THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA 1. A. V A he (ftaluminan. SUUlf-t t " AiVilV 1 I u uuu vi 1VI VI person who took from m, n short . 4 lift fr a ifnx li.lliiH I ill fill 1 MTU fa joko U Juis been Kept ions iiii. 1 M4t. f tit- NhV. Inll. n SDlonilid Blblo Is. to .bo i 41,,. ivrtt.tjint. fiii-iltfltin1 Inn t number 01 voicj. townanirtn Henry Zupplnger r iinnit known asti most oxcollon t nun on American Lovers, J3ng- vers, iJctacneu covers, Aiicuora 1 ninnfnrira iwun ft Mast na An -1 ut.ll .... II 1 nt?n lT lint'n vrnnMinil it of a isncnmitioait iieram.a wcu . .. 1.. , ...i.,,. ..l.tjmit iiciIIq firai. immlinra tirntii- 1 command patronage ami circu it is edited with life, nud splco tilali If t-1 i onioa t fniiow it. Ill lm n Uif'Ui'. iV.HtTnl tltla rttmilnfT nr. tnn Ifnil P inSlllUlL. UIU lUUL'L'l.'U'S IU UU Ull to Iiiu urniuguiuuiiiv mm uumru of tlio Normal School Library, f mrn titlll I r it I rrri ntlnti.l. Tiii:m I Thoso Hay Itakosmmlo W. Sample & Co. They aro tho very n tlio market. Our farmers should i-ommend an urucio umess inoy it Is goon. our notlco last week of tho Singer thousand. Tliw company now I., ll.n iimfl 3ivi:s3 men should not send out a S". l.tll ..till. nut ln"3 upon tliem. much neauings excellent advertisements, anu cost Sllgnt anvanueuu uiu jmim juipur. ro prepareu iu iimiim duvh oui ry at prices considerably reduced, (10 Wlu HUIA il w at. .J i j Tit. I TIa n T.'minn.V.n nil I 1 lm civo an exhibition in tuo Academy b T . S-1l.....Kiirt sin tfs,1 .s "i rm.H.n.lnu 1 n n-a Iiuk. Jlmt 'i 1 n.t,1. iitlll lm I,. IlUPvU U 11111 ilUlttUIlW tr'it ah WiiATnvmi votido. do It wllllncly. A boy wlio Is wld)pcd nt scliool nover lcnrns lild lesion well. A man who Is compelled (o work aucs not how Imdly u h iicriormoa. no who imus on 1113 font nhrnrfiillv. strllH til) hh slooves in earnest, nnd slug wlillo ho works Is tho man lor me. It' tho L'ovcrnmenl spends no millions for less worthy objects than that of ncn- Bionlnc the veterans of 1812, nobody win complain. Tlio bill to pension tho heroes 01 that war will require an ox- cmllturo of $2,000,000 per annum. It s a matter of slum o lustleo nnd lmiild not bo permitted to fall in tho Senate. U. S. IXTOIN'AI ltEVKSUK. 11. 1'. ortnor. Uoimtv CollpRtnr mth District rIvos notlco that tho persons assessed for Kxclso Taxes lu tho county of Co- lumuin. win maKo payment as ioiiows: Uerwlck, on Saturday, JunoSoth nt tho Hotel of Uen. Williams; llloomsburi?, SlonUuy nud Tuesday, Juno 27th nnd 28th, at tho hotel of John Lcnunck; Catawissa.Juno 29th and aoth.ntCollec tor's ofllco ; Contralla, July fitb. Thoso ncKlcctliifT or refusing to pay nt tho 11110 nppointcu, win uecomo liaiiio 10 pay tho penalties Imposed by law. KOMN'AIIUMSM. A fnV nvnnlnir slnco n littlo daughter of 0110 of our fcl- low-iownsmcn, who is addicted to Bleep walUinir. was discovered cllnclntr to tho elll of 0110 of tlio second story windows, nor uouy on 1110 outsiuo anu 111 immi nent danger of falling to tho ground be low. Tlio hired girl discovered tho hud and Immediately shrieked alnud for help. Tho father of tho littlo som nabullstcauio to tho rescue and fmc.vd ed In oxlricatlng her from her peri: 1 1 position. u woman. l'r.WK. Wo wero n witness tlio' ni h- er day of a romarkablolnslancoof co ir- ago displayed by n lion I A neighbor of ours nan 11 matronly cnicKon witu n nroou 01 a (lozL'U nun a nan 01 weu ones, who wero picking and peeking uiiout alter too manner 01 mow 1u.1t n ered bipeds, when suddenly a huge rut uarieil irom nil adjacent, uonru pne, unu seizing 0110 of tho chicks, turned lo carry off bis prizo. His movemu'it.s wore rapid, but not enough so for hU own safety ; tho quick cyo of tho moth, or saw tho foul deed (no Joko on tbi lowl) and witu rumen plum.i'n pounced upon tno marauder, ho neive was Jiur uttacic that but a moment elapsed beforo tho discomfited rat -cliickcnlcss and covered with blood was I'lad to cscano from tlio beak 1111 I claws of tho infuriated hen and seiU n place of refuge. Tlio chick was found to bouninlmed beyond tho loss of a few feathers. Tho hen Is nartl v irame. wh ich nccounts for tlio intrepidity displayed uy ner. inTA tv. r r iiiu iiiiuiuiuiiuii til brvcomnanies unuerour atnto law bearing on tno subject. Tiicy are IIIII.TIIII llllll lUIll Lll V . Lll.LL till Jl.lU tho snaco to do so. Any ono uesir information, howovcr,on any point I IL. it'll liV It II XI ISIllllilU. A. 1113 It II r. I III) 11(1 V tallllUU L1UIL IIIU Uil iiwuu i 1 j -4 vuli (.11 run dixii lino uuiicuuuii uuitiusu umiuai. L'cnmothatis committed Is saddled HRtJorman iteiormeu uonirrormtion Blooinsburcr de&ervo public notlco their praise-worthy efforts to render aL Iteccntly they nurchascd a now 1.11.. t p. T tnts lias with much sulf-den al un rrt inr 1 mr, noniiiiiiii iinwor ni inn man sou musiuiu uuvuuuu. vii rr.... Ti i t .. nrtll...i T Ksny, "was oidy organized somo two lllllULLU. HUM. 111 IIIU H IIUU Odd rellowfchip, havo they mado 60 1 iiv 71 I'm. tiinii. 1111 viii ri. 11 tnnnnntiH lltr.l.nVLM llnctrit. . S. A littlo later reflection Induce; ts tliiuk that tho Doctor being n Ktul 1 tinn'T i"irn 11 . ir lr i nit i ,i nisi 1 1 n iiiiiiwn vvitia-iiiitAiiu.. J.11U iw v. at Jispy on uaturuny last was itni'sT wt nvnr kh v i n i n i i rnini v. iroec&sion. win tbn 1.1011. women au. iu 1111:11 11111 111 1'ivi 111111111 ni 11111 IlIilL'l lllL'CIlL IIIIIIH. Ill III I1ULW1L1I midriff II. nin.i.l.. 4I.In cnouLih and to snare. Concord. uu I'VPr. nil' titr in t lin QhnffnrniQ rt 1 ho tn lUnnrntKow. Hi. .,,1 r...itCIl.n.1 vmal. GhM) Ojilkiiuation'. Tho follow- " lirVrntvitiin ikiiu iwlnntnil luf t in ii in itt fn nt a ! nrrntiinii iu tii r ill) die : Tho jiring of a national &aluto of io imnurcu kuus, ac sunrise, uy iuo Pfrtnlrlii !nfiiiliniiTna sin - 44 IIIU IU1 V. 41UI71I UlbllUII il0 Ol instho lifo of Captnin Smith," will bo ntlfincn In Indian costume. At ono dock tho iirocesslon, composed of ,'lc fcceleties and citizens, will form 1 march to Mcgargell's Grove, whero orv tion will bo delivered by lion. C. litick Slew, after which tbeio will bo .triirno tlol and Vocal Music bv tho angovlllo Brass Hand, and Juveiiilo WClUb, th "J iuiur L-utuiiuauu ui ltiuiis, In tlio evening a ami display of i'tro Works, under tlio inagement of experienced persons, ie public gcnern.'ly nro respectfully By Order CommUU'o of Armugo J. Ii. IIAJtMAN. U. Connku. Clmlnnau Sec'y. PEU'.CTIONS 01'" KKWSl'ArJJHB. Most Frinln tl.t.l- 41i.i cnlnnHdti nf RllllllhlO ""ii Jul iiiu. ill; oi'.iwi. ii.u -- t of tho business. How great an er Ur. 