RlwiKSlnu'gftnwa'nt. hlMSHED EVKRY FRIDAY J10RN1N0 hlK COtUMUIAM MlILUlNd NKAltTllBCOtlltT HOUSE, I1V 5HARLES B. BROCKWAY, Kriltor nmt Proprietor b:-Two Dollars Year, psyaMo la Advanes. .tod phikting I descriptions executed Willi ncatuoss nnd lll-J'tllVil II. lemu.U.U.U Jloornoburg Directory. STOVES AND TINWARE. IM. RUPERT, dealer In stoves Atlnware.llu j.cit block, Mnlii st, west of JIarltet. vl-nlfl iCOIl JIET7., dealer lu stoves nnd tlnwnro felaln street, above com t houso, vl-nll CLOTHING, Ac. kv'll) LOWENBERG. JIcrchnntTnltor.Mnln &t 2d Uoor nbovo Anierlcnulloii.se, vl-nl.'l I Est. JIORRI8, Jlcrchaul Tailor nnil Audit lor troaml Main St., over Jllllcr's store. v3-n3j j DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Ac. 1M.UT., DrugglstaudApolhecary. Jlaln St.. L below the Post Olllce. vl-nll OYER BROS.. Druggists nud Apothecaries, IlivOWVi uiueiw mum bl, V1"UJ CLOCKS, WATCHES, AO. I r o;v V 1H L.. u.t.iei .ll lueKP, i IlieiH'N Ulltl I Jewelry, Jlnln at., Just below the American 1.1 tt . . . nn .(..-I-- ... rtt ... iit.i-i... vi-u bUIS BERNHAHD, Wntch nnil Clock ranker, fcpnrsoiithenstcorncr Jlnlnnnd Iron sts.vl-13 fKNItYZUPriNUEK, Wntches, spectncles A jewelry gcM mniumrcei. uear west at. iwii'i ' CATnCART. Watch nml Clock JIaker, Jlar l ket street, below Mnlu. vl-n!3 HOOTS AND SHOES. xf. nnnwN. Hoot nml Shoemaker. Centre ttrcet, rear of Itobblns A layer's Store, vl-u 13 vm TIKT7.. Hunt nml ttlioomnlter. Jlaln St.. tielowllarlman'sBtore.west of JInrkct. vl-li E........ t.'l T'f f fnnnrnn(nri.F nt.il ilnntni 1,1 I Hoots una bhoes, Groceries, etc., Main street, si Blooiusburj;. vl-uli PROFESSIONAL. lit. II. C. IIOWEIl, Surgeon Dentist, JInin St., I aboo tho Court House. vl-u 1.1 Ik. 1VM, JI. HEI1EH, Surgeon nnd Physician, hxcliango Jiiociwjver wcou'SuooKBiore v.wr-0 St. n. p. KINNEY. Sumeon Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain: Jlaln bt., nearly op- Rlto l-jpiscopm ejnuicu, vi-niu It. IKKLEIt. Attornev-nt-Lnw. Olllce. 2d . Uoor lnKxchangoDlock, ncarlhe "Exchange Itrt." v3-ul o. BARKLRY'. Attornev-nt-I.aw. Omce. Id If, lloorlu Exchange Bloek,ncartho"Exchango fciej." v i-ua li, JUClll'.l. V I ,.ll, XI,, rjlirl'UIl 1I1H1 X 11 hlCJIlIl I. north side Main St., below Market. vlu!3 south Ulo Mnl'n st'icet, below .Maikel. vl-nl! 1, t'VAWU rlf 11 Uitmnnn nml 1Iil I aIii t. r. ltUTTEIt. 51. 1). Bureeon nnd 1'hvslclnn I, Market sticct, nbovo Mnln. vl-uli 11. ltOlllSON, Atlorucy-at-Lnw, Office ltart , lnan'B bulldlnt;, SInlu street. v.-nW ktlLLINEIiy & FANCY GOODS. I'llTEIlMAN. Mllllncrv nnd l'nncv Goods. , opposlto Episcopal Chinch, Main st, vlnW NIKS U7.7AV. 1IAUKI.EY, Milliner, ltnmscy B LuildlneMnlusticet, vl-nU lISS A. 1. WEHI1, 1'nncy Uoods, Notions, JUUooUs, nmlBtatlouciy, Exchange lilock,Maln inn, vi-mj InsM. DEHItlCKKON, MlTllnery nnd 1'nncy iuooUH,Muinst., belowMarkct. vlu-ll ntS. E. KLINE, Millinery and Fancy Good8. Hi Main street bclovr Muiket. vl-ul I IRS. JULIA A. A BADE 11AH1CLEY, Ladles' clunks nnd Ui ess l'utternj, southeast corner ilaand Weststs. vl-nU ft 1IE Mlf-SES HA11MAN Millinery and Fancy luuods, Main fat., below Ami i lean J loune, vliul HOTELS AND SALOONS. IlMEItlCAN HOUHE.by John Leacock, Main l strut, Mtbt ol liou street. vl-ulJ IfiOLUJIHIA IIOjIL, ly II. Htili.i), Jlnln s UstJceCouilllouse. Nln ORKS HOTEL, by T. lltut. Taylor, enst end t of Main street. vl-13 H LE.COCK,OysierntvlEntlni;saloon,Amerl u.cau House, Jlnln St., linltzcrLencockbupeilu uileut. vl-nU flDMYEIt A JACOllY, Confectionery, Ilakery I anil Oyster Hnloon, wuolesalenud letall. Ex Bbange lllock, Main street. vl-n!3 3JKUUIIANTS AND QKOCERS. II C. JtAHlt, Dry Goods nnd Notions, south l nest corner Jluin ami Iron Bis. M-uI3 I B.SEESHOLTZ. dealer In 1-ry Ooods, Gro- CPrlPR. ltnnlL t.liniB nnrn.. It.ln n...l Iron streets. ' ' vILiioi) ) A. BhCKLKY, Hoot nnd Shoo stoic, bonks I JAl OHM. rnnliuittntm.!. irrnnnrlunln Mnli. 1 JIEMIl'VllATl Mi,n.MlUl.1.nMl...l,.i. ermrir rnn. .., .... iuuut 1 J.JMJ 'OA A Wl'rm . r.....i . ..... "vtt,ultJ u,m reinn, jxenango jiiocic, vi-uw i r. Timi-i'i. ii., , r, 1... -. ....... uuuiu vuill b llUllflD, Vi'lllO J. EKOWEIl, DryGoods Grocctles, etc., cor- . muiusi. una court iiouso nney. vj.uij lUlilllN'n.t Tiviir .in.in. I.. iir.. n...iu nln. h, OXltTON, Groceries & Tiovlslous, Jlnln .oniei uojow -MurKei. vi-nii K. EYEIt, Groceries nnd General Mcrchnn- .ot uamst., auove west. H'KKIA'Y, NEAI. A CO., dealers In Dry Goods, 1 Urocerles. Flour. Feed.fjalt. Fish. Iron. Nails. ... iui, Mum huu .um&ui , Ylni S II. JIILLEIt A fcON, dealer In Dry Goods, ft, "roccrlcs, tiuecnswnre, Flour, Call, Hhocs, Motions, etc., Exchaugo lllock, JIalnst, vl-nlJ MISCELLANEOUS. S'1T?J.'!iN' ?.,n,,bL0. Works, onodoor below A. l'ost Otllcc, JIalu Btrcet. vl.uU DLOOMHIIUlia LUJIDKH CO., mnnufneturers 1 nd dialers In Lumber of nil kinds j l'lanlng "'. Ul'Ul IUO 1U1J1UUU, VI p FOfiTEIt.GHio Maker, and White nnd Taney V. rainier. ScottoM u. vinn vlul7 p M. t'HItlM'MAN, Snddlo, Trunk i Hnrncss. V. aiukcr, bhlve's lllock Jluin btreel. vSnlO ) W. ItOIJItlNH.llriuordealcrsccoudiloorlrom northwest corner Jlnln and Iron Ms. vl-nll 11 II HTl.r .T.. . . . . . ... ... r,.i ''."V'A.c.irtfi, Agent ior iiuuson i.opii U'labulurLlBhtnlr.uItod. usv If J.THOUNTON, Wall Paper, Window Shades na tlxturcs, Hupert block, Malu st. vM3 fl.M!90nELL, Furniture ltooms, three story iJJitlck, Jlaln Street, west ot Jlaiket st. vlul) H, ROSENSTOCK.I'hotogrnplicr, over Itobblns u t) er's store, Jlnln st. vMl I, KU1IN, dealeTin Jleat, Talloiv, etc., Chem. I terlla'nllAV iM,r Am.'rlpnn llmikM. vlnJl .10IIN A 1,'11W1.T1 fr ........nl nli.l .n.h UIalll .1 . V l.W, IHUUIIII ..Ml V.ioil JSJi WHFFENDACII, Broom Factory. Or 'tit at his residence urnt Miller a sou's .'f'wwjjujriiiitu, nest green esicru urusu JaSl.?ADS,AN"t:aul1lin'lt('"' "" Cllll,r rooms