THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE YOUNG FOLKS. The rros rrlncc. In tho olden time, when wishing was having, thero lived n Klnff, whoso dnuRhters weronll benutlfulj but tho youngest wns bo exceedingly benutlful thnl tho Hun himself, although ho saw hor very often, wan euehnnled every tlinnRhe emtio nut Into tho sunshine. Near tho cnsllo of Oils Klnj wni n lurco nnd gloomy forest, ntul In tho nililst stood nn old llme-lree, beuentli whoso brunches eiilnshcdn llttlo foun tain; to, whenever It was very hot, tho King's youngest daughter rim off Into this wood, and sat down by tho sldo of this foutitalu; nnd, when alio felt dull, would often divert herself by throwing a golden ball up lu tho nlr und catching It. And this washer favourlto niuus mcnet. Now, ono day it happened, that this golden ball, when tho King's daughter threw It Into tho air, did not fall down Into hor hand, but on tho grass; nnd then it rolled past her into tho foun tain. Tho King's daughter followed tho ball with her eyes, but It disap peared beneath tho wator, which was so deep that no ono could seo to tho bottom. Then sho began to lament, nndtocry louder and louder; and, as bIio cried, n volco called out, "Why wcepest thou, O King's daughter? thy tears would melt oven n stouo to pity," And sho looked nround to tho spot whonco tho volco carao, nnd saw ft Frog stretching his thick ugly head out of tho water. "Ahl you old water- paddler," said sho, "was it you that spoke? I am weeping for my golden ball which has slipped nwny from mo Into tho water." "Be quiet, and do not cry" answered tho Frog ; "I can glvo thcogood advice. But what wilt thou glvo mo if I fetch thy plaything up again?" "What will you havo doar Frog?' ' said sho. "Sly dresses, my pearls nnd Jewels, or tho golden crown which I wear?" Tho iTOg answered, "Drcsso!, or Jewels, or golden crown, nronot for me; but If thou wilt lovo mo, nnd let mo bo thy companion nnd playfollow, and sit at thy table, nnd cat from thy llttlo golden plate, and drink out of thy cup, nnd sleep in thy llttlo bed. If thou wilt promise me nil theso, then will I dlvo down and fetch up thy golden ball." "Oh, I will promlso you nil," said she, "if you will only get mo my ball." But sho thought to herself, "What is tho silly Frog chattering about? Let him remnin in tho water with his equals; he cannot mix in society." But tho Frog, as soon as ho had received her promise, drew his head under tho water nnd dived down. Presently ho swam up again witli tho.ball In his mouth, and throw it on tho grass. Tho King's daughter was full of Joy when she again saw her beautiful plaything; and, taking it up, sho ran off immed iately. "Stop! Stop!" cried tho Prop; "take mo with thed. I cannot run as thou canst." But nil his croaking was useless ; although it was loud enough, tho King's daughter did not hear it, but, hastening homo, soon forgot tho poor Frog, who was obliged to leap back into tho fountain. The next day, when tho King's daugh tcr was sitting at tho tablo with her father and nil his courtiers, nnd was eating from her own llttlo golden plato, something was heard coming up tho mnrblo stairs, splish-splasb, splish s plash ; nnd when it nrrlved at tho top, It knocked at tho door, nnd n volco said, " Open tho door, thou youngest daugh ter of tho King!" So sho rose and went to seo who It was that called her; but when sho opened tho door nnd caught sight of tho Frog, sheshut it again with great vehemence, nnd sat down at tho tablo, looking very pale. But thoking precelvcd that her heart was beating violently, nnd asked her whether It wcro n giant who had como to fetch her away who stood at tho door. "Oh, n o!" answered sho; "it Is no giant, but an ugly Frog." "What does tho Frog want with you?" said tho King. "Oh, dear father, when I was sitting yesterday playing by tho fountain, my irolden ball fell into tho water, nnd this 1 rog fetched It up again becnuso I cried so much: but first, I must tell you, he pressed mo so much, that I promised him ho should bo my companion. I npver though that ho could como out of tho water, but somehow hohasjumped out, and now ho wnnts to come In here." At that moment thero was another knnrdr. nml n vn1rt aaM "King's daughter .youngest, i openthodoor, Jlait thou forgotten Thypromlses made At the fountain so clear Noatb, the lime-tree's sludef King's daughter, youngest, Open tho door."' 3 ' Then tho King said, "Whatyou havo promised, that you most perform ; jo and let him In." So tho King's (laughs ter went and opened the door; and tho' Frog hopped In after her right up to her chair: and as soon as sho was seated, tho Frog said, "Tako mo up" but sho hesitated so long that at last tho King ordered her to obey. And as soon as. mo i-rog sat on mo chair hojumped on to tho tablo and said, "Now push thy plato near mo, that wo may cat togeth. er. " .And sho did so, but as overy ono saw, very unwillingly. Tho Frog seemed to relish his dinner much, but overy bit that tho King's daughter ato nearly chokod her, till at last tho Frog saw, "I havo satisfied my hunger nnd feel very tired; wilt thou carry mo un stnlrs now Into thy chamber, and mako thy bed ready that wo may sleep to. gethor?" At this speech tho King's daughter began to cry, for sho was afraid of tho cold Frog, and dared not touch him; and besides, ho actually wanted to sleep In her own beautiful, Clean dou. But her tears only mado tho King very angry, nnd ho said. "Ho who holn ed you in tho tlmo of your trouble, must not now bo despised!" So sho took tho Frog up with two flngora, and put mm in a corner or nor chamber. But as sho lay In her bed, ho crept up to It, "I am bo very tired that I shall sleep well; do tako mo up or I will tell thy father." This speech put tho King's daughter In a terrible passion, nnd catching the Froff up, sho throw him with ail her strength against tho wall, saying, "Now, will you be quiet, you ugly Frog!" But as ho full ho was changed from a frog Into a hnndsomoFrlnco with beau, tlful eyes, who after a llttlo whllo bo came, with her lather's consent, hor dear companion and betrotied. Tiieni ho told her how ho had becu trans formed by nn ovlt witch, nnd that no ono but herself could havo had tho power to tnko hltn out of tho fountain; nnd that on tho morrow thoy would go toguthor Into his own kingdom. Tho next morning, ns tho sun rose, a carringo drawn by eight whlto horses, with ostrich feathers on their heads, nnd golden bridles, drovo up tb tho door of tho palaco, and behind tho carringo Mood tho trusty Henry, tho servant of tho young 1'rlnco. When his master was changed Into u frog, trusty Henry had grlovod so much that liu bad bound tlirco Iron bands