'V. r.irrti. n.wl flT)l fill ft I1I1U 'Irtd tsclmiigo papers, from which to THE KALEIDOSCOPE. ,, A map of luuy lifo, -II? Huctmitlons nnd It vast concenii." OlIANCnLLOltaVlI.LK. It Is my purposo to detail tlio move ments of tho different Corps In this ovcntful campaign only so far as may bo necessary to understand our own movements. Hooker determined to attack Leo on his loft flank. It is true this was pro tected by tho llappnhiinnock and Itapl- dan ltlvers, us wellas by tho "Wilder ness," but it seemed moro fcaslblo than n direct nttack, and would havo tho effect of drawing our opponent from his entrenchments. Tho movement began Monday, April th, (1S03 by tlio Fifth, Kloventh and Twelfth Corps moving lo Kelly's Vo. somo twenty-seven miles above which they reached on tho 23th. This was crossed without difficulty, 03 well ns tho Ivapldan, nnd tho tlirco Corps cs tabllshod their position nt Chancellors- had been dealt us by Stonewall Jnck son's Corps, which, by marching lo our cxtrcmo right had doubled up and thor oughly routed UioKlovonth Corps, cap turing thousands of prisoners, nnd somo twenty pieces or artillery. Battery nf tor battery was sent in to check llio ad vancing tldo but thoy could only opor nto at short range, nnd wero lllcrully used up. Lepplno's Uattory of our Corps,lost lu thirty mtnulos,oul of four ofllcersouo killed and two wounded, besides forty mm and us many horses. Soveral of his limbers were exploded and tho Infantry wore obliged to drag tho guns from tho field. In fact, whllo tho proportion of artillery to Infantry lu tho Corps was as ono lo twelve, their loss was one-third of tho total. Tho rear of tho army was clogged with de serters, and tho remnants of regiments that bad been broken during the day. Quikn SAiinV Aitoxa tho Northern arrivals slnco our last aro rerr.v John and wife, from Dear (Jan. I'a.. and lion. James Kesler vlllo, which, by tho way consisted of 11,m U'ttawissa, rn.nowi unrouman but n single hous: Two Childhkx Kir.i.r.i) isy a Hat A fow days since, n Mrs. Smith, ro siding In A'nn Huron street. East Urook ivn. was attracted uv tno screams oi nor child, which sho had left asleep in one of tho upper rooms of tho house. As sho entered tho room a largo rat sprang irom tlio cranio and mauo its escape, and Mrs. Smith discovered that tho child's letr was crnsidcr.iblv mutilated A physician was called in but tho wind slcKcueu ami died in a lew uays. Mrs. smith had taken a poor woman to live with her, who had a child about tno satno age or a littlo oiacr tuan tuc ono sho lost. Tills woman left her child asleep for a short tlmo In tho room sho occupied, anu was aiarmcu tno otner morning by hearing it scream. On hastening to it sho found that tho rat, which was just mamng its eoeape, nan bitten tlio child severely in tlio neck. sovcring some of tho chords. This child, liko tho other, immediately tool: sicn and died. Tin; iVcss. in urging its nart.v to so lect ii better class of representatives, says : 'i.eaving asuio otner considerations. wo should bo pleased to sco tho good men of both parties devoto their ener gies to securing delegatus of reputable character nnd l'reo from all suspicion of connection witu ring-, cliques or com binations oi any Kind. iiiai point allied, tho rest win follow. Ann tins is equally tho duty of men of both par ties. In any district which tho Democ racy will carry, it is tlio interest of all respectablo citizens that tho Democratic nominations bo oi tno nesi cnaractcr, who, lor instance, in nil l'onnsyivnnin, will not thank the Democratic party for sending to tlio Legislature of the Stato Mr. IHickalow, instead of somo uinn of the usual character of their nominees." In tho sanio article it makes a com plimentary allusion to our Hepresenta tlvo. Oeoriro Scott, and clussos him among tho fow honest mid incorruptiblo members oi tlio into l-iegisuuiire. to btmbia coiini always semis yooil men lo JIarrisbury. Tun Your. MuitDnu, On last Tues day morning, nt a o'clock, tho young man. Jefferson P. P. Yolio, who wuh shot and robbed on Friday morning of last week, died irom tno enects oi ins wound. An inquest was hold on tlio body tho sumo morning, liy Deputy Coroner, James Love, of Glravdvillo, and a post mortem examination mado by urs. Jteagan, kiiuuz, ami iiooko, when It was lound that tlio ball passing in nt tho sldo of tho neck had htruek tho spinal column, but wl-iothcr it had gono up Into tho baso of tlio brain or down inli. tho spinal column, tho pliy sicinns could not determine, as it would take so much dissection tnnt uio oouy could not havo been afterwards remov ed conveniently. A verdict was ren dered by tho Jury iu accordance with tno nicts. tho bony was removed u Milllinvillo, Monday, and buried from his father's residencn on Wednesday. Part of tho time. Yoliocouid converse and was quite fccnsible. and ho describ ed to Mr. Herring and ills father tho nppearnnco or tno men who committed tlio deed. Tho man who asked him to ride and then shot him, was of medium sizo, had a mustacho and woro a black cap nnd coat, nnd light pants j the other wlio rusiieu out oi tno woous ami rou bed him, woro light clothing. As far wo can learn, no tracohas been found of tho murderors. Mr. Peter Creger, of tho Coal Police, tried to trace them on tho Catawifesa road, but if thoy escaped that way, thoy lolt no trucks boiinid. menumioaii Jicraiu, Tlio Second Corps, In tho nicuntlmo took up a position nt United States Ford so as to maintain a communication betweon tho two wings of tho nrmy, and on Thu3day evening Joined tlio other three Corps, thus throwing in'b rear, without lossiO, ooii men. Hooker tho samo evening in.ido his head-quarters nt Chancellors ville. So elated w.v? ho with tho success of tho movements up to this time that Issued n bombastic order, in tho l'opo style, In which ho stated that "tho op (rations of tlio last threo days havo do tcrmhicd that our enemy must cither inglorlnusly lly or come out from behind his defences and givo us bntllo on our own ground, whero certain destruction awaits him." He also boastlngly ro marked: "Tlio rebel army Is now the Icijitlmato property of tlio Army of the Potomac. Thoy may as well pack up llmlr haversacks and maku for Kleh iinmd, and I shall bo