Main street bel. Iron. v3-n!il K.X'M1'I;E ACo.,JIachlnlsts,nistlllooms. notice Tii7..T . i-. v. cusiings juaue- at snort Jlachliiery inado and repaired. vS-n'il ti i. li' ra!oienlI;K1.IV?''ia.1,er 1,1 l,la". organs and -., v, n , iu, vl b lurniiuru ruoius V1-U13 wkJ rrJ.DV' JlnrWo and Drown HtoiTi - uiuuuisuurg,iicrrictc roau, vi-uio ' ' Jlam'Jl,t;iK'.Ko,t','?r FUNIC, norlLtast corner ""nd Market st, v.u I 'iVlilPii' i.dcaltr fiinilture, trunks, ccder uiowwaie,marllio Forks Hotel, Vl-ulJ VOLUME IV---NO. 23. Ornnfovillo Directory, A A E. W. COLEMAN, Merchant Tnliors nml . Gent's furnishing goods, Jlnln St., next door to tho llrlck Hotel. vl-nl7 i 11. HEHHtNG A KltOTHEn.CnriicnterK and L. Ilullders, Jlnln St., below Pino. vl-lH7 BOWEH A Iir.IlItlNa, denier lu Dry Goods, Groceries, Lumber and general Jlcrcliandlse, Jlaln st. vl-uli BUICIC HOTEL nnd rerreshmcnt Saloon, by ltohr Jl'llcury cor.of Malu nndl'lno st.,vl-ul7 Dll. O. A. JIEOAnOEL.Vliystclan and Burrjcon, Jlnln st., next door to Good's Hotel, vl-nn DAVID HEIlltlNO. Fiournnd Grist Mill, and Dealer lu grain, Mill Street. vlnl7 H1I.AO. KELCHNEIl.niaclisinltiif.on Still . Street, near Pino. V1-1U7 T AMIW 11. IIAUJ1AN, Cabinet JIakor and Un. O dcrtnkcr, Jlaln St., below l'lue. vl-n!7 f M. 1IAHMAN, Snddlo and Harness maker. I. Jlaln st oppslto Frnino Church. vaill 1CIIUYLEII A LOWMronfounners.JInchlnlsIs, 3 and Jlanuractuters ofplows, Jtlll St. vl-iH MILES A. WILLIAMS ACo'rannersnml Jinn ufactureis ol leather, Mill strcot. vl-nl7 SAJ1UELS1IAHPLESS, JIakcr oftliollayhiirst Grain Cradlo. Jlaln St. v'.'nS. w ILLIAJ1 DELONG Rhoomakerninl innnufnc Hirer or linen, .Miust.,wesiori'iuo vinn Catawissa. BF. DALI.JIAN, Jlcrchnut Tailor, Second St. , Itobblns' liulldlng. -i2.nl? DH.J. K. ltOIlHINH, Surgeon ami Physician Second St., bolow Main, v'J-nls GILBEltT A KLINE, dry goods, groceries, and genernl merchandise, Jlaln Street v2-ni'J J 11. KISTLEIt, "Cattawlssn House," North . Corner Main and Second Streets. v'.'nls LKEILEIt, lllliaril Saloon, Oysters, nnd Ico . Cream In season MnlnSt. v2u!2 MJI. IinollST. denier lu General Jlcichniullso Dry Goods, Groceries Ac, v2-ul. SUSQUEHANNA or llrlck Hotel, S. Kostcn bauder l'ronrlctor.soutli.east corner Main mid Second Street. 2nl2 SD. ltlNAUD, dealer lu Stoves nnd rin-wnie , Jlaln Sticct. v.'nl: w Jl, II. AllUOn", Attorney nt law, Jlnln St. vi:n: Light Street. HF. OMAN A Co., WheelHTlghts,flrst TlmTr . abovo School House. vlnlii JOHN A. OMAN, Jlanufnclurcr and dealer In Hoots uud Shoes. vlnlO J. LEISEIt, M. D Rurgeon nnd I'hyslcian. Olllco nt Keller's Hotel, VJnL7 pETKIt ENT. dealer lu Dry Goods Gioceties, i Flour, Feed, Salt, Fish, Iron, Nails, etc., Jlaln WUect. viul5 R H. ENT, dealer lu Stoves nud Tin ware in all Its branches. in It! Espy. B F. ItEIGHAlin.A HKO.,dealer In Dry Goods, Gioccilcs, ami general Jlcrcliandlse. vl'nll ESPY STKAJI l'LOUIlING JI1LLS, C.S. Fowler, 1'roprletor. v2nl(l f I). wnrtKIIEiaKIt, Boot aud Shoo Storoand mnnufjetory. Shop on JIniu Street op. posito tho Stcnm Mill. V2nl T' W. EDOAH.Susauehauna Pinning JII1I nml Box JIauurnctory. v2nll Buck Horn. s 1vt..v w.ii. rtjiuniUAji.u, neniers in ury , goods, groceries and geueiul mciclinndlse. rst stoto fn booth cndol town. 2-nlS Business Cards. M. L'VELLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ashlnud, Schuylkill County I'u. c. W. JIILLEIt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllcc Court House Alley, below tho Coi.uai uian Olllce. Bounties, Bnck.Pny nnd PeusloliK collected, Bloolusbuig I'u. hep.'JU'UT JOnEUT V. CLAItIC, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, Olllco Jlaln Street below the Court Housi', Bloomsburg l'enn'n. II. LITTLE, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olllco Couit-Hnnso Alley, below the L'oi.uh. iiian Office, Bloomsbuig I'u. c. ii. imocmvAY, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, lil.ooJisr.unu, i'A, Otfick Court House Alley, In the Co I.UMiiiAN building. Jnul,'ti7. 17 J. THORNTON JLji. would announce lothocltiensof Blooms buig and vicinity, that hu hnsjust icculvcd a lull ami coiuplelo assortment of WALL TAPEIt, WINDOW SHADES, yiXTL'KEM, COltllS, TAKSUI.S, and all other goods In his lino of business. All tho newest nud most upproed jmtteins of tho day aro always to bo found In his establishment. mnr.V&Mf Jlaln St. below Jlarkct. J B. PURSEL, HAItNESS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK JIANUFACTUUEI!, and dealer In CARPET-BAGS, VALISES, l'LY-NETS, 11UFKAI.0 KOIIFS, llOILSK-iaAKKKTS At'., which ho feels confident lie can sell ut lower rate than nny oilier perbou in tho county, Ex amluu for yourstlveH. Shop tblid door below tho Court House, Jlnln Street, Hloomsburg, l'a. nov. ia,'tI7, PIMPIES, The. underslgnej will cheeifully mall (hu:k) to all who wish PC tho Riclpo nnd lull dlicctlons or prennrlng and uHug a simple and Ilenullful v egctnblo llnlm, that will Imiutdlntely i emote Tnu, l ieckles, pimples, lilotehts, nud nil emo tions nnd Impurities ol the fc-kln.lcnvlng the samo soft, clmr, fiuootli nnd benutllul. Hp will alto cnd (j-UKk.) Instructions for pro. diu ltig.by veiysimpleminns.n luxuriant growth ot lialr una baldheud or smooth incoliiless than thlity clays from ilistupplicutlou, 'ihu abovetniibeobtnined by return mall by addressing '1 IIOS, F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 1". o. Box 612s, IDS Broadway, New Vokr. Aug. u ,'0!My, pOWDER KEGS AND LUMBER, W. Jt. MONROE A CO., Rupert, Pa., Manufacturers ol POWDER KEGS, und dealers In all kinds of LUJIBER, give notice that they nro prepared to nccomodnt heir custom with dispatch, nnd on the cbeapee JVJO NEW DISCOVERY 1 1 1 It has long bo en known that the old establish ed unil well stocked Fuunituhk A Bkiuiimi Waiikuoumh of II. It, LEWIS, Hu nro the cheap ebtln the city. Huls now