TUB YOUNG FOLKS. Ituguc Tnrnslm. CONTINUED. Ncxl ilay llicto was a great dinner nt tlio master's I101110, nntl Tnraakn mnilc himself very busy In the kitchen j bo helped to cook tbo illnner, rarili.il iiinn nnd dishes, nnd was Hko it man with three, linnth. Hut all this tlmo bo did not Cornet bin own business ; for iw soon us nil was ready, ho took n peasant, whom bo bad bribed for tbo purpose, Hinearcd hi in with honey, nnd stuck him full of black feathers, and then bado 1 il nt creep Into tbo great stovo In tbo dining ball and do as ho had been told. Presently In camo nil tbo guests, mid sat around tho trtblo; find among them camo tho prior of tbo monastery eloso by. Now bo (as It happened) took Ids scat exactly opposlto tbo stovo In which Tarnska's man was hidden. Well, Just as dinner was beginning, the door of tbo stovo opened quietly, nnd out popped u black, horrid looking bend, nil covered with black feathers, But no 0110 noticed It but tbo prior, who got n terrible start. After a tinio tho bocio peeped out again, nnd grinned and put out bis tongua nt tbo prior, who fell all of a tremble, and began crossing himself nt n great rate. " Heaven prcsorvo us," says bo to him self, " what ovll can I havo dono that tbo devil should bo sent to torment mo liko this, mlsernblo sinner that I um I" Tho thought bad hardly passed tnrougb Ills mind, whon suddenly tho boglo Jumped out of tho stove, with n great whoop, and began dancing round tho tabic. Then nothing was heard but " O dear I" and " Help, help I" Away ran nil tho guests, one faster than anoth er ; two or tbreo fainted and rolled un der tho tnblo; tho master seized his pistol and rushed after tho boglo, fol lowed by ono or two of tbo gentlemen. As soon ns thoy wero gono Tarnska made a clean sweep of tho plate. When tbo master camo to think over tho matter, and remembered how things had gone, ho was so wild that you could not bavo held him with a enrt-ropo; and ho sworo vehemently that, como what might, ho would find means to pay Taraska fur all that ho had done. At last a thought camo Into His head, and ho called up Taraska, and saltl to him, with as pleasant a face us bo could put on : " Well, Taraska, my lad, you'vodone famously, there's no denying It. Now I'm going to set you ono task moro, and then you'ro a free man. Do you think you could steal my money chest? If so.thomonoy is yours j but if not, why, then to tbo soldiers!" " I shall bo most happy," sold Taras ka, very politely, " and tho sooner tho better." So tho master went bis way, . and, bo thin king himself that woman's wit is sometimes sharper than a man's, ho told tbo wholo story to his wife, and asked her counsel. "I'll tell you what to do." said she. " when night comes on, put tho chest in this corner, and I'll sit down unon It. and you sit bcsldo mo and keen watch. with your pistols on tho tablo In front of you, ready to hand, and wo'll keep waicn tm uo come3, and If ho gets tho money then, let him say that ho has outwitted mo I" And as sho said, so It was dono ; and when all was ready tho master began to rub his Lands and chucklo to himself: "Como, I havo got him this time, -I think. Let us see how ho will get out or it nowl" But in thomeantimo Taraska had run off to his undo (who happened to bo in tho village) and engaged him lo assist by tho offer of a sharo of tho booty. So, in the first placo, thoy mado a kind of dummy of a sheepskin and a block of wood; then Taraska dressed up his undo in an old uniform belonging to tho District Inspector of tho Police, which thoy had stolen somo time be fore ; and in this way they set off to the master's house. It was summer timo, and consequently all tho windows on tho ground floor wero open ; so Taraska took the dummy in his arms and lifted it till Its head camo abovo the window sill. Tho moment tho head appeared, ino master, who was on tho watch, fired a pistol full at it. Immediately thero camo a fearful groan and tho sound of a heavy fall ; then all was Still. " Ilallo, hallo there 1" cried Taraska's uncle, coming round tho corner in the Inspector's uniform : " what does this mean? Hero's a man murdered under Vflllr VPrv u!nf1rtzra anil vnii1nntln..n x stir a foot to help him or to beizo tho murderer I Just bo so kind as to step iuiway,,wiii you?" Out camo tho. master with a very bad grace, carrying his lantern in his hand. and there, suro enough,-was a dead body (or something very like one) lying on tho ground, and the Inspector of Police, to all appearance, standing bcsldo Jt, " This is a pretty business for you to bo mixed up In, my friend," said tho protended Inspector, vory sternly. "Bo off with you this mlnuto to tho consta ble's hut, and get everything ready for taking tho deposition ; nnd I, in tho meantime, will go round the vlllago anumairoiuruier inquiries respecting tho affair." Awayivcnt tho master accordingly, trailing ono foot aftor tho other, nnd cursing Taraska, tho money chest, him. Bdf, tho Inspector of Pollco, and overy. thing In tho world, a thousand times over. But no sooner had ho turned his back than Taraska slipped quietly into tho houso, nnd went straight to tho room wherotbo master's wifo was still keeping guard over tho chest, and won derlng why her husband did not como back. " Alt's well now, my love," said Ta raska, in a whisper, imitating tho mas tcr'avoico; "Ivo finished that rascal at last, and a qoodjob, too. Ho won't como to rob us again in a hurry, I'll bo bound. Now, then, trlvo mo tho chest. and I'll put it back in my cabinet ; it's uub'iwu euuDg up over it all night, now mm mere is nothing moro to fear." Now, at night, as wo all know, Jt is generally very dark j audit was none mo ugnter now that tho master had carncu on tuo lantern. Consequently tho good lady, who could not tee a bit of Taraska, nover dreamed but that It was Jior husband who was sneaking . n sho handed over tho chest without more ado. Taraska .Immediately marched out of tho houso with it, hid it among mu uusnes, anu men going Into tho Kitcuen and curlliig himself up beside tbo stove, ho went comfortably oir to , In the meantime, his master, who: had waited at tbo constable's but till bo was tired, without hearing anything moro of tho murder, thought bo might Just um well go home and see that bh money chest wat nil right ; so back bo went accordingly, lantern and nil. Why, Wife, where Is tbo chest?" " Why, my love, you took It iiw.iy yourself, you know, about half mi hour ngo. What ltttvo you been doing nil tho tlinoslneo thou?" Tho mastor cave n kind of roar, liko a bear lilt by a bullet, and bumped his bend ngalust the Wi'U as IT ho had sud denly gone mad. " Oh, but I nm an old fool I" nowieu ho; "see, now, If I haven't let Hint villain take mu In again 1 Well, It's no uso trying to get over him, I can nee that, so I'll Just send him about bis business, and never havo anything moro to do with htm. From the litis