after them." Ho forgot that Gen. Lee commanded tlio Confederate army, and that Stonowall Jackson was ono of his lieutenants. In order to mask tho movements of tho ll uiklng Corps, tho First, Third and Sixth moved to tlio river opposito Fred oiieksburg, on Tuesday, tho 2Sth and induced tlio cnemy to bcllcvo that an attack would bo madothere. It rained almost Incessantly, but this did not bin dor our inarch ns it would have done a month sooner. Our Uattcry was then connected witli tho First Corps, which Tins Is tho nco or progress nnd con- ventions. and tho most important one during tho last eighteen years asscm- b cdatlscw lork. eacli member pos sessing suporior mechanical ability and nnving nau liitcen years experience in making Sowing Machines. All tlio various patents, plans of construction and different devices weio fully consid ered, with tlio view of supplying a ma chlno witli all tho lato Improvements, anaptcu to nu varieties oi lamny sew ing, and free from tho objections attach ed to others; making tho lock stitch nliko on both sides, running nt high speed on light or heavy goods, and maicing poriect woric year niter year without trotting out of order. It was decided that tbeso objects wero fully at tained in tno Bingcr jmcw family Bow Ins Machines, maklnc a demand for them, greater than over was known In tho history of Sowing Machines. In saving time, health, and in tnnklng homo happy liieso machines havo done moro to mlvanco women's rights than all tho conventions held for that pur pose. Anotiieii Episcoi'ATi Diookse Che ated. Tho necessity of dividing tho arduous labors of Hlshop Slovens by tlio creation of a now dioceso has long been apparent, nnd tho subject has been a themoof deep thought and earnest dis cussion among tho members or tho Epis copal persuasion in l'mra., as well as in otner portions oi tno state, un Thursday tlio matter was brouuht bcroro tho Episcopal Convention, in session at Philadelphia, when tho following ravor- ablo action was tnken : Mr. Ilobert A. .Lamborton. of Harris- burg, oU'ercd a resolution to tho effect rjpilEASUItEIt'S SALE OF UMHEATEU I.ANIW IN COLUilllfA CO. AurpRlLlilv to llin trnvl!nna at mi Apt nf An- arnibly entitled nu Act directing the moilo of nolllng unsettled Inndu for Inxen nnd other tinr- ikjhch, jiusbuu uiu inn luuuui liny oi Alarm, isio, nnd llio fuilher KupplcmenlH thcroto panged on Ibol'ltlidny of March, 1817, nnd tho 25lb ilnv or March, 1821, nnd the Dili dny or March, 1817, tho 'J reiiMirer of Columbia county, hereby given no tlco lo nil licmons concerned t herein, Uiul union tho County, lload. Hchool, l'oor, Bounty nnd Hints tnxoa duo on the following tracla of unnent cd land", ulluato In Columbia comity, nro paid beforo llio day of unto, tho wholo or such parts of each tract oa will pny thocosla chargahto there on, will ho nolilnt thoCiiurt IIou, iu tho town of JllooniHburg, l'a., on the 13th day of Juno, 1870. nud loconlluuo by adjournment, from dny to day for nrrea'ngos of tnxci duo ald County, nnd costs uccrucd on each tract respectively. No. of Acre. WnrraulccH or Owners, Pol, CIS. CENTUE. Allabacli benjamin J Conner Isaiah, Knt 0 (VI Cornier Hnmuel II (El Pcwltt A llenedlct 7 2U KrIU William Est 1 98 Good Jacob 7J Hlccly riillllH ba CATAW1S3A. Weaver Eltnt 11 It Ynnt.Hll.M 1)3 clewell Jacob Jr OH llrolNtJH 3 i lltllmycr M A Geo 18 69 Clewell Joseph i 1(1 C0NYNO1IAM. Jordan Itobert 00 40 Porter Andrew (M 70 Walker Lewis 072 61 Huston Thomas 02 87 HnHon Mary 140 4.1 Huston Thomas 02 87 Huston Mary 140 4:1 l'axton K lino cc Hharpies v.f.) 'a Hensley Johnson 211 41 HlllzuclmerTlinmnu slid Wlckershnin Amos 151 67 Hlmmion Win. 1100 8.1 IllehhamUcorBO f.l nf HsrnnThoinns 10 68 r.ltulcumulh. Kline Sl Co 4 13 l.lndenmuth (Jen H 4 0i Lelbv J W a 57 MnrrllH Ui HelnboldOW 2 31 Werlinan Daniel 2 42 Wnllnro Wm 4 10 Krnnlc Yoeum 2 47 Walker Lewis 3 M Kline John '2Zk1 VounfrJohu 1IL, 1)1 Heam .loshun 17 18 blown Nathaniel IWl (.7 Cleaver KlLis 01 Cooke Cat harlno 2 03 Conk Darry 02 Kllngerinau Fred 0 01 Kachclrls (leu "3 (liiodmnii Win 1 "!) KlluoJohu 1170 FIS1IINUCUE UK. IlucUnlew Wm Est Poty 4 l'ealer 7 11)1 Ml 10 112 07 . V tint 100 loo I.V) 471 21 II M that all that-nart of tlio Dioceso of Penn occupied Us old position on tho left of sylvnnla which lies outside of tho couu tho line. On Wednesday, beforo clay- ties or Philadelphia, Delawaro.Choster, lij;lit tho batteries were posted within a row hundred yards of tho liver in order to cover tlio crossing. An attempt was mado to lay tho pontoons early in tlio morning, but failed on account of tho vigilance of their sharp-shooters iu tho rifle pits on tho opposite sldo of tho riv er. About !) o'clock, however, tho fog rose, inula fresh effort was mado which proved successful, and in about fifteen minutes our men captured over 100 of Montgomery and Ducks, be a now dio cese. Mr. Dohlcii moved ns an umondmout that there bo added to tho nbovonnmcd counties those or Northampton, Lehigh, iscrKs anu Lancaster. An additional amendment was offer ed requiring that a majority of the cler gy and vestry within tho bounds or tho proposed dioceso consent thereto. ino last, nmcniinicni wns auopicu, and thereupon a discussion aroso upon tno second amendment. Judgo Parry, or Schuylkill, opposed their pickets. For somo timo tho firing a division or tlio dioceso, for tho reason was very rapid on both sides, but wo that ho thought it would bo impolitic nlnnmiiivl n.llln Tt ,11.1 loin, ' I.L.l ... ll.t.J'. l.ll. lU lUihU I f 10 present time. r. Lamberton, m advocating a long to construct two bridges, and Wndsworth's Division of our Corps crossed over; nnd Sedgwick, on our right, also sent across a portion of his Corps, at tho same point whero they had crossed last December. I5y means of tho Ualloon Corps wo could sco that ts yet tho enemy had not learned our real point of attack, as their army ro mained behind its entrenchments. We could distinctly hear tlio firing of the marching Corps. Oil Thursday tlio enemy openud on us from four different poinls, thelrguns on our left enfilading our lino. Inline. v....v..., ... v... .luui. .ui, ...... rp. .. th --,,! llin pouiiucr run on guns, ami mo aim i original resolution, when tho yeas mid their gunners was fearfully accurate, rmvs woro called. Tho result was as But what annoyed us most was a Whit- worth gun, the range or wliich is over four miles. Tlio projectile isasolid