selling 1'aiu.ouhuuh in I'lubii, liAtie Cloth, Rmw or Tkkhv. Wai. ndt C1IAMUI it Suns In On. or Vaumsii; Cot taok 1'L'li.NlTUlil:, all styles; llKuon and JlArnttsss, various bUes.cheupertl'aii auctloii prices. Come aud sec, und bo convinced. You will save money by giving us a call beloro pur chasing elsewhere. ir. It. LEWIS, Bit.. 1131 MAIIKET UTllKKT, I'll II.AIIKLl'HIA, Next door to cor, of Fllleculh St. oprno-am. Philadelphia Directory. JJAaLE HOTEL. K'lT North Timiii Stheet, It. 1). CUM JUNGS, I'norntKTOR. ESTABLISHED 1793. JORDAN A BROTHEIl, Wholesale Grocers, nnd Dealers lu SALTPETRE AND BRIJISTONE. No2r3NorlhTulrdSt, Plilladclphln. (', II, JIOIt.NK. W. tit i;iMU. J, 1L. BKV1IE11T. "CTORNE, KING & SEYBERT, W1IOLESALK DRY GOODS, No. Kl Market Street PHILADELPHIA. Orders filled promptly Rt lowest prices. January 3, 1W. TJ W. RANK'S WHOLESALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 1 10 North Third Sticct, Between Cherry and Raco, west side. Plilladclphln. 11. WALTER, Lato Waller A Kaub, Importer and Dealer lu .'IIINA, GUSa, AND QUEENS WAKE, No.231N.ThirdStreet, Philadelphia. 31. KEPI IE ART, WITH BARNES, BRO. & IIERRON, HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS A FURS, No. 03 Jlarkct Street, (Abovo Fifth,) Piiii.Ani.rniA. J UN STROUP & CO., SucciHsors to Stroup A mother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH. No. - I Noith Wharves and '5 North Third St Philadelphia. jlOHARDSON L. WRIGHT, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. li'S SOUTH SIXTH STREET, 1'IIULADEM'III . oct. 22,'09-ly ILL! AIM FISHER wim THO JI A S C A It S O N A C. WIIOLMALB DEALERS IN HOSIERY, JIEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS A NOTIONS so. 18 Kor.Tii 1'ounTir stiieet Plillmlelpliin. Juno l,'09.Cni rAINWRiaiIT & co WHOLESALE OROCERS, N. E. Corner Second nnd Arch Streets, rim-ADCLl'IllA, Dealers la TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUGAR, JIOLASSES JtlC'i:, NI'ICTJI, III CAltl! BOCA, AC, .tc. 3-Oiders will rco.lvo prompt attention, may 10,G7.tf. Hotels. QOLUMHIA HOTEL. BY BERNARD STOHNElt. Having lately purchased nud fitted up the wcll.kliowil ltublsou Hotel Piopeity, located a l fcw noons Ahovc the count liousn, on the same sldo of tho street. In tho town of Bloomsburg; uud hiding obtained a license for thu same as u HOTEL AND HEfeTARANT, tho Proprietor linsdcterinlned toglvotothe pea. plo visiting tho town on buslncsbor plcnsure, A LITTLE JIOItE ROOJI. His stabling nlso Is exttnslve, nnd Is fitted up to put buggies nnd cnrrlages in the Ury. He promises that everything about his establish ment hhall bo conducted Hi nn orderly nml law nil mnniier; nud ho respcctlully solicits u share of thu public putronagc. myl7'ti7-tf rJHIE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COI.TJJIIHA COUNTY, l'A. Tho undci signed would Inform tho travelling nubile Unit ha lias taken tho abovo named cbtnb llalnnentnnd thoroughly refitted tho same for tho perfect convenleuco of his guests. Ills Inrder will bo stocked with tho best the market allords. Tho choicest liquors, wines uud clgaisalways to be louuil In his bar, WILI.IAJ1 PETTI T. Al,r,23,t,D-tf Espy, 11,, JRICK HOTEL, ORANGEVILLE, COLU.MIUA COUN'l V, PA. ROHR IM 'HENRY, Pioprielor. This ell kiiou u House, li.tNlng been put In thoiniigh lcpnlr, Is now open to the tiuvelllug public. Thu bnr Is stocked with tho choicest liquors nml clcnis.iindtbc table will be, nt nil linns, Mijilleil with tho delicacies of the season. No pulns will bo bpaled to lusuio the coinlort of guests. Orangevlllc, dec. lO.'CO-tf. O R K S II O T E L, BLOOJISBURO, COLUJIIIIA COUNTY, PA. Tho undersigned has taken tills well known Houso, lately otcupUd by Gt-otgo W. Jlauger, nud hns put It lu Ihoiougli lcpnlr Willi entliely new luiullnre, Ac. Eitry uttcutlnu will bo pnld lo thocomfort nud couvenlcuiool guests. Tho bnr nlwais supplied villi thu best ol liquors and cigars. T. BENT. TAYLOR uiurll'iO-Um. MONi'OUR HOUSE HUPERT, PA. WILLIAJ1 BUTLER, Pioprlctor, This House having been put In thorough repair is now open ler the icccpttou of Riicsts. No pains will bo spared lo eusme tho perfect com mit or tho tiavilcis. Tan Proprietor solicits a sharu nt publlo pationcge. Tlie bar will bo stocked nt all times with lino liquors and cigars. marU'TtMf. B ENTON HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, Proprietor, BENTON, COI.UJIUIA COUNTY, PA. This well known House litivlnu been nut in thoiough lepuir is now open lor llio icecptlou of visiiors, no pains nave i.teil spiueu in cusuro tliu perfect coiuloit of gtusts, iho pioplietor also runs a Stage fiom tho Hotel to Blnrnu.sburg nud Intermediate points on Tuesday, Thursday nnd Satuiday of euili week. iuu)G'7t-lf AGENTS WANTED FOR iJIBLEXJYRICS A .MASTERLY VERSIFICATION OF THE fiUBI.IJIH POETRY OF THE 1111ILE. SO pronounced by lending clergymen nnd lay men of nil denominations. Universally admired and highly esteemed both for its gieat Intrinsic mcl it uiul liuchaule-al finish. A beautiful 1'ios pectus, Horn u ucwaud origlunl design, showing llio dlitereut styles of binding, etc, scut ctonu tutely FREEtoallaicepted ns Agents.und n sam ple i-opy when dt si reel, at -lllicnciir, Ua than lite WJIOLJXAl.i: J-JtJCJJ. Exclusive Territory, and llio Jlejst Liberal Terms. Forlull piullculars, teuus, etc, nddicss C.r, VENT.l'ubll.her, mn)C'70-tf 3 Barclay Bt. NtwY'ork. JJ E N T I S T It Y . H. C. HOW1SR, DENTIST, Respectfully oilers his professional services to the ladles uud guutlemeu of Bloomsburg and vl clnlly. He Is prepared to uttend to all the vari ous operations lu the Hue of his profession, uud Is provided with the latest Improved Poucklain Tketh which will be inserted on gold platlug, silver uud rubber base to look as well nstlie nat ural teeth. Teeth extracted by nil tho uewauif moslapiuoved