THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. tan -AND- BLOOMSBURG. PA. rrlilny Moiiilng, Jimo , 18f 0. iV.TIIi: COLU.1I111AS hm the Largest Circulation or nny paper published In Northern Pennsylvania, mul la nttn n much larger sheet than any of Itscolein pornrtcii and Is therefore the liest medium for advertising lit this section oftlio Btatc To Our County Democracy. It has always boon n ranttcr ofnriilo with us Hint from our childhood wo lmvo bolongcd to that Indomltablo band of patriots who, from tho tlmo of Washington, havo been tho supportors and defenders of our Constitution; who for years havo borno their reverses with heroic fortitude, and whom sue cess could not debauch nor defeat dis hearten. Especially havo wo been proud of tho Democracy of Columbia County, nnd ofhor uover-falllng and Increasing majority. But If wo would maintain our proud position as tho "Star of tlio North," It Is timo wo began to work. Our Blstor Counttos aro preparing for tho October struccrlc, and wo should not bo ono whit behind. Ily earnest, united effort Connecticut lias been rescued from Radical rule. Now York by her 90,000 majority, lias Bpokeu In thunder lonos. Tho local elections In other different Slaleishow unmistakably that a revo lution is going on among tho people, anil that thoy aro anxious to rebuke tho excesses of Radicalism. Jlnw shall ice worht By circulating Democratic newspapers among tho people. By Informing them week after week of the doings of our rulers, and showing that nil their time and ener gies aro dovoted tn legislation for tho negroes, while tho business interests of tho country aro neglected. Wo ven ture the assertion that not ono Demo crat in a thousand ever votes tho Re publican ticket who takes a good Dem ocratic paper. In this county thero is scarcely a Republican voter but who supports his party press, while not over 2000 Democrats out of 4000 do tho same. Whilst five hundred, out of the county make up our total circulation, wo hold that it is tho duty of every man to support his party organ. The editor cannot fight tho battles alone unless fully aided by those who aro aliko interested in party success. Go to work at once, friends. If the Columbian & Democrat docs not suit, get some Democratic journal that does. If your neighbor is too poor to tako a paper, pay for it yourself, and In this way you will io tho causo more gcod than all tho speeches of a cam paign. Our majority can lie maile 2500. Forget, then, your local divisions and petty differences, and unlto in a gene ral assault on tho enemy's lino. Cumulativo Voting. Is it not a littlo curious that tho sub ject of cumulative voting, or minority representation, never occurred to the Democratic politicians so long as they were succcsslul ? Tho idea seems to havo been forced upon them by tho utter hopelessness of over attaining power in any other way, on tho ground, wo sup pose, that necessity Is the mother of Invention.- Gazette & Bulletin. Tho fact that Senator Buckalew, tho leading advocato of cumulativo voting, first applied it to his own County Is a sufficient answer to tho above. Wo bo- llevo that over half tho Counties in this State aro Democratic, so that wo are not selfish In urging this reform. Nor does It glvo us power, unless wo nro in tho majority, and in such event it would rightfully belong to us. Whllo majori ties would rnlo as before, minorities would bo represented according to their actual strength. Tho Virginia Elections. Later returns from tho Municipal Elections in Virginia alter tho reports, which woro first telegraphed, somo- wiat. In Richmond the Radicals elect their Mayor by a majority of three hundred, and the Conservatives carry their CotinclI.Tjcket; this shows a vast lulling on in uiq jtatiicni vote, ami a groat Conservative." galn'.ho Radicals also carriod. tho towns ofiPortsmoulh and Earmsvillo by Email majorities, whllo tho Conservatives completely redeem Norfolk, Alexandria, cTiar lottewlllo, Danvillo, Staunton, Lynch burg, and other prominent cities and towns, from negro rule. That is sum dent to show that tho State of Virgin- la is growing more strongly Democratic overy nay. Tho Conservative majority at tho last Statoclcctlo.t was huge but It will bo vastly greater next time. Again wo say, count tho whole South solidly Democratic at nil futuro elections! Thu Sixuet op Financial Phos- rtiUTY. Among business mon thero i" nothing that tends so much to tho acquirement of wealth as tho Judicious uso of printers' Ink. Advertising is the Ilfo and goul of husiuess. In u country llko ours, with a peoploso wldo nwako and impetuous, it Is doubtful whether inevitable, falluro would not attend any onterprlsoofraagnltudothat should bo so short-sighted as to sot out with, and jiersistontly adopt, a doter mluation not to advertise. Somo of tho nchlovomonts of modern times aro duo to tho magic Influonco of printers' ink. To mako advertising pay, It must bo siuck 10 wan all tho pertinacity that is Indispenslblo to success In tho prosecu tion of every other art. There arosomo men In tho country who spend fifty thousand nnd others who Bpend ono hunurcd and fifty thousand dollars per annum for advertising, And overy ono of tliem 1.3 getting rJch out of advertising, Qvi'VK a sovoro frost visited portions of tho New England States, on tho night of tho 22d ult., doing much dam-1 Contested Scats in Congress. It 1 9 frequently n mattor of wonder with Democrats, that having, audi n largo popular vote, equalling In fact that of tho opposition, thoy nro In so great a minority In Congress. Tho Iniquitous apportionment bills only t tally account for this groat disparity. Tho main causo Is tho fact that tho op position, tn order to keop up their largo majority, unhesitatingly rofuso scats to largo numbers of Democratic members, whatever tholr majority may bo. It is a causo alike dlsgracoful to tho nation and to tho party in power, aud It lllus trates In n forclblo manner tho groat forbcaranco of tho Democratic party who tamely submit, whllo tho Radicals perpetuato their power by fraud, In tills Btalo wo have seen such men as Foster aud Reading thrown out to mako way for Covodo and Taylor, though tho former woro Indisputably elected. Tho cry of fraud undlntiml datfon is all gammon to covor up what was felt to bo a crime. And this precodent has boon followed all through, llowover largo tho Dom cratic majority may havo beon, It was only necessary for a contestant to np pear, and almost Invariably ho succeed cd, especially if he was sound on the tar Iff, anil in favor of