round his heart, fir fear It should break with grief and sorrow. But now thut tho carringo was ready to carry tho young his own country, tho faithful Henry helped luthobrido and bride groom, and placed himself In tho scat behind, fullofjoyat liUiuastor'o rcloase. They had not proceeded fur when tho Princo heard u crack as if something had broken behind tho cnrrlago; so ho put his head out of the window nnd nsked Henry whnt was broken, nnd Honry nnsworod, "It wns not tho car riage, my master, but n band which I bound round my heart when it was In such grief bcau3o you wero changed Into a frog." Twice afterwards on thojournoy thero was tho samo noise, nnd each tlmo tho Prluco thought that it was so mo part of tho carrlago that had given way; but it was only tho breaking of tho bunds which bound tho heart of tho trusty Honry, who was thonceforward frco and happy. PARMER'S COLVMK nnlNo STiccp Kat Mutton. Good mutton, well-fattened nnd neat ly butchered, is tho most wholcsomo, nutritious and cheapest of meats. It grows quickly, and costs llttlo to pro duco It, compared with beef nnd pork. Every farmer should havo a fow Iong- woolcd Cossetshcop, at least Cotswold or Leicester. Thoy aro llttlo trouble, and will keep fat on tho orts of tho cat tlo. They usually bring twin lambs, which will Bell to tho butchers for from $8 to $10 by tho first of July. Their flecco averages from eight to fourteen pounds, with from sixteen to twenty flvo per cent, shrlnkago only. Their wool Is now, and will be, In tho futuro, worth thirty per cent, moro than mo rlno sheep, which shrinks 45 to CO per cent., nccordlngto tho family and treat ment of tho flock. Long wool makes strong, excellent and durablo stocking yarn, though It is mostly used to mako tho brilliant, light nnd lustrous Orleans goods, for tho apparel of our pretty wo men. Two such sheep will yield as much profit ns a common cow, und five of them can bo kept as cheap ns a cow in milk. Their lambs and mutton would keep n farmer supplied with tho best of fresh meat of any kind, as often as Is necessary, tho year round, and would mako nn agreeable episode to tho eternal round of salt junk nnd pork, nnd bo far moro healthy than cither. Thoso who eat principally salted meats show it In their complexion, their skin being less fair nnd smooth. Pork, at best, eaten constantly, produces Irrita tion and eruptions of tho skin. Wo havo now a plenty of shoep in tho country over 32,000,000 head (moro than over beforo.nccordlntr to tho popu lation.) Then let all manufacturers, me chanics, nnd nil men who nro interested in hnv inggood meatand the board of op eratives cheap and wholcsomo, seo to It thnt mutton raising nnd wool growing nro properly encouraged, as n matter of health and economy. Meat is a great Item in tho expense of board of opera tives, etc. If wo grow our own wool wo shall always havo mutton plenty nnd chenp. This will nffect materially tho prlco of other meat. Farm and Fireside. Hilling Coru. It is surprising that tho barbarous old practlco of hilling up corn should still find advocates nnd followers. After years of effort on tho part of tho Intelli gent portion of tho agricultural and horticultural press, It ts now pretty wen understood that It will not do to continually plow nnd injuro tho surface roots of fruit trees in tho orchard. But wo havo heard Inlelliccnt men sav that though thoy would disturb an orchard as llttlo ns posslblo In this way, yet corn was qulto another matter. Rut, tho laws which govern tho nutrition of plants nro pretty much tho enmo nil through. Roots lovo darkness, and yet wish to bo us near as possible to tho sur face; and whether it Is tho root of an npplo treo or tho root of a cornstalk. make no dlfferenco in the working of mis law. xr wo plough deep and cut surraco roots, tho deeper ones aro una' bio to reap any benefit from tho ntmos' phoro ; nnd thoso covered by tho soil ploughed over them aroinjustthosamo position. This is tho "scionco" of tho thing. But better than nil is theoxper iencoof thoso who havo tried tho met ier by careful and Intelligent experi ments. 1 So, far ns wo know, every such tC3t"ha8 resulted in favor of flat culturo and ngalnst hilling up, It is very fashionable to rail at "mcro theorists;" yet wo believe that many of our absurdest practices havo resulted In tho most commonplace theories, and that this is ono of them. Sorao ono probably noted tho llttlo rootlets com ing out of thojolnts nbovo tho soil, and thought thoy wanted earth to cover them. Hilling was started in tho "the ory" that It was "helping naturo;" or It may havo originated with soino Jazy fellow who thought ho would not hoo or harrow early, but wait a llttlo longer, and then one good ploughing would do tho wholojob. Howover, no matter how It orlglnat ed, it is n mistakenly bad practice, and should bo loft to go tho way of many absurd things. IIcaltlinilncNM Of .tppIt-N. Thero Is scarcely an artlclo of vegota blo food moro widely usoful and more universally liked than thoapplo. Why overy farmer has not an orchard, whero tho trcej will grow at all, !a ono or tho mysteries. Let overy house-keener lay In a good supply of apples, nnd it will bo tho most economical investment In tho whole ratigo of culinnrics. A raw, mellow appio is digested In au hour and a hair, whllo boiled cabbago ro nulnsllvo hours. Tho most lienrihfni dessert that can bo placed on tho tablo Is a baked npplo. it eaten frequently nt breakfast, with coarso bread und but ter without flesh of has on ml. mirablo eiTect on tho general system, often removing constipation, correcting acidities, and cooling olf febrllo condi tions moro effectually then tho most approved medicines. If families could no inuuecu to substltuto apples sound and rlpo for pies, cakes, nnd sweet meats, with which their children aro too Iremientl v uttifrVxitiinm mnn in i.n a diminution iu thn Htim fntnl nf .In.- tor's bills, in a single year, sufficient to lay Jn a stock of tills delicious fruit for tho whole season's uso. Stoves and Tinware. J"KV STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH HAOENIIUCIt, Main, Hired one door above E. Mcndenhall's Store. A large nifortraent of Btovee, Heaters nnd Ilnnges constantly on hand, and for sale at the lowest mies. Tinning tnnll Its branches carefully attended to, isrnrtlon guarantee!!. Tin work of nil kind wholesale and retail. A trlnt Is requested. OTOVE.S AND TINWARE, A. r. ItlTl'EltT announces to his friends and customers that conlluncB the auore bnsltios at his old place on . MAIN BTRKET, nLOOMSllURO. L'usluincrs can be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of nil hinds, Stovepipes, Tlnwaro and every va riety of article fonnd In a Btove and Tlnwaro Es tablishment In the cities, and on tho most reason able terms. Ilepalringdon&atllioshortcstnotice. 