sian. amgaranasTiilJgiaaa FARMER'S COLUMN Hints About lloiischvcpiiifr. We will glvo to Intellect, to religion and to all virtues, the honor that be longs to them. And still It may be boldly afllrmcd that economy, tnsto, skill nnd neatness In tho kitchen havo a great deal to do In making lifo happy and prosperous. Nor Is It indispensably necessary that a houso should bo filled with luxuries. Tbo qualifications for all good house keeping can bo displayed as well on a small scalo as on a largo ono. A small houro can bo moro easily kept than n palace. Economy Is most needed in tho absonco of abundance. Tasto is well displayed In placing tbo dishes on a plno tnblc, a3 well as In ar ranging tho folds of a damask curtain. Skillful cooking is ns readily discov ered In a nicoly baked potato, or a ro spcctablo Johnny cake, as a nut brown sirloin or a braco of canvass backs. Tho charm of good housekeeping, is in order ; economy and tasto dis played in attention to littlo things havo a wonderful Influence. A dirty kitchen and bad cooking havo driven many a ono from homo to seek for comfort and happiness somewhero else. Domestic economy is a science a theory of lifo which all senslblo women oiiL-lit lo study and liractice. None of our excellent girls aro fit to bo married until they arc thoroughly educated In tho deep and profound mysteries of tho kitchen. See to It, nil ye who aro motbors, that your daughters are all accomplished by an experimental knowledge of good housekeeping. The skin of an animal, whether cow, calf, colt, or horse, that dies on tho farm is worth moro at home than at tho tan ner's. Cut it Into narrow strips, nnd shnvo off tho hnlr with n sharp knlfo before the kitchen (lre.or in n workshop stormy days and cvtnings. You may make them soft by rubbing. A raw hldo halter-strap, an inch wide, will hold n horso better, and last longer, than an Inch rope. It is stronger than hoop iron and moro durable, and may bo used to hoop dry casks and boxes, and for hinges. Try it on a broken thill, or any wood work that has been split. Put it on wet, and nail fast. Thin skins mako tho best bag-strings in tbo world. A raw-bldo rope Is a good substitute for a chain. It is valuablo to mend a broken link In n treo chain. I?or somo purpos es It Is best to use it in its natural state. For other purposes it may bo dressed soft. Wild parsnips aro deadly poisonous; as shown by a recent unfortunato event in Minnesota, Two brothers, newly married nnd just starting out in tho business of lifo by commencing farm Ing, wero suddenly cut down in their early manhood by mistaking this pot sonous root for tho cultivated vegeta ble. On the morning of tho day upon which tbo melancholy occurrence hap pened, thoy had been plowing and camo upon borne parsnips, of which thoy tasted and dug up &omo nnd had them cooked for dinner. Their wives stato that before dinner both brothers com plained of feeling sick, but no special notlco wns taken of this fact, and they sat down to dinner. Not long after tho meal had been finished tbo brothers wero taken suddenly ill, and died with in fivo minutes of each other. SevebaIj Items havo lately appeared In tho papers touching tho gradual de pletion of our forests nnd tho growing scarcity and cxponsiveuess) of timber, for fencing and other purposes. But fow, wo presume, aro awaro that tho present consumption of wood in tho United States Is so enormous as is shown by tho following figures. It Is estimat ed that 150,000 acres of tho best timber Is cut ovcry year to supply tlio demaud for cross-ties of railways nloue. For railroad buildings, ears, repairs and bridges, tho yearly expenditure of wood amounts to $33,600,000. Tho fuel for locomotives in tho United States repre. sentcd by wood nlonc, costs tlio aggro, gate of $50,000,000. Baked Pohk and Beans. Havo nlco white beans put In soak In cold water over night; takonpleeo offal side pork, parboil fifteen minutes, then placo It In tho pot with tho beans, which ought to havo been cooking an hour ; boll tho pork and beans together until tho beans aro perfectly soft, then ro inovo them with it bklminer to the drip ping pan, nnd mako an Wand of tho pork in tho centre, having first cut tho rind with a s'iarp knlfo a quarter of an Inch deep, in dclicato parallel lines; bako tlireo hours In a modcrato oven, and servo hot. To Make a LiaiiT Pot-Pie. Tako lean fresh pork or veal or chicken ; boll tender and well, with salt, pepper and butter, Bo suro to havo plenty of gra vy, und thicken with Hour, stirred up in water. Make a crust Just as you would for biscuit, roll out very thick and cover your meat with It. Mako two or three silts In your dough to al low tho steam to escape. Boll half an hour after tlio crust is put In. You will havo to break it in pieces in taking It out, it will bo so light. Do Just as I toll you, and you will havo n crust as light as sponge, nnd it1 dish to suit tho most fastidSoiL. A Wehtehn farmer rccoiniucnds butter-milk as a wash to oxtermlnato ilco on cattlo. In Boston tho freo market Bi'slem Is belnt; agitated. THE COLUMBIAN IT "TOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION. the ptitumoruY ok im. schi'.nck'h (IIIKAT MEDICINES. Will people not cr learn to know Hint a illsenscd liver nnd stomach nco mwirlly disease tlin entire syllemt Tho plainest Principle nf common senso tench Oils, niul yet thticare hundreds who ridicule the idea, and inhtlnne In the course which Almost Inevitably bring them prematurely to the Brave. Living b'i t he" majorll y or people do, nt complete vari ance, with tlio laws of lmtme, It must he iiupar cnt to all Hint, sooner or later, nature will re venge, lierseir. llenoo wo llnd that person who liiduljzo to excess In tho uso of very llch or hull Xi'stlhla food or Intoxicating drinks, Invariably pay a heavy penally In the end. Tlio stomach become disordered nnd reruscs tonctt tho liver falls to perform it lunctinns. dyspcpsl.i nnd It ntlciidnnl evil rollow, nnd mill tho sullerlna; In dividuals perHlRt in cUuglng to the thoroughly ex ploded Idea of Iho pant, fir, SCHHNCK.7S mod. Icluosare recommended to all such. They brine sure nnd certain relief wherever they nro nsed n directed, nnd nil that U necessary to establish their reputation with ovcry nlllng lnnnorwo inan In tho land I n fair nnd luipnrltnl trial of liiem. I.CI tnoso who nrosite hticni on mis point, nnd who hnvo permitted Interested person to prejndlco them ngnlnst theso now celebrated icmtdlc lor Consumption, discard their preju dices, niul be governed by the principle or rea son nnd common sense. If the system Is dlsor- uorca depend upon 11, in nino cases out 01 ten tho seat of the disorder will bo found In tho stomach nnd liver. To cleanse and Invigorate tho stomach nnd to stlmulato tho liver to healthy nctlon, use ....... , , , ,, HCUUfiClvS UlAiM UllAlsl. 11 IjIjO. 