the rings. Especially was thissystom applied to members from tho Southern States, uo causocarpot baggers woro not only venal but pliable. Foroxamplo, in Louisiana St. Martin had over 9,000 majority, yet was refused, a seat. Tho samo result was reached in tho 3d District where Balloy had 9,000 majority, and in tho 1th District whero Ryan had 0,000 ma Jority. In fact tiio larger tiio majority tho morocertaln a Domocrat is to ioso his seat. Tho last fraud of this kind was in tho caso of Simpson va. Wallace, from tho Ith South Carolina District in which tho former,. a Democrat, had 0,000 mn jority. Tho caso was readied Saturday. and was engineered by Cessna, who called it up beforo n thin House, in a low tone, nnd Wallace was sworn In bo foro the conspiracy was detected. Tills wus considered n smart trick, but in tho eyes of honest peoplo tho crimes of Now York repealers sink into insignia canco In comparison. Tho one is a fraud by members of Congress, sworn to support tho laws and tho other by ruffians nnd outcasts. No such courso wa.i over pursued by a Democratic Congress, and wo Insist that it shall not coutinuo in a Rcpubli can one. If our representatives elect cannot gel their scats, tcearefor a fight. Xittlo Stealings by Bip XVXcn. Somo suggestive and rather amusing items of information may bo found in tho report of tho Secrotary of tho Son- ate detailing tho contingent expenses of that august body for tho year ending Dec. C, 1SG9. This document tcllsjust what newspapers each Senator profors to read at tho public expciiso, and shows a laudablo painstaking on tho part of them all to be kopt fully inform ed of events aud opinions in tho States which they respectively ropreseut. It is hard to understand, howovor, that Senator Edmunds should ilnd it need ful to tho dischargo of his duty to havo Our Young Folks for ono year, at r cost of $2 j Senator Saulsbury, Demo rest's Monthly, at $3; Senator Harlan, tho Ladies' Mejwsttory, Leslie's Maga zine, and Leslie's rictortal, at $1 each; and Senator Cole, Oliver Optic's Boy 3' and uirls Magazine, at 13. Wo find again 85 charged at ono timo, and $3 at a nother, for snuff for tho uso of Sen ntors. Threo packages of scissors, in extra super velvet cases, aro put down at $15, and uo end of two, threo, und four-bladcd penknives, at nil sorts of prices. On tho 16th of February $10 was paid for hack hire, conveying a committee to inform Gen. Grant of his election whllo tho next day only $3 was paid for conveying another com mlttco to Gen. Grant's residence Pockctbooks and card cases flguro fre quently In tho list of articles purchased somo of them costing $4,00 each. Four dozen ladles' boxes aro set down at $24, but what uso thoy wore Intended for is not told; noris tho namo set down of tho happy recipient of ono extra morocco noto case, with lock, at $21. On tho 10th of May, ISC!), it appears that somebody had a polished roso. wood desk, $230, which was boxed up at a furlhorcostof iS. Tho amount of stationery of all sorts is incredible Without having gono Into a thorough computation, ono would say that tho honorablo Senators must have several hundreds of glass inkstands, moro than a thousand dozen of penknives, and enough lead pencils to keep an ordi nary family in kindling wood an en tiro winter. The entire account covers eighty pages of flno print. Intelli gencer Tho Cost of Repairing' Our Wavy. Mr. Dawes touched n weak point in our naval administration when ho showed that an annual expenditure of fGOOpor man wo required to keep tho Auioricuu jittvy in repair, as ngainsi $00 per man expanded on the British navy. His other figures, quoted in tho samo connection, were partially answer ed by tho suggestion of Mr. Halo that overythlngcosls two or throj times moio In tho United States than In Great Britain ; but a disparity so enormous as the nbovo cannot bo met by any such explanation. It is n notorious fact that thoro lias not beon a moro hopelessly corrupt and wasteful Department in Great Britain than tho Admiralty. It is now acknowledged that tho work of tho British dock-yards could bo done much moro cheaply by privato contract than uutZer tho Government bunorvis Ion. Tills brings tho extravaganco of our own system into still stronger re lief, and amply demonstrates what every man who has considered tho sub Ject already knows, that a privato build er would bo hopelessly ruinod did ho couduct his business 011 a fiystcm siuii iar to that adopted In our navy-yards. alio radical error, of courso, consists In tho system of making political appoint ments to overy position, from tho very lowest, without duo respect to experi ence and efficiency. A man may bo a good carpenter without havingauy pro nounccd political leanings, and thero Is no necessary connection between par ty bias nnd tho disposition to glvo lion- ost work for honest money. iV. 31 Times, It). London, June 1. Tho great Derby raco was won to day by tiio horsoICIiig. craft, who mado tho dash of 2 miles In two mlnutos und vo aocondd. Ifo behaved beautifully throughout tho raco, nnd is now claimed to im n.n j champion of tho English turf. mil KALEIDOSCOPE. . A mp of busy life, -It lluctvmtlona and IM vast coneorns," in wiNTEit QUAivrr.ns. Ill a fonnor arllclo wo gavo tho do tails of Burnsldo's second movemont (mado tn January, 1SG3) kuown as tho "Mud Campaign," and tho circum stances of its falluro. Ono result, ns sta ted, was tho complete demoralization of tho Army. The absentees numbered 2,022 commissioned officers, and 81,001 enlisted men, white desertions icerc al the rate of '200 a day. Part of tho dlsaflec Hon, liowovcr, was duo to tho cmancl pation proclamation which had been published a short timo before, Burnsldo was at onco rollovcd, and Hooker, who had long been scheming for tho position was placed In command of tho Army of tho Potomac. In this Lincoln showed his usual want of tact. Hooker had boon 0110 of Burnsldo's chief detractors. nnd tho latter, in fact, Just beforo ho was rcliovcd. Issued an order dismissing him from tho military scrvico of tho United States. Notwithstanding all this tho baton of nuthority was placed In his hand j Ills lntrlguo had succeeded. Tho army went Into winter quarters regu larly, and tholr former oxperienco soon enabled them to raakocomfortnblchuts, with chimneys, warm bunks, etc. Hooker had tho reputation of being a bravo, skillful Corps Commandor, and ills appointment infused now Ilfo nnd energy into tho Army. Its cumber' somo arrangement into grand Divisions was broken up, n system of thorough disclpllno established, nnd