85 DOZEN MILK-rANS on hand for sale. NE EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. OH MAIN STREET, NEARLY OPI-OStTE UILLXR' HTOHE, JILOOMSBUHG, PENN'A. Tilt undersigned has Just fitted op and opened his now STOVE AND TIN SHOP, n this tilsce. where lie Is rjrensred to make un now Tin Ware of nil kinds In his line, nnd do repairing wan neatness ana dispatch, upon the most reasonable terms. He also keeps on hand BTOVES OF VAIU0US rATTEHNS & STYLES, which he will sell upon terms to suit purchasers. tilvehlmnrall. He Is n good mechanic, and deserving of the publto patronage. JACOB METZ. Bloomsburg, April 23, 1807. Foundries. gHABPLESS & IIARMAN, EAOLB FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING ellOP. STOVES 4 TtOWS WHOLESALE A RETAIL THE CELEBRATED MONTROSB IRON BEAU AND T11K HUTTON WOODEN DEAM PLOWS. Castings nnd Flrellrlclt for repairing city Stoves, All kinds of llrass or Iron casting made to ordei upon short notice, II. K. HHA11PLE8S & T. B. HAIIMAN. Bloomsburg, l'a. Proprietors. Mnr.lD.'SQ-tf. o; RANGEVILLE FOUNDRY, MACHINE SHOP AND AOnlCULTUItAli WUKKJJ. The undersigned doslrcs to Inform Ills friends nnd tho publlo generally, that he has rebuilt and enlarged his Foundry and MnchlnoShop,nndre moved all his business from Light Street to the auovu pmvu, nuuu U WUUCUilUll Willi his Foundry ho will continue to manufacture Wheeler's Railway Chain Horse-Power and Thresher, (improved;, carneirs patent, THRESHER AND CLEANER, either overshot for Tread-rower or undershot with Lever-Power. Ho also manufactures .to order and Ills up all kinds of MILL GEARING, nlrrmliir Haw Mnndrels. Patent Slides for Raw Mills, the latest lmnroved Iron Benin Plows of uiuc-rem muus wouuen ueaui rjuwi, aajuuiu uorn nows, ana now i-oinis oi overy uescrip, tton generally used throughout tho county. IRON KETTLES, BELLS Cellar Orates, Stovcs.Slcd nnd Sleigh Soles, nnd Improvements mado on tho which at least m per cent, oi me incuon is laaen on. ALL MACHINES ARE WARRANTED to glvo good satisfaction, and terms mado to suit purchasers. All kinds cf country produce taken lu exenange lor 1'iows anu castings. TLanktul to his friends and patrons for post favors ho would still contlnne to solicit the same. WILLIAM SCHUYLER. Apr.D.CO-tf Orangevllle Pa. Insurance Agencies. Q. L O B E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Pliny Freeman, President, II. C. Freeman, Seo Cosh capital over 2,000,000, all paid. J. B. BOBISON.BLOOSISBUBG.PA GENERAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug. 'J0,'69-ly. JNSURANOE AGENCY. Wyoming . ................ 1170.000 iEtna..... . . 4,000,000 Fulton.. .......... ...... . 300,000 North America ..... . . 360,000 City 150,000 International... . 1,400,000 Niagara 1,000.000 Putnam 630,000 Merchants 830,000 Springfield 570,000 Farmers' Danville......... . .......... 600,000 Albany City 400.000 Lancaster City............ SCO.OOO York Horse, Death & Theft..- 65,000 Home, New Haven... 1,000,000 Danville, Horse Theft ........... FREAS BROWN, Afimt, inurS.OO-ly. BLoougBUsa, Pa JiIRST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD, BEST, TUREStTaND CHEAPEST! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! For Whiteness, Durability, and Brllllan cv. It has no eaual. Sold by all dealers In Taints throughout lue coumiry. BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, 81'CCESsor.a to T. MORRIS PEROT &. CO. Sole Proprietors, Philadelphia, Ta., Dealers lu all kinds of DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, DVEaiurra, ac, dc. Caution. OwIdk in tho nomJnritv ol our "First National White Lead," other nartleshave bceulnduoed to oiler n .nn. rluus article ULder the same name. There fore Lteware of Countcrleits. The cenn-1 ino Is put np in extra heavy tin pnlut pois, vna puicut metallic wiro imuuies, aud tbo name of BARKER, MOORE & MEIN, Ou each label, For iale by jnarM'JO-ly. MOYER BROTHERS, Blooaibburg. This 1 NO PATENT MEDICINE HUMBUO, gotten up to dupe the Ignorant and credulous nor Is It represented as being "composed of rare and precious substances brought from the four corners of the earth, carried seven times across the Great Desert of Kaharah on the backB of four teen camels, nnd brought acroes tho Atlantta Ocean on two Ships." It la a ilmpe, villa, loolh-ii-a Itrmttlu, a iwrcrf Srecifie for Catarrh and "cold in Tine Head," also for ofleimlvo Breath Loss or Impairment of tho Sense orBmell.Taste or hearing, Wuterlng or Weak Eyes, Pain or Pressure in the Head! when caused, as they all not the violence of Catarrh. I oiler, lu good faith, a standing Howard of tM) or a cae orcatanh that I cannot cure. FOR HALE BY MOS1- DRUGGISTS EVERY WHERE, l'liici Only 60 Cents. Sent by mall, post paid, on receipt of Sixty Centh. Four packages for tl 00 or HUzeufor Bend a two cent slam ro cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet i. Address the Proprietor, It. V, PIERCE M. D., on calami, JJUFFALO, li. X, JgOOTS AND SHOES. CLARK M. BROWN, CENTRE STREET, ADJOINING TUEtTOBK OF DOIilllNSAXYEli. A full and complete assortment of ready made hut received and for safe at reasonable rales. Varieties to suit all classes of customers. The best of work dona at short tint lice, as heretofore. uive nim a can, aprs'70-tf. JOB PRINTING NaUrxeeutd nt ihU Offloc drugs and Chemicals. riHKNIX PECTORAL CURES COUGH I rlKENIX PECTORAL CURRS COUOHI 1'llLENIX PECTORAL CURES COUUI1I 25 Cents. Thn Pirmnlic Pflr.tnrat will rtiro tho rflsC&ftCS of the Throat niul Lungft, such tm Colds, rough. Croup. Aftthmrt.DroncliltlH, Untarrh, Poro Throat Honrs enpsn, Whooping Cough, nnd Pulmonary Consumption. This medicine is prepared by Ur. Levi Obcrholtzcruf I'hlladelphln. and formerly of riicrnlxvillo. Pa., and nlihouch It has onlv heenolTerrd for Ave years, more than one mill Ion bottles havo already bceu sold, and the ile- manu mr u n incrciwiiiK every uov, wuny ui thoKetaimrugKlstsbuyltln lots of five grow, and not n few i tho Country Storekeepers try ouo gross nt a tlmo. Nearly every ono who has over noId It testifies to lis popularlly, nnd nearly nil who have used It, bear testimony to Its won dcrful power In curing Cough. We are confident that there Is no know n medicine of surb great valuo to tho community asthoVbamtx Pectoral. ii litis cureu cusea oi me moipaiuiui nuu uis tresslng cough, of years standing. i wins given insuimrciiei lusueiiaui cuukiiiu, It 1ms inRinntlv ntnnrmd tno tinloxVKlil of Whooping Cough, nnd greatly shortened Us du ration. it nas cureu uroup in a rew minutes. Cnnsnmntlon has been cured bv it. where