1 lie limy lnnr.ntlna ,liinfl fnr I llfisn 111 11. In tllO llPSt OVl- TAnPnnftMrvnhtn Tliniiqniiils linoil tllOUSnmlS of boxes aro sold dally. Why?. Simply because they net promptly nnd cnicieniiy. luvuiius who may not Hud It convenient to cnll on Doctor SCHENCK In person nro lnrormcu mat urn nun coinpleto direction for use accompany each rtn.'lr an rT 1 lin 1 . r.... . .... ....... .,ii..ivtn ueiHTii iviAisini.iixri i'ii,i,r-, .""Sf. AKhKiawr.r.h'rnNiiL-Tliiwa mediclucH will euro consumption unless tho lungs nro so far Konu imu 1110 oHiipio, in uum.-ij. ,vjwtiv. ...u It mny bo nslted by thoso who nro not familiar with tho virtues of llieso urent remedies, "How do Dr. bCllllM'K'H medicines ellict their won 1 ho nnswer Is a Bimplo one, They begin their work of restoration by brimrms inji siomacu liver nnd bowels Into nil nctlvo healthy comll- lion, it I r.iinl Hint cures this formidable dis ease, Kt'IlIiNt'Ii'M MAN DMA hi. llliJir) ncioi Iha liver nnd stomach, nrnmotlnE secret ion, and rnmfivlliir 111,, litln find hllllie WlllC 1 linVO rCSUJl- ed from the Inactive or torpid condition of thoso orpins, ana ol tnosysieiu iieucrniiy, imsftiMB' Klih Unto of Iho body, nnd tho consequent nc; .i,,tntnti,ti, ,r t ho nnliealthv suoslnnces unmet prevent Iho proper dhccHlinn of food, nud.ll ll niilural consequence, denies disease. Which re- Mills 111 111 w I rill Hill mm uimiiy in "v;"". HCIIKNCK'H 1'1'I.MONIU MVilUl' mid KKA- WIU:i) TONIC, when taken leRUlarly, niliiBlo will, tlin rnnil.niil lllO dllTCSllVO OI'IZUUS. lllllUO Rood rich lilood.nnd n n natural eoiiseiiucnco. K1V0 ncbil anil siiciiniu iu i-hiuhi, iju. .u inculiy say what It may. this is tho only true euro for consumption. Kxperlenco has proved It beyond tlio shadow of a doubt, and thousands nro to-day nllvonnd well wliou fewyenrs sinco wero regarded ns hopeless ensos, but who were Induced totry Dr. fcClIKNUK'! remedies, ami wero restored to permanent health by Ihclruso Duo or I ho Ilrst steps tho physician should tako Willi a consumptive patient Is lo lnvigoralo tho system. Now how Is this lo bo done? Certainly liotbyclvlni! medicines that exhaust andencr vatc lurilkTncK that lnimlr Instead or linprovo tho funcllons of tho digestive oienns. Doctor KCIIKNCIv'ri medicines clcanso the stomach and bowels of nil substances which niocalculaled to Irrltnto or weaken them. They create an appe tite prornoto htallliful digestion mako good blood, nnd, ns n conseijucuco, they iuvlgointo and strengthen tho entlru system, nnd more es pecially thoso parts which nro diseased. If Uis cannot bo done, then tlio caso must bo regarded ns a hopeless one. . . If the physician finds it imposslblo to make a I'Atient FKur. itUKDuv, if tho dlscnscd person cannot partnke of good nourishing lood nnd propcrlv digest it, it Is imposslblo that ho can gain In tUsh nnd stiength; and It Is equally lin posslblo to bring a patient to this condition so long as tho liver Is burdened with diseased bile, and tlio stomach laden with unhealthy slime. Almost tlio tlrst request mado to the physician by n consumptive patient Is that ho will pre scribe medicines that will lenioveor lilluy tho cough, night sweat and chills, which nre tho suro attendant ou consumption, lint this should not bo done, as the cough Is only an effoit of uattiio lo relievo Itself, ami the nleut sweats and chlUs aro caused by the diseased lungs. Tho rfttitpillctt ordliinrllv uresorlbed do mole harm than good. They impair tlio functions of the siomacu, lnipeuo iieauny uigeiuun, nun iiggiu vato lather than cure tho disease. Thero is, nfler nil, nothing liko facts with which lo substantiate, a position, nnd It is upon lacls that Dr. HCIIUNCK relic. Nearly ull who havo taken his medicine in accordance with his d Ircctions havo not only been cured of consump tion, but, fiom tho fact that theso medicines act with wonderful power opou Iho illgestlvo organ patlenis inns curcu speeuny gain nesii. icuhm-he- the svstem of oil ininuiities. tliey lay the Cleans. lotUKiailOll lor II soiltl, Sliusiliuil.ll suui-nue. llcstorlng llieso organs to health, thoy create an nppelilo. Thefoodls properly assimilated: tlie quantity ol blood Is not only increased, but Is llituie ricu nun strung nun in inu mi-uui .iiumi condition of tlio system nil dlscaso must bo ban ished. Full direction accompany each of Iho medi cines, so that it is not absolutely necessary that patients should seo Dr. ISCIIENCK personally, unless tlieydcslro to havo their lung examined. For this purpose he Is at his prlncltml ninee. No. 15 North Blxth Ht., corner oi Commerce, Phila delphia, every Saturday, from OA. M. until 1 1'. M. Advlco I given without charge, but for n thorough examination with tho licsplroruetcr me ciiarge is lrlco of tho Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonlo each, Sl.CO per bottlo, or SMO n half dozen. Mandrako Pills to ccals a box. For sale by all druggists. oprs'70-ly. "NT TJW nook. Agents sell 100 per week. Prico IN 111 YY 85. Address L. jsTEUUlNS. llartford.Ct. A DAVI 10 new articles for Agents. Bampiesrec. A. B. BIIAW, Alfred, Me. SAliUSJIK.V. Send for Circular, a first class business nnd steady employment. 11. F. 110 WE, 37 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Mcntlvllle Theological School. Unitarian ; educates Ministers; J 100 a year to poor students begins Aug. Ill, Apply loA. l.iiannoicMcad vlllo, l'a. OUKIOUS, HOW STHANGC!-Tho .Van-fell Ladies JTivatc Otwiijiamon coutulns tho desired information. Sent ireo for stamp. Address MltS. II. METZUl'lt, llanoycr, Pa. WE WIM. PAY AflKKTS a salary of 835 per week or allow a lai go comm lsslon lo sell ournew inventions. Addicss J. W. FlliNIC & CO., Marshall, Mich. WANTED, AGENTH.-SSO Watch fiec.gl' cratls to overv llvo man who will act ns ven our Agent. Business light and honorable; pays 10 per uuy. jvuuress ji.jionrocjicnncuy iv Ll. I'Hisuuig, flOOK AGENTS WjlXTKJ.-lMlics c the xj wiaicjwuK. ' ro opposniun. nicci cugr.iv lugs. Itapld Sales. Tor circulars, add less u. S. l'l'iiLisiHNu Co., N. V., Clucliiiuti nnd Chicago. OAT WO Mli1 T Wanted in a paying business, OAIjIjoM!iLV.KES.Nl!lJY, 1U ChlSlUUt St. Philadelphia. DSYCHOMANCY, FASCINATION Oil KOUI 1 CliAIt.MlNU. luopugcs; cloth. Tills wonder ful boots has full lnMlucLlous to enable tho read er to inFcluato either sex, or any animal, at will. mesiiierisuj, cpiriiuuiisiu, unu nunureuuoi oili er curious experiments. It can bu obtained by sending address, Willi 10 cents postage, to T. w. EVANS & CO.,No. 11 So. ElElithWtl'hiladelplila. QTAIl SPANGI.UD 11ANNK11. A large 10 kj i-uiiiiuu puper, jxuffir size, inusiruicu. ijovo led to HkclcneB, Poetry, Wit, llumor,ocnuMc fun- Nonsense (of u fecnslblo klud. and to the exnn. suro of Swindling, Humbugs, 4e. Only 75tls, n jtui, uuu ii supero engraving "l.vangelllie,' 1 l-'.'x2 fi.ct. aralij. !1() (Mill ..frrMihil Imi. .l7,n.i, ..... uiutcd to all ti hoask II. It Is wide-uwuke, learless, im"i . ci. eur. opci'iincus r. ...... auuia