the Corps designated by different badges, and tho Divisions by tho colors of their badges. Corps, Division, and Brigado ilagsworo also introduced, so that from them alono tho soldier could toll tho part of tho Army to which a regiment or bat tery belonged. A Judicious system of furloughing was also inaugurated, tho only restriction being ns to thoso com mands which fulled to pass the usual in spections, and tho effect 011 the men was magical. Taught by tho terriblo lessons of tho past President Lincoln and hin Cabi not gavo Hooker full power as to tho control and movements of his nririyi nnd tho "oivto-Rlchmond" politicians nnd Congressional Committees wero for a timo forced to turn their attention to other directions. As a result Hooker was not forced Into any prcmaturo movement by tho forco of popular clamor. AVhllo McClcllan was com pelled to move his raw army against the enemy in tho month of March, at n season unusually lato nt that,Hooker's veterans remained in camp until tho winds of April and tho hot May sun had dried tho roads, and mado march ing practicable. TJioJatter part-of March was dovoted to act! vo preparation. Tho hugo wagon trains which had horetoforo been a great causo of embarassment duriuga campaign wcro much reduced In num ber. Pack-mules wcro prepared to carry nmmuultlon, and shelter tents wcro allowed tho men. Superfluous baggago was shipped to Washington (and but littlo of it was over seen again) and eacli soldier waa restricted to an overcoat, ono extra shirt, drawers, and pair of stockings. Mounted officers wero ordered to carry their luggago on their own horses, nnd cadi regiment of Infantry wa3 allowed twb pack- mules to carry tho officers' blankets and rations. By tho middlo of April tho Army of tho Potomac was in com- pleto trim for a forward movement. Tho depleted ranks had been filled, discipline was restored, nnd Gen. Hooker was justified in saying that It was "tho finest army on tho planet." Without entering into details I may stato that it aggregated 132,000 men. Tho artillery, always superior to that of tho enemy, numbered 400 guns. Tho cavalry numbered 12,000 men, mag- nilcently equipped, and now for tho first timo to bo mado an active element In our campaigns.- Heretofore thoy had been a dlsgraco to tho service, so much so, that Gen. Mcado is said to havo remarked at tho battle of Fred oricksburg when searching for an or derly to carry a dispatch, that "ho would glvo ono hundred dollars to onco scon dead cavalryman." By n series of constant though unimportant raids thoy had acquired Fomo disclpllno, and moro confidence In themselves, so that it required moro than tho mention of Stuart or Mosby to stampedo them. Tiio army was divided into soven corps, viz: Tho first commanded by Gen. Reynolds; tho second by Couch; tho third by Sickles; tho fifthby Meade; tho sixth by Sedgwick; tho eleventh by Howard ; and tho twelfth by Rlocum. Tho artillery was under tho command of Gen. Hunt, nnd tho cavalry undor thatorucn. Pleasanton. Leo's army, on tho contrary had been much reduced, ho having scut south of tho James river two divisions under Longstrcet, leaving him an offecllvo forco of only 00,000 men. This comparatively small numbor, nevertheless, mado u formidable foe. Well entrenched, ably led, thoroughly disciplined, and flushed with past auccesses, thoy felt able to defeat a much larger army. In fact Hooker felt compelled to say of them: "With a rank and fllo vastly lnforlorto our own, Intellectually and physlcally.that army had, by disclpllno alono.acquircd a character for steadiness and efficiency unsurpassod, in my judgment, in ancient or modern times, Wo havo not been ablo to rival it, noris thero any near approximation to it in tiio other rebel armlos," Ono dement of difficulty, liowovcr, appeared In constructing tho plans for tlto campaign, Tho tlmo of sorvlrcoof somo 10,000 nino-months and two-years men wcro about oxpirlng, nnd their aid could bo counted on only for short tlmo. Tho formor, particularly, having enlisted for n short timo, wero never very ambitious as soldiers, and eagorly counted tho weeks and days tnot Kept mem from homo. A man goes Into light leas cheerfully when ho has but n foiv days to servo, than when ho kuows that months and years will roll around beforo ho will bo frco, Tho closing days of April saw tho magnificent army on tho march, with overy nssuranco of success, Quien Hahk? Tn e Toxas magistrate who postponed a caBO for two woeks, in order to find out whether tho Stato was In or out of tho UnIon,was one of yourcarofuiklnd. In tho ineaiitlino (ho citizens hung tho horso-tlilef thnt waa going to bo tried, hocauso (hoy hadn't anyjall. Tho Fonian Raid. 1 St. Amjans, May 2o. It appears at noon to-day ft forco of two hundred Fenians attacked n body of Blxty British volunteers on tho Canada lino nt St, Armand, Tho volunteors wero outronched on tho old Fenian camping hill of 18G0. Tho Fcninus mado a gallant nssault on tholr works, but wcro mot with rattling, raking volloys of musketry, which had a deadly effect on tholr ranks. Tho fol lowing Fonlans wcro killed; Thos. Mur ray, Bothol. Mo. ; John Row, Burling ton, Vt,; ono mau namo unknown. Seriously wounded, Francis Carahor, Lieut. Edward Doe, Bridgeport, Conn. Tho Fenians could not withstand tlto lire and wcro obliged to fall back. Gcu. O'Neill, who commanded tho attacking party in forco, was arrested by United States Mnrshal Foster. J. Boylo RUoy thou assumed tho com mand, but was unablo to rally tho de moralized forces, who nro now breaking up fast. Fifty United States troops nr. rived hero to-day from Ogdonsburg, and nro now encamped in front of tho Woldon houso. Tho Canadians havo a forco of ono thousand volunteers in arms on tho bordor, and additional rolnforcomonts aro coming in hourly. Tho nffalr is considered n comploto fizzlo. Tho Fo nlans nro much disheartened nt tho ar rest of tholr lcador, nnd nro loud In their denunciations of tho uncalled nnd unlookcd for activity of tho United States officials. Touonto, May 20. Tho Fenian raid at Pigeon Hill is a mlserablo falluro, and tho warriors aro now retreating, leaving nrms, baggage, nnd wounded bohind. Thero was 110 loss of ilfo on tho Canadian side. Hnntlngdou is uo w tho principal point of intcrost, nnd overy preparation has beon mado thero to glvo them a reception, St. Albans, May 20. Tho Feniun bubblo, so far as tho movemont in this direction is concerned, lias burst. Soon after tho arrest of O'Neill, tho Fenian officers held ft long council of war, nnd decided that it was useless in thorn, with tho small number of men at their command, to mako any further attempts at tho Invasion of tho soil of Cauada, aud in consequence tho roads leading from hero to Franklin aro lined with returning "wearers of thogreeu." New Yohk, May 29. Jamos Gibbons chairman of tho Executive Council of tho Fenian Brotherhood, lias Issued an address dated at Philadelphia, to tho brotherhood, claiming that tho lato movement on Canada was unauthorized and that Its failuroconnotberecognized as a defeat of tho national organization, Buffalo, May 30. Tho Fenian lead ers from tho Middlo States and tho West wero in council hero to-day in vestigating tho last disaster and adopt ing measures for re-organization. Al tho ugh disgusted nt tho mlserablo fail. uro at St. Albans, thoy profess not to bo dispirited, and claim that tho orgauiza Hon will steadily pursuo its object to success. Washington, Junol.