THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COTO1Y, 1 A. FAKMElt'S COLUMN. Tootl ror Young TurUejs. Young turkeys do not tnko kindly to civilisation. lUcoclInt? turkeys In a Iiuro town Is never n aueco-w. Under domojtlcatlon, Ihh fowl, so hnnly mid vigorous In litaiintlvo forcat.lius breomo tilckty nml lmy. Tlmro U h Krwt tlliTwnco lietwft'ii tlm turkey loarcil on our lilglily ciilllvnti'd farms, mid Unit In llio fori'nt of Uiu WcM.ns tltoro U lii'twcon llio Invalid ijtrU ofour i;rout citlw nnd tho stalwart ninUlciis mnong tho lilclilntul-i of Scotland. Tho turkoy of the foroit Un. strong healthy fowl, tho turkey of tho town Is a weak, un healthy ono. Improper and unnatural food Is tho causo of tills degeneracy In brlnglutt un youug turkoys nature, and not tho cook book, should ho con Kulted. Tho food of all young nnlmals, oven tho herbivorous, Is nniimil food. This met hliould nover bo lost sight of In railing young poultry. In tho ilrst place, tho digestive organs of young birds aro not strong enough to onablo them to dispose of starchy food. Thero is nothing In their gizzards to euablo them to grlud up tho hard seeds ot grain or oven tho particles of corn incal. Again It Is muscle, not fat, which tho young fowl needs j therefore, It re quires nttroge'nized nnd not carbona coous food lite and worms, not corn and sweet cako. More young birds aro killed In tho start by stuffing thau by starving. Tho young of no fowl Is hatched hungry. Damo Nature starts all birds In life with a hearty meal in their stomachs. Indeed this meal, of tho most nutritious kind of food, the yolk of egg, is sufllclent to last tho chick for several day3 jailor that it knows enough to reject tho meal you throw it and to tako tho Insects offered by Us mother. Tho most sultablo food for youug turkeys from two to six days old, is boiled eggs. Insects of all kinds and cooked livers of animals aro also good. A cheap and excellent food for young poultry may also bo lound In fresh curds, provided tho whey is drained out. It is not till tho tunkey is some two or threo weolf old that it will naturally tako to eating any sort of grain, and then, only very small seeds. It first need's to build up a digestivo apptratus beroro It can dispose of the kind of food it oats in after life. When tho young chicks first manifest an appetlto for starchy food, bo careful and furnish them with sand or powdered brick If they aro not on tho ground, as It 13 nccccssarv to swallow this with the ilrst grain they cat. TUB YOUNG FOLKS. Corn and Cabbages for Feeding Cnttlc. "TheStowell evergreen corn makes a fodder superior to hay formllch cows, aud tho amount that can bo grown ou an aero Is fourfold. Wo havo nover weighed the fodder when throughly dried ; but in its green state wo could hardly beltovo tho steelyards, and we shall not tell you what they told us, for fear you will call our veracity In question. But others estimate tho yield of tho ovorgroon swent corn when dry at ten tons per aero. It is so sue culont that it is difficult to euro it per fectly for safe storago: and wo havo therefore preferred to uso It green, nnd depend upon tho rowen crop of hay for the raaiu food of our cows during win ter. ''Another fodder for our catllo which wodeslroto suggest is cabbages. Thu cabbago Is ono of tho most uutrltrous of vecetablcs. and approximates tne nearest to meat as food for man of all tho vegetables commonly placed on our tables .Indeed no vegetablo product is so richJnnitrogenmushroomsalono excep ted. Thedried leaf ofthecabbage.accor dingto Johnson's analysls.containa from thirty to thirty-nvo per cent, of Gluten, tho muscle-forming compound. The Irishman, therefore, in following the instincts of his nature, aud choosing cabbago for hisdlet, chooses as well as science could choose for him. Wo are confident llio value of cabbago as food for stock has not been sufficiently appreciated. Wo havo raised them for years, mainly for market, feeding only tho refuso leaves and tina.ll beads to tho cattle, and find that on no green food do they thrive more; and this Is (ho testimony of all who havo tried JShem. Mr. Blrnlc, of Springfield, is probably the mcst extensive feeder of cab bagea of any ono In tho Stato, os lie cultivates eoveral acres purposely . for feeding cows. His testimony is -"I havo found no green food that will xtui flesh on cows liko cabbages." Tho amount of this food that can bo raised on an aero 'varies with tho strength of tho soil. There Js scarcely any limit to it. On good rich land, (and cabbages .tjm bo raised on no other), twenty to twenty-ftvo tons per acrois tho ordi nary yield ; and the labor required in their cultivation Is but a trifle- moro than in cultivating an aero of corn. Lowll Lectures. What In In the Ilcdrooni. If two persons aro to occupy a bed room during tho night, let them step on a weighing scale as thoy retire, nnd then again in tho morning, aud they will find their actual weight Is at least a pound loss in the morning, Fre quently thoro will bo a loss of two or moro pounds, nnd tho nverago Io?s throughout tho year will bo moro than a pound of matter, which lias gonooff from their bodies partly from thoiung; and partly through tho pores of the skin. Tho escaped material is carbo nic acid, and decayed animal matter or poisonous exhalation, This is diffused through tho air, In part absorbed by tho bedclothes. If a Binglo ouuco of wood or cotton bo burned In a room, it will so completely paturato tho air with Hinoko than one can hardly breathe, though thero can only bo ono ounce of foreign matter in tho uir. If an ouuco of eottou bo burned every half hour during tho night, tho air will bo kept continually saturated with snioko un less thero bo an open window or door for It to escape. Now tho sixteen ounces ofamoke thus formed Is far Jess poisonous than tho slxtcon of exhala tions from tho lungs and bodies of two persons who havo lost a pound in weight during tho eight hours of sleep ing; for whilo the dry smoko Is mainly taken Into tho lungs, tho damp odors from tho body aro absorbed both Into tho lungs and Into tho pores of tho whole body. Need moro bo taid to tliow tho Jmportauco of having bedrooms well ventilated, nnd ot uiorougniy airing tno snecis, cover lids, and mattresses In tho mornlntr. boforo iwdciug tliein up in tJio form of Itogiio TaiasUa. Thero was a certain gentleman who had u cook called Tnraska, ono to whom stealing was liko tho bread of life. Everythlngthat camotn hlsvny,vhMil It was gono.and nuvorenmo back again. Thero was no telling what ways his master tried to break hlni of this foul httbll -hut try oh ho might, ho gained nothing by lit- trouble. At last ho thought lo hlnwlf, "well, 11 must bo ono tiling or the other cither to break him of tills way of stealing, or else put an end to him