methods, and ml operations on the teeth carefully and piopcily attended to. Residence and office u lew doors uliove the Court House, same side. Bloomsburg, Jiin.31.'etf JOB PRINTING Neatly executed at this Offlri BLOOMSBURG. PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1870. Choice JJoqli;ii. Linos. I1Y UEO. I). rKE.NTlCK. Sweet moon, I lovo thee, yet I grieve To gaze on that nalo orb to-night ! It tells mo of tint last dear ovo I passed Willi her-my soul's delight, Hill, vale nnd wood nnd stream were dyed Hi tho palo glory of thy beams, As forth wo wandered, sldo by sldo Onco moro to tell love's burning dreams. My fond arm was her living zone, Jly hand within her hand was press'd. And lovo was lncach earnest tone, And rapture In cacli heaving breast. And many a high nnd fervent vow as breathed from her full heart and mine, While thy calm light was on her brow l.lko puro i ellglou's seal ami sign. Wo knew, alas I that wo must p.nt, Wo knew we must bo severed long, i'ctjoy was lu each throbbing heart, l'or love was deep, and fnlth was strong. A thousaud memories of tho past Were busy In each glowing breast. And hopo upon tho futuro csst, Her rainbow llucsand wo were West, I craved a boon Oh I lu that boon Thero was a wild, delirious bliss Ah, didst thou ever gaze, sweet moon, Upon a moro Impassioned kiss? Tho pai ting came ono moment brief Her dim and fading form I viewed Twas gono and thero I stood In grief Amid Ule's awful solitude. Tell ine, sweet moon, for thou cau'sl tell, If passion's still unchanged In tier's Do thoughts of mo her heart still swell Amoug her many worshipers? Say, docs she sometlmos wander now. At ovo beneath thy gcntlo llame, To ralso to heaven her nngel brow And brcalho her nbstnt lover's name? Oh, w hen her gentle lids are wet, I pray thee, mark each falling gem, Aud tell mo If my Imago yet Is pictured tremblingly lu thcinl Ay, tell me, docs her bosom thrill As wildly as of yoro for mo Docs her young heal t adoro mo still, Or Is that young heart changed llko theo? Oh, let thy beams, that softest shlno, If still my lovo to her is dear, Bear to her gcntlo heart from rnluo A sigh, a blessing, and a tear. rltliiiccllnncoiui. Josh Billings' Papora Remarks. When a man hain't enny thing to say, then iz tt good time tow keep still; thero iz but few peoplo who liavo miss ed a good opportunity tew ventilato their opinyuns. Just about az ccriinonys creep into ono end ova church, piety creeps out ov tho other. Thosowho have tho fewest fallings sco tho fewest in others. Prido is nz universal as hair on tho head sum aro proud of their virtows and sura of their vices, and sum, hav' Ing neither themselves, bras on other people's. Lovo looks through a telescope; envy thiough a microscope. An Industrious man is seldom a bad man. Men will believe thelrpashuns quick er than they will their consciences, nnd yet their pashuns aro generally wrong. and their consciences aiwus right. It ain't much troublo tow bear tho pain of sum body elso's lamo back, but tew hav the lamo back oneself ain't so stylish. Despising fortune is notn euro way to gain her favors pipo to her, and alio may danco to you. Tako all tho interest out of this world and thero wouldn't bo friendship enough left for seed. Sekrcts aro a burden, and that is ono reason why wo aro anxious lo have somebody help us carry them. I havosecn men so full of vanity that they could not enduro tho sight ov a peacock with Ills tali on parade. Thu most exerutintiiig boro 1 know is exeessivo politeness. If I was called to describo Eloquence I should do itnzlwouldasuilofclothi'tt ' 'ov sailable tcxlurs and averfeetfil." Gravity iz no moro an evidonco ov wisdom than it is ov ill natur. Tho gi eater tho man tho less hlz vlr tows appear nnd tho larger biz faults Don't mistitko vivacity for wit; thero is just as much dlfferenco az thero Iz bo tween lightning nml a lightning bug No man cvor undertook tew alter hiz natur by suhstitutingstimluvcnshuiiov liiz own but what ho mado n botch Job ov it. Religion in these days is composed ov vanity and piety, and each man aud woman iz a better judgo of tho propor tion that I am. Lovers feed upon mysteries, but after tha aro married and tho pork and beans aro brought on thoy have a fair ehaneo tow test tho real qtutlltys ov theirnppc tights. An insult tow ono man Is un insult tew all, for it may ho our turn noxt, J don't know ov enny thing that would use tho whoio ov us up moro thoroughly, than tow hov all our wish es gratified. Thero Is 2 kinds ov obstinacy, obsti nacy in tho light, and obstinacy in the wrong; ono is tho strength of a great mind, anil tho other Is tho strength of a Ilttlo one, Laziness Iz liko molasses, sweet and sticky. I think a bear in ins clawa Is prefera. lilo tow ono with gloves on. I leant toll now wnicli I tulmiro least an olo coquet or n young prude. Misanthropy don't pay thero ain't no man living wnoso hnto tho world cares a cuss for. Bash men caii bo Korrekted, but It don't pay to labor with a pliool. Tho man who has iiover enjoyed Uio pleazuro of being forgiven liaz niissud ono of tho greatest luxurysov Ufo. I liavo Been coquetry that had tto moromallco In It tmui tv owo lamb on tho green. When I cum ncro.-a a man who utters liis opinyuns with iinmenso Uelibera shun, nnd after they aro uttered thoy don't amount to unything, I writohliu down "mysterious pnool." Tho great cry ov t no world now dam Is, "What's truiirw.'' Lovo Is u wcakjnt'iti hut it, b. tho ftamo Jj 'f IS lit $ ill til kind of a vc.iknc3s that ropentenco z, both ov thorn nro cralltablo to our nn- (tiros. A innn la hU own brat friend nnd worst enemy. Jealousy Is ono of lovo'a imrasltcs, Wo can onduro vices In tho yountr that wo should desnlso In tho old (ploaso mako n tioto of tills old phcl- lows.) Friendship- U llko earthenware, If It Iz broken It can bo monded, but lovo Ik llko rt mirror, onco broken, that ends It. I don't know ov any thliijj on tho fuco of tho earth moro romorselcas than 7 per cent. Interest. Thero If. n great deal of dlfferenco be tween enduring misfortunes because wo expect to, nnd enduring thorn becauso wo are obliged to; ono Is pa.shIuneo, tho other Is mero sulleiincss. An Xntorviow With Gen. R. E.'