-AttonioyGon- oral Hoar has said that tho full rigor of the lnw would bo meted to O'Neil and tho other captured Fenian leaders. Tho administration is disposed to release 1110 privates, who wcro out 1110 mcro dunes of their leaders. Tho men aro being sent back to their nomes ny privato suuscripuous. Congress. FitiuAY, May 27. In tho Senate, yesterday, tho Appropriation bill came up, tho question being on Mr. Drako's amendment prohibiting tho admission ofn pardon as a proof of tho loyalty of tho claimant in tho Court of Claims, nnd establishing a rule prohibiting tho use of such pardon In appeals from tho Court of Claims, and requiring that proof of loyality provided for in pro vlous acts of Congress shall bo mado Irrespective of sucli pardon ; also that judgments mado on such proof bo reversed iu tho Supremo Court, and suits in tho Court of Claims based on such proof bo dismissed forthwith Debato on tills question was continued until tho Senato took a recess. At tho Evening Session Mr. Drako's amend mcnt was finally adopted. Tho morning hour in tho Houso was cons umcd by a discussion on tho bill to rovivo our navigation and commercial interest, tiio racnic Railroad reso lution was discussed during tho remain der of tho session. Satukdav, May 2S. In tho Senate, yesterday, tho Appropriation bill was taken up. Tho amendment giving equal pay to male and femnlo clerks in tho Departments was agreed to yeas 80, nays 20. Tho amendment np propriatiug $000,000 for tho extension of tho Capitol grounds, after a pro traded debate, In which tho question of moving tho capital Westward was brought up, was also agreed to yeas 42, nays 19. Tho amendment appro, priating $100,000 for nn Arctic expedi tion oecaslonod a facetious discussion, but was finally also adopted yeas days 23. Amendments wero also adopted increasing tlto salary of tho Chlef-Juitlco of tho Supremo Couitto $10,000, and of the other Judges In proportion. Tho bill was at length passed. In tho House, tho South Carolina contested olect Ion case Wallaco against bimpson was disposed of, tho former. after somo debato, being admitted to ids scat, and tho oath of offico adminis tered. Tho report on tho Amendment bill was then proceeded with and dls cussed ut length. It was finally agreed to by a strict party voto yeas 133, nays 08. Monday, May 30. In tho Senate. a petition from tho colored peoplo of junryiaud sotting fortli tho unjust proscriptions they nro subjected to un derd tho lawsofthat State. Mr. Chan dler, nt 2 10, addressed tho Senntoon ills bill for restorng foreign conimerco to American vessels. In tho House, much discussion en sued on an amendment of Mr. Winans to tho bill of Mr. Willard granting pensions to tho surviving soldiers and sailors of 1812. Tiio bill as reported was finally passed. Tiio bill to reduce Internal taxation was taken up and discussed until tiio hour of adjourn mcnt. Wkdnesuay.Juuo 1. In the Senato. yesterday, tho Houso Deficiency Ap propriatlon bill was passed, after being amended so as to appropriate $1,400,000 for deficiencies In tho appropriation for collecting Custom duties.nnd 20,000 for tho pay of special counsel for tho Secre tary of tho Troasury. In tho Houso, tho consideration of tho bill reducing tho taxes was resumed after tho disposal of tho Coinmorro bill. una soverni oi tno important bectlons disposed of. latest News. Qunuix, May 27. A destructive flro is raging In the woods nt Saguenny, covering nn area of flvo miles wldo by thirty miles in length. Over fivo hun dred families, numbering 4,000 person?, nro rondcrcd dcstltuto nnd homeless, Six adults nnd two children havo per ished In tho llamos. Tho wharf at Ha ha Bay nnd sovcral churches havo boon burned. Tho firo originated In tho woods. A Colored man, named Armstrong, was killed near Qulncy, HI., last wcok, in n quarrel over tho sum often cents. Tito unfortunato victim madon wager of thnt amount with ono Anderson and won It. Tlto loser demanded that tho ten cents bo returned, and on being refused procured n rovolvor nnd solemn ly repeated tho demand. Armstrong, doubtless considering that ft prlnclplo was- Involved, again refused, when Anderson dollboratcly shot hlm dead. Wo recollect no caso whero murder was over committed for sosmall nsum. St. Louis, May 31. In thoU. S. Cir- cult Court, on Saturday, tho caso of Hollls against Licut.-Gcu. Sheridan and Major G. A. Pago for fatso imprison ment and Illegal conversion of proper ly, was decided in favor of tho dofond- nnts. Tho caso will bo carried to tho Supremo Court of tho United Statc3. Wheelino, West Vn., May 31. Whllo tho daughter of tho Jailer and ills assistants wcro taking breakfast to tho prisoners iu tho county jail, this morning, thoy wcro forced into n cell and locked up by means of a falso key. Twclvo of tho prisoners succeeded In opening tho hall door, and quietly lock ing up tho Jailer's family iu tho cells, walked out into tho streets, in broad day, and escaped. Four of tho prison ers havo been recaptured. Ono of tho prisoners, indicted for murder, refused to enter into tho conspiracy, and gavo tho alarm upon tho cscapo of his com rades. New York, Juno 1. A daring out rugo was perpetrated to day. Joseph A. Isaacs, a diamond broker, called oil nn Italian at the St. Nicholas Hotel for tho purpose of purchasing n number of diamonds. Tito Itnlian, when ho got Isaacs In tho room, ndrainistcrcd chlor oform to him and robbed him whllo ho was senseless. New York, May 31. Tho great trot between tho celebrated trotters Ameri can Girl, Goorgo Palmer, and George Wilkes camo off at tho Fashion course to-day. An immenso concourso was present. Tho trotting was magnifi cent. Timo 