altogether." So hu sent for Tnraska to speak with him. "IVoll, Taraska, havo you learned well how to steal yet ?" "Pretty well, but not Just nsltshould be. Sec, now, If you had sunt mo to study with my uncle, I had been qulto a professor now, for my unclo's a ilrst rnto hand at thlovlng, and knows all tho Ins and outs of It." This was a piece of good news for tho master, who thought ho had dli-eovercd n nice way of getting Taraska otr his hands without any moro trouble, bo tho very next morning hn called hlni up. furnished him with all ho could want for a Journey, nnd bado him Ciod- speed on his way. Whou he camo to his uncle tho old man received him very affectionately, and agreed readily enough to tcacli him tho practical parts of tho sclcnco of thlovlng. Accordingly, after giving him two or threo days holiday to fresh en him up after his Journey, Taraska's uncle proposed to his ncpliow lo go n little walk through tho forest. Very good away thoy went. 15y-and-by tho uncle began looking about on every sldo, till at last hogothlsoyo on a tall trco which seemed to bo what ho wan ted. Ho pointed to the topmoit branch and said : "Taraska, my lad, do you hco that raven's nest, up yonder, on tho top of that big trcoV" "Ay, ay, uncle, I seo it plain enough; and what's moro tho mother's ut home sitting upon her eggs." " You' vo hit It my boy; and what's moro, slio is asleep and tho thing is to tnko nwny tho eggs without waking her." "Well, uncle, I sup poboitcan bo done; stealing is just stealing, after ail." 'Ah, but thero's ft way of doing everything, too. Now Just watch and sco how I do it j I'll climb up and take nil tho eggs from under tho mother without her feeling it a bit." Un went tho uncle. Fivo minutes passed, neither moro nor less; look now thero aro all tho eggs In tho unclo's hands I" "Bravo, unclol" said Taraska; "vou':o tho ono for doing things. It's no joko taking eggs from under asleep ing raven ; but now you're not been sleeping or dreaming either and yet whero aro tho soles of your book" Tho undo put up ono foot, then the other, and sure enough his feet wero looking through his boots, and noiti uit ofsolo to be seen. And tho reason of this was that Taraska, whilo his uncle was getting up tho tree so cleverly, bad whipped out his knlfoand shaved off tho soles of hisboots (winch wero brand now) without tho old man knowing any thing about it. Not many days after this TarasKa's undo Invited his nephew to-asslst him in robbing a monastery which stood but fillttlownv from their haunt. So off they set, and, not to mako a long story of it, they cleaned out the holy placo from top to bottom. By this timo Taraska began to think that ho had pretty nearly completed his education; so back ho went to his old master. But such a guest was not at all to tho master's taste, and ho began to cast about for somo way of getting rid of him. At last ho hit upon a plan, and, calling; up Tnraska, ho put on a pleasant face, and said to him very kindly: "Well, Taraska, havo you uccomo a first-rato thief by this time?" So-so; I mustn't praise myself, but I'm not just so bad at It as 1 might be." "And whatever I set to steal, could you steal It, do you think?" 'With your good leave, you win hardly find fault, with my fingers." "Very good now we'll scowiiaiyou can do. If you succeed In what i fcci you, your fortune's made; but If not, I'll hand you over to tho soldiers yi. c, deliver you to Justice.) Doyouseu.yon- der comes a priest. leading a cow. uin you steal mo that cow, do you UiliiK, without tho priest seeing you t" "To bo suro T cau," says Taraska; "onlv clvo mo a pair of strong boots." Tho master brought him a pair of boots, nnd away went Taraska. He mado a circuit through tho forest, and coming out on tho high road nbout a hundred yards in front or tno priest throw ono boot in tho mlddlo of tno road, and sllppi d behind the trees again Presently tho priest camo along, nnd seeing tho boot lying there, picked it up. "What a famousjbogtfor my son now ifthere had only seen a pair-oi inqnr But as it Is an odd ono I'll o'en let it lie." But Tnraskn, coming up tho mlnuto ho was gone, took the boot again, and making another round among tho trees, camo out a goqd way nhoad, and throw tho boot into tho road as before. Tho priest camo along and espied It. "Ah, now! What a fool I was not to kceji tho other, and then I'd havo hnd the pair of them 1 I'll Just go back am get It." And, tying tho cow ton tree, ho fc off. But meanwhile, Taraska stepped nimbly In. cut the rope, nnd marched off with tho row right Into his maslor'i ynrd. But tho master was no happier than a wolf ina trap when ho saw how Ta raskn had managed: and ho determine! in bohio way or other to bo oven will him yet. So ho called him up and said "This Is all very well; but do you think you could steal thu lilnto off my dinner tablo?" "Nothing easier," said Taraska, very coolly. "Very good, if you can do it, well dotio youl but if not, to thosoldlers you go forthwith." I'd SB COSTINUEJI. JJOW TO CURE CONSUMPTION mih t,i,ttranm? nv mi. HrlfriNCU't K. know Hint ft dlscoKed liver nnd stomach necj warily tllCino the cnllro system? '1 ho pin licit principles or rommonkonso teach till'), and ct there tire hundreds who rldlcnlo the Wen, nml I 01)1111110 111 UlC Ctnimo w inut imnwu lifinira them prematurely to tho p;mvc. Living in tfiptnnjoilty or pcoplMlo,nt complete Vari ance, with llielawsof nnltire, Itminl bo cut lonll Unit, miner nr laler, iialurn Mill ie vi'iicn horn'ir. llonro we (lint Hint persons who InJuliin lo ex.',si In the of ery ilih or Hull ncslllViu fond or liiti,li !iiliii( iIiIukk, liAarmiilv pnvn heavy i-onaltv In llio end. Tho Momnrli teenmcn ilwniiieu il nml relnses lonrtt the luer fillito perform Hi lunelloni, ilyspepKhi inn! in cll rnllow, nml mill thokiifr..ilnln illvhlu.iUpcMnlntln clItmlnalnthethmouBlilvcy .lo,le,l l.l.'ni of the pnnf. 1' N"''"'-,1 "l lelnennrn iceoniini iulpilloiill snch. They li-lng mii nml ecrlnln relief wheiuver they uro use. ns illrci toil, nml nil that I" neccRViry If) eitnlitHli their nimtntlon Willi every nmiiB innnlnlhu Inmlli n fair nml Impartial trial of thein. LutthOHo whonrcUeiitlenfon IhlsiKjlnt, nml who hnvo permitted llltrtesteil pernpni la rejiiiiico mem nRHiiiRfc in,;" celebrated StovoB and Tinware. ISW STOVU AND TIN 81I0P. ISAIAff HAUENnUClt. Main Street ono door nbovo R. McmlcnhaU' BAriarp,o ftMortmcnt of siove, Itenlem anil Ilannes constantly on hand, nml fur Mile nl tho lowest rnles. , . . ,....,. TIuiiIiir li nil Us lirnnrhi sciireliillyntlendedto, unit Kiitlilactluii BimrunUeil, .... . Tin worlt of nil ItlinH wholesale nlulrilsll. A trial Is letlH'leii, Apr.''Mr 2'rOVfitj AND TINWAltE. Drugs and Chemicals. I Dry Goods & Notions. rimsNix 1'F.cTonAL rtmra couait V (UNIX 1'IXf OUAh CUIIES COUUU ' lemtillcH tor Consumption, dlscnrd their preju dices, nml bOKovcriiod uy.J1".1 prmcini os i res ton nnd common sense. If tho syslem Is illsor deicd depend upon It, In iilno cases out of ten tho scat Vrihn Visoriler will ho found in tho stomncli nml liver. Toclennso nml invlgorato thostomnchnnd tobtlmulalo tho liver to healthy "kUiTkNCK'S Jl ANDItAK'B WM.''r?,,l!'2l1f' IncreashiR deninnd for these p Us Is tho lieU cv I denco of their vnlne. Tliouninls upon tlimisnmls of hoe (ire sold dally. Why?, Hlinply heennso they net promptly nml efficiently. Invalids who innv not find It convenient lo rail on I octor btilF.NCK In person nio Informed that mil nml complete directions lor uso nccoiupany each ''maTi.'