bolt ibout ton Iuchesloiignnd three in dlam oter. It Hies so swiftly that it gives no notlco of its approach, and 0.oxjni is useless Even tho "zil" of a uiinnie ball is moro easily avoided. Capt, Thomson, whoso Dattery was on our diet enough ior ono, especially when la tint, ll'linl tlmll. Iillt what lialfnot bo Eclccted, is not a very easy Not unfrtqucntly it Is tho cao "ra tuiior loolts over mi ms ci inaiigo papers for eomethlng Interesting W can ilud absolutely nothing. Evcrv I8Kr Is drier than a contribution box; m yet Eonietlilng must bo had ids pa I'nuuttboout with foniethliig in it, wjl lm docs tho best he can. Every muciibcr thinks tho paper Is printed " sown bcnctlt.aiid If thero is noth What bulla hlm-it is good for notli iB' As many eubstrlbciH as an editor to many tastes ho has to consult, one ; wants something very emart and hv,!m Eoiuething bound, Ono anecdotes, fun and hollo, and his Ct-It llfir.r ,'r,l,.l,l.,. ....... .1.,..,, II.!., ..,,, . ..fciiijui v uillll'in nun u iiiuii uH.V? a blaikguard. Kext comes Jjnilhiiig aigumentatlve, mid thoedl slf iiilhin fco1' Aml to between them ' llio poor follow gets tlio woiht of II. UOUNTEHFUITEllS. TWO I11P11, 0110 Michael llcrtzel, from Minilnvillo Columbia county, and tho other Frederick, of jNcscopce. wero about town on tho nflcrnoon or tlio shooting oi young Yoho, Their actions and unnearnnco wero suspicious, and com lug from tho samo locality attention was directed to them In connection with tho murder. They arrived by tho Heading noon train on Friday, nnd got oil' at Flour iinirei fetation, wnero tney reported themselves ns coming from Ulrnrdvlllo, whero they said thoy hud been staying a low nays. On Sunday morning, Messrs. D. S Hcsa and llcubcn Hlllyard went to Girnrdvlllo to mnko Inquiries concern ing them, whero they found that thoy nan only been in town over ingni, anu In tho mornlnir thev had trono to Ash land beforo coming to Shenandoah, .linro thes' tried to pass a S10 counter feit noto on tho National Dank of Itome. N. Y.. whlcli was refused, bo, being In Ashland at tho tlmo of tlio ullitlr they could havo bad nothing to do with It peieonally. They also at tempted to pass a 20 counterfeit on thu biimo bank, at Kuhn's clothing storo Iu Girnrdvlllo, nut it was niso iuiusuu. At Rlirnnndoali. bowover. thev bad better luck and got oil' a $1 bill at thu Exchango Hotel, and two fib's, ono each on Mrs. Delany and Mrs. uroouy nil on llin National Hank of Home M'hov left town on Saturday mornint! for Columbia county, lit a team, but went no luvthcr man iiiiigiowiiBiiiiiuu uimrii tiipv mit iiff. Thev were follow' ni iimvn lm! cnuld bo traced no farther, AVo uupposo that thtso imrtles will also jnako uood their vsvnw.Menumloah Jltmhl, di vision upon tho livo county lino, said mat boyond tnocounties named, tnirty nlno parishes out of soventy-ilvo had. through tho clergy and vestry, express ed themselves favorablo to tho division proposed. Tlio Hev. Dr. Paret read a paper, by which It appeared that out or fifty-four clergymen stationed within tlio counties projioscd to bo &ot off, thirty-four had approved tho measure. A protracted discussion took place upon tho second amendment, somo of tno speakers iavoring tno nine county, others tho flvo county line. Tho advo cates of tho flvo county lino generally belonged to tno parishes em braced with in tlio proposed diocese. too amendtnont was not agreed to. follows: Or tho clergy 111 voted aye. 27 voted no. Of tho laity JI churches votod aye, IS voted no and 2 wero divided. LOCAL NOTICES. Go nnd tret a cool glass of Beer or old stocic Alo and soo tno "iivo urocouno" at Wldmver & Jncobv's Saloon. Hx- mmeuiaio ngiit, picKed up u low oi cliango Hlock. thoso trottblusomo missiles, and Orcd them back to tho enemy, "to mnko them believe," as ho said, "that wo bad a Wliitworth too." During tho heavl est firing a chancu shell frightened a abblt from Its lair, and it was at once pursued to tho water's edgo by a dozen shouting soldieis, whoso love for sport exceeded their fear of a riflo shot. Night e.tiisod tlio firing on both sides to cease. During tlio day Sickles' Corps, tho Third, left us, and unobserved by tho oiiouiy joined Hooker at Chancellors ville, making a force of near 70,000 men at that point. Friday was a day or inaction to tlio troops In rrout of Fiedeiicksburg. Just after dusk howover, tlio enemy com menccd cheering lustily along their lines, to which our men as heartily re spondod. They also built bonfires in front of their works, doubtless to cover tho movements of a largo part of their army, In tlio meantlmo nothing had been heard of our cavalry, which, number lug 10,000 men had been sent on a raid to cut tho rebel communications, but unfortunately at tho samo timo It de prived ii of tho uso of an important arm of tho borvico. Ily tills timo Hooker'8 movements wero completely dovolopcd, and Leo rapidly concentrated his force-) lo meet him on ills chosen ground, leaving a fecblo forco to bold tlio Fredericksburg boights. Hooker, howover, push ed his troop.s forward tovoral mllos, his left resting on tho Itappaliannocl; river, and uncovering Hanks' Ford, whllo tho right pushed out on tho plank road to thu open country whero after somo hard fighting, nu admirable post tion was obtained on n commanding rldgu. To tho surprise of every ono tlio lino was ordered to bo abandoned, and our men reluctantly fell back to their former lines, closely pressed by tho enemy, Our dlstttnco from Scdg wick was not only increased, but wo wero coopod up in an Interminable wildornois, and our position wns coin mauded by tho ono vacated, which of courso was nelzcd by tlio enemy. Saturday moruing found our Corjw (tho First) still In front of Fredericks- burg. Their artillery opened on us heavily, nnd wo responded rapidly. Their firing ceased about 10 n. m,, nnd about noon our bridges wero taken up, nnd wo commented moving up tho river, lly n forced inarch wo reached tho sccno of action, crossing tho Happu bannock ut tlio United States Ford. Wo tlioiti loanutl wlmt n fearful blow Dn. Heahdslev. of Now York, the well known I'hysioiogicai Lecturer, may bo consulted on all forms of chron ic diseases, nt tho Amoricnn Hotol. Hloomsbtirg, wouiiesuayaiuixiiursuuy, Juno 16th and Kith, two dnys only. Dis eases oi tno eye, ear, uiroat nnu catarrn a specialty. -t" "Liveh Complaint." Indigestion. Dsspopsia, Diseases of tho