1st heal 2,28, 2nd 2.21J, 3rd 2,20,4th 2,21 0th 2,20 Ilorriblo Massacre. Constantinople, Juno 1. A fear ful war of religious intolerance lias broken out in tho province ofRouma nia, the Metropolitan provinco of tho Turkish Empiro in the south of Europo. For somo time tho liutivo Christians havo manifested a spirit of fearful yin dictiveuess against tho Jewish popula tion, wlto havo endeavored in vain to obtain from tiio government somo pro tection against outrage nnd oxtortion. On Sunday last, by a preconcerted signal, tho Christian populaco roso,and tho fearful work of butchering was inaugurated." At an early hour the houses of all tho Jews wero invaded, aud thoso of tho occupants who wero unablo to escapo wero massacred in cold blood. Iu all tho principal towns tho fearful work of butchery prevailed, and thousands of men, women and childron of tho ropugnaut class wero butchered in cold blood. Tho work of slaughter still goes on in tho interior, and nothing lias been heard yet of any movement by tho authorities to sup press it. Tiieroigning Prince is absent from tho province, and advantago was taken of this to complete tho total extermi nation of all tho Jews from tho pro vinco. Princo Charles Is hurrying homo and energetic measures will nt onco bo taken by tho Sultan to sup press this religious cmcule. MARRIAGES. llUlinEll-MAAH-Oiitho 29th liltliy ltov. Win JHj-er, Mr, (leorgo Unrsor to .Mil Mluulo Moas.lioUi of DiuvlllP, l'nj MOVnU-HOFFMAN-In Dloomsbiirs. May 23th by J, II, Furninn, Ksn.. llobirt J. Moyer or Woomsbiirg, imULucy J. lloinnan of Bngntlonr, WILUVEU-KOUCIt-Oii Mnreh 50lh, l.y Ilov. A. u, HotteiMPlnriiomni W llllvcr, or Whites Untie, to MIm Mary A, lloucli, of llorwldc. CAlN-ninTI.tUClt-On April 3d, hy the Nime, Mr. Jolin Cain, to Mla Kato A, Klctorlcli, nil of Llmo Itldiie. KESLEU-CAIN-On April ljtli, liy Hie mmp, r , 11. ivetisicr, 10 iium v. v-aiu, im in in'w RUlge, Columbia county. READLEn lUTCIlMAN-On llio Till ult., ;V llio RQ1I1Q, llr. asm ivi-aim-! , iu aj.uv Ducltmau, both of Hollcnbaclt. MASTELLER OEAlttlAUT On llio Hill nil., liy II1G panic, AIT. in. ninim;iiui, iu .in-.-, .iuu- cy OcarUart, both of Maine. TUONHUn-ltARTMAN-On llio SUt iitt-j-pJ' UOV.ui .M HK'l.,wr, ... Aiuiipiiu.uu., n Amanita lIarlman,botli of Llmo RUlge, VAN HUIl.-S.Bil."i-ui iim .nil iu.w. iy ltcv. 1'. ll.lllddlo, nttlio roRldoncoof lliobrldo'a uncle, Mr, A, Hanteo, In Ntfconeck twn.. Mr. We.ley Van Horn, of Hhlcl:liluny, to Mill xr,ii .l Ufiiifnn nf Id nilfnril rnutitv. DEATHS. r.UTiin tlio Uth ult.. Ill Nrscoprc. Infant daughter of John nnd Harnli M, Lntz, aged 1 month nnd 21 days. TIirtABH-OnlholSUi ult., In Ncsconec. William Thrnih, nged a years, l inomu nun o uujo. AllllOTT-In Illoomsbuis on Thursday 'evening May 20th, .Mrs, Mary Abbott, in tho 91th year of her ngc, Mrs. Abbott had 8 children, 21 grand children nnd li t'rent grand children, Thonrenter por tion of her long Ilfo was passed In Montgomery county, wncre ner cniiuren hpiu uiuusut u,.. It has been frequently assorted and as often denied that somo of thoso Indians who harass tho bordor woro really white men plumed and paluted ; but wo hnvo now General Sherman's official declaration that, "In ft recent " cato between Fort Hayes aud Camp "Supply, tho Indians, on being cap "tured, turned out to ho whlto men "iu dipguiso." Tho reader will also remember that in tlto lato horriblo outrage at Landor, Kniitas, It was sta ted In tho first despatch that it was thought tho ruffians who so brutally maltreated two girls wero either Tex nns or Indiana; whereas when tho villains wero brought to tho gallows thoy wero found to bo whlto men, ono and nil, from tho Eastern States. Thoso cases, coming so close together and iu timo of a threatened war upon tho Indians for alleged outrages, would seom to imply that whllo tho red men nro no doubt bad enough rendered so, wo ueiiovo, in most cases, by, wrongs donoto them in tho first instance thoy should not bo hold respouslblo for all tho outrages on tho border. A littlo soap nnd water might roveal many nu Apache rnpo or murder to bo tho work of whlto men. World. Uloomibiirg Market llfjiorl. Wheat per bushel 1,15 Ryo " i co IJoru uau, Flour per mtlm"Jl!!!Z. 7 W Flnxkeed.....'.'.-,'.""". Ihitter TfnoXr.7.7."r,7.' Potatoes Dried Apples ', lluuu Klden aud Hiiouldcrs Lard per pound liny per Inn InoN . No. I Scotch, pig no. 2 ' Illoom 8 W 203 . 40 IN . 10 25 . 2 t5 Ci , 17 . 2U i 18 03 SI2 ...J 1(1 ....i'M LUMIICIt. Plno10Ck B1?ru 'if r "'"usand feet JI8 CO Joist. Scantling. rl'ank, 011:". WW Bhlngles, No. fper thousand 8 C J M 2 " 7 C3 Hiding ft o lMiltKdelphla Markets. Fl-OUU Northwestern superfine at 11.503 4,7d Northwestern extra 5.76 Northwestern family .....S.50ia tM Pennsylvania and W'esteru superflne... 6.75S0.25 Pennsylvania imrl wiam ..1,. (,u n,i 1 euusy vanla and Western family....,,. u.8O11.0O Pennsylvania and Western fancy ...... 11,5013.25 Ryo flour J5.24 Wiikat Pennsylvania red, v bus il.a5 ., ,,V'V".' .. IZ.WfSK.70 California " Sj.20 ' TOtllfA 11 1 1Kll in RVK-I'euusylvanla rye, V bus II.Ca1.08 Uoiin Yellow, .I!.. il 11 White. 1. t mil',. PATs-bua 'oicto I'uoYlnioKS ai ess i-orn, bbl U.50 p.a live, .....,., Dressed liogs, VS Umoked Hams " " Shoulders y, n HKKluj-OIoverkeeii ylni's Tlmothyseed V uu's7",7,7.'.'...V7 VlavBAAil tt Uattlk Reef Cattle ft. .V"!!.'.!... t,.....- - f II II oust -Y lou tta 121.6.0 8kca9c ifcfflllX ISC lOeaiOUc I8.008 2l KI.7587.2J UlC 9iaiaM 1ST OF DEALERS or COLUMBIA L'OUNTV. t t.n...i.i.M,nrl. n,ni (t, rnltnu Inolkt of dpnlern tnicen, reiurneii nnu cin.snicu oy me, in nn.,., nncewlth thesovernl nets of nsscmbty, In nnd for 1110 county or uoiuinuin, lor 1110 yciir u liiousanu eisni nuniireu nnu nevemy, m uui lect to tho best of my knowledge, nnd belief, 1II.OOM TOWNSHIP. .Vnoirt, Jliulncu, Clan. I.lccntc. McKclvy Nenl A Co Hloro Mls A 1) Webb I w iinrimnn DA lleclclcy 1 . 