.'iakV: itllh, nriatoNio hyiiup AN'li H1-:AW1:i:I TONld-Theso meillclncs will cuio consiilnpllon unless tho lungs nro so lar Bono thut llio patient Is entirely beyond tho leach of medical relief. , ,,..,- It may he nslied by Ihoso who nro not f.immar with tho liincsor theso great remedies, "How dour. tiCllllM'K't) medicines ellcct tlieir won dcrftil cuics of consumption T" , Tho nnswer Is n simple one, They beg n their woi c of uslo.atlon by brinnlusi llf Moinnc h llcr nnd bowels Into nn nctlvo ,lientlhy condi tion. Ills food that cures tins foriiildnhlo dis ease. HCIIESCK'S JIANllKAKKl'ILLa acton tho liver nnd ktomnch. promoting secretion, nnd removing tho lillo and slime which hnvo i mult ed lrom llio lnucllvo or torpid com Hloi; of thoso organs, nnd of the system genornllj'. ihlsslHg clsh btnto or llio body, nnd tho consequent nc- 7... ..r II, n ,,I,enlll,V SllbslnllCCS lllUHl'll mevelit tliupiopir dlgcslion of food, nud. as a ii-munl cnnniiiuiice, creates iiiscnso, which h- suiis III lmtsiiain'ii nun ,n,,,. , ., . M'HKNCK'H i'UUIO.MO MVItlI' and HUA Wi:i;i) TdNIi;, when taken rigularly, mingle n ....i ..i. i iim ,llfRllvi, orcaus. mako good rich blooJl.nnd as n nnturnl I coiiscourncc, Slvo llcsh nnd stiengtli to tho patient. Let the CUlij say wiiuv it iiinj ui-n -,--,t no forcoiisumption. llxporlencohns piovcd t Iwnnillhn shallow llf ttOUllt.nllU IIIOU-MIIUS nro lo-dny nllsu nnd well who a lew yearn since wcro'lcgaulcd as hopeless eases, but who wele Induced to tiy nr. f-CIir.NUK'M ifmedlcs .nml wero restored to permanent health by Ihelr uso III10O1 I HO III hi sic.- inu , . wllh n consuinplUi) patlciitis toliiylgornlothc system. Now how Is this 101101101107 icriauiij . J . ..... t-.t ..u tt.i.l nv liniivl. o ml ,-imr- ale nH'tneiut'ft umi iiupmi iii"- n. r.,i,nil,i,u ,,r llin iltrrtSRI.lvn llltlllll'i. I'll ' U KCHKNCR'rt incak-lncsflpmio Uiobtom.irh nml , Irritato or wnUi;n ihcm. They create 1111 nppp. lite protncilii lin.iiimu uiijitu' u kw blooil, niiil.nH 11 rotifecqucnco, lliey avlRumtc ami MiciiKUiinttioPiitln; nyHteni, imd nmn th. prclnlly tboso pints which uro iIKchmhI, I ft li I ClIllHtL l" UUllV, l UL II 1111. v i.i v Miiwi -r. m ft hopeless vw, nit ,ir n t.-i-t-t lil1KrlV II II If! tllUI ItML'tl IHJtMlll cannot pai tako of good liiiuilsliiiig food and properly digest It. It Is nlposMbl;. that ho can gain in flesh nnd strcnclli i nnd it Is equally 1m- An..u,i.n ,i.-r.f lu iii,,ilr-i,ri u ltli ileaved bile. niufllio sloniacli laden with unhcaliliy slime. 1..', .. .,,1,. Ill ,illrlil Ik thut lie WlllniC- scrlbo medicines that will remove or allay tho cough, night sweats nnd chills, which 1 are tho euro nltcodaiits on consumption. Hut this should not no none, as inuuouiiuiauiiij an -, of nntuiu to relievo ilself, and tlio nlalit sweats and chills nro cniiM ilhy tho diseased lungs. The lemcdlcs oidlnarlly prescriueu no moro iinnii than good. ' impair uiu uiiiciiona i stomach, Imptilo lunllhy digestion, nud nggra vato rather than euro tlio disease. Ti,n... is nnr flll. nnlhlmr liko facts with which lo substantiate ft position, nnd It is upon 1,-icts that Dr. SOllUKCK idles. Nearly all who liavo taken ins meuicino 111 iii-vuhihui.-s' ,i,, .i.n directions havo notonly been cured of consump tion, but, from the fact that these medicines net w llli v, onderful power npon the digestive organs patients thus cmed specillly gain liesh. Cleans. Ing tho system of nil Impurities, they lay the inundation for ft solid, substantial structure. Ilestorlna Iheso oigans to health, thoy create, nn npiietilo. Thefoidis properly nsslmllaleil; tho oiinntllv 01 blood is not only increased, hut is mado I'lcli and strong ami In llio facool suchn condition of the system nil dlseaso must b ban lshcd. , ... .. Kill 1 illiectlous a company each of tho intdl clues, so Hint It Is not iibsoluli ly necessary I hat patients should seo lir. HlilliNCiC personally, unlessthey desire to hnvellielr lutiKsexainlmd. l'or this i.urposo ho is at Ids principal olllce, ho. 15 North wlxtli St., corner 01 Commerce, I'll la delphin, tveiy Katuiday.fiom t)A. M. until 1 1'. M. Advico Is Klen without cluirgc, but for o thorough examination Willi Hie Itcspll I'rlco of tho J'ulniouln Kyrup nnd Henweed Tonlo each, fl.SU per bottle, or J7.Vn half dozen. Mandrake i'llls IS cents 11 I10.V7 l'or sale by nil druggists. nprs,u-u AT 1.1TVT Hook. Agents sell loo per week, l'rlce JNliiW W, Address Ii. KTi:Ul!lN!j. Ilaitfold.Ct, $ns A DAY I. 10 new articles for Agents. )i'0 8ainplosw. A. U. Hll AW, Alfred, Mo. A. M. Ulll'Illtr nnninmcM lo his friends nnd customers that eontlnncs Ibnnhnve business nt hUold place on maim Brunirr, ivloomhhuko. Oustoiners can bo necomoilated with l'ANOY HT0VE3 or Ml kinds, Hlovcplpos, Tinware nnd every vn rlelyofnrtlclo round In 11 Stove nnd Tluwnro Ks tnbllsliiuenl In tho cltles.and on the most rensnn nhlo terms, ltepaliliigilonontthouhotlestiiotlce. a VOZF.S .MILK-1'ANH on hand for snle. KW STOVIi AND TIN SHOP, ON MAIN SThEKT, KKAnLY OPl'OSlTIt Mtt.l.KK' uroiiK, nt,00M811UHCI, l'KNN'A. TUB undersigned has Just filled up ami opened his new STOVK AND TIN SHOP, n this plnco, where ho Is prepared to mnko up now Tin WAUisot all kinds In his line, nnd do repairing wllh neatness and dlspnteh, upon tho most reasonable terms. Ho nlso keeps 011 hand BTOVi:S OK VAIUOUS PATTERNS & STYLES, which ho will sell npon terms to suit purchasers, tllvo him n call, lie is n good mechanic, nnd doservlng of tho public patronage. ., JACOB MLTZ. Bloomsburg, April 58. 