nil other remedies had failed to do good. Hoarseness nns oeen cureu ur it in n huikio night. Mauy physicians recommend u.nnu oincrs use It tbemflelves nnd ndmlnlster It In tbclr nractlce while others oppose It because It takes nwny We recommend It to our readers nnd lor fur- around thebott.owhere you will Und numerous certificates given by persons who havo used It. it is bo picasani 10 luo uisio mat cuuurou cry It Is nftllmnlfttlnff nxneetnrnnt. clvlnc strength nt the samo time that it allays the cough. The proprietor of this medicine has bo much con ti den co in Its curative powers from tho testi mony of thousands who have used It that tho money will bo refunded to any purchaser who Is not satisfied with tho elfects. it is bo enenp mat nu can uuy it. Price 23 Cents, Largo Bottles 61.00 It is prepared only by LEVI OIlEniXOLTZEU M. D., WltOMvSALK DKtJoaiST. No. 153 North Third Sireet, Philadelphia, N. 11. If vour nearest Druirclat or Hlorckcener docs not liavo this medlclno oak him to eel It for you, ana ao noi let aim put you ou wim some other preparation because he maicos moro mon ey on it; but go or send nt once to somo store whero votikuow it la kent. or nenri to Dr. Ober- holtzcr. Bold by K. P. Lutz Druggist, Iilooins burg. nnd II. W. Creasy, a Co,, Light Street; and nearly overy druggist and storekeeper In Colum bia uounty. dec. io,Gy-em, 910,000 GUARANTEE, B UCK LEAD EXCELS ALL OTHER LEAD I 1st. For Us Unrivaled Whiteness, 2d. For Us Unequalled Durability, 3d. For its Unsurpassed Covering Properly. Lastly for Us Economy. 43-H COSTS LESS to paint with Bock Lkad than any other Whlto Lead extant. The same weight coveisMOUE SUIlFACE.lsmore DUR ABLE, aud makes WHITER WORK. BUCK LEAD, Is the Cheapest and Best. 110,000 GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINO EXCELS ALL OTHER ZINCS. For Its Uncnualled Durabllitv. 1st. 2U. For its Unrivaled Whiteness, For Its Unsurrmiscd Coverlne Pronertr. 3,1. jjubu) jur us ureal economy, being tho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, nnd most DURABLE Whlto Taint In the world, BUY ONLV BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by tho Manufacturers. BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expressly for Tainting COTTAGES, OUT BUILDINGS of evcrydescrlp tlon, FENCES, Ac. THIRTY-FIVE DIFFER ENT COLORS, Durable, Cheap, Uniform, and UCMU.IIUI B11UUCS Sainplo cards tent by Mall if deMrcd. Dealers Orders will be promptly executed bi lbo manufacturers, FRENCH, RICHARDS i CO., N, W. Cor. Tenth aud Market Streets, Jan2S'70-Iy. Philadelphia 0 MNIBUS LINE. The undersigned would re8ictfully nnnounco to the citizens of Bloomsburg and the public gene rally tba he Is running an OMNIBUS LINE between this place and the different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the several trains going South nnd West on the Cata wlssa and Wllllamsport Railroad, and with those going North and South on tho Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad. His OmnlbuBses are In good condition, commo aious and comfortable, and charges reasonable, Persons wishing to moot or seo their friends de part, can be Hccomodated upon reasonable charge oy leaving timely notice at any of tho hotels. JACOB L GIRTON, Proprietor QRANGEVILLE ACADEMY. ORANGEVILLE, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA PROF. E. J. SCIIOONOVER, Principal, MRS. E. J. SCIIOONOVER, Preceptress, Tills Institution, for tho education of young Ladles and Gentlemen, will re-open under cnargo or l-ror. Bcnoouover, on Monday April 4, 1S70. Teachers, of acknowledged ability and high order of talent, will h pmnlnvr-H in ouMi department, and no effort spared to secure to pupils thorough nnd Judicious culture. Xhe coursoof instruction will Include all the uruueucs usuaiiy luugui in itign ucnoois ana Seminaries of the first rank. Special attention given to Normal Bchool training anu commercial instruction. TERMS: Primary Dcportment..........S3 to 5 per Quarter HlgherBranches 50 to $8 per tjuarter LOCATION :-Thls excellent Institution Is lo. catcd In a pleasant village of about six hundred Inhabitants freo from the temptations or a largo city about six miles from the Hail with dally communication to the different roads. The buildings are situated upon an elevation, surrounded by a beautirul grove, and perfectly healthy. CALENDAR FOR 1670:-Spring session begins April 4th, 1870 and continues 13 weeks, following which there will bo a vacation of six weeks. Fall term commences August 15, 1670, continuing 11 weeks. Winter term opens November 7, 1U70 continuing 11 weeks. EXPENSES : Boaid can be obtained In prl. vale families atliom$2.&0 to OlXOpcr week, or desirable rooms will be furnished to students winning lo provide for themselves. Scholars will be admitted nt anytime dtfing the session although It is preferable to commence with tho term. For further particulars, address the Principal, atOraiiKevllle, Pa. raarls70-3ra. gAUQII'S nAW Bone SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. MARK SPRINQ 1870. F A II M E R S 1 INCREASE YOUR CROP Or CORN, OATS, POTATOES, WHEAT AND ORASS, As well as ADD TO THE FERTILITY OF YOUR SOIL By n Judicious and Economical mode of MANURING. OUT THE VALUE OF YOUR OUTLAY THE FIRST SEASON. OBTAIN BETTER FILLED EARS AND HEAVIER GRAIN, KEEP YOUR SOIL FREE FROM NOXIOUS WEEDS. MAKE YOUR LANDS PERMANENTLY FERTILE. Over HXTEEN years of constant use, on all crops, has proven that llaugh's Haw Bone I'hos. phute may bo depended upon by Farmers. HIGHLY IMPROVED AND STANDARD WARRANTED. Fur sale by Agiicultural Dealers generally. UAUOH & SONS, nm- ,,,,, . Manufacturers. OfflcoNo. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. marl870-0m. JyJ'O NEW DISCOVERY ! 1 1 It has long be en known that the old establish ed and well stocked Furnituiib & IIiiidino Wahkiuxiim of II. 11. LEWIS. Hn., are the cheap, est In the city. He is now selling I'aiiloh sulfa In Plcsu, Hair Ci-otii, Rei-h orTs-nnv. Wal nut Ciiamukh Buns In On, or Varnish: cot- TAOE FURNITURE, 111! Styles BEODINO AND Mattresses, various sizes, cheaper than auction prices. Come and see, aud be convinced. You will save money by giving us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. V. R. LEWIS, Bk., 1134 MARKET STI1EET, PUILAkELMIIA, Next door to cor, of Flitcenth St, prn9-3m, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &0., 40. Neatly nnd Cheaply Printed From the Latest Styles of Type at the COLUMBIAN OmCU nrDt Rail Roads. T AOICAWA1NNA AND BLOOMS- i hi ti ha .i.iuiAii On and trior Jan, 17, 1870, Passenger Trains will Oolnj North. Arrive Arrive p.m. a. in. doing .South. Leave Leave p.m. n. in. i.OO 7.50 Rcrnntou. 