1 .1117. inHPiih Corrcll (1 WC'orrcll J K Kyer I, K Wharv J K lllrton A M Rupert Moycr lfroi Hook Hloro Htnro Hook Htoro DriiB " Hloro l'urnlluro Storo Htnro Tin Htiop Htoro Tin Hhop Drug Htoro WldmcycrAJncoby Confectionery II Pox Webb " ',' Hll Miller Sou Store 12 Robblni llycr Mioses llnrninu .inmcs urnimau Miller a won Mllllnciy Cabinet Hloro Htoro Ifnni-nii .t Wnrdln W II Brown Coufcctlon'yAUioc'y !fj Mnrr J II Mnl70 A J Lvnns IMVlilHtrnun William Rnl.b Lllas Mcndcuhalt lulah Hnnenbucli Henry Klelm Chnrlca R llouser V U Hcesholts! V. Ji' cobs N J llcndersholt It u liowcr M 1' Lntz David Lowe nberg lMxton A Unrman Mrs David llrobst OA.Iacoby Illoomsburg Iron Co Htoro Grocery Clothing Storo Oioccry Furniture. Storo Htoro Tin Hhop Grocery 4InntlllulCH for domination Tho following cenllemcn havo been mentioned for nomination to tho lovcral County Ofllcos to bo filled by election tlio present ycar.nnd their names will bo pruseutcd for the consideration of tho Democratic County Convention ! BHURIF1'. KMANDUS TJX ANGST, rianixciritEEK township. JA3IES LAKE, scoTr township. HAMUELlt". KLINE, scoTr township. It EES J. MILLAlli), SCOTT TOWNSHIP. A A HON SMITH, III1MI.OCK TOWNIrUI'. I. K. KlIlGKlSAUM, im;xton rowNim WILLIAM AP1MEMAN, I1ENTON TOWNSHIP. WJLL1AM EYE It, nilEESWOOIl TOWNSHIP. AHHOCIATU JUDUK. JOHN H. YOIIE, Mill MN TOWNSHIP. SAMUEL CUEASV, MiriLis TowNmir. I'OM.MISMONUR. III11AM J. KEEDEH, CATAWIbS.V TOWNSHIP. MINNElTlIILE, CATAWI33A TOWNSHIP. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A DMINlSTItATOlt'S NOTICE. LitterH of iitlininlitiatlon on UiccMnto of John Yeairer Into of Locust twi.. Columbia counly. deceased, lmvo been tirnnted by tho ltcylstcr of sniu coumy 10 ejiuigiou leader rcMtiiuj; m lioanngeretK iwp., loi. co. aw peisons jinvjuy claims agninst thu fstnte ol the decedent iuo ro n ins led 10 mc&cut them lor setlliment. mid tho&e Indebted to tho estate to mnlieim.uneiitto uio uuuciHiKiiL'u, iKiiuiniMnunr, inioui (iciav, Jo370 Gw. Administrator, AUMIKlSTItATOK'S NOTICE EbT.TK OF Lll K, 1KC'!. M-tlers of ftdintiiKtintloii on tho ot;ito of ttaltzer lslcl; Into of Almllson township in Columbia county, deceased, have been unintcd by the KegMcr of said county to Willi un We llrlde of Whlto Hall Montour county. AH persons having claims ngalubt tho estate of tho decedent moicuueled to present t.n m for settlement, nnd those Indebted to tlio cst.vto to ninlte payment to the undersigned administra tor without delay. WlIdJAM MclUUDK Jc370-Ct. Adinlutttrator. PXKOUTOIIS' NOTICE. All 1. STATE OF JAM LS KMMITT. Dlx'U. Letters testamentaiy on tho estate of James milium. liuo 01 iieniiociawp.. eoii'TDiHCOUiiiy, dee'd. have bten urnnted bv the HeuUtcr of Mild county to Andu-w J, liminlit Mid t'lulstlan I, i:niinltt of Ilcmlocl; township, Columbia county, Va. All persons having tlalms against the estate mo requested to pre ient them to tho Kxecmora lu Columbia county, Thoo Indebted to the estate cither on note, Judgment, moitgngo or uook iiccouiu wui mane paj mem 10 me ex ecutors without del.-y. ANDREW J. I'M MITT, CUHlbTIAN U KMIlIiT, Je3 70-Gw. Kxeeutois. U. 8. CENSUS. Thouliricielcned. nnnolnlpit AKt.lstntuMnrRhnli to talie tlio Ce'.uiiH lor IfcTU, umler llio recent Act ot Congicss, would ic-quCKt tho furirers, mauu t rcturcrs, and clllzens of Columbia coa.ily ge 1 erolls', to bo jncjaied with, lull mil accurate Blateineuls untu tliclr varltiusvocjtlons.andsucli other matters an nie if quired to be euui.iei-ated lylaw. Ily Foilolnu they will t,avo tho Assist ant Manhals much t.ouhle, end themselvfi inucu lime ami annoyance. 1.I.ISIIA 1IAYMAN I Assistant T. .1. MUltl'IH, L 1!. H. Wl ItKIIRlBRR.J ManhaK IllcouihtiiiE, June 3, l!.7u-3v. pUBLlO SALE V A I, V A II L r. -or Rr.Ai. : STAT K Tho Pchuil lurcitoiRci Jlioom townshhi will Fi ll lit l'lihllc Sail c,n SATUHDAY Iho'.'Mli day liouto n ml lot of ground with t'licannulenaneiN 8 MOKETOWN Kf IIOOL 1'ItOPEIlTy, cHunto on llio baclc rait or lot Uo, 11, in thoi.ait of lllotniflniK Known as lcil:liikvllle. ftalil Heliool lot being Iiny.iivo hy roily Int. ... w.m.. ... uiu iiwiu i Al. I'lJAUUl K. Uluomiiburg, Juno a, lt70-lw. Sieiclaiy. pun LIO SALE O I VAI.UAllI.i: ISKAI, i: STATU, Will bo sold hy tho iinderslBUcd tiu'tho prem ises on l'HJDAY, tho i'ltluluy of Juno,n:6 at 10 0 oloclc, a, 111., tho lollowina UekcrlbeU icol cMnto to wit: TWO LOTS OF UROUND, kllunle In Beaver toirnshlp, Columbia ecunty. 'Jhu llikt tlicrior, beglnulna at tlio north west 1 orner ol the lots lately owned by Mini In JIann theuei! fcoutliwardly alone the wist lino thereof nnd along the mid lie of blxtn Klrcct, about lllu feet to llio middlo of Hunlcr Kiieet.lhenco nt ilEht niiKles westwaidly along tho middlo of hunter bWt about 10tl feet 10 thosldo ofthe Kail Itoad, thenco along tho sldo of Iho Hull Hood tpllslntciscctlon wltlithejnlUdloofMo Lauley btriet on tho north west Hue of tho tract thehcoouthe lino about 300 feet to tho i.loco of beginning, cmuiaclng tho riots v, 10, 0,il and n suiall tlmo eornered lot, and a prill of tho threo cornered lot north of plot 11 and i ho btiecls Willi in the bounds on tho riot of Ilubbellvillo. ex. eluding lota 15 .1 111 In idol 8. Also tho small lot at 1 10 W,u t corner of tho tract lying north of t ie Hall road Bctu een H and tho i.uhlTo road 011 the north, nnd Johnson's land on tho west, and linker's land on tho north west, lucisurliigto tho side of the Hall road nnd the middle of the imb llo road, containing about three acies, T11 ma inndo linown on dav of Bale. , .. , ltoiiiasi' .'.ci,AItK, Jea ,0-lw Ally, for W. W. llubuell, l'lhliADDLI'lIIA, I1LACIC AND COI.OltED I'HINTINU AND UTUOaitAl'IllO 1NKH, Utai8Ill'A4t. Orny's Ferry Road nnd Tlilrly-thlrd street, ROllINSON'S flUICIC-HHYINa 1NKB, Va r Nowsiianers and rosters. Hook und I'am- In'raoli'are0..1"11" C"""' l'roin Tcteisburg, Va., Index, RoniNsos'BriiiNTiNa Inks.-Iii our ndvcrtls Ing columns will bo found a number of extracts iroin nowsiiapers coioiillmeutlug the I'llntluS Ink mauulucluied at the Ulay'a Perry l'rlnilnS Ink Woilij, I'lilladelnbia, C. U Itobmsou".ro? lirleloi'. Wo ha e Uen using tho ink luaiiuiac lured nt these works for u " nr lst. nud lt h always proved satlsfrctory. Mr, Ho)lnson d" serves the encou,.nRemoiHand patrouago of tho press, and of piinteis generally, for llio follow ing good and sulllcleut .easous, vizi I'lrst, llo was the lint to put down the prlco of printing JL ? ft ,r,er0"aul0. "Hire. Bieoud. T his ln equal,. If It does not sur.iuss lu quality that of any other manufacturer, whllo h priVes nro tw J1?0 P,lcakf,"tnud accommodating guullo '' to deal wlili that woliavo ever met with. newspaper luka, lie nisi manufac tures the most superior and doslrublo qnallllos Sf.iob. uk hu Lcsl oualllies being uuexielled uy any other manufactured uuy where, ' From tho Plillllpsbuig, l'a., Jouiual. f.?.huA"kulof th8 '.'Jouruu'" printed with luk ffP ? A'!6, fry ", 1 ""7, 'H"tf"U Ihk Works, l'lilloaeliilila. and ureatlv to our mikinoiin,. it fiuinasses anv wa linsolicrrtnriim ,i.,ui it.l..: serves the ulgli encomiums shmvcreU upon It by the press. IJcTO-ll. Storo Confcclloncry DiugSloro Hhoo ' Btoro Clothing Htoro Millers Confectionery urocory Htoro HEAVEIt. W 1 liongeubergcr Htoro F I, Hlium.'ui " Abraham lllco imitWICK HOlt. I A II 11 llower , Storo M Bccsholl7. Tin Hhop llowman & Jackson Htoio Jllller Jitiuiics iv 1.0 T 11 lln.tunn Mrs 11 1' Ilvnnu Milliner N V meeker (,'nblnet &8tovc .1 CI Jacoby Confectionery Miss Hell llertrnn Milliner .1 acksou Wooden Jl,ro HUl'reni Miller UltlAlt CHEEK, Drug Htoro T .1 1.awalt Wm I, Frins I'eler llnrninu Wm M Kllnctob A V Haton W M Illsliol llcnjnmlu M'llonry. Hamuel Hhono iirr.vcrett Hnmuel Ilonrock n I ) Colo Tliomns 11 Cole Grocery Miller Hlore 11ENTOX, Htoro Hhoo Ht ore Hloro Miller CATAWIHSA .1 H M'N'lueli .Miller Yetter Cool ,1 Co J lCHhnrplci.