iiajll.Jt, lllustluie, is. 11, PATENTS. JL Inventors who wish to takeout Letters Pat ent are advised to counsel with 51 UN N.t CO. .ed itors of the Scientific American, who hilvnnnwA. cuted claims before Iho Patent olllco for over rwenty Years. Their American and European Patent Agency Is the most extensive in the world. Charges less than ony oilier reliable ngency. A pamphlet containing lull lnstrnc- MUNN 6c CO., si Park Itow, New York. 0 NK MILLION ACUE3 CJJIOlcn IOWA hAHDti Forfait), at tZxcr$eret and upwortls, forcafch. or on credit, by tho Iowa Haii.hoah Land Co. It all roads already Imllt through the Uu.il, and on an HiueHoi intin, urrai iiHiucciuciitB lo8-l tiers. Bcml for our free l'amphlet. Jt gives jrl ccti. terms, location: tells who honM coino wvnt. what lhev fchould brllltr. wlint It will rmt; ulvim plana nnd elevatloim ot 18 dltlerent utyles of ntlrom t0totl5UU rcuUy lut.ct ui. MiijMfcent W. W. WAI.KElt, Vice J'mhhnl, Ceiuk UAfi ns, lowa. A MODKL IIOUS1C. U.X. licing a cripple, l navo made house planning a special stud3'. One built last season lias proved n model of convenience, beautv und eeouoiny, Descriptive circulars of Plans, Views, eto., with general Information ol vnluo to ull, sent free. Address (wllh stamp or script If convenient). (1LO.J. COI.UY,Archltect,Walcibur, Vermont, 5. KJII'f.OVflllSNT. 91U irUNDUEUH OF AUENTrt mako from Jj lo flu Jlper day, in selling our patknt xtunsion jikei. ami nwiKis, coiuuiueo. useii in every family for wlndiuir Yarn, hllks. W'orstad. a.c. Winds full slreil skein, nnd weighs less tiiau one pound, AUENTH Wii ri;u. For terms Ac, an. dress A. I BTAllKi: CO, Aubui ll, N. Y. tnaymo-lw. yyilY WILIi YOU ltUIN YOUIl EY'ESiailT 11V V'SINO COUMON OLAHJil, When you can purchase LAZAItUS & MO It BIS' CELEBRATED 1'EItt-ECTEO f3PECTAOIjE8 AND KYK-CJIiASSES, THE BEST IN TJIU WOULD. Tlioy aro recommended by the Faculty for . . w m.."i, iiiiuiiiwvy oi riuisn,uim their Ktrcngtlieniugund Preserving Powers, In which Ihey excel all olheis. Tliey last many years without change. They can only bo obtained In 1th 0 OMUJi UJl OJ'A., Of Miss A. i). "V7EH 11, 1100IC BTOItK, MAIN BTHEET, Hole auDOlntcd Aeent for this nlaco. No Peddlers Jiuipioyed or Hupplled, i.A.iiun ix jiiujiiiia Manufacturing Opticians, llurlfurd.Coun. marl8,TO-ly, AND DEMOCRAT, Stoves and Tinwaro. jTKW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. MltlnBtreet one door libovo 15. MliiUnhall'fl Btoio. , . , ... . 4 UfingM constant.) nn ham!, ana lor enlc nt Ine lowest mien. , ... Tiimtntr in till Hit .rnnrlic riiel tit) vntleiuletl to. nml sfttlsfnctlon mmmnU'Ctl. Tin worK in nil Kinui wioit?siue nun r iau. trlnl Is rpqupstoil. Q TO VES AND T1NWAP.K. A. M. HUl'KHT announces to Ills friends nnd customers that continues the nbove business nt his old plnco ou MAIN STHIIET, ULOOMHllUltU. Customers cull bo accomodated with FANCY 8T0VK3 of all kinds, HUiveplpcs, Tluwaro nnd every va riety of article found In n Btovo and Tinwaro ha tabllsumcutlu tliocitlcs,andon the most reason. nhjo terms. Repairing done at tho Bhortcst notice, 23 DOZEN MILK-rANB on hand for sale, W STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIS STREET, KKARLY OM'OSlTlt MILLER1 BTUKE, BLOOMSBUlta, TENN'A. The undersigned has Just fitted up nnd opened Ills now STOVE AND TIN SHOP, n Ihis place, where he Is prepared to mnko up now Tin Wake of all kinds In his line, and do repairing with neatness nnd dispatch, upon the most reasonable terms, lto also keeps ouhnnd STOVES 01?" VAUIOUS PATTEHNS & HT YL12J, which ho will sell upon terms lo suit purchasers. Olvo him a call, lie Is n good mechanic, and deserving of the publlo patronage. JACOB METZ. llloomsburg, April 01, 1867, Foundries. gHARPIilCSS & HAItMAN, KAar.E FotTNhiiv ami piANrFAC-rrniNd sjior. STOVUS A PI.OWM WIIOI.USAI.E & IlETAlIi THK CELEnilATED JIO.NTfiOSE lHON 11EAM AND TI1U HUTfON WOODEN BEAM TLOWS. Castluiis and l'lro Brick for renatrlns city Stoves. All kinds of Tlrass or Iron casting mado to order upon short nonce. ... 1 ... in. . ntir Y't.t . t, ir ...... XT 11. r nii.vii xiLiOO ec a . o. .iL.v.tiiv.., Illnomshurc. l'a. Proprietors. Jlar.l'J.'oa-tf, 0 UANGEVILLK FOtTNDltV, MACHINE SHOr AND AGIUCULTUHAL WUUKS, Tho uuderHlirued desires to Inform bis fik-nd- and tho public yencrnlly, that holms rebuilt und enlarged ha Foundry niul Machine Shop, and re moved all his business from Light Street to tho HUUt O I'lltt f. urio tn Luuucutiuii Willi nw tounury no viu cominuo 10 manumcuirc wneoieru ituiiwity ntuu iicrso-iuvur uiui Thresher, (improved;, carueu h raieut, TUUKSHEU AND CLKAKKH, cither oveinhot for Tread-Power or uudcitdiot with Iver-l'owcr. Ho also nianui'acLuvei to order and tun upaii Jimasor MILL O K A It T N O , CIicnlnrRaw Mandrels. Patent Ktldcs for Haw Mills, tho lntest improved Iron lteam Plows of uiiiercni. itiuns vooueu iieuni i lows, iiouiuu torn flows, nun 1'iow i-oinis 01 every ucscrip tlou generally used throughout tho county. IUON KETTLES, BELLS Cellar Orates. Bloves. Bled and Slelch Solos, and In fact everything generally lnndelun tommy Foundry, Those wishing to purchase Machines would ifo well lo examine his machines, nud tho Im provcracuts mado on thB power, by which nt least m per ceni. oi me inciioa is uiiicu on. ALL MACHINES AHE WAUHANTED to glvo good satisfaction, and terms mado lo suit f'llrcnasers. ah kuuis ci country prouuta laiiun u exchange for Plows and castings. Thankful to his friends nud natrons for nasi favors ho would still continue to solinlt tlin same. WILLIAM KClIUYLIUt. Apr.9,C9-tr Orangevlllo Pa. Insurance Agencies. Q. Ii O 11 K M U T U A li LIFE INSUltANCH COMPANY o r NEW YORK. Pliny 'Freeman, President, II. ,0. Freeman, Kcc Casli capital over $2,0O0,0uu, all paid. r. II. ltOllISON.IiLOOMSBUlta.PA GENERAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug. SO.'OO-ly. JNSURANOE AGENCY. Wyoming 170.000 .Etna 1,000,000 Fulton 300,000 North America SCO.OOO City 450,000 International 1,400,000 Niagara 1,000.000 Putnam C!0,000 Merchants 330,000 Springfield STO.OiiO Farmers Danville 600,000 Albany City 400.000 Lancaster City ECO.00O York Horso, Death & Thert..... C3.OO0 Home, New Haven 1,000,000 Danville, Horso Theft u FllEAS BROWN, AiH.nl, Bloomsbubu, Pa mauj.eu-ly.' jpillST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, BEST, PUREST, AND CHEAPEST 1 SATISrACTIOM GUAEAKTEEU 1 For Whiteness, Durability, nud Brlllian. ev. It has no coual. Bold by nil dealers In 1'ainU throughout mu eouniry, UAKICElt, 3IOOP.E & MEIN, bt'CC'I.b.SOllS 10 T. MORRIS PEROT & CO. Sole l'ropiletors, Plilladdplila, Pa,, Dealers lu all kinds of DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, nviJiTUri-s, ac .ic. Caution. Owing to Iho iiopularlty ol our "First Natioual While Lend,'.! olher puriiLS navo oeen inuuieu 10 oner a spn llousaitlclo ui.dcrthosamo uamo. Then: fore llewnro nf Counterfeits. Tlin ncnn. Ine Is put up In extra heavy tin paint not", wllh patent metallic wire handles, HAItKEIt, MOOHE A M KIN, On racli label, For salo by MOYER llilOTHEItH, raar35'70-ly, Bloouisburg. This Is N'O PATENT MEDICINE llL'MUUO, gotten up toilupo the iguoiant and credulous nor Is It represented ns being "composed of rare .., i.,.v,i.u. HuuBiumu. uiuugllt HOlll me jour corners of tho earth, carried seven limes ncross tho G rent Dosei t of baharah ou tho bnclis of four teen camels, nud brought ucrois the Atlantic yici. 11 uu u niups." n is a timpie, mud, tooth ina lUmeilu.a vernt Specific for Catauuii nnd "Coluin TiiclIhAu," ulsofor oirenslvo lirenlh Iss or Impairment of the Sense of Smell.Tukte or hearing, Wulerlng or Wtak Eyts.Piiln or Prossuro In the Head, when enunil.as they all llOt unfreouentlviirn. tiv llittvlf,l,urrn, ...... 