8.43 ll.W I.COVO 4.32 5.00 8.10 6.10 0.50 7.30 8.10 Arrive Plttston 8.11 Kingston 7.60 Plymouth 7.88 Bhlckshlnny.... 7.W Ilerwlclc 0.115 llloom CSS Danville M Lcavo 10.30 10.U1 9.13 9.09 8.30 , 7J 7.13 Lcavo 0.40 7.M 8.S0 8.30 9.0'J 11.11 10.17 lo.M Arrive Norlh'd 4.1J 8.1,5 ll.! rnnlwHmi mndo ntRcranton hv the 10.10 a.m. train for Great llend, lllnaiiamton, Alhunynnd ell points North, East and Went. D.T. HOUND, Bup't. -1ATAWIBSA RAILItOAD On mill J after MONDAY, Hep. 6, 18U9, Passenger trains on tho Catawlssa llailroad will run attke lollowliig named hours: Jlfnll Uoith. STATIONS. Wllllamsport, Muuey. Walsontown, Milton. Iuuvlllo. llupert. Uatawlqsa. Klngtown. Bummlt. Hail Korth Arr, (i.oop.m. Dep. 8.13 n,m " 9.47 " " 10.0.1 " " 10.13 " " 11.01 " " 11.17 ' " 12.2p.hl " 12.5S " " 1.03 " uep. o.m ' " 4.'.7 " 4.40 ' " 4.00 ' " 3.40 ' "' 8.82 ' " 2.25 ' " l.l ' " 1.40 ' " 1.30 1 ' ' 1 Oualtake. E. Mahouy Juuc. Dlnc.Tumaqua. Dino. " 1.20 " 2,15 " 4.25 Arr. 0.45 " 9.25 iteiuiiiij a. " 10.40 a.m. Phtladelnhla. " 8.15 ' I To:New York via. Ilcai lngor Mauch Cliunlr. Prom New Yoik via. I 0.63 Kiauch unuuic. NoCiiangeof cars between Wllllamsport and Philadelphia. Ul.u. Wliliu Miiy't. gllOWN'S FAST FBEIGHT mOJI PHILADELPHIA TO llLOOMBIiUlia, and lntormcdlato points. Goods forwarded with care nnd despatch and nt low rates. Cloods, at Philadelphia, must bo delivered at miner & co'n. 811 juaricet (street, t or full par tlculaj), apply to Aug. 20.'C9-tr. 11. It. Depot, Uloomsburg.Pa. ATORTHEBN CENTRAL RAIL- X WAY. On and after Nov. 15th 1809, Trains wl) leave Nohtuumbehland as follows I NORTHWARD. &53 A. M. Dally to 'Wllllamsport, (except Sunday) lorniimira, t;ananuaigua, nociicsior, uuuaio, Husnenslon Hrldee. nnd N. Falls. 650 p. M., Dally, (except Sundays) for Elmlra and BulTulo via Erie Hallway from Elmlra. D.3U r. m., .uauy, (except nununysj ior Williams' POt " TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 10.25 A. M. Daily (oxcept Monday's) for Baltimore WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 11.10 P.M. Dally (oxcept Sunday's) for Baltimore wasuiugioii uuu i uiiaueijuua. ED. S. YOUNG, General Passenger Agent. Alfred H. Fiske, Gen'l Hupt., DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & WESTERN RAILROAD. Summer arrange ment, April ii,imu. xrams leavoaa louows: EASTWARD. WmiWAIll). Fx- Ac- Ex- Mall STATIONS. ta press com, press Ac- corn, r.M P.M, Via M. & E. Dlvls.: Art New York. Lv! A 31. I'.M. "aob Uo 8.00 4.10 8.15 4.2 8.40 4.50 11.28 7.33 9.00 5.00 11.15 7.S0 11.43 7.50 11.53 8.00 7.30 8.80 8.45 4,42 11.05 7.05 1200 8.05 12,15 8.20 12.25 8.30 12.40 8 41 12A5 8.53 1.05 1.13 1.30 0.31 1.48 0.11 2.00 9.5S 2.19 10.00 2.30 10.29 2.48 10.38 3.20 9.00 3.40 0.15 3.46 0.21 4.01 9.35 4.20 9.51 4.39 10.12 4.57 10.10 5.15 10.47 5.30 11.02 P.M. A,M, 9U 4.45 4.35! -1.10 ..Christopher St.., ,.......Hoboken , 0.03 8.35 0.C0 fiewnrK. 1,01; .Woshlneton via Cen. RR. of N.J. wow xoric tIbotUberluflt 1000 3.40 1.21 7.40 ,...New Hampton...H b.45 12.17 ..uxrord Brldgevllle ., ...Philadelphia , -Trenton.. Phlllipsburg .Mannnka Chunk.... ..Delaware ....Mount Bethel ...... Water Gap ...Stroudsburg Hpraguevlllo ......Ilenryville .........Oakland -....Forks... ...-.Tobyhanna .....Gouidsboro -..Moscow Dunning ....Scranton ...Clark's Summit,.., ,-Ablngton...... ..Factory vllle 12.37 0.50 R.45 0.30 5.M P.2SI 5.11 5.02 4,51 5.10 3.50 1.30 12.S0 12.25 12.08 12.52 11.38 11.28 11.18 11.02 10.40 10.27 10.14 9.50, 0.40 8.00 2.40 9.10 ....Scranton 3.20 9.00 h.i 9.10 8.3S 8.30 7.80 8.38 ...Clark's Summit,... 3.40 0.15 9.10 7.15 8.30 ..Ablngton 3.46 0.21 0.23 B.4) i.ii s.H -.factory vllle .......... 4.01 0.35 0.61) 8.14 0.10 1.30 7.52 Nicholson ... 4.20 9.51 10.30 7.52, 7-37 Nicholson-.... 5.10 1.21 TS1 llopbOltom. 4.39 10.12 11.00 4.57', 7.15 Montrose 4.57 10.10 12.00 '.in 1249 8.51 Now Mllford 5.15 10.47 12.33 3.45 1233 0.39 . Great Bend 5.30 11.02 1.00 P.3I A.M A.M. Trains do not stop at Stations where tho Tlmo is oimuuu. Connections. At Now namptonwlth Central R. R. of N.J. mo man uuu impress trains casiwaru anu west ward connect with trains for New York, Eliza beth, Plalnlleld, Somerville nnd other stations. At Washington with Mnrrl A- K,u 11 II Mail and Express trains mako close and reliable i-uuueeuuus wuu imms ior jnow lorir. jMewarir, iuiiiDHjnu.i.u(i;i, ,1 UlUI 1UU, JlUCKL-LlSUlWll ISC. At Manunka Chunk with Belvidero Delaware R. R. Close connections aro made by Mall and Express trains, with trains for Philadelphia, Trenton, Phlllipsburg, Belvldere, &c. By Train No. 2, passengers reach Philadelphia via Cam den, by tlo. 4, via Kensington, Passengers on No. 4, urrlvo In Philadelphia In time to tako the 11.30 p. m, train for Baltimore and Woshlngton. At Hcranton with Lackawanna Jt Bloomsburg & Delaware & Hudson Rail Roads. Trains on uiesu rouus connect witn our trains lor pulsion, Wllkcs-Barro, Berwick, Bloomsburg, DanvlUo, Oly pliant, Archbald and Carbondalc. At Blnghamton wltn Erie Railway. Mall No. I connects with Express Mall on Erie Railway, leaving at 8.42 p.m. with a sleeping coach at tached, arriving at Buffalo at 6.20 next morning. Express No. 3 connects with a way train for Owego, Ithaca, and Elmlra. Albanv A Hnsotiehnrmn. Ilnlltrnn.l. Pmirlrntn. a day run each way between Blnghamton and a.uuuj,. uu. icuvca jiiuguainiuu ut Z.1XJP, m, and arrives at Albany at 9.00 n. m. Syracuse, Blnghamton 4 N. Y. R. R. Trains for Syracuse leave at 7 a. m. and 0.25 p. m. Trains ituu. civiiii-uoe uiiive ut ii.w a. hi. aim p. m, H. A. HENRY, W.F.HALLSTEAD. Gen'l Pass, and Tkt. Agent. Bupt, READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, May I6th,i870. Great Trunk Line from the North and North West forPhlladelphla.New York. Heaaluc. Potts, vllle, Tamaaua, Ashland, Shamokln Lebanon Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Lltlz, Lancaster, Trains leave Harrlsburg for Now York, as fol lows i At e,3o, and 11,25 a, m., nnd 2,30 p. m connecting with similar trains on Peuna. Railroad, aud urrlvlng nt New York nt 12,10, noon, 8,60, 0,0a aud 10,00 p. m. respectively Sleeping cars accompany the 5,85 and 11.25 a. ru.. trains without change. 