(.Hons lleo Manliardt Thomas 1: Harder Wm llnrtmnn aeiillUBhisAHon S II ltlmird M M llrobst WHOrnngo I John & sons (Illbert .1 Kline tlcolltshcl .1 II ecKlioltz .1 II Knlttlo Weaver ,t ttelclieldcrfer uoniecuc CONYNGHAM, HIcliaulThonitou Store cxnthi:. Rtnro Hloro HhooBlme f'nblnet Hoom Ca.iluet ltoom Kioves Tin & Htoves Htore Confectionery Hio.e Htoro Healer Tccd Htoro Htoro H H Fowler Hro Whllmlro A-llower Il W ! .1 I I. Low Hnmuel Dlelteilcll Maichfii HerrH Jacob Hponsltr Jesao IlUka Clroccry Htoro Grocery CEXTi.ALIA 11011 J J Ilongland Wm Torrey DcamerA ltcllsnvdcr Ktoio Mnitln .Monagluu v 11 aieiucit Conrad l'olaml John 1) llrennan Miuman & Miller A II forlncr MlUon Kantncr Drug Htoro Confectionery RI010 Tin Hhop Grocery FRANKLIN. McndcnlinlUt Hro Millers ITHHINaCHEHK, KloVo J M Vinmcrman Swazy . Kramer MOJOIllOll 1M1SS fieorge M Howell J r M'llonry 11 ,t M M'lfinry liJiU I1 Jt'lleniy Millers (lllliENWOOD. HI 010 Hogait ,t Kiamer l' 11 mack Will In 111 Kramer " DWMiiblers " Ellis Uvea. 1 llio " lvooua & Leldy ' Operative Co " Mrs Hannah Henry " HEMLOCK. John & Geo M Bcaglo Millers M O Ji W II blioemnL'cr Hloro Jacob Harris 7. B Hobblns J Yeagcr Henry Gable sr Yocum .1C0 Chaileal'ettciman J il Vustlne Miller LOCUST, htoro C.iniphcll ,t Co J II Holler Cicasy a lhown J II Croasy MAINE. Hloro MIFFLIN. Htoro .MO.VIOUR. V It Mnrgcrtim A J Ammeuuau IMxton tt Hurinau Wm Huller Hartou jl Co Grocery Htore Dealers Giocery Minus JIT, J K Hands William Olngles (' Kreamer Mrs M A Watson D K Sloan llower .t Coleman W N Conislock A H Hlewart 1'eter Unt W llowman Dllerring FLEAS A NT. Storo MADISON, Storo Milliner OKANCE. Storo Grocery Htoro Miller 7 I0 IU) 11 7 00 11 IS 00 II 7 00 11 7 00 II 7 00 II 10 00 11 10 00 II 7 (X) II 7 00 It 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 11 7 00 12 12 no 12 12 C) II 7 00 II 7 01) 13 12 SO 1J 10 00 11 7 (10 13 10 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 M II 7 CO 11 15 00 11 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 11 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 0U 13 10(0 11 7 00 10 no 00 11 7 00 It 7 (0 7 40 W II 7 CO II 7 00 11 700 12 ' 12 50 11 7 00 12 12 SO 11 n 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 11 7 00 s 11 10 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 10 M 00 13 10 00 11 7 00 II 7 00 11 7 10 II 700 II 7 00 II 7 00 II 10 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 UO II 7 00 II 7 10 II 7 00 10 'JO W) 10 20 00 700 1 II 7 00 111 700 11 700 II 7n0 !2 12 60 H 700 10 0 CO 10 20 00 11 7 00 1) 10 00 M 10 00 -ll 7 0'J 12 12 5) 1 ) 10 00 II 7 00 U 10 O) 11 ' 7 CO II 7 (O II 7 00 II 7 00 13 10 01 0 CO 00 10 SO 00 13 10 00 11 7 00 II 7 00 11 7 00 12 U CO II 7 00 II 7 CO II TOT II 7 00 11 7 00 11 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 C) II 7 00 1 1 10 00 12 12 m 1.1 10 00 12 12 m 11 7 00 1:1 111 b) 11 10 10 U 7 00 II 7 00 II 10 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 11 7 00 13 10 CO II 7 UJ II 7 00 II 7 00 11 10 CO II 10 00 11 1000 II 7 00 14 7 00 K SO W II 7 00 II 7 CO II 7 00 13 10 00 11 10 00 II 7 00 11 10 00 13 10 00 II 7 00 II 10 CO II 7 00 II 7 CO II 7 10 11 7 10 II 7 00 II 7 00 II 7 00 1.1 10 ro II 10 00 II 7 CO II 7 CO 11 7 00 11 1000 0 M CO 11 7 00 12 12 .00 12 12 CO 1 II 700 11 7 (10 12 12 60 II 7 00 Legal Notices, Letter of administration oiiTl,iE() ry Yost, lato of Locust two iv S,?" "1' of Ht ifeo'd., have boon granle.l Vy tKiW1 e,l loSk7' VSSJ EI.IZAIIKTllv.. n.ay070.Cw, TNCOni'01tATlfJN.--Noliri JL by given llinton the In.i ,i,l.'?9 '? hero. sundry inhabitants of tho couViiVV:,,9y,Iia presented n petition to the CourrrfrVS.'" nprmni linv luoso indebted and FINE. F. W Lyons Storo HOAItlNaCHEEK, Owen Cheiilnsloti SI010 J 11 Kliuser HUOA1U.OAF. Montgomery Colo Htoro SCOTT. Kdk'ar .1 W 11 Mllnes s Htoro llFHi'lghaid.vllro " N S Tingli-y ' Kiuiuel A Wurman ' Haker a llnillugamo Grocery KJMIlliird Htoio CH Fowler Miller J 1) Workhelser HhooHtoio a V Cicvellug Hloro Fetor JCnt ltut H F.nt Stwo ,i Tin Shop r. ... ;; '"r vuoiccuoncry II W Creaky d Co Htoro KclcliucriBon Millers AH peisons who may feel aggrieved by tho nboo elasslllcallon can have nu opportunity of imtiii;, tuning upon 1110 nuuersigneu ui Ills rosUleuce, In Montour twp, at any tlmo until Kllllltihil. limn llll. n, ..I.I.I. .1 . .11" . 1 . .","llowl,l;.! II1UH Ul Hll" peal will bo lieldnt the Court House In Illoouis burg. NOAH MOUSUlt. r,, , . Wcieantllo Appiniscr. DloomEbuig, May 27, liVO-lt pUDlilO SALE. or VALUAHLE III; All EHTATKI llv vtltuu of nutbnrllv In thn I111.L will nt l-ll-r. nbclh Dclong, dee'd., contulncd, will be exposed Juno Mh , 1850, nt 2 o'clock lu tho afternoon, tho f.llt lllt'lu., ili.cnrll.n.l P. ...,.. ' A LOT OF GUOUKD, situate on MillHtrret.ln IhAfnwii nf nrmir.aviii und udjolnlng lot of Kamuel .iminerman on tho wi-i,unu 101 01 imam Hcnuyier ontiio east, whereon nio elected n two story TLANK DWELLINQ HOUSE, afrnmo slnbloand oulbulldlngs, with largo lot offiult ticesof various kinds ; being In fiont nbOUts xtV fidl.niul In flfr.lli nl.ntil miAloiM- llred feet. 3r-TEnM8, Twenty per cent, of tho purcliaso money to bo paid down, on blriklngoirtho proo. city 1 and tho bnlanco April 1st, ibTl, when no, session will ho given anda deed dellTered, I'm' chaser to pay lot couveynneo and stamp, ALSO 1 At tho same tlmo and placo.nn assortment of Firsonal pioperly consisting of beds, bedding, stove, bureau, chest, &c., Ac. Terms cash. EDWAHI) DEI.ONG, innyJJ'70-lw, Executor. nn,;. jioudVt.t.oofr'ffi?? .j35J 1 Lpy.iM.,wi ii Tih."11"! Hnvlni Fund," or ,..lull,.r.n. ,l.n-Al.. . enuso is shown to tho eontrar?i ,1!l "'"llcltti of noxt term tho Iinh dny o7 "t l, tho prayer of llio Fctltloncr, will 1 LemK Ml rnrtllliu In I in net ,.r il.;1.1' be Krnntl W mado and provided. ( """"' la Uci, "CJ Dloomsburg, May 20,A187."',NUIi9',i RST, 1. Mu S I O , 'Inn iiiiiIm .tonsil i'niil.l .......1.1.11.. i..pA.... ho clllzens pfllloomsburg and Icluity that ho has located In their midst for tho purposo of lol. lowing ills profession as n teacher of music. For 11 uuiiilier ;.f years holms been located in llrook lyn.N, bill continued HMiealtlimiidoncoun try icsiiteuco desirable. Ho will tcuch scholars at their homes, or In classes, ns they mar prefer, ntinodeiato rales, PIANOS TUNED or repaired nt short notice. All orders can be loll at tills olllce. Ho would respectfully solicit u sliaro of llio publlo patroungu. 