Kidneys and liiauucr, anu tnoso cnronio uiseases pe culiar to females as Weaknes, Irregu larities, Weak Hack, and Laucorrhea, aro cured in ono-tlilrd tho tlmo necessa ry to euro them with any other remedy by using Jir. jicrco's Aiterativo ex tract or Golden Medical Discovery. Sold by Druggists, or send tbroo nnd a ouartor dollars to H. V. Pierce, M. D lluffalo, N. Y., and get three bottles free or Eqpreas charges. S3 91 II) 100 SI 7 27J ISO 30J IJoI 170 JSofSXO Jofl70 U lit 380 1.111 381 SSI ) 381 101 30 00 21) 1 lot I " 3 " 7 l " K 32.1 4HI 420 4M 1 lot m 300 3 11 15 :k soo 17 20 (ii 11 1(0 100 17 20C 3 IS m 12 70 40 40 4 3 10O 100 am as M 3m 400 100 180 210 28 10 10 100 2110 421 100 a 100 45 10 JQ E N T I S T It Y . II, C, lIOWL'lt, UENTISV, Respectfully oilers his professional btrvlces to tho ladles nud goutlenien of llloombburg and vl clnlty. IIo is prepared to attend to all the vari ous operations in the lino of his profession, nnd Is provided with the latest Improved ronc.LiN Tketh which will be Inserted on Rold plating, silver nud rubber base to look as well as I ho nat ural teeth. Teeth extracted by all the new and most apiiroved methods, and all operations on tho teeth carelullyniul propeily ntleudedto, Heslileuco nnd ottlco a lew doors above tho Court House, same sldo. llloomsburg, Jou.31.'03t( 100 41 K) 3S0 101) 25 02 MJ 1110 AO 10) 110 40 IIO 2103 4!) IS 48 if n 50 100 30 M U S I C . ino underslcned would resnectfully Inform tho citizens ol lllooimburg and vicinity that ho has locnlcd In their midst lor tho purpose of (in lawing Ills prolesslon as u teacher of music. lor n nunuier of years helius been located iu Uroolc lyn.N. V., but continued lll-hcnlthmado a couu try lesldenco desirable. Ho will tench scliolatg at their homes, or In i lasses, ns they max piefer, nt mudcruto rates. . PIANOS TUNED or repaired at short notice. All ouIcih (an be lolt at this olllee. . , 1I would respectfully solicit n sliaio of tho public liatronage, I, W, NlLkH, llloouihburg.itay 27, lS70-tf 17 XECUTOHS' NOTICE. XU ETATI5 0K JAULA KMM11T, llEC'll. Lottos tcbtninentnry on tho eslnto of James Emmltt.late ol llemlocktwp.. Columbia county, diu'd, haol)een gi anted by tho Heglstcr of said eouuly to Andii'W J. Kmmltt and Chilstlau 1. Luiinltt of Hemlock township, Columbia county, 1'u, All persons having claims against the csialo alo lfiiuestid lo present them In Hie lecutors lu Columbia county. Thoi-o Indebted to the tuatu ellher on note, judgment, moitgago or book iKiouut will make pa; mint to the Kx ccutors wi.hout aelay.lmEW rMM (.HitiHTiAN i:. EiiMi'rr. Executois, Je370-0w, AGENTS WANTED FOH Brrcspcetus-y fKr,i IBLEXJYRICS A IABTEHI,Y VnnHIFlPATIOK OF THE WUULlMi: rOKTHV OF IIIU UHII.E. kn rtir.timinpnl l.v lpmllni elerex'inen and lav liti'ii nf nil ilenriliilliullniju. ITnlv eisallv ndmlred nud highly isleemed both lur lis great Intrlnslu merit anu nueuauieai iiuisu a uihuihui 4 n pectus.lrom a new and original design, showing tlio dliierriit styles of binding, etc., sent aUto liileto l'ltlvK In nil acit ptcd as Ageuls.nnd a sam. pin copy when deslicil. aliOinriiiK, (ct thunlhe WJHIhmALH I'ltlVK Kzeluslto Territory, and the Most Liberal Terms, l'orlull partlculais, Ullus, etc., ailJiesa C.F. VKNr.l'iiblUUer, ma)li70-f ailartlayBt, New York. 100 50 UofSIU 200 40 SI 32 71 110 30 Id of 100 JSof l'JO tjof200 it of 200 VSof200 UafM 2of 10O U of 100 Yi of 200 t of 200 of 200 J2of200 hS 33 S 10 100 Hot 1103 CO 321 11 30 (0 40 23 CHI 7J a 205 200 tl 3IXJ 111 IS JjCf IID 22U 11 10 11 21 6 Fleckcnstlno Natlinn Freas A 1 tollman (Jelslnger Jacob Ikcler Wm Jones Hlchnrd Jones Jnmes N Mears Williams -Montgomery Daniel Est Patterson If W renter Samuel J Pealer George Unaugst Philip " Abraham Whltenlght Wm Zancr Joint FRANKLIN. lloycr Edward Llllcy Abraham Swank Geo GREENWOOD TWI'. llattln II F Cooper Mark V Ikeier A J Kllno Pantel Mellck John 'lltmau Abraham Est CENTRALIA BORO'. Artor John Jloylo John Callahan James Casey John Dougherty Michael Dickson Panlcl Kllno & Relubuld John Jcsso Lehigh & Mahauoy R R Co Madden Thomas Macheu Thomas Meehau James Nevln Michael Itelly Hheppard B F Wltlich Frederick Zclgler William Oublo Henry Morgan John I) Mooro Grace Mr Vuu Hureu H E Mrs Ouinu Patrick Cannon lleruard Cane Terrenco Keller Widow Lovelaud II A McKlnuey Chan Ktaie John Collins T T Hanly John 11 Hurley John Edward James lllvcn James Heaver Daniel Davis Henry Feustermaeher J H Jones Ann T Mrs Kllno Caroline I-'in'jen Pat Mclaughlin F Murphy Thomas Murphy lirldget Maulhan John ManlhauThomas Maiks Lloyd Marks George Mcllttgh James Welsh Mai tin Kline John Cain Owen Uoll'Mlebiiel Durklu Ellen HRIAKCHEEK TWI'. Apple rnul Hnwman Jesso llrlttaln Wm A llllsh Heubeu lieaeh Niithau Huhee Lewis lh van Guy Clem W T P l-.vans Win lIlckKjesso l'ealer Samuel J Heteer Abraham ' stackhousc Joseph Hat Suit Adam Hitler Jacob Sponenberg 1'hlllp Yosi John Zaner John HEAVEI1TWT. olnmbla Coal.t Lumber Co 0 II 30 45 3.1 1 I I r,i 3 38 10 IS 1 08 fi 03 1 81 1 60 10 15 10 08 1 Oil 12 18 38 2 0 fi 00 3 38 13 11 11 01 3 40 338 5 11 1 39 47 3d m 18 30 12 1 0 07 7 33 3 85 5 48 577 7 61 1 43 40 40 0 3 08 4 49 7 09 3 83 3 05 3 M 3 02 3 S3 1 50 5 00 2 20 1 09 XI 33 1 77 4 53 SI 3 5.1 7 17 2 05 1 t0 I 13 1 20 40 30 t)0 2 7 2 20 2 23 1 III) 40 10 10 40 2 20 2 20 I 17 10 1 70 1 10 1 27 1 .35 MAINE, Kllngaman Elizabeth Hosier Jacob Mann Chas F Miller II (1 Est Miller Philip . Hhumnn Daniel dec tl Mhumnii Isaiah ' Hmcck.llrobJt.Yrttcr A llauk Yetter Isaac Yetler 1) ,t Innno Yetter Daniel CnicyEitwnrd Iiongonbergcr George dec u Duty Frederick MIFFLIN. t 2) Ii 88 W 1)1 1 41 7 01 I M 4 03 4 K8 0 78 I) 33 031 70 A 01 3 71 9 Ilrown David Hr 2 19 41 Creasy Henrv 1)87 00 Keller John 8 0) 2 1,1111 Kiiznbelh 40 173 NungesaerGco 10 00 l) NussJnroD u 00 13 Ponebecker Jacob 1 47 83 Parks Hnraucl Est 2 80 31 Hutllir Joel 2 80 17 Zimmerman Joshua 8 00 DAVID LOWENIIEHO, Hloomsburg, April 8, 1870, Treasurer. rjlltEASUREn'S SALE OF HEATED LANDS IN COLU.MUIA COUNTY. Also tho following lots, nieces or rtarccl of ovtueu utiiiui-, leiui lien uy iiiu 111 luui'CKJr!,. uru to bo sold at tho same time, under the provisions ol an net of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating 10 ute saie 01 innus ior inxes in loiuiauin coun ty," approved March cm, lsom Acres. 