.Lcc. David McCrao Is furnishing tho Glas gow (Scotland) Herald with n series of Interesting sketches of American mun and women. Ho described his first in terview with General Leo ns follows: "When I got back to tho hotel, 1 found that Leo, who was awaro of my coming, had already (with a courtesy so conspicuous among a class of Ameri cans), sent a servant lo inquire if I had urrlvcd, nnd to say that ho would llko to sco mo at tho college. "On going thero after breakfast, I was taken up stairs into tho room sot asido for tho uso of tho College Presi dent. "A noblo looking man, dressed in a gray military coat, who had been writ ing nt a lablo near tho window, roso as I entered. Ho was tall, straight, and soldier-like, with crisp hair turning white; short trimmed beard, pointed at tho chin, and dark imperial looking eyes, very keen and searching. It was Robert E. Leo, tho old Confederate commander. As tho ilrst words of greeting passed between us, thero was a hidden sadness in his look which impressed mo pain fully. Ho was sufl'oriug from ill health at tho time; but it was not a look of physical pain. Perhaps it was only my feeling, but it seemed as if tho shadow of tho past was over him as if you could read behind the vigilanco of his dark eyes tho fato of tho South, and of the myriads who lay sleeping on tho battlo fields. " When I was seated ho began to In quire whore I had been in tho South and about my journey up smiling nt tho sotnowhat doleful account I had to give him of my experieneoin thostago from Goshen. Ho said thero was anoth er road I might have taken tho ono from Stanton. "But they say which ever road you take, you wish you hud taken llio other." Ho had been twice by t ho Goshen road on horseback. Tho scenery was very grand. " Ho began to speak about Scotland, nnd said : "You will meet with many of your countrymen here. Tho Valley of Virginia is peopled with Scotch- Irish peoplo who liavo como from Scotland by way of Ireland. They aro a fino race. They have tho courago and determination of tho Scotch, with tho Irish dash and Intrepidity. They mako fino soldiers." "Ho said it was an old wish of his to visit this country; but it would never bo realized now. Stonewall Jackson had been in Scotland beforo tho war. Ho had heard him speak of it, " When somo referenco was mado to tho odds against which llio South had fought, ami tho want thero was of accu rate statistics, 1 told him it was under stood ho was preparing u history of tho war himself. " 'I have had Hint In view,' ho said; 'but tho tlmo hns not como for nn Im partial history. If tho truth were told just now it would not be credited.' "When tho hooks that had already appeared wero spoken of, and I men tioned one, llio proof-sheet of which, it was assorted, lind been submitted to General Grant and himself for tovlsion, ho said: 'It is a mistake. I never rend a hi-story of tho war, nor tho biography of any man engaged hi it. My own lifo has been written, but I liavo never looked into it!' Ho added after n pause, 'I do not wish to awaken memo ries of tho past.' "Ho spoko highly or Sherman's abil ities said Sherman had always been n good soldier. "Ho seemed much gratified when I told him of tho estimation in which ho and Stouowall Jackson hud been hold from the llrst by tiio British peoplo.irro spectivo of Northern and Southern sympathies. Ho said, after a pause, 'Jackson lies in tho Presbyterian bury ing ground at tho other cxtiemlty of Lexington.'" How rcoplo Tako Cold. Not by tumbling into tho river nud dr ngging homo ns wet as n drowned rat; not by being pitched Into llio mud, or spilled out In tho snow in sleighing time; not by walking for hours over slioe-top in mud; not by soaking in tha nun without an umbrella; not by scrub bing llio floor until tho unntinieablo sticks to you liko n wet rug; not by hoeing potatoes until you nro in a lath er of sweat. Theso aro not tho things which gives peoplo colds ; and yet they nro all tho tlmo telling us how thoy "eaiiglit their death of cold by expos ure" Tho tlmo for taking cold Is af ter your exercise; tho placo Is In your own houso, or olllco, or counting house. It is not tiio act of oxcrclso which gives colds, but tho getting cool too quick after tho exercising. For example, you walk very fast to get lo tho railroad station, or to tho ferry, or to catch llio omnibus, or to mako tho tlmo for an appointment; your mind being nhead of you, tho body makes an extra eiTort to keep up with It, and when you get to tliu desired spot you ralso your hut and find yoursclfiu n perspiration; you tako a scat and feeling quilo eomforta bio as to temperature, you begin to talk with n friend, or If n Now Yorker, lo read a newspaper, and beforo you aro awaro of it, you cxperienco a sen- (.gallon of chilliness, and tho thing Is COL. done; you look lo sco whoro tho cold comes from, nnil find nn opsn window near you, or n door, or that you havo taken n scat at tho forward part of tho car, nnd in moving against tho wind n strong draft is mado through tho crev ices. After any kind of oxcrclso do not stand n moment nt n street corner, for anyobdy or anything; nor at un open door or window. When you havo been exercising In any way whatever, winter or summer, go homo at onco, or to somo sheltered place; and, liowover warm tho room may seem lo lie, do not at onco put off your hat nud cloak, hut wait awhllo-somo flvo mlnutc3 or more, and