1 Returning i LeAve New York nt 9,00 n.m. and 12.00 noon and 5,00 p. m. Philadelphia at 8.15 n. m, and 3.30 p.m. sleeping cars accompany the U.O0 a.m., and 6,00 p.m., trains Iroin N, Y, without change, Leavo Harrlsburg for Reading, Pottsvllle. Ta. maqua, Miuorsvllle, Ashland, shamokln Pine Grove, Allentown & Phlla'd. at 8,10 a.m.. & 2,50 & iiu p."1'! oi-ui'i'iuB ut uwuaumi uuu principal way satlons; tho 4,10pm. train connecting for Plill'a Fottbvlllo and Columbia only. For Pottsvlllo Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna I'.allroad,leao Harrlsburg at 94() v1)a East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read lug for Allentown, Easlou and New York at 7 21 10.30 n. m., 1.27 and 4.45 p. m. Returning, leivo New York at 0.00 a. in., 12.00 noon and 5.0j p. m nnd Allentown at 7.20 a.m. 12.25 noon, 4.2d i and 8.45 p. 111. ' " War Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7,30 a.m., connecting wllh similar train ou Kost l'a, railroad returning from Readlngat 0.35 n.m stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsvllle at 5.40and fl 00 nm. nn.UnM Herndon at 0.30 a. m., Shamokln nt 6,10 and 10.40 u. iu., wuwuu u, U.1U. UUU UHl UOOU Alall- anoy city at 7.51 a. in. and 7.07 p. in. Tainaqua at NewYork' 'J'M '' 1 ,'"ade)Ilhl' Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill and Susaue hanuu Railroad at 8.15 n.m. for HarrlBburc und l2.05noon,forPlneOroyeandTremout, ltcudiug Accommodation Train leaves Potts vlllo at 5.40 a. m., passes Reading at 7,30 a. in., ar riving at Philadelphia at 10.20 a.m. HeturnW leaves Philadelphia at 6.15 p. m., passing Head lug at 8.00 p.m., arriving at Pottsvllle at U.I0 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Tralmleavcs Potts town at 8,25 a.m. returning, leaves Philadelphia Columbia Railroad Trains lcavo Reading at 7,20 a in., and 0-15 p.m. for Ephrata, Lltlz, Lanias. ter, Columbia, &c, Perklomen llall Road Trains leave Perklomen Junction nt 0.00a. in., 8.00 Jt 5.30 p. m. rcturulugt leave Schwcnksvllleut 8.05 a.m., 12.15 noon, aud lieUnl Jiroad."1118 WUU "lm"" ,ra"' 0Q .S?if.l,roo,dnl? Ballroad trains leaverottstown at 9.40 a. m and tt.20 p. m., returning leave Mount Pleasant at 7.00 and 11.23 a. m., connecting with, similar trains ou Reading Railroad. Coestcr Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge, port nt 3,30 a. in. and 2.05 and 6.02 p. m. returning, leave Downlngton nt 0.20 a. m., 12.43 noon auTl RildTLi RalCl?Sad.C"Ug WWb """"" ,ral" oa On Buiidayn, leave New York at 6,00 p.m.. Phil, plila at 8,00 a.m. and 3,15 p.m., (the ,oo n.m train running only tolleadlngijleavel'ottsvllle 8,00a.m.; Harrlsburg at 5.SJ a. in. and 4.10 p. mand !5'AUe'1.1',', .m. andf.U p. inand Heading at 7.15 a.m, and ia05p.iu,for Harris burg, at 7.23 a. ta. for New York, at 1.45 p. in. for Phllal1lpli,la' '10 m' u"a 1-Ml'-a" Commutation, Mileage, Season, Bchool and rft0te.T'CkpU 10 H"J from Bl ea"h'pangerledtl'r0U8l'! 100 10anaa JlowcJ O, A. NICOLLS. Reading. Pa,. AprlPaWo! uP"""t- $0 000 A YEAR AND EXPEN- tn?.JJJ B1-S4 to agents to sell the cell, bratec! WILSON SEWINtf MACHINES. Thefil machine in the world, ttilrh aMi en bet tidei 0", Macuink without Money. For lurther P "p'70r."in? 22 N, vih St., phll ad'a ,1'a. A LL KINDS OP JOB PRINTING Dry Goods & Notions. jEW STOCK OF OliOTIIINO. Fresh arrival of FALL AND WINTEIt GOODS. DAVID LOWENIllina Invites attention to his stock of C1I13AP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. at his storo on Main Street, two doors nbovo the American Hotme Bloomslnirc Pa., whero he has Just received from New York and hlladelphla a full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, including tho most fushlenablc, durable, and handsome DMascl0O1JB consisting of BOX, SACK, ItOCG, QUJI.ANU oiii-uiiUiii COATSAND PANTS. of all corts, sires and colors. Ho hai also replen ished his already largo stock of FALL AND WINTEIl 8HAWLH, STItlPED, FIGUHED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIllTS, CHAVATtf, STOCKS, COL1.A1W II'ANDKEHCIIIEFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDI'.IIS, AND FANCY AHTICLES He nas constantly on hand a large and woll-so ectcd assortment of CLOTHS AND Vr,STINOS, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short uotlco, aud In tho best manner, All Ills clothing Is made to wear, and most of It is of homo manufactnre. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, of 9 fcry description, fine nnd cheap. His casooi Jewelry Is not surpassedjln thlsjplaco. Call aud oxamlno his general assortincn of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELIU , AS. DAVID LOWENllEIia. Q C. M A R R havo Just received from tiio eastern markets ft large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, CONSISTING OP Casslmers, Jeans, Best bleached & Brown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Tablo Linens, Cotton & All wool flannels, do., &o., A' good stock of Ladies dress goods, Latest styles A patterns, Spices of all kinds, Good stock groceries, Quecnswarc, Stone ware, Wood & willow ware, Flour & Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin Brass, &e. All goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. Uo would call the nttentlon of buyers to his well and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In tho couiv try, feeling confident that ho can sell them goods at such prices as will ensuro satisfaction. Nov. fl,'C9-tf C. C. MARR, TITILLER'S STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The subscriber has 1nst returned from the cities with auother large and select assortment of FALL AUD WINTER GOODS, purchased In New York and Philadelphia at the owest flgnro, aud which ho Is determined to sell on as inodcrato terms as can be procured eUe where In Bloomsburg, 141s stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together witn a large assortment or Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles Carpets, OU Cloths, Cloths, Casslmerer, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, Whlto Goods, Linens, Hoop Hklrts, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarware Queeuswaro, Hardwaro Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Hoop Nots, Umbrellas, Looklng.Qlassej, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Tens, Hlce, Allspice, Glugor, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everything usually kept in country stores, to which no Invites tho attention of tho publlo goncrally. Tno highest prlco will be paid ior country produce in exchange for goods. S. H. MILLER 4 SON. Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa. QONFEOTIONERY. Tho undersigned would respectfully announce to the public that he has opened a FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, In the building lately occupied by Fox & Webb nuoie uu is prepureuio mrnisn an Rinds of PLAIN & FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN 4; DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, 40., da, &U BY WHOLESALE OR BKTAIL. In short, a, full assortment of all roods In his Hue of business. A great variety 01 DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for tho Holidays. Particular attention Kit vu Kv BREAD AND OAK ES, of all kinds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIES, CniSTMAS TOYS. A call is solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. will b Nov. 22, 1807. ECKHART JWCOBS. jyj E R 0 II A N D I S E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To my friends and the publlo generaUy, that all J.11IU4 Ul DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, &O., uie consuintly on hand and lor tale AT BARTON'S OLD STAND HLOOMtSBCItO, BY JAMES K. EYER. a-vl(jo, Solo Agent forCELLW ruosi'UATK or mr. Largo lot coubtanlly on bund. febS'OT, -y-IlY WILL YOU RUIN YOUR EYESiail-T UY CSIKa COSIMOJf GLASSES, w hen you con purchoso LAZARUS & MORRIS' .. celebrated perfected SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES THE BIST IK Till' nv,,,. I years without change. ul;y 1B" ,uany mey can only bo obtained In HLOOMtiUVJlQ PA., Of Miss A. D. WEBB, BOOK STORE, MAIN STREET, STOBJSAp5 ""Pe. No mdle .LAZARUS i MORRIS . W,U""aC,UrifaerVfo&. $25-SKS FOLSOM IMPROVED &uuw Dry Goods & Groceries. G RAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTEIt OOODH, FALL AND WIN 1 fill UUUUM, FALL FALL AND WIIN UUUUM, AND WINTER GOODS, consisting ol consisting of cniMlMlng of roiiMslltig of consisting of DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY GOODS, GOODS, GOODS, GOODS GOODS, IIATH AND 11 ATM AND HATS AND HATS AND HATH AND CAPS, OA IK, CAI-S, CAI'H, CA1-S, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOIH AND HII0F.4, HOOTS AND HIIOKH, ROOTS AND HIIOKH, BOOTH AND H110EH, READY-MADE CLOTHING, RHADY-MADE CLOrillNU READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTIIIMO, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKINO-G LASSES, LOOKING-GLAHSICH, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GUOOERIIM, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, HUEENSWARE, tlUEENSWARE, (1UKF.NHWARE, UUKF.NSWAHE, QUEENSWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARK, HARDWAHK, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARK, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT BALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, KITH FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, OUAIN AND SEKDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, Ac, Sc. &c AT McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, McKKLVY, NEAL & CO.'S, McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. McKELVY NEAL A CO.'S. MCKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Northwest corner ol Main nnd Markot Streots, Northwest corner of Main aud Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Markot Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, I1LOOMMI1URG, BLOOMHHUIta, uLoo.Msiiima, HLOO.MHHURG, PA., PA PA., IKON AND NAILS. NAILS, NAII, NAILS, NAILS, IRON AND IRON AND IKON IRON AND AND In largo quantities and at reduced rate, alway on mum. Miscellaneous, AT E W COAL YARD. X 1 The undersigned respectfully Inform tho citizens of l!lonmburg nnd Columbia county, they keen nil the different mi in he ra orstove coal and selected lump coal for smithing purpo ses, on their wharf, adjoining M'Kelvy. NealA (Jo b Furnace; with a good pair or Jitmalo Bcalei on the whnrf, to vclgh coal, hay, and Etrnw, Likewise a horso and waon, to deliver coal to those who desire it. Ah they purchase a largo amount of coal.they intend tokeep a superior ar tlclo, nnd sell at the very lowest prices. Plea&o can nnu exnmine loryourfleives nerore purrhas' ingelsowhero. J. W. IIKNDKHSHOT, AUGUSTUS MAHON. THE undersignetl will tako In ex change for Coal nnd Groceries, tho following .lumen ui m-ica , , iu'hi, iyv, turn, uaiH, i'oia toes, iJird, Ilam.&houlder.and side meat, Butter, Kgga, Hay, Ac, at tho highest cash price, at h W ,J- W. UENDERS1IOT. Bloomsburg Mar. 19,'CO-ly. -JTr'" Pst? -. f 1 v 1 SHOTGUN E5I JH THE WORLD-. &T Hew York Office 27 BEEKMAN BT. doc. 21,'60-Om. O. HO WEB, lias opened a first-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUR STORE. i. ma uiu siuuu on juain Mircet, Bloomsburg afew "?vo ," V'oun IIouse- "Is stock fi'corn S?s?!?if,tlj'5,cry 1'ca,;'"l bcststyles over ofler. ed to the citizens of Columbia County. Ho can Sfn,!?"',0 lh. PuHflowlththofollowlngSSS at the lowest rates. Men's heavy douhlo soled stoga boots, men's doublo and smglo tap so ed kip boots, men s heavy stoga shoes of alTklnds " ; uoois anu siioes of all grades. bovrs double soled boots of allklnds. men's glove kid Balmoral shoes .mv li.!!.1 SSS.i f.Siio?!'.ftkt"1Eealters, women's glove kid g"i ands-ewe'd"001" 01 aU ""iptlons both Bpegl: ment o?UW "l80 Ca" atteatlou 10 "S lie assort- HATS, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS. witch comprises lull (he new and populoi varl etles at piices which cannot fall to suit a Tlinifo goods ore oirurcd at the lowest cash ratesnd E'iii1a,KU,,roPtcod l("-'lvo fcaHsffiloJf A rail !,8fi01.'c1!ei.,,l, Phrasing elsowhere as it Is Dec. 0'C7 ' vuumy, fl Ttitrrta C VP fcbll'TU-ly. JABLY BOSE I'OTATOES, THE GREAT TOPIC OF THE DAY. The subscriber has a limited mpply of the larly Iloso Potato, which h win Li ..,' : ,, , , " .4 IU lUUoU "loui-ju iu rotiueiiiii,i3ccllcni varicty.atthe low rate of Two Dniin iiMhi, V," nttin max miv, uu uhk itliiv; ui luuncH varieties of STBAWBEBRY, BASPI5EBBY, HOT-HOUSE AND OUT-DOOR PLANTM all of which Mill bokentnn l,n,,.i ..... Ill their ... PUIC1W.IST OF I1ARLY ROSVi POTATOLS Per pound. 23 Cents 1 Penwir n.,.,w j l tr L.unei, s.uu per barrel, 15,00, marl87C-lf. TO' s IiATE lv O O P I N Q, EVERY VARIETY MOST PAVOBABLE RATES. JOHN THOMAS, AND CASPER J. THOMAS Bloomsburg, l'a, ABCH STKEET PAlll'i,n WAiiii-ifntTciw 'U!,.I.??',tr"tLOW NINTH BT..VJIILJII1I!LPUIA. Till-- 111. 14 I'kjT- 111? t-n . kt . . ' B Receiving for the Spring Trade a large stock of Purchased at the lOWOkt (Ir.lil IlnlM nn.l ..III i.A sold nt agrrat reduction Iroiu last season's prices. ENGLISH BRUSSELS at 11.60 l and WoiFer" Sowing Machineo. rinovKii it RAKER'S UT BEWINO MACHINES, Tlio following sro solectod from thou..-, testimonials of similar character, u ,!:wl1 the reasons for tho preference for the o""'' BAKKiiMnrhlneovcrallothers. usov4 Hie should ( n iirnver cv njukt-i, uunwer inn nurnft.;1BTt tho rcsr. 11 iins 11 rrrnter varlelv or S-;,1"" It Is ealer lo lenrn than any other Lii?"t 'nj rroly (JcnnvJune). ' -1Mb, "I havo hod Pveral vent. ... . with ndrnver linker Mnclilni.ii.iViMrl,f mf snlntnctinn. I ihini, ut I''" .lvf, er M.liln.i I- more . allv mnt,,,M ""k. Hal le timet out. of nrli-r I profr,. ,,, '-M len Baker, decldidlv."-f Mm, Dr. Uti5 &," 4 - ' ' ' v " "li Ittlullv I. two Jiarsj und iiiim whan kuuw V,r ., lugs, uiiil Hum Hie le.iiuuoiij uim.