401) a 321 V) 2 400 300 Slots 2 " 1 " 1 " I " 2 " 20 1 lot I3hVt 1 " tA 1 ' " 5 2 lots 2 ' 2 " Hot 3 Slots 8 1 lot Gil 50 too M 120 Names of Owners. HENTON TWP. MlllsJohn llurlcman John KoonsJobn Hutllir Wash Lni Ish George HUIAHCHEEK. Martin Eliza Thomas Joslah HEAVER, ('lark Andrew I rnct Halliard John Est Hubbies Heirs Mann llitdy A. Crlswell (irnver Stephen Miller Mann imtcnLcnder A HrePch COXYNGIIAM. Hrown William Hrcnnen Jacob llrcnncn William Havoren P Tnylor Hobt Cnsey John "Lower" l.lndermutli G 1 Meghen l'etcr Crnne Pmnlnlek Dyer Jenks Kline John Dgeu l'ntrlek Kuike John Hradley l'eter Hrndley James Hutler Thomas Centre Turnpike Cn Chapman William ('only Man' Dewey James Hughes Richard Meeghan Anthony Meeghan Patrick McKIcrnan Anna Henner Jacob Hurt Andrew Wynn Dennis L' Velio M M McDonnell Pat Hyraey William Preston Improvement Co Gaugheu l'al Gangbcn Thou Jolco l'eter Murphy Thos Muriihy Richard Kaehelrles John Knlttle Jonas McManemon Philip CENTRE. Hrown M I, FRANKLIN. Cromly Julia Ann FISHINGCnEEK, Yople Michael Est GREENWOOD. Corastock Wm Tameny Moses WattH Moses Wethetel Elizabeth Whitemaull V Drclblcbls James HEMLOCK. Whltenlght Pelcr Est MONTOUR. Mluahau Thomas ORANGE. Bankey James W TINE. Pawson Hannah Cl.wo John HUOARLOAF. Golder Lavlna Klluo Casper .t it Taxes. 1 00 27 4 71 COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, - N. W. SAMPLE. C. W. NEAL. L. J. TAYLOH. T$. W. SAMPLE & CO., CJornor ol" Main Street nnd 1j. Si B. Hail Koad, BLOOMSBTJBa, 1-A-. , MACHINISTS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS; HLA0KSMITIIS AND B01I-ER MAKERS. IVrANUPACTUltEKS OF STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, u:.i:itAii diaciiim: ivouk ami kiu'aiks. MILL GEARING, HIIAl'TINO, rULI.EYS, HANGERS, HEAUHLOCKB, SAW aVCILIj C3-B-A.K.I3STC3- OF ALXj CASTINGS FOH FUHNACES AND ROLLING MILLS. AIO OAK WHEELS ANP AXLES mmm (JABTINOH. I 08 2 30 53 60 203 I) 19 70 78 00 1 II 51 fl n w H 10 0 no VI 30 11 III 2 H.3 3! It) 41) 2 4' 10 05 2 3 () 1 50 I 50 1 50 2 25 1 50 1 50 ft 00 1 1: 1 5U 1 50 3 18 1 05 2 10 1 40 1 51) 1 50 27 60 1 50 5 00 2 50 2 50 2 1,0 1 7.3 3 S3 3 50 CO 10 35 16 2 02 8 57 5 1)1 1 10 Moss U & Feustermaeher Crevellng&ColJ 00 JACKSON. 50 Kitchen William 5 10 15 Hefcs James 3 10 DAVID LOWENUEHG, Dloomsbui g, March 8, 1870. Treasurer. Q0MMISSJ0NEIVS SALE. Will be sold at tlio Court House, in Blooms burg, on the second Monday in Juno, 1870, agreeably lo the provisions of tho Acts of Assembly in such case mado and provided, all tlio right, tltlo and Interest acquired by said Commissioners in tho following lots, pieces, and parcels of unseated lands hereto loro purchased by them at Treasurers sale and J.elil for a period of more thanfiveyears ; tho day of redemption having gnno by, un less by the original owner. Acres. BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS CAH HOXES, COMPOSITION CASTINGS, , , ..,-,.- AND HAHI1IT AlKTA t. DELiFIELD'S CELEBRATED GLOBE VALVES, STOP COCKS, CHECK VALVES, A1H UUUKa, OIL GUI'S, STEAM WHISTLED UTEAivr ouaohs, steam: khi and riTTiwan G03NT3Ti.3SITX,"Lr ON HAND. AOENTS FOH SHIVE'S GOVEHNOB, ACKNOWLEDGEP TO 11 K THE RIMPLEST AND I1EST IN THE WOULD. MILLWRIGHTS AND MACHINISTS HUITLins EITHER ON HAND OR PURNiyilEI) AT SHORT NOTICE, VIZ; OUM AND LEATHER BELTING OF EVERY DESCItlPrlOS, HEMP AND SOAP STONE PACKING, OILS, RED AND WHITE LEAD, dC. LESSEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF HALL'S PATENT DOUIJLE DISCHARGE TURBINE WHEELS. LIHFllAl. .NDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO THE TRADE. Also Acents ror tho "EUREKA" Smut and Scpamtinrr Machine and "EX CELSIOR" Hrnn Duster. Send for circular. Specimen Machines run bo scon at tho works, BLACKSMITHING-, HEAVY OR LIGHT FORCINGS, MERCHANT IRON OF ALL SIZES ON HAND. Alto manufacturers or Wm. B. Deuel's HAY nnd HARVEST GRINDERS, patented November 2nd, 18GS). REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. MADE TO ORDER. ORDERS FOR BRIDGE BOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED PATTERN SHOP. WE HAVE NOW IN THIS DEPARTMENT THE LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY AND ARE PREPARED TO MAKE ALL KINDS OF PATTERNS AT SHORT NOTICE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF THE LATEST IMPROVED PATTERNS. THRESHING MACHINES, A SPECIALTY. Buckeye Reapers Repaired AND ALL EXTRA PARTS FURNISHED. MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF MORTON'S PATENT HAY RAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. Cgj-N. B. Having put hi machinery especially adapted lo the manufacture of Moulding Cutters,wo nro prepared toexecuto largo or small orders, at short no tice, and on very favorable terms. Send for Circular and prlcolist. N. W. SAMPLE & CO. May 7.'C3-tf Hail Roads. Heaver Mt Pls't Madison U Creek 1J !I0 12 (10 I 85 32 25 3 70 DOS 12 00 1.1 05 11 39 3 21 03 0 45 12 W 0 II M 25 31 (I 15 2 88 3 21 27 tW 27 OS 21 1,0 27 (S 1 K5 0 15 20 01 7 10 12 30 Ii 15 9 81 2 83 7 20 M 00 0 . 5 38 8 V7 3 ! 3 75 Davis Isaac llarrtger Jacob Miller Ellas Mann a ltoat Noycr Caiharlne Noyer George Nungesser George Cehllcher Moses Shlpman H W West Huck Mountain Coal & Iron company MorilsPauIef HENTON. Armstrong Hannah Wlillo Tracy Hucklo William Pennington Jesse R HEMLOCK, ' Applemau William 3 15 ApplcmauDH 7 77 Hrnglcr Samuel 1 1 03 Campbell I, N 5 31 I tun is Jacob 7 31 JACKSON. Wagner Philip A Co 17 73 Stephen William 4 Hi John Kile U 11 115.5 LOCUST. HUllnglouTuuiuas 13 00 Fisher John 3 13 John Samuel 2 00 " ' S 12 Miller Jacob 2 58 Hhods John Si Joseph 7 80 snyers William 2 00 Huston Thomas 3 03 Hecso Daniel 7 to) Huston Mary 7 Ml Huston Chailotto 7 so Reynolds John 7 to) Myers Mary 7 to) Huston Thomas 3 lit Heeso Daniel 7 0 Huston Mary 7 80 Huston Charlotlu 7 80 Reynolds John 7 N) MjersMary 7 to) ORANGE. Ifnaeubtich Isaao 7 31 Everett James Est 5 21 Jones Richard 4 tol Kcrett Moses o b- Kcllcr Samuel ' II Heitlug David 13 PINE. Jaeoby OA It 10 Heath Sylvester 1 01 HOARINGCREEK. Hurgcred Isuau 20 75 HarncsThosJr 3 3 Dewef George 20 75 Hower George 8J Mortis Daniel 2 08 Daly FiederUk 3 1 HUOARLOAF. Cole William Est 4 08 Colo Ezeklel 2u 87 Huekalow James, 33 119 Frllz Henry W UI (lom Nalhanlel 111 00 Hubert Gray 25 20 Orarhart William 27 S (learhart Gcorgn 8 01 Muulgomery Hobt Est 411 20 Melleury Paulil Jr II.M Yiiuug Abruhaui :l UI JnliuKlle 3:10 MADISON. Moser Jacob 28 32 Hlieteli Joseph .81 to) MONTOUIt. (IlgerJohn id ( Krnllii.iii 10 Lelby Jacob 2 oil Hamsey John Est MOUNT PLEASANT. Alo