lay asldo ono thing at a time; thus acting, n cold Is impossible. Notico n moment: When you return from n brisk walk nnd you enter a warm room, ralso youi hat and your forehead will bo moist; lot tho lint remain a few mo ments and feel tho forehead again, nnd it will bo dry, showing tliat tho room Is actually cooler than your body, nnd that, wltn out-ttoor clothing on, you havo really cooled off soon ouottgh Many of tho severest colds I havo ever known men to tako wero tho result of sitting down to a warm meal In n cool room altera long walk,or being engaged In writing havo let the flro go out, und their first admonition of It was that creeping chilliness which is tho ordinary forerunner of u sovcro cold. Persons have often lost their lives by writing or reading in a room where thero was no fire; although tho weather out sldo was rather com fortablo. Sleeping in rooms long unused has destroyed tho Ufo of many a visitor or friend. Our splendid parlors and ournico' spare rooms" help to enrich man y n doctor. Hall's Jour nal of Health. newspaper Grumblers, Grumbling about newspapers is ns un cicnt as newspapers themselves. And notwithstanding tho multiplication of theso modern conveniences, and tho sleoplcss efforts of publishers to adapt tlici r papers to overy variety of tnstc, nnd overy slindo of sentiment, afford ing, ono might think, ample opportun Ity to readers to suit themselves per fectly, yet thero is still as much grum bling about newspapers ns there ever was. Wo suppoio that It docs not often oc cur to tho grumblers that possibly they themtclvcs may bo at fault, may bo un rcpsonablc, may expect many impossi bilitics, may bo out of humor, may have n fit of Indigestion or Eplceu, or may bo stupid or unnpprcciativo. It- may never occur to them that tho men who toil night and day lo furnish them with tho freshest news, and tho greatest variety of Information and entertain mcut, aro mortal, and sometimes tire themselves, und get sleepy and cross and stupid anil forgetful, nnd careless and need, and deserve, too, somo con sideration, and oven sympathy, from those for whom thoy unceasingly woric. Fa ult-ilnding readeis do not consider that everything that is made by human brains nnd hands, must, of necessity, bo imperfect, liowover strong Ihodesiro and liowover earnest the effort may bo to havo it faultless. And, nbovo all, they forget that n newspaper cannot be mado for general circulation, and yet in everything exactly suit any ono person. A thoroughly good, enterprising pa per is liko a really well spread dinner lable. It contains variety, as well as quantity; something for overy taste, and enough of each kind to satisfy any reason ablo appetite. It is not expected that any guest at n table d' hole should cat of every dMi provided. II is not supposed for a moment that every dish will bo palatable to every guest, or ttgrco witli every one's digestion; but it is thought, and reasonably, too, that f lorn tho abundant hill of fare, every guest can select enough of what will lie digesliblu and agreeable lo mako a sub stantial and satisfactory meal. Just so it is with every well edited nowspaper. No ono man is expected to read everything in tho paper, or to liko everything if ho reads It; but every man is expected to find enough Hint is gci)d,nnd uccful, nnd acceptable, and agreeable, in tho anipio columns spread out beforo him, to boa full equiv alent for what Iho paper costs him; and if hu happens .to llnd in tho carte nn artielp which offends his taste, or is in opposition to his views, he has just to 1 ct that alone, and lcavo it for another whom it will Just suit, and for who.se tusto it was gotten up. In choosing his paper ono should do just as ho does In choosing his restaurant Iio should .-o-lect ono whoso general stylo suits him, nnd when his (nalo changes, or (lie char acter of Iho parlor deteriorates, lie should ehuiigo nud try another, but never fret or vex his neighbors by grumbling or scolding about hii daily paper, which, after all, is about as nec essary for ills comfort a3 bis dinner. Jloston Tratelo: Snakes' Antipathy to Fire. Thero Is in Brazil a very common pois onous snake, tho tmrucu, respecting which tho inhabitants relate llio follo wing fact': They say that such Is tho antipathy of this rcplilo to fire, that when a I Ires Is mado in tho clearing away of woods, they rush into It, scat toting It with their tails till It Is extin guished, oven becoming half-roasted in tiio attempt; and thai when nn In dividual is passing at night with n torch, they pass nud repiAsshlm.Iashlrig him with their tails till ho drops It nud tho snuko is Immediately found closely coiled round tho extinguished torch. Tho greatost enemy of this snako is nu immense lizard, ilvo and six feet long. It is said Hint when tho snako succeeds lu ciTectiugu bite, tho lizard rushes into tho woods, cuts somo herb, nnd returns to tiio conflict, which almost Invariably terminates In its favor. At Augusta, Wisconsin, tho clergy men havo recommended tho peoplo to reguhUo their jirivalo devotions by "tho blowing of tho half-past 11 wills tlo at tho steam mill." Mt. Washington, In Now llainp shlro, still has snow hanks twenty fiwt deep. DEM. - - VOL. XXXIV NO. Hi. Who would bo a Boy Apaln. In company ono ovcnlng, when tho song "Would I wero a Boy Again," was called for, a gray headed "old boy" discoursed thus: I boy agulnl Who would bo .1 boy again If ho could? to havo tho measles, lien ana mumps ; lo got kicked by tho bigger boys nnd scolded by older broth ers; to stub toes; to havo tho belly acho irom swallowing cherry stones ; to liavo chapped hands and frozen toes; lo slip upon tno ico ; to Ho chores ; to get your urs uoxeu uy a thick headed school master; to bo mado to stand up as tho ilunco" for tho nmuscmcut of tho whole school