1 offer, iu good faltli. a Handing Howard of JOoo or a euso of Catarrh that I caunCt cure. for bale ny Mosr DRuaaisTs f.very- Piiick 0lv 60 Cents. Sent by mall, post luld.ou receipt ofKtXTV ti'w"' Packages for ti DO or 1 luneii lor Send n two cent stamp for Dr. Sago's pamphlet on Catarrh. Addt ess tho Proprietor, . , .,n V. PIERCE M. D., iuayl370-tf. IlusyAW, N, V. JOOTS AND SHOES. CLARK M, BROWN, CLNTBE BTJIKET, AHJOININO THE 6T011E OK UOUlllNS ,lKYt.lt. A lull and coraplclo assortment of ready made ,,u.,i uuu Diiuva tyr juvii, WUU1CI1 UUU ClllllirOU Just received and for sale at reasonable rates, varieties to suit all classos or customers. The best of work done at short notice, as heretofore. Give him a call. aprS'TO-tr, A LTj KINDS OP JOB PRINTING iflL.?Uaxecate1 ' Tu Oolojcbiam Hteam rrlutlnx Onioe. V' BLOOMSBXJRGr, Drugs and Ohomicals. riKi'.Nix riicToitAi! cuiii:h cotiau IMKF.NIX I'KCHIIlAIi I'Ulll'H I'OIIUIli musNix rEiToiiAi cuiuw couaut 25 CY.NTM. Tlio PIkciiIx Pectoral will euro Iho diseases of Iho Throat nnd Lungs, Buch"ns Colds, Cough, Croup, Asthnia,llronclillls, Catarrh, Horo Throat Hoarseness, Wlinnplug Cough, and Pulmonary Consumption. This medicine Is prepared by Dr. Levi Olierholtzcr of Philadelphia, and formerly of Flucnlxvlllo, Pa., and although It lias only been ouercu lor nvo years, mure i nan ono iiun lon bottles have already been sold, nnd Hie do maiidforltls Increasing every uny. Many or tho Ilctall Druggists buy it In lots or nvo gross, n.l nni. ninwni ibn f?nimtrv Htorekeeoers try onoRrossntalime, Nearly every ono wlio lias over sold It testifies lo Its popularity, and nearly all who havo used It, hear testimony to Its won; dcriui power lncuringuougu. ve nrouoiuiueii. Hint there Is no known mcdlclno or such great value to tho community nstho Phranlx Pectoral, it nas curcu cases oi ma uiosipuiuuii nuu uis tresslng cough, otycars standing. it nas given insuini ronoi mspeiisoi iuhsniub. 1. I... iH.ini.tli, uini.h.,1 llin nnrnTVKln of Whooping Cough, nnd greatly shortened Its du ration, Jt nas cured croup in a few minutes. (Tolisiitnlitlnn has been culeil bv It. Where all other remedies had railed lo do good. Hoarseness has been cured by It in a single ulcht. iiany physicians recommend it.nnii nincrs uso it tlieiuselvesnnd ndmlnlsler it In their practice whllo olhcrs oppose It becauso It tnkes away their business. ... Wo lecniniiicnd it loour readers and tor fur- ii.....,i...i.H. i.i p..r., .',, tn flia l.milur nrouii'd the b'mtlo whein you will Und numerous ccrtlllcntes given by persons who havo used It. It is so plcosnut to mo tasiu iiiat ciuuireu tij for It. It la nstlmulatlncoxnectorant.iilviimstrcuglh nt tho same timo that ll allays tho cough. Tho proprietor ofthls mcdlclno has so much confidence in Its eurntlvo powers from tlio testi mony on nousauus who novo useu n uiai- mu moneywlll bo refunded tonuypurchaserwhols not satlsllcdwltli tho clfecls. 11 Is so cheap that nil enn buy ll. Prlco ii Cents, Largo llultles UM 11 Is ricparcil only by LEVI ullBMtOIrZF.ll M. I)., SV1U11.1.-SA1.F. llULMlCllST. No. IW North Third Street, Philadelphia, N. II. II vniir nearest, llruefflst or Slorekccnor docs not liino tills lnedlcino nalc him to get It lor yon, nnd do not let him put you oil' with somo other prrptunliou licciiuso lie ma.ccs moro mon- ej'onlt; btitgoorsend nt onco lo somo siore wheio you know It Is kept, or send to Dr. Obcr hollzcr. Mold by 11. P. i,utz. Druggist, llloonis. burg, nnd II. W. Creasy, a Co., Light Street, nnd nearly every uruggist mm sioieucepor in voiuui. bla County, dec. lOW-Om,- S1U,U00 UUAKANTKU. BUCK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTHER LEAD 1 1st. For lis Unrivaled Whiteness, al. For Its Unequalled Durability, Kd. For Its Unsurpassed Covering Properly. Lastly for Its Economy. rlt COSTS LESS to paint wltii Buck Lkaii than any other Wliito Lend extant. Tho samo wcigni covers jviuiiK HUUFAUis,isinoro DUIt AULE, und makes WHITER WORK, BUCK LEAD, Is Hie Cheapest and Best. 810,000 GUARANTIEE. BUCK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINGS. For Us Unciiuntlcil Durability, For Us tiiirlvalid Whiteness, For Us Unsurpassed Cocrlug Property. 1st. 'Jd. Lastly, lor Its Great Economy, being tho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, nud most DURABLE While Paint in Iho world, n u V 11 k I. Y 11UCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND HE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by tlio Manufacturers, BUCK OOTTAOE COLOHS, Prernred expiefsly for Fainting COTTAGES, OUT BUILDINGS nf every dcscrlp lion, FENCES, Ac. THIRTY-FIVE DIFFER ENT COLORS, Durable, Cheap, Uniform, und ncaiuuui shades. Sample cards sent by Mall II deslied. Dealers' Orders will bo promptly exiculed by FRENCH, RICHARDS A CO., N. W. Cor. Tenth and Mniket Streets, J.m2j';o-ly. Philadelphia o MN1BUS LINE. The undersigned would resjicctfully nnnonucoto tho citizens of Bioorasbnrg and tho public gcuo rally tha he Is running an OMNIBUS LINE between this placo nud tho different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the several trains going South nnd West on tho Cata. wlssn and Willlamsport llallroad, and with thoso going North and South on tho Lackawanna nnd Bloomsburg llallroad. His Omnlbusses lire In good condition, commo dious and comlortAble, aud charges reasonable, Persons wishing to meet or seo their friends de part, can bo accomodated upon reasonable chargo by icaylng tlmoly notice at any of tho hotels, JACOB L GIRTON, Proprietor. QUANGEVILLE ACADEMY. ORANOEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, l'A PltOF. E. J. BCHOONOVER, Principal, MRS. E. J. SCIIOONOVER, Preceptress, This Institution, for tho education of young Ladies aud Gentlemen, will re-open under chnrgo of Fro!. Schoouovcr, on Monpay April 1, 1S70. Teachers, or acknowledged ability and high order of talent, will Im employed lueach depaitment. and no eilort spared to tecuio to pn plls thorough and Judicious culture. Tho course of Instruction will Include all the branches usually taught In High Schools and Seminaries ol Iho Hist rnnk. Special intuition given