John 6 5,1 MiCuity Katilol 71 F Creek It Creek Benton U Creek F Creek Jackson Mt Tls't Mad sou Locust 30. Fisher Jonathan 1S52 11, Stroup Ailnm jr " 50. Cliamberlin Wm " 15. Ilarplno D.iM " 18. iiowcr oenrge 50. Relshcr John rr " ' (15. Millard Wm " " 60. Whitman Abrm. "-54 " S6. Cook John jr " " 260. Bancroft L, O. H-54 Pino 100. " " 5. Scott Samuel " " 25. Ash Samuel 11 400. Curry Patrick " 431. Beach NOB 1S5C 401. " 11. Kecler Ebenczer " 10. Bower Solomon " 575. Calfus Charles "-5: 13. Kisner John " " 573. Scliuyler-tirenry " 30. Ikeier William " 22. JlcCalls John " 106. Wagner Philip " 52. Michael " 75. Colder D " 150. Yorks William " 0. Oman John 50, Runyan Ezra " 15. Hobbins Jos. " 100. Hunter P.obt. " 52, Lobo Henry " 70. Lyon Robert " 22. Wclllver John " 343. Barron Johujr " jia. isenson l'eter 124. Barnes Thos " 131, Lemon Win " 128. Hall Samuel 127. Yorks Joseph " 03. Hess Peter " 12. McMullcn Jas " 400. Applemon P " 150. Fray Chas B 1858 31. BalcotJohn " 400. McCallasJohu " 50. Biltlo Samuel ' 100. " " 22. Snick Geo 50. Colley S E 200. Cowsart James " 200. Miller .t Pifer " 110. Yoborclcr " 10. Yobo Jacob " 10. drover Michael" 100. Miller i l'cifer "-ii S3J. Mann A Boat " 10. Hitters Est. " 17. Sloan Geo " 150. UeoblerOlt " 120. Hollinan Hat. " 200. Wood3ldo .IFrick" 25, SCO 400. Cnl: C.& I. Co 400. " " " " 3t0. " " " 400. Deihl Itubt " 50. Ash William " 10. Blank Joseph " IS. Traugh Ilcury " 3. Parks James " 0. Evans Jacob " 365. Kvcrliard John " 100. Hughes J B " 125. Hughes W & 1, " 10. Groves M " 50. Crevollng A " C3. Ehumsu F It 1M2 11. Bowman SB " 150, Freas Andrew So, BmcckABrobst " 3, Longenbcrgo G " $ 1.11 4.25 5.07 3.97 I. 41 5.37 II. 21 14.01 ii.07 20.53 9.47 3.17 43.07 13.11 13.C0 4.73 1.07 17.20 10.02 9.01 5.71 4.17 7.08 5.30 5.43 9.K7 1.21 4.87 UI 4.87 1.37 1.57 1.97 33.13 33.13 14.33 8.11 14.75 8.157 5.35 1.91 45.83 9.01 4.09 " 15.17 Cunyngham 21.71 ioai LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS BUIMI ItAiLHOAD On nnd vrur Jan. 17,1870, Passenger Trains will run as follows: Going Norm, Arrlvo Arrive p. m. n. m. il.OU Scrnnlou.. 8.15 Going South. Leave Leave p.m. n. in. Plttston Kingston Plymouth Shlckshluuy.. Berwick Hloom Danville 1.50 Letiv e Nnrlh'd 1.13 S.II 7..V) 7.:w 7.58 ... 0.0.3 ... 5.28 10.30 10.0.1 II. H ll.l 9 S,HJ 7.5.1 7.15 favo I,. II' 1.00 Leave 4.32 .5.110 6.10 (i.l'J 0.30 7.30 8.10 Airlvo 8.4 I 7.21) 7.50 8.20 8.00 9,09 9.12 10.17 10.55 Arrive 11.33 Connection madontscrnnton bv tin-10.40 n.m. train for Groat Hend, Himitinnitnu, AltMUytuul ull poinls North, Hast nnd West, rtATAAVISSA RAIIjROAD-Oii and J nfler MONDAY, Sep. 0, I HI), Passenger trains on IheCatawlssa Railroad will inn at the lollow lug named hours: Jfii!( Smth. Dep. 8.45 n.m .Willi A'orOi 9.13 9.47 " 10.05 " 10.13 " 11.0.3 " 11.17 " 12.22 p.m. I2.M " BIATIOKH. Wllllamsport Muncy. Wnuontown, Milton. Danville. ' Rupert. ' Catawlssa. ' Hingtuwn, ' niiir.inil, " ()uakake. ' " E. Mahony June. ' "Dlne.Tamaqun. llne. " Heading. Phllndelphlii. ' I To Now York via. Read lug or Mauch (,'hunk. From New York via. I Mauch Chunk. r N'oCliaugii ol cars between Wllllamsport and 1.08 " 1 .20 " 2.13 ' 4.2.1 Air. 0.45 " 9.25 Arr, (i.OOp. m. Pep. 6.28 " l!l0 " " 1.00 " " 3.10 " " 3.12 " " 2.23 " " 1.51) " " 1.40 " " 1.30 " ' 1,10 n.m. 8.13 " 0.5. Philadelplilo. GEO. WEUU Suy't. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & WliVl'EHN RAI LrioAD.--Suiomer arrange- ineni, April ii,istu. 'iiaius icuvo ns ioiiows: KAHlWAUl). WKSlWAIlli. "-52 S Loaf Pino Beaver I Ac- Ex- Mall STATIONS, com. press Franklin Jackson Locust MiUliu Mulne Montour Orango Tiuo i S Loaf Mifflin Beaver 11 Creek V Creek G wood Locust Sbcclz James " Montour Maine Beavor B Creek ii Catawlssa Ml III in Maine S Loaf PAVID YEAGEIt, WM. 11. (U1CK, CYRUS hobuu; SR. 1 ;s, J 3.67 5.37 03.83 3.57 S.07 3.17 3.S3 11.87 10.08 iM 4.27 13.23 7.00 8.67 3.74 32.07 S2.07 30.61 32.07 3.97 3.11 2.93 3.11 3.11 28.01 7.31 12.03 1.E8 3.60 7.71 4.83 8.13 4.48 3.72 10.1) 0.12 Coiir's. N O NEW DISCOVERY 1 1 1 It li.iu lriiui lmni liiinwn (linl lbu itld estahllsll ed una will Hocked I'iiiinitiiiik & Hhuhno M'Ani'iiniiiii or 11. u. r.KWIH. Hu.. nro the chean- est In tlieelly. Ho Is now selling Pahmiii Hiinu In Pixsii, lUui ('Mini, lines or Tinny. Wal- 1'u a kiiii. it KIT1TU 111 on. or AKKlslf: LOT- tauk 1-unsirunr. all slylcss HKnniMi ami Ma n UUHKH. i aiious sizes, cheaper than miction ,.-i,.c i v., n.i rnul see. anil bo convinced. Von will savu moni y l.y giving us a call belore pnr- Hinting tiscwiuri'. If. It. LEWIS, Hit.. IIII UA11KI.T hrill.(.T, I'lllUA UKU'llIA, Next diHii lii ior, of Fifteenth SI. nprn0-3m. JOB PRINTING Neatly executed at this Offlil Mall Fx press Ac com. 8.00 7.15. 0. 1 ill 5.10 4.57 i.lll 3.15 M 1IKII 7.10 5.1S 9.50 S.15 (I.SO 5.3J !::$ 5.11 5.02 1.5i! 1.19! J.'-'i Isio 1235 A.M 3.10 1.21 12.17 12.17 5.10 3.50 1.30 1 12.30 12.23 I2.0K 12.62 11.3s! 11,28 11.18 11.0. 10. Ill I 10.27 10.11 9.50, 11.10 0.10, f.:ts H..HI. h.ll 7.5. 7'37j 7.I51 0.61 U.391 A.M Via M. & E. Dlvls., ArlNewYotk. Lvi (7-bo Jlarclau &t.) .(.ui isiiipner oi Hobokell , Newark. via Con. Klf. oi S'j" iew York Utxjt Utterly td) ..New Hampton Oxford ...Hildirovlllo ....Philadelphia .TrcuionMHW. Phllllpsburg Mauunka Chuuk... Delaware .... Mount Bethel .water uap, .....Htroudsbutg Kpraguevlllo iicuryviue Oakland I oiks Tnb hanna Gouldsboro Moscow Dunning Sciantnn ..Clark's Summit., .Ablmitou u ..FaetoryMUo ...nictioison .llnpbtittoin. ...Mnntrosu ..New Mllfold... ... -Great Bend. A si, I'.SI, "sTu) TTo 8.00 4.10 W5 4.2i 8.10 4.50 11.28 7.35 0. 00 i!oo 11.15 7.20 11.41 7.50 11.61 8.0) 7.30 3.30 8.15 4,42 11.03 7.03 12.00 8.05 12,15 8.20 12.25 8.30 12.10 8.1! 12.33 8.33 1. Ui 1.13 1. :l .!) 1.10 H.ll 2. dll OAs 2.10 10.09 2.311 10.29 2.4S 10.38 p.m. 3.20 IMS.) 8.30 3.10 9.13 0.10 3.4(1 9.21 0.23 1.01 9.35 0.50 4.20 9.51 10.30 1.S9 10.12 11.00 4.57 I0JJ) 12.00 6.15 10.17 12.33 3.30 II.U2 1.