j to liavo visitors to como to school nnd tell how miserably weak and stupid you wero when you wero torn, ami to nsk you what would have becoiiioofyouattliat Interesting tlmo nllfe, if your parents had not been so ind to you ; to eat at llio second lablo when company comes: to set out cab bage plants and thin corn becauso vou nru little, nnd consequently it would'nt mako your back acho so much ; to bo mado to go to school when you don't wnntlo; to get spelled down In school ; to Iooso your marbles ; to havo your sled broken ; to get lilt in tho eyo with frozen apples and soggy snow balls ; lo cut your linger; to lose yourknlfo; lo have ti hole In tho seat of your only pair of pants when your pretty cousin from tho city comes to soo you ; to bo called a coward at school if you don't light; to bo whaled at homo if you do light at school; to bo struck after n little girl and daro not tell her ; to havo a boy too big for you to lick, tell you thttt your sweetheart squints; to havo your sweetheurt cut you dead, and af- Jllialo with that boy John Smith, whom you halo particularly becauso ho set your nose out of Joint tho week before; lo bo mado to go to bed when you know you ain't a bit sleepy ; to havo no flro crackers on Iho Fourth of Julv no skates on Christmas; to want apiece of brcatl and butter Willi honey and get your cars pulled ; to bo kept from tho circus when it comes to town, and when all tho other boy3 go; to cot pounded for stealing roasting cars; to get run by bull dogs for trying to nip water melons ; to liavo Iho canker rash, catechism, stono bruises; lo bo called upon to kiss old women that visit your mother ; to bo scolded because you liko Muggio Lovo better than your owu dear sinters ; to bo lold of a scorching timo ilttlo boys will havo who tell lies, and aro not liko Gcorgo Washington ; to catch your big brother kissing tho pielty school ma'am on tho sly, and wisli you wero big, so you could kiss her too, and and why, who'd be a any agatnr A. Dangerous Enemy of Young Trout. Sclii Giccn, tho noted pisciculturist hns been for a long timopuzzled by tho terrible destruction of very small trout, nnd his investigations liavo at length resulted as follows : "There is a small worm which is a favorite food of trout and many other kinds of fish. This worm is tho great est enemy which tho young fry liavo. It spins a web in tho water to catch young fish, Just as n spider does on land t o calcli ilics. 1 have seen them mako th o web and tako tho lish. Tho web is as perfect as that of tho spider, nnd ns much mcclinnicnl ingenuity is display ed in its construction. It is mado as quickly nnd In tho snmo way as n spi der's, by fastening tiio threads nt differ ent points and going back nnd fortli until Iho web is finished. Tho threads are not strong enough to holdtho young trout aftertho umbilical sac is absorbed, but tho web will stick to tho ilnsand got around tho head and gills nnil soon kills tho llsh. I have often seen Ron tho young trout, and It has been it great mystery, and caused mo many hours, days and weeks of wonder to find out what was wound around tho bonds and Hns of my young troutnnd killed them. 1 did not llnd out until Intcly, wliilo wntchlng recently hatched wliltcflsli. These aro much smaller than tho trout when they begin to swim, and they wero caught rmd held by tho web. I found ton small whitellsh caught in ono web lu ono night. Tho web wan spun in u Ilttlo wliitefisli preserve, Into which I had put ono hundred young fish. Tho thread spun by this worm seem to bo much liner than tliocominon spider's web, and they arc not visiblo In tho water until tho sediment collects upon tiicniT They can then bo seen very plainly. These webs can not bo spun whero there is much current, and cair bo easily Been instill water byncloso observer." Cooking a Mak. If any ouo looks forward to being cuten by cannibals, ho may wish to bo informed how ho is like ly to bo cooked. It is a comfort to know Hint tho savages who may dovour lilm aro uy no means devoid of rclliicmcnt in their culinary disposition. Somo Frcrcii soldiers wero lately taken pris oners by tho Canaks, and ono of them was killed and eaten. Ills comrades describo tho process : Tho CUnaks ilrst decnpltuto tho victim, a mutter of no small diiuculty, considering tho blunt ncss of their hatchets. Ten to llflcen blows nro necessary. Tho body Is then huug up to a trco by tho feet, and tho blood allowed lo run out for an hour. Mean wliilo a holo a ynrd and u half deep and a yard wido is dug in tho ground. Tho holo is lined with stones, and then in tho midst of them n groat tiro Is lit. When tho wood is burnt down a Ilttlo and glows with heat, it is covered with moro stones. Tho man Is cleaned out nnd divided Into pieces about a foot long, (ho hands nnd feet being thrown away as worthless. Tho pieces of tno man nro placed on tho leaves of a largo roso peculiar to tho tropics, Tho meat Is surrounded with cocoa nuts, bananas, and somo other plants noted forlhelr delicnlo flavor, Tho whoio is then tied together llrmly, llio llro is unloved from tho pit, tho meat Is placed In among tho hot stones, and limn carefully covered Is left to cook for an hour. 'Women do not par take of this warrior's feast. Men nlono ....n iinriilttln.1 t ft .itilntf tit firnnt nil iiriii.li.ini sHilnir on two ecus lu It.on her .. i ., .in...... ir null rM . iiiin ik ueiieiii v. HATES 01' ADVMtTISING. Ono square, (leu Hue or Us equivalent lu Non. pnrcll type) ono or two Insertions, ll.0O thrco lnscrllons,2.co. BFAL'K. Im, Onosijunro 12.J0 Two squares ilio Thrco squatcs... .6,00 Four squnres 7 00 quarter column., 10,00 1 1 nlf col n m n ...-15,00 Ono col mil ii ,10,00 8M. 11,00 7,00 WO 11,00 11,00 2000 10,00 BM. Ir. 0,00 110,00 0,00 15,00 12,00 18,00 17,00 25,00 20.S0 30,00 30,00 00,00 M,0O 100,00 t3,l 5.00 7,' 9,00 12,00 18,00 i!0,W) Executor's or Administrator's Notice, 13.