1. W. H1LEH. lllooiusburg.May 27, IBTO-tf JOI1 PRINTING Nuatly extruled tt this Offlcf A TTlYITflUVCl NdTIm, XV.t'STATKS OF CATItAIltNn I lit . In tho Orplmns' Court of ffii'iF'ntTi Inter olatlio Auditor nppotatc,1" ijib 5 n!7 on exceptions with power tn m.fc?,t .'.J-m 1 llio money in mo nnuus of Willi.. ' .uljni on iilnlstrntor of Cathorlnol.m,. ' Lmi- nr mlnlstrnt IVInr l.n interested, for tho mcnt, on Monday next, nt to o'cli or ( cou mrnn..; "o ram.; llio Uil, ffWInt. ixt nt 10 o'clock A. M ?' Joni ,V'," .1!ll,'c,".,;n'."., IlloomslraV'" "a" attomf;or"bo!.ebnrredTr of Ihosald fund. """'"UlaHiiipJ, mnyl3'70-lw. ", S-Ucrwlck Gazctlo plcao com- M&tor. A DJUNISTItATOIl'S NOTlcir-" XJL I3TATK OF FllEDnniCK IIAIITM.Vv Letters of Adnilulstrii,, ..I5l.i!'.fer.iiEc'ii. rcdcrlck nnrlinnn,Hr.,latoofl'il,SS.:,'f1' ' olumbln county dee'd., lmvo ff ?8Jretk'Ti. in Register of snld counly to iV Iffi'S1 having claims against tlio estata ( the'dl?,011! uiu ii'iiicqivuiu iivsi;jii llitiii fnr .,7, "i and thoso Indeblod to lh ;,,'?? ?.em(nt. mnviavo-div. ' u!Ml-l11Al.M. 1 , . .1 1..H, AilittlnMt, A UDITOIt'S NOTICIO. IX nil ritvn and riNAt, auoist.. JACKSON, ASSlONKli OF lT.Ttll il lL"' Tho undersigned npimlntcU bv ffl" Common Flcn?of ('olimbli couaiv iS,rt ' mako distribution among cicifinte nncolu thohnnda of M. E. Jackaon iv. ? slgneo of Feler M. Trnugh, n Ktf ? -interested for tho purpnw of h , iSSStffS tho olllco of M, E. incison In 1 "rS?Ck tel?1 county.on Friday, Juno Will, iw .t,'v iT'i nt liiS olllco lu lllooinsburg. Va oil 01 Juno 11th, 1870, nt 10 A. .M. V0MgffiS' ed or hnviug claims iigahwt ihaim SS" Trnugh nro quested to attend, or tajffl nora coming lu lorn pail of IlieValdi'iSj 1 Aoailor. mavl3'70-lw. yllerwick Clnzolto plcnso copy. A DM I Nl STR ATOItS' TlCrT Lcllers of nd.nlulstrallonon IhocSico J. cob Hartley, lato of Franklin tivn. xiSL dee'd., lmvo been planted by the 1 rSof S county, to John Hnrl eyan.l Clirlsi an 11 .w of Franklin township, Columbia emmn $ All porspna Having claims or it mo asilna t ho ifwcdcn t nro rcqiustnl to makuhcDi taov in nnd thoso Indebted In nn rn rm.-..w.n. uu"ui joii.n lUit'ibEv; ClIHPillAN HAitlLEV, npr2J'?0-0w. AOiulnlslreloa A DMINlSTItATOlt'S NOTICE. -TA- KSTATE OF t'ATII A IlINK f.l ATIf pt m i.ctteis ol ndmlulsirallon on the estate ol Ciilhnrlno Genrhnit, late ol Maine IowbsIiId Co lumbia county, deceased. hae ban yraatfd bi tho Hlgistcr ol snld county to Uartin l osidluglutho township and couaty atotMit All nPlhnilH linvlmr f.l.ihim mr,il., ,, tho decedent aro requeMid to present themfa setllcmcnl, and those ludcbtul to thee.tatan mano roymcni 10 tno uuuei'siguid.adnilnVn. ku,, ii niiuui iiciiiy, flpr29'V0-Ct. Admiiil,iraiiV. ADIINISTUATOH'S NOTICE. i:hi-ate or wm. i,. k-. nrr-n inuuinui tiviiiiiiii.-ttic i un uu IHC ttlUll'Ui III lu IJlettprlck Into of t'cutio towiihip,t'olumti county, deoM ImvelK'pnKiniitcdbyiheltt'fsta of snld enmity to Kloi.lien 1 ejtttritU rts)UiD(ln the township nnil county nioreald. Allperwu nro lcijueMid to incfcnt thtm for httilement m on 1. tn 1 1 in liiiilprslrrnpil mlinlTiKtrntnr wHIirir uoiny. bij iu,?. jjjbntiULK. mn) G70-Gw. AdmlnMrator. A DHNISTItiVfOR'ti XOTICK. Tvnilh lilln nf I'filfntlnon tt-n I nlnmlil.i ixinn dfi il Itnvn )mnn niniilpil liv l Im Ifj fit re r iif n r-nitiilv In Aiirriivtun Trniils rpifitliti' In r Iim fn n en I tikt. i in r wi ii in m inn inft-ti,ni. lira rifmPsK ULThisntti, nummisirnior, vnnoiu uei.iy AL'OL'hTUSHLVVB. AdmtuLstrator, innyO'7 OCw. NOT ICE. Jll IIClSUllS KllOWUlU UHlUVtlllS HI UU llllliu ed lo tho F.stnto of Jamb Kjer dninietl,!. otherwise they will bo collcctul necording' lnw. K, II. MIUH 1) looinsburg, May 0, ISTO-tr AUuilDl.lraM TvTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Froposalswlll bo received byiiioKcanuisn inrHOl llio liorooguoi I'lynioiuii.i uti"i:iiia nnd snec Ilcnllona ennbe semnt Turner B Store. JIntn Strict, l'lyniontli, until jumi' The uiiectors rei-eiso llio rluht to rwcriau payers of tho boroucii. All piniw KPiili',1 nm endorsed "rroiofin s Inr crccuin - neiiuui jiuiiM'N in iiiuiiuiviinvi . v . II. w. FnKNrir.Kenctnry. I'lyraoutli, -May '.T, lsVO-21. JpiUST ANNUAL STATEMENT OF Tl'lU POOIt niSTIllCT OF lONVXOH.l TWF. AND CT.STltAI.I.V BOItOVOH. WILLI A JI GOODJIANTreils. 1)11. To amount from Duplicate " " received of .Mis, D.T. JlcKlo.nnn To unit lec'd Irom sale of colt Mil 111 t'R. Hy otdcrs icdecmtd ' lominlssloii $:o,"i3 Jj O 2 per cent, Assots Mahlllllea It. Thornton Win. (loodinnu (10,13 ;n i) 1C,K .57 I.' :io H1CHAHD THOIIJi l'.l WILLIAM (iO(lHMA, J& FATHICK K1U.LL.N II"1 Jlce? "SI'S. ,&"!!siwn0si.iiui" V 1 wltlt poor of said lflslrlct. Hit To amount irom uupiicuiu-. (1 nun iiiiici sunii: To bnlanco of It. Tliorntou ' " W. Goodman xa I! 5,317 3 til f. lit. Hy amount paid nsylttm Hy debt of old overseers Hy amount paid on larni aud stock Hy amount paid on contract of udditlon to Poor Houso Hy amount palddebtof over seers of Ceulralhiboiouish Ily amount iiald sundiy ex peusea for conducting cor 1 oration for IbiiO nnd iw) Kiamlucd and certified, CO. MUHl'in' JOHN F.JINNNON Ml SIAHTINl'LANA'iH HUNHVCODUl-N11 " Ileal ostalo with icccnt lmrio i"'"u'(1, Farm valued nt 1 mtii-nvntiintita t Folatoes Horses and cattle 1 Faim ulenslla f' Hay. grain nud fodder 1 Manure Clover seed, hogs and p juti HAMLIHI-" llalauco due on stock pur chased with farm Ualauce duoou thuiniprovi' incut of liouso Outers outstanding Ualanco In fiivor district V nicnAni)THoiiNTpN, WILLIAM "''Vy'V-s- ' I rc FATHICK KIU.LLX " Inny20'70-lw, . . ,.,in.Il vflTICt AUMIJN JS'l'llA'l Wil-u i ISTAII! ot' mill " ,ui . , Letters of tidinlulslintlon, pf ItttumtMo mmtxt. on Ih" l.,t. ft;1 Waaon Into or illoom , counly, diceascd, havo HW Viur ell;i Istcr ol laid county, to p-! M'K burg. All .ersousMiavlng ,"SlciI 'K estuto of said decedint are i'Ju5;btrJB them for settlement, and '?":17iJoul d. '. pay incut to houuiUislsn"l.,V"v. MILUkj Au"1,? '.T' npria-7-u.j ue Mini """ BUSINlS OAltDS, VIHITINO CAllW. AC, l v,-,ti 1 Pl.rnnly I'riu1 From tho Ijilesl HtyUM oITyr l ,!(. ,vit IIM I1IAN U