1867. Foundries. igllAUPDICSS & 1IAKJIAN, i:.wn,r rouNDiiv ami wanufactuiuno shop. STOVra & 1'LOWM WI10LIXALK A ItUTAII. THE CnLKllItATKD MONTltOSB IRON 11KAM AND THE 1IUT10N W0O1IEN 1IEAM riiOWS. Castings and liiollrlck for rcpalrlngclty Stoves. All kinds or Ilrass or Iron casting inado to oruor upon short notice. AnAW nioomshur'g, l'n. proprietors. Mar.W.'M-tf. rri.rt 1,1. rtl- iwirtrnl will euro tho diseases of tholhroni nnd l.ungs, buch ns joius, i""K", rroup, Asllima,llronchins,(iilnrrh,Horo Throat lioaiseness, , iiiumuiik , ;i . . ..i..,. n-iifi. ..mfllltic. Is nrcnnreil liv Dr. Lovl Oberholtzerof liiilndolphla, nud formerly of 1'hconlxvlllF, l'n., nnd nlihougli It lins only been oiieren tor nvo years, more man , u; umi- ..,. I l.a ,,0,... nl,nnll ItAnn ttrtlll. nllfl 1 llA tle- innnil for It Is Increasing every, day. Many of tliolletalll)rnga.lslsbuyllln lots or nvo gross, nml not n few ot tho Country Storekeepers try onegrossntntlmo. Nenrly every ono vVho lins ever sold It testifies lo Its popularity, nnd neatly ...i,ni. .tll lohlinmiv In its WOll- ilcrrul power In curing Cough. . Wc nreennndont Hint thero is no known mcdlclno or sucn grcai vnluo to llio community nslho liiouilx Pectoral. It has cured cases of the most painful nnd dis tressing cough, oryenrs sliiiidlng. i i.... ,.t. i b i nn 1 1 1 ,iut iii liumIs or couching. It has instantly slot.pcd tho paroxysm of Whooping Cough, mid greatly shortened Its du- rauon. , , ii .. n H n lAmm nitl.. Consumption has been cured by It, where nil Hoarseness lms been cured by It In ft single " Maiiy physicians recommend It.nnd others use ll inemscives aim iiuiniiiisici ib u mui i-., " whilo others opposo It becanso It takes nway U,,7.r."U''"f"?;,, 1. ., render, nnd lor fur- thcr particulars, would icfer you to tho circular around tho bottlo whero you will And numerous certificates given by persons who have used It. It Is so pleasant to tho tasto that children cry ior it. 1 1 Is n stimulating expectorant, giving strength , l.n nnn.n (Itnn tllill 41 nlln.'O flin fiOllvh. Tho proprietor of this niediclno lins so mncli 0. U ANC1 K VI IjLK FOITNDIIY, MACHINE SHOP AND AGUICULTUHAL WORKS. Thu undersigned desires to Inform Ills friends nnd tho public! geuernlly, that ho lias rebuilt nud enlarged his Foundry nnd ilachlnoShop.nnd re moved nil his business from Light Street lo tho nbovo named place, whero In connection with his Foundry ho will contiuuo to manuracturo Wheeler's Hallway Chain Horse-Power nnd Thresher, (Improved), Carnoirs Patent. AND CLKANL'P., cither overshot for Tread-rower or undershot with Lovei-l'owcr. Ho also manufactures to order and Ills up all kinds ol MILL GE Alt I NO, r'ir,-,i1.,.',v Mnnilrels. Patent Slides for Baw .Mills, tho latest Improved Iron llcam Plows of different kinds Wuoden ueam Plows, iwuuio Corn Plows, and Plow Points or every descrip tion generally used throughout tho county. IKON KETTLES, BELLS Collar Orates. Stoves. Sled and Sleigh Soles, nnd In fact everything generally inado Inn country Foundry. Thoso wishing to purebftso Machines would do well to examlno his machines, and the Improvements maiio on mo power, uy wnicu in, least 1 per cunt, of tho friction Is taken off, ALL MACIIIN13 AUE WAU11ANTE1) to give good satisfaction, and terms mnde to suit puicnasets. n kiuuh ci cguuiry pioiiuuc In exchange for Plows and eastings. Thankful In his friends nnd patrons for past favots ho would still continue to solicit the same. WILLIAM SCHUYLKlt. Apr.9,CD-tr tlrangct llio 1'a. nn.., 1 llu niidiHfrn nnw.,. frntil LIlO tCStl mony or thousands who have used It that tho moneywill ooreiunueu io uny puimnov. not saiisneu wiiii mo eneuis. It Is so cheap that nil can buy It. Prlco 23 cents, iJirgo Uottlcs 81.00 It is ptcpared only by . ' LEVI OlJEltHOLTZEK M.I)., wltnT.KSAI.i: llRUOQIST. Nn. IKS Nnrlh Third Sircet. Phlladelphlft. N. 11, iryourncarcst Drugglstor storoliecper ilnc.s not hnvo this medicine ask him to get It for von. nud do not lethlm cut you off with some other preparation because ho ma.tcs moro mon ey on ft; but go or send nt onco to somo store w ncro you &now ii is iteoi- or sciiu ' .. - li,tlfnc Hnlil liv 1-!. P. f.tilr. Ilrui-lllst. HlOOmS- burg, nud II. W. Creasy, A Co., Light Street, and nearly every druggist and stoi ekeepcr in Colum- uec. uvoiMira, JEW STOCK OP OLOTUUMU. Fresh arrival of BUMMRIt UOODS. DAVID LOWENIlKIta lnvlle-1 nllenllon to his stork of C'lIEAI'ANnFAHniONAllLr.CLOTIllNfl, si his store on Main tltrect.twoitooranbovclhn American House nioomsnurg, ra., Vfhcro he liss Just received from New Yoiltnml riilladclphla n ftill nssortment of MEN AND now CLOTHtNU, IneludliiK Hie most fashionable, iiurnblo, and ,Mn,,,0m" imi-MUOODH. roir.lslltig of I10X, SACK, HOCC, UUM,AN1) Oll.-Ul.uill COATSANH PAN1M. of nil sorts, sires nud colors. Ho has nlso replen ished his already largo stock of FALL AND WINTEIt BHAWI A STntPED, KKllIUED, AND PLAIN VESTS 81II11T8, CIIAVATO, STOCKS, COLLAllH HANDKEllCHIEm OLOVES, SUSPENDEIIS, AND FANCY AHTICI.ES Ho nas constantly on hand it largo mid well-so- cctod nssortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINOS, which ho Is prepared lo mako lo order Into any kind of clothing, ou v cry short notice, nnd lu tho best mntiner. All his clothing Is mndo to wear, nnd most of It Is of homo mnuufactnre. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELIIY, oforery description, flue ami cheap. Ills ensoot Jewelry Is notsurpasscdlu UiKplnco, oxamlno his general nssortmeu of CLOTHINO, WATCHES, JEWELKA , &(f. DAVID LOWENliEKU. Dry Goods Sc Groceries. G HAND OPEN1NO Call aud c. C. M A 11 II 810,000 GUAUANTEU. B UOK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTHEIl LEAD I 1st. For lis Unrlvnlod Whiteness, tM. For Its tlncqnnlled Durability, :id. For Its Unsurpassed Covcilng Propel ty. Lastly lor Its Economy. C3-It COSTS Lias tonalnt with Dock Lead inn nnv other Whlto Lend extant, llio si weight covets MOItE 8UHFACE, Is more DUll- AI1LE, nnd makes wniTlill WOltli. DUCK LEAD, Is the Cheapest nnd Best. 1st. -u. Insurance Agencies. Q. L O 11 E MUTUAL LIKE INfiUltANCE COMPANY o V NEW YOH1C. tityxx) ouahantee. BUCK Z I N 0 17XCELS ALL OTHER ZINCS. For its ITnenunlled Durability. For its Unrlvnled Whiteness, For Its Unsumnssed Coveriuir ProocrtV. i.asuy, ior us ureiu -economy, being tho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, and most DU11A11LE Whlto Paint lu tho world, BUY ONLY DUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: THY IT AND HE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by the Manufacturers. linvojustrccelvcd from tho eastern markets n largo nnd well selected stock of D H Y GOODS, CONSISTING OF Cassttncrs, Jeans, llcst blcachod & llrowu Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Tablo Linens, Cotton k All wool llanncls, Ac, Ac, A good stock of Ladles dress goods, Latest styles A patterns. Spleea of nil kinds, flood stock groceries, Quecusware, Stone ware, Wood & willow ware, Flour & Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin Brass, &c. All goods sold cheap for cash or pro ducc. Ho would call tho attention of buyers to hi well nud carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept lu tho coun try, feelluy confident that ho can sell them goods nt such prices as will ensure satisfaction. Nov.5,'ia-ir C. C. MAllil. BUCK COTTAGE COLOllS, liioparcd expressly for Painting COTTAflES. OUT 11UILDINOR of every ilescrlr Hon, FENCES, Ac. TUIUTY-FIVU DIFFER ENT COLOItS, Durable, Cheap, Uniform, nnd lleantltiil shades. Sample cards sent by Mall If deslied. Dealers' Orders will bo promptly execnled by inn manuiaciurers, FRENCH, IlICHAUDS Jt CO., N. W. Cor. Tenth and Market Streets, JauIS';i)-ly. Philadelphia Winy I'li cman, President, II. V. Fivcinan, Seo Cash capital over 2,000,1'on, ull paid. RA1.ICKMKX. Send fur Circular, n Ilrst class business nnd steady employment. 