(10 Auditor's or'Asslgnco's Notice, KM. Local notices, twenty cents n Hue; by llio (m ten cents. Cards llilho"lliislncimlJlrecU)iy"eolnniii,fi.UO l-r year tor tho lin t tno lines, and l.i'ffor caeh additional line. Attention, Olrls! Wo do not know who is tho nutlior of tho following oxcollent "maxims for girls" but whoovcr ho is, ho must havo had their wolfaro warmly nt heart or ho would novor havo succeeded in giv ing so much good ndvico in a small spneo. Wo Irust tho girls will read them nnd profit by them : Nover mako your appearauco lu tho morning without hnving first bathed, if only with a spongo and a quart of water, brushed, and arranged your hair, dressed yourself neatly and completely. Keep your clothing, especially your undor-clotlilng, jn perfect order. Nev er let pins do tho duty of buttons, or strings tako tho place of proper bands. Examlno overy garment ns It cotnos from tho wash, nnd, If necessary, mend it with neatness and precision. Never carry coarso embroidered or laco handkerchiefs. Fino plain ones aro much moro ladyllko. Avoid open worked stockings and very fancy Bllppera. Fino plain white lioso and black kid slippers, with only a strap or roscttit in front aro more be coming. Train yourself to a useful occupation. Remember it is wicked to wn3to time, nnd nothing gives such nn impression of vanity nnd nbsoluto silliness ns a liablt of idling nnd never having any thing to do. If you are in your father's houso take somo department of household labor upon yourself, nnd a part of tho so wiug, and mako it your business to attend to . It. Do not let a call from this idlo girl or a visit from that, or nn invitation from tho other, interfere with Iho per formance of your duly. Let your pleasures come in as a lecre- atiou not as tiio business of i'qur life. If you can, cuitivnto somo art by which you can gain an independent livelihood. Do it whether there i3 necessity for it or not. Do it quietly if you will, but do it. Thero is no telling when or under what circumstances you may need it. Ii. Flea Tor Iiittlo Folks. Don't expect too much of them; it lias taken forty years, it may be, to mako you what you arc, with all their lessons of experience; aud I will daro say you aro a faulty being at best. Abovo all, don't expect judgment in a child, or patience under trials; sympa thize iu their mistakes and troubles; don't ridlculo them. Remember not to mensuro a child's trials by your standard. "Asunowhom his mother comforteth," Bald tho in spired writer, nnd beautifully does ho convey to uothudecp, futthnil lovo that ought to bo found in overy woman's heart, tho unfailing sympathy with all her children's griefs. When I sco chil dren going to their fathor for comfort, I ainsuro there is something wrong with their mother. Let tho memories of their childhood bo ns bright ns you cau mako them. Grant them overy innocent plcasuro in your power. Wo havo oflen felt our temper rlso to seo how carelessly their plans wero thwarted by older persons, when a ilttlo troublo on their part would havo given tho child pleasure, tho memory of which would last n life time. Lastly, don't think a child hopeless becauso it betrays somo very bad hab its. Wo havo know.n children that seemed lo havo been born thloves and liars, so early did thoy display theso undeniable traits, yet wo have lived to sco those samo children bo como noblo men nnd women and orna ments to society. Wo must confesH tluit they had wise affectlouato parents. And whatever else you may bo com pelled to jeny your child by your circumstances In lifo, glvo what t Uirr-.t values -plenty of lovo. How Higginh Gently Broke the News.--"Yes, I remember Hint anec dote," tho Sunday school superintend out paid, with the old pnth03 In his voico and tho old sad look in his eyes. ' 'It was about a slmplo crcaluro named Higgins, that used to haul rock for old Mai thy. When tho lamented Judf;o Bacley tripped and fell down the court house slairs and broko ids neck, it was a great question how to break tho news to poor Mrs. Btigloy. But ilnully thu body was put into Higgin's wagon and ho was Instructed to Inko it lo Mrs, B but lo ho very guarded nnd discreet in ids language; and not to break tho now. to her ,nt'onco, but do It gradually and gently. Whcu Iligglns got thero with his sad freight, ho shouted till Mrs. Bagley camo to tho door. Then ho said : "Does tho wldder Bagley live hero?" "Tho widow Bagley? oVb, sir!" "I'll bet bho does. But havo It your own way. Woll, does Judge Bugley livo hero'."' "Yes, Judgo Bagley lives hero." "I'll bet ho don't. But nover mind it ain't for mo to contradict. Is tho Judgo in?" "No, not at present." ' 'J jest expected as much. Because, you know tako hold o' suthln, mum, for I'm a-going to mako a Ilttlo com munication, and I rcckou maybo it'll jar you some. There's been an accident, mum. I've got llio old Judgo curled up out hero iu uio wagon ami whcu you sco him you'll acknowledge, your self, that an Inquest is about tho only thlug that could bo a comfort to him I" Galaxy. A Notable Post Office. A Ger mnn paper says that tho simplest post ofllco in tho world Is to bo found on tho southern extremity of America. For years past, ft small barrel has been fas tened by nn Iron chnln to tho outside rock of tho mountains overhanging tho straits of Magellan, opposito Terra del Fuego. It is opened by every ship that passes tho Straits, either to placo letters lu or tako letters from It. Tills post-of fico, therefore takes earo of itself; It H confided to tho protection of sea-faierp; and thero is no record of nny breach or this trust having occurred. A YOi'NciTndy up lowu, who went nway from linnie, leaving her waterfall on tho open winnow sin, luiwu u mm' I rn'lirn.