to Normal Sthool training and Commercial Instruction. THUMB: Primary Department S3 to 3 per Quarter Higher Blanches f8 to fs rerliuarter LOCATION: This excellent Institution is lo cated iu a pleasant village or about six hundred Inhabitants freo from tho temptations of a largo city about six milts from tho Rail with dally communication lo Iho dlllercnt roads, Tho buildings nro situated upon nn elevation, surrounded by a beautllul grovo, and perfectly healthy. CALENDAR FOR 1870:-Sprlu session begins April Itli, 1S70 and continues 13 weeks, following which thero will bo a vacation or six weeks, fall term commences August 15, 1W0, continuing 11 weeks. Winter term opens November 7, lu7U continuing 11 weeks. EXPENSES Board can bo obtained In pri vate families atliom filo to fUOper truck, or desirable rooms will bo furnished to students wishing to piovldo foi' themselves. Scholars will bo admitted at any tlmo during Iho session nlthough it is preferable to commeuco with the term. For farther particulars, addicss tho Principal, atOrangovlllo, Pa. marlls'70-3m. B AUG II ' S HAW 110NH PHOSPHATE SUPEU OK LIME. MARK SI'BINQ "1870. K A It M E U S 1 iNcnnASK vouit chop or CORN, OATS, POTATOES, WHEAT AND GRASS, As well as ADD TO THE FERTILITY OF YOUR SOIL By a Judicious and Economical jiiodo'or MAN U It I N a . OCT THE VALUE OF YOUR OUTLAY THE FIRST SEASON. OBTAIN RF.TTF.ll FILLED HAILS AND HEAVIER URA IN, KELP YOUIl SOIL FREI1 FROM NOXIOUS WELDS. MAKE YOUR LANDS PERMANENTLY FERTILE. Over SIXTEEN yenrs or constant uso, on all crops, has proven that Baugh's Raw Bono Plum, phiilu may be depended upon by Farmers, HIGHLY IMPROVED AND STANDARD WARRANTED. For salo by Agricultural Dealers generally. BAUQH&bONS, nm ..., , . Manulaclnrcis, Ofilce-No.sus. Eclawnro Aveuuc, Philadelphia. marlS70-Cm. J) E N T I S T It Y. H, a nowr.il, DENTIST, rtespectrully offers his professional services to the ladles and guntlemeu of Bloomsburg and vl clnlly. He Is prepared to attend to all the varl. ou operations In the Hue of his profession, and Is provided with tho latest improved PokckLain T kktu which will bo Inserted on gold plating, silver and rubber base to look as well nstho nut nrul teeth. Teeth extracted by all the now and mos t approved methods, and all operations on the teeth carefully nnd propeily attended to. Residence and ofllce a lew doors above the Court Houso, some side. Bloomsburg, Jan.31,'ltf JO NEW DIBCOVEItYlli" It has long been known that tho old establish ed anil well stocked Fi'iinituhk & Ueudiko WAitenooMs of II. R. LEWIS, Hnnro the cheap est In tho city. Ho Is now selling Paiiloh Hum in Piunh, Haib Cioth, Rkiu orTmuiY. Wal nut CHASiutu suits lu on. or Vaiinish: Cot- TAUB FUllNlTUHK, nil SlylC llKDIlINU ANU MAi-iutssKS, various sizes, che'oper than auction prices. Como and see, and bo lonvlnced. You will save money by giving us acullbeloro pur chasing elsewhere, ' II. 11. LEWIS, fin., 1131 MAItUET bTllEET, 1'IIIIUDEI.I-JIIA, Next door to cor, of Fifteenth St. prl70-3m. fRDt COLUMBIA COUJNTX, IA. Dry Goods & Notions. JEW 8TOCIC OP CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of BUMMr.H GOODS. DAVID 1.0WEN11ERO Invites ntteutloil to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONAULI'. CLOTHING, nt his sloronn Main Street, two doors nbovo I ho American 1 Ionso Bloomsburg, Pa., where lin has Just received from New York niul Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lui'ludlng Iho most fashlaunblc, durable, niul i.tudsomo DRESS GOODS. consisting of llOX.SACi:, ltOCO.OU.M, AND OIL-G LOTH COATS AND PANTS. of all sorts, slzcsnudcolors, He has also replen ished his aueady largo stock or FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES He nas constantly on hand a largo and wcll-sc ectcd assortment of CLOTHS AN-D VESTINGS, which ho Is prepared lo mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nud lu tho best manner. All his clothing; Is made to wear, nnd most or It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, oln , 'cry description, flnonlHl cheap. Ills casoo! Jewelry Is notsurpasscil'ln thlsjplace. Call aud cramluo his general assortracn of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELRY , i. . DAVID LOWENBERG. c. C. M A It H havo justrccetvcil from tlio eastern markets a largo nnd well selected stock of D It Y GOODS, CONSISTING OF Casslmcrs, Jeans, Best bleached &h Brown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Linens, Cotlon .t All wool llanuel ic, Ac, A good stock of Ladles dress goods, Latest styles a patterns, Spin's of ull kinds, Good slock groceries, ilueeusware, Slono wine, Wood A willow wnie, Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Snap tor cleaning Tin Brnss,,;c, All goods sold cheap for cash or pio. duce. Ho would call tho attention of buyers lo his well and carefully sclerlcd nssoilment wlilcl: compuses everything usually kept In Iho couu liy, lecllng confident tiiat ho can sell llicin goods al such prices ns will ensure satisfaction. Nov.5,'00-tf ('. C. MARR. jyTILLHH'S STOltE. FRKSIl ARRIVAL OF SUMMER GOODS. The subscriber has tust relumed Hum tho rille with another laigo nnd select nssoilment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, purchased in New York nud Philadelphia nl the owest llgnre, aud which ho is determined to sell on as modcrato terms ns can be procured else wiiero lu Bloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS or tlio choicest slyles aud latest rashlous, logcllicr wllh a largo liissorlment of Dry Goods aud Gro ceries, consisting of tlin following articles Carpels, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmeros, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, llollowwaro Cedarware (iuctnswaro. Hardware Boots and .Shoes, Hats and Caps Hoqp Nets, Umbrellas, Looklug-Glasso.i, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutroess AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everything usually kept In countiy stores, to which uo Invites tho attention of the publlo generally. Tho highest prlco will bo paid lor country prouueo lu exchange for goods. 8. H. MILLER & SON, Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Fa. N P E O T I O N E U Y . Tlio undersigned would rospectfully announce .uo i'huuu iu',, im iiua upeiicu ll FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, in ino building lately occupied by Fox & Webb wuei e no is prepared to mrnisu an kinds of PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN ii DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, 11A1SINS, AC, AC, AC, UY WHOLESALE OH JtETAII.. lu short, ii mil ossoitment nf all roods in his lluo of business. A great varlely of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable lor the Holidays. Particular atlcnlloii given to 11 HEAD AND OAK EH, of all kluds, fresh every day. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OHISTMAS TOYS. A cjiII Is solicited, and satisfaction tfuatituteed. Will b Hov. IS, 1867. ECKHART JACOBS. ryrEitoiiANDiSE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To my friends nud Iho publlo geueially, that nil kinds id DHY GOODS, OHOCEltlES, QUEENS WAHE, NOTIONS, AC, aro constantly on hand aud lor sale AT HAIITON'M OLD STAND llLOOMHllUKO, Br JAMES IC, EYER. MfAlto, Solo Agent forlF.Li.is' l'ltoupiiATEOK IME. Largo lot eoutlanlly on hand. IfebS'W, -"-Ll' i , , , B' UY THE 11ICST. THE HED LION BRAND, BLACK ALPACA Is suiierlor to nil olhcrs In color, emnllty and prlco; tobofoundculyat i ' M. P. LUTZ'S Dealer In Dry Goods and Notions. In llrower's ??,ow .bujlellug next to tlio Court House, Main Stiiol, Bloomsburg, l'a. mayl3'70-tf. SIC. 'lllO Ullllf rStlnfll rmilll ...nnnllnll,. l..r.M the citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity that lie has located In their midst for the purpose of lol. lowing his profession ns n teacher of music. For ! nuP,' ,.r years lio has been located in Brook lyn.N, but continued ill-hcaltii mado a couu. try residence desirable. Ho will teach scholars at their homes, or In classes, ns thoy ma: preler. at modcrato rates. ' WANOS TUN1CD ?r..r,'Pf,ll;ei1 ai sUort notice. AH orders can be leltat this olllce. He would lesptctfully tollcltn sharo of the pnbllo patronage. 1. W. NILliS. IlloouiburB.luyW,ltl70.U ' Y' ,u'"5 1 - tm Dry Goods & Grocorios. UANl) OPENING U GRAND Ol'UNING GRAND Ol'KNING GllAND OIMINING GRAND OPENING FALL FALL FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AND WINTIlll GOODS, AND WINTEH GOODS, FALL AND FALL AND WIN 1 1 H GDUDS, WIN mi GOODS, consisting ot consisting of consisting of constsllnB of consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND OA IU, HATS AND OA1H, HATS AND CAPS, HATH AND CAltl, BOLTS AND SHOES, BOO'IS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, RliADY-MAIlE CLOTHING READY-MAIIK CLOTHING, KLADY-MAlli: CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTIIIMG, LOOKING-GLASSES, l.OOKINO-OLAHSF.S, LOOKINO-GLASSKS, LOOKING-GLASSES, L0UKINO-01.ASSE4, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS ANT) OlK'l, PAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OIL, PA1N1S AND OILS, PAINI'S AND 0I1, GROCEHIIiS. GltOClUtlES, GROCEltil'M, OitOCERIKS, GROCEUILS, tiUEENSWAUE. tillF.KNSWAIli:, (lUHHNSWARH, WUEUNSWARK, llUEENSWARK HARDWARE, HARDWARi:, HARDWARE, llARDWARt:, HAEDWARE, TINWARE, TINV.'ARi:, TIN WA III), 'IINWAIIF,, TINWARE, SALT, SALT SALT SALT, HALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, KITH FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEF.DS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, Ac, Ac, AC, idl'KF.LVY, NEAL A! CO.'H, Ml'KHLVY, NEAL & CO.'H, MuKELVY, NEAL & CO.'S. MeKELVY, NEAL .t CO.'S. MfKELVY, NEAL A CO.'H. Noi I hwcsl corner ot Mulnnml Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Maikct Streets, Norlhwi'st corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Mnln nnd Market Streets. Noilhwest corner of Main nud Market Street, BLOOMRBURG, PA lILOOSISllUltG, l'A BLOOMSBURG, PA 1ILOOMSI1URG, PA., BLOOMSUURG, l'A. IRON AND NAIIX, IRON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAII.H, IRON AND NAILS, In largo eiunulltles nnd at reduced inks, al way ou nanu. Miscellaneous. NEW COAL Y A It D. Tun undersigned respectfully Inform tho citizens of Blooinsburg and Columbia county, that they keep all tho different numbers of stovo coal and selected lump coal for smithing purpo ses, on their whaif, adjoining M'Kclvy, Kcal 4 Co's Furnace; wllh a good pair of Buffalo scales on Iho tvhatf, to weigh coal, hay, and straw. Likewise a horse nnd wnt;on, to deliver coal to thoso who dcslro it. As they purchase ft lnrgo mnouul of coal.they Intend lokcep n superior ar ticle, nnd sell nt tlio very lowest prices, Plcaso call and examine lor yourselves Iieforo purchas iugelsewherc, J. W,' H ENDERS1 IOT, AUGUSTUS MASON. TUIE untlersiKnetl will tako In ox- Xchaugo for Coal and Groceries, tlio following named articles : Wheat, ltyc. Corn, Oats, Pota toes, Lord, nani.Kliouldcr.nnd sido meat, Butter, Eggs, Hay, Ac, nt tho highest cash prices, at his Oiocery blcie, adjoining their coal jard, , , J-W. 1IENDERS1IOT. Bloomsburg Mar. 19,'C0-ly, SSgW ifcO BEST IH THE W0M.D.oJ)T i S11JD f OA A CIRCULAR "-tns. iium,' New York Offico 27 BEEKMAN BT. elec. l,'t!) Cm. Sc. iToweii, ipeued a nrst-clnss BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUR STORE, ot tho oh! stand on MalnSlrcet,Bloomsburg.nfow donrsnbovo tho Court House.' His stock Is com poed of the very latest and beststyles over oiler ed lo Iho clllmis or Columbia County. Ho can accommodate tho public with tho followlnggoods at tho lowest tates. Men's heavy double soled stoga beiots, men's donhlo niul slnglo tap soled k,A,..W.?i"i,cn " heayy,slol!a "iocs of all kinds, men s Una hnotH niul klim.u r u , ' double soled boots nnd.shocs or nil kinds,' men's glovo kid llnlmoral shocs,nicn'B, women's, boys's PolshvciVf S calf shoes women's tery Hue kid buttoned gutt ers. In short boots ol ull descriptions both iice gedandsowed. 1 j( Hwouia also call allentlon to Ills flue assort- HATS, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS. WlllCh COlUnilSCS all tlin new nnrl Mn.l, .1. etlesut priceswhlchcaniiotrnlllosullull. Theso goods nro ollcrcd at tho lowest cash rales aud will bo guaranleed to glvo satisfaction. A call f,.u i1;1, i,i,bc,roiu',Vu''t;lm''1".l! ''"ewheio as It Is believed that better bnignlns nie to bo fojnd ttinn nt nuy other placo lu tho conn ly. Dec. 6 in ' rralfrniii. Hend fore ren an. Tlicyniilcostvou uolhlng, and may bo of great benollt to yot febll'70-ly. JAKLY HOSE POTATOES, Till; CHEAT TOPIC OF TIIK DAY. Tho tubscilbcr lias a limited supply e.f tho Eaily ltoso Potato, which ho will sell toliiosn wlshljg lu j.tocuio this exetlknt varicty.nt Iho low rata of Two Dollars per bushel. Ho has also, twenty of tlio Best Vurktlcs of KTIIAWUEIUIY, ItASPDEllUY, HOT-HOUSE AND OUT-DOOR PLANTS, all of which will bolicpton hand, nnd for sale. In their season, PRICE LIST OF EARLY HOSE POTATOESi Per pound, 51 Cents; Per peck, 75 cents; Per hall buslio, f UO Per bushel, t:'.00; Per burrol, 5.W, .narl8'70..f. mU& gLATE ROOFINO, CVEHY VAItlBTY MOST EAVOUAULB RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AMIl CASPER J. THOMAS Hoi:, 277, Bloomsburg, 1'u, Mur.lD.OS-ly AltCH STREET CARPET WA11EHOUBK. (JJ AIlClI ST., llKbOW NINTH KT., 1'Jtir.AllEtriHA, THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND, (' nccelvlng lor thoSprlug Truden lui go stock of the New Styles of CAR PUT I NOB purchased at the lowest Gold Rates, nnd will be sold at n ureal reduction from last season's prices. ENGLISH BKUStjLLH nt 11.60, and nil other goods llljiroiiorliou. JOS. BLACKWOOD, inar'ru-im, W Aich t. l'hlladelplifa. WBSSSSS Sewing Mnchiues7 GniOVEtl ,t llAKEll's" r SEWINa MACHINES, Tho following- nro selected from n, testimonials of similar character '""o the reasons for tho preference for'th.'n,,'rM"li tlleiil tni.hlnr,an..,..i,... ril"10s. " iiiiuincrs. 