11. F. HOWL, 37 Aich Street, liiiinucipina, ra. nilvllle Tlieologlcnl heliool. Unitarian ; duentoi Ministers: tl(i:jayciirtoiioorstudeut.s Utgins Aug. in, Apply to .1, -l..iicrmorcJltad- lue, l'n. nlTltlfWTSt. IllltV KT1I AKtilil I Tho Married U IsaUlca 1'iUale Owy(iiilort contains tho desired lurormatlnu. Sent ireo lor stamp. Addless MUS. II. METZUHt, llauoj cr, P.i. WIS tvil.l. PAY AOBMTS a salary or sas ncr week or allow u laigo cominlsslon lo sell our now Inventions. Addiess J. W FIIINK iV. CO., Miushall, Mich. WANTKl), AUK."l'S.8t) Watch fico.glvcll .mils in nvorv llvn iimn who will act as our Agent, linslness light mid honorable; paysWrcr day. Address H.JIjhi vcKenneily i Cb. Plttsbuig, lOOIf. AtlKM'S WjiXTUU,-I.mliii vf the 1) White Jlome." No opposition. Steel engrav ing. Uiiiild Sales. For circulars, address U. S. Puur.isiUNd Co., N. Y,, Cincinnati nud Chicago. CAT IiidlMli1 T Wanted In u pay ing business, oAljl'lOMUllN H.KLNSBUV, 111 ChMuul St. 'iiiiuacipuia. . Ii. IIOBIKON.BI.OOMBBUIKJ.PA OENEKAL AUENT, For Luerne, Lycoming nnd Columbia counties. Aug. aWJ-ly. NSUKANCE AGENCY. Wyoming 8170.000 Etna 1,000,OOC Fulton 300,000 North America 300,000 City - 450,000 International . - 1,100,000 Niagara 1,000.000 Putnam 630,000 Merchants - 330,000 Sprlugtle'.d ' 570,000 Farmers' Danvlllo 690,000 Albany City - 400.000 Lancaster City SCO.OOO Yoik Horse, Death A Theft.. ,000 Home, New Haven l.W.OOO Danville, Horso Theft FKEAS DROWN, Avent, in at 8.69-1 y,' DLOousBDr.a, Pa nSYCHOMANCY, FASCINATION Oil hOUL I CI1AUMINO. lOUimges; cloth. This wonder ml tinnu has full lnsllui-ilons to euablo tho Kad er to latciiiato cllher sux, or uuy anluial, at will. lemuirlsni, cpiriiuaiifcin, ami uumiretis i.i oili er curious exnerluients. ll eun ho obtaliieil hy bo.iuillg I it li 1 1 ess, 1, III! 1U l-CIIIN J'OSlllU-, U J.1. EVANS Hi CO.,r.o.llho. Llglltliht.,l'hlladclpllla.. STAll KI'AMll.lil IIANNKlt. A lingo 40 coluiuu taper, J.vdtr sUc. lllustratod. Dovo led toSactciits, Poetry, V it, llumor,f;cnid"ic lun- iAoiiscnsu on li m iixiuiu uiiiii;, aim loinooxpo- suro or Swindling, lluiubus. Ac. Only 75cts.a yttir, nnd n snieib engraving "EvangeUno," I 1-i;ai: Hii,i7i'uiff, liO.oco ilrculatiou. Joirc. JlnulttltotiUiilwiuikU, It Is wide-awake, leal less, IrulhluL Tryltnow. ?r els. nycar. Siecliuens i III i:. Addiess "JIANNEll," lll)isd.'ile, N. 11. 7)A'l UNTS. JL lnvenlors who wi-shlo takeout Lelteu l'al cut nro advised totounselwlthMUNN& ltorsor llio bLtcnl no uiiriruii. who liaoilot,c cuted Llaiius btfoio the Patent olllco lur over Twenty it-nrs. ihelr American nud Luiorenu Patent Agency Is the most extensive In tho Limrges less man any t agency. A pamphlet containing other reliable r tuit nistiuc- tiolis to Inventors U i-ent gratis. il UNN & CO., J7 Park How, Now York. &NE MILLION ACHES O V ellnti P. IO.W.AvLAN llrf . up-rrijls,forcnii, or onn-rtdlt, by tho Iowa ItAiutoAii-LANij Co. if niirnfiiis nirf-nnv until Liiioiiuu llio ijiiuus, unu on nil sldrsnf them. Great lnducnienui lo set tlers, fctnd for our fre l'ainphlet. It give pri ced, terms, location; tells who should romo west, wlint tlmv khnntil hrlni' svlmt It will cost ! lilves plans nud elevations ot IS dim-ient styloi of rmdy-iiinilo houses, whuii tno company furnisn uttroui ijOtoiaio inuly loni up, Hups s.-ul It ile&licil, Aiuiress W. W. WALKElt, Vo rieshltut, L'khah HA, nn, Iowa, A MODEL HOUSE. lt.imr iLerlottle.l hnvo lnadehr,us, li'aunllm ll siKi-lnl study Olio built last season linspiow-d a liiodel of eonvc-nlelici', beauty nml economy. Iiescrlptlvoeltculais of linns, Views, etu , with i'1-iii-ral Inlormatlou of vnluo to nil. salt lite. Address (wllh sunup or script lr convenient). (Jl'.U.J, l ULI1V, Alcuncu.vt uieruurj, veriiioii KJII'I.OVJIKNT, SIU, i i ll 1 1 per day, In selling our Pa iknt 1 xtension KKUI, UMI hWlllh, l-ouiuiii.-u. i,w,-,i ill t'cij uililliy nil .iiii, nnu ,,,, ,,.io,,M, .... Winds full sized skein, nnd weighs less than onu lHilllid. AOI- N'lH WAS 1 1511. nil l('llilSAl'.lao dnss A. UHTAHUKA l.o, Aiihurii.N. V iuuylT7il-tw. 11Y WILL YOU A (ientleman at Motitgouiory, Ala- bamn, Iia3 got a cow that knows moro than u, great inany lamina bclnga, Slio won't lig milked by a nigger, nuy way It am bo fixed. Tlio adoption of tliu Firicenth Amendment don't Bccm to mnkon particle, of dllTercnco with tlifs disloyal cattlo. W7 IIUIN YOUH EYESICWT III fSINO COUUON ULASSES, When you can purchase LAZAIIUS & MO II It I 8' tH'.KUUATHU J'EIIFECTKIl SPECTACLES AND EYE-OLASSES, THE 1IE8T IN THE WORLD, They nro recommended by tho Faculty for Purity of Material, Ilrllllancy of Finish, and Ihelr Slrcngthtmngaud Prism Ing Pouou, In which they excel ull others. Uhey last many ) cars without change. Ihey can only bo obtained In nLOOMnnuna jvl, Of Mlaa A. D. WEU1J, ROOK HTOUE, MAIN BTItKOT, Holo ajipolntod Ageut for this place. No Peddlers Employed or Supplied, piRST NATIONAL WIIITJ5 LEAD, UKriT, rUUEHT, AND CIIEAl'ESTI bATISt ACTION UUA IlAKTEEll! rr Wh.triiefcn,DuraLiUly,ttuaiJr.lUau i-v If Iihk nn fritinl. tioia hy nil Uialtrs In ValatK tlnmighout tlio t-ouutry. UAlilCKIt, JiIOOHK tt MK1N, AccI:onH to t. MonniR rrnoT a co. Sole Proprietors, riiiladHpliIn, Va Dtuleib in all kind of mtUOB, OILS, TAINTS, Gf&ABS, uviATtirrs, jlc, ('ArTioN.-Owlng to tlie poimlailty ol our "rum jMiiionai vniio iA-im,- omei 1uUch lmn bttn mduoca to oliern'spu rious uitlclu ULilcrtlicwime immo. There furo ltcwiire ol CounU'rieils. 