(0 I'.M, A.M. ..U. Trains do not stun ut Kfallons wIilio the Tlmo Is omttlcd. T EADING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ., Monday, May 16th, 1S70. Great Trunk Line from tho North and North west forPhlladelrihln.Now 5'ork, itfanlng, Potu vlllo, Tamanun, Ashland, Shamokln Lebanon Allentown, Eastou, L'plirnm, Llttz, Lancaster. Columbia, &c, Trains leave Harrlsburg for New York, as lol lows: At 6,33, 8.10 nud 11,25 it, m., nrnl 2,50 p. in., connecting with similar Indus on Penna. Railroad, and urrlvlng at iS'ew Yorlt at, 12.10, noon, 3,50,0,03 nnd 10,00 p. in. respectively Sleeping cars accompany llio 5,33 and 11.23a. m,, trains without change. Hemming: Leave Key York at 0,00 a.m. and 12.00 noon nud 5,00 p. in. Philadelphia at 8.15 n. m, nnd 3,30 p. m. Sleeping cars accompany tho 9.00 n. in., and 5,00 p.m., I rains Irom N, Y. without change. Leave Hnrrlsburg for Reading, Poltsvlllo,.Ta maqun, Mluersvllle, AHilaud, Miamokln Plna Grove, Allentown APhlla'd. nt8,IOu.m.,a2,60Jt 4,10 p.m., slopping ut Lebanon and piincipal way stations: tho 4,10pm. train connecting tor PhJl'a, PoliHvillo nnd Columbia only. Fur PottsvHla Schuylkill Haven nnd Auburn, via Hchnylklii and Susquehanna Llallroad, leave Harilsburg ut 3,10 p.m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains lenvo Read Inglor Alleiuowu, Easiounnd New YorUat 7XS iu.,ai ii. in., i.ii nnu i.u p. iii. iiciurniiig, leavu New York nt 9Jw u. m., I2.00 noon mnt 5.0J p. uu and Allentown nt 7.20 it. m. 12.25 noon, 4.20 and, 8.45 p. in. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7,30 a.m., connecting with similar trnln un East i'a. rnuinaii reiuruiug iiom ueauiugnt-u.ap.ui, stopping at all stations. Leave pottsvlllo at 5,4oand n,m.,nnil '-',50 p.m. Ilerndon at 9.30 n. m.. Sbnmokln at 5.10 and 10.4(1 n. in., Ashlund ut 7,0,5 nnd 12,30 noon Muu anoy City at 7.51 a. m. nnd 7.C7 n. in. Tamnaua at K.3.1 it. in., nnd 2,20 p, in. for plillndclphla and. New ioru. Leave Pottsvlllo via Schuylkill nnd Susque hanna Railroad ut S.15 a.m. ior Hurrlshurg, KU'l 12,05 noon, for PlueGrovo and Tromont, lieauing Accoiumuuaiiiiu .ruin leases jons vlllo ut5.i0 a. m., passes Heading nt 7,3o a. m., ar riving nt Philadelphia at 10.20 u. in. lloturulng, leaves i'hlladelphla at 5,15 p. m., passing Iteou ing nt 8,00p.m., urrivingitt Pottsvlllo at 9,10 p,m I'ottstown Accommodation Tralnileavea Polls town ut 0,23 n.m,,, returning, leaves Philadelphia, ut 1,00 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7,20 a.m., anil 0-15 p.m. tor Ephrata, 1,1117., Lancas ter, Columbia, Ac., Perklomcu Hall Road TraluBleavo Perkloraea Junction nt 9,00 u. in., 3.00 A 5.30 p. in. returning: leave SchwenksvUle at 8.05 a.m., 12.15 noou, and 4.15 p.m., connecting with similar trains oil Reading ltallioud. Colcbrookdalo Hallioad trains IcavoPottstown at 0.40 a. m and 0.20 p. m., returning leave 51 oant Pleasautat 7,00 and 11.23 a. m., connecting with, similar tliilns on Kcudlui- Hallioad. .uesicr uney iinnruuu trains leave jir.ugc -tort at 8,30 a. m. and 2.05 and 5.02 p. m. returning, eave Downluctou at 0.20 a. m.. 12.45 noon and 5.13 i. in., connecting with slmllur IrulLS on Reading Railroad, On Stiudaye, leave New York nt 5,00 p.m., Phil phla ut 8,00 n.m. and 3,15 p.m., (the 8,00 a.m. train i mining only loReadlugOlcav el'ottsvllle 8, llarrlsburg at 5,35 it. m. uml 4.10 p. m, ami leave Allentown at 7.23 a.m. ttud8.15 p. in., and Heudlng at 7.15 n. in, and 10,03 p.m. for llarrls burg, nt 7.23 a, m, for New York, at 4.45 p. m, for Alieutown, and at P.40 n. lu. and 1.23 p. in. Ut Philadelphia. com munition, .uncage, bctibou, ttruuiu biii Excursion Tickets to ami from nli polute. ut iv duced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds nllowel each paseuger, G. A. NICOI.LN, Genernl bupciluteudcut. Reading, P.t , April 29 1870. jgROWN'S FAST FREIGHT FROM PHILADELPHIA TO HLOOMSUUllO, and Inleriuedlalo points. Goods forwarded with, caio and despatch and at low rates. Goods, at Philadelphia, must be delivered f t, Hltncr .sea's, bit Muiket Street, l'or lull par llculjja, apply tu JACOB SCHUYLER, Proprietor, Aug. 20,'CC-tt, It. It, Depot, t'0NKCTIONS, At New- Hamilton with Central K. It. of N.J. The Mall and Express tialns eastward and west- wniilcouueti wnn trams lorNew xoric,, 1'lslulli ld,Somervllle uud ollur stations. At Wnslillieton with Morris & Essex It. 11. Mall and repress trains make close nud reliable connections tilth trains lor Ni w York. Newark, Al Mauuulta Chunk with lfclvideio Delnwuro R. It. Close connections are mado bv Mall uud l.xpiess trains, Willi trains ror Philadelphia, Trenton, Phllllpsburg, Hals Idcre.i,-. Uy Trulu No, 2, passengers reach Philadelphia vfa Cam den, by No, 4, via Kensington, passengers nu isu,4,arritu iu rnuaueipuiuiu tlmo toiasoiuo 11.30 p. in, train lor Htltluioieimd Washington, At Scrautou with Lackawanuu A Hliamislnirg A Delaware A Hudson Rail Roads. Trains on these ruads connect Willi our trains lor l'ltiston, vt iiaes-iiuriu, nerwicK, itioouisuurg, ii.iusuie, Olyphaut. Arcubatd and Carbondale. AL ltlnuuaiutnu Willi Hriu Ibtlltt'av. Mull No. 1 (ouuecls with Expiess Mall on Erie Hallway, leaving al 8.4J p. in, Willi it sieepiug eiiat-u ui taeliMl. iLrrlvllli, at ltntraln ut ll'AI next Inorulm.. Express No. 3 count-els with u way tinlu fur Owcgo, Iliiuca, uud Eliulra. Albany i Husquehunun Hallltond. Four trains a day run each way i-etwten Hlugliumlim und Ainuity, unit uu Hyiac for Syracuse lease ut 7 turn, uud 0.25 p.m. Trains 1ST ORTHEHN RAIL. CENTRAL WAY. On and after Nov. 15th 18fi), Tialni wtl leave NoiiTUoruiEKi.sMi as follotfs : NORTHWARD. 553 A, it., Dally to Wllllamsport, (except Hnndsy) lorEimlru, Canandalguu. Rochester, IluiliUo, Suspension Hrlilge, nud N, Falls. 050 p. N., Dally, (exetjit Sundays) lor 111 mill and Hullalo via Erie Hallway from El in Ira. 5J0 I'.M., Dally, (excej tSuuduys) for WilllajiU- l"'rt' TRAINH SOPTHWARD. 10.21 A.M.Pally (exciplJliiuilny'i,)forlWlllinoro WIWIINUTON AND PIllLADELPltlt. P.M. Paily(exepl Runilay'sJforBaltimoro Washington unit Pntladelphla, ill). S. YOUNG, General Passenger Agcm, Ai.vkei. It. I'lIKU, Geu'l HupU, puni.ic h.m.h ty, OueluiM-s lllughamtou ut 2.30 p.m., lives at Albany at 9.00 p, in, iu use, lllughamtoit A N. V, H, It. Trains from Syracuse arrive ut 11.44 a, hi. and M p. in, 51' .'.'i:"'' .... . . iAi.i,sir;Aii. Gen'l Puss, uud Tkt. Agent, hupl. -o'- V A li II A 11 1. F. 11 K Alt 1. H T A T E, ll.o School Plrceli'H of Hlo( in township will tell at Public t-alu i n HA1 1'Hl'AV thel'Vli itay d June, ul lu o'ili.ik,isiu., ull that teitulii house and lot r.l uiiaind MHh therpuiteniu.i known us the SMOKL10WN SCHOOL PROPEHTY, i.llualeim the built pai V of lot No. II, lu the part uf lllocinsbuig known as llnj kjusvllle. iMdd srliuol lot being Illiy.flve by loity icel, Hyuiderol lliolluurd JWM. I'FACOI C IU,luUllti, Jliu.'3,lk:iHt. Mi let .)