- Irleu.l- who u0 lui uniiic, 1 f'J nt aj ull llllug could liu Iiioiu o 'lui.lclu 10 MttlaMcliuii. tMl, tteuerui Uiaut, llcltI "1 Uellevo It lo ua the Wat .11 .l tonslUciid, ul any mat 1 h.ivo ki,,, "i10!" ery slimiiuuuduuMly Iuuiicd lliiSS,-1 the oldlnury spools Is it ttiul ajY.r,'! "" stitch lellublot It di u!lH" '", uil. m-iiutiiuiiy 1 It IS Hot lUhln l..7. o clHSUo. 1 h.ive work nuw mt 1 eh was dona ulna yeurs K, wi.ich I.- ilrs. Dr. M're,tfy,No, 4l Last r?.J dStuet Now York. ' """"'"enti. "Moru than two-thirds of t u, done lu my fanillj lor llio last t oyian' u Z done by Giot er & Baker's Machine, ffl , had 11 Burmeiit 1 lp or need incuihi,B'cxM?SI,!' rents which irollcsomo boys will niffiSVhS. cloth. It is in my oplulon bj far Hie io?t viif Bcccher.a"y V" ,rleU' M' "Tho OrovcrA Baker Sowlnj Machln. has rendered lri every respect tho mottSS satlsracllon. It combines so many navwiffi wit 1 beauty of execution aud economy VmoVGeaTy7iiarVisbuig'lT,luo,u' ''1 1 nvolmd IhoGrovcrA nakerSIachlt. for ton pr twolvo years Inconstant meta m! house. I havo seen and known every kiiiiS family sowing, both personal and liomchold accomplished upon tliotirover&Ualier JIatE to tho eutlro satisfaction of all whowcra fS cerncd."-Ilcv. Stephen II. Tyng. e "I nnd tho Orover Baker siilcli m wear as long m tho garmonts do-ouhresrih. garment In fact. Tho stitch will not break ! bias Beams, when strctchod. at otherj uos on! neither docs ltdrawtho work."-Jirs.Cr Whii lng, 4 East Twenty-fourth StrcetTNow York. . . wonavonurovcr&iiakcrSenlniMi. rhino for seven years in comtaut use, hemK felling, tucking, and everylhliig that the tEfi can do. It is preferred over all others on occoqm of Its durability of work, elasticity, and tittm of stitch, ease 1 of movement, and Blmplicitj S construction." Mrs. Gen. lluel. "Thero could bo no greater comfort In 1 family than n Grover ,t Baker Sewing Macoiti I have used ono for tho last nine or ten j-eari and I think it is decidedly tho best faraUr g. lug riacnino." ;urs. Alico 11. Whipple, wife or Rev. Dr. Whipple, Sec. Am. MUs. AibcMiatiori. ... I havo had an opportunity of ciamln ing and using oilier varieties or machines: boll very much prefer tho Orovcr & linker stitch for sireugiii, t-iasucuy, uuu ueamy, 1 have Been no other machlno soslmnlo In Its rr.nGi-nrtM- to easily understood and kept In orilcr.'MMnL E. D.Sanborn, St. Louis. an- ... "During the past eleven years I liare had a Grover Baker Sewing MacMstiu con- "It Is so filtnpto In its struclura that U Is exceedingly dllllcult to get it out of order, lioiti of my little girls ono flve-anda-half aud ttia other lour years van t.ewstralcht fccaras oa It without assistance." Mrs, A. U. Toss, wife of llev. Archibald C. Koss. itUWcst Thirtieth untt Kew York. "Tho Grover a Haker Machine U Bwhi beucfltto muulclnd that I orten leelaHtbougbtt would do mo good to trumpet Its praises far and near. Tho one 1 havo 1h uf tho plainest kind; but I would not exchange it for the most eipat. lvo I ever fc.uvof any other make. (Mrs. Wilson wifo of l'ror, Wilson, of llobart College. . The simplicity of Its contructloa,tli facility with which Its uso is uco.ul.ui, Uie beati' ty, htungth, ana elasticity ol Us snub, tutf lu adaptability to all Kinds 01 work, are quality uhlch do not alt bclonu at once to uny other n c.fnf." riof. llenbhaw, of WillUtou feiainary. My wlfo Is delighted with her Ororer linker ttewlnu Machine Hlio preters the a linker to niiy tither ho has hi-i n." ,UevA; Fisher, Vutladclphla Uonferencc. "Wo Iihvo used ono of Groverd Balier'i Hewing Machlmstor about ten i'tH6, auttcon-Hldt-r it cunuot be cxcelkd. ItruiiH huioothly. was noverout or repair, and gle vcngntrw halllaetlou." Mr. Hdwlu llutK bll-itlicfclrttt, Chicago, Tho Grovtraud JJakcr Howlug Machlno Com pany tuauulacturo both tho Diu-stU btltclincd Lock blUch Machines, and olTcr the pu&llc I chotco of tho beht machines of both kinds a. ' their establishments in oil the Lirgsclt cti,aDd I through agencies In nearly all unvuiltuwutaut 1 hi. nmiMlri' I'r-rs.. .Ifltsnn,! tnninliunl aafina In both htltcht's furnUhod on appllcatioa to Urovir d JlitkerH. M. C?o., Philadelphia, or to J.A.ltOIUN. bloomsburg. JuneSa'CWy feb!17l Hardware & Cutlery. THE NEW IIARBWAUE STORE. NE PLUS ULTUA. Having enlarged our Htoro I loom and jtut OPKNEl) A NKW BUrPU', directly from tho Manufacturers, purchase tor cash, on a declining market, w o aro prepaired lo offer tho samo to FAltMEIlS, MUCIIANICH, BUILDERS, and the rest of Mankind, a general stock, com prising all tho kinds and qualities usually kept In a city Hard Ware Store, suitable lotkenanu of ttio county, at unusually low prices. ah iiiofco who aro ucairiousoi purcnusms n our lino can rrvo ilonov bv looklDE laat mt New Hardware Htoro. , PloaAO glvo us a call and examine our 8iocac ltUNYAN & WAHDKX. Apr. 23.69-lyr lllooruhburg.Fa. Jacob K, Smith. J K. Stvnii gMITH & SELTZER, Importers aud Dealers In Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, flUHfi, OUTLKRY, 40., No. m n. Tninn strcet, ab.cali.owiiii-1, rniLADELPUIA, Nov, 22,, gPECIAL NOTICE. Contemplating a cliango in our firm, we Uave determined to cforcoul tho cntlro klocU of our celebrated Surisn I'lioiPiiATKorl.tMKASO.W moniated Fertilizer, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES I 1:.tra luducomcut will ho otrorcdtoFwrflert nnd Borders. Hucliauoprortunltyto procuro Manart'i of tin first quality from a house established over twro-ly-two years li sohlom offered. Dealers will bo allowed a heavy pfrrtat";' ' addlllon to our reduction In price. HUItltV IN VOUlt OIlPL'ItS. ALLEN & NEEDLES, S6utii Delaware AvEsuE.I'iiii.ABEi.ri"1' uiirS"70-St. QARRIAGE-JIANUEAQTOnY. uioonismirg, ro. M. a BLOAN 4 BKOTHEK .. Havo on hand and for knlo at tho most rti uio rate, a splendid kiocic oi riAiinrAnra. mmaiEH. and every description of Wagons both x-UAin au rrtu. ,i Jar warranted lo bo mado of tho best and i r9f,' ! able materials, and by tho roost P" " t. worltmen. Allwork sent out from '"VfUii lunnient will bolouud to Loorw"""'.,:,;v hvt and sure to give perfect satisfaction, "l" also a line assortment of 8 L E I O II S . of all tho newest and most ifclilonal)ie well and carefully made and ol tho best"1 An Inspection of their work Is askf J?'lu un believed that none superior can be '""VVif. country, Nuv.2i"" "DRIDQE ELECTION. An election ol officers of the imuvi - u M Company to sirveror ihetusulua; '", 'kuiW held lu IJutawlssaat Inn house of Jt "iSr biiiut iier 1 uuu jl una uott rviiutruu mo leare pair, 1 talio great pleasure lu recommcndins the Urover A liakcr as tho very best sewlnxma chtnofor family use." Mrs. J.G.rhyfe.lwVtit Twelfth btrcct.iScw York. I llOUSeOI Vl,,piiT. ,,nw. i'un.i4ivuuii. ou uonuay, May sro. WHUMIH, WrV,