'The Beuu- ine lstpui up. in cxirn neuvy uu pmm wiui puient ir.t-iHJiic wiro imiuuus, nud thouume of BAItKKIt, MdOItK A ilKIN, On fach label, Tor Rale hy MOT.U llItOTJinilS, ninr2V7C-ly, lllooiuhlmru, QHNIBUS 1ANK. Tho undersigned would rcsiHJClfulIy finnouuce to (be citizens of Illoomsbmi; uiul the public kho- raltytlm lie ruuuliignu OMNIBUS IJNI3 betweeu thla placo aud thodlflercut lallroadde potH dally (Sundays excepted), to counect with thu Bevcral trains eolug South nud west on the Cata- wlhsa and WHUamsport Railroad, and with thoso going North und South on tho Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad. Ills Omulbusses are In good condition, commo dious aud comfortable, and charges reasonable, Persons wishing to meet or see their friends de part, can be accomodated upon reasonable chargo by leaving timely notice at any of the hotels. JACOB L GIKTON, rroprlotor. SttANGEVILLE ACADEMY. OKANQEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA rnOF. 13. J. SCHOONOVEIl, Principal, MItS. K. J. SCHOONOVEIl, Preceptress, This institution, for tho education of young j,uuies ami ueuueinen, win rcopcn unucr cliitrpo of Pi of, Schoouover, on MonAY April 4.1870. Tench erB. of acknowledged ability uud hiyh order of talent, will be employed lucach department, aud uo effort spa ml to b ecu re to pupils thorough nud judicious culture, llio course of Instruction will Include nil the branch en usually taught in High Schools aud Seminaries of the tlm rank. Special attention given to Normal School training nnu commercial instruction, TERMS : Primary Department S3 to $5 per Quarter Higher Branches , $Q to SU per Quarter LOCATION: This excellent Institution Is lo cated In a nleasaut vlllaee of about six hundred inhabitants lreo from the temptations of a, largo city about Ux miles fiomtho Ball with dalTy communication to tho dlircrcnt ronds. Tho buitdlnus mo hJtuntrd upon an elevation, niir rounded hy a bcuutllul grove, an perfectly CALENDAR I OR 1870;-Sprlng hChslou begins April 4lh, 1S7U and continues l'i weeks, following which thero will bo n vucation or blx weeks. Fall term commences August 15. 1870. continuing ltwreltH. Winter term opens November 7, 1070 EXPENSES! Boaid ran bo nblnlncd In nrl. vatn htmlllcs nt Horn 2:7.o'J to H10 rcr week, or dcslrablo rooms will bo furnl&hcd to btudeuts wishing to proviuo Jor themselves. Scholars will bo ndmittedat unvtimo dnrlntr t he bCfcslou although it Is preferable to commence Wild uiu itun. Kor further particulars, address tho Prlnplnnl. mari57U-3in. Mtl'-'ill AUUlVAli ur SUMMER OOODS. The subscriber has lust leturned. iiom the cltlo- with another largo nnd BClect assortment of FALL AMI) WINTER GOODS, purchiused lu New York aud Philadelphia nt tho oweat liguref and which ho Is determined to sou on as moderate terms as can bo procured elso where In Bloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIEft DRESS UOODS of the choicest styles nud latest fashlous, together with a largo ;nRfaoitment of Dry Moods and Gro ceries, consisting of tho followlUR articles Carpet p, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslineies, Shawls, Flniuu-i", Silks, While Mood, Linens, Hoop Skills, Muslins, llollowwnro (?ednrwar Queens wai o. ' i ard wai t Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, LookIng-aiasmif Tobacco, Codec, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Glnxer, Cinnamon, Nutmeg AND NOTIONS QEN RALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which uo invites the attention of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for country produce in exchange for goods. S. H. MILLER & SON. Aicado Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa, QON PEC'I'IONEIIY Tills H NO PATENT MUDIClNr. Ill'MIU'd Kotlennp todupo Ilia Ignorant and credtiloiiH nor lull repictiilid an Lieiiitf "composed of raio and jniTloea Hubbliiucea brought fioni (ho four corncrK of llio earth, rairied kiven llmeH aciona llm (Ircat liei,ett ofKaliaialiou llio hatha or four teen cumeln, nnd hionahl nrioha tlio AtlanlJu Ocean on two Whips." It In mh.ij.Jc, nW.umt. mi jkt ,,,, i..v , i. .nyiri odcyic-ior ivATAlllllI UlllI ''I'ol.ll IN 1I1K llrAli." nihil for nll.iiMk- I'.ronlli l.utM or llilpalnneiilof ll.eKi lite of Bnifll.'i'aHto or hearing, WiiterlPK or Wtak Kj en, 1'aln or rrcHkuru In thu Head, when cuiipi d.aii Ihey ull Hot lllllrt IlllCtltlvtiri.. Lv tliellnleiwol f'nt:irrli. 1 oiler, III good ratlli.utiaudlugitt-uitidorgjuo i o emu oi vuiuiin uiai i cannot cure, ror. ha 1,1! nv most nnuuuiHTH ijvj:uv waiiiti:. I'liicie Only CO Cknth. XI Y lor inarl,70-l. Muiiiilaclurlug Oiitlclaus, Hartford, t'oun. Sent by mall, post paid, on lectlpt of Hi Ck.ntm, 1'our packagea for tlfoor I Hcnd a two cent alamp for Dr. Hagu'u pamphlet on Cutarrli. Addreu Iho I'roprlemr, .. 11. V. l'lKltCBM. I).. mayl370-tf. IluTAi.o. N. V. jgO0T8 AND SHOES. CUAUK M. llltOWN, CK.SThK STBEET, AUI01N1NO THU kTOlIK OV IIOIIIIIN81VKYUI. A lull and complete anortinint of ready made boou and shota for luen. womeu und eulldreu Jiul received and for nulo ut reasonable ralea. Varlellea to milt all chusos of euitomera. The otsioi worKiiouu uiknoit iioilco, aa hereuirore, (live him a call, apm'7U-tr, A Lh KINDS OF JOB PRINTING A- neatly execntod at Tuc OoLUHOIAK Htcam rriutuig union. Tho uudersI.'Ued would reaoectrnllv nnnouneo to the public that ho lias opened a FIlST-C'UliS CONFECTIONEHY HTOUE, In tho building lately occnpled by Fox & Webb where he la propaicuto furnish all kinds of PLAIN & FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOKKION & DOJIESTIO FKUITfl, NUTS. KAI3INS, tC. &V 4C. lir wnoi.E8Ai,ii on hetail. In G II 'S II.VW EONK TIIOSPUATE SUPEIt SI'ltlNO OF LIME. MARK 1,1 ti A uvi iiueub Ol an gooua u.a,,uuu. UU.IUUII,, i;ienb variety ol DOIiLH, TOYS, Ac, SUltablO for tho Hollrinvn. Pnrlfpnlnp nllnn.... given to IlrtEAD AND CAKi:s, I of all kinds, fresh every dpy. on. hist mab oandieh, u u i a t m a H TOY 8. A call la fcoilelted, and ratlsractlon will b I guaranteed. Nov. S3. 1807. ECKHAKT jacoiis. 1870. E K O II A N D I S E KUTIL'E IH UKUEIIY GIVEN F A It M E It S ! i.s'ciiKAsi: yocn rr.op or ( OlIN, OATH, l'OTATOI'.l, WHEAT AND OUA8S, As well as ADD TO TIIK l'EItTIMTY OF YOUlt SOIL Hy n Judicious und Economical mode of MANURING. Ol.TTIli: VAMJK OF YOUIt OUTIiAY THE riitni' hi;au,i, OIITAIN IIF.TTEH riM.ED KAUS AND UI.A Vll.ll IIHAI.N. KEEP VOUH BOII. FltEE FOOll NOXIOUS IX I'.l'ill.l. MAKE YOUU LANDS PUHMANENTLY ecitiiLic;, Ovrr HIXTHE.V years of coiislant use, on all I -t- crops, hat proven that llaugh's Haw Ilouo I'hos. l-i phalli may bo deiended upon by l'arnieis. I -U lUUIIl.Y 151 UOVED AND STANDARD iraaaaa 11. u. i or taio uy Agilcuitural Dcalera generally. IIADUII .twita f j,,riii,ip. Orilce-No.lMH. Delawaro Avenue, I'hlladelphia. niurib lU-uni, To iny friends nud the public generally, that nil KIUUH Ol DRV UOODS, GROCERIES, UUEENS WARE, NOTIONS, 40., aro constantly ou hand und lor sale AT JIAHTON'S OLD STAND IU.Ooji.snuno, BY JAMES K. EYEK, ' 4i'AUo, Solo Agent foi'Ei.i.i' I'jicnniATis or lK. Ijirgo lot tonRtautly on hand, (ftbS'07. UY THE REST. UieemzenHnt itlooinfcbuip und vicinity that ho has located In their midst for tho purpose of tuU H.rusio, J.TJ- 'Iho un the cltlze: has locati lowing his piofesslou as u tcucher or music. For a iiuiiibnr of y tars he has been locuted in lirook Ij n.N. "i .. bill continued lll-heallliiiindeacoiin-try lesldeuco desirable. IIo will tuach bcholars nt tliclr homes, or In classes, us tneyiuar lireler. ut modernt,, rulpii 4 ' PIANOS TUNED THE IlKIJ LION BHAND, 1A01C ALPACA f,t'aet3ffi.JoSlcS!lortno,,ce- AU ord"' priSriSSMoSS?? ,u my He would rusncetrullv knlUit n ,i..n. nf,i,Al . pulillo patroaago. I. W. NILES. w UTZ'S' ,1111)110 patronage, Wooiusburg. May il, 1870-lf 7?XE0UTORS' NOTICE. Lelteu testamentary ou tho iMiam nt .lamu Eiumltt.latoof Hcmlocktwp.. Columbia county. T Ueo'd, have len granted by the Iteglster of said I county to Andrew J. Emmllt aud ChrUtutn A i.,. fcinniiii oi Hemlock township, Columbia county, I'a. All persons having claims against Iho cslata nro rcouested to present them lo tho Kxecutorslu Columbia county. Thoso Indebted to uiu rsmtu uiuier on noie, juugiuent, mortgage f,,, lUIAU BNVIIIIll Lrl I I mnlru h. .......... 