'Bi '! Hko tho Grover A .. tho first place, because, If t ivf' whln should still want iKIroverft linSlj"? S'' n Grover Baker, It answers ""l E'.1 tho rest. It does A erentcr TorlefVnMlf It Is castor to learn than nil? nti,,y.!',r 4 ,S Crnly (Jenny Juno). ' """r. "-(.MrJ W "I havo had nevernl ,, , wllh nOrovcr A Baker Mnehin. , , ."MrU. mo ercnt satisfaction. I tlilnk ti,,?Jl,ch "mbS cr Mnchlno Is moro en,Hv 5nr,l"rn.T.? Ilnblotogetout or ontor. t ?N. M K Baker, decidedly "-J.MrV. I ',TvZ!nV?l ... "i havo had one m iny ?. J. Yott two enrs; iiudliom what I I, ',,S"-r fursnsT lngs,und iroin tho testhnt,J i, IU VX friends who uso tlio sume l , mij "ii 15' aiiylhlug could bo ino c!,n. pK'neVi' eatlslactlon."-Mrs. Oencraluran? 8IVe i2 e,:n;.:iie;L.!iuyitt1i,oat,jf .t".. m u,Itn WorliVleIllluifeSnS prVcViimnclffi? Which was diiuo no wars KdBs,,h' K2 good.-t.Mrs. Dr. McCie'lu- 1-,E ',' ,"lc'' aS lhlrd Street Now YorkV y' ' 41 UwlTt "Morn tha.. . ...... . . donoln lny laiiillyiortlio int i,?L''11,ll?",lt done by Grover Bakers yichln.e7il?,,l hud a garment 1 1 p or need men i i S'.'S"1 1 renis which irolltsomi linn 1 fff? c olli. It is In my opinion uftr i ie,l711 "Tho Grover A Biker Son Inn Me lius rendered In overv M..n, JUaai Batuiiactlon. It combines so iii iT,. .j"1.''1 with tieauty of execution and eco noi7r i rf1 that 11 Is n necessity lu ot ery hoMffl-tA?1 Governor Geary, llirrlsbuig, p". llstoW; -(Mm. ... i.j havoliad tlioarovcrin,iliv,.i, for ten or twelve years in conasitt ft' house. 1 havo seen und known "vcrr kM lamily tewing, both personal nii,i KX? accomplished upon t hoorovirAlii'rr,M,ei to tho entire, satisfaction of all nKji'" ccrned,"-Rov, Stephen It, Tyiw "ere " ... ..j rina tho Grover Uuker Ktitrh wear ns loua ns tho uumifnt. garment In uct. Tlio stllcli uiinotK,; mas senms, wncn sirctchcit.ns otlicrs do-.S neither dues It draw tlio work."- Mr. ri? ill.' Ing, 4 East Twenty-rourtU Strict.'Sw "0 , "Wo 1vo a Grover & Baker Srolw 11, rhino for seven yeai s hi constant u.e.hfitar relllug, lucking, and everything i,at the BiSS can do. It s pi ererred over all o'll eis on ,S ot Its durability orwork.elnsticlty.nnd iS or stitch, caso of movement, ana slmnEaVJ coustrucllon."-lMrs. Uin, liuel. B,mr"m' ... "Thcrocould be no greater comB,m. ra.nlly than a Grover ll.iker cJlSi& 1 havo used 0110 for tlio List nino and 1 thluk It Is decidedly tlio best fsmii. S: lug Machine," Mrs. Alice 11. Wlilnnle Uk V uev. nr. wuippie, sec. Am. JIUs. AswcJation. "I havo had nn oppnititnllyof cum Ing nnd using other vnrlctics or linchlncs-hotr t cry uiuch pie rcr tho G rot cr linker stitch fc other lnuchlno ro s'linnlo In iiVTImS. hi easily understood und kept lu onlcr,"-iila E. D. Sanborn, St. Louis. . . During Hie iiast elcten jenrs I hn hadnGrover a Italic r Sewing Marfitaeta cm MAnl utu, and 11 ha . m tir rcuulred tbe least r pair. 1 take great pleasure lu rptommendli Iho Grover & Baker ns the very best stnTluni chine lor fanillytise.''-.tlr8.J,0.1'hit.iisVii Twelfth street, New Ynrl;. ' ' ' "It Is so slnipk. In itshlructcrethalif exceedingly dllllcult to get It out of enter. Boi ol my llluo girls-ono tlte-aiKl-a-aaltultt' other four years inn sew Mraliilit tcann n without nsslstnnce," LMrw. A. (A Foss,trlte c Rev. Archibald C, Fuss, aaWeslThlrileltnn, N'ew York, ... "Tho Grover Baker Machine a a&, bencllttn mauklud that 1 often rwl astlieerii would do mo good to trumpet Its praises urin near. Tho onu I havo is or the plainest kind but I would not cxchaugalt for the most expeui Ivo I ever saw of any other ninlp.-l.Mn.wUicJ wlfo of l'ror. Wilson, or llolmrt College. ... "Tho simplicity or Its coiistruct!on,tl facility tilth which its uso Is neriulreel.theUa; ty, strength, nnd elasticity ot ltssliicli,Bndl. adaptability to nil kinds ol w 01 k, ure ntiaii uhleh do not till biluni at oncrto unijaritrw cdiic," 1'iof. llcnshaw, of WIllIbton.sem'nMj "My wife In delighted villi lierOimt Baker Sewing .Machine, she j rerers the Oror. A Baker to uny ol her she has heeu." IRev. A.1 Fisher, Philadelphia Conrerencc, ... "Wo havo UNCd one of tlrotcn Bate Sewing Mactllnes lor nbouttcu yi.als,nnilco shier It cannot bo excelled. It iuus smoothl was never out or iepalr,aiid;ltcsu-rygcLirj satisfaction," Mr. LiIhIu Hunt, 61 Lukeitre Chicago. Tho Grover and Baker Sen lag .Machine Co: pany mnnul.itluro bolh Iho Elastic Mltcat Iioclt Btitch Machines, ami ellir tlie pabtle cholco of Iho best machines vlboth lluiU, tliclr eslabllsliiiieuls In ull the lar&a clt.es, n tHrough agencies in ncaily all totvutlbroaibc tlio country. Price Lists and samples of sen, lu botli stitches furnished on application O lovtr A Baker S. M, Co., Philadelphia, ott) j.A.boitu;, Iilooimbcri Juuoai'GO-ly feb5 Hardware & Cutlery, THE NEW 1 1 ARDWAItE STORi J. NE PLUS ULTRA. Having enlarged our Store Boom and J OPENED A NEW bUITLY, dliectlyfrom tho Manurjclurc,nurc!iaei casli, on a declining market, w u nre prepilrnl otTer the same to FARMERS, MECHANICS, llUILDEM. ami tho rest of Mankind, a general sloclt, t prislnt! nil tho kinds nud qualities usually fc Inaciiyllnrd Waro store, suitable tolLefi of tho county, nt unusually low prices. All tlioaowhonroilcslnoiisofpiiriliaslnsioi in our lino can savo Money by looking In 1111 Now Haul waro Stoie. , Plttiso give us a call and examine our ttotta . RUNYAN & WAlihL.V Apr. M.C0-lyr lllogmtmrt.ft Jacou IC. Smith. J. l' 6'inl MITII & SELTZEK, Importers find Dealers in Fordgu andDoaa HARD W A K E, GUNS, CUTLERY, 4C., NO, 100 N, THIIlD STliF.ET, A11.CA1 1.0MllI PHILADELl'lHA. Nov. !.', (i7-tf. ARRIAQE MANUrACTOIvY, c Bloomsburg, Pa. M. O. SLOAN A BROTIU:" Hnvo on hum! nnd for salo at the ii' bio inlesja splendid stock of CARRIAGES, BUOUIEH. aud every description of Wagons wo PLAIN AND FAJCV warranted to bo mado oflbo bcbtaua nblo materials, am by tho nimi woikmeii. All tvoilt sent . "0isliet llshment will bo iound to kIitrt nnd surologlvu perlcct sallsluilk"1' also n line ussurlmcnt or SLE10H , ornll Iho newest and iu' "ulKed w'' well and carefully I'll""0 na 1 , '"ai'i inspection or their w01'' Jil'l; believed that 110110 s.ipei lor 'J V m.H-it couutry, IHUtluularn, ndilrt'SB BUSINESS OAItlW, visrriNu caris, LETTER "l;A "'"VlloilKAMME to. Neatly n.HlCJ.cai.lyrrinteJ Fiom tho Lttlctt Styles or Typo M ' f jcl COLUMBIAN Vet A DWINISTIIATOR'S KOTI Letters or Bdinlnlslralloii ' lc,nW llnllrer Easlck lute of WacUj UenJ Columbia eounty. decease J,Mwlnijii by the Register offuid county" UDt,. Bride of Vhlle Hall Wcntwr l ersous liavlna claims W'"'. wnt M &o decedent !0"fl"efocbtcd to keltlciueut.aud the.se l" ailW inuke rmymeiit lo the u'WWlf J; jul""', tor wllhout de ay, WILLIAM .1 JOll PRINTlN' Neatly executed at this OMe TUMP . r.: . ivoEXl't O.NK AIACIIINK WITHOUT iA.ilnd ll K' I I ll Ml..