
Georgia, to get tho status of Mr. Acker
man. In this ho was followed by Sen
ators Pomcroy, Thayer, Tliurnwn and
llnTratnTTP Tut.n i Ml
Iloag, nt Mahanoy City, a few moatlu
on-.n tvniirnit nmnriir nt-n. it-ntn Minwinr
tins noon, nnu nas not neen ne.iru iro
nnlnnn llnnnimrtn iliei !!in moralm? I rw. .Mrc. w 1 1 1 ninn. u -
road trnln approached tho Platto river,
.. . - ... .. . . t r rn.
II1U t-IIUlIlt't'l UISUUVCIUU it uauu v. .
UMUl MUUU. l...U uutiutt.ii w-w..ol
nHncf,I..n tl.rt loftlr Act Ih
.it.. .. ni.n... i...H.iHrl,i rrAiirr qn
iuuuuti.U t,iuaiiti ..u - --
JWItlllU .HV V(l(,lllt,t.t WW,,---1 o
-nil nml 1. mtnlniultt Climirwint? IHU
inov wero aoout 10 aiiach. uro iimu,r
Ull U1U1U niUMUi IWiU UMOl.Vt. .u.vv.0 -
..,, ..l l.mi.,,. ii.twnmi Tin nnj. ana
uunu .wiiiij i
many ponies.
T .-, . O An fi rfiPfiN
111 I1L illLilUtri IUUU '1UV.U .1 Vl3vj
noon.nonr Uoycrtown, m uns cuuu j
uuuut u yi'ur uiu, nnu no ww.
A 1- tu il.n HlM
run mri nr. iirst ciiurceu v..-:--
n u'nrn nmu nil 1111 lauiuuu ---
uumaLuuuua uuiucu "-'-jv '
to her guilt, which It is snui buo
1- -.1 til 1 XT- mrtt Pfi M UUn
excontlnt? that alio killed ino cmw r
pomqd if. wna f rnnttinsoilU'
Omi in llrn woods ana
nor. ntmrennncieu un i" -
Wl l!ll .Jill ijuvt;i Jt ...
a- . - ,nn tit
and urougnt nor 10 urn
was committed.
Shenandoah City.
Turin IftMl. 1870.
Nun onil tfnma nrn scarce in OUr l"
HltlJli uUUUJUiltf, ....
Intvn. linl. norlmns tliero Win u
tiling moro worthy oi nun. w
William Davenport
prmimlftliur n 1-nllO on ClllirWU" ,
nort. his own daughter, a n'
a in t 1 1 venrs oi utu. ' .t
... mm.Ij wus u
1 . T . mtinj MllllVIU '
- -i...-n in
outrageous caso. xi " - . . ...
tho defendant had frequently n-"
nnnfln.. ,vl(l. lmr Till) Jury .
a verdict of guilty without- nw"-
tiio parlies oro irom iuun"""
..... .... tnn.i l,r,f-,i t-rtllHi- tfl nOil I ltl
information that tho prisoner
ed ahovo, committed sulcido In l'
on Friday night.
; . ..annul
T...m 11.
UATAWii , : 'in thO
Oat-t. IIhockway:-! scolni 'V,
iiMi,tvHi tt . , , . rirtiiniv.
to tako tho Census in us -f "fPPIt
itunr in v(
anli lnj li mi If 1 1 1 1 Hi, I ItJl 1 '. . tl
tion would havo heon , n g J.f
Ing, why wero they not 1J,,"""vEj,
SIXTH lit-'
. . . . . ... ills!
iiiir iiiimi iif-ii iruiu .".-- t...
lettor. Wo can only usWC(Vn rcCoB.
mado on inu
,,1,r,ititiiuit v.-
mendatlon or Mercur mm j t
: j i iiin suitt---
courso a Boldier stood no clll";c, n
them. Tho Democratic 1''C
rv iiiii ii'iiiiim ill una - ...ti
u-ounty con errcn i - Wt
Boiuiers, out mo oppoonw
on ovory occasion.