1 ''iT.!,1! if)ry aoo.a" ana Notions. In lltviwer'n u Jii i in mo touri uouse, Mam Slreel, liloomsburg, l'u. tmayis'70-ir. OltAND tlllANI) (lltANI) OltAND OI'F.NINO Ol'HNINtl OI'ENINU Ol'IJNINU or FALL AND WINTKll FALL AND W1NT ill 'ALL I'A LL FALL AND AND AND WINTllll WINTIill MOO DM. UOODS, (lOOUS, OOODW, WINTKU (10OD.'V voiKlnllne ol conslsllnis or rimilstlmi or wmilillust of coinHtlna of diiy ooons, UllY OOOIIU, DIIY (lOODS, DItY (ipOI DHY GOODS, 'HATH AND HATH AND HATH AND HATS AND HATH AND OAIW, OA I'a, CAPS, CVIW, CAIW, ItOCTH AND HltOtig, llOOIH AND HIIOMB, HOOIH AND HlIOlS), HOOTS AND HIIOIJH, liOOTH AND SHOES, HEADY-MADE OLOTHINO, llEADY-MADi: CLOTHINO HMADY-MAOM CLOTHINO, It HA 1) Y-SI A 1)1 ', CLOTI 1 1 NO, HEADY-MADE CI.01I1IU, LOOK1NO-0 LASSES, LOOKINO-OLASSIS, LOO K 1 N O-O LASSES, LOOlilNO-O LASSES, LOOKINO-UIiAHSIJ, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, FAINTS AND 1'AIN'IH AND I'A I NTH AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND OUX, OUB, OII, OILS, OILS, OKOCETUEH, OHOCEHIES, UKOCEltlEH, UUOCHHIKH. OHOUEHIlS, llUEENSWAItE. UIIEENBWAIIE, lIlIEENSWAHE, IJlIEENSWAltE, llUEENSWAItE HAUDWAHE. HAUDWAHi:, HAHDWAKK, llAHDWAKU, HAHDWAHE, TINWAltE, TINWAHU, TINWAltE, TINWAltE, TINWAltE, HALT, HA l,T HALT HALT, SALT,, F181I, FIMII, FIB! I, FITI! 1'IHH, Sowing Machines, GROVEIt & RAKER'S HEWINO MACltlNIS. Tho followlnt! nro selected from ii10n , osllmonlali of slmllftrc1larncler,,,,!,"1,l, ho reasons for tlio nroferonco fir'n, ,ln( 1AK Eti Machines over nil ntlieri. " , 'IllltotlioOrover A llakrri..i. Im llrnl lilnco. Iiecali.e. tr t fr -MnChlnn i. Khould still wantu OroverA Ilnltcri nM,i"Jhtr. I a Orover Halter, It answers Ilia iJittSJ. 1,TI'i luorrsi. iiii ms KiTaicrvar letynr K,; ' II li easier lo learn than any oilier "Lrflt M Crnly (Jenny June). r' "In.J.f) "I liavn Ind ttcveral ymri.' . wlllinnrovcrAIlakcrMnolihir.'uiiiT'lfiii inline io get out oi tinier. I prrrcr 11, V 1 1 ' Ilaaer, decIdcilly."-- Mrs. !),'. Vnft" &f 1 . "I hnvo had ono In my "a "ift0 ' two jenisi undlimu whali Jen,,! ". ( 'wsoin testimony or in ,. " ", same, I t,ii,i,w',n' M1 i;litracUon."tilr. Ucneuu uruut. ttlt - w - j Ul'IIUYU Jl IO Oft llin 1 .o..,ldered, of y tii.'t I ImoMt" "i'f ll.ortilu.iry spools 1 nnllreaiVa1" Btlich Is emlrtly tellaWoi it "toi oVinff' " woilc bcnnliiuilyj u lti,,,, lini Af".1"1" o.tler,"-Ul. A, 'M. VI."' uJr" ,? .0":,l?..1 ! iirooitiyit; ' rit; I ntn nrqualntcA Willi Iho "Moro than two-tlilrdi or Ml ti10 it,. Dili my lamlly for the la.t tiiyr'lr,tJ.,i! e by ifrover Quaker's Machhffi Ifej it eanneiil. I li,,r i,r.p,l i.....,.1Liul.?.eTe' I OHAIN AND OltAIN AND OHAIN AND OHAIN OHAIN" SEEDS, HUI'IDS, HEl'.Dft. AND SKI, UK. AND HEEDS, Ac, dc. ilIl'ICKLVY, McKllLVY, McKELVY MclvELVY, ft CO.'S, & co.'s, K CO.'H. & OO.'H. tz CO.'H. AT NKAL NEAL NEAIi NEAL NEAL Noitiiweat corner ol Main and Marl:otHticls, Nortliwe!. corner or Jlulu mm iinrneinire., Northwest comer of Main nml Market Street, Northwest eorner of Main and Market Strec M, Northwest corner or Main nnd Market htrco.i, ni.ooMsmnta, pa., .1II)0MSI1IJ110, PA lIU)OMSlllIItO, PA., 111X)0.MHI!IIH0, l'A., 1UX10.MS11UHO, l'A. 1HOH AND NAILS, I HON AND NAH.H, 1UON AND NAILS, JltON AND NAILS, 1HON AND NAILS, In largo ritiantlUea and M reduced in tea, a I way on naiid. r?ifrwr'niiaii?r'iCT Miscellaneous. TVT V. V BO All Y A R D. LN Tuk underslgiicil respectfully Inform tho principal inachliiisj uud I prefer ll Sii .!'.' iraitcr io iiicm nn, bcciuso 1 couslticr ti ..Si HlN'eVYorfr05--' donoll ilouo I mu ijiiriiieiit ipur iieainicndiuzxxmitUHs, r?".1,? deli frolicsoiiio boys will iuK"i"H ,a in in, upiuiuu uy inrthoramtviii I lllllo OfailV I hnvn lrlo,l 'i ,,..fc.'.?la I Ilctcher. " ' """""arynuj "Tho prover &. IKkcr Sowing Jiachlw has rendertdlii every respect tlio most pS sallsr.ictlon. It combines so mniiy ndtsaiSS with beauty or cxcctuiou and economy S2 I hat 11 lsnneccsfc lv lu l..T.i,'.' ?!? Oovcrnor Uenry, Ilarrlsbmg, Pa. . . i "I hnvohad tlioOrovcri llatetrJIachlai I for ten or twelve years in conslaut nseii S I house, l navo seen ami known evcrjfcindS ranilly sowDn;, hot h personal nnd iiwistH nccompllshod upon thul.rover A ILikcr MarhS to tho entlro satlslactlon or all whoivcra ccrned."-llov.Steiihcu ll.Tyiy. "I find tho Orover & Uaker stltcti vin wear ns lonn nslho garments tlo-ontireatua Kiument In lact. Tho stltcli will not lnvika bias seams, when stretched. as nthen ilo-ia ncltherilocs It draw tlio svoik. "-.Mrs.Dt Vl5 Ing, 1 East Twenty-fourth street, Xew York. "Wo have a Orover .t,,. chlno for seven yeais lu constant uic.liemnuml leiinig, uicaing, mm evcryininz Uiat iho email can Uo. It Is prelerrisv over all others on nceuu I outs iiniaiiuiiy oi worK,eiiisiiclly,analHna of stitch, easo or movement, and bliapUeiu construction." (Mrs. (Jen. llucl. "Thero could betiogreittr coralortiji family llinn it Orover & inker Sewing JLiohui I have used ono lor llw hist nine or ten lew and I think It Is decidedly the hest familr sei. lug Machine." Mm. Alfco 1 1. Whipple, wus c ItUV. iiil'l'iv, ncii nui, .nisi,, ASSOCiaUOa, I "I liavohadau oppoilunllyof examlg I liif- nnd tmluu olhcr miiIuUch of in.nliinr.- in, I M-ry much piefer tho Orover linker stitch,! sutngtu, ciasiiuiiy, unu iitauiy, i uasesetns nt hpr miiclllnn Ril slllllllQ ill Itu pntiilrnit!..n . I 10 enslly uiiilerstoodandkeptin order, '-lllnl "During tho p,.'t e' rLn ivin I nml hadnOrovtr &HnUtrS, whv iuu.elu cntl Slaui uit', unu it 1.1 s in vt rtniui. uno iPasinl nalr. I tako great i li a'-uro in rti-ommtnii!:! this tlrover .t Halter 11 1 the very 1 1 chtno for l.imlly U' e."- Mrs. J. &. riijlcWiVt.! TsveiiinsiiLfci,rsow iora. "It Is so frlmnU lu it1 imoitiTMliflUt J eireeeillniilv difficult to t., i ! out oi o.rter. E. I of my lilllo niilk ono liv, n,-n-l.aliaudtl other rour ycai. cau i. siutvui h unseal without itsslKtanee." IMr . . C F,M,ffifc I ltcv. Archibald C. l'os-, u ,Ui-H...ultilninl New York. "Tho G rover A linker :.It liimuiMtl benclltto mankind that 1 urU'iiIcilustbsiiil would tin lito good to liutilpi't ItsprnlspUirefl near. Tho ono I have is ol tho plainest Ufl but I would notexchniiRclttorlLcmosiHjwl 1VO 1 CVer SIIW in any uum luat,,-. .iiniis wlfuof l'rof. Wilton, of Hob in lolltso. "Tlio simplicity of lis onmtractlon,tl fnclllly Willi VWllcu liaise nnnimrfu,iueue ly, Micnalh, mid idaslltlty ol lu Uicli.tnJ I ndnpiaUilti' U nil kinds ol worMir mtl ,i7i(ri ilo not nil lii hmil i'l tc to v; Met I ciinc." Pror. 1 Irnslinw, ol w illislon h nair I "My wlfo l.silillijliltil wltliu-rGrnl FJiflim .Miirlllllt. Sill lull s'lG-yl .t l!:,k,T to nnv other she hits it. ii. - lltr.A.1 l'lslitr. Philadelphia Courcrincc. "Wo havo tited one ol Gii-.Ti tiij U.....I.,.. ll.mlilnrai lar illlllllt. I 11 VtafS. HUH P I sldcT 11 t'uiinot ba excclletl. Uiuua smooILl was uoeront of reimir. uuil 'V,- sinrsmi .Hn.tlsi,icilon."-IMr. Edwiii lliiiii.-iUttnil Clilcugo, Tho drover uud Baker Kewli , MallineOl nanv iiinmilacturo both tlio ri.tslli"-Wrt Lock Stitch Machines, nnd "tl.t tlio ptiliil choice of Iho best machine ! I'Olli kisl'l Ihelr estaljllsliiiicnts In ml u I thioitith niioiiclos In maii altuis tlm."3 I Iho l ountry. I'rlco LMs anil samvlta ol Kl In both stitches furmshed ou npiuiauosi Qiovt v A llaker fi. M. t n, l,hllmltlli.j,oi I J. A. bOl'dl, HloomcJ Iiiuc2j'ia-ly M' citizens of llloonisliiirtt and Columbia county, I llio inherent milliners oisiovo lump coal for smithing puipo- kes, on their wharf, udjolnlng M'Kelvy. NtnliSt that they keep all llio coal and selecled Co's Furnace: with n good pair of llullalo sealeH on Iho wharr, to welsh coal, hny, and straw. Llkewlso a lioiso and wagon, to deliver coal to thoso who tleslro It. As they purchase n largo amount or coal.tlicy Intend to keep a Biipei lor ar ticle, and sell at thu very lowest prices. Please call und examine lor youi selves beforo-piirchas-lug elsewhere. J. W. HENDEKsllOT, AUQUSTU3 MAbON. THE tiiulorsigneil will tako in ex change for Coal aud Orocerlcs, Iho following named articles : Wheat, llye, Corn, Oats, Pota toes, Lard, Hnni,ShoiiMer,nntI sldo meat, flutter, Eggs, ILuy. Ac.nt tho highest cash prices, nt hla OioccryWore, adjoining their coal yard, J. W. IIENDEHSIIOT. Illoomsburs Mar. 10,'CO-ly. llie UtlUerslcrnpil wnuM vcuTuM,rll lnf.n. ,... publlo that thoy uro prepared to put up, In the- or book account vlll make payment to theEx- nutuiq iiiiuuui uoiny, 1X1111,1,11, 1 Vltutim, CilltlHTiAN ii. emmiIt. Je370-Cvr. Executors. most auuslautlal and cheapest luuuner.llie latest .u luu., iiuproveti paitorns of iron fence, about HOUSES, fltirl In oruva .mwl- ...... ..-,.... ihelr beauty anil permunence mako them do- ,u,v iHitumr, uu tuey are neinir aoBurauv ail opted tor particulars upnlv looilln.r tiiiitiiAii ji tui tn ltif. , , or JESHE COLEMAN. BloomsburB.MaylO.dSlHit. .EESEn''? ri nrer im tut vnni n Hew York Offlco 27 BEEKMAN ST. dec. 21,'fO-Cm. c. now E R, has opcncd.a llrst-clats KOOT, BIIOV2, If AT CAP, AND FUH BTOKE. nt thooldstwilon Main Street, JlloomsburR,nfosv doorsubovo tuoCourl House. Ills btocklstom- posedorthe verylatestaud beststylcs ever oll'cr- u to mo ot t;oiuinoi.t uouniy. iiocau Hardware & Cutlery. rpiIE NEW HARDWARE STOfl B NE PLUM L'LTHA. . . I iiaviut; t'liiH'siM "iuiv OPENED A NEW SU1TLV, .. ,.nn, ,i,n Ainniir.u'inrprs. onreliasti I cashKoii n declliiuiB marUet, sv ouroiirer'l offer tno same to l.'AIlMEIta. MECIIANRS. BUILDEHI and tho rest of Mankind, a general stock , e j pVlslnB all tho kinds and ipisht c uwaWtl in n city Hnrii ware ntore, " ot tnoeouniy, ut uuusuiuijf i ";"',n,,M All IIIOSO WHO llio utT.llluiia I'"' iii nor iiiiocan savo Money uy looking iai jsow itaruwaro Dtoru. , ,i,lft,,rK,iilI Am--2J.C3.lvr JiloouibburjII aci'oinmoi.ut tlj-o publio wUh tho following yood? utine lowest rur.o. iens Jieuvy tiouuiw toieu Htoa lioota, isieir 'a iloubla nnrt single tiip bolod kin Loots, l.ion'tt lLoftvv Btosa fclioeB of nil IrlutU. men'B ilni boolrf unrtbUneH of all grade, boy's UOlllttU VUlt'U UIKJ .IIJU4DIIVJUH Ul ilil ttlllU-j, 111UII M alow Kid Unlmoml hhots,men'B, uomcn's, boys'H UUIl IIUSKCr- UlrJUHK -,UlLBlt tVUUJUJl H KiOVO itlU Vollsli verv fiiiOAvouion'H morocco llalnomIiniid calf shoes, women's wry line kid buttoned calt vt8. m Huori uooia oi nu uutTipiions noin ipg geil nnd Miwed. lie woqU also call at tcutlou to his Qua asjott meat of lIATfi, CATS, FUllS NOTIONS. wliich comprlKes nil tho now and populiu vurl t. tics nt iirUiPHwhlchrniinotfalltoiiuiliilL These KUiiun uiu uiitJiiMi. uv ill" JUiicii vmii i u n'Ti umi win ua iriin ittinwa loirivo KaiiKLiiciion. jv cau Is solicited LWiforepurcbflHlnu elKewhcro dm it I believed tlm t better bnrgftliiH are to bo latwl iimn at any c'Jiier piaco m me couuty, lcc.(i-G7 JACOH K. SMITH. Importers and Dealers In Torciau andl HARD W A It I'i QUKS, OUTLEIIV, id ItO. 100 N. TJIIHD BimsCT, AII.CAU.0MI!ll PIIILADELl'HIA. Nov. u7-ir, PARRIAGK MANUFACT0BV Blooiuf-hurs, 1 Tit 3IIrclnyM.,X.I '.or 08 W.flliSt..(lnrlnnoll.O. If they want tho iut.liopularaiiil luct N llliii! aithscilptlou bool puhlllieil. and thoiMf fib. rralfmni. Kendfo tclrculam. 'Iheyullltoktyoil nothing, and may. wof Brent lientlU to you, fobll'ilMy. JARliY ROSU POTATOKS, MHJi ullUA'i Tl Jl'lV Ul' IllE HAY. Tho BiihHcrlher liru n limited supply of tlio liiuly Hofco Potato, wl Hell ho will kcll lothoso wlshl.ig to piotuio llila excellent vnilely.uttlio low rate of Two Do In in per bushel. I In has also, twt nly of tho Ilcst Varieties of STRAWBERRY,. RABPURRRY, 110T-I10UHE AND O'DT-DOOIt PLANTH, all of which will Lo kept m hand, nnd for inlo. lu their season. rmcn hbt of kab'v hose roxA'ioEHi Per pound, S3 Cents! Ptruiett, 73 cents j Per hall bushel, 61.00 ; Per bushel, tiMt Per bauel, 5.00. WJI. A1IU01T, inarl8"0-lf. Espy, i'a. M. CVSLOAN H-V . Itave ou hand nml for ale n bloialeftfplendldi,lockoi CAiuiiAOEP, r,uu" ;va and every description t v PLAIN AM 1 A ti0 nnd bum lo give peilot -n" nlonilnoui.uiiim',"l,u' ,. ,, SI.l! I " J1 , , i , of nil the ncwci-t in" " '. .'i ! i . I' well nnd carefully 'M' " ,!Aiiinpoctioi. of in; ; lielltved Ihat noun MM'1 " k, country, Kil'i A YKAR .OUUiii, !;,a!SS.0i UNU MAUUNB, WlJiVJS' (llllht..'1'" g Ii A T E ROOFING, u vn u I v nuiiiTf MOST FAVORABLE RATICS, JOHN TIIOMAB, ANO C ABPEll J. THOMAS 1101.177. Bloomsburg, Pa. Mar.W.O'J-ly ARCH STREET CAHPKI' WA 11E1IOUHE, kil Al'.CII HT 1IEI.IIW KIHl Id HT., 1'IIII.AllItU'IIIA. Till: OT.ll lMTAULl HI1EI) HTAN1). r Ilecelvlim lor the Uprlug Xrado a large stock of tuortowmy.e..,. . purchased nt thu lowest Ui ld ltnlts, and will bo sold at a great reduction Iro lulast seasou'a prices. ENH1.1H11 liUUbbhlJtut 1.60. uud all oilier uoousiu iroioriioii. jirs. jilal'icwoimi, inurtU'IlKJul, kS! At til Ht. PulladcUilda. paitltulars. nildiets- MnehlMP. The llu, Slutket. Aueitti nut Ml., I'liiia,, u, BUSINEiiS OARDS4 xrmlU.nntlCIiefll'ly1 Kron, the Latest BtWg OF' mi Ol' HAtTri' III, A iTettefB of iidmlniM"i' ji,.t.n " Puilier "li HcU I in Iinve by tho lliBlstei: Viuur , Jlilde ol wiiiio ''.'', ofiiiu" 'ui 1 i HU un